The taste of copper in the mouth causes women. Metallic taste in the mouth: causes in women. Reasons for drugs

The sudden appearance of a persistent sensation of iron in the mouth may be due to the fact that a person has recently eaten foods that contain a large amount of iron oxide. These include dishes made from beef, some types of fish, apple, pomegranate, grape juices. If such a sensation arose for several hours or one day, and then disappeared by itself without the use of special medicines or other therapeutic methods, then in this case there is no cause for concern, since this may be a slight change in the biochemical composition of blood or gastric juice. Everything is much more serious if the taste of metal in the oral cavity haunts a person constantly for several days in a row and only intensifies in its manifestation. In this case, it is not excluded that this taste of iron is a symptom of a disease that is just beginning to manifest itself.

If we consider this painful symptom regarding its presence exclusively in the female half of the population, then it can occur in the following cases:

  • the state of pregnancy and a radical change in hormonal levels with an imbalance of those sexual secrets, for the synthesis of which the body needs to use iron molecules more than usual;
  • the period of menstruation, or 2-3 days remain before menstruation (a similar reaction may occur several days after the cessation of vaginal discharge);
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, which contains salts of heavy metals in its composition (in fact, there is a slow poisoning of epithelial tissues in the mouth area, which is expressed in an iron taste);
  • oncological processes in the organs of the female reproductive system, which affect the level and stability of hormone production;
  • long-term use of oral contraceptives, consisting of synthetic sex secrets;
  • a recent abortion performed in late pregnancy (in most cases, the taste of metal disappears after 3-4 days after the operation).

Also, the pathological condition of taste buds can occur in women for other reasons. In this case, the factors that are most often encountered in medical practice after examining patients who have applied with relevant complaints are presented.

Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth in men

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are more likely to encounter an inexplicable taste of iron in the oral cavity. This is due to the specifics of male activity, employment at the facilities of the chemical and metallurgical industries.

Therefore, the following causes of this pathology are distinguished especially in men:

  • daily performance of welding work on structures that have severe metal corrosion;
  • poisoning with salts of copper, lead, tin(in most cases, such severe intoxication of the body occurs in workers of workshops with harmful working conditions);
  • radiation sickness caused by radiation exposure of the body (found in representatives of the male half of the population who work at nuclear power plants, military and chemical plants, in warehouses at an enterprise where spent fuel for nuclear power plants is disposed of);
  • electrical work on high-voltage lines, the wires of which are made of copper alloys (dust of this metal can enter the oral cavity at the moment when cables and wire fragments are cut, or the contacts are cleaned).

Also, quite often, men who have inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland complain about the taste of iron and have been taking medications that block the uncontrolled growth of glandular tissue for a long time.

The taste of metal in the mouth - what kind of disease?

The indicated signal from receptors located in the oral cavity can indeed indicate the presence of serious diseases that can affect both the male and female bodies. In this case, the development of the following pathologies is not excluded:

  • diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2 (it does not matter whether a person depends on insulin injections or the disease is hidden);
  • inflammation of the gallbladder, which is expressed in cholecystitis, cholangitis, duct dyskinesia;
  • gastritis or gastric ulcer, covering the tissues of the most important organ of digestion, as well as the duodenum;
  • extraneous neoplasms in the liver, which are of a malignant nature of origin and grow rapidly in volume;
  • anemia caused by poor diet or eating foods that contain low levels of iron oxide;
  • radiation sickness (develops after contact with an object that emits radiation);
  • dental diseases, the presence of tartar, damaged crowns that require urgent therapy (also quite often people who have recently undergone the installation of dentures with elements of metal structures complain about the taste of metal);
  • infectious diseases of the larynx, the course of which is accompanied by the formation of ulcers and wounds, from which a small amount of capillary blood is periodically released (granular tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis).

It is not excluded that a person has blood diseases that change its biochemical composition towards a decrease or increase in red blood cells, as well as other cells, the formation of which is impossible without such a mineral as iron.

To what doctor to go and what tests to hand over?

First of all, you need to visit a general specialist. This is a general practitioner who will perform an initial examination of the patient, listen to all complaints, ask questions, find out when there is a feeling of metal in the mouth, after eating or performing specific actions: walking on the street, increased physical activity and labor activity. Based on the information received, the doctor will decide whether to refer the person to a gastroenterologist, oncologist, dentist, endocrinologist, otolaryngologist.

You will also need to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis of the body and pass the following types of tests:

  • morning urine, which is examined for the level of sex hormones, the presence or absence of infectious pathogens, inflammatory processes in the body;
  • blood from a vein (a biochemical analysis is carried out to establish the percentage of vital cells, as well as to identify diseases that affect the change in its qualitative composition);
  • Ultrasound of organs located in the abdominal cavity (pancreas, liver, stomach, intestines, duodenum, esophagus);
  • women must be examined by a gynecologist, and a man must visit a urologist so that the doctor examines the condition of the prostate gland and testicles, which are involved in hormonal synthesis.

If necessary and suspicion of cancerous tumors, an MRI of the internal organs may be required. With ulcerative lesions of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, the patient is prescribed gastroscopy in order to study the state of health of the main organ of the digestive system and develop an effective treatment regimen.

Treatment - is it possible to get rid of the taste of iron?

In order to eliminate such an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity once and for all, you should deal with the very cause and factor of the taste bud irritant. Otherwise, the symptoms may return again as a relapse. If at this stage of life there is no physical opportunity to conduct complex therapy, then it is recommended to use the following useful tips:

  • refuse to eat from metal utensils, do not use appliances made of iron and other alloys (for a while they are replaced by disposable plastic products for eating);
  • drink only clean boiled water that has undergone high-quality heat treatment and cooled down to a comfortable temperature (it is strictly forbidden to use mineral water);
  • saturate your diet with foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, spices, carrots, sauerkraut, radishes, onions, cereals, greens, hard cheese, milk, sour cream, butter;
  • take a course on taking vitamin and mineral complexes, which are not potent, and the concentration of active components is presented in a small dosage, but is able to support the vitality of the body and make up for the deficiency of useful elements;
  • monitor oral hygiene, visit a dentist so that the doctor performs a complete sanitation of teeth and gums;
  • Rinse your mouth with 3% Chlorhexidine solution 4-5 times a day.

It is very important to stop drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs. To avoid harmful working conditions, not to be in workshops where welding work is carried out or metal structures are cut.

Everyone at least once experienced an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Such a state does not just happen. It can be a result of the use of foods or drugs, or a signal of the presence of serious problems. If an unpleasant taste in the oral cavity rarely worries, this should not cause unrest. But if the condition occurs regularly, lasts a long time, and is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, you need to see a doctor.

This or that taste in the mouth is a symptom of diseases, sometimes even serious ones. A person may experience salty, sweet, bitter, and sour tastes for no apparent reason. But according to statistics, more often people are worried about the taste of metal.

Causes of a metallic taste in the mouth

There can be many reasons for the taste of iron in the mouth. For example, drinking mineral water, which contains a lot of iron ions, can lead to a similar condition. A similar effect can be exerted by untreated tap water. The reason is the poor quality of the pipes through which it passes. Most of them are covered with rust inside, particles of which are mixed with "life-giving moisture".

A metallic taste can be caused by using cast iron or aluminum cookware. Especially if you cook foods containing acids in such containers. Acids react with metals and dishes acquire a specific taste that is felt in the mouth.

Medications are the cause of discomfort in the oral cavity. For example, a metallic taste is a side effect of Tetracycline, Metronidazole, Lansporazole, and other drugs. A similar phenomenon can be a consequence of taking dietary supplements. As soon as the course of treatment is over, the discomfort will also disappear.

Metal crowns sometimes give an iron taste if they start to deteriorate. Under the action of acids, metal ions are formed and create a specific taste.

Diseases that cause a metallic taste in the mouth

There are many diseases, one of the signs of which is a metallic taste. Let's look at the common ones.


Or anemia often causes a metallic taste in the mouth. Weakness, drowsiness, dizziness and headaches, loss of strength and palpitations may also indicate its presence. Often the disease is accompanied by a violation of smell and taste. In severe cases, there is pallor, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, dry mouth, and chapped lips.

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Often, anemia is caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hidden or obvious bleeding, unbalanced nutrition and an increased need for the body's iron, for example, during a period of intensive growth, breastfeeding or bearing a child. This explains why there is often a metallic taste in the mouth during pregnancy.


Hypovitaminosis develops due to a lack of vitamins. Signs of the condition are a metallic taste, increased fatigue, sleep disturbances, irritability, and a decrease in intellectual and physical abilities. The main method of treatment is taking vitamin complexes and adjusting the diet.

Diseases of the digestive system

Problems with the digestive system are accompanied by unpleasant aftertastes in the oral cavity, including metallic ones. Its occurrence may indicate the presence of diseases:

  • gallbladder- cholangitis, dyskinesia, cholecystitis. Signs of disease are pain in the right hypochondrium, stool disorders, metallic or bitter taste in the mouth;
  • liver. They are accompanied by nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss, change in taste. They have a metallic taste;
  • low stomach acid. In addition to the taste of iron in the mouth, low acidity is indicated by belching with a smell reminiscent of a rotten egg, bloating, dull pain after eating, constipation, or diarrhea and heartburn;
  • intestines. They are accompanied by a coating on the tongue;
  • stomach ulcer. The problem can be signaled by severe pain that occurs on an empty stomach or at night, vomiting, belching, heartburn. The state is complemented by a taste of metal.

Diseases of the oral cavity

If you experience a metallic taste in your mouth, the causes may lie in problems with the oral cavity. For example, it can be caused by an inflammatory disease of the tongue - glossitis, the development of which can be promoted by injuries, hot food, alcohol, hot spices and burns. Often the taste of iron appears due to bleeding gums. Even minor bleeding, visually invisible, can provoke it. The cause of the phenomenon is often stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease and other problems of the oral cavity.

The appearance in the oral cavity of any foreign taste that is not associated with the recent intake of a certain food may signal that some pathological processes are occurring in the body. The taste of iron in the mouth cannot be ignored, because diseases that provoke the appearance of an extraneous taste in the mouth can be quite serious.

In this case, having missed a seemingly harmless symptom, a person loses the chance to avoid more dangerous subsequent manifestations of the disease. The taste of iron in the mouth is specific, it cannot be confused with anything. And the reasons for its appearance are not at all harmless.

The taste of iron in the mouth in women and men can occur for three main reasons: in case of illness, after taking medication, and in conditions of the body that are not associated with diseases. Let's consider these reasons in more detail.

Causes that are not related to diseases

  • Poisoning with copper salts, as well as vapors of arsenic, mercury. The risk of getting poisoned is a person who worked or was simply present at a production facility where these substances are involved. In such rooms, you can earn poisoning by inhaling toxic fumes. In this case, the accompanying symptoms are nausea and sour taste in the mouth, headache, dizziness. In the same way, poisoning with vapors of paints and varnishes manifests itself;
  • A characteristic taste may occur after eating iron-containing foods or food or liquid that has previously come into contact with iron vessels (for example, tap water comes into contact with pipes);
  • If a man or woman has metal implants. There can be two cases here. First, there may be a reaction between the two metals from which the prostheses are made. Secondly, when drinking acidic drinks or food, the metal often oxidizes. In both cases, the taste of iron can be clearly felt in the mouth;
  • The presence of a piercing on the tongue or in the lips can also provoke such an aftertaste. And, not surprisingly, you can feel the “metal” even if the massive jewelry is not in the oral cavity, but simply in contact with the skin for a long time;
  • Unpleasant taste may appear due to non-compliance with oral hygiene. This is affected by the presence of tartar, as well as plaque on the enamel;
  • Changes in hormonal levels in pregnant women can also cause the taste of iron in the mouth. It is important to know that such a sign is considered a variant of the norm for women in position only with normal indicators in the analyzes. Otherwise, the taste of metal in the mouth can signal a lack of iron in the body - iron deficiency anemia;
  • The hormonal changes that cause this taste in the mouth can also occur during menstruation. Hormones affect the functioning of taste buds. During menopause, the likelihood of such a symptom is significantly increased, as the body is undergoing a serious hormonal change.

Cause - taking medications

  1. The taste of iron in the mouth can be observed in people who have taken certain types of medications. For example, such a symptom is typical after taking antibiotics of the tetracycline group, antibacterial drugs, oral contraceptives;
  2. Some dietary supplements, antihistamines, tablets for hypertension, diabetes mellitus sin with such an “aftertaste”. As well as drugs, the action of which is aimed at lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.

disease as a cause

The presence of an iron taste in the mouth can be an indirect cause of the onset of the disease.


It develops with a deficiency of iron in the body, as well as B vitamins and folic acid;

Problems with the state of the oral cavity

In dental diseases, the gums become inflamed and bleed, especially when eating solid foods and brushing your teeth daily;

Liver disease

Such a symptom is the most obvious sign of the presence in the liver of a tumor of a malignant nature. Accompanying signs: heaviness in the right side, a feeling of bloating in the abdomen, a significant and relatively sharp weight loss of the arms and legs. Also, such a signal from the body may be associated with the manifestation of hepatitis or a growing cyst;

Biliary tract problems: dyskinesia, cholecystitis, cholangitis

The sour taste of iron can be the beginning of this type of disease. Most often, this problem is accompanied by indigestion (constipation, vomiting), fever, dull pain in the right hypochondrium.

Gastritis and stomach ulcer

The patient is concerned about such accompanying symptoms as belching, dense white coating on the tongue, indigestion, constipation, nausea. These diseases are characterized by the appearance of various foreign tastes;


The taste of iron appears as a result of the entry into the blood of the breakdown products of fats - acetone bodies.

You should immediately consult a doctor, especially if there are close relatives with diabetes in the family. If such a diagnosis has already been made to the patient, then the sour taste of iron may indicate a change in blood sugar levels;

Diseases of a neurological nature

The taste buds of the tongue are regulated by the brain. Neurological disorders cause a violation of this connection, as a result of which there are disturbances in the activity of the lingual papillae. As a result of their improper operation, the taste of metal in the mouth may appear. Such a symptom occurs, for example, in Alzheimer's disease, in multiple sclerosis;

Diseases of the ENT organs

There are types of fungus that cause inflammation, sinuses, laryngeal mucosa, otitis externa. The most dangerous thing is that the fungus quickly spreads through the nasopharynx and ear canals, subsequently affecting all ENT organs;

How to remove the taste of iron in the mouth

Naturally, the treatment regimen can only be selected by the attending physician after a general examination and obtaining test results, studying other symptoms. You will need to consult a qualified dentist, therapist and a number of other specialists.

To get rid of the taste in the mouth, you can use a few tips:

  • Dishes from products that contain acid (fruits, berries) should not be cooked in easily oxidized dishes. It is better to eat from ceramic glass or plastic plates;
  • It is necessary to temporarily exclude fried, spicy, fatty foods from the diet;
  • Plain water should be preferred instead of mineral water;
  • You need to stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking;
  • It helps to get rid of the taste of metal in the mouth by eating foods with a bright taste: cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, lemon, avocado, tomatoes.

It is important to remember that such measures help only if there are no health problems. In any case, it's not worth the risk. Even if such a symptom occurs once, it is better not to ignore it and consult a doctor.

A metallic taste in the mouth can appear quite suddenly. Of course, in itself it does not cause much discomfort, but it is still not worth ignoring it, because there are many reasons why it appears. And they are not always harmless.

Metallic taste in the mouth - not a very pleasant moment

There are many reasons why a person may develop this taste. In most cases, it appears suddenly, and disappears just as suddenly. But sometimes the taste can linger and start to bother a person. Among the main reasons for the appearance of a metallic taste in the mouth are:

  • The presence of braces in the oral cavity. As a rule, they are made on a metal base, and therefore, over time, a person may experience such an aftertaste.
  • Presence of dentures in the mouth
  • A wound in the oral cavity. A person can bite his cheek or scratch the mucous membrane with a bone or something else. As in any other part of the body, capillaries are located close to the surface of the mucosa, which burst when damaged, and the wound begins to bleed. After that, the blood enters the taste buds, thereby provoking the appearance of such a taste.
  • Bleeding gums. This phenomenon is very common, especially in older people, as well as in those who have stones or caries. Sometimes bleeding can be overlooked, as it can be minor. It can only be determined by the appearance of a metallic taste and visual detection of the problem.
  • . Few people have a filter at home that purifies running water. Because of this, after a sip of water, this unpleasant aftertaste may appear, which will be caused by an excess of iron in the water. Especially often this happens where there are old pipes in the house. It is not recommended to drink such water, especially for children.
  • Vitamin deficiency. If the appearance of such a taste is accompanied by general fatigue, fatigue, as well as apathy, then this means that the body lacks vitamins, the balance of which needs to be restored.
  • Metal poisoning. Of course, this happens very rarely, but it does happen. Usually, if poisoning with arsenic, mercury, zinc occurs, then a metallic taste will appear in the mouth, which will not pass until the body is cleansed of toxins
  • Taking certain medications such as amoxicillin, feramide, histamine, and others
  • Food poisoning
  • The presence of diseases such as diabetes, gastritis caused by
  • Thyroid problems
  • Liver disease
  • Problems in the gallbladder
  • Uncontrolled intake of food supplements
  • Dehydration of the body. At the moment when the body begins to lack water, this primarily affects the mucous membranes, and as a result, a change in taste perceptions
  • Pregnancy. Many pregnant women in the first trimester begin to complain of a metallic taste in their mouths. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background changes dramatically, which in some cases affects the perception of various tastes.
  • Wearing jewelry made of metal. There are several cases when people, after buying and while wearing certain jewelry made of metal, began to feel such a taste in their mouths. And if they stopped wearing them, then the taste disappeared. This happened because metal ions are able to penetrate the body, thereby causing this unpleasant sensation.

If a person has such a specific taste, then it is urgent to find out the true reason for its appearance. And although in most cases it will be quite harmless, it may also be that a metallic taste is an important symptom of some serious disease, the treatment of which must be started immediately.

What to do if such a taste appears

Sometimes a person may simply not pay attention to it, moreover, if the metallic taste disappeared very quickly. But still, when such a symptom appears, it is necessary to contact a specialist who will accurately find out the cause, and if necessary, prescribe the appropriate treatment. Before making accurate conclusions and making a diagnosis, the patient will be sent for some tests:

  1. Blood test for anemia
  2. A biochemical blood test, which will show which elements are lacking and which, on the contrary, are in excess
  3. A blood test for the presence of Helicobacter bacteria in the body, which usually provokes diseases such as gastritis,
  4. Stool donation for coprogram

After all the tests are passed, and the result comes from the laboratories, you need to go with them to a therapist or a gastroenterologist. If all tests are normal, then the person is offered to remember what he has been eating lately, and whether there have been any major changes in the diet.

How to get rid of metallic taste

Those people who are worried about such a taste for a long period of time want to get rid of it as soon as possible. To do this, it is tedious to first establish the reason why it appeared. If you still haven’t gone to the doctor, then you first need to pay attention to the gums, whether they bleed. If the cause is bleeding gums, then it is tedious to buy mouthwashes with a healing and regenerating effect.

If such a taste appeared during pregnancy, then you just need to endure. Sometimes the cause may be taking medications that have this side effect. When it appears, the reception should be stopped immediately. In the event that you take good care of your oral cavity, constantly brush your teeth, rinse your mouth and you do not have wounds on the mucous membrane, then you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment based on the main cause of the taste.

The metallic taste in the mouth itself is not particularly uncomfortable. But still, it's annoying. And that is why, as soon as you feel it in your mouth, which will help solve the problem in a short period of time. And in no case should you self-medicate, as this can lead to the development of complications!

What does p say taste in the mouth, the thematic video will tell:

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An unpleasant metallic taste is known to many women. It is believed that the sensation appears when copper ions or other metal compounds hit the tongue, but such a taste, especially when it is accompanied by bitterness and viscosity of the salivary fluid, can signal many painful conditions.

Taste mechanism

Why there is a taste of metal in the mouth - the reasons for women are very diverse, from household to medical. In most cases, a metallic taste appears in the process of exposure to various substances on chemoreceptors in the mouth both tactile and olfactory.

Catalysts that cause an unpleasant sensation are lipid oxidation products due to the action of metal salts (for example, ferrous sulfate).

The main causes of occurrence

The taste of iron in the mouth of women can appear for a variety of reasons, sometimes not the most obvious. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to get rid of it, without identifying the true "culprits" situations.

Problems with the digestive system most often make themselves felt with a taste of metal - this is one of the main symptoms, called by sick women when collecting a primary anamnesis, signaling:

The reasonsDescription
Iron deficiency anemia (severe lack of iron in the body) Poor liver function, problems with the thyroid gland, the formation of stones or excessive production of bile in the gallbladder, diabetes in the later stages, chronic gastritis with constant micro-blood loss, a pancreas that works with disorders;
stomach ulcer The taste of iron begins to be clearly felt in severe stages, after the appearance of constant belching, excruciating heartburn in the morning and during the day, as well as severe pain in the stomach
Gallbladder diseases Vivid symptoms of dyskinesia are prolonged stool disorder, a bitter taste of metal, and painful sensations in the right hypochondrium.
Liver disease Any malfunction of the body is instantly determined by the lack of appetite, glandular taste and belching with the smell of methane
Low stomach acid Comes in combination with heartburn, constipation, flatulence and mild abdominal pain after eating)
Gum disease with micro-bleeding Symptoms also include tooth sensitivity and bad breath.
ENT diseases Due to an interconnected system, inflammation of the ears or throat leads to the development of fungal diseases that affect the general condition of the mucous membranes (symptoms are swollen salivary glands, whitish plaque on the tonsils and mucous membranes, nosebleeds, pain, scratchy and dry throat)
Diabetes in different forms The taste of metal signals a violation of blood sugar levels and a deterioration in the general condition of the body (symptoms are also constant thirst, a sharp increase in weight, loss of vision and incessant itching of the skin, a sharp smell of urine due to the appearance of acetone in it, blurred consciousness and general weakness)
Hypovitaminosis Caused by a lack of vitamins and amino acids necessary for the full functioning of the body (in this case, drinking a vitamin-mineral complex will be effective)
allergic reactions Cause a disruption in the work of taste buds (any food completely changes its taste)
Neurological disorders Accompanied by changes in the perception of food
Malignant formations Tumor of the cheek, lips, gums or salivary gland with a sign of metastasis. In the second or third stage, always accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and bleeding caused by perforation of soft tissues
cracks Manifested in the form of herpes and jam on the lips.

External causes

Does it mean that only serious diseases cause a metallic taste? Not at all, since this taste is only a concomitant symptom and completely disappears after the elimination of the cause of its occurrence. Such conditions include any restructuring of the hormone system in the body, as well as purely external causes and phenomena.

  • Hormonal restructuring of the body in girls.

Often, dryness and a metallic taste appear in girls before menstruation of the first year.

  • Pregnancy period.

In late pregnancy, a pronounced taste of metal can either indicate the development of anemia with insufficient nutrition of the future mother, or excessive hormonal emissions, which, however, is absolutely natural and not dangerous with close monitoring of the body. You can determine the cause of an unpleasant condition by passing tests.

  • Passion for dietary supplements.

Biologically active additives are dangerous in case of their overdose, which is often forgotten by people who do not consider them medicines. A metallic taste in this case is a sign of overuse of additives.

  • Diseases of the gums and teeth.

Micro-bleeding is often not given much importance, especially if the blood is only visible when brushing, but people with a delicate taste and sense of smell can smell and taste it, since hemoglobin that enters the mucous membranes releases iron ions.

Body poisoning

Poisoning by hazardous substances such as mercury, lead or zinc. You can be severely poisoned by arsenic or hydrogen sulfide. Most often, a feeling of a glandular taste appears in people working in industries with heavy metals or toxic chemical compounds.

  • Hit by a powerful stream of ions.

People who work near X-ray machines without proper protection are usually exposed to radiation.

  • In addition to dietary supplements, conventional drugs can also cause danger.

In case of individual intolerance to a certain drug or vitamin group, poisoning is possible, which will be signaled by an unpleasant taste. Most often, people who use tetracycline and amoxicillin can get sick.

If you have several symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

household reasons

Household causes imply a situation where metal ions enter the body from the outside. What is it like poor quality water in apartments where filters are not installed on the taps, and the lack of the habit of boiling it before use. Interestingly, the taste can also appear with the constant drinking of mineral water, which rich in iron(usually it smells sharp and strong). No less dangerous are low-quality dishes made of cheap aluminum, the ions of which easily pass to food during high temperatures (for example, when frying).

Often suffer from a metallic taste people with braces or old-style crowns, the metal of which, during long-term operation, is prone to galvanization, releasing ions from the material. Same cheap jewelry and metal-framed watches are dangerous, oxidizing on the skin(especially in the heat - with high sweating of the skin). Metal unsuitable for wear is easily recognized by a dark or greenish trace on the skin.

And, of course, one cannot fail to mention one more situation in which a taste appears - this prolonged periods of protein diets, which include, for example, Dukan.

A special approach to the diet is the so-called "attack", when a woman can only consume protein foods for several days. Severe stress for the body leads to water loss and dehydration.

Such reasons do not require serious medical intervention.

Getting rid of taste

There are no special preparations to prevent the appearance of a metallic taste, since in order to fully get rid of this unpleasant and irritating phenomenon, a full assessment of the state of your body is required - often it is a symptom of a number of diseases.

The only working method remains to identify the causes of this problem, eliminate irritants if possible, and develop replacement therapy in case the situation cannot be corrected.

It is necessary both a comprehensive check of the body to exclude serious diseases, and work with possible external causes. You should stop using low-quality metal in jewelry and household items (dishes and plumbing fixtures), try to drink only high-quality water and maintain thorough oral hygiene, also monitoring the condition of your teeth and gums.

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