Peculiarities of disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere in children with early childhood autism. Features of the personality and emotional-volitional sphere of children with early childhood autism Early childhood autism emotional sphere

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1.1 Definition of emotions and will




Scientists believe that the most important aspect of personality formation is the development of the emotional-volitional sphere, which performs the function of regulating life. Analysis of the theoretical, experimental heritage of scientists (M.Ya. Basov, K.N. Kornilov, S.L. Rubinshtein, I.P. Pavlov, L.S. Vygotsky, I.M. Sechenov, A.V. Vedenov, V .I. Selivanov, K. M. Gurevich, E. P. Ilyin, and others) showed that volitional behavior allows a person to change the surrounding reality, in accordance with the knowledge of the laws of development of nature and society. Will is understood by scientists as the ability of a person, manifested in self-determination and self-regulation of his activities and various mental processes. The question of the essence of will from the very beginning of the study turned out to be closely connected with the problem of motivation. Researchers (L.I. Bozhovich, V.A. Ivannikov, E.P. Ilyin, S.L. Rubinshtein, V.I. Selivanov) note that the more developed the motivational sphere, the more productive the action of volitional regulation. A necessary condition for the development of the will, scientists call the inclusion of the subject in the activity. The role of the moral qualities of a person in the implementation of volitional behavior was studied in the works of M.I. Madzharova, P.A. Rudika, V.I. Selivanova. The authors came to the conclusion that the moral orientation of the individual largely contributes to the implementation of volitional behavior. The connection of the personal level with volitional processes was emphasized by K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, T.I. Shulga and others.

When considering the volitional qualities of a person, the question arises of the close connection between will and emotions. autism emotion psyche personality

The interaction of volitional and emotional processes was pointed out by psychologists O.V. Dashkevich, V.K. Kalin, L.S. Rubinstein, V.I. Selivanov, A.I. Shcherbakov. Emotions are one of the highest mental functions, which, like all higher mental functions, arise and are formed under the influence of the environment. They play a significant role in the mental life of a person, accompanying all his activities, penetrating into every mental process (Vilyunas VK, 1978). Traditional for domestic psychology is the unification of emotions and will into a single emotional-volitional sphere. The development of the emotional-volitional sphere is the most important aspect of the development of the personality as a whole.

Children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere represent a polymorphic group characterized by various clinical symptoms and psychological and pedagogical features. The most severe emotional disturbances occur in early childhood autism syndrome (ARD); in some cases, emotional disturbances are combined with mental retardation or mental retardation. Emotional-volitional disorders are also characteristic of children and adolescents with schizophrenia.

This explains the relevance of the chosen research topic.

The purpose of the work is to study the features of the emotional-volitional sphere of children with RDA.

The subject of the study is the features of the emotional-volitional sphere in children with RDA.

The object of the study is children with autism.

1. Consider the theoretical foundations of the emotional-volitional development of the personality in ontogenesis and dysontogenesis.

2. To study the features of emotional and volitional disorders in children with RDA.

Hypothesis. With properly organized phased corrective work with autistic children, it is possible to improve the most important mental mechanism that determines the formation of a full-fledged personality - the emotional-volitional sphere.

1. Theoretical aspects of the problem of emotional and volitional development in children with early childhood autism

1.1 Definition of emotions and will

Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations of pleasant and unpleasant, a person's attitude to the world and people, the process and results of his practical activity. The class of emotions includes moods, feelings, affects, passions, stresses. These are the so-called "pure" emotions. They are included in all mental processes and human states. Any manifestations of his activity are accompanied by emotional experiences.

In humans, the main function of emotions is that thanks to emotions we understand each other better, we can, without using speech, judge each other's states. Capable of empathy, that is, the ability to empathize with each other.

The first feelings are always pre-intellectual, the subjective and the objective are not separated in them, and the child cannot establish the cause of his emotions. Throughout childhood, the way emotions are expressed also changes: first through crying and symptoms, then through gestures, and then in words. Early childhood sets the basis for the emotional background of a person's existence, his feelings, prevailing mood, and affects.

During the first year of life, children begin to respond emotionally to toys and games, although these feelings are short-lived and unstable. By the end of the year, the vast majority of emotions, mostly positive, are associated with the presence of an adult. In a one-year-old child, the feeling of surprise, which is the beginning of a cognitive attitude to the world around him and arises in the first days after birth, begins to manifest itself especially clearly.

In the second year of life, the greatest joy is brought by games in which the child himself acts as an initiator (hides toys, lures an adult), the dynamics of feelings change: instead of passive infection, the child begins to show his own feelings and interest in the world around him, reacts to the behavior and condition of the mother, begins to notice other children, although instead of a general game, there is still “action nearby”

After a year and a half, joy from one's own achievements is clearly manifested (climbed a hill - it requires attention to oneself and reciprocal joy). With the development of speech, the child begins to perceive feelings formulated verbally, but only when they are reinforced by intonation and facial expressions. Along with the growth of independence, social feelings of resentment, shame, embarrassment, guilt can also appear, which always involve the presence of another person.

Somewhat later, social feelings become predominant. Children begin to draw a line between themselves and others, as a result of which they develop emotional decentration and the ability to take the position of another.

In children up to primary school age, emotional arousal radiates widely (the ability of the nervous process to spread from its place of origin to other nerve elements) and is expressed in a violation of general behavior (which is why they are not always emotionally adequate, i.e. their feelings can be directed not on the subject that caused them to occur - for example, after a holiday, children can be capricious, refuse to eat).

According to A. Vallon, after three years, a child becomes capable of experiencing passion, for example, jealousy, which can be very deep, but at the same time silent, and weakens only upon reaching preschool age, when the child’s attitude to reality becomes more objective and intellectual.

At the age of seven, when a child experiences one of the developmental crises, he acquires the ability to experience, according to L.S. Vygotsky, a unit of interaction between the individual and the environment, which is the internal attitude of the child to a particular moment of reality. Experience is always something, but at the same time mine. After the age of seven, the essence of every subsequent crisis is a change in experience.

Life without emotions is just as impossible as life without sensations. Emotions, as the famous naturalist Charles Darwin argued, arose in the process of evolution as a means by which living beings establish the significance of certain conditions in order to satisfy their urgent needs. Emotionally expressive human movements - facial expressions, gestures, pantomime - perform the function of communication, i.e. giving a person information about the state of the speaker and his attitude to what is happening at the moment, as well as the function of influence - exerting a certain influence on the one who is the subject of perception of emotionally expressive movements. Not to succumb to emotions and control them, a person helps the will. Emotions and will, especially in a child, are closely related. At the beginning of life, they, in fact, coincide, and only in the course of ontogenesis will the will begin to control emotions, and not express them.

Volitional qualities cover several special personal properties that affect a person's desire to achieve their goals. One of the essential features of an act of will is that it is always associated with the application of efforts, decision-making and their implementation. Will presupposes a struggle of motives. By this essential feature, volitional action can always be separated from the rest.

Will presupposes self-restraint, the restraint of some fairly strong drives, the conscious subordination of them to other, more significant and important goals, the ability to suppress the desires and impulses that directly arise in a given situation. At the highest levels of its manifestation, the will involves reliance on spiritual goals and moral values, on beliefs and ideals. Another sign of volitional action is the presence of a well-thought-out plan for its implementation. A volitional action is usually accompanied by a lack of emotional satisfaction, but the successful completion of a volitional act is usually associated with moral satisfaction from the fact that it was possible to fulfill it.

Often, the efforts of the will are directed by a person not so much towards conquering and mastering circumstances, but towards overcoming oneself. This is especially true for people of an impulsive type, unbalanced and emotionally excitable, when they have to act contrary to their natural or characterological data.

The development of volitional regulation of human behavior is carried out in several directions. On the one hand, this is the transformation of involuntary mental processes into arbitrary ones, on the other hand, the acquisition by a person of control over his behavior, on the third, the development of volitional qualities of the personality. All these processes begin ontogenetically from the moment of life when the child masters speech and learns to use it as an effective means of mental and behavioral self-regulation.

The first manifestation of will is connected with the crisis of one year. During this period, the child has the first acts of protest, opposing himself to others, the so-called hypobulic reactions, in which will and affect (L.S. Vygotsky) are not differentiated, which are especially revealed when the child is denied something (shouts, falls on gender, repels adults, etc.). As V.I. Slobodchikov, in infancy, the child separates from adults (primarily from the mother as an emotional center) and insists on its own self.

Is it possible to stimulate the development of the will? The physiological basis of volitional processes is the ratio of the processes of excitation and inhibition. Since excitation develops earlier in ontogeny and inhibition develops later, the inhibitory reaction to a verbal signal is very difficult for children, especially with positive instructions. Reinforcement in this case is not only the reaction of the adult, but also the result of the action: if you do not insist on following the instructions, the skill is not fixed and impulsiveness persists longer. PC. Anokhin also noted that the basis of volitional processes is the formation of an action acceptor (reverse afferentation), due to which the future result is predicted, which characterizes the child's actions as arbitrary, directed, and not chaotic.

Managing emotions requires self-regulation - the ability to deal with feelings in socially acceptable ways, the adoption of norms of behavior, respect for other people's property, the adoption of security measures, and so on. The rudiments of self-control, which V. Stern defined as the ability to overcome something unpleasant or refuse something pleasant, are found already at the age of two years. Another element of self-regulation is consent, understood as the child's sharing of the demands of adults (do not run across the street, put away toys, etc.). Consent has its own age dynamics: when a child is just learning to walk, the demands of parents can be met with crying, by the age of three this is most often a refusal, by four years there is less resistance, and the child becomes more accommodating. The final formation of emotional self-regulation is noted by the age of seven, when the child should already know what can and cannot be done, and is generally ready for school.

1.2 Emotions and will in the personality structure

Personality is most often defined as a person in the totality of his social, acquired qualities. This means that personal characteristics do not include such features of a person that are genotypically or physiologically determined and do not depend in any way on life in society. In many definitions of personality, it is emphasized that the psychological qualities of a person that characterize his cognitive processes or individual style of activity, with the exception of those that are manifested in relations with people, in society, do not belong to the number of personal ones. The concept of "personality" usually includes such properties that are more or less stable and testify to the individuality of a person, determining his actions that are significant for people.

A personality is a person taken in the system of such psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifested in social connections and relationships by nature, are stable, determine the moral actions of a person that are essential for himself and those around him.

Consider the structure of personality. It usually includes abilities, temperament, character, volitional qualities, emotions, motivation, social attitudes.

Emotions, no matter how different they may seem, are inseparable from personality. “What pleases a person, what interests him, plunges him into despondency, worries, what seems to him to be estimated, most of all characterizes his essence, his character, individuality”

S. L. Rubinshtein believed that three spheres can be distinguished in the emotional manifestations of a personality: its organic life, its material interests and its spiritual, moral needs. He designated them respectively as organic (affective-emotional) sensitivity, objective feelings and generalized ideological feelings. In his opinion, elementary pleasures and displeasures, mainly associated with the satisfaction of organic needs, belong to affective-emotional sensitivity. Object feelings are associated with the possession of certain objects and the pursuit of certain types of activity. These feelings, according to their objects, are divided into material, intellectual and aesthetic. They manifest themselves in admiration for some objects, people and activities and in disgust for others. Worldview feelings are associated with morality and human relations to the world, people, social events, moral categories and values. ,

Human emotions are primarily related to his needs. They reflect the state, process and result of meeting the need. This idea has been repeatedly emphasized by almost without exception researchers of emotions, regardless of what theories they adhere to. By emotions, they believed, one can definitely judge what a person is worried about at a given moment in time, that is, what needs and interests are relevant to him.

People as individuals emotionally differ from each other in many ways; emotional excitability, duration and stability of their emotional experiences, the dominance of positive (sthenic) or negative (asthenic) emotions. But most of all, the emotional sphere of developed personalities differs in the strength and depth of feelings, as well as in their content and subject relatedness. This circumstance, in particular, is used by psychologists when designing tests designed to study personality. By the nature of the emotions that the situations and objects presented in the tests, events and people evoke in a person, their personal qualities are judged.

The emerging emotions are greatly influenced not only by the accompanying vegetative reactions, but also by suggestion - a biased, subjective interpretation of the likely consequences of a given stimulus affecting emotions. Through the psychological attitude, the cognitive factor turned out to be possible to manipulate the emotional states of people in a wide range.

The question of the connection between emotions and motivation (emotional experiences and the system of actual human needs) is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. On the one hand, the simplest types of emotional experiences are unlikely to have a pronounced motivating power for a person. They either do not directly affect behavior, do not make it purposeful, or completely disorganize it (affects and stresses). On the other hand, emotions such as feelings, moods, passions motivate behavior, not only activating it, but guiding and supporting it. Emotion, expressed in a feeling, desire, attraction or passion, undoubtedly contains an impulse to activity. The second significant point related to the personal aspect of emotions is that the system itself and the dynamics of typical emotions characterize a person as a person. Of particular importance for such a characteristic is the description of feelings typical of a person. Feelings simultaneously contain and express the attitude and motivation of a person, and both are usually merged in a deep human feeling. Higher feelings, in addition, carry a moral principle.

One of these feelings is conscience. It is associated with the moral stability of a person, his acceptance of moral obligations to other people and strict adherence to them. A conscientious person is always consistent and stable in his behavior, always correlates his actions and decisions with spiritual goals and values, deeply experiencing cases of deviation from them not only in his own behavior, but also in the actions of other people. Such a person is usually ashamed of other people if they behave dishonorably.

Human emotions are manifested in all types of human activity and especially in artistic creation. The artist's own emotional sphere is reflected in the choice of subjects, in the manner of writing, in the way of developing selected themes and subjects. All this taken together makes up the individual originality of the artist.

Emotions are included in many psychologically complex states of a person, acting as their organic part. Humor, irony, satire and sarcasm are such complex states, including thinking, attitude and emotions, which can also be interpreted as types of creativity if they take on an artistic form.

In addition to the listed complex states and feelings, tragedy should also be mentioned. This is an emotional state that occurs when the forces of good and evil clash and the victory of evil over good.

The last special human feeling that characterizes him as a person is love. F. Frankl spoke well about the meaning of this feeling in its highest, spiritual understanding. True love, in his opinion, is the entry into a relationship with another person as a spiritual being. Love is an entry into a direct relationship with the personality of the beloved, with his originality and uniqueness.

A person who truly loves, least of all, thinks about some mental or physical characteristics of a loved one. He thinks mainly about what this person is for him in his individual uniqueness. This person for a lover cannot be replaced by anyone, no matter how perfect this “duplicate” may be in itself.

Do emotions and feelings develop during a person's life? There are two different points of view on this issue. One argues that emotions cannot develop because they are related to the functioning of the organism and to its characteristics that are innate. Another point of view expresses the opposite opinion - that the emotional sphere of a person, like many other psychological phenomena inherent in him, develops.

In fact, these positions are quite compatible with each other and there are no insoluble contradictions between them. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to connect each of the presented points of view with different classes of emotional phenomena. Elementary emotions, acting as subjective manifestations of organic states, really change little. It is no coincidence that emotionality is considered to be one of the innate and vitally stable personal characteristics of a person.

But already with respect to affects, and even more so feelings, such an assertion is not true. All the qualities associated with them indicate that these emotions are developing. A person, moreover, is able to restrain the natural manifestations of affects and, therefore, is quite teachable in this respect too. An affect, for example, can be suppressed by a conscious effort of the will, its energy can be switched to another, more useful thing.

The improvement of higher emotions and feelings means the personal development of their owner. This development can go in several directions. Firstly, in the direction associated with the inclusion of new objects, objects, events, people into the sphere of human emotional experiences. Secondly, along the line of increasing the level of conscious, volitional control and control of one's feelings by a person. Thirdly, in the direction of gradual inclusion in the moral regulation of higher values ​​and norms: conscience, decency, duty, responsibility, etc. Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that emotions and will are psychological characteristics of a person and are an integral part of it.

Autistic children suffering from a pervasive mental disorder are characterized by increased hyperesthesia (increased sensitivity) to various sensory stimuli: temperature, tactile, sound and light. The usual colors of reality for an autistic child are excessive, unpleasant. Such an impact coming from the environment is perceived by an autistic child as a traumatic factor. This forms an increased vulnerability of the psyche of children. The environment itself, which is normal for a healthy child, turns out to be a source of a constant negative background of sensations and emotional discomfort for an autistic child.

A person is perceived by an autistic child as an element of the environment, which, like herself, is a superstrong irritant for him. This explains the weakening of the reaction of autistic children to a person in general and in particular to loved ones. On the other hand, the rejection of contact with loved ones deprives the autistic child of truly human psychological support. Therefore, the child's parents, and primarily the mother, often act as emotional donors.

A striking manifestation of the "social loneliness" of an autistic child and the lack of his needs for social connections is the lack of desire to establish eye contact and the presence of unmotivated, unreasonable fears that arise during his contacts with society. The gaze of an autistic child, as a rule, is turned into the void, it is not fixed on the interlocutor. More often, this view reflects the inner experiences of the autistic child, rather than an interest in the outside world. The reaction of an autistic child to a human face is characteristically paradoxical: the child may not look at the interlocutor, but his peripheral vision will certainly note everything, even the slightest movements made by another person. During infancy, the face of the mother, instead of the "complex of revival," can cause fear in the child. As the child grows older, the attitude of an autistic child to this emotional factor practically does not change. The person's face remains a superstrong irritant and causes a hypercompensatory reaction: avoidance of gaze and direct eye contact and, as a result, refusal of social interaction.

It is known that the insufficiency of the first signaling system, which manifests itself in the form of hyperesthesia in an autistic child, and its pronounced selectivity determine the presence of disturbances in the second signaling system. The absence of the need for contact indicates that the communicative-need sphere of an autistic child is deficient and depends on the degree of perfection of both sensory and affective processes.

The insufficiency of the communicative-need sphere of an autistic child is also manifested in the peculiarities of his speech: both in mutism, speech clichés, echochalia, and in the unformed facial expressions and gestures - factors that accompany a speech statement. At the same time, the insufficiency of the structural components of the communicative sphere in autism is accompanied by the lack of formation of motivation for communication in children.

The formation of the personality of an autistic child as the final stage of his mental development has special characteristics. It is known that the central link in the formation of a person's personality is the development of his motivational sphere, presented as a complex hierarchical system of needs, desires, aspirations and intentions. It is known that already at an early age the process of formation of mental neoplasms ends with the emergence of a central personality formation in the form of the I system. to himself, self-determination, understanding of his place in society and purpose in life.

The state of the mental sphere of an autistic child indicates the insufficiency of the most important mental mechanism that determines the formation of a full-fledged personality - the emotional-volitional sphere. It is violations in this area of ​​mental development of an autistic child that are the main obstacle to the formation of his full-fledged personality.

Specific features in the development of personality neoplasms arise at the very beginning of the life path of an autistic child. Avoiding eye contact with mother and loved ones; the absence or lethargy of the flow of the "revitalization complex"; unwillingness (up to complete avoidance) to enter into verbal contact; lack of use of the pronoun "I"; speech stereotyping, which prevents critical self-assessment, and much more determine the personal originality of an autistic child or adolescent.

In our opinion, a violation of the understanding of oneself as a system of the Self, which is reflected in the violation of self-identification with a speech sign - the first person pronoun, has a special negative impact on the formation of the personal maturity of an autistic child.

The complex of personality disorders that occur in autistic adolescents and young men can later manifest itself in personality development according to the autistic type or in schizoid character accentuation. The personal characteristics of autistic adolescents and young men are characterized by emotional coldness, selfishness and egocentrism, a special isolation from the surrounding world of people. Autistic teenagers and young men have poor contact with their peers, they are closed and secretive. They have a critical assessment of their actions and statements. In general, in order to organize their future life, they need a special adaptive approach carried out in relation to them by society.

1.3 Clinical and psychological characteristics of children with early childhood autism

The clinical and psychological picture of autistic disorders can take different forms - from a non-speaking maladjusted child with a low level of intelligence to a selectively gifted child with interests in abstract areas of knowledge and "adult" speech. However, all autistic children need psychological, medical and pedagogical support, and knowledge of the features of the manifestation of autism can make it possible to adequately choose the variant of its use. In the proposed theoretical and methodological recommendations, we mainly consider the manifestations of autism as a violation of psychological development.

The pervasiveness of this disorder implies changes in all mental spheres - perceptual, intellectual, speech, emotional, volitional, behavioral... These changes will be observed in varying degrees of severity in any age group with autism, although their severity may decrease over time. But an autistic child, teenager, adult will always experience difficulties in interpersonal communication and social adaptation, he will lack or find it difficult to form a sense of empathy and synchrony in emotional experiences with people (especially with peers).

Children with autism perceive everything around them in a qualitatively different way, they experience incredible difficulties when it comes to interacting with other people. They live in a special world in which everything is unchanged and which is closed to everyone. Everything outside of this world causes them overwhelming fear and rejection. Any attempt to penetrate this world causes resistance, and sometimes severe decompensation. There is always a gross distortion in the formation of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. Some of them, even if there is a combination with mental retardation, may have a peculiar (often one-sided) talent, for example, in music, technology, mathematics, drawing, etc. Some of them learn to read on their own (while not always understanding what they read). Their social maladaptation is qualitatively different from that of children with mental retardation. Such a child may sometimes solve complex problems at an abstract level, but will be socially helpless (in such cases the term "social disability" is sometimes used). Many people have a hard time with their dissimilarity to others and, according to the mechanisms of psychological defense, they develop a number of psychopathological phenomena (stereotypes, auto-aggression, aggression, ritual actions, etc.), which help to overcome the barrier of isolation from people and enter into some kind of communication. But the emergence of new psychopathological phenomena is often accompanied by an aggravation of social maladaptation (especially if others do not understand their origin) and creates additional difficulties when working with children. A number of these phenomena may also have an autostimulatory origin. So, for example, stereotypes (monotonous repetitive actions) help the child increase his level of activity, compensate for the lack of stimulation from the outside. However, their pathological nature is distinguished by constancy, strangeness of movements, emotional tension, which can also complicate the development of skills of socially adapted behavior.

The first signs of autism are already present in infancy (with the exception of atypical forms). In the future, as the age increases, mental functions turn out to be unusual, distorted, giving "mysteriousness". Already in the first months after birth, the child often has a reduced mental and muscle tone. He is unusually calm, lethargic and indifferent to his surroundings, poorly differentiates (or does not differentiate) the mother from others, does not reach for his hands, does not smile, and if a smile sometimes appears, then it is without an address, turned into the unknown, it is absent or weakly expressed. emotional syntony with the mother and others. The child's gaze is turned into space, he does not react or reacts insufficiently to the sound of a human voice. Parents therefore often have suspicions of hearing and vision impairment. While these children often listen to the rustle of paper, the ticking of a clock, or the sunbeam crawling up the wall, some of them are afraid.

The formation of speech in autistic children has a number of features. Often such children lack the stages of cooing and babbling, and if there is cooing, then it is mechanical, devoid of an intonational component. Quite often the child's speech appears long before the start of walking or after the appearance of the first words, the child develops mutism, which persists for months and years. The first words that appear do not have a targeted content and do not serve as a means of communication, they are pronounced spontaneously, without taking into account the situation and give the impression of a “play with words”. Sometimes the pronunciation of individual words acquires a ritual character, facilitating the performance of a particular action. Often in speech there are neologisms and the content of words is violated. Almost all autistic children have an incorrect use of pronouns, especially "I". Speech is often jerky, chanted, imperative, the intonational component of speech does not reflect the emotional state of the child and the environment in which he is.

Such children seem to be outwardly completely indifferent to the speech of adults, and the speech of adults is by no means always able to regulate their behavior. But along with this, they often spontaneously, without taking into account the situation, immediately or after some time reproduce what they heard, even with the preservation of the intonational component of speech (immediate or delayed echolalia). There are many stereotypes, verbal stamps of "adult" words in the child's speech. These children may have a large vocabulary, they often give lengthy monologues, but have great difficulty in ordinary conversation. Separate words that the child has already used may disappear from his dictionary for a long time and then reappear.

These children suffer from general and fine motor skills, they often have muscular hypotonia and therefore incorrect posture. Many of them begin to walk on tiptoe, this gait persists for a long time, then disappears and returns again. Motor stereotypes, stereotypes in behavior and speech, in play activities, the desire to maintain the stability of the environment, fits of anger, motor hyperactivity phenomena are characteristic of all children with autism.

Gaming activities deserve special attention. It is hardly possible to imagine a child outside the game. The autistic child also plays. But his game does not correspond to his age, it is monotonous, most often has a manipulative character, often plays with non-game objects (carnations, ropes, buttons, etc.), stereotypically repeating the same manipulation. If by chance another child finds himself in such a game, then he also turns him, for some time, into an inanimate object of manipulation (for example, mechanically sprinkles sand on his head). The game is not accompanied by an appropriate pantomimic accompaniment, the child's face remains impassive. In such a game there are actions, but it can hardly be called an activity.

When diagnosing autism syndromes, it is necessary to distinguish autistic states as manifestations of a developmental disorder from autistic manifestations in the clinical picture of a particular disease (or other developmental disorder). Especially difficult for differential diagnosis can be childhood schizophrenia and early childhood autism, mental retardation and autism. In the picture of the psychological, medical and pedagogical manifestations of autism, one can distinguish nuclear symptoms that are almost always detected, but should be considered in terms of age evolution (E.S. Ivanov):

1) the first signs immediately after birth;

2) lack of need for communication and lack of purposeful behavior;

3) the desire to preserve the stability of the environment;

4) peculiar fears;

5) originality of motility;

6) symptoms of a violation of the phasing and hierarchy of mental and physical development;

7) originality of speech and its formation;

8) a peculiar combination of lower and higher emotions;

9) intellectual unevenness;

10) stereotypes in behavior, motor skills, speech, play;

11) violation of the sleep formula;

12) insufficiency or lack of response to distant stimuli;

13) violation of the differentiation of animate and inanimate objects;

14) the ability to relative compensation in the sphere of everyday life in the presence of an outside assistant;

15) the possibility of regression of mental functions in the absence of a correct psychotherapeutic approach or a late start of correction.

Diagnostic landmarks for typical autism:

There is usually no preceding period of undoubtedly normal development of a child with autism, but if there is, then the deviation is detected before the age of 3 years, which is most characteristic of early childhood autism syndrome. Qualitative disorders of social interaction are always noted, acting in the form of an inadequate assessment of socio-emotional signals, which is noticeable by the absence of reactions to the emotions of other people and / or the absence of modulation of behavior in accordance with the social situation; poor use of social cues and little integration of social, emotional, and communicative behaviour; the absence of socio-emotional reciprocity is especially characteristic. This manifests itself in the form of a lack of social use of existing speech skills; violations in role-playing and social simulation games; lack of reciprocity in communication; insufficient flexibility of speech expression and the relative lack of creativity and fantasy in thinking; lack of emotional response to verbal and non-verbal attempts by other people to enter into a conversation; impaired use of tonalities and expressiveness of the voice to modulate communication; the same absence of accompanying gestures, which have an amplifying or auxiliary value in conversational communication. This condition is also characterized by restricted, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, interests and activities, which is manifested by a tendency to establish a rigid and once and for all routine in many aspects of daily life. This usually refers to new activities as well as old habits and play activities. There may be a special attachment to unusual, often hard objects, which is most characteristic of early childhood. Children may insist on a special order for non-functional rituals; there may be a stereotypical preoccupation with dates, routes, or schedules; frequent are motor stereotypes. Characterized by a special interest in the non-functional elements of objects, such as smell or tactile surface qualities; the child may resist changes in the routine or arrangement of details of his environment (such as decorating and furnishing the house). In addition to these specific diagnostic features, children with autism often show a number of other non-specific problems: fears (phobias), sleep or eating disorders, temper tantrums, and aggressiveness. Self-harm is fairly common (eg, as a result of biting hands), especially with concomitant mental retardation. Most children with autism lack spontaneity, initiative, and creativity in leisure activities and find it difficult to use general concepts when making decisions (even when tasks are well within their abilities). To make a diagnosis of autistic disorder, it is important to establish that the child had developmental abnormalities in the first three years of life, but the syndrome itself can be diagnosed in all age groups. With autism, there can be any level of mental development, but most people with autism have mental retardation.

Diagnostic landmarks for atypical autism:

Atypical autism differs from typical autism either in age of onset or in the absence of one of the three main diagnostic criteria. So, one or another sign of disturbed development first appears only after the age of three; and/or there is a lack of sufficiently distinct impairments in one or two of the three psychopathological domains required for a diagnosis of autism (namely, impairments in social interaction, communication, and restricted, stereotyped, repetitive behavior) in spite of features in the other domain. Atypical autism most commonly occurs in children with severe mental retardation, in whom very low levels of functioning provide little scope for the specific deviant behaviors required for a diagnosis of autism; it also occurs in individuals with severe specific receptive speech disorder. The characteristics of autism change as the child grows, but persist throughout adulthood, manifesting in many ways the same type of socialization, communication, and interest problems.

1.4 Features of violation of the emotional-volitional sphere in children with early childhood autism

Violation of the emotional-volitional sphere is the leading symptom in RDA and may appear soon after birth.

Thus, in autism, the earliest system of social interaction with other people, the revitalization complex, often lags behind in its formation. This is manifested in the absence of gaze fixation on a person’s face, a smile and emotional responses in the form of laughter, speech and motor activity to manifestations of attention from an adult. As the child grows, the weakness of emotional contacts with close adults continues to grow. Children do not ask to be held in their mother's arms, do not take the appropriate posture, do not cuddle, remain lethargic and passive. Usually the child distinguishes parents from other adults, but does not express much affection. Children may even experience fear of one of the parents, sometimes they tend to hit or bite, to do everything out of spite. These children lack the age-specific desire to please adults, to earn praise and approval. The words "mom" and "dad" appear later than others and may not correspond to parents. All of the above symptoms are manifestations of one of the primary pathogenic factors of autism, namely, a decrease in the threshold of emotional discomfort in contacts with the world. A child with RDA has extremely low endurance in dealing with the world. He quickly gets tired of even pleasant communication, is prone to fixing on unpleasant impressions, to the formation of fears.

It is worth noting that the manifestation of all the above symptoms in full is extremely rare, especially at an early age (up to three years). In most cases, parents begin to pay attention to the "strangeness" and "peculiarities" of the child only when he reaches two or even three years.

In children with RDA, there is a violation of the sense of self-preservation with elements of self-aggression. They can suddenly run out onto the roadway, they do not have a “sense of edge”, the experience of dangerous contact with sharp and hot is poorly fixed.

Without exception, all children have no craving for peers and children's team. When in contact with children, they usually have a passive ignoring or active rejection of communication, a lack of response to the name. The child is extremely selective in his social interactions. Constant immersion in inner experiences, the isolation of an autistic child from the outside world makes it difficult for him to develop his personality. Such a child has an extremely limited experience of emotional interaction with other people, he does not know how to empathize, be infected by the mood of the people around him.

The severity of autistic disorders in different categories of children varies. According to the classification of O. S. Nikolskaya et al. (1997), there are four categories of autistic children.

First group. These are the most profoundly autistic children. They are distinguished by maximum detachment from the outside world, a complete lack of need for contact. They have no speech (mutic children) and the most pronounced "field" behavior. The actions of the child in this case are not the result of internal decisions or some deliberate desires. On the contrary, its actions are guided by the spatial organization of objects in the room. The child moves around the room aimlessly, barely touching objects. The behavior of children in this group is not a reflection of internal aspirations, but, on the contrary, manifests itself as an echo of extraneous impressions.

These children are satiated, they do not develop contacts with the outside world, even selective ones, more precisely, they do not come into contact with it. They do not have active means of protection: active forms of autostimulation (motor stereotypes) do not develop. Autism manifests itself in a pronounced degree of detachment from what is happening around and in the desire to be left alone. Children do not use speech, as well as gestures, facial expressions, visual movements.

Second group. These are children in whom contact is disturbed to a lesser extent, but disadaptation to the environment is also quite pronounced. They more clearly manifest stereotypes, selectivity in food, clothing, choice of routes. Fear of others is most reflected in the facial expressions of these children. However, they are already establishing contacts with society. But the degree of activity of these contacts and their nature in these children is manifested in extreme selectivity and fixation. Preferences are formed very narrowly and rigidly, an abundance of stereotyped motor movements is characteristic (waves of hands, turns of the head, manipulations with various objects, shaking with sticks and strings, etc.). The speech of these children is more developed than that of the children of the first group; they use it to indicate their needs. However, the phrase also contains an abundance of stereotypes and speech clichés: “give drink”, or “give Kolya drink”. The child copies speech patterns received from the outside world without calling himself in the first person. For this purpose, phrases from cartoons can also be used, for example: “Bake me, grandma, bun.”

Third group. The features of these children are manifested primarily in their extreme conflict in establishing contacts with the outside world. Their behavior brings special concerns to loved ones. Conflicts can end in the form of aggression directed at someone, or even self-aggression. The speech of these children is developed better. But it is usually monologue. The child speaks in a phrase, but for himself. His speech has a "bookish", learned, unnatural tone. The child does not need an interlocutor. Motorically, these are the most dexterous children among all groups. These children may show special knowledge in some disciplines. But this, in essence, is a manipulation of knowledge, a game with some concepts, since these children can hardly express themselves in practical activities. They perform mental operations (for example, tasks in mathematics) stereotypically and with great pleasure. Such exercises serve as a source of positive impressions for them.

Fourth group. These are especially vulnerable children. To a greater extent, autism is manifested in them not in the absence, but in the underdevelopment of forms of communication. The need and readiness to enter into social interaction in children of this group are more pronounced than in children of the first three groups. However, their insecurity and vulnerability are manifested in the cessation of contact when they feel the slightest obstacle and opposition.

Children in this group are able to make eye contact, but it is intermittent. Children come across as timid and shy. Stereotypes are seen in their behavior, but more in the manifestation of pedantry and striving for order.


Early age is one of the most intensive periods of development, during which the child manages to master not only many complex skills - motor, speech, intellectual, but also interaction with the outside world. His very interactions with the world, his individual worldview undergo tremendous dynamics, become extremely complex. The affective experience that he receives at this time becomes the basis of all his further development - emotional, personal, social and intellectual. Therefore, it is so important that the child goes through it safely: slowly, without jumping over the necessary stages of development. For this, it is necessary that an adult understand the logic of his affective development, the possibility and appropriateness of moving towards the complication of interactions.

The rhythm and pace of this movement depends on the individual characteristics of the child, but there are some regular and mandatory stages, the passage of which marks the true emotional age of the child. Sometimes it may differ from the years indicated in his birth certificate and even the level of development of individual mental functions. However, it is also that objective reality that can have a decisive influence on its further development.

The very course of normal development is quite dramatic, prosperous periods are replaced by episodes of fears and discord in relationships with loved ones. But each stage makes its necessary contribution to the formation of a complex system of affective organization of the child's attitude and behavior. Difficulties that arise in time are just an indicator of the normal dynamics of development. The problem is rather in the adult's reaction to what is happening - his readiness to help the child master new opportunities and offer for this those means that correspond to his real emotional age. Each such exit from the crisis becomes an impetus for further development.

Attentive joint passage of the early period of development allows the child to reveal as much as possible an individual life style and help him form forms of social adaptation that are convenient for him, provide him with a reserve of activity and strength, and the ability to recover from inevitable stresses.


1. Bazhenova O.V. Diagnostics of the mental development of a child in the first year of life: textbook. allowance / O.V. Bazhenova. -2nd ed. - M., 1985

2. Baenskaya E.R., Autistic child. Help paths. / Baenskaya, E.R., Nikolskaya O.S., Liling M.M. - M.: - Center for Traditional and Modern Education "Terevinf". - 1997.

3. Baenskaya E.R. Help in raising children with special emotional development: younger preschool age. / E.R. Baenskaya // Almanac of the Institute of Correctional Pedagogy of the Russian Academy of Education. - 2001, No. 4.

4. Bauer T. Mental development of the infant: textbook. allowance / T. Bauer - M., 1979.

5. Vallon A. Mental development of the child. / A. Vallon. - M., 1967

6. Vygotsky L.S. Issues of child (age) psychology. / Collected. op. in 6 volumes / L.S. Vygotsky. - M., 1983. T 4.

7. Gindikin V.Ya. Early diagnosis of mental illness: textbook. allowance / V.Ya. Gindikin. - Kyiv, 1989


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Development of the emotional sphere

In the structure of the ongoing work on the social adaptation of the child, an important component is the development of the emotional sphere of the child. The main direction in the development of the emotional sphere in a preschooler with RDA is the emergence of the ability to control emotions. First, you need to limit the impact of emotionally traumatic situations, then encourage the child to adequate emotional reactions in specific situations, offer him ready-made options for such reactions to use them in his childhood life.

Correction of the emotional sphere of the child involves work in the following areas of study:

the ability to fix one's attention on the emotional state of other people;

correctly recognize the emotional state of another person by the external signs of a particular feeling;

behavioral ethics on an emotional basis.

When correcting the emotional sphere, it should be noted that the emotional state of a child with autism is unpredictable. It can be expressed in the polarity of his feelings: from love and close symbiotic relationship to sudden manifestations of aggression or self-aggression. The content of the work may be as follows:

establishing a positive emotional contact with the child;

overcoming negative reactions to the environment;

correction of affective manifestations, the use of them and the child's stereotypical actions for communicative interaction in the game;

teaching the child the "language of feelings" (i.e., the formation of emotions);

development of creative abilities;

conducting individual work with parents;

establishing emotional interaction in the family of an autistic child.

To ensure the formation of the emotional sphere in an autistic child, an adult connects to his classes without offering anything new, gradually transforming stereotypical actions into an emotional game. Creating a calm, non-traumatic environment for the child helps to avoid negative emotional states.

Ways of implementation:

games: “Hidden-appeared”, “Ku-ku”, “Catch me”, “Catch up with me”, “I will sing a song about ...”, “Eyes”, “Ears are listening”, “Up and down”, “Let's ride a horse »;

use of illustrations with a positive emotional background;

games: “Show me”, “I’ll finish drawing to make a cheerful face”, “Conversation with a toy”;

viewing photos from the family album;

joint viewing of special TV programs for children;

listening to recordings of emotions (laughter);

empathy for characters from fairy tales, games;

examining one's own facial expressions in front of a mirror;

the ability to imitate animals with different intonations, etc.

In the work on the development and correction of the emotional sphere of autistic children, it is possible to use the following methods:

game therapy (dramatization games, role-playing games, didactic games, games-exercises for emotions and emotional contact);

psycho-gymnastics (etudes, facial expressions, pantomimics);

conversation on a given topic;

examples of expressing one's emotional state in drawing, music;

use of visual aids (photos, drawings, diagrams, graphics, symbols);

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In the first year of a child's life, it is impossible to consider his mental development outside of his constant interaction with close people, primarily the mother, who is the mediator and organizer of almost all of his contacts with the environment. A number of works, both domestic and foreign, are devoted to the analysis of interaction in the mother-child dyad, the description of its dynamics in different age periods. autism child communication

The child in the early stages of development is dependent on the mother. We are dependent not only physically, as a source of realization of all his vital needs for satiety, warmth, security, etc., but also as a regulator of his affective state: she can calm him down, relax, invigorate, console, increase endurance and set him up for complicating relationships with the outside world. The most important condition for this is the possibility of synchronizing their emotional states: infection with a smile, syntony in mood and experience of what is happening around. The central point in the mental development of a child in the first months of life, as is known, is the formation of individual attachment. Within the framework of this emotional community, the individual affective mechanisms of the child mature and develop - his ability in the future to independently resolve life tasks: organize himself, maintain and maintain activity in relations with the world. As the child develops, a series of increasingly complex life tasks arises, and in order to solve them at each stage, it becomes necessary to actively include a new way of organizing behavior in the work. The first vitally important task is the mutual adaptation of the infant and mother to each other in ordinary situations of interaction - feeding, bathing, swaddling, putting to bed, etc. They are repeated from day to day and the baby develops in them the first affective stereotypes of behavior, his first individual habits. These are his first effective mechanisms for organizing behavior, this is how adaptation to fairly uniform, stable environmental conditions occurs. The assimilation of these stable forms of life common to those close to them is the first adaptive achievement of the child.

The situation is quite different in children with early childhood autism syndrome. As you know, the syndrome of early childhood autism is finalized by the age of 2.5-3 years. At this age, the mental development of an autistic child already has pronounced features of distortion (Lebedinsky V.V., 1985), violations are pervasive and manifest in the features of motor, speech, and intellectual development. At present, it is becoming more and more clear that the distortion of mental development is associated with a general violation of the child's ability to actively interact with others. Such a violation may be the result of difficulties in the formation of affective mechanisms that shape both the behavior and the very attitude of the child. In such a child, they develop rather in order to protect and protect him from contact with the world.

Traditionally, the most obvious features of the already established syndrome of childhood autism are defined as follows:

Violation of the ability to establish emotional contact;

Stereotyping in behavior, which manifests itself as a pronounced desire to maintain the constancy of the conditions of existence;

Intolerance to the slightest of its changes;

The presence in the child's behavior of monotonous actions: motor (rocking, jumping, tapping, etc.), speech (pronouncing the same sounds, words or phrases), stereotypical manipulations of an object; monotonous games; addictions to the same objects; stereotypical interests that are reflected in conversations on the same topic, in the same drawings;

Very special disorders of speech development (lack of speech, echolalia - the reproduction of heard words and phrases in unchanged form, speech stamps, stereotypical monologues, the absence of the first person in speech), the essence of which is a violation of the ability to use speech for communication purposes.

All researchers emphasize that childhood autism is primarily a violation of mental development caused by special biological causes, which manifests itself very early.

The opinion of specialists about the specifics of the behavior of such children at an early age is confirmed not only by the memories of their loved ones, but also by home videos that have now become not uncommon, which clearly show that the features of the affective development of autistic children could be detected already in the first year of their life.

1. Features of the emotional development of children with RDA

What is the qualitative originality of emotional development in early childhood autism?

1. Increased sensitivity (sensitivity) to sensory stimuli is noted in a child with this type of development already at an early age. It can be expressed in intolerance to everyday noises of normal intensity (the sound of a coffee grinder, a vacuum cleaner, a telephone call, etc.); in dislike for tactile contact, as disgust when feeding, and even, for example, when drops of water get on the skin; intolerance to clothes; in the rejection of bright toys, etc. It should be noted that unpleasant impressions in such a child not only arise easily, but are also fixed in his memory for a long time.

The peculiarity of reactions to sensory impressions manifests itself simultaneously in another, very characteristic, developmental trend that manifests itself in children already in the first months of life: with insufficient activity aimed at examining the world around us and limiting a variety of sensory contact with it, a pronounced “capture” is observed, “ fascination” with certain specific impressions (tactile, visual, auditory, vestibular) that the child seeks to receive again and again. Often there is a very long period of passion for one impression, which after some time is replaced by another, but just as stable. For example, a child’s favorite pastime for six months or more may be rustling a plastic bag, leafing through (books, magazines), playing with fingers, watching the movement of a shadow on a wall or a reflection in a glass door, contemplating the wallpaper ornament. It seems that the child cannot tear himself away from the enchanting impressions, even if he is already tired.

As shown above, "capture" by rhythmic repetitive impressions is generally characteristic of an early age and is normal. The behavior of a child up to a year is dominated by "circulating reactions", when the baby repeats the same actions many times in order to reproduce a certain sensory effect - knocks with a toy, spoon, jumps, babbles, etc. However, as already mentioned, a child with a favorable affective development with pleasure includes an adult in his activity. If an adult helps, emotionally reacts to the actions of the child, plays along with him, the baby gets more joy and is engaged in such manipulations much longer. So, he would rather jump on his mother's lap than alone in the arena. In the presence of an adult, attracting his attention, he will walk with great pleasure, repeat sounds, manipulate any toy or object.

On the contrary - and this is a fundamental difference - with an autistic type of child development, a loved one practically fails to connect to the actions that absorb the child. The more the child appears "captured" by them, the more he resists the adult's attempts to intervene in his special activities, offer his help, and even more so, switch him to something else. The kid can only endure the passive presence of someone close (and in some cases insistently requires it), but active interference in his actions, obviously, spoils his pleasure from the manipulations performed, from the sensations received. Often in such cases, parents begin to think that they really interfere with their baby, that the classes they offer are not as interesting to him as his own - not always understandable, monotonous manipulations. So, many attentive and caring relatives of the child, not receiving the necessary response from him in their attempts to establish interaction with him - a positive emotional response to their intervention - become less active and often leave the child alone. Thus, if during normal emotional development, the child’s immersion in sensory stimulation and contact with a close adult go in one direction, and the latter dominates, then in the case of early childhood autism, violations of this development, the baby’s sensory hobbies begin to fence him off from interaction with loved ones and, as a result, , from the development and complication of ties with the outside world.

2. Features of the interaction of an autistic child with loved ones and, above all, with the mother, are already detected at an instinctive level. Signs of affective distress are visible in a number of the earliest, significant for adaptation, reactions of the infant. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

a) one of the first adaptively necessary forms of response of a small child is adaptation to the hands of the mother. According to the recollections of many mothers of autistic children, they had problems with this. It was difficult to find any mutually comfortable position for both mother and child when feeding, rocking, while caressing, because in the hands of the mother the baby was not able to take a natural, comfortable position. It could be amorphous, that is, as if "spreading" on the hands, or, conversely, overly tense, inflexible, unyielding - "like a column." The tension could be so great that, according to one mother, after holding the baby in her arms, her “whole body ached”;

b) another form of the infant's earliest adaptive behavior is fixing the gaze on the mother's face. Normally, an infant shows an interest in the human face very early; as you know, this is the most powerful irritant. A baby already in the first month of life can spend most of his waking time in eye contact with his mother. Communication with the help of a glance is, as mentioned above, the basis for the development of subsequent forms of communicative behavior.

With signs of autistic development, avoidance of eye contact or its short duration are noted quite early. According to numerous recollections of relatives, it was difficult to catch the eye of an autistic child, not because he did not fix it at all, but because he looked, as it were, “through”, past. However, sometimes it was possible to catch a fleeting but sharp glance of a child. As experimental studies of older autistic children have shown, the human face is the most attractive object for an autistic child, but he cannot fix his attention on it for a long time, therefore, as a rule, there is an alternation of phases of a quick look into the face and its withdrawal;

c) Normally, the baby's natural adaptive reaction is also the adoption of an anticipatory (anticipatory) posture: the baby stretches out his arms to the adult when he leans towards him. It turned out that in many autistic children this posture was unexpressed, which indicated their lack of desire to be in their mother's arms, discomfort from being in their arms;

d) a sign of the well-being of the affective development of the child is traditionally considered the timely appearance of a smile and its addressing to a loved one. In all children with autism, it appears almost on time in time. However, its quality can be very peculiar. According to the observations of the parents, a smile could arise more likely not from the presence of a loved one and his address to the baby, but from a number of other sensory impressions that are pleasant for the child (braking, music, lamplight, a beautiful pattern on the mother’s dressing gown, etc.).

In some autistic children, the well-known phenomenon of “smile contagion” (when the smile of another person causes the child to smile back) did not occur at an early age. Normally, this phenomenon is already clearly observed at the age of 3 months and develops into a “complex of revival” - the first type of directed communicative behavior of an infant, when he not only rejoices at the sight of an adult (which is expressed in a smile, increased motor activity, cooing, increasing the duration fixing the gaze on the face of an adult), but also actively demands communication with him, gets upset in case of an insufficient reaction of an adult to his appeals. With autistic development, there is often an “overdose” of such direct communication by the child, he quickly gets fed up and moves away from the adult who tries to continue the interaction;

e) since a close person caring for an infant, both physically and emotionally, is a constant mediator of his interaction with the environment, the child already from an early age distinguishes well different expressions of his face. Usually this ability occurs at 5-6 months of age, although there are experimental data indicating the possibility of its presence in the newborn. When affective development is dysfunctional, the child has difficulty in distinguishing facial expressions of loved ones, and in some cases there is also an inadequate reaction to one or another emotional expression on the face of another person. An autistic child may, for example, cry when another person laughs or laugh when crying. Apparently, in this case, the child is more focused not on a qualitative criterion, not on a sign of emotion (negative or positive), but on the intensity of irritation, which is also characteristic of the norm, but at the earliest stages of development. Therefore, even after six months, an autistic child may be frightened, for example, by loud laughter, even if a person close to him is laughing.

To adapt, the baby also needs the ability to express his emotional state, share it with loved ones. Normally, it usually appears after two months. The mother perfectly understands the mood of her child and therefore can control him: to console, relieve discomfort, cheer, soothe. In the case of dysfunctional affective development, even experienced mothers with older children often recall how difficult it was for them to understand the shades of the emotional state of an autistic child;

f) as you know, one of the most significant for the normal mental development of the child is the phenomenon of "attachment". This is the main core around which the system of relations between the child and the environment is being established and gradually becomes more complex. The main signs of the formation of attachment, as mentioned above, are the selection by the infant of “their own” from the group of people around him at a certain age, as well as the obvious preference for one person who cares for him (most often the mother), the experience of separation from her.

Gross disturbances in the formation of attachment are observed in the absence of one permanent loved one at the early stages of the development of the infant, primarily when separated from the mother in the first three months after the birth of the child. This is the so-called phenomenon of hospitalism, which was observed by R. Spitz (1945) in children brought up in a children's home. These babies had pronounced disorders of mental development: anxiety, gradually developing into apathy, decreased activity, preoccupation with primitive stereotypical forms of self-irritation (swinging, head shaking, thumb sucking, etc.), indifference to an adult trying to establish emotional contact with him. With prolonged forms of hospitalism, the emergence and development of various somatic disorders was observed.

However, if in the case of hospitalism there is, as it were, an “external” reason that causes a violation of the formation of attachment (the real absence of a mother), then in the case of early childhood autism, this violation is generated by the laws of a special type of mental and, above all, affective development of an autistic child, which does not reinforce the natural setting of the mother to form a bond. The latter sometimes manifests itself so weakly that parents may not even notice some kind of trouble in the relationship developing with the baby. For example, according to formal terms, he can begin to single out relatives in time; recognize mother; to prefer her hands, to demand her presence. However, the quality of such attachment and, accordingly, the dynamics of its development into more complex and extended forms of emotional contact with the mother can be quite special and significantly different from the norm.

2. The most characteristic variants of the features of the formation of attachment in autistic type of development

Dosage of manifestation of signs of affection. With this form of developing emotional connection with the mother, the child may early begin to single out the mother and sometimes show towards her, solely on her own impulse, a super-strong, but very time-limited positive emotional reaction. The baby can show delight, give the mother an “adoring look”. However, such short-term moments of passion, a vivid expression of love are replaced by periods of indifference, when the child does not respond at all to the mother's attempts to maintain communication with him, emotionally "infect" him.

There may also be a long delay in the selection of any one person as an object of affection, sometimes its signs appear much later - after a year and even after a year and a half. At the same time, the baby demonstrates an equal disposition to all others. Parents describe such a child as "radiant", "radiant", "going on the handles" to everyone. However, this happens not only in the first months of life (when the “revitalization complex” is normally formed and reaches its peak, and such a reaction of the child, of course, can be caused by any adult communicating with him), but also much later, when normally a stranger is perceived by the child. with caution or with embarrassment and the desire to be closer to mom. Often, such children do not have the "fear of strangers" characteristic of the age of 7-8 months at all; it seems that they even prefer strangers, willingly flirt with them, become more active than when communicating with loved ones.

3. Difficulties in interacting with others associated with the development of forms of addressing the child to an adult

a) in a number of cases, parents recall that the child's appeals were not differentiated, it was difficult to guess what exactly he was asking for, what did not satisfy him. So, the baby could monotonously "mumble", whimper, scream, intonation without complicating his sounds or monotonous babble, without using a pointing gesture and without even directing his gaze to the desired object;

b) In other cases, the children formed a directional look and gesture (stretching their hands in the right direction), but without trying to name the object, desire, without turning their gaze to an adult. Normally, any very young child behaves this way, but later on, on this basis, he develops a pointing gesture. Characteristically, however, this does not occur in the autistic child—and at later stages of development, directed gaze and gesture do not translate into finger pointing. And for many older children with autism, it remains characteristic when expressing their specific desire to silently take an adult by the hand and place it on the desired object - a cup of water, a toy, a video cassette, etc.

4. Difficulties in the child's arbitrary organization

These problems become noticeable when the child reaches the age of one, and by the age of 2-2.5 years they are already fully recognized by the parents. However, signs of difficulties in voluntary concentration, attracting attention, and orientation to the emotional assessment of an adult appear much earlier. This can be expressed in the following most characteristic trends:

a) the absence or inconsistency of the baby's response to the appeal of relatives to him, to his own name. In some cases, this trend is so pronounced that parents begin to suspect that the child has hearing loss. At the same time, attentive parents are puzzled by the fact that the child often hears a faint but interesting sound (for example, the rustling of a plastic bag), or by the fact that the child’s behavior makes it clear that he heard a conversation not addressed directly to him.

Such children often later do not begin to fulfill the simplest requests: “Give me”, “Show me”, “Bring”;

b) the lack of eye tracking the direction of the adult’s gaze, ignoring his pointing gesture and the word (“Look at ...”). Even if in a number of cases at first there is a follow-up of the mother's instructions, then gradually it can fade away, and the child stops paying attention to what she shows, unless it coincides with the object of his special interest (for example, a lamp, a watch, a car). , window);

c) lack of expression of imitation, more often even its absence, and sometimes a very long delay in formation. Usually parents remember that it was always difficult for their kid to teach something, he preferred to reach everything himself. It is often difficult to organize such a child even for the simplest games that require elements of display and repetition (such as “pallets”), it can be difficult to teach the gesture “bye” (with a pen), nodding the head in agreement;

d) too much dependence of the child on the influences of the surrounding sensory field. As was shown above, at the age of about a year, practically all children, during normal development, go through a stage when they are "captured" by field tendencies and adults have real difficulties in regulating their behavior. In the case of early childhood autism, "capture" by the sensory stream emanating from the outside world is observed much earlier and enters into competition with the orientation towards a loved one. Often an adult, having no emotional contact with a child, acts only as a “tool” with which the child can receive the necessary sensory stimulation (an adult can shake him, circle him, tickle him, bring him to the desired object, etc.). If parents show great persistence and activity, trying to attract the attention of the child to themselves, he either protests or leaves contact.

Under such conditions, when emotional contact with loved ones is not formed, the moment of physical separation of the baby from the mother at the age of about a year is especially difficult. Often associated with this time is the impression of parents that there is a sharp change in the nature of the child: he completely loses his sense of edge, becomes completely unstoppable, naughty, uncontrollable. A baby can demonstrate a catastrophic regression in development, lose that minimum of emotional connections, forms of contact, skills that began to take shape, including speech skills, which he was able to acquire before he learned to walk.

Thus, all of the above features of the relationship of an autistic child with the outside world in general, and with close people especially, indicate a violation of the development of ways to organize active relationships with the world and the prevalence in its development from an early age of a pronounced trend - the predominance of stereotypical autostimulation activity (extraction sensory sensations with the help of surrounding objects or one's own body) over really adaptive (aimed at active and flexible adaptation to the environment).


1. Lebedinskaya K.S., Nikolskaya O.S., Baenskaya E.R. etc. "Children with communication disorders: Early childhood autism", Moscow 1989.

2. Lebedinsky V.V. "Disorders of mental development in children" Moscow 1985.

3. Nikolskaya O. S., Baenskaya E. R., Liebling M. M., “Autistic child: ways of helping”

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A child with autism cannot be approached with the standards of ordinary people, says defectologist Natalia Kerre, author of the book Special Children: How to Give a Happy Life to a Child with Developmental Disabilities. Any child screams and cries for a reason - but the sensations from the outside world are often simply unbearable.

In autism, changes in sensory sensitivity are always observed, although they can be expressed in varying degrees. This is one of the main diagnostic features. If there are no sensory features, it makes sense to doubt the correct diagnosis. And this means that smells, sounds, tactile and temperature sensations, which do not cause any concern to people without developmental disabilities, will be very strong and unpleasant for a child with autism.

Sometimes parents cannot understand why the child begins to behave restlessly, act up, it would seem, without the slightest reason. And this is due to the fact that sometimes the sound of medium volume is perceived by the child as an explosion near the ear itself, every thread is felt on a woolen sweater, the label on the side unbearably tears the skin, and the slight smell of deodorant seems to be an unbearable stench. All this can completely disorientate the child.

At the same time, the pain threshold can be significantly overestimated: the child may not feel serious discomfort, even when he falls and hits hard. These are features that must be taken into account when diagnosing autism and further work with an autistic child.

Along with the correction of speech, thinking, attention, sensory integration classes are definitely necessary, which will slightly reduce sensitivity and "saturate" the child with those sensations that he lacks.

This is also absolutely necessary because if the child's sensitivity is not normalized, especially if it is greatly increased, it is unlikely that significant results will be achieved in improving the child's behavior. It is hardly worth expecting good and socially approved behavior from a little man, when it seems that the whole world around him causes discomfort: a child cannot be in a supermarket, because fluorescent lamps unbearably hurt his eyes; in the dairy department of the store, an unbearable smell; dogs bark so loudly that one wants to immediately fall through the ground, etc.

With the help of targeted work, the sensitivity can be slightly weakened, but some areas will be too strong to feel for a person all his life: this may be due to clothing made from certain fabrics (for example, a person cannot wear coarse knit sweaters); food (does not like raw vegetables, crackers, chips because they crunch too loudly inside the head, etc.), but this will not interfere so much with being in society. But when the work has just begun and all the feelings of the child are sharpened, it is not worthwhile to traumatize him once again, demanding that he overcome himself, because it is unlikely that a neurotypical person can imagine the degree of intensity of sensations experienced by an autistic child.

Find out what makes your child especially uncomfortable: the smell of some kind of perfume? Give them up! (And by the way, for the professionals who will read this book, if you work with children on the autism spectrum, then, as sad as it is, you will have to stop using strong-smelling perfume during work hours.)

Is the child worried about labels on clothes, does he resolutely refuse slippers at home? Cut off the tags, let you walk around the house in your socks! Choose clothes from those fabrics that are pleasant for your child.

Is the sound in the cinema too loud? Postpone your visit to the cinema for a later time, when you slightly correct its hypersensitivity or provide earplugs for the child!

Are fresh vegetables and fruits unbearably crunchy? No need to force the child to eat them, stew or boil them, etc.

The most important thing to understand in this situation is: sometimes a child behaves "unbearably" not out of nothing, he is really very uncomfortable.

Often, when describing the sensory features of people with autism, they only talk about hypersensitivity (increased sensitivity) to touch or sounds. But sensory issues in autism can also include:

  • hyposensitivity (reduced sensitivity), when stimuli are not perceived unless they are very loud or painful. This creates many problems in everyday life: the child calmly puts his hand on a hot stove or does not feel that boiling water is flowing from the tap;
  • synesthesia, when one feeling is perceived as another;
  • and sometimes extreme changes in sensitivity.

These problems can apply to absolutely any sense, including proprioception (the sense of body position in space) and the vestibular apparatus (the sense of movement).

But all these features tell us only one thing: it is impossible to evaluate a child with autism from the standpoint of our ideas about what sensations are pleasant and what are terrible, and in this area we need to let him decide for himself what is acceptable for him and what is not, follow the child, and not force him to adapt to our standards and criteria.

Unusual fears are often associated with increased sensitivity: the child may be afraid of fur toys, leather clothes, animals and birds that behave unpredictably and make harsh sounds (there can be a huge variety: pigeons, small dogs, cats, etc.), household sounds (hair dryer, washing machine, etc.).

It is possible and necessary to work with fears, but, again, having previously found out what exactly causes discomfort and get rid of them gradually, do not throw the child into a traumatic situation for him to overcome fear: in the case of autism, this can lead to that the child will go even deeper into himself.

Do animals cure autism?

Sometimes, in order to overcome fears, it is advised to have a pet at home. But this advice is very ambiguous, because, firstly, you cannot be completely sure that a child, faced with the need to be near an animal around the clock, will overcome fear, and will not become more afraid.

Secondly, you yourself should like this idea: if you are afraid or do not like animals, you will get an additional source of stress associated with the need to also take care of this source.

I recommend starting with a zoo, regular or contact, trying canis or hippotherapy (therapy using dogs or horses), looking at the reaction of the child and only after that decide whether it is really necessary to have an animal in the house or is it enough to communicate "on the side".

Unfortunately, neither horses, nor dolphins, nor dogs cure autism. However, communication with animals in the framework of targeted therapy can improve the child's condition due to positive impressions, sensory sensations, new and unusual experiences of interaction, and physical activity. So if neither you nor your child mind this experience, it's worth a try.


Theoretical analysis of the problem of the possibility of correcting the emotional sphere of children with early childhood autism

1.1 Psychological characteristics of primary school age

1.2 General characteristics of early childhood autism in psychology

3 Possibilities of psychological correction of children with early childhood autism

Empirical study of the problem of the possibility of correction of the emotional-volitional sphere and personality of children with early childhood autism

2.1 Organization and research methods

2 Analysis and generalization of the obtained results

2.2 Analysis of the formative experiment

2.3 Results of the study of the control experiment



The relevance of research. The social development of children with disabilities is the most important task of age-related pedagogy and psychology. The most difficult process of social adaptation takes place in persons with severe developmental disorders, combined disorders, as well as disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere of the original nature. Violations of the emotional-volitional sphere of the initial temper include not so much the classical forms of childish autism, as well as options in which the condition occurs later than the specified period or does not fit one of the selected research criteria or is mixed with other developmental disorders that are not secondary. As a result of this, to designate this group in the special literature, the definitions “children with developmental disorders of the type of early childish autism”, “children with communication disorders”, “children with disorders of the affective sphere of the initial character” are also consumed.

Statistics show that, in fact, childhood autism ranks 4th among neuropsychiatric pathologies in childhood, intellectual deficiency is present in more than half of all cases of childish autism. Significant difficulties in research, education, public adaptation, due to the specifics of the disorder, describe the high percentage of disability in this group as follows.

The possibility of carrying out corrective work with autistic children is acute at the highest level and attracts the close attention of teachers, psychologists, and doctors. Interaction, being an objective and universal form of development, describes the existence and structural firm of any system. And direct interaction with an adult, with other children plays a major role in the mental development of the baby (L.I. Bozhovich, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, M.I. Lisina, D.B. .Elkonin and others). Features of dysontogenesis in childish autism lead to the fact that directly in the process of interacting with the world around us, an autistic child receives a desirable negative experience, which leads to the emergence of protective devices that increase behavioral difficulties and significantly complicate the process of forming adequate communication and any joint work (V.V. Lebedinsky, O.S. Nikolskaya) .

The focus of this area is the search for a system of complex psychological support for children and adolescents experiencing difficulties in adaptation and socialization due to disorders in the emotional sphere. The possibilities of socialization of people with autism are determined by many factors, the main ones being:

early detection;

the severity and depth of autistic disorders;

very possible early start of special destruction, its massive medical-psychological-pedagogical character;

an adequate and flexible approach to the choice of methods of corrective work, its sequence, duration, sufficient volume;

the unanimity of the efforts of professionals and families .

This topic has been little developed, since autism is more common than separate deafness and blindness taken together, however, the statistical data on its prevalence are diverse, there are personally individual root causes:

lack of certainty of research criteria, their high-quality nature; - differences in the assessment of age limits;

differences in understanding the events of early childish autism, the adaptations of its formation, in fact, the essence of autism.

The research of the selected topic allowed to detect contradictions:

between the community's need for the adaptation of people with autism, it seems, and the low development of ways to eliminate children with the syndrome of early infantile autism, on the other hand.

Based on the prescribed contradictions, the problem of the study follows:

what are the possibilities of psycho-correctional work with children with the syndrome of early infantile autism.

This means that the relevance then and as the lack of development of the problem determined the choice of the goal of a genuine study: the search and psychological correction of the emotional sphere and personality in children with early childhood autism at primary school age.

The emotional sphere of children of primary school age and its correction repeating the type of the object of study.

Subject of study: the possibility of destroying the emotional sphere of children of primary school age with the manifestation of early childish autism.

The hypothesis of the study is that remedial classes have a beneficial effect on the emotional sphere and personality of children with early childhood autism.

In accordance with the indicated discrepancy, the object and the guess, the research tasks were set:

To analyze the general and distinctive literature on the research problem and to study the scientific and practical experience of correctional work with autistic children.

To explore the interactions of children with emotional-volitional and personality disorders of the original nature, using selected research methods.

To select a correctional and developmental program for working with children with RDA syndrome and implement it with the experimental group.

Conduct re-diagnosis and comparative analysis of the results of primary and secondary diagnosis.

Draw conclusions from the study.

Research methods:

theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

receiving a partial sample survey;

research method;

methods for processing results.

In the thesis work, the following methodologies were adopted: “Family Essay” by R. Burns and S. Kaufman, Anxiety Scale adapted by the Parishioners, developed on the principle of Kondash’s “Scale of Social Situational Experience”, “Methodology for Exploiting Self-Esteem” by Uruntaev, Afonkin.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in the systematization of the material on this issue and the search for a correctional program and methodological advice.

The results of the study have every chance of being used by educators and psychologists in working with children with early childhood autism, and similarly, this study opens up opportunities to help the family of an autistic child.

The methodological and theoretical basis of the study are the works of Russian and foreign creators, in which RDA was first examined and destroyed by the American psychiatrist L. Kanner in the work “Autistic disorders of affective contact”.

He concluded that there was an unusual clinical syndrome of "extreme loneliness", which he called the syndrome of early childish autism and which after that became known as Kanner's syndrome after the scientist who discovered it. G. Asperger also practiced the study of children with RDA syndrome, wanting a slightly different category, he called it "autistic psychopathy", in fact, unlike early childhood autism, it takes place after 3 years of age.

The greatest Russian approaches to the destruction of autism were proposed by K.S. Lebedinskaya and O.S. Nikolskaya and their methodology of complex medical-psychological-pedagogical destruction, based on the concept of autism previously as an affective disorder. In contrast to foreign methods of extermination, in domestic correctional work, the famous importance is given to complexity - the constant interaction of teachers, psychologists and psychiatrists.

The experimental base for the work of the KSU "The Cabinet of Psychological and Pedagogical Destruction" of the Denisovsky district of the Kostanay region.

Experimental work consists of 3 steps:




The experimental and theoretical foundation of the work was the works of L. Kanner "Autistic disorders of affective contact", G. Asperger "Autistic psychopathy in children", K.S. Lebedinskaya and O.S. Nikolskaya "Methodology of complex medical-psychological-pedagogical destruction of autism".

The subjects of the experimental group were divided into 2 subgroups of 6 and 7 people, with the aim of more successful correctional work. These subjects were counted similarly to the control groups after the skill.

The structure of this thesis consists of: introduction, 2 chapters (theoretical and practical), conclusions and advice, solutions, range of literature.

1. Theoretical analysis of the problem of the possibility of correcting the emotional sphere of children with early childhood autism

1 Psychological features of primary school age

Children of primary school age are generally known to be approximately 7 to 10-11 years old, which in fact suits the years of his teaching in the initial classes. This age is about a serene and uniform physical development.

Doubling the lift and weight, endurance, vital capacity of the lungs goes moderately and, by analogy, the intake of a younger teenager is still in the formative stage - ossification of the spine, chest, pelvis, limbs has not yet been completed, in the skeletal system there is still a lot of cartilage to sue for ossification of the hand and miss in As a result of this means of subsistence and clear movements to jump between the fingers and hands of all trades, it is difficult and tiring.

There is a highly functional improvement absolutely - the analytical-systematic function of the peel develops; over time, the monotony of the actions of excitation and inhibition changes: everything becomes especially powerful to lead the process of inhibition, it would be good, as before, to lead the process of excitation, and younger adolescents are excitable and impulsive in the highest degree. Entering a secondary school makes a major difference in a child's life. The whole structure of his life is changing rapidly; his social posture in the team, in the family is not happy.

From now on, endurance becomes the main driving work - the matter of teaching the mind to receive knowledge. And theory is a given serious fruitless work requiring organization, endurance, strong-willed efforts of the child. A teenager cuts into a team fresh to him, in which he is very idle to teach to develop as many as 11 main work, his glorified and main duty is teaching - acquiring the latest knowledge, skills and abilities, increasing regular information about the world around him, nature is really not one and At the same time, younger teenagers are developing the right attitude towards learning. They temporarily do not know Alexander the Macedonian hero needs to be trained

Although soon, as it turned out, the actual teaching is in vain requiring strong-willed efforts, mobilization, disdain for intellectual activity, self-restraint. Either the child is not addicted to this, then a bummer begins in him, a negative accomplice to learning arises. For the actual threat, and in the absence of this, the teacher did not have to inspire the child with the idea of ​​actually preventing - not a triumph, not fun, but a serious, intense creation, but too interesting, because it will make it possible to undergo a lot of fresh, interesting, weighty, suitable. Proudly so that there would be no other habit, and the very organization of educational work was reinforced by the chatter of the teacher.

At first, the students of the original secondary educational institutions are actually trained, operating to build relationships in the family, the child is excellently trained on the topics of relations with the team. The magnificence of the lesson plays and the individual composition of the root cause will acquire the value of excellent to enter into the assessment of the consent of the teachers and the beginning of it develops a profit to the personally process of educational work in the absence of awareness of its value. As a consequence of the origin of enthusiasm for the effects of one's own not to show educational work, there is an enthusiasm for the content of educational work, for the acquisition of knowledge.

It is this base that is considered a suitable basis for the formation in a younger teenager of the themes of teaching to be the highest view of the social about, associated with a really serious attitude to educational education, enthusiasm for the content of educational work, the acquisition of knowledge is connected with the experience of adolescents to pour out feelings of satisfaction from both personal achievements. And this is reinforced by the dominant teacher, who emphasizes that anyone, even the smallest time, has time to make the slightest progress forward.

Younger teenagers undergo a feeling of pride, a special upsurge of strength, once the parent praises them. The grandiose educational effect of the teacher on younger adolescents is connected with the fact that the teacher himself, from the earliest age when the children began to stay at school, becomes an indisputable authority for them. The authority of the teacher is an exceptionally weighty message for teaching and education in the elementary grades. Educational work in the initial classes provokes, especially in advance, the formation of mental actions of concrete cognition of the power around - feelings and perceptions.

Younger teenagers differ in sharpness and novelty of perception, to visit the monster of the human family with contemplative curiosity. The younger pupil with hastily curiosity accepts the environment around him, which every day reveals everything fresh and new on the threshold of him, throwing himself in all directions. The coming exclusion of the perception of students in the first days of junior school youth is a narrow community with the actions of a teenager.

Consciousness at that time already the level of mental development is connected with the actual work of the child. To perceive a ridicule for a child means to expose something to something with him, to correct something in him, to make an impact in no way, to marry, to touch him. The distinctive uniqueness of the students is the clearly embodied emotionality of perception. In the course of study, a restructuring of perception happens, it rises for the benefit of the highest stage of formation, there is a plane of purposeful and controlled work. In the course of the study, awareness deepens, becomes especially analyzing, differentiating, the soul does not take on the appearance of a sanctioned study. Some age specifics are inherent in the attention of students in the original classes. Chief among them is the impotence of random disdain.

It is impossible to leave volitional adjustment in the absence of attention to the management of it in the early days of junior school youth are curtailed. Free to pass by the ears of a younger teenager does not urgently ask for an explanation of the so-called immediate motivation. It’s not that casual respect is maintained among older students even in the presence of distant motivation (they are given the opportunity to block the mannerisms to focus on uninteresting and difficult work because of the result, who is supposed to be in the future, then the younger pupil traditionally means to block the repair of concentrated flaming a little with the self-control of the nearest motivation (opportunities an authoritative wonderful mark, it is legitimate to receive the teacher's praise, it is not much better to cope with the task very well, and so on.

All the fresh spontaneous, clear, entertaining position speaks for itself, attracts the honor of students, in the absence of any effort from their fuss, the unusualness in the absence of memory in the younger school adult develops under the influence of teaching. The role and specific authority of verbal-logical, semantic memorization is growing, and the ability to consciously control the will to memory and regulate its manifestations develops.

On the issue of the age conditional dominance of the work of the star of the 1st magnitude of the signal system, younger adolescents have a particularly developed visual-figurative memory that will not be erased than verbal-logical. They do not exemplify better rather than memorize and more firmly store in deftly accurate information of an action, face, no thing, precedents, rather than definitions, descriptions, justifications.

Younger teenagers gravitate toward rote memorization in the absence of awareness of semantic relationships within the memorized material. The main aspiration of becoming a dream in a junior school age is a given improvement in the imagination's recreational fun

It is connected with the idea of ​​keeping up with what was perceived before, or the creation of images in accordance with this description, scheme, drawing, and so on. Recreating imagination is improved due to the all-good and complete reflection of reality. Creative imagination as the creation of new images, associated with the transformation, processing of memories of a past skill, combining them into the latest combinations, compositions, and still developing.

Social lack of will is also considered age specific: the youngest teenager does not yet have many years of experience in working for a long struggle for the intended task, overcoming problems and obstacles. He has the opportunity to give up in case of failure, to lose faith in his own strengths and impossibilities. Often there is capriciousness, stubbornness. Their usual root cause is the shortcomings of home education. The child became addicted to the fact that, in fact, all his aspirations and claims were satisfied, he saw no refusal in anything. Capriciousness and stubbornness are an unusual form of disobedience of a child against those firm claims that a secondary educational institution makes to him, against the need to give up.

Younger teenagers are extremely sensual. Emotionality shows itself, firstly, in the fact that their actual mental work is usually colored by impressions. Everything, in fact, the guys look at what they think about, how they act, evokes a sensually colored attitude in them. Also, younger teenagers cannot hold their own feelings, exercise control over their manifestation, they are extremely spontaneous and sincere in expressing joy. Blazing, sadness, fright, pleasure or displeasure. In addition, emotionality is expressed in their great sensual instability, frequent mood swings, predisposition to affects, short-lived and ebullient manifestations of joy, flame, anger, fear. With age, the ability to regulate one's own feelings, to keep their unnecessary manifestations, develops more and more.

Considerable authority gives primary school age for the education of collectivist relationships. In a couple of years, the younger teenager accumulates, with the right upbringing, the skill of collective work that is essential for his own subsequent development - work in a team and for a team. The role of children in public, collective affairs can help the upbringing of collectivism. Right here the child buys the main skill of collective social work.

2 General characteristics of early childhood autism in psychology

The term autism (from the Greek autos - self) was used in 1912 by E. Bleiler to denote a special kind of thinking, which is regulated by the sensual needs of an inhabitant of our planet and is not at all dependent on real reality. The onset of autism can be different. In a non-severe stage, he has the opportunity to meet with the constitutional unusualness of the nervous system (accentuation of character, psychopathy), and similarly in the criteria of chronic mental trauma (austic formation of a person). Perhaps it can act as a clumsy anomaly of mental formation (early childish autism). This anomaly of mental formation, consisting mainly in the biased isolation of the baby from the outside world.

With the name "RDA syndrome" was first described by L. Kanner in 1943 not so long ago. Accidentally from Kanner, the syndrome was destroyed not so long ago by G. Asperger and in 1947 in the absence of a week by S.S. Mnukhin. Autism as the maximum ("extreme") loneliness of the child, which forms a non-compliance with his social development, regardless of the level of intellectual development; position over-addiction to different objects, opposition to changes in the reality around.

A special distinctive stop and non-compliance with the formation of speech, similarly, the term autism is understood as “a separation from reality, caring in coaxing (K.S. Lebedinskaya). Autism as a syndrome occurs in a lot of mental disorders, although in some cases it takes place extremely early (in the first years and even months of a grouchy baby), occupies the main place in the medical picture and makes a serious bad effect on the entire mental development of the baby. In such scenarios, they talk about the syndrome of early childish autism (RAA), who is considered a medical model of a certain - distorted variant of a violation of mental development.

With RDA, individual mental functions develop slowly, here, like others, they develop pathologically accelerated. So often the vocabulary is mixed with an absolutely undeveloped communicative function of speech. In a number of possible cases, there are not many clinical data necessary for the diagnosis of RDA, wanting no hesitation, the actual correction should be based on the methods adopted in working with autistic children; in the same situation, one often talks about autistic traits of resentment.

According to the aspects adopted by the Global Health Organization (WHO), in autistic disorder, rumors are noted: - high-quality violations in the field of social interaction; - high-quality violations of the ability to communicate; - standard models of behavior and types of work; - unthinking enthusiasm for being around.

Autistic guys avoid communicating with people in any other way. It may seem at first glance that they actually do not know, or do not hear, they are actually being spoken to. These kids don’t remember the law in the slightest, and if it actually happens, then they won’t accept chatter for communication. There is an extensive profit for all kinds of fur things and an extraordinary trick in handling them. After all, they show indifference to the community.

Children who are autistic compared to their awake peers are much less likely to complain. In a conflict situation, they, like faith, respond with a cry, with hostile deeds, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200barranging something grins at someone, occupying a passive - defensive deal. Communication over through to elders is very infrequent. Almost all of these guys suffer from a languid violation of the process of eating. They are the only ones who refuse to take advantage of the Deprived of what the ancestors of a four-year-old girl did not try, in order to awaken her hunger from this second.

She didn’t want to at all, although at that time she already lay down on the floor within the range of enmity, perceived this same show off and began to use it from the same bowl, taking a little food with her mouth. Although this final gamble More often one has to stumble with a preference for explicit foodstuffs. Similarly, autistic children have every chance of suffering from severe sleep disorders. Basically it's hard for them to fall asleep. Sleep gap means you need to be incomplete to the minimum amount, no regularity.

To eat these, which do not doze off in bed, some doze off in one, and some will certainly stay suck with mother's milk places in the formation of autistic behavior in children.

Almost all everyday surrounding things or actions cause them to feel horrified. Autistic horrors deform the objectivity of perception of the strong world around it. Autistic children also have interesting hobbies, fantasies, desires, and they seem to capture the whole kid, their powers do not pay attention and take the Spectrum project away from data their workouts. Some guys swaying, fingering, fiddling with a rope, tearing paper, running along the border or from invincible to the wall.

Some have unusual reincarnations in animals or fairy-tale characters. These special acts, hobbies, fantasies play an important role in the pathological device of such children to being around and to reflect on the level of sensory regulation, autism is likely to be considered in various forms: - as an absolute cup of detachment from what is happening; - as an intense rejection; - as a preoccupation with autistic interests; - as an extreme difficulty in organizing communication and interaction with other words, to rub between people and recognize the bright categories of children with early childhood autism, which characterize the seemingly different steps of interaction with the surrounding environment and rub between people.

For children, wonderful categories are distinguished by the manifestation of a state of embodied discomfort and the inaccessibility of social activity even more early in adulthood. - Children of the 2nd category are initially especially active and only a little vulnerable in contacts with the environment, and their autism itself is all the more “active”. It takes place as selectivity in relations with jointly Ancestors in advance unusually show a delay in the mental formation of the baby, early unusually - speech; selectivity in food, non-fulfillment of their claims entails ebullient affective reactions.

Comparing with the children of other groups, in the largest they are too burdened with horrors and stereotyping of movements. Although they are significantly adapted to life, they are not happy than the guys of the wonderful category. - Children of the 3rd category distinguish a slightly different method of autistic defense from a powerful one - this over-capture to create their own interests, which appear in a typical form. For years, the child must be considered as no dispute to compare the same topic, to play out the same content with absolute authority.

The main goal of intending a baby is that the program of behavior that he actually developed is not reliably adapted to him elastically changing unexpectedly - unexpectedly - Children of the 4th category have autism in a more mild version. To stand on the first intention to stand on the first project increased vulnerability, slowness in contacts. This child is wonderfully dependent on the psychological help of adults. It is important to provide an atmosphere of security, a specific quiet rhythm of classes, at times including sensory memories.

The pathogenetic mechanisms of RDA remain poorly understood. In different cases of research and in the absence of that question, honor has been given to different underlying causes and mechanisms of origin besides the disorder. For a long time, the hypothesis about its psychogenic nature dominated. It consisted in the fact that these conditions for the formation of the baby, as the suppression of his mental activity and the affective sphere of the “authoritarian” pregnant woman, lead to the pathological formation of a person. other mental deficiency, lead intoxication, etc. (S.S. Mnukhin, D.N. Isaev, 1969).

When analyzing the early symptoms of RDA, the hypothesis of ethological formation devices arises, in fact, it takes place in a polar environment to teach in great difficulties in the formation of the simplest communicative signals, the helplessness of the conservation instinct and affective defense devices. At that time, the guys have inadequate, atavistic knowledge of what is around these authoritative ones, like licking, sniffing an object.

Associated with the final one, there are views about the malfunction of the biological adaptations of affectivity, the primary helplessness of instincts, the information blockade associated with a perceptual disorder, the underdevelopment of inner speech, the central non-observance of auditory emotions, which leads to a blockade to the need for contacts, and so on. The initial disorders in RDA include overestimated sensory and sensual scent and impotence of energy potential; to the secondary ones - autism itself, as caring from being around the power of the injurious intensity not to see irritants, but similarly to stereotypes, overvalued not to observe someone's interests, fantasies, disinhibition of desires - as pseudo-compensatory autostimulations, formed in the criteria of self-isolation. They have a weakened sensual effect on the narrow-minded, to the point of complete inaccessibility of external response, the so-called “affective blockade, an unsatisfactory effect on visual and auditory stimuli, in fact gives such children identity with the blind and deaf.

To the true, sometimes there was hypocrisy about one of the 2 types of autism: - Kanner's exemplary autism (RDA); - and variants of autism (autistic states of various genesis). Autism means getting up as a kind of oversight in the formation of genetic genesis, but also being observed in an intoxicated complicating syndrome with various neurological diseases, even with metabolic ones, finally, God ordered to highlight the main pretexts for the emergence of RDA: - this has every chance, apparently, congenital pathologies of the psyche; - early mental trauma; - erroneous, cool attitude of guardians to the child; - insufficiency of the central psyche (congenital abnormal constitution, organic loss of the central nervous system, and so on).

With not clearly embodied manifestations of autism, the surname paraautism is often used. So, paraautism syndrome is likely to be often observed in Down syndrome. In addition to actually, it is properly collected in case of diseases of the central nervous system, organs of the view of the musculoskeletal unit and internal organs.

Significant symptoms of early childhood autism. Indicators of early childhood autism appear selectively and changeably and do not at all characterize the key specifics of the abnormal in one way, non-compliance with speech development is considered one of the main indicators of RDA. Speech disorders vary considerably in the highest degree of severity and in no manifestations. The following speech disorders are distinguished: - non-compliance with the communicative function of speech.

The autistic child avoids communication, spoiling the unrealistic speech development. His allocution is autonomous, egocentric, not connected with the situation and environment; - Isolation to move the baby's brains from the authoritative affects his self-awareness; - The stereotyping of speech, the desire for word creation, within the limits of children, to a large extent, the development of speech goes from a gap so that problems in the formation of behavior are considered otherwise to be an indicator of autism. As a rule, this disinhibition, lack of concentration, distractibility.

Similar behavior is called "field". The object of ridicule attracts the autistic child to imagine being courageous, because he himself must rotate the acts of these forces, when, on occasion, his claim and the child’s aspiration will begin to realize, contrary to adulthood, the difference in tension, light from the autistic child, it’s hard for him to concentrate, in view of the deprivation of what, overvoltage begins. As a result, mental formation and socialization are disturbed. The clinical appearance of Kanner's syndrome irrevocably develops in a circle of 2-3 years grumpy and in the course of a couple of years (up to Five or six years old from a young age it is more pronounced. After that, its specific pathological features are often smoothed out. Autism with autistic manifestations is this initial point of difficulty establishing contact with the outside world and, as a result, newly produced reactions - avoidance of contacts. Autism is likely to be detected as a passive care of apathy, while in such a situation, in all likelihood, to know selectivity in contacts: friendship only with a person immediately, and wealthy slavery from him - " symbiotic association Contact with is jointly performed with other than the inhabitant of our planet.

There is similarly a focus on maintaining consistency, standards. Given to visit the ruthless tool of the kid to avoid difficulties. An autistic child gravitates towards autostimulations, including: running in a circle swinging and so on These movements increase in due time the child is afraid of being deprived of something - to rely The autistic child does not follow the instructions, neglecting them, running away from an adult and doing everything upside down Although everything - however, with the correct elimination of such children, it turns out to achieve noticeable results. Distinctive features of the formation of the cognitive sphere in children with RDA syndrome.

In general, unevenness is characteristic of mental formation in autism. So, increased opportunities in certain areas, including the ability to do mathematics, the ability has every chance to be combined with marriage with the deepest violation of ordinary life skills and the worship of the total, and such as mental, tone, in harmony with increased sensory and psychological sensitivity, causes a very small step of energetic disdain.

From a very young age, it is noted that it is inaccessible to postpone the care of the baby to the things of the environment. There are gross violations of purposefulness and arbitrariness to look through the fingers. Although clear emotions have every chance to literally enchant the guys. A distinctive feature is considered to be the strongest mental satiety. His reverence is steadfastly clear for several minutes, from time to time and seconds. It is possible to observe criticism for the purpose of concentrating, to pass past the ears of the baby, they have every chance of being applied: sounds, melodies, sparkling things, etc. Feelings and perceptions.

For children with RDA, a distinctive originality in response to sensory stimuli. This is expressed in increased sensory vulnerability, and at the same time, a consequence of increased vulnerability, they are distinguished by ignoring actions, and similarly, a divergence in belonging reactions caused by social and physical stimuli. Otherwise, in the normal state, the human face is considered the strongest and most likable irritable.

Perceptual abnormalities are present in 71% of children diagnosed as having autism. The proportion of children has an effect on "freshness", let's take a metamorphosis of lighting, especially powerful. Almost all the children with a perversely clear gap were weakly interested, they similarly did not have the effect of fear or a vale of sadness and crying to sound stimuli, and while they noticed an overestimated scent for irritants with a frail voice: the children woke up from eventually audible rustling, at ease there were reactions of fear to working household appliances. In the perception of a baby with RDA, there is also a non-observance of orientation in a place, a corruption of the integrity of the picture of a real objective authoritative.

The main thing for them is not the object of ridicule in general, but its individual parts. The bulk of them have an increased mania for music. They are sensitive to scents, they explore things around them through licks and sniffs. Of great importance for children are tactile muscle feelings, coming from an understanding of the personal pluses to fall off the face (they sway, although the innocent make monotonous jumps, spin, pour sand, etc.).

With a 100 times reduced pain sensitivity, they have a predilection for attacking the idea of ​​all kinds of not forgetting and fantasy childhood early youth autistic children have an excellent mechanical recall actually recreates the conditions for saving the imprints of sensory experiences. Specifically, sensory recall stereotypes the perception of what is around.

Children have every chance, moreover, to drum the same sounds into their ears again, in the absence of bringing to a successful conclusion to dominate autocratically and the same rebus. They easily memorize verses. In the rhythm of the verse, the children have every chance to begin to sway or come up with an individual in reasoning; the fun of the imagination has 2 opposite points of view in accordance with one of their guardhouses, the guys have a rich imagination in accordance with 2 - the imagination is unusual, the groundless nature of pathological fantasizing.

In their content, unintentionally heard fluctuations of the situation and real actions are intertwined. Pathological fantasies are distinguished by increased brightness and imagery. Often their content can happen to be called a hostile image. Pathological fantasizing works as an excellent basis for the manifestation of all sorts of inadequate fears. This has every chance, probably, the horrors of fur hats, stairs, unknown people. Some guys are ineffectually sentimental, often whimper when watching any speech of children with early childhood autism, an unusual accomplice to speech work is noted and at the same time - originality in the development of expressive fussing speech .

When perceiving speech, a reduced (or completely absent) effect on the speaker is visible. By "neglecting" the usual annotations addressed to him, the child is likely to interfere in the dialogue not addressed to him. Sample he responds to low, whispered speech, intense speech reactions to drunken hums in autistic children have every chance of being late. The same applies to babble: according to reliable research data, 11% had no babble phase, 24% had a weakly expressed one, and 31% had no babble effect on an adult. The first chatter is usually seen early in 63% - the chatter "mother, grandfather's clergy", although 51% - were used in the absence of correlation with an adult.

They rarely ask, as soon as they are found, then they wear a cyclic plane to ignore communication, mainly with the introduction of speech, which negatively affects the prospects for the speech development of children in this group.

Thinking. As O.S. Nikolskaya, E.R. Baenskaya, M.M. Liebling inform us, there is no need to act as an allocution about being without individual opportunities in RDA. The height of intellectual formation is connected, first of all, with the originality of the affective sphere. They are defined by perceptually clear, but not multifunctional indicators of things.

The sensual component of perception once preserves the main pathos in RDA, including during school youth. As a result, only a part of the indicators of the reality around is assimilated. The formation of thinking in such children is connected with the definition of the grandiose problems of free teaching. Almost all professionals prescribe on the cumulative difficulty in symbolization, the transfer of skills from a crooked situation to another.

It is difficult for this child to grasp the course of events another time to sniff out cause-and-effect submit This understandable takes place in the retelling of educational material, when performing tasks related to plot illustrations.

Almost all autistic guys have every chance of generalizing, and they are not in a drunken twist that was used by accident, but at that time the intellectual disability was not classified as inherent to autism. Children have every chance to show talent in obvious areas, if only the autistic tendency of thinking is preserved. When performing intellectual studies, these, like Veksler's analysis, there is an embodied disproportion in the circle by the level of verbal and non-verbal intelligence to the benefit until the final breath. her-her low level of formation of verbal intelligence.

Unusualities of the formation of gossip and the sensual sphere of autistic children Non-compliance with the sensual-volitional sphere is considered a leading symptom of early childish autism and, in all likelihood, manifests itself immediately after birth. Thus, in 100% of research on autism, it is rapidly lagging behind in its own formation - the animation ensemble. This is the place to be without fixing the gaze on the shy of the inhabitant of our planet, grins and sensory responses in intoxicated laughter, speech and motor activity on the image, disdain to rush in all directions of an adult. According to the rise of the baby, the crisis of the forces of sensual contacts with near-adults continues to grow.

The guys do not ask for a connoisseur, being on the address, do not take specific perceive Jupiterian postures, do not huddle, remain lethargic and passive. They are given the opportunity to endure, including in the event that they are frightened in front of immediately from the guardians, they have every chance of agreeing to bite to render everything angrily. These guys so lack the distinctive desire to be liked by adults, to legitimately receive praise. Chatter “mother and clergy are discovered later than others and have every chance not to correlate with guardians. All of the above signs are considered a manifestation of the 1st rafter no from the original pathogenic moments of autism. And those. lowering the threshold of psychological discomfort in contacts with the world. An autistic child has a rather frosty stamina in a conversation with one another.

Tends to fixation on nasty emotions, to the formation of fears: - common for a child from a young age, in general, to scare him to lose his head in what mother gave birth to, and also situationally conditioned horrors after which experienced fear); - caused by overestimated sensory and psychological sensitivity of children, lead to a fright of domestic and natural hums, steal away from the inhabitants of our planet of unknown places); - inadequate, delusional, that is, deprived of the real groundless, occupy one of the 2 leading places in the formation of autistic behavior.

When establishing contact, almost all simple things and actions are found, and similarly, some people cause the baby to feel horrified multiple times. This, in all likelihood, will persist for years, and even bears the illusion of rituals. Scanty shifts in the drunken rearrangement of furniture, daily routine cause seething sensual reactions.

This action had the rights of citizenship, the word “paradox”, in other words, about the distinctive features of behavior in RDA of varying degrees of severity, O.S. Nikolskaya describes the children of the 1st category as not allowing them to be horrified to the point of experiencing, reacting with leaving to any reaction of immeasurable intensity. In contrast to their children of the 2nd category, they are almost always present in a drunken state of fright. This is reflected in their appearance and behavior: their movements are tense, their frozen facial expressions are horrified, an unexpected wedge of local fears, apparently, must be provoked by individual symptoms of a situation or object. which are very intense for a toddler due to their lack of sensory traits. And local horrors have every chance of being imposed by some threat. The singularity of these fears is considered to be their firm fixation - they remain topical for almost all years and the exact reason for fears is oriented far from sometimes. Children of the 3rd category accidentally orientate fears quite naturally, they seem to lie on a plane. The same child always speaks for itself about them, includes them in his own verbal fantasies. At that time, the baby gets stuck not only exclusively on what the world did not produce - sometimes terrible views, but also on individual affective elements that slip through the text. Children of the 4th category are timid, inhibited, unsure of what to take into their heads. They are distinguished by generalized experiences that especially grow in fresh environments, when they need to go beyond the usual standard forms of contact, with an increase in the value of the claims of those around them. More distinctive are the horrors that grow out of the timidity of negative sensory evaluation by others, early preferably narrow-minded.

A similar child is afraid to do something that is actually wrong, to be “bad”, not to live up to the hopes of the mother. Together with the above, children with early childhood autism have a failure to vent feelings of self-preservation, with details of self-aggression. They are given the opportunity to spontaneously run out onto the road wedge; they do not have a sense of edge, thin, the beginning of unsafe contact with sharp and hot is fixed. Strongly in the absence of wholesale, even in the project there is no craving for a childish team. When in contact with children, they usually have a passive disregard or an intense rejection of communication, in the absence of a resonance with the surname. In social interactions, the infant is very selective. Constant immersion in internal unrest. The fenced-off of an autistic kid from external power makes it difficult for him to form his rumors. He cannot empathize with the mood of the inhabitants of our planet who are around to avoid it. All this does not contribute to the formation of adequate moral guidelines in children, for example, the concepts of causality and bad in relation to the situation of communication.

Distinctive features of the work Intensive for the sake of cognition begin to manifest themselves in detail in well-developing children from now half a year immediately grumbling In other words, in addition to sometimes the specifics of children with RDA, they become more visible, while then some of them already show a single lethargy and inactivity, while others show excessive activity: they are lured by the sensory qualities of things, the sound of coloring, the course of manipulation with them is typically cyclical. Children, grasping things that come across, do not want to teach them through feeling, looking at, and so on.

Influences aimed at mastering all sorts of peculiar methods of dilapidating things do not attract them. In this regard, self-service actions are formed against them, including being formed, they have every chance of causing anger in the guys when they try to stimulate their use. For children with autism, ignoring toys is distinctive. The guys appreciate the newest toys in the absence of reflection - they like the zeal to manipulate them, they like to manipulate selectively only a curve. The stupidity of these guys is non-communicative, the kids play.

In the stay of other children, it is ignored, in rare cases, the child, in all likelihood, will show the results of wanting a spectacle. Stupidity is juicy auto-dialogues conversation with an independent seem They have every chance to be brought to the spectacle - fantasies, someday a child reincarnates into other alienated inhabitants of our planet of animals, things. In unexpected fun, a baby with RDA, in fact, to get stuck in one thought with someone and in the same plots with space between things, is able to fight intentionally and with interest.

Manipulative amusements are saved among the children of this group, and even more so, the older adult, free, active, in accordance with the set goal, the thin one regulates the custom of the children. It is difficult for them to be distracted from specific emotions, from the useful and negative “valence” of things, that is, from that, in fact, it composes their pleasantness for the baby or manages them with unpleasant ones. Also, the causality of autistic attitudes and the horrors of a child with RDA is the second pretext that interferes with the formation of educational work in its very essential components. Depending on the severity of the disorder, an autistic child may study both according to the program of personal study, but also according to the program of the global secondary educational institutions. At school, isolation from the team has been preserved before this, these guys do not have friends. They are distinguished by mood swings, the presence of fresh fears more closely associated with the school.

School work causes great embarrassment teachers notice passivity in the classroom. Stupid children perform tasks only under the supervision of guardians. At school age, these children are characterized by an increase in the desire for creativity. They tell poems, stories, come up with situations, the heroes of which they are considered. It is sometimes noted that there is selectivity towards those adults who listen to them, they do not prevent them from inventing this often happens by accidental, unknown people Studying at school is not formed into a leading activity. typical teaching.

Intensive forms of cognition begin to manifest themselves in detail in well-developing children from the 2nd half of the first year of life. From now on, the distinctive features of children with RDA become more visible, while some of them show total lethargy and inactivity, while others show increased activity: they are attracted by the sensory qualities of things (sound, colors, movement), manipulations with them have typically cyclical. Children, grabbing things that come across, do not want to master them by touching, looking at, and so on. Influences aimed at mastering the peculiar methods of consuming things do not lure them. In this regard, self-service influences are formed in them late and, including being formed, have every chance of causing disobedience in children when trying to stimulate their use.

For children with autism, ignoring toys is distinctive. The guys inspect the newest toys in the absence of any desire to manipulate them, or manipulate selectively with only one.

Thus, autism is a complete detachment from what is happening, it is "extreme loneliness." There may be a tendency to maintain constancy and certain stereotypes. An increase in ability in certain areas can be combined with a profound impairment of ordinary life skills and abilities. An autistic child has a disturbed sense of self-preservation; everyone, without exception, lacks a craving for a children's team. The isolation of an autistic child from the outside world makes it difficult for him to develop as a person.

3. Possibilities of psychological correction of children with early childhood autism

Consciousness of support for children with early childhood autism in domestic defectology

In the 20s of the XX century, V.P. Osipov evaluated autism as "dissociation of patients from the outside world."

V. A. Gilyarovsky declared autism as “a specific non-compliance with the consciousness of the “I” itself and the whole person with a violation of the usual attitudes towards those around them,” while emphasizing that these patients are actually closed and alienated from everything else.

The root cause of the systemic layout for the study of the manifestations of autism in children, as is customarily attributed to the 30-40s, once autistic states were described in a hospital for childish schizophrenia, psychoses, disorders that have organic losses in their own will or underdevelopment of the central psyche (Mtr O. Gurevich, 1925, 1927, Grammar E. Sukharev 1925, N. I. Ozeretsky 1938 and L. S. Vygotsky made an unlimited contribution to the explanation of the medical and social view of this dilemma.

He gave a more absolute verdict of the originality of the formation of the rumors of an autistic child, which, from his point of view, the side of the coin develops in the course of the interaction of bio, social, psychological and pedagogical moments. He saw the significance of the sanctioned action through the development of the persona of L.S. Vygotsky talked about the fact that the presence of a grandiose supply of healthy, unaffected inclinations, the uneven (from the point of view of depth) distribution of defectiveness to 2 different things, fussing mental work, reveal great abilities for social adaptation and assistance and subsequent development under obvious favorable criteria, with intensive use the likelihood of community defense and adult-supported education.

In other words, in these criteria, he called the kid's hidden promising powers a zone of close formation. Fortunately, because L.S. Vygotsky defined the knowledge of primary and secondary flaws as the basis for building a system of correctional and educational work with a child in play, educational and other forms of work (primary ones are connected with the material basis of mental retardation, secondary ones are a product of a special position of riz that occupies a mentally decrepit child in public intermediary in view of the pathological pleasant moment, in fact, this consciousness in the essence and methods of corrective work is too close to a progressive understanding of public assistance.

L.S. Vygotsky condemns idealism in matters of compensation, for example, unanimity in the body itself is really excited by those striving to eliminate those barriers to a role in life that are not happy, which are caused by existing shortcomings. He expresses the idea that the actual incentives for improvement and compensation arise here, at the right time, a clash begins between the claims made on the abnormal child and his probabilities.

As long as the image of organic autism is a threat presented in 1967 by S.S. Mnukhin with co-authors; description of early childish autism of the Kanner type in 1970, 1974 G.N. Pivovarova and V.M. Bashina, Kagan V.B. and 1982; early childish autism in the circle of post-attack schizophrenia in 1975 not so long ago M.Sh. Vrono, V.M. Bashina, etc. Most of all, developed by the domestic doctrine, which considers sensory disturbances to be a prerequisite for the manifestations of autism to a large extent, God ordered to call the theory of V.V. Lebedinsky, O.S. Nikolskaya, E.R. Baenskaya, M.M. Liebling. According to this concept, bio-deficiency recreates special pathological conditions to which an autistic child must adapt. From the stage of birth, there is a stereotypical intricacies of the choice of pathogenic causes:

Failure to interact incredibly energetically with the environment actually takes place in a reduced vitality;

A drop in the threshold of affective discomfort in contacts with the world, manifested in painful reactions to ordinary stimuli and increased vulnerability when in contact with a threat to a person. The two noted factors work in no way at all, hindering the development of energetic interaction with the environment and creating promises for strengthening self-defense.

Autism, according to the creators, develops not only for the following reasons; the baby itself is vulnerable and not enduring in a sensory sense. Any manifestation of autism is interpreted as the result of the connection of protective and compensatory devices that allow the child to establish relatively permanent, albeit pathological, relationships with jointly On the scale of this concept, the distortion of the formation of cognitive functions is a consequence of violations in the affective sphere.

The unusual formation of motor actions, perception, speech and thinking are specifically associated with early gross sensory disorders. Isolation of affective regulation meanings allows the creators to explain the full range of manifestations of autism.

K. S. Lebedinskaya gives a future classification of early childhood autism: a) community 1 - with the dominance of detachment from those around; b) community 2 - with the dominance of autistic rejection of those around; c) community 3 - with the dominance of autistic substitution being around; d) 4th category - with the dominance of overinhibition in relations with those around. 1st category - with the dominance of detachment from what is around: the presence of field behavior (non-purposeful drift from the 1st rafter there is no object to another, climbing on furniture, the body of an adult, long passive contemplation of objectless objects; involuntary involuntary actions prescribing for a clear imprint of what is around and orientation in place; rhythmic vocalizations). Not so long ago, these children showed hypersensitivity to sensory and affective discomfort, a change of scenery.

There was an advanced development of speech. In the second year in absence, a week more after somatic illness, psychogeny, a sudden often terrifying decay of speech and skills appeared, an increase in spontaneity, harm to eye contact, reactions to communication, physical discomfort was noted. These manifestations made it possible to characterize this variant of autistic dysontogenesis as regressive.

Nosologically, here we are talking about malignant current schizophrenia. 2nd category - with the dominance of autistic rejection of what is around: an obsession with motor, sensory, speech stereotypes, impulsive actions, the similarity of fun with the attraction of non-game things, the severity of violations to pour out feelings of self-preservation, the “identity phenomenon”, multiple horrors of a hypersensitive disposition, a symbiotic relationship with a pregnant woman and often retarded in mental development. In the first months of life, there are violations of vital functions, more in the manner of hyperexcitability, sometimes - rare convulsive seizures.

This variant of early childish autism is most likely due to both schizophrenia and an organic loss of the central nervous system. Category 3 - with the dominance of autistic substitution of those around with overvalued hobbies, special, abstract disposition, interests and fantasies, disinhibition of desires. Horrors wear a delusional look. In the plot of the spectacle, anger may come out to the narrow-minded. The impotence of psychological attachments is noted. On standing on the first intention not so long ago grumbling stereotyped muscle hypertonicity, tension or resistance when taking all the trades Nosological qualification of this category suggests obvious problems - the allocution of knowing to get away with both sluggish schizophrenia, but also about autistic psychopathy type of Asperger's syndrome).

The community - with the dominance of over-inhibition in relations with being around jointly vulnerability, cowardice. Distinctive inexpensive mood background, overvalued horrors, quiet, motionless tomfoolery, increased fear and stiffness with a meager change in the ordinary standard. Do not follow anyone's interests (to nature, music) and fantasy plots notice the zeal to escape from the very difficult burdens of reality. Stereotypic retardation, motor awkwardness, complexes in movements. On the essence of not so long ago, grouchy muscle hypotension, impotence of reactions to physical discomfort, instability of mood are noted; meteorological and vegetative lability, physical and mental exhaustion.

Overattachment to mother suck with milk - not only as a source of protection, but also to a sensual donor and arbiter in complex social contacts. A special variation of early childish autism from a nosological position is to know to finally breathe, to seem to be a special form of constitutional anomaly of the formation of a reliable Kanner syndrome), and with mild severity - a variant of Asperger's autistic psychopathy. In the understanding that keeps up with the times, correctional and educational creation seems to be a system of psychological, pedagogical and medical events aimed at overcoming or weakening defects in the mental and (or) physical development of children.

Correctional and educational work is described by these features as:

Integrity (all ongoing events are addressed to the offence of the baby in general);

Consistency (all events are conducted in the system, in connection with each other and are designed for a long time in those cases 3. complexity (all the means used guarantee the likelihood of causing a corrective effect both on the physical development of the baby, but also on the formation of mental actions and functions, emotional-volitional spheres, the person of the baby in general); relationship with the social environment (expansion to anger the conduct of correctional and educational work beyond the boundaries of the institution, and the inclusion in it of the social environment in which the child is brought up.

The research of these scientists, such as L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Graborov, Gram. Mtr. Dulnev and the skill of corrective work show, in fact, the same work is based on the same work, which means that the following foundations are laid: the view of accepting a baby, the implementation of the principle, represents the formation of the right atmosphere in the environment where the child is brought up.

Reverence for the child, along with wise exactingness, faith in him not to become and zeal to the greatest extent to grow his probable abilities are not - the key conditions in being a more suitable atmosphere for the baby); we use the principle through this principle to educate any kid, however, when working with children with disabilities, he has no reason for a special connoisseur, because the same child, in the absence of deliberately sanctioned help, cannot achieve the value of mental and physical development that suits him); the leader of the personal layout, the leader demonstrates, in fact, the groundless infant's right to unfold according to his eyes, psychophysical distinctive features.

His action is to be able to achieve the child's probable meaning of becoming through bringing the content, methods, means, organization of the actions of education and teaching into uniformity with his personal abilities); ruled the unity of medical and psychological-pedagogical actions (medium events create favorable conditions for psychological-pedagogical action and only in conjunction with them have every chance of ensuring the highest return on correctional and educational work with any child); working together with the family, the work of a comfortable atmosphere in the family, the presence of the right strained affairs towards the child, the unity of the claims made to the child will contribute to the good of his physical and mental success. baby.

Progressive Russian layouts for the diagnosis and elimination of early childish progress in the early disclosure of the directions of autistic development at that time, the ancestors of children from a young age regularly apply for through the beginning. maximum embodied directions of the formation of the deepest forms of autism, described by E.R. Baenskaya. E.S. Ivanov similarly emphasizes reverence in other words on early diagnosis, which, in all likelihood, must be conceived to separate early childhood autism from autism syndromes in other diseases and states of mental underdevelopment.

According to him, according to someone else's opinion, differential diagnosis should probably be based on knowledge of the nuclear manifestations of early childish autism as a distorted mental development, on knowledge of the steps of a normal mental development of a baby. Early diagnosis of early childish autism is feasible, because Kanner's syndrome with a symptom complex formed in accordance with this symptom complex takes place more closely in early childish adulthood. Diagnosis must be carried out in a prudent and thorough manner, symptoms cannot obscure a person from the prospector from the very young age of the baby. To casually deduce from the difficulty in making a diagnosis, the baby must be plausibly obvious in the risk category and be present under the dynamic supervision of a neuropsychiatrist and a special specialist in psychology. (E. S. Ivanov). Among the criteria for differential diagnosis in Russian research, the main power is given to dynamic observation.

The issues of differential diagnosis of early childhood autism were thoroughly explained in the works of S. S. Mnukhin, D. N. Isaev, where autism is characterized as a type of asthenotonic form of residual-organic disorders of the nervous system and is described differentiated in schizophrenia and other diseases. The formation of sensual interaction with the outside world makes it possible to minimize autistic and negativistic attitudes, to overcome the hostile tendencies of the baby. Non-observance of communication in an autistic child is associated with the formation of an autistic barrier in him, which protects him from painful contacts, and in view of and in the absence of this increased vulnerability to crumple the child and, naturally, the development of forms of protective hypercompensation of autism - stereotyping and autostimulation.

Prominent scientists V.V. Lebedinsky and O.S. Nikolskaya formulated the leader of the whole alignment to the resumption of an affective relationship with such guys:

At first it does not stand in all likelihood of pressure and direct appeal;

The first contacts should be made at an adequate level for the baby, on a scale it is necessary to maintain its useful one; it is necessary to diversify the baby’s ordinary pleasures, to strengthen them by infecting one’s personality; contact, someday the adult becomes a useful affective center of the situation;

The complication can only be handled through the introduction of new elements into the texture of the existing ones to weightily implement the dosing of contacts;

When an affective relationship with a child is achieved, he becomes especially naive, he must be saved from an incident with narrow-minded people;

As contact is established, his respect must be judged little by little; trust is seen in the consequences of a common contact. The most relevant thing in working with these guys is this treatment with guardians, which is to know to discover all the specifics of becoming in early childhood, to play the first fiddle, given skills and craftsmanship, habits and attachments of the baby. Observation is considered essential, which in different situations and when getting acquainted with the different hobbies of the baby, his communicative and motor unusualness, playing abilities, the level of development of self-service skills and social constructions of programs gives the most positive effects.

The social education of autistic children is based on the similarity of their behavior. Scientists and psychologists recognize as two times 2 4 behavioral categories. According to O.S. Nikolskaya, they are guided by subsequent factors: the severity and depth of psychophysical disorders, a maximum of early diagnosis, an intensive developmental environment, and the involvement of caregivers in intensive work as co-therapists. From the methodological support created by the Russians, I will work on introducing the methodology of a comprehensive medical-psychological-pedagogical elimination, which presents actual recommendations on the proposal through autistic children and their families.

On the scale of this alignment, correctional creation is focused on the formation of psychological contact and the interaction of the child with the adult and the environment, the compilation of internal adaptive devices, in fact, increases the total social adaptation of the autistic almost all professionals notice the price of using musical means in correctional work with autistic children. This direction is distinguished as “Communicative Therapy Supported by Music”. this way of getting cold root in the alignment, which represents, in fact, well-developing babies are quite adventurous in both personal ears and public relations.

A child from birth has the ability to extract non-verbal communication skills, these, contact rolled out of the eyes, grasping, position of any and laughter from the body. With this, the baby is not able to feel a little on the adult, because it allows the adult to respond to his calls. to set the goal of the program is to provide the autistic child with a specific framework in which he would be given the opportunity to highlight the sensations of the lure of the unrealistic, which for an ordinary baby are considered natural as communications, and this is to force the pattern of dialogical communication for subsequent speech development.

This therapy wants to force something like a conversation with the child by any other method in which proposals for contact have every chance of doing from two sides. most of the passage and in the absence of this exchange of information is usually performed in terms of silent body movements, including running, jumping, but also vocals, breaths, eye contact and visual fusion on being 1 ideas with someone and the same objects, such as resigned a scarf placed in a circle by an adult and a child, a light ball, a cushion, and so on. From time to time, adults begin to perpetuate the influence of the baby by singing, giving the words a long-awaited look of significance, and as a result, the famous type of therapy differs from classical music therapy by the fact that here the main goal of musical action is contained in the essence of the relationship not between music and the child, but in the circle of the child and that signified to him. the person with whom he spends everything will not be superfluous to notice that then the child’s common lessons with the teacher and music therapist are evidence: from the source to form musical skills through conversation, which is especially the first thing for the child today.

The mentor in the future is likely to extract in the work the rhythms and dialogues worked out in the music room. The way in which music becomes an assistant is explained by the fact that it is actually more elastic than spoken language, preferably if used in conjunction with movements. With the help of musical communication therapy to the kid, they want to bring to the extreme the actual clarification of the causality itself and the conversation and interaction are likely, and use it to spoil the state of maintenance and in the absence of this type of communication through the beginning, which itself is considered to be an analogue of intense speech by the mind.

The linguistic skills of oral or sign speech are superimposed on the framework that is made by this preparatory work, and, as it turns out, the study of speech follows with greater elasticity and social repercussions than they once worked as one by one to eliminate behavior. Musical communicative therapy is suitable for any child with autism, regardless of the severity of the disorder or the significance of becoming one of the main directions in corrective work with autistic children is considered to be the formation of joint and small motor skills by R.K. Ulyanova.

Justified as such, in fact, in fact, very strongly autistic children have these or some kind of motor impairment: a single oversight, a tinyly coordinated gait, the guys cannot shy away, protect on a curve, be friends, are not able to step over from the obstacle to loosen the ball into the task of reading it out. Purposeful movements (stringing beads, balls, pyramid rings, folding mosaics, trying to arrange flowers in a vase, threading, including if the buttons are fastened into a grand eye with a needle) cause great help.

The children have a disturbed sense of rhythm, it is difficult for them to march to the music, to perform movements to it. Most of them lack self-service skills. Autistic children undergo special problems when mastering graphic skills. There is an uncoordinated movement of the connoisseur, which leads to a distortion of the outline of the letter, to the bulge of pressure, and the uneven location of the letters in the word. To eliminate joint motor skills, it is forbidden to use the most diverse procedures - running, jumping, somersaults, and so on. Procedures have every chance of being carried out both in a sports ensemble, but also in nature. And a variety of moving spectacles are good - running on a slope, walking on a log, pranks in hide and seek (hiding behind a tree), throwing cones in the fun task “Who will throw higher -“ Who will throw more precisely? know the difficulty in the chump It can be useful for autistic children to be and move into the unseemly.

Classes with physical procedures are required, in all likelihood, to be integrated into a single place, the order of the day for the baby. work is being introduced day by day. Let's suppose that there is no other habit to teach ball fun, at first, probably, to play with a weightless ball. Having mastered the fun with no, the kid masters the skill of stopping the ball, moving it, catching it, finishing it in the basket, through a hoop, consonant at the level of the hands, swinging it with the forehead of the wall, you won’t break things - a cardboard apple of a quarrel, throwing the ball from the rope, swinging the skittles. Playing with the child in any sports fun, the courageous must take into account the motor clumsiness of the baby and help him little by little.

Classes are held in an atmosphere of benevolence, children are required to examine only positive impressions. Given in all likelihood, help the use of poems, counting rhymes, songs. in the meantime, interaction with an autistic child is built on the basis of when it is harmed. Children often have a profit in small loose things. Sprinkling the bounce, God ordered to simulate the drop of drops, accompanying the skill with a light verbal accompaniment. Deeds with plasticine can be useful, in such a situation it does not harm to tend to subservience so that others do not have a habit as a result of easy work for the baby, some work blood flows in the veins.

It is easy to prepare elegant fakes by combining plasticine with natural material (moss, acorns, watermelon seeds, maple lionfish, leaves, cones, pulling chestnuts out of the flame, and so on), which traditionally causes a profit in the baby. and various finger games are also widely used, stupidity in an unnatural bag, "stringing beads, manipulating small spaces between things. Children with especially severe violations of narrow motor skills may be allowed to supply with a spoon or a scoop, like from the wall of peas, cereals from a crooked bowl to another: the baby has every chance take fun with the sand on the playground.

Prior to this, the characteristics of paper are jointly explored: paper is wrinkled, striving, shaped, cut, God ordered it to be glued. In addition to all kinds of fun with paper, fakes are made. It has been noticed that, in fact, some autistic children, overcoming severe problems in motor skills, have every chance of achieving quite the highest level of organization of work, as a result, a reason is uselessly created for even more successful teaching at school. Up to now, then, already the ability to affect patients with early childish autism is performed most of all in clinics, in which long periods of stay lead to social deprivation, the effects of hospitalism.

Here, as a system of special treatment and correctional care, the benefit of thirty percent of children with early childhood autism leads to a social mechanism. These experienced through make conditions and for the ability not to be hypocritical of fate in socially necessary work and guardians of autistic children. The proposed forms are also considered to be economical, reasonable and serve as a prototype for servicing (secondary character) forms of mental underdevelopment in autistic children. Regrettably, at the moment, in special literature, as a rule, separate areas of work with autistic children are assumed. Although with the subsequent fuss this allocates the tradesman to indulge in choice, it is possible to combine different tips to work with any exact child. The first interaction with an autistic child is based solely on his interests. Children often have an enthusiasm for small bulky things. Sprinkling peas, it is possible to simulate the droplet reduction, accompanying the influence with a simple verbal accompaniment.

Actions with plasticine can be too useful, with all this it is necessary to react, so that as a result of easy work for the baby, some fake is possible.

It is easy to make cute fakes, combining plasticine with natural material (moss, acorns, berries, watermelon seeds, maple lionfish, leaves, cones, chestnuts, and so on), which traditionally causes enthusiasm in the baby.

And various finger games, fun in a “wonderful bag”, stringing beads, and manipulating small things are also widely used.

For children with the most difficult violations of delicate motor skills, it is possible to give out peas, cereals from one bowl to another with a spoon or scoop: the baby has every chance to have fun with sand on the playground.

Of great importance for the formation of delicate movements is working with paper. At first, the qualities of paper are examined in combination: paper is wrinkled, striving, shaped, cut, it is possible to glue it. Then there are various funs with paper, fakes are made. It has been noticed that in fact almost all autistic children, overcoming solid problems in motor skills, have every chance of reaching a fairly high level of work organization, in connection with which a basis is created for the most effective teaching at school.

To date, support for a patient with early childhood autism is performed preferably in clinics, the presence of which for a long time leads to social deprivation, the effects of hospitalism. At the same time, the organization of special treatment and correctional assistance leads to the social organization of more than thirty percent of children with early childhood autism. These types of support create conditions for the authority to participate in socially necessary work and guardians of children with autism. The proposed forms of support are also considered more economical, reasonable and serve as a prototype for the maintenance (secondary nature) of forms of mental underdevelopment in autistic children.

Regrettably, at the moment, in the special literature, as a rule, separate areas of work with autistic children are assumed. But, viewed from a different angle, this gives the trades professional freedom of choice, the possibility of combining different tips to work with any given child.

The theoretical test of the difficulty of the ability to eliminate the psychological sphere in children with early childhood autism indicates:

The test of psychological and pedagogical literature shows, in fact, a number of studies of the essence, devices for the formation, indicators and manifestations of emotional-volitional disorders of the original temper (V.M. Bashina., G.M. Breslav, M.S. Vrono, V.V. Lebedinsky , K.S. Lebedinskaya, O.S. Nikolskaya, A.G. Sotnikov a, A.S. Spivakovskaya, V.E. Kagan, A.A. Royak and others).

Over the past 2 decades, a number of studies have been found in the domestic special literature dedicated to correctional work with autistic children (E.R. Baenskaya, M.Yu. Vedenina, L.P. Gladkikh, L.V. Goncharova, I. YuZakharova, I. V. Kovalets, G.V. Kozlovskaya, Since Meleshko, S.A. Morozov, T.I. Morozova, L.G. Nurieva, M.E. etc.).

Understanding the extreme importance of the active participation of parents of children with developmental disorders in the organization of the environment and the implementation of corrective measures created the prerequisite for conducting research on the characteristics of interaction in families with an autistic child (L.S. Pechnikova, I.B. Karvasarskaya), correcting intra-family interaction and overcoming autistic barrier and its consequences through holding therapy (M.M. Liebling).

In domestic psychology, it is noted that the most important thing in working with such children is communication with parents, which can reveal all the features of development in early childhood, first of all, these are the skills and abilities, attachments and habits of the child. It is important to observe that in different situations and when getting to know the child's different addictions, his communicative and motor features, play opportunities, the level of development of self-service skills and social constructions of programs, gives the most positive results.

psychological adaptation child autism

2. Empirical study of the problem of the possibility of correcting the emotional sphere and personality of children with early childhood autism

1 Organization and research methods

The form of the study: global and individual, in order to obtain more specific research results.

The study consisted of 3 steps:

The 1st step is a stating skill. This limit was carried out at the beginning of May. The form of diagnostic research was used frontal and own, to obtain objective data. If necessary, individual discussions and consultations were held. The study was aimed at determining the value of emotional and personal deviations in younger students with RDA syndrome. The following techniques were adopted: “Family Essay” by R. Burns and S. Kaufman, Anxiety Scale adapted by Parishioners, made on the principle of Kondash’s “Socio-Situational Anxiety Scale”, “Methodology of Self-Esteem Research” (Uruntaeva, Afonkina).

Based on the results of the ascertaining skill, the subjects were divided into control and experimental groups.

Oh, the stage is a formative skill. At this step, a correction was made in the subjects of the experimental group. The subjects of the experimental group were divided into 2 subgroups of 6 and 7 people, with the aim of more effective corrective work. In the basis of corrective work with autistic children, we used a training program for the destruction of autism. At the procedures, if desired, the parents took part. The goals of this program:

Correction of autism in mental development based on the creation of optimal opportunities and an aspect for the development of the individual and intellectual development of the baby.

Prevention of autism.

Establishing contact (organization of communication) of autistic children with adults and peers;

Mitigation of a single background of sensory and emotional discomfort, confusion and fears;

Stimulation of mental activity aimed at interacting with adults and peers;

Teaching the baby to non-stereotypical forms of behavior and work;

Familiarization of parents with a number of mental peculiarities of the baby;

A study of parenting techniques for raising an autistic child.

Group selection

Duration of classes - 30 - 60 minutes. Classes were held once a week (2.5 months).

To ensure the transfer of new forms of behavior of the baby to real life, a system of homework was used, parents were expected, including 30 minutes a day of free fun with the child.

The second step is a control experiment. This step included re-conducting diagnostic methods of ascertaining skill aimed at finding the value of emotional-volitional and personality disorders in the control and experimental groups, interpreting the acquired research results and comparing the research results before and after the formative skill.

Research methods

Methodology 1.

The scale of anxiety adapted by the Parishioners, created according to the type of Kondash's "Scale of socio-situational anxiety"

The unusualness of the scales of this similarity lies in the fact that, in fact, in their adolescent, he considers not the presence or inaccessibility of some experiences, signs of anxiety, but the situation based on the beliefs of how she has the ability to cause anxiety. The superiority of scales of this type is contained, firstly, in the fact that they are actually evidence of detecting areas of reality, objects that are the main sources of fear for a teenager, and, to a lesser extent than other types of questionnaires, turn out to be dependent on distinctive features. becoming students of introspection.

The methodology includes situations of three types:

Situations related to the school, treatment of the teacher;

Situations that activate self-image;

communication situations.

In accordance with this, the types of anxiety identified using this scale are designated: school, self-esteem, interpersonal.

The social sum of points is calculated separately for any section of the scale and for the scale in general. The acquired effects are interpreted as signs of anxiety of the appropriate types. The sum of points on the entire scale is a sign of the cumulative value of anxiety.

Methodology 2

"Methodology for the Study of Self-Esteem"

The task of this methodology is to learn the unusual conceit in children of preschool and primary school age.

It is assumed that the paper is the size of a landscape sheet and the diagnostic one that was used. The kid is obliged to examine the stripes in the illustration, a measure and 20 lines for comparison. The experimenter demonstrates the stripes, and the baby compares them with the measure, while noticing the line longer or shorter.

Independently from the answer of the experimental subject, the experimenter, according to his own scheme, notices adequately or erroneously, with all this, probably. (10 answers correct and 10 wrong).

The experimenter asks the child questions: “How many correct and how many wrong answers did you have, or is it the same number?”.

Based on the answer, self-conceit is revealed: Most of the useful answers are overpriced; Most of the negative ones are understated; As soon as the same number - adequate self-conceit.

The presented analysis is adapted to primary school age. It is easy to process and gives reliable information about the level of self-esteem of the baby.

Methodology 3

Analysis "Kinetic Sketch of the Family" (KRS) by R. Burns and S. Kaufman

The Kinetic Family Sketch (KRS) analysis by R. Burns and S. Kaufman provides rich information about the personal characteristics of the child under study.

It is considered a useful quality of this methodology that actually every educator and specialist in psychology, following the family and the child, will be able to calculate the type of home education, as well as the personal and sensual specifics of the baby. The defect in the use of the methodology is the laboriousness of processing and interpreting the acquired data.

2.2 Analysis and generalization of the obtained results

2.1 Results of the study of the ascertaining experiment

The results of the study of self-esteem of children with RDA are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Features of self-esteem of preschoolers, in %

The data in Table 1 state the predominance of a low value of conceit (underestimated) (84%), significantly lower symptoms of an adequate value of conceit (12%) and the lowest symptoms of a high level (4%). We consider the predominance of an inadequate value of conceit to be an unfavorable factor in the formation of the personality of children of primary school age. These data are also clearly shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Features of self-assessment of younger students

Sketch 1 depicts the tendency of the prevalence of low self-esteem, which has some connection with the personal unusualness of children with early childhood autism of primary school age. The results of the study of anxiety according to the method of A.M. Parishioners "scale of socio-situational anxiety" The results of the study of the level of anxiety of the studied children are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. The results of the study of anxiety according to the method of "scale of socio-situational anxiety", in%

Anxiety levelsTypes of anxietySchoolSelf-assessmentInterpersonalGeneralhigh52446258medium22323022low1624820

Signs of anxiety show primacy in assessing the values ​​of school anxiety (52%) table 2), this is combined, in fact, at the primary school age, the subject becomes the main one like work, and as a result, children have a higher level of educational anxiety; to any level of subsequent self-esteem (44%), because the children have difficulties and horrors when expressing themselves in front of classmates and teachers and inadequate sensory reactions when achieving school furores, low self-esteem of adolescents; further interpersonal (62%), actually sums up the significance of the system of relationships with valuable adults (guardians, teachers) and peers and the resulting intoxicated timidity, fears, anxiety and uniform (58%) professionalism to a large extent school moments on the dysfunctional devastating children in Finger degree of anxiety is presented in the assessment in the total difficulty of anxiety (22%), then self-assessment (32%), school (22%), interpersonal (30%).

A small height of anxiety takes place with interpersonal anxiety (8%), in fact, it must be thought that it is probably connected with a change in the values ​​of a teenager, we are moving from a more tangible circle of relationships with the family (ancestors, educators) to important relationships with peers, up to some stage following self-assessment (24%), the following in a single difficulty (20%) and school (16%) anxiety. Subjecting to analysis of the consequences allows us to summarize the elevated level of strong types of anxiety, although a higher sign of interpersonal and school anxiety, in fact, declares for itself the unsatisfactory adaptation of younger adolescents.

The results of the study according to the "Family Drawing" method

The results of the study according to the described method are presented in Table 3 and Figure 2.

Table 3. The results of the study of schoolchildren's symptom complexes using the "Kinesthetic family pattern" method, in %

Symptocomplexes Number of subjects, in % taciturnity 12 suspiciousness 40 intolerance 30 dominance 33 self-sacrifice 51 activity 16

The results of the research, according to Table 3, demonstrate the predominance of the desire of adolescents to protect adults and guardians (58%). Anxiety is also expressed (40%).

With all this, hatching, stripes with powerful pressure, abrasion, exaggerated attention to the elements, the predominance of things, double and broken lines, underlining individual components are visible in the baby’s drawing.

There is introversion, isolation - 62%. The lack of key parts of the body in any figures, the allocation of certain figures, the reliable isolation of individual figures, the inadequate significance of individual figures, the predominance of things. Less pronounced: zeal for some - or work - 24%, desire for leadership - 4%, also anger and hostility (20%).

The best results can be seen in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Results of the study using the "Family Drawing" method

The data in Figure 2 also clearly reflect the results of the study.

The "internal" attitude of the child to his family and to himself, presented in the figures, can be considered unfavorable.

2.2.2 Analysis of the formative experiment

The formative experiment included the following types of work:

Lesson plan

1. Acquaintance.

Abstract block (mini-lecture) "What is autism".

Fun "Mittens".

Practical assignment "Portrait of an autistic baby."

Fun "Answer, neighbor on the left."

Mini-lecture "How to detect an autistic baby".

Fun "Catching for dinosaurs."

Mini-lecture "How to help an autistic child".

Fun "Big puzzle".

Practical assignment "Service with cooperation cards".

Mini-lecture "Service with the parents of an autistic child".

Practical assignment.

Psychic practice.

Reverse association.

General exercises.

Training program


Abstract block "what is autism"

The term "autism" comes from the Greek word "self" and means the last forms of violation of contacts, an exit from reality into the world of personal experiences. Symptoms of autism have every chance to be observed already in the first months of a baby's life. Specialists distinguish 3 main blocks in which it is allowed to watch this damage:

Style and communication;

Social interaction;


Strict (with the manifestation of all signs) autism is encountered occasionally. But in groups of a children's garden, children with autistic features are often seen.

Fun "Mittens"

Target: Fun helps to establish mutual understanding with a partner, to break the ability to make contact with others.

Table of contents: The instructor makes blanks: cuts out mittens from paper, the number of their pairs must match the number of pairs of accomplices in the fun. The driver gives out to all players according to one mitten. Anyone must find a pair. Then two steps aside and without a word, using 3 pencils of different colors, as soon as possible, paints their mittens quite identically. Note: The leader monitors how the couple organizes the overall work, how they share the pencils, how they agree at the same time, whether they manage to agree without the support of words. Discussion: During the discussion, any accomplice knows in the circle about what helped him to actually find a couple, how it turned out to agree with a partner.

Practical assignment "Portrait of an autistic child"

Fun "Answer, neighbor on the left!"

Target: To give a sense of how eye contact is needed when communicating.

Questions must be prepared in advance so that the fun takes place at a fast pace. A list of sample questions is given in Appendix No. 23.

Discussion: Participants answer the question of what they felt during the fun, as for their main eye contact with partners, which is often absent when communicating with autistic children.

Mini-lecture "How to detect an autistic child"

Autism can only be diagnosed by a doctor. However, not all ancestors just right bring their own children for a preventive examination to a neurologist. If the teacher notices any manifestations of autism in the behavior of the baby, he can bring the baby's parents to the psychologist of the preschool educational institution or advise the child to be examined by a neurologist. Explaining to educators how to detect an autistic child, the instructor can use the handout, which is given in Appendix No. 24. As a rule, experienced teachers constantly have every chance to recall cases from the practice of communicating with such children. These cases will help to make the abstract material more easily accessible and will add to the list of signs according to which it is allowed to find an autistic child in a group.

Fun "Catching for dinosaurs"

Target: This fun teaches to interact with others not only verbally, but also non-verbally, contributes to the formation of the ability to strengthen the smallest changes in facial expressions of a partner in accordance with communication, which is necessary when working with autistic children.

Contents: A group of accomplices stands in a circle. The driver means out of the circle, turns his back to the group and starts noisily counting by 10. At this time, the accomplices pass each other a toy dinosaur. According to the end of the count, the one who has the beast, stretching his arms forward, covers it with his palms. Other accomplices repeat this gesture. The task of the driver is to find "who has a dinosaur in their hands.

Discussion: The group discusses how the provided fun can help when working with autistic children. As usual, it is difficult for autistic children to immediately connect to the fun, so at first you need to give them the opportunity to see from the outside; how the rest of the kids play, and then, if the kid wants to, connect it to a continuous action.

Mini-lecture "How to help an autistic child"

Since "autism" is a medical diagnosis, a correctional service with a child must be carried out jointly by a group of professionals: a doctor, a psychologist, and teachers. At the same time, the main task is not to cure children (since this is unrealistic), but to help them adapt in the community.

According to statistics, 70% of children with autism syndrome, after appropriate corrective work carried out with them in preschool infancy, then have every chance to visit mass general education schools. And the main award in this belongs primarily to the teachers of the preschool educational institution, which, dexterously applying the techniques and methods of working with autistic children, help them find their native space in the world around them. The workshop facilitator needs to direct the special interest of the listeners to the meaning of the role of the educator in the process of habituation of autistic children.

Autistic children delight in business activities such as planar modeling, collecting, tiling, and designing, and it is the duty of the most experienced teacher to take these personalities into account when constructing personal learning plans.

It is difficult for autistic children to get into role-playing fun in a group, especially if this is not quite their usual fun. Therefore, the task of an adult is to provide the baby with a set of behavioral stereotypes that he could use in different game situations.

Fun "Big puzzle"

Target: Fun contributes to group cohesion, breaking the opportunity to make contact with partners, the ability to achieve the final goal, correctly formulated. Table of contents: The instructor prepares cards in advance: he cuts a huge colorful picture into a lot of small details (according to the number of players, or 2 times more than accomplices. Then he distributes 1-2-3 cards to any accomplice. The task of the group is to draw up a big picture It is allowed to wind up the conditions of the game by limiting the time for the execution of the task.It is allowed to play in subgroups, each of which collects its own picture.It is allowed to impose a ban on verbal communication.It is allowed to play in 2 steps: 1st step - verbally, 2nd step - non-verbally.

During the discussion, the accomplices share their impressions about what hindered and what helped in the execution of the assignment.

Practical assignment "working with operational cards" (service in subgroups)

In order for an autistic kid to feel firmly in the process of learning (fun) and performing routine moments, it is recommended to use step-by-step card games in working with him. (The standard is given in Appendix No. 25.) In order for mentors to work out the experience of compiling such maps, it is recommended to complete the following practical assignment.

Any subgroup gets a card with an instruction to collect an operational card for work with children.

C6or for a walk.

Sculpting the figure of an animal.

Daycare before dinner.

Animal painting.

In accordance with the completion of the execution of the order, there is a continuous discussion and replacements with ready-made operational maps.

Mini-lecture "work with parents of autistic children"

Since the baby spends only a fraction of time in the kindergarten (in the classroom), it is necessary to act in close contact with the parents, learning from them the details of the baby’s behavior at home, on the street, etc. Only in the process of common work is it allowed to create certain stereotypes of teaching an autistic baby . It is necessary to show real assistance to parents who do not always understand the individual behavior of their own children and often do not know how to get to know them. It is allowed to advise parents to use marking, annotations, operational card games and other techniques and methods that are already used when working with their child as a teacher. It is necessary to introduce parents with role-playing fun for children of a group or class, with books that they read, and with features of performing regime moments. It is better that the ancestors at home try not to break the stereotypes of teaching the baby, developed in the group.

Practical task

Any member of the group (according to ability) is given a handout with a description of Cherepanova G. D.'s games for working with autistic children (see the head "Fun, what they play."). These amusements are designed to perform a dual function: on the one hand, they contribute to the development of cognitive actions, on the other hand, they help to find contact between a mature person and a child, to determine trusting relationships between them.

It does not matter which of these games may exist is included in the context of the training, in the program of corrective work with the child.

During the execution of the assignment, the accomplices get acquainted with the occurrence of the proposed games. After this, a discussion is held, with exemplary questions that have every chance to start the following:

Which of these games are only personal, and which are allowed to move in a group?

What amusements are mostly provided for working with preschoolers, and which ones are for younger schoolchildren?

Which of the following games is allowed to teach parents? etc.

To complicate the exercise, it is allowed to give the participants a list of games that are provided for working with brutal, restless, autistic children. In this case, it is purposeful to work the news in subgroups, any of which is obliged to choose fun for a certain category of children.

After completing the exercise, it is allowed to conduct a discussion both in a circle, and in subgroups, according to 3-5 people.

According to its own discretion, the group can lose in 1-2 the fun they like.

Psychic practice.

Reverse association.

General exercises.

Delivery of results. Execution of 1-2 (according to the choice of the coach) generalizing exercises "Depicting children", "Direct broadcast", etc.

Fun things autistic kids play

"Collecting puzzles"

Target: the formation of the communicative inclinations of the baby. Compiling puzzles is one of the adored activities of almost all autistic children, so the provided fun gives them great pleasure.

Table of contents: at first, the child is given to make one or a number of puzzles ("Tangram", "Pythagorean Square", "Fold the square", etc.). Then, inconspicuously, one trifle is removed from the box. The kid puts together a familiar puzzle and suddenly discovers that there is not enough detail. Then he turns to support. If the baby is not yet ready for this kind of communication, a mature one can help him: “I have this little thing. If you need it, you can cheat, and I will give it.” At first, it is even allowed to help the child construct a request.

The experience gained is strengthened evenly, with each resumption of the entertainment provided, and then transferred to other types of efficiency.

Fun with a wonderful bag

Target: the formation of kinesthetic feelings, perception of color, shape, the ability to help with mature.

By touch, the baby with his left hand selects a certain geometric figure according to the instructions of the mature one, and with his right hand depicts its contours on paper. Then the selected figure is taken out of the bag, it is compared with the drawn one, painted in the same color as the eccentric. It is better for the baby to pronounce during work. aloud the name of the figure, the colors and the deeds that he performs.

It’s better to live the fun in this sequence: at first, objects of only one shape must be in the bag (for example, only triangles, then 2 shapes, 3 shapes, 4 shapes, etc.

Every time (not counting the main option), the child is given such an apparatus: "Choose such an object, as I will show you." Or the most difficult option: "Draw an object that you own in your left hand in a bag" - in this case there is no standard, the baby acts only in accordance with the verbal annotation.

"Talking Pictures"

Target: Formation of observation, communicative inclinations, the ability to act with step-by-step cards and compose them.

Table of contents: The kid acquires a pictogram and performs actions in accordance with the indication in the figure. Then he tells the mature how he thought that it was necessary to make this particular thing. After a short conversation, the baby and the mature have every chance to change roles. Now a mature person performs the task depicted by an elementary child, and then gives an answer to his questions.


Target: Formation of movement coordination, teaching the baby the skills of working with step-by-step cards.

In order not to forget which exercise to do, before the start of the fun, you need to prepare schemes (operational card games). A mature and a baby jointly depict a diagram for one of the exercises, for example:

"Symmetrical Pictures"

Target: Formation of communicative inclinations, the ability to act with a partner.

Agree on which pencil. Mature describes starting points. Pencils are set immediately at one point and carried out at the same pace.

"Toy Changers"

Target: This game teaches interaction with others using not only verbal, but also non-verbal means, for example, making eye contact.

Table of contents: All the children stand in a circle, anyone holds a toy in their hands. The driver stands with his back to the players and noisily counts by 10. At this time, some players change objects. In this case, all actions are performed without saying a word. Changing twice with the same toy is not allowed. The driver enters the circle. His task is to guess who changed toys with whom. It is allowed to agree in advance how much an attempt is given to the driver for guessing.

Comment. As usual, autistic children have a hard time jumping into the fun right off the bat. Traditionally, at first (from time to time in the course of several days or even weeks) they simply watch the fun from the sidelines, then, if they want, they have every chance to become in a circle and take a role in the fun, and then they have every chance to agree to lead.

"We form cartoons"

Target: To study children, restore the sequence of events, improve communicative inclinations.

Table of contents: The child is invited to recall the main actions that took place in the movement of the previous day. Then the mature one, on cards of small size, folded into an accordion together with the child, makes sketches for the main regime moments. On a sheet of thick paper, a mature person depicts a TV set, cuts windows in it and starts watching cartoons with the child: “So you got up in the morning, try to remember what you said to your mother? Then you sat down to eat, leaving the table, what did you say? \" Etc.

"Wizard Box"

Target: Fun contributes to the development of tactile senses, the formation of skills in the messenger of speech. At the base of the fun provided is one of the adorable types of efficiency of autistic children - examining and examining the latest objects.

It is allowed to build classes to consolidate the parameters of objects.

Invent: in what place it will be needed, etc.

This fun is allowed to live with fabric, fur, buttons, balls of yarn, waste material. Dream or engage in fakes.

It is necessary to do any fake at the end, so that the baby wants again and 2 and ... return to the magic chest.

2.3 Results of the control experiment

The results of the study according to the method of "studying self-esteem"

The results of the study of self-assessment at the control and comparative stage are presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Features of self-esteem of preschoolers at the control stage

Type of self-assessment Number of subjects, in % before correctionafter before correctionafterInflated88824Adequate16241648Low76687628Control groupExperimental group

These tables 4 summarize the dynamics of change in the value of self-conceit in the experimental group of experimental subjects.

Inflated self-conceit increased from 8 to 24%, adequate from 16 to 48%. And low decreased from 76 to 28%.

The results of the study of anxiety in children according to the method of A.M. parishioners

Control and comparative results for this method, see tables 5, 6.

Table 5. The results of the level of anxiety before and after correction according to the method of A.M. Parishioners in the experimental group

Levels of anxietyTypes of anxietySchoolSelf-evaluativeInterpersonalGeneralbefore correctionafterbeforerrectionafterHigh5236442862365836Average2246325830541840Low16162416882424

The characteristics of anxiety clearly summarize (tables 5 and 6) the predominance of the average value for all types of anxiety.

Significantly lower signs of extra class (36%; 28%; 36%; 36%) and characteristics of low anxiety did not change (16%; 16%; 8%; 24%). The central level prevails when considering self-assessment anxiety (58%), unified (40%) and school (46%), further interpersonal (54%).

Data on the results of the methodology for determining anxiety in children in the control group are shown in Table 6 below.

Table 6. The results of the level of anxiety before and after correction according to the method of A.M. Parishioners in the control group

Levels of anxietyTypes of anxietySchoolSelf-evaluativeInterpersonalGeneralbefore correctionafterbefore correctionafter correctionafter8medium22223240303018low161624248824

This orientation (the dynamics of the anxiety configuration) can be determined by the age-related unusualness of the sensory sphere of younger adolescents, his relationships with peers and respectable people (educators, ancestors), attitude towards himself, and also the effective action of the program to stabilize these types of sensory-volitional and personal spheres.

The results of the study using the "Family Drawing" method at the control stage

The results of the study using this method are presented in Table 7.

Table 7. The results of the study of symptom complexes using the "Family Drawing" method before and after the formative experiment

Level of manifestation Number of subjects, in % Before the formative experiment After introversion 62626236 Anxiety 50505024 Aggression and hostility 20202016 Demonstration, desire for leadership 4488 Desire to protect adults, parents 58585850 Desire for any activity 24243240 Groups of subjects Control. gr.Expr. gr.Control gr.Expr. gr.

The results of the study, according to Table 6, reveal the changes that occurred with the experimental category subjects: a drop in withdrawal from 62% to 36%, anxiety from 50 to 24%, anger from 20% to 16%, zeal for protecting adults from 58% to 50%. And in this group there is an increase in demonstrativeness from 4% to 8% and the desire for some - or work from 32% to 40%.

This dynamics of change in the consequences of research in the experimental group is positive, in fact, it has the ability to summarize the beneficial effects of remedial classes on the experimental category.

The results of the empirical study reflect the individuality of the emotional-sthenic spheres and personalities of children with early childhood autism.

The data of the ascertaining experience according to the method "Study of the level of self-esteem" represent the predominance of a low level of self-esteem (84%), much lower characteristics of an adequate level of self-esteem (12%) and the lowest characteristics of the highest level (4%).

The results of the study of anxiety according to the “scale of socio-situational anxiety” method demonstrate the predominance of the highest level of school anxiety (52%), self-assessment (44%), and interpersonal (62%) and general (58%). An analysis of the results allows us to establish the highest degree of all types of anxiety, however, the interpersonal and school anxiety is higher, which speaks of insufficient adaptation of younger students with RDA indicators to the pedagogical environment.

The results of the study according to the “Sketch of the family” method state the predominance of the zeal of schoolchildren for the protection of adults and parents (58%), the explication of anxiety (40%) and introversion, isolation - 62%.

According to the results of the ascertaining experience, corrective classes were selected and conducted. On corrective exercises, the driving method was the method of behavioral training. It is focused on teaching the baby adequate forms of behavior in problem situations. When conducting correctional and developmental classes, the dynamics of the manifestation of positive and negative emotional - volitional and personal manifestations in the behavior of the subjects was noticed.

The results of the re-diagnosis showed the dynamics of the change in the level of self-conceit in the experimental group of subjects, all types of anxiety (the predominance of the average level). The results of the study according to the “Family Sketch” method showed a decrease in isolation from 62% to 36%, anxiety from 50 to 24%, anger from 20% to 16%, and a desire to protect mature people from 58% to 50%. Even in the given group, there is an increase in demonstrativeness from 4% to 8% and an attraction to some kind of no - or efficiency from 32% to 40%. In the control group of subjects, no important changes were observed in the results of the study.

After finishing the control results, we compiled tips for teachers and parents.

Tips for Effective Teaching to Children with ASD (Autistic Range Disorders)

When teaching a child with ASD, the teacher must take into account the following:

it is necessary to consider the method of presenting this or that educational program to children with ASD;

it is necessary to take into account the difficulties associated with impaired development of speech and communication in ASD;

children with autism spectrum disorders, as a rule, do not comprehend the hidden information. Traditionally, they need the main ideas or opinions to be correctly expressed;

insufficient ability to generalize causes difficulties in building connections between opinions, as a result of which they have every chance of being perceived as disconnected (for example, a misunderstanding such that an increase is a repeated physique). This further complicates the transfer of knowledge to life situations;

uneven mental development may mean that there are very powerful and weak sides of development;

the difficulty of comprehending oral and written speech and the accuracy of interpretations can lead to a distorted perception of what is heard and read;

the triad of disorders traditionally leads to the need for structuredness in everything, the need for help in situations of social interaction, difficulties in impressive and expressive speech;

the child may not consider the emergence of anxiety, so you need to look at the likely stimuli and initial manifestations of anxiety;

the observed behavior of the baby, which can be explained by others as ordinary whims or disobedience, can have a whole range of meanings. For example, it can articulate a need for support or interest; exit from stressful situations (reaction to excessive stimulation); desire to get some object; misunderstanding; response against unwanted events; the acquisition of additional stimulation, for example, from spitting, the use of abusive speech.

General tips for organizing interaction with children with ASD

It is necessary to guarantee a clear company of life and a serious order of the day.

Use a clear, unambiguous style and eschew ironic or idiomatic expressions.

Mark unacceptable behavior with a firm, but not harsh, one word “No” or “Stop” and, if necessary, reinforce it with a gesture.

At the beginning of learning, beware of questions like “Why did you do this?”, “Would you like to make it?”, because children with ASD in most cases are not able to explain the factor of their own action and verbally express their desires. The child needs special training, in the process of which he is offered short and precise answers to such questions, which he could apply in the future in his own life.

Address the student separately by name as often as possible, so that he knows that you are addressing him.

It is necessary to guarantee the integrity of the requirements on the part of all participants in the educational process and try not to deviate from the achievable tasks that have been established.

It should be taken into account that changes in behavior have every chance to formulate the existing excitement or stress, which can be caused by small changes in the daily routine.

Do not perceive actually impudent or brutal behavior - remember that the subject of rabies may not correspond to a real spring (for example, if a baby starts scratching you, this does not mean that you are the source of his anger). Maybe someone scared him now. To identify the source of anger, you need to check the baby's surroundings.

One must deliberately teach the rules of social behavior, such as the observance of the queue, the embodiment of the socially accepted distance.

It is necessary to increase supervision during periods of unorganized time, during practical exercises; activities related to physical labor and periods of interaction between students, for example, during games, lunch; it is necessary to notify peers about the difficulties of the provided student.

It is allowed to create a group of comrades who could help this student and work as a positive model of behavior in social situations or during lessons.

It is necessary to compose a schedule for the baby, in which, according to the schedule, any needlework would be placed; this will certainly help the student to anticipate the day's activities and prevent unnecessary excitement.

When working with children with autism spectrum disorders, it is important to keep in mind that difficult to manage behavior is a reflection of disorders associated with autism (see the mapping of the triad of disorders). The fundamental main step in choosing a way to work on certain behavioral traits is to investigate the circumstances of the behavior provided and try to understand this behavior from the point of view of the baby. The most difficult behavior comes from a lack of communication skills. Consequently, the formation of communication skills is of primary importance, as this will undoubtedly help reduce the occurrence of frustrations, and as a result, unacceptable behavior.

There are many circumstances that force children with autism to do or say difficult or eccentric things. If the factor of these behaviors is incomprehensible, then fixing the following information can help to find out:

when this behavior occurs, who is at the same time;

what happened before the incident;

description of the incident;

what happened after the incident.

Thus, there is every chance to find out some regularities of the origin of the provided behavior, which will undoubtedly help to act on the behavior perfectly. From time to time, unnecessary behavior appears due to several factors that are difficult to disentangle, but more often there is only one main factor at work, which is made trivial as a result of behavior analysis. It can become the starting point in choosing a strategy for working on behavior. There are other fundamental points that should be taken into account when working on behavior:

You should have a positive attitude. It is not bad behavior that should be rewarded, not hypnotized sanctions for unacceptable behavior.

One should be long-suffering. Whatever method you use, it will not start working instantly. Wait, according to the latest measurement, 4 weeks before trying other methods, especially when the style is about children. Some methods, for example, aimed at the formation of communication methods, involve long-term work, especially with children with extra. learning difficulties.

Ancestors, service personnel and school staff must work together, otherwise the baby will check the confusion, and the behavior under service may be aggravated. It is also worth keeping in mind that if the baby is used to attracting interest, say, with a click, and you stop responding to this cry, this will cause an immediate reaction on his part - he will start yelling even louder.

One should exist in succession. Everyone who spends time with a child is required to know how to respond to the behavior that is under control, and linger on the chosen method of efficiency.

Peace must be maintained. An indignant or sonorous response from you can improve your mood, but it is unlikely that it will undoubtedly help the child.

A creative entrance should be used. Don't be afraid to try something new if you think it might help.

Some methods are difficult to use in the conditions of the school (for example, approval of food, access to the playground), it is difficult to ignore the scream or other hums, to provide a serene environment. Resilience, the deepest awareness of the problems of children with autism spectrum disorders, common service with the school and other specialists, and the desire to show help to children with autism are all fundamental reasons that contribute to the disclosure of the possible abilities of a child with an autism spectrum disorder. (Note: Probable ability is understood in a broad sense, not limited to abstract performance).

Remember, you will need time and aspirations for this to change the behavior of the baby. Time will come in handy for the child himself. When planning work on behavior, one should keep in mind that during the first days of training the situation may worsen. But you will be rewarded when things get better after a while.

It is unrealistic to put the importance of the common work of parents and professionals of different services in a perfect measure. We need a constant replacement for information about what happens at school and at home. This will undoubtedly help to follow the sequence in approaches to work and avoid various mistakes.

General tips for organizing the learning environment

Children with ASD tend to have difficulty organizing their own interests and are extremely distractible. Ammunition in the classroom can greatly affect the behavior of the student and his ability to study.

When organizing a learning environment, the following should be taken into account:

the space of the class room must be correctly divided into zones with clear boundaries. If the zone is used only for study, then this helps the student to understand what is expected of him when he is located in this zone;

the teacher must seat the class in such a way that the student with ASD is not distracted by others or equipment;

it is necessary to form an organized unfussy environment.

it is necessary to have space for personal work with the child;

it is necessary to have pleasant cards-reminders of the accepted behavior.

it is necessary to have perfectly organized and signed training equipment.

objects that have every chance to interfere with the performance of tasks must be removed from the student's field of vision;

it is necessary to tell the child about the requirements for any zone of the classroom.

If the dimensions of the classroom do not allow for a separate space for personal work, then it is important that the student has a desk with his own name, which would serve him as a kind of foundation. Try to use any available furniture, for example, an unnatural closet, where it would be allowed to clean up distracting objects. This kind of foundation not only helps children with ASD, but also other students who find it difficult to concentrate in the classroom.

If learning takes place in a crowded classroom, then take the trouble to find a serene space in the school that would be a "safe haven" for a student with ASD. A baby with ASD may be over-sensitive to hum, leading to stress and inability to cope when the hum is exceeded.

Introducing Pleasant Means

Pleasant schedules provide the following benefits:

allow the daily routine to flow. The student knows what he must do now and does not need verbal annotations or prompts. Thus, the independence of the baby increases;

are invariable appeals, thus reducing the excitement of the student and giving him the emotion of conviction and safety;

avoid confrontation with adults. When the time comes for an activity that the baby does not like to study, then the mature should consult the schedule: “The schedule says that we will become ...”;

allow you to study more fundamental instituted acts;

eliminate the constant questions about the events of the day;

allow students to exist ready for shifts;

allow you to combine expected behavior with activities in the schedule;

give the learner a chance to get the feeling that something has been achieved.

It would only be better if the timetable would be located in the center of the class room, so that the whole class could create it. The teacher is obliged to “walk” with the child according to the schedule or for the whole day, or only highlighting further needlework, depending on the ability of the child or class to accept this information.

General advice on the organization of educational activities

Before any kind of communication, you need to attract the interest of the student, naming him according to his name.

Use simple expressions. This is especially important when issuing guidelines and explanations. Beware of guides like "Before you pick up a book to read, don't forget to sign your work when you've done it." This manner is completely natural and applicable to most children, however, it can activate powerful confusion in children with autism spectrum disorders. The following version of the provided annotation is likely: “When you finish the work, sign it, and then take the book to read.”

It should not be spoken in very long passages or very quickly. Teach single vocabulary topics. It should not be assumed that children understand words and opinions without teaching them. Special training is needed for opinions expressing the spatial arrangement of objects. When teaching, it is recommended to use the objects preferred by the child (for example, chocolate on a plate, under a plate, and so on). Check the students' consciousness of the phrases they heard, ask them to confirm the phrases. If the student does not understand the phrase, shorten it by the main words.

Use pleasant materials for the latest words and opinions. Almost all children with autism spectrum disorder perceive more through the visual channel than through the auditory channel. Try to accompany the texts with photos, symbolic pictures, (especially the main words). Offer assignments as persuasively and directly as possible. This is especially important when teaching new opinions and skills. From time to time it is good to show the child examples of completed tasks, how to use the equipment, or to include a mature role-playing fun to show a clear performance (what the child needs to do).

One must live analyze the assignments in terms of their feasibility and the size of the student's interest. Reduce the size of assignments and use approvals when needed to build student confidence in a given subject.

Use a variety of submission methods. Submit orders in shares. Instead of expecting your child to complete only a fraction of the tasks on the task sheet, it's better to tear up one task and give it separately. This will eliminate the mess with the instructions, as well as the excitement in consequence of such that the assignment looks extremely long and difficult.

It is necessary to teach the student the opinion “Finished”. Orders must have an exact rule and an end, so that the baby has an exact idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is required of him and to what extent. Use a timer if necessary.

Beware of overload in study and communication. Remember that no matter what service in the group, communication makes additional requests for a child with an autism spectrum disorder. Beware of scheduling classes that require involvement in both abstract study and communication. If the lesson focuses on common work with other children, then the instructions themselves must then exist within the capabilities of a child with an autism spectrum disorder. Assignments requiring abstract knowledge are best done personally in a moderate place.

Try according to your ability to combine assignments with the interests of the student. -It is allowed to use computer programs for the development of language literacy.

Give the student an occasional chance to learn a hobby as a reward for diligence on assignments (fixed time, hourglass allowed).

It is necessary to eliminate or reduce distractions, for example, a roar, constant movements, computers, stands overloaded with information in the work area. From time to time, the student should be given study space without distractions. This space may exist in the classroom or outside the classroom, depending on the needs of the student.

It is necessary that the baby gets used to the learning environment, that is, he knows where the necessary accessories are, what is the training schedule, what to do and when to do it. A precise schedule of actions is needed in accordance with the attitude towards the student's own things at the beginning and end of the school day (for example, how to analyze and make a purse).

The student has to know how to get to the right places and amazing rooms in the school - he has to know the shorter route. The student must have a certain space for their own things.

It is necessary to have enough materials for work, so that the student does not happen to distribute them with others.

Break up errands in the guise of nice guides. Attach them from left to right or from top to bottom.

It is necessary to have such a schedule that will allow the student to tolerate him in different places in the school so that he quietly feels himself in accordance with the pretext of future events (for example, a folder with files or an album).

Have a box/place for family assignments/letters, etc. if you need to seal them up and teach your child this act.

When issuing a family assignment, take the time to give accurate annotations and explanations. -Use benchmarks to demonstrate the student's expected end result.

Discuss with staff what the student proves.

You need to give enough information / step-by-step support so that the baby can complete the task.

Hold involuntary prompts (lip movements, gestures) when asking a student a question.

Give the student enough time to think about your question - speech processing in children with ASD can be much more leisurely than in children with normal development. Try not to paraphrase - this can start confusion.


The effects of literary and experimental research on the specifics and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere and personality of children with early childhood autism showed:

.The test of psychological and pedagogical literature demonstrates that a number of studies of the essence, adaptations of formation, symptoms and manifestations of emotional and volitional disorders of the original temper have actually been made. Over the past two decades, a number of studies dedicated to correctional work with autistic children have been found in the domestic special literature. However, correctional classes aimed at correcting the psychological sphere and personality of these children are not guaranteed to be presented.

.The consequences of empirical research reflect the predominance of a low value of self-conceit of an extra class of school anxiety, self-evaluative, interpersonal and general. The predominance of the desire of adolescents to protect adults and guardians, the severity of anxiety and introversion, isolation.

.Based on the results of the ascertaining experience, corrective classes were selected and conducted. During the performance of correctional and developmental classes, the dynamics of the manifestation of positive and negative psychological manifestations in the behavior of the experimental subjects appeared.

.The effects of re-diagnosis demonstrated the dynamics of changes in the value of self-conceit in the experimental group of experimental subjects, all types of anxiety (the predominance of the average value), a decrease in isolation, anxiety, and the desire to defend adults.

In general, these results support our research hypothesis.

List of used literature

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