incompatible signs. Immunological incompatibility of spouses. Is it possible to achieve compatibility in love and marital relationships - what to do if the family boat rolled

Is incompatibility of sexual partners a risk for a woman who may lose her baby or the inability to conceive? Detailed description problems of incompatibility, manifestations, symptoms and varieties of pathology further.

Test results: table

Rejection of the fetus by the woman's body against the background of the Rhesus conflict is the most common cause infertility with incompatibility. The basis of such a process is the production of antibodies by the woman's body that attack the body of a baby with a different Rh blood. Most dangerous option- first negative group mother's blood.

Thanks to a special table, you can find out the incompatibility of sexual partners, reducing the results to one point. It is also important to consider the number of pregnancies. At the first conception, antibodies do not have time to accumulate in the right amount the pregnancy is normal. While by the second pregnancy, the mother's antibodies are already ready to recognize and eliminate foreign body.

Blood group (mother) Blood type (father) Blood type of the child % probability
25% 50% 75% 100%
O(I) A(I) I
O(I) A(II) I, II

No pregnancies or persistent miscarriages without visible reasons- this is not a reason to panic and divorce your loved one. This is just another excuse

Infertility is a common problem in modern world and there are many reasons for it. First of all, these are diseases in the male and female parts, and the incompatibility of partners can also be the cause of problems with conception.

Incompatibility can provoke miscarriages on different terms therefore, patients with such a violation are given special attention, and an examination is prescribed. Even if the pathology is confirmed, this does not mean that the couple will never be able to have children. In this case, you need to special attention refer to the planning period, and be observed by a doctor in the first days after conception in order to maintain pregnancy.

Incompatibility of partners during conception is divided into the following types:

  • biological;
  • by microflora;
  • by blood;
  • genetic factor.

Checking partners for compatibility is carried out in a clinic, using special analyzes. Which analysis will be prescribed depends on the patient's history and the type of incompatibility expected, the decision is made by the doctor.

Let us consider in detail all types of incompatibility of partners.


Such incompatibility of partners occurs most often. The woman's body secretes immune bodies that kill sperm, preventing them from fertilizing the egg. This is due to the fact that the body perceives the male sperm as an infection or an allergen.

Causes of immunological incompatibility:

  • complication after abortion;
  • infectious diseases in both partners;
  • drinking and smoking;
  • malnutrition, vitamin deficiency;
  • promiscuity of a partner or the woman herself;
  • Allergy to ejaculate in a man.

It happens that a woman has an allergic reaction to the sperm of one man, but this is rare.


The cause of miscarriages in the early stages or the development of fetal pathology may be the genetic incompatibility of the parents. In order for pregnancy to occur and the child to be born healthy, it is necessary that different sets of chromosomes meet. If they are very similar, then the partners are considered incompatible.

If the chromosomes of the parents are different, then the uterus begins to produce substances that protect the embryo from attacks by the female body. But if the couple is genetically incompatible, then the body destroys the embryo as if it were a tumor or an inflammatory process.

This problem can be solved with the help of IVF under the supervision of specialists. And to diagnose genetic incompatibility, the couple takes a blood test.

By microflora

A fairly rare species is the incompatibility of partners in the microflora. In this case, the spermatozoa cannot survive in the too aggressive environment of the vagina and die. This condition can be diagnosed with a smear for bacterial culture.

As a rule, the cause of incompatibility is various infections in the vagina and urethra. After eliminating the pathogens and normalizing the microflora of the vagina, it is possible to restore the possibility of conception.

By blood

The reason for the incompatibility of partners may be a negative Rh factor in a woman. If a man also has a negative one, then no problems will arise, and if it is positive, then the woman’s body will be hostile to the embryo and destroy it.

Usually, the Rh conflict does not appear during the first pregnancy. But if a woman had an abortion during her first pregnancy, or is planning a second child, then possible problems with conception and gestation. To diagnose the disorder, both partners are tested for the Rh factor.


Can there be incompatibility of partners during conception, we figured it out, consider the signs that allow us to suspect such a violation:

  • the couple has not been able to conceive a child for more than a year, and the reasons for the results of the survey have not been identified;
  • a woman constantly miscarries, for no apparent reason.

As a rule, infertile couples with incompatibility are completely healthy, but pregnancy still does not occur.


Treatment will depend on the type of incompatibility of partners, it is carried out individually. But even genetic incompatibility is not a complete contraindication to the conception of a baby. The only but, the fertilization process will have to be carried out in artificial conditions with IVF with ICSI.

With immunological incompatibility, a woman will be prescribed drugs that suppress the production of immunity. Intrauterine insemination can also help with solving the problem.

Probably, many of us have heard that there is incompatibility of partners at conception, the signs of which can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, some couples simply can't get pregnant despite regular sexual life and the absence of any means of contraception. In other cases, it may be a miscarriage, usually in the early stages of pregnancy.

If the partners for a long time fail to achieve the conception of a child, you should seek help from a doctor. Medicine today is very developed and can even cope with problems of this kind. For a specialist to prescribe suitable treatment, he needs to determine for what reason there is incompatibility at conception. It is customary to distinguish two main causes: immunological and genetic.

What is characteristic of immunological incompatibility?

With this type of infertility, a woman can still become pregnant, but in most cases a miscarriage occurs if you do not contact qualified specialists. The research statistics are this factor incompatibility causes infertility in couples in about thirty percent of observed cases.

The difficulty of conceiving a child with immunological incompatibility lies in the fact that the woman's body reacts to the man's sperm as if it were a foreign body. The immune system produces protective antibodies to destroy the sperm.

The reason may lie in the body of a man, more precisely, in the fact that his own sperm can cause an allergic reaction.

In such cases, the fertilization of the egg is prevented by its antisperm bodies. Such incompatibility may also be the result of a woman's reaction to a particular man.

Among some scientists, it is widely believed that the number of such antibodies depends on the number of sexual partners. different kind inflammation in the body of one of the partners can also cause the production of antisperm bodies.

In any case, in order to correctly identify and identify problems with conception, a compatibility test must be passed by both partners. With the help of such a test, you can determine how many antibodies are in the body and prevent miscarriage, as well as mental and mental problems. physical development fetus.

After spending necessary tests and by identifying this kind of incompatibility, the doctor can choose the appropriate course of treatment to eliminate the problem. The following recommendations are common:

  1. The couple may be advised to use condoms for several months, which causes the woman's body to become less sensitive to sperm.
  2. Practice the appointment of immunosuppressive drugs to cause suppression of immune responses.
  3. Taking antihistamines.
  4. The course of treatment with immunostimulants.
  5. Sometimes used intrauterine administration partner seed.

Characteristics of genetic incompatibility

One of the widespread signs of genetic incompatibility is the rejection of the fetus by the woman's body.

This is due to the fact that one should take into account the compatibility of blood groups for conception, more precisely, the Rh factor, which is determined by the presence of specific proteins in the blood.

It is acceptable for partners to have different blood types, but the Rh must match. The presence of a mother with a different Rh factor from the father can lead to the birth of a child with mental or physical disabilities. The doctor notes that the presence of a negative RH in the father usually does not threaten the development of the unborn child. Much more unfavorable are the cases when the mother has a negative and the child a positive factor.

The conflict of factors is a consequence of the production of anti-Rhesus antibodies in the body of a woman, which contribute to the rejection of the fetus and can lead to miscarriage. The number of antibodies may increase or decrease. If their number has decreased, this indicates that they have been absorbed by the child's body and destroy his red blood cells. If such antibodies are detected in a woman's body, doctors can prescribe her the use of antiallergic drugs, vitamins and special procedures, the purpose of which is to purify the blood from antibodies (plasmaphoresis).

To date, there is also a way to transfuse blood to a child in the womb, but it is associated with certain risks.

If the newborn's Rh factor differs from the mother's, then there is a possibility of health problems. In addition, scientists and doctors note that the probability of having a healthy and strong baby is greater in those couples in which the father's blood type is higher than that of the mother.

When a couple with different Rh factors decides to conceive a child, a woman is advised to undergo a course of specially designed therapy in order to reduce the likelihood of rejection of the fetus by the mother's body. To do this, you will need to take blood tests (to determine the compatibility factor) to determine the Rh factor and blood type of partners. It is also important to be constantly monitored. qualified specialists and be very attentive to your health and well-being. There is a special table, using which you can determine the compatibility of blood types at conception.

Meeting, falling in love and creating a family, people rarely think about what they have different groups blood and Rh factors. The birth of a child is taken for granted, and people do not understand how lucky they are - especially if one of them has group 4, and the other has 1, and the rhesus do not match.

If pregnancy does not occur for a long time, they begin to look for the cause of this. Why nature does not notice in some cases the incompatibility of blood types of partners, while for others this becomes an obstacle to conception is not clear. However modern medicine already learned to help such families.

Signs of incompatibility of partners at conception

There are special tests - their name is postcoital. In order to be tested, some preparation is required.

So how is the incompatibility of spouses for conception determined?

  • A reliable indicator is determined if self-examination is carried out in the ovulation phase;
  • It is necessary to refrain from sexual activity for 3 days;
  • Before sexual intercourse, you need to wash yourself thoroughly - without the use of perfumes for intimate hygiene;
  • After intercourse, you need to lie quietly on your back for about half an hour, placing a pillow under the pelvis to keep as much as possible large quantity seminal fluid;
  • You do not need to wash before a visit to the doctor - otherwise the analysis will show an incorrect result;
  • After 6 hours - no later than 10 - it is necessary to pay a visit to the gynecologist.

The doctor will not do anything terrible, it will not hurt. A smear is taken on a gynecological chair, as in a routine examination.

A smear is a secret from the vagina, in which female discharge and sperm - placed under glass and examined under a microscope.

During the study, it is necessary to determine:

  • mucus crystallization rate;
  • the consistency of the secret;
  • acidity - the pH value of the environment;
  • extensibility.

Activity - mobility - of spermatozoa is detected - it is classified according to 4 degrees:

  • A - high progressive;
  • B - linear and non-linear, slow;
  • B - non-progressive mobility;
  • D - spermatozoa are not viable.

If the identified sperm motility is grade C and D, the cervical mucus is thick and viscous, it quickly crystallizes, the environment is acidic - this means that the spouses have incompatibility during conception. For family planning in this case, you need to contact specialists for help.

Incompatibility of blood types at conception

The onset of conception is also affected by the incompatibility of the blood of partners. Although it is believed that the mismatch of Rh factors is most dangerous, blood types also matter.

The most favorable for motherhood is the blood of group 1. If the mother’s blood is also Rh positive, then to the question: “ Can there be incompatibility of partners at conception?» firmly answer - NO.

Antibodies to a foreign object are not produced, spermatozoa are not rejected, pregnancy in the future - if there are no other factors affecting its course - is normal. Whatever the group difference of the spouses, this does not interfere with conception.

If the blood of the parents matches in the Rh factor - even if the groups do not match - then even then long-awaited pregnancy may be in due time. In this case, pregnancy also proceeds easily - the child inherits the Rh parents, no problems arise.

If, with a mismatch in groups or Rh, the fetus has maternal indicators, signs of incompatibility will not occur. Both organisms do not have agglutinin in the blood, and then the woman endures the pregnancy safely.

Incompatibility at conception is called immunological infertility. In this case, the partner's immunological cells are perceived by the female body as a foreign body and are destroyed.

A woman's blood produces antibodies that kill sperm at the stage of fusion with the egg. If conception does occur - this usually happens when, due to a decrease in immune status antibodies stop being produced.

But at the embryonic stage, the body is already mobilizing all its forces to fight the "enemy", and the mother's erythrocytes, penetrating the placenta, destroy the fetal erythrocytes.

While medicine did not know how to treat incompatibility at conception, couples remained infertile, and if they managed to "cheat" nature, the long-awaited pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

For the mother's organism, this struggle did not end with the rejection of the foreign element. The woman had to recover for a long time, as the liver worked "for wear", significantly increasing in size. This caused the development of anemia - anemia.

If a woman still carried a pregnancy, then the baby - all 9 months of fighting for survival - was born weak. He was diagnosed physiological jaundice, which had to be treated for a long period, and sometimes dropsy of the brain and even mental retardation, since physiological abnormalities at the embryonic stage affect the state of the brain and central nervous system.

Risk zone by blood group

Conception easily occurs if the blood type of a woman and a man are the same, or a woman - if considered in relation to the digital factor - has a lower group.

It is most difficult for a woman with the 4th blood group to get pregnant, she needs to meet a man with the same group and - preferably - with the same Rh factor.

However, blood groups still matter much less than the Rh factor, and they begin to “engage” in it only if the spouses cannot fulfill their dream for a long time - to have a child.

What to do with incompatibility at conception?

You need to start planning pregnancy in advance - doctors will help you calculate best time for conception, the introduction of immunoglobulins will prepare the mother's body for the introduction of the fetus.

It may be necessary to conduct IVF - and an already formed embryo will be introduced into the mother's body, the first weeks of constantly monitoring the formation of antibodies with the help of medications.

Usually, after several years of active planning, searching for the reasons for not having a cherished pregnancy, a married couple decides to consult a geneticist. In our country, genetics consultation, unfortunately, is not as popular as in Europe and North America. But every year the percentage of couples that include a partner compatibility test in the initial stage of preparation for pregnancy is increasing.

Partner incompatibility

There are several types of incompatibility:

  • immunological;
  • incompatibility of partners for the Rh factor;
  • genetic;
  • psychological.

Immunological incompatibility of spouses

This type incompatibility is backlash body of a woman on the sperm of a partner. That is, the woman's immune system, perceiving the spermatozoa as alien and dangerous to the body, begins the production of "antibodies" that prevent the fertilization of the egg by spermatozoa.

In addition, antibodies in in large numbers can occur not only in the female body. in semen healthy man it may also contain antibodies that destroy sperm, and if some do manage to survive and reach the egg, there is a threat of a problem pregnancy or aborted pregnancy.

Therefore, both spouses are sent for examination. man in without fail must pass a spermogram and a MAR test. A spermogram is a semen donation to determine the number of spermatozoa, their motility, quality, viscosity and sperm liquefaction time. Also this analysis shows availability viral diseases. The MAR test is aimed at detecting antibodies in the seminal fluid that prevent the fertilization of the egg. According to the WHO recommendation, the MAR test is best taken in conjunction with a spermogram. For the result to be accurate, it is necessary to take tests only in clinics. reproductive medicine, that is, in clinics specializing in IVF. For analysis, a man must comply with certain requirements, namely, within 4-6 days before passing the seminal fluid for research, it is necessary to refrain from nicotine, taking alcoholic beverages and medicines, from sexual life, hot baths and baths. The last requirement is due to the fact that high temperatures negatively affect spermatozoa.

Definition of immunological incompatibility

To confirm the female "allergic" reaction to the partner's ejaculate, the following tests exist:

  • Shuvarsky-Sims-Guner test;
  • Kurzrock-Miller test.

All tests are carried out during the ovulatory period. Be sure to avoid taking medications at this time.

Sample "Shuvarsky-Sims-Guner" or a postcoital test is performed on the day of the expected ovulation and 4-5 hours after intercourse. The analysis is taken by sampling from posterior fornix vagina and cervical mucus, after which the behavior of spermatozoa is examined under a microscope. If the spermatozoa make oscillatory movements instead of translational movements, this means that in cervical mucus antisperm antibodies are present. Next, a quantitative assessment is carried out. If there are more than 10 motile sperm, the test is positive. If less than 10, the result is considered questionable and needs to be repeated. If motile spermatozoa are completely absent or make pendulum movements, the test is negative.

Kurzrock-Miller test very similar to the postcoital test, but the test material is taken directly from both partners. In addition, the couple must refrain from “personal life” for several days before the test, refuse to take alcohol and medicines.

There are two ways to conduct the test - direct and cross.

The direct method is a study of the interaction of cervical mucus and sperm, which are combined in a test tube. The cross method uses biomaterial from donors who have children.

On the day of ovulation, mucus is taken from the cervix for analysis. It is placed between two glasses. Next, they take the biomaterial of the spouse and the donor and place it in the gaps formed. Within six hours at a temperature of 37 ° C, mucus interacts with sperm. The quality indicators of the husband's ejaculate are checked in the same way using the cervical fluid of the spouse and the donor woman.

If at least half of the spermatozoa do not die and remain active during interaction with the biomaterial, the result of the test is considered positive.

Unfortunately, immunological infertility is currently poorly understood. For gynecologists, andrologists and physicians associated with reproductive system, the emergence of antibodies that interfere with successful fertilization is still a mystery. Not always carried out treatment of a married couple helps to achieve the desired goal - pregnancy and birth healthy child. But still, there is a cure.

Methods for the treatment of immunological incompatibility

  • The first method is aimed at reducing the sensitivity of the female body to sperm. Condoms must be used for several months.
  • The second method is taking antihistamines.
  • The third method is assignment various doses corticosteroids a week before ovulation.
  • The fourth method is the procedure artificial insemination, IVF or ICSI. Artificial insemination is a relatively simple, safe and cheap alternative to expensive IVF and ICSI methods.

The procedure must be carried out on the eve of ovulation. The sperm of the spouse is introduced into the uterine cavity with the help of a catheter. Artificial insemination eliminates cervical canal, where, with immunological incompatibility, mucus is formed, which has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa, and thereby increase the chances of success.

There are two types of artificial insemination. The first is carried out using the raw sperm of the spouse. This method has a low result and carries the risk of an allergic reaction.

The second method is the introduction of processed spermatozoa into the uterine cavity. Fresh sperm is placed in a special centrifuge in which the spermatozoa are separated. After that they are placed in saline. This manipulation is repeated three times. It is this processed mixture that is injected into the uterus. This method is safer and more efficient. On average, after artificial insemination, pregnancy occurs in 10-12% of couples. re this procedure can be carried out no more than 3-4 times, since after the third time the chance of getting pregnant drops sharply.

IVF or in vitro fertilization is one of the ways to treat infertility. The essence of the technique is that the egg is fertilized and develops outside the body of the expectant mother. On the 2nd - 5th day after fertilization, an embryo is already transferred into the uterus, which further develops as in natural fertilization. Usually at least two embryos are transferred to increase the chances positive result. After the embryo transfer, two weeks later, the woman donates blood for hCG to confirm the onset of pregnancy or its absence.

The main complication after IVF is ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome against the background of the use of ovulation stimulants.

The ICSI method is very similar to IVF and is usually carried out as part of it. This technique is prescribed when the sperm of the spouse is of poor quality. The most active, high-quality and viable spermatozoon is selected from the ejaculate sample, which is injected directly into the mature egg using a special needle. The procedure takes place under the full control of a specialist and, unlike in vitro fertilization, is no longer so close to natural conception.

Incompatibility of spouses by Rh factor

This is the reaction of a woman's immune system to a fetus that has a different Rh factor and blood group. This type of incompatibility is not significant. Since usually, with any combination of blood groups and Rh factors, pregnancy can occur.

Rh factor is an antigen (protein) found on the surface of red blood cells. Erythrocytes are red blood cells. If this antigen is present in the blood, then the person has a positive Rh factor. If not, then the person is Rh negative.

Rh-negative women are at risk because the father's Rh-positive dominant trait is passed on to the child. The erythrocytes of the fetus easily enter the mother's blood through the placenta, in turn, the woman's immune system begins to produce antibodies to fight the red blood cells of the embryo. The result of incompatibility may be a miscarriage on early term, fetal death for more than later dates or appearance hemolytic disease The child has.

Woman with Rh negative blood when planning pregnancy, it is imperative to check the level of antibodies in the blood to the Rh factor. Starting from the 7th week of the onset of pregnancy, strict control over the level of antibodies is necessary. Within 72 hours after birth, it is necessary to introduce anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin.

Genetic incompatibility

Genetic incompatibility of spouses is a conflict at the chromosomal level.

In the body of each person, there are HLA genes or tissue antigens. They are divided into two classes. Genetic incompatibility is the similarity of class II HLA genes in spouses.

HLA II or leukocyte antigen is a protein that is present on the surface of every human cell.

Protein function:

  • detection of a virus that promotes cell mutation;
  • recognition of a bacterium with its own genotype;
  • detection of structural changes in one's own cell.

Almost every day, some cells in our body undergo mutations, but destroyed in time, they are not dangerous. Otherwise, cell mutation threatens oncology.

A child's HLA genes are made up of the father's HLA genes and the mother's HLA genes. Most often, these genes are not similar to each other. In this case, when the embryo is implanted to the walls of the uterus, the mother's body perceives the child as a half "foreign" formation and begins to produce antibodies to the father's HLA II genes. These specific antibodies are aimed at protecting and preserving the embryo. That is, thanks to them, the female immune system stops considering the fetus as a change in its own cells, and pregnancy continues to develop safely.

If the HLA of the spouses are similar, female body does not perceive the "paternal" component in small quantities. The immune system sees mutated (oncological) cells of the mother in the fetus and begins to fight them. As a result, even before the onset of the first trimester, either a miscarriage or a missed pregnancy occurs.

Signs and detection of genetic incompatibility of spouses

The diagnosis of "genetic incompatibility" is very rare in spouses who are not related. If the pregnancy is interrupted or a missed pregnancy occurs, and the attending physician has not identified any infectious, immunological or other causes of miscarriage, married couple You should consult a geneticist.

When analyzing for compatibility, a couple takes blood from a vein. From venous blood each spouse is isolated pure DNA, which is subjected to in-depth analysis, after which it undergoes a comparative study. The analysis takes approximately two weeks.

Complete incompatibility is diagnosed extremely rarely, and, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. Most often, partial incompatibility is fixed. Under the supervision of an experienced geneticist, there are ways to regulate it at all three stages: from planning to pregnancy.

One treatment option is medication. Depending on the individual situation of the couple, spouses are sent for IVF or ICSI.

Psychological incompatibility of spouses

When planning a pregnancy important aspect is the "climate" in the family. Everyone knows that our emotional condition affects how our body works.

Spousal dissonance can be caused by many factors. For example, material wealth, nationality and religion, relations with relatives, social status and, of course, the physiological aspect big influence on the relationship of the spouses and the emotional state of each of them. The inability of a couple to hear each other, understand the problem and solve it, leads to the accumulation of resentment, negativity, disappointment in their “soul mate”. But it is the emotional state, especially during the planning of pregnancy, that affects the functioning of the body.

A negative attitude towards your partner, everyday problems, material well-being, a woman’s desire to combine a career with motherhood and a negative attitude of her husband and relatives towards this desire, all this can be the cause of infertility in women. psychological level. Scientists have proven that it is often "stretched" relationships in a couple that are one of the reasons for the appearance of "anti-sperm" antibodies both in women and in women. male body. Besides, psychological factor can affect women hormonal background, and even on poor patency of pipes.

The main step towards overcoming psychological incompatibility is the recognition of her spouses, and the desire to overcome. Every time you have a problem, try to put yourself in your partner's shoes. Think about whether it is worth getting offended at all and starting quarrels over trifles. Women are encouraged to tell the man directly what they expect from him. Men don't take hints. They need to set clear goals. Men should also remember that his wife, just because she belongs to the "fair sex", is not required to carry all the housework. Distribute responsibilities, she cooks - he washes dishes, she does wet cleaning - he vacuums. You should not have sex just for the sake of conceiving a child, relax and have fun. Talk more and spend time together.

Summing up

The emergence of new life into the world is a complex, still quite mysterious process. Yes, modern ways treatment of incompatibility of spouses is not always effective, but medicine does not stand still, and every day the mystery human birth gradually opens up to us. In addition, there are many examples when a couple with a disappointing diagnosis of "infertility" miraculously has a child without treatment and medical interventions.

If you are still not able to get pregnant, in no case should you despair and get hung up on this. Very often, spouses, in a fit of anger caused by hopelessness, begin to blame each other for failures. Stop, calm down and think that your loved one is next to you. You must support each other. And then you will succeed.

Video - Rhesus conflict during pregnancy

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