How to use Diclofenac in injections? Instructions for use. What to replace? Local and central analgesic activity

Back pain in osteochondrosis occurs due to inflammatory response in the intervertebral joints, muscles and roots of the spinal nerves.

Insufficient supply nutrients to tissues leads to the destruction of their cells with the release into the surrounding space of biologically active substances - pro-inflammatory mediators. They trigger an inflammatory response that is manifested by swelling, pain, and dysfunction of the spine.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are most effective in eliminating pain in such cases. One of the representatives of the group is Diclofenac, which we will dwell on in detail.

Pharmacological action of Diclofenac injections

Diclofenac refers to anti-inflammatory drugs of non-hormonal origin. It combines a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory action.

Diclofenac interferes with the release of the main precursor inflammatory substances- arachidonic acid from the membranes of damaged cells. Thus, the drug stops the cascade of chemical reactions that lead to vasodilation, the release of fluid from them and tissue edema.

Pain during inflammation is caused by compression of sensitive nerve receptors and exposure to pro-inflammatory mediators. Diclofenac blocks their synthesis, thanks to which it quickly eliminates the pain syndrome and prevents its recurrence.

Often the inflammatory response loses its protective function and contributes to additional damage to the intervertebral joints and nerve roots. Prolonged stagnation of blood in the vessels leads to a deterioration in the nutrition of tissues, the accumulation of metabolic products in them and acidification of the environment in the focus of inflammation. Cells that are not initially affected by the degenerative process cannot function under such conditions and die.

Accordingly, a new release of arachidonic acid enhances the inflammatory process and the pathological circle closes. Diclofenac breaks it: it improves blood circulation and protects living cells from destruction. The inflammatory reaction quickly subsides, the pain syndrome stops.


Diclofenac is available as a solution for intramuscular injections, packaged in 3 ml glass ampoules. 1 ml of solution is:

  • diclofenac 25 mg;
  • mannitol;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • sodium metabisulfite;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sterile water up to 1 ml.

Excipients in the solution serve as preservatives and stabilizers of the active ingredient.

Indications for use

It is indicated in most situations, the pain in which is due to the inflammatory process:

  • , plexitis, neuritis;
  • lumbago ( , );
  • rheumatic diseases (spondyloarthritis, sacroiliitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis);
  • rheumatic damage to the eyes, heart, blood vessels;
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • pain after injury or surgery;
  • painful menstruation, acute inflammatory diseases female reproductive system(adnexitis, salpingitis);
  • strong headache(including migraine);
  • acute otitis media, sinusitis, eustachitis.


Diclofenac should not be used in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the drug or to other members of its group;
  • erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum during an exacerbation or with a history of perforation;
  • reduced blood clotting;
  • bleeding at any level digestive tract;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • allergic reactions to NSAIDs, including aspirin asthma;
  • severe liver and kidney failure;
  • decompensated heart failure;
  • hemorrhagic stroke in history or the risk of its development;
  • previous myocardial infarction, coronary artery bypass surgery;
  • peripheral arterial disease (pronounced atherosclerosis);
  • dehydration or acute blood loss;
  • inflammatory bowel disease;
  • infertility (when trying to conceive a child);
  • last trimester of pregnancy, feeding;
  • childhood.

The course of treatment with injections: instructions for use

A solution of Diclofenac is injected intramuscularly deep into the buttock or front of the thigh. The injection is performed with a 5 ml syringe: its needle is long enough for intramuscular injection.

A burning sensation may be felt at the injection site, which disappears within a short time.

Diclofenac is absorbed from the muscle into the blood and creates high concentration in tissues for half an hour.

Side effects of the drug are directly related to its dose, so it is recommended to use the minimum effective amount of the substance.

Usually start with 75 mg per day, if necessary, increasing to 150 mg of Diclofenac per day.

Injections are performed once a day, but if necessary, you can re-introduce the drug in at least half an hour. The maximum dosage of Diclofenac is 150 mg (6 ml) per day. The course of treatment with injections is 2 days, the attending physician can extend it up to 5 days according to indications.

Side effects

Along with high efficiency, Diclofenac has an extensive list of adverse reactions. They are associated with the cessation of the synthesis of prostaglandins, which, in addition to participating in the inflammatory response, play important role in many organs and systems: protect the gastric mucosa from aggression of hydrochloric acid, for example.

The use of Diclofenac can cause:

  • decreased blood clotting;
  • inhibition of red bone marrow function;
  • allergic reactions (including dangerous skin reactions with rejection of the epidermis);
  • irritability, depression, insomnia, headache;
  • drowsiness, hallucinations, impaired sensitivity, memory, vision;
  • aseptic inflammation of the meninges;
  • ringing in the ears and hearing impairment;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • asthma, pneumonia;
  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, ulcer perforation, bleeding (vomiting and bloody stools), stomatitis, pancreatitis;
  • liver damage (hepatitis, hepatonecrosis);
  • hair loss;
  • photosensitivity;
  • kidney damage (nephritis, necrosis of the renal papillae);
  • formation of infiltrate and abscess at the injection site;
  • respiratory dysfunction.

During pregnancy

The use of Diclofenac is possible in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy strictly according to indications and after a doctor's prescription! The drug affects the development of the embryo and increases the risk of formation birth defects. Diclofenac is prescribed minimum quantity and for a short time.

In the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the use of the drug can lead to severe fetal hypoxia and death. In addition, diclofenac reduces contractility uterus, which is fraught with weakness labor activity and postpartum hemorrhage.

Interaction with alcohol

The combined use of Diclofenac with ethanol increases the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding and liver damage.

Medicine price

Diclofenac is one of the available drugs, average cost is:

  • ampoules (made in Serbia) 3 ml 10 rubles per 1 pc.;
  • ampoules 3 ml 51 rubles for 5 pcs.;
  • ampoules (made in Belarus) 3 ml 45 rubles for 10 pcs.


Diclofenac as active substance solutions contain:

  • Voltaren;
  • Diclomax;
  • Diclonac;
  • Diclorium;
  • Diclofen;
  • Nakloof;
  • Diclomelan;
  • Naklofen;
  • Ortofen;
  • Orthofer;
  • Diklonat P;
  • Revmavek.

Diclofenac is a common drug for inflammation, soreness in muscles and joints after injury and disease. musculoskeletal system. It is a highly effective non-steroidal agent. The mechanism of work is to inhibit the production of prostaglandins by the body and thus remove pain. For such health problems, tablets or gels are prescribed, and diclofenac injections can also be given, depending on the strength of the pain symptom.

Numerous positive reviews claim that injecting this drug is the fastest and most efficient way to get rid of pain. Pharmaceutical studies also show that therapeutic effect expressed much brighter than when using other forms of the drug.

However, ointment, gel or suppositories are worthy analogues of injections, and with the help of them you can also get rid of discomfort in the area of ​​vertebral and other joints, restoring their mobility. In addition, when using ointments, the drug is not contraindicated in alcohol.

The drug is a 3 ml ampoules containing a solution of the active substance in propylene glycol. In addition, the composition contains benzyl alcohol, auxiliary sodium compounds, water.

Situations in which Diclofenac is prescribed

The main indications for the use of the drug are pain during inflammatory processes in muscles and joints, as well as in other forms of pain. Thus, as the instructions and reviews indicate, a course of Diclofenac injections is prescribed in case of such diseases:

  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis with noticeable pain symptoms;
  • deforming articular bag osteoarthritis;
  • injuries of sports origin with concomitant sprains and muscle bruises;
  • conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses;
  • elevated temperature, indications for use in which there are only if the temperature is accompanied by a pain symptom;
  • pain in nerves, muscles;
  • sharp pains in the kidneys and liver, for example, after low-quality alcohol was taken;
  • pain syndrome after surgical intervention into the body;
  • acute attacks of gout.

It is important to bear in mind that it is possible to inject Diclofenac into a muscle only with special skills, so if the patient does not have experience in giving injections, it is better not to try to do it yourself. For taking pills, rubbing ointment or gel, a doctor or nurse is not needed; as the reviews say, there is an opportunity to do it on your own.

Treatment with suppositories is performed for lesions digestive system: peptic ulcer and acute gastritis. The use of suppositories can also be used to treat young children.

In addition to diseases of the digestive system, contraindications of the drug include increased susceptibility to the components of the drug, in which it is dangerous to inject, age under 18, allergy to aspirin, pregnancy, heart and liver failure, alcohol taken the day before the injection. Within a few days after heart surgery, treatment with Diclofenac is prohibited, as this can cause negative side effects.

How much medicine can be taken at one time? The dosage of the drug is as follows: 75 mg intramuscularly (in the gluteus maximus muscle) twice a day. It is important to know how long the drug can last. The course of application can be done no more than two days. After that, the instruction allows you to switch to analogues of injections - tablets and suppositories.

Reviews speak positively about this regimen. Be sure to take into account the fact that the effect of the drug negatively affects the processing of decay products by the body ethyl alcohol Therefore, alcohol during treatment is strictly contraindicated.

The principle of the drug

The instruction states that the use of the drug has symptomatic treatment. When taking the medicine, quick deliverance from inflammation, pain, but the cause of the disease does not disappear.

The components of the drug introduced into the body block cyclooxygenase and the exchange of arachidonic acid. These processes lead to a stop in the accumulation of platelets at the site of inflammation, suppression of the production of enzymes by lysosomes, which is the cause of the inflammatory process. As a result, the patient immediately experiences a decrease in edema, improves the mobility of the diseased joint, disappears pain after injuries and surgical interventions.

According to the reviews, in some cases, it is possible to cause side effects of the drug - for example, combining alcohol with injections, or taking the remedy, ignoring contraindications. These effects can be:

  • dizziness and It's a dull pain in the head;
  • decreased visual and auditory sensitivity;
  • cramps in the muscles of the limbs;
  • malfunctions of the excretory system;
  • nosebleeds;
  • allergic reactions, expressed in a rash and redness of the skin;
  • insomnia for several days;
  • abscess and necrosis at the injection site.

Free access to Diclofenac and its release from pharmacies without a prescription from the attending physician makes the use of the drug possible for everyone, but you should not self-medicate, it is best if the injections are given by a doctor or an experienced nurse.

The procedure for using the drug

  1. The syringe needle is inserted sharply and deeply into upper part gluteus maximus. When taking, you need to alternate injections between the left and right muscles.
  2. Before entering medicinal solution, it needs to be warmed up to 36-37 degrees, since at the temperature of the drug, approximately equal to body temperature, the active substances act more efficiently and react faster with substances in the body.
  3. It is absolutely forbidden to inject the solution under the skin or intravenously.
  4. Injections are given once a day for two days. The dosage can only be increased by a doctor under certain indications.
  5. There are indications for interleaving the intake of Diclofenac with the use of other painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Reviews do not indicate negative effects such a combination.
  6. If there is a need to continue taking more than two days, you can switch to other dosage forms of the drug.
  7. The instruction recommends alternating injections every other day so as not to cause adverse reactions in the digestive system. For the same purpose, it is forbidden to combine alcohol with the drug.

In case of an overdose of Diclofenac, there is no clear clinical picture. Usually, phenomena similar to typical side effects are observed. The symptoms of poisoning with the active ingredient of the drug are cured by maintenance therapy.

There are the following indications for therapeutic activities: arterial hypotension, insufficiency of excretory organs, muscle spasms, malfunctions of the digestive system, respiratory disorders.

Diclofenac's analogs

All analogues this drug are also freely distributed and available in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. The best analogues: Naklofen, Voltaren, Dicloberl, Diklak. All of them have exactly the same dosage forms and similar contraindications as Diclofenac and are an absolute analogue of the described remedy. Of course, it is important to note how much replacement drugs cost.

At their price, analogues also differ insignificantly from the drug in question. They have only positive reviews.

With rheumatic pains, degenerative-dystrophic lesions of cartilage and bone structures, neuralgic disorders, patients are concerned about severe pain. Often there are lumbago, discomfort spreads to other parts of the body.

At acute pain needs to be removed quickly severe signs osteoarthritis, lumbodynia, sciatica, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthritis. With pronounced negative reactions, doctors recommend Diclofenac injections. Indications for use, dosage, frequency of injections, possible adverse events during the course, and other useful information about the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent are contained in this article.

Composition and action

The active substance of NSAIDs is diclofenac sodium. Active ingredient suppresses inflammation, inhibits the production of cyclooxygenase, reduces pain. Additional substances in the composition of the solution are preservatives, enhancers of the action of the main substance and purified water.

Each milligram of a clear, light yellow or almost colorless solution contains 25 mg of diclofenac sodium. Pharmacy chains receive packages No. 5 and 10 of 3 ml of the drug.

An anti-inflammatory agent of non-hormonal origin interferes with the production of arachidonic acid, under the influence of which puffiness and inflammation develop. Elimination of prerequisites for blood stagnation, damage to the nerve roots at the site of inflammation reduces strength pain syndrome, the factors for further development negative manifestations.

Indications for use

Diclofenac sodium injections are prescribed for pain syndrome that develops against the background of an inflammatory process, with exacerbation chronic pathologies. A powerful analgesic is prescribed by a vertebrologist or a neurologist. At mild degree diseases of the spine, moderate damage to the joints, mild pain should not be applied potent agent: the drug often causes adverse reactions.

The drug Diclofenac in injections is effective in many diseases of the spine, muscles, ligamentous apparatus and joints:

  • exacerbation at 2-4 degrees;
  • neuritis, plexitis;
  • gout attacks, osteoarthritis, spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis.

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A good analgesic effect gives the drug with pain in other parts of the body:

  • rheumatic lesions of the organs of vision, blood vessels, heart muscle;
  • rehabilitation after surgery or injury;
  • inflammation of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • painful migraine attacks;
  • development of hepatic or renal colic;
  • acute inflammation various departments hearing organ;
  • painful menstruation.


A powerful analgesic is not prescribed when the following restrictions are identified:

  • low blood clotting;
  • aspirin asthma, other types of allergy to NSAID components;
  • hypersensitivity to diclofenac sodium or additional substances;
  • severe damage to the liver and kidneys;
  • history of perforation or exacerbation of peptic ulcer;
  • problems with blood quality;
  • heart failure (the patient has a stage of decompensation);
  • age up to 12 years;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • third trimester of pregnancy;
  • active bleeding or severe dehydration;
  • period of infertility treatment;
  • pronounced atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting was performed, the patient recently suffered a myocardial infarction;
  • high risk of developing hemorrhagic stroke or dangerous state observed before;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestinal tissues.

It is strictly forbidden to use Diclofenac in any form in women on later dates pregnancy: Maybe oxygen starvation and death of the fetus, weakness of labor activity. In the 1st and 2nd trimester, a powerful analgesic with anti-inflammatory properties is in some cases allowed to be used at a minimum daily dose if it cannot be eliminated. negative symptoms more safe drug. The course is short, no more than three days, necessarily, under the supervision of a gynecologist and other specialists.

Instructions for use and dosage

Diclofenac is administered intramuscularly. Before the injection, be sure to eat to reduce the negative impact on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

To achieve fast therapeutic effect the drug Diclofenac is administered once (75 ml or 1 ampoule). AT severe cases permitted to use the maximum daily dosage- 150 ml or 2 ampoules.

The course of treatment is from 1 to 5 days. Longer than the prescribed period, you can not administer the drug intramuscularly: if pain persists, you need to apply more safe option(gel, suppositories, tablets) to reduce the burden on the body.

Sometimes doctors prescribe the simultaneous use of a solution for injection and other forms of the drug. With this method of treatment, the total amount of diclofenac sodium should not exceed 150 mg per day. Overdose is strictly prohibited to prevent bleeding, bronchospasm, and other dangerous side effects.

The first three to five days for the relief of acute pain, the patient receives Diclofenac in the form of a solution for injection, then a transition to a more safe species: rectal suppositories, tablets, gel. Intramuscular administration of the drug for a long period leads to an overdose, causes dangerous complications in various systems and organs.

Possible Side Effects

The indiscriminate effect of sodium diclofenac, inhibition of the synthesis of not only COX - 1, but also COX - 2 explains a long list of negative reactions after injections. The enzyme cyclooxygenase is involved in many processes, the substance is necessary for the production useful components protecting the mucous membranes of the digestive tract from the aggressive influence of hydrochloric acid. Violation of processes negatively affects the state of the body.

Possible unwanted reactions:

  • soreness in the abdomen, nausea, damage to the mucous membranes in the mouth, perforation of ulcers, stools with an admixture of blood;
  • allergies, dangerous skin reactions with severe damage to the epidermis;
  • violation of hematopoietic processes;
  • increased bleeding time;
  • hearing loss, unpleasant ringing in the ears;
  • headache, depression, irritability, deterioration of health;
  • damage to hepatocytes - liver cells, the development of hepatonecrosis and hepatitis;
  • jumps in blood pressure indicators;
  • increased sensitivity to sunlight;
  • non-infectious pneumonia, asthmatic attack;
  • alopecia;
  • swelling against the background of fluid retention;
  • breathing problems;
  • necrosis renal tissue, inflammation of the bean-shaped organs;
  • an infiltrate is formed in the injection zone, inflammation and suppuration of tissues appear.

Diclofenac injections should only be given by a healthcare professional. After the injection, it is important to monitor the patient's condition, immediately respond to the appearance negative symptoms. During the period of treatment, inhibition of reactions, drowsiness often develops. For this reason, it is undesirable to perform traumatic work, to drive.

Diclofenac injections: price in a pharmacy

average cost nonsteroidal agent with anti-inflammatory, active analgesic, decongestant action suits all categories of patients. You can buy Diclofenac in package No. 5 at a price of 35 to 60 rubles. The cost of other dosage forms is also low: Diclofenac 5% gel - 80 rubles, 2% ointment - 40 rubles, tablets No. 20 - 90 rubles.

Ampoules with the drug should not be frozen, the medicine should be stored in a ventilated area with room temperature. Keep solution containers away from heaters in a closed box to avoid prolonged exposure Sveta.


Diclofenac sodium contains other drugs in the category . The replacement of the drug is carried out by a vertebrologist, neurologist or other narrow specialist. It is important to consider that many formulations with diclofenac have several dosage forms: gel, patch, tablets, injections, ointment, rectal suppositories.

Effective analogues of Diclofenac in injections:

  • Olfen.
  • Voltaren.
  • Diklak.
  • Ortofen.
  • Diklobene.
  • Dicloberl Retard.

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Any diseases of the musculoskeletal system are accompanied by pain. It becomes especially strong after sleep, when soft tissues accumulate fluid, which manifests itself in the form of puffiness and swelling. by the most the best option eliminate this kind of pain, by removing the inflammatory process and rapid pain relief, is taking Diclofenac. The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug has a fairly wide choice of forms of release (gels and creams, injections, tablets, suppositories), which increases its effectiveness by treating not only the focus of inflammation, but also acting on it from the inside. How to use this drug correctly, and what contraindications it has, we will consider further.

pharmachologic effect

Diclofenac belongs to the group of NSAIDs. The active substance is diclofenac sodium affects the synthesis of prostaglandins in the focus of inflammation, reducing their concentration. The drug also depresses metabolic processes arachidonic acid and cyclooxygenase. All this together allows you to achieve such favorable results as:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • relief of pain in the focus of inflammation;
  • elimination of hyperemia of the skin (fever).

A drug able to penetrate into synovial fluid and linger there, being in maximum concentration. After taking Diclofenac, it is well absorbed into the blood. Maximum concentration in plasma is achieved, depending on the form of administration:

  • tablets - 2-3 hours;
  • injections - 15-20 minutes;
  • ointment and gel - 2-4 hours.

Almost completely associated with blood albumin, where in the process of metabolism in the liver they break down into simpler compounds that are excreted through the kidneys after 6-12 hours. Diclofenac does not accumulate, so it can be used for long-term treatment, not addictive without compromising their effectiveness.

Composition and form of release

Depending on the form of release, the content of the main component of diclofenac sodium is excellent:

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Irina Martynova. Graduated from the Voronezh State medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical intern and neurologist of BUZ VO "Moscow polyclinic".

  1. Tablets coated, white or yellowish color. There can be two dosages: 25 and 50 mg of the active substance. Auxiliary components are also present:
  • corn starch;
  • dye;
  • titanium dioxide.

Tablets are packed in 10, 20, 30 pieces in blisters or dark glass jars.

  1. Injection- contains diclofenac sodium:
  • 1 ampoule - 25 mg;
  • 1 ampoule - 75 mg.


  • purified water;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • sodium metabisulphite;
  • sodium hydroxide.

Ampoules are packed in cardboard or plastic boxes, 3-5 ampoules in each.

  1. Candles contain 25 mg of diclofenac sodium, as well as auxiliary components, including solid fat, glycerin and dye. Packed rectal suppositories of 5-10 pieces in a sealed package.
  2. Ointment 2% packed in an iron tube, with a volume of 30 g. The content of diclofenac sodium in 1 g of ointment is 20 mg. Used for external use.
  3. Gel 5%- Diclofenac Forte, which has increased concentration active ingredient, contains in 1 g:
  • diclofenac sodium - 50 mg;
  • dimexide;
  • propylene glycol;
  • purified water;
  • macrogol.

It has a homogeneous gel consistency, transparent color, sometimes with air bubbles. One tube has a volume of 40 g.

  1. Gel and ointment 1%- contain in their composition diclofenac sodium 10 mg per 1 g of ointment or gel. This dosage is convenient if complex treatment, requiring not only oral administration, but also a local effect on the focus of inflammation.
  2. Eye drops 0.1%- Packed in a bottle of 5 or 10 ml with a dispenser. In 1 ml of drops 1 mg of the active substance. Drops of a transparent color, sometimes with a yellowish tint. Auxiliary components:
  • sodium chloride;
  • distilled water;
  • sodium hydroxide.


Diclofenac is prescribed in the treatment of diseases such as:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system and joints:

  • osteoarthritis;
  • spondylitis;
  • osteochondrosis of the spinal column;
  • lumbago;
  • sprains and ruptures of ligaments;
  • soft tissue injuries and bruises.
  1. As part of complex therapy in the treatment of ENT diseases:
  • pharyngitis;
  • otitis;
  • tonsillitis.
  1. Preparing for eye surgery, as well as eliminating negative reactions after it:
  • cataract;
  • edema yellow spot retina of the eye;
  • photophobia.
  1. Removal of pain syndrome at:
  • renal and hepatic colic;
  • proctitis;
  • adnexitis;
  • algomenorrhea;
  • migraine.

Depending on the form of release, the drug is used as follows:

  1. Tablets- apply between meals(the process of absorption and digestibility drops sharply when consumed with meals), without chewing in oral cavity drinking water. Permissible daily dose- 150 mg. It is recommended to use 25-50 mg (1-2 tablets) 2-3 times a day. After achieving the effect, the dosage should be reduced to the minimum. AT childhood(from 6 years old) the dosage is calculated from the proportion of 2 mg tablets per 1 kg of weight.
  2. Solution for injection - injected deep intramuscularly, not more than 75 mg (1 ampoule). If necessary, the injection is repeated, but not earlier than after 12 hours. After 2-3 days of drug administration, it is recommended to switch to oral administration drug, maintaining the dosage.

Diclofenac in injections is never administered intravenously, as this can provoke not only chemical burn soft tissues, but also to develop severe intoxication

  1. Rectal suppositories- enter 1-2 candles per anus , must first be set cleansing enema for maximum absorption active components in the rectum. Suppositories are effective in inflammatory processes of the pelvic region, as well as gynecological diseases.
  2. Eye drops- bury in the conjunctival sac 1 drop every 3-4 hours. After surgery, the frequency of instillations is regulated by the attending physician.
  3. Gels and ointments inflict to clean skin covering smooth massaging movements rubbing well into the skin until completely absorbed. The number of daily applications should not exceed 2-3 times.

Since some types of gels with diclofenac sodium have an increased concentration (5%), you need to make sure that an overdose does not occur if tablets, injections or suppositories are used in addition to ointments and creams.


  • children's age up to 6 years;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • stomach ulcer and duodenum in the acute stage;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • poor blood clotting, as well as a tendency to bleed.

With extreme caution used in the presence of such diseases:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • anemia;
  • arrhythmia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • advanced age.

The presence of contraindications, as well as adverse reactions, suggests that treatment with Diclofenac should be done only on the recommendation of a doctor, strictly following all his recommendations regarding forms and dosages.

Under no circumstances should the medication be combined with alcoholic drinks, since this can lead to severe intoxication and collapse, which is extremely life-threatening.


With a slight excess specified daily allowable dose , the patient may have the following symptoms:

  • nausea, vomiting, dizziness up to loss of consciousness;
  • convulsions;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • bleeding;
  • pain in the epigastric region.

If there is an overdose provide symptomatic treatment meaning:

  1. Washing the gastrointestinal tract, which reduces the concentration of toxins;
  2. The introduction of a large dose of any sorbent that binds and neutralizes toxins.
  3. Plentiful drink boiled water room temperature

If the symptoms are life-threatening, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

Side effects

The most common adverse reactions found in patients who used Diclofenac are:

  • stomach ache;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • noise in ears;
  • anemia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • chest cough.

most dangerous side effect considered an allergic reaction, which can take the form:

  • skin rash - small vesicular tubercles filled with a clear liquid;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • skin itching;
  • anaphylactic shock and angioedema.

If taking Diclofenac caused at least one of the adverse reactions, treatment is stopped until the allergy is completely eliminated and studied.

With the rapid development allergic reaction the patient is injected deep intramuscularly with any antihistamine in a double dose. If resuscitation is necessary, the metabolic products of diclofenac sodium are excreted by dialysis (administration a large number liquids by drip).

drug interaction

Diclofenac May reduce the effectiveness of diuretics, increasing and retaining sodium and lithium salts in large quantities. Reduces activity antihypertensive drugs , as well as neutralizes the effects of sleeping pills drugs.

  • corticotropin;
  • pure ethanol;
  • colchicine;
  • cefoperazone;
  • plicacimin.

Their simultaneous use leads to the development of internal erosions and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

No point in using acetylsalicylic acid, since it significantly reduces the effectiveness of Diclofenac, by dissolving it in the process of metabolism into inactive particles (dummy).


The most important advantage Diclofenac, regardless of the form of release, is his affordable price . This is one of the most affordable NSAIDs, which absolutely any patient can afford. Also drug not addictive. Its constant introduction does not affect the effectiveness. The course of treatment can be selected individually, gradually reducing the dosage to a minimum.


Average price for medications containing diclofenac sodium is:

  • tablets - 15-20 rubles for 10 pieces;
  • ointments and gels - 25-60 rubles (depending on the dosage and volume of the tube);
  • rectal suppositories - 35-70 rubles for 5 pieces;
  • solutions for intramuscular injection - 30-35 rubles per pack;
  • eye drops- 20-45 rubles (5 and 10 ml).

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Tablets, eye drops and injection solution are dispensed strictly by prescription. Other forms are allowed for free OTC sale.

Storage conditions

Tablets, suppositories and ampoules for injections are stored in a cool dry place (preferably in the refrigerator). Ointments and gels can be stored in the first aid kit, tightly closing the cap of the tube after each use.

Best before date

Eye drops and rectal suppositories are stored for no more than 1 year from the date of manufacture. Other forms are stored up to 2 years from the date of production.


Among the drugs that have a similar effect on the body, the following analogues can be distinguished:

  • Naklofen - 100 rubles;
  • - 40 rubles;
  • - 320 rubles;
  • Diklovit candles - 150 rubles;
  • - 120 rubles;
  • - 15 rubles.

In this way, Diclofenac has a huge choice of forms of use, however, you need to understand that you do not need to use them all together at the same time. This can provoke an overdose, which will lead to intoxication and mass negative influences on the body. Treatment should be carried out exclusively under the supervision of doctors who will select a reasonable dosage and most suitable shape. Instructions for use may not reflect the danger that the medicine contains.

Diclofenac is a drug from NSAID groups(non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic properties. Diclofenac injections are used for rheumatological, orthopedic and neurological diseases. This drug is produced not only in the form of a solution for injection, but in the form of an ointment, rectal suppositories, tablets and syrup.


Indications for the use of Diclofenac are extensive, since the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. It relieves pain, helps reduce swelling and swelling. Diclofenac is effective for pain associated with rheumatological and neurological diseases, as well as for injuries and after surgical interventions. The mechanism of action is to inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins, reduce the formation of mediators of inflammation and pain. That is, it stops chemical reactions responsible for tissue edema and the appearance of pain.

The use of Diclofenac is indicated for such diseases:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the musculoskeletal system, joints (deforming osteoarthritis, spondylitis, lumbago, trauma and bruises).
  2. For the treatment of ENT diseases (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis).
  3. For eye diseases and to prepare for eye surgery, as well as to eliminate complications after the intervention (which include cataracts, photophobia, macular edema of the retina).
  4. With diseases of the female reproductive system - adnexitis, salpingitis, with painful menstruation.
  5. To relieve pain in migraine, renal and hepatic colic, proctitis.

Important! Long-term use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs leads to negative consequences, therefore, when chronic course diseases Diclofenac in injections is used in a course of no more than 7-10 days.

Intramuscular administration of diclofenac sodium is indicated for acute pain, including renal colic, exacerbation of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid, acute back pain


The drug has an extensive list of contraindications. They need to be taken seriously, since non-compliance with the rules for the use of Diclofenac can lead to negative reactions. Contraindications include such diseases and conditions:

  1. Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.
  2. Children's age up to 12 years.
  3. and duodenum.
  4. Pregnancy (especially in the third trimester) and breastfeeding.
  5. Predisposition to bleeding.
  6. Bleeding from gastrointestinal tract in history.
  7. Patients with an allergic reaction to NSAIDs and aspirin.

Note! Do not use Diclofenac simultaneously with other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It should also be remembered that drug treatment and drinking alcohol are incompatible. And in the case of Diclofenac, it is also dangerous. This can lead to severe intoxication and collapse. And this condition is a serious threat to life.

The use of diclofenac is contraindicated in patients with established peripheral arterial disease or cerebrovascular disease.

Side effects

When using Diclofenac, adverse reactions occur.

  1. From the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, vomiting. In some cases it may develop peptic ulcer, bleeding.
  2. From the side of the central nervous system: dizziness, sleep disturbances, increased anxiety, depression, nightmares, migraine.
  3. Allergic reactions that appear skin rashes, bronchospasm, or other symptoms.
  4. Violations at work of cardio-vascular system: increased heart rate, .
  5. From the side of the kidneys: swelling. Serious side effects such as acute insufficiency, nephrotic syndrome, interstitial nephritis, occur quite rarely.
  6. From the skin: urticaria, erythema, various rashes.
  7. Hematopoiesis disorder: varying degrees, leukopenia.
  8. Noises in the ears and hearing impairment, changes in taste sensations.
  9. On the part of the liver: jaundice, very rarely -.

If the injection technique is not followed, local negative reactions: infiltrate or abscess in the buttock or thigh.

Important! Common negative consequence Diclofenac injections - the formation of an infiltrate. To prevent this from happening, you can preventive measures Apply ice to the injection site for a few minutes. Do not apply hot - it will contribute to the development and spread of infection.

If any adverse reactions occur, treatment with Diclofenac is stopped, and in the event of an allergic reaction, agents are used. In severe cases, the dose of the drug is increased and administered intramuscularly. Dialysis may be needed.

The use of diclofenac can cause a number of side effects, among them: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, perforation of ulcers, bleeding (vomiting and bloody stools), pancreatitis

Note! Diclofenac treatment can affect the reaction rate, which is especially important for drivers and people who work with mechanisms.

Instructions for use

When injecting Declofenac, it is important to follow the instructions and dosage. For injection, a 5 ml syringe is used, its needle is long enough to administer this drug. The needle cannot be taken less, as it will not penetrate deep enough. In this case, it is possible to administer the drug to subcutaneous tissue, and this is fraught with a hematoma, or, even worse, tissue necrosis (death). It is important to make the injection correctly:

  1. The drug is injected into the gluteal muscle, in the upper outer quadrant of the buttock.
  2. After the needle is inserted, you need to pull the plunger slightly towards you to make sure that the needle does not touch the vessel.
  3. In order to avoid complications, it is better to inject the drug alternately into the right and left buttocks.

Reviews of patients confirm that the effect of the drug becomes noticeable within 20-30 minutes after the injection. Pain decrease. The action of the drug in another dosage form observed a little later: only after one and a half to two hours improvements are noticeable. Regardless of the form of the drug, its effect lasts about seven hours.

Course of treatment and dosage

Most frequently asked question- how many injections of Diclofenac can be done per day. It is important to remember that the maximum daily dose of the drug is 150 mg, which is two ampoules. single dose- one ampoule of medicine, if necessary reintroduction the injection is done no earlier than 12 hours later. But if, in addition to injections, you are taking Diclofenac in tablets or ointment, then you must definitely sum up the entire dose. Otherwise, an overdose of the drug will occur, which has an extremely unpleasant symptoms and consequences.

Important! Diclofenac is a serious drug, self-medication is unacceptable. The dosage should be selected by the doctor individually.

How many days can I inject Diclofenac? The course of treatment is usually from two to three weeks, but Diclofenac injections are given only at the beginning of treatment, in the first five to seven days. In the future, the tablet form of the drug is used.

The duration of intramuscular administration of the drug should not exceed 2 weeks, for patients over 65 years of age - no more than 2 days, under careful medical supervision followed by oral administration

Important! For elderly patients intramuscular injection the drug is carried out no longer than two days.

At correct reception Diclofenac adverse reactions are rare, they are mainly associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To avoid negative impact with long-term use, Diclofenac is prescribed together with inhibitors proton pump- Ultop, Rameprazol, Omeprazole.


With an overdose of the drug, the following symptoms are observed: dizziness, clouding of consciousness, hyperventilation. Possible abdominal pain, vomiting, nausea, bleeding. There are disorders of the liver, kidneys.

When such symptoms appear, the drug is canceled. Treatment involves gastric lavage, taking activated carbon. Further - symptomatic therapy: taking proton pump inhibitors (Zulbeks, Nexium) for lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, anticonvulsants for convulsions, lowering blood pressure, and so on.

In case of an overdose of the drug, unpleasant and dangerous reactions may develop.


In the pharmacy you can find analogues of Diclofenac with the same active substance. A worthy analogue of Diclofenac is Voltaren in injections, its only drawback is a higher price. It is difficult to say which is better - Voltaren or Diclofenac, since they are identical. But you should know that Voltaren is the original, but Diclofenac is a generic. Therefore, the difference is only in the cost of drugs. Other medicines with the same active substance - this is Ortofen, Olfen, Diclobene, Dicloberl, Diklak.

  • Movalis. Of the advantages - it is more gentle for the gastrointestinal tract. But there is a drawback - the high cost.
  • Naklofen. Has a longer lasting therapeutic effect, but also more expensive than Diclofenac.
  • Ketorolac. It has big list contraindications.

Diclofenac - effective medicine with many positive reviews. It quickly relieves pain, swelling, swelling, improves joint mobility. At the same time, the drug has many contraindications and side effects that cannot be discounted and taken into account even before the start of treatment. In this regard, the use of the tool on its own is highly undesirable. It is better to consult a doctor who will select the optimal dosage for your disease, set the duration of the drug and control its tolerability. Then the treatment will be truly effective.

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