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Many girls mistakenly believe that the ideal wife is one who knows how to cook well, wash cleanly, keep the house clean and raise children properly. Some ladies at the same time manage to attend work, have high position, to be highly developed, both intellectually and physically, to receive a good salary. But as it turned out - not everything is so simple. Why, in the presence of all the listed attributes, it often happens that the husband leaves for another? Let's find out what the strong half of humanity really needs from a companion and who they are actually ready to call an ideal wife.

What should be in a woman

Experts say that the skill of the wife is not only limited to the kitchen space. Rather, on the contrary, not only food is important for a man, but also other moments in life. life together. Also, a man in love will pay little attention to unironed trousers, and will be happy to contemplate his beloved, who lazily stretches in bed in daytime. Well, you have to learn the basics of femininity again and become an ideal wife. By the way, the secrets for acquiring ideal habits are very accessible and simple.

Important: no matter what ups and downs you meet in your life together, remember that your husband is the best and. Believe me, if you are sure of this, and constantly defend this position, your spouse will already consider you an ideal wife.

We mistakenly believe that men are “thick-headed” and do not understand their mistakes. But here it all depends on the behavior of the wife. If she gives him the opportunity to make mistakes, then he will definitely take action to correct them. For the trust placed in him, he will faithfully serve your happiness and will not give reasons to doubt his love. One of the greats said that a man's love is not directed at a woman, but at the feelings that he experiences next to her. And the advice of experienced psychologists will help us in this.

First of all, you need to remember that you are a woman. This is what men want from us so that we do not forget about our destiny. We must manifest what is laid down by nature - and always remain ourselves.


This detail is an integral part of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Being an ideal lover is already a guarantee of a great marriage that will last for a long time. long years but rather for the rest of your life. The emancipation and reward of her man with amazing caresses, long sex, like a boomerang, will return to her as gifts, love and maximum dedication of her husband.

Sexual intimacy should be mutual. Yes, we all know that the result is more important for men and he is not always interested in what you felt. But from time to time it will be pleasant for him if his beloved is beside himself with happiness from hot and passionate intimacy. A lady must be able to seduce, excite and give maximum pleasure to her lover. If you still haven’t learned the art of seduction, open the Internet, buy literature and do your own educational program.

Over the years sexual relations gradually grow cold and can reach the point that the spouse fixes his gaze in the direction of the hot stuff. Your duty is to throw firewood into the fire of love, that is, constantly keep yourself in shape, look beautiful and give your husband new sensations. Familiarity with the benefits will also help to avoid difficulties in sexual matters. So you will understand what you really “like” and tell your spouse a guide to action.

Be a faithful wife

Remember - a lady should give her love only to her own spouse. As soon as it starts to scatter around - write - it's gone. The spouse will immediately feel the betrayal and change his attitude. Even light flirting with stranger may cause conflict.

Do not forget about delicious food and cleanliness

Yes, we pointed out that this is not the most important thing. Don't try to fix us, everything is going according to plan. It is not necessary, but desirable, that the house should always be clean and tasty. The relevance of the proverb about the way to the heart through the stomach is not completely lost. A man will never linger in a pub or with friends in a cafe if good borscht, roast duck are waiting for him at home, fresh salad and delicious pastries. He will also begin to very quickly move away from companies vacationing in public catering, because the houses are clean, comfortable and warm. After a daily routine, heavy physical activity, he will receive relaxation, tranquility, comfort and freedom of action in his native walls.

Important: you don’t need to look for excuses and be indignant that you also work and get tired, just like him. He is not interested in your activities - he wants to devour the mammoth, which he "hammered" during the working day. Create a calm environment for your loved one, let him feel how much and eagerly they were waiting for him and trying to cook best dish in the world.

You should not force a man to help you with everything within the walls of your home. Believe me, if he regularly tries on his apron, you will see in him a “second” mistress and, at the level of instinct, you will cool off as a man. Yes, and it is not normal when a representative strong half took over the functions of a cook - this is unnatural. Cooking and pampering homemade yummy is your direct responsibility. And if the kitchen smells of pastries and the smell of vanilla and cinnamon, the husband will move mountains for you.

Don't take his space

No need to be an annoying "fly" and give your spouse a moment of rest from you too. If you constantly shake over his head and offer, then one thing, then another - he will get furious and express a categorical protest. Learn to step aside and be there for him exactly when he needs it.

A family for a man is something for which he works and tries. Because of marriage, he gave up his freedom, and this is the most important thing for the strong half of humanity. Just imagine the stress your husband is going through, giving up his favorite company, daily meetings over a glass of beer. After all, he did not marry you for cutlets, but for love. Tasty food his zealous mother cooked for him with great pleasure. Therefore, he must sometimes go to his garage, sit with the men, drink beer and eat fish.

Never stand between him and football. This type sport allows you to openly and not hesitate to shout, swear. Thus, the breadwinner releases "steam".

And sometimes the head of the family simply wants to be alone with his thoughts, to accept important decision concerning the well-being of the family. And you with your "chatter", which causes itching in the ears.

Experts consider doubts to be a big mistake for wives. Why did he decide to go to the store himself, can I really interfere with him in the garage? And in order to correct the situation, the woman begins to impose herself and thereby causes anger from her husband. He needs personal space, and if he is violated, he leaves for good.

Important: a person’s personal space also includes his notebook, mobile phone, laptop, tablet, computer, personal closet, desk, car and even a garage. As for the car, a woman can put things in order, but not arrange everything to her liking. Take care of your car.

Men are very negative when they interpret the appeal to him. He has a name and all kinds of bunnies, kisyuni, masiki, kittens, baby dolls cause anger and irritation. He is sure, and sometimes quite thoroughly, that all the male brethren laugh at him, since nicknames are often associated with treatment during intimacy in bed.

He also has desires

Any normal man, truly in love with his wife, dreams of only one thing - to make her life happy and prosperous. But he is not a magician and neither a sorcerer nor a student of Messing can read thoughts at a distance. If you want something - say it directly, do not make a secret out of your desires. After all, how often do we encounter the fact that a man did not guess right with a gift and a quarrel arose. Here's a good example for you:

On the 25th anniversary of marriage, the husband decided to make his wife good gift. He went shopping with her and took her to all departments. At the same time, he came up with a reason that had nothing to do with the approaching date - to take a walk, get a razor, etc. And he paid attention to what his beloved was looking at with delight. And she literally screamed on her head when she saw a huge cactus. But when they approached the jewelry shelves, she admired the products with her mouth open and without expressing any emotions. So her husband gave her a huge cactus that no one needed, which also took up a lot of space in a small apartment. And only "rejoiced" at the thorny plant, she openly said what she would like.

Well, here's to you real story. Tell me, who is to blame? He is by no means! Men are wired differently than we are. Do not think that this is greed. Believe me, the cactus costs fabulous money. Therefore, do not be silent and do not hope that he will guess.

Another mistake in desires is saving on yourself. Yes, it is high time to change the tires, but build the costs so that it is enough for the replacement and for your desire. He gave you money for personal expenses - so spend it on yourself. A new frying pan or pan will wait, especially since there is something to cook on.

Important: never accept surprises and gifts with reproach or tired joy. They want to bring you joy, reward your impulse and show how happy you are thanks to his attention. If the wife, then and there will refuse gifts, express indignation, the spouse will be repulsed by the desire to do something pleasant for her beloved.

You should also not overdo it, you need to know the measure in everything. Constant demands for new things and spending on clothes, jewelry and other small things can lead to real contention. A man will get tired and feel like a driven horse. Gifts that are solicited do not bring the expected effect.

Keep fit

Someone will object - my husband loves me for who I am. And this is a big mistake. How many relationships have been destroyed because of the once beautiful wife in a wrinkled bathrobe, with curlers on her head. Haven't you noticed how much the homeowners try not to repeat such mistakes. They will meet someone else's husband fully armed: with makeup, coiffed hair and a beautiful dress. Do not be lazy, do not seize fatigue with buns and cakes. Watch your figure, but do not overdo it. Your constant talk about new diets and unhealthy thinness will alienate your spouse. A rude saying, but it reflects the truth "A man is not a dog, he does not throw himself at the bones." Everything should be in moderation.

stop being jealous

This is not about justified jealousy after, but about his easy flirting. Start to be jealous with or without - he will have an opinion about your low self-esteem. On the contrary, try to look so that any opponent would fade next to you. Show your husband how much you excel in the beauty and taste of his admirers, it is not superfluous to refresh yourself intellectually. Men like to brag about their wives, especially if beauty, intelligence and a good sense of humor are combined in the spouse.

Try to periodically visit, if possible, a spa, sauna, massage room, do not forget about manicure, pedicure and hair condition. It's okay if you have to spend a little, just don't visit these points too often. But your joy and pleasure will be a real gift for your hero and supplier. Most likely, he is waiting for gratitude already closer to the night - do not forget to encourage the knight. Maintain beauty also on your own, but do not try to meet your spouse in a mask or with cellophane on your head. Everything needs to be in time before his arrival and open the doors with a natural beauty.

Beauty should not only be external. Engage in self-development, read books, listen good music, learn new recipes, ethics. Family is also communication, and the conversation should be supported from two sides.

Learn to trust your loved one

Your spouse is the head of the family and he must make responsible decisions. Nobody says that it is not necessary to listen to the opinion of the wife, but the final point is with the man. Do not take away this opportunity, trust your companion and rely on his wisdom, determination and prudence. And it's okay if something doesn't work out. You are still young, and experience comes with age. Who among us does not make mistakes? Do not try to poke his nose into his bad decisions. A maximum of two or three times he will listen, then leave and never return. You will constantly repeat that you warned, said, did not agree - the relationship will be spoiled. Be patient and next time in a calm conversation, present more arguments in favor of your decision.

Make friends with your spouse's family

It doesn't matter what family your husband is from. But remember Golden Rule- bring only positive result. It will be possible to lure a capricious relative to his side - and the marriage will be insured powerful force. And if you can make friends with her, then you don’t have to worry about relationships from other family members. Everyone will love you, the mother-in-law will try to do this. This state of affairs will have a great effect on the attitude of the husband. He will be happy and satisfied with family harmony.

Important: but not everything always goes smoothly - life is life and conflicts are possible that arise through no fault of yours. But even if they are present, never force a husband to give up his relatives - this is wrong. No one is forcing you to forget your mom and dad.

Be patient

Men and women have different hormonal background. And depending on what is happening in the human body, emotions are experienced differently. Therefore, you do not need to be offended by your spouse in moments of his irritability or alienation. Perhaps he is experiencing some unpleasant moments at work or in the family of relatives. Do not climb into the soul, he himself will soon tell about everything. If he does not consider it necessary, then he cannot reveal someone else's secret. Quite often, after a short period of time, the spouse himself realizes his wrong and apologizes. And you should accept them with gratitude and show understanding.

Patience should not be confused with self-sacrifice, although this extreme cases is not redundant. We are now talking about the ability to wait patiently, and possibly separate for a while, up to the move. A wise and understanding man will appreciate your tact and adequately thank your indulgence. The stupid will not understand - why is this needed?

Be sincere

Be a bit of an actress

There is an opinion that men in life remain infantile children. And those in turn require a playful relationship. Therefore, do not miss the moment to play along with your loved one. If he stamps his foot and wants to prove that he is the head of the family, agree.

A friend of mine told a funny story. Wherever they go to visit, at the set table, a slightly intoxicated spouse claims that he is the head, the owner. As he said - so be it! She always silently smiles and agrees, but at the same time she is silent that his entire salary is in her wallet.

Do not forget to praise your husband, they really need it. I screwed the handle - you are my master, fixed the toilet - well, just golden hands.

Watch your health

Remember the saying “A brother loves a rich sister, but a husband healthy wife". You will yak and yak, walk constantly with a handkerchief and sniff, hold on to your head, throat, side, lower abdomen - the husband will definitely find an outlet for himself on the side. Don't lie long hours in bed, complaining of malaise, always be clean and exude only the aroma of expensive perfumes. Take care of yourself, stop whining. Do physical exercises, sign up for a swimming section, visit a fitness club, a yoga studio. Improve your health and do not give reasons to doubt your physical well-being.

be busy

No need for extra sacrifices. Learn to balance your career and business. As soon as you stop being a person for yourself, your spouse will immediately feel your lack. And if you can’t stay at work, get carried away with some hobby, sign up for some club of interest.

Be discreet

A woman should not throw scandals and tantrums, especially in the presence of her husband's friends. Be wiser and be patient, you can talk about everything at home. If the husband’s entourage witnesses an ugly scene, there will be a crack in the relationship. And diligent buddies will now and then tease your spouse in his “henpeckedness”.


The appearance of a baby in the house does not mean that you need to completely forget about obligations to your spouse. Yes, the child demands special attention, and any normal mother puts her beloved child in the first place. The baby cries day and night, he needs to be fed, a pile of laundry appears. But with the arrival of a spouse from work, you still need to wait for him with a ready dinner. If it's really hard, talk, explain yourself and ask for help. This kind of open conversation and trust will do wonders. The once lazy and slow-witted spouse (if he normal person) will definitely take on some of the responsibilities and will not let his wife get tired like that.

Well, here we have studied the basic rules that allow us to at least get closer to the title of an ideal wife. It is clear that there is no exact recipe, but if you try, you can maintain harmony and tranquility in your family. A wise woman will have everything perfect - husband, children, home and relationships with relatives. And what is needed for this is to love, endure, give in, play, be attentive and diligent. These qualities have long been taught to our grandmothers and mothers, it would not be out of place for us to follow their example. Be happy!

All for now.
Sincerely, Vyacheslav.

On the way to female happiness, a lady has to overcome a lot of difficulties. To ask the question of how to become an ideal wife, as her husband wants, a woman has to solve many more problems:

  • How to attract a man?
  • How to make him fall in love with you?
  • How to build a long and strong relationship with him?
  • How to marry a man?
  • How to encourage children?

AT family life there are still many problems that a woman copes with for a long time. But when the problem arises of how to become an ideal wife for your husband, often the question is how to keep a man near you. A woman seeks advice from psychologists, all the time getting different recommendations. Which of them are true and which are not? The online magazine site advises using all the recommendations at the same time in order to note the effectiveness of one or another.

The ideal woman of the past

In past centuries, being the perfect woman was much easier. Why? Because there were clear criteria for what kind of wife you need to be in order for your husband to love and appreciate you. The wife in the past should have been an excellent housewife and mother. Since childhood, a woman has been taught all the skills that will be useful to her in household and upbringing of children.

Everything was much simpler, because women were taught from childhood certain style behaviors, skills and lifestyle that was considered ideal, and men were sharpened to consider this image of a woman as ideal for themselves. Today, when individuality and freedom flourishes, the standards have become not only different, they simply disappeared, blurred, became indistinct.

Now it's not clear who she is. ideal woman in the eyes of all men. Now there are no ideal women. You can be perfect for one gentleman and completely terrible for another. Everyone has their own preferences and views on the issue under consideration. That is why it is very difficult for a modern woman to be and make herself perfect.

Living with the perfect person

Only one area of ​​​​life is full of secrets, mysteries and disappointments - the love side. To work in the chosen specialty, it is necessary to develop certain skills and gain specific knowledge, but mistakes are often made in love. You have chosen a partner that you like, but over time he becomes annoying, you understand that it is impossible to live with him.

Constantly facing failures in love, the image of the ideal partner is being adjusted. Does what you look for in other people look like a person at all? Often such criteria are put forward for people who are not compatible with each other. How can you be sociable, but at the same time refuse to communicate with others all the time in order to spend it with your family? How can you be beautiful, while not attracting someone else's attention, so as not to cause? People are looking for the incompatible. Is it any wonder why everyone is looking for their ideals, but they never find it?

Is it possible to live with the person you imagined for yourself? This question should be asked not only to men, but also to women. Imagine that you have already found your ideal partner. Live with it for a few months. Try to imagine what he does in situations that you have often encountered in previous relationships.

What do you think should be in your partner from the shortcomings in order to maintain a balance that exists on a par with his virtues? You describe the virtues of your ideal partner. And what is bad in it can be present in order to maintain balance?

No person is without flaws. If your ideal has no flaws, then you dream of a person who cannot exist at all. Even the most intelligent and successful man will have some traits that he shows only in the circle of his close ones. Even the most beautiful and affable woman will demonstrate unsuitable behavior in the circle of loved ones and relatives. Are there any flaws in your ideal partner that you are ready to put up with and because of which you will not break off the relationship? This is a test of the realism of your ideal: if there are no flaws in it, then you will never find the person you dream of.

And the last thing: imagining life with the partner you want for yourself, what are you doing for him that is valuable and important? Does he need what you can give? He is perfect, which means that he also has high requirements for you. What is so valuable and necessary you can give an ideal person? This will answer the question why you still have not found the one you want for yourself. Perhaps you do not meet the criteria for an ideal partner. You can find him, but will he be interested in you? After all, everyone perfect person there is an ideal with which he wants to be.

10 Rules for the Perfect Wife

Turning to people for advice, you can only get general recommendations, which do not take into account the separately considered pair. Even giving 10 rules for an ideal wife, we will say that they are common.

An ideal wife should have a certain set of qualities:

  • Kindness.
  • Tolerance.
  • Understanding.
  • Sense of tact.
  • Compassion.
  • Attentiveness.

Qualities that get in the way of being an ideal wife are:

  • Selfishness.
  • Capriciousness.
  • Unreasonable malice.
  • Arrogance.
  • Excessive resentment.

What is the ideal woman from a male point of view? Angelic qualities:

  • The ability to understand.
  • Home fairy.
  • Decent character.
  • Inner happiness.

Human qualities:

  • Femininity.
  • Radiating happiness.
  • Radiating health.
  • Immediacy.

For a woman, love is more important, and for a man, admiration.

Undoubtedly, beautiful appearance and ideal body parameters attract men. However, it is worth noting that gentlemen do not choose women according to these criteria to create a family. Consider what a wife should do and have to please her husband:

  1. Femininity and attention. Men's ego needs to be indulged. You have to spend a lot of time with a man.
  2. Unpredictability and interestingness of a woman. She must also be proactive.
  3. Thrift. The male naturally must rest at home. At the same time, he should feel free, which is ensured by showing confidence in him. Yet we should not forget about what no man can live without - sex, which should be varied and impressive.
  4. Independence. The wife continues to be independent and independent, despite the fact that she got married. She should have her own interests and concerns, which she will deal with in the absence of her husband. If something does not suit a woman in family life, she calmly tells the man about it, and does not harass him with reproaches.
  5. Attractiveness of character. The ideal woman becomes the one who is pleasant to her husband. This means that the wife should develop in herself such qualities that are pleasing to her husband. What exactly to work out depends on the preferences of the gentleman.
  6. understanding and support. Undoubtedly, a man should know that he can speak out in front of his woman, while he will remain understood, heard. His wife will support him, praise him or tell him when it is needed.
  7. Lack of profit. The ideal wife does not ask, but shows generosity, care. A man should have a desire to buy something for her, to help her with something.
  8. Unity of purpose. The wife and husband should have the same goals - only in this way their marriage will be long. At the same time, the ideal wife knows how to make decisions and take initiatives. Together they create the future to which they go together.
  9. Compliance. The wife must understand that the husband has his own shortcomings and disadvantages. She does not reproach him for them, but accepts and helps to correct him. By and large, she accepts her husband with all his shortcomings.
  10. Attentiveness to her husband even when a child appeared in the family.

In the understanding of many men, the ideal woman must combine many incompatible qualities. However, this does not lead them to give up their desires.

How to be the perfect wife?

When it comes to what kind of woman a man wants to see next to him, you can often hear that she should be smart, beautiful and independent. “So tired of the ladies who are always whining and asking for help. Adult aunts, but they themselves can not do anything, ”says the man. But if you look at who the stronger sex gets to know, it turns out that between the independent and the helpless, he will choose the one that turns out to be weaker than him.

No wonder they say that a woman should be weaker than a man. That's only if earlier it was said that a man is just physically stronger than a woman, now it means that the lady should be even dumber, more helpless and weaker in all areas of her life.

Modern men, for the most part, often themselves turn out to be weak, helpless and stupid. Can you imagine what a woman must be to be weaker, helpless and stupid?

Men dream of some women, and get acquainted with others. At first, she must be weak in order for the man to show his heroism, or rather, to show his skills and abilities that the partner does not possess. That's why a woman should be less successful man: he should have the opportunity to impress her with those skills and knowledge that, in principle, all sane and independent people possess. But then, when several months and years of marriage pass, the man gets tired of being a hero. He wants the woman to become independent herself and no longer hang her problems on him.

“Be weak first. And then, when I get tired of helping you, become strong ”- this is how you can call the approach of many men. They first dream of independent women that will not take their time and effort to resolve issues. But then they themselves get acquainted with those who are weaker than them, in order to seem strong and courageous heroes compared to women. Only heroism is short-lived. Literally during the first year of a relationship, a woman should become independent, if she has not pretended to be weak before.


Is it necessary to become an ideal wife? In the end, this question is decided by each woman herself. One will sculpt an ideal wife out of herself, the other will remain herself. How to proceed, each will decide in accordance with their desires and capabilities.

It should only be remembered that the ideal images of wives in men are just as unrealistic as the ideal images of husbands in women. A person often wants something that simply does not exist. If ideals existed, everyone would know about them. However, sometimes you just have to live with good, pleasant and sweet people, whose shortcomings can be overlooked.

Ideal wives, like ideal husbands, do not exist. However, no one forbids men to dream, and women to try to strive for perfection in love relationships.

A wife for a husband? This question is asked by many women. No wonder, since they strive to become full-fledged keepers of the family hearth.

There is no relationship without resentment, discontent, nit-picking and conflicts. As you understand, this prevents the creation of relationships and a happy family life.

5 rules for the best wives

Every girl dreams of getting married, to be loved, understood, appreciated, pleased. True, not everyone strives to become a better wife and knows the intricacies and secrets of family relationships.

I will share five rules that will help maintain harmony and love. I checked these rules in practice, they have the right to life.

  1. Don't be smarter . During a family dinner, do not rush to demonstrate awareness in the field of business, politics, economics. Men love to feel smarter. No wonder they are leaders and heads of families. Let your husband talk about the news, periodically asking ridiculous female questions.
  2. Don't criticize . Women are pressing, trying to remake. As practice shows, nothing good comes of it. I recommend that you love your husband, even sometimes give in and try to accept him as he is. It will change in the future. Refuse criticism, but sometimes a preventive scandal does not hurt.
  3. Do not comment in front of strangers . The best wife adheres to the position of the second half. Speak your opinion in private, with love and without raising your voice. As a result, the husband will change, life will be filled with happiness and joy.
  4. Celebrate Success and Give Praise . There are not many words of love. If the husband is not indifferent, express gratitude for any completed task. Pamper the head of the family with delicious dinners, joint walks, sincere conversations.
  5. Best Woman- wise wife . She knows what is important for the family. She feels when and what to say, what to focus on, how much time to spend with the child, and how much with her husband.

Being the best wife is not easy. This is the art that earlier girls learned from childhood. Modern women able to become a support for her husband. To do this, gather your will into a fist and adhere to the listed rules.

Video tips

If a woman creates a favorable atmosphere in the house, the husband begins to improve, appreciates her and strives not to leave her alone.

In this section, I will share personal experience. I managed to bring out family relationships on the new level.

  1. Respect your spouse . Over the years, love will fade, but respect must be present. Spouse - reliable support and protection.
  2. Be original . Life is accompanied by boring everyday life. If you woke up before your spouse, go to the bathroom and write on the mirror nice words. He will love the surprise. After the end of the working day, do not sit at home. Take him for a walk or to the cinema.
  3. Look flawless at home, at work and on weekends . If you are going to work, put on a discreet marathon. Hairstyles , a beautiful dress and painted eyes are enough for a homely pastime . If you want to be the perfect wife, don't wear T-shirts and robes that don't fit or are faded.
  4. Everyone deserves praise . If the husband did not take out the trash or hang up the shelf, do not remind him of this. Think what he did. Thank him if he washed the dishes, washed his socks, or ironed his shirt. Later you will see that the spouse does the work on time.
  5. Support, be interested in hobbies health, work affairs. If your husband is not in the mood, do not try to find out the reason. Later, he himself will tell everything.
  6. It's hard to find a man who doesn't like sex . A good wife should be an excellent mistress. If you are not in the mood or feel tired, do not refuse your husband. Making love will cheer you up and energize you.

Psychology of relationships

There is nothing abstruse and complicated in the rules. Desire is required to achieve results.

How to Be a Good Wife to a Muslim Husband

Girls don't marry Muslims for no reason. Religion prohibits the use alcoholic drinks, and for a Muslim, family and relationships are holy concept.


  1. A Christian woman can marry a Muslim without renouncing her faith. Raise children in Christianity will not be able.
  2. In Muslim society, parents are treated with respect. In such families, the parental word is equated with laws. If the parents oppose the Christian bride, the man will not argue with them and break off the relationship.

Women think about how to find a man among Muslims, but little attention is paid to their future life with their spouse. It is not difficult to get acquainted, but before taking a serious step, make sure that you can follow the rules and laws of a Muslim family.

If the above doesn't scare you, read on. I will talk about certain features that are not acceptable for every girl. If the decision is made, act.

Rules of Muslim families

  1. A wife has no right to disobey her husband. Husbands listen to the advice of their spouses, but the last word behind the head of the family. Take your spouse's words seriously and respectfully.
  2. The wife pleases her husband and takes care of the household. These are immediate responsibilities. If you want to get a job, the spouse must give consent. You will have to do household chores: cook, eat, clean the apartment.
  3. Only the husband can admire the body of a Muslim woman. Therefore, women have to hide body parts and jewelry under clothing. Muslim wives are forbidden to look at men; when they meet, they lower their eyes.
  4. If the husband wants intimacy, you can not refuse. Exception: illness, hajj, postpartum period and menstruation.
  5. A good wife does not leave the house without her husband's consent. She knows the art of silent walking, she asks permission to visit someone else's home.
  6. A Muslim can have up to four wives. Today it is a rarity, but you need to be prepared. If the spouse decides, he will consult.
  7. Obey your husband, otherwise he will punish you. physical punishment - last resort but such situations are best avoided.

It is not surprising if the rules prove to be impracticable and complicated. But if you marry a Muslim and become a good wife, you will get a sympathetic, faithful, honest and devoted family man who does not drink and has excellent moral character.

The main thing is that personal character allows you to do this. You can find an approach to a man. Everyone has weaknesses. They will help you achieve your goal. Do not drive yourself into the framework, but act.

By taking you as his wife, he fixed the fact that you are his beloved and you are perfection. But perfection, as you know, there is no limit ..

The secret of an ideal wife is very simple, and it can be expressed in just one phrase: whatever you call a yacht, so it will float. Whatever happens in your life, you must always be sure that your husband is the best, and he always does everything right. Be confident in this and never allow yourself to be even bad talk about your spouse - a guarantee that a man will always strive for this ideal.

Men are not stupid and understand that they are imperfect, understand that they make mistakes. But if the woman he loves appreciates him and gives him the opportunity to make mistakes, he will never allow himself to let you down and will devote his whole life to somehow thanking you for such an attitude. After all, a man falls in love not with a woman, but with the state that he experiences next to her.

So how do you become the perfect wife?

10 Secrets of the Perfect Wife

1. Keep house and cook

The ideal wife is the one to whom you want to return constantly. And the one that creates the place and the space in which you want to be, that is house . Coming home from work, bringing a mammoth, a man wants to relax and unwind near the family hearth. Accordingly, this hearth should be clean, comfortable, smell like buns and freshly cooked mammoth.

Home should be calm, quiet and joyful. A man will return to such a place, and a woman - affectionate, joyful, caring - will love all his life.

Of course, you can come up with different excuses, such as women also have jobs and they don’t bring mammoths fewer men, but the truth remains true - because you will work harder, a man will not love you anymore. And over time, you just stop inspiring him, and relationship will have problems for no apparent reason.

No man will agree that taking care of the house is his duty, so it is useless to argue: even if you agreed with your husband to clean houses and cook in turn, controlling everything is your sacred duty. And if you sometimes please him delicious pastries - this will completely melt his heart: the aromas of vanilla and cinnamon are, although weak, but aphrodisiacs .

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