Hunting dog kurts cable. Dogs of the shorthaired pointer breed: external and behavioral features, recommendations for care and training. Education and training

The shorthaired pointer is considered a versatile hunting breed. This agile, graceful dog, living at the behest of instincts, with proper training, easily becomes a devoted friend to his master. Consider the description of the shorthaired pointer breed, the features of its maintenance and feeding.

With kurtshaars they hunt mainly for game birds. Some take them to hunt big game. Developed instincts do not allow the dog to sit still. This breed is intended exclusively for hunters and people leading an active lifestyle.

Description of the breed kurtshaar

Purebred representatives of the breed are distinguished by an elegant physique, expressive look. Their nature is good-natured, harmless. The tail is usually docked 60% of its original length.

  • The weight . The German shorthaired pointer is medium in size. Weight is from 23 to 35 kg.
  • Growth at the withers. The size of an adult kurtshaar is 52-65 cm at the withers.
  • Color. Often found brown, chocolate, black color, sometimes in combination with white. If the coat turns yellow (yellow marks), they say that the dog has developed an innate instinct to search for a blood trail.
  • Lifespan. They live long enough - 12-14 years.
  • Character . Sociable - sincerely attached to the owner, do not like loneliness. They need constant movement.
  • Intelligence. The level of intelligence is high. They are easy to train, enjoy the execution of the owner's commands.
  • Security and guard potential. The German Shorthaired Pointer (Kurzhaar) is not intended for protection of the territory. Attempts to develop protective qualities have a negative impact on the psyche.

With a lack of physical activity, poor socialization, kurtshaars acquire undesirable character traits. They become shy, aggressive, or have other behavioral abnormalities.


The breed standard includes more than 30 evaluation criteria. Kurtshaar hunting dogs have a specific purpose, therefore they undergo a strict selection. In an incorrectly built dog, there is physically no possibility of disclosing pedigree inclinations. Representatives of the breed that do not have deviations from the norms are allowed to exhibitions and breeding. The requirements of the standard are detailed in the table.

Table - Kurzhaara Breed Standard

Part of the bodyDescription according to the requirements of the standard
Head- Elongated, elongated muzzle;
- the forehead is slightly convex;
- powerful jaws
Nose- With a hump;
- slightly upturned or lowered;
- brown lobe
Eyes- Medium size;
- brown iris
Ears- Located high;
- hanging;
- close to the head
Neck- Long;
- muscular
Frame- Powerful;
- harmonious;
- taut line of the abdomen;
- deep chest
- straight back
limbs- Strong;
- back legs are parallel;
- front with obliquely located shoulder blades;
- wide hips;
- toes tightly clenched
Leather- Tight fitting;
- does not fold
Wool- Short;
- hard

A distinctive characteristic of the shorthaired pointer breed is innate grace. In the stance, the dog is extended into an arrow - a straightened tail, an elongated body, a lowered head, a raised paw. All kurtshaars take the stance on an instinctive level. The breed is especially good for hunting game - waterproof wool and webbing between the fingers make them excellent swimmers.

Pros and cons

For hunters, the kurtshaar is a versatile dog and a faithful helper. But when choosing a breed for home maintenance, you need to take into account its natural features. The pros and cons are shown in the table.

Table - Advantages and disadvantages of kurtshaar

History of origin and interesting facts

The history of the shorthaired pointer breed begins in the 17th century. The formation was completely completed by the middle of the 19th century. Ancestors - Spanish and English pointers. They were crossed to obtain a breed for hunting on land and in water. The first representative of kurtshaars was brought to the USA in 1925. Five years later, the breed was officially registered.

During the war years, the breeding of kurtshaars was suspended. Some of the dogs were taken to Yugoslavia - the breed had to be restored. In the United States, breeding work was more active. Already by 1950, the popularity of these dogs reached its peak. Kurzhaars participated in exhibitions, more and more nurseries appeared.

There are 155 registered breeds with the American Kennel Club. The kurtshaar dog breed takes 19th place in the ranking, which is considered a good result, an indicator of popularity.


At home, the dog is given a separate place to relax - sofas and armchairs are prohibited. Kurzhaars react sharply to dampness and drafts - the couch is placed in a warm, dry, draft-protected place. Complete dog care includes the following items.

  • Wool . The breed is smooth-haired, but shedding in the apartment continues all year round. The dog is brushed daily.
  • Walks. In the city, the kurtshaar is not let off the leash. In winter, they put on warm overalls or a blanket.
  • Bathing. They bathe not often - as they get dirty. After each walk, carefully wash the paws. Swimming in open water is encouraged in summer.
  • Ears . Checked every week. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Eyes . Wipe weekly with a cotton pad dipped in weak tea leaves.
  • claws. Shear as they grow - about once a month.


Many dog ​​breeders prefer to keep their dog on ready-made food. They prefer expensive brands of super premium class. They contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. If they decide to feed the kurtshaar at home with natural products, they carefully consider the diet.

When taking a puppy, they are interested in its feeding scheme. You can not drastically change the diet and frequency of feeding in order to avoid problems with digestion. As the portion grows, new products are introduced, the number of feedings is reduced. The basis of nutrition is protein products of animal origin - raw, boiled meat, offal.

A small puppy must definitely receive dairy, sour-milk products - low-fat cottage cheese, milk, fermented baked milk, kefir. From the age of three months, the amount of dairy products is reduced. During the period of changing teeth, it is useful to give cartilage, special bones from pet stores. Porridges are boiled in broth with the addition of chopped vegetables - carrots, zucchini, pumpkin.

Up to five months, the puppy is fed four to five times a day. By the age of six months, the frequency of feeding is reduced to three. The bowl with leftover food is immediately removed, next time a smaller portion is applied. If the puppy eats everything, does not move away from the bowl, continues to lick it for a long time - the portion is increased.

The diet of an adult dog is based on the recommendations of a veterinarian. Daily nutrition should contain all the necessary substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber. The lack of vitamins is compensated by special food additives. The list of recommended products is given in the table.

Table - Natural nutrition of kurtshaar

Products typeFeaturedUnwanted and prohibited
Meat- Beef;
- veal;
- chicken;
- offal;
- cartilage
- Pork;
- mutton;
- duck;
- goose;
- sausages;
- salo
Dairy- Kefir;
- low-fat cottage cheese;
- natural yogurt;
- ryazhenka
- Whole milk;
- yogurt with fillers;
- sweet, fatty cottage cheese
Kashi- Oatmeal;
- buckwheat;
- rice;
- barley
- Barley;
- semolina;
- millet;
- corn;
- pea
Vegetables- Carrot;
- zucchini;
- pumpkin;
- tomatoes
- Potatoes;
- green pea;
- exotic vegetables

You can not feed the kurtshaar with food from your table. Dogs are harmed by sweets, smoked meats, salty, spicy, fatty foods. The digestive system reacts sharply to chemical additives - preservatives, dyes. Spices and salt dull the senses.


Training begins at an early age - as the dogs grow older, they begin to lose interest in classes, they obey the owner worse. In education, the following rules are followed:

  • patiently seek obedience;
  • commands are given calmly, clearly pronounce, use short words;
  • do not change previously established prohibitions;
  • practice daily, without long breaks;
  • encourage praise, stroking, delicacy;
  • classes are made short;
  • do not resort to physical punishment.

After learning the basic commands, they move on to practicing hunting skills. All of them are already laid down at an instinctive level. The task of the hunter is to open and secure them. The puppy is taught to calmly respond to any sounds and conditions. Suppress attempts to hunt for domestic animals. If a dog is afraid of a shot, this is more often an omission of the owner than a congenital defect.

It is undesirable to have a kurtshaar as a pet. The inability to use instincts in hunting negatively affects the character. When keeping a pet at home, you need to find an alternative activity for your pet - to go on joint hikes with him, for jogging, cycling. Suitable classes - agility, freestyle, frisbee.

Diseases and treatment

Kurzhaars are distinguished by good health and long life. It is impossible to exclude the development of genetic diseases characteristic of the breed. Three diseases are of particular concern.

  1. hip dysplasia. hereditary disease. Appears before the age of two. It is characterized by insufficient development of articular cartilage. In severe cases, lameness develops.
  2. von Willebrand disease. Partial incoagulability of blood. congenital disease. It manifests itself at an early age, prolonged bleeding leads to the death of the animal.
  3. Progressive Retinal Atrophy. Develops up to two years of age. Central vision is completely lost. The peripheral is partially preserved. Treatment is aimed at slowing down the process.


Females reach puberty by seven to eight months. Depending on individual characteristics, it can come later - at ten months, a year. Breeding is approached responsibly - they first undergo an examination by a veterinarian, give anthelmintic drugs, and are vaccinated. Carefully choose a male - study his pedigree, assess health.

  • estrus. The first estrus (pustovka) begins at seven to eight months. At this age, the dog is not yet fully formed, not ready to become a mother. The first mating is carried out on the third estrus - at the age of one and a half to two years, from the tenth to the 16th day of the test.
  • Knitting. For mating, the bitch is brought to the territory of the male. Knitting is carried out under the control of the owners. It is recommended to carry out two matings in a row to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.
  • Pregnancy. Lasts 60-64 days. The first half of pregnancy proceeds without pronounced signs. For a while, the dog may become lethargic, refuse food - after a few days the condition stabilizes. From the second half of pregnancy, food portions are increased, the diet is enriched with vitamin supplements, and the duration of walks is reduced.
  • Childbirth. Accepted at home. If the owners do not have experience with childbirth, it is advisable to contact the veterinarian first.

A feature of kurtshaars is that the bitch does not like to give birth in a permanent place. Immediately before giving birth, she will try to equip herself with a “nest” under the bed, closet. After giving birth, she drags puppies, hiding them from prying eyes.

TOP nickname

The name is chosen taking into account the nature of the pet, its appearance, behavior. The nickname should please the owners, be easy to remember. The most common nicknames are shown in the table.

Table - TOP nicknames for kurtshaar

Nickname initial letterHow to name a kurtshaar-"boy"How to name a shorthaired pointer - "girl"
BUT- Armstrong;
- Atom
- Iris;
- Aqua
B- Velvet;
- Berkut
- Barbara;
- Bridget
AT- Viking;
- Warrior
- Venus;
- Vilena
G- Gangster;
- Hudson
- Geisha;
- grace
D- Dandy;
- Doctor
- Daisy;
- Savage
E- Jaeger;
- Elon
- Eve;
- hedgehog
AND- Jacques;
- Bug
- Jasmine;
- Julie
Z- The beast;
- call
- Fun;
- Star
And- Izzard;
- Hidalgo
- Spark;
- Isis
To- Gyrfalcon;
- Captain
- Comet;
- Country
L- Lucky;
- Ludwig
- Lassi;
- Legend
M- Marvin;
- Maurice
- Dream;
- Macbeth
H- Nigel;
- Norton
- Naida;
- Nana
O- Ozard;
- Orion
- Courage;
- Omega
P- Parker;
- Pirate
- Palm;
- Pink
R- Roll;
- Wrigley
- Rocket;
- Roxanne
FROM- Saiga;
- Sinatra
- Sunny;
- Story
T- Fog;
- Takashi
- Tootsie;
- Trixie
At- Remote;
- Urchi
- Whitney;
- Unka
F- Phantom;
- Foreman
- Flute;
- Frida
X- Haggis;
- Tail
- Hayley;
- Hannah
C- Ceron;
- Tsar
- Cilli;
- Queen
H- Chaplin;
- Chicago
- Chara;
- Chile
W- Jackal;
- Schmidt
- Sherry;
- shimmy
E- Edwin;
- Eric
- Amy;
- Ashley
YU- YouTube;
- Yurky
- Yula;
- Yuka
I- Yard;
- Hawk
- Berry;
- Yana

Photo review

Some confuse two breeds similar in characteristics - kurtshaar and drathaar. Shorthaired pointers have a shorter, coarser coat and an elegant build. Drathaars are denser, more muscular, distinguished by the presence of a beard. We offer you to see photos of puppies and dogs of the Kurzhaar breed.

Cost and where to buy

In kennels, a kurtshaar puppy costs from 20 thousand rubles (data as of March 2018). The price may be higher for bright representatives of the breed from working parents-champions. Private breeders offer puppies at a cost of five thousand rubles. It is recommended to buy dogs of hunting breeds in kennels where it is possible to study the pedigree of the parents, their performance characteristics. There are breeding nurseries in many cities and towns of Russia:

  • Glorious Hunter in Veliky Novgorod-;
  • "Liberovento" in Malakhovka (Moscow region)-;
  • "Gern Gros" in St. Petersburg-;
  • "White Dew" in Moscow-

Reading the reviews of the owners about the kurtshaar, one has to deal with different opinions. The main thing in the breed is hunting inclinations, and the character is already formed by the owner with the help of regular training. It is intended for hunting - as a pet, kurtshaars will bring a lot of trouble to the owners, they will feel unhappy.

Reviews: "Hunting in his environment had no equal"

That's what a dog needs to be educated on time, that's for sure. I often look after the neighboring kurtshaars (2 males), the adult male is trained and very smart. The second dog is a puppy from this male, the owners let him go, now he is 2 years old. When they leave him alone, it's just a disaster, everything in the house turns into disrepair. The dog is even too active, but there is nowhere to put the energy, so it breaks everything that comes across. Before you get such a dog, you should think a hundred times whether you can devote proper time to its upbringing and provide the necessary loads for it.


My kurtshar lived for seven years. Very kind and loyal dog. Wonderful hunter. It can be summed up in one word FRIEND. And he guarded the house and looked after the children in the yard. On the hunt in his environment had no equal. I felt the owner in everything.

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The kurtshaar dog seems to have been created specifically for those who like to relax in nature or are fond of hunting. The element of the German cop is a forest, a river, a field. An excellent swimmer and a good hunter, the shorthaired pointer will become a companion for walking and hunting. A calm and good-natured dog will be a reliable friend for the whole family and a good nanny for children.

Life in an apartment is not for this breed, since the German Pointer is distinguished by energy, endurance, agility, agility and love of movement.

Kurzhaar: description of the breed, photo

Slim and lean german laika found not only in Germany, it is very popular all over the world. In Russia, the breed became most famous and popular at the end of the 20th century.

With a weight of 27–32 kilograms, the kurtshaara reaches 62–66 centimeters at the withers. Females are slightly smaller than males and are 58–64 centimeters tall. Dog has well developed muscles, strong bones, graceful and light movements. Breed standards include:

The shorthaired shorthaired shorthaired shorthaired pointer can be of the following colors:

  • brown and piebald;
  • black;
  • sand yellow;
  • white, with brown spots on the head;
  • brown;
  • light brown mottled, and completely brown on the head.

The character of the shorthaired pointer

Among the owners of the breed, the indefatigable working capacity, athletic physique, speed, strength and endurance of the German pointer are highly valued. Very energetic the pet, regardless of the weather and place of residence, behaves like a clockwork. If there are no conditions for the release of his energy, he may begin to spoil household items and furniture in the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to walk with the kurtshaar, forcing him to actively run and play.


A good guard dog will never bite without a reason, but he loves to bark very much. This should be taken into account especially if the pet will be used for hunting. From a young age, he must be taught when to speak and when not.

The German Laika wants to be the leader in the pack, so you need to show your leadership right away. Her education is only possible for people with a strong character. Otherwise, you can get an unmanaged pet.

The breed does not tolerate loneliness, and is very fond of communication. It is better not to leave small children with kurtshaar alone, since a restless dog can simply knock a baby down.

Kurzhaar - hunter (photo)

Hardy and strong German Laikas have a good sense of smell, subtle instincts and are always ready to hunt. They can hunt any game and under any conditions. Especially the breed is oriented and feels good in open spaces. But the pet can easily adapt to any conditions, and depending on the type of prey, change the style of hunting.

The long claws of the dog allow it to run quickly even in the mountains, and the webs on its paws and water-repellent wool for a long and fast swim. That is why German huskies are often used when hunting waterfowl.

The hunting stance is in the blood of kurtshaars. At the sight of prey, they soak into it with a look, raise their paw, lower their head and straighten their tail. In this position, the pet will wait for the command of the owner, who must report when it is possible to hit the target. Already a two-month-old puppy stands up in such a stance at the sight of a simple feather.

German husky training

The breed has a developed intellect and is easy to train. But train and Raising a pet should start as early as possible., otherwise you can get an uncontrollable animal, the nature of which will be difficult to correct.

The main principle of training the breed is from easy to difficult. Training must be comprehensive, otherwise the restless pet will forget what happened in the last lesson. That is, each lesson should be based on the basis of previous workouts.

You need to train your dog every day. It is best to do this in the morning and evening, regardless of the conditions and situation. Training can be carried out at any free time both outdoors and indoors. Commands should be spoken calmly, clearly and briefly. To achieve the result, one cannot resort to deception and physical punishment. The puppy should be rewarded with treats.

So that the pet does not get tired, the lessons should not be too long. As soon as the kurtshaar begins to correctly carry out all the commands, he must begin to be taught the rules of behavior on the hunt. In this case, from the owner it will only be necessary to reveal and consolidate the already genetically laid down hunting qualities of the dog. From an early age, a puppy should be banned from hunting pets, otherwise problems will arise at home and on a walk.

Features of keeping a kurtshaar

A small pet in an apartment or house needs to be allocated a place away from doors that open to the street and drafts. Toys must be in his corner from rope rope or rubber.

So that the puppy is not too active in the house, and does not become aggressive, it should be walked at least twice a day. At the same time, he must run and play actively during a walk. The best thing combine walking with exercise, dropping an item and asking the pet to fetch it. A hunting breed will take a stick or a rubber toy for prey and bring it to the owner with pleasure.

Short water-repellent coat does not require special care. You can comb it out only so that the pet does not lose obedience and stance. Shedding in German cops is intense, so the coat during this period should be combed out quite often. The wool of the kurtshaar does not cause allergies and does not stick to fabrics and carpets.

You can bathe the breed no more than once a month or as needed, otherwise the dog's coat will lose its fatty cover that protects against pollution and its luster. Use only special shampoos for washing. Do not take your dog for a walk after bathing, especially in the cold season. She can catch a cold and get sick.

Particular attention should be paid to the ears of the German Hound. They must be clean and dry. Contaminated ears are cleaned with a damp cotton pad or cotton swab.

The pet's eyes should also be clean and shiny. A little sour eyes are treated with a cotton pad soaked in weak tea leaves. If tears come from the eyes, and they are very acidic, the dog should be shown to a specialist.

Once a month kurtshaar with the help of a special nail cutter, claws are trimmed. Dogs that walk for a long time may not need such a procedure, since their claws grind off on the asphalt.

So that the owner does not have problems with the care of the pet, it is necessary to accustom him to hygiene procedures from puppyhood.

Feeding the German Shorthaired Pointer

The diet of a hunting dog is slightly different from that of pets of other breeds. The basis of the diet of the German pointer should be meat cut into small pieces, to which boiled cereals are added, except barley. Be sure to feed the breed with vegetables and fruits, as well as add vitamin and mineral supplements to food.

A small kurtshaar that no longer receives mother's milk needs dairy products in the form of kefir, milk and low-fat cottage cheese. In addition, his diet may include:

  • raw yolk;
  • boiled and chopped beef without fat or chicken meat.

From six months, the puppy is stopped giving milk, and cottage cheese and kefir are left in the diet.

From the natural products of the German shorthaired pointer, you can not feed:

If the dog's diet will consist of dry food, then the choice it is recommended to stop at quality premium or super premium food specially designed for active dogs. Since the body has different needs at different periods of life, feeds are selected in accordance with the age of the pet.

Feed the dog strictly according to the instructions that are written on the food packaging. It is not recommended to increase the rate on your own, because overfeeding can lead to various diseases and obesity. Until the age of three months, puppies are fed pellets soaked in kefir or water. From the age of five months, for the kurtshaar, they buy puppy food with hard granules, the chewing of which helps to change the pet's teeth.

High-quality dry food already contains all the nutrients your dog needs, so no other foods or supplements are needed.

Choosing a puppy

Already at the age of one month, the puppy is ready to be separated from his mother and settling in a new family. It is at this age that the breed is easier to get used to new living conditions. Designed for hunting the dog must have a pedigree otherwise there is no guarantee of her abilities. Therefore, first of all, you need to pay attention to the achievement of parents.

When choosing a puppy, special attention should be paid to his posture, physique and development of the musculoskeletal system. If you are choosing a dog for the first time, then it is best to seek the help of a specialist in this field, who will examine the puppies and make the right choice.

If you like outdoor activities, then the German Hound with the right upbringing, it will become your devoted friend and partner and your children a wonderful nanny. But if there is no opportunity to engage in active physical activity and often walk with a pet, then before buying an energetic dog, you need to think carefully.

(German Shorthaired Hound) is a representative of a hunting breed, originally from Germany.

Universal Hunter, capable of hunting various game in various terrain and any weather.

The Shorthaired Pointer is a brave and hardy dog, very smart, quick to learn and quick to make decisions. In addition to the excellent qualities of a hunter, he has watchdog qualities, gets along well in the family, loves children, but only one person can be recognized as the owner.

Shorthaired pointer breed description and FCI standard

Since the shorthaired pointer was bred specifically as a hunting breed, the characteristic is appropriate: short, stiff hair does not cling to branches and bushes, the paws are muscular and strong, thanks to which the dog can overcome a long distance. Harmoniously built, with a powerful and at the same time graceful body.

  1. Country of origin: Germany.
  2. Usage: general purpose hunting dog.
  3. FCI classification: Group 7 Pointing dogs. Section 1 Continental Pointing Dogs, Brakk type. With working tests.
  4. GENERAL APPEARANCE: Harmoniously built, noble-looking, strong, hardy and fast dog with a proud posture; contour lines are smooth, dry head, well-set tail, harsh shiny coat, harmonious movements emphasize the nobility of the breed.
  5. Important proportions: the length of the body slightly exceeds the height at the withers.
  6. Behavior/Character: even-tempered, reliable, reserved, accommodating, never nervous, timid or aggressive.
  7. Head: dry, with distinct outlines, neither heavy nor light, in size and massiveness harmonious with the size and sex of the dog.
    1. Skull : Moderately broad, slightly rounded, with a slightly pronounced occiput, the longitudinal groove is not too deep, the superciliary ridges are distinct.
    2. Stop (transition from forehead to muzzle): moderately expressed.
  8. Nose: Slightly protruding, nostrils wide, mobile. The color of the nose is brown, in black or black-roan dogs it is black. With a basic white color, a flesh or spotted nose is acceptable.
  9. Muzzle: Long, broad, deep, strong, allowing proper handling of game. The kurtshaar is characterized by a slight hunchback, in males it is more pronounced. A straight bridge of the nose is acceptable. A concave back of the nose is a defect.
  10. Lips: Close fitting, not too pendulous, well pigmented. The edge of the lip is almost sheer in front, the further contour is distinguished by a smooth bend up to a moderately pronounced corner of the mouth.
  11. Jaws/Teeth: Teeth white, healthy, set vertically in the jaw, jaws strong, regular scissor bite. The incisors of the upper and lower rows are tightly closed. Complete dentition formula 42 strong teeth.
  12. Cheeks: Strong, well muscled.
  13. Eyes: Medium in size, neither protruding nor too deep set. The ideal eye color is dark brown. Eyelids close fitting.
  14. Ears: Medium length, set high and wide, flat, hanging without twisting, close fitting to the head, the ends of the ears are bluntly rounded. Not too meaty and not too thin. In length reach the corner of the lips.
  15. Neck: in length in harmony with the general appearance, gradually expanding towards the body. Very muscular with a slightly arched nape. The skin on the throat is tight.
  16. Topline: Straight, slightly sloping.
  17. Withers: Well defined.
  18. Back: strong, muscular. The spinous processes of the vertebrae must be hidden by the musculature.
  19. Loins: Short, broad, muscular, straight or slightly arched, forming a solid line with the back.
  20. Croup: Broad, fairly long, not sloping, slightly sloping towards the tail, muscular.
  21. Chest: More developed in depth than in breadth, with a well developed forechest, with the sternum as long as possible. The sternum and elbow joint are at the same level. Ribs sprung, neither flat nor barrel-shaped. False ribs of good length.
  22. Underline : With an elegant curve towards a slightly tucked-up belly.
  23. Tail: Set on high, thick at the base, tapering to a tip, of medium length. For use in hunting, half docked. Hanging when at rest, carried horizontally when moving, never raised above the level of the back and not strongly arched. (In countries where docking is prohibited by law, the tail remains natural, reaching to the hock, straight or slightly saber-shaped).
  24. Forelimbs: Seen from the front, straight and parallel; seen from the side, well placed under the body.
    1. Shoulders: Obliquely set, well fitting to the chest, muscular. The scapula and shoulder form a well-defined angle of the shoulder-scapular joint.
    2. Shoulders : Long, muscular, dry.
    3. Elbows: Close to the body, but not too close, turned neither in nor out, deep under the body.
    4. Forearms : Straight, well muscled. The skeleton is strong, but not coarse.
    5. Wrist joints: strong.
    6. Pasterns : with a minimally pronounced angle between the forearms and pasterns, but never set vertically.
  25. Forefeet: Round to oval in shape, well arched, toes tightly attached. Claws are strong. Paw pads are rough, strong. Parallel set, turning neither in nor out in stance and movement.
  26. Hind limbs: Seen from behind, straight and parallel. The articulation angles of the knee and hock joints are well defined. The skeleton is strong.
    1. Thighs: Long, wide, muscular. The angle of the hip joint is well defined.
    2. knee joints
    3. Lower legs : Long, muscular, with clearly visible tendons.
    4. hocks: strong, with a well-defined angle.
    5. Metatarsus: strong, vertically set.
    6. Hind feet: Round to oval in shape, arched, toes tightly attached. Claws are strong. Paw pads are rough, strong. Parallel set, turning neither in nor out in stance and movement.
  27. Gait/Movement: sweeping, with a strong drive from the hindquarters and a good reach of the forelegs. The movements of the fore and hind limbs are straight and parallel. Proud posture. Ambling is undesirable.
  28. Skin: Close-fitting, without folds.
  29. Coat: the coat is short, dense, coarse and hard. Thinner and shorter on the head and ears, slightly longer on the underside of the tail.
  30. Gurzhaar Height/Weight:
    1. Height at the withers: males 62 - 66 cm; females 58 - 63 cm
    2. Weight: males 25-32 kg; females 20-27 kg
  31. Disadvantages / Defects: any deviation from the above is considered a fault/defect and is judged in proportion to its severity and the impact on the health and well-being of the dog.
    1. Behavioral defects, insufficiently expressed sexual type
    2. Too short muzzle
    3. Too thick or too thin lips
    4. Absence of no more than 2 teeth out of four P1 and two M3
    5. Too light eyes, light yellow eyes of a "bird of prey"
    6. Ears are excessively long or short, heavy, narrowly set or curled
    7. suspension
    8. Slight humping of the back
    9. short croup
    10. Excessively deep chest
    11. Tail with a strong curvature or carried well above the level of the topline
    12. Elbows turned in or out, clubfoot or splay, narrow or wide set of forelimbs
    13. Straight back
    14. Slightly barrel-shaped or cow-like set of hind limbs, narrow set of metatarsus.
  32. Serious deficiencies / vices:
    1. Clumsiness, friability, coarseness of addition
    2. Excessive transition from forehead to muzzle
    3. Flesh or spotted nose, except for dogs with a basic white color
    4. Pointed muzzle, concave nasal bridge
    5. Level bite or partly level bite (in dogs older than 4 years (so-called age level bite) does not affect the score if the German Pointer Club confirms the fact that the dog had a correct bite at the previous show)
    6. Humpback or slightly sagging back
    7. Small chest, poorly developed forechest, flat or barrel-shaped ribs
    8. Elbows distinctly turned in or out
    9. Weak, sagging pasterns
    10. Completely sheer pasterns
    11. Significantly pronounced cow or barrel stance of the hindquarters, both in motion and in the stance
    12. high-ass
    13. flat paws
    14. Loose paws
    15. Clumsy movements
    16. Deviations of more than 2 cm from the established height at the withers.
  33. Disqualifying vices:
    1. Aggressiveness or excessive cowardice
    2. Marked physical or behavioral abnormalities
    3. Explicit violations of sexual dimorphism
    4. Absence of more than 2 teeth out of four P1 and two M3
    5. Absence of at least one tooth, except for P1 and M3. Teeth that are not visible are considered missing unless the German Pointer Club confirms their presence at a previous show or trial.
    6. Overshot, undershot, jaw misalignment, all possible combinations
    7. Extra teeth that extend beyond the dentition
    8. Cleft palate or cleft lip
    9. Droopy eyelids, ectropion, entropion, double row of eyelashes
    10. Sagging back, spinal deformity
    11. Any deformity of the chest, such as a short sternum that forms a sharp tuck into the abdomen
    12. Dewclaws with or without phalanges
    13. Weak temperament.

Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed-specific characteristics, may be used for breeding.

Note: Males must have two normally developed testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

German cops are long-lived, about 12-14 years old, but with proper care and regular veterinary examinations, they can live longer.

  • Solid brown, no markings.
  • Brown with small white markings or speckling on the chest or legs.
  • Dark brown roan with brown head, brown spots or speckling. The main color of such a dog, not brown with white and not white with brown - the coat is characterized by a uniform and intense mixture of brown and white hair, resulting in a dog color that is valuable for use in hunting, it is not conspicuous. On the inside of the hind legs and at the tip of the tail, the color is most often lighter.
  • Light brown roan with brown head, brown spots, specks or no spots. With this color, brown hair is less, white hair predominates. White with brown markings on the head, with brown spots or specks.
  • Black color with the same shades as brown or brown-roan.
  • Tan and tan markings allowed.
  • A white blaze, small spots and specks on the lips are allowed.

    The character of the shorthaired pointer

    By nature, not only an excellent hunter, but also a loving member of the family. The German Pointer is a smart and gentle dog that will constantly strive to please its owner. These are very friendly creatures, getting along well with older children.

    The shorthaired pointer has protective qualities, it makes an excellent watchman and defender. She loves to spend time with her family and needs attention.

    Representatives of this breed tend to dominate, so a strong-willed and strong person must become the owner, and establish his leadership. If the owner fails to establish leadership, then the dog can get out of control and become uncontrollable.

    Photo kurtshaar in search of prey

    The German Pointer is highly intelligent, and with a combination of energy and intelligence, this dog needs constant mental and physical work. Training a shorthaired pointer, even the standard commands (sit, beside, lie down, etc.) is an incredible pleasure. If, from puppyhood, the pointer grows up with others (dogs and cats), in adulthood it will be nice to get along with other people's dogs.

    If you want to buy a puppy, remember that this is a hunting dog, and it is better to protect it from small pets, otherwise it will perceive them as a toy or an object for hunting.

    Gurzhaar care is not difficult at all. The breed is short-haired, seasonal shedding. First of all, it is important to monitor the coat of the cop.

    It is necessary to comb out the coat several times a week, using a special brush and a massage mitt for this. During the molting period, comb the dog more often, this will save you from wool in the apartment.

    Bathing is often not recommended, 1 per month or as it gets dirty, otherwise the coat will lose its natural sheen and oily cover that protects against pollution. Representatives of the breed are excellent swimmers, they love to swim in ponds or rivers. You can not let the dog outside in the winter immediately after bathing, otherwise it may catch a cold. For bathing, special shampoos for this breed are used, or dry cleaning is practiced.

    Photo kurtshaar in anticipation

    Pay special attention to the ears - they should always be dry and clean. Any dirt is carefully removed with a cotton swab or a damp cotton pad. Always check your ears after a walk.

    Eyes: Keep an eye on the kurtshaar's eyes, they should be shiny and clean. Sour eyes, wipe with a damp cotton pad dipped in weak tea leaves. With severe souring and profuse tearing, the dog must be shown to the veterinarian.

    The nails are trimmed once a month, with a nail cutter for large breeds, often during long walks they are combed on the asphalt.

    In the photo, the kurtshaar is resting on the hunt

    It is better to teach a dog to hygiene procedures from puppyhood, then the owner will not have problems with caring for the pet, and the dog will enjoy communicating with the owner.

    Ticks and fleas

    The German Hound is a hunting breed, and there is no doubt that the dog, together with the owner, will spend time in nature, run through forests, parks, and bushes. There is a real threat of picking up ticks.

    Walks: shorthaired pointer - needs long walks with physical activity. In the absence of proper loads, he will turn into an uncontrollable hyperactive pet that will "smash" your apartment. Therefore, if you are not able to provide the dog with active and long walks, then this breed will not suit you.

    Kurzhaar food

    Photo kurtshaar puppy close-up

    The Kurzhaar is a hunting dog, and his diet is slightly different from other breeds. The basis of the diet should be animal protein - boiled or raw meat, cut into small pieces.

    In puppyhood, dairy products play an important role - kefir, eggs, cottage cheese, milk, rich in calcium, for strong bones and teeth. However, by 3 months, the amount of dairy products is reduced. Minced meat is not recommended, as the dog does not chew it and as a result, the minced meat is not digested.

    It is important to include cartilage and offal in the diet, especially during the period of changing teeth. The diet of the kurtshaar must necessarily include cereals cooked in broth without adding salt. For a puppy, all cereals are useful, with the exception of pearl barley and potatoes. Be sure to add a source of fiber to the porridge - carrots, zucchini, pumpkin and other vegetables.

    The cop should not be overfed, the optimal weight is in the range of 27-32 kg.

    A kurtshaar puppy is fed up to 5 times a day in small portions, from 6 months the number of feedings is reduced - three times a day. If the puppy has not eaten the food, then the bowl is removed and the next time the portion size is reduced. If, on the contrary, the puppy licks the bowl for a long time, it means that he did not have enough portions and the next time the volume increases. Proper and healthy kurtshaar nutrition, selected taking into account the characteristics, is the key to the health of your pet.

    Kurzhaar training

    In the photo, a kurtshaar near prey

    According to most dog breeders, it is necessary to start training from an early puppy age. However, one should not hurry with the kurtshaar. You will have to be patient before the dog learns the commands.

    In puppyhood, it is better to give your pet more attention and care in order to establish full contact and establish a strong bond. The training of a German pointer implies comprehensive training, that is, "all at once." Otherwise, the dog forgets the commands learned in the last lesson.

    The main principle of kurtshaar training is from simple to complex, and from easy to difficult. During training, it is necessary to give commands based on previously learned ones. It is recommended to train twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It is important to teach the dog to follow commands regardless of the situation - both in the apartment and on the street.

    The main thing to remember is that the kurtshaar remains a puppy in the soul until old age, so you don’t need to force him to unquestioningly follow all the commands, don’t limit his freedom.

    Shorthair disease

    • Otitis externa
    • Epilepsy
    • Von Willebrand disease (an inherited blood disorder in dogs)
    • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
    • Melanoma
    • Cataract
    • Piroplasmosis, babesiosis (a serious disease transmitted by a tick bite).
      Signs: high temperature, the dog refuses to eat, by destroying red blood cells, the ability becomes red-brown.
    • Licked granuloma, polysucha
    • The dog licks itself strongly in some place, usually above the paw, to such an extent that a bald spot appears. The skin becomes inflamed and ulcers appear. The cause is severe itching caused by an allergic reaction, or a local bacterial infection.

      There is an opinion that dogs lick themselves out of boredom.

      The treatment uses an Elizabethan collar. Calendula ointment, tea lotion will help relieve itching. In any case, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

    • Hypothyroidism (acquired or congenital (iodine deficiency) metabolic disease, develops as a result of an insufficient amount or impaired utilization of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland)

Photo of kurtshaar

The pride of German cynologists is the breed of dogs considered national in Germany, the German shorthaired pointer. An elegant, slender dog with an intelligent, attentive look and short hair, able to stand on game and track down an animal, became popular as early as the middle of the nineteenth century. The long-term work of breeders has led to the fact that the originally massive, rough dog has turned into a lighter one, with a sharpened flair and high running speed of the modern kurtshaar. The breed became very popular in the United States, where by the fifties of the twentieth century there were more than fifteen thousand individuals. Russian breeders and hunters only in recent decades have appreciated the versatility of such a hunter as a shorthaired pointer, the description of the breed and the standard of which were adopted at the beginning of the century.

breed standard

natural stance

The Shorthaired Pointer is a large, high at the withers, slightly elongated and elegant dog. Males are always more courageous and larger than females, the growth at the withers of a male reaches 66 centimeters. The overall appearance of the dog combines a harmonious build without a hint of friability, strength and power with elegance and grace of movement. An active, intelligent, receptive dog is always ready to work, has an upper and lower instinct, a wide search, a firm stance against an animal or a bird, and an innate tendency to retrieve.

The kurtshaar will bring prey from land or water, as a retriever would.

  • The body of the shorthaired pointer is strong, with a fairly strong skeleton and thick, tight skin. The neck is moderately long, muscular and strong, with a beautiful nape line. The back is straight, the croup is long, the tail is set high, saber, of medium length or docked.
  • The head is beautifully lined, dry, with a long, well-filled muzzle. Jaws strong, scissor bite, teeth large, white. The eyes are dark, of medium size, set obliquely, the look is energetic and good-natured. The ears are hanging, set above the level of the eyes, the ends reach the corner of the lips.
  • The coat is hard, short, close-lying, shiny. Color black, coffee, brown with white dots. The kurtshaar dog breed looks very impressive in the ring, thanks to its special color, it is noticeable in the grass in any weather when hunting.
  • The limbs of the shorthaired pointer are adapted for long runs after prey, and the webs between the fingers help to swim perfectly. Strong claws, smooth, water-repellent, smooth coat and developed muscles, combined with the dog's light weight, allow it to overcome any obstacles in the process of hunting.

The following are considered faults:

  • Aggression.
  • Cryptorchidism.
  • Eating disorders.
  • Depigmentation of lips, nose, eyelids.
  • Sunken chest.

Dogs of the Kurzhaar breed whose photos are presented in the gallery are true hunters, true friends and affectionate pets.

Dog breed German shorthaired pointer

Kurzhaar loves freedom

The energy and high mobility of the shorthaired pointer make dogs of this breed indispensable assistants to the hunter. A true hunting breed, combining the best qualities of a pointer and a retriever, the kurtshaar can be an excellent guard, barking warning of the arrival of a stranger. The advantages of dogs of this breed are many, but the main one is the endless devotion and attachment of the dog to one owner. The pet is very worried about separation, can howl or stop eating, behave dull or restless. This must be taken into account when planning a vacation or business trips.

A real hunter, the German shorthaired pointer must be able to make decisions on his own, which is associated with some arrogance of dogs of this breed in everyday life. A pet can ignore the commands of a person whom he does not consider capable of commanding. The owner of the dog must have some experience in keeping hunting dogs and be a real leader.

In addition to outstanding hunting talents, elegant dogs have all the qualities of a great pet, provided that the dog receives high physical activity daily. Among the advantages of the kurtshaar note:

  • High mental abilities and desire for learning. The dog loves to learn, so it is a real pleasure.
  • Willingness to follow the owner everywhere, to participate in games and walks.
  • Friendly attitude towards children and other pets. Dogs of this breed get along well with cats and representatives of decorative breeds of dogs.
  • Good health. Dogs of this breed rarely suffer from common to all large breeds, congenital and acquired diseases of the joints.
  • Unpretentiousness in care.

Features and difficulties of keeping a kurtshaar

Training is necessary for the kurtshaar

An energetic, active and large dog can bring some surprises to owners who do not have sufficient knowledge to successfully raise a kurtshaar.

  • The puppy may be stubborn when following commands.
  • A teenager will quickly destroy an apartment if you do not walk him twice a day. Moreover, the walk should be complete, with play and training, with a run.
  • Limitation of personal freedom, the desire to achieve unquestioning obedience, are not needed in the upbringing of a kurtshaar. It is possible and necessary to negotiate with these dogs, they have high intelligence and remain puppies in their souls until old age.
  • Small children in the family are a reason to postpone the purchase of a puppy of this breed, since the dog, having indefatigable mobility, can accidentally drop or hit the child.
  • Shedding is a reason to comb the dog every day, since short and hard hair is very poorly removed from things and home textiles, digging into them like needles. When kurtshaar puppies grow up in the house, buying a special brush and accustoming the dog to regular brushing is not difficult and does not take much time. But the animal always looks great.
  • Ears are a weak point in dogs of this breed, they are prone to inflammatory diseases, therefore, increased attention should be paid to the cleanliness of the auricle.
  • Emotional lability and excessive attachment to the owner are often the reason for paw licking to the point of sores and ulcers. Increased physical activity and herbal sedatives will help the animal cope with the bad habit.

For an exhibition or working adult dog of the Kurzhaar breed, the price can reach one hundred thousand rubles, a puppy with RKF documents is purchased for about 30 thousand rubles. The reason for such a high cost is in the high working and user qualities of dogs of this breed, in the small distribution of kurtshaars.

A video story about the features of a dog of the kurtshaar breed, about the history of the breed and the structure of the body, makes the nature of dogs of this breed more understandable and close.

Kurzhaar or German Pointer (German Kurzhaar, short hair, English German Shorthaired Pointer) is a breed of dog bred at the end of the 19th century in Germany. Swift and powerful paws, they are able to run quickly and turn around instantly. It is a versatile gun dog that was bred exclusively for hunting, although today it is increasingly kept as a companion dog.

  • The German shorthaired pointer is a high-energy breed. She needs one hour of activity daily, off-leash running. And this is the minimum.
  • Without activity, she falls into stress, behavioral and health problems develop.
  • They love people and do not like to be alone, especially for a long time. They are smart and can find entertainment while you are away. And you won't like it.
  • They bark quite a lot. They are distrustful of strangers and can be good guard dogs. However, they lack aggressiveness.
  • Bitches tend to be very protective of their puppies and generally more dominant.
  • They love children, but puppies are extremely active and can inadvertently knock down small children.
  • This is an excellent hunting dog capable of being versatile.

History of the breed

The kurtshaar comes from ancient breeds of dogs and differs significantly from them. The ancestors of the breed were hunting dogs of the German and Austrian nobility and there is practically no information about them.

As a result, little is known about the origin of Pointers, more theory. The only facts are that they originated in what is now Germany and were first standardized sometime between 1860 and 1870.

Before the advent of firearms, European hunting dogs were divided into three types. Pickling or greyhound dogs hunted in a pack mainly for big game: wolves, wild boars, deer.

Their task was to pursue the beast and either keep it until the hunters arrived, or they hunted it down on their own.

The hounds pursued not so large, but fast prey: hares, rabbits. They were tireless and had a good sense of smell. The cops were used to hunt birds, as they do today.

The task of the cop was to find the bird, after which it lay down in front of it, and the hunter covered the bird with a net. It was from the habit of lying down that the name came - the cop.

One of the breeds that specialized in the extraction of birds from dense thickets was the Spanish Pointer. Little is known about this breed, only that they hunted birds and small animals with them. It is believed that they appeared in Spain, probably from local cops and spaniels, but there is no reliable information.

Another breed of pointers were dogs bred in Italy: the Bracco Italiano and the Italian Spinone, which probably appeared with the help of the Spanish Pointer. These breeds were brought to many European countries, and became the ancestors for other hunting dogs. It is believed that the ancestors of the pointer were the Spanish Pointer and Bracco Italiano.

The Spanish Pointer was brought to Germany in the 15th-17th century, where it crossed with local dogs. However, this is nothing more than speculation, as there is no reliable data. Nevertheless, over time, a new breed was formed, now known as the German Bird Dog.

These dogs were not a breed in the modern sense, but rather a group of local dogs used for hunting birds. Unlike English hunters who tried to develop specialized breeds, German hunters strove for versatility. But, as in England of that time, in Germany hunting was the lot of the nobility and nobility.

Over time, changes took place in society and hunting ceased to be the lot of the nobility only, the middle strata also gained access to it. Plus, the spread of firearms has changed the very principles of hunting. The content of large packs is a thing of the past, a city dweller of that time could afford one or two small dogs.

At the same time, he hunted once or twice a month, and in his free time the dog should have been able to perform other functions, or at least be a companion.

From the beginning of the 17th century, English breeders began to keep stud books and standardize local breeds.

One of the first breeds to be standardized was the English Pointer, from a pointer (remember the net) to an elegant gun dog.

German hunters began to import English pointers and use them to improve their dogs. Thanks to them, kurtshaars have become more elegant and faster.

Somewhere from the beginning of the 18th century, German pointers began to be crossed with various wire-haired breeds, which led to the appearance. To distinguish between the two breeds, smooth-coated pointers came to be called kurtshaars.

Over time, the fashion for standardization reached Europe, first in France, and then in various independent German counties and cities. This process was accelerated by the unification of Germany under the leadership of Prussia and the growing nationalism.

In 1860-1870, breeders of kurtshaars began to keep pedigree books of the breed. Thanks to them, she gradually formed into the breed we know. It was first listed by the German Cynological Society in 1872 and has since appeared regularly at shows, but mostly as a service breed.

The English Kennel Club (UKC) registered the Shorthaired Pointer in 1948 as a gun dog. Over time, the German Pointer became more and more popular and by 1970 it was one of the most common hunting dogs in the United States.

By 2010, kurtshaars are ranked 16th in the AKC ranking (out of 167 possible). They are excellent hunting dogs, but are increasingly being kept as companion dogs. The peak of their popularity has passed, as the peak of the popularity of hunting has also passed.

But this is an energetic and active breed that requires regular exercise, and even better hunting, for which it was created. Not every city dweller is able to provide her with the necessary level of activity and loads.

Description of the breed

The German pointer is similar to other pointer breeds, but differs from them in the shortest coat. This is a medium-large dog, males reach 66 cm at the withers, females 60 cm. The standard of the English Kennel Club (UKC) for both males and females is 21-24 inches at the withers (53.34-60.96 cm).

Athletic and graceful, their weight fluctuates slightly. The tail is traditionally docked at about 40% of its natural length, but this is slowly falling out of fashion and is banned in some countries. Natural tail of medium length.

The head and muzzle are common for pointers, since the preponderance in one direction affects the working qualities. The head is in proportion to the body, slightly narrowed. The skull smoothly passes into the muzzle, without a pronounced stop.

The muzzle is long and deep, allowing both to bring a downed bird and to track it effectively by smell.

The nose is large, black or brown, depending on the color of the dog. Hanging ears, medium length. The eyes are medium in size, almond shaped. General impression of the breed: friendliness and intelligence.

The coat of the German shorthaired pointer is, as you might guess, short. But at the same time it is double, with a short and soft undercoat and a slightly longer, harsh, slightly oily topcoat.

It gives the dog protection from bad weather and cold, despite its short length, as the oiliness does not allow it to get wet, and also protects against insects. On the hunt, in motion, the kurtshaar endures frost down to -20C.

The color of the coat is from black to dark brown (English liver), and with spots scattered over the body.


The German Shorthaired Pointer is a hunting gun dog, quite versatile. They love people and are very attached to their family, which they are ready to follow anywhere.

They try to be closer to the owner, which sometimes creates problems. If you leave a shorthaired pointer alone for a long time, then he begins to get bored, becomes depressed and develops destructive behavior or he may howl from longing.

In relation to strangers, they can be different, depending on the character. Properly brought up, they are friendly, although they do not rush to the chest. In any case, they always prefer their circle and family.

Without proper socialization, they can be timid. If a new member appears in the family, then for some time they stay away, but in the end they get used to and become attached to him. They can be good watchmen, as they are sensitive and make noise when strangers approach, but they have little aggression and cannot defend the territory.

Shorthaired Pointers usually get along well with children and form strong friendships. They are ready to endure their rough games, but only if they are familiar with children and grew up together. If the dog is not specialized, then you need to be careful, as children can scare him. In addition, kurtshaar puppies are not the best choice for families with small children.

They are distinguished by activity, irrepressible energy and can knock down a child during games.

Most German Pointers get along well with other animals, including dogs. With proper upbringing, they get along well even with dogs of the same sex. They are not characterized by dominance, aggressiveness and territoriality. However, males may show aggressiveness towards other males, but more of a show of it than a real attack.

Properly educated, kurtshaars are tolerant of other animals. But, it is still a hunting dog and its instinct is strong. It is extremely unwise to leave a dog alone with small animals such as rabbits or rats.

In addition, they can chase cats, and the size and strength quite allow the kurtshaar to kill this cat. Remember that they may not notice your house cats (they are used to them), and chase the neighbors.

Smart and easy to train breed. Most studies on canine intelligence rank the German Pointer as the 15th to 20th smartest dog. Especially noting how quickly puppies learn. They are willing to please and are rarely stubborn.

However, they are slightly more demanding in training than other hunting dogs and the owner should be at the top of their rankings.

The fact is that they get carried away and forget about everything, including the commands of the owner. A shorthaired pointer can smell an interesting smell, pick it up and disappear from sight in the blink of an eye.

At this point, he is completely absorbed in interest and can ignore commands. And if the dog does not consider the owner to be the undisputed leader, then the behavior only worsens.

Any owner will tell you that this is a very energetic dog. Shorthaired pointer can tirelessly follow the trail, loves to play and does it for hours.

The German Pointer has one of the highest activity levels of any dog ​​breed and is second only to some herding breeds.

At least an hour of activity daily, and preferably a few hours - that's what they need. Even a long walk will not satisfy them, as the dog prefers to run. They will be excellent companions for runners, but on condition that they let them off the leash.

It will be difficult to keep a kurtshaar in an apartment. They are designed to live in the yard, and the larger the yard, the better. In winter, they can live in a booth if it is heated. It is extremely important that the owner is able to provide the dog with the necessary exercise.

Without it, the dog will suffer, she has nowhere to put her energy and she will find where to put it. But you won't like it. Given its size and strength, it will not just gnaw your shoes, but gnaw on a table, chair and sofa.

They love to bark by themselves, and without the release of energy they can do it for hours, without stopping. Without proper activity and freedom, the kurtshaar is more likely to develop behavioral, mental, and health problems.

If you are not ready to spend more than an hour a day on intensive walks, you do not have a spacious yard, then you should look at another breed. But, for active people, hunters, marathon runners, bike lovers, this will be an ideal dog.

Remember that these dogs can easily escape from the yard. They have an instinct to explore, a keen sense of smell, and a brain that turns off interesting smells. The German Pointer is able to jump over a fence or undermine it, just to get to the smell.

They are also known for the fact that they develop physically quickly, and mentally - slowly. Puppies grow and gain strength early, sometimes many times faster than other breeds. However, it takes two to three years for the psyche to fully develop.

As a result, you may end up with a fully formed gundog that is still puppy-like in behavior. Keep this in mind and be prepared.


An unpretentious breed in care. No professional grooming, as befits a hunting dog. It is enough to periodically comb out the coat, washing only in case of great need. After hunting, the dog should be checked for injuries, wounds, ticks. Pay special attention to the ears, which, due to their shape, accumulate dirt.

Otherwise, care is the same as for other breeds. The only thing is they are very active and need plenty of water to drink to avoid dehydration.

They shed a lot and if you or family members have allergies, then first communicate closely with adult dogs. To understand how they affect you.


German Pointers are quite healthy, although working lines may be more disease resistant.

The life expectancy of a shorthaired pointer is 12-14 years, which is quite a long time for such a large dog.

A study conducted by the GSPCA found among the leading causes of death: cancer 28%, old age 19%, digestive diseases 6%. Of the diseases, arthritis, hip dysplasia, epilepsy, cancer and cardiovascular disease are common. The number of genetic diseases is significantly lower than in other purebred breeds.

Like other large breeds that have a wide chest, kurtshaars are prone to volvulus. This serious condition is treated only by surgery and is caused by many reasons.

But the main thing is plentiful feeding and then the activity of the dog. Try to feed small meals and don't walk your dogs after meals.

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