Yermak Timofeevich, what he was like, what he did. Ermak and the conquest of Siberia. Military service and conquest

Ermak Timofeevich - the ataman of the Cossacks, famous for his courage and resourcefulness, the hero of folk songs. One of his military campaigns marked the beginning of the development of Siberia by the Russian state.

Biography of Ermak Timofeevich

Ermak Timofeevich was born into a peasant family; the exact date is unknown: 1537 - 1540. Presumably, the birthplace of Yermak is the ancient village of Borok on the Northern Dvina. The first mention of this settlement dates back to 1137. There are also several versions about his name; according to one of them, the name Ermak is a variant of the Russian name Ermolai, and according to another version, the full name of Yermak was Vasily Timofeevich Alenin. Surnames in Russian villages of that time were little used, and people were called either by their father's name or by a nickname.

Hungry time forced Yermak to leave his native places in his youth - once in one of the Volga villages, he was hired as laborers and squires to an old Cossack. Ermak began to seriously study military affairs in 1562, when he got himself a weapon in one of the battles.

Courage, justice and a sharp mind are qualities that are useful for a warrior; it was they who helped Yermak in many battles, and made him an ataman. He traveled the steppe from the Dnieper to Yaik, he had to fight on the Don and Terek. It is also known that the future conqueror of Siberia, Yermak Timofeevich, fought near Moscow with Devlet Giray.

There are many glorious victories in the biography of Yermak Timofeevich. In the Livonian War, he was the commander of the Cossack hundreds. The liberation of the besieged Pskov also took place with his participation. Ataman also took part in Khvorostinin's victory over the Swedes near Lyalitsy.

In the service of the Stroganovs

The Ural merchants Stroganovs are a well-known Russian merchant family. In the 16th century, they founded a salt industry in the Arkhangelsk Territory. Developing agriculture and crafts, the merchants actively cooperated with the government; they suppressed the uprisings of local peoples, thereby annexing new lands to Russian territory.

The grandchildren of the founder of the salt production, Maxim Yakovlevich and Nikita Grigoryevich Stroganov, called Yermak in 1581 to protect the region from the Siberian Tatars and a military campaign in Siberia.

A team of half a thousand Cossacks led by Yermak and other atamans (Yakov Mikhailov, Ivan Koltso, Nikita Pan, Bogdan Bryazga, Cherkas Aleksandrov, Matvey Meshcheryak) arrived at the Chusovaya River. Khan Kuchum made predatory raids on these places, and for two months the Cossacks repelled his attacks.

Hike to Siberia

In 1581, it was decided to organize a campaign in Siberia. A detachment of 840 people was formed, equipped with everything necessary, and loaded onto 80 log cabin boats. We set off on our way to the Tagil Pass in the Ural Mountains in September. Carrying the ships on themselves, cutting through the road with axes, the Cossacks reached their goal and built themselves a Kokuy-gorodok for wintering. In the spring we rafted along Tagil to Tura.

The first battles were easily won; Ermak Timofeevich occupied the town of Chingi-Tura without a fight with its treasures - gold, furs, silver. During the spring and summer, three more battles were won with the Tatar princelings, rich booty was taken.

In November, Khan Kuchum gathered an army of 15,000 soldiers to fight the Cossacks at the Chuvash Cape. But he was defeated and retreated to the Ishim steppe. Four days after this battle, on November 8, 1582, Ermak Timofeevich entered the capital of the Siberian Tatars, the city of Kashlyk, as a victor. One after another, representatives of the villages of the indigenous Siberian peoples with gifts came to bow to the Cossacks. Yermak greeted everyone kindly, promised protection from the Tatars and ordered them to pay yasak - a fee. After the oath, these peoples became subjects of the Russian tsar.

At the end of 1582, Yermak Timofeevich sent ambassadors to Moscow with news. Tsar Ivan IV graciously met them and presented them with gifts, after which he sent an expedition led by Prince Semyon Bolkhovsky to Yermak in Siberia. It took almost two years for a detachment of 300 archers to get from Moscow to Kashlyk. During this time, Yermak won several more victories over the Tatar princelings, and further expanded the territory of Russia, increased the number of tributaries.

The winter of 1584/1585 was very hungry, the Cossacks failed to prepare enough supplies. Deep snow made hunting impossible, and icy winds blew. The Tatars united and rebelled, blocking Yermak's army in Kashlyk. Only in the summer did Matvey Meshcheryak's sortie help drive the Tatars away from the city. Less than half of the army remained, three centurions were killed by enemies.

In August 1585, Yermak received false news about a trade caravan going to Qashlyk. Having believed, he went with a small army to the mouth of the Vagai. At night, Kuchum attacked a detachment of Cossacks, killed Yermak and 20 other people. Thus ends the biography of Ermak Timofeevich, the conqueror of Siberia.

Upon learning the sad news, the Cossacks who remained in the capital of the Siberian Khanate decided not to spend the winter there. Ataman Matvey Meshcheryak led the remnants of the army home. In 1586, the city of Tyumen was founded on this site.

The years of the life of Yermak Timofeevich are not known for certain today. According to various versions, he was born either in 1531, or in 1534, or even in 1542. But the exact date of death is known - August 6, 1585.

He was a Cossack ataman, he is called a National Hero. It was he who discovered a huge part of our country - Siberia.

According to one version, the Cossack Ermak Timofeevich was born in the region of the Middle Urals. He looked like this: large, broad-shouldered, with a black beard, of medium height, with a flat face. We do not know what surname Ermak bore. But one historian is sure that the full name sounded like Vasily Timofeevich Alenin.

Yermak was a member of the Livonian War, commanded the Cossacks. In 1581 he fought in Lithuania. Yermak also participated in the liberation of the besieged Pskov. In 1582 he was in the army that stopped the Swedes.

History reference

The Siberian Khanate was part of the possessions of Genghis Khan. In 1563, Kuchum began to rule there, but this did not happen in an honest way. Having killed Yediger, a tributary of Moscow, he "pretended to be his own." In the government, he was recognized as a khan, and also ordered to pay tribute. But, having settled well in Siberia, Kuchum decided to make the Khanate independent and independent: he did not pay tribute, he attacked other territories. And Moscow was now faced with the task of returning the Siberian Khanate under its control.

It should be noted that the eastern lands were colonized by the famous Stroganov family, industrialists and merchants. Moscow controlled their activities. The Stroganovs were extraordinarily rich. They had their own detachments and fortresses behind the Kama, which they themselves supply with weapons. After all, the earth had to be protected somehow. And here Yermak comes to their aid.

Ermak Timofeevich: the conquest of Siberia and the discovery of new lands

How it all began

One of the Siberian chronicles tells that the Stroganovs sent a letter to the Cossacks. The merchants asked for help against the attacking peoples. The Cossack squad, led by Yermak, arrived in Siberia and successfully defended the lands from the Vogulichs, Votyaks, Pelyms and others.

Still, it remains unknown exactly how the "deal" between the Stroganovs and the Cossack army took place.

  • The merchants simply sent or even ordered Cossack detachments to conquer Siberia.
  • Ermak himself decided to go on a campaign with his army and forced the Stroganovs to provide the necessary weapons, food and more.
  • Both those and others made such a decision on favorable terms for all.

Before the start of the campaign, the Stroganovs allocated weapons (guns and gunpowder), provisions, as well as people - about three hundred people. There were 540 Cossacks themselves. The strictest discipline reigned in the detachment of eight hundred people.

The campaign began in September 1581. The detachment sailed along the rivers, long and hard. The boats were stuck, the water was already beginning to freeze. We had to spend the winter near the portage. While some were getting food, others were preparing for spring. The flood came, the boats briskly set off. And so the detachment ended up in the Siberian Khanate.

Approaching the target

In the area of ​​present-day Tyumen, which then belonged to Kuchumov's relative Epanch, the first battle took place. Yermak's army defeated the Yepanchi Tatars. The Cossacks stubbornly moved forward. The Tatars could only run and report the attacks to Kuchum. It should be noted that the Tatars did not have gunpowder weapons, they used bows. Therefore, the guns of Yermak's detachment completely discouraged them, which they reported to the khan. But, on the other hand, the Tatars had a superiority in the number of troops by twenty times or even more. Kuchum, although he was suppressed, but as a true leader quickly gathered all the Tatars under the leadership of Magmetkul and ordered them to go to the Cossacks. Meanwhile, he strengthened the borders of the city of Siberia - the capital of the Khanate.

Magmetkul and the Cossacks fought bloody and cruelly. The armament of the first was significantly inferior, so Magmetkul had to flee. And the Cossacks, meanwhile, moved on, took a couple of cities. Yermak stops to decide how to proceed. It was necessary to decide the following: to go back or move forward. Ataman Ermak Timofeevich feared that there were too many enemies. It was already October 1582. The rivers will soon begin to freeze again, so it is risky to swim back.

And so, early in the morning of October 23, Yermak's army, hoping for God's help, went on the offensive. The fight was incredibly difficult. Yermak's army did not manage to break through the defense of the Tatars. But the Russians managed to break through, the Tatars began to flee from the battlefield. Kuchum, seeing all this, also fled, leaving Siberia.

And on October 26, Yermak with his Cossack detachment entered the capital, rich in precious metals and furs. Yermak's banner was now flying in Siberia.

But it was too early to rejoice. Kuchum, hiding in the steppes, continued to attack the Cossacks. Magmetkul also posed a danger. First, he killed part of the Cossacks in November 1582. But Yermak made a very far-sighted act in the spring of 1853, sending part of the army to attack the Tatars and capture Magmetkul. The Cossack army, although it coped with this task, began to decrease in number and strength. Russian princes were sent to help the detachment with an army of three hundred people. After all, Kuchum did not calm down, and it was necessary to defend the conquered city

The death of Ermak Timofeevich

Here is how it was. Yermak and his detachment marched along the Irtysh. They spent the night at the mouth of the Vagai River. Suddenly, in the dead of night, Kuchum attacks the Cossacks and kills them. Only a few managed to escape. Survivors say that the ataman tried to swim up to the plows (these are such ships), but drowned in the river. This happened, most likely, due to the severity of the armor (Ermak then had two chain mail). Of course, it is possible that he was also wounded.

Conquest of Siberia.

Secrets of Siberia. The mysterious grave of Yermak.


Battles and victories

In the people's memory, Yermak lives as an ataman-bogatyr, the conqueror of Siberia, a strong and invincible warrior, even despite his tragic death.

In the historical literature there are several versions of his name, origin and even death...

The Cossack ataman, the leader of the Moscow army, successfully began, on the orders of Tsar Ivan IV, a war with the Siberian Khan Kuchum. As a result, the Siberian Khanate ceased to exist, and the Siberian lands became part of the Russian state. In different sources it is named differently: Ermak, Ermolai, German, Ermil, Vasily, Timofey, Yeremey.

According to N.M. Karamzin,

Yermak was of an obscure family, but with a great soul.

Some historians consider him a Don Cossack, others - a Ural Cossack, others see him as a native of the princes of the Siberian land. In one of the manuscript collections of the XVIII century. a legend about the origin of Yermak, allegedly written by himself, has been preserved (“Ermak wrote about himself, where his birth came from ...”). According to him, his grandfather was a Suzdal townsman, his father, Timofey, moved "from poverty and poverty" to the patrimony of the Ural merchants and salt industrialists Stroganovs, who received in 1558 the first letter of commendation for "Kama abundant places", and by the beginning of 1570 - x years. - on the lands beyond the Urals along the rivers Tura, Tobol with permission to build fortresses on the Ob and Irtysh. Timofey settled on the Chusovaya River, got married, raised his sons Rodion and Vasily. The latter was, according to the Remizov Chronicle, "very courageous and reasonable, and transparent, flat-faced, black-haired and curly-haired, flat and broad-shouldered."

He went to the Stroganovs on plows to work along the Kama and Volga rivers, and from that work he took courage, and having cleaned up a small squad for himself, he went from work to robbery, and from them he was called ataman, nicknamed Yermak.

Before heading to Siberia, Yermak served on Russia's southern border for two decades. During the Livonian War, he was one of the most famous Cossack commanders. The Polish commandant of the city of Mogilev reported to King Stefan Batory that in the Russian army there were "Vasily Yanov - the governor of the Don Cossacks and Yermak Timofeevich - the Cossack ataman." Yermak's closest associates were also experienced governors: Ivan Koltso, Savva Boldyr, Matvey Meshcheryak, Nikita Pan, who led regiments more than once in wars with the Nogais.

In 1577, the merchants Stroganovs invited Yermak to return to Siberia in order to hire the Siberian Khan Kuchum to protect their possessions from raids. Previously, the Siberian Khanate maintained good-neighborly relations with the Russian state, expressing its peacefulness by sending an annual fur tribute to Moscow. Kuchum stopped paying tribute, starting to oust the Stroganovs from the Western Urals, from the Chusovaya and Kama rivers.

It was decided to organize a campaign against Kuchum, which was carefully prepared. Initially, there were five hundred and forty Cossacks, then their number tripled - up to one thousand six hundred and fifty people. The main roads in Siberia were rivers, so about a hundred plows were built - large boats, each of which could accommodate up to twenty people with weapons and food supplies. Yermak's army was well armed. Several cannons were mounted on the plows. In addition, the Cossacks had three hundred squeakers, shotguns and even Spanish arquebuses. The guns fired at two hundred - three hundred meters, squeaked - at a hundred meters. It took several minutes to reload the pishchal, that is, the Cossacks could make only one volley at the attacking Tatar cavalry, and then hand-to-hand combat began. For this reason, no more than one third of the Cossacks had firearms, the rest were armed with bows, sabers, spears, axes, daggers and crossbows. What helped Yermak's detachment to defeat the Tatar detachments?

Firstly, the great experience of Yermak himself, his closest assistants and the clear organization of the troops. Yermak and his associates Ivan Koltso and Ivan Groza were considered recognized voivodes. Yermak's squad was divided into regiments led by elected governors, hundreds, fifty and dozens. There were regimental clerks, trumpeters, timpani and drummers who gave signals during battles. The strictest discipline was observed throughout the campaign.

Secondly, Yermak chose the right tactics to fight the Tatars. The Tatar cavalry was fast and elusive. Yermak achieved even greater maneuverability by placing his army on ships. The relatively large number of Kuchum's detachments were opposed by a skillful combination of "fiery" and hand-to-hand combat, the use of light field fortifications.

Thirdly, Yermak chose the most favorable time for the campaign. On the eve of Ermak's campaign, Khan sent his eldest son and heir Aley with the best warriors to the Perm Territory. Some weakening of Kuchum led to the fact that the Ostets and Vogul "princes" with their detachments began to evade joining his army.

Yermak, once chosen as the supreme leader of his brother, knew how to keep his power over them in all cases that were contrary and hostile to him: for if you need an always approved and inherited opinion in order to rule over the multitude, then you need greatness of spirit or elegance of some kind of revered quality, to be able to command his brother. Ermak had the first and many of those properties that a military leader needs, and even more so a leader of unenslaved warriors.

A.N. Radishchev, "The Tale of Yermak"

The campaign began on September 1, 1581. Yermak's army, having sailed along the Kama River, turned into the Chusovaya River and began to rise upstream. Then, along the Serebryanka River, the "ship's army" reached the Tagil passes, where it was convenient to cross the Ural Mountains. Having reached the pass, the Cossacks built an earthen fortification - Kokuy-gorodok, where they wintered. In the spring, the boats were dragged to the Tagil River, already on the other side of the "Stone". Throughout the winter, Yermak conducted reconnaissance and conquered the surrounding Vogul uluses. Along the Tagil River, Yermak's army descended into the Tura River, where the possessions of the Siberian Khan began. Near the mouth of the Tura, the first serious clash of the Russian "ship's army" with the main forces of the Siberian army took place. Six Siberian murzas, headed by the nephew of Khan Mametkul, tried to stop the Cossacks by shelling from the shore, but were not successful. The Cossacks, firing back from the squeakers, entered the Tobol River. The second major battle took place at the Babasanov yurts, where the Cossacks landed on the shore and built prisons from logs and poles. Mametkul attacked the fortification in order to throw the Cossacks into the river, but the Russian soldiers themselves went into the field and accepted a "direct" battle. The losses on both sides were heavy, but the Tatars could not stand it first and rushed to run.

In subsequent battles, Yermak ordered only half of his Cossacks to make the first salvo. The second volley followed when the shooters reloaded their squeaks, which ensured the continuity of fire.

Not far from the Irtysh, where the Tobol River was squeezed by steep banks, a new obstacle awaited the Cossacks. The path of the plows was blocked by a notch of trees lowered into the river and tied with chains. The notch was fired upon from high banks by Tatar archers. Yermak ordered to stop. For three days the Cossacks prepared for battle. It was decided to attack at night. The main forces landed on the shore and imperceptibly approached the Tatar army. Plows rushed to the notch, on which only two hundred Cossacks remained. So that the Tatars would not suspect anything, stuffed animals were planted in empty places. Having swum up to the barrier, the Cossacks from the plows opened fire from cannons and squeakers. The Tatars, having gathered on the high banks of the Tobol, answered with arrows. And at that time, a detachment sent by Yermak to the rear of the enemy attacked the Tatars. Unexpected, Mametkul's warriors fled in panic. Having broken the barrier, the "ship's army" rushed to Isker. The fortified town of Karachin, located sixty kilometers from Isker, Yermak took with an unexpected blow. Kuchum himself led an army to recapture the town, but was forced to retreat.

After the defeat near Karachin, Khan Kuchum switched to defensive tactics, apparently convinced of the resilience of the Cossacks. Soon the Cossacks also captured Atik, another fortified town that covered the approaches to the capital of the Siberian Khanate. Before the assault on Isker, the Cossacks gathered in their traditional "circle" to decide whether to attack the city or retreat. There were both supporters and opponents of the assault.

But Yermak managed to convince the doubters:

Not from many fights, victory happens.

Sketch of Yermak's head

Artist Surikov V.I.

Khan Kuchum managed to gather really large forces behind the fortifications on the Chuvash Cape. In addition to the cavalry of Mametkul, there was a whole militia from all the “uluses” subject to the khan. The first attack of the Cossacks failed. The second assault was also unsuccessful. But then Khan Kuchum made a fatal mistake, ordering his soldiers to attack the Cossacks. Moreover, the khan himself prudently remained standing with his retinue on the mountain. The Tatars, having broken the fortifications in three places, led their cavalry into the field and rushed from all sides to the small army of Yermak. The Cossacks stood in dense rows, taking up a circular defense. The pishchalnikov, having fired, retreated into the depths of the formation, reloaded their weapons and again went out to the front rows. Shooting from squeakers was carried out continuously. If the Tatar cavalry still managed to get closer to the Cossack formation, then the Russian warriors met the enemy with spears and sabers. The Tatars suffered huge losses, but they could not break through the Cossack system. In the battle, the leader of the Tatar cavalry Mametkul was wounded. The worst thing for Khan Kuchum was that his hastily assembled army began to scatter. Vogul and Ostyak detachments "fled to their homes."

October 23, when the Cossacks, by the will of God, left the town, unanimously proclaiming: “God is with us! Make sure, pagans, that God is with us, and submit!”, and came together face to face, - a great battle took place ... The Cossacks ... shot many infidels, killing them to death. The infidels, forced by Kuchum, suffered greatly from the Cossacks, complaining that fighting against their will, they die ... And Kuchum turned out to be helpless and disgraced, oppressed by the invisible power of God, and decided to run away ...

Remezov chronicle

On the night of October 26, 1582, Khan Kuchum fled the capital. The next day, Yermak entered Isker with his army. Here the Cossacks found significant food supplies, which was especially important, since they had to spend the winter in the Siberian "kingdom". In order to stay in the fortress, thousands of kilometers away from Russia, Yermak, as a wise strategist, immediately tried to establish friendly relations with the Vogul and Ostyak "princes". And he succeeded, but the first wintering in the conquered Isker was a difficult test. Fights did not stop with the cavalry units of Mametkul, inflicting quick, treacherous and sometimes very painful blows. The Tatars prevented the Cossacks from fishing, hunting, maintaining relations with the local Vogul and Ostyak "princes". Fleeting fights often developed into stubborn, bloody battles. In early December 1582, a Tatar detachment unexpectedly attacked the Cossacks who were fishing on Lake Abalak and killed many of them. Ermak hurried to the rescue, but near Abalak he was attacked by a large army of Mametkul. Russian warriors won, but the losses were significant. Four Cossack chieftains and many ordinary Cossacks fell in the battle.

The conquest of Siberia by Yermak. Artist Surikov V.I.

Having defeated a large Tatar army, Yermak immediately tried to put neighboring lands under his rule. Cossack detachments were sent in different directions along the Irtysh and the Ob. One of these detachments managed to capture the "prince" Mametkul himself. In the summer of 1583, the Cossack "ship's army" moved along the Irtysh, subjugating the local princelings and collecting yasak. Coming to the Ob River, the Cossacks ended up in sparsely populated areas and, after a three-day voyage along the great river, turned back.

As a result of constant clashes, the Cossacks became less and less, and then Yermak decided to ask for help from Tsar Ivan the Terrible. The first village of twenty-five Cossacks was sent to Moscow from Isker, headed by Ataman Cherkas Aleksandrov. The collected yasak and Yermak's report about the "Siberian capture" were taken on two plows.

Kuchum deposed the proud tsar, and captured all his cities, and brought various princes, and Tatar, Vogul and Ostyak murzas with other peoples under the sovereign hand (your) ...

Ermak to Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible immediately appreciated the importance of the received report. The embassy was graciously received and the request was fulfilled. A detachment of archers was led to Yermak by the governor, Prince Semyon Bolkhovskoy. By royal decree, the Stroganovs were ordered to prepare fifteen plows. The detachment arrived in Isker in 1584, but it was of little use: the reinforcements were few, the archers did not bring food with them, the Cossacks managed to prepare supplies only for themselves. As a result, by the spring, Yermak had only about two hundred combat-ready warriors left. All sent archers, together with the governor Semyon Bolkhovsky, died of starvation.

In the spring, Isker was surrounded by the warriors of Karachi, the chief khan's dignitary, who hoped to take the city by siege and starvation. But Yermak found a way out of this difficult situation. On a dark June night, several dozen Cossacks, led by Matvey Meshcheryak, quietly left the city and attacked the camp of Karachi. The Cossacks cut down the guards. Two sons of Karachi remained at the scene of the fight, but he himself managed to escape. The next day, Karacha lifted the siege of Isker and began to retreat to the south. Yermak, with a hundred of his Cossacks, rushed after him. This was the last campaign of the legendary Cossack ataman. At first, the campaign was successful, the Cossacks won two victories over the Tatars: near the Begichev settlement and at the mouth of the Ishim. But then an unsuccessful assault on the town of Kulary followed. Ataman ordered to move on. Along the river, the Cossack plows climbed to the Atbash tract, surrounded by impenetrable forests and swamps.

Ermak took his last battle on the night of August 5-6, 1585. The Cossacks spent the night on the island, not suspecting that the enemies knew about the place of their overnight stay and they were only waiting for the right moment to attack. The Tatars attacked the sleepy Cossacks, a real battle began. The Cossacks began to make their way to the plows in order to sail away from the island. Apparently, Yermak was one of the last to retreat, delaying the Tatars and covering his comrades. He died already at the very river or drowned, unable to board the ship because of his wounds.

Yermak's death did not lead to the loss of Western Siberia. What he has done for Russia is great and priceless. The memory of the glorious ataman Yermak has been forever preserved among the people.

After the overthrow of the Tatar yoke and before Peter the Great, there was nothing in the fate of Russia more huge and important, happier and more historical than the annexation of Siberia, on the expanses of which old Russia could be laid several times.

V.G. Rasputin

Surzhik D.V., IVI RAS


Kargalov V.V. Commanders X-XVI centuries. M., 1989

Nikitin N.I. Russian explorers in Siberia. M., 1988

Okladnikov A.P. Discovery of Siberia. Novosibirsk, 1982

Skrynnikov R.G. Yermak. M., 1986

Skrynnikov R.G. Expedition to Siberia by Yermak's detachment. L., 1982

Siberian expedition of Yermak. Novosibirsk, 1986


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... carried out the general leadership of the liquidation of the Nazi group surrounded near Stalingrad.

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Creator of the modern Airborne Forces. When for the first time the BMD parachuted with the crew, the commander in it was his son. In my opinion, this fact speaks of such a remarkable person as V.F. Margelov, everyone. About his devotion to the Airborne Forces!

Kappel Vladimir Oskarovich

Without exaggeration - the best commander of the army of Admiral Kolchak. Under his command, in 1918, Russia's gold reserves were captured in Kazan. At the age of 36 - lieutenant general, commander of the Eastern Front. The Siberian Ice Campaign is associated with this name. In January 1920, he led 30,000 "Kappelevites" to Irkutsk to capture Irkutsk and release the Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, from captivity. The death of the general from pneumonia largely determined the tragic outcome of this campaign and the death of the Admiral ...

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

The commander-in-chief of the Red Army, which repelled the attack of Nazi Germany, liberated Evroppa, the author of many operations, including "Ten Stalinist strikes" (1944)

Nakhimov Pavel Stepanovich

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich

He made a great contribution to the strengthening of the fleet before the war; conducted a number of major exercises, became the initiator of the opening of new maritime schools and maritime special schools (later Nakhimov schools). On the eve of Germany's sudden attack on the USSR, he took effective measures to increase the combat readiness of the fleets, and on the night of June 22 he gave the order to bring them to full combat readiness, which made it possible to avoid the loss of ships and naval aviation.

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich

He made the greatest contribution as a strategist to the victory in the Great Patriotic War (it is also the Second World War).

Wrangel Pyotr Nikolaevich

Member of the Russo-Japanese and World War I, one of the main leaders (1918−1920) of the White movement during the Civil War. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Crimea and Poland (1920). General Staff Lieutenant General (1918). Georgievsky Cavalier.

Golenishchev-Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

1. GREAT Russian commander, he was an example for his soldiers. Appreciated every soldier. "M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov is not only the liberator of the Fatherland, he is the only one who outplayed the hitherto invincible French emperor, turning the "great army" into a crowd of ragamuffins, saving, thanks to his military genius, the lives of many Russian soldiers."
2. Mikhail Illarionovich, being a highly educated person who knew several foreign languages, dexterous, refined, able to inspire society with the gift of words, an entertaining story, served Russia as an excellent diplomat - ambassador to Turkey.
3. M. I. Kutuzov - the first to become a full cavalier of the highest military order of St. George the Victorious of four degrees.
The life of Mikhail Illarionovich is an example of service to the fatherland, attitude towards soldiers, spiritual strength for the Russian military leaders of our time and, of course, for the younger generation - the future military.

Paskevich Ivan Fyodorovich

The armies under his command defeated Persia in the war of 1826-1828 and completely defeated the Turkish troops in Transcaucasia in the war of 1828-1829.

Awarded all 4 degrees of the Order of St. George and the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called with diamonds.

Kosich Andrey Ivanovich

1. During his long life (1833 - 1917) A. I. Kosich went from non-commissioned officer to general, commander of one of the largest military districts of the Russian Empire. He took an active part in almost all military campaigns from the Crimean to the Russian-Japanese. He was distinguished by personal courage and bravery.
2. According to many, "one of the most educated generals of the Russian army." He left many literary and scientific works and memoirs. He patronized the sciences and education. He has established himself as a talented administrator.
3. His example served the development of many Russian military leaders, in particular, Gen. A. I. Denikin.
4. He was a resolute opponent of the use of the army against his people, in which he disagreed with P. A. Stolypin. "The army should shoot at the enemy, not at its own people."

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich

Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky (September 18 (30), 1895 - December 5, 1977) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1943), chief of the General Staff, member of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. During the Great Patriotic War, as Chief of the General Staff (1942-1945), he took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945 he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front, led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, he was commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops in the Far East in the war with Japan. One of the greatest commanders of World War II.
In 1949-1953 - Minister of the Armed Forces and Minister of War of the USSR. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945), holder of two Orders of Victory (1944, 1945).

Saltykov Pyotr Semyonovich

The commander-in-chief of the Russian army in the Seven Years' War, was the main architect of the key victories of the Russian troops.

Stalin (Dzhugashvili) Joseph Vissarionovich

Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich

The only one of the commanders, who on 06/22/1941 carried out the order of the Stavka, counterattacked the Germans, threw them back in his sector and went on the offensive.

Ivan the Terrible

He conquered the Astrakhan kingdom, to which Russia paid tribute. Destroyed the Livonian Order. Expanded the borders of Russia far beyond the Urals.

Dolgorukov Yury Alekseevich

An outstanding statesman and military leader of the era of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, prince. Commanding the Russian army in Lithuania, in 1658 he defeated hetman V. Gonsevsky in the battle of Verki, taking him prisoner. This was the first time after 1500 when a Russian governor captured the hetman. In 1660, at the head of an army sent under Mogilev, besieged by the Polish-Lithuanian troops, he won a strategic victory over the enemy on the Basya River near the village of Gubarevo, forcing hetmans P. Sapega and S. Czarnetsky to retreat from the city. Thanks to the actions of Dolgorukov, the "front line" in Belarus along the Dnieper was preserved until the end of the war of 1654-1667. In 1670, he led an army sent to fight against the Cossacks of Stenka Razin, in the shortest possible time suppressed the Cossack rebellion, which later led to the Don Cossacks swearing allegiance to the tsar and turning the Cossacks from robbers into "sovereign servants".

Donskoy Dmitry Ivanovich

His army won the Kulikovo victory.

Platov Matvei Ivanovich

Military ataman of the Don Cossack army. He began active military service at the age of 13. A member of several military companies, he is best known as the commander of the Cossack troops during the Patriotic War of 1812 and during the subsequent Foreign Campaign of the Russian Army. Thanks to the successful actions of the Cossacks under his command, Napoleon's saying went down in history:
- Happy is the commander who has Cossacks. If I had an army of Cossacks alone, then I would conquer all of Europe.

Alekseev Mikhail Vasilievich

One of the most talented Russian generals of the First World War. Hero of the Battle of Galicia in 1914, savior of the Northwestern Front from encirclement in 1915, chief of staff under Emperor Nicholas I.

General of Infantry (1914), Adjutant General (1916). Active participant in the White movement in the Civil War. One of the organizers of the Volunteer Army.

Svyatoslav Igorevich

I want to propose "candidates" for Svyatoslav and his father, Igor, as the greatest generals and political leaders of their time, I think that it makes no sense to list their services to the fatherland to historians, I was unpleasantly surprised not to meet their names in this list. Sincerely.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

Outstanding Russian commander. He successfully defended the interests of Russia both from external aggression and outside the country.

Chapaev Vasily Ivanovich

01/28/1887 - 09/05/1919 life. Head of a division of the Red Army, participant in the First World War and the Civil War.
Cavalier of three St. George's crosses and the St. George medal. Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner.
On his account:
- Organization of the county Red Guard of 14 detachments.
- Participation in the campaign against General Kaledin (near Tsaritsyn).
- Participation in the campaign of the Special Army against Uralsk.
- An initiative to reorganize the Red Guard detachments into two regiments of the Red Army: them. Stepan Razin and them. Pugachev, united in the Pugachev brigade under the command of Chapaev.
- Participation in battles with the Czechoslovaks and the People's Army, from whom Nikolaevsk was recaptured, renamed in honor of the brigade in Pugachevsk.
- Since September 19, 1918, the commander of the 2nd Nikolaev division.
- From February 1919 - Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Nikolaevsky district.
- From May 1919 - brigade commander of the Special Alexander-Gai Brigade.
- Since June - the head of the 25th Infantry Division, which participated in the Bugulma and Belebeev operations against Kolchak's army.
- The capture by the forces of his division on June 9, 1919 of Ufa.
- The capture of Uralsk.
- A deep raid by a Cossack detachment with an attack on the well-guarded (about 1000 bayonets) and located in the deep rear of the city of Lbischensk (now the village of Chapaev, West Kazakhstan region of Kazakhstan), where the headquarters of the 25th division was located.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

The great Russian commander, who did not suffer a single defeat in his military career (more than 60 battles), one of the founders of Russian military art.
Prince of Italy (1799), Count of Rymnik (1789), Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Generalissimo of the Russian land and sea forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, grandee of the Sardinian kingdom and prince of royal blood (with the title "king's cousin"), knight of all Russian orders of their time, awarded to men, as well as many foreign military orders.

Romanov Mikhail Timofeevich

The heroic defense of Mogilev, for the first time all-round anti-tank defense of the city.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Generalissimo of the Soviet Union, Supreme Commander. Brilliant military leadership of the USSR in World War II.

Vladimir Svyatoslavich

981 - the conquest of Cherven and Przemysl. 983 - the conquest of the Yatvags. 984 - the conquest of the natives. 985 - successful campaigns against the Bulgars, the taxation of the Khazar Khaganate. 988 - the conquest of the Taman Peninsula. 991 - the subjugation of the White Croats. 992 - successfully defended Cherven Rus in the war against Poland. in addition, the saint is equal to the apostles.

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

The Greatest Commander and Diplomat!!! Who utterly defeated the troops of the "first European Union" !!!

Spiridov Grigory Andreevich

Became a sailor under Peter I, participated in the Russian-Turkish war (1735-1739) as an officer, finished the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) as rear admiral. The peak of his naval and diplomatic talent reached during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774. In 1769, he led the first transition of the Russian fleet from the Baltic to the Mediterranean Sea. Despite the difficulties of the transition (among those who died from diseases was the son of the admiral - his grave was recently found on the island of Menorca), he quickly established control over the Greek archipelago. The Chesme battle in June 1770 remained unsurpassed in terms of loss ratio: 11 Russians - 11 thousand Turks! On the island of Paros, the Aouz naval base was equipped with coastal batteries and its own Admiralty.
The Russian fleet left the Mediterranean Sea after the conclusion of the Kuchuk-Kaynardzhiysky peace in July 1774. The Greek islands and the lands of the Levant, including Beirut, were returned to Turkey in exchange for territories in the Black Sea region. Nevertheless, the activities of the Russian fleet in the Archipelago were not in vain and played a significant role in world naval history. Russia, having made a strategic maneuver with the forces of the fleet from one theater to another and having achieved a number of high-profile victories over the enemy, for the first time forced to talk about itself as a strong maritime power and an important player in European politics.

Govorov Leonid Alexandrovich

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

General Kotlyarevsky, son of a priest in the village of Olkhovatka, Kharkov province. He went from private to general in the tsarist army. He can be called the great-grandfather of the Russian special forces. He carried out truly unique operations ... His name is worthy of being included in the list of the greatest commanders of Russia

Dragomirov Mikhail Ivanovich

Brilliant crossing of the Danube in 1877
- Creation of a tactics textbook
- Creation of the original concept of military education
- Leadership of the NAGSH in 1878-1889
- Huge influence in military matters for the whole 25th anniversary

An outstanding military leader of the 17th century, prince and governor. In 1655, he won his first victory over the Polish hetman S. Pototsky near Gorodok in Galicia. Later, being the commander of the army of the Belgorod category (military administrative district), he played a major role in organizing the defense of the southern border of Russia. In 1662, he won the biggest victory in the Russian-Polish war for Ukraine in the battle of Kanev, defeating the traitorous hetman Y. Khmelnitsky and the Poles who helped him. In 1664, near Voronezh, he forced the famous Polish commander Stefan Czarnecki to flee, forcing the army of King Jan Casimir to retreat. Repeatedly beat the Crimean Tatars. In 1677 he defeated the 100,000th Turkish army of Ibrahim Pasha near Buzhin, in 1678 he defeated the Turkish corps of Kaplan Pasha near Chigirin. Thanks to his military talents, Ukraine did not become another Ottoman province and the Turks did not take Kyiv.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

A commander who has not lost a single battle in his career. He took the impregnable fortress of Ishmael, the first time.

Rurikovich Yaroslav the Wise Vladimirovich

He devoted his life to defending the Fatherland. Defeated the Pechenegs. He established the Russian state as one of the greatest states of his time.

Blucher, Tukhachevsky

Blucher, Tukhachevsky and the whole galaxy of heroes of the Civil War. Don't forget Budyonny!

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich

Perhaps the only bright spot against the background of the Soviet commanders of the armored forces. A tanker who went through the entire war, starting from the border. The commander, whose tanks always showed their superiority to the enemy. His tank brigades were the only (!) in the first period of the war that were not defeated by the Germans and even inflicted significant damage on them.
His first guards tank army remained combat-ready, although it defended from the very first days of the fighting on the southern face of the Kursk Bulge, while exactly the same Rotmistrov's 5th guards tank army was practically destroyed on the very first day when it entered the battle (June 12)
This is one of the few of our commanders who took care of his troops and fought not by numbers, but by skill.

Chichagov Vasily Yakovlevich

He excellently commanded the Baltic Fleet in the campaigns of 1789 and 1790. He won victories in the battle of Eland (15/07/1789), in Revel (02/05/1790) and Vyborg (06/22/1790) battles. After the last two defeats, which were of strategic importance, the dominance of the Baltic Fleet became unconditional, and this forced the Swedes to make peace. There are few such examples in the history of Russia when victories at sea led to victory in the war. And by the way, the battle of Vyborg was one of the largest in world history in terms of the number of ships and people.

Rurikovich Svyatoslav Igorevich

He defeated the Khazar Khaganate, expanded the boundaries of Russian lands, successfully fought with the Byzantine Empire.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russo-Persian War of 1804-1813
"General Meteor" and "Caucasian Suvorov".
He fought not in numbers, but in skill - first, 450 Russian soldiers attacked 1,200 Persian sardars in the Migri fortress and took it, then 500 of our soldiers and Cossacks attacked 5,000 askers at the crossing over the Araks. More than 700 enemies were exterminated, only 2,500 Persian fighters managed to escape from ours.
In both cases, our losses are less than 50 killed and up to 100 wounded.
Further, in the war against the Turks, with a swift attack, 1000 Russian soldiers defeated the 2000th garrison of the Akhalkalaki fortress.
Then, again in the Persian direction, he cleared Karabakh of the enemy, and then, with 2,200 soldiers, defeated Abbas-Mirza with a 30,000-strong army near Aslanduz, a village near the Araks River. In two battles, he destroyed more than 10,000 enemies, including English advisers and artillerymen.
As usual, Russian losses were 30 killed and 100 wounded.
Kotlyarevsky won most of his victories in night assaults on fortresses and enemy camps, preventing the enemies from coming to their senses.
The last campaign - 2000 Russians against 7000 Persians to the fortress of Lankaran, where Kotlyarevsky almost died during the assault, lost consciousness at times from blood loss and pain from wounds, but still, until the final victory, he commanded the troops as soon as he regained consciousness, and after that he was forced to be treated for a long time and move away from military affairs.
His feats for the glory of Russia are much cooler than the "300 Spartans" - for our generals and warriors have repeatedly beaten a 10-fold superior enemy, and suffered minimal losses, saving Russian lives.

Monomakh Vladimir Vsevolodovich

Minikh Khristofor Antonovich

Due to the ambiguous attitude to the period of the reign of Anna Ioannovna, the largely underestimated commander, who was the commander-in-chief of the Russian troops throughout her reign.

Commander of the Russian troops during the War of the Polish Succession and architect of the victory of Russian arms in the Russo-Turkish War of 1735-1739.

Kotlyarevsky Petr Stepanovich

Hero of the Russo-Persian War of 1804-1813 At one time they called the Caucasian Suvorov. On October 19, 1812, at the Aslanduz ford across the Araks, at the head of a detachment of 2221 people with 6 guns, Pyotr Stepanovich defeated the Persian army of 30,000 people with 12 guns. In other battles, he also acted not by number, but by skill.

Pozharsky Dmitry Mikhailovich

In 1612, the most difficult time for Russia, he headed the Russian militia and liberated the capital from the hands of the conquerors.
Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky (November 1, 1578 - April 30, 1642) - Russian national hero, military and political figure, head of the Second People's Militia, which liberated Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders. With his name and with the name of Kuzma Minin, the exit of the country from the Time of Troubles, which is currently celebrated in Russia on November 4, is closely connected.
After Mikhail Fedorovich was elected to the Russian throne, D. M. Pozharsky played a leading role in the royal court as a talented military leader and statesman. Despite the victory of the people's militia and the election of the tsar, the war in Russia still continued. In 1615-1616. Pozharsky, at the direction of the tsar, was sent at the head of a large army to fight against the detachments of the Polish colonel Lisovsky, who besieged the city of Bryansk and took Karachev. After the struggle with Lisovsky, the tsar instructed Pozharsky in the spring of 1616 to collect the fifth money from the merchants to the treasury, since the wars did not stop, and the treasury was depleted. In 1617, the tsar instructed Pozharsky to conduct diplomatic negotiations with the English ambassador John Merik, appointing Pozharsky as governor of Kolomensky. In the same year, the Polish prince Vladislav came to the Moscow state. The inhabitants of Kaluga and neighboring cities turned to the tsar with a request to send them D. M. Pozharsky to protect them from the Poles. The tsar fulfilled the request of the people of Kaluga and ordered Pozharsky on October 18, 1617 to protect Kaluga and the surrounding cities with all available measures. Prince Pozharsky fulfilled the tsar's order with honor. Having successfully defended Kaluga, Pozharsky received an order from the tsar to go to the aid of Mozhaisk, namely, to the city of Borovsk, and began to disturb the troops of Prince Vladislav with flying detachments, inflicting significant damage on them. However, at the same time, Pozharsky fell seriously ill and, at the behest of the tsar, returned to Moscow. Pozharsky, barely recovering from his illness, took an active part in the defense of the capital from the troops of Vladislav, for which Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich rewarded him with new estates and estates.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

During the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791, F.F. Ushakov made a serious contribution to the development of the tactics of the sailing fleet. Based on the totality of the principles of training the forces of the fleet and military art, having absorbed all the accumulated tactical experience, F. F. Ushakov acted creatively, based on the specific situation and common sense. His actions were distinguished by decisiveness and extraordinary courage. He did not hesitate to reorganize the fleet into battle formation already at a close approach to the enemy, minimizing the time of tactical deployment. Despite the established tactical rule of finding the commander in the middle of the battle formation, Ushakov, implementing the principle of concentration of forces, boldly put his ship in the forefront and at the same time occupied the most dangerous positions, encouraging his commanders with his own courage. He was distinguished by a quick assessment of the situation, an accurate calculation of all success factors and a decisive attack aimed at achieving complete victory over the enemy. In this regard, Admiral F.F. Ushakov can rightfully be considered the founder of the Russian tactical school in naval art.

Khvorostinin Dmitry Ivanovich

The commander who did not have defeats ...

Barclay de Tolly Mikhail Bogdanovich

Full Knight of the Order of St. George. In the history of military art, according to Western authors (for example: J. Witter), he entered as an architect of the strategy and tactics of "scorched earth" - cutting off the main enemy troops from the rear, depriving them of supplies and organizing a guerrilla war in their rear. M.V. Kutuzov, after taking command of the Russian army, in fact, continued the tactics developed by Barclay de Tolly and defeated Napoleon's army.

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Commander of the 62nd Army in Stalingrad.

Ermolov Alexey Petrovich

Hero of the Napoleonic Wars and the Patriotic War of 1812. Conqueror of the Caucasus. Smart strategist and tactician, strong-willed and brave warrior.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

He was the Supreme Commander of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War! Under his leadership, the USSR won the Great Victory during the Great Patriotic War!

Shein Mikhail

Hero of the Smolensk Defense 1609-11
He led the Smolensk fortress in the siege for almost 2 years, it was one of the longest siege campaigns in Russian history, which predetermined the defeat of the Poles during the Time of Troubles

Linevich Nikolai Petrovich

Nikolai Petrovich Linevich (December 24, 1838 - April 10, 1908) - a prominent Russian military leader, infantry general (1903), adjutant general (1905); general who stormed Beijing.

Karyagin Pavel Mikhailovich

Colonel, Chief of the 17th Jaeger Regiment. He showed himself most clearly in the Persian Company of 1805; when, with a detachment of 500 people, surrounded by a 20,000-strong Persian army, he resisted it for three weeks, not only repelling Persian attacks with honor, but taking fortresses himself, and finally, with a detachment of 100 people, made his way to Tsitsianov, who was going to help him.

Margelov Vasily Filippovich

The author and initiator of the creation of technical means of the Airborne Forces and methods of using units and formations of the Airborne Forces, many of which embody the image of the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces that currently exists.

General Pavel Fedoseevich Pavlenko:
In the history of the Airborne Forces, and in the Armed Forces of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, his name will remain forever. He personified a whole era in the development and formation of the Airborne Forces, their authority and popularity are associated with his name, not only in our country, but also abroad ...

Colonel Nikolai Fedorovich Ivanov:
Under the leadership of Margelov for more than twenty years, the landing troops became one of the most mobile in the combat structure of the Armed Forces, prestigious service in them, especially revered by the people ... The photograph of Vasily Filippovich in demobilization albums went from the soldiers at the highest price - for a set of badges. The competition for the Ryazan Airborne School overlapped the numbers of VGIK and GITIS, and applicants who failed their exams for two or three months, before snow and frost, lived in the forests near Ryazan in the hope that someone would not withstand the stress and it would be possible to take his place .

Shein Alexey Semyonovich

The first Russian generalissimo. Leader of the Azov campaigns of Peter I.

Grand Duke of Russia Mikhail Nikolaevich

Feldzeugmeister General (Commander-in-Chief of the Artillery of the Russian Army), the youngest son of Emperor Nicholas I, Viceroy in the Caucasus since 1864. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army in the Caucasus in the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 Under his command, the fortresses of Kars, Ardagan, and Bayazet were taken.

Nevsky, Suvorov

Undoubtedly holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky and Generalissimo A.V. Suvorov

Olsufiev Zakhar Dmitrievich

One of the most famous commanders of Bagrationov's 2nd Western Army. He always fought with exemplary courage. He was awarded the Order of St. George 3rd degree for heroic participation in the Battle of Borodino. He distinguished himself in the battle on the Chernishna (or Tarutinsky) River. The award to him for participating in the defeat of the vanguard of Napoleon's army was the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree. He was called "general with talents". When Olsufiev was captured and was delivered to Napoleon, he said to his entourage the famous words in history: "Only Russians know how to fight like that!"

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Chairman of the GKO, Supreme Commander of the USSR Armed Forces during the Great Patriotic War.
What other questions might there be?

Senyavin Dmitry Nikolaevich

Dmitry Nikolaevich Senyavin (August 6 (17), 1763 - April 5 (17), 1831) - Russian naval commander, admiral.
for courage and outstanding diplomatic work shown during the blockade of the Russian fleet in Lisbon

Yuri Vsevolodovich

Peter I the Great

Emperor of All Russia (1721-1725), before that, Tsar of All Russia. He won the Great Northern War (1700-1721). This victory finally opened free access to the Baltic Sea. Under his rule, Russia (the Russian Empire) became a Great Power.

Makarov Stepan Osipovich

Russian oceanographer, polar explorer, shipbuilder, vice admiral. Developed the Russian semaphore alphabet. A worthy person, on the list of worthy ones!

Paskevich Ivan Fyodorovich

Hero of Borodin, Leipzig, Paris (division commander)
As commander in chief, he won 4 companies (Russian-Persian 1826-1828, Russian-Turkish 1828-1829, Polish 1830-1831, Hungarian 1849).
Knight of the Order of St. George 1st class - for the capture of Warsaw (according to the statute, the order was awarded either for saving the fatherland or for taking the enemy capital).
Field Marshal.

Denikin Anton Ivanovich

Russian military leader, political and public figure, writer, memoirist, publicist and military documentary.
Member of the Russo-Japanese War. One of the most productive generals of the Russian Imperial Army during the First World War. Commander of the 4th Rifle "Iron" Brigade (1914-1916, since 1915 - deployed under his command into a division), 8th Army Corps (1916-1917). Lieutenant General of the General Staff (1916), commander of the Western and Southwestern Fronts (1917). An active participant in the military congresses of 1917, an opponent of the democratization of the army. He expressed support for the Kornilov speech, for which he was arrested by the Provisional Government, a member of the Berdichevsky and Bykhov sittings of generals (1917).
One of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War, its leader in the South of Russia (1918-1920). He achieved the greatest military and political results among all the leaders of the White movement. Pioneer, one of the main organizers, and then commander of the Volunteer Army (1918-1919). Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia (1919-1920), Deputy Supreme Ruler and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, Admiral Kolchak (1919-1920).
Since April 1920 - an emigrant, one of the main political figures of the Russian emigration. The author of the memoirs "Essays on the Russian Troubles" (1921-1926) - a fundamental historical and biographical work about the Civil War in Russia, the memoirs "The Old Army" (1929-1931), the autobiographical story "The Way of the Russian Officer" (published in 1953) and a number of other works.

Romodanovsky Grigory Grigorievich

There are no outstanding military figures of the period from the Troubles to the Northern War on the project, although there were such. An example of this is G.G. Romodanovsky.
Descended from the family of Starodub princes.
Member of the sovereign's campaign against Smolensk in 1654. In September 1655, together with the Ukrainian Cossacks, he defeated the Poles near Gorodok (not far from Lvov), in November of the same year he fought in the battle of Ozernaya. In 1656 he received the rank of roundabout and headed the Belgorod category. In 1658 and 1659 participated in hostilities against the betrayed hetman Vygovsky and the Crimean Tatars, besieged Varva and fought near Konotop (Romodanovsky's troops withstood a heavy battle at the crossing over the Kukolka River). In 1664, he played a decisive role in repelling the invasion of 70 thousand army of the Polish king on the Left-Bank Ukraine, inflicted a number of sensitive blows on it. In 1665 he was granted a boyar. In 1670, he acted against the Razintsy - he defeated the detachment of the ataman's brother, Frol. The crown of Romodanovsky's military activity is the war with the Ottoman Empire. In 1677 and 1678 troops under his leadership inflicted heavy defeats on the Ottomans. An interesting moment: both main defendants in the battle of Vienna in 1683 were defeated by G.G. Romodanovsky: Sobessky with his king in 1664 and Kara Mustafa in 1678
The prince died on May 15, 1682 during the Streltsy uprising in Moscow.


Bagration, Miloradovich, Davydov - some very special breed of people. Now they don't do that. The heroes of 1812 were distinguished by complete recklessness, complete contempt for death. And after all, it was General Miloradovich, who went through all the wars for Russia without a single scratch, who became the first victim of individual terror. After Kakhovsky's shot on Senate Square, the Russian revolution followed this path - right up to the basement of the Ipatiev House. Removing the best.

Kazarsky Alexander Ivanovich

Captain Lieutenant. Member of the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-29. He distinguished himself in the capture of Anapa, then Varna, commanding the Rival transport. After that, he was promoted to lieutenant commander and appointed captain of the Mercury brig. On May 14, 1829, the 18-gun brig "Mercury" was overtaken by two Turkish battleships "Selimiye" and "Real Bey". Having accepted an unequal battle, the brig was able to immobilize both Turkish flagships, one of which was the commander of the Ottoman fleet himself. Subsequently, an officer from Real Bey wrote: “In the continuation of the battle, the commander of the Russian frigate (the infamous Raphael, which surrendered without a fight a few days earlier) told me that the captain of this brig would not give up, and if he lost hope, then he would blow up the brig If in the great deeds of ancient and our times there are feats of courage, then this act should overshadow all of them, and the name of this hero is worthy to be inscribed in gold letters on the temple of Glory: he is called Lieutenant Commander Kazarsky, and the brig is "Mercury"

Kornilov Vladimir Alekseevich

During the outbreak of the war with England and France, he actually commanded the Black Sea Fleet, until his heroic death he was the immediate superior of P.S. Nakhimov and V.I. Istomin. After the landing of the Anglo-French troops in Evpatoria and the defeat of the Russian troops on the Alma, Kornilov received an order from the commander-in-chief in the Crimea, Prince Menshikov, to flood the ships of the fleet in the roadstead in order to use sailors to defend Sevastopol from land.

Saltykov Petr Semenovich

One of those commanders who managed to exemplary defeat one of the best commanders of Europe in the 18th century - Frederick II of Prussia

Kutuzov Mikhail Illarionovich

Commander-in-Chief during the Patriotic War of 1812. One of the most famous and beloved by the people of military heroes!

Vorotynsky Mikhail Ivanovich

“The compiler of the charter of the guard and border service” is, of course, good. For some reason, we have forgotten the battle of YOUTH from July 29 to August 2, 1572. But it was precisely from this victory that Moscow's right to a lot was recognized. The Ottomans were recaptured a lot of things, they were very sobered by the thousands of destroyed Janissaries, and unfortunately they helped Europe with this. The battle of YOUTH is very difficult to overestimate

Stalin (Dzhugashvilli) Joseph

Chuikov Vasily Ivanovich

Soviet military commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1955). Twice Hero of the Soviet Union (1944, 1945).
From 1942 to 1946 he was commander of the 62nd Army (8th Guards Army), which distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad. He took part in defensive battles on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. From September 12, 1942 he commanded the 62nd Army. IN AND. Chuikov received the task of defending Stalingrad at any cost. The front command believed that Lieutenant General Chuikov was characterized by such positive qualities as decisiveness and firmness, courage and a broad operational outlook, a high sense of responsibility and consciousness of his duty. The army, under the command of V.I. Chuikov, became famous for the heroic six-month defense of Stalingrad in street battles in a completely destroyed city, fighting on isolated bridgeheads, on the banks of the wide Volga.

For unparalleled mass heroism and steadfastness of personnel, in April 1943, the 62nd Army received the guards honorary title of Guards and became known as the 8th Guards Army.

Bagration, Denis Davydov...

The war of 1812, the glorious names of Bagration, Barclay, Davydov, Platov. An example of honor and courage.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Stalin during the Patriotic War led all the armed forces of our country and coordinated their combat operations. It is impossible not to note his merits in the competent planning and organization of military operations, in the skillful selection of military leaders and their assistants. Joseph Stalin proved himself not only as an outstanding commander who competently led all fronts, but also as an excellent organizer who did a great job of increasing the country's defense capability both in the pre-war and war years.

A short list of military awards I.V. Stalin received during the Second World War:
Order of Suvorov, 1st class
Medal "For the Defense of Moscow"
Order "Victory"
Medal "Gold Star" Hero of the Soviet Union
Medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"
Medal "For the Victory over Japan"

Suvorov, Count Rymniksky, Prince of Italy Alexander Vasilyevich

The greatest commander, a genius strategist, tactician and military theorist. Author of the book "The Science of Victory", Generalissimo of the Russian Army. The only one in the history of Russia that did not suffer a single defeat.

Ushakov Fedor Fedorovich

The great Russian naval commander, who won victories at Fedonisi, Kaliakria, at Cape Tendra and during the liberation of the islands of Malta (Ioanian Islands) and Corfu. He discovered and introduced a new tactic of naval combat, with the rejection of the linear formation of ships and showed the tactics of "alluvial formation" with an attack on the flagship of the enemy fleet. One of the founders of the Black Sea Fleet and its commander in 1790-1792

Slashchev-Krymsky Yakov Alexandrovich

Defense of the Crimea in 1919-20 “The Reds are my enemies, but they did the main thing - my business: they revived great Russia!” (General Slashchev-Krymsky).

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

The Soviet people, as the most talented, have a large number of outstanding military leaders, but the main one is Stalin. Without him, many of them might not have been in the military.

Maximov Evgeny Yakovlevich

Russian hero of the Transvaal War. He was a volunteer in fraternal Serbia, participating in the Russian-Turkish war. At the beginning of the 20th century, the British began to wage war against a small people, the Boers. Japanese war. In addition to his military career, he distinguished himself in the literary field.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

For the highest art of military leadership and boundless love for the Russian soldier

Sheremetev Boris Petrovich

Izylmetiev Ivan Nikolaevich

Commanded the frigate "Aurora". He made the transition from St. Petersburg to Kamchatka in a record time for those times in 66 days. In the bay, Callao eluded the Anglo-French squadron. Arriving in Petropavlovsk, together with the governor of the Kamchatka Territory, Zavoyko V. organized the defense of the city, during which the sailors from the Aurora, together with the locals, threw into the sea an outnumbering Anglo-French landing force. Then he took the Aurora to the Amur Estuary, hiding it there .After these events, the British public demanded trial of the admirals who lost the Russian frigate.

The assault on the Turkish fortress of Anapa on June 22, 1791. In terms of complexity and importance, it is only inferior to the assault on Izmail by A.V. Suvorov.
A 7,000-strong Russian detachment stormed Anapa, which was defended by a 25,000-strong Turkish garrison. At the same time, shortly after the start of the assault, 8,000 mounted mountaineers and Turks attacked the Russian detachment from the mountains, who attacked the Russian camp, but could not break into it, were repulsed in a fierce battle and pursued by Russian cavalry.
The fierce battle for the fortress lasted over 5 hours. Of the Anapa garrison, about 8,000 people died, 13,532 defenders were taken prisoner, led by the commandant and Sheikh Mansur. A small part (about 150 people) escaped on ships. Almost all artillery was captured or destroyed (83 cannons and 12 mortars), 130 banners were taken. To the nearby fortress of Sudzhuk-Kale (on the site of modern Novorossiysk), Gudovich sent a separate detachment from Anapa, but when he approached, the garrison burned the fortress and fled to the mountains, leaving 25 guns.
The losses of the Russian detachment were very high - 23 officers and 1,215 privates were killed, 71 officers and 2,401 privates were wounded (slightly lower data are indicated in Sytin's Military Encyclopedia - 940 killed and 1,995 wounded). Gudovich was awarded the Order of St. George of the 2nd degree, all the officers of his detachment were awarded, a special medal was established for the lower ranks.

Ridiger Fedor Vasilievich

Adjutant general, cavalry general, adjutant general... He had three Golden sabers with the inscription: "For courage"... In 1849, Ridiger participated in a campaign in Hungary to suppress the unrest that arose there, being appointed head of the right column. On May 9, Russian troops entered the borders of the Austrian Empire. He pursued the rebel army until August 1, forcing them to lay down their arms in front of the Russian troops near Vilyaghosh. On August 5, the troops entrusted to him occupied the fortress of Arad. During the trip of Field Marshal Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich to Warsaw, Count Ridiger commanded the troops stationed in Hungary and Transylvania ... On February 21, 1854, during the absence of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich in the Kingdom of Poland, Count Ridiger commanded all the troops located in the area of ​​​​the active army - as a commander separate corps and at the same time served as head of the Kingdom of Poland. After the return of Field Marshal Prince Paskevich to Warsaw, from August 3, 1854, he served as the Warsaw military governor.

Generals of Ancient Russia

Since ancient times. Vladimir Monomakh (fought with the Polovtsians), his sons Mstislav the Great (campaigns against Chud and Lithuania) and Yaropolk (campaigns against the Don), Vsevood the Big Nest (campaigns against the Volga Bulgaria), Mstislav Udatny (battle on Lipitsa), Yaroslav Vsevolodovich (defeated knights of the Order of the Sword), Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Vladimir the Brave (the second hero of the Mamaev battle) ...


Conquest of Siberia

Performance evaluation

Death of Yermak

Ermak Timofeevich(1532/1534/1542 - August 6, 1585) - Cossack chieftain, historical conqueror of Siberia for the Russian state.


Origin Yermak not known exactly, there are several versions. According to one legend, he was from the banks of the Kama. Thanks to the knowledge of local rivers, he walked along the Kama, Chusovaya and even crossed to Asia, along the Tagil River, until they were taken away to serve as a Cossack (Cherepanovskaya Chronicle), in another way - a native of the Kachalinsky village on the Don (Bronevsky). Recently, the version about the Pomeranian origin of Yermak (born “from the Dvina from Borka”) has been heard more and more often, probably referring to the Boretsky volost, the center of which exists to this day - the village of Borok, Vinogradovsky district, Arkhangelsk region.

His name, according to Professor Nikitsky, is a change of name Yermolai, while Ermak sounded like an abbreviation. Other historians and chroniclers derive it from Herman and Yeremeya. One chronicle, considering the name Yermak as a nickname, gives him the Christian name Vasily. There is an opinion that "Ermak" is a nickname derived from the name of the boiler for cooking.

There is a hypothesis about the Turkic (Kerait or Siberian) origin of Yermak. This version is supported by arguments that the name Ermak is Turkic and still exists among the Tatars, Bashkirs and Kazakhs, but is pronounced as Yermek. Which speaks in favor of the theory of Russia and Kazakhstan preserved by the Turks that Yermak was a traitor and was baptized, from which he became an outcast (Cossack), which is why he managed to lead Russian troops through the territories of the Turkic khanates. The theory is also supported by the fact that the name Yermak was not and is not used in Russia when naming babies.

Ermak was at first the chieftain of one of the numerous Cossack squads on the Volga protecting the population from arbitrariness and robbery by the Crimean Tatars. In 1579, a squad of Cossacks (more than 500 people), under the command of atamans Ermak Timofeevich, Ivan Koltso, Yakov Mikhailov, Nikita Pan and Matvey Meshcheryak was invited by the Ural merchants Stroganovs to protect themselves from regular attacks from the Siberian Khan Kuchum and went up the Kama and in June 1579 arrived on the Chusovaya River, in the Chusovoy towns of the Stroganov brothers. Here the Cossacks lived for two years and helped the Stroganovs defend their towns from predatory attacks by the Siberian Khan Kuchum.

By the beginning of 1580, the Stroganovs invited Yermak to serve, then he was at least 40 years old. Yermak participated in the Livonian War, commanded a Cossack hundred during the battle with the Lithuanians for Smolensk.

Conquest of Siberia

On September 1, 1581, on the orders of Ivan the Terrible, a squad of Cossacks under the general command of Yermak set out on a campaign for the Stone Belt (Ural) from Orel-town. According to another version, proposed by the historian R. G. Skrynnikov, the campaign of Yermak, Ivan Koltso and Nikita Pan to Siberia dates back to 1582, since peace with the Commonwealth was concluded in January 1582, and at the end of 1581 Yermak was still at war with the Lithuanians.

The initiative of this campaign, according to the annals of Esipovskaya and Remizovskaya, belonged to Yermak himself, the participation of the Stroganovs was limited to the forced supply of supplies and weapons to the Cossacks. According to the Stroganov Chronicle (accepted by Karamzin, Solovyov and others), the Stroganovs themselves called the Cossacks from the Volga to Chusovaya and sent them on a campaign, adding 300 military men from their possessions to Yermak's detachment (540 people).

The Cossacks climbed on plows up the Chusovaya and along its tributary, the Silver River, to the Siberian portage separating the Kama and Ob basins, and dragged the boats along the portage into the Zheravlya (Zharovlya) River. Here the Cossacks were supposed to spend the winter (Remizov Chronicle). During the winter, according to the book Rezhev Treasures, Yermak sent a detachment of associates to reconnoiter a more southerly route along the Neiva River. But the Tatar Murza defeated Yermak's reconnaissance detachment. At the place where that Murza lived, the village of Murzinka, famous for its gems, is now located.

Only in the spring, along the rivers Zheravl, Barancha and Tagil, they sailed to Tura. They defeated the Siberian Tatars twice, on the Tura and at the mouth of the Tavda. Kuchum sent Mametkul against the Cossacks, with a large army, but this army was also defeated by Yermak on the banks of the Tobol, near the Babasan tract. Finally, on the Irtysh, near Chuvashev, the Cossacks inflicted a final defeat on the Tatars in the Battle of Chuvashev Cape. Kuchum left the notch that protected the main city of his khanate, Siberia, and fled south to the Ishim steppes.

On October 26, 1582, Yermak entered Siberia, abandoned by the Tatars. In December, Kuchum's commander, Mametkul, exterminated one Cossack detachment from an ambush on Abalatsky Lake, but the following spring, the Cossacks struck a new blow at Kuchum, capturing Mametkul on the Vagay River.

In the summer of 1583, Yermak used the conquest of the Tatar towns and uluses along the Irtysh and Ob rivers, meeting stubborn resistance everywhere, and took the Ostyak city of Nazim. After the capture of the city of Siberia, Yermak sent messengers to the Stroganovs and an ambassador to the king, Ataman Koltso.

Ivan the Terrible received him very affectionately, richly endowed the Cossacks, and sent Prince Semyon Bolkhovsky and Ivan Glukhov, with 300 warriors, to reinforce them. The tsarist governors arrived at Yermak in the autumn of 1583, but their detachment could not deliver significant assistance to the Cossack squad, which had diminished in battles. Atamans perished one after another: during the capture of Nazim, Nikita Pan was killed; in the spring of 1584, the Tatars killed Ivan Koltso and Yakov Mikhailov. Ataman Meshcheryak was besieged in his camp by the Tatars and only with heavy losses forced their khan, Karacha, to retreat.

On August 6, 1585, Ermak Timofeevich also died. He walked with a small detachment of 50 people along the Irtysh. During an overnight stay at the mouth of the Vagai River, Kuchum attacked the sleeping Cossacks and exterminated the entire detachment.

There were so few Cossacks left that Ataman Meshcheryak had to march back to Russia. After two years of possession, the Cossacks ceded Siberia to Kuchum, only to return there a year later with a new detachment of tsarist troops.

Performance evaluation

Some historians place Yermak's personality very highly, "his courage, leadership talent, iron willpower", but the facts transmitted by the annals do not indicate his personal qualities and the degree of his personal influence. Be that as it may, Yermak is "one of the most remarkable figures in Russian history" (Skrynnikov).

Death of Yermak

According to the latest data, after Yermak drowned in the Irtysh, downstream (according to Siberian-Tatar legends) a Tatar fisherman caught him with a net not far from the place of the bloody battle where he fell. Many noble murzas, as well as Kuchum himself, came to look at the body of the ataman. The Tatars shot the body with bows and feasted for several days, but, according to eyewitnesses, his body lay in the air for a month and did not even begin to decompose. Later, having divided his property, in particular, taking two chain mail donated by the Tsar of Moscow, he was buried in the village, which is now called Baishevo. They buried him in a place of honor, but behind the cemetery, since he was not a Muslim. The question of the authenticity of the burial is currently being considered.


The memory of Yermak lives among the Russian people in legends, songs (for example, "Song of Yermak" is included in the repertoire of the Omsk Choir) and toponyms. Most often, settlements and institutions named after him can be found in Western Siberia. Cities and villages, sports complexes and sports teams, streets and squares, rivers and marinas, steamships and icebreakers, hotels, etc. are named after Yermak. For some of them, see Yermak. Many Siberian commercial firms have the name "Ermak" in their own names.

  • Monuments in the cities: Novocherkassk, Tobolsk (in the form of a stele), in Altai in Zmeinogorsk (transferred from the Kazakh city of Aksu, until 1993 it was called Ermak), Surgut (opened on June 11, 2010; author - sculptor K. V. Kubyshkin).
  • High relief on the frieze of the Millennium of Russia monument. In Veliky Novgorod, on the Monument "1000th Anniversary of Russia", among 129 figures of the most prominent personalities in Russian history (as of 1862), there is a figure of Yermak.
  • Streets in the cities: Omsk, Berezniki, Novocherkassk (square), Lipetsk and Rostov-on-Don (lanes).
  • Feature film "Ermak" (1996) (starring Viktor Stepanov).
  • In 2001, in the series of commemorative coins "Development and Exploration of Siberia", the Bank of Russia issued a coin "Yermak's Campaign" with a face value of 25 rubles.
  • Among Russian surnames, the surname Ermak is found.

The legendary Cossack ataman dared to fight Khan Kuchum at the wrong time, to put it mildly. Then Russia was at war with Sweden, and on the southern borders the situation was far from peaceful. But Yermak went to Siberia to conquer it and, as it turned out, stay there forever.

Who it?

It is interesting that historians still cannot say with absolute certainty where Yermak Timofeevich comes from. Some researchers argue that the conqueror of Siberia was born in one of the villages on the Don, the second oppose them to Perm. Still others - for the town on the Northern Dvina.

The origin of Yermak is still a mystery to historians

Moreover, local historians of the Arkhangelsk region are sure that Yermak is a native of either the Vinogradovsky district, or Krasnoborsky, or Koltlassky. And in favor of each they give their weighty arguments. So, for example, in the last two regions they believe that Yermak Timofeevich was preparing for his campaign there. After all, on the territory of the districts there is a Yermakov stream, and Yermakov Mountain, and a staircase, and even a well, in which treasures are allegedly drowned.

Ermak Timofeevich

In general, the exact birthplace of the Cossack ataman has not yet been discovered. However, now more and more historians are inclined to believe that the most realistic version is a town on the Northern Dvina. Indeed, in the short Solvychegodsk chronicle, this is stated in plain text: “On the Volga, the Cossacks, Yermak Ataman, originally from the Dvina from Borka ... broke the sovereign’s treasury, weapons and gunpowder, and with that went up to Chusovaya.”

Of your own accord

In numerous sources about the Siberian campaign of Yermak, it is directly stated that the ataman acted on the direct orders of Ivan the Terrible. But this statement is incorrect and can be classified as "myths and legends".

The fact is that there is a royal charter of 1582 (its text is cited in his book by the historian Ruslan Skrynnikov), in which the tsar addresses the Stroganovs and demands “under pain of great disgrace” to return the ataman at all costs and send him to the Perm Territory "for protection".

Yermak fought with Kuchum against the will of Ivan the Terrible

Ivan the Terrible did not see anything good in Yermak Timofeevich's amateur performances. For completely understandable reasons. Swedes, Nogais, rebellious peoples in the Lower Volga region, and then there is a clash with Kuchum. But Yermak Timofeevich did not care about geopolitical interests. Being a brave, resolute and self-confident man, he felt that the time had come to pay a visit to Siberia. And while the Russian tsar was only compiling the text of his letter, the ataman had already taken the capital of the khan. Yermak went for broke and turned out to be right.

By order of the Stroganovs

In general, Ermak Timofeevich acted independently, disobeying the order of the king. But recently, more and more information has appeared that the Cossack chieftain was still a man, so to speak, a forced laborer and went to Siberia with the “blessing” of the Stroganovs. Like, it was their idea. By the way, Ivan the Terrible was of the same opinion, since Yermak did not have time to confirm or refute this. The descendants of those same Stroganovs only added fuel to the fire of the dispute of historians with their attempts to prove the involvement of their ancestors in the conquest of Siberia. In fact, everything is not so simple and clear.

The fact is that the Stroganovs were well aware of Kuchum's troops. Therefore, sending five hundred Cossacks, even under the command of the mighty Yermak, to the war with several thousand Mongols is pure suicide.

The second reason is the "wandering" Tatar prince Alei. He constantly walked on the edge of a knife, threatening the lands of the Stroganovs. After all, Yermak once knocked out his army from the territory of the Chusovye towns, and after that Aley walked like a hurricane along the Kamskaya Salt.

The conquest of Siberia was a continuation of the chaotic movement to the east

According to the Cossacks themselves, they decided to go to Siberia after the victory at Chusovaya. Ermak Timofeevich realized that the stars had converged more successfully than ever and that it was necessary to act quickly and decisively. After all, Kashlyk, the capital of Kuchum, was open and unprotected. And if you delay, then the army of Alei will be able to gather and come to the rescue.
So the Stroganovs have nothing to do with it. The conquest of Siberia became, in a way, a continuation of the chaotic movement to the east, where the "wild field" required the development and expulsion of the Tatars from there.

Who conquered Siberia?

The national composition of the conquerors of Siberia is also of interest. As you know, five hundred and forty people went to confront the Tatar Khan. According to the documents of the Ambassadorial order, they were all swept into one heap, calling them "Volga Cossacks." But this is not entirely true. Indeed, according to the stories of the same participants in the campaign, among them there were many people from various places in Russia. It’s just that at that time the Cossacks did not have time to stand apart and become Yaitsky or Don.

In the same Ambassadorial order there is information that says that Yermak gathered under his command the Cossacks of the Terek, Don, Volga and Yaik. And according to the place of origin they were given the appropriate nicknames. For example, there was Ataman Meshcheryak from Meshcher.

Vasily Surikov " The conquest of Siberia by Ermak Timofeevich«

It is also interesting that over time, Yermak, like his detachment, acquired a huge number of myths and legends. So, for example, sometimes you can find references to the robber attacks of the Cossacks. Then there were almost five thousand of them, and they terrorized a vast territory on the Oka. Then there were already more than seven thousand Cossacks, and they robbed on the Volga. And there is even a legend that the ataman planned to invade Persia.

But at the same time, Yermak himself acted as a people's intercessor. In general, he was what Stepan Razin would later become in the public mind.

The death of the chieftain

With the death of Yermak Timofeevich, too, not everything is smooth and clear. From the very fact - his death - only this remained. Everything else is nothing more than fiction and a beautiful story. What really happened, no one knows. And it's unlikely he'll ever know.

So, for example, a beautiful legend about chain mail. They say it was presented to Yermak by Ivan the Terrible. And because of her, the chieftain died, simply drowning due to the large weight of the uniform. But in fact, there is not a single document that would record the fact of the gift. But there is a letter, which says that the king granted the ataman gold and cloth. And at the same time he ordered to return to Moscow when the new governor arrives.

Historians do not know how Yermak died

But Yermak died in a night fight. Most likely, he was one of the first to be wounded, since the Tatars had a tradition of shooting arrows at commanders. By the way, the legend is still alive, which tells that the Tatar hero Kutugai slew Yermak with a spear.

After such a heavy blow, Ataman Meshcheryak gathered the surviving soldiers and decided to return to their homeland. For two years the Cossacks were the masters of Siberia, but they had to return it to Kuchum. True, just a year later, Russian banners reappeared there.

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