Luxurious eyes. The most attractive color of the organs of vision for women. Guys with beautiful eyes

It is on the eyes of the interlocutor that we pay attention first of all. And sometimes they can be so beautiful that we can't forget them. What determines the beauty of the eyes? Why are they so attractive?

How to make eyes beautiful

Without a doubt, every woman strives to ensure that her eyes look as expressive as possible. And there are an infinite number of ways in the world to do this, from cosmetic procedures before surgery.

But in order to avoid surgery, the eyes need to be taken care of from an early age. Elementary procedures will help you maintain the clarity and beauty of the look at long years. Walking on fresh air, strong good sleep, limited time at the computer and skin care around the eyes - this is an uncomplicated and universal recipe for making your eyes unforgettable.

Eye care tips are endless, but they all boil down to one thing. It is worth protecting the area around the eyes from the sun, moisturizing and nourishing the skin, and if you had to rework and your eyes are tired, then you must definitely give them a rest for at least 15 minutes.

There is no single standard by which you can accurately determine whether the eyes are beautiful or not. Their beauty is influenced by almost everything - the shape of the eyes, unusual color, size, and most importantly - the inner light, which we call the soul. Therefore, do not allow yourself to lose heart, be sad, try to be in good mood, and others will surely remember your sparkling joy look.

The most beautiful and unusual eye color

It is impossible to unambiguously attribute any certain color eye to more or less beautiful. Eyes of absolutely any color can look amazing. And every nation has its own canons of beauty. For example, the inhabitants of the East go crazy for black-eyed beauties, and the Scandinavians appreciate light blue eyes.

The green color of the eyes is considered quite rare, the owners of which, by the way, are very popular in Russia. Green eyes are also called "witch eyes". Indeed, the look of green-eyed people is so mysterious that it is just right to attribute any magical properties to it.

But most rare color the eye is considered purple. At birth, these children have a normal blue or grey colour irises, but after about six months it changes. A gene mutation called the "origin of Alexandria" is responsible for this feature. Unfortunately, these people are prone to problems with cardiovascular system like Elizabeth Taylor, who died of a heart attack.

Stars with beautiful eyes

But other famous people do not lose to the famous Elizabeth in the beauty of their eyes. Which of the modern stars has the most beautiful look? Leading the ratings of the sexiest stars movie actress Megan Fox. cat cut blue eyes Megan does not let her many fans sleep in peace.

The fatal beauty Angelina Jolie practically does not lag behind her. True, the attention of many men can be diverted by her seductive plump lips, but Angelina's look is very attractive. But another actress, Penelope Cruz, does not wait for her sensuality to be noticed. Brown eyes. She prefers to tint them with a dark pencil, which makes them even more expressive.

The list of beauties among celebrities can be continued indefinitely. Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson, Cameron Diaz, Gwen Stefani and many other girls with a charming look never cease to delight us with their beauty.

Guys with beautiful eyes

There are also a lot of men famous people whose gaze broke more than one girl's heart. Moreover, it is another question, among whom more celebrities With beautiful eyes- among men or among women. Editions for girls constantly rank male stars with a bewitching look.

The top 50 includes a wide variety of people, and it's not just singers and actors. Basketball player Kobe Bryant, Olympic boxing champion Oscar De La Hoya and even Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho also did not escape attentive admirers.

But they still gave the first places to the generally recognized handsome men. Third place goes to Johnny Depp, famous actor movie. On the second - the star of the series "The Vampire Diaries", Ian Somerhalder. Well, in the honorable first place is Jared Letowho is adored by millions of fans. Also on this list you can see the woman with the most beautiful eyes in the world

Unfortunately, the fate of the green-eyed beauty was not the easiest. She lived all her life in poverty, gave birth to three children, but was never able to give them an education. The bitter irony of the modern world is that for the publication of the picture and its subsequent distribution, its owner received huge sums.

In 2002, the photographer again found this woman and took her second photo portrait in her life, with difficulty persuading the former refugee to remove the veil that she constantly wore. Of course, over the years hard life left an imprint on her face, but the girl's eyes remained as unique as before.

But big eyes not always considered beautiful. Sometimes big eyes are considered ugly. .
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Each of us has our own idea of ​​beauty. Whatever it is about, be it art or nature, opinions will always diverge. The same goes for beauty. human body. If, for example, there are well-established canons for the figure or contour of the face, then it is impossible to drive the color of the eyes into this framework. Who among us can easily name the most beautiful colour eye? Azure blue, granite gray, emerald - each of the shades can be called "the most". A conclusion about the beauty of the eyes can be drawn from the results of surveys, but it is much more important to talk about the merits and features of each of the colors separately. After all, it is right to emphasize the color of your iris - to create a harmonious holistic image that will emphasize your beautiful eye color.

The most beautiful eye color recognized in the world

And yet, what eye color is considered the most beautiful? How many people, so many opinions. However, we can calculate and calculate the approximate ratio of these opinions. But even such a systematic calculation will not give an exact answer.

Nevertheless, such work is carried out by cosmetologists and psychologists, and, especially often, by workers in the beauty industry. In the course of finding out which eye color is the most beautiful, the survey gave following results: the leading position is occupied by blue, green is in second place, and brown and brown-black share the third place.

You can also note the rarity of one or another shade of the iris. Most people in the world are brown-eyed (almost the entire population of Asia and southern hemisphere), but green, through the efforts of nature and medieval inquisitors, has become the rarest among all. For this reason, he is considered by many to be the most beautiful color eye.

Although no, the least likely people are born with natural violet color iris. In polls, purple eyes rank so low only because not everyone knows about their existence.

The most beautiful eye color in women and girls

Most of all, lovely ladies are concerned about their appearance. Everyone wants to be unique, one of a kind, and, of course, this desire of ours extends to the expressiveness of the look. We are all interested in what eye color is the most beautiful according to strong half humanity and do we meet these characteristics? But let's be honest: no matter what color the eyes are, the more beautiful is the complete image anyway. Here we will consider each in detail.

Blue eyes

The azure-turquoise gaze is always associated with purity and honesty, openness of character and a cheerful disposition. Most people give him the title of "the most beautiful eye color." To choose makeup, hairstyle, outfit for such an iris, it is worth remembering its origin. The birthplace of blue eyes is the north of Europe and the Mediterranean.

From these data, we can conclude that for blue-eyed beauties, blond and light blond shades of hair longer than average (below the shoulders) will be the most suitable. This is for those who wish to emphasize natural beauty their eyes. If you are not afraid of modernity and creativity, then feel free to do short haircuts, but always remember about the volume and lightness that your styling needs.

As for clothes, beware of green and purple flowers, excessive sheen of fabric, complex draped styles - this will drown out the beauty of your look. All shades of blue and blue, white natural fabrics will suit you more than others. Makeup is easy to pick up - almost any gamma shadow will do. The most famous owner of the most beautiful eyes was Madonna.

Emerald Gaze

Witch green is an extremely beautiful eye color. It is considered one of the rarest, has many forms from marsh to crystal emerald. It is a little more difficult for green-eyed lucky women to choose an image, because you need to emphasize the mystical side of your look:

  • Hairstyles are any in their forms, but the color decides everything. Red, chestnut, copper-red and dark honey-blond emphasize the grace of this color of the iris. Blondes will make the look “liquid”, whitish. Therefore, blond curls will have to be abandoned. But it is this color of the eye that allows you to freely indulge in creative coloring of the most unimaginable palettes.
  • In makeup, give preference to brown, purple and golden hues. Emphasize the line of the lower eyelid and be sure to add a little shine, this will make the look deeper and will focus on its grassy shade. Your eyelashes are especially important here, they should be thick and perfectly black.
  • In clothes, choose deep, expensive colors, strict silhouettes. And if you want to give the image a witchy mystery, then choose open shoulders and large cutouts, combined with a floor-length skirt. The fabric can have an intricate structure or cast with a satin sheen. However, keep in mind that a red or burgundy outfit will divert attention from your most beautiful eye color.

Black eyes

Owners of passionate brown or even black eyes will not be difficult to choose an image. Hair should definitely be dark, may have a red or red tint. Deep black is also suitable for framing a brown-eyed face. In this case, the hair structure should be dense, give Special attention the health of your hair.

In clothes you are free! special chic your look will be given ethnic motifs, bright ornaments and dense natural fabrics. At the same time, the style can be absolutely any, both loose-fitting and classic fitted silhouette. No shape will hide your bright and wildly beautiful eye color!

Of all the variety of makeup, arrows are the most suitable for you. different kind. It goes without saying that light eyeshadow palettes will not add expressiveness to your eyes and will look awkward. Many believe that this is the most beautiful eye color, found exclusively in bright and sensual girls.

orange eye color

Many refer to amber yellow or orange as a variety of brown eyes, but, in my opinion, this is a gross mistake. Is it possible to attribute this amazing, for many of us, the most beautiful eye color in the world to any group?

For the beautiful owners of a honey, sunny look, voluminous hairstyles, curls and curls, weaving different forms. Determine the color of your hair by the shade of your orange eyes. It should be several tones darker than the iris, but it must have a honey-wheat tint.

In outfits for orange eyes, avoid pale pastels, especially beige and pink. Give preference to chocolate and cherry shades. If you want to dress in light colors, then white and milky palettes are for you. Do not forget about the floral ornaments again of the mentioned range.

As for makeup, it's a little more complicated. Bright colors set aside. Golden, peach and brown shades will suit you. The arrows emphasize the look well, but choose their simpler forms that do not weigh down the image. Give up gray and black smoky-eyes, these scales will hide the beautiful color of your eyes from those around you.

The most beautiful eye color for women in men

Ladies are extremely picky about the appearance of their chosen one. Therefore, everything deserves her attention, especially the depth and expressiveness of the look. What eye color is the most beautiful according to the fair sex? But you need to remember that for girls everything is not so simple and beauty is not enough for them. Here, character and the impression evoked by the gaze play an important role.

A man for any woman is first of all reliable support, which means that even his eyes should glow with confidence, inspire confidence. This is how psychologists explain the ladies' commitment to clear, blue shades of the male gaze. It is especially attractive to romantic ladies who want a long and stable relationship. This must be the most beautiful eye color for girls will always inspire confidence and sympathy.

If a woman is prone to adventures, then her chosen one will be the owner of burning brown eyes. This color gives passionate lovers, real Don Juan. At the same time, brown-eyed men give the impression of solid and reliable partners. A woman is looking for that same hard male shoulder in the dark-eyed representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Green-eyed guys are a mystery to a girl's heart. But despite the mystical prejudices, it was the emerald in the eyes of the ladies who chose it as the most beautiful eye color for men. In combination with dark hair and slightly regrown stubble, these eyes will drive any girl crazy.

Makeup for men should not be selected, the hairstyle also depends little on the color of the iris. The best way emphasize the uniqueness of your look - a properly selected tie, bow tie or shirt (although shirts white color suitable for everyone). Selection rules colors described above, there are no special differences with girls.

What eye color is considered the most beautiful and charming?

Human beauty is limitless and it is impossible to establish any exact ideals. Who can accurately answer the question "What eye color is the most beautiful"? One will answer “blue”, the other “black”, and the lover will completely remember the eyes of his object of adoration. And each of the answers will be right. Beauty is subjective and conditional, you should not chase fictional canons.

Whatever eye color you have, it is definitely considered the most beautiful by someone. Truly beautiful are those eyes that shine with happiness and kindness, I think everyone will agree with this without exception.

Trying to convict a person of a lie or trying to get to know him true feelings We are staring into our eyes. After all, there is an opinion that they do not know how to lie. Maybe that is why people throughout their history have paid special attention to the eyes, and in particular their color. Green, brown, blue or red, like those of albinos - each of them is dedicated to poems, songs, legends and myths. But even they cannot say which eye color is the most beautiful. So let's try to deal with this issue.

There are only three pigments, the combination and saturation of which determines the color: blue, yellow and brown. There are only three pigments, the combination and saturation of which determines the color: blue,

Perhaps we should start with how the color of the iris is formed:

  • the iris has a two-layer structure;
  • color pigments are contained in the front layer;
  • the far layer is filled with melanin and is always dark (with the exception of albinos);
  • at least importance have the thickness of the vessels and fibers of the iris.

Eye color palette

Scientists have developed a special scale for determining eye color. But if they agreed with the number of primary colors, then the number of shades and transitional colors is still controversial.


Blue eyes are relatively a rare occurrence, since shades mixed with gray or green are much more common. They are considered a symbol of innocence and purity. However, from the point of view of psychology, this opinion is erroneous.

The owners of this color are distinguished by purposefulness and the ability to go ahead, while maintaining amazing sentimentality. However, these are often balanced and strong personalities with a whole character.


Such an amazing color stormy sky associated with some with trepidation and romanticism, while others with a "steel" character. But everyone agrees that such a look cuts into memory forever.

The owners of "stormy" eyes are distinguished by intelligence, determination and courage. They will never be bored with them, because they are ready to learn and learn something new every day. These are real lucky ones both in the career field and in the spheres of love.


This color is exceptional in nature, because it occurs due to the refraction of light in the iris of the eye. Few lucky people can boast that the sky is frozen in their eyes.

"Sineglazki" do not stop believing in fairy tales even having matured, and are ready for any madness for the sake of loved ones or in search of new emotions. Quite often, they are distinguished by a heightened sense of justice and smell a lie a kilometer away. Maybe that is why they are accused of excessive arrogance and arrogance.


During the persecution of witches, green-eyed women with red hair suffered the most.

For centuries, they were considered the main sign of witches. So in dark times the dominance of the Inquisition of their mistress practically disappeared from the face of the earth. And their population has never recovered to this day.

Psychologists say that green-eyed people very vulnerable and tender. Their feelings are hot and open to the whole world. Such men can be safely called knights. And in girls there really is a bit of a witch's madness of passions. Both those and others with equal success reveal themselves both in creativity and on leadership positions. They easily win the love and respect of others. At the same time, they are firmly convinced that they definitely have the most beautiful eyes.


Brown eye color is the most common on the planet. Moreover, scientists believe that the first people had brown eyes. There is a belief that brown eyes are the favorites of Fortune.

They are distinguished by a good sense of humor and the ability to please people. They are emotional, temperamental and quick-tempered. They fall in love very quickly, but just as quickly forget about the object of their love. It is easy to make friends with them and find a common language.


Amazing coal-black eyes are associated with others with a rebellious spirit and rebelliousness. Most owners of obsidian eyes live in the East.

Such people are distinguished by love and intensity of emotions. They know what they want and how to get it. I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles! Here is their motto.

The most amazing eyes

But since we decided to choose the most beautiful eyes, we simply cannot ignore the amazing mutations that gave rise to purple and “different” eyes.


The striking purple irises are due to a very rare mutation called Alexandria Origins. Few have seen it, and the owners in general are a few. Some continue to claim that this is just a myth. And maybe we would agree with this, if not for the amazing Elizabeth Taylor. Her photographs are indisputable proof of the existence of such eyes.


No less beautiful and amazing are the owners of the so-called "different" eyes. This effect is called heterochromia. In the owners of this rare mutation, the eyes can be completely different or combine several pieces at once. different color. You may have noticed such amazing eyes actress Mila Kunis and her friend Kate Bosworth.


Albinos do not produce the pigment melanin in their bodies.

And, of course, you can not ignore the albinos. After all, their eyes can please with shades of purple, red and black. The combination of such eyes with snow-white skin and hair can not leave anyone indifferent.

male opinion

It would seem that the easiest way to determine the most beautiful eye color is by asking men. But ... They rarely pay attention to him when they meet, evaluating the girl as a whole. They are much more concerned about the expression of the eyes than their color.

However, according to polls, blue-eyed men prefer blue-eyed girls. And most of the rest prefer brown eyes for saturation and expressiveness of color.

It's a strange fact, but most guys with green-eyed girls are sure that their eyes are brown. That is why the data of men's surveys in this case cannot be relied upon.

Women's opinion

And what about women's preferences? Unfortunately, it is still more confusing than with men. Because the favorite color may vary several times during the day or be based on fashion trends.

So during the period of craze for serials and films about witches, green eyes became the most popular. And in the wake of love for "Twilight", a warm amber hue began to occupy a leading position.

Most girls prefer to solve this problem constructively and acquire a whole set of contact lenses. And then the favorite and most beautiful color becomes the one that best suits makeup or dress.


The article is coming to an end, but the answer to the question has not been found. How to determine which color is best? The answer is very simple. Look into the eyes of a loved one, and it doesn't matter who it will be: your soul mate, mother, younger brother, or even your own reflection. Because the most beautiful will always be the most beloved eyes that glow with happiness when looking at you.

All people on the planet are individual and have their own personal eye color, which is transmitted either by inheritance or through genetic changes. At the same time, many are interested in the question of the structure and why exactly one or another shade arises in a person. Next, consider the various tones and the reasons for their appearance, subsequently determining the most beautiful eye color.


The iris itself consists of two layers, in which there are pigments. Based on how exactly they are located, the color and shade depend. It is also worth adding that the shell fibers, the amount of melanin (produced by the body) and blood vessels play an important role. Despite the fact that the shades of the eyes a large number of, there are several primary colors.

Most of the population have brown eyes. But green is considered one of the rare ones. Many claim that the most beautiful eye color cannot be determined, because they are all unique in their own way, but you can try to do it.

So why green?

In the event that a person produces an insufficient amount of melanin in the body, then his eyes turn green. But this color has become rare for a completely different reason. The Holy Inquisition of the 12th-19th centuries was to blame for everything. Due to a misconception about the origin of green eyes and red hair, all girls with such data were equated with witches and burned at the stake.

This color is obtained by mixing the yellow outer shell and the blue background.

It is thanks to this that the shell takes on such a color, which in modern world considered the rarest.

Moreover, based on the intensity of the shade, there can be a large number of options for this color. The rarest is emerald green. Therefore, the most beautiful eye color can be considered green.

rare eyes in the world

Often the owners of this color are the Germans, Scots and the eastern and western peoples of Europe. At the same time, it will not be uncommon to meet green eyes in a Turk, because 20% of the population have this particular color. And in Iceland, even 80% have the rarest or blue tint.

At the same time, residents of the Middle East, South America and Asia are practically not born with such eyes.

What eye color is the most beautiful?

Naturally, the concept of beauty is a very subjective thing, and if we talk about the most beautiful eyes and their representatives, then in this case albinos were lucky, who have completely black, purple, amber and red colors.

Even among these tones there is the rarest. He even has separate title mutations "origin of Alexandria". When a person with such changes is born, his eye color does not initially change, only after a while it becomes purple.

This mutation does not affect vision. Rumor has it that Elizabeth Taylor had the most beautiful eye color. Photos of that time, unfortunately, cannot confirm this, since the possibility of technology at that time could not always convey all the shades.

Among natural eyes, whose color was not caused by a mutation, green is considered the most beautiful, and pure black is in third place.

The most beautiful eye color, according to men

In fact, it is very difficult to find out the most beautiful eye color, according to the stronger sex. The problem is that few men fall in love at first sight. Most of them prefer to evaluate the beauty of a girl in a complex way, along with her eyes. The color does not play the best leading role. But it is worth considering them separately for a more comprehensive understanding, because any eyes can be successfully complemented with the right make-up and wardrobe.

As for this eye color, these will be relevant to brunettes and fair-haired. There are some men who, in response to the question, what color of eyes is the most beautiful, the answer is immediately ready - brown. They find them fascinating. In fairness, it should be noted that such eyes are considered more expressive precisely because they have a large iris, which makes them as expressive as possible. At the same time, whiteness is also emphasized. eyeball. Thus, brown eyes appear large and expressive.

According to other men, the most beautiful eye color for girls is blue. In fact, only some shades deserve such a title. In men, they are associated with the purity of the sky. In turn, the other half of the stronger sex, on the contrary, considers them faded, inexpressive and mediocre. The most interesting are the results that scientists have obtained by conducting research. In fact, most blue-eyed men match women with exactly the same color. Some, of course, are skeptical about such conclusions and say that distrust of their partner is to blame, because both blue-eyed parents will have a child with this eye color.

As for the green-eyed ones, they are still out of competition.

How can you change eye color?

  1. The easiest and most common way is colored contact lenses.
  2. With the skillful use of makeup and depending on the mood, the eyes can fade or, conversely, become brighter. You can also emphasize their color with the help of clothes.
  3. You can change your eye color with eye drops that reduce pressure ("Bimatoprost", "Latanoprost", "Unoprostone", "Travoprost").
  4. Color change with surgery.
  5. Laser eye correction.
  6. Some even resort to meditation and self-hypnosis. Despite the fact that there is no official evidence of the performance of this method, there are a large number of positive reviews.

In any case, it should be remembered that no general concept there can be no beauty, and each individual has his own personal idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis. It is important to understand that for a person, the best and prettiest eyes in the world will be those with which he is in love. It will not depend on their color, nor on their shade, nor on their size. Therefore, in order to find out which eyes are the most beautiful, you should first look at your soulmate, and the answer will come by itself.

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