Is it possible to drink at night. Composition and nutritional value of the product. Benefits of water for burning calories

The data that our body consists mainly of water are known to many. Dehydration disrupts the normal functioning of all systems and ultimately leads to death.

During the day, drinking the optimal one and a half to two liters of liquid, as nutritionists advise, a person maintains the necessary balance. Does the lack of moisture at night harm? After all, most of us feel thirsty in the morning, and someone wakes up from the desire to drink. "Stock up for future use" after getting drunk at night, but will it be good or why you shouldn't drink water at night?

Why you can not drink a lot of water at night: medicine says

First of all, doctors offer to approach the issue comprehensively, having analyzed several positions.
Definitely salty, fatty, spicy food make us drink more.

In summer, the amount of moisture consumed increases significantly. When moving to an unaccustomed climate zone, you should remember that locals adapted, for example, to high temperatures, unlike the guests. The way of life, the rules of behavior worked out by generations, help them to endure the heat more easily.

We also take into account the presence or absence of physical activity.

The recommended amount of fluid is subject to significant revision if there are chronic diseases. So those suffering from cardiovascular diseases must strictly adhere to a certain drinking regimen. In turn, it will differ from the advice to those who have impaired kidney function.

Thus, the conclusion suggests itself quite simple: we do not neglect medical recommendations if we are not completely healthy, and we remember why you shouldn't drink before bed.

How much liquid to drink before bed?

Who is more fortunate in this matter, remembering individual approach, you can conduct a small and quite safe experiment. Before going to bed, drink one and a half glasses of water, but better warm milk(a separate conversation about tea and coffee) and fall asleep soundly.

Wake up, analyze in detail last night and your well-being. Any deviations from the norm: frequent visits to the toilet, drying of the oral mucosa, swelling ("bags") under the eyes or on the body - you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Of course, you can try to completely refuse to drink before bedtime or take a couple of sips, because you select the amount of liquid that is acceptable for yourself. But in general, it should be noted that a small amount of water at night for healthy person absolutely harmless. Thus, asking the question why you shouldn't drink water before bed" not quite right.

What is still not worth drinking?

And here is the promised tea. Do you prefer green or black? During the day, this is a necessary surge of vivacity for us, an opportunity to perfectly quench our thirst. It will act in the same way, and the variety does not play a role, on a person and before the time of rest.

Although it is about him that you can now forget - relaxation will not come soon. Calming the nervous system herbal tea, but in the same safe amounts up to 150 ml, most likely the most effective remedy for sound sleep. There are many recipes for such a drink, for example, chamomile and mint, hop cones, valerian roots, mixed in equal quantities. Bad news for coffee lovers.

Your favorite drink is generally not advised to drink, not only at night, but even in the afternoon. And even more so to use it as a power engineer in a situation of forced wakefulness. Artificial stimulation, violation of the regime is always detrimental to human health.

To keep your body functioning, you need to drink enough water on a regular basis. It is the basis of life, since without it the work of any system and organ is impossible.

People who realize this try to drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach and drink fluids throughout the day. You can even install an application on your phone that will remind you to drink water and count its amount. But is it possible to drink water before going to bed, in what quantity and how to do it so as not to harm yourself?

Is it good to drink water at night?

If you fall asleep easily after going to the toilet at night and there are no congestion due to renal disorders a glass of clean water would be helpful. The pros are as follows:

  • Nightly fluid benefits include keeping you hydrated and preventing you from becoming dehydrated.
  • Metabolism is accelerated, so a small amount of water at night is useful for losing weight. While we sleep fat cells processed better than during the day. The fluid speeds up this physiological process.
  • At night, the processes of removing toxins from the body that enter during the day are activated. Detoxification will become impossible if you do not drink enough fluids.
  • A large number of water (1.5-2 cups) will fill the stomach, eliminating the desire to snack. This auxiliary effect will help maintain a figure or fight against overweight.
  • Fluid taken before bed regulates functions gastrointestinal tract. Lack of water will increase the acidity of the secreted juice, which threatens heartburn. If you are used to having a hearty dinner, clean or lemon water an hour before bedtime will help digest everything eaten.

So, is it possible and necessary to drink water at night? There are really a lot of pluses, because water on an empty stomach is useful. Also, remember to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day.

Negative aspects of use

Drinking water before bed will improve the functioning of the body, but why not abuse the process? Doctors have scientific explanations for this.

If you ate something salty, fatty or spicy for dinner, you will want to drink. Having consumed up to 1-1.5 liters before going to bed, you will not benefit, but harm the body.

The same applies to situations when people go on vacation to hot countries. The body does not have time to rebuild, and huge volumes of fluid are poured into it. This is not bad if there are no health problems.

With chronic cardiovascular diseases strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor drinking regime including before bed. Still drinking glasses of water at night, especially after eating salty foods, can cause swelling in case of kidney problems.

Drinking water at night and before going to bed is harmful for people with kidney disease. healthy kidneys they pass up to 20 liters per day, and in case of complications, the functioning of the organ is disrupted. Such patients need to talk to their doctor and find out if it is possible to drink water at night and when you wake up.

Sometimes doctors attribute the harm of water before bed to bladder enlargement. It consists of elastic fabrics and is able to stretch. It is recommended to leave it in its original state, so you should not abuse the liquid at night.

It's true, but from one glass of liquid bladder will not swell to a critical size and it will not harm the body. Here the simplest rule applies: everything is fine, if in moderation.

People who wake up in the morning with puffy eyes may decide that drinking water before bed is bad. It's not so simple, and here's why: if you drink little fluid throughout the day and often eat salty / spicy foods, your hydration level is probably impaired.

Having received water before going to bed, the body will try to keep it for a long time, so puffiness will appear. You can normalize the functioning of the system and remove swelling by regularly drinking liquid, including before bedtime.

Puffiness will gradually disappear: after 1-2 weeks, the body realizes that it is not afraid of thirst, and will stop storing fluid.

How much water is good to drink at night?

Everyone should have an individual norm, and it is not difficult to calculate it: drink a glass of liquid at night (even water with lemon or honey will do). In the morning, analyze how you feel and take into account how many times you got up to use the toilet (this should not cause inconvenience).

Recall that at first you will have to put up with puffiness if you are not in a hurry to quench your thirst during the day. Have not gone to the toilet and feel the drying of the mucous membrane in your mouth? Increase the volume of water to 1.5 cups and assess the situation. The same should be done when you wake up for a drink in the middle of the night.

It is also important to drink the right drinks before bed to benefit. Suitable mineral water, water with honey or lemon, filtered tap water. Sweet soda, coffee and other liquids that are not suitable for the night will not bring benefits and will negatively affect the metabolism.

Honey water at night

Can you drink water with honey before bed? A tablespoon of honey before going to bed, washed down with water, activates fat burning processes in the human body. Also, natural sweetness will improve sleep and make it deeper.

If you are struggling with excess weight or just do not like honey, reduce its amount. A teaspoon in a glass of water will also benefit.

If you are stressed at work or you are overwhelmed by a feeling of anxiety and excitement, stir a spoon in water natural sweetener and drink before you go to bed. You will instantly fall asleep, and wake up fresh and rested in the morning.

  • Don't drink too much and don't rush. You need to drink in small sips to facilitate the functioning of the kidneys.
  • Too much cold water- not an option. It slows down material metabolism and can chill the throat.
  • Highly hot water doesn't fit either. It is harmful to tooth enamel, burns the throat and esophagus. If you stir honey in it, it will lose all the beneficial properties.
  • To prevent puffiness in the form of bags under the eyes, drink 30-40 minutes before going to bed.
  • After waking up on an empty stomach, also drink a glass of water at room temperature or slightly warm.
  • Be sure to experiment with how much water you need to drink. detailed instructions was given above.

If you don't like honey water, and ordinary clean water literally doesn't fit in you, try adding lemon. Water with lemon is especially useful for losing weight, as it helps to burn fat cells.

Sarah DiGiulio: You will feel tired and irritable the next day

Of course, one glass of wine in the evening will not spoil you. night rest. But what happens after a few?

“There is a lot of evidence that drinking alcohol at night does not improve sleep. Even more, experts agree that eradicating the habit of drinking before bed is the first thing to do to improve it,” writes American journalist Sarah DiGiulio in an op-ed for The Huffington Post.

But it's getting colder outside, and red wine season is opening. “At first, alcohol may seem to make you sleepy, making it easier to fall asleep, but you end up waking up more often in the middle of the night,” says Tomothy Roers, director of research at Detroit’s Henry Ford Hospital’s Center for Sleep Disorders.

Of course, this does not mean that a glass of wine before bed will make you toss and turn all night - upsets usually begin only after a few.

Why is alcohol before bed so bad? The thing is, it turns you off. At first, alcohol causes drowsiness - for those who like to sip a glass of wine at the end of a long day at work, this is not news.

You will wake up more often in the middle of the night

Research shows: brain activity A person after drinking alcohol “turns off” faster than a sober person. Accordingly, the first falls asleep faster. “The same effect will be if you drink a glass in the middle of the day,” DiGiulio continues.

But, unfortunately, the story does not end there. After the first phase (and sometimes after the second - it all depends on how much you have consumed), alcohol begins to suppress the REM phase, which, by the way, is very important because it is responsible for memorization and long-term memory.

The next day, the columnist emphasizes, you will feel tired and irritable. You will wake up in the middle of the night.

What's more, once the body metabolizes the alcohol (i.e., the blood alcohol concentration returns to zero), sleep experiences a rebound effect. In the second half of the night, the body, in an attempt to restore what was lost in the first half, will stay longer in REM sleep.

“The effect of strengthening sleep in the first half of the night is compensated restless sleep in the second,” says Irshaad Ebraim, director of the London Center for Sleep Research. Ebraim and his colleagues found that alcohol invariably caused an increase in sleep disturbances in the second half of the night. A study that tracked brain activity after a night of drinking found that people wake up about twice as often as usual.

For human body water is a natural liquid, because it consists of more than 70% of it. Therefore for him normal functioning you have to drink it enough. But can you drink water before bed? Will the sleep be good and the body healthy - nutritionists and doctors share their opinion about when water is salvation and when it is an enemy.

Water before going to bed helps maintain health at night, because right now a person does not drink, and the body, albeit more slowly, consumes liquid. However, everyone has experienced insomnia from frequent trips to the toilet at night, as with edema in the morning after large infusions of water, wine or other liquid before going to bed. Therefore, only those people who do not have kidney problems and insomnia after frequent awakenings can drink water before bedtime.

Benefits of a glass of water before bed

Drinking plenty of water before bed is not worth it, so a glass will be an acceptable dose. It will give the following benefits for the body:

  1. At night, it will replenish the level of hydration at the proper level, which will prevent the risk of dehydration.
  2. All metabolic processes accelerate, which is useful for weight loss. The processing of fat cells at night is faster, and water accelerates this process even more.
  3. During the day, a person receives a large amount of toxins that the body injects at night. If it does not have the right level of liquid, then this is almost impossible, which is fraught with serious health problems.
  4. Drink enough water throughout the day and just before bed good way lose weight, because it fills the stomach, excluding overeating and late snacks.
  5. It is useful to drink water before going to bed for the stomach. The gastrointestinal tract begins to function normally. If there is little liquid, then acidity will increase in it, which will inevitably lead to heartburn. Therefore, for lovers of a good snack at night, a glass of slightly acidified water will help digest a hearty dinner.

Therefore, it is worth drinking water before going to bed in order to sleep better and feel healthy and alert. You can not deprive yourself of fluid during the day, so it is advisable to take it in doses so as not to stretch the stomach, and at certain hours in order to accustom the body.

Until what time to drink water?

The time when water is drunk plays a big role in good night. If you do this immediately before going to bed, then there is a risk of waking up a few hours later from the urge to go to the toilet. And this fast sleep when awakening is not desired. That's why best time for fluid intake in the evening, it is considered 60-80 minutes before going to bed.

The downside of drinking water before bed

Drinking water at night to sleep well can be hazardous to your health. Any drink can turn out to be so harmful later on. evening time if there are certain problems in the body. This may include:

  1. Failure in the functioning of the kidneys. Plenty of fluid before bed when completely inactive human body at this time, they cannot be completely processed, because the drainage function of the kidneys is impaired. This can lead to the most various reasons. Simple edema or globally, swelling of the brain, excessive stress on the heart, which can even result in death.
  2. Problems with bladder, which, for all its elasticity, after great use liquid will expand. And if during the day the brain receives the necessary emptying signal, then at night there is a risk of missing it. And if unregulated emptying does not occur, then in the morning this area can hurt and suffer a number of other unpleasant surprises.
  3. Vascular pathologies. Drinking a little water before going to bed is not dangerous, but if there is a lot of it and there is a delay in withdrawal, then circulatory system gets hit. Vessels can swell and be seriously damaged.
  4. Crash in nervous system and brain. To worsen the situation leads to a decrease in the level of salt in the body, which will inevitably happen if you drink a lot of fluid before bedtime. The drop in sodium levels also affects, which can even provoke convulsions, loss of consciousness and nervous seizures.

Mineral water

Despite all its usefulness, but only for medical indications, you need to take it in the morning. At night, when all processes in the body are slowed down, a new influx of trace elements from mineral water can become dangerous as some of them will form elevated level and some downgraded. This imbalance does not benefit the body and leads to malfunctions in its work.


Drinking soda at night is like putting a bomb in your stomach. Drink only an hour before bedtime clean water without salt, sugar, gases. Coffee and cocoa are strictly prohibited due to great content They have caffeine in them so you won't be able to fall asleep with them.

Surprisingly, doctors approve of water changes honey drink on water or milk, and grated ginger will help immunity. After them, a person will sleep like a baby.

Often required amount fluids are regulated by the body itself. It sends a signal of thirst when there is not enough of it, and when it is in excess, it removes it from the body later or by going to the toilet. But is there average fluids to drink per day?

Every self-respecting doctor voices his opinion about how much water to drink per day. Someone writes monumental works about it, and someone mentions it in passing. The most interesting of them are the following:

  • Dr. Agapkin gives clear recommendations on how much water to drink in the heat to prevent dehydration, and strongly advises listening to your body in this matter.
  • The use of water according to Batmanghelidzh for the therapy of the whole organism, clearly excludes tea, coffee, soda from the diet, which, due to the diuretic effect, deprive the body of the necessary fluid.
  • In the works of infectious disease specialist Christopher van Tulekken, moderate fluid intake is promoted, since its shortage or excess is equally dangerous for humans.

The benefits of water with honey for the coming dream

It is better to fall asleep and accelerate the metabolic processes in the body helps a spoonful of honey, diluted in a glass warm water. Not everyone likes the sugary taste of such a drink, so you can add lemon juice just a couple of drops.

Honey water or milk makes sleep good, calm and deep, restoring the body before the pipe day. It saves from anxiety and a number of neuralgic disorders. If heartburn prevents you from falling asleep, then lemon will boldly replace soda, because it will also lower the level of acidity gastric juice.

Forbidden to use honey water children and people with allergic reaction on bee products, because it is dangerous for their life and health.

When to drink water after meals?

A liter of water per day will be incredibly small for someone, and someone will not be able to drink it. With a lack of fluid, every muscle in the body will hurt, but does eating affect well-being. If 30 minutes before a meal, water prevents a person from overeating, then what will happen after a meal?

Interesting facts: food begins to break down 25-40 minutes after entering the intestines.

Digest it helps gastric juice. Therefore, the liquid, drunk during or immediately after eating, dilutes it and leaving the water to carry away useful material from that place small intestine where they are to be learned. This gives a load on all organs of the digestive system.

The stomach will be in constant tension, as well as duodenum, because they need to give the body even more gastric juice. The person feels heaviness in the stomach and flatulence., which at ongoing process lead to gastrointestinal disorders. What matters is what was eaten. So, after fruit, you can drink water after 30 minutes, and after porridge, 2.5 hours should pass, meat - 4 hours.

A reminder of the best time to drink water and general recommendations

You need to drink water before going to bed, but in a small amount and strictly adhering to time. In order not to wake up in the morning with bags under the eyes or swollen fingers, you need to do this 40 minutes before bedtime. It is important to drink water immediately after waking up in order to "start" the body.

  • The volume of water is not more than a glass.
  • Drink slowly, in small sips, which will help the kidneys to function normally.
  • Do not drink cold liquid, because this negatively affects the metabolism and can cause a sore throat.
  • Hot water damages tooth enamel and can injure the mucous membrane of the throat and esophagus. Even the rapid dissolution of honey in it leads to the fact that it loses its beneficial properties.
  • Drink a glass of warm water before and after bed. Allowed room temperature.
  • Each organism is individual, therefore, the amount of fluid per day is individual, it must be selected through experiments, finding out how much is needed for you.

Without water, a person cannot live, and it cannot be replaced by other drinks. Perhaps a couple of glasses of clean water a day will be the norm for someone, but for someone it’s not enough even two liters. It is important to maintain a balance in everything so that all the work in the body is correct and balanced. And water is no exception.

Every person who follows healthy lifestyle life knows that it is necessary to drink at least 2.5 liters of pure water per day. Those who want to drop a few extra pounds wondering if you can drink water before bed? In our article you will learn how to lose weight with plain water, and how useful a glass of water before bed will be.

Can you drink water at night?

In fact, there is no single “possible” or “impossible”. It all depends on individual features organism and the presence chronic diseases. For example, if you have kidney problems, you should limit fluids at night. To understand how your body will react to drinking water at night, you can conduct a small experiment. Before going to bed, drink at least a glass of water and analyze how you feel and general state since morning. It is necessary to refuse water before going to bed if the following ailments are observed:

  • Sleep became restless.
  • Legs swell in the morning.
  • Swelling around the eyes.
  • The urge to go to the toilet is too frequent.

If a similar symptoms do not worry, you can safely drink a glass of water at night.

Is it good to drink water before bed?

Drinking water relieves thirst and normalizes the functioning of the body. Consider what other benefits the liquid will bring at night:

  • Water eliminates waste and toxins that linger in the intestines and have bad influence on metabolism.
  • As you know, water is absolutely non-caloric, but it perfectly replaces a meal at night. By filling the stomach, you can deceive the body and fall asleep peacefully.
  • Helps to avoid discomfort in the form of heartburn. Water lowers the acidity of gastric juice and reduces the risk of developing diseases of the gastric and intestinal tract.
  • During a night's sleep, a person without noticing it actively loses fluid. To avoid dehydration of the body and at the same time maintain water - salt balance, 150 - 200 ml of pure water will fill the lost liquid.

How to lose weight with water

To get rid of hated centimeters, the best way become regular use drinking water. Following the rules will help you achieve maximum results.

  • How much water should you drink? The best option is 2 - 2.5 liters of water. Many people think that if you drink 5 liters of water a day or more, the weight will start to go away much faster. Of course, this opinion is erroneous. A large amount of water can "wash" everything out of the body. useful vitamins and essential micronutrients.
  • Water on an empty stomach. Make a habit of drinking a glass of water immediately after waking up, before the cherished portion of breakfast. Keep in mind that lemon water before bed is just as beneficial as it is in the morning. Also, many experts advise on an empty stomach and at night to drink a glass of water with a spoonful of honey to normalize metabolism.
  • How long before bed can you drink water? It is not recommended to drink water right before bedtime, the best option will be the use of clear liquids 15 minutes before bedtime.
  • Drink liquid with a straw. Take your time to drink a bottle of water as quickly as possible. To quench your thirst as soon as possible, it is necessary to drink liquid in small sips.
  • Computer work. If you work at a computer, make it a habit to drink a few sips of water every half an hour. Thus, during the working day, you can easily master 2 liters of water.
  • Correct water temperature. The water must have room temperature. This is due to the fact that too cold water will not bring absolutely no benefit to the body, and too warm, in turn, causes increased appetite.
  • Knowing of limits. If after the last dinner you really want to eat, replace your meal with a glass of water. It makes no sense to wait for the result of drinking liquids if in between you eat sweets and flour products in unlimited quantities.

What water to drink at night?

Drinking water at night is allowed only pure water: not salty, sweet or carbonated liquid should not be consumed in any case. However, scientists have proven the benefits of honey with water before bed. It is necessary to dissolve a spoonful of honey in boiled water, this contributes sound sleep and rapid digestion of food residues in the intestines.

It can be concluded that water at night will only benefit the body, provided that the amount of water is observed. If you find it hard to get used to drinking two liters a day, make it a habit to drink a glass of water 20 minutes before each meal.

On the video with Malysheva in the program "Live Healthy" dated 05/23/2016, this issue is considered from the 26th minute

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