Social rehabilitation of the disabled. Test: Features of the implementation of social rehabilitation of disabled people

Disabled people as a social category of people are surrounded by healthy people in comparison with them and need more social protection, assistance, support. These types of assistance are defined by legislation, relevant regulations, instructions and recommendations, and the mechanism for their implementation is known. It should be noted that all regulations relate to benefits, allowances, pensions and other forms social assistance, which is aimed at maintaining life, at the passive consumption of material costs. At the same time, people with disabilities need such assistance that could stimulate and activate people with disabilities and would suppress the development of dependency tendencies. It is known that for a full-fledged, active life of disabled people, it is necessary to involve them in socially useful activities, develop and maintain links of disabled people with a healthy environment, government agencies of various profiles, public organizations and management structures. Essentially, we are talking on the social integration of disabled people, which is the ultimate goal of rehabilitation.

According to the place of residence (stay), all disabled people can be divided into 2 categories:

located in boarding schools;

Living in families.

It is known that in boarding schools there are the most physically severe disabled people. Depending on the nature of the pathology, adult disabled people are kept in boarding houses of a general type, in psycho-neurological boarding schools, children - in boarding houses for the mentally retarded and with physical disabilities.

The activity of a social worker is also determined by the nature of the pathology in a disabled person and correlates with his rehabilitation potential. To carry out adequate activities of a social worker in boarding schools, it is necessary to know the features of the structure and functions of these institutions.

The role of a social worker is to create a special environment in the boarding house and especially in those departments where young disabled people live. Environment therapy occupies a leading place in organizing the lifestyle of young people with disabilities. The main direction is the creation of an active, efficient living environment that would encourage young people with disabilities to “amateur activity”, self-sufficiency, moving away from dependent attitudes and overprotection.

To implement the idea of ​​activating the environment, one can use employment, amateur activities, socially useful activities, sports events, the organization of meaningful and entertaining leisure, and training in professions. Such a list of activities outside should be carried out only by a social worker. It is important that all staff be focused on changing the style of work of the institution in which young people with disabilities are located. In this regard, a social worker needs to master the methods and techniques of working with persons serving the disabled in boarding schools. In view of such tasks, the social worker should know functional responsibilities medical and support staff. He must be able to identify the common, similar in their activities and use this to create a therapeutic environment.

To create a positive therapeutic environment, a social worker needs knowledge not only of a psychological and pedagogical plan. Often it is necessary to resolve legal issues (civil law, labor regulation, property, etc.). The solution or assistance in resolving these issues will contribute to social adaptation, normalization of the relationship of young people with disabilities, and, possibly, their social integration.

When working with young people with disabilities, it is important to identify leaders from a contingent of people with a positive social orientation. Indirect influence through them on the group contributes to the formation of common goals, rallying disabled people in the course of activities, their full communication.

Communication, as one of the factors of social activity, is realized in the course of employment and leisure activities. Long-term stay of young disabled people in a kind of social isolator, such as a boarding house, does not contribute to the formation of communication skills. It is predominantly situational in nature, it is distinguished by its surface, instability of connections.

The degree of social and psychological adaptation of young people with disabilities in boarding schools is largely determined by their attitude towards their illness. It is manifested either by the denial of the disease, or by a rational attitude towards the disease, or by “going into the disease”. This last option is expressed in the appearance of isolation, depression, in constant introspection, in avoiding real events and interests. In these cases, the role of a social worker as a psychotherapist is important, who uses various methods to distract a disabled person from a pessimistic assessment of his future, switches him to ordinary interests, and orients him to a positive perspective.

The role of a social worker is to, taking into account age interests, personal and characterological characteristics of both categories of residents, organize social and household and socio-psychological adaptation of young people with disabilities.

Assistance in the admission of disabled people to an educational institution is one of the important functions participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of this category of persons.

An important section of the activity of a social worker is the employment of a disabled person, which can be carried out (in accordance with the recommendations of a medical and labor examination) either in the conditions of ordinary production, or at specialized enterprises, or at home.

At the same time, the social worker must be guided by the regulations on employment, on the list of professions for the disabled, etc., and provide them with effective assistance.

In the implementation of the rehabilitation of disabled people who are in families, and even more so living alone, an important role is played by the moral and psychological support of this category of people. The collapse of life plans, discord in the family, deprivation of a favorite job, breaking habitual ties, worsening financial situation - this is a far from complete list of problems that can maladjust a disabled person, cause him a depressive reaction and be a factor that complicates the entire rehabilitation process itself. The role of a social worker is to participate in, to penetrate into the essence of the psychogenic situation of a disabled person and in an attempt to eliminate or at least mitigate its impact on the psychological state of a disabled person. A social worker must therefore possess certain personal qualities and master the basics of psychotherapy.

Thus, the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of disabled people is multifaceted, which involves not only a versatile education, awareness of the law, but also the presence of appropriate personal characteristics that allow a disabled person to trust this category of workers.

At present, the process of social rehabilitation is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Psychologists, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, social psychologists, etc. reveal various aspects of this process, explore the mechanisms, stages and stages, factors of social rehabilitation.
According to the UN, there are approximately 450 million people in the world with mental and physical disabilities. This is 1/10 of an hour of the inhabitants of our planet.
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) show that the number of such people in the world reaches 13%.
Disabled citizens in every country are the subject of concern of the state, which puts social policy at the forefront of its activities. The main concern of the state in relation to the elderly and the disabled is their material support (pensions, allowances, benefits, etc.). However, disabled citizens need not only material support. An important role is played by the provision of effective physical, psychological, organizational and other assistance to them.
Disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its level of development, priorities and opportunities, forms a social and economic policy for persons with disabilities. However, society's ability to combat disability as a social evil is ultimately determined not only by the degree of understanding of the problem itself, but also by the existing economic resources. Of course, the scale of disability depends on many factors, such as: the state of health of the nation, the development of the healthcare system, socio-economic development, the state of the ecological environment, historical and political reasons, in particular, participation in wars and military conflicts, etc. In Russia all of these factors have a pronounced negative trend, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society. Currently, the number of disabled people is approaching 10 million people. (about 7% of the population) and continues to grow. The growth in the number of disabled people has been especially significant over the past 3 years, and it will probably not be an exaggeration to say that in the not so distant future Russia is threatened by the “invalidization of the entire country”, in any case, of its entire population of retirement age. Despite the existing macroeconomic and financial-budgetary constraints faced by the transition economy, it is obvious that with such a scale and processes, the Russian state cannot afford to ignore the problem of disability.
Today, there is an acute need to translate general humanitarian and theoretical arguments into economic categories. In this paper, an attempt is made to systematically interdisciplinary analysis of the problem of disability and people with disabilities. The task was to assess the current state of the problem, to understand what place in modern society are occupied by disabled people, what is the role and configuration of social policy towards disabled people in the general social paradigm of the Russian state and what is its effect.

1. Essence, concept, main types of rehabilitation of the disabled.

The WHO Committee (1980) gave a definition of medical rehabilitation: rehabilitation is an active process, the purpose of which is to achieve a complete restoration of functions impaired due to a disease or injury, or, if this is not realistic, the optimal realization of the physical, mental and social potential of a disabled person, the most adequate integration him in society. Thus, medical rehabilitation includes measures to prevent disability during the period of illness and help the individual achieve the maximum physical, mental, social, professional and economic usefulness that he will be capable of within the framework of the existing disease. Among other medical disciplines, rehabilitation ranks special place, since it considers not only the state of the organs and systems of the body, but also the functional capabilities of a person in his daily life after discharge from a medical institution.
According to the WHO international classification adopted in Geneva in 1980, the following levels of biomedical and psycho-social consequences of illness and injury are distinguished, which should be taken into account during rehabilitation: damage (impaiment English) - any anomaly or loss of anatomical, physiological, psychological structures or functions; disability (eng.) - resulting from damage, the loss or limitation of the ability to carry out daily activities in a manner or within the limits considered normal for human society; social restrictions (handicap English) - restrictions and obstacles resulting from damage and disruption to the performance of a social role that is considered normal for a given individual.
In recent years, the concept of “health-related quality of life” has been introduced into rehabilitation. At the same time, it is the quality of life that is considered as an integral characteristic, which should be guided by when assessing the effectiveness of the rehabilitation of patients and the disabled.
A correct understanding of the consequences of the disease is of fundamental importance for understanding the essence of medical rehabilitation and the direction of rehabilitation effects.
It is optimal to eliminate or completely compensate for damage by carrying out rehabilitation treatment. However, this is not always possible, and in these cases it is desirable to organize the patient's life in such a way as to exclude the influence of an existing anatomical and physiological defect on it. If at the same time the previous activity is impossible or negatively affects the state of health, it is necessary to switch the patient to such types of social activity that will most contribute to satisfying all his needs.
The ideology of medical rehabilitation has undergone a significant evolution in recent years. If in the 1940s the basis of policy towards the chronically ill and disabled was their protection and care, then since the 1950s the concept of integrating the sick and disabled into ordinary society began to develop; special emphasis is placed on their training and on obtaining technical aids. In the 1970s and 1980s, the idea of ​​maximum adaptation of the environment to the needs of sick and disabled people, comprehensive legislative support for people with disabilities in the field of education, healthcare, social services and employment was born. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the system of medical rehabilitation to a very large extent depends on the economic development of society.
Despite the significant differences in the systems of medical rehabilitation in different countries, international cooperation in this area is developing more and more, the question of the need for international planning and the development of a coordinated program for the rehabilitation of physically handicapped persons is increasingly being raised. Thus, the period from 1983 to 1992 was declared by the UN as the International Decade of the Disabled; In 1993, the UN General Assembly adopted the “Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities”, which should be considered in UN member countries as a reference point in the field of the rights of persons with disabilities. Apparently, further transformation of the ideas and scientific and practical tasks of medical rehabilitation is inevitable, associated with the social and economic changes that are gradually taking place in society.
General indications in medical rehabilitation are presented in the report of the WHO Expert Committee on the Prevention of Disability in Rehabilitation (1983). These include:
a significant decrease in functional abilities;
decreased ability to learn;
special susceptibility to environmental influences;
violations of social relations;
violations of labor relations.
General contraindications to the use of rehabilitation measures include concomitant acute inflammatory and infectious diseases, decompensated somatic and oncological diseases, pronounced disorders of the intellectual-mnestic sphere and mental illness, complicating communication and the possibility of active participation of the patient in the rehabilitation process.
In our country, according to the materials of the All-Union Research Institute of Social Hygiene and Health Organization named after. N.A. Semashko (1980), out of the total number of those hospitalized in therapeutic departments, 8.37 per 10,000 of the total population need rehabilitation treatment, 20.91 per 10,000 in the surgical department, and 21.65 per 10,000 in the neurological department ; in general, from 20 to 30% are subject to aftercare, depending on the main profile of the department, which requires 6.16 beds per 10,000 population. Outpatient rehabilitation, according to NA Shestakova and co-authors (1980), requires 14-15% of those who applied to the clinic, and about 80% of them are people with consequences of damage to the musculoskeletal system.
The basic principles of medical rehabilitation are most fully set out by one of its founders, K Renker (1980):
Rehabilitation should be carried out from the very beginning of the disease or injury and up to the full return of the person to society (continuity and thoroughness).
The problem of rehabilitation should be solved comprehensively, taking into account all its aspects (complexity).
Rehabilitation should be accessible to all who need it (accessibility).
Rehabilitation must be adapted to the ever-changing disease patterns, as well as technological advances and changing social structures (flexibility).
Taking into account continuity, inpatient, outpatient, and in some countries (Poland, Russia) - sometimes also sanatorium stages of medical rehabilitation are distinguished.
Since one of the leading principles of rehabilitation is the complexity of impacts, only those institutions in which a complex of medical-social and professional-pedagogical activities is carried out can be called rehabilitation. The following aspects of these activities are distinguished (Rogovoi M.A. 1982):
Medical aspect - includes issues of treatment, treatment-diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic plan.
Physical aspect - covers all issues related to the use of physical factors (physiotherapy, exercise therapy, mechanical and occupational therapy), with an increase in physical performance.
Psychological aspect- acceleration of the process of psychological adaptation to the life situation that has changed as a result of the disease, prevention and treatment of developing pathological mental changes.
Professional - in working persons - prevention possible reduction or disability; for disabled people - if possible, restoration of working capacity; this includes issues of determining working capacity, employment, professional hygiene, physiology and psychology of labor, labor training for retraining.
Social aspect - covers the issues of the influence of social factors on the development and course of the disease, social security of labor and pension legislation, the relationship between the patient and the family, society and production.
The economic aspect is the study of economic costs and the expected economic effect with various methods of rehabilitation treatment, forms and methods of rehabilitation for planning medical and socio-economic activities.

Forms and methods of solving social problems of the disabled.

Historically, the concepts of "disability" and "disabled person" in Russia were associated with the concepts of "disability" and "sick". And often methodological approaches to the analysis of disability were borrowed from health care, by analogy with the analysis of morbidity. Ideas about the origin of disability fit into the traditional schemes of "health - morbidity" (although, to be precise, morbidity is an indicator of ill health) and "sick - disabled". The consequences of such approaches created the illusion of imaginary well-being, as relative disability rates improved against the background of natural population growth, which is why there were no real incentives to search for the true causes of the increase in the absolute number of disabled people. Only after 1992 in Russia did the birth and death lines cross, and the depopulation of the nation became distinct, accompanied by a steady deterioration in disability indicators, serious doubts arose about the correctness of the methodology for the statistical analysis of disability. Specialists for a long time considered the concept of "disability", starting mainly from biological prerequisites, regarding its occurrence mainly as a result of an unfavorable outcome of treatment. In this regard, the social side of the problem was narrowed down to disability as the main indicator of disability. Therefore, the main task of the medical and labor expert commissions was to determine what professional activities the person being examined could not perform, and what he could - was determined on the basis of subjective, predominantly biological, and not socio-biological criteria. The concept of "disabled person" was narrowed down to the concept of "terminally ill". Thus, the social role of a person in the current legal field and specific economic conditions receded into the background, and the concept of "disabled person" was not considered from the point of view of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation using social, economic, psychological, educational and other necessary technologies. Since the beginning of the 90s, the traditional principles of state policy aimed at solving the problems of disability and disabled people have lost their effectiveness due to the difficult socio-economic situation in the country. It was necessary to create new ones, to bring them into line with the norms of international law. Currently, a disabled person is characterized as a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need for it. social protection(Federal Law "On Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation", 1995). Disability is one of the most important indicators of the social ill-being of the population, reflects social maturity, economic viability, moral value of society and characterizes the violation of the relationship between a disabled person and society. Taking into account the fact that the problems of disabled people affect not only their personal interests, but also to a certain extent concern their families, depend on the standard of living of the population and other social factors, it can be stated that their solution lies in the national, and not the narrow departmental plane, and in many respects determines the face of the social policy of the state.
In general, disability as a problem of human activity in conditions of limited freedom of choice includes several main aspects: legal; socio-environmental; psychological; socio-ideological; production and economic; anatomical and functional.

Legal aspect of solving the problems of disabled people.

The legal aspect involves ensuring the rights, freedoms and obligations of persons with disabilities.
The President of Russia signed the Federal Law "On Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation". Thus, a particularly vulnerable part of our society is given guarantees of social protection. Of course, the fundamental legislative norms governing the position of a disabled person in society, his rights and obligations are necessary attributes of any legal state. Therefore, the entry into force of this Law should only be welcomed. Its history began in 1989. Then, in December, at the suggestion of the Central Board of the VOY, at the session of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Protection of the Disabled" was adopted. But due to the collapse of the Union, he did not have a chance to work for them. And now the new law came into force. Although it contains some errors and needs some improvement. For example, in terms of the distribution of powers between the federal authorities and the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation. But the appearance of such a document is a significant event, and above all for the millions of Russian disabled people who have finally received "their own" law. After all, in order to survive, they must have economic, social and legal guarantees. And the published law establishes a certain amount of such guarantees. It should be noted three fundamental provisions that form the basis of the Law. The first is that persons with disabilities have special rights to certain conditions for education; provision of means of transportation; for specialized housing conditions; priority obtaining of land plots for individual housing construction, maintenance of subsidiary and summer cottages and gardening, and others. For example, living quarters will now be provided to disabled people, families with disabled children, taking into account the state of health and other circumstances. Disabled people have the right to additional living space in the form of a separate room in accordance with the list of diseases approved by the government of the Russian Federation. However, it is not considered excessive and is payable in a single amount. Or another example. Introduced special conditions to provide employment for the disabled. Now, for enterprises, institutions, organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, with more than 30 employees, a quota for hiring disabled people is set - as a percentage of the average number of employees (but not less than three percent). The second important provision is the right of disabled people to be active participants in all those processes that relate to decision-making regarding their life, status, etc. Now the federal executive authorities, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must involve authorized representatives of public associations of the disabled in the preparation and adoption of decisions affecting the interests of the disabled. Decisions made in violation of this rule may be declared invalid in court. The third provision proclaims the creation of specialized public services: medical and social expertise and rehabilitation. They are designed to form a system for ensuring a relatively independent life of the disabled. At the same time, among the functions assigned to the state service of medical and social expertise, is the determination of the group of disability, its causes, timing, time of onset of disability, the needs of a disabled person in various types of social protection; determination of the degree of loss of professional capacity for work of persons who have received an industrial injury or occupational disease; the level and causes of disability of the population, etc. The law draws attention to the main directions of solving the problems of people with disabilities. In particular, it refers to their information support, issues of accounting, reporting, statistics, the needs of disabled people, and the creation of a barrier-free living environment. The creation of the rehabilitation industry as the industrial base of the system of social protection of the disabled involves the production specialized funds facilitating the work and life of the disabled, the provision of appropriate rehabilitation services and, at the same time, partial provision of their employment. The law speaks of the creation of a comprehensive system of multidisciplinary rehabilitation of the disabled, including medical, social and professional aspects. It also touches upon the problems of training professional personnel to work with the disabled, including from the disabled themselves. It is important that these same areas have already been developed in more detail in the Federal Comprehensive Program "Social Support for the Disabled". Actually, with the release of the Law, we can say that the Federal Comprehensive Program received a unified legislative framework. Now there is serious work to be done to make the Law work. It is assumed that specialized public services will be created under the Ministry of Social Protection.

Socio-environmental aspect.

Social and environmental includes issues related to the micro-social environment (family, workforce, housing, workplace, etc.) and the macro-social environment (city-forming and information environment, social groups, labor market, etc.).
A special category of objects of service by social workers is a family in which there is a disabled person, or an elderly person in need of outside help. A family of this kind is a microenvironment in which the person in need lives. social support human. He, as it were, draws her into the orbit of an acute need for social protection. A specially conducted study found that out of 200 families with disabled members, 39.6% have disabled people. For a more effective organization of social services, it is important for a social worker to know the cause of disability, which may be due to a general disease (84.8%), associated with being at the front (war invalids - 6.3%), or have been disabled since childhood (6.3 %). The affiliation of a disabled person to one or another group is related to the nature of benefits and privileges. The role of the social worker is to use awareness of this issue to facilitate the implementation of benefits in accordance with existing legislation. When approaching the organization of work with a family with a disabled person or an elderly person, it is important for a social worker to determine the social affiliation of this family, to establish its structure (complete, incomplete). The significance of these factors is obvious, the methodology of working with the family is connected with them, and the different nature of the needs of the family also depends on them. Of the 200 surveyed families, 45.5% were complete, 28.5% - incomplete (in which the mother and children are predominant), 26% - single, among which women predominated (84.6%). It turned out that the role of a social worker as an organizer, mediator, performer is most significant for these families in the following areas: moral and psychological support, medical care, social services. When assessing the need for moral and psychological support, of all its types, the following turned out to be the most relevant for all families: organizing communication with social security authorities (71.5%), establishing contacts with public organizations (17%) and restoring ties with labor collectives (17% ). 60.4% of complete families need to organize contacts with social security authorities, 84.2% of incomplete families, and 76.9% of single families. 27.5%, 12.3%, 3.8% of families, respectively, need to establish contacts with public organizations. 19.8% of complete families, 5.9% of single-parent families and 26.9% of single persons need to restore ties with labor collectives. An extremely small number of families (4.5%) of the surveyed need to exercise their rights to benefits. Perhaps this is due to the lack of awareness of family members about the benefits that people with disabilities have. Even to a lesser extent, families with disabled people in their composition need to eliminate conflict situations (3.5%) and in psychological and pedagogical support. Apparently, the lack of demand for this kind of assistance can be explained by the unusualness for our society of interference in the intimate environment of the family, the unusual posing of the question, that is, the unformed need. When analyzing the need for the organization of medical care, 71% of families feel the need for supervision by a local doctor, almost half of the families (49.5%) need consultations of narrow specialists, and 17.5% - in dispensary observation. In complete families, the ranking places in the need for these types of medical care are somewhat different: in the first place (50.7%) is the need for supervision by a district doctor, in the second (40%) - in dispensary supervision, in the third (30.3%) - in the consultations of narrow specialists. In incomplete families, the greatest need (37.4%) is in dispensary observation, 35.4% of families need consultations of narrow specialists and 26.7% - in the supervision of a district doctor. Among the lonely, the need for consultations of narrow specialists prevails (34.3%) and equally (22.5% each) for the supervision of a local doctor and dispensary supervision.
It has been established that the greatest need of the surveyed families concerns social services. This is explained by the fact that disabled family members are limited in their mobility, need constant outside care and tie healthy people to themselves, who cannot deliver food, medicines and provide them with various other household services related to leaving the house. In addition, at present, this can be explained by social tension, difficulties in food security and in obtaining personal services. In connection with these circumstances, the role of the social worker increases sharply. When assessing the needs of families in the organization of social services, the following was revealed. The greatest need for all surveyed families concerns laundry services (88.5%), dry cleaning (82.5%), and a shoe shop (64.6%). The need for apartment cleaning (27% of families), housing repair (24.5%), and equally (for 20.5% of families) the need for food and medicine delivery were also revealed. A comparative analysis of various categories of families showed that single families, compared to other families, have an increased need for food delivery (50%), apartment cleaning (46.2%), and medication delivery (40.4%). The data obtained show that the needs of families that include disabled members are determined by the socio-economic situation in the country, on the one hand, and the limited opportunities for self-sufficiency of disabled people, on the other. Apparently, in connection with the socio-economic situation, there is also a need for the surveyed families to attach an elderly person to a social service center, where he receives free food, medical care, and also the opportunity to communicate. Of all the families studied, 33.5% need such assistance. Singles have the greatest need for this, almost half of them (48.1%) need to visit a social service center. 33.3% of incomplete families need this assistance. The role of the social worker in this latter case is not only to identify those in need of assistance from the social service center, but also, taking into account the financial situation of the family, to determine the frequency of attaching an elderly person to this institution. These circumstances not only determine the functions of a social worker, but also his prestige. Thus, it turned out that the greatest need for social protection of all surveyed families is currently grouped around social problems, the most vulnerable from the point of view of social protection, single disabled citizens need the delivery of food and medicine, cleaning the apartment, attaching to social service centers. The lack of demand for moral and psychological support for families is explained by the unformed needs of this kind, on the one hand, and the established national traditions in Russia, on the other. Both of these factors are interrelated. It is necessary to form the sphere of activity of a social worker. In addition to those duties that are set out in regulatory documents, qualification characteristics, taking into account the current situation, it is important not only to perform organizational, intermediary functions. Other types of activities acquire certain relevance, including: awareness of the population about the possibility of a wider use of the services of a social worker, the formation of the needs of the population (in a market economy) in protecting the rights and interests of disabled citizens, the implementation of moral and psychological support for the family, etc. Thus, The role of a social worker in interaction with a family with a disabled or elderly person has many aspects and can be represented as a series of successive stages. The beginning of work with a family of this kind should be preceded by the identification of this object of influence by a social worker. In order to fully cover families with an elderly person and a disabled person who need the help of a social worker, it is necessary to use a specially developed methodology.

Psychological aspect.

The psychological aspect reflects both the personal and psychological orientation of the disabled person himself, and the emotional and psychological perception of the problem of disability by society. Disabled people and pensioners belong to the category of the so-called low-mobility population and are the least protected, socially vulnerable part of society. This is primarily due to defects in their physical condition caused by diseases that led to disability, as well as to the existing complex of concomitant somatic pathology and reduced motor activity, which are characteristic of most older people. In addition, to a large extent, the social insecurity of these groups of the population is associated with the presence of a psychological factor that forms their attitude towards society and makes it difficult to adequately contact with it. Psychological problems occur when people with disabilities are isolated from outside world, both as a result of existing ailments, and as a result of the unsuitability of the environment for disabled people in wheelchairs, when habitual communication is broken due to retirement, when loneliness sets in as a result of the loss of a spouse, when characterological features are sharpened as a result of the development of a sclerotic process, characteristic for the elderly. All this leads to the emergence of emotional-volitional disorders, the development of depression, behavioral changes.
Old age is a special period in a person's life, when far-reaching plans are either not built at all, or they are sharply narrowed and limited to vital needs. This is the period when many senile ailments appear, which are caused not only, and maybe not so much by the presence of chronic somatic pathology. The decrease in vitality, which underlies all kinds of ailments, is largely due to a psychological factor - a pessimistic assessment of the future, the futility of existence. At the same time, the deeper the introspection inherent in a given person, the more difficult and painful the psychological restructuring. The state of vitality is also influenced by the way of responding to somatic sensations, which are also associated with the personality characteristics of an elderly person. Especially fraught at this age with care in the disease. When approaching the processes of aging and old age, two aspects of this problem are considered: - features mental activity due to age-related changes in brain activity, that is, the biological processes of aging; - psychological phenomena, which are the reactions of an aging person to these changes or to a new (internal or external) situation that has developed under the influence of biological and social factors. The changes that occur in old age in the field of the mental sphere are observed at various levels: personal, functional, organic. Knowledge of these features is very important for social workers, as it allows them to assess the situation of communication with older people, correct their psychological reactions and predict expected results. Personal changes, regarded as signs of biologically determined aging, are expressed in the strengthening and sharpening of the previous personality traits, on the one hand, and in the development of general, actually age-leveling features, on the other. The first group of changes is manifested in the fact that, for example, the thrifty becomes stingy, the incredulous becomes suspicious, and so on. The second group of personality changes is expressed in the appearance of rigidity, intolerance, conservatism in relation to everything new, while reassessing the past, a tendency to moralize, vulnerability, and resentment. Senile personality changes are characterized by a peculiar polarity: thus, along with stubbornness and rigidity of judgments, there is increased suggestibility and gullibility, along with a decrease in emotionality and responsiveness - increased sentimentality, weakness, a tendency to tenderness, along with experiencing feelings of loneliness - unwillingness to contact with others. In addition to personality changes associated with the aging process, it is also important to keep in mind changes in mental functions. These include violations of memory, attention, emotional sphere, psychomotor activity, orientation and, in general, a violation of adaptive mechanisms. Of particular importance when communicating with older people is the knowledge of the features of memory disorders by a social worker. With relative preservation of memory for events of many years ago, memory for recent events suffers in old age, short-term memory is disturbed. This can negatively affect the relationship of an elderly person with a social worker serving him, when there are complaints about the quality of services, the duration and number of visits, etc. Attention in old age is characterized by instability, distractibility. In the emotional sphere, a reduced background of mood prevails, a tendency to depressive reactions, tearfulness, and fixation on insults. An elderly person is characterized by a slowdown in the pace of mental activity, slowness and awkwardness of motor skills, and a reduced ability to orientate in the environment. The breakdown of the adaptive mechanism, characteristic of old age, affects the new conditions (when changing the place of residence, the familiar environment, if it is necessary to make contacts in an unusual environment, etc.). In this case, there are reactions of maladjustment, which have a different degree of severity - from personal to clinically outlined. Mental changes in old age associated with pathological processes manifest themselves in various (nosological) diseases characteristic of the elderly and old age. These include clinical manifestations dementia, delusional and affective disorders. Diagnosis of these conditions is the prerogative of the doctor. The role of a social worker who has constant contact with older people is to be able to identify signs of illness and organize specialist assistance, being elementary informed about such conditions.

Social - ideological aspect.

The social and ideological aspect determines the content of the practical activities of state institutions and the formation of state policy in relation to the disabled and disability. In this sense, it is necessary to abandon the dominant view of disability as an indicator of the health of the population, and perceive it as an indicator of the effectiveness of social policy, and realize that the solution to the problem of disability is in the interaction of the disabled person and society.
The development of social assistance at home is not the only form of social service for disabled citizens. Since 1986, the so-called Social Service Centers for Pensioners began to be created, which, in addition to departments of social assistance at home, included completely new structural divisions - departments day stay. The purpose of organizing such departments was to create original leisure centers for the elderly, regardless of whether they live in families or are alone. It was envisaged that people would come to such departments in the morning and return home in the evening; during the day they will have the opportunity to be in a comfortable environment, communicate, spend meaningful time, participate in various cultural events, receive one-time hot meals and, if necessary, first-aid medical care. The main objective of the activity of such departments is to help the elderly in overcoming loneliness, a secluded lifestyle, filling the existence with a new meaning, the formation active image life, partly lost due to retirement.
A study of the motives for visiting the day care department showed that the desire to communicate is the leading one for the vast majority of people (76.3%), the second most important is the opportunity to receive a free or reduced-price lunch (61.3%); the third in the hierarchy of motives is the desire to meaningfully spend one's leisure time (47%). Such motives as the desire to rid themselves of the cooking process (29%) and poor material security (18%) do not occupy a leading position among the main contingent of those visiting the department. At the same time, almost half of the citizens (46.7%) also have other motives that attract them to the day care department. So, a daily visit makes them to be in good shape, disciplines, fills life with new meaning, allows you to relax. For some citizens, a long visit to the department contributed to a significant improvement in their health status (reduction of attacks of bronchial asthma, vascular crises, etc.). A positive impact on the emotional sphere is provided by a cozy atmosphere, the goodwill of the department's employees, as well as the opportunity to receive medical assistance at any time, to engage in physiotherapy exercises.

In recent years, a new structural subdivision has appeared in a number of Social Service Centers - the Emergency Social Assistance Service. It is designed to provide emergency assistance of a one-time nature, aimed at supporting the life of citizens in dire need of social support. The organization of such a service was caused by a change in the socio-economic and political

Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Edited by A. N. Belova, O. N. Shchepetova M. “Antidore” 1998 pp. 11-13.

Guidelines for the rehabilitation of patients with movement disorders. Edited by A. N. Belova, O. N. Shchepetova M. “Antidore” 1998 pp. 13-15

situation in the country, the emergence of a large number of refugees from the hot spots of the former Soviet Union, the homeless, as well as the need to provide urgent social assistance to citizens who find themselves in extreme situations due to natural disasters, etc. In accordance with the regulatory document, the Emergency Social Assistance Service should be located in a specially designated room with all types of communal amenities, storage facilities for storing items of natural assistance (clothes, shoes, bed linen, a set of medicines and dressings for the provision of urgent first aid, etc.), have a telephone connection. The main activities of the Service are: - providing the necessary information and advice on social assistance issues; - providing free hot meals or food packages (by coupons in a fixed catering enterprise; coupons can be issued for one visit to the canteen or, after examining the social and living conditions of the victim for a period of a month); - provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials; - provision of material assistance; - assistance in obtaining temporary housing (in some cases, together with the immigration service); - referral of citizens to the relevant authorities and services for qualified and complete resolution of their issues; - provision of emergency psychological help, including by telephone helpline; - provision of other types of assistance due to regional specifics (including urgent legal assistance to disabled people and older people who are unable to receive the services of the state legal service).

Anatomical and functional aspect.

The anatomical and functional aspect of disability involves the formation of such a social environment (in the physical and psychological sense) that would perform a rehabilitation function and contribute to the development of the rehabilitation potential of a disabled person. Thus, taking into account the modern understanding of disability, the subject of state attention in solving this problem should not be violations in the human body, but the restoration of its social role function in conditions of limited freedom. The main focus in solving the problems of people with disabilities and disability is shifting towards rehabilitation, based primarily on social mechanisms compensation and adaptation. Thus, the meaning of the rehabilitation of the disabled lies in a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach to restoring a person's abilities for everyday, social and professional activities at a level corresponding to his physical, psychological and social potential, taking into account the characteristics of the micro- and macrosocial environment. The ultimate goal of complex multidisciplinary rehabilitation, as a process and system, is to provide a person with anatomical defects, functional disorders, social deviations opportunities for independent living. From this point of view, rehabilitation prevents the violation of human ties with the outside world and performs a preventive function in relation to disability.

2. The role of social workers in the rehabilitation of disabled people

Disabled people as a social category of people are surrounded by healthy people in comparison with them and need more social protection, assistance, support. These types of assistance are defined by legislation, relevant regulations, instructions and recommendations, and the mechanism for their implementation is known. It should be noted that all regulations relate to benefits, allowances, pensions and other forms of social assistance, which is aimed at maintaining life, at the passive consumption of material costs. At the same time, people with disabilities need such assistance that could stimulate and activate people with disabilities and would suppress the development of dependency tendencies. It is known that for a full-fledged, active life of people with disabilities, it is necessary to involve them in socially useful activities, develop and maintain connections between people with disabilities and a healthy environment, government agencies various profiles, public organizations and management structures. Essentially, we are talking about the social integration of people with disabilities, which is the ultimate goal of rehabilitation.
According to the place of residence (stay), all disabled people can be divided into 2 categories:
- located in boarding schools;
- living in families.
This criterion - place of residence - should not be taken as formal. It is closely connected with the moral and psychological factor, with the prospect further fate disabled people.
It is known that in boarding schools there are the most physically severe disabled people. Depending on the nature of the pathology, adult disabled people are kept in boarding houses of a general type, in psycho-neurological boarding schools, children - in boarding houses for the mentally retarded and with physical disabilities.
The activity of a social worker is also determined by the nature of the pathology in a disabled person and correlates with his rehabilitation potential. To carry out adequate activities of a social worker in boarding schools, it is necessary to know the features of the structure and functions of these institutions.
Boarding houses of a general type are intended for medical and social services for the disabled. They accept citizens (women from 55 years old, men from 60 years old) and disabled people of groups 1 and 2 over 18 years old who do not have able-bodied children or parents legally required to support them.
The objectives of this boarding house are:
- creation favorable conditions life close to home;
- organization of care for residents, provision of medical assistance to them and organization of meaningful leisure;
- Organization of employment of disabled people.
In accordance with the main tasks, the boarding house carries out:
- active assistance in the adaptation of disabled people to new conditions;
- a household device, providing those who arrived with comfortable housing, inventory and furniture, bedding, clothes and shoes;
- catering taking into account age and health status;
- clinical examination and treatment of disabled people, organization of advisory medical care, as well as hospitalization of those in need in medical institutions;
- providing those in need with hearing aids, glasses, prosthetic and orthopedic products and wheelchairs;
- in accordance with medical recommendations, the organization of employment that contributes to maintaining an active lifestyle.
Young people with disabilities (from 18 to 44 years old) are accommodated in boarding houses of a general type. They make up about 10% of the total population. More than half of them are disabled since childhood, 27.3% - due to a general illness, 5.4% - due to a work injury, 2.5% - others. Their condition is very serious. This is evidenced by the predominance of disabled people of the 1st group (67.0%).
largest group(83.3%) are disabled with consequences of damage to the central nervous system (residual effects of cerebral palsy, poliomyelitis, encephalitis, spinal cord injury, etc.), 5.5% are disabled due to pathology of internal organs.
The consequence of varying degrees of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system is the restriction of motor activity of the disabled. In this regard, 8.1% need outside care, 50.4% move with crutches or wheelchair and only 41.5% - independently.
The nature of the pathology also affects the ability of young people with disabilities to self-service: 10.9% of them cannot take care of themselves, 33.4% take care of themselves partially, 55.7% - completely.
As can be seen from the above characteristics of young people with disabilities, despite the severity of their state of health, a significant part of them are subject to social adaptation in the institutions themselves, and in some cases, integration into society. In this regard, the factors influencing the social adaptation of young people with disabilities are of great importance. Adaptation suggests the presence of conditions conducive to the implementation of existing and the formation of new social needs, taking into account the reserve capabilities of a disabled person.
Unlike older people with relatively limited needs, among which vital and associated with the extension of an active lifestyle, young people with disabilities have needs for education and employment, for the fulfillment of desires in the field of recreational leisure and sports, for creating a family, etc.
In the conditions of a boarding school, in the absence of special workers in the staff who could study the needs of young people with disabilities, and in the absence of conditions for their rehabilitation, a situation of social tension and dissatisfaction of desires arises. Young people with disabilities, in fact, are in conditions of social deprivation, they constantly experience a lack of information. At the same time, it turned out that only 3.9% would like to improve their education, and 8.6% of young disabled people would like to get a profession. Among the wishes, requests for cultural and mass work dominate (for 418% of young disabled people).
The role of a social worker is to create a special environment in the boarding house and especially in those departments where young disabled people live. Environment therapy occupies a leading place in organizing the lifestyle of young people with disabilities. The main direction is the creation of an active, efficient living environment that would encourage young people with disabilities to “amateur activity”, self-sufficiency, moving away from dependent attitudes and overprotection.
To implement the idea of ​​activating the environment, one can use employment, amateur activities, socially useful activities, sports events, the organization of meaningful and entertaining leisure, and training in professions. Such a list of activities outside should be carried out only by a social worker. It is important that all staff be focused on changing the style of work of the institution in which young people with disabilities are located. In this regard, a social worker needs to master the methods and techniques of working with persons serving the disabled in boarding schools. In view of such tasks, the social worker must know the functional responsibilities of the medical and support staff. He must be able to identify the common, similar in their activities and use this to create a therapeutic environment.
To create a positive therapeutic environment, a social worker needs knowledge not only of a psychological and pedagogical plan. Often it is necessary to resolve legal issues (civil law, labor regulation, property, etc.). The solution or assistance in resolving these issues will contribute to social adaptation, normalization of the relationship of young people with disabilities, and, possibly, their social integration.
When working with young people with disabilities, it is important to identify leaders from a contingent of people with a positive social orientation. Indirect influence through them on the group contributes to the formation of common goals, rallying disabled people in the course of activities, their full communication.
Communication, as one of the factors of social activity, is realized in the course of employment and leisure activities. Long-term stay of young disabled people in a kind of social isolator, such as a boarding house, does not contribute to the formation of communication skills. It is predominantly situational in nature, it is distinguished by its surface, instability of connections.
The degree of social and psychological adaptation of young people with disabilities in boarding schools is largely determined by their attitude towards their illness. It is manifested either by the denial of the disease, or by a rational attitude towards the disease, or by “going into the disease”. This last option is expressed in the appearance of isolation, depression, in constant introspection, in avoiding real events and interests. In these cases, the role of a social worker as a psychotherapist is important, who uses various methods to distract a disabled person from a pessimistic assessment of his future, switches him to ordinary interests, and orients him to a positive perspective.
The role of a social worker is to organize the social, domestic and socio-psychological adaptation of young people with disabilities, taking into account the age interests, personal and characterological characteristics of both categories of residents.
Assistance in the admission of disabled people to an educational institution is one of the important functions of the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of this category of persons.
An important section of the activity of a social worker is the employment of a disabled person, which can be carried out (in accordance with the recommendations of a medical and labor examination) either in the conditions of ordinary production, or at specialized enterprises, or at home.
At the same time, the social worker must be guided by the regulations on employment, on the list of professions for the disabled, etc., and provide them with effective assistance.
In the implementation of the rehabilitation of disabled people who are in families, and even more so living alone, an important role is played by the moral and psychological support of this category of people. The collapse of life plans, discord in the family, deprivation of a favorite job, breaking habitual ties, worsening financial situation - this is a far from complete list of problems that can maladjust a disabled person, cause him a depressive reaction and be a factor that complicates the entire rehabilitation process itself. The role of a social worker is to participate in, to penetrate into the essence of the psychogenic situation of a disabled person and in an attempt to eliminate or at least mitigate its impact on the psychological state of a disabled person. A social worker must therefore possess certain personal qualities and master the basics of psychotherapy.
Thus, the participation of a social worker in the rehabilitation of disabled people is multifaceted, which involves not only a versatile education, awareness of the law, but also the presence of appropriate personal characteristics that allow a disabled person to trust this category of workers.

3. Employment of the disabled.

Until 1995, there was practically no comprehensive approach to the social protection of disabled people. By a resolution dated January 16, 1995, the Government of the Russian Federation approved the federal comprehensive program "Social Support for the Disabled", which includes five targeted subprograms. in November 1995, the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” was approved (hereinafter referred to as the Law). It lays the foundations legal framework social protection of disabled people, the goals of state policy in this area are defined (providing disabled people with equal opportunities with other citizens in exercising civil, political, economic, social and other rights and freedoms provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation), taking into account the principles and norms of international law adopted in relation to persons disabled.
The system of measures of social protection established by law creates prerequisites for the social adaptation of disabled people and their integration into society. The law defines that a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions due to diseases, the consequences of injuries or defects that lead to a limitation of life and necessitate his social protection. Recognition of a person as a disabled person is carried out by the State Service of Medical and Social Expertise.
In the Russian Federation, about 9 million people receive disability pensions. About 70% of them are invalids of groups I and II. There is an increase in the number of people with disabilities since childhood. If in 1986 there were 91,000 such children under the age of 16 (6.2 per 10,000 children), then in 1995 there were 399,000 people (11.5 per 10,000 children). Apparently, the trend towards an increase in the number of children with disabilities will continue in the future, although due to a decrease in the birth rate, the growth rate of the number of children with disabilities will slow down to some extent.
As of January 1, 1995, disabled people from work injury or occupational disease accounted for 0.272% of the country's able-bodied population. According to forecasts, the number of disabled people of this group will also grow: if in 1996 229.6 thousand people were registered, then in 2006 it will increase to 245.3 thousand people. This is due to the deterioration or conservation of working conditions.
As of January 1, 1995, there were 782,000 war invalids and disabled persons equated to them, of which 732,000 were invalids of the Great Patriotic War.
As of January 1, 1995, disability pensioners from general illness accounted for 2.4% of the total population; in 1996 - 3547.5 thousand people, by 2006 the number of 3428.1 thousand people is expected. The decrease in the number of people with disabilities due to a general disease is associated with a decrease in the population.
The level of employment of disabled people in social production has been steadily declining and for 1980-1994. fell from 45% to 17%. Moreover, only 30% of people with disabilities of working age have a job. At the same time, the number of non-working disabled people who have recommendations from the medical and social expertise service on the indicated mode and nature of work is more than 3.5 million people. At the same time, about 30% of them want to work. However, the increased requirements of employers for the quality of the workforce, the reduction in production capacity, and migration processes have increased the difficulties with the employment of disabled people and have necessitated the adoption of effective measures aimed at facilitating their professional rehabilitation and employment.
In accordance with Art. 10 of the law, the basis of the created system of social protection of disabled people is the federal basic program for the rehabilitation of disabled people. The approximate regulation on the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, approved on December 14, 1996 by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, determines that an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person (IPR) is a list of rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring the ability of a disabled person to household, social, professional activities in in accordance with the structure of his needs, range of interests, level of claims, taking into account the predicted level of his somatic condition, psycho-physiological endurance, social status and real possibilities of the social and environmental infrastructure. In case of consent to the implementation of rehabilitation measures, the disabled person (or his legal representative) submits an application addressed to the head of the institution of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise with a request to develop an IPR, which must be formed no later than month term after the submission of said application.
The implementation of the IRP is carried out by organizations, enterprises, institutions, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, institutions of the state service for the rehabilitation of the disabled, non-state rehabilitation institutions, and educational institutions. Rehabilitation measures should be provided to a disabled person both free of charge in accordance with the federal basic program for the rehabilitation of disabled people, and with payment with the participation of the disabled person himself or other persons or organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. However, the lack of development of the mechanism of interaction between the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the federation when providing rehabilitation measures hinder the implementation of Art. 11 of the law and other regulations on the procedure for the development and implementation of individual programs for the rehabilitation of disabled people.
For people with disabilities who want to work, employment is very important. A working disabled person ceases to feel his inferiority caused by physical and other health deficiencies, feels like a full member of society and, importantly, has additional material resources. Therefore, in order to ensure the possibility of exercising the right to work, persons with disabilities are provided with guarantees for the implementation of labor employment by both federal state authorities and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation through a number of special measures that help increase their competitiveness in the labor market: 1) the implementation of preferential financial - credit policy in relation to specialized enterprises employing the labor of disabled people, enterprises, institutions, organizations of public associations of disabled people; 2) establishment in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, of a quota for hiring disabled people and a minimum number of special jobs for them; reservation of jobs for professions most suitable for the employment of disabled people; 3) stimulating the creation by enterprises, institutions, organizations of additional jobs (including special ones) for the employment of people with disabilities; 4) creation of working conditions for the disabled in accordance with their individual rehabilitation programs; 5) creation of conditions for entrepreneurial activity of disabled people; organization of training for their new professions.
Consider how effective these measures are.
At present, specialized enterprises of societies for the disabled (blind, deaf) are completely exempt from paying taxes and payments to the pension fund, employment funds, social and medical insurance. But, in our opinion, the same benefits could be provided to all enterprises employing disabled people, if their share in the total number of employees is, say, 50%. In addition, the creation of favorable economic conditions for enterprises employing disabled people can also be done at the regional level, for example, in Moscow and the Moscow Region, enterprises employing disabled people are exempt from income tax, property tax, transport tax and tax on maintenance of educational institutions, payments for land.
Organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, where the number of employees is more than 30 people, are set a quota for hiring disabled people as a percentage of the average number of employees (but not less than 3%).
The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have the right to establish a higher quota for the employment of disabled people. Employment for quota jobs is carried out by the employer in the direction of the state employment service. In Primorsky Krai, for example, in 1996, 100 jobs were quota-based at enterprises for the disabled, but already in 1997 - 596.
In the Federal Program for the Promotion of Employment of the Population for 1996-1997. indicated that the introduction federal quota for the employment of disabled people, as well as reserving certain types of work and professions for them, will provide employment for more than 50 thousand disabled people. However, it is practically very difficult to employ disabled people in quota jobs. One of the reasons why employers refuse to hire people with disabilities is the inability to use their labor for vacancies available at enterprises due to their physical disabilities and the lack of vacancies.
The Law "On Employment in the Russian Federation" (Article 25) provides for the responsibility of employers for non-fulfillment or impossibility of fulfilling the quota for hiring disabled people. In these cases, employers monthly pay a mandatory fee to the employment fund for each unemployed disabled person within the quota. But to date, no regulatory documents have been developed for calculating the cost of jobs, and the absence of such documents does not allow the application of penalties to employers who refuse to employ disabled people in quota jobs. In addition, for the employment of persons with disabilities, special jobs should be created that require additional measures on the organization of labor, including the adaptation of the main and auxiliary equipment, technical and organizational equipment, additional equipment and the provision of technical devices, taking into account the individual capabilities of the disabled.
Special jobs for the employment of disabled people are created at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Employment Fund), with the exception of jobs for disabled people who have received an industrial injury or occupational disease. But the mechanism for ensuring the employment of disabled people, including the creation of a minimum number of special jobs, reserving jobs for professions that are most suitable for employment of disabled people, has not yet worked due to the lack of the necessary regulatory framework.
In order to preserve and create jobs, the SFZ directed part of the funds to finance activities that encourage employers to create and preserve them. However, there were no criteria for the allocation of funds for these purposes in the federal legislation and their amounts were determined on the basis of internal documents of the Federal State Employment Service.
So, on July 25, 1994, the Federal State Employment Service of Russia approved the "Procedure for providing financial assistance to employers for organizing additional jobs to ensure employment and employment of unemployed citizens." The procedure determined the conditions and forms for the provision by the Federal State Employment Service on a competitive basis of financial assistance at the expense of the State Fund to employers (regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership) organizing additional jobs under contracts concluded with the employment service.
This Procedure did not provide for the allocation of funds from the State Fund for the preservation of jobs. But on May 23, 1996, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation approved the Comprehensive Program of Measures for the Creation and Preservation of Jobs for 1996-2000, which provides for the stimulation of employers at the expense of the State Federal Fund for the creation and preservation of existing jobs for non-competitive citizens. However, due to the shutdown of many enterprises, the reduction in the number of employees, the possibilities are very limited not only in creating new jobs, but also in maintaining existing ones.
In order to provide additional services to disabled people for employment in ordinary jobs (that is, those that do not require additional equipment and technical means, taking into account the individual capabilities of the disabled person), the Federal State Employment Service of Russia, by order of November 1, 1995, approved the “Temporary Regulation on the Procedure and conditions for the allocation of financial resources for partial compensation of employers' expenses for remuneration of disabled people. This provision determines that the employment service authorities can, at the expense of the SFZ, allocate financial resources to organizations, regardless of their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, to partially compensate employers for the payment of wages to disabled people on a contractual basis.
Based on the prior consent of the disabled person for employment, the relevant employment service agency sends him or her for an interview with the employer. If the employer confirms the possibility of employment on the terms of partial compensation of his expenses for remuneration of the disabled person, the employment service body concludes an agreement with the organization for the allocation of financial resources for each specific disabled person. The duration of the period for providing financial resources for partial compensation of the employer's expenses for remuneration of the disabled person is set for a period of six months.
Depending on the degree of disability of the disabled person, the duration of the period for providing financial resources may be extended by the employment service authorities for an additional six months. The transfer of financial resources for partial compensation of the employer's expenses for the remuneration of the disabled is made in the amount of 50% of the actually accrued amounts for the remuneration of each disabled person per month, but cannot exceed the level of the average wage prevailing in the Russian Federation (republic, territory, region, Moscow and St. Petersburg, autonomous region, autonomous district). The level of the average salary is specified monthly. But since this provision provides for the admission of disabled people to the enterprise in excess of the established quota, and the economic condition of many enterprises is unstable, employers often refuse to hire disabled people.
To stimulate employers who employ people with disabilities, the Federal Employment Program for 1996-1997. it was supposed to spend 160 billion rubles in order to employ more than 40 thousand disabled people.
The federal law "On the social protection of persons with disabilities in the Russian Federation" provides for the creation in organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership necessary conditions labor in accordance with the individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person. Thus, for disabled people of groups I and II, a reduced working time of no more than 35 hours per week is established with full pay. Involvement in overtime work, work on weekends and at night is allowed only with their consent and provided that such work is not prohibited to them for health reasons. Disabled persons are granted leave of at least 30 calendar days based on a 6-day working week. At the same time, it is not allowed to establish in collective or individual employment contracts working conditions of disabled people, which worsen their situation, in comparison with other workers.
The organization and development of individual labor and entrepreneurial activities of disabled people also helps to increase their employment. For these purposes, measures are taken, including the following: 1) organizing the acquisition of related specialties by disabled people; 2) determination of the types of activities that are normatively intended for the preferential employment of persons with disabilities; 3) teaching them the basics of entrepreneurship in areas most suitable for various categories of disabled people; 4) providing such disabled people with preferential financial support at the expense of the State Fund and other funds; 5) creation in a number of cities of "invabusiness incubators" to provide support to disabled people starting entrepreneurial activities.

The procedure for organizing the training of the unemployed population in entrepreneurship is determined by a number of regulations on state support for small business. Teaching disabled people the basics of entrepreneurial activity is an integral part of the professional training, advanced training and retraining of the unemployed population that is in force in Russia and is considered as one of the types of additional professional education. As a rule, such training is preceded by career guidance services. Federal Program for the Promotion of Employment of the Population for 1996-1997. it was planned that the expenditure of funds from the State Fund for these purposes would amount to 1.5 billion rubles. and it was planned to involve in the sphere of labor

Order of the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population of the RSFSR dated February 4, 1992 No. 21 On Approval of the Regulations on the Territorial Emergency Social Assistance Service.

On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation. Federal Law of November 24, 1995 // Russian newspaper. 1995. 2 Dec.

Federal Program of Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled for 1994 // Collection of Normative Documents. Ch 2, Federal Social Protection Fund of Russia. M., 1995. S. 489.

The demographic situation and the state of labor resources in the Russian Federation, their impact on the formation of pension provision: Report of the Russian Ministry of Labor // Social protection. 1997. No. 1. P. 148.

There. From 146.

Federal Program for Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of the Disabled for 1994

Approximate provision on an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person, approved. Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of December 14, 1996 // Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. 1996. 12.

Development of the Primorsky Territory Employment Service (1991-1996). Vladivostok, 1997. From 9.

Report on the work of the SSPF Department for Primorsky Krai for January-September 1997. Current archive of the SSPF Department for Primorsky Krai. S. 54.

Federal Program for the Promotion of Employment of the Population for 1996-1997: Approaches and Priorities // Man and Labor. 1996. 1. P.21.

The procedure for providing financial assistance to employers for the organization of additional jobs to ensure employment and employment of unemployed citizens, approved. Order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of Russia dated July 25, 1994 // Collection of regulatory documents. Part 1. FSS of Russia. M., 1995.

Comprehensive program of measures to create and maintain jobs for 1996-2000. // Man and labor. 1996. No. 7.

Temporary regulation on the procedure and conditions for the allocation of financial resources for partial compensation of employers' expenses for remuneration of the disabled, approved. Order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of Russia dated November 1, 1995 // Ibid. 1995. No. 12.

Federal Program for the Promotion of Employment of the Population for 1996-1997: Approaches and Priorities. S. 21.

On state support of small business in the Russian Federation. Federal Law of June 14, 1995 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. No. 117. 1995. June 20; On the organization of training of the unemployed population in the basics of entrepreneurial activity. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 7, 1995 // SZ RF. 1995. No. 13. Art. 1052; Regulations on the organization of training of the unemployed population in the basics of entrepreneurial activity, approved. By order of the Federal Social Protection Fund of the Russian Federation of April 18, 1996 // Rossiyskie vesti. No. 112. 1996. June 19. - See also: Key Problems of Enterprise Development and Job Creation in Russia // Man and Labor. 1997. No. 7. 1994.

relations of more than 10 thousand disabled people. But the professional rehabilitation of disabled people is a multifaceted problem, the level of their employment is affected by wide range factors.
Thus, the treatment and prosthetics of the disabled are very important. In Russia, there are currently about 700,000 disabled people in need of prostheses, of which approximately 220,000 are disabled with complete or partial absence lower extremities. Without prostheses, they are helpless, and not only to work, but even to move around the apartment becomes impossible for them. In connection with this, the Federal Law "On the Federal Budget for 1997" 238.6 million rubles are provided for financing the costs of providing disabled people with prosthetic and orthopedic products, but since only about 8% of the annual amount is actually financed, in many regions this has led to a virtual cessation of the provision of prosthetic and orthopedic care to disabled people, the suspension of the activity of prosthetic and orthopedic orthopedic companies.
After analyzing the effectiveness of measures aimed at increasing the competitiveness of people with disabilities in the labor market, we can come to a disappointing conclusion: the Federal Law "On the social protection of people with disabilities in the Russian Federation" does not work. Under the conditions of the economic crisis, it was not possible to provide an acceptable level of funding for the activities provided for by both the said law and the federal comprehensive program “Social Support for the Disabled”. The situation with the provision of social guarantees for the disabled is not improving, the implementation of the Federal Law is hindered both at the federal and regional levels, there are numerous facts of direct violation of the legal rights of the disabled, their discrimination, unreasonable refusal to hire.
It would be necessary to increase the guarantees for people with disabilities upon dismissal at the initiative of the employer, as, for example, in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In Art. 15 of the Law "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)" it is established that the dismissal of disabled people, parents, guardians of disabled children, including the reduction in the number or staff of employees, with the exception of dismissal for guilty actions, is not allowed without the consent of public organizations of the disabled. In addition, disabled people enjoy the preferential right to remain at work when the number or staff of employees of enterprises and institutions is reduced, while, according to Art. 34 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the preferential right to remain at work in the event of a reduction in the number or staff of employees is granted only to disabled war veterans and disabled people in respect of whom causality the onset of disability with radiation contamination.
A significant obstacle in ensuring social guarantees for disabled people is insufficient funding for the implementation of measures provided for by the Federal Law “On the Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, and therefore it is necessary to more clearly establish a mechanism for financing at the expense of both the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities of the Federation, local budgets, funds of enterprises, public organizations, charitable foundations.
The problem of implementing social programs at the regional level remains relevant, which requires further development of the system of social services and employment.

4. Needs of persons with disabilities in higher education

Spbniietin conducted an analysis of the needs of children with disabilities in vocational education by studying the wishes of parents and the opinions of experts (by levels and forms of vocational training).
According to the experts of the majority of disabled teenagers, it is expedient to study in specialized vocational schools and technical schools of the Ministry of Labor - 46.1%; in vocational schools, technical schools and universities of a general type - 23.3%. Home-based vocational training (including distance learning) is recommended for 7.3% of adolescents, mostly those with mobility restrictions and internal illnesses. The impossibility of vocational training due to lack of learning and disability was determined in 5.5% of disabled adolescents of this age.
Parents of disabled children, in general, would like to see their children in universities (49.3%), the rest want their children to receive vocational training in specialized vocational schools and technical schools of the Ministry of Labor (13.7%), in vocational schools and general technical schools (12.6%). Only 2.7% of parents expressed a desire to educate their children at home. Few people know about distance learning.
As a result of the analysis performed, the following conclusions can be drawn:
- it is necessary to include children with disabilities as much as possible in mass educational institutions with the creation of the necessary conditions for this and to increase the level of home education in order to prepare for receiving higher education;
- in view of the fact that a sufficiently large proportion of disabled people can and even study in educational institutions of a general type, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for learning (individual mode, socio-psychological support, medical care, individual approach, adaptation of the learning environment, educational materials for students with visual impairment and hearing, etc.);
- it is necessary to develop such a promising form of vocational training as distance learning.
The needs of persons with disabilities in vocational training are determined by the number of graduates with disabilities from correctional schools and schools of a general type, able-bodied people with disabilities, examined again and re-examined in ITU bureau who received a referral for vocational training or retraining.
In St. Petersburg there is a whole network of specialized correctional educational institutions (schools and boarding schools) for disabled children with various types of developmental disabilities: with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, intellect, for the deaf and hard of hearing, for blind and visually impaired children (total 11). Approximately 185 people graduate from special schools each year. In addition, a small part are children with disabilities studying at home in mass schools (11%, which is about one thousand people a year). Thus, at least 1,200 - 1,300 disabled children enter the working age and need vocational training every year.
In the process of professional diagnostics in correctional schools of the city, it was revealed that only 47% of graduates have professional plans, and only 26% have them adequate.
According to the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise of St. Petersburg in 1999, 14.6% of the newly examined and re-examined disabled persons received a referral for vocational training at universities.
In 1999, about 3,000 unemployed disabled people were registered by the employment services of the city. In the process of monitoring unemployed disabled people in the city, it was revealed that the majority of them are disabled people with a general secondary education without professional training (30.5%). Disabled people with primary vocational education account for 26.4%, those with secondary specialized education - 19.3%, and those with higher education - 16.2%. Almost 20% of disabled people do not have a general secondary education. This data suggests that almost a third of them need professional training.
When comparing the level of education with various aspects of the employment of unemployed disabled people, the following was revealed.
The relationship between the level of education and the intentions of retraining is very significant. Approximately half of the unemployed, who have a higher level of education and have a profession, are ready to continue their education and change their profession. They do not have a negative attitude towards learning, and they are more mobile in search of work.
The dependence of a positive attitude towards vocational counseling on the level of education is clearly traced: with the growth of the level of education, the unemployed estimate the importance of vocational consultations higher.
It also reveals a clear connection between the level of education and the attitude to the importance of employment: an increase in the desire to find a job with an increase in the level of education.
Data were obtained on the relationship between the level of education and the confidence of respondents in the success of employment. We can state greater confidence in the success of employment among unemployed disabled people with an increase in their educational qualification, and it can also be concluded that there is a certain increase in the efforts of disabled people to find employment with an increase in the level of education and an increase in pessimism regarding employment with a decrease in the level of education. A large proportion of those who take a wait-and-see attitude are pessimists with a rather low level of education.
Summarizing the data obtained on the influence of the level of education on various aspects of the employment of unemployed people with disabilities, we can conclude that this influence is significant. With an increase in the level of education, self-assessment of qualifications grows, readiness to get a new profession by continuing education, a positive attitude towards professional consultations, a positive attitude towards employment, confidence in employment, and the unemployed make great efforts to find employment.
Pessimists with a rather low level of education are mostly in the waiting mode. Unemployed disabled people with an education level below grade 9 have the lowest rates for all analyzed characteristics.
Thus, it is necessary to increase the motivation for learning among disabled people, to promote their level of education and their higher education.

5. Social policy for the disabled.

5.1. Dynamics of indicators of rehabilitation of disabled people

One of the main criteria for the effectiveness of social policy in relation to the disabled, in theory, should be its orientation towards the exit of the maximum possible number of persons from the state of disability. Full rehabilitation means the removal of the status of a disabled person. Two other indicators - partial rehabilitation and aggravation of disability (de-rehabilitation) - reflect the process of the flow of disabled people from group to group. Partial rehabilitation - transition to a lighter group (for the third group, of course, it is absent). Aggravation of disability or derehabilitation - transition to a more severe one (accordingly, it is impossible for the first group). The indicator of variability is the proportion of disabled people who changed their group, including as a result of complete rehabilitation. And, finally, the balance is the balance, reflecting either the predominance of rehabilitation over the aggravation of disability (in this case, the indicator has a positive value), or vice versa (the sign is negative).
The input distribution of disabled people can be considered quite favorable in terms of the potential for complete rehabilitation, since the more “severe” 1st group is 14-17 times smaller than the “lightest” 3rd group. According to the lightness score of the structure of disabled people by severity groups, which is defined as a weighted average score (for the first group - a score of 1, for the second - 2, for the third - 3), one can judge the ratio of the shares of the 1st and 3rd groups in the distribution of disabled people . If their shares are equal, then the indicator is equal to 2. If disabled people of the 3rd group predominate, then the indicator exceeds the value of 2. Therefore, the larger it is, the “lighter” the structure. Since 1992 to 1997 the score remained practically unchanged - from 2.33 to 2.34.

Table 1. Specific indicator of the cost of benefits provided to certain categories of disabled people and various groups of veterans, for 1997

Name of categories of citizens Estimated specific indicator of the cost of all benefits provided per beneficiary per month, thousand rubles. The ratio of the estimated specific indicator of the cost of all benefits provided per recipient per month and the average pension,%
1 Disabled people of the Great Patriotic War 993,5 303
2 Participants of the Great Patriotic War 311,6 95
3 Participants of the Great Patriotic War who became disabled due to a general illness, labor injury and other reasons 993,5 303
4 Veterans of military operations in the territory of other states 214,3 65
5 Disabled combatants on the territory of other states 993,5 303
6 Soldiers passing by military service during the war years in the rear 186,9 57
7 Persons who worked at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the city of Leningrad during the blockade 227,8 69
8 Persons who worked at enterprises, institutions and organizations of the city of Leningrad during the blockade, who became disabled due to a general illness, labor injury and other reasons 295,8 90
9 Persons who worked during the Great Patriotic War at air defense facilities 159,9 49
10 Home front workers during the Great Patriotic War 152,4 46
11 Family members of the dead (deceased) disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War, veterans of military operations on the territory of other states 209,5 64
12 labor veterans 186,5 57
13 Former minor prisoners of fascism, recognized as disabled 993,5 303
14 Former minor prisoners of fascism 311,6 95
15 Rehabilitated citizens 398,2 121
16 Persons affected by political repression 160,3 49
17 Family members living together with rehabilitated persons and persons affected by political repression 49,9 15

Table 2. Specific indicators of the state's active and passive policy towards disabled people in 1997
(thousand roubles.)

Specific indicator of cost per recipient
I. Active policy
Medical rehabilitation, treatment and prosthetics:
payment for medicines 31,6
use of polyclinics 33,4
Prosthetics 43,1
spa treatment 275,5
travel expenses for treatment 128,6
Total: 236,7-512,2
Occupational rehabilitation and employment promotion
vocational training, retraining and career guidance 140,4
public works 103,0
job retention 386,5
creation of additional jobs 646,2
loans for starting your own business 83,4
subsidizing the employment of unemployed people with disabilities 260,4
Social rehabilitation
travel fares for long-distance transport 81,8
commuter fares 54,0
public transport fare 40,6
provision of cars 297,5
provision of motorized carriages 166,7
provision of wheelchairs 125,0
phone installation 113,0
payment for telephone and radio access 3,0
Total: 303,9-589,4
Federal target programs
“Social protection of the disabled” 0,54
"Disabled children" 12,7
II. Passive policy
Pension provision
the average amount of pensions assigned to the disabled compensation payments: 343,48
Recipients of old age pensions 433,07
receiving disability pensions 333,27
Receiving a social pension 251,32
from the military 356,28
Allowances for disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and equivalent categories 166,8
Allowance for the care of a disabled person of group I 83,4
Allowance for the care of a disabled child up to 16 years of age 83,4
Total: 251,32-599,87
Unemployment protection (income support)
Average unemployment benefits 99,7
Stationary institutions
average daily cost of keeping one resident disabled person in a general institution 26,0
average daily cost of keeping one resident disabled person in neuropsychiatric boarding schools 29,0
average daily cost of keeping one resident disabled person in children's boarding schools 38,0

A dynamic analysis of the structure of disabled people showed that the level of complete rehabilitation is consistently very low, and in the 1st and 2nd groups it is almost zero (0.2-0.6%). Of those rehabilitated, 82-87% are former disabled people of the 3rd group, where the level of OKPR is the only significant one and is 5-6%.
Every year, the total number of disabled people decreases by only 2.2-2.3% due to full rehabilitation. One can come to the conclusion: no matter who and for what reasons registers disability, disability in Russia is a terminal phenomenon, not a temporary one. Only disabled people of the 3rd group have any significant chance of complete rehabilitation.
With a low level of complete rehabilitation in 1-2 groups of severity, one could hope that in the transitions from group to group, the flow towards the easiest - the 3rd group, from which every twentieth disabled person has a chance to be rehabilitated, will prevail. But in the ratio of rehabilitation and derehabilitation, the latter prevails, so that the result of annual re-examinations is the aggravation of disability in the remaining 97.8% towards a sharp increase in group 1 (3-4 times) and a decrease in the share of group 3. However, for all 6 years since 1992. there was a tendency to improve the balance, primarily due to a decrease in the level of derehabilitation. However, with regard to the dynamics, then 1995. differed from others in a number of respects.
A comparison of working and non-working disabled people revealed that the rehabilitation of the former is significantly higher than among the latter. And this is not surprising, since among the working people the vast majority of disabled people of the third group (83-86%). It is in relation to the category of unemployed until very recently that the conclusion about the complete absence of rehabilitability (only 0.4% in 1992) applies. But in six years the situation has changed. For the non-working, all indicators of rehabilitability increased, while for the working ones, the indicators of full rehabilitability even decreased, and partial ones increased quite a bit. Moreover, the intra-group overall balance between rehabilitation and de-rehabilitation among the unemployed in 1997 turned out to be better than those of the unemployed. The standardization of the total indicators of full and partial rehabilitation confirmed that the increase in the indicators of the unemployed does indeed take place, moreover, the increase in the net intensity indicator is even higher. In the same way, that the rate of complete rehabilitation among the employed has actually decreased and that, in terms of the structural component, it is even overestimated in relation to the same indicator for the unemployed.
Thus, all favorable trends turned out to be unrelated to obvious structural factors; on the contrary, the latter, as a rule, prevented a more pronounced manifestation of these trends.
However, the improvement in the rehabilitability of the unemployed in the face of stagnation and even worsening of indicators in working disabled people is difficult to explain. A simple reference to the fact that the unemployed all indicators were unimaginably low, while those of the employed were just as high, is not very specific. Therefore, we still assume that the growth in the rehabilitation of non-working disabled people may be associated not with an improvement in the work of the VTEK / BMSE, selectively aimed at this category of disabled people, but with hidden structural changes, the role of which is best suited to reducing the proportion of indefinite retirement ages among re-examined disabled people. The features of 1995, which were also evident in the analysis of other contingents of disabled people, provide an indirect basis for considering such a hypothesis plausible. It is possible that the high level of rehabilitation in the next two years is a consequence of 1995, because it is rather difficult to imagine that the introduction of a new provision on disability criteria, in which for the first time disability is considered in a social context, resulted in an increase in the rehabilitability of non-working disabled people.

5.2. Vocational and labor rehabilitation (disabled people in the labor market)

One of the main areas of support for the disabled is vocational rehabilitation, which is an important part of the state policy in the field of social protection of the disabled. Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people includes the following activities, services and technical means:

  • vocational guidance (professional information; vocational counseling; vocational selection; vocational selection);
  • psychological support for professional self-determination;
  • training (retraining) under the programs of the main general education, secondary (complete) general education, primary, secondary and higher professional education;
  • training;
  • employment assistance (assistance in employment for temporary work, for a permanent job, self-employment and entrepreneurship);
  • quotas and creation of special jobs for the employment of disabled people;
  • professional and industrial adaptation.

Vocational rehabilitation of disabled people with their subsequent employment is economically beneficial for the state. Since the funds invested in the rehabilitation of disabled people will be returned to the state in the form of tax revenues resulting from the employment of disabled people. In the case of restricting access of disabled people to professional activities, the costs of rehabilitation of disabled people will fall on the shoulders of society in an even greater amount.

5.3. Dynamics of employment of disabled people

The narrowing of the economic opportunities for employment of the disabled against the background of the gradual development of self-awareness of the disabled, as well as against the background of the adoption of documents that expand the rights and opportunities of the disabled in the labor market, exacerbated the problems of vocational rehabilitation and employment of the disabled. In Russia, the number of working disabled people continues to decline - over the past three years it has decreased by 10%. Less than a third of people with disabilities of working age have a job. For many years, the proportion of employed persons with disabilities was approximately 2% of the average number of employees. The most prosperous years in terms of employment of disabled people were 1988-89, when about 25-28% of the total number of disabled people worked. Now this figure fluctuates between 10-11%, given that employment is formal.
The most dramatic events developed in 1996-98. in connection with the introduction of a new procedure for recognizing disabled people who applied to the employment service as unemployed. This procedure is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” and amendments and additions to the Law “On Employment in the Russian Federation”.

Table 3. The number of persons with disabilities in the total number of job seekers and unemployed registered with the State Employment Service

Of the total number of disabled people registered with the employment service, in 1996. 21.6 thousand disabled pensioners were employed and 2.8 thousand disabled people were registered for early retirement. The total percentage of employed disabled people (about 30%) of the number of applied disabled people indicates that disabled people are still quite competitive in the labor market. However, the ongoing processes of mass layoffs from enterprises, bankruptcy of enterprises are dramatically changing the situation with the employment of disabled people for the worse.
By the beginning of 1997 unemployed disabled people accounted for 48.0 thousand people (1.9% of the total number of registered unemployed), of which 42.0 thousand disabled people (87.7%) were assigned unemployment benefits. In 1997 62.1 thousand people with disabilities applied to the employment service on the issue of employment, of which 23.12 thousand people were employed. (37.4%), 1.0 thousand people were registered for early retirement. Due to the fact that people with disabilities are the least competitive in the labor market, people with disabilities who are registered with the Federal State Employment Service and recognized as unemployed have the longest period of unemployment compared to other categories of citizens.

Table 4. Distribution of disabled people registered with the employment service by duration of unemployment

In most regions, the programs “Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Assistance for the Disabled” developed by the employment service have been adopted, the activities of which reflect the participation of interested organizations in the implementation of federal programs for the social protection of the disabled in terms of vocational rehabilitation and employment assistance. Within the framework of these programs, it was directed to training in 1997. 2471 disabled people and 1639 disabled people completed their education.
The programs are financed from the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Employment Fund), local budgets, and employers' funds. In the budget of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation for 1997. it was planned to allocate 66.1 billion rubles. for the labor rehabilitation of disabled people, in fact, 51.9 billion rubles were allocated. Employment fund expenditures for labor rehabilitation of one disabled person in 1997 in fact, they averaged 0.5 million rubles; it is planned to bring it up to 0.6 thousand rubles.

At the same time, 57% of the expenses under this item were executed by Moscow (29.5 billion rubles). The main part of the expenditures of the Employment Fund for the rehabilitation of unemployed persons with disabilities (64%) are the expenses of 8 regions with a developed system of vocational rehabilitation and promotion of employment of persons with disabilities, which carry out full complex services

Federal Program for the Promotion of Employment of the Population for 1996-1997: Approaches and Priorities. S. 21.

And the disabled are waiting // Man and Labor. 1997. No. 7. S. 36.

Social protection of disabled people // Man and labor. 1997. No. 7. S. 70.

Collection of laws of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 1992. Yakutsk, 1993. S. 123-133; Collection of laws of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) for 1993. Yakutsk, 1993. P. 19.

(professional diagnostics, rehabilitation, training, creation of special conditions for the employment of disabled people, and other measures). These include the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Volgograd, Saratov, Chelyabinsk and Tyumen regions.

Table 5. Costs of the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation for the labor rehabilitation of disabled people
million rubles

Table 6. Financing of the policy of social protection of the disabled from the State Employment Fund of the Russian Federation in 1997
billion rubles

The funds of the Employment Fund were spent to finance activities to promote the employment of persons with disabilities in total:
to maintain income
for benefits
for financial assistance and other
55,78 0,77
on prof. training, retraining and career guidance
of which for scholarships
for financial support
to save jobs
to create additional jobs
for subsidies to start your own business
for social adaptation 7,05
to finance public works 0,52
for the maintenance and equipment of prof. rehabilitation structures for the disabled 15,07

Currently, the proportion of working disabled people in their total number does not exceed 11%. A particularly difficult situation develops with the employment of disabled people of groups I and II, among whom the proportion of employed is less than 8%.

5.4. State policy in the field of vocational training of disabled people

Legislation regarding the disabled does not take into account that the employer does not need a disabled person, but an employee. Full-fledged labor rehabilitation consists in making a worker out of a disabled person. However, this requires certain conditions. An effective sequence is to turn disabled people into workers and then employ them, but not vice versa. Vocational training and vocational education for persons with disabilities are essential aspects of their professional rehabilitation.
A study of the needs of disabled people in various types of rehabilitation in Moscow, conducted by TSIETIN, showed that 62.6% of disabled people are in need of certain measures of vocational rehabilitation. The need for vocational rehabilitation is especially high among disabled people of young and middle age - respectively 82.8% and 78.7% of the number of disabled people of these age groups. Every fifth person needs vocational guidance, and almost every tenth disabled person needs vocational training, 25.4% of disabled people need work adaptation. A high need for disabled people in employment was revealed (59.5%). This study included persons with disabilities working both in specialized enterprises and in the general employment system.
However, despite the fact that one third of the disabled people who apply are under the age of 45, as practice and results show special studies, only 2.1% of disabled people receive recommendations to undergo vocational training or receive vocational education. Due to the lack of financial resources, the opportunities for vocational training of disabled people in educational institutions of vocational education of the system of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation are reduced: about 7 thousand disabled people study in them, while MSEC annually recommends 11-12 thousand people to study in special educational institutions .disabled people. Special educational institutions do not provide training for disabled people at a level that guarantees their competitiveness, and some of them train specialists who obviously turn out to be unclaimed.
This is largely due to the following reasons:

  • specialists of MSEC, who today carry out professional orientation of disabled people, do not have information about indications and contraindications for admission to higher and other educational institutions, focusing on the wishes of the disabled themselves;
  • disabled people do not have access to information about indications and contraindications for admission to educational institutions: 98% of them know little about their chosen profession and working conditions;
  • 68% of disabled people consider special educational institutions of the system of social protection of the population as not prestigious and do not provide prospects for subsequent employment;
  • educational institutions are not adapted for people with disabilities, whose psychosomatic abilities require a special infrastructure of premises, special equipment for educational places and special teaching methods. In view of this, the range of professions that disabled people can be trained in is narrowing and subjectively formed contraindications for admission to educational institutions;
  • underdevelopment of the regional network of professional educational institutions (30 such institutions operate in Russia). As a result, education in them is associated for a disabled person with moving from a place of permanent residence, which is not always acceptable.

5.5. Public Employment Services Programs for Persons with Disabilities

The scope of vocational training for unemployed disabled people through the employment service is declining. Yes, in 1996. Employment agencies sent 2,400 people with disabilities for training, which is 1.4 times less than in 1995. At the same time, out of the total number of disabled people who underwent vocational training (2.6 thousand people), 1.9 thousand people were employed. or 71.3%. Career guidance services in the employment service were provided to 30.7 thousand disabled people.
Vocational training of unemployed disabled people at the regional level is mainly carried out within the framework of the programs “Vocational Rehabilitation and Promotion of Employment of the Disabled”. They are financed from the State Employment Fund, local budgets, and employers' funds. Nevertheless, in the implementation of these programs, the narrowness of the profiles of professional training of disabled people is obvious: in technical schools, disabled people are trained in 16 specialties, and in vocational schools - in 31 specialties. Among the specialties there are no professions that are relatively prestigious for young people and are available to most of the disabled: adjuster of machine tools and manipulators with program control, assembler of radio-electronic equipment, modeling and design of consumer goods, etc.
The Employment Service conducts vocational training for disabled people in training centers, institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, and specialized educational institutions. When teaching disabled people in non-specialized educational institutions, it is most often used individual method learning. As for the training of disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, it is mainly carried out by specialized educational and training-industrial institutions: a vocational boarding school for the disabled, educational-industrial enterprises of the All-Russian Societies of the Deaf and Blind.
Vocational training and vocational education (including training, retraining, retraining) of persons with disabilities is preferable to be carried out not in special, but in ordinary educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, various courses. This will avoid the formation of segregation attitudes among the disabled and provide an opportunity for a more complete integration of the disabled into society.
Another significant flaw is that most of the rehabilitation activities are addressed only to disabled people with minor health problems. The interest of the employer and social protection services is obvious: the appearance of success is created quickly and efficiently.
The next problem is that many people with disabilities have no experience in finding a job. Job search classes should be included in programs for the rehabilitation of the disabled.
Employment services lack any significant experience in employment of persons with disabilities. There is no clear, legal-based interaction with MSEK, as a result of which people with disabilities apply to the employment service with recommendations containing general instructions on working conditions, which are rather a definition of the estimated employment opportunities of people with disabilities.

5.6. Specialized enterprises

The most common means of providing jobs for those with disabilities who are unable to participate in the main employment process are specialized enterprises. In Russia, there are currently about 1.5 thousand such enterprises (workshops, sites) for 240 thousand jobs. However, on average, only a third of their jobs are occupied by people with disabilities, which provides employment for only 12% of the total number of working people with disabilities. The main thing is that working at specialized enterprises, disabled people exist, as it were, in their own closed social system.
Specialized enterprises are usually intended for certain categories of disabled people with significant loss of body functions (blind, with mental development and motor apparatus disorders). However, the employment of persons with disabilities in specialized enterprises cannot be regarded as an exclusive form of providing employment for persons with disabilities and as the foundation on which the entire policy for ensuring the employment of persons with disabilities is based.
Moving from a specialized to a regular form of employment should be the goal of state policy in relation to persons with disabilities, in reality this happens extremely rarely, which is explained by the following reasons:

  • persons with disabilities are often afraid of moving into the mainstream labor market because of a possible failure in the overall employment process, after which they will again face the problem of obtaining specialized work;
  • persons with disabilities may lose certain benefits they receive while working in a specialized enterprise;
  • managers of specialized enterprises are reluctant to part with workers whose professionalism and productivity have increased so much that they have become important for the enterprise and for its income and profits;
  • the goal of managers of specialized enterprises may be to achieve a certain level of employment of disabled people in order to receive certain tax and other benefits, so they are interested in retaining these workers, whatever their productivity;
  • in conditions of ever-growing unemployment, organizations are not very willing to hire those who were previously employed in specialized enterprises.

The processes in the transition economy have had a rather negative impact on the specialized employment of the disabled in general, as many enterprises find that it is financially impossible to keep disabled workers or pay the remaining even the minimum allowable wage, provide various benefits or continue to carry out their professional rehabilitation. This is especially difficult for enterprises that do not have state subsidies. In addition, specialized enterprises are experiencing great difficulties, as they have to compete with enterprises that are currently carrying out modernization of their equipment and market research, which they cannot afford. Specialized workshops and enterprises lack investment funds, which leads them to significantly lag behind competitors from the private sector. Whatever their achievements and shortcomings in the process of providing employment for persons with disabilities, specialized enterprises seeking to achieve competitiveness will face new difficulties associated with the development of market relations.
Thus, specialized employment that provides potential opportunities for people with disabilities has advantages and disadvantages.
In most cases, for a disabled worker, a specialized workplace is the only real opportunity get a paid job. At the same time, for ordinary enterprises where there are specialized types jobs and jobs for the disabled is an opportunity to get a trained and executive worker. There is an opportunity for the state to reduce the cost of social benefits by giving people the opportunity to engage in paid productive work.
The main disadvantages of specialized employment of disabled people are:

  • wages in specialized enterprises tend to be very low due to insufficient or incorrect distribution of subsidies or due to outdated technology, poor working conditions, insufficient assistance to workers, etc.;
  • it is quite difficult to implement a simple and fair system for identifying those who need specialized types of work;
  • intentions to provide disabled people with specialized types of work may be contrary to the desire to increase labor productivity in specialized enterprises;
  • specialized jobs, although necessary for certain groups of people, can lead to the isolation of workers with disabilities from other categories of workers and create a negative image or stereotype for society as a whole.

5.7. Wages of disabled people

Modern statistics of income and remuneration does not provide an opportunity for any representative analysis of the level and dynamics of remuneration of employed disabled people. Such an opportunity is provided only by individual sociological studies or economic analysis in a particular economic sector. Such a sector (and very important from the point of view of our analysis) are VOI enterprises, if only for the reason that they have a rather high concentration of disabled workers.
The VOI includes about 2,000 structural units, including about 1,300 enterprises, 140 business entities and more than 500 commercial sites in 66 regions of Russia. In 1997 they employed 55 thousand people, of which 23 (42%) thousand people. were disabled, of which 7% were disabled 1, 56% - 2 and 37% - 3 groups. Studies show that in most regions, the wages of disabled people are more than two times lower than the wages of non-disabled people employed in these enterprises. Comparison of the payment of disabled people with the average wage in the region as a whole, that is, for all enterprises in all economic sectors, also shows significant differentiation - this ratio varies across territories from 18 to 57%. As a rule, at VOI enterprises (however, apparently, as well as at other enterprises), disabled people are employed in auxiliary work.
Nevertheless, the employment of disabled people brings them additional income, the amount of which is comparable to the amount of pensions they receive. In terms of total income, many working disabled people thus have advantages over, for example, non-working pensioners, as well as many other socio-demographic groups traditionally included in the poverty zone.

5.8. Self-employment and organization of own business by disabled people.

A large reserve in the regulation of the labor market of the disabled is their self-employment and the organization of their own business by the disabled. However, work with disabled people on teaching entrepreneurial skills, professional assistance and psychological support has not yet brought a tangible effect.
In order to reduce social tension in the labor market of disabled people, to create additional features Employment authorities are introducing a system of allocating financial resources to employers to partially compensate for their expenses on remuneration of the disabled. In 1996 through the implementation of programs to subsidize the wages of disabled people, 1,000 people were employed.

5.9. Job quotas

The new law on the social protection of the disabled served Starting point to develop the idea and implement job quotas. At present, in accordance with the Action Plan for the implementation of the Comprehensive Program of Measures for the Creation and Preservation of Jobs for 1996-2000, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on August 3, 1996. No. 928, work continues on the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for establishing a quota for hiring disabled people”. This resolution is aimed at providing additional employment guarantees for citizens recognized as disabled in accordance with the current legislation, and establishes a mechanism for introducing a quota for hiring disabled people, its size and determines the procedure for making a mandatory fee in case of non-compliance.
In accordance with the legislation, the quota is set for organizations, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, with more than 30 employees. Public associations of the disabled and organizations owned by them, business partnerships and companies whose authorized capital consists of the contribution of a public association of the disabled are exempted from the mandatory quota of jobs for the disabled. Jobs for the employment of disabled people at the expense of the established quota are created at the expense of employers (organizations) and other sources.
At the same time, there are also doubts about the very paradigm of job quotas for the disabled. Of course, there is ground for a serious conflict of interest between disabled people seeking employment, on the one hand, and the employer, whose main goal is the competitiveness of production on the open market, which a priori stimulates it to search for a qualified and adequate labor force, but not vice versa. – artificial adaptation of 3% of jobs to the needs of individual disabled workers. It is no coincidence that the current law on quotas has given rise to a widespread “bypass technology”, when the employer only formally hires disabled workers in order to avoid sanctions, but in reality they are unemployed.
A statutory quota system only seems like a simple solution to the problem of employing people with disabilities. In fact, it is not very successful, unproductive and does not fit with the concept of vocational rehabilitation of the disabled. The quota system is rarely aimed at supporting people with disabilities in their promotion, focusing mainly on low-paid, unimportant jobs.
Enforcement of the law on quotas for the employment of persons with disabilities is quite difficult and undermines its legitimacy. It is still unlikely that strict enforcement procedures can have a big impact on changing the employment situation of persons with disabilities and increasing the proportion of workers with disabilities in the total number of employees of organizations. Currently, the state employment service bodies that control the implementation of the legislation on quotas, due to lack of funds and staff, are not able to effectively monitor the implementation of the quota.
In addition, employers can fulfill the quota, provided that the disabled people themselves are sufficiently active in work. At the same time, there are a wide variety of assessments and opinions about the desire for employment of the disabled themselves. Most sociological surveys show that this desire exists and that about half of all disabled people want to work, but cannot find a job in modern conditions, although these estimates should be treated with a certain degree of caution.
The introduction by the legislation on employment and social protection of disabled people of a norm providing for the collection from the employer of a mandatory monthly fee for each disabled person who is not employed within the quota if it is impossible to fulfill it, is in fact a hidden form of an additional targeted “tax” on the employer.
However, the funds collected from this “tax”, in accordance with the law, can only be used to create new jobs with an employer who employs disabled people in excess of the established quota or to create specialized enterprises (workshops, sites) of public associations of disabled people. This provision does not take into account the fact that for the employment of disabled people, the quota also requires, and in some cases significant, funds. Unfortunately, in accordance with the law, the funds from this “tax” cannot be used to carry out activities for vocational training or retraining of disabled people, to adapt jobs for disabled people with an employer who wants to fulfill the quota, to subsidize their employment, to provide support for specialized jobs and rehabilitation centers that help overcome obstacles to the labor activity of citizens of this category. All this largely hinders the solution of the problem of employment of the disabled. The funds received by the Employment Fund from this “tax” could be used to strengthen the rehabilitation process and solve the problem of employment of disabled people.
In most developed countries of the world community, the employment policy for persons with disabilities is built in accordance with the concept of including persons with disabilities in the process of general employment. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the social policy in relation to the disabled in the post-war period has already gone through several stages of development. The initial stage is the adoption of laws on job quotas for the disabled. In different countries, this legislation had its own specific national characteristics. In Great Britain such a law was passed in 1944. Currently, the world is turning from a paternalistic social policy towards persons with disabilities to the concept of equal opportunities enshrined in the anti-discrimination legislation of a number of countries, as a result of which a number of countries are abandoning the practice of quotas.

6. Problems of employment of disabled people in the Ural Federal District.

Today in the Urals Federal District there is an acute issue of employment of the disabled.
The goal of the state policy towards disabled people is to provide them with equal opportunities with other citizens in the exercise of civil, economic, political and other rights and freedoms.
However, the country has not yet created a full-fledged system to meet the specific needs of the population arising from disability. This, ultimately, leads to the displacement of people with disabilities from various fields of activity and to their self-isolation.
According to estimates, only 15 percent of people with disabilities of working age have a job in the Ural Federal District. About 20,000 people with disabilities need autonomous vehicles. In minimal volumes, the needs of disabled people are met in technical means that facilitate their work and life. The situation with the vocational training of the disabled is not the best. No more than 20 percent of persons with disabilities can meet their vocational training needs.
The need for higher education among disabled people of the age group (15-25 years old) is more than 16%, but today only 5% of disabled people have realized it. About 2% of disabled people are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. In connection with the amendments to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, difficult times have come for specialized enterprises of public organizations of the disabled. For them, these enterprises are one of the most active forms of employment.

7. Employment programs for disabled people of the Moscow Government

One of the criteria for assessing the civilization of society can be the attitude towards people with disabilities. Unfortunately, we have nothing to brag about: even people who suffered on the battlefield while defending the Fatherland are not surrounded by the attention and care that they certainly deserve.
The contingent of people with disabilities in society is quite significant, it is approximately 10% of the total population. So, for example, in Moscow, for 8.5 million inhabitants, there are more than 960 thousand disabled people. Of these, almost every fifth, that is, at least 180 thousand people are people of working age. The task is to assist these people in finding jobs and create conditions for their professional rehabilitation.
In accordance with the federal law on the social protection of the disabled, in June 1999 the Government of Moscow issued a resolution on the establishment of the State Service for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled in Moscow, which regulates the procedure for the activities of all interested and responsible state services designed to ensure the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people with the aim of maximizing their integration into social life of the city. Comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled includes three parts: medical, for which the Health Committee is responsible, social - the Committee for Social Protection of the Population together with the Committee for Culture and the Committee for Physical Culture and Sports, and professional - the Committee for Labor and Employment together with the Moscow Education Committee.
Comprehensive rehabilitation of the disabled is embodied in an individual rehabilitation program. A person can receive state assistance in all three areas after a special examination, during which his disability group is established. Such examinations are carried out by the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (ITU) - the former VTEK. In the same place, an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person is developed with his direct participation. The individual rehabilitation program indicates the nature of the disease, the group of disability, as well as medical indications for the employment of each citizen. Depending on this circumstance, the program may contain either two sections (medical and social), or three (professional is added). An individual rehabilitation program provides a disabled person with the opportunity to work, but by no means obliges him to do so. On the other hand, the program does not deprive disabled people of groups I and II of the opportunity to work within their limits; categorical prohibitions such as Without the right to work have been lifted for them.
Now there are two options for the disabled person.
The first is employment at a regular workplace according to the vacancy of the employment service, if the ITU recommendations do not contradict this. And the second - employment at a specialized enterprise, initially focused on the use of the labor of disabled people. There are about forty such enterprises in Moscow today. By decision of the city authorities, specialized enterprises may be granted tax incentives and other forms of financial support. The Labor and Employment Committee holds an annual competition for the selection of projects to create and maintain jobs for the disabled. At the same time, the Committee assumes half of the costs of implementing the project submitted by the enterprise and approved by the competition commission. The company invests the other half of the funds on its own.
For example, LLP Sezam and Co., which manufactures door locks, makes extensive use of the labor of disabled people. The products of this company are in good demand. With the active participation of disabled people, Art Line LLC produces very beautiful, elegant lamps - floor lamps, sconces, table lamps. This enterprise is also quite competitive. It is impossible not to mention the Russian Center for Computer Technologies, where about 70 visually impaired people work, and Sergey Vanshin, who became blind in childhood, is the head of the enterprise.
Another employment opportunity for people with disabilities is provided by specialized jobs for people with disabilities in ordinary enterprises. At present, the Committee is carrying out serious work to organize the creation of such specialized jobs. We sometimes have to overcome considerable resistance from individual employers who prefer to transfer money to the Employment Fund than to equip their own enterprise with jobs for the disabled. However, the law is on the side of the latter. In 1999, the Committee created 800 specialized jobs for the disabled.
Not every disabled person in need of employment has a specialty that is in demand on the labor market. In this case, additional training or retraining is required. Vocational training is carried out at the expense of the Employment Fund, as well as the payment of scholarships for the duration of study. Among the people with disabilities employed with the help of the Committee, there are programmers, lawyers, production technologists, air traffic controllers and other highly qualified specialists. It is clear that the implementation of the program for their professional training requires considerable effort and resources.
About 4,000 disabled people applied to the employment service of the capital with ITU labor recommendations, of which almost 2,000 people managed to be assisted in finding employment, including people with 1st and 2nd disability groups. According to estimates, 65-70% of people with disabilities of working age, that is, 120-130 thousand Muscovites, strive for socially useful activities. To date, more than 60 thousand have been employed. This means that about half of the disabled people in the capital who apply for employment need our help and support. People who are ready to overcome their ailments have the right to a full-fledged job in their chosen specialty.

S. Smirnov, E. Nikolaenko. “Economics of labor rehabilitation of disabled people: the experience of VOI enterprises” - Man and Labor, 1998, No. 12

However, here one should keep in mind the socio-psychological phenomenon: in most cases, the respondent expresses his intentions, which do not yet mean that in reality he is ready for employment. Therefore, the intentions of the respondents are not an exhaustive argument when analyzing their attitudes towards employment.

8. Technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people in Russia

In the memory of the older generation, the times are still alive when crippled veterans who returned from the fronts of the Second World War were allowed to move around cities and villages only on open bicycle carriages with a two-stroke single-cylinder engine, called “Kyivlyanki” after the city of origin, although, according to rumors, their design and even component parts were borrowed from the Germans who lost the war. Only a decade later, war invalids won permission to install manual controls on ordinary cars and receive licenses to drive them.
Inside the old housing of pre-war buildings, in the barracks of industrial settlements, in rural wooden huts and later in new “small-sized” apartments in five-story buildings without elevators, donated to the population by Nikita Khrushchev, legless and paralyzed disabled people, especially those disabled from childhood, moved at worst by crawling or on low platform carts, pushing off the floor with wooden "irons", and at best - in bulky chairs made of rough iron, plywood, leather substitute and cotton wool. On the streets of Russian cities, in markets and near churches, one could often see people in three-wheeled lever bicycle carriages from the times of the Russo-Japanese 1905 and World War I 1914 wars. They were called "crocodiles" either for their archaic nature, or for their dirty green color. Surprisingly, they are still found in a remote province.
The situation began to change in the 60s, when the main communist Khrushchev proclaimed the task of building the material base of communism by 1980. Disabled people who passed a strict medical examination were allowed to purchase manually operated cars. The main vehicle issued to veterans with walking difficulties for free, and to others with a significant discount and, most importantly, without a queue (ordinary citizens, not heroes of labor, waited their turn for any car, for scarce spare parts and even for tires for 5-10 years ), was a 30-horsepower small air-cooled Ukrainian car Zaporozhets. Two of its modifications are known: an earlier one, similar to the old Fiat-600, was dubbed “Hunchbacked”, and a more modern one because of the protruding air intakes “Eared”. Disabled officers and more affluent citizens who were injured at work could expect to receive or pay at preferential rates for a Moskvich car with three manual control levers. Disabled people from childhood, as a rule, were content with a two-seater and very unreliable, but rather, simply dangerous in many respects, but on the other hand, a free second-hand motorized stroller, which was obtained after using it by a war veteran. These “Serpukhovka” strollers began to be produced even earlier than the Zaporozhtsev by special order of the commander of the armored forces, and for their frame, solid parts from mortars left after the war were originally used.
The prosthetic industry in Russia has long been based on a network of factories in each of the more than 100 regions of the Soviet Union. Prostheses were produced from linden and metal knots. Splint-sleeve devices for paralyzed limbs of spinal cords and people with the consequences of poliomyelitis were made, and continue to be made, also from leather and metal. Polymeric materials were not used and are practically not used to this day. Russia is a country of forests, so crutches and canes were also made of wood. To a modern European or American reader, these products may seem like the pinnacle of hygienic and environmental perfection, much like cotton underwear compared to synthetics, but they were nonetheless heavy, bulky, and, above all, flimsy. Hearing aids were extremely imperfect acoustically and uncomfortable to wear.
A revolution in the production of wheelchairs occurred in the early 80s, when one of the factory workshops in Central European Russia near its ancient capital Vladimir, according to the decision of the Government, began to produce, under the license of the German company Meyra, two models of indoor and one model of a walking (lever) ) wheelchairs and quickly brought its productivity to almost 30,000 wheelchairs per year. And although the Germans sold obsolete and heavy samples, thanks to their ability to develop, tens of thousands of disabled people could now not only go down the stairs and go into the open world of their cities, but also travel with them in cars and be treated at resorts. These strollers were issued on the recommendation medical boards local committees of the Ministry of Social Security free of charge: indoor stroller for 7 years, stroller for 5 years. By the way, these strollers are still the most popular and cheapest (about 200 US dollars) and are delivered to many regions of Russia, and the terms of their use have been preserved up to the present.
The situation in the country changed dramatically with Gorbachev's perestroika, which is associated with openness towards the rest of the world and awareness of the technical capabilities of other countries in the comprehensive rehabilitation of disabled people. In large cities, mainly thanks to the activities of charitable organizations, modern wheelchairs, hearing aids and other products began to appear. Representations of leading Western manufacturers of prostheses and rehabilitation equipment have settled in Russia, which, being unaffordable for ordinary citizens, are ordered and purchased by wealthy families or, more often, by wealthy enterprises where disabled people with industrial disabilities used to work or continue to work.
At the beginning of the 90s, workshops appeared in Moscow, and then in St. Petersburg, in which, according to Western, mainly Swedish, models, they began to design and assemble compact lightweight wheelchairs made of titanium and aluminum, new for Russia, for an active lifestyle. It is characteristic that the leaders of these small enterprises (Perodolenie, Katarzyna, Lukor), as well as designers and workers, are the disabled themselves, mostly para- and tetraplegics. Their strollers are quite comparable in basic parameters to their Western counterparts, but three to four times cheaper than them (about $400). Despite this, not all regional committees of social protection, which have their own independent and very limited budget, can purchase them, and even more so the disabled themselves can buy them with their own money, social pensions which are on average 25 times less than the cost of such strollers.
Now the capacities of three large wheelchair manufacturers in Ufa (the capital of the Bashkir Republic in the Urals), St. Petersburg and the Vladimir region could well meet the needs of a country where about 40,000 wheelchair users live. The problem is different: After the decentralization of the federal budget, the committees of social protection of the population in many subsidized regions do not have their own funds for the purchase of wheelchairs and other rehabilitation equipment, and therefore the queues for free wheelchairs in them stretch for several years. The second problem is a small range of products: It is unlikely that the number of all models of domestic strollers will exceed 3 dozen. There are very few wheelchairs for children, and there are practically no wheelchairs with electric motors, except for a few small workshops that make electric drives for standard room strollers.
Approximately the same situation with long-term queues has developed in Russia in providing disabled people with adapted vehicles: there are cars, but neither the population nor the government agencies who decide on the ground what kind of transport and with what subsidies to provide different social categories of people with disabilities. The main disabled car in Russia has become a two-cylinder minicar "Oka", reminiscent of "Fiat-Uno" in dimensions and costing about 1,500 US dollars (about 90 monthly pensions for an average disabled person). It is produced in the city of Serpukhov near Moscow in three versions: for persons with one leg and with full manual control, including an automatic electro-vacuum clutch drive. In a number of regions, it is issued free of charge to replace the recently discontinued motorized stroller, in others, in particular in Moscow, a disabled person pays about half of its cost. The city authorities also compensate for the cost of fuel in the amount of about 170 liters per year (about 3 thousand kilometers or 25% of the real annual mileage of a disabled resident of Moscow).
The second more spacious car with a cylinder capacity of 1500 cubic meters. cm, equipped with an old-fashioned lever-operated manual control, the Moskvich is produced at the Lenin Komsomol Moscow Automobile Plant, whose former full name is shamefacedly hidden in the current post-communist era in the form of an abbreviation AZLK. In Moscow, this car is provided free of charge to veterans of the Second World War and the disabled of all recent armed conflicts.
Unfortunately, the adapted control for the disabled without one or both hands in Russia has ceased to be produced at all.
AT Last year small batches of Kineshma cars with a motorcycle engine appeared. They are characterized by increased cross-country ability and simplified design and are intended mainly for rural disabled people.
Most drivers independently install manual control on their domestic or transported from neighboring countries (mostly second-hand) cars or use blanks from semi-handicraft private workshops. At the same time, difficulties often arise with their licensing in the traffic police. But tetraplegics, as well as people suffering from myopathy, osteogenesis defects (for example, brittle bones), dwarfism, and other severely disabled people face even greater problems. They are simply denied the right to drive any kind of vehicle and have to seek a driver's license through illegal means, drive illegally, or register it for relatives. But the good news is that relatively recently it was allowed to drive a car for people with hearing loss.
It would be unfair not to mention buses equipped with wheelchair lifts, which are being made in Bryansk and thanks to which members of public disabled organizations make collective trips to meetings and festive meetings and joyful excursions around the outskirts of their cities. Such buses have become available not only for the metropolitan branches of the All-Russian Society of the Disabled, but also for large regional centers.
It must be emphasized in particular that modern Russia The stratification of the population according to the material indicators of the standard of living has reached a critical and even dangerous contrast. The same can be noted with regard to the provision of the disabled with the basic means of rehabilitation: Against the backdrop of depressing poverty, especially in the provinces, there are people who are wealthy even by Western standards, driving around in prestigious foreign cars and expensive electric wheelchairs, and far from always they are earned by their own labor.
So far, we have been talking about such items of primary importance for freedom of movement as a car, wheelchair and the prosthesis, and, as we can see, their production is slowly but steadily moving along the path of progress. However, the production of smaller, but no less necessary things, in particular, anti-decubitus pillows for para- and tetraplegics, special devices for people with weak fingers, modern hearing aids, talking clocks and sound signaling devices for the blind, bath lifts, modern urinals for plegiacs and colostomy bags for ostomy cancer patients, etc. practically stands still.
If earlier the main brake in the readaptation of disabled people, including technical means, lay in the neglect of this group of Soviet citizens, in the unwillingness and inability to solve the accumulated problems, now all the difficulties in the implementation of rehabilitation programs rest on the absence or lack of funds for this.


The main spheres of human activity are work and life. A healthy person adapts to the environment. For the disabled, the peculiarity of these spheres of life is that they must be adapted to the needs of the disabled. They need to be helped to adapt to the environment: so that they can freely reach the machine and perform production operations on it; could themselves, without outside help, leave the house, visit shops, pharmacies, cinemas, while overcoming both ups and downs, and transitions, and stairs, and thresholds, and many other obstacles. In order for a disabled person to be able to overcome all this, it is necessary to make his environment as accessible as possible for him, i.e. adapt the environment to the capabilities of the disabled person, so that he feels on an equal footing with healthy people at work, at home, and in public places. This is called social assistance to the disabled, the elderly - all those who suffer from physical and mental limitations.
Russia has laid the foundation for the legal framework for the social protection of disabled people, and created the necessary prerequisites for providing disabled people with additional guarantees of employment. However, the regulatory framework for the social protection of disabled people and the mechanism for ensuring the employment of disabled people need to be further improved. In our opinion, for this it is necessary to take the following actions: 1) introduce into Russian legislation the norms aimed at protecting persons with disabilities from discrimination, from unjustified refusal to hire; 2) establish increased guarantees and additional social benefits for disabled people dismissed at the initiative of the employer; 3) expand the structure and types of public works, the conditions for their organization, conduct and financing, taking into account the involvement of disabled people in them; 4) to adopt relevant regulations on the calculation of the cost of jobs, which will give a real opportunity to apply penalties to employers who refuse to employ disabled people in quota places; 5) to develop a system of continuous education, including in-house training for disabled people, expanding opportunities for self-learning; 6) to form a system that will be able to provide employment and social adaptation of disabled people after graduating from special educational institutions; 7) immediately establish the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise throughout the country, which will allow disabled people to timely submit individual rehabilitation programs signed by the MSEC to the employment service authorities, to be recognized as unemployed with the right to receive unemployment benefits; 8) carry out technical re-equipment of existing prosthetic and orthopedic enterprises, develop the industry of rehabilitation equipment for the disabled; 9) introduce a system to stimulate the development of entrepreneurship, small and medium-sized businesses, self-employment of disabled people; 10) provide enterprises that primarily use the labor of disabled people with the same benefits as for specialized enterprises of associations of disabled people; 11) create favorable economic conditions for enterprises employing disabled people at the regional level; 12) to expand the sources of formation of the State Fund for Funding, to introduce a new mechanism for the redistribution of the fund's resources, taking into account the interests of the disabled to the fullest extent.


  1. “Fundamentals of social work” Moscow-98, textbook;
  2. “The role and place of social workers in serving the disabled” N.F. Dementieva, E.V. Ustinova; Tyumen 1995;
  3. “Social work with disabled people” Moscow-96;
  4. “Theory and methods of social work”, part-1, Moscow-94.
  5. Ordinance on the interaction of social protection authorities of the population and the mercy service of the Russian Red Cross in matters of social protection of low-income groups of the population dated May 15, 1993 No. 1-32-4.
  6. Dementieva N.F., Boltenko V.V., Dotsenko N.M. Social service and adaptation of elderly people in boarding schools. / Methodical. recommended - M., 1985, 36s. (CIETIN).
  7. Dementieva N.F., Modestov A.A. Boarding houses: from charity to rehabilitation. - Krasnoyarsk, 1993, 195 p.
  8. Dementieva N.F., Ustinova E.V. Forms and methods of medical and social rehabilitation of disabled citizens. -M., 1991, 135 p. (CIETIN).
  9. Dementieva N.F., Shatalova E.Yu., Sobol A.Ya. Organizational and methodological aspects of the activities of a social worker. In the book; Social work in healthcare institutions. - M., 1992, (Department of problems of the family, women and children of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Center for Universal Values).
  10. Mateychek "Parents and Children" M., "Enlightenment", 1992.
  11. Monitoring progress between people's plans and programs of action. Commission for Social Development, XXXI 11th session. Vienna, February 8-17, 1993.
  12. Malofeev N.N. The current stage in the development of the system special education in Russia. (Research results as a basis for constructing a development problem) // Defectology. No. 4, 1997.
  13. Mudrik A.V. Introduction to social pedagogy. M., 1997.
  14. R. S. Nemov Psychology Book 1. M., 1998.
  15. Social service of the population and social work abroad. - M., 1994, 78 p. (Institute of Social Work" Association of Social Workers).

INTRODUCTION 3 Chapter 1. THE CONCEPT OF DISABILITY AND SOCIAL REHABILITATION 5 1.1 The concept of disability 5 1.2. The concept of social rehabilitation 10 Chapter 2. SOCIAL WORKERS IN THE REHABILITATION OF DISABLED PEOPLE 15


To date, the process of social rehabilitation is the subject of research by specialists in many branches of scientific knowledge. Philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, social psychologists, educators, etc. reveal different aspects of this process, explore the stages, mechanisms, factors, stages of social rehabilitation. According to the UN, there are about 450 million people in the world with physical and mental development. This is 1/10 of the inhabitants of the planet. World Health Organization (WHO) data show that the number of such people in the world reaches 13%. Disabled citizens are the concern of the state, which puts social policy at the forefront of activity. The main concern of the state in relation to the disabled is their material support (benefits, allowances, pensions, etc.). But disabled citizens need not only material support. An important role is played by the provision of effective organizational, psychological, physical and other assistance to them. Disability is a social phenomenon that no society can avoid, and each state, in accordance with its capabilities, priorities and level of development, forms an economic and social policy for people with disabilities. The extent of disability depends on many factors; socio-economic development, development of the healthcare system, the state of health of the nation. In the Russian Federation, all of these factors have a pronounced negative direction, which predetermines a significant spread of disability in society. The object of the course work is the social rehabilitation of disabled people. The subject of the course work is social workers for the rehabilitation of disabled people. The purpose of the course work is to determine the role of social workers in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. Objectives of the course work: - to consider the concepts of disability and social rehabilitation - to determine the role of social workers in the rehabilitation of people with disabilities. The course work used methods of theoretical forecasting and modeling; methods of a systematic approach; method of dialectical evaluation of empirical data. In understanding the problem of disability as a social phenomenon, an important place is occupied by the concept of a social norm, which was studied from different angles by R. Merton, M. Weber, T. Lukman, A.I. Kovaleva, V.N. Kudryavtsev and others. Issues of social rehabilitation of a disabled person in different aspects, the problems of his status in society are considered in the works of such researchers as V.P. Belov, P.K. Anokhin, A.A. Dyskin, N.F. Dementieva, V.I. Lagunkina, E.I. Kim, A.I. Osadchikh, A.I. Mukhlaeva, L.P. Khrapylin, etc. In methodological terms, the works on the problems of social assistance to the disabled as a socially vulnerable category of the population of such scientists as V.G. Bocharova, S.A. Belicheva, I.A. Zimnyaya, L.G. Guslyakova, A.M. Panov, A.V. Martynenko, E.R. Smirnova-Yarskaya, M.N. Reush, E.I. Kholostova, V.N. Shabalin, B.Yu. Shapiro, etc.


Disability is a condition of an individual with mental, mental or physical disabilities, in which there are obstacles to productive work. This status is set special agencies medical and social expertise. The first group of health restrictions. In this category, disability is a strongly pronounced social insufficiency in which a person needs help. Disabled people of the second category have a moderately pronounced disability. They are often able to take care of themselves and lead relatively independent lives, but need the protection of social services and the help of others. The third group is assigned to people who are almost completely independent, who are not prevented from working and studying by disability. Rehabilitation refers to the process of restoring health and ability to work that have been impaired by illness, injury, physical or social factors. Its goal is the quick and effective return of the patient to society, to work and household duties. Social rehabilitation is a process of restoring in society the status of a person lost due to problems or difficult life situations. These include the onset of disability, migration, imprisonment, unemployment, etc. Social rehabilitation is a set of measures for closer interaction between the individual and society. On the one hand, it includes a method of transferring social experience to individuals and a way of including it in the system of relations, and on the other hand, personal changes. Disabled people as a social category of people are surrounded by healthy people in comparison with them and need more social support, assistance, protection. Depending on the nature of the pathology, adult disabled people are kept in boarding houses of a general type, in psycho-neurological boarding schools, children - in boarding houses with physical disabilities and for the mentally retarded. The activity of a social worker is determined by the nature of the pathology in a disabled person and correlates with his rehabilitation potential. To carry out the activities of a social worker in boarding schools, knowledge of the features of the functions and structure of these institutions is necessary. The role of a social worker is to create a special environment in the boarding house and especially in those departments where young disabled people live. Environment therapy occupies a leading place in organizing the lifestyle of young people with disabilities. The main direction is the creation of an active, efficient living environment that would encourage young people with disabilities to “amateur activity”, self-sufficiency, moving away from dependent attitudes and overprotection.


1. Galaganov V.P. Organization of work of social security bodies in the Russian Federation (for colleges). GEF, Publisher: Knorus. Year: 2016. 2. Kuzina I.G. Theory of social work. Textbook Publisher: Prospekt. Year: 2016 3. Social security law: textbook / V.P. Galaganov. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M. : KNORUS, 2016. - 510 p. 4. Social security law: textbook / ed. KN Gusova. –. M.: PBOYUL Grachev S.M., 2015. - 328s 5. Social security law: a textbook for university students studying in the specialty "Jurisprudence" / [R.A. Kurbanov and others]; ed. R.A. Kurbanova, K.K. Gasanova, S.I. Ozozhenko. - M.: Yu NITI-DANA, 2014. - 439 p. 6. Social security law: textbook / team of authors; ed. V.Sh. Shaikhatdinov. - M.: YUSTITSIYA, 2016. - 552 p. 7. Social security law: textbook / T.K. Mironov. - M. : KNORUS, 2016. - 312 p. 8. Samygin S.I., Tsitkilov P.Ya., Tumaikin I.V. Theory of social work for bachelors. Textbook. GEF, Publisher: Feniks. Year: 2016 9. Suleimanova G.V. Social security law. Textbook Publisher: Knorus. Year: 2016. 10. Tuchkova E. G., Akatnova M. I., Vasilyeva Yu. V. The right of social security of Russia. Workshop. Textbook, Publisher: Prospekt. Year: 2016.

Rehabilitation is an active process, the purpose of which is to achieve a complete restoration of functions impaired due to a disease or injury, or, if this is the optimal realization of the physical, mental and social potential of a disabled person, the most adequate integration of him in society.

Social rehabilitation persons with disabilities is one of the most important and difficult tasks of modern systems of social assistance and social services.

Kinds Medical rehabilitation is aimed at full or partial restoration or compensation of one or another impaired or lost function or at slowing down the progression of the disease. All other forms of rehabilitation are carried out along with medical.

The psychological form of rehabilitation is the impact on the mental sphere of a sick child, on overcoming in his mind the idea of ​​the futility of treatment. This form of rehabilitation accompanies the entire cycle of treatment and rehabilitation measures.

Pedagogical rehabilitation - educational activities aimed at ensuring that a sick child masters the necessary skills for self-care, receives a school education. It is very important to develop a child's psychological confidence in their own usefulness and create the right professional orientation. Prepare for the types of activities available to them, create confidence that the acquired knowledge in a particular area will be useful in subsequent employment.

Socio-economic rehabilitation - a whole range of activities: providing a sick or disabled person with the necessary and convenient housing for him, located near the place of study, maintaining the confidence of a sick or disabled person that he is a useful member of society; financial support for a sick or disabled person and his family through payments provided by the state, the appointment of a pension, etc.

In rehabilitation centers, the method of labor therapy is widely used, based on the tonic and activating effect of labor on the psychophysiological sphere of the child. Occupational therapy plays an important role in diseases and injuries of the osteoarticular apparatus, preventing the development of persistent ankylosis (joint immobility). Occupational therapy facilitates relationships between people, relieving the state of tension and anxiety. Employment, concentration of attention on the work performed distract the patient from his painful experiences.

Household rehabilitation - providing a disabled child with prostheses, personal means of transportation at home and on the street (special bike and motorcycle strollers).

AT recent times great importance is attached to sports rehabilitation. Participation in sports and rehabilitation events allows children to overcome fear, form a culture of attitude towards the weaker weak, correct hypertrophied consumer tendencies and, finally, include the child in the process of self-education, acquiring skills to lead an independent lifestyle, to be quite free and independent.

A social worker conducting rehabilitation measures with a child who has received a disability as a result of a general illness, injury or injury must use a set of these measures, focus on the ultimate goal - restoring the personal and social status of the disabled person - and take into account the method of interaction with the child, which involves: * Appeal to his personality; * the versatility of efforts aimed at various spheres of the life of a disabled child and at changing his attitude towards himself and his illness; * the unity of the effects of biological (drug treatment, physiotherapy) and psychosocial (psychotherapy, occupational therapy) factors; * a certain sequence - the transition from one impact and activities to another.

The purpose of rehabilitation should be not only the elimination of painful manifestations, but also the development of qualities in them that help to more optimally adapt to the environment.

Basic means of compensation and replacement. The role of the social worker in its implementation.

The social worker, together with medical workers, provides organizational assistance during medical and social rehabilitation in a hospital or at home, helps in organizing sanatorium and resort treatment, facilitates the acquisition of the necessary simulators, vehicles, corrective devices, organizes, according to indications, medical genetic counseling for parents of patients children. Often there is a need to provide dietary nutrition to children with disabilities suffering from diabetes, kidney failure and other diseases.

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