How are job responsibilities different from functional responsibilities? Functional responsibilities

The development of labor relations has led to the fact that the terms of reference and competencies of each employee have been precisely defined. Management sometimes forces its employees to go beyond their job responsibilities and perform functions that are unusual for them. A clear distinction between concepts will help employees of organizations to better understand their rights and, accordingly, defend them reasonably.


Functions- a specific field of activity of the employee, the ideal result of his work, aimed at achieving corporate goals. These include, depending on the sphere of work, the execution of instructions from the management, personnel records management, technical and operational control, and much more. This is the expected result that the employee should bring as a result of successful activity.

Job Responsibilities- specific actions performed by an employee to perform functions and achieve assigned tasks. This is a comprehensive set of processes that an employee must perform within a set time frame and at an acceptable level of quality. Job responsibilities should be specific and outline the best way for the employee to perform the assigned tasks.


Thus, the key difference between these categories is the essence of the concepts. Functions - the predicted or expected result of the work of an employee of the enterprise. This concept is general and extremely broad. Job responsibilities - a process, both duties and recommendations to the employee. They are secondary to features and more detailed and specific.

Both functions and job responsibilities should be enshrined in the regulations of the organization. Going beyond the outlined framework is allowed only in special cases and, as a rule, not at the initiative of the employee.

Findings site

  1. The scope of concepts. Functions are a general category, while duties are a particular one.
  2. Hierarchy. Functions are primary, and job responsibilities are built on their basis.
  3. Essence. Functions are the predicted result of activity, duties are a description of the process.
  4. Detailing. Functions in a general form reveal the tasks of the employee, and responsibilities specify them as much as possible.

In accordance with Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the labor function must be indicated in the employment contract.
Is it necessary to duplicate the job duties from the employee's job description in the employee's employment contract, or is it enough to make a reference to the job description when specifying the job function (for example, "the employee undertakes to personally perform the specified work in accordance with the terms of the job description")? Is the job description a mandatory document if the employee's labor function is spelled out in his employment contract?

After considering the issue, we came to the following conclusion:
If the employment contract contains an indication that the employee's job responsibilities are defined in the job description, then it is not required to duplicate the content of the job description in the employment contract in terms of the range of job responsibilities. When listing job responsibilities directly in the employment contract, the presence of a separate job description for the relevant position is not necessary.

The development of labor relations has led to the fact that the terms of reference and competencies of each employee have been precisely defined.

The difference between functions and job responsibilities

Management sometimes forces its employees to go beyond their job responsibilities and perform functions that are unusual for them. A clear distinction between concepts will help employees of organizations to better understand their rights and, accordingly, defend them reasonably.


Functions- a specific field of activity of the employee, the ideal result of his work, aimed at achieving corporate goals. These include, depending on the sphere of work, the execution of instructions from the management, personnel records management, technical and operational control, and much more. This is the expected result that the employee should bring as a result of successful activity.

Job Responsibilities- specific actions performed by an employee to perform functions and achieve assigned tasks. This is a comprehensive set of processes that an employee must perform within a set time frame and at an acceptable level of quality. Job responsibilities should be specific and outline the best way for the employee to perform the assigned tasks.


Thus, the key difference between these categories is the essence of the concepts. Functions - the predicted or expected result of the work of an employee of the enterprise. This concept is general and extremely broad. Job responsibilities - a process, both duties and recommendations to the employee. They are secondary to features and more detailed and specific.

Both functions and job responsibilities should be enshrined in the regulations of the organization. Going beyond the outlined framework is allowed only in special cases and, as a rule, not at the initiative of the employee.


  1. The scope of concepts. Functions are a general category, while duties are a particular one.
  2. Hierarchy. Functions are primary, and job responsibilities are built on their basis.
  3. Essence. Functions are the predicted result of activity, duties are a description of the process.
  4. Detailing. Functions in a general form reveal the tasks of the employee, and responsibilities specify them as much as possible.

Job description and job responsibilities of the employee

When hiring, in addition to concluding an employment contract, a new employee is often offered to familiarize himself with the job description. Some employees sign the text of the instruction without reading it, while others are surprised: after all, everything is spelled out in the contract, so why another piece of paper?
Employers often treat job descriptions with disdain: firstly, this document is not mandatory for commercial organizations, and secondly, just like employees, they sincerely do not understand why “duplicating” an employment contract.
The basic rights and obligations of the employee are indeed fixed in the employment contract, but to prescribe absolutely everything official dutiesworker in his text is heavy, and therefore they are usually formulated very vaguely. Very often in commercial organizations in general there is only one standard employment contract for all employees, therefore, in the event of a conflict, it is very difficult to prove that the employee really did not fulfill his job duties. The result of such a disdainful attitude to job descriptions is conflicts between the employee and the administration, sometimes reaching litigation. So why do you need a job description?
Job description- this is the document that is able to prevent all or almost all disagreements of the parties regarding job duties and to specify the employee's labor function as much as possible.
Suppose that an employer dismisses an employee for repeated failure to perform official duties, which resulted in the fact that the employee reported on the work done not in writing, but in oral form. The employment contract says simply: “must report”, in what form, it is not indicated. Such a dismissal may well be recognized as illegal, since it is very problematic to prove that the employee reported (did not report) orally. This is the specifics that should be contained in the job description.
Clarification of the rights of the employee directly contributes to the quality performance of their duties. For example, in order to complete the task of the boss, the employee needs to receive some information from another department or service. If an employee does not have the right to receive such information, and colleagues do not provide it, then it will not be possible to punish the employee for not completing the task. Another question is if such a right is enshrined in his job description, but he did not use it ... Here we can already talk about the application of a disciplinary sanction.
The main difference between a job description and an employment contract is that it is an “impersonal” document, that is, it is approved not for this particular employee, but for the position.
When employees are transferred to other positions, major changes to the employment contract are rarely made, which leads to a conflict: the employee’s position is new, and his job responsibilities are old.

So it is very convenient to develop new job descriptions for all positions once, and then when transferring an employee, it is enough to draw up an additional agreement to the contract of two or three points and familiarize him with the job description, and not actually draw up a new contract. Yes, and where purely technically easier to make change in job description than in every employment contract.
Typically, the job description consists of several sections: "General provisions", "Rights", "Job responsibilities" and "Responsibility".
In chapter " General provisions» indicate: job title; qualification requirements for the education and work experience of the employee replacing this position; to whom the employee directly reports; the procedure for appointment, replacement and dismissal from office; the presence and composition of subordinates; a list of documents that the employee must be guided by in his activities (legislative acts of the Russian Federation, local documents, etc.). This section may include other items that clarify the status of the employee and the conditions of his activity.
Chapter " Rights» contains a list of rights that an employee has in the performance of his duties. Here, based on the duties and powers assigned to him, the rights of the employee are specified, for example, the relationship of the employee with other officials and structural divisions of the organization is reflected.
In chapter " Job Responsibilities» in more detail, in comparison with the employment contract, the obligations of the employee, which are assigned to him in accordance with the performance of the labor function, are signed.
With section " A responsibility» everything is clear - it indicates the degree of responsibility of the employee for non-compliance with the requirements established by the job description, other local regulations and labor legislation of the Russian Federation. Of course, nothing that goes beyond the current legislation should not be contained in any section, and if it is introduced, it will not have legal force.
An acquaintance sheet is attached to the job description, which serves as proof that the employee has familiarized himself with it against signature, because its requirements are mandatory for the employee holding this position from that moment on.
The job description is developed by a person authorized by the head of the organization, coordinated with the relevant legal unit (legal adviser) of the organization (if any), and, if necessary, with other divisions of the organization and a superior in charge of the relevant area of ​​activity of the employee.
The agreed and approved job description is numbered, laced, certified by the seal of the personnel department and stored in the personnel department or in a structural unit in accordance with the established procedure. For current work, certified copies are taken from the original job description, one of which is issued to the employee, the second - to the head of the relevant structural unit.
The main advantages of having job descriptions in an organization are as follows. Failure by an employee to comply with the provisions of the job description allows the employer to apply a disciplinary sanction and, as a result, dismiss the employee, and then prove in court that the disciplinary sanction for failure to perform official duties was lawfully imposed. The employee, in turn, will be easier to refuse to perform work not provided for by the instructions.
The presence of job descriptions can also play an important role when hiring a job seeker: the legitimacy of a refusal to hire can be confirmed or refuted using a job description by comparing its requirements with the qualifications of the applicant. In addition, the instructions make it possible to evenly distribute duties between employees with similar positions (for example, between the chief accountant, his deputy and a simple accountant), and avoid duplication of duties.
And as practice shows, if job descriptions are developed at the enterprise, most labor conflicts are resolved without the intervention of the court and other state bodies.

The role of internal clients/suppliers of any employee can be his/her immediate supervisor, direct subordinates, as well as other employees connected with him/her by the logic of main or auxiliary business processes. The formulation of the employee's service functions in a product form requires special skills and a reorientation of thinking from describing actions to the desired results of work. Often, this is enough simply to reformulate the traditional functions recorded in the employee's job description.

What is the difference between functions and duties

The entire range of job responsibilities that will be assigned to a specific employee for a specific position is described in detail either directly in the employment contract or in a drafted job description. The functional duties of a nurse The functional duties of a nurse include the provision of medical services, interaction with the parties to the treatment process, participation in the creation of a safe hospital environment, in the organization of their workspace.

ImportantIn addition, depending on the specifics of the medical institution, the nurse puts droppers, injections, and arranges the medicines prescribed for the patient by the doctor. The nurse also monitors the health of patients, provides emergency care if necessary.

In practice, when developing departmental regulations and job descriptions, job functions and requirements can be arranged in the form of two tables: employees. At the same time, the functions of the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy logically follow from the functions of the upper level and serve as the basis for their implementation.

Info The next step is to determine the job responsibilities of employees.

How are responsibilities different from functions? If the functions show the expected results of the work, then the responsibilities should prescribe specific actions to achieve them.

Attention In accordance with the professional standard of a nurse, the functionality includes interaction with patients, with ITU commissions, and with social protection institutions. The nurse forms a base of those persons who need constant care, including systematic medical supervision and social assistance.

When an employee performs a function for which the provision of certain benefits or compensation is guaranteed (or if the work is associated with appropriate restrictions), the name of the position, profession, specialty is indicated taking into account the name provided for in the ETCS.

Office functions or job responsibilities?

Catalog of competitions! The development of labor relations has led to the fact that the terms of reference and competencies of each employee have been precisely defined. Management sometimes forces its employees to go beyond their job responsibilities and perform functions that are unusual for them.

A clear distinction between concepts will help employees of organizations to better understand their rights and, accordingly, defend them reasonably. What is the difference between functions and job responsibilities? What are functions and job responsibilities? Functions are a specific field of activity of an employee, the ideal result of his work, aimed at achieving corporate goals.
These include, depending on the sphere of work, the execution of instructions from the management, personnel records management, technical and operational control, and much more.

Functional duties of an employee: difference from job duties

  • not “organization of effective commercial activity”, but “increase in the marginal profitability of the enterprise” - for the commercial director;
  • “not office cleaning”, but “constant maintenance of cleanliness and order in the premises” - for a cleaner;
  • not “carrying out maintenance and repair of equipment”, but “reducing the number of equipment failures in the shop” - for a mechanic;
  • not “preparation and implementation of employee training programs”, but “fulfillment of orders from workshops for the training of workers and craftsmen for the production of new products” - for the personnel manager;
  • not “maintaining a database of inventory balances of products in the warehouse”, but “ensuring that information on inventory balances in the 1C database corresponds to the actual quantity of goods in the warehouse” - for the warehouse manager, etc.

Similar examples can be found for any position in the organization.

What is the difference between functional duties and job duties?

If an employee is entrusted with the performance of a certain type of work, the following wording is introduced into the employment contract: "The employee is entrusted with the performance of turning (plumbing, construction, repair, electrical) work." Such a description of official functional duties is made directly in the employment contract.

Functional responsibilities

It should be borne in mind that the name of the position (specialty, profession) for an employee is considered one of the characteristics of the labor function. The direct functionality of employees is specified by the duties assigned to them.

These duties are considered the content of the labor function. Therefore, functional responsibilities are included in the employment contract, and it is rational to indicate them in detail in the job description.

The definition of the labor function of an employee is contained in articles 15, 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Work in the relevant specialty or position in accordance with the staffing table.
According to this definition, all work performed must be documented.

Functional and job responsibilities: difference

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Functional responsibilities

The main organizational document regulating the delimitation of duties and rights between employees, the establishment of relationships between individual positions, is a job description.

- This is an organizational and legal document that defines the main functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee of an organization in the exercise of his activities in a certain position.

The job description allows you to:

  • rational distribution of functional responsibilities;
  • increase the timeliness and reliability of tasks;
  • improve the socio-psychological climate in the team and eliminate conflicts;
  • clearly define the functional connections of the employee and his relationship with other specialists;
  • specify the rights of the employee;
  • increase individual and collective responsibility;
  • increase the effectiveness of moral and material incentives for employees;
  • organize a uniform workload of workers.

Sources for developing job descriptions

The initial data for the development of job descriptions are:

  • and functional structure;
  • classifier of control functions;
  • classification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees;
  • standards of managerial work;
  • regulations on structural divisions;
  • results of expert and sociological surveys of employees, etc.

The first source for developing job descriptions is Qualification directory of positions managers, professionals and other employees. Directory contains list of qualification requirements specialists of various categories. Each qualification characteristic is a normative document regulating the content of the functions performed by employees, contributing to the provision of optimal technology, a rational division of labor, high organization, and order at each, as well as improvement. As a regulatory framework, the qualification characteristics of the positions of employees are intended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations of various forms of ownership, organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, regardless of their departmental subordination. Based on the qualification characteristics, job descriptions are developed for specific employees.

The job description form and the structure of the text are enshrined in USORD.

Job descriptions should be drawn up for each position provided for by the staffing table.

Development and sections of job descriptions

When developing job descriptions, the provision on the structural unit is used. The position and job descriptions are interrelated documents, since the duties of each employee arise from the tasks and functions of the entire service as a whole.

The text of the job description should fully and clearly define the tasks, functions, duties of the employee. A fuzzy and incomplete definition of the scope of activity of each employee leads to instability in the work of the service itself and inconsistency in the actions of individual employees. As a rule, such an environment contributes to the emergence of conflict situations caused by the employee's misconception of his duties. The text of the job description is set out in separate paragraphs.

A job description usually consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions
  2. Main tasks and functions
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Rights
  5. A responsibility
  6. Relationships

In the first section of the job description General provisions» contains:

  • the name of the position in accordance with the staffing table and basic information about it: the name of the structural unit, the subordination of this employee, the category of personnel (specialist, technical contractor);
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • the procedure for filling this position during the period of temporary absence of the employee;
  • requirements for professional training (level of education, work experience), qualification requirements (should know ... must be able to ...);
  • a list of regulatory documents that the employee is guided by in his professional activities, a list of administrative documents regulating official duties (orders and instructions of the head of the organization, preschool services, etc.).

In the second section " Main tasks and functions» The job description formulates the main task of the employee of this position, the subject of his competence, the area of ​​work. The following is a listing of specific types of work that make up the implementation of the main task. For example: the main task of an employee is to control the deadlines for the execution of documents. In different organizations and using different technologies, this task can be composed of different operations. For example, when using manual technology, these can be the following operations:

  • receipt (from the registration area, from the secretariat, etc.) of documents put under control;
  • filling out control cards;
  • entering into them notes on the progress of execution;
  • maintaining a time card;
  • transfer of information;
  • compiling and maintaining reference files, servicing requests from specialists of the administrative apparatus, etc.

The same task with automated technology will include such operations as:

  • entering into a computer database of registered documents;
  • maintenance of a computer database of documents marked "Control";
  • service of requests of specialists of the administrative apparatus, etc.

In chapter " Responsibilities» job descriptions record the conditions that must be observed by the employee in the performance of his functions. For example:

  • observe ;
  • comply with the established deadlines for the preparation of documents;
  • observe ethical standards of communication in;
  • respect the confidentiality of official information.

In chapter " Rights» establishes the range of rights necessary for the employee to implement the duties assigned to him, as well as the procedure for exercising these rights. The section includes such rights as: decision-making, obtaining information for the performance of one's work, the right to endorse certain types of documents, the right to control, etc. A clear formulation of the rights of the employee allows us to formulate his responsibility, which is allocated in a separate section.

In chapter " A responsibility» record the content and forms of responsibility of an official for the results and consequences of his activities, as well as for failure to take timely measures or actions related to his duties. Responsibility can be established disciplinary and material, but necessarily in accordance with applicable law and taking into account the specifics of the organization.

In the job description section " Relationships» record the order of interaction of the employee with other structural divisions and officials. The section lists those structural units from which the employee receives documents, and those to which he transfers information.

Job descriptions are developed and signed by the head of the records management service, approved by the head of the organization (firm). Job descriptions are issued on the general letterhead of the organization. They can be endorsed (coordinated) with the heads of those structural units with which the employee interacts.

Job descriptions also apply to long-term action.

Revision of job descriptions is mandatory under the following conditions:

  • change in the structure of the organization;
  • reassignment of office work service;
  • change of job title;
  • change in the internal organizational structure of the clerical service;
  • introduction of new forms and methods of labor organization;
  • the introduction of a new technology, since in this case there is a redistribution of functions between individual employees and structural divisions.

With the job description, the head (or personnel department) is obliged inform the employee on receipt. The familiarization visa is located below the signature of the head of the records management service (the developer of the job description) and consists of the words “Familiarized with the instruction (on)”, the signature of the employee, his initials, last name and date.

How are job responsibilities different from functional responsibilities?

  1. Job responsibilities are formed based on the staffing table, and functional ones are developed by the head of the department based on the need. They cannot be radically different.
  • Job responsibilities are approved for a general concept. Functional statements are approved for each person.
  • officials - this is what you should, funkts. - must.
  • official - what is included in the rights and duties of a particular position;

    functional - through what actions and interactions,

    subordinations and requirements with other positions and structural units, any result (final or intermediate) is achieved in the course of the performance of official duties ...

    Positions are wider and more strategically justified; functional concretizing and clarifying, defining tactics in actions.

  • Job responsibilities are a general concept, and functionality is the actual actions of the employee during the working day.

    Office functions or job responsibilities?

    Dear colleagues! I would like to discuss with you:

    1. Is there, in your opinion, a difference between the concepts of "official functions" and "official duties"?

    2. Why, in general, are the duties of employees in the form they look like in most companies?

    3. How to correctly define these very functions and responsibilities so that they are not an empty formality, but a working tool for an employee?

    If "on the fingers" and as I personally understand it

    1. The performance of an official function presupposes the existence of a specific result (if we draw a parallel with the Russian language, then in the description of the function the verbs will be perfective), job duties - the process itself (verbs - imperfective).

    Those. in the job description of the secretary, you can write: "receive phone calls, plan the manager's work day, take minutes of meetings, etc.", and the service function is "conclude 3 contracts, purchase equipment in the amount of 100 tr", and it will appear not DI , and in the document related to planning, in the provision on material incentives, in the labor agreement, finally.

    2. In theory, CI is needed so that the employee knows what he must do, what he receives salary for, and the employer - that if he involves the employee in the performance of duties that go beyond the instructions, he will have to pay extra. In practice (most often) - this is just a document that supplements the employment contract.

    3. Comparison of the goals and plans of the company with a description of business processes and a vision of the responsibilities of this official unit by its head and heads of related departments

    I think so too. Functions describe the result of the activity, and duties describe the content of the activity. But the functions should also be in the DI for each employee. In some other document, the functions of all employees cannot be written down, there are too many of them. And each employee should know his functions and know even better than duties.

    Tasks (function) is the purpose of the work.

    Job responsibilities - ways to achieve the goal (specific steps that the employee must take daily).

    I think that's how it should be.

    Very rarely I met organizations where official functions were correctly formulated. As a rule, managers are limited to banal (and often fabricated) job responsibilities. But functions and responsibilities, as we have already found out, are "two big differences."

    Functional and job responsibilities: difference

    When developing job descriptions, sometimes not only official, but also functional responsibilities are provided. And what is their difference? What is the difference between a job description and a job description?

    What is the difference between functional duties and job duties?

    Labor legislation does not distinguish between the concepts of functional and official duties and does not define them. It is believed that the functional duties of an employee characterize the purpose or functions of a particular employee, that is, the result that is achieved as a result of the employee's performance of his duties. And the immediate duties that the employee performs to achieve such goals are called official duties. For example, in accordance with the professional standard "Accountant" (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of December 22, 2014 No. 1061n), one of the labor functions of the chief accountant is the preparation of accounting (financial) statements. This can be attributed to functional responsibilities. And the direct labor actions that an employee needs to perform to achieve this function, that is, in fact, his official duties, are, for example:

    • counting and logical verification of the correctness of the formation of numerical indicators of reports included in the accounting (financial) statements;
    • formation of explanations to the balance sheet and income statement;
    • ensuring that the head of the economic entity signs the accounting (financial) statements;
    • ensuring the safety of accounting (financial) statements before their transfer to the archive.

    Often the terms "job responsibilities" and "functional responsibilities" are considered as synonyms. And it does not matter how the duties of the employee will be named in the job description. It is important that their content clearly implies what specific work the employee will need to perform, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management at the enterprise.

    The difference between job description and production

    When managers, specialists and other employees are hired, the instructions developed for them are called job descriptions. And for the professions of workers, on the basis of, as a rule, unified tariff-qualification reference books of work and professions of workers in the relevant industries, production instructions are approved, which are also sometimes called work instructions. Thus, the difference between a job description and a work instruction is only in the category of employees for whom such an instruction is being developed. Although such a division is rather arbitrary, after all, both job and work instructions should give the employee an unambiguous understanding of what work he has to do.

    Attention, only TODAY!

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