Acoustic tic in a child treatment. Nervous tic in a child: treatment, causes. What is tick according to doctors

Have you noticed that your child has started blinking or twitching his shoulders frequently? Maybe he has a nervous tic. What caused it? Maybe the child has recently had colds Or did something scare him? Let's talk to a specialist...

Tics are lightning-fast involuntary muscle contractions, most often of the face and limbs (blinking, raising the eyebrows, twitching the cheek, corner of the mouth, shrugging, shuddering, etc.).

In terms of frequency, tics occupy one of the leading places among neurological diseases of childhood. Tics occur in 11% of girls and 13% of boys. By the age of 10 years, tics occur in 20% of children (i.e. one in five children). Tics appear in children aged 2 to 18 years, but there are 2 peaks - these are 3 years and 7-11 years.

A distinctive feature of tics from convulsive muscle contractions in other diseases: the child can reproduce and partially control tics; tics do not occur during voluntary movements (for example, when taking a cup and while drinking from it).

The severity of tics can vary depending on the time of year, day, mood, nature of the activity. Their localization also changes (for example, the child had involuntary blinking, which after a while was replaced by an involuntary shrug of the shoulders), and this does not indicate a new disease, but a relapse (repetition) of an existing disorder. Usually, the tics increase when the child watches TV, stays in one position for a long time (for example, sitting in class or in transport). Tics weaken and even completely disappear during the game, when performing an interesting task that requires complete concentration (for example, when reading an exciting story), the child loses interest in his activity, tics reappear with increasing force. The child can suppress the tics for a short time, but this requires great self-control and subsequent discharge.

Psychologically, children with tics are characterized by:

  • attention disorders;
  • impaired perception;

In children with tics, it is difficult to develop motor skills and coordinated movements, the smoothness of movements is impaired, and the performance of motor acts is slowed down.

In children with severe tics, violations of spatial perception are expressed.

Tick ​​classification

  • motor tics (blinking, cheek twitching, shrugging, tension of the wings of the nose, etc.);
  • vocal tics (coughing, sniffing, grunting, sniffing);
  • rituals, (walking in circles);
  • generalized forms of tics (when one child has more than one tick, but several).

In addition, there are simple tics that capture only the muscles of the eyelids or arms or legs, and complex tics - movements simultaneously occur in various groups muscles.

The course of ticks

  • The illness can last from a few hours to many years.
  • The severity of tics can range from almost imperceptible to severe (resulting in the inability to go outside).
  • Tick ​​frequency varies throughout the day.
  • Treatment: from complete cure to ineffectiveness.
  • Associated behavioral disturbances may be subtle or severe.

Causes of tics

There is a widespread point of view among parents and educators that "nervous" children suffer from tics. However, it is known that all children are "nervous", especially during periods of the so-called crisis (periods of active struggle for independence), for example, at 3 years old and 6-7 years old, and tics appear only in some children.

Tics are often combined with hyperactive behavior and attention disorders (ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), low mood (depression), anxiety, ritualistic and obsessive behavior (pulling out hair or winding it around a finger, biting nails, etc.). In addition, a child with tics usually does not tolerate transport and stuffy rooms, gets tired quickly, gets tired of sights and activities, sleeps restlessly or falls asleep badly.

The role of heredity

Tics appear in children with a hereditary predisposition: parents or relatives of children with tics may themselves suffer from obsessive movements or thoughts. It has been scientifically proven that tics:

  • easier provoked in males;
  • boys have more severe tics than girls;
  • in children, tics appear in more early age than their parents;
  • if the child has tics, it is often found that his male relatives also suffer from tics, and his female relatives from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Parental Behavior

In spite of important role heredity, developmental characteristics and emotional-personal traits of the child, his character and ability to resist the influence of the outside world is formed within the family. An unfavorable ratio of verbal (speech) and non-verbal (non-speech) communications in the family contributes to the development of behavioral and character anomalies. For example, constant shouting and countless remarks lead to the restraint of the child’s free physiological activity (and it is different for each baby and depends on temperament), which can be replaced pathological form in the form of tics and obsessions.

At the same time, children from mothers who raise a child in an environment of permissiveness remain infantile, which predisposes to the occurrence of tics.

Tick ​​provocation: psychological stress

If a child with a hereditary predisposition and unfavorable type education suddenly encounters an unbearable problem for him (a psychotraumatic factor), tics develop. As a rule, adults around the child do not know what triggered the appearance of tics. That is, for everyone except the child himself, the external situation seems normal. As a rule, he does not talk about his experiences. But at such moments, the child becomes more demanding of loved ones, seeks close contact with them, demands constant attention. Non-verbal types of communication are activated: gestures and facial expressions. The laryngeal coughing becomes more frequent, which is similar to such sounds as grunting, smacking, sniffing, etc., arising during thoughtfulness, embarrassment. The throaty cough is always aggravated by anxiety or danger. Movements in the hands appear or intensify - sorting through the folds of clothes, winding hair around a finger. These movements are involuntary and unconscious (the child may sincerely not remember what he just did), intensify with excitement and tension, clearly reflecting emotional condition. Teeth grinding during sleep may also appear, often in combination with nocturnal and frightening dreams.

All these movements, having arisen once, can gradually disappear by themselves. But if the child does not find support from others, they are fixed in the form of a pathological habit and then transformed into tics.

Often the appearance of tics is preceded by acute viral infections or other serious illnesses. Parents often say that, for example, after a hard time, their child became nervous, capricious, did not want to play alone, and only then tics appeared. Inflammatory diseases eyes are often complicated by subsequent tics in the form of blinking; long-term ENT diseases contribute to the appearance of obsessive coughing, sniffing, grumbling.

Thus, for the appearance of ticks, a coincidence of 3 factors is necessary.

  1. hereditary predisposition.
  2. Wrong upbringing(the presence of intra-family conflict; increased demands and control (overprotection); increased adherence to principles, uncompromising attitude of parents; formal attitude towards the child (hypo-guardianship), lack of communication.
  3. acute stress causing tics.

Mechanism of tick development

If a child constantly has internal anxiety or, as the people say, "is restless at heart", stress becomes chronic. In itself, anxiety is a necessary defense mechanism that allows you to prepare for it before the onset of a dangerous event, speed up reflex activity, increase the speed of reaction and sharpness of the senses, and use all the body's reserves to survive in extreme conditions. In a child who often experiences stress, the brain is constantly in a state of anxiety and anticipation of danger. The ability to arbitrarily suppress (slow down) unnecessary activity of brain cells is lost. The child's brain does not rest; even in his sleep he is haunted by terrible images, nightmares. As a result, the body's adaptation systems to stress are gradually depleted. Irritability, aggressiveness appear, academic performance decreases. And in children with an initial predisposition to a deficiency in the inhibition of pathological reactions in the brain, harmful psychotraumatic factors cause the development of tics.

Tics and behavioral disorders

In children with tics, neurotic disorders are always noted in the form of low mood, internal anxiety, and a tendency to internal self-digging. Characterized by irritability, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, which requires the consultation of a qualified psychiatrist.

It should be noted that in some cases tics are the first symptom of a more severe neurological | and mental illness which may develop over time. Therefore, a child with tics should be carefully examined by a neurologist, psychiatrist and psychologist.

Tick ​​Diagnostics

The diagnosis is established during the examination by a neurologist. At the same time, video filming at home is useful, because. the child tries to suppress or hide his tics during communication with the doctor.

A psychological examination of the child is mandatory to identify his emotional and personal characteristics, related disorders attention, memory, control of impulsive behavior in order to diagnose a variant of the course of tics; identification of provoking factors; as well as further psychological and medical correction.

In some cases, a neurologist prescribes a number of additional examinations (electroencephalography, magnetic resonance imaging), based on a conversation with parents, the clinical picture of the disease, and a consultation with a psychiatrist.

Medical diagnoses

Transient (transient) tic disorder characterized by simple or complex motor tics, short, repetitive, hardly controlled movements, and mannerisms. The child has tics every day for 4 weeks but less than 1 year.

Chronic tic disorder characterized by rapid, repetitive, uncontrollable movements or vocalizations (but not both) that occur almost daily for more than 1 year.

Treatment of tics

  1. To correct tics, it is recommended first of all to exclude provoking factors. Of course, it is necessary to observe the sleep and nutrition regimen, the adequacy of physical activity.
  2. Family psychotherapy is effective in cases where the analysis of intra-family relations reveals a chronic psycho-traumatic situation. Psychotherapy is useful even when harmonious relationship in the family, because it allows the child and parents to change the negative attitude towards tics. In addition, parents should remember that what was said in a timely manner sweet Nothing, touch, joint activities (for example, baking cookies or a walk in the park) help the child cope with accumulated unresolved problems, eliminate anxiety and tension. It is necessary to talk more with the child, walk with him more often and play His games.
  3. Psychological correction.
    • It can be carried out individually - to develop areas of mental activity (attention, memory, self-control) and reduce internal anxiety while working on self-esteem (using games, conversations, drawings and other psychological techniques).
    • Can be done as a group session with other children (who have tics or other behavioral features) - for the development of the sphere of communication and playing out possible conflict situations. In this case, the child has the opportunity to choose the most best option behavior in conflict ("rehearse" it in advance), which reduces the likelihood of exacerbation of tics.
  4. Drug treatment of tics should be started when the possibilities of previous methods have already been exhausted. Medications are prescribed by a neurologist depending on the clinical picture and additional examination data.
    • Basic therapy for tics includes 2 groups of drugs: those with anti-anxiety effect (antidepressants) - phenibut, zoloft, paxil, etc.; reducing the severity of motor phenomena - tiapridal, teralen, etc.
    • To basic therapy as an additional drug can be connected to improve metabolic processes in the brain ( nootropic drugs), vascular preparations, vitamins.
      Duration drug therapy after the complete disappearance of ticks is 6 months, then you can slowly reduce the dose of the drug until it is completely canceled.

Forecast for children in whom tics appeared at the age of 6-8 years, favorable (i.e. tics pass without a trace).

The early onset of tics (3-6 years) is typical for their long course, up to adolescence, when tics gradually decrease.

If tics appear before age 3, they are usually a symptom of some serious illness (eg, schizophrenia, brain tumors, etc.). In these cases, a thorough examination of the child is required.


Hello, my child also started having tics; my husband went on a business trip, the child missed him 3.9, it's just from stress, why immediately put serious illnesses?

12/19/2018 11:51:02 AM, Nastya Kravchenko

Good afternoon. I will sell TIAPRIDAL (France) (shelf life until 2013). We switched to Rispolept and there were 6 boxes of 380 rubles each.

My son is 11 years old, has been suffering from complex tics for 6 years, the doctors suspect "turetaa" although they did not do any examinations, everything is based on my stories and external manifestations ticks, but they don’t find it necessary to search for the cause, they don’t advise medicines as far as possible, they said to wait for a transitional age. But the situation is not improving at all, what to do, help!

13.09.2008 20:16:48, Shaulova Sabina Mikhailovna

today they diagnosed hyperactivity, the child is 2 months and 5 days old, birth weight 3.4 kg, today 6.5 kg, height at birth 52 cm, today 59 cm, calm, cries only when he feels discomfort.
Is the diagnosis correct? Is it worth giving the child the medicines prescribed by the doctor (Mixture citral 1 teaspoon X 3 times 30 days, ciniarizine 1/4X2 times 20 days, dibazol 0.001 X 1 time 20 days)?

14.12.2006 14:36:07, Vladislav

Comment on the article "Nervous tics. How to deal with them?"

I am looking for a good neurologist. Doctors, clinics, hospitals. Children's medicine. Child's health, diseases and treatment, clinic Please advise a good neurologist - a child of 9 years old has had terrible tics for 5 years, headaches are intermittent. We drank a bunch of pills without ...


We treated my daughter's tics (eye blinking). started at 2 years old. They drank Phenibut, some other sedatives. Nothing really helped.
Gone to school. Limited TV, gadgets. We tried to give more positive emotions. In my opinion, it is necessary to try to find the variant of "treatment". Maybe try acupuncture. Give it to some sports section that the child will like. Mobile children's psyche must be "loaded" with something :-) Health to you and patience!

My son also has tics from the first grade (now at 4), last year they were very strong, they didn’t go to school for 2 weeks.

Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Nervous tick - need advice. A child (6 years old) often squints (blinks his eyes) + increased in a 6-year-old son a nervous tic. Children's medicine. Child health, diseases and treatment, polyclinic...

Tic in a child. Medications. Other children. Section: Medications (phenibut and children's tics forum). Tic in a child. Oh, in vain I considered phenibut a panacea for tics (there used to be seasonal in the fall, about 2 years ago they completely passed).

Child health, diseases and treatment, clinic, hospital, doctor, vaccinations. Has anyone had a similar form of tic? Traditionally, these are eyes, as I understand it, but everything is much lower with us. Nervous tic in a child: who had a similar experience?


Take away the TV. Vitamins of the V.Magne B6 group or multivitamin. Just don’t drink noofen, which a neurologist will prescribe.

01/06/2012 01:23:56 AM, FROM ME

my child with multiple tics was very well helped by magne-b6.

Causes of nervous tics in children. Nervous tic. Hello! group B. Magne B6 or multivitamol. Just do not drink noofen, which causes nervous tics in children. Diagnosis and treatment of tics. Print version. though she doubted something, she didn’t give it. Well ...

I took my daughter from school for almost a month (I didn’t work, I could study with her, she passed all the tests), then we went to school in an uh .. gentle mode :) - that is, if I saw that we didn’t need school, we didn't go there :).
Plus, medical support (homeopathy, berocca, etc) + right attitude daughters to the problem, etc..
If you don’t arrange “holidays” (especially if you don’t, but in any case), then it is very important to form the correct attitude of the teacher, which you, apparently, have already done, it remains only to periodically remind her of this.
About another school, I would not have thought at all - this is an add. stress, you don't need it at all now.
Quite a lot of kids have tics most of this all successfully outgrows, but I would be extremely careful - in the future, tics may appear against the background of overloads.
And one more thing - a tick that has just appeared is much easier to correct, so, most likely, everything will pass pretty soon :).
There will be questions - write in a personal.

Thanks everyone for the advice. In general, we talked again with the teacher, tried to make her understand that the child did not have this problem without her participation, and asked her to praise her more often. It seemed to be adequate, I do not know what will happen next. There is nowhere to transfer yet, a new school will be built only after that. year, in the other two the attitude is even worse, I know one of them from my own experience and to my brother, who just came out of there. At home, we only praise her, especially since there is something for it. In my opinion, the child writes well, just very well, much better ... I began to read faster. After homework, he takes his notebooks and plays school - he teaches his dolls to write. So, the process itself is pleasant!
And to the doctor - on Monday. Thanks again.

Treatment of tics with a psychologist. You need to consult a psychologist. Child psychology. Child developmental psychology: child behavior, fears, whims, tantrums. Anya has local facial tics. We drink medicines, but I heard that there are psychologists who are special ...

Nervous tic- a phenomenon that occurs repeatedly in children and adults. Everyone has experienced it at least once in their life. With strong nervous excitement, twitching of the eyebrow or eyelid is most often manifested. In children between the ages of two and ten years, this type of tic is most common.

Nervous tic- this is a spontaneous contraction of the muscles of the face, it resembles ordinary movements, it differs only in that a person cannot control them.

Types of nervous tics andsymptoms

There are several playback mechanisms nervous tick:

  • Motor- unintentional contraction of muscles in the face and throughout the body: twitching of the shoulder and fingers, as well as grinding of the teeth.
  • Vocal- the reproduction of sounds (grunting, smacking, grunting, and others) occurs completely uncontrollably.
  • Local ticks- spontaneous movement of only one muscle group.
  • Generalized- the movement of several groups.
  • Simple nervous tics- like all of the above
  • Complex- pulling hair, winding them around fingers.

Types of ticks

Primary nervous tics

As a rule, the source is:

  • Psychological trauma received in childhood strong pain or fear). It may develop over long period time, and also go to chronic form, for example, when a child swears daily with adults and he really lacks parental attention. The child's psyche is fragile, as a result of which the reaction to stressful situations can be expressed by nervous tics.
  • ADHD(Attention Deficit Hyperresponsiveness Syndrome), or childhood neurosis, usually expressed in obsessive movements.
  • Phobias stimulating stress.
  • Exhaustion of the body and nervous system.
  • Constant exhaustion and fatigue.

As a rule, primary nervous tics go away on their own. For the most part, they do not even require medical intervention.

Secondary nervous tics

Their main difference is that deliverance without medical intervention is impossible.

Among the causes are:

  • Poisons affecting the brain.
  • Taking medications (psychotropic, anticonvulsant and others).
  • Tumors and diseases of the brain (infectious).
  • Mental illness (such as schizophrenia).
  • Defeat and damage internal organs leading to metabolic disorders in the blood and the content of toxins (arteriosclerosis, stroke).

For example, after treating a sore throat, many people strain the muscles of the pharynx too much when taking water or food. This is due to the fact that during the illness these actions were special, to prevent pain effects, but after they were established in the body as a constant movement.

Hereditary tics or Tourette's disease

Finally, the doctors did not establish the cause of this disease, one thing is known - it is inherited. If one parent suffers from this pathology, then the chance of its transmission to the future generation is 50 to 50%. It develops in childhood, while the symptoms weaken during adulthood.

Among the causes of the course of the disease are:

  • Lack of vitamin B6;
  • A large amount of stress;
  • Bad ecology;
  • autoimmune processes.

Doctors have put forward a hypothesis that a streptococcal infection can cause Tourette's disease. There is no evidence yet, but this hypothesis cannot be ruled out.

Treatment of nervous tics in children

Nervous tic- a consequence of a false message from the brain to various parts of the body. In children it can be caused by psychological trauma and is called - primary tick.

Among the symptoms:

  • Scattered attention;
  • Anxiety;
  • Feeling of fear;
  • various types of neuroses.

As a rule, all this happens against the background of ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. After the treatment course it will be possible to observe:

  • Restored nervous system, thanks to nutrients and improved blood circulation;
  • And improving the mental and physical condition of the body.

Medical treatment

The use of integral medicine in this matter takes leading place, since the impact on the source of the disease contributes not only to getting rid of symptoms, improving the human body as a whole and preventing such cases in the near future.

Typically, doctors prescribe medications such as phenibut, glycine, magnesium B6, pantogam, tenoten, novo-passit and others. A specialist will help you about the need for drug treatment, the dosage of drugs.

Folk remedies

Any treatment should be carried out after consulting a doctor. If medical intervention is not required, nervous tics in children can be treated folk remedies. Particularly popular are

  • Calming fees. They can be purchased at the pharmacy and brewed at home. You can study the method of application and dosage in the instructions. As a rule, such fees include: chamomile, anise seeds.
  • Aromatic pads. These pillows are placed next to the sleeping child. To fill the pillows use the same chamomile, lavender, rosehip. You can make collections of herbs and flowers.

IMPORTANT! The child may have allergic reaction on any preparation or component of the collection. It is important to stop treatment in a timely manner and consult a doctor!

Definition of a tick, how it manifests itself

under the term " nervous tick” means lightning-fast contractions of individual muscle groups: blinking, movements of the nose, corner of the mouth, shoulders, and the entire body.

By their nature, they are extremely reminiscent of protective reflexes, with the goal of removing a speck from the eye, throwing off a restrictive belt, throwing up a lock of hair falling on the forehead. But the pace of movement in children during nervous tics somewhat different from the latter. Reactions are carried out too hastily, convulsively, their usual rhythm is lost. Several movements in a row, rapidly completed, are replaced by a pause and then resumed with renewed vigor.

Often tics that have arisen in any one part of the musculature are replaced by tics in another. In some cases children emit various sounds with the nose and mouth simultaneously with tic twitches.

Withdrawal from tics is usually accompanied by feelings of intense anxiety and even sadness. Resuming them immediately discharges the stressed state.

Majority children, who suffer nervous tic- subjects of a very peculiar type, extremely hyperaesthetic to the irritations of their body, easily fixated on their sensations, dependent, extremely indecisive in their reactions, affectively unstable, in the word "infantile".

Possible causes of tics in children

As for the etiopathogenesis of ticks, the following assumptions can be made here.

  • First, for the occurrence of a tick, it usually takes some kind of irritation of the area that is affected last.
  • A child who has had blepharitis or conjunctivitis for some time after the end of the disease retains a blinking tick, which was once a protective function.
  • A child who has experienced inconvenience from hair falling on his forehead retains the "habit" of throwing his hair back from his forehead, and this movement takes on the character of swiftness. Clothing that constrains the child will cause tics in the shoulders and so on.

In a word, a tick is a movement that has lost its purpose, but once served as a defense. child from an unpleasant irritant. One gets the impression that in those vulnerable, hyperaesthetic children, the initial irritation left behind a strong engram.

IMPORTANT! The fact that the tick is an automated movement strongly suggests that it is realized in the subcortical region.

Being, therefore, in a very large number of cases due to the initial irritation of some area of ​​the body, the tic can later serve as an expression protecting the child from unpleasant mental experiences. The latter gives rise to a state of tension that cannot be resolved in ordinary acts and verbal reactions due to the indecisiveness and ambivalence of the sick child. Instead, discharge is carried out in a motor act - tic.

If, along with this, a sick child, with his usually already low activity, is subjected to constant inhibition by the surrounding persons, then as a result, they can especially easily arise or linger on for a long time tic movements.

Useful video

About the imperfection of the nervous system, about nervous tics in children and the doctor will tell the treatment Komarovsky and Dr. Pogach.


Course and forecast nervous tics in children fluctuate in connection with his personality, suffering from him, the psychogenic experiences of the latter and the degree of organization of his environment.

  • Excellent results are given by psychotherapeutic conversations that reveal the personality of the child and the complexes that feed his illness.
  • Along the way, a lot of work should be done with the people around the child, with the goal of reducing the inhibition of the child by his parents and educators.
  • In the process of treatment, a stage is inevitable, during which, along with a decrease in tics, the child reveals aggression against others that had never taken place before, thereby becoming temporarily extremely “difficult” in the family.
  • Prevention is reduced to educational activities (minimal inhibition of the child's activity) and to the timely resolution of his conflict experiences.
  • It is important to see a doctor when taking medication for tics in children.

Photo and video: free Internet sources

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and happy. But no child is immune from illness. And if most mothers are ready for viral infections or colds and successfully cope with them, then a nervous tic in a beloved child can scare even very experienced parents. To help your child, restore his health and prevent complications, you need to have information about what causes a nervous tic and how to behave in this situation.

What is pathology

Nervous tics can be described as irregular, repetitive, sudden movements of certain parts of the body. In fact, this is a kind of hyperkinesis, that is, involuntary muscle contractions. During sleep, there are no obsessive movements, the child suffers from them only during wakefulness. A nervous tic may not be recognized by children or perceived as a physiological need.

Psychologists say that it is possible to stop an obsessive tic, but this is tantamount to interrupting the act of sneezing, that is, it leads to significant internal discomfort.

Tics by themselves do not cause significant inconvenience to the baby, he may not even notice them. Worried parents, seeing "abnormal" repetitive movements, most often perceive them as bad habit and try to wean the child from it, constantly making comments or pulling. This is facilitated by the fact that several different muscle groups can be involved in the process at the same time, and this gives the pathology the appearance of purposeful and conscious movements.

By force of will, the baby is able to suppress obsessive hyperkinesis for some time. But internal stress grows in such a situation, and through certain time tics come back, and more pronounced.

A nervous tic is a type of hyperkinesis, involuntary muscle contractions.

According to researchers, about a quarter of all children of preschool, primary and secondary school age are prone to tics. This phenomenon is often observed at 3-4 years old and at 5-7 years old - at the stage of adaptation in preschool institutions and schools. Boys are affected about three times more often than girls. In most cases, tic hyperkinesis does not cause serious harm to health and disappear without a trace with age, therefore, only a small part of such children seek medical help. But sometimes tics are very pronounced, appear in older adolescence and cause significant harm to the psycho-emotional and physical condition child.

In children under one year old, mothers often notice the so-called tremor (trembling) of the chin, limbs, lips, which is a physiological condition and eventually disappears by 3-4 months. If this did not happen and the trembling begins to be accompanied by stereotypical twitches, then we can talk about congenital pathologies of the nervous system. Then an urgent consultation of a specialist is required.

Up to two years, nervous tics are extremely rare, but if this phenomenon is present in a baby, then most likely the reason is congenital disorder nervous system

The severity and duration of the course of the disease is affected by the age of the child in which it manifested. In this case, the timing of the onset of the disease often indicates its cause:

  • in babies up to the age of three, nervous tics indicate a serious neurological problem, usually congenital;
  • From 3 to 10 years of age, children suffer from psychogenic tics, while at puberty, as a rule, regression of symptoms is observed.

Doctors say that tics are a borderline condition, so the phenomenon must be considered from the point of view of several specialists: a neurologist, pediatrician, psychologist and psychiatrist.

Video: tics in children

Classification of nervous tics in children

Nervous tics in babies have a variety of forms and manifestations. Even an experienced specialist is sometimes not able to quickly understand the situation. The classification of pathology is primarily based on the state of the child's nervous system, that is, the presence or absence of organic brain damage. In this regard, hyperkinesis is divided into primary (idiopathic or functional) and secondary.

The primacy of nervous tics is said if they are the only manifestation nervous disorders. This type of tics usually occurs after 5 years. When hyperkinesis appears before the age of five, it is necessary to consider the option of their secondary nature, that is, against the background of another neurological disease.

Tics are motor (muscular, motor) and vocal (phonic, that is, voice).

According to the strength of manifestations, primary tics are:

  • single, or local, in which only one muscle or a whole group is involved in the process, but during the entire period of the disease, it is precisely such an obsessive movement that dominates;
  • multiple (common), which appear simultaneously in different groups ah muscle.

Both phonic and motor hyperkinesis are complex or simple.

Tics can be simple and complex, motor and vocal, sometimes combined with each other.

The generalized form is a set of complex vocal and motor tics of a common nature. So complex symptom manifested hereditary pathology - Tourette's syndrome.

Tics may have different duration. In this regard, there are:

  • Transient (transient) form, which can last from 2 weeks to 1 year, and then disappears without a trace. After a while, the tics may return.
  • Chronic, characterized by a duration of more than a year. At the same time, hyperkinesis can be of a different nature, over time, pass in one part of the body and begin in another.

Causes of pathology

Secondary and primary tic hyperkinesias have different provoking factors. But the mechanism of development is always similar.

It is based on the insufficiency of the dopaminergic system. The subcortical nuclei (basal ganglia) and the frontal lobes, whose activity is regulated by the neurotransmitter dopamine, participate in the control of voluntary movements, maintaining muscle tone. The lack of this substance causes an increase in the activity of the basal ganglia, which entails an excess nerve impulses. The latter are held skeletal muscles. At the points of contact between muscle and nerve fibers, acetylcholine is excessively released and uncontrolled muscle contractions occur.

The appearance of tic hyperkinesis is based on a violation of the normal functioning of the dopaminergic system.

Primary tics can be caused by various provoking factors:

  • Strong psycho-emotional shocks. This is the most common cause obsessive tics in children. The source can act as an acute psychological trauma, for example, a strong fear, and chronic stress: a dysfunctional family environment, insufficient parental attention, or, on the contrary, excessive control and exactingness on the part of older family members.

    An unfavorable situation in the family can provoke the appearance of a nervous tic in a child.

  • Adaptation period in kindergarten or school. This is the so-called "tick of September 1". An unusual environment, new rules, a change in lifestyle, daily routine - this is always a significant shock for a child.

    Nervous shock at admission to school can provoke a nervous tic in the baby

  • Wrong nutrition. The lack of magnesium and calcium in the body can lead to convulsive muscle activity, since these trace elements are involved in the process of the muscular apparatus. This item can be attributed to the passion for psychostimulants. Energy drinks, strong tea or coffee lead to depletion of the nervous system, which can be expressed emotional lability, irritability and nervous tics. Of course, adolescents are more likely to suffer from such manifestations.
  • Constant overwork due to chronic lack of sleep, heavy training loads, long work at the computer, frequent reading in a poorly lit room leads to disruption of normal operation extrapyramidal system and, as a result, to tic hyperkinesis.

    Large loads lead to chronic overwork and can provoke the appearance of nervous tics.

  • hereditary predisposition. If one of the parents suffered from tics, then the pathology will be transmitted to the child with a probability of 50%.

    If a close relative of the child suffered from tics, then the baby may have the same problem with a probability of 50%

Secondary tic hyperkinesis occurs against the background of existing pathologies of the nervous system. It can be:

  • congenital and hereditary syndromes accompanied by disorders of the brain, for example, Tourette's syndrome or Huntington's chorea;
  • craniocerebral injuries, congenital and acquired;
  • brain neoplasia;
  • encephalitis of various origins;
  • infectious lesions - cytomegalovirus, streptococcal or herpetic infection;
  • poisoning with opiates, carbon dioxide;
  • taking certain medications - anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, antidepressants, stimulants.

Tic hyperkinesis in childhood is often accompanied by such disorders of the nervous system as ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), cerebrosthenic syndrome, various phobias, anxiety disorders, obsessional neurosis.

Phobias in childhood may be accompanied by tic hyperkinesis


Usually, nervous tics first appear in children under 11 years of age and are expressed by blinking; in a third of cases, vocal tics are observed, both separately and in combination with motor ones. Phonic tics are initially manifested by sniffing or coughing, grunting. Usually, with tic hyperkinesis, the symptoms intensify and reach a maximum at 10–12 years, then the manifestations subside. At the age of 17-18, half of all children with tics are completely free of pathology.

Manifestations of motor tics

Motor tics can be manifested by such movements:

  • frequent blinking of one or both eyes;
  • squinting;
  • wrinkling of the forehead or nose;
  • stretching or biting the lips, stretching them with a tube;
  • turning the head or shaking, nodding;
  • twitching of the limb or head;
  • flexion of fingers, clenching and unclenching fists.

All these movements can be combined with each other.

Motor tics can be manifested by various grimaces

Signs of phonic hyperkinesis

Phonic tics manifest themselves in this way:

  • sniffling or sniffling;
  • slight coughing, throat clearing;
  • hissing, grunting;
  • snort;
  • sobs, screams;
  • grunt;
  • squeals.

Complex tics

  • active gestures;
  • jumps;
  • squats;
  • slopes;
  • compulsive touching of objects.

Phonic complex tics are manifested by repeated repetitions of certain words or syllables, phrases, in some cases even abusive ones. The child can also constantly hum a certain melody.

If complex motor and sound tic hyperkinesis are combined, then we are talking about a generalized form of pathology.


A pediatric neuropathologist makes a diagnosis and deals with therapy. It is to this specialist that the child should be taken if the following factors are present:

  • obsessive movements do not go away for more than a month;
  • tics are very pronounced;
  • have a multiple complex character;
  • hyperkinesis causes serious physical inconvenience;
  • the child has problems with social adaptation.

The doctor will ask the parents in detail about the onset of the disease, the main manifestations, whether the relatives had tics, whether there were stressful situations, what medications the baby takes, whether there were injuries or infections.

On examination, the following is assessed:

  • the general development of the nervous system and the muscular apparatus of the child;
  • motor and sensory functions;
  • reflexes.

At the appointment with a neurologist, parents are interviewed and a thorough examination of the child

Of the additional surveys used:

  • laboratory:
    • clinical blood test - allows you to identify the inflammatory process (high ESR, leukocytosis);
    • blood for biochemistry - helps to diagnose pathologies of internal organs that can cause brain damage and lead to hyperkinesis; pay attention to the level of cholesterol, glucose, bilirubin, various enzymes, uric acid and creatinine;
    • ionogram - determination of the level of magnesium and calcium in the blood serum;
    • examination of feces for helminth eggs;
  • hardware:

The electroencephalogram makes it possible to evaluate functional activity individual parts of the brain

Consultation with other specialists is often required:

  • a child psychiatrist or psychologist if the tick appeared for the first time after severe stress;
  • infectious disease specialist - if there is a possibility infection brain;
  • toxicologist - in case of poisoning with drugs or chemicals;
  • oncologist - in case of suspicion of a neoplasm of the brain;
  • genetics - if tic hyperkinesis is present in relatives.


Therapy of nervous tics may include different methods:

  • lifestyle correction;
  • psychological support;
  • medicines;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk remedies.

Non-drug methods

Non-drug methods are mainly used in the primary form of pathology or in secondary tics as part of complex treatment.

The goal of this therapy is to restore normal work CNS, metabolic processes, normalize the psycho-emotional balance of the child. For this, a course of individual psycho-correction is carried out, work with parents is aimed at creating a calm family environment.


A course of individual psychotherapy significantly improves the emotional state of the baby, leads to the normalization of sleep, the elimination of anxiety and completely relieves tics or reduces their intensity.

Individual sessions with a psychologist or psychotherapist can completely free a child from tics

The work is also carried out with parents, who must understand that tics are not bad habit and not pampering, but a disease. Therefore, the child cannot be scolded, punished and forced to control himself. The wrong attitude of parents to the problem can greatly aggravate it.

Particular attention should be paid to the daily regimen: the child should have enough rest and not overwork. Sleep should be of the correct duration, since it is at this time that the restoration of the nervous system occurs.

Child nutrition

A properly composed diet and diet is an integral part of the complex treatment of tics. It is advisable to teach the child to eat at certain hours, but in no case should you leave him hungry if he wants to eat ahead of time, or force him when it's time for dinner, but there is no appetite.

The main rules of nutrition are regularity, balance and usefulness, that is, food must contain all the set necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

It is especially necessary to ensure that foods rich in calcium are present in the diet, because the lack of this element contributes to the appearance of tic hyperkinesis. Therefore, the menu must include:

  • hard and processed cheese;
  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • cabbage;
  • black bread;
  • dried fruits;
  • black chocolate.

Dairy products as a source of calcium must be present in the children's diet

We must not forget about magnesium and glycine, which also play a significant role in neuromuscular transmission. Magnesium is found mainly in plant foods, and glycine - in protein. The diet should contain foods containing these substances:

  • leafy vegetables, beets;
  • bran bread;
  • cereals (especially buckwheat);
  • sesame, nuts;
  • dried apricots;
  • red fish;
  • eggs;
  • turkey meat, rabbit meat, chicken breast, veal.

Strong tea and coffee should not be offered to the child.

Therapy with drugs

If the doctor came to the conclusion that psychotherapy alone, physiotherapy and decoctions of medicinal plants are not enough, then the child is prescribed drugs, starting with the lightest ones in the minimum dosage. To combat primary and secondary tics, drugs of different groups are used, mainly sedatives, antipsychotics, which improve metabolism and blood supply to the brain.

In the treatment of primary tics, the following are used:

  • sedatives (sedatives):
    • Novo-Passit, Glycine, Tenoten - relieve anxiety, improve sleep;
  • nootropics:
    • Pantocalcin, Noofen, Phenibut - normalize cerebral circulation and metabolism, eliminate anxiety;
  • complexes containing B vitamins, minerals:
    • Magne B6, Neuromultivit, Pentovit, calcium gluconate - optimize neuromuscular transmission, strengthen the body.

For complex tics, antipsychotics are the drugs of choice:

  • Eglonil;
  • Tiapride;
  • Risperidone;
  • pimozide;
  • Fluphenazine.

These drugs are highly effective in the treatment of tics of various origins, they have anticonvulsant, analgesic, antihistamine, antiemetic, sedative, antipsychotic effects. By blocking certain processes in the brain, antipsychotics normalize neuromuscular transmission and improve the emotional state of the child. The drugs have many side effects, therefore, it is impossible to prescribe them to the child on their own, as well as violate the regimen and duration of the intake.

Drugs of other groups that can be prescribed for the treatment of tics:

  • antidepressants: Prozac, Anafranil, Klominal;
  • tranquilizers: Atarax, Diazepam, Relanium, Sibazon, Seduxen.

Photo gallery: medicines for the treatment of tics

Haloperidol is a neuroleptic drug of choice for complex nervous tics in children. Tenoten - a sedative to normalize sleep and emotional background in children Magne B6 - a complex preparation containing magnesium and pyridoxine, reduces the excitability of neurons and inhibits neuromuscular transmission Novopassit - a herbal preparation with a calming and relaxing effect Atarax - an anxiolytic (tranquilizer) with pronounced sedative properties Glycine (aminoacetic acid) is a regulator metabolic processes in the central nervous system Sonapaks - antipsychotic drug for the normalization of the nervous system Calcium gluconate is necessary to replenish the level of calcium ions in the blood Pantocalcin is a nootropic agent used as part of complex therapy with extrapyramidal disorders


Properly selected physiotherapy can significantly reduce the symptoms of the disease and improve the condition of a small patient.

Electrosleep therapy has a good effect: it calms, normalizes the emotional background, metabolism, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the brain. As a rule, 10–12 sessions of 60–90 minutes are prescribed.

Electrosleep has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain

The following procedures also apply:

  • applications with ozocerite (mountain wax) on the collar zone;
  • galvanization or iontophoresis with calcium, bromine;
  • aerophytotherapy - inhalation of essential oils;
  • hirudotherapy - the use of medical leeches;
  • therapeutic baths with motherwort, pine needles.

A special method of magnetotherapy, transcranial stimulation of the brain, aimed at balancing the activity of all brain centers, has a high efficiency. This is a selective procedure that affects only the hyperactive areas of the brain.


Relaxing massage affects children's body about the same as physiotherapy procedures: it relieves tension, improves cerebral circulation, and normalizes muscle tone. Massage of the back, head, legs is recommended. It is not recommended to massage areas prone to tics, so as not to create additional irritation and exacerbation of the disease. The course of therapeutic massage should be at least 10 sessions.

Massage with hyperkinesis is aimed at relaxing muscles, improving tissue nutrition and blood supply to the brain.

For babies, massage for the treatment and prevention of tics is prescribed from one and a half months. Procedures carried out by a specialist normalize the work of the peripheral and central nervous system. The duration of the session depends on the age of the child: up to 3 months, the procedure should last no more than 5-7 minutes, gradually it is brought up to 20 minutes. During the massage, you need to observe the behavior of the baby: if he shows concern, the session ends.

Stone therapy (massage with warm stones) is a method that is rarely used in childhood. It can be done from 7-8 years. The benefits of procedures in effective relaxation and general strengthening child's body.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about massage


To normalize metabolism, improve brain nutrition, stabilize the state of the nervous system, the doctor may recommend acupuncture. The method consists in a reflex effect on biologically active points, due to which the balance of the nervous system is restored, emotional stress is relieved. Usually, reflexology is used in combination with herbal remedies that normalize neuromuscular transmission. Osteopathy

Osteopathy is widely used in the treatment of tic hyperkinesis. The osteopath does not act on the consequence of the disease (muscles), but on the very cause - through special techniques, it helps to restore cerebral circulation, reduce the activity of certain centers, and restore normal neuromuscular transmission.

Osteopathy is based on healing effect doctor's hands problem areas, thanks to which metabolic processes are normalized and functional disorders are eliminated

Folk methods

Decoctions and infusions of herbs with a sedative effect have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the child and reduce the manifestations of tic hyperkinesis.

Motherwort herb infusion:

  1. Dry chopped raw materials (2 large spoons) pour boiling water (200 ml).
  2. Insist 2 hours.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth, squeeze.
  4. Store the product for a day in a dark place at room temperature.
  5. Give the child half an hour before meals three times a day for a month:
    • from 7 years - 1 teaspoon;
    • from 14 years old - 1 dessert spoon.

Valerian root - infusion:

  1. Grind the root of the plant, pour a tablespoon of raw materials with hot water (250 ml).
  2. Keep for 10 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Filter the cooled agent through gauze.
  4. Store in a cool dark place.
  5. For a month, give the remedy to the child every day half an hour after meals and at bedtime, 1 teaspoon (4 times in total).

Chamomile & Mint Soothing Collection:

  1. Mix 3 parts of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of mint leaves and lemon balm.
  2. Brew a large spoonful of the collection with a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 40 minutes.
  4. Strain and drink the child 30–50 ml three times a day half an hour after meals.

Hawthorn infusion:

  1. Dried fruits (1 tablespoon) pour boiling water (250 ml).
  2. Infuse for at least 2 hours, strain.
  3. Give a child over 7 years of age a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. Duration of admission should not exceed 3-4 weeks.

Geranium compress for tick elimination:

  1. fresh leaves chop homemade geranium and apply to the place affected by hyperkinesis.
  2. From above, attach gauze folded in several layers and wrap with a soft cloth (scarf, handkerchief).
  3. Withstand the compress for 60 minutes.
  4. Rinse the place where the compress is applied with warm water.
  5. It is recommended to carry out such procedures 1-2 hours before bedtime during the week.

Photo gallery: herbs for the treatment of nervous tics

Chamomile infusion has a stabilizing, anti-inflammatory and soothing effect. Valerian root relieves nervous tension Fresh geranium leaves can be used as compresses for tics. Mint effectively calms the nervous system Hawthorn fruits have a pronounced sedative effect
Motherwort herb - a long-known effective sedative

The author of these lines had a chance to face the problem of increased nervousness of the child after the transition from kindergarten to school. My daughter's sleep was disturbed, she became restless and tearful. The lifesaver in this situation was a phytopilder stuffed with dry mint, chamomile and motherwort, and essential lavender oil. A small phyto-pillow was placed at the head of the head for the whole night, and the oil was applied drop by drop to the pillowcase. A calm family atmosphere, combined with phytotherapy, did its job: within a week, the child’s sleep became calmer, anxiety disappeared and mood returned to normal.

Prognosis and consequences of pathology

Nervous tics do not pose a threat to the life of the child. If tic hyperkinesis is a consequence of an organic lesion of the brain, it is the primary disease that can be dangerous.

The prognosis depends on the form of the disease: for local tics it is favorable in 90% of cases, with widespread symptoms, complete regression of symptoms is noted in half of the cases.

Predisposition to nervous tics can be inherited. If someone in the family suffered from this disease, then it is likely that the child will have tics in the presence of provoking factors.

Tic hyperkinesis, especially in adolescence, significantly reduces the quality of life. The child may have problems with social adaptation, develop numerous complexes, which, in turn, aggravates the course of the disease even more.

A child with nervous tics may experience serious problems with social adaptation

The well-known pediatrician Komarovsky claims that nervous tics, having arisen once, most often disappear without any intervention. To prevent the phenomenon from becoming chronic, it is necessary to provide the baby with support from the family. There is always a solution, and in each case it must be individual.

Psychologist's advice to parents:

  • you can not focus the child's attention on the problem of a nervous tic;
  • always treat the baby as a complete person;
  • maintain a calm, comfortable atmosphere at home;
  • try to solve as quickly as possible problems that may cause stress in the child;
  • when hyperkinesis appears, it is necessary to distract the child - by playing, drawing, dancing, any hobby - in order to create an activity zone in his brain that can drown out the pathological impulses that lead to tics;
  • do not delay a visit to a specialist.

Prevention of nervous tics

The main preventive measure is the exclusion of nervous strain, maximum limit stress and learning how to deal with it. It is important to provide the child good rest, sleep, food, encourage physical activity, sports, daily walks in the fresh air.

It is necessary to minimize the factors that can cause pathology:

  • daily long-term TV viewing;
  • computer games and listening habit loud music especially at bedtime;
  • reading in low light, lying down or in transport;
  • stimulating drinks, especially in the evening;
  • chronic sleep deprivation.

Psycho-emotional unloading is facilitated by engaging in an interesting hobby, so it’s worth helping the child find something to his liking.

Any short-term involuntary simple movement that occurs due to the contraction of one or more muscles on an erroneous command of the brain is called hyperkinesis. If the inappropriately performed movement becomes fast, repetitive, this phenomenon is called a tick.

Not only the muscular apparatus, but also the vocal apparatus can be affected. Along with movements, smacking, pronouncing some sounds, etc. are possible. A person understands that these manifestations are inappropriate, but he is unable to cope with them. The problem is becoming more and more common, manifesting itself in every fourth child under the age of 10 years.

Among neurological diseases in childhood, it occupies one of the leading places. What is it - a nervous tic in a child? What are the causes of eye twitches, hacking and coughing, shoulder movements, and other symptoms? How to get rid of it, how to treat babies and what is the treatment for older children?

Causes of development depending on age

The mechanism by which tics occur is complex and has not been definitively determined in many respects. All researchers agree that both genetic and psychological factors are involved. Possible organic damage to the brain in the perinatal period is assumed.

In order for a nervous tic to appear, at least three factors must coincide:

  • Predisposition, or heredity. Often, with tics, it is discovered that the father or grandfather had the same problem, and the mother or grandmother suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Wrong upbringing. Increased control and uncompromisingness of parents, lack of communication, intra-family conflicts and a formal attitude towards the child provoke problems.
  • Severe stress or severe viral illness, surgery.

Usually initially the child has increased anxiety, which leads to chronic stress.

Frequent small stresses also lead to this. The baby's brain goes into constant expectation of danger and does not rest even in a dream.

The mechanisms adapting to stress are gradually depleted, and if the baby had a predisposition to insufficient brain inhibition of pathological reactions, a traumatic factor can cause the onset of a tick.

In infants, immediately after birth, a tremor may occur, in which physiological twitches of the legs and / or arms, lower jaw, and lips occur. Anything becomes an occasion: colic, crying, bathing, changing clothes, hunger. All these manifestations usually disappear without a trace within the first three months of life.

You should start to worry when the head also starts to twitch. This is already a pathology, which usually increases with time. Tremor can occur on any part of the body; as the baby grows, it becomes more intense and longer.

Inexperienced parents of babies are often frightened, seeing a deviation in almost every movement, and begin to sound the alarm. Behind all this, most often there are no pathologies, the baby outgrows. For peace of mind, it is enough to consult a pediatrician.

Main types, signs, description

Tics are classified according to several indicators:

The way the tic manifests itself is a clear characteristic, understandable even to a non-specialist. As an example, there are several types of nervous tics in children:

Such manifestations, having arisen once, can gradually disappear by themselves. But if the child does not find support in environment, all this turns into a pathological habit and gradually transforms into a tick. Often this happens after severe viral diseases.

Exacerbations of the problem begin in autumn and winter, which is associated with an increasing mental load during schooling. In summer, remission often occurs (attenuation of symptoms).

Complex manifestations

Several muscle groups are involved in a complex tic: abdomen, back, limbs, neck, facial, vocal. In most children, nervous tics begin with blinking of the eyes. Gradually join the lifting of the shoulders, the establishment of the gaze, turning the head, moving the limbs. This makes it difficult for the child to perform written buildings while learning.

May be accompanied by coprolalia (cursing), echolalia (repetition of single words), or rapid slurred speech (palilalia). In the latter case, repeat the last word in the spoken sentence.

The clinical picture usually becomes more complicated from top to bottom: first, the muscles of the face are involved in the process, then the problem captures the shoulders and arms. Later, the torso and legs join uncontrolled movements.

The most severe form is Tourette's syndrome, described in the 19th century as a disease of multiple tics.

The clinical picture combines obsessive-compulsive disorder with attention deficit, vocal and motor tics.

There is a disease with a frequency of 1 case per 1 thousand boys or 10 thousand girls. The first time the problem manifests itself at the age of 3-7 years is twitching of the shoulders and local facial tics.

One type of tick is replaced by another. After a few years, vocal tics join, sometimes the disease begins with them. It all depends on the age and characteristics of the body. The consciousness of the child during tics is completely preserved, but he cannot control these movements.

The peak of manifestations occurs at the age of 8–11 years. From excessive movements may appear muscle pain, for example, in cervical region spine due to frequent and strong turns of the head. Throwing the head back sharply can cause the child to hit a hard object behind him, resulting in injury.

During exacerbations, children have a problem with self-care, and they cannot attend school. At 12-15 years old, the disease enters the residual phase - the final one, in which the process stops, residual symptoms are observed in the clinical picture.

This is manifested by local ticks. If Tourette's syndrome was not complicated by an obsessive-compulsive disorder, then in the residual phase, complete cessation ticks.

Watch a video about Tourette's syndrome in children:

How to save a baby from pathology

The duration and nature of the course of the disease is affected by the age at which the disease began to develop:

  • up to 3 years is a symptom of an existing complex disease(brain tumor, autism, etc.);
  • in the interval from 3 to 6 years - the problem usually drags on until adolescence, then begins to gradually decrease;
  • in the interval from 6 to 8 years - a favorable prognosis, the problem will pass without a trace.

The main principle of therapy is an integrated approach, accounting individual characteristics organism and the course of the disease. First, during a conversation with parents, the doctor finds out possible reasons problems, methods of pedagogical correction are discussed. Drug therapy is not immediately resorted to.

And what to do if the child has convulsions at a temperature, you will find out.

What can be done at home

First of all, the identified provoking factors are eliminated. The severity of tics decreases as the requirements for the child are reduced. It is necessary to observe the daily routine, adjust the diet, removing from it products that do not carry any benefit (soda, fast food, etc.), establish adequate physical activity.

If intermittent traumatic family situations are identified, family therapy may be needed. Any joint activity (cleaning the apartment, cooking, baking a pie), a kind word said in time will help the child get rid of internal tension.

The easiest way to calm down the nervous system is by evening walks, swimming, warm baths with essential oils of lavender and lemon balm.

Watch a video about how a nervous tic manifests itself in a child, what are the symptoms and treatment of the disorder in children of primary school age:

How can a doctor help

The diagnosis is established by a neurologist after examining the child. It will be good if parents prepare to shoot the problem at home, because during communication with the doctor, the picture may be “blurred”.

The child should also be examined by a psychologist and assessed for his emotional characteristics, degree of attentiveness, ability to remember and ability to control impulsive behavior.

Psychiatric consultation, magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalogram may be needed. The doctor may advise you to take a course of psychological correction individually or in group sessions.

Specially trained specialists will correct the emotional or mental sphere that is late in development, using games, conversations or drawing, and will work on the child's self-esteem.

A teenager in a group will be able to beat possible conflict situations and, having rehearsed in advance, pick up the best option behavior that will increase the chance of avoiding a tic exacerbation.

Treatment with medications is resorted to only when previous methods of therapy have exhausted themselves without giving results.

Drugs are prescribed by a neurologist, self-medication is strictly prohibited.

After the complete disappearance of the tick, the medication continues for another six months, then the doses are gradually reduced, up to complete cancellation.

What medications are prescribed

Antipsychotics may be prescribed, which have analgesic, anticonvulsant,, antihistamine, sedative, antipsychotic actions. These are Fluphenazine, Haloperidol, Pimozide, Tiapride, Risperidone.

Connect to the main course aids: for supporting general well-being(vitamins), vascular drugs and nootropics that improve metabolic processes in the brain.

If obsessive-compulsive disorder is also present, then antidepressants are added to the treatment.- Fluoxetine (Prozac), Clomipramine (Clofranil, Clominal, Anafranil).

When choosing a drug for a child, the convenience of titration (dosing) of the drug is taken into account. The most convenient are drops (Risperidone, Haloperidol) - using liquid form it is convenient to measure the required maintenance volume, avoiding unjustified overdoses. This is very important when prescribing long courses.

Folk remedies

As an easily accessible remedy, it is easiest to use motherwort tincture, giving it to a child at bedtime. You can buy a few herbs and make your own fees:

  • Grass cudweed, thyme, valerian and chicory roots, chop heather leaves. Mix by adding to 1 part of chicory 2 parts of the remaining components. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture, like tea, in a glass of boiling water for about half an hour. Give the child three times a day from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age. This infusion quickly relieves stress and soothes.
  • To 3 parts of pharmacy chamomile, add 1 share of valerian root and 2 parts of mint and lemon balm. Brew in the same dosage as in the previous recipe. Take in the morning before meals and at bedtime from 50 to 150 ml, depending on age.

Massage and exercise

With nervous tics, massage has proven itself the best way, because is effective tool. But the features of the procedure depend on the type of disorder. The essence of all manipulations is to relax the necessary part of the body.. Light stroking, rubbing, kneading are performed.

Sharp are not allowed. strong impacts, toning muscles, the goal of all movements is relaxation. To improve the blood supply to the brain, the collar zone is massaged.

Improving blood circulation in the brain improves the condition of the entire nervous system.

Perfectly relieves muscle tension and underwater massaging shower. Usually a course of 10 sessions is prescribed, you need to complete it completely, even if you feel better sooner. Exercises are of great help, in particular, breathing exercises Strelnikova.

Therapeutic stretching with weights will also be effective.. With the help of a complex selected by a specialist, it is possible to change muscle tone and form correct work brain. Thanks to biofeedback between muscles and brain neurons, it is possible to change existing behavioral programs.

The alternation of stretching and relaxation has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Loads should not be directed to the elasticity of one muscle, but to the whole body, spinal column, shoulder and hip joints.

Features of the treatment of infants

For infants with pathological tremor, massage is mandatory in order to avoid such serious consequences as hyperglycemia, pathological changes intracranial pressure, hypocalcemia, cerebral hemorrhage. Children's massotherapy with a nervous tic in a child up to a year old, it can be used from 1.5 months of age. Massage relieves muscle spasms, stabilizes the nervous system.

To conduct a massage course, contact a specialist or at least go through a few initial sessions with him. By learning simple techniques, you can massage at home on your own.

Movements are used simple (stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration). Learn how to do them right. Look at what areas on the body of the baby should be avoided (lymph nodes, heart, liver and spine).

For infants up to 3 months, the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes, for children older time can be increased, but the duration of the session should not exceed 20 minutes.

The main criterion during the massage is the behavior of the child. If he behaves restlessly or is capricious, the procedure is stopped.

Prevention of not only tics, but also any psycho-emotional problems - a friendly, calm atmosphere in the family, a balanced diet. diet all foods and drinks that excite the nervous system (coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa) are limited.

Spending time at the computer and in front of the TV should be limited to half an hour a day, and all free time devote to sports, needlework, walks.

The psychological aspect is very important, all parents should remember this, therefore, at every opportunity:

  • listen to the opinion of the baby;
  • avoid overwhelming tasks
  • praise the child if deserved;
  • refer a vulnerable child to a psychologist.

You need to be patient with the child and engage in his upbringing, and not let development take its course. The state of the physical and mental health the child largely depends on the relationships that develop with peers in kindergarten and school, on the fulfillment of their duties by parents, on their attitude towards themselves and towards each other.

In a comfortable microclimate, everyone's self-esteem increases, which eliminates the appearance of neuroses and similar states that can lead to the formation of a nervous tic.

If it so happens that the tic nevertheless began, one should not wait in the hope that it will pass by itself. Contact your doctor immediately.

What to do if you notice manifestations of a nervous tic in a child, how to cure the pathology, you will learn from this video:

In contact with

Tiki- involuntary short-term repeated non-rhythmic jerky movement in a separate muscle or group of muscles. Simple tics in children occur with a frequency of 1-13%, predominating in boys. Tics first appear in a child at the age of 5-10 years, 99% of cases debut before the age of 15. Outwardly, tics are similar to natural, but inappropriate gestures. All varieties of tics are aggravated by excitement, excitement, anger, fear.

Causes of tics in children

psychological reasons.

  • Stress: Tics are the result of external stress factors (extra study sessions, family conflict, separation from one of the parents, etc.). Watching TV for a long time or working on the computer can also be the cause of tics in children.
  • Tics: a normal stage in the development of hyperactive children.
  • Triggers (starting mechanisms): First stage development of behavioral disorders.

Biological reasons:

  • heredity,
  • perinatal injuries: hypoxic-ischemic, resulting from a lack of oxygen supply to the fetal body, damage to the fetal head at the time of delivery, etc.
  • autoimmune diseases
  • brain injury
  • infectious diseases characterized by the predominant localization of the infectious agent in the central nervous system (neuroinfections).

The decisive role in the etiology of the disease is assigned to the subcortical nuclei - the caudate nucleus, the pale ball, the subthalamic nucleus, the substantia nigra. The subcortical structures closely interact with the reticular formation, the thalamus, the limbic system, the cerebellar hemispheres, and the frontal cortex of the dominant hemisphere. The activity of subcortical structures and frontal lobes regulated by the neurotransmitter dopamine. Insufficiency of the dopaminergic system leads to impaired attention, lack of self-regulation and behavioral inhibition, decreased control motor activity and the appearance of excessive, uncontrolled movements.

What are tics?

Separate primary and secondary tics. Primary tics are the only symptom. Secondary tics occur against the background of another disease. Primary ticks appear in children with a hereditary predisposition. A child with tics does not tolerate stuffy rooms and trips in transport, quickly gets tired of sights and activities, and sleeps restlessly. Often, the onset of tics is preceded by acute viral infections or other diseases. For example, barley, which is felt all the time and because of this the child often blinks. Then the stye passes, and blinking turns into an obsessive, uncontrollable action; obsessive coughing or sniffing can remain after ENT diseases.

The psychological climate in the family is of great importance. Constant remarks and shouts restrain the free physiological activity of the child, and it can be replaced by obsessive actions or tics. Of great importance in the occurrence of tics are the relationship between the child and his mother. Excessive guardianship leads to the development of a child's low self-esteem, self-doubt, infantilism, anxiety - such character traits predispose to the occurrence of tics.

Tics in a child may occur due to problems in children's team(kindergarten, school).

Secondary tics appear in the background:

1) pathology mental sphere(asthenoneurotic syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, mental retardation, early childhood autism, cerebrasthenic syndrome, specific phobias);

2) brain anomalies and hereditary degenerative diseases (cerebellar dysplasia, torsion dystonia, Hallervorden-Spatz disease, Huntington's chorea);

3) consequences of neuroinfections;

4) consequences of craniocerebral injuries.

Simple motor tics- one group of muscles is involved (blinking, twitching of the wings of the nose, etc.) Single facial tics practically do not interfere with children and in most cases they are not noticed by them.

Complex motor tics several muscle groups are involved (bouncing, head tilting, shoulder lifts). During periods of exacerbation of such tics, students may have problems completing written assignments.

Ritual motor tics(walking in circles or side to side, winding hair around finger)

Vocal tics. There are simple and complex vocal tics. Simple vocal tics are presented mainly by low sounds: coughing, "clearing the throat", grunting, noisy breathing, sniffing. Less common are such high-pitched sounds as “i”, “a”, “u-u”, “uf”, “af”, “ay”, squeal and whistle. Complex vocal tics are observed in 6% of patients with Tourette's syndrome and are characterized by the pronunciation of individual words, swearing (coprolalia), repetition of words (echolalia), rapid unintelligible speech (palilalia).

Generalized tic (Tourette syndrome). It is manifested by a combination of common motor and vocal simple and complex tics.

Sensory tics- repeated sensations of pressure, cold, heat in the same part of the body.

Often, children with tics are characterized by impaired attention, delayed development of motor skills and self-control, and motor awkwardness.

When writing, children can repeat letters and syllables (for example, “homework”), to answer a question, teachers do not raise their hands, but shout from their seats (for which they receive the title of “upstart” from the teacher), they are poorly oriented in the task. Problems are solved thoughtlessly. The course of tics is highly variable. They can persist from a few hours to many years. According to the severity of the clinical picture, due to the frequency and prevalence of tics, there are middle and severe degree. During the day, the frequency of tics may change, as well as their nature (for example, from single motor tics in the morning to complex and multiple ones in the evening). Tics respond differently to treatment: they can be easily treatable or resistant for many years. Motor tics in combination with behavioral disturbances increase significantly from November to February.

Diagnosis of tics in children

If you notice tics in your child, you should definitely show it to a pediatric neurologist. Firstly, in order to make sure that your case is just a weakness of the nervous system, and not a symptom of a serious illness. Video filming at home is sometimes useful, as the child often tries to suppress or hide his tics during communication with the doctor. Then, a psychological examination may be recommended to identify the emotional and personal characteristics of the child (hidden anxiety); to identify concomitant disorders of attention, memory, motor programming, control of impulsive behavior.

Electroencephalography (EEG) may be done to rule out epilepsy.

An MRI examination of the brain is performed in the case of severe tics lasting more than 2 years in a child in order to look for structural defects.

To exclude rheumatism (if tics occur after a sore throat), a smear from the throat and nose is performed, antistreptolysin O is determined in the blood serum.

Treatment of tics

The main principle of therapy for tics in children is a comprehensive and differentiated approach to treatment. Treatment should be individualized and depends on the specific situation. The first step is to establish what caused the tics, and try to eliminate provoking factors. Talking about tics in the presence of a child suffering from them should not be. Otherwise, thinking about his problem, the child will begin to twitch even more, cough, etc., although he himself does not want to.

Create a calm environment at home. Make sure your child gets enough sleep. Limit the amount of time you watch TV and sit in front of your computer. Especially take care of the child's nervous system after illness.

Family therapy is effective in cases of chronic stress in the family.

Often, the severity of tics decreases with a decrease in the requirements for the child on the part of the parents, the lack of attention to his shortcomings. The therapeutic effect is the streamlining of the regimen, sports, especially in the fresh air. In some cases, classes with a psychologist will be beneficial - to increase the child's self-esteem and instill self-confidence in him. If induced tics are suspected, the help of a psychotherapist is necessary, since such hyperkinesis is removed by suggestion.

In mild cases, it can be prescribed: soothing teas, drink warm milk with honey at night, pine baths (they work very well for 5-6-year-old children), electrophoresis with bromine, massage of the collar zone. All this relaxes the nervous system.

With tics, psychotherapy or psychocorrection is useful. These are: hypnosis, for older children - auto-training and special breathing exercises for relaxation. The doctor may also prescribe vitamins, drugs that improve brain nutrition, sedatives (sedatives).

More serious drug treatment ticks should be started when the possibilities of the previous methods have already been exhausted. The main group of drugs prescribed for tics are neuroleptics: haloperidol, pimozide, fluphenazine, tiapride, risperidone. The drug and dosage are prescribed by the doctor. Do not self-medicate! Sometimes children with tics may experience hyperactivity, restlessness, and other behavioral disorders that also require correction. The prognosis for children who develop tics between the ages of 6 and 8 is good. Early onset of tics (4-6 years) is typical for chronic course until adolescence, when tics disappear without treatment. In the event that a tic disorder develops in older children, there is Great chance flow without remissions, with persistence (permanent stay) throughout life.

The site administration site does not evaluate recommendations and reviews about treatment, drugs and specialists. Remember that the discussion is not only conducted by doctors, but also by ordinary readers, so some advice may be dangerous to your health. Before any treatment or taking medications, we recommend that you consult a specialist!

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