What to do at the first symptoms of a cold. What to drink with a cold? At the first symptoms and signs. Medicines. List of remedies intended for the prevention of colds


Tickling sensation in the throat, blurred consciousness, body aches - these may be the first signs of an approaching cold.

On average, adults get colds three times a year, each lasting an average of 9 days.

Here's how to stop a cold before it hits you and make you feel better.

How to treat a cold at home

Plentiful drink

Drinking plenty of fluids helps reduce the symptoms of a sore throat and runny nose, relieve congestion, reduce dehydration and the chance that bacteria will build up.

You need to drink at least 8 glasses of liquid per day: water, tea with honey and lemon, sports drinks, fresh juices, fruit drinks, broths.

Limit your consumption of beverages high content caffeine and alcohol, as they cause dehydration. Green and Mint tea have properties that enhance defensive forces organism.

sleep more

Sleep deprivation and illness are closely linked. If you don't get enough rest, your body becomes stressed and you can't function properly. Lack of sleep leads to greater susceptibility to disease.

It is advisable to sleep for 8 hours a day, as soon as the cold starts. Full sleep strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight viruses.

If you do not have the opportunity to fully rest at night, sleep at least for 20-30 minutes during the day.

Also, if possible, avoid going to school or work after the onset of a cold. By staying at home, you will also prevent the spread of the disease.


For pain and unpleasant sensations in the throat, dissolve ¼ or ½ teaspoon of salt in a glass warm water and gargle with this solution.

Salt takes away excess water in the tissues of the throat, reducing inflammation, clearing the mucous from viruses and bacteria. You can gargle with a solution of chamomile, sage or furacilin.

You can also try medicated sprays (Tantum Verde, Hexoral, Oracept) and throat lozenges (Lizobakt, Septolete, Ajisept).

Flush your nose

Using a saline solution immediately after the onset of cold symptoms can reduce its symptoms.

Fill the irrigation syringe with saline solution and place the tip of the syringe into the nose, slowly releasing the solution.

If you cannot purchase saline solution at the pharmacy, you can home solution by adding ¼ teaspoon salt and ¼ teaspoon baking soda to a glass of warm water. Water should be filtered, distilled or boiled for at least one minute.

Each time the syringe is used, it must be rinsed and left to dry to prevent re-introduction of bacteria.

You can also accept hot shower, as moisture clears the sinuses.

Keep the air moist

Dry air contributes to the delay and reproduction of cold viruses. By adding moisture to the air, you can alleviate symptoms by preventing dry and swollen sinuses.

Turn on the humidifier in the room where you spend most time, or take a hot shower to create plenty of steam.

Folk remedies for colds

Chicken soup

Chicken soup has anti-inflammatory properties, reducing swelling in the nose and other symptoms. Eating healthy calories is also important for early stages colds so that the body can fight the virus.

Zinc supplements

Some studies have shown that small doses of zinc supplements taken in the first two hours after the onset of a cold can shorten its duration and reduce the severity of symptoms.


Lemon juice contains a large number of vitamin C, and the acid of the juice alleviates symptoms and reduces the amount of phlegm. Squeeze a slice of lemon into tea or drink lemonade. For best results, take lemon with honey.


Ginger promotes healthy sweating by boosting immunity at the onset of a cold and detoxifies the body by lowering body temperature.

Dip a few slices of ginger in hot water a few minutes to brew herbal tea. Other products with ginger are also suitable.


Garlic contains allicin, which strengthens the immune system and alleviates the symptoms of a cold. Crush a few garlic cloves in hot water to make a decoction, or add garlic to chicken soup.


Honey has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It softens the throat and relieves irritation, improves immunity, reduces cough.


Add some hot pepper into food. Spicy food promotes the opening of the sinuses, reducing congestion and thinning sputum. However, this method is suitable if you experience symptoms in the nose and not in the throat.

What to take at the first sign of a cold

Some experts recommend taking antiviral drugs colds such as Kagocel, Interferon, Arbidol, Amiksin, Ergoferon etc. However, these drugs have age restrictions and contraindications, so you should carefully read the instructions.

With an increase in temperature and improvement in general well-being, take combined preparations , such as Theraflu, Rinza, or Fervex, Coldrex or similar.

It is worth remembering that children should not be given aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid as it can lead to serious side effects.

Reception antihistamines (Klartin, Tavegil) is recommended for people with allergic reactions, but they do not prevent colds or shorten the duration of the illness.

Do not use antibiotics at the first sign of a cold, since they do not act on viruses, but are intended for bacterial infections.

If you feel worse, have a fever or chills, vomit, severe headache and others anxiety symptoms, you should see a doctor, as it may not just be a cold, but the flu or another infection, and you may need more serious treatment.

Hello dear readers! From this article, you will learn what to do at the first sign of a cold and how not to get sick by stopping the onset of the disease. The post will be considered as folk remedies, which in certain conditions can really help stop the onset of a cold, and the simple effective ways recommended by doctors to help the body fight this disease. Attention will also be drawn to the main mistakes of self-treatment of a cold.

Folk remedies for a cold at the first sign of it - myths and reality

So, you have the first symptoms of a cold, what to do in this case? And here, a certain category of citizens mistakenly resorts to the so-called folk remedies, which, in their opinion, can stop a cold. For example, there is a popular opinion that you can get rid of an incipient cold by taking 100 g of vodka with pepper and salt inside the body. In another version, people recklessly resort to folk shock methods. These are such methods as: intensive heating of the body in a bath or a hot bath; dousing cold water; laying garlic in the sinuses; instillation into the nose onion juice.

Some, feeling the first signs of a cold, run to the bathhouse, sit in the steam room and whip themselves with a broom to exhaustion. Or, alternatively, they climb into hot bath and sit there until reddening. What do medical experts say about this and what do they advise not to do? In fact thermal treatments can help, but only at the very beginning of the disease, at its first symptoms, when there is still no fever, runny nose, headache. At a body temperature of 37 ° C and above, thermal procedures are contraindicated, since they increase the inflammatory process.

Such procedures are also contraindicated for persons suffering from diseases. of cardio-vascular system. For example, in individuals with hypotension (low blood pressure), when the body warms up, the blood vessels dilate, which leads to more more fall pressure. From this, they can simply lose consciousness and not get up.

Does vodka with pepper help at the first signs of a cold?

The most popular folk remedy for expelling a cold among our population is an "explosive" mixture consisting of vodka, pepper, salt, and other ingredients. Many people have the opinion that after ingestion of such a cocktail, the development of a cold stops, since its pathogens die from the effects of the drug. Is it so?

In fact, such cocktails do not help get rid of a cold, but, on the contrary, only contribute to the development of the disease. The fact is that alcoholic beverages in any combination have an immunosuppressive effect. In other words, vodka, and even with pepper, weakens our immunity, depresses it. As a result, the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria is reduced, which creates favorable conditions for the development of infection.

Therefore, the belief that vodka and cocktails from it help in the fight against colds is erroneous. It is a myth. It is impossible to stop a cold with alcohol, moreover, it is dangerous, since various complications are possible.

Dousing with cold water for a cold

Let's consider another folk way with a cold - dousing with cold water. In fact, such a procedure can really help get rid of the development of the disease, but only with the first symptoms, at its earliest stage (you feel that something is wrong, but there are no obvious signs of a cold), and only healthy people(without chronic diseases).

When pouring cold water on the body, it gets stressed and releases protective stress hormones into the blood, which block the penetration of the virus into tissue cells. However, such a procedure is categorically contraindicated in hypertensive patients (persons suffering from high blood pressure), as well as persons with ischemic disease hearts.

The fact is that from the cold blood vessels narrow, while in hypertensive patients it can increase sharply blood pressure leading to a hypertensive crisis. Individuals with heart disease are at risk for heart attack. Do not pour cold water on people with diabetes, as this can cause a sharp drop in blood glucose.

Onions and garlic at the first sign of a cold - use it correctly

There is an opinion among some people that the onset of a cold can be stopped by instilling onion juice into the nose, since it contains phytoncides that destroy viruses. On the one hand, phytoncides are really capable of destroying the virus, but on the other hand, onions also contain substances that corrode the nasal mucosa. Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to bury onion juice in the nose. This is fraught with serious problems. Onions are best used to prevent colds - eat it, for example, with a piece of lard.

Let's take one more folk remedy for colds - garlic. individual people, feeling the first signs of a cold, seek to get rid of it with the help of garlic. Hoping to banish the infection, they manage to stick garlic down their sinuses. But such experiments will not lead to anything good, except for chemical burn mucous membrane, its irritation and allergies.

Indeed, garlic has phytoncides - biologically active substances, harmful to viruses, but you need to use them wisely. It is better to eat garlic with other food or inhale the vapors of the crushed plant. This is most effective for .

How to stop a cold that starts

In fact, according to medical professionals, when the first signs of a cold appear, the simplest, most effective and effective way to stop the development of this disease is to wash the nasal mucosa with a simple or sea ​​water, or isotonic saline(1 g of salt per 100 ml of water). You also need to rinse your throat soda solution(1 tsp. soda per glass of warm water).

The fact is that at the beginning of a cold, with its very first symptoms, a large amount of virus accumulates on the mucous membrane of the nose and throat, and to help immune system overcome it, you just need to wash off most of this pathogen. The remaining virus will destroy the immune system, provided that it is not weakened.

How to boost your immune system at the first sign of a cold

To help the body destroy the virus that has entered it and stop the onset of a cold, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system. Feeling the first symptoms of a cold, try taking a large amount of vitamin C once ( ascorbic acid). This vitamin will increase the body's resistance to infections and help the immune system fight the virus. In the future, supply the body with this vitamin with the help of berries and vegetables. Eat black currant sauerkraut, tomatoes, cranberries, drink rosehip infusion.

Also boost your immunity with vitamin D. Scientists have proven that vitamin D greatly stimulates human immunity to various viral infections, and in this property is not less, but even more important vitamin than vitamin C. Eat foods rich in this vitamin: sea ​​fish (fish fat), cheese, butter, .

Highly good effect in the fight against colds, it will strengthen the immune system with immunostimulating drugs. For this, preparations based on interferon are well suited. For example, viferon (a form of ointment) using cotton swab should be applied to the dry nasal mucosa 3-4 times a day.

Antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs, such as amixin or arbidol, also effectively stop the onset of a cold. These drugs suppress the reproduction of cold viruses and stimulate the body's own synthesis of interferon. Taken orally after meals. The dosage is indicated in the instructions for use.

In addition, you need to drink plenty of fluids: plain water, tea, various fruit drinks. Remember, the more liquid you drink, the less you get intoxicated from exposure to the virus.

These simple and timely actions at the first sign of a cold, according to doctors, are much more effective than the above thermal and cold shock procedures.

Self-treatment of a cold - the main mistakes

And now let's look at the biggest and most common mistakes that our citizens make when self-treating a cold. per century information technologies by watching ads various medicines people become their own doctors. Having felt the first signs of a cold, they do not turn to specialists with the question of what to do, but run to the pharmacy, buy there combined preparations such as stopgripan, grippoflu, antiflu, taraflu, etc., use them and calmly go to work, as fever, runny nose and headache recede.

However, from such self-treatment there is big risk get complications. The fact is that the symptoms of a cold are temporarily removed with medicines, and the disease is not cured, it proceeds, but, as they say, on its feet. Therefore, to fight a cold, the body needs complete rest, at least in the first day of malaise.

What to do with elevated body temperature?

If your body temperature has risen, then do not rush to remove it with antipyretic drugs. An increase in temperature is your body's fight against infection and the destruction of the cold virus by the immune system. Therefore, if the fever is not accompanied by severe headaches and muscle aches, then it is better not to remove it. For adults, experts recommend not to bring down the temperature up to 38.5 ° C. The higher one should be removed.

Mistake of self-treatment of colds with antibiotics

Another big mistake is trying to self-treat a cold with antibiotics. Without special knowledge in this area, most people simply do not know that antibiotics do not work on viruses, which are pathogens. colds. Taking antibiotics, they cause serious blow on the immune system of the body, thereby contributing to the development of the disease. Antibiotics are treated inflammatory diseases caused by bacterial infection, for example, tonsillitis, sinusitis, etc. But diseases such as SARS, influenza and 95% of acute respiratory infections caused by viruses are not treated with antibiotics. They treat only about 5% of acute respiratory infections caused by a bacterial infection and complications resulting from viral infections.

Well, friends, now you know what to do at the first sign of a cold, and how to avoid the main mistakes in self-treatment of colds. I hope that the article was informative for you, and most importantly useful.

Be healthy!

P.S. Your friends don't want to get sick either, so share this article with them on in social networks by clicking the buttons below.

At the first sign of a cold, many of us immediately go to the pharmacy. And there - the mass of advertised drugs: lollipops, powders, antibiotics. Eyes run up: what to choose?

Rule one. Only a doctor can prescribe you the right antibiotic and only when absolutely necessary. Antibiotics are acceptable in the treatment of influenza, tonsillitis, pneumonia and other severe colds. To start the treatment of ordinary acute respiratory infections with them is stupid and extremely harmful.

Rule two. Do not rely on instant medicines, which you often see advertised on TV. These are drugs of emergency and short-term action. They do not cure, but only relieve symptoms for a while, bring a person into shape, so that, having done the right thing - having worked the shift, making a report - he went on to get sick. Taking them for several days in a row, in the hope of curing a cold in this way, is not only pointless, but also dangerous - primarily for the kidneys.


Try not to use different, but the same type of medicine at the same time, otherwise you risk getting an overdose of one active ingredient. For example, the therapeutic dose of paracetamol is very small. If you take more than 5 grams per day, then you run the risk of very much harming the liver. Paracetamol is sometimes hidden under various names: acytaminophen (in American medicines), calpol, panadol, efferalgan in an amount of at least 1 gram per tablet, it is also part of coldrex, solpadein, saridon and many others complex preparations. Therefore, carefully read the instructions for the drugs that are going to be treated at the same time. Or better yet, stick to one.

Rule three. Instead of spending money on expensive and not always effective drugs, refer to proven folk remedies.

At the first sign of a cold, put mustard plasters on your chest and back, drink 2 cups of hot tea with raspberries, lime blossom and lemon or hot milk with honey and a small amount soda.

Traditional milk and tea can be replaced with a drink that is not so common, but no less useful - mulled wine.

Pour a few glasses of red semi-dry wine (in last resort semi-sweet) into a small saucepan. Put on a slow fire. While the wine is heating, add a few pimento flakes, a couple of lemon wedges, some cloves, cinnamon and sugar. It is not forbidden to put tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, apples into mulled wine, and also add nutmeg, cognac and black pepper (with the latter - very carefully). Never bring mulled wine to a boil. Drink should be hot. Then get into bed, take cover warm blanket put a heating pad on your feet. The morning after sound sleep and heavy sweating a cold may subside.

If you get your feet wet when you get home, immediately rub them with vodka and put on dry woolen socks.

An alternative to this procedure is the mustard foot bath. For this, in the pelvis with hot water lower your legs and hold them for 15-20 minutes, adding hot water from time to time. The bath will be more effective if you add 2 tablespoons of dry mustard to it. After the procedure, put on warm socks and go to bed.

It's no secret that during an illness it is necessary to drink as much liquid as possible. For colds, in addition to the usual hot tea and milk, sour drinks are very useful (cranberry juice, tea mushroom, cabbage pickle), as well as white grape wine (half a glass a day) with the addition of red or black pepper on the tip of a knife, curdled milk with honey, radish juice with milk and honey.

Runny nose

One of the most effective ways dealing with stuffy nose steam inhalation. Add a few drops of menthol or eucalyptus essential oil to boiling water, cover your head with a towel and breathe over the steam. Eucalyptus and menthol have anti-inflammatory properties and make breathing easier. Not bad if, in addition to these oils, you add a little dry cinnamon to the water (it will help to warm up and sweat) or a quarter teaspoon of red pepper, which improves blood circulation and copes with viruses.

Along with inhalations, you can prepare a special balm for lubricating the nasal mucosa.

You will need vegetable oil(2 tablespoons), garlic (4 cloves) and onion (a quarter of an onion). Soak the oil for 30 minutes in a boiling water bath, then cool and add the grated garlic and onion. Infuse for 2 hours and strain - the balm is ready. The smell is not very pleasant, but worth the wait. At stake is your recovery.


When coughing, warming compresses on the chest from boiled pearl barley or thick wheat porridge. Put the porridge on polyethylene or compress waxed paper, wrap this large cake so that it is not too hot, in a towel and put it on your chest for at least 2-3 hours, you can leave the compress all night. As the porridge cools, the top towel must be removed. The same "warming" cake can be made from mashed potatoes.

A "potato inhaler" will help you fight a cough.

Boil thoroughly washed potatoes in their skins and mash in the same water in which they were boiled. Add 10-20 drops of aniseed, dill, camphor or eucalyptus oil. But remember to get carried away large doses essential oils should not be, because at the same time they dry the mucous membranes, causing a feeling of sore throat. Unlike nasal inhalation, breathe in this case followed by the mouth, not the nose.

Sore throat

All kinds of lollipops and lozenges are not good for the one who heals sore throat, but for the person who lost his voice. In our case, it will be much more effective not to eat a "healing candy", but to gargle with a solution of furacilin, soda, diluted in warm water with infusions of calendula, eucalyptus, and St. John's wort. You can prepare a decoction of linden and chamomile. Take 2 tablespoons of a mixture consisting of 2 parts of linden flowers and 2 parts of chamomile, brew a glass of boiling water. Infuse for 20-30 minutes, after which the broth must be filtered. Gargle several times a day.

Onions will not only relieve pain, but also kill pathogenic microbes. Grate an equal amount of onion and apples on a fine grater, mix with the same amount of honey. Take 2-3 teaspoons 2-3 times a day - and the sore throat will definitely pass.

Not every person knows what to do at the first sign of a cold. We decided to devote this article to this topic.

Some statistics

As shows medical practice, colds are most often exposed to children, as well as adults with weakened immune systems. In addition, the disease begins to disturb especially strongly mainly in the autumn-winter season, when the weather changes sharply from warm to cold and the body does not have time to rebuild. Although there are cases when the diagnosis of acute respiratory infections is made by a doctor in the summer.

So what should you do at the first sign of a cold? We will talk about this below.

What threatens a running cold?

If you feel chills, weakness and other signs of a cold, then you should immediately alert. After all, if you do not stop such a disease in time, then, very likely, very soon you will observe not a slightly elevated body temperature, but more severe symptoms that arose against the background of complications such as otitis media, pneumonia or bronchitis.

Signs of a cold

The symptoms of this disease are known to almost everyone. This is aching muscles and joints, and a runny nose, and coughing, and a sore throat, etc. It should be noted that a cold can occur due to completely different viruses that change regularly. In this regard, a vaccine has not yet been invented that can quickly and effectively save a person from this scourge. But doctors still know how to treat the first signs of a cold with various medicines. It is about them and will be discussed in the next section.

Get rid of colds with medical remedies

Medicines at the first sign of a cold are dispensed in pharmacy chains without a doctor's prescription. However, it is recommended to purchase them only after visiting the doctor. After all, improperly selected treatment can worsen the already difficult condition of the patient.

There are currently quite a few medicines from this seemingly harmless disease. As you know, they are called symptomatic drugs. Quite often, they are recommended to be used at the first sign of a cold. After all, such funds successfully and fairly quickly eliminate all the symptoms, namely: high fever, nasal congestion and swelling. If your body is strong enough for further independent struggle with a virus, then these symptoms will not return to you after the medication is discontinued. If your immune system is too weak, then you will need to take the drugs more than once. But, as mentioned above, this should be done only under the supervision of a doctor.

List of remedies intended for the prevention of colds

The first signs of a cold - what to take? To medicines that can quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms diseases include the following:

  • "Coldrex";
  • "Fervex";
  • "Theraflu".

As a rule, these funds are used either in the form of tablets or in the form of a hot drink. The safest of these drugs can be considered "Fervex". After all, he has much fewer contraindications than the rest. It is allowed to be used by people suffering from diabetes, hypertensive patients and even children after 7 years.

The drug "Coldrex" is softer, and therefore it is recommended to use it only when the patient's condition is not too severe. By the way, the basis of this remedy is Paracetamol. That's why this drug especially effective for elevated temperature body.

As for Teraflu, it is advisable to take this medication only with strong manifestations viral disease. It is not recommended to give it to children at the first sign of a cold.

When purchasing medicines for prevention, it should be remembered that not all medicines can cope with inflammatory phenomena. After all, they only eliminate the symptoms for a while, but do not cure the disease.

Folk remedy at the first sign of a cold

Viral disease never goes away quickly. In this regard, one should not expect miracles from medicines. Moreover, some proponents alternative medicine claim that pharmaceutical products generally should not be taken at the first sign of a cold. For today there is great amount all kinds of recipes for folk remedies that do not contain artificial chemical compounds.

So, what actions should be taken to prevent the disease from “flaring up” in full force?

Bed rest

The first signs of a cold - what to do? First you need to forget about work, study and other everyday problems and arrange a rest for yourself. However, it should also be organized correctly. To do this, you need to ventilate the room, change into dry and warm clothes, and then go to bed and cover yourself with a thick blanket. If the room is cold, you can turn on the heater.


To not give pathogenic bacteria attack the entire body, it should be helped to cleanse itself of already existing microbes. To do this, it is recommended to drink more warm liquid. If the patient has a stuffy nose and a sore throat, then it is advisable to use a solution baking soda for regular rinsing of the nasopharynx (1 product per 1 glass of warm boiled water). In addition, it is necessary to consume more antimicrobial products (onion, garlic, lemon, ginger, etc.).

Immune System Boost

As you know, a cold attacks only those people who have a weakened immune system. To restore it, you need to use more vitamins. Someone gives their preference to pharmacy dragees, but we recommend drinking a cup of hot tea with honey, ginger or lemon every hour. As an option, it is allowed to use decoctions from such herbs and fruits as oregano, St. John's wort, viburnum or wild rose. These ingredients will saturate your body necessary quantity vitamin C, and you will immediately feel relief.

Inhalation measures and thermal procedures

The first signs of a cold - what to do? Especially if you have a sore throat? With seasonal viral diseases, the patient quite often complains that he is swollen and To alleviate the patient's condition and relieve him of unpleasant symptoms, inhalation procedures should be carried out 2-3 times a day. To do this, you can use a decoction of oregano or any other solutions.

In the event that you feel severe chills and aching joints, it is recommended that you warm up with hot foot baths. After this procedure, the feet should be wiped dry and put on warm socks. By the way, you can keep warm with the help of alcohol tinctures, which must be added to hot tea or decoction in the amount of a couple of dessert spoons. However, this method should not be used to treat a sick child.

By following all these requirements to eliminate the first signs of a cold, you will definitely overcome it in the shortest possible time.

Cold prevention

Probably known to many folk wisdom that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. And, indeed, in order not to get sick in the autumn-winter season, but to enjoy the new period of the year, it is necessary to strictly observe several simple rules. Let's consider them in more detail.

Among other things, in the autumn-winter season, you should avoid large cluster of people. After all, if there are too many people in a particular room, then there is a high probability that among them there will be at least one who will spread. If such accumulations are inevitable for you, then it is better to use a mask.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that flu shots are very popular today. If you have a desire, then vaccination can also be used to prevent a viral disease.

Mom surrounded us with care and did everything so that the common cold did not develop into more serious illness. And if then we easily and simply stayed at home and happily skipped classes, now you go to work in any state and try to fulfill your direct tasks. official duties. Therefore, every adult begins sooner or later to think about the question: I'm starting to get sick, what should I do?

The first signs of a cold

Before undertaking any, you need to know exactly which symptoms relate specifically to a cold:

  • itching and because of what you constantly want to scratch your nose;
  • frequent sneezing, but only if the person does not suffer from allergies (if a person starts sneezing, a doctor can tell you how not to get sick);
  • increased tearing, which follows immediately after sneezing and itching in the nose;
  • possible nasal congestion;
  • feeling general weakness, throughout the day you want to lie down, sleep;
  • headache caused by nasal congestion;
  • muscle soreness, feeling of aches;
  • an increase in body temperature, but not higher than 38 degrees.

In the event that several symptoms appear at once, a person immediately realizes: I am starting to get sick. What to do? Moreover, it is necessary to take any action immediately, because this is the only way to prevent complications.

What to do at the first sign of a cold

Not all folk remedies that we remember from childhood can be used when the first symptoms of a cold appear. For example, or you can take a hot bath only if there is no high temperature and other contraindications.

Therefore, every adult needs to clearly know what to do at the first sign of a cold. The following measures will help ease the flow:

  1. If the body temperature has risen, then it is necessary to observe bed rest, because due to the fight against infection, the body loses a lot of strength.
  2. Ventilate the room regularly. This will kill the bacteria and not create favorable conditions for their reproduction.
  3. Drink plenty of liquids, give preference to hot tea, in which it is recommended to add honey or ginger, or a rosehip drink.
  4. Periodically gargle with special medicinal decoctions, for example from chamomile or calendula. It is allowed to use special solutions with the use of soda, salt, iodine, furacilin.
  5. Rinse your nose with salt water or special means which can be purchased at a pharmacy. You can prepare a saline solution yourself, for this, add a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water.
  6. Helps with cough warm milk in which you need to dissolve honey and butter. You can apply a warm compress, but only if normal temperature body.

And, of course, do not forget about vitamins, which are huge in fruits and vegetables. And if a person thinks like this: "I'm starting to get a cold. What should I do? Only a doctor can tell," then it will definitely be possible to avoid the consequences. After all timely help a specialist will always come in handy.

What can not be done?

Bringing down the temperature at first is not recommended. it natural reaction organism to infection, this means that the fight against the disease is in full swing. However, it is still worth paying attention to general well-being. If the temperature is too poorly tolerated, then you can bring down the temperature with Nurofen.

You cannot risk your health, and if you are getting worse every day, it is better to call a doctor at home. Remember that the common cold, if left untreated, can cause a sore throat or pneumonia.

Medical treatment

I'm starting to get sick. What to do? You can take a number of medicines that are sure to be in almost every home. Well, it is best not to neglect the advice of a specialist who will prescribe the right treatment.

There is a huge amount medical preparations, which are designed to facilitate well-being and speed up recovery. The most popular and effective are:

  • "AnviMax", which includes vitamin C, paracetamol and loratadine. Therapeutic effect felt within 30 minutes after taking the drug.
  • "Pinosol" - nose drops, which are recommended by most doctors, since they are made on the basis of natural ingredients, which means the risk of side effects and habituation is minimal.
  • "Suprastin" - antihistamine, which can reduce swelling in the mucous membrane of the nose and throat.
  • "Tantum Verde" - a spray that is used to treat the throat.

It is worth remembering that what earlier man paid attention to his condition and discovered the first signs of a cold in himself, started treatment on time, Great chance prevent further development diseases. When the thought appears in my head: "I'm starting to get a cold, what should I do?" - a doctor can help.

A child has a cold: first aid

Particularly relevant is the question of what to do at the first sign of a cold in a child. You can help the baby, but only if you do not panic.

First of all, you need to find out if the child has a temperature. If it is elevated, but below 38 degrees, it is not worth knocking it down. You need to give your body time to fight off the infection on its own. If it is above 38 degrees, then it is recommended to give an antipyretic, such as Nurofen. If a this remedy did not help and the temperature continues to rise, you need to wipe the child warm water(vodka and vinegar cannot be used).

Further actions

After the child's condition has stabilized, it is necessary to give antiviral drug, for example "Anaferon". Inhalations with medicines or mineral water. If a special device not for inhalation, you can use a folk remedy - breathe over boiled potatoes. The effect of such a remedy is complex: getting rid of a cough, treating a throat, eliminating the symptoms of a cold. What to drink when you start to get sick, only a doctor will tell. Therefore, it is better not to postpone the trip to him.

Remember that when the first symptoms of a cold appear, in no case should you immediately take antibiotics in the hope that the disease will disappear in one day. There are no such miracle cures. wrong treatment can lead to undesirable consequences. "What if I start to get sick? What should I do in such a situation?" - you ask. Answer: listen to own body. He himself will tell you what he needs: he tends to sleep - go to bed, you want to eat certain product- eat. And in no case do not go to work or anywhere else in this state.

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