How to prepare for conception. Proper preparation of men for conception

We have already talked a lot about preparing a woman for the upcoming pregnancy. We will dedicate this article preparing a man for conception. We will detail nine basic things that your spouse needs to do before they start trying to conceive a child with you.

You will hardly find a man who reads books about pregnancy and childbirth, or who will stock up on vitamins and minerals, avoid hidden dangers that can harm their unborn child. But this kind of man with this type of behavior should become more common! When a couple tries to get pregnant, the main focus is on the woman, but men are only half responsible for this process!

If you are thinking about becoming a father in the near future, here is a list of things you will need to do before trying to conceive:

Seeing a Doctor is the First Step to Successful Parenthood

Make an appointment with your doctor, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases, are constantly taking any medications, or you have problems with erection, ejaculation, loss of libido.

Some drugs (including steroids or hormones, some blood pressure drugs, some antibiotics, and drugs used to treat fungal infections, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, peptic ulcers, and epilepsy) can affect the quality or quantity of sperm, leading to impaired male fertility. Also, in most cases, when a man is forced to take narcotic drugs, this leads to irreversible consequences for his reproductive health. Talk to your doctor about your plans to become a dad, and find out if it's possible to change this drug for another one.

By the way, many people mistakenly believe that treatment with folk remedies cannot do any harm. Studies have shown that this seemingly harmless St. John's wort and some other herbs have a negative effect on sperm.

Often used by bodybuilders to build muscle faster, anabolic steroids can reduce sperm count and cause testicles to shrink. Therefore, if you play sports, then give up all kinds of steroid drugs during preparing a man for conception.

Also, tell your doctor if you are unsure if you have a sexually transmitted infection (STD), which if left untreated can lead to male infertility. Therefore, it is best to get tested (tested for various STDs) and treated if necessary. Your healthcare provider may also refer you to a urologist or male fertility specialist.

Discuss your family's medical history with your doctor. If you have a family history of children born with birth defects, including genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, mental retardation or other developmental delays, you and your partner should definitely consult a geneticist to undergo special screening tests and find out whether there is a risk of transmission of such diseases for your baby.

Finally, ask your doctor about possible hazards you may be exposed to at work or elsewhere. Exposure to pesticides, heavy metals and organic solvents can adversely affect sperm quality and quantity.

Learn about your family's medical history

Ask your parents, siblings, or other relatives if anyone in your family has a genetic or chromosomal disorder such as Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia, cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, or bleeding disorders.

Also find out if your relatives have had children with mental retardation or other developmental delays, or anatomical defects at birth (such as heart or neural tube defects).

All of your information should be discussed with your doctor at your first prenatal (pre-conception!) visit. This will help your doctor decide which prenatal exams are best for you before you start conceiving a baby.

Eat healthy food and stock up on vitamins

If you think you can continue to eat processed foods, chips and pizza while your wife eats boiled meat and stewed vegetables, think again. First, if you switch to the same diet as your wife, then it will be much easier for her to give up her favorite grilled chicken and fried chops. Secondly, healthy eating is one of the main stages preparing a man for conception. From such a lifestyle, the quality of your sperm will improve significantly!

Studies have shown that poor nutrition can affect the quality and quantity of sperm. For example, men with low levels of folic acid in the body were found to have low sperm counts. You can get the required amount of this vitamin (400 micrograms per day) from specialty breakfast cereals, lettuce, beans, and orange juice. It also won't hurt to take a multivitamin or folic acid alone. In addition, men with poor function or insufficient sperm count are also advised to take fertility vitamins that contain antioxidants and amino acids such as L-arginine, for example.

Zinc is another very important trace element, the content of which in the body must be monitored very carefully. Studies show that even a short-term zinc deficiency can decrease sperm volume and lower testosterone levels. In addition, low levels of this mineral can affect the absorption and metabolism of folic acid. Eat plenty of meat, seafood, and eggs to get the required amount (11 mg) of zinc per day, or take a multivitamin that also contains zinc.

And do not forget about vitamin C, which is essential for increasing sperm motility. The easiest way to accumulate this vitamin is to eat vegetables containing it (broccoli, asparagus, sweet peppers) and fruits (oranges, melon, kiwi, tangerines, grapefruits).

Give up parties and bad habits

As soon as you decide to have a baby, refuse to visit various entertainment venues and parties. Sperm suffers from nicotine, alcohol and drugs just like a woman's eggs.

Studies show that this "trio" leads to a decrease in both sperm count and motility. This means that you must completely eliminate everything, including soft drugs such as , and stop smoking before you start trying to get pregnant. In addition, passive smoking is a dangerous "neighborhood" for your wife and your children, both in the womb and after birth. Note that even the use of chewing tobacco leads to poor sperm function.

Decreased sperm count is not the only reason for you to give up alcohol! Studies have shown that if a man drank alcohol every day for a month before conception, his children weigh much less than the children of non-drinking parents. Low birth weight is a serious condition that can affect your baby's health and behavior for the rest of his life.

Find out how safe your workplace is

Very often, the hidden danger to sperm lurks where you work. Regular exposure to things like organic solvents (often found in dry cleaners and auto shops) and pesticides can make conception extremely difficult. They can also change the composition of spermatozoa, leading to birth defects in the fetus and premature birth. Since the maturation of sperm lasts about three months, it is during this time before the intended conception that you need to reduce your exposure to chemicals in your body.

Buy boxer shorts

Scientists are still debating the effect of underwear on the ability to conceive. Some argue that the testicles can overheat in shorts, thereby suppressing the production of sperm. Others say that this is not as important a problem as, for example, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa. Basically, wearing boxer shorts can potentially increase your chances of conceiving. Therefore, we can call such a change of underwear the simplest item. preparing a man for conception.

Stay away from hot tub

If you plan to start trying to conceive soon, avoid hot tubs, saunas, or hot baths. Heat kills sperm. And because they need about three months to recover, your hot bath in January will affect the sperm you throw out in April!

The testicles work best when kept cool (body temperature in the scrotum is a couple of degrees cooler than normal body temperature). To protect your testicles and saunas for at least three months before trying to conceive.

Try not to ride a bike

Of course, a short bike ride once a week will not affect the quality of your sperm. But if you spend a long time on a hard bicycle seat, this can lead to a decrease in semen volume and a decrease in sperm count and motility. This applies to those cyclists who spend more than 2 hours a day in the saddle, six days a week.

Be aware that prolonged driving can damage the scrotum and testicles, which is a potential threat to fertility problems. What's more, wearing special cycling shorts can kill your sperm just as effectively as taking a hot bath.

The scrotal area becomes hot and sweaty because it is squeezed between the cyclist's legs and the bike seat, and this can lead to a decrease in sperm count. So if you can't give up cycling entirely, then at least limit your time on the bike, wear loose, loose-fitting shorts, and choose a softer seat.


The thought that you will start conceiving a child is incredibly exciting for a man, but such arousal can be the cause! This is especially true for those men who have been trying to conceive a baby for 4 or more months.

Find time to relax and unwind (swim, sunbathe or just take a walk). And only then all the other ways preparing a man for conception will bring the desired result - and you will no longer worry about the fact that you cannot get pregnant, but because of how the pregnancy will develop. Only such experiences are much more pleasant ...

Successful conception of a child depends not only on the woman. The negative impact of the environment and other harmful vectors affects the health of a man, including reproductive function. Therefore, both spouses should participate in the preparation for pregnancy.

To conceive a healthy child, a man should take the issue of preparation seriously. Great risks that the child will inherit the father's disease, which he may not even be aware of.

Unpreparedness often becomes a long wait for fertilization. Under the influence of negative factors, spermatozoa become inactive and lethargic. In this state, they are not able to fertilize the egg. Attempts to conceive can take several months.

Preparing the body for conception is not just a decision to replenish the family. It is necessary to increase the chances of fertilization, and eliminate the risk of developing fetal pathologies.

Therefore, a man must necessarily prepare for conception. You need to start the process at least three months in advance.

Where to start preparing

You need to start preparing with a health check. Some diseases are the cause of miscarriage, and severe malformations in the development of the fetus. They occur quite often asymptomatically, so the patient may not even be aware of their development.

Make an appointment with a therapist for a general check-up. According to the results of the diagnosis, he will be able to identify possible deviations and prescribe the necessary tests.


Be sure to visit a urologist. He conducts an external examination and conducts tests to detect:

  • Chlamydia.
  • Trichomonas.
  • Gangrel.

Blood sampling is carried out to detect diseases. Its analysis helps to find:

  • Syphilis.
  • AIDS.
  • Hepatitis B.
  • Hepatitis C.

Perhaps the appointment of a spermogram. This analysis determines the number of spermatozoa, their motility and liquefaction time.

Proper nutrition

It is important to review your diet. A balanced diet contributes to an increase in sperm volume.

It is necessary to saturate the daily menu with foods rich in folic acid. This component increases sperm motility and takes part in DNA synthesis. A lack of folic acid contributes to the production of defective spermatozoa.

It is necessary to give up too spicy, fatty, salty, fried foods. All dishes should be steamed or in the oven.

  • Seafood.
  • Vegetables.
  • Fruit.
  • Nuts.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Greens.

Healthy lifestyle

Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products. These products interfere with the formation of testosterone. And also contribute to the synthesis of abnormal spermatozoa.

Do sports daily. It is not necessary to go to the gym. Walking in the fresh air, running are suitable. You can visit the pool or yoga.

The main thing is not to overload the body. This negatively affects the fertility.

What to do before planning a pregnancy

In preparation for pregnancy, cure all existing diseases. And also eliminate the foci of infection. A common problem is caries, a visit to the dentist is mandatory.

Chronic diseases weaken the body and negatively affect reproductive function. Therefore, it is so important to undergo a complete medical examination before planning a pregnancy.

How to prepare

It is necessary to achieve a high level of sperm motility, this increases the chances of successful fertilization. Underwear should not be tight, pants too.

In preparation for pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude trips to baths or saunas, do not take a hot bath. It is better to carry out water procedures under a cool shower.

You do not need to use the seat heating function in the car. High temperatures negatively affect sperm quality.

Before conception, abstain from sex for four to five days. No more needed, there is a risk of an increase in the level of overripe spermatozoa.

It is important to protect yourself from negative emotions and tune in to a positive result. Try to avoid stressful situations.

To increase your chances of conceiving, avoid masturbation and excessive sex.

Fat deposits produce female hormones, it harms the male body. Get your weight right. Limit the use of flour and sweets, exercise regularly.

The health of any person largely depends on heredity. Both parents contribute to a child's genetics. Is this a strong enough argument for you to think about your health before conceiving a child? If so, here is a simple list of steps you can take to increase your chances of having a healthy baby.

preliminary stage

This stage different people can take different times: from several days to six months. It must be remembered that the main goal is to establish whether there are any diseases that can reduce your reproductive opportunities, prevent conception, or harm the expectant mother.

  • Get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, hepatitis B and C. Since some of these are asymptomatic, you cannot be sure in advance of their absence.
  • To make sure that you do not have chronic infectious diseases, visit a therapist and tell him about your plans. Most likely, you will be offered to take a general blood test, do a fluorography / x-ray. Chronic diseases can be dangerous for two reasons. The first is a negative impact on sperm quality, which means a decrease in the likelihood of conception. The second is the possibility of infecting a woman when she is already pregnant.
  • If you have diseases in which conception is unlikely, you can find out from an andrologist. Some of them are treated promptly (varicocele, hydrocele, or dropsy, inguinal hernia, obliteration of the vas deferens due to infectious and inflammatory diseases or injuries).
  • If you are not sure about your reproductive capabilities (for example, you had mumps in childhood, your work is associated with contact with harmful chemicals, etc.), take a spermogram. Its indicators will allow you to assess the likelihood of conception.
  • Get tested for the Rh factor. The same analysis will be done by the mother of the unborn baby. By themselves, different Rh factors do not affect the likelihood of conception, but since the Rh conflict can cause miscarriage, it is better to know about it in advance. Modern medicine allows you to cope with this problem, if you know about it right away.
Important to remember
It is important to remember that some tests can negatively affect male fertility, and that antibiotics and other medications can impair sperm quality. Therefore, ask your doctor how long after the end of the examination or treatment, you can plan to conceive.

Preparing for conception

In this period The main goal is to improve male fertility. It depends not only on potency, but also on the quality of sperm - the number of live motile spermatozoa of the correct structure in it. Since spermatozoa mature for 72 days, a period of 3 months is considered optimal for preparing for conception.

What can negatively affect sperm quality?
  • Elevated temperature in the genital area (+35 ° C are optimal for the development of spermatozoa). Therefore, it makes sense to refuse not only work in extreme conditions, but also saunas, hot baths, heated car seats.
  • Tight underwear and tight jeans. They not only increase the temperature, but also impair blood circulation in the testicles. This limits tissue nutrition and oxygen supply.
  • Smoking also impairs blood circulation and increases oxidative stress in the testicles, which can lead to defective spermatozoa.
  • Excess weight - adipose tissue produces female hormones, the excess of which in the male body is undesirable. Therefore, you can gradually normalize weight by refusing or reducing the amount of flour, sweet and fatty foods and gradually replacing them with vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  • Alcohol. You can stop drinking alcoholic beverages 3 months before conception.
  • Chronic nervous strain. This is a serious enemy of male fertility. So try to avoid stress.
How to improve sperm quality?
  • Naturally, sperm quality will improve if you eliminate the above factors and observe the temperature regime, give up smoking and alcohol, and try to lead a proper lifestyle.
  • In order for spermatozoa to properly mature and develop, they require useful substances at all stages of development: high doses of L-carnitine, folic acid, selenium and zinc, as well as vitamin E. To provide the reproductive system with these substances, you can use the SPEROTON complex » , designed specifically to improve the quality of sperm.
  • If a man smokes or smokes for a long time (and cannot give up this habit), comes into contact with harmful substances, then as a result, oxidative stress occurs, during which both the spermatozoa themselves and the genetic material contained in them are damaged. Antioxidant intake is required to eliminate oxidative stress. "Synergin" contains 6 powerful natural antioxidants and will be useful for a man in preparation for conception.

Conception of a boy

The birth of a child is a great sacred act in the life of a married couple.

Let's begin to consider the methods and techniques that can help you with this.

First, let's understand the physiology. Let's start with the man, because he is in charge in this matter. It directly depends on him who will be born - a boy or a girl.

Everyone knows that men have a special internal organ - the testicles, where sperm is produced and stored. The testicles are in special scrotal sacs (scrotum) that keep the temperature of the testicles at the same level, which is necessary for the production of sperm. This temperature is slightly lower than normal body temperature (36.63°C). Therefore, the scrotum should not be overheated. During sexual intercourse, a man releases about 3.5 g of semen, which contains about 300,000 spermatozoa. A man produces only two types of sperm: sperm X and sperm Y. During conception, one of the sperm connects to the egg and it is he who determines the sex of the child (a boy, if a Y sperm connects to an egg, and a girl, if X sperm connects to an egg).

These different types of spermatozoa have different properties. X spermatozoa are characterized by an oval head, slower movement, longer lifespan, greater strength and a smaller number compared to Y spermatozoa.

Y spermatozoa are characterized by a round head, higher speed, shorter lifespan, greater fragility, a larger number in comparison with X spermatozoa.

Now let's talk about the woman. Every woman has two ovaries and a uterus. The egg grows in one of the ovaries under the influence of the female hormone estrogen. Once a month, the egg is released from the ovary (this process is called ovulation), after which it moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. If a connection with a spermatozoon has occurred (conception), then the egg begins to divide, thus creating a new organism, which is called a zygote. This is how an amazing phenomenon begins - the development of your future baby. Note also that when a woman experiences an orgasm, her body releases a fluid that has an alkaline reaction. This may favor the connection with the egg of the spermatozoa Y, if the release of this fluid occurs before ejaculation.

In a woman's body, only one type of egg is released - egg X. Sometimes several eggs are released, and if each of them is fertilized by a sperm, the birth of twins or even triplets is possible. In such cases, each fertilized egg is the beginning of a related organism of a brother or sister with individual characteristics. It also happens that an already fertilized egg divides, creating an exact copy of the first organism, which leads to the birth of identical twins.

The monthly cycle in women is very important for determining the period of ovulation. It usually consists of 28 days. But its duration can sometimes go astray and decrease or increase even in the same woman. Under the influence of the female hormone estrogen, the uterus expands to create favorable conditions for the fertilization of the egg. If fertilization does not occur during the cycle, the lining of the walls of the uterus exfoliates and comes out in the menstrual flow.

Note the main thing: the first day is usually the most bleeding. The bleeding usually lasts about five days. The fourteenth day is usually the day of ovulation if the cycle consists of 28 days, but this can vary. For absolute certainty, a woman needs to measure her basal body temperature for two months.

The best time to do this is in the morning, before you get out of bed. As a rule, ovulation corresponds to the day in the chart when the woman's body temperature gradually drops, and then rises sharply by about 0.5 * C. Some women feel pain when the egg is released and hormones are released in large quantities. A special device for accurately measuring the peak of hormone release into the blood during ovulation can be freely bought at any pharmacy.

In an effort to conceive a boy, we must understand that only three participants take part in this process in various variations: egg X, sperm X and sperm Y. In this case, only two options are possible: egg X is fertilized by sperm Y, which gives XY (conceiving a boy) ; egg X is fertilized by sperm X, resulting in XX (conceiving a girl).

Let's summarize: what gender a child is born physiologically depends entirely on the father.

Preparing for conception

Food. The effect of nutrition on conception is due to the fact that sperm X and sperm Y differ in that X is more acidic, and Y carries a more alkaline environment. The normal environment of the vagina and uterus is slightly acidic, which favors protection against microorganisms. Therefore, during ovulation, despite the fact that the uterus seems to secrete alkaline secretion at this time, this alkali is not enough to deactivate the acidity. As a consequence, the alkaline Y sperm (boys) die faster, while the X sperm (girls) stay much longer and fertilize the woman, giving rise to a girl. So, in order to increase the likelihood of having a boy, both partners need to consume alkaline foods, at least three months before conception.

Women and men seeking to conceive boy should consume: fruit juices, herbal teas, mineral water, non-vegetarians - all types of meat and meat products, fish and fish products, all types of bread, biscuits, cereals, rice, pasta, all vegetables, potatoes, mushrooms, green beans , peas, soybeans, corn, all fruits and their fresh juices, and, in the first place: bananas, apricots, oranges, peaches, cherries. Very well dried apricots, plums, dates. Dark chocolate, jam, jelly, honey, everything sweet without dairy additives, vegetable oils, pickles.

Do not consume: milk and dairy drinks. Mineral water with a high content of calcium. Shrimps, crabs and other shellfish. Sweet creams based on eggs. Cottage cheese and dairy products, pancakes, pancakes. Cocoa, milk chocolate, ice cream.

Those who seek to conceive girl should consume: milk and any other dairy or milk-mixed fresh drinks.

Apple juice (apples), grape juice (grapes), pineapple juice, calcium-rich mineral water.

Sea fish and boiled shellfish. Everything that is prepared on the basis of an egg (preferably the yolk). Unsalted cottage cheese, yogurt, unsalted confectionery.

Rice, pasta with a minimum salt content.

Fresh vegetables: carrots, radishes, onions, fresh green peas, radish cucumbers, lettuce, spinach.

Watermelon, strawberries, raspberries, pears, peaches, pineapples, canned plums. Almond, hazelnut, walnut without salt. Oil without salt.
Do not consume: coffee, tea, dark chocolate, carbonated drinks, beer.

Patés, sausages, smoked meats, salted cheeses, salted confectionery.

Limit the use of foods such as: Celery, beets, cabbage, tomatoes, dry legumes. Bananas, peaches, apricots, cherries, oranges, avocados. Dried apricots, dates.

General preparation. If you want the Y sperm to be present in large numbers and make the way to the egg faster and easier, give up hot baths and insulated underwear for a man at least a month before conception. Sexual intercourse before conceiving a boy should be as often as possible, but without sperm entering the vagina. Before conceiving a boy, abstinence from bodily love should be no more than two or three days. Also, you should know that smoking before conception greatly reduces the chance of conceiving boys. If both parents smoke, then the probability of having a girl increases by a third compared to non-smokers. To increase the likelihood of conceiving a boy, a woman should be calm and confident, less worried. Besides, before conception, you will first need to calculate the time of ovulation and stop sexual activity for two to three days to accumulate spermatozoa. It is known that spermatozoa that carry the "male" Y-chromosome live less than spermatozoa that carry the "female" X-chromosome, but they move more actively.

Therefore, if sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation, the “male” spermatozoa are the first to enter the egg, and after nine months a boy is born. If sexual intercourse occurs one or two days before ovulation (recall that spermatozoa remain active for three days), then by the time the egg matures, the “male” spermatozoa have time to die, and a girl develops. That's why avoid intercourse for three to four days before your calculated ovulation date. Remember that conception should only happen once during ovulation. If sexual intimacy happened at the time of ovulation or the first day after it (14-15th days of the normal cycle), then the fast Y chromosomes will catch up with the egg first, and you will get a boy (XY). In addition, ideally, a woman should reach orgasm before a man - this contributes to the opening of the uterus and better sperm entry. Enjoy a longer foreplay for maximum sperm output.

Position. According to the ideas of the Slavs, in the north is the center of the universe (stone Alatyr), which is marked for us as the North Star. It is from there that the most subtle spiritual energy comes, the spirit of God - / Alive. Therefore, since ancient times, women during conception were advised to lie down with their heads to the north. In addition, it is best when a man enters a woman from behind (“colt”). At the same time, during an orgasm, a man must enter a woman as deeply as possible. Remember that after intercourse, the duration of sperm fixation is 20 minutes, if the woman lies calmly. In tradition, it is believed that at the very place of conception it is desirable that many male attributes be present, in particular: edged weapons on the wall (swords, daggers, axes), skins of predators, etc. The aroma of saffron, scarlet wood, nard and other smells should rule there, with the exception of musk.

In an effort to conceive a child (boy), remember: every cell of your body during bodily love is filled with emotions and information that comes through your thoughts, words, etc. This information multiplies and remains on all organs, throughout the body, creating a strong energy field. It all depends on the man and the woman. If a woman has more sexual desire, she activates the egg with her field and gives more strength and energy to the spermatozoon, which carries female power. The egg at this time, like a magnet, draws to itself that energy that is similar to it. This is how a girl is born. If, on the contrary, a more passionate man, then the spermatozoa with male power have more power, and boys are born.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to conceive a child immediately, but after several unsuccessful sexual intercourses, you should not sound the alarm and diagnose yourself with “infertility”. Perhaps your “stork”, who will bring you a baby, just needs to actively help.

1 rule

Everyone knows that the male germ cell is the basis of conception, therefore, a certain energy is required from the sperm cell to ensure its mobility, because an energetic sperm cell is able to go further, and conception should not be expected from a weak one. That is why, two weeks before the decisive sexual intercourse, you need to start preparing a man. To do this, you need to start feeding him properly: include more meat, nuts, vitamin E in the diet. Such nutrition will help increase sperm motility. It is worth noting that the excessive activity of partners for conception is not only useless, but also harmful. Therefore, before the decisive sexual intercourse, a man should abstain for 2-3 days in order to accumulate energy. One couple went to the doctor because they could not conceive a child. During the conversation, it turned out that the couple wants a child so much that they have sex 2-3 times a day. After that, the doctor advised to abstain from sex for several days. Following the recommendation of the doctor, the couple managed to conceive a child.

2 rule

The first intercourse is decisive for conception. All further acts in the evening or night are just for fun. The fact is that after the first sexual intercourse, the concentration of spermatozoa decreases by almost half, so subsequent ejaculations, as experts joke, are one water.

3 rule

Immediately after ejaculation, a man should remove the penis from the vagina to help the sperm to penetrate further, which greatly increases the likelihood of conception.

4 rule

The female orgasm can prevent conception. This happens because during orgasm the cervix rises a little, so the spermatozoa have to climb this peak, which significantly reduces the chance of one of them reaching the egg.

Rule 5

Choosing the right time for conception plays a significant role in conception. A woman is more fertile in the middle of the cycle, when the egg matures (ovulation period). 5-6 days before ovulation are also considered favorable: this is how long a sperm cell can live, waiting for the egg and remaining capable. The period within 6 days after ovulation is also considered favorable, since the female egg remains viable during this period of time.

6 rule

The procedure of douching with a soda solution before intercourse can significantly increase the chances of getting pregnant. It is known that a woman may have hidden inflammation, which she does not even know about. As a result of inflammation, an acidic environment arises, which is extremely harmful to spermatozoa and can not only significantly reduce their activity, but even completely destroy them. If there is no inflammation, then douching still does not hurt.

7 rule

Of great importance are the actions of a woman after intercourse. Little depends on the man and he can safely go to the shower, but the woman should lie down for a while. With a normal position of the uterus and cervix, it is best to lie on your back, while pressing your knees to your chest. If a woman has a bend of the uterus, it is better to lie on her stomach. These positions allow the cervix to sink freely into the semen pool, which increases the chance of sperm penetration. There are also specific cases, for example, when there is inflammation of the appendages. In this situation, the uterus can turn to the side, but in which one - this can only be determined. Then the doctor can tell you exactly which side is better to lie on.

8 rule

The right choice of position can significantly increase the chances of conceiving a child. Unfortunately, the choice of correct positions is not great - this is the classic missionary position. But if you try to get pregnant, for example, while standing, then the liquid will simply pour out. There is indeed an exception. If a woman has a uterine bend, then the back position is suitable.

9 rule

After intercourse, you must definitely relax and preferably in the next few days to be in an excellent state of mind. Meditation, nature walks, outdoor activities, etc. can help with this. Waiting and worrying is not the best condition for this period. In a state of stress, the contractile activity of the fallopian tubes, which promote spermatozoa to the egg, is disrupted.

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