1st aid for nosebleeds. First aid for nosebleeds. Local causes of nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are a fairly common occurrence. On the nasal mucosa is great amount blood vessels, which can burst from overvoltage and minor injury. If you act correctly, the blood can be stopped very quickly, literally in 5 minutes. But if you make a number of common mistakes, you can only aggravate the situation. That is why it is so important to be able to provide first aid to a person with nosebleeds, to know the reasons for the flow of blood from the nose, and also to avoid common mistakes in the process of stopping the blood.

Causes of nosebleeds

Sudden bleeding from the nose can occur in absolutely healthy person, this may be the norm and indicate some malfunctions in the body. However, if the nose bleeds regularly, you need to look for the cause. similar condition and eliminate it. Among the reasons that can cause bleeding, we can name the following.

  1. The most common cause of nosebleeds is trauma or bruising. Moreover, the blow can be insignificant - if the blood vessels are located close to the surface, any touch can cause them to burst.
  2. Overheating is also a cause of nosebleeds. Often this occurs in the summer on the beach when a person does not wear a hat under the sun.
  3. Any disease in the nasal passage can cause inflammation of the mucosa and blood vessels. They become very fragile, which creates a risk of frequent bleeding.
  4. Frosty or dry air can also cause nosebleeds.
  5. The nose can bleed with poor blood clotting, platelets, and also while taking aspirin (it is known to thin the blood).
  6. Another group of people who have a frequent flow from the nose is hypertension. But in this case, bleeding is the salvation of the body from a stroke. When blood flows due to high pressure, it is not necessary to stop it, when a certain amount of blood comes out, the pressure will decrease, the person will feel much better.
  7. The nose often bleeds due to a lack of vitamin C.
  8. Sometimes blood from the nose flows due to hormonal changes in the body, this is often observed in pregnant women.
  9. Any surgical intervention in the nasal cavity foreign object, deviated septum, tumors or polyps in the nasal cavity - all this can cause sudden bleeding.

If the blood from nose goes regularly, no need to guess and diagnose yourself. Consult a doctor and he, on the basis of a blood test and a thorough examination, will give you the correct diagnosis. With a similar problem, it is worth contacting a number of specialists - a therapist, ENT, hematologist.

Nosebleeds always start suddenly. Many are often frightened, especially if blood is coming The child has. In this case, you should not give in to panic, you need to pull yourself together and give the patient first aid. This is not difficult to do, even if you do not have a medical education.

  1. A patient who is bleeding from the nose should be seated on a sofa or chair with a back so that the person can lean back a little.
  2. Head should be tilted forward heavy bleeding press your chin to your chest. This is done so that the blood has access to the exit.
  3. After that, you need to pinch the nostril from which blood flows. Just pinch the wing of your nose and breathe through your mouth. Can be placed in the nostril instead cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. So we protect the open fate of the mucosa from infection.
  4. You need to put a cold object on the bridge of your nose - frozen meat, something from the refrigerator, or just a wet napkin. Cold should also be applied to the back of the neck.
  5. If the bleeding does not stop within 5 minutes, you can drip into the bleeding nostril vasoconstrictor drops or lemon juice.
  6. Advice from Chinese alternative medicine– during bleeding, tie with a rope or rubber band for money thumb hands in the middle of the nail. Points active for nose bleed, are right there. This technique helps to stop bleeding quickly and safely.
  7. If nosebleeds occur regularly, you can buy at the pharmacy hemostatic sponge. It has hemostatic properties and acts very quickly. It is simply placed in the nasal cavity and left until completely absorbed. It not only stops the blood, but also restores damaged tissues.
  8. If bleeding is caused high pressure Don't be in a hurry to stop him. Let the "excess" blood come out by placing a tissue or handkerchief against the nostril. After 3-4 minutes, there will be less blood, you can insert a cotton swab into the nostril. In doing so, you must be sure that the this case bleeding was caused by hypertension.

If the bleeding does not go away within 10 minutes or worsens, you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. Prolonged nosebleeds can lead to severe blood loss.

What not to do when bleeding

The vast majority of people with nosebleeds instinctively try to throw their heads back. It is absolutely impossible to do this. In this position, blood begins to drain into the nasopharynx and food passage, causing coughing, sneezing and vomiting. In addition, blood can enter the respiratory tract, which can contribute to the development of inflammation. For the same reason, a person with a nosebleed should not be placed on a flat surface. If the patient is unconscious, bring him to a semi-sitting position or place a hard pillow under his head and tilt his head to the side. When blood flows from the nose, you can’t blow your nose either - tension in the nasal mucosa can aggravate bleeding.

In the piggy bank folk wisdom there are many tips that can stop running blood from the nose into as soon as possible.

  1. If you have fresh plantain or nettle leaves on hand, you can use their juice. For nosebleeds, soak a cotton swab in the juice of one of these plants and insert it into the affected nostril.
  2. If you are tormented by frequent bleeding, you need to regularly drink a decoction of yarrow three times a day before meals for half a glass. Full course- two weeks, which can be repeated in a month. Yarrow has a powerful hemostatic effect, but it has contraindications - pregnant women should not drink the decoction. This may cause a miscarriage.
  3. With frequent bleeding, eat a small piece of aloe every day on an empty stomach.
  4. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of water, pour the solution into a small teapot and insert the spout into one nostril. Tilt your head to one side until water starts to pour out of the second nostril at a certain angle. Salt washes not only stop bleeding, but also strengthen blood vessels.
  5. Viburnum bark can stop severe and prolonged bleeding. It should always be at your fingertips if this situation happens often. A couple of tablespoons of bark should be crushed and pour a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be infused in a thermos for about a day. You can drink a decoction of viburnum if necessary (when blood has gone) or for prevention (half a glass in the morning every day).
  6. In the villages, this method was used to stop bleeding. A tub was poured over the patient's head cold water. sharp narrowing blood vessels stopped even the most severe bleeding.

Thyme, sage, chamomile, sea buckthorn, bird cherry, horsetail, sorrel and oak also have hemostatic properties.

How to prevent nosebleeds

Prevention of nosebleeds is to eliminate the underlying cause similar symptom. Hypertensive patients need to monitor the level of blood pressure. If there are formations or polyps in the nose, you need to start treating them. With various ENT diseases, it is necessary to treat the disease itself, and not a symptom in the form of bleeding.

In order for the air in the room to be humid, you need to ventilate the rooms more often, use a humidifier, breed houses houseplants. If permanent crusts form in the nose from dry air, moisten the mucous sea ​​buckthorn oil. In addition, you cannot be for a long time under the sun with a bare head - avoid heat stroke.

To improve blood clotting will help tea from nettle, plantain, sea buckthorn. With a lack of vitamin C, ascorbic acid should be taken. To prevent blood from flowing from the nose, you can not intensively pick your nose, sneeze with your mouth closed. In addition, overexertion, both moral and physical, should not be allowed.

You can feel the approach of nosebleeds. If you suddenly have tinnitus, you feel unwell, and your nose is uncomfortable - bleeding will soon begin. This knowledge will help you keep your clothes clean and ready for the situation ahead. After the flow of blood, you need to be at rest for some time - you can not run and jump. Also, in the near future, you should not drink and eat hot drinks and dishes - this can provoke re-bleeding.

Nosebleeds are common and not at all dangerous. It happens at least once in every person's life. But if bleeding occurs frequently and regularly, this may indicate more serious problems. In this case, the trip to the doctor should not be postponed.

Video: how to stop nosebleeds

Nosebleeds in early childhood occurs rarely, in the older - more often and most often - during puberty.

Most often, epistaxis occurs from the anterior-inferior part of the nasal septum, called the Kisselbach zone. This is due to the fact that the anterior-lower section of the nasal septum is characterized by a significant development of the vascular network. In addition, it is here that the nose is most often injured.

The main causes of nosebleeds are:

  • blood diseases (leukemia, hemophilia, etc.)
  • heart disease
  • vascular disease
  • kidney disease
  • liver disease
  • nasal injuries (including nose picking, severe blowing of the nose)
  • tumors
  • excitement
  • overheating.

First aid for nosebleeds

When providing emergency care, you must first of all calm the patient, which is of great importance, since with excitement there is a rapid heartbeat, and this in turn increases nosebleeds. The patient should be seated or given a semi-sitting position with the head slightly tilted forward.

It is not recommended to tilt your head back! This makes it difficult for blood to flow through the veins of the neck, as a result of which nosebleeds can increase. In addition, in this position of the head, a false impression is created of reducing bleeding. In fact, blood usually flows down the throat, then into the lower respiratory tract, and if swallowed, hematemesis can occur.

When providing emergency care to the patient, it is necessary to unfasten the collar, loosen the tight parts of the clothing, ensure the flow fresh air(for example, open a window), make him breathe deeply, inhaling through his nose and exhaling through his mouth. Breathing through the nose helps to increase blood clotting and stop bleeding. On the bridge of the nose and the area of ​​​​the nose, an ice pack or cloth moistened with cold water, and to the feet - a heating pad.

To relieve the sneeze reflex next move: pressure in the corner between upper lip and nose. In this case, the sneeze reflex is eliminated by a stronger painful sensation in the pressure area.

It is better not to bury any drops in the nose, as they can contribute to the appearance of nausea and swallowing movements, which are clearly undesirable in this case, as well as the formation of blood clots. In addition, instillation of drops into the nose is dangerous in that the contents of the nasal cavity, together with the medicinal liquid, penetrate into auditory tubes and may contribute to otitis media.

If the nosebleed continues, you can press the wing of the nose against the nasal septum with your finger and at the same time apply an ice pack to the nose.

If these measures do not help, then a ball of sterile cotton or gauze moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution should be inserted into the anterior part of the nasal cavity and kept for 10-15 minutes.

If these measures are not enough, then it is necessary to call " ambulance» for hospitalization of the patient.

Treatment of nosebleeds

In the case of long-term ongoing nosebleeds in a hospital, cauterization of the nasal mucosa is performed. For this, a wide variety of cauterizing agents are used: chromic, trichloroacetic, lactic acid, a solution of silver nitrate, alum, tannin, zinc salts; they also resort to galvanocaustics or surgical diathermy. All these means differ from each other in the degree and depth of cauterization. A scar is subsequently formed at the site of cauterization.

AT recent times for nasal bleeding, ultrasonic disintegration, laser therapy and cryotherapy are successfully used liquid nitrogen. Exposure to cold can be carried out by a one- or two-cycle method.

AT severe cases are held general events. Their purpose is to increase blood clotting and narrow peripheral vessels. Great importance given to agents acting on the anticoagulant system of the blood. It is advisable to use a 10% solution calcium chloride, vitamin K (vikasol 0.015 g each), rutin, corticosteroids.

Oxygen therapy can be used to stop nosebleeds. If you give oxygen from an oxygen bag to a patient with a calm and even breathing, then the bleeding stops quite quickly. Apparently, such an event prevents or eliminates blood stasis, and has a calming effect.

The patient is forbidden to talk, to move, to read.

If nasal bleeding cannot be stopped by the listed measures, one should resort to ligation of the adducting blood vessels along their length. If, after ligation of a blood vessel on one side, the bleeding does not stop, then it is necessary to ligate the other side. In some cases, only such a measure of assistance can prevent death. These activities are carried out in specialized otorhinolaryngological or general surgical departments of hospitals.

If the nosebleed is significant, then you should temporarily refrain from eating. Don't have to give hot food and especially hot drinks such as strong tea, cocoa, as they can help increase blood pressure and expand the lumen of blood vessels. The food is recommended rich in proteins(taking into account sensitivity to it): cottage cheese, lightly fried liver, concentrated chicken bouillon, as well as fresh vegetables, fruits, juices, vitamins.

Nosebleeds with timely assistance does not pose a danger. Sometimes, such as high blood pressure, it can lower arterial pressure to prevent cerebral hemorrhage. If the bleeding becomes threatening, it must be stopped immediately, immediately.

Recurrent nosebleeds raise the suspicion of common disease- kidney disease, Werlhof's disease, leukemia, liver cirrhosis, hemophilia - and require a comprehensive examination.

Treatment and first aid for nosebleeds

AT Everyday life nosebleeds are not uncommon and can occur in both adults and children. At first glance, this is an absolutely harmless phenomenon, but in fact it can make itself felt. serious pathology. Faced with similar situation, it is important to know what first aid for nosebleeds should be given to the patient, because this condition is very dangerous, and in some cases poses a threat to life.

General information

A pathological condition in which blood is released from the nasal passages is called epitaxis. The phenomenon is quite common, it can occur at any age.

If seizures are rare, patients practically do not go to the doctor and stop nosebleeds with improvised means. Causes, first aid, treatment methods will differ in the case when relapses with large blood loss occur frequently and cause a deterioration in well-being.

Causes of nosebleeds

Allocate local and common causes occurrence of nosebleeds.

Local causes include:

  • Nose injury (fracture, bruise).
  • Neoplasms in the nasal cavity (polyps, tumors).
  • Dystrophic changes (curvature of the septum, chronic stage atrophic rhinitis).
  • Burns of the nasal cavity of various etiologies.
  • Dryness of the nasal membrane.
  • ENT pathologies (adenoids in childhood, sinusitis).
  • Sudden increase (hypertension) or decrease in blood pressure (hypotension).
  • Overheating of the body sunstroke.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular, blood-forming systems.
  • Pathology of the kidneys, liver.
  • Hormonal changes (pregnancy, the onset of menstruation in girls).
  • Anemia.
  • Foreign body in the nose (especially in childhood).

Despite the fact that the pathology usually resolves on its own (with the help of certain manipulations), the first health care in case of epistaxis should be provided in any case. It is advisable to do this as soon as possible so that blood loss does not cause a deterioration in general well-being.

Nosebleeds: types

AT medical practice nosebleeds are distinguished by the place of localization, intensity, duration. In 90% of cases, the pathology occurs in the Kisselbach zone (the anterior part of the nasal septum with choroid plexus). In this place, the vessels are located close to the surface. Such bleeding is not intense and does not pose a threat to life.

With posterior localization, large vessels are damaged, a significant amount of blood is released. The provision of first aid for nosebleeds in this case should be immediate and carried out by specialists. Intensive bleeding is almost impossible to stop on your own.

According to the intensity and volume of lost blood, there are:

  • Minor nosebleed - passes without severe symptoms of a deterioration in the patient's well-being. Up to several milliliters of blood is lost, which does not pose a threat to life.
  • Moderate (moderate) nosebleeds - the patient may feel unwell, the appearance of tinnitus, pallor appears skin. About 15% of blood is lost (no more than 300 ml).
  • Severe (intense) nosebleeds - the first medical aid to the patient in this case should be provided immediately. Blood loss can be up to 1 liter. This is fraught hemorrhagic shock, loss of consciousness, sharp decline blood pressure.


When applying for a qualified medical assistance the specialist will conduct an initial examination and interview the patient. Sometimes a differentiated diagnosis is made in order to distinguish nosebleeds from pulmonary or gastric ones.

To determine the type of pathology, the doctor prescribes rhinoscopy (nose endoscopy). The procedure will allow you to investigate the source of bleeding, take material for analysis, and perform microsurgical interventions. An x-ray is needed if a fracture is suspected.

Why does the nose bleed in children?

The most common cause of nosebleeds in children is damage to the nasal cavity. Most often this happens when picking a finger in the nose, but it can also occur after getting a foreign object (small parts of toys, buttons). First aid for nosebleeds should be given to the child on time.

AT adolescence the body is subjected to increased stress (training, physical, psycho-emotional) and hormonal changes, which can also cause the development of pathology.

First aid for nosebleeds: an algorithm of actions

When assisting a patient with nosebleeds, the following rules should be followed:

  • The patient should be calmed down. Emotional overexcitation, excitement increase the heartbeat, which, in turn, will increase blood loss. To do this, it is enough to breathe evenly and deeply.
  • Give correct position. It is desirable to seat the patient, slightly tilt his head forward. It is strictly forbidden to tilt your head back! In this position, blood will enter the stomach, which can provoke vomiting. By tilting your head forward, you can track the amount of blood lost.
  • Press the wings of the nose with your fingers. This will help constrict the blood vessels.
  • Apply cold to the bridge of the nose (ice, a cloth soaked in cold water).
  • Drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nasal passages ("Nafthyzin", "Farmazolin").
  • Insert cotton swabs into the nose. This is done in case of suspicion back bleeding or if the measures above do not apply. For best effect swabs are moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Specialized first aid for nosebleeds is necessary if it cannot be stopped on its own within 20 minutes. In this case, the patient must be called (in without fail) ambulance.

Precautionary measures

A patient with nosebleeds should not be laid down. This position will only increase the flow of blood, which can enter the lungs or esophagus. It is also forbidden to blow your nose to free the nasal passages from blood clots. This will lead to the breakage of the thrombus and re-bleeding.

First aid for nosebleeds in children is no different from that in adults, but parents need to coordinate the actions of the child. If the cause of the pathology is the ingress of a foreign object, it is forbidden to get it on your own. Any such manipulation can further damage the mucous surface and increase bleeding.

If a swab was used to stop bleeding, it must be moistened with hydrogen peroxide before being removed from the nostril. Pulling out a dry swab, you can damage the formed blood clot, and blood will go again.

Medical attention should be sought when frequent relapses nosebleeds. Also indications are vomiting with blood impurities in the patient, high blood pressure, the presence of pathologies that affect the formation and coagulation of blood, nose injuries, and large blood loss.

How to treat?

In severe cases, specialized first aid is indicated. With nosebleeds that last more than 20 minutes, hospitalization of the patient is necessary. Medical therapy will be selected by the doctor depending on the type of pathology. Hemostatic drugs may be given intramuscularly (intravenously) or orally.

  • "Dicinone" (sodium etamsylate) - taken in the form of tablets or injected. Produces a quick hemostatic effect and does not cause increased clotting, which makes it possible to use it long time(by doctor's prescription).
  • Calcium chloride - is prescribed to enhance the effect of hemostatic drugs. Helps improve vascular contractility.
  • Aminocoproic acid - reduces vascular permeability and blocks the process of blood thinning. It is administered intravenously, but has some contraindications.
  • "Vikasol" - an analogue of vitamin K, is prescribed for problems with blood clotting.

You can influence the problem with recipes traditional medicine. Plants such as shepherd's purse, stinging nettle, yarrow, have hemostatic properties.

Surgical methods

AT rare cases when first aid for nosebleeds and drug therapy do not give positive results, shown surgical intervention. The most simple surgically stopping the release of blood from the nasal cavity is cauterization of the mucous surface (coagulation) with a laser, electricity, ultrasound, liquid nitrogen or special substances (silver nitrate in solution, trichloroacetic acid).

Depending on the severity of nosebleeds and the frequency of relapses, they may prescribe the introduction of Lidocaine or Novocaine under the mucous surface of the nose, ligation of blood vessels.

Nose bleed

Nosebleeds that stop quickly and are accompanied by a small amount of blood loss are not dangerous. Prolonged and massive bleeding is a threat to life. More often, bleeding occurs from one half of the nose, it can spontaneously stop. Most often, bleeding occurs when the vessels of the anterior lower part of the nasal septum are damaged.

The reasons

Most nosebleeds are associated with head injuries, surgical operations, as well as diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders. In addition, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, liver and kidney diseases, and anemia can become their cause. Sometimes nosebleeds occur with infectious diseases and heart defects. Staying in a room with dry air contributes to the occurrence of nosebleeds.


Sometimes nosebleeds happen unexpectedly. Small nosebleeds can be detected by blowing your nose. If a relatively large vessel is damaged, blood flows out of the nasal passages in a trickle. With extensive damage to the mucosa or large vessels blood is poured from the nose in a large volume.

At horizontal position sick or injured, throwing back the head when vertical position blood can flow down back wall pharynx into the esophagus and the amount of blood loss remains unknown.

With profuse and prolonged nosebleeds, symptoms appear total blood loss. These include pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, increased heart rate. wicking a large number blood in the stomach can lead to vomiting, and entry into the lower respiratory tract can lead to coughing and suffocation.

Urgent care

With nosebleeds, you can not throw back your head, blow your nose and insert a dry cotton swab into the nasal passages. Blowing the nose prevents the bleeding from stopping and provokes new bleeding. When removing the tampon from the nose after stopping the bleeding, the mucosa is again damaged.

Children often react to nosebleeds with fright. So the first thing to do is calm them down. It is recommended to tilt your head slightly forward and substitute a container for flowing blood. To stop slight bleeding you can press the wing of the nose against the nasal septum with your finger for several minutes (5-10). At this time, you should calmly breathe through your mouth and do not strain. On the bridge or occipital part apply a towel moistened with cold water or an ice pack to the head (see chapter 18). This causes a reflex constriction of blood vessels and helps to stop bleeding. After it, it is recommended to soften the nasal mucosa with petroleum jelly, baby cream. If crusts form in the nose, do not immediately remove them, it is better to drip vaseline oil or hydrogen peroxide solution into the nose to soften them (see Chapter 18). For the first time after stopping the bleeding, it is undesirable to tilt the head or torso down.

In the absence of the effect of these measures or initially severe bleeding, it should be injected into the bleeding nasal passage gauze swab moistened with 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or vaseline oil. You can use a hemostatic sponge or fibrin film to pack the nasal cavity.

Nosebleeds are quite common in medical practice. Stopping nosebleed.
Epitaxis, or bleeding from nose may be a symptom of a number of diseases. nose and other bodies

Nose bleed is a symptom of diseases such as the nasal cavity (acute and chronic rhinitis, as well as benign and malignant tumors nose), and the body as a whole.
Nosebleeds can be the result of trauma, bleeding disorders, hypertension, severe physical activity.

Possible causes that can lead to nosebleeds are varied:

  1. diseases of cardio-vascular system(hypertension, heart defects and vascular anomalies with increased blood pressure in the vessels of the head and neck, atherosclerosis of blood vessels);
  2. blood clotting disorders, hemorrhagic diathesis and diseases of the blood system, hypovitaminosis and beriberi;
  3. fever due to acute infectious diseases, with heat and sunstroke, with overheating;
  4. hormonal imbalances (bleeding during puberty, bleeding during pregnancy).

Blood may come out of the nose in drops or a stream. As a result of its ingestion and entry into the stomach, bloody vomiting may occur. With prolonged, and especially hidden nosebleeds, fainting: pale skin cold sweat, weak and rapid pulse, blood pressure drops.

First aid for nosebleeds:

  1. It is necessary to comfortably seat the patient so that the head is higher than the body.
  2. Tilt the patient's head slightly forward so that blood does not enter the nasopharynx and mouth.
  3. Do not blow your nose if you have a nosebleed, as this can make the bleeding worse!
  4. Press the wing of the nose against the septum. Before this, cotton swabs moistened with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, naphthyzinum 0.1% can be introduced into the nasal passages (tampons are prepared from cotton wool in the form of a cocoon 2.5-3 cm long and 1-1.5 cm thick, tampons for children should be injected with a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm).
  5. Put a bubble (heater) with ice on the back of the head and bridge of the nose for 20 minutes.
  6. Here is a way: if the nose bleeds, then you need to take paper (clean) about 6X6 cm, and quickly make a ball out of it, put the ball under the tongue. Medicine is not able to explain this phenomenon, but the blood stops within 30 seconds and you do not need to throw your head back, you just need to sit still.

In which case it is necessary to consult a doctor?

  1. If the blood from the nose flows in a stream and does not stop after the attempts made to stop on your own for 10-20 minutes.
  2. If nosebleeds are the result of a bleeding disorder, diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure.
  3. If the patient is constantly taking drugs such as aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen.
  4. If the blood, abundantly flowing down the back of the throat, enters the throat and causes hematemesis.
  5. If, against the background of nosebleeds, a fainting or pre-fainting condition has occurred.
  6. With frequent nosebleeds.

Treatment of nasal bleeding is carried out by an ENT doctor.

Folk remedies for nosebleeds:

  1. If blood comes from the right nostril, then right hand lift up above your head, and hold the nostril with your left, and vice versa.
  2. The patient raises both hands behind his head, and the second person clamps both nostrils or one for 3-5 minutes. The bleeding will stop soon.
  3. grind fresh leaves yarrow, so that they become moist, and insert into the nose. And even more effective - squeeze the juice and drip it into the nose.
  4. Squeeze the juice of 1/4 lemon into a glass of cold water or pour 1 teaspoon of 9% vinegar. Pull this liquid into the nose and hold it there for 3-5 minutes, holding the nostrils with your fingers. Sit quietly or stand, but do not lie down. Put a wet, cold towel on your forehead and nose.
  5. With frequent nosebleeds, corn stigmas will help. 1 st. spoon (with top) corn silk pour 1.5 cups of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then cool the broth and take a quarter cup 3 times a day.
  6. For nosebleeds, drink an infusion of dry herbs. Pour 3 pinches of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and cool. Strain and drink the infusion in 3 divided doses.

Nose bleed.

The most common reason nosebleeds- injuries. In some, the vessels can even suffer from a strong blowing of the nose or from the habit of picking your nose with your finger. In children, nosebleeds are often caused by inflamed adenoids or because of too dry air in the room: the parched mucous membrane cracks and breaks the blood vessel .
It happens that blood from the nose comes during the flu, colds - the vessels become fragile due to illness. They are more vulnerable during pregnancy. Another one possible reason- lack of vitamins C or K, long-term use aspirin, heparin, ibuprofen.
Sometimes nosebleeds occur with a sharp decrease in atmospheric pressure, prolonged exposure to the sun, physical overexertion.
Regular bleeding from the nose occurs with blood diseases, rheumatism, diabetes, chronic diseases liver. They often accompany hypertension: with a sharp rise in blood pressure, the walls of the vessels do not withstand and burst. In this case, the blood will not stop until the pressure returns to normal.

What to do about nosebleeds?
First of all, you need to calm down - with excitement, the heart begins to beat faster, and this only increases the bleeding. Then sit down and tilt your head slightly forward.
Throwing it back, as many do, is impossible in any case!
Firstly, because of this, blood can enter the esophagus and cause vomiting, and secondly, in this position, the veins in the neck are compressed and pressure in the vessels of the head increases, which increases bleeding.
Cold should be applied to the back of the head and bridge of the nose (hold for 3-4 minutes, then the same break), and heat should be applied to the legs. Pinch your nose with your fingers and sit like this for 5-10 minutes.
If the bleeding is severe, before that, you can gently insert cotton swabs moistened with hydrogen peroxide or naphthyzinum into the nostrils. In order not to damage the bleeding vessel again, the cotton wool from the nose can be removed no earlier than an hour later
It is better not to instill any drops: blood along with the medicine can get from the nasal cavity into the auditory tubes and then cause inflammation of the ear.
After stopping the bleeding, you can’t blow your nose for a day (so as not to displace the resulting blood clot). Also at this time it is better to refrain from hot food and drinks. They can dilate blood vessels and cause re-bleeding.

If the cause of nosebleeds is weak vessels, you can strengthen them in the following ways:

  1. rinse your nose with salt water;
  2. lubricate the nostrils from the inside with petroleum jelly to protect the mucous membrane from drying out;
  3. drink more often green tea, rosehip broth;
  4. drink 1 tbsp three times a day. nettle infusion (3 tsp dry herb pour 1 tablespoon boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes);
  5. take ascorutin (it contains vitamins necessary for blood vessels.

Common barberry will relieve frequent nosebleeds

1/2 teaspoon of crushed barberry bark should be infused for 1 hour in a glass of boiling water. Strain and drink half a glass 3-4 times a day and rinse the nose with this cool infusion several times a week. Gradually, bleeding will stop bothering you.

Turnip for nosebleeds

Such a treatment for nosebleeds: grate a turnip, squeeze the juice, add sugar. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. Bleeding will stop after 1 day, but for prevention, take the juice for another two days. There will be no more bleeding.

Nosebleed will stop horsetail

As soon as bleeding begins, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of horsetail: 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, cool quickly, put the saucepan with the broth in a large container of cold water, strain and suck in the broth with your nose several times. The procedure is not pleasant.

Willow powder (white willow) against nosebleeds

Dried willow bark is used for nosebleeds. It must be ground in a coffee grinder. You will get a powder that needs to be inhaled through the nose. This should not be done during bleeding, but in advance. For several weeks, inhale willow powder every two days, and the bleeding will stop.

In order to successfully perform all its functions (warm, humidify and purify the air, recognize odors), the human nose is equipped with a good blood supply, which is realized by a network of the smallest vessels - capillaries.

What causes nosebleeds?

In order to provide proper first aid for nosebleeds, you should be aware of what can cause it. Under the influence of certain factors, the capillary wall becomes looser and thinner, against which nosebleeds may appear. This phenomenon can be caused by various reasons. Physicians divide them into two categories: general and local.

Local factors

These include the following reasons:

  1. Injuries.
  2. Penetration into the sinuses of foreign objects.
  3. Adenoids, rhinitis and sinusitis.
  4. Tumor formations.

Common factors, most common causes

  1. Jumps in blood pressure in patients with hypertension.
  2. Blood ailments.
  3. Overwork, stress and lack of sleep.
  4. Recently transferred infectious diseases(influenza and SARS).
  5. Excessive dryness of the air in the room.
  6. Certain diseases of the liver and spleen.
  7. allergic conditions.
  8. Vitamin C deficiency.
  9. Heat stroke or overheating.
  10. Decreased ability of blood to clot.
  11. Restructuring phase hormonal background during adolescence, as well as in women in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Regardless of the cause, first aid is provided for nosebleeds. Under the concept of "bleeding" it is customary to consider the penetration of blood outside the vessel. If the blood pours out, the bleeding is called external, but if it seeps through the tissues, pours into the cavity of the patient's body, it is called internal. The most serious for health due to the problem of definition, of course, internal bleeding, but outdoor can also be a health hazard.

The flow of blood outside the vessels occurs:

  • in case of a rupture of the vessel wall due to illness or injury;
  • when blood seeps through whole vessels, which happens with increased permeability of the walls or with a pathology of the blood composition.

What to do to stop the bleeding?

When providing emergency first aid for nosebleeds, you must first calm the victim, because anxiety and fear only increase bleeding. If an accident occurs in a room, windows should be opened to allow the victim the maximum supply of clean air. Immediately unfasten the collar or top button and relieve the victim of the compressive elements of clothing. Monitor the patient's breathing: he should inhale air through his nose, and exhale through his mouth. This method of breathing will help rapid blood clotting.

For first aid for nosebleeds, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First you need to find out from which nostril the blood flows.
  2. Roll up a small swab, moisten with water, and insert it into the nostril that is bleeding. The tampon is inserted so that blood does not flow from the nose, but it should not cause pain.
  3. Attach a cold object to the back of the head.
  4. Pinch the nose with two fingers, slightly pressing on the wings.
  5. Keep your nose in this position for about two minutes.
  6. If necessary, change the swab for a new one.

Nosebleeds in pregnancy

Occurs due to the following reasons:

  1. Hormonal reorganization.
  2. Lack of calcium in the body.
  3. Arterial hypertension.

If a pregnant woman has such a condition, there is no need to panic, it is better to take first aid measures for nosebleeds. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the volume of lost blood, and secondly, to understand what preceded this. Such a phenomenon during pregnancy does not always indicate a painful process, most likely, this indicates increased load and increased blood flow throughout female body. After stopping the blood, it is advisable to carefully rinse the nasal passages with running water so that the clots do not complicate the respiratory process. Overdried nasal mucosa should be lubricated with drops vegetable oil soaked in a cotton swab. It is necessary to smear the nasal passages very carefully, since the smallest damage to the nasal mucosa can provoke secondary bleeding.

Other First Aid Treatments for Nosebleeds

  1. Soak a cotton turunda in hydrogen peroxide (or vaseline ointment, fresh nettle juice, vinegar) and put it in the nostril.
  2. For greater effect, the nostril can be pressed against the nasal septum and held for several minutes. Remove swab. If the bleeding has not stopped yet, repeat the procedure.
  3. Put a few drops of lemon juice diluted with water in your nose.

If a person with a nosebleed has lost consciousness, they are rushed to the hospital in a supine position with their head turned to their side. The provision of first aid for nosebleeds in this case consists in the speed of delivery of the victim to medical institution. At the same time, an ice bag or a napkin soaked in cold water is placed on the bridge of the nose.

Medical treatment and a thorough examination are necessary in a situation where nosebleeds occur too often. If the patient complains of dizziness, you need to give him a sniff of ammonia. After the bleeding stops, the condition of the victim and the volume of the leaked blood should be assessed. If the loss is significant, then in the hospital he is given a transfusion of blood products, and in case of weak blood loss, he should be given sweetened cooled tea to drink and sent to fresh air.

First aid for nosebleeds in children

This phenomenon is quite common in children. It can be provoked by a fall, blow, picking the nose, observed with a runny nose. Sometimes occurs without obvious reasons. In babies under 1 year of age, nosebleeds are rarely observed due to the structure of the nasal mucosa, the situation changes when the baby begins to actively walk and run.

The first step is to calmly assess the situation. In case of severe bleeding that has arisen due to a head injury, it is necessary to call a doctor. Before his arrival, you should place the baby half-sitting (you can over a basin or washbasin) and squeeze his nostrils tightly for a few minutes. It is important to ensure that the child does not swallow blood, but spit it out.

If bleeding continues, a cold wet compress or crushed ice wrapped in a cloth should be applied to the bridge of the child's nose. Then close the nostrils again. If all methods do not help, you need to introduce a cotton turunda into the nose, according to the size of the nasal passages, moistened with a 2% hydrogen peroxide solution, and lightly press both halves of the nose. With weak bleeding, these activities can be carried out without the help of medical professionals. If, after doing the first aid algorithm for nosebleeds on your own, you cannot stop it, you should definitely call a doctor.

You can not tilt your head back in order to stop the blood, since in this case it will fall into the throat, the child will swallow it, and it will seem to the parents that the process has been stopped. In addition, in this position, pinching the vessels of the brain, you can increase bleeding. After stopping the blood, the child should not blow his nose for 4 hours.

For those who dread the sight of blood, nosebleeds are a disaster. But, of course, there is no need to panic just because the vessel in the nose is damaged. Parents often get scared when colds their child has nosebleeds for no reason. In a baby, the vessels are much more susceptible to the effects of microbial toxins than in an adult, and this leads to increased bleeding of the mucosa during the period of infection. But sometimes nosebleeds can be a symptom of a serious disease of blood vessels, blood, lungs or heart. Therefore, if nosebleeds in a baby are a frequent occurrence, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When can bleeding from the nose turn into a danger to a person?

The most dangerous is strong highlight blood or lasting for a long time. At the same time, the person experiences acute blood loss. There is dizziness, cold sweat, flickering before the eyes, pale skin and mucous membranes. The pulse is weak and frequent, loss of consciousness is likely. The first aid algorithm for nosebleeds should be applied from the first seconds. This phenomenon requires the provision of immediate medical attention, but with less severe blood loss you can’t be inactive either - you need to do everything to stop the blood as soon as possible.

What should not be done?

  1. You can not lie down and at the same time raise your legs. In this position, the rush of blood to the head increases, which will only increase the bleeding.
  2. You can't tilt your head back. If you raise your chin, blood enters your throat, which can cause hematemesis, or blood can enter your airways and cause pneumonia.
  3. After the cessation of blood loss, you should not drink strong tea or coffee in the near future, as well as eat hot food. They raise blood pressure, which can cause a relapse.
  4. If bleeding has taken place, you should not take inhalations for colds on this day, as the vessels should get stronger.


It is necessary to strengthen the vessels using the following procedures:

  1. Rinse the sinuses saline solution(2 tsp sea or ordinary salt per 200 ml of water).
  2. The crusts in the nostrils must be softened with vaseline oil and removed only after softening.
  3. It is recommended to use "Askorutin" or drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  4. B vitamins must always be present in the diet ( high quantity them in citrus fruits, currants, rose hips).
  5. Doctors recommend, for the purpose of prevention, supplementing the menu with vitamin fruit drinks or green tea because they boost the immune system.
  6. Hardening procedures - a long-tried way to strengthen blood vessels, a contrast shower has an excellent effect on them.

When to contact the doctor?

If blood flows from the nose in a strong stream or for more than a quarter of an hour, and no first aid method for nosebleeds helps, you should urgently call a doctor! It is also worth visiting the hospital if nosebleeds occur frequently and without a specific cause. It may be due to poor blood clotting or the presence of other diseases of the body.

nosebleed in medical terminology called epistaxis. This condition is characterized by bloody discharge from the nasal passages, which may be less or more abundant depending on the underlying cause.

In some cases, the pathology is accompanied dangerous signs and can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know what first aid should be for nosebleeds. Right Action in this condition, they can not only stop the bleeding from the nose, but also save a person's life.

There are many reasons why nosebleeds occur. Given pathological condition may develop due to the following factors:

  • Injury to the nasal mucosa in the area of ​​the septum.
  • Surgery on the nose.
  • Deviation of the nasal septum.
  • The presence of an oxygen catheter in the nose.
  • Hit in nasal cavity foreign objects.
  • Barotrauma due to air travel or deep diving.
  • Decreased air humidity.
  • body intoxication.
  • Vitamin K deficiency.
  • Flaw ascorbic acid in the body.
  • Deformation of the nasal cavity.
  • Excessive drinking.
  • Change in hormonal background.
  • Sunstroke.
  • The use of drugs.
  • stressful situations.
  • Physical stress.
  • Fragility of the vessels in the nose.
  • The use of certain medications.

Provoke the development of epistaxis and such diseases of the nose:

  • Sinusitis.
  • Atrophic rhinitis.
  • Allergic rhinitis.
  • Polyps in the nose.
  • Malignant or benign education in the nasal cavity.

You can learn more about the causes of nosebleeds from the video:

In addition, nosebleeds can occur as a symptom of the following diseases:

  • Gyroteriosis.
  • Hemoblastosis.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Leukemia.
  • Liver failure.
  • Cirrhosis and hepatitis.
  • Pathology of the kidneys.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Sometimes nosebleeds occur in the background various infections(influenza, SARS, diphtheria).

Diseases that are associated with impaired platelet function, abnormal blood clotting are also common causes nosebleeds.The risk group includes children and the elderly.

How to provide first aid?

It is important for every person to know how to properly provide first aid for bleeding from the nasal cavity, so as not to harm and stop the blood.

  1. Reassure a person who is bleeding. For this purpose, it is advised to adjust breathing: take deep and slow breaths and exhalations. Anxiety of the patient only contributes to increased outflow of blood from the nose.
  2. Man must accept comfortable position. The head should be raised, but not thrown back. Breathing should be through the mouth.
  3. Press the nostrils with your fingers to the nasal septum for a few minutes until the bleeding stops.
  4. Provide the victim with fresh air.
  5. Carefully free the nasal cavity from accumulated blood clots, after which it is recommended to drip the passages with vasoconstrictor nasal drops. These include Nazivin, Tizin, Galazolin, Sanorin. A few drops of medication are dripped into each passage.
  6. After application vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose, drop hydrogen peroxide into each nostril.
  7. Apply an ice pack to the nose. Every ten minutes it is changed to keep it cold. Another way to stop bleeding is to dive lower extremities in warm water, and hands - in the cold. If this is not possible, then any cold object can be applied to the nose area.
  8. Insert a cotton swab into the nasal passage. It can be moistened with aminocaproic acid or peroxide. It needs to be removed after a while. Before this, it is recommended to moisten the swab with water using a pipette.

If the cause of nosebleeds is overheating or sunstroke, then the patient must be seated in a place where direct sunlight does not fall.

It is also recommended that the victim drink some salt water. To prepare the solution, take a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt.It is important to determine whether blood enters the nasopharynx. To do this, the patient should spit. If the saliva is colored red, then the bleeding continues.

What actions are prohibited with nosebleeds

With nosebleeds, the following actions are strictly prohibited:

  • Tilt back your head. In such a position bleeding begin to drain down the nasopharynx, resulting in vomiting. Sometimes blood clots penetrate the respiratory tract in this way. Due to the constriction of the veins due to the tilting of the head, pressure also begins to rise.
  • Horizontal position with blood from the nose.
  • Blow your nose. In such a situation, the formed blood clot is damaged, so the blood continues to flow.
  • It is impossible to cough, eat food, swallow, speak, spit during nosebleeds.
  • If there is a foreign object in the nose, it is not allowed to get it yourself. This can only be done health worker. Otherwise foreign body may move to the lower respiratory tract and cause suffocation.

Such actions only increase nosebleeds and can lead to dangerous complications.

Dangerous symptoms that require a doctor?

In some cases, symptoms may be observed that indicate the development of dangerous pathological conditions.

These signs include:

  • Vomiting (bloody) and nausea.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Strong feeling of thirst.
  • Paleness of the skin.
  • Convulsive state.
  • Cloudiness and loss of consciousness.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • Frequent occurrence of bleeding from the nasal cavity.

The presence of blood with foam may indicate illness lower divisions respiratory system. In the case when the blood has a yellowish-pale color, medical attention is necessary, since this sign often indicates fractures of the skull bones. Consultation with a specialist will definitely be required in the presence of head or face injuries.

An ambulance should also be called if bleeding occurs due to a fall or head injury.

If these symptoms are observed, an ambulance should be called. In the case of prolonged nosebleeds (more than twenty minutes) or its abundance, you will also need to call an emergency.The doctor should examine the patient with nosebleeds, if he has diabetes, hypertension, diseases associated with impaired blood clotting.

Complications of nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can sometimes lead to severe blood loss due to the presence of a large number vessels in the nose. In some situations, it threatens human life.

Among severe consequences The most common nosebleeds are:

  1. Hypotension.
  2. Acute heart failure.
  3. Shock state.

To avoid these consequences, it is important to correctly provide emergency care if there is blood from the nose and call an ambulance if there are dangerous signs.

Thus, providing first aid for nosebleeds is quite simple. The main thing in such a situation is to stop panicking. However, when the blood flows for a long time, it has watery character mixed with liquid yellow color then you need to call a doctor immediately.

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