Treatment of adenoids in children at home without surgery: folk remedies, homeopathy and physiotherapy. Adenoids in children - what is it, to remove or not? How to treat inflamed adenoids

Adenoids in a child give parents a lot of trouble and anxiety. The main question is whether it is necessary to do an operation or can conservative treatment be dispensed with. Is it necessary to give the child a lot of pharmaceutical drugs or adenoids can be cured at home using alternative medicine, parents ask. This is the question we will try to answer.

Symptoms and signs

Adenoids are an increase in the nasopharyngeal tonsil, which is also called the palatine. This disease causes violations of nasal breathing up to the complete inability to breathe through the nose. Often, adenoids cause pathological hearing loss in a child.

The nasopharyngeal tonsil consists of lymphoid tissue, the main purpose of which is to participate in immune processes. In other words, it should be a kind of "barrier" to viruses and other unpleasant "guests" that most often enter the body through the nasopharynx.

Children are more likely than adults to suffer from viral infections, since their immunity is not fully formed, it is immature. It is clear that the adenoids, which are at the forefront of the body's natural defenses, "get" more than other participants in the immune process. This explains the wide spread of the disease among children, especially between the ages of 3 and 7 years.

Inflammation causes the growth of lymphoid tissue, the tonsil thickens. According to how it is modified, doctors determine the degree of the disease.

  • First degree. The tonsil is enlarged, the growth is insignificant, does not exceed half of the lumen. Nasal breathing is slightly impaired.
  • Second degree. The nasopharyngeal tonsil has grown so much that it closes two or three gaps. Nasal breathing is significantly impaired.
  • Third degree. The pharyngeal tonsil is inflamed and enlarged, there is no nasal breathing, as it closes the lumen almost entirely.

Acute adenitis is accompanied by fever, sometimes mucous or purulent discharge from the nose appears, but attentive parents will never miss the first and main symptom - the child’s nose does not breathe. The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by chronic dry cough, unproductive (without sputum), aggravated at night. In all cases, the child's voice changes, he begins to "nasal". In most cases, the child's facial expressions change, an "adenoid mask" appears, which is characterized by an open mouth, relaxation of facial muscles, and salivation.

The pharyngeal tonsil performs a barrier function in absolutely all children, but not every baby becomes inflamed. Doctors say that children have a certain predisposition to adenitis. Most often, ENT doctors make such a diagnosis for babies who have a hereditary predisposition to allergies (mom or dad are chronic allergies). Often, adenoids torment children with reduced immunity, especially those living in ecologically unfavorable areas, often suffering from SARS and influenza. Often this disease is the result of improper treatment of rhinitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis and other ENT diseases.

Very rarely, the disease is congenital in nature, when the growth of the tonsil occurred in the womb. According to medical statistics, the likelihood of such a pathology increases in pregnant women who smoke and in mothers who, while carrying a baby, continue to work in hazardous industries or use drugs uncontrollably.

Adenoids themselves are treated differently. Most doctors tend to recommend an adenotomy, which is the name of the surgery to remove the growth. But not always, but only when the child is given a 2-3 degree, if the tonsil has closed more than two-thirds of the lumen.

About what difficulties arise with children's adenoid and how to be treated in this case, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video.

If the baby has chronic adenoids, they are treated mainly conservatively with the use of washing for the nose and throat, instillation of medications - glucocorticoids. At the same time, the child is recommended a special diet, special climate conditions, as well as physiotherapy procedures.

What is the danger

With an almost constantly stuffy nose with adenoids, the child breathes through his mouth. At first glance, this is not scary. In fact, during mouth breathing, the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs dry up in the baby. This causes frequent morbidity, inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Difficulties with normal breathing also lead to the fact that the child's body chronically lacks oxygen, which is so important for it, oxygen starvation of the brain occurs, and this is a very dangerous condition for children.

Sometimes the growths can block the Eustachian tube, which connects the throat to the ear. As a result, otitis media develops, and mucus stasis significantly reduces the child's hearing. "Adenoid mask" - a change in the facial skeleton, it is unsafe. If the cause of its appearance (adenoids) is not eliminated in time, then the child develops an abnormal bite and at an early age there is a high predisposition to caries.

Very often, adenoids are the main cause of tracheitis, laryngitis and bronchitis. And coughing fits with adenoitis can trigger the mechanism of the onset of bronchial asthma in the child's body.

Can folk remedies help?

Folk remedies in the treatment of an overgrown pharyngeal tonsil are considered an effective way to cope with the disease, but only in cases where the degree of the disease does not require mandatory surgical intervention. Although easy-to-prepare and non-toxic folk recipes can also help at the recovery stage after an adenotomy performed by a surgeon.

If you are thinking about treating adenoids in a child with traditional medicine, the first thing to do is to consult with your doctor. If the doctor does not mind, you can proceed.

Aromatherapy treatment options for adenoid can be seen in the following video.

With any treatment of this disease, both with medication and with home non-drug, it is important to follow the principles of such therapy and the procedure:

  • Removal of inflammation, swelling, elimination of mucus from the nasal passages.
  • Restoration of nasal breathing.
  • Strengthening immunity.
  • Physiotherapy procedures (if they are allowed in a particular case by a doctor).
  • Creation of a favorable microclimate.

We wash the nose

You can prepare a remedy for these purposes according to one of the following recipes:

    Salt. Every housewife can find ordinary table salt. To make a nasal rinse, you need to take a teaspoon of salt and a glass of boiled, pre-cooled to room temperature water. Thoroughly stir the salt, rinse both nasal passages every 2-3 hours.

  • pharmaceutical camomile. Herbal collection of this useful plant can be bought at any pharmacy. To prepare a rinse, you need 1 teaspoon of vegetable raw materials and 100 ml. water. For about a quarter of an hour, everything is boiled in a water bath, and then infused under the lid until completely cooled. The decoction must be carefully filtered before washing to avoid getting into the nasal cavity of the smallest particles of plant fragments.

  • Calendula. Dried flowers and crushed calendula leaves in the amount of a teaspoon should be brewed with boiling water (1 cup). Pour the infusion into a thermos and keep there for about an hour. Then cool, strain through several layers of gauze and rinse the nasal passages with this remedy. The tool can also be used for gargling.

Relieve swelling and inflammation

This will help natural remedies that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Aloe. The cut leaf of a houseplant needs to be kept in the refrigerator for several hours, after which cuts are made on it and the juice is squeezed out with the help of gauze. Bury it in the child's nose, you need 3-5 drops in each nasal passage. For small children, aloe juice can be diluted with boiled water or saline in half. Fresh juice is prepared before each instillation.

  • Eucalyptus essential oil. This is a glorified means of combating adenoids. In its pure form, essential oil, of course, cannot be dripped into the nose. To prepare the drops, you will need one more base oil. You can take vaseline. For a teaspoon of the "base" you will need about 3 drops of the essential component. The resulting mixture should be instilled into the nose 2-3 times a day. After the procedure, the child should lie down with his head thrown back so that the drops can envelop the tonsil as best as possible.

  • Propolis. This powerful anti-inflammatory agent can be used by children after 5 years of age and provided that they are not allergic in general and to bee products in particular. When preparing an ointment effective against adenoids, you will need a teaspoon of propolis (not tincture), and 10 of the same spoons of butter. Put everything in a glass or ceramic dish, put it in a water bath, wait until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Stir and chill. Store the ointment in the refrigerator, apply to the nasal mucosa twice a day with cotton turundas or a cotton swab.

  • Carnation. This spice not only improves the taste of culinary delights, but also helps to cope with adenoids. Dip ten buds in half a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for an hour. Then be sure to strain the product, cool and drip into the nose up to 4 times a day. Cloves perfectly relieve inflammation and reduce swelling of the overgrown pharyngeal tonsil.

We strengthen immunity

For these purposes, you can use time-tested recipes for herbal and berry teas. Tea from the leaves and berries of blackcurrant works very well for adenoids. It not only strengthens the immune system in general, but also prevents the further growth of the palatine tonsil.

Echinacea effectively stimulates the child's immune system. This plant is contraindicated for children under one year old. You can use pharmacy tincture, or you can cook it yourself. For 100 gr. chopped herbs will need about a glass of hot water. Fifteen minutes, the product is kept in a steam bath, and then cooled and filtered. The child is given to drink 50-60 ml several times a day.

You can mix a teaspoon of aloe juice into tea or compote for a child, we talked about it above. Another powerful natural immunostimulant is honey. It can also be given neat or added to drinks if the child is not allergic and is over 3 years old.

Ginger, rose hips, cranberry juice and garlic, which can be introduced into the child's diet, will help raise the child's immunity. In addition, make it a rule to walk with your child more often and longer, give him to the sports section so that he moves as much as possible.


As for inhalations and warming compresses on the nasal cavity, then you should be extremely careful. Not all children diagnosed with adenoids are allowed such procedures. Only with the permission of a doctor, you can do inhalations with saline, with fir and eucalyptus oils, with infusion of pine buds, calcined salt and mineral water. Warm compresses with honey, mustard cakes are made on the nose. Breathing hot steam with adenoids is strictly prohibited.


Children with an overgrown palatine tonsil need sea air. It is optimal if they are often taken to the sea. But even if this is not possible, parents can create the “right” microclimate conducive to recovery at home. Firstly, the air temperature in the room where the baby lives should not be lower than 18 and not higher than 20 degrees. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the humidity of the air. This is a very important parameter for children with respiratory diseases.

The air should not be too dry or too humid. Humidity values ​​in the range of 50-70% are considered optimal. To create such a microclimate will help a special device - a humidifier. However, it is not cheap. If there is no opportunity to purchase, you can place basins of water up to the house, hang wet towels and make sure that they do not dry out. You can additionally buy a small aquarium with fish.

It is also useful to get a home quartz lamp.

Breathing exercises

Usually, children are prescribed gymnastics according to the Strelnikova method. There are quite a few different exercises in the system, aimed at a variety of pathologies.

How to do breathing exercises according to the Strelnikova method, you can see in the next video.

The danger of self-medication

Without consulting a doctor, treatment of adenoids can lead to a deterioration in the child's condition. Indeed, at home it is impossible to carry out the whole complex of diagnostic actions, which in this case are mandatory.

It happens that parents refuse the operation and prefer to treat a child with adenoids of the third degree using traditional medicine. Of course, the refusal of surgical intervention is the legal right of mothers and fathers, but they are also responsible for the consequences of such treatment, and first of all, to their own child.

For those who doubt, I can cite some interesting statistics that ENT doctors from one of the Moscow children's clinics brought out: more than half of the established diagnoses of "third-degree adenoids" occur in children who had previously been treated for a long time and to no avail with folk remedies and with the help of homeopathy at home. Almost 70% of them, in the end, still had to undergo surgery, because the disease at the time of treatment was extremely advanced.

What not to do

  • If a child has been diagnosed with adenoids, he should eat right. You can not feed the child with salty foods, pickled and canned foods, sour berries and fruits, as the acid greatly irritates the inflamed pharyngeal tonsil and contributes to the progress of the disease.
  • The child should not be supercooled, drink too cold or too hot drinks.
  • Parents should not try to treat the affected and enlarged tonsil on their own with antiseptics. All the advice that you can burn it and stop the growth with iodine is detrimental to the child.
  • With exacerbation of adenitis, you can not take the child to the bath, sauna and pool.

  • Try to follow the therapeutic procedure: before instilling drops into the nose, the passages must be rinsed. If there are dry crusts, they should be removed. After the first day of treatment, it is necessary to introduce means for immunostimulation. Then physiotherapy, if allowed by the doctor. You can proceed to breathing exercises only when nasal breathing is restored.
  • It is better to carry out inhalations with the use of special devices - an inhaler or a nebulizer. If a child inhales hot vapors of a healing decoction from a saucepan, covering himself with a towel with his head, he may experience a burn of the nasal mucosa, larynx, trachea and bronchi. With such a diagnosis, hot vapors are contraindicated, otherwise you will not be able to inhale medicinal formulations without a device. Avoid inhalations and warm compresses if your child has a fever.

A common reason for visiting a pediatric otolaryngologist is hypertrophy and inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsil. According to statistics, this disease accounts for about 50% of all diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children of preschool and primary school age. Depending on the severity, it can lead to difficulty or even complete absence of nasal breathing in a child, frequent inflammation of the middle ear, hearing loss and other serious consequences. For the treatment of adenoids, medical, surgical methods and physiotherapy are used.


Pharyngeal tonsil and its functions

Tonsils are called accumulations of lymphoid tissue, localized in the nasopharynx and oral cavity. In the human body, there are 6 of them: paired - palatine and tubal (2 each), unpaired - lingual and pharyngeal. Together with lymphoid granules and lateral ridges on the back of the pharynx, they form the lymphatic pharyngeal ring surrounding the entrance to the respiratory and digestive tracts. The pharyngeal tonsil, the pathological growth of which is called adenoids, is attached with its base to the posterior wall of the nasopharynx at the exit of the nasal cavity into the oral cavity. Unlike palatine tonsils, it is not possible to see it without special equipment.

Tonsils are part of the immune system, perform a barrier function, preventing further penetration of pathogenic agents into the body. They form lymphocytes - cells responsible for humoral and cellular immunity.

In newborns and children in the first months of life, the tonsils are underdeveloped and do not function properly. Later, under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and toxins constantly attacking a small organism, the active development of all structures of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring begins. At the same time, the pharyngeal tonsil is formed more actively than others, due to its location at the very beginning of the respiratory tract, in the zone of the first contact of the body with antigens. The folds of its mucous membrane thicken, lengthen, take the form of rollers, separated by grooves. It reaches full development by 2-3 years.

As the immune system develops and antibodies accumulate after 9–10 years, the pharyngeal lymphatic ring undergoes uneven regression. The size of the tonsils is significantly reduced, while the pharyngeal tonsil often completely atrophies, and their protective function passes to the receptors of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Causes of the appearance of adenoids

The growth of adenoids occurs gradually. The most common cause of this phenomenon is frequent diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and others). Each contact of the body with the infection occurs with the active participation of the pharyngeal tonsil, which at the same time slightly increases in size. After recovery, when the inflammation passes, it returns to its original state. If during this period (2-3 weeks) the child falls ill again, then, not having time to return to its original size, the amygdala increases again, but already more. This leads to constant inflammation and growth of lymphoid tissue.

In addition to frequent acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, the following factors contribute to the occurrence of adenoids:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • childhood infectious diseases (measles, rubella, scarlet fever, influenza, diphtheria, whooping cough);
  • severe course of pregnancy and childbirth (viral infections in the first trimester, leading to abnormalities in the development of the internal organs of the fetus, taking antibiotics and other harmful drugs, fetal hypoxia, birth trauma);
  • malnutrition and overfeeding of the child (excess of sweets, eating food with preservatives, stabilizers, dyes, flavorings);
  • propensity to allergies;
  • weakened immunity against the background of chronic infections;
  • unfavorable environment (gases, dust, household chemicals, dry air).

At risk of adenoids are children from 3 to 7 years old, attending children's groups and having constant contact with various infections. In a small child, the airways are quite narrow and in the case of even a slight swelling or growth of the pharyngeal tonsils, they can completely overlap and make it difficult or impossible to breathe through the nose. In older children, the incidence of this disease is sharply reduced, because after 7 years the tonsils are already beginning to atrophy, and the size of the nasopharynx, on the contrary, is increasing. Adenoids interfere with breathing to a lesser extent and cause discomfort.

Degrees of adenoids

Depending on the size of the adenoids, there are three degrees of the disease:

  • Grade 1 - adenoids are small, they cover no more than a third of the upper part of the nasopharynx, problems with nasal breathing in children occur only at night with a horizontal position of the body;
  • Grade 2 - a significant increase in the pharyngeal tonsil, overlapping of the lumen of the nasopharynx by about half, nasal breathing in children is difficult both day and night;
  • Grade 3 - adenoids occupy almost the entire lumen of the nasopharynx, the child is forced to breathe through his mouth around the clock.

Symptoms of adenoids

The most important and obvious sign by which parents may suspect adenoids in children is regular obstructed nasal breathing and nasal congestion in the absence of any discharge from it. To confirm the diagnosis, the child should be shown to an otolaryngologist.

Typical symptoms of adenoids in children are:

  • sleep disturbance, the child does not sleep well with his mouth open, wakes up, may cry in his sleep;
  • snoring, sniffling, breath holding, and choking attacks during sleep;
  • drying of the oral mucosa and dry cough in the morning;
  • change in the timbre of the voice, nasal speech;
  • headache;
  • frequent rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • hearing loss, ear pain, frequent otitis due to blockage of the canal connecting the nasopharynx and the ear cavity;
  • lethargy, fatigue, irritability, moodiness.

Against the background of adenoids, children develop a complication such as adenoiditis, or inflammation of the hypertrophied pharyngeal tonsil, which can be acute or chronic. In an acute course, it is accompanied by fever, soreness and a burning sensation in the nasopharynx, weakness, nasal congestion, runny nose, mucopurulent discharge, and an increase in nearby lymph nodes.

Methods for diagnosing adenoids

If you suspect adenoids in children, you should contact the ENT. Diagnosis of the disease includes the collection of anamnesis and instrumental examination. To assess the degree of adenoids, the state of the mucosa, the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, the following methods are used: pharyngoscopy, anterior and posterior rhinoscopy, endoscopy, radiography.

Pharyngoscopy consists in examining the cavity of the pharynx, pharynx and tonsils, which, with adenoids in children, are also sometimes hypertrophied.

At anterior rhinoscopy the doctor carefully examines the nasal passages, expanding them with a special nasal mirror. To analyze the state of the adenoids with this method, the child is asked to swallow or pronounce the word "lamp", while the soft palate contracts, which causes the adenoids to oscillate.

Posterior rhinoscopy is an examination of the nasopharynx and adenoids through the oropharynx using a nasopharyngeal mirror. The method is highly informative, allows you to assess the size and condition of the adenoids, but in children it can cause a gag reflex and rather unpleasant sensations, which will interfere with the examination.

The most modern and informative study of adenoids is endoscopy. One of its advantages is visibility: it allows parents to see the adenoids of their children on the screen. During endoscopy, the degree of adenoid vegetations and overlapping of the nasal passages and auditory tubes, the reason for their increase, the presence of edema, pus, mucus, and the condition of neighboring organs are established. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, as the doctor must insert a long tube 2–4 mm thick with a camera at the end into the nasal passage, which causes discomfort and pain in the child.

Radiography, like digital examination, for the diagnosis of adenoids is currently practically not used. It is harmful to the body, does not give an idea of ​​why the pharyngeal tonsil is enlarged, and can cause an incorrect statement of the degree of its hypertrophy. Pus or mucus that has accumulated on the surface of the adenoids will look exactly the same as the adenoids themselves on the picture, which will mistakenly increase their size.

If hearing impairment is detected in children and frequent otitis media, the doctor examines the ear cavity and directs to audiogram.

For a real assessment of the degree of adenoids, diagnostics should be carried out during the period when the child is healthy or at least 2-3 weeks have passed since the moment of recovery after the last illness (colds, SARS, etc.).


The tactics of treating adenoids in children is determined by their degree, the severity of symptoms, and the development of complications in the child. Medical and physiotherapy or surgery (adenotomy) can be used.

Medical treatment

Treatment of adenoids with drugs is effective in the first, less often in the second degree of adenoids, when their size is not too large, while there are no pronounced violations of free nasal breathing. In the third degree, it is carried out only if the child has contraindications to the surgical removal of adenoids.

Drug therapy is aimed at relieving inflammation, swelling, eliminating the common cold, cleansing the nasal cavity, and strengthening the immune system. For this, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (galazolin, farmazolin, naphthyzin, rinazolin, sanorin and others);
  • antihistamines (diazolin, suprastin, loratadine, erius, zyrtec, fenistil);
  • anti-inflammatory hormonal nasal sprays (flix, nasonex);
  • local antiseptics, nose drops (protargol, collargol, albucid);
  • saline solutions for cleaning snot and moisturizing the nasal cavity (aquamaris, marimer, quicks, humer, nasomarin);
  • means for strengthening the body (vitamins, immunostimulants).

An increase in the pharyngeal tonsil in some children is not due to its growth, but to swelling caused by an allergic reaction of the body in response to certain allergens. Then, to restore its normal size, only local and systemic use of antihistamines is necessary.

Sometimes doctors for the treatment of adenoids can prescribe homeopathic medicines for children. In most cases, their reception is effective only with long-term use in the first stage of the disease and for preventive purposes. With the second and even more so the third degree of adenoids, they, as a rule, do not bring any results. With adenoids, granules of the preparations IOV-Kid and Adenosan, Tuya-GF oil, Euphorbium Compositum nasal spray are usually prescribed.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for adenoids can be used only after consulting a doctor in the initial stages of the disease, not accompanied by any complications. The most effective of them are washing the nasal cavity with a solution of sea salt or herbal decoctions of oak bark, chamomile and calendula flowers, eucalyptus leaves, which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent effects.

When using medicinal herbs, it should be borne in mind that they can provoke an allergic reaction in children, which will further aggravate the course of the disease.


Physiotherapy for adenoids is used in conjunction with drug treatment to increase its effectiveness.

Most often, children are prescribed laser therapy. The standard course of treatment consists of 10 sessions. It is recommended to take 3 courses per year. Low-intensity laser radiation helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, normalize nasal breathing, and has an antibacterial effect. At the same time, it extends not only to the adenoids, but also to the tissues surrounding them.

In addition to laser therapy, can be used ultraviolet irradiation and UHF on the nose area ozone therapy, electrophoresis with medicinal products.

Also, for children with adenoids, breathing exercises, spa treatment, climatotherapy, and seaside recreation are useful.

Video: Treatment of adenoiditis with home remedies


Removal of adenoids is the most effective method of treatment for the third degree of hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil, when the quality of life of the child is significantly worsened due to the lack of nasal breathing. The operation is carried out strictly according to the indications in a planned manner under anesthesia in the conditions of the hospital of the ENT department of the children's hospital. It does not take much time, and in the absence of postoperative complications, the child is allowed to go home on the same day.

Indications for adenotomy are:

  • ineffectiveness of drug therapy taken for a long time;
  • inflammation of the adenoids up to 4 times a year;
  • absence or significant difficulty in nasal breathing;
  • recurrent inflammation of the middle ear;
  • hearing impairment;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • cessation of breathing during a night's sleep;
  • deformation of the skeleton of the face and chest.

Adenotomy is contraindicated if the child has:

  • congenital anomalies in the development of the hard and soft palate;
  • increased tendency to bleed;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe cardiovascular pathologies;
  • inflammatory process in the adenoids.

The operation is not performed during influenza epidemics and within a month after the scheduled vaccination.

Currently, due to the advent of short-acting general anesthesia, adenotomy in children is almost always performed under general anesthesia, which avoids the psychological trauma that a child receives when performing the procedure under local anesthesia.

The modern endoscopic technique for removing adenoids is less traumatic, has a minimum of complications, allows the child to return to a normal lifestyle within a short time, and minimizes the likelihood of relapse. To prevent complications in the postoperative period, it is necessary:

  1. Take medications prescribed by your doctor (vasoconstrictor and astringent nasal drops, antipyretics and painkillers).
  2. Limit physical activity for two weeks.
  3. Do not eat hot solid foods.
  4. Do not take baths for 3-4 days.
  5. Avoid exposure to the open sun.
  6. Do not visit crowded places and children's groups.

Video: How an adenotomy is performed

Complications of adenoids

In the absence of timely and adequate treatment, adenoids in a child, especially grades 2 and 3, lead to the development of complications. Among them:

  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  • increased risk of acute respiratory infections;
  • deformation of the maxillofacial skeleton ("adenoid face");
  • hearing impairment caused by adenoids blocking the opening of the auditory tube in the nose and impaired ventilation in the middle ear;
  • abnormal development of the chest;
  • frequent catarrhal and purulent otitis media;
  • speech disorders.

Adenoids can cause a lag in mental and physical development due to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain due to problems with nasal breathing.


Prevention of adenoids is especially important for children who are prone to allergies or have a hereditary predisposition to the occurrence of this disease. According to the pediatrician Komarovsky E.O., in order to prevent hypertrophy of the pharyngeal tonsil, it is very important to give the child time to restore its size after acute respiratory infections. To do this, after the symptoms of the disease disappear and the child feels better, you should not take the child to kindergarten the next day, but you need to stay at home for at least a week and actively walk in the fresh air during this period.

Measures to prevent adenoids include sports that promote the development of the respiratory system (swimming, tennis, athletics), daily walks, maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity levels in the apartment. It is important to eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Video: Pediatrician Komarovsky E. O. on the treatment and prevention of adenoids in children

Children with a pathological increase in the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils suffer from breathing problems, hear worse, and the quality of their speech changes. The inflammatory process of the adenoids must be treated without fail. First of all, you need to try non-surgical treatment, and only if it is ineffective, the specialist can prescribe an operation.

Degrees of adenoids

Currently, 3 degrees of adenoids are distinguished in otolaryngology:

  • . The enlargement of the tonsils is insignificant, the child's condition practically does not suffer, during the daytime he breathes freely, difficulties are noted at night, so such children often sleep with their mouths open.
  • . The adenoids are enlarged significantly, while the child breathes mainly through the mouth, and snores loudly at night.
  • . The overgrown lymphoid tissue of the tonsils can almost completely and even completely block the nasopharynx, the child's condition is seriously impaired - he sleeps poorly, gets tired quickly, complains of constant headaches, his voice becomes rough, and his speech is slurred. Due to the constant open mouth, facial features also begin to change for the worse.

Unfortunately, only at stages 2 and 3, parents usually pay attention to this problem, when there is little chance for non-surgical treatment of adenoids in children.

Is it possible to treat adenoids without surgery?

Modern non-surgical treatment of adenoids in children is most effective with grade 1 growth, while grades 2 and 3 require more radical methods of therapy. In any case, the greatest attention should be paid to the cause of the disease, which caused the pathological process, and not to the symptomatic picture.

When can surgery be avoided?

Every parent whose child suffers from this pathology thought at least once about how to cure adenoids in a child with the help of conservative treatment. Surgical treatment can be avoided at grades 1 and 2 of the pathological process, in which case the specialist will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that includes a whole list of medications: antibiotics, hormonal and anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, etc.

At stage 3 of the disease, doctors raise the question of surgery, since conservative therapy, in most cases, will be ineffective.

Features of conservative treatment at different stages

Adenoids of the 1st degree are treated exclusively with medication. In this case, the doctor prescribes a course of immunostimulants, vitamins, topical and systemic drugs, nasal lavage and physiotherapy to the child.

Recovery with adenoids of the 2nd degree when using conservative treatment occurs only in half of the cases. In the absence of positive dynamics, the doctor prescribes an operation.

Adenoids of the 3rd degree are almost never treated with medication, the operation is performed without delay.

Treatment of adenoids with folk methods

Often, in the treatment of stage 1 adenoiditis, natural remedies can be dispensed with.


Sea salt has proven effective in the treatment of adenoids in children. Saline solution is necessary for the nasopharynx. To do this, take a teaspoon of salt per liter of heated water and stir it thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved.

You need to taste the solution - it should not be too salty or, on the contrary, fresh. The taste of the water should be similar to that of the sea. The resulting solution should be washed with the child's nasopharynx 2 times a day.


2 tablespoons of eucalyptus are poured into 2 cups of water and brought to a boil, after which the infusion is cooled and gargled 3 times a day. Before the procedure, the product must be heated.


The cleaner can be used in two ways:

  1. Pour the crushed plant in the amount of 2 tablespoons with a glass of boiling water and boil over low heat for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for an hour.
  2. Add one hundred grams of pork fat to a decoction of celandine prepared according to the first recipe, put in a preheated oven for 1 hour, waiting for thickening. Then the cooled product is placed in the refrigerator for further storage.

In both cases, for the procedure, cotton pads are dipped into the received celandine preparations and applied to the nasal mucosa for 5-10 minutes 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.


Collection of herbs - chamomile, eucalyptus, sage and calendula - pour water and bring to a boil. Rinse the nasopharynx with the resulting decoction in the same way as with a solution of sea salt.

Sea buckthorn oil

2 drops of purchased or home-made sea buckthorn oil are instilled into the nasal passages 3 times a day. The tool has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.


Combine freshly squeezed beet juice in proportions 2: 1 with honey. The resulting remedy must be instilled into the nasal cavity for at least 2 weeks.


Take 10 dried cloves and brew them with a glass of boiling water. After the infusion has cooled and is ready, it will turn brown. The resulting clove infusion is instilled 2 drops into each nostril an unlimited number of times a day, used until complete recovery.


Alternative treatment of adenoids in children is carried out with aloe juice, which must be instilled into the child's nose before bedtime. To prepare a remedy, you need to cut off the bottom leaf of aloe and rinse it. After that, the plant is crushed, and the juice is squeezed out of it with the help of gauze. In each nasal passage you need to drip 2 drops of juice in the evening.


Essential oils are also used to treat adenoids. Steam inhalations of lavender, mint, tea tree, juniper and thuja oils have a positive effect on inflammation of the pharyngeal tonsils from the very first procedure.

Also, oils can be used as nasal drops, be sure to dilute them in the following proportion - 1 drop of essential oil to 30 drops of neutral oil. A similar procedure for adenoids gives a tangible positive effect.


Brew 1 tablespoon of budra with a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. After that, you need to inhale the vapors of the decoction for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.

A mixture of string with oregano

Take 1 tablespoon of raw string, oregano and coltsfoot. Brew 2 cups of boiling water and leave for the whole night. After the product has cooled down, you can add a few drops of fir or thuja oil to it. The resulting infusion is instilled 15 drops into the nasal cavity 3 times a day for a week.

Mint with St. John's wort

Pour 1 tablespoon of mint and the same amount of St. John's wort and oak bark with 2 cups of boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the product and instill into the nose 10 drops three times a day for 10 days.


Dissolve 2 tablets of mummy in half a glass of warm water and instill the resulting solution 2 drops 3 times a day for a week. After 7 days, repeat the course of treatment and thus carry out 4 full courses.


For the treatment of adenoids in a glass of water, combine ¼ teaspoon of soda and 20 drops of a 10% alcohol solution of propolis. Rinse the nose with the resulting product 3 times a day, pouring half a glass of fresh solution into each nasal passage during the procedure.

green walnut shell

Grind the shell of a green walnut in the amount of 20 grams, pour a glass of boiling water, bring to a boil and hold on fire for 5 minutes. The decoction should be infused for at least an hour, after which it is instilled 4 times a day, 5 drops in each nasal passage.

Inhalations for adenoids

Many doctors are sure that inhalations for adenoids are contraindicated, since exposure to hot temperatures can accelerate their growth, but these procedures help well with the inflammatory process at stage 1 of the disease. Therefore, before inhalation, you need to clarify the opinion of the doctor.

Procedures can be done from decoctions of plants with the addition of essential oils - these will be wet inhalations. You can also apply essential oils to pieces of a damp cloth and spread them around the room so that the child breathes their vapors - in this case we are talking about dry inhalations.

Treatment with a nebulizer

How to treat adenoids with a nebulizer? You will need saline and solutions such as, or Hydrocortisone. Treatment with these drugs using a nebulizer is often used for adenoids - they successfully relieve swelling and inflammation of the nasopharynx, destroy pathogenic microbes, and prevent the growth of lymphoid tissue.

Treatment of adenoids in children by other conservative methods

Before agreeing to surgery, it is necessary to try all conservative treatment methods to reduce adenoids in a child without surgery.

In addition to medicinal, homeopathic and folk remedies, you can carry out:

  • massage of the cervical-collar zone and face;
  • breathing exercises;
  • washing the nasopharynx with solutions based on sea water (,);
  • physiotherapeutic methods (UVR of the general and collar zone, UVI of the nasal cavity, electrophoresis with calcium chloride and diphenhydramine);
  • undergo spa treatment;
  • adhere to a healthy diet with a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, and dairy products in the child's diet.


How to cure adenoids in a child without surgery using homeopathy, many parents think. Reviews of alternative treatment are quite contradictory. Some claim that homeopathic remedies cope with the problem perfectly, others are convinced that this approach is completely useless, that is, everything is very individual.

Effective homeopathic remedies include Job-baby and Lymphomyosot. It is believed that these drugs prevent further pathological growth of lymphoid tissue. But for the appointment of treatment, in this case, you need to contact a homeopath.

Antibiotics for the treatment of adenoids in children

If the cause of the disease is an infection, in 99% of cases the child will be prescribed antibiotics. The range of antibacterial drugs used to treat adenoids is wide.

The doctor can focus on the following groups:

  • penicillin group - Amoxiclav, Flemoxin Solutab;
  • macrolides -, Vilprofen;
  • cephalosporins - Suprax, Zinnat.

As a rule, oral administration of drugs prescribed by a doctor is sufficient to treat the source of infection. Injectable drugs are used extremely rarely.


Lymphomyosot is a homeopathic remedy that affects the lymphoid tissue, on which the state of the child's immune system depends. After its use, the outflow of lymph from the affected tissues improves. The tool helps to improve the function of the lymph nodes.

Lymphomyosot as a modern homeopathic remedy helps to treat adenoids in children without surgery, completely relieving the child of the pathological process or reducing the severity of symptoms in more advanced cases. The drug is given to the child under the tongue, according to the instructions and prescriptions of the doctor. The tool can be used from birth.


Silver-based preparations such as Collargol and Sialor are also used to treat adenoids. Protargol protects against inflammation of the tonsils, dries the mucous membrane, reduces swelling. It is recommended to instill 2 drops in each nasal passage up to 4 times a day for a week. A month later, the course can be repeated.

Treatment of adenoids with Avamys

The drug is not the main tool for the treatment of adenoids. It works exclusively as an auxiliary drug, effectively eliminating the inflammatory process in the focus of infection and helping to alleviate the signs of the disease. Removing swelling of the nasopharynx, Avamys helps to normalize nasal breathing and temporarily stop the pathological growth of lymphoid tissue.

The drug can be prescribed in a small course or for a fairly long period - from 8 to 12 months. The appointment of Avamys should be handled by an ENT doctor.


Sofradex is successfully used in otolaryngology for the treatment of pathologies of ENT organs, including adenoids.

The spectrum of action of Sofradex on the affected lymphoid tissue of the tonsils:

  • reduction of pain and local irritation of the mucous membranes, often accompanying inflammatory manifestations;
  • elimination of puffiness, normalization of nasal breathing;
  • restoration of affected mucous membranes;
  • anti-inflammatory effect on the focus of infection;
  • disinfectant and antimicrobial effect on the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • destruction of pathogenic microbes as the root cause of the disease.

The course of treatment with Sofradex lasts from 5 to 10 days, depending on the course of the disease and the individual characteristics of the child. To suppress the pathological growth of lymphoid tissue and destroy the pathogenic flora, Sofradex is administered intranasally, 3-5 drops 3 times a day.

Given the importance for local and general immunity of the nasopharyngeal tonsil, it is better to choose conservative therapy for the treatment of adenoids in the initial stages of the disease. But the fight against inflammation of the nasopharynx at home is not always safe. The likelihood of developing complications and worsening the health and well-being of the child is increased.

Therefore, the treatment plan must be agreed with the doctor and carefully adhere to it during the entire prescribed course. Thus, surgery can be avoided and the adenoids can be cured.

Useful video about the treatment of adenoids in children

Inflammation of the tonsils (adenoids) occurs in children at a young age. The reason for the appearance of an adenoid can be artificial nutrition, rickets, diathesis, allergies. Acute adenoid in children occurs from hypothermia or complications after an infectious disease. The appearance of a disease in a child can be determined by such signs - the temperature rises, breathing becomes intermittent, pain in the ear may occur, purulent discharge appears from the ear canal, and hearing worsens. Chronic adenoid is a consequence of previous inflammation of the tonsils. The child has a slight fever, drowsiness, fatigue, decreased appetite, headache, cough with sputum. The diagnosis is made by a loringologist based on the results of the examination. Traditional medicine has long known how to treat adenoiditis and how to help a child. Here are some recommendations:

  • Mix half a liter of milk with a raw egg and a teaspoon of honey, mix, add a teaspoon of butter, heat and drink in small sips.
  • Place cocoa, melted pork fat, honey and butter (all two hundred grams each) in a saucepan and melt over low heat. Transfer the mixture to a separate bowl. Stir a teaspoon in a glass of hot milk and drink in small sips.
  • It is recommended that children drink fish oil.
  • Treatment can be carried out with aloe juices gargling. Mix carrot juice with spinach juice, taking it inside on an empty stomach.
  • The juices of Kalanchoe, beets, celandine are instilled into the nose.
  • Inhalation of a mixture of sea salt and a mixture of sage oil or inhalation of a mixture of crushed pine buds in a water bath helps - boil 20 g for 10 minutes, cover and leave for half an hour.

Traditional medicine recommends instilling a child's nose with drops (naphthyzinum, sanorin, galazolin - on the recommendation of a doctor). It is recommended to perform breathing exercises, outdoor games, swimming. Good effect gives hydrotherapy. Treatment of the child should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

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Where do adenoids come from in children

I have never written before, although the site and the forum in particular have been read up and down.

A little background. The EOC is my religion, nothing more, nothing less. Son 2y2months. From birth we live in Komarovsky. Up to 1.5 - daily bathing, up to + 23 at the end; we dress lightly (everyone around us was always surprised), there was no time for allergies, feeding according to appetite (as a rule, it is good), breastfeeding up to 1g2m, etc. Don’t ask about air parameters and home conditions)) It’s like our Father)) Before kindergarten, I had 1 SARS (only snot).

In the autumn we went to the kindergarten (not the worst, by the way, the kindergarten is temp. deg, they ventilate). After the garden, I took you for a walk for 1.5-2 hours. Started to hurt. The first 3 times - only snot in a stream, passed relatively quickly. But from the 4th illness, it became very stuffy in the nose, and since then, after the illness, there was swelling of the mucous membrane for a long time, the snot did not go away for a long time (there were both transparent and green, but did not give antibiotics, because a clinical blood test showed a slight inflammation, and then and in general the ESR is normal.) I actively puff (from the bottle of SALIN) physical. solution. Vasoconstrictor dripped 2 times for 5 days. It helped. But not to the end, he speaks (and now too) through his nose, squishes a little.

The family doctor says that these are most likely adenoids (she does not know how to look, it takes a long time to wait in line to the ENT).

After reading a lot of information, I conclude - it looks like it really is adenoids. I'm shocked! How could they grow in my child. Considering that there were a total of 23 days in the kindergarten from autumn to New Year. And there is no heredity for adenoids!

Has anyone had similar situations? I have a very difficult moral state, I "piously" believed in a "harmonious lifestyle" as a prevention of adenoids.

Yes, I forgot to clarify - we ruled out an allergic cause by passing skin tests.

Help, tell me! Sorry it's long))

Kattab, the main motto of the EOC is common sense in everything. Therefore, common sense suggests that, firstly, there is nothing terrible, fatal in your baby’s adenoid enlargement yet, as far as I understand, he still has 1 degree of growth. You need to focus now not on who is to blame, but on what to do. If there is a financial opportunity, be examined by several ENT doctors, but remember that their job is to treat, treat, and so on ad infinitum. Therefore, conservative therapy is possible until there is a 2nd degree of increase, and then it needs to be removed. If the child constantly breathes through the mouth, the adenoids have grown or, God forbid, are purulent, do not lead to hearing loss and other horrors. At the same time, remember that a huge number of children have been removed, removed, and will probably continue to remove adenoids, and quite prosperous adults grow out of them.

Now the main task is 1) to determine (identify) the degree of growth of the adenoids, 2) to choose a competent conservative therapy (do not rely on colloidal silver and homeopathy) 3) to reduce the number of acute respiratory viral infections (you may have to leave the kindergarten for a while) so that the body recovers, 4) go to a good sanatorium by the sea, preferably a mountain one, but not in July-August and not during the flowering of exotics in spring, September is better. And of course, fresh, clean, cool and humid air in the apartment + relatively warm clothes, especially socks, in case of problems with the nose, it is better to keep your feet warm.

In addition, unfortunately, not all children can quickly and easily adapt to kindergarten. But you do not be sad, sooner or later, with good care and adequate therapy, children grow out of childhood illnesses, so everything will be fine with you!

Of course, in the near future we have plans to visit 2 of the most respected children's lores in St. Petersburg. Then I'll post here.

So, the child went to kindergarten, where he fell ill with SARS. The virus caused adenoiditis. There was an inflammatory edema of the pharyngeal tonsil. Imagine a raisin that you threw into boiling water ... It (raisin) was small, and after boiling water it became 3 times larger. So are your adenoids. They are small, but there is inflammation and try to determine whether they have grown or it is swelling ...

A normal hardened child did not let the infection go beyond the nose. developed adenoiditis. Edema. The tonsil did not have time to return to normal, a new contact with the infection, inflammation becomes chronic, with each new ARVI, the size of the adenoid tissue increases.

The weakest link in this whole description is the kindergarten. There was no garden - the child was not sick.

A child "in Komarovsky's way" cannot have colds, because he does not react to drafts, temperature contrasts, wet feet, etc. But no way of life can prevent ARVI if sick children are admitted to kindergarten, and the rooms are not sufficiently ventilated, if the air is dry, if the child goes to kindergarten for a new infection without recovering from the previous one.

Knowledge of the rules of the road does not guarantee accident-free, because there are other participants who do not care about the rules ...

I sincerely wish you optimism. All these are minor temporary annoyances, honestly!

Here it is the reason - often parents would have to go to work as soon as possible, one infection is superimposed on another, more and more adenoids.

I understand this very well. I have all the EOC books. I can tell the chapter about adenoids by heart))

I also had this error in the beginning. But then, after the 3rd illness, we sat at home for 1.5 weeks in excess of the illness, and nothing changed (I specifically didn’t intend to go to work for the first year of kindergarten because of this). Apparently, it was already late, and the tonsils were already enlarged (((

so far we have gone to one ENT from Scandinavia clinic

All the doctors there are good. But it's expensive there.

This is the site of St. Petersburg parents.

When I studied at a medical school, I was present at such an operation, nothing terrible happens there. I myself had adenoids removed in childhood, I can say that a parent is much more afraid than children; moreover, they are afraid of the unknown, and not the operation itself.

In general, we went to a homeopath yesterday (more likely even out of interest). Very respected in St. Petersburg, according to reviews, he helped a lot of people. So he said that our degree is NORM, not requiring medical intervention.

How many doctors, so many opinions)) Now we'll go to Laura soon.

So far, only the nose is washed with saline.

Next time I can try to find appointments in my daughter’s card, and give you an example for you, maybe you will take something into service, including for the prevention of further exacerbations.

The doctor told us that it is quite possible to do without surgery, only if suddenly the pharyngeal tonsil does not increase to 2-3 degrees

I understand that there is nothing wrong with us. Here the main problem is the kindergarten. So it's better for us not to go there. Although my son loves it. We didn't have any adaptation. With hysteria, on the contrary, she took me home. He is very developed with me, and he lacks communication (we live far from relatives, in another country). Yes, I'm mentally tired of sitting at home ((

I myself have two children, they are 2 years old, we go to a nursery. We get sick with ARVI very often, we recover without complications and pills, but here the snot does not go away in a week, of course they are not a stream, but it takes 10 days from the onset of the disease to get rid of them. Of course, I also worry about this, because I do not understand. Maybe adenoiditis too. I really, really want to get recommendations from Evgeny Olegovich

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Where do adenoids come from?

Where do adenoids come from?

Hypertrophy of the tonsils is characterized by an increase, inflammation of these palatine processes. Inflammation of the tonsils, or tonsillitis, can be acute or chronic.

The pharyngeal tonsil cannot be seen with the naked eye. It is located next to the arch of the nasopharynx.

When the pharyngeal tonsil becomes enlarged, it is known in medical terminology as hypertrophy, in other words, adenoid enlargement. In a word, this pathology is called adenoiditis.

signs of enlarged adenoids

The very location of the adenoids suggests the corresponding symptoms when they change. The anatomical location of the tonsil is interesting in that two cavities connect in the nasopharyngeal zone: the nasopharynx and the auditory canals. Thus, the growth of the pharyngeal tonsil can provoke symptoms in both the auditory and nasal regions. Both nasal breathing problems and hearing problems can occur. Depending on how enlarged the tonsil is, there are 3 degrees of adenoiditis.

Consequences of proliferation of adenoids

A child suffering from adenoiditis is characterized by a special facial expression, which received the definition of "adenoid": a thick discharge from the nose, the mouth is constantly ajar, the skin under the nose is irritated.

The adenoid tonsil grows by the age of 4-7 years to its largest size. By adolescence, there is a reduction in lymphoid tissue. But, unfortunately, the lack of adequate therapy for adenoids by that time can already lead to a "bouquet" of chronic diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract.

What contributes to the growth of adenoids

Viral infectious diseases of the respiratory tract

Improper nutrition, especially its excess

Congenital or subsequently developed immunodeficiency

Environmental factor; an abundance of chemistry in everyday life, insufficiently clean or humidified, too humid air

There are two ways to treat adenoids: conservative and surgical.

The effectiveness of conservative treatment directly depends on the stage of adenoid growth. Accordingly, the less tissue growth in the pharyngeal region, the greater the chance of avoiding surgery.

Known conservative methods of therapy for adenoids:

First of all, immunostimulating and vitamin preparations as general tonic

Installation of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drops

Rinsing the nose with medicinal solutions

This surgical excision of the adenoids is necessary when conservative methods fail.

The operation belongs to the category of simple, takes place in a matter of minutes. Both local anesthesia and anesthesia are possible. In addition to difficulties with anesthesia in some patients, complications are possible in the form of trauma to the palate, bleeding.

For the operation, there are limitations and a period of preparation. So, you will not have an adenotomy if you have just been ill or a flu epidemic has been declared in the area. After the operation, you can not eat and drink hot, lift heavy things, but such restrictions do not last very long, up to a week.

There is no absolute guarantee that the lymphoid tissue in the pharynx will not grow again, because it is completely impossible to remove it.

Parents should not forget about general strengthening and hardening procedures, high-quality nutrition of the child. He also needs a sufficient amount of clean fresh air: both during walks and at home. Remember: free nasal breathing is an important guarantee of human health.

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Symptoms and treatment of adenoiditis in children: recognize and neutralize!

Adenoiditis in children from 3 to 12 years old is very common - this is one of the most common problems faced by pediatric ENT doctors. How dangerous are adenoids in children, where do they come from, do they need to be treated, and is it true that surgical removal of adenoids is the only way to solve the problem?

Adenoids: what are they and why do they develop in children

Overgrown, enlarged pharyngeal tonsils are called adenoids. If the adenoids become inflamed, then this condition is called adenoiditis. The pharyngeal tonsil is a small gland that is located on the back of the larynx and consists of several lobes. The task of this organ, related to the immune system, is the production of lymphocytes, cells involved in the body's defense against bacteria and viruses. But with pathological growth, the pharyngeal tonsil itself becomes a threat to health.

Adenoids are a typical childhood problem. In children under 1-2 years of age, they are rare, as in adolescents. The peak incidence occurs between the ages of 3 and 10 years.

There are about 27 cases of adenoiditis per 1000 children.

Adenoids in children occur for several reasons:

  • frequent colds and other infectious diseases (measles, mononucleosis, rubella, etc.) affecting the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • poor ecology in the area of ​​​​residence;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as bronchial asthma - these diseases are present in 65% of children suffering from adenoiditis;
  • certain unfavorable climatic and microclimatic conditions - gas pollution, dry air, the presence of a large amount of dust - all this leads to the fact that the mucous membranes dry out and become especially vulnerable.

The degree of development of the disease

There are several stages in the development of adenoids:

1 degree: the tonsil grows slightly and covers approximately a quarter of the lumen of the nasal passages. The main symptom of the disease at this stage is somewhat difficult nasal breathing, especially at night.

Grade 2: adenoids increase in size and cover two-thirds of the lumen. Nasal breathing is significantly difficult even during the day, at night the child may snore, his mouth is always ajar.

Grade 3: the tonsil completely blocks the lumen, making nasal breathing absolutely impossible.

Symptoms of adenoiditis in children

In the early stages, it can be difficult to notice adenoids in children, the symptoms of this disease are nonspecific. Parents either do not pay attention to them at all, or they believe that the child has a common cold. Here are some signs to look out for in order to identify the disease at the very beginning:

  • difficulty in nasal breathing, snoring during sleep;
  • pallor and lethargy as a result of lack of air and sleep disturbances due to snoring;
  • impaired sense of smell;
  • the child swallows food with difficulty, often chokes;
  • the child complains of a sensation of a foreign object in the nose, but there is no liquid when blowing the nose;
  • voice quiet, deaf, in the nose;
  • the child constantly breathes through the mouth;
  • constant fatigue and irritability.

If the overgrown tonsil becomes inflamed, there are clear signs of adenoiditis:

  • heat;
  • runny nose, which is difficult to treat with conventional drops;
  • weakness, headache, drowsiness, loss of appetite and nausea - this is how general intoxication is manifested, which is characteristic of many infectious diseases;
  • chronic cough;
  • pain in the throat, nose and ears, sometimes - a significant hearing loss.

How to treat adenoids in a child

Since the presence of adenoids and their inflammation is very easy to confuse with a common runny nose or cold, you should not try to diagnose yourself and treat the child with home or pharmacy over-the-counter remedies - they can provide some relief for a very short time, but then the symptoms will return. And the disease will continue to develop in the meantime. You should not hold out until the moment when the adenoids completely block the nasal lumen - consult a doctor at the first suspicion of adenoids.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an endoscopic examination, a blood and urine test, in some cases it is required to take an x-ray of the nasopharynx.

Treatment of adenoids in children, especially in the early stages, includes mainly conservative methods. At stages 1 and 2 of the development of the disease, the removal of adenoids in children is not indicated - at this stage, the disease can be defeated with the help of drug therapy and physiotherapy procedures. Surgery is necessary only if no other methods of dealing with adenoiditis have the desired effect.

Conservative treatment

With adenoids, a course of antihistamines, immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and drugs that activate the body's defenses are usually prescribed. Nasal drops with anti-inflammatory components and vasoconstrictors will help relieve inflammation and facilitate breathing through the nose (however, the latter are used with caution and no more than 3-5 days). A good result is rinsing the nose with slightly salted water or special medicinal solutions.

Of the physiotherapeutic procedures, drug electrophoresis with potassium iodide, prednisolone or silver nitrate is most often prescribed, as well as UHF therapy, high-frequency magnetotherapy, ultraviolet treatment and mud applications.

Breathing exercises are also important - with adenoids, the child gets used to breathing through the mouth and it is necessary to re-develop the habit of inhaling through the nose.

Usually, the combination of these methods is enough to cure adenoiditis. However, in some cases, especially if the disease has already reached stage 3 and is not amenable to conservative treatment, surgical removal of the adenoids is prescribed.

Removal of adenoids in children (adenotomy)

In modern clinics, the removal of adenoids in children is a simple and less traumatic operation, but still, if you can do without it, the doctor will try to go that way.

Indications for the removal of adenoids in children are: the ineffectiveness of drug and physiotherapy, a serious difficulty in breathing through the nose, which leads to incessant colds, frequent otitis media and hearing loss. The operation also has contraindications: it is not performed for pathologies of the structure of the palate, certain blood diseases, oncological diseases or suspected oncology, acute inflammatory diseases (they must first be cured), within 30 days after any vaccination and children under 2 years old.

Removal of adenoids in children is performed in a hospital under local or general anesthesia. There are several ways to carry out this operation.

With the aspiration method, the adenoids are removed with a vacuum pump with a special nozzle, with the endoscopic method, with a rigid endoscope (this operation is performed under general anesthesia). To remove adenoids, a microdebrider is also used, which is sometimes called a shaver. The rehabilitation period after such methods takes about 2 weeks.

The most modern and less traumatic method is laser removal of adenoids. The tonsils are cut off with a directed laser beam, and the blood vessels are cauterized, which eliminates the risk of bleeding and infection. The rehabilitation period for laser removal of adenoids is also significantly reduced.

The whole operation takes no more than 15 minutes and is a fairly simple intervention, after which complications occur very rarely. However, this is still a surgical operation with all the associated risks, and it must be carried out in a proven clinic.

How to choose a clinic for the treatment of adenoiditis in a child?

“Kids are afraid of doctors and polyclinics, and their parents are usually restless,” says the doctor at the Markushka children's polyclinic. - They can be understood: the experience of visiting public clinics can hardly be called pleasant, even if the qualifications of doctors and technical equipment do not raise any questions. To reduce the stress of going to the doctor, I recommend contacting private children's clinics. A pleasant atmosphere, no queues, the ability to arrive at any convenient time, helpful and friendly staff - all this helps to relieve nervousness and makes communication between the doctor and the little patient much easier. Our clinic employs highly professional pediatric doctors of 15 different specializations, including ENT doctors with extensive experience. We have the most accurate and modern diagnostic and laboratory equipment, which allows us to quickly make the correct diagnosis and immediately begin treatment. We pay special attention to the painlessness of therapy and the comfort of our patients. Our experts can even come to your home.”

P.S. Markushka is a multidisciplinary children's polyclinic located in the east of Moscow and providing treatment and diagnostic services for children from birth to 18 years of age.

Issued by the Department of Health

Government of Moscow, jur. person - SEEKO LLC.

Possible contraindications. Consult your doctor.

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Adenoids are found mainly in children from 3 to 12 years old and cause a lot of discomfort and trouble for both the kids themselves and their parents, and therefore require urgent treatment. Often the course of the disease is complicated, after which adenoiditis occurs - inflammation of the adenoids.

Adenoids in children can occur in early preschool age and persist for several years. In high school, they usually decrease in size and gradually atrophy.

In adults, adenoids do not occur: the symptoms of the disease are characteristic only for childhood. Even if you had this disease in childhood, it does not return in adulthood.

Reasons for the development of adenoids in children

What it is? Adenoids in the nose in children are nothing more than an overgrowth of the tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil. This is an anatomical formation that is normally part of the immune system. The nasopharyngeal tonsil holds the first line of defense against various microorganisms seeking to enter the body with inhaled air.

With illness, the amygdala enlarges, and when the inflammation passes, it returns to normal. In the event that the time between diseases is too short (say, a week or even less), the growths do not have time to decrease. Thus, being in a state of constant inflammation, they grow even more and sometimes "swell" to such an extent that they block the entire nasopharynx.

Pathology is most typical for children aged 3-7 years. Rarely diagnosed in children under one year old. The overgrown adenoid tissue often undergoes reverse development, therefore, adenoid vegetations practically do not occur in adolescence and adulthood. Despite this feature, the problem cannot be ignored, since an overgrown and inflamed tonsil is a constant source of infection.

The development of adenoids in children is facilitated by frequent acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract:,. The starting factor for the growth of adenoids in children can be infections - influenza, etc. A syphilitic infection (congenital syphilis) can play a certain role in the growth of adenoids in children. Adenoids in children can occur as an isolated pathology of lymphoid tissue, but much more often they are combined with tonsillitis.

Among other reasons leading to the appearance of adenoids in children, there is an increased allergization of the child's body, hypovitaminosis, nutritional factors, fungal invasions, unfavorable social conditions, etc.

Symptoms of adenoids in the nose of a child

In the normal state, adenoids in children do not have symptoms that interfere with normal life - the child simply does not notice them. But as a result of frequent colds and viral diseases, the adenoids, as a rule, increase. This happens because, in order to fulfill its immediate function of holding and destroying microbes and viruses, the adenoids are strengthened through growth. Inflammation of the tonsils is the process of destroying pathogenic microbes, which is the reason for the increase in glands in size.

The main signs of adenoids the following can be named:

  • frequent prolonged runny nose, which is difficult to treat;
  • difficulty in nasal breathing even in the absence of a runny nose;
  • persistent mucous discharge from the nose, which leads to irritation of the skin around the nose and on the upper lip;
  • breaths with an open mouth, while the lower jaw sags, the nasolabial folds are smoothed out, the face acquires an indifferent expression;
  • poor, restless sleep;
  • snoring and sniffling in a dream, sometimes - holding the breath;
  • lethargic, apathetic state, decrease in academic performance and working capacity, attention and memory;
  • attacks of nocturnal suffocation, characteristic of adenoids of the second or third degree;
  • persistent dry cough in the morning;
  • involuntary movements: nervous tic and blinking;
  • voice loses sonority, becomes dull, hoarse; lethargy, apathy;
  • complaints of headache, which occurs due to a lack of oxygen supply to the brain;
  • hearing loss - the child often asks again.

Modern otolaryngology divides adenoids into three degrees:

  • 1 degree: adenoids in a child are small. At the same time, during the day the child breathes freely, difficulty in breathing is felt at night, in a horizontal position. The child often sleeps with his mouth open.
  • Grade 2: adenoids in a child are significantly enlarged. The child is forced to breathe through the mouth all the time, and snores quite loudly at night.
  • Grade 3: adenoids in a child completely or almost completely cover the nasopharynx. The child does not sleep well at night. Not being able to restore his strength during sleep, during the day he easily gets tired, attention is scattered. He has a headache. He is forced to constantly keep his mouth open, as a result of which facial features change. The nasal cavity ceases to be ventilated, a chronic runny nose develops. The voice becomes nasal, speech becomes slurred.

Unfortunately, parents often pay attention to deviations in the development of adenoids only at stages 2-3, when difficult or absent nasal breathing is pronounced.

Adenoids in children: photo

How adenoids look in children, we offer detailed photos for viewing.

Treatment of adenoids in children

In the case of adenoids in children, there are two types of treatment - surgical and conservative. Whenever possible, doctors tend to avoid surgery. But in some cases, you can't do without it.

Conservative treatment of adenoids in children without surgery is the most correct, priority direction in the treatment of pharyngeal tonsil hypertrophy. Before agreeing to the operation, parents should use all available methods of treatment to avoid adenotomy.

If the ENT insists on surgical removal of the adenoids, take your time, this is not an urgent operation, when there is no time for reflection and additional observation and diagnosis. Wait, watch the child, listen to the opinion of other specialists, make a diagnosis after a few months and try all conservative methods.

Now, if drug treatment does not give the desired effect, and the child has a constant chronic inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, then for advice, you should contact the operating doctors, those who do the adenotomy themselves.

Adenoids of the 3rd degree in children - to remove or not?

When choosing - adenotomy or conservative treatment, one cannot rely solely on the degree of growth of the adenoids. With 1-2 degrees of adenoids, most believe that it is not necessary to remove them, and with 3 degrees, an operation is simply mandatory. This is not entirely true, it all depends on the quality of the diagnosis, there are often cases of false diagnosis, when the examination is performed against the background of an illness or after a recent cold, the child is diagnosed with grade 3 and the adenoids are advised to be removed promptly.

A month later, the adenoids noticeably decrease in size, as they were enlarged due to the inflammatory process, while the child breathes normally and does not get sick too often. And there are cases, on the contrary, with 1-2 degrees of adenoids, the child suffers from constant acute respiratory viral infections, recurrent otitis media, sleep apnea occurs - even 1-2 degrees can be an indication for the removal of adenoids.

Also, the famous pediatrician Komarovsky will tell about grade 3 adenoids:

Conservative therapy

Complex conservative therapy is used for moderate uncomplicated enlargement of the tonsils and includes drug treatment, physiotherapy, and breathing exercises.

The following drugs are usually prescribed:

  1. Antiallergic (antihistamine)- tavegil, suprastin. Used to reduce the manifestations of allergies, they eliminate the swelling of the tissues of the nasopharynx, pain and the amount of discharge.
  2. Antiseptics for local use- collargol, protargol. These preparations contain silver and destroy pathogenic microflora.
  3. Homeopathy is the safest of the known methods, which goes well with traditional treatment (however, the effectiveness of the method is very individual - it helps someone well, someone weakly).
  4. Washing. The procedure removes pus from the surface of the adenoids. It is performed only by a doctor using the “cuckoo” method (by introducing a solution into one nostril and sucking it out of the other with a vacuum) or by a nasopharyngeal shower. If you decide to do washing at home, drive the pus even deeper.
  5. Physiotherapy. Quartzization of the nose and throat, as well as laser therapy with a light guide into the nasopharynx through the nose, are effective.
  6. Climatotherapy - treatment in specialized sanatoriums not only inhibits the growth of lymphoid tissue, but also has a positive effect on the child's body as a whole.
  7. Multivitamins to strengthen the immune system.

From physiotherapy, heating, ultrasound, ultraviolet are used.

Removal of adenoids in children

Adenotomy is the removal of the pharyngeal tonsils by surgery. The attending physician will best tell you how adenoids are removed in children. In a nutshell, the pharyngeal tonsil is grasped and cut off with a special instrument. This is done in one motion and the whole operation takes no more than 15 minutes.

An undesirable way to treat the disease for two reasons:

  • Firstly, adenoids grow rapidly and, if there is a predisposition to this disease, they will become inflamed again and again, and any operation, even as simple as adenotomy, is stressful for children and parents.
  • Secondly, the pharyngeal tonsils perform a barrier-protective function, which, as a result of the removal of adenoids, is lost for the body.

In addition, in order to carry out an adenotomy (that is, the removal of adenoids), it is necessary to have indications. These include:

  • frequent recurrence of the disease (more than four times a year);
  • recognized ineffectiveness of ongoing conservative treatment;
  • the appearance of respiratory arrest during sleep;
  • the appearance of various complications (, glomerulonephritis,);
  • nasal breathing disorders;
  • very frequent recurring;
  • very frequent recurring SARS.

It should be understood that the operation is a kind of undermining the immune system of a small patient. Therefore, for a long time after the intervention, it must be protected from inflammatory diseases. The postoperative period is necessarily accompanied by drug therapy - otherwise there is a risk of tissue re-growth.

Contraindications to adenotomy are some blood diseases, as well as skin and infectious diseases in the acute period.

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