Why can menstruation go ahead of time. Premature periods: why and what to do? Early scanty discharge

Hormonally determined and rhythmically repetitive processes in the female body, accompanied by bleeding from the genital organs at certain time intervals, are called the menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle is complex physiological process aimed at creating necessary conditions for the development, maturation and fertilization of the egg, its implantation in the uterine mucosa.

The duration of the menstrual cycle is calculated from the moment of the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. This cycle is normally 21-30-35 days (usually 28 days) and depends on individual physiological characteristics women. The duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days. Blood loss during menstruation is 50–100 ml.

fading away menstrual function occurs in menopause at 45-50 years. The regulation of the menstrual cycle is carried out by a complex neurohumoral mechanism, in which the cerebral cortex, ovaries, pituitary gland, hypothalamus take part, with the interest of the uterus, vagina, and mammary glands. In case of violation of the menstrual cycle, one of the manifestations of which may be early menstruation you should contact a specialist.

Early menstruation - what is the reason?

Sometimes early menstruation is a physiological pattern, but more often it is evidence of a serious illness. If menstruation ahead of time repeats repeatedly (menstruation comes ahead of schedule for a week or more, and the duration of the cycle is less than 21 days), we are talking about polymenorrhea. This cycle disorder occurs in girls puberty and in women during menopause.

In young girls over time menstrual cycle normalizes on its own, and in women menopause the menstrual cycle shortens and gradually disappears. However, in women childbearing age the menstrual cycle is relatively stable.

Therefore, if menstruation comes early, it is usually noticed by a woman and causes concern.

Causes of early menstruation

  • constant stress or illness nervous system(stress is powerful negative factor affecting the work of all organs and systems);
  • hereditary predisposition (presence of similar problems in mother, grandmother);
  • inflammatory diseases of the internal genital organs - endometriosis, adenomyosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian tumors, cancer of the body and cervix;
  • non-infectious and infectious diseases of the internal genital organs;
  • termination of pregnancy (abortion, miscarriage), position violation intrauterine device;
  • severe infectious diseases;
  • serious illnesses internal organs and systems (kidneys, liver, lungs, blood diseases);
  • a sharp change in climate (during travel, since the body in a different climatic zone reacts to a change in the external environment);
  • bad habits - alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use;
  • taking certain medications;
  • poisoning and radiation;
  • malnutrition (avitaminosis, excessive weight loss or obesity).

The appearance of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, including premature menstruation, is based on violations of the process of formation and release of hormones responsible for the hormonal function of the ovaries. They are produced by the pituitary gland and are called luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and prolactin (PRL).

Should I be worried if my period started earlier than expected? First of all, you need to calm down and think about what this phenomenon could be caused by. If the cause is high workload, stress or malnutrition, then you should change your lifestyle, daily routine and workload.

What should I do if my period starts early? Of course, if these are isolated cases of early menstruation, you should not be particularly worried, but if the situation often repeats, you should contact a gynecologist to find out the reasons and pass necessary analyzes including hormonal status.

As you know, each phase of the menstrual cycle is characterized by a certain ratio of hormones, which is one of essential conditions for follicle maturation, ovulation and embryo implantation. With disorders of the hormonal function of the ovaries, the ratio of hormones changes and with initial stages ovarian dysfunction most often violated the process of ovulation - it does not occur. Therefore, with ovarian dysfunction, uterine bleeding is acyclic, that is, the menstrual cycle does not go through all its phases.

Treatment of early menstruation is to identify the causes of this phenomenon and their subsequent treatment. If no serious deviations are found, then in order to normalize the cycle, the doctor may prescribe hormonal drugs.

The situation when menstruation came ahead of time has its own reasons. In some cases, this phenomenon is explained by a physiological or hereditary factor.

But more often, menstruation ahead of time is alarm bells. They may indicate that some problems have begun in the female body.

Most women who have this kind of problem wonder why their period came a week early. This plunges them into despondency, fear, bewilderment, they may be afraid to go.

Examination with such an ailment is extremely important. After all, through a hormonal and examination, doctors can answer the question of why menstruation came a week earlier than expected.

There are a number of main causes of premature bleeding:

  • Long-term effect of the hormone on the female body. Such a reason occurs quite infrequently, but it can cause the appearance of menstruation a week ahead of time;
  • Presence of hyperestrogenism. From the name it becomes clear that the main thing here is increased content hormone. The disease is associated with protein deficiency (little lutein). These factors can lead to anovulation and infertility;
  • If premature bleeding came in the middle of the cycle, then many women can confuse them with the onset of menstruation. Such "menstruation" is associated with the presence in the internal genital organs;
  • Availability inflammatory process in inner layer uterus -;
  • Availability benign tumor in the uterus -;
  • underdeveloped reproductive system in a woman, in medicine called hypoplasia;
  • The presence of glandular underdevelopment;
  • Menses started early. This occurs from 6 to 10 days after the process of fertilization of the egg, if fertilized egg attaches to a specific area of ​​the uterus. Bleeding in this case is implantation in nature, does not affect the condition of the fetus. Although there is an opinion that it can provoke an involuntary termination of pregnancy;
  • Another reason why menstruation began a week earlier is the change in time zones and climatic conditions;
  • Stress can also provoke such a phenomenon as premature menstruation;
  • Some women, after unprotected intercourse, resort to use that contribute to the disruption of the cycle. They may have their period up to a week early.
  • can also be a serious reason for the onset of critical days ahead of time.

Only a specialist can figure out the problem of why menstruation came a week earlier. Therefore, an immediate visit to the gynecologist's office is recommended. By doing this, you will preserve your health and the health of your future offspring.

If the menstruation went a week earlier before the expected date, then carefully monitor your general condition. If you have noticed such phenomena as:

  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;

then you should immediately consult a doctor. But if similar symptoms missing, that failure in the cycle is not caused by internal, but external factors such as fatigue or stress.

Short cycle or intermenstrual bleeding?

As a rule, a woman lasts from 28 to 35 days. If the cycle has become short - up to 21 days, then gynecologists call this phenomenon polymenorrhea. Frequent cyclic bleeding is called polymenorrhea.

But do not confuse polymenorrhea with. Small bleeding is quite common in women 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation. As a rule, they are not abundant and last from seven to twelve hours, while it is enough to use a daily pad.

Intermenstrual bleeding is:

  • a week later ;
  • in the middle of the cycle;
  • during the week .

Failure in the menstrual cycle signals health problems and it can also cause the onset of menstruation earlier than expected.

With the onset of menopause, this problem should not be of particular concern. In mature women, the duration of the cycle gradually decreases, menstruation may appear ahead of time, but soon they are reduced, and then completely stop going.

Whatever the answer to the question of why menstruation began ahead of schedule, it is recommended to visit the gynecologist's office and find out what caused such a failure. Exact reason will only be determined by a doctor.

If a special pathologies not found, then the woman should record the days when her menstruation begins so that she does not develop such a complication as anemia.

In order for menstruation to become regular, the gynecologist, as a rule, prescribes hormonal preparations containing progesterone or, which can stabilize the situation.

Premature menstruation: implantation bleeding

Many women are very worried about why their periods went much earlier (10 days) than they should have appeared. Others do not attach due importance to this and believe that if they came at the wrong time, then it is not so scary, it is much more dangerous if the menstruation began with a delay.

But this is far from true! Menstruation that went 10 days before the expected date can be a very disturbing symptom.

During pregnancy, these manifestations may indicate implantation bleeding. It is caused by damage blood vessels during the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Signs of implantation bleeding:

  • Be sure to check yours if your period went 8-10 days ahead of schedule. It should be measured right in bed after waking up. If its indicator is lowered, this may indicate.
  • If physical sensations began, bringing discomfort 8–10 days before menstruation: pulling, constant. They may indicate an impending involuntary termination of pregnancy. A woman should immediately visit the gynecologist's office.
  • A daub that began 10 days earlier before the onset of menstruation, painted in, brown or pinkish. It usually lasts no more than a day.
  • Feeling of weakness, general weakness 10 days before menstruation. After implantation internal bleeding the woman feels overwhelmed, she is constantly sleepy. But this condition quickly disappears.

Period, uterine or implantation bleeding?

Some young women who are faced with a problem when menstruation went 5-10 days ahead of schedule will not attach due importance to it. Whereas older women are well versed in the nature of menstruation and will immediately understand that something is wrong with the body.

Is it possible to confuse periods with other types of spotting that began prematurely? In fact, implantation and uterine bleeding are fundamentally different.

How to distinguish types of bleeding ahead of time:

  • Period. Those periods that began with a preliminary daub are considered healthy, then the amount of blood released gradually increases. They go differently for everyone, depending on the physiological characteristics. female body, 3 to 7 days.
    Menstruation should begin on time, and not earlier than 8-10 days of the expected date.
  • Uterine bleeding. Abundant bloody issues, similar to menstruation, but occurring 7-10 days before the onset of the expected menstruation may be uterine bleeding.
    Uterine bleeding can also occur during menstruation. In this case, the discharge will be too abundant, weakness appears, up to loss of consciousness.
  • implantation bleeding indicates pregnancy. The fetus attaches to the wall of the uterus and bursts the vessel. This does not happen to every woman. It does not carry negative consequences on the fruit itself.
    Implantation bleeding is characterized by small bleeding from the very beginning and ends very quickly.

If menstruation began a week or 10 days ahead of time, do not neglect a visit to the gynecologist. Only he will answer you the question of why menstruation began to go at the wrong time. If such health problems have begun, then the consequences can be very different.

Premature menstruation is one of the most common causes female anxiety. AT different periods In life, perhaps everyone has experienced this phenomenon. Approximately half women goes to the doctor, the other half postpones the visit - some out of fear, others out of frivolity.

Meanwhile, the best thing a woman can do with premature periods is to go to the gynecologist, calm her soul or get a diagnosis with which to work.

Young girls are especially prone to ruining a few wonderful years for themselves, fearing premature periods, suspecting cancer and other misfortunes. The cause may be an easily remedied disorder.

Read in this article

Causes of premature menstruation


Sometimes it's enough severe stress, intensive training, climate change, time zone, or so that menstruation comes earlier.

Menstruation early by five, ten days or even two weeks - normal phenomenon in the first two years after puberty and in the first five years of menopause. For young girls, for women during the flowering period, changes in the production of prolactin and progestrone are natural. In this case, the doctor prescribes hormonal drugs, and everything falls into place.

In the first year after "menarche" - - the menstrual cycle fluctuates. It is at this time that its formation takes place, the duration is determined. Complete confusion is possible - menstruation either goes twice a month, or does not appear for more than a month. After a year or two, the cycle is established, the young girl calms down. But here comes the first sex. Few know that it also determines the formation of the cycle. Menstruation after the "first time" may begin 5-14 days earlier or be delayed by the same amount, which causes disturbing thought about pregnancy.

Worried women are often interested in: “the period started prematurely, maybe this is pregnancy”? Yes, it's possible. Early bleeding when pregnancy occurs, it has completely different causes than menstruation. When the embryo is strengthened in the uterus, it violates the integrity of the mucosa, which leads to. Allocations may also indicate an ectopic pregnancy, dangerous to health and life. Rapid diagnosis is especially important here.

The cause of premature menstruation are also curettage. In this case, the cycle after some time is restored itself. Sometimes a little medication is needed.

Premature menstruation can also begin after spontaneous, which a woman is often unaware of. Yes, and with such a natural process as, the cycle can change and fluctuate. So it's worth asking yourself: is there something going on in my body that causes hormonal storms? And if so, then there is nothing strange in the discord of your “women's watch”.

On sustainability monthly cycle also affects the intake of drugs that reduce blood clotting, sedatives and antidepressants, as well as the installation of a spiral in the uterus.


There are also painful reasons the fact that menstruation begins five to ten days, it happens, and two weeks ahead of time. There is a small set of reasons for which you should disturb the doctor:

  • crashes for over a year
  • menstruation is coming
  • the discharge is more copious than usual; changing pads or tampons more often than every two hours
  • appear between periods
  • severe pain during menstruation, pallor and weakness, fever.

In 2011, the International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists developed a classification of menstrual disorders. Here it is in simple terms:

It should be borne in mind that menstruation comes on time or from slight delay. In addition to this, pulling or aching pain lower abdomen. If this is implantation bleeding, then the discharge starts a little earlier ...

  • When menstruation ended prematurely visible reasons, then one can suspect functional disorders. ... Therefore, the hormonal background remains the same and menstruation can begin.
  • Menstruation ahead of time. ... Painful periods began on 07.08.2016 and ended on the day of the introduction of the 11th. But 8 days passed and the menstruation began anew, with pain in the lower abdomen.
  • How to take Lindinet during menstruation? How do menstruation go after cancellation and when taken? How does menstruation begin, can it be meager or will there be a delay at all?
  • Premature periods are not always normal. Read the article to know when to see a doctor.

    A woman must constantly monitor her state of health, because the structure of her body is unique. One of the main tasks of a woman is to control the course of menstruation.

    • Failures in the cycle may indicate the presence various diseases in the body.
    • A woman is required to keep a calendar in which you need to mark the beginning and duration of the cycle.
    • If she has good health, and with work female organs everything is in order, then the blood secretions begin in a timely manner, without violations. If menstruation comes early, this may indicate various factors.
    • Read the article to know why this happens, but a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary, since only a competent doctor can understand the etiology of certain symptoms.

    Any failure in the functioning of vital systems can lead to a failure in the sexual sphere. Why do periods come early? Here are the reasons that lead to this:

    • climate change
    • stress, depression, bad psycho-emotional background
    • physical overload
    • drastic weight loss
    • uterine bleeding
    • implantation bleeding
    • taking oral contraceptives
    • ectopic pregnancy
    • STDs - sexually transmitted diseases

    Often women confuse uterine bleeding, which occurs in the middle of the cycle, with normal menstruation. Uterine bleeding can be associated with ectopic pregnancy, inflammation, trauma to the female organs, the presence of a tumor, and other pathologies.

    Important: Put accurate diagnosis and only a gynecologist can prescribe treatment. If you have bleeding prematurely, seek the advice of a doctor.

    Interruptions in menstruation are normal only during such conditions:

    • menopause period- in some women during this period, blood secretions begin ahead of schedule by a week or two, in others - later by a month or even more.
    • Girls aged 12 to 16 should not be surprised that the blood secretions appeared prematurely or later. This is normal during puberty and can last for 12-18 months.

    If blood secretions appeared earlier due to a change hormonal background, then the blood secretion will be plentiful, with dark clots. With infections, pain in the lumbar and lower abdomen.

    "Pseudo-menstruation" is the name given to the secretion of blood during pregnancy. When the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterine body, brown or pink discharge may appear.

    Often a woman, not yet aware of her interesting position, takes such a secretion for menstruation, which came earlier. If a girl has a fetus, this is normal, but she should contact the treating female doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

    When there is a delay in menstruation, she begins to worry and assume that she may have a pregnancy or some kind of disease. If blood secretion appeared a week or 5 days earlier, this can also be dangerous to health. Reasons for this deviation:

    • Hyperestrogenism- hormonal deviation in the functioning of the reproductive system. The body works hard to produce the hormone estrogen. Why is this happening? Affects overweight or underweight, uncontrolled intake hormonal pills, saline and other formations in the ovaries, cyst.
    • Pregnancy. Attachment of the fetus to the uterine body entails the appearance of meager blood secretions, which a woman can take for menstruation.
    • Inflammation- can lead to women's diseases different etiologies: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, hyperplasia and hypoplasia, baby uterus and other types of underdevelopment of the genital organs.
    • Ectopic pregnancy- the fetus is not attached to the walls of the uterine body. An urgent interruption is required, otherwise disastrous consequences are inevitable.
    • Reception emergency contraceptives after unprotected intercourse. It is not recommended to use often, a violation of the cycle may follow.
    • Stressful situations, climate change, work, overwork. Any abrupt change in the world around us affects the health of women.

    In addition to violations in the sexual sphere, you need to pay attention to general state organism.

    Important: If you have got strong pain in the head, like a migraine, discomfort in the lower abdomen, a feeling of nausea, staggering or even dizziness, contact your gynecologist immediately. The doctor will examine, and if a pathology is detected, he will prescribe therapy. Do what your doctor recommends!

    In young girls 12-16 years old, such a deviation is considered normal when the cycle is established. In other cases, it may indicate pathologies. As mentioned above, women often mistake uterine bleeding for menstruation. Therefore, if blood secretions appeared 10 days, 2 weeks earlier, you need to go to the doctor for a diagnosis. Reasons for this condition:

    • Infections in the acute period.
    • Bad habits and diseases associated with them: smoking, alcoholism.
    • Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
    • Stopping hormones, switching to other hormonal contraceptives.
    • The use of an intrauterine device, hormonal patch as a protection against unwanted pregnancy.
    • Constant diets, climate change, as well as brain injuries, various types of radiation.

    It's important to know: Violation of the flow of blood secretions often occurs due to the presence of serious illnesses at a woman. This may contribute diabetes type II disease thyroid gland, depression and stress.

    If such deviations are repeated, and menstruation comes 2 weeks ahead of time for several months in a row, then this may indicate such two diagnoses:

    • Ovarian resistance- this organ stops responding to the hormonal background, because of which menstruation stops and bleeding begins, resembling menstrual flow.
    • Anovulatory dysfunction- Reduced estrogen production. Such a problem entails not only a violation of the cycle, but also sharp increase weight in a lady, pain in the mammary glands and frequent bleeding.

    As you can see, there can be many reasons that blood secretions appeared ahead of time by a week or two, and correct diagnosis put only by a doctor.

    In the normal course of blood secretions, a woman secretes from 70 to 150 ml of blood. If the amount of discharge is less than this indicator, then a pathology such as hypomenorrhea is developing. The reasons for poor secretions ahead of time may be such factors:

    • Lactation
    • Uncontrolled reception hormonal drugs as a contraceptive
    • Intoxication
    • Frequent curettage, abortion
    • Surgical interventions on the reproductive organs
    • Tuberculosis
    • Disorders in the work of the nervous system

    Abundant blood secretions ahead of time is also a pathology that indicates the presence various inflammations, diseases and other abnormalities in the functioning of the female body. The reasons:

    • Diseases of the reproductive system
    • medical abortion
    • Deviations in the work of the digestive tract
    • Diets that involve the rejection of any food
    • Taking aspirin regularly
    • Lack of vitamins and microelements caused by depletion of the body

    Symptoms of heavy periods:

    • Blood loss is more than 200 ml per day
    • Blood clots do not disappear within 3 days
    • Pain in the lower abdomen
    • Discharge continues for more than 7 days

    Important! A woman should sound the alarm if she has to change a pad or tampon more than once in an hour and a half. If you do not stop the bleeding, then deplorable situations cannot be avoided.

    Many women experience bleeding during pregnancy. This is due to hormonal imbalance or inflammation. If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner and do not undergo treatment, a woman may not bear a child.

    Interesting to know: Premature menstruation usually appears during the first month of pregnancy. This can also be facilitated by multiple pregnancy, which entails the rejection of one of the embryos, and the maturation of the egg in both ovaries.

    There can be a lot of assumptions why menstruation came ahead of time. But the correct diagnosis should be made only by a doctor. An appointment with a gynecologist is necessary for an appointment adequate treatment and eliminate the cause of the disease. Do not delay your visit to the doctor - this is important for your women's health!

    Video: How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

    A woman needs to be given great attention her health, nature has rewarded her with a unique organism. Controlling the arrival of menstruation is one of the main tasks, since any violations in the cycle can indicate the flow pathological processes in the body. Some turn on personal calendar, marking the features of the passage of the cycle. If a woman feels good and everything is in order with her genitals, then menstruation takes place systematically and without any deviations. But the appearance of menstruation earlier than usual causes concern. In this case, do not panic, but. The doctor will be able to explain in what cases and why menstruation comes early. He must also diagnose and establish the cause that caused the premature onset of menstruation.

    A woman's health depends on numerous factors. Any violation, even the most insignificant, can lead to a disorder of the body, especially the reproductive system, when menstruation can go a week earlier or later than the due time. To date, gynecologists have deduced 10 main reasons leading to the fact that the onset new cycle came before the appointed time:

    • severe stress and emotional distress;
    • mental and physical exercise;
    • sudden weight loss;
    • climate change;
    • uterine bleeding;
    • implantation bleeding;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • oral contraceptives;
    • diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse.

    Severe stress and emotional distress can disrupt the schedule of menstruation. drastic loss weight, increased mental and physical stress on the body, even long before the onset of critical days, can act as a reason for both the early arrival of menstruation and their delay.

    Taking oral contraceptives changes the balance of hormones, which disrupts the menstrual cycle.

    In connection with moving, it forces the body to work in an unusual mode for it, thereby causing premature menstruation. Some diseases that are transmitted during sexual intercourse “act” similarly. In addition, perverted sex that causes trauma to the genitals can also cause early menstruation.

    Uterine bleeding, which can often be confused with menstruation, due to injury, inflammation, tumors, or other diseases, is a common occurrence. In pregnant women for a period of 6-7 weeks, when the embryo begins to implant in the uterus and thereby locally destroy its tissues, spotting is also likely. The reason that menstruation came early may be an ectopic pregnancy. And this condition requires immediate medical attention and removal of the fetus. However, the last 3 causes are not menstruation, but bleeding.

    Girls in the process of puberty should not be surprised that their periods began a week earlier or later than expected. This is how the cycle becomes and can continue. whole year, after which the schedule of menstruation should return to normal.

    At the beginning of menopause, failures are also possible: some women complain that menstruation began a week earlier, others that their menstruation occurs with a delay of a month. Here leading role play the characteristics of the body and the presence concomitant diseases or features of the functioning of the reproductive system. How to make menstruation begin earlier or later, only a gynecologist can tell, after conducting tests and establishing the cause of the violations.

    Interruptions of menstruation during menopause are the norm. A woman can note the fact that the duration of the cycle is gradually becoming shorter: menstruation came a week earlier, their duration is shorter each time, and after a while they stop going altogether.

    Menstruation may start earlier when the cycle fails. There are accompanying symptoms:

    • headache;
    • nausea;
    • Bad mood;
    • insomnia.

    If menstruation came earlier as a result of a change in hormone levels, then the discharge becomes more abundant than before, often in them. At infectious disease a woman may feel pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

    Discharge during pregnancy

    In those cases when menstruation came earlier by 5 days, while they are not plentiful, but more like bloody daub, it is possible to assume the development of pregnancy. The discharge appears at the moment when the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, which is absolutely normal and does not pose a threat to the woman or the fetus. Such “pseudo-monthly” ones are different from the usual ones. Among their features are the following:

    • unplanned onset five days before expected period;
    • or ;
    • scarcity of secretions;
    • the duration of the daub is much less than the usual monthly.

    These signs indicate the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. But if a woman feels pulling pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness and nausea, while the discharge becomes more abundant - these are likely signs of a miscarriage, so you should get to see a gynecologist as soon as possible.

    Internal provoking factors of early menstruation

    The menstrual cycle that came before the due date may be a consequence of the effect on the female body internal factors capable of disrupting regulatory mechanisms. Of course, the external environment can provoke early menstruation, but only in cases where the body adapts to a different climate during business trips, moving and traveling abroad for vacation. In other cases, the cause of premature menstruation must be sought in the woman herself, or rather, in her body.

    Violation of the work of the genital organs entails early appearance menstruation, and, finding out the cause of the failure of the cycle, along the way, you can find many other diseases. The body of women is so sensitive that its violation normal activities can occur after a common cold.

    Too much strict diet often provokes malfunctions in the reproductive system. When the body is undernourished, it suffers from a lack of essential substances, as a result of which he receives stress, due to which regular cycle goes astray. Similarly, a variety of mental or physical stress can cause deviations in the regularity of menstruation.

    It is often possible to observe when menstruation went a week earlier due to high content in the body the hormone estrogen. A disease such as hyperestrogenism develops more often against the background of a lack of luteic acid.

    If they go, this may be a symptom of inflammation in the uterine tubes. Such “menstruation” can also begin from an ordinary malaise or poor functioning of the genital organs. You can confuse menstruation with uterine bleeding, believing that the critical days began prematurely. The causes of the pathology are inflammation of the genital organs or damage to the uterus itself.

    What diseases can menstruation begin earlier

    Women often have complaints that menstruation began 10 days ahead of schedule. This can be observed with the development of certain diseases of the genital organs and dysfunctions of the female body. As a rule, against the background of diseases, the discharge becomes more abundant, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and pain. Critical days may begin earlier when a woman is diagnosed with the following conditions:

    • specific structure and pathology of the uterus;
    • imbalance of hormones;
    • endometriosis;
    • malfunction of the reproductive system;
    • low hemoglobin;
    • disease of the pelvic organs.

    It should be noted that excessive or misuse contraceptives It can also induce early periods.

    short cycle

    Fortunately, it is not always only diseases that cause menstruation prematurely. Normally, a cycle of 21 to 31 days is allowed. As a result of the restructuring of the hormonal background, which occurs along different reasons, its duration may be reduced, but for those who have not experienced such phenomena before, early menstruation may alert.

    Reasons for these changes:

    • taking hormonal drugs;
    • pregnancy and childbirth in history;
    • previous ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage;
    • menopause and menopause.

    To establish the exact "trigger" you need to visit a gynecologist to rule out possible development pathological processes in the body.

    It is worth sounding the alarm if the discharge, which is premature in nature, is intense, scarlet or dark in color, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. This may mean the development of serious diseases of the genital organs, the treatment of which should be carried out urgently.

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