Night itching of the genitals. Itching in the intimate area (genitals)

We, doctors, often come across in practice with complaints of itching of the vulva, and no less often we are faced with the question of a woman: why is this? Itching of the vulva is often accompanied by pain and can be either acute or chronic. For successful treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of this symptom.
In modern medicine, diseases of the vulva are divided into the following groups, which reflect the cause of itching and pain. I think that it is the use of such a classification that will help not only in identifying the causes, but also in drawing up a strategy and tactics for examination and treatment.

1. Itching of the external female genital organs with the presence of an objective disease:
* Dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). This subgroup includes allergic and contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis and chronic lichen simplex. An allergic or contact skin reaction can be caused by certain soaps, especially those containing perfumes, laundry detergent, and douching solutions.
* Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina): Inflammation can be caused by hormonal changes (for example, senile, after the cessation of menstruation (postmenopause), or infection. In infectious inflammation, it is very important to determine the causative agent, which can be bacteria, fungi, viruses. For this, there are various methods of examination Cancers of the skin of the vulva are rarely accompanied by itching or pain, and are most often asymptomatic.During pregnancy, there may also be changes in a woman's body that cause itching of the perineum.
* Papulosquamous: This subgroup includes systemic diseases such as psoriasis, lichen planus, seborrheic diseases. Examination and treatment of this type of itching should be carried out jointly by a gynecologist and a dermatologist.
* bullous diseases: This subgroup includes rare diseases of the skin and connective tissue, such as pemphigus, Hailey-Hailey disease, erythema multiforme. Usually, not only the skin is affected, but also other organs and organ systems.
* Others: Lice, scabies often cause itching of the external genitalia. Certain types of drugs used in the treatment of gynecological disease can cause itching. Mechanical irritation with synthetic dense underwear is also included in this subgroup of causes.

2. Itching of the external female genital organs without objective disease:
* Systemic causes: This subgroup includes diseases that are associated with metabolic disorders and the accumulation in the body of certain toxic products that irritate the nerve endings of the skin, including the external genitalia. These are diabetes, anxiety/depression, liver disease, kidney disease, hypersensitivity to all sorts of medications.
* Hidden systemic causes- this, for example, is a secretly flowing fungal infection of the body.

Vulvar itching treatment desirable in any case, especially if itching and pain create discomfort for a woman, affecting her sexual activity, everyday life. It can only be successful when the cause is established. Many diseases are chronic and not always curable, so it is important to choose medications that, if not completely, then at least partially, will improve the condition of a woman.

Itching in the vulva is a pathological condition that is caused in women by the action of so many provoking factors.

What Causes Genital Itching

All causes of the disease can be divided into 4 large groups.

In terms of identifying the cause of the development of the disease, the age group to which the patient belongs is very important. With the development of itching of the external genitalia in adolescents, they should first be suspected of having vulvovaginitis or a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

In women of middle childbearing age, among the possible causes, most often there are diabetes mellitus or other pathologies from the internal organs. The disease in patients who are at the time of its development in the period of menopause is most often due to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood, which occurs too sharply.

This leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

Symptoms of Genital Itching

During an external examination of the female genital organs, one can see their redness and swelling. In cases where the disease continues for a considerable time, there is constant scratching of the lesion, resulting in a large number of abrasions and cracks.

Sometimes quite extensive ulcerative defects can even be detected. In the future, in places of such mechanical injuries, an infectious lesion may appear, as a result of which vulvitis or vulvovaginitis joins the underlying disease as a complication.

Causes of discomfort

Throughout life, the hormonal background of a woman is constantly changing. This occurs during menstruation, during pregnancy and after childbirth, with menopause.

Any jump in hormones affects the condition of the genital mucosa (its acidity may increase). In particular, itching in the vagina before menstruation is caused by a decrease in hormonal levels on the days of the menstrual cycle.

In girls and young women who have not yet given birth, discomfort before the onset of menstruation may be due to their emotional vulnerability. In some cases, it can serve as a symptom of an infectious disease.

A lot of unpleasant moments are caused by itching in the perineum during pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body is most vulnerable.

Due to a decrease in immunity against the background of hormonal changes, the microflora in the vagina changes. Pathogenic microorganisms begin to develop.

They cause irritation of the labia. If during pregnancy the vagina is very itchy, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A smear and other tests will help identify the causes of itching and conduct a treatment that will not only alleviate the condition of the expectant mother, but also keep the baby healthy.

Do not relax after childbirth. During this period, the body is still unprotected. The level of hormones after the end of pregnancy cannot immediately recover. This requires a certain amount of time. And the risk of itching in the genital area after childbirth remains high.

Most often, women complain of itching in the labia area during menopause. At this time, the production of estrogen (female sex hormones) sharply decreases and their protective effect on the mucous membranes of the urinary tract decreases.

The genitals cease to secrete a secret. The surface of the mucosa begins to experience dryness and peeling.

This is the main cause of itching in the perineum. This skin irritation is called vulvar kraurosis.

It is diagnosed only with menopause.

Treatment of itching of the genital organs, caused by a change in the amount of hormones in the blood, is carried out with hormonal drugs, restorative therapy and antipruritic ointments. They are selected individually for each specific case.

What are the causes and symptoms of itching?

In diabetes, all kinds of skin diseases are very often manifested: from dermatitis to eczema, which should be treated. However, the most unpleasant manifestation, perhaps, is precisely the itching and burning of the female organs.

This disease has its own causes of appearance, which are associated with diabetes.

So, with the described disease, the nutrition of the epidermis is weakened, which affects the faster getting of scratches and wounds that heal very slowly (this is also true for those who include the male sex).

It is also important that a weakened diet provokes burning and itching, which gradually become uninterrupted. It is also affected by a high blood glucose ratio and a lack of red blood cells.

In addition, gynecology also concerns some problems.

Symptoms of diabetes in pregnancy

However, why does burning appear in the female genital area? Even experts cannot answer this question unambiguously. Some believe that this is due to the fact that in an intimate place there is no longer the necessary blood flow, which is also a consequence of diabetes.

The rest indicate an excessive or insufficient blood sugar ratio in female representatives.

However, whatever the causes that affect the disease, the treatment of this disease should begin as soon as possible. Moreover, doctors note the positive effect of the use of folk remedies, which are approved by experts and make it possible to fully treat. If we are talking about the female gender, what are the main methods of treatment?

There are many reasons that cause itching of the genitals in women. All of them are conditionally divided into internal, external.

Impact of external causes

All causes of the disease can be divided into 4 large groups.

  • Impact on the external genitalia from the external environment. These include: infectious lesions, pollution (for example, dust pollution of air and linen during work in production), temperature agents (strong prolonged cooling), mechanical irritation (rough underwear, masturbation), the use of certain drugs, contact with irritating chemical substances.
  • Impacts that occur due to the pathology of the internal genital organs. These include: pathological discharge during inflammatory processes of the uterus and its cervix, constant excessively frequent washing of the vagina, irritation of the external genital organs of a woman with urine during the act of urination, which enters here in the presence of pathology (for example, in the form of a congenital urogenital fistula).
  • Pathology of the internal organs: the presence of such a patient with diabetes mellitus, hepatitis with severe jaundice of the skin, chronic inflammatory diseases of the kidneys with a significant violation of their function, various pathologies of the hematopoietic organs, disruption of the normal functioning of the endocrine glands with hyper- and hypofunction of the thyroid gland , reducing the production of sex hormones by the gonads.
  • Mental factors, such as fear of an upcoming surgical intervention, severe or prolonged stress, etc. Most often, this group of factors is realized and leads to pathology in impressionable women with an unbalanced psyche.

In terms of identifying the cause of the development of the disease, the age group to which the patient belongs is very important. With the development of itching of the external genitalia in adolescents, they should first be suspected of having vulvovaginitis or a fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. In women of middle childbearing age, among the possible causes, most often there are diabetes mellitus or other pathologies from the internal organs. The disease in patients who are at the time of its development in the period of menopause is most often due to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones in the blood, which occurs too sharply. This leads to disruption of metabolic processes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs.

The most common types of genital itching

The most common itch is caused by exposure to external stimuli or non-compliance with hygiene rules. If the following factors are present:

  • irregular washing and changing underwear,
  • rare change of pads or tampons during menstruation,
  • wearing coarse or synthetic underwear,
  • using too much soap and washing too often
  • use of scented panty liners,

they must be eliminated, since it is they who most often cause irritation and itching of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

Almost every woman knows that vaginal itching, as well as itching of the external genital organs, is the first sign of candidiasis or thrush. Symptoms of this disease also become cheesy white discharge from the genital tract with an unpleasant sour smell, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the external genital organs.

Symptoms of Genital Itching:

  • Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis)
    pain in the perineum, pain in the vagina, pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge, itching in the vagina, itching of the genitals
  • Vulvitis
    purulent discharge, itching in the vagina, itching of the genital organs, swelling of the genital organs, redness of the genital organs, enlarged clitoris, swollen lymph nodes
  • Colpitis (nonspecific vaginitis)
    vaginal leucorrhea, pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge, itching in the vagina, itching of the genitals, decreased libido
  • Mycoplasmosis
    vaginal discharge, genital tract discharge, skin rash, vaginal itching, genital itching, sexual dysfunction
  • Trichomoniasis
    leucorrhea from the vagina, painful urination, pain in the lower abdomen, pain during intercourse, vaginal discharge, itching in the vagina, itching of the genitals, menstrual irregularities

The symptoms that appear in women are more than typical. They include signs that are formed incrementally.

First, there is a slight burning sensation in the female genital area, then it becomes more and more severe, while mulberry masks do not save.

Experts confidently state that treatment should be started as early as possible, namely when even a short burning sensation or itching appears. Gynecology in this case fades into the background, the main attention should be paid to dermatology.

As the degree of burning increases, when it comes to the female sex, the itching begins to spread and affects: the vagina, all external genital organs, and then it can spread to the limbs, a layer similar to prunes is formed. In addition to symptoms on the skin, women are equally likely to show signs such as:

  • persistent headaches (the disease continues to be accompanied by migraines even if treatment is carried out);
  • general deterioration in health;
  • weakness and dizziness, which are stopped by infusion of mountain ash;
  • mood swings.

Gynecology together with dermatologists deals with the treatment of this disease, but not many can suspect that burning and itching is one of the manifestations of diabetes in women.

It is noteworthy that they can appear at the very beginning of the disease, when the female representative is not even aware of it.

That is why you should find out the causes and factors that led to the development of the disease, and only then get rid of the itching of the labia minora and female organs in diabetes. Moreover, one should not resort to self-medication when there is a burning sensation resembling pepper.

Itching treatment

Choosing the right treatment regimen is the key to successful elimination of itching in the perineum. Medicines to eliminate itching should be selected and prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account certain factors.

Self-administration of them can lead to a deterioration in the condition. A woman must strictly observe the following recommendations:

  1. It should be washed at least twice a day, using a warm infusion of celandine herbs, succession, chamomile or a solution of furacilin (a tablet per glass of water). From toilet soap for a while you need to give up.
  2. At excessive dryness of the vagina it is necessary to use special lubricants or sprays on natural extracts.
  3. At the time of treatment, it is better to refrain from sex, so as not to irritate the inflamed genitals.
  4. You should revise your menu, excluding spicy spices, alcohol (including light wines), and yeast products from it.

Traditional medicine helps eliminate itching

Folk remedies provide effective assistance in eliminating itching and burning of the genitals. They complement the main drug therapy. They are recommended to eliminate unpleasant symptoms after childbirth, as well as until the underlying causes are diagnosed and drug treatment is not prescribed. When the labia itch, good results are given by:

In order to get rid of the described disease as quickly as possible, one should resort to methods of complex treatment. This is necessary due to the fact that two diseases will have to be treated simultaneously:

  1. burning and itching of organs (for example, external labia);
  2. diabetes mellitus, which equally often affects both the female and male sex.

Treatment methods for itching

In this regard, experts draw the attention of patients to the fact that, first of all, you should get rid of diabetes, regardless of its type. At a minimum, you need to achieve sustainable compensation for the disease, which should last about a month.

At the same time, it is advisable to carry out symptomatic treatment, that is, to relieve pain, burning and itching in the region of the outer lips. For this, for example, antiseptic or hypoallergenic ointment, tablets and certain groups of antibiotics are used.

The latter should be chosen especially carefully, because the female gender implies special care for the hormonal background. Antibiotics, in some cases, can be extremely dangerous - “gynecology” may suffer or have very serious consequences.

When the problem with diabetes becomes less serious, doctors are allowed to move to the fore the restoration of the skin and labia.

For this, an individual course of treatment is selected, which may include: ointment and tablets, special therapeutic baths and much more that will help to recover when it comes to the female gender.

It is very important not to engage in self-treatment, because very often this provokes even more serious complications. So, in some situations, necrosis may begin in an intimate place, that is, in the region of the outer lips. What can be said about traditional methods of treatment?

In order for the treatment to be as complete as possible, burning and other symptoms should be significantly reduced. It should be noted that alternative treatment, when it comes to the female sex, will only make it possible to strengthen drug treatment, while it will not help to completely get rid of it.

That is why folk methods of recovery, in cases where burning and itching of the labia is noted, involve ointments, tinctures and compresses. The easiest way, especially at home, is to prepare compresses.

They may include ingredients such as chamomile, lemon balm and other herbs, let's say coltsfoot. It is important that the female gender is not allergic to the selected plant.

Is itching treated with folk remedies?

The greatest demand is for chamomile, because it is a plant with high antiseptic properties, which helps to treat even allergy sufferers.

To prepare a compress for the labia, you will need chamomile and any other herb that will be boiled in a steam bath for 15 minutes. After that, they should be cooled and filtered.

Only after that it is permissible to apply in an intimate place.

You can use these compresses every day, preferably at the end of the day, in order to get rid of the disease as soon as possible. What can be said in more detail about complications and prevention when it comes to the female gender?

To the question of how to treat this discomfort, only a doctor can competently answer. It is not recommended to independently prescribe treatment for itching, since this symptom can indicate many diseases, which can sometimes be determined only by a specialist.

The doctor prescribes therapeutic measures to help treat genital itching based on the nature of the disease and the intensity of discomfort. You can also use simple methods to ease the rather unpleasant symptoms.

  • First of all, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower once a day. To stop itching, you can carry out one-time washing with a solution of chamomile, calendula, furacilin.
  • It is important to change pads and tampons in a timely manner during menstruation, as this creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Do not use personal care products with fragrances.
  • Underwear should be worn only from natural fabrics.
  • It is necessary to follow the diet prescribed by the attending physician, aimed at reducing the consumption of sweet, salty, spices.
  • It is important to choose the right clothes, you should neither overheat nor overcool.
  • It is necessary to carry out preventive examinations at the gynecologist at least 2 times a year.


An excellent antipruritic agent, if the genitals itch, eliminating overthrow, puffiness is Fluomizin. Treatment with them can be carried out regardless of the appointment of diagnostic measures, since it will not affect the decrease in the accuracy of the result.

If the cause lies in candidiasis, then Clotrimazole is often recommended to make you feel better. With external itching, this cream can be applied in a thin layer twice a day.

Treatment of internal itching is carried out with the help of suppositories with this substance.

Itching of the vulva must be treated using:

  • antibiotics;
  • candles;
  • vaginal capsules;
  • herbal preparations.

However, the primary diagnosis can be made already during the examination by a gynecologist. An experienced doctor is able to determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process by the color and abundance of secretions.

Here you can immediately eliminate itching with chickenpox and vaginal herpes. Also, with any suspicion of the presence of tumors of the small pelvis, the gynecologist sends an ultrasound examination.

With a fairly large erosion, itching and burning in the vagina can also disturb the patient. Colposcopy will help clarify the doctor's ambiguous guesses about this.

Also, the female sex needs to be periodically tested for hormones. A decrease in female hormones can lead to identical symptoms.

This can be especially true for pregnant women and young mothers. As a result, against the background of changed conditions in the microflora of the vagina, ubiquitous candidiasis may develop.

Complications in the genital area can be very serious and difficult to treat. The consequences of the disease may include:

  • tissue necrosis;
  • eczema;
  • infection and infection of tissues.

However, all this can be avoided if the treatment of the disease is started in time. This is especially necessary for those who represent the female gender, because such problems, especially if not treated for a long time, can affect the ability to bear children, which is what gynecology is all about.

Competent prevention should also be carried out, which implies a moderate compensation for diabetes - respectively, blood glucose and skin care, and especially in the genital area.

Not only gynecology is involved in this, because a comprehensive examination is necessary, including by an endocrinologist, in order to get rid of the disease in the organs. Thus, complications in case of problems with the genital organs can be avoided if the female gender pays attention in time to signs of deterioration and simply monitors their health.

This is the secret of 100% preservation of life processes.

About complications and prevention

By following just a few simple rules, you can protect yourself from the discomfort caused by itching of the vagina and labia. It:

  1. regular hygiene;
  2. refusal of daily pads;
  3. the use of linen made from natural fabrics;
  4. hypothermia protection;
  5. taking vitamin and mineral complexes;
  6. preventive examination by a gynecologist at least once a year.

As you know, itching in the groin in women causes not only discomfort, but also stress caused by suspicions of having and, as a result, infidelity of a permanent partner. Excruciating and sometimes unbearable itching in intimate places in women does not allow sleep, deprives appetite and drives into depression.

What can cause genital itching in women? What diseases can be accompanied by such an alarming and unpleasant symptom? How to eliminate itching in the groin area in women and, most importantly, its root cause? Let's try to understand and classify the types of intimate itching.

Itching of the labia

In most cases, itching of the labia is not an independent disease, but just one of the manifestations of various diseases, both serious and not so, but in any case requiring medical intervention. Accompanied by itching on the labia with burning, swelling and redness of the genital organs, it is caused by irritation of the nerve endings in the lips and leads to a significant decrease in the quality of life of a woman.

Itching and burning of the labia with constant scratching will not only not go away, but will also lead to an aggravation of the situation: to the formation of abrasions, ulcers and cracks. They, in turn, can cause the development of vulvitis, which is an inflammatory process caused by the penetration of infection.

Any itching in the labia area that lasts longer than one day and only gets worse should be treated. To develop a treatment regimen, you need to contact a gynecologist.

Itching of the labia minora

Itching of the labia minora is caused by a variety of reasons:

  • exposure to external factors - infections, local medications, uncomfortable clothing or underwear, masturbation, pollution, hypothermia;
  • exposure to vaginal discharge accompanying inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system or genitourinary infections;
  • due to metabolic disorders or diseases of internal organs.

Itching of the labia majora

Itching of the labia majora can be due to causes of both infectious and non-infectious nature. These include fungal, viral and bacterial lesions of the vagina, which can cause itching of the external labia.

Non-infectious causes that cause itching of the external labia are allergic reactions, general diseases of the body, or various skin lesions of this organ. In addition, itching of the upper labia can be caused by non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

The reasons

In most cases, the causes of itching of the labia are:

  • external stimuli;
  • internal stimuli;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis;
  • diseases of internal organs and metabolic disorders;
  • diseases of the hematopoietic organs;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine glands;
  • hormonal changes;
  • tumor processes;
  • nervous shocks;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wearing synthetic underwear and uncomfortable clothes;
  • frequent use of perfumed pads and tampons.

Special mention deserves cases of why itching on the labia occurs in the absence of all sorts of pathologies. Such cases are due only to the peculiarities of the structure of the labia minora in individual patients, and such women do not need medical intervention.

Itching in the vagina

It should be noted that itching in the vagina is a common and rather unpleasant phenomenon, due to irritation of the nerve endings, located in large numbers on the genitals. Itching and burning in the vagina, in most cases, is also accompanied and is caused either by the presence of some pathological process in the body, or by an elementary violation of the rules of personal hygiene.

Severe itching in the vagina, accompanied by scratching of itchy areas, as well as self-medication, can lead to the addition of a secondary infection. This, in turn, will lead to a distortion of the clinical manifestations of the existing disease, which will greatly complicate the diagnosis and increase the risk of the disease becoming chronic. Therefore, itching of the vagina should be diagnosed at the initial stages.

The reasons

In most cases, the following causes of itching in the vagina are diagnosed:

  • inflammatory processes due to the development of conditionally pathogenic microflora on the walls of the vagina - and bacteriological vaginosis;
  • the most common causes of severe itching in the vagina are sexually transmitted infections;
  • tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the uterus, cervix and ovaries - endometritis, cervicitis and adnexitis;
  • allergic reactions to pills, suppositories, creams and foams used for contraception, to the lubricant or latex of condoms, to sanitary pads of one brand or another, to lubricants;
  • insufficient or excessive hygiene of intimate places;
  • often the answer to the question of why the itching in the vagina increases during the daytime is wearing synthetic or too tight underwear;
  • the presence of fistulas in the walls of the organs of the genitourinary system;
  • hormonal changes due to diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, liver failure, ovarian dysfunction, blood diseases and hepatitis;
  • during menopause, dryness and atrophy of the walls of the genital organs may be noted, which makes itching in the vagina much more disturbing than usual;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • mechanical damage to the mucosa, overheating or cooling;
  • stress and emotional stress.

Remedies for itching

The answer to the question of how to relieve itching in the vagina worries many of the patients. However, there is no definite answer to it due to the fact that the causes of itching can be different. In some cases, it will be enough to change the type of underwear or intimate hygiene products, in others it will be necessary to use medications for itching in the vagina:

  • suppositories from itching in the vagina - are used daily until the itching disappears completely;
  • ointment for itching in the vagina - daily topical application is also recommended, can be combined with other drugs.

Usually, drugs for itching in the vagina are prescribed depending on the nature of the identified disease, the intensity of the symptoms and the severity of the process. Doctors believe that the ointment for itching in the vagina is a good alternative to candles, but is somewhat inferior in effectiveness to the latter. A variety of gels, sprays and foams are more gentle, but less effective.

One way or another, any drugs for itching in the vagina should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, based on the results of the examination and analyzes of a particular patient. Using the wrong remedy will only exacerbate the situation.

Folk remedies

In most cases, folk remedies for itching in the vagina involve the use of herbal decoctions of chamomile, infusions of stinging nettle and calendula flowers.

A decoction of chamomile is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of flowers is poured with two cups of boiling water, put in a water bath and boiled over low heat for 3 minutes. Then the broth is filtered through a strainer, cooled to 37 ° C and used for douching.

An infusion of nettle and calendula flowers is prepared as follows. A tablespoon of herbs or flowers is poured with a glass of boiling water and cooled naturally. Douching should be done exclusively with warm infusions and decoctions.


The main symptoms of itching in the vagina:

  • itching of the labia and perineum;
  • allocation of a different nature;
  • or on the mucosa;
  • dryness of the mucosa.

Itching after antibiotics

Most often, itching in the vagina after antibiotics is one of the manifestations of dysbacteriosis. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the means aimed at combating bacteria are also detrimental to the normal flora of the intestines and vagina, as a result of which an imbalance of the natural flora occurs in the body.

As a result, the body loses its natural defense against the influence of actively multiplying pathogenic pathogens. And most often, fungi of the genus Candida or gardnerella bacteria act as such pathogens.

Symptoms of vaginal dysbacteriosis are:

  • vaginal itching of varying intensity;
  • profuse mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;

Itching in intimate places during pregnancy

As you know, pregnancy can be complicated by rather unpleasant sensations directly related to the processes occurring in the female body. The most common phenomena are itching in intimate places during pregnancy, often accompanied by inflammation of the labia, swelling, toxicosis, nervousness and back pain.

Despite the fact that there are a lot of causes that cause genital itching during pregnancy, most of them are not related to the health of a pregnant woman who regularly undergoes medical examinations and does not suffer from infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.

In most cases, the causes that provoke itching in intimate places during pregnancy are:

  • insufficient care for the bikini area;
  • synthetic or too tight underwear;
  • daily sanitary pads.

Serious diseases that provoke itching of the genital organs in pregnant women include:

  • kidney failure;
  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland and liver;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis.

Itching in the vagina

Itching in the vagina during pregnancy, as a rule, is a manifestation of fungal diseases, to which the microflora of a pregnant woman is very predisposed. The most common fungal infection that causes itching in the vagina in pregnant women is thrush.

Candidiasis accompanies not only the unpleasant itching of the vagina during pregnancy, but also abundant curdled discharge. This disease requires treatment. Pregnant women are usually prescribed suppositories for thrush.

Itching of the labia

Basically, itching of the labia during pregnancy is caused by increased blood flow associated with a change in the hormonal background of a woman. In the later stages, itching of the labia during pregnancy is often the result of fetal pressure on the arteries located in the small pelvis, and their increase.

Itching after childbirth

Often, itching in the vagina after childbirth is caused by microflora disorders caused by hormonal changes in the body, stress, and possible antibiotic therapy in the postpartum period. Itching and burning after childbirth can also be accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor. In this case, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Itching with menopause

Often itching in the vagina during menopause is due to the peculiarities of the passage of this process. As you know, the main manifestation of menopause is a sharp decrease in the level of female sex hormones, provoking the extinction of the reproductive function of the body and a decrease in blood supply to the mucous membranes of the vulva and vagina.

Without proper nutrition, the glands of the mucous membranes begin to atrophy, thin, lose strength and elasticity. The vagina becomes hypersensitive to mechanical damage, abrasions and micro-tears begin to appear on the mucous membranes, accompanied by burning and itching. There may also be itching of the labia with menopause.

This process is physiological and natural, however, if anxiety occurs, a visit to the gynecologist is recommended.

Treatment of itching in the groin in women

As a rule, the treatment of itching in the groin in women is prescribed by a doctor after examining and obtaining the results of the patient's tests. In the presence of infectious processes, local and systemic antimicrobials are used, in case of fungal infection, antifungal agents are used.

In case itching in the vagina is a manifestation of an allergy, antihistamines and sedatives are used. In case of metabolic disorders, hormonal changes, menopause and problems with the endocrine system, a variety of hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Treatment of itching of the female genital organs can be supplemented with vaginal tablets or suppositories that have antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effects. Psychogenic factors are treated with psychotherapy and sedatives. Itching caused by mechanical causes is eliminated by the exclusion of provoking factors.

Treatment of itching of the labia

Basically, the treatment of itching of the labia in the absence of infectious diseases involves:

  • compliance with the rules of hygiene, washing at least 3 times a day;
  • exclusion of the use of toilet soap and other hygiene products, as well as means for moisturizing the vagina;
  • refusal of intimate contacts;
  • exclusion from the diet of spicy dishes, spices and seasonings;
  • refusal of daily pads;
  • exclusion of possible hypothermia.

As you can see, there is no single answer to the question of how to treat the itching of the labia - you always need to contact an experienced doctor to get it. He will determine the real cause of the symptoms that have appeared and explain in detail how to treat itching of the labia.

Treatment of itching in the vagina

Often, the treatment of itching in the vagina involves an integrated approach. In this case, the treatment is carried out individually and depends on the cause that caused it. Therefore, there is no and cannot be a single answer to the question of how to treat itching in the vagina.

In the presence of an infection, antibiotics are prescribed, in the case of fungal diseases - antimycotics, in case of allergies - sedatives and antihistamines. In any case, only a doctor should answer the question of how to remove itching in the vagina, and prescribe subsequent treatment.

Itching of the labia is a specific skin reaction to an irritant that makes a woman want to scratch the itchy area. There can be many reasons for itching of the labia. You should not ignore them, as in some cases serious treatment may be required.

By itself, itching of the labia is not a separate disease, but only a symptom indicating trouble in the body.

The causes of itching in the labia include the following:

    The age of a woman is important in determining the cause of the itching. So, hormonal fluctuations in the body can occur during puberty, during pregnancy, during menstruation and in menopause and lead to itching.

    Itching during menstruation. Menstrual flow is a favorable environment for the development and reproduction of the bacterial flora. During this period, a woman's immunity becomes especially vulnerable to various external and internal factors. If, in addition to everything, the rules of intimate hygiene are not observed, then it is quite possible to develop an inflammatory process - vulvovaginitis. He becomes the cause of itching of the labia.

    Itching of the labia during pregnancy. The reason for the discomfort that has arisen most often lies in the hormonal changes that occur in the body. These fluctuations lead to a weakening of the immune defense, a change in the normal microflora of the vagina and the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    Itching of the labia after the birth of a child. This discomfort is also associated with hormones. In order for the hormonal background to stabilize, it will take some time. The hormonal storm ends with the onset of menstruation. Until this time, there is an increased risk of developing various diseases of the genital organs, which may be accompanied by itching.

    Itching of labia during menopause. Violation of the trophism of the mucous membranes and skin of the vulva often occurs during menopause. Gynecologists call this process kraurosis. With this disease, itching becomes a rather serious symptom, causing a woman to experience severe discomfort. Often, against the background of kraurosis of the vulva, nervous disorders of varying degrees occur. A sharp drop in the body of female sex hormones, which previously had a protective effect on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, leads to kraurosis. Sometimes the disease proceeds quite difficult, abrasions and cracks appear on the labia, followed by the formation of ulcers. The risk of developing infectious lesions increases, vulvitis and vulvovaginitis join.

    External factors that influence the occurrence of itching of the labia.

    Pollution. Most often, itching of the labia occurs in women working in industries with increased air pollution with dust.

    Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene, rare and incorrect washing, a rare change of pads, the inability to take a shower.

    Exposure to low or high temperatures. Both overheating and hypothermia can provoke itching.

    mechanical impact. In this case, we are talking about wearing underwear made of synthetics, about its inconsistency with the size range, about the use of underwear with rough internal seams. In addition, too frequent washings, as well as vaginal douching without medical recommendations, can negatively affect. The use of scented sanitary pads can cause discomfort in the area of ​​the labia.

    Taking certain medications.

    Exposure to chemical compounds contained, for example, in condoms or contraceptive gels.

    Infectious diseases leading to the development of itching of the labia.

    Vaginal candidiasis caused by fungi, which, with a normal immune status, always exist in the mucous membranes of a woman's body. With a decrease in protective forces, their active reproduction occurs. Itching of the labia is one of the most striking symptoms of candidiasis. In addition, white curdled discharge, pain during an attempt to empty the bladder, during sex, etc., testify to the disease.

    Gardnerellosis. The disease develops due to the replacement of the normal microflora of the vagina with a pathogenic one. Itching and burning of the labia with this disease is always pronounced. In addition, the woman is concerned about the discharge, which has an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of the smell of a missing fish.

    Genital herpes is also one of the possible causes of itching of the labia. In addition, rashes in the form of bubbles periodically appear on the genitals, which occurs during an exacerbation of the disease.

    With inguinal epidermophytosis there is a lesion of the skin of the labia, the appearance of pink spots on it with a center of inflammation. In this case, the inguinal zone itches, and the lesions peel off. Then, foci of inflammation are formed on the skin, which have clear red borders.

    Trichomoniasis is an infectious disease that causes redness and itching of the labia. Discomfort occurs against the background of abundant yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor.

    Diseases of the reproductive system of a woman that can provoke itching of the labia. Sometimes the cause of itching of the labia is the pathology of the reproductive system of a woman. With endometritis and cervicitis, purulent discharge may appear, which will irritate the skin of the labia and cause itching. Although sometimes these diseases are asymptomatic.

    Itching of the labia in diabetes mellitus. Itching in the groin occurs due to the fact that the urine of a woman suffering from diabetes contains a lot of glucose. In addition, trips to the toilet become more frequent. The remnants of such secretions on the genitals lead to the fact that bacteria begin to multiply there faster, which provoke the occurrence of irritation and itching.

    Diseases of the liver that provoke itching of the labia. Severe liver damage can cause bile enzymes to accumulate in the blood and skin. In addition to giving the skin a yellowish tint, they also act as an irritant. As a result, a woman may experience itching all over her body, including in the area of ​​the labia.

    Diseases of the urinary system and itching of the labia. With pathologies of the bladder and kidneys, their functioning is disrupted. This contributes to the development of polyuria and the accumulation of urea breakdown products in the blood. These two factors act as irritants for the skin of the labia.

    Diseases of the hematopoietic organs, endocrine glands, tumors of the genital organs. All these diseases lead to the fact that the woman's immune system begins to function worse. The decrease in protective forces leads to the multiplication of pathogenic microflora, which causes various diseases that provoke itching of the genital organs. Diseases of the endocrine glands can also cause hormonal failure.

    psychological reasons.

Prolonged stress, serious shocks, nervous disorders, depressive states can cause increased sensitivity of the skin. This, in turn, leads to itching on the body and in intimate places.

Treatment of itching of the labia in women

    To avoid the development of vulvovaginitis during menstruation, it is necessary to perform high-quality intimate hygiene. Gaskets should be changed after a maximum of 6 hours. The amount of menstrual flow does not matter. If the inflammation has already begun, then you should stop using tampons. Washing should be performed using antiseptic solutions, including: Miramistin, Furacilin, etc.

    If itching began to bother a woman during gestation, an obstetrician-gynecologist should be contacted and appropriate tests should be taken. It may be necessary to use medications aimed at normalizing the vaginal microflora and increasing the body's immune forces. Pregnant women are more often recommended treatment with local preparations - the use of intervaginal suppositories and ointments, washing with antiseptic solutions.

    When vulvitis or vulvovaginitis becomes the cause of itching, it is necessary to find out the reasons that led to the development of the disease. A woman will need to adhere to bed rest (in the acute phase of the disease), change the diet by increasing the number of alkalizing foods (milk, steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, mineral water). Local treatment is reduced to the use of medical antiseptics (Chinosol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin), it is possible to lubricate the affected skin of the labia with ointments, for example, Sanguiritin 1%. Doctors also prescribe antibacterial ointments - tetracycline, erythromycin, oletherine. Inside, the reception of athymicotic agents (with fungal infection), antibiotics (with bacterial infection) is indicated. The choice of a particular drug depends on the type of pathogen and its sensitivity.

    Therapy of inguinal epidermophytosis is reduced to the implementation of lotions with a solution of Resocine and Silver Nitrate in the required concentration. It is possible to take antihistamines, treat the affected areas with antifungal agents, for example, Lamisil, Nizoral, Mikoseptin, etc.

    To get rid of trichomoniasis, doctors prescribe Metronidazole or Trichopolum. The course of treatment can be a week or a single dose of 2 g can be recommended. The combination with local treatment makes it possible to fully get rid of the disease. To do this, use candles Terzhinan, Betadine, Klion-D and others. If the disease proceeds in a complicated form, then longer antimicrobial therapy will be required.

    If itching is caused by psychological disorders, then it is necessary to contact a psychotherapist, undergo an examination and take medications that this specialist will prescribe.

The rules of intimate hygiene are the same for all women:

    Washing after going to the toilet (movements should be from front to back);

    Change of underwear twice a day (younger girls change their underwear more often - as it gets dirty);

    Thorough washing and rinsing of underwear, for which it is better to use hypoallergenic powders;

    Use soap for washing no more than once in 12 hours;

    Wearing underwear made from natural materials;

    Use only personal means for hygiene procedures.

In addition, at the time of treatment, you will need to give up intimate life. Sometimes both partners will need to undergo a therapeutic course. In any case, if the itching of the labia does not go away after the normalization of the rules of intimate hygiene, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, venereologist or dermatovenereologist.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

Itching is a specific skin reaction, as a result of which there is simply an irresistible desire to scratch the area in which it appears. Itching can occur on almost any area of ​​the human body, but it is the appearance of severe itching of the genital organs that provokes the most unpleasant sensations.

Unlike men, this unpleasant symptom is much more common among the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. Also, in the presence of certain diseases, men may experience a feeling of severe itching, burning and irritation that appears in the genital area.

Itching of the genital organs in women can appear as a result of a wide variety of reasons, including the presence of certain diseases. Before starting any treatment, it will be necessary to accurately establish the cause that provoked this unpleasant symptom.

In almost all cases, the formation of a feeling of itching in the genital area is a consequence of the presence of some kind of disease. All the reasons that can provoke such a symptom can be divided into how many main groups:

  • the influence of certain external factors directly on the external genitalia. These reasons may include various infections, violation of the rules of intimate hygiene, pollution (for example, not only dust pollution of air or linen can be included here, but also a consequence of the result of work in production), neglect of not only daily showering, but also washing, rare changing tampons and pads during menstruation, exposure to temperatures (for example, it can be severe overheating or hypothermia), a variety of mechanical stimuli (wearing coarse underwear or underwear made of synthetic materials that can create the effect of a "greenhouse"), prolonged contact with a variety of chemical compounds that have an irritating effect, too frequent douching and washing the vagina, as a result of which the natural microflora is disturbed. Regular wearing of modern flavored pads, as well as long-term use of certain potent drugs, not only for internal but also for external use, can also provoke the appearance of severe itching;
  • this group of causes by its nature is distinguished by a certain pathology of the internal genital female organs. So, among such reasons that can provoke a strong feeling of itching is chemical irritation directly on the external genitalia caused by urine, which becomes possible when urinating (for example, if a woman suffers from congenital urogenital fistulas). Also, such an unpleasant phenomenon can be caused by the presence of pathological secretions in women, which can form at the onset of a serious inflammatory process that occurs both in the uterus and on its neck, and of course, the presence of hidden inflammatory processes occurring in the genital area;
  • the presence of pathology of other internal organs - this is hepatitis, accompanied by severe yellowness of the skin, diabetes mellitus, the presence of a chronic inflammatory disease not only of the bladder, but also of the kidneys, which can be directly related to a violation of their functionality. This phenomenon can also be provoked by various diseases in the hematopoietic organs (leukemia, anemia, lymphogranulomatosis), as well as a violation in the course of the natural work of the endocrine glands (for example, this may include a decrease or decrease in thyroid function, a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones, and also an increase in the level of the hormone prolactin). And of course, the presence of dangerous cancers that can significantly reduce the protective functions of the whole organism, especially if potent medications are taken for a long period of time;
  • certain mental factors. These factors include prolonged, severe stress, as well as a great fear that appears before the thought that surgery, prolonged depression, nervous breakdowns, and much more may soon come. These factors are typical for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, there is a risk of developing severe pathology in very emotional and impressionable women. Not only all of the above factors can provoke the formation of such an unpleasant symptom, but also such a phenomenon as vaginal dysbacteriosis, which requires immediate treatment. Increasingly, this pathology manifests itself in women of different ages. Such a phenomenon as dysbacteriosis is a violation of the correct microflora in the vagina, as a result of which there are much fewer beneficial bacteria in it, in contrast to pathogenic bacteria. To date, the most common type of dysbacteriosis in women is thrush or candidiasis (this disease requires immediate treatment).
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