What foods contain monounsaturated fats. Monounsaturated fatty acids. Nuts and seed oils

Fatty acids are divided into two groups - saturated and unsaturated. The first have a solid structure, do not carry any benefit. Excessive consumption of saturated fats leads to a violation of lipid metabolism, an increase in cholesterol in the blood.

Unsaturated fatty acids are divided into two subgroups - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Both are rich in vitamins and useful trace elements, perform important functions:

  • promote the synthesis of biological substances;
  • normalize the production of sex hormones;
  • regulate blood glucose levels;
  • contribute to weight loss;
  • improve the absorption of vitamins;
  • provide energy.

Not saturated fat when losing weight, they satisfy hunger, normalize metabolism, and do not accumulate in the body. Regular use contributes to the breakdown of excess fat cells, so lipids cannot be excluded from the diet during weight loss.


Monounsaturated fats include oleic, elaidic, palmitic, and erucic acids. Synthesized in the body on their own excess consumption dangerous. Monounsaturated fats have the following health benefits:

  • normalize blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • strengthen bones;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

This group of fatty acids helps to lose weight due to the ability to break down excess lipid cells. Monone saturated acids do not accumulate in the form of fatty deposits, prevent further concentration of subcutaneous fat.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

They are a material for the synthesis of important substances, are part of cell membranes. Such acids are not synthesized in the body on their own, therefore they are an indispensable part of the diet. These include the following acids:

  • linoleic, belongs to the class of omega-6-unsaturated fatty acids;
  • alpha-linoleic, belongs to the class of omega-3-unsaturated fatty acids;
  • eicosapentoenoic - EPA;
  • archidonic;
  • docosahexaenoic - DHA;
  • conjugated linoleic - CLA.

Polyunsaturated fats strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, reduce blood pressure, improve performance nervous system have anti-inflammatory properties. They contribute to weight loss - accelerate metabolism, stabilize the feeling of hunger.

What products contain

Sources of unsaturated fats are foods. There are vitamin complexes and supplements, but getting healthy fatty acids from food is more conducive to healing the body. In addition, the composition of the products is enriched with vitamins and minerals:

  1. Fish and fish oil. Rich in polyunsaturated acids. Marine species are especially useful: mackerel, herring, salmon, tuna, anchovy. You need to eat seafood 2-3 times a week, daily rate fish oil - 4 grams.
  2. Meat. Useful fatty acids contain beef, pork and chicken, but only if the individual is young - with age, the meat is enriched with saturated fats. It is better to boil or bake.
  3. Lard. Easily digestible, contains a large amount of monounsaturated acids. Contained vitamins protect the arteries from the formation of cholesterol plaques. The daily norm is 10-30 grams.
  4. Nuts. Sources of both types of unsaturated acids, and therefore have all the beneficial properties healthy fats, rich in protein, fiber, vitamins. Promote weight loss walnuts, pistachios, almonds. Daily consumption - no more than 40 grams.
  5. Vegetable oil. The largest number unsaturated fat is found in olive oil. Sesame, linseed, peanut, soybean oils are useful. Better to use with fresh vegetables, do not subject heat treatment. Coconut oil contains few healthy fats, but reduces bad cholesterol.
  6. Chocolate. Bitter chocolate with a cocoa bean content of 70% or more normalizes blood flow, improves mood, and stimulates the breakdown of lipid cells.
  7. Hard cheese. Varieties with a fat content of 40% and below do not harm the body, contain more healthy fats.
  8. Avocado. This fruit has a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, it is worth eating in fresh. Avocado oil is also helpful.

How much fat do you need to lose weight

The daily requirement is about 30-35% of the total diet. But the calorie content of fat is high - 900 kcal per 100 grams, so for weight loss it is worth consuming about 1 gram per 1 kg of weight. Moreover, the ratio of saturated and unsaturated fats should be as follows:

  • monounsaturated - 50%;
  • saturated - 30%;
  • polyunsaturated - 20%.

Predominance in the diet of foods with high content fats, even useful ones, leads to weight gain, diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

  • proteins - 25%;
  • fats - 35%;
  • carbohydrates - 40%.


In today's popular dietology, saturated fat has a special place, which is assigned the role of a villain in the history of malnutrition. In the world of fitness enthusiasts and advocates of light and natural nutrition, this opinion is often considered a fact, and an alternative point of view has no right to exist. However, among nutrition professionals, things are not so simple. In recent years, saturated fats have been increasingly defended by arguments confirming their benefits and even necessity for the body. So who is right in this conflict of opinions?

Let's try to figure it out...

Natural sources of saturated fats. In reasonable quantities, they only benefit.

What are saturated fats?

Roughly speaking, from the point of view of chemistry, saturated fats are simply a type of fat in the molecular chains of which there are no double bonds between carbon molecules, since they are saturated with hydrogen molecules. Often they and oils rich in them can be distinguished "by eye" due to the fact that they tend to solidify at room temperature.

Saturated fats are found mainly in animal sources, especially fatty meats and dairy products. These fats are found in excess in foods such as lamb, fatty, pork, poultry skin, cream, lard, cheeses, whole milk products, etc.

Many bakery products and fried foods, regardless of the oil used in cooking, may contain high level saturated fats. In addition, some vegetable oils, such as palm, palm kernel, coconut and others, also consist mainly of saturated fats.

The debate about the dangers and benefits of saturated fats first unfolded in 1950 and continues to this day. Almost every year scientific and medical journals publish the results of research on this topic. However, it can be seen that in last years The balance of the saturated fat advocates still outweighs, and this forces professionals and entire organizations that have made a name and a career in the fight against the consumption of saturated fats to rush into battle with renewed vigor.

When looking for information about saturated fats, you will likely find many articles on how to cut down (or even avoid) their consumption. Much fewer sources look at this issue from different angles, evaluating not only the disadvantages, but also the advantages of unsaturated fats. In this article, we will try to restore justice by highlighting the issue from both sides.

Arguments against saturated fats

  • The American Heart Association recommends limiting your intake of saturated fats as much as possible. According to them, these fats can raise the level of "bad" and lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system. The American Heart Association is an authoritative organization that bases its recommendations on years of evidence-based research. This association recommends striving for a way of eating that provides no more than 6% of total calories from saturated fat;
  • Saturated fat intake is generally considered a risk factor for dyslipidaemia;
  • In 2003, the results of a meta-analysis were published, which showed a significant relationship between the consumption of large amounts of saturated fat and the development of breast cancer. Although two follow-up analyzes found weak evidence for primary outcomes, such a risk is considered proven;
  • In 2007 joint report World Fund Cancer Research and the American Institute for Cancer Research have provided limited but fairly strong evidence between animal fat intake and the development of colorectal and some other cancers. Some researchers agree that this risk is directly related to the high content of saturated fat in animal fats;
  • Some researchers point to a relationship between the consumption of palmitic and myristic saturated fatty acids and the risk of developing prostate cancer;
  • Some experts point to a relationship between saturated fat intake and a decrease in bone mineral density. Men are especially susceptible to this influence;
  • Many nutritionists see a direct link between high saturated fat intake and weight gain. The ministries of health of various developed countries, among which there are such authoritative institutions as the Canadian Department of Health, the UK Food Standards Agency, the US Department of Health and Human Services, etc., mention the need to reduce the consumption of animal fats in dietary recommendations to reduce the development of obesity. , considering their main danger is the presence of a large amount of saturated fats in them;

Arguments for Saturated Fats

  • Saturated fats increase the amount of LDL cholesterol. Despite the fact that we are accustomed to considering cholesterol as something unambiguously negative, some of its types have great importance for the life of the organism. It makes up the membranes of every cell in our body. In addition, it is involved in the production of hormones such as cortisol, testosterone and estradiol.
  • Saturated fats also increase HDL cholesterol. HDL (high-density lipoprotein) is more commonly known as the "good cholesterol". This type of cholesterol, on the contrary, lowers the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • There is evidence to suggest that saturated fat does not increase the risk of heart disease. In 2010, the results of extensive studies were published that affected 347,747 subjects. According to these results, no link could be found between saturated fat intake and heart disease. The authors of the studies actually called the harm from consuming saturated fats a myth that arose on the basis of the love of individual professors and researchers in their theories;
  • Some studies show that saturated fat intake reduces the risk of stroke in older people;
  • Saturated fats are more stable at high temperatures. When unsaturated fats react with oxygen at high temperatures (as happens when frying with most vegetable oils), a number of toxic by-products are formed. Saturated fats do not have this disadvantage, since the very structure of the molecule, which makes them saturated, does not contribute to oxidation. So, despite the public opinion to the contrary, saturated fats are a healthier choice for high-temperature frying;
  • Foods containing saturated fats tend to be more nutritious and contain essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. It is very difficult to make a healthy diet for a person without enough, meat, dairy products, etc.;
  • Diets high in saturated fat are healthier than their unsaturated counterparts. This is amazing, but it could very well be true. We often hear that eating saturated fat will make you fat, but that's only half true. This is because diets high in saturated fat are also often high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, salt, and water-retaining chemical additives. However, a 2013 study by the American Health Organization proved that a diet high in fat but low in carbs and sugar actually has the opposite effect. This study proved the critical importance of carbohydrates, not fats, in weight gain;
  • At a conference on reducing saturated fat intake, the American Dietetic Association criticized the public's over-concern about saturated fat. In their opinion, much more serious health risks are the tendency to replace these types of fats with refined carbohydrates, the fault of which in the development of obesity (especially in adolescents) is considered proven. According to American nutritionists, the emphasis should not be on reducing the consumption of saturated fats, but on the development of a culture of eating unambiguously healthy fats and unrefined carbohydrates.

So what about saturated fats?

While the debate continues about the place of saturated fat in diet food, we can only focus on the common ground in the opinions of supporters and opponents of the consumption of these substances. And fortunately, there is still a common opinion.

But these sources of saturated fats should be avoided. They are harmful in any quantity.

Thanks to a large-scale study published in March 2014, it can be said that it is not the consumption of saturated fats as such that is crucial, but the gradual displacement of vital food groups by such products, such as fresh vegetables, fruits, protein crops, from the diet of average consumers.

For both supporters and moderate opponents of the consumption of saturated acids, there are general recommendations, which are certainly useful and reduce the risk of developing obesity and CVD, regardless of the consumption of fats and their sources:

  • food should make up about 2/3 of the diet;
  • Choose low-fat meat and avoid frying with any fat when cooking;
  • Focus not on single nutrients, but on whole food groups such as fresh (and unprocessed) plant and animal foods;
  • Set aside at least half an hour a day for various kinds of physical activity;
  • Maintain healthy weight body, do not overeat;
  • Know your cholesterol levels and take steps to lower them if necessary. Get tested at least every 18 months at a young age and every 6 months after 50;
  • Don't buy products whose ingredients you don't understand;
  • Remember that even if the risk of eating saturated fats is fully proven, their contribution to obesity and damage to the health of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole will be at least sixth after overeating, sedentary lifestyle, high blood pressure, refined carbohydrates and sugar, as well as unfavorable genetics.

The question of the influence of saturated fats on the development of obesity and CVD does not have a clear answer. However, reducing your intake of fatty foods in favor of vegetables and fruits still seems like a good idea for those who like to indulge in tasty treats. Even if saturated fats turn out to be absolutely harmless, the total share of foods containing them in the human diet should not exceed 1/3. And physical activity and the use of fresh plant foods certainly will not be harmful, regardless of how you feel about fats in general.

By themselves, saturated fatty acids cannot be good or bad for heart health. The heart muscle needs polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The effect of saturated fat on human body, compared with unsaturated ones, is less useful, but it cannot be argued that they are absolutely harmful.

It is possible that some saturated fatty acids are beneficial in preventing heart disease.

What does the "degree of saturation" of fat mean?

The saturation of fatty acids (saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated) depends on the number of double bonds between atoms in the fat molecule. Saturated fatty acids are saturated with hydrogen atoms and have no double bonds, while monounsaturated fatty acids have one double bond and polyunsaturated fatty acids have many.

Saturated straight-chain fatty acids are classified as a separate class because they have their own structure.

What are saturated fats?

Different types of saturated fatty acids differ from each other in chain length. There are saturated fatty acids with different chain lengths: short, medium, long and very long.

Short chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Butyric acid (found in dairy products);
  • Caproic acid (found in dairy products).

Medium chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Caprylic acid (coconut, palm kernel oil);
  • Capric acid (coconut, palm kernel oil);
  • Lauric acid (coconut, palm kernel oil).

Long chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Myristic (found in many foods);
  • Palmitic (found in many foods);
  • Stearic (found in many foods);
  • Arachidic (peanut), not to be confused with arachidonic acid.

Very long chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Behenovaya (peanut);
  • Lignoceric (peanut).

The effect of different saturated fats on the body varies, just like the effect polyunsaturated fats Omega-3 is different from Omega-6.

Heart Health

Most of the research on saturated fats has been in relation to their effects on the heart, interactions with cholesterol and plasma triglycerides.

The purpose of the meta-analyses was to clarify the effects of saturated fat consumption and to identify risks to heart health. As a result, scientists have not received evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Research has not been able to confirm an association between saturated fat intake and the development of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and coronary heart disease. 3

However, replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats will help eliminate these risks. 2

Blood cholesterol level

Saturated fats increase cholesterol levels compared to polyunsaturated fats. 2 Various studies show that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. 9 This may lead to the conclusion that saturated fat increases these indicators, although in fact they may have a neutral effect.

Consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids in large quantities is good for the heart. one

Scientists have not yet confirmed that high cholesterol causes heart problems. Although the ratio of “good” cholesterol and total cholesterol is an accurate diagnostic parameter. four

Effect on the brain

In one study, replacing dietary monounsaturated fatty acids with saturated fatty acids with vegetable oil (40% fat of the total, 16% fat of the selected group) made participants more irritable and less active. 6

Weight gain and loss


Studies on the appetite suppressant hormone (neuropeptide YY) have shown that fatty foods are much more effective than proteins and carbohydrates in raising blood levels of the neuropeptide after meals. 5 Note that the participants in the experiment consumed saturated fats on a par with polyunsaturated fatty acids, but in greater quantities than monounsaturated fatty acids. In other studies 7 Saturated fats were consumed in slightly higher amounts than monounsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, the level of the neuropeptide remained stable throughout the day and increased many times only after meals.

Saturated fats are more effective than unsaturated fats in stimulating neuropeptide production. But these conclusions cannot yet be called objective.

Hunger and Satiety Study 8 confirm that saturated fats are slightly better than unsaturated fats at suppressing appetite and satisfying hunger.


Replacing monounsaturated fatty acids with saturated fatty acids reduces spontaneous activity, so you burn fewer calories. 6



Diet has a huge impact on hormones. Vegetarians have low androgen levels, as do people who prefer low-fat foods. In men, a diet low in "healthy" fats and high in fiber reduces androgen levels. A diet that is 41% fat, most of which is saturated, increases testosterone. ten In older men, with a reduction in fatty foods, testosterone levels fall by 12%, and in young men, with an increase in dietary fat, testosterone levels can increase by 13%. 10

Dietary fats in general (with a slight margin in favor of saturated fats) have a positive effect on the production of testosterone and androgens. Hormonal fluctuations with changes in the fat content in food are quite small (below 20%).


  1. Cholesterol, coronary heart disease and stroke: a review of published data from observational studies and randomized controlled trials.
  2. Misconceptions about dietary fatty acids and recommendations for CHD prevention.

Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) are carbon chains whose number of atoms varies from 4 to 30 or more.

The general formula of compounds of this series is CH3 (CH2)nCOOH.

For the past three decades, it has been believed that saturated fatty acids are harmful to human health, as they are responsible for the development of heart disease and blood vessels. New scientific discoveries contributed to a reassessment of the role of compounds. Today it has been established that in moderation (15 grams per day) they do not pose a threat to health, but rather favorably affect the functioning of internal organs: they participate in the thermoregulation of the body, improve the condition of hair and skin.

Triglycerides are made up of fatty acids and glycerol (a trihydric alcohol). The former, in turn, are classified according to the number of double bonds between carbohydrate atoms. If they are absent, such acids are called saturated, present -.

Conventionally, everything is divided into three groups:

The daily fat intake for women under 40 is 85 - 110 grams, for men - 100 - 150. Older people are advised to limit consumption to 70 grams per day. Remember, the diet should be 90% unsaturated fatty acids and only 10% saturated triglycerides.

Chemical properties

The name of fatty acids depends on the name of the corresponding hydrocarbons. Today, there are 34 main compounds that are used in everyday life. In saturated fatty acids, two hydrogen atoms are attached to each carbon atom of the chain: CH2-CH2.

Popular ones:

  • butane, CH3(CH2)2COOH;
  • caproic, CH3(CH2)4COOH;
  • caprylic, CH3(CH2)6COOH;
  • capric, CH3(CH2)8COOH;
  • lauric, CH3(CH2)10COOH;
  • myristic, CH3(CH2)12COOH;
  • palmitic, CH3(CH2)14COOH;
  • stearic, CH3(CH2)16COOH;
  • laceric, CH3(CH2)30COOH.

Most saturated fatty acids contain even number carbon atoms. They dissolve well in petroleum ether, acetone, diethyl ether, chloroform. High-molecular saturated compounds do not form solutions in cold alcohol. At the same time, they are resistant to the action of oxidizing agents, halogens.

In organic solvents, the solubility of saturated acids increases with increasing temperature and decreases with increasing molecular weight. When released into the blood, such triglycerides merge and form spherical substances that are deposited “in reserve” in adipose tissue. Related to this reaction is the myth that saturated acids lead to blockage of the arteries and should be completely eliminated from the diet. In fact, diseases of the cardiovascular system arise as a result of a combination of factors: wrong image life, lack of physical activity, abuse of high-calorie junk food.

Remember, a balanced diet enriched with saturated fatty acids will not affect the figure, but, on the contrary, will benefit health. At the same time, their unlimited consumption will negatively affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Significance for the body

The main biological function of saturated fatty acids is to supply the body with energy.

To maintain life, they should always be present in the diet in moderation (15 grams per day).
Properties of saturated fatty acids:

  • charge the body with energy;
  • participate in tissue regulation, hormone synthesis, testosterone production in men;
  • form cell membranes;
  • provide assimilation and,;
  • normalize the menstrual cycle in women;
  • improve reproductive function;
  • create a fatty layer that protects the internal organs;
  • regulate processes in the nervous system;
  • involved in the production of estrogen in women;
  • protect the body from hypothermia.

To maintain health, nutritionists recommend including foods containing saturated fats in the daily menu. They should account for up to 10% of calories from the total daily ration. This is 15 - 20 grams of the compound per day. Preference should be given to the following "useful" products: large liver cattle, fish, dairy products, eggs.

Saturated fatty acid intake is increased by:

  • lung diseases (pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • treatment of gastritis, duodenal ulcer, stomach;
  • removal of stones from the bladder / gallbladder, liver;
  • general depletion of the body;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • living in the Far North;
  • the onset of the cold season, when additional energy is spent on heating the body.

Reduce the amount of saturated fatty acids in the following cases:

  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • overweight (with 15 "extra" kilograms);
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • high level;
  • reducing the energy consumption of the body (during the hot season, on vacation, during sedentary work).

With insufficient intake of saturated fatty acids, a person develops characteristic symptoms:

  • body weight decreases;
  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • falling productivity;
  • there is a hormonal imbalance;
  • the condition of nails, hair, skin worsens;
  • infertility occurs.

Signs of an overabundance of compounds in the body:

  • increased blood pressure, disruption of the heart;
  • the appearance of symptoms of atherosclerosis;
  • the formation of stones in gallbladder, kidneys;
  • an increase in cholesterol, which leads to the appearance of fatty plaques in the vessels.

Remember, saturated fatty acids are eaten in moderation, not exceeding the daily allowance. Only in this way can the body extract from them maximum benefit, without accumulating slags and without "overloading".

The largest amount of EFAs is concentrated in animal products (meat, poultry, cream) and vegetable oils (palm, coconut). In addition, the human body receives saturated fats with cheeses, confectionery, sausages, cookies.

Today it is problematic to find a product containing one type of triglycerides. They are in combination (saturated, unsaturated fatty acids and cholesterol are concentrated in lard, butter).

The largest amount of SFA (up to 25%) is part of palmitic acid.

It has a hypercholesterolemic effect, so the intake of products in which it is included should be limited (palm oil, cow oil, lard, beeswax, sperm whale spermaceti).

Table No. 1 "Natural sources of saturated fatty acids"
Product nameThe content of NSZH per 100 grams of volume, grams
Hard cheeses (30%)19,2
Duck (with skin)15,7
Raw smoked sausage14,9
Olive oil13,3
Processed cheese12,8
Sour cream 20%12,0
Goose (with skin)11,8
Curd 18%10,9
Corn oil10,6
Lamb without fat10,4
Fat boiled sausage10,1
Sunflower oil10,0
Low-fat boiled sausage6,8
Beef without fat6,7
Creamy ice cream6.3
Curd 9%5,4
Pork meat4,3
Medium fat fish 8%3,0
Milk 3%2,0
Chicken (fillet)1,0
Lean fish (2% fat)0,5
Sliced ​​loaf0,44
Rye bread0,4
Fat-free cottage cheese0,3

Foods containing the maximum concentration of saturated fatty acids:

  • fast food;
  • cream;
  • palm, coconut oil;
  • chocolate;
  • confectionery;
  • fat;
  • chicken fat;
  • ice cream made from full-fat cow's milk;
  • cocoa oil.

To maintain heart health and stay lean, it is recommended to choose foods with less fat. Otherwise, problems with blood vessels, excess weight, slagging of the body cannot be avoided.

Remember the greatest harm for humans, they are triglycerides with a high melting point. It takes five hours and a significant energy expenditure to digest and eliminate waste from a fried piece of fatty beef or pork, than for the absorption of chicken or turkey. Therefore, it is better to give preference to bird fat.


  1. In cosmetology. Saturated fatty acids are part of dermatotropic products, creams, ointments. Palmitic acid is used as a structurant, emulsifier, emollient. Lauric acid is used as an antiseptic in skin care products. Caprylic acid normalizes the acidity of the epidermis, saturates it with oxygen, and prevents the growth of yeast fungi.
  2. AT household chemicals. EFAs are used in the manufacture of toilet soap, detergents. Lauric acid serves as a foaming catalyst. Oils containing stearic, myristic and palmitic compounds are used in soap making for the preparation of a solid product, the production of lubricating oils, and plasticizers. Stearic acid is used in the manufacture of rubber, as a softener, and in the creation of candles.
  3. AT Food Industry. Used as food additives under the index E570. Saturated fatty acids act as a glazing agent, defoamer, emulsifier, and foam stabilizer.
  4. In and drugs. Lauric, myristic acids exhibit fungicidal, viricidal, bactericidal activity, inhibiting the growth of yeast fungi and pathogenic microflora. They are able to enhance antibacterial action antibiotics in the intestine, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment of viral and bacterial acute intestinal infections. Presumably, caprylic acid maintains a normal balance of microorganisms in the genitourinary system. However, these properties are not used in preparations. When lauric and myristic acids interact with bacterial and viral antigens, they act as immunological stimulants, helping to increase the body's immune response to the introduction of an intestinal pathogen. Despite this, fatty acids are included in the composition of medicines, dietary supplements, exclusively as excipients.
  5. In poultry, livestock. Butanoic acid increases the productive life of the sow, maintains the microecological balance, improves the absorption of nutrients and the growth of intestinal villi in the body of livestock. In addition, it prevents oxidative stress, exhibits anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties, therefore it is used in the creation of feed additives in poultry and livestock.


Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids are the main sources of energy for the human body. Even at rest, they are extremely important for the construction and maintenance of cell activity. Saturated fats come into the body with food of animal origin, they distinctive feature is a solid consistency that persists even at room temperature.

Deficiency and excess of limiting triglycerides adversely affect human health. In the first case, working capacity decreases, the condition of hair and nails worsens, the nervous system suffers, in the second case, excess weight accumulates, the load on the heart increases, cholesterol plaques form on the walls of blood vessels, toxins accumulate, and diabetes develops.

For good health, the recommended daily intake of saturated fatty acids is 15 grams. For better absorption and removal of waste residues, eat them with herbs and vegetables. So you do not overload the body and replenish energy reserves.

Reduce your intake of harmful fatty acids found in fast food from fast food, rich pastries, fried meat, pizza, cakes. Replace them with dairy products, nuts, vegetable oils, poultry, "seafood". Watch the quantity and quality of the food you eat. Limit the consumption of red meat, enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, and you will be surprised at the result: your well-being and health will improve, your working capacity will increase, and there will be no trace of the previous depression.

Unsaturated fats are also often referred to as " good fats', since they can provide positive influence to the health of your heart. Although the mechanisms by which they affect lipids are not fully understood, studies have shown that unsaturated fats may slightly lower levels. LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol levels. Some polyunsaturated fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, can also help lower blood triglyceride levels.

While there are many supplements that contain unsaturated fats, such as cod liver oil and fish oil, getting unsaturated fats from your diet can go a long way towards improving your cardiovascular health. Plus, these foods will also provide your body with other heart and blood vessel-healthy nutrients. Modern nutritionists recommend getting 25 to 35% of your calories daily from fat, with unsaturated fats making up the majority of fat intake.

Increasing HDL

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is known as the “good” cholesterol and has a protective effect on the cardiovascular system. Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) increase the risk of plaque buildup in the arteries, which can lead to cardiovascular disease. In a study conducted Brigham and Women's Hospital and medical institute Johns Hopkins (Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions), it has been found that replacing carbohydrates with unsaturated fats in a heart-healthy diet increases "good" cholesterol levels. While this diet did not lower bad cholesterol levels, it did lower triglyceride levels and blood pressure. The results of this study appeared in the November issue of the journal Journal of the American Medical Association in 2005.

Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

Estimated American Heart Association, more than 81 million people suffer from at least one form of cardiovascular disease (as of 2006). These diseases and disorders include stroke, high blood pressure (hypertension), heart failure, and coronary heart disease. Mayo Clinic reports that one type of unsaturated fat can reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and lead to lower blood pressure levels. Omega-3 fatty acids found in food products such as walnuts and oily fish have a protective effect on the heart. This type of fat also reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases and certain types of cancer, according to the university. University of Maryland Medical Center.


Proteins and unsaturated fats are sources of energy for the body. The difference lies in how the body uses them. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service explains that the main function of protein is to maintain the structure of the body. If a person consumes more protein than is needed for this function, the body uses the excess for energy. Fats are the most energy efficient form of food, but they are also the slowest source of energy.

Vitamin absorption

Unsaturated fats help the body absorb fat soluble vitamins. When a person consumes fat-soluble vitamins, the body absorbs them and stores them in fatty tissues. Because the body stores fat-soluble vitamins, overconsumption of them can cause the symptoms of hypervitaminosis to develop. Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E.


Proteins provide structure for bones and muscles, which helps maintain the body's bone structure. Unsaturated fats control another type of structure, the cell wall. Each cell has a wall that performs structural, protective and transport functions, controls the rate of cell growth and resists water pressure. Without cell walls, the cell membrane would simply rupture.

Unsaturated fats - food list

If you want to include unsaturated fats in your daily diet, you need to replace (at least partly) foods high in saturated fats with foods rich in unsaturated fats. Otherwise, you risk gaining weight and increasing blood lipids. Here is a list of foods rich in saturated fats:

  • Avocado. This delicious fruit is loaded with monounsaturated fats. You can use avocados themselves or use avocado oil in salads and other dishes.
  • Olives. Green, black and Kalamata olives are not only delicious, but also rich in monounsaturated fats. You can eat olive fruits and olive oil, which also abounds healthy fats.
  • nuts. Contain both types of unsaturated fats: polyunsaturated fats and monounsaturated fats. Walnuts tend to be higher in polyunsaturated fats compared to other nuts, while pistachios, almonds, and pecans are higher in monounsaturated fats. Nuts are also rich in other health-promoting ingredients such as fiber, phytosterols, vitamins, minerals, and protein.
  • oily fish. Fish is generally a lean food that is very good in a lipid-lowering diet. However, some varieties of fish are high in omega-3 fats, a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid. To oily fish rich in unsaturated fats include mackerel, salmon, mackerel, herring, tuna, anchovies, etc. (for more details, see Omega-3 in fish: Omega-3 content table in various fish). Try to use at least a couple of times a week fish meals- salted mackerel (not smoked) is especially good and healthy.
  • Some oils. If you are following a lipid-lowering diet, you can switch from using butter or margarine that is high in unsaturated fats and trans fats to healthy vegetable oils that are high in unsaturated fats. These oils include: olive, sesame, safflower, corn, soybean and linseed oil and avocado oil.
  • seeds. Sesame seeds are rich in monounsaturated fats, while pumpkin, sunflower, flax and chia seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fats.

In addition to eating foods rich in unsaturated fats, you may also find that the modern market (pharmacies and online health stores) sells a lot of dietary supplements containing unsaturated fats, which can also be used as an additional source of them. If for one reason or another you are unable to consume the healthy foods listed above on a regular basis, you can start taking supplements that will promote the health of your cardiovascular system and the whole body.

Fasting in 4 parts, about saturated and unsaturated fats, about harmful and healthy oils, about trans fats, about the role of fats in the human body. Material about useful and harmful oils will not be quite in line with the traditional presentation.

Fats in the human body play the role of a source of energy, and are also a material for the construction of living cells in the body. They are dissolve a number of vitamins and serve as a source of many biologically active substances.

Fats enhance the taste of food and make you feel full longer. With a lack of fats in our diet, such disorders in the state of the body as changes in the skin, vision, kidney disease, weakening of immunity mechanisms, etc. can occur.

In experiments conducted on animals, it has been proven that an insufficient amount of fat in diet contributes to a reduction in life expectancy.

Fats (fatty acids) are found in plant and animal fats. They are divided into two types, depending on the chemical structure and molecular bonds, rich and unsaturated fatty acid . The latter are also divided into two types - monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.


Unsaturated fatty acid are fatty acids that contain at least one double bond in the chain of fatty acid molecules. Depending on saturation, they are divided into two groups:

  • monounsaturatedfatty acids containing one double bond

  • polyunsaturatedfatty acids containing more than one double bond

Of the unsaturated fatty acids, the most biologically important are polyunsaturated fatty acids, namely the so-called essential fatty acids (vitamin F).

This is first of all linoleic (Omega 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids) and linolenic (Omega 3 polyunsaturated FA); also highlight Omega 9 acids, such as oleic is a monounsaturated fatty acid.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids are essential (i.e., vital) components of food products that our body cannot synthesize itself.

Both types of unsaturated fats are predominantly found in plant foods.These acids are considered more suitable for healthy eating than saturated fatty acids . In fact, some of them have the ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Linoleic acid, oleic acid, myristoleic acid, palmitoleic acid and arachidonic acid are some of the unsaturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids are found in all fats. In vegetable fats, their content, as a rule, is higher than in animal fats (although there are exceptions to this rule among vegetable and animal fats: solid palm oil and liquid fish oil, for example).

The main sources of unsaturated fatty acids and especially indispensable ones for humans are olive, sunflower, sesame, rapeseed oil, fat contained in fish and marine mammals.


olive oil, olives

Sesame oil

rapeseed oil
peanut butter, peanut

avocado fruit

nuts almonds

cashew nuts
pistachio nuts
nuts hazelnuts


corn oil

sunflower oil, sunflower seeds
soybean oil
salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, trout, tuna, red caviar, shellfish (lots of Omega-3)

flaxseed, linseed oil (lots of omega-3s)

sesame seeds, sesame oil

soybeans, tofu

walnuts (lots of omega-3s)
wheat germ, their oil


Unsaturated fatty acids (FA) are monobasic fatty acids in the structure of which there are one (monounsaturated) or two or more (polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA for short) double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms. Their synonym is unsaturated fatty acids. Triglycerides composed of such fatty acids are called, respectively, unsaturated fats.

There are several health benefits of unsaturated fatty acids. Foods containing monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are considered healthier than those containing saturated fatty acids.

The fact is that molecules rich fatty acids entering the blood tend to bond with each other , that leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries of the circulatory system. In its turn, unsaturated Fats are made up of large molecules that do not build compounds in the blood. This leads to the unimpeded passage of blood through the arteries.

The main advantage of unsaturated fats is the ability to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. , resulting in a reduced chance of heart disease such as strokes and heart attacks.

Of course, it is almost impossible to eliminate all saturated fats from the diet, but many of them can be replaced with unsaturated fats.

For example, switching to olive oil when added to food (but not cooked) can greatly reduce your intake of saturated fat.

These dietary oils contain fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D and E which are essential for maintaining health.
vitamins A and E are antioxidants and help support the immune system so we stay healthy. They also help in blood circulation and prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques in the arteries.

Vitamin D is essential for the growth and development of bones and muscles.


  • have an antioxidant effect

  • have an anti-inflammatory effect

  • reduce blood pressure

  • reduce the risk of certain cancers

  • improve the condition of hair and skin

  • improve blood flow (prevention of blood clots)

Compared to saturated fatty acids, the pattern for melting point in unsaturated (unsaturated) it is the opposite, the more fat contains unsaturated fatty acids, the lower its melting point. Thus, if you have an oil that remains liquid even in the refrigerator, at a temperature of 2-6 ° C, you can be sure that it is dominated by unsaturated (unsaturated) fats.

It is very important that the fats consumed in food are fresh, that is, not oxidized.

Unsaturated oils themselves, as well as culinary products prepared with their use, go rancid during long-term storage, which is strongly felt in taste.

AT stale or overheated fats accumulate harmful substances , which serve as irritants of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, affect metabolic disorders. In dietary nutrition, such fats are strictly prohibited.

Therefore, in order to increase the shelf life of products in the confectionery industry, unfortunately, such oils are often replaced by oils with a low content of unsaturated fatty acids. A particularly dangerous trend is the use of hydrogenated fats (margarine) containing harmful trans fatty acids (trans fats) , which are much cheaper than natural oils, they also significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Consumption norms for unsaturated fatty acids have not been established, however, it is believed that their caloric content in the general diet should normally be about 10%-30%, or in another approach - the total amount of fat from all foods consumed during the day is calculated as 1 gram per 1 kg of weight person.

It should be noted that monounsaturated fatty acid can be synthesized in the body from saturated fatty acids and carbohydrates. Therefore, they are not classified as essential or essential fatty acids.

With dietary nutrition, the qualitative and quantitative composition of fats can change. A reduced amount of fat is recommended for pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, hepatitis, diabetes, exacerbation of enterocolitis, and obesity.

When the body is depleted and during the recovery period after prolonged illnesses, injuries, on the contrary, it is recommended to increase the daily fat intake to 100-120 grams.

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Saturated (or saturated fatty acids) are monobasic fatty acids in the structure of which there are no double bonds between adjacent carbon atoms. The absence of double or unsaturated bonds significantly reduces the reactivity (ability to combine with other molecular structures) of saturated fatty acids, that is, to participate in the biochemical processes of the body.

The biological role of saturated fats is much less diverse than that of unsaturated fats.

In food products, these substances are found in the composition of fats of both animal and plant origin.

The content of saturated fatty acids in animal fats is usually higher than in vegetable fats. In this regard, a clear pattern should be noted:The more saturated fatty acids a fat contains, the higher its melting point. That is, if we compare sunflower and butter, it immediately becomes clear that solid butter has a much higher content of saturated fatty acids.

An example saturated vegetable oil palm oil serves, the benefits and harms of which are actively discussed in modern society.

An example unsaturated animal oil is fish oil.

There are also artificial saturated fats obtained by hydrogenation of unsaturated fats. Hydrogenated fat is the basis of margarine, hard palm oil, they are the most harmful.


The most significant representatives of saturated fatty acids are

stearic acid:

in lamb fat, its content reaches 30%,
in vegetable oils - up to 10%;

palmitic acid:

in palm oil is 39-47%,
in cow's cream - about 25%,
soy - 6.5%,
and in lard - 30%.

Other representatives of saturated fatty acids are lauric, myristic, margarine, capric and other acids.

The biological role of saturated fatty acids is that they are for the human body are, first of all, source of energy. They are also, along with unsaturated take part inbuilding cell membranes, hormone synthesis,transfer and assimilation of vitamins and microelements.

Having little adipose tissue, that is, little saturated fat in the body, women are not only much more likely to suffer from infertility in reproductive age, but they also endure menopause more difficult, suffering from diseases and stress due to hormonal imbalance.

On the other hand, the harm of excess adipose tissue, that is, obesity, is also beyond doubt. AT modern conditions hypodynamia and overeating, a person should strive to reduce saturated fatty acids in his diet - the energy value of a person’s diet today and so, as a rule, is above the norm,

a essential fatty acids for building cell membranes can be synthesized by the body (provided that sufficient energy content of the diet is observed).

Excessive consumption of saturated fat is one of the most important risk factors for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular and other diseases. Consumption rates for saturated fats have not been established, but it is believed that their energy value in the diet should not exceed 10% of the total amount of fat.

However, in harsh climatic conditions, for example, in the Far North, the need for energy increases dramatically, so it is necessary to introduce more fats into the diet, including saturated fatty acids - the most energy-rich component.

If unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats in terms of nutrition, then in the field of cooking, the opposite is true: it is better to cook food on animal fats, that is, on saturated.

When frying food in vegetable oil, the double bonds of unsaturated fatty acids will undergo intense oxidation with the formation of carcinogens that cause cancer.

The most important non-food application of saturated fatty acids is soap making. The sodium and potassium salts of these compounds form the basis of all types of soap. Actually, soap is obtained by saponification of the corresponding saturated fats.

Fats to Eliminate 100%

trans fats

Trans fats are formed during the industrial hardening of liquid vegetable oils.Trans fats are found in confectionery, chips, popcorn, fish sticks, industrial cutlets, ketchups, mayonnaise, french fries, whites, chebureks, refined vegetable oil (regular refined sunflower, corn oil, which is included in the cooking of almost all families), in purchased pastries, in cholesterol-free cheeses, in margarine and in spread.

Trans fats are associated with high risk cardiovascular disease, becausethey level up bad cholesterol in the blood (LDL) and lower the level of good cholesterol (HDL), as well as cause inflammation and obesity .

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Once again about how fats and oils are used by the body, and what their deficiency and excess leads to; how many fats and oils are contained in 100 grams of certain foods:

What foods contain saturated, unsaturated fats, trans fats:

What products contain bad fats", which need to be reduced in the diet, and "good fats" should be included in the diet. The "saturated fats" coconut, palm oil indicated in the column refer to their hydrogenated forms (non-hydrogenated palm and coconut oil do no harm):

What foods contain unhealthy trans fats? detailed diagram:

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All materials and oils and fats in my two blogs with my daughter can be found here:

About influence TRANS FAT on health, in particular, contained in palm oils found in industrial foods, you can readand

You can read about the properties of margarines; about healthy oils and butter; about harmful oils. These four materials in a very non-trivial presentation, still little known, very modern, which we also adhere to (irina_co, culinarium) .

- Coconut and palm oil - representatives of medium chain triglycerides in the world of vegetable oils and fats , about the importance of their use in sports and dietary nutrition.

Fatty foods have long been considered harmful, both for the body as a whole and for the figure. However, not all fats have a negative effect on our body. Fatty acids are divided into and unsaturated. The former have a simple structure and solid form. Once in the blood, they form special compounds that settle in the form of a fatty layer. Excessive consumption of foods high in animal fats leads to obesity and cardiovascular pathologies.

Not all fats are harmful and dangerous to the human body. Unsaturated (vegetable) fatty acids are the “right” fats. They have a positive effect on well-being, and, despite the complex molecular formula, they do not clog blood vessels, but move freely through the arteries, increasing their elasticity, removing cholesterol. A lot of healthy fats in seeds, nut kernels, seafood, vegetables.

Monounsaturated fatty acids and their importance

This type Substances are divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Each type has its own advantages and features. Both options for any temperature indicators remain in a liquid state. When deciding to include monounsaturated fats in a diet for men or women, you should understand what foods contain these substances. This type of useful elements enters the body along with active ingredients rapeseed and sunflower oil They are also found in peanuts and olives.

A group of scientists conducted repeated studies, thanks to which they were able to prove that foods containing unsaturated fatty acids, in the right proportions, are effective in losing weight and gaining weight. muscle mass during workouts. In addition, MUFA:

  • helps fight low hemoglobin and breast cancer;
  • improves the condition of patients with joint diseases such as rheumatism and arthritis;
  • promotes the cleansing of blood vessels and arteries.

For the person leading active image life, hedgehog daily allowance consumption of unsaturated fatty acids is 20% of the total energy value menu. When purchasing products in supermarkets, be sure to carefully study the packaging. The labels always indicate the content of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

This type of useful substances is not synthesized by our bodies. They get to a person from the food that we consume. Foods rich in fats are necessary to improve the functioning of the brain, nervous system, the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and their uses

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are divided into two types - omega-3 and omega-6. It is important to understand what these substances are and what they contain, because you can only replenish their reserves in the body with the help of food.

Omega-3 prevents pathologies of the heart muscle and stroke, lowers blood pressure, improves heartbeat and normalizes blood composition. Also, scientists came to the conclusion that the use of this substance helps to prevent the development of acquired dementia. PUFAs are indispensable during pregnancy and lactation, because everything that enters the mother's body receives the developing fetus.

You can saturate the body with omega-3 by supplementing the menu certain products. What is a food rich in PUFAs? Pay attention to this list:

  • fatty fish;
  • flax seeds;
  • soy and legumes;
  • nuclei walnuts;
  • shrimps.

Omega-6 is found in small amounts in avocados, eggs, whole grain bread, hemp and corn oil. This substance is essential for normal functioning digestive tract, improving the function of hematopoiesis, it also participates in the formation cell membranes development of vision and nerve endings.

If you introduce foods low in solid (saturated) fats into the diet, and at the same time increase the consumption of vegetable analogues, this will improve the overall tone of the skin and muscles, allow you to lose weight and improve metabolic processes.

The need for PUFAs increases with intense physical exertion, during a period of active growth, pregnancy, in the event of diabetes, heart disease. Reduce fat intake when allergic manifestations, pain in the stomach, lack of physical activity, people in old age.

What to include on the menu

Unsaturated fats belong to the group of easily digestible substances. But you can not abuse food rich in these substances unique in their composition.

To speed up the absorption process, eat foods that have not been heat-treated. The melting point affects the breakdown of these substances and the rate of absorption into the blood. The higher it is, the worse the element is absorbed.

Unsaturated fatty acids are involved in the formation of the human immune system, brain and heart function. They improve memory, attention and help in the fight against depression. Without fat, the body does not absorb vitamins A, D, K, E. Eat healthy fats daily, the list of products presented in the table below will allow you to develop a complete and balanced menu for every day.

Fats are of two types: or unsaturated. Depending on the type, fats have different influence on a person's well-being. Let's look at how these two types differ from each other, and also, by using what foods, the body acquires them. By distinguishing the effect of these fats on the body, you will be able to organize proper nutrition for yourself and your family.

For a person to be healthy, he needs to regularly eat fat, because, decomposing, it is divided into very useful fatty acids. They are the main supplier of vitamins and energy.

It is undesirable to eat foods containing too much saturated fat. A glut of them in the human body invariably leads to a high percentage of cholesterol in the blood. This factor several times increases the possibility that over time a person will have problems with the heart and vascular system.
Foods that have been fried on palm or are harmful because they contain a lot of saturated fatty acids that are not excreted from the body.

Milk, meat and all foods based on them (lard, cheese, cream, meat red tenderloin, milk, internal fat and poultry skin) also contain saturated acids.

Types and meaning

For normal human life in the body, the mandatory presence of fats is necessary, which are divided into 2 types:

  • MUFA- monounsaturated, hardening at a temperature of +5 °C.
  • PUFA- polyunsaturated, always in the form of a liquid substance.

Both acids have a positive effect on the human body, in particular on the cardiovascular system, they lower the total cholesterol content.

Monounsaturated fats are officially called omega-9 fatty acids. They are recognized by the American Heart Association. bringing health for the heart muscle and general well-being of a person. This statement is true as long as people do not start to exceed the rate of consumption of these fats.
Translated from “medical” into understandable language, a person should eat food of different calorie content throughout the day, but 25-35% of the products should contain healthy fat.

Important! Like a man without degree can “by eye” determine which foods contain which fats? To do this, it is enough to see that the vegetable oil does not harden while in the room. This means that it contains monounsaturated fatty acids.

For example, if a woman's daily diet should be 2100 calories, then fat will have from 500 to 700 calories. It will be very good if this fat is unsaturated. If you translate 500-700 calories into grams, you get about 55 g to 78 g per day.

It must be remembered that, eating only 1 g of fat (of any type), we consume 9 calories.

"Omega-9 fatty acids" contain a lot of vitamin E. It is this vitamin that provides powerful support to the cardiovascular system.
These acids can be found in oils from plants such as:

  • sunflower and corn;
  • ripe olives and hazelnut;
  • rapeseed and safflower.

And also these fats are present in tropical and.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are fats useful for the body, the main characteristic of which is the ability to remain in a state of fluidity, despite the surrounding temperature (both warm and cold). The most important of them are acids and.
It is their presence in the body that makes it possible normal development human, muscle and body growth. Fatty acids have important impact and on the functioning of the human brain.

Polyunsaturated acids enter the body along with the food they eat, otherwise the body simply has nowhere to take them from.

Here is a list of foods containing unsaturated fats:

  • various seafood (fatty fish, scallops, shrimp);
  • walnuts;
  • tofu cheese.

fatty polyunsaturated acids there is also a sufficient amount in the oils contained in grain germs (soy, poppy, watermelon and sunflower).

Human impact and benefits

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated liquid acids have a positive effect on the overall health of a person, the beauty of his hair, nails and skin. They provide significant support to the body of athletes who experience high physical exertion.

Products rich in fats are one of the important ingredients for creams and various ointments for the skin. Ointments and creams, which contain unsaturated fatty acids, have both cosmetic and healing qualities.
With their help, they improve the condition of the skin of the body, face, nail plates, hair. Unsaturated fatty acids reduce inflammatory processes in the body.

With their help, human skin performs its functions better. protective functions, because it is their lack that serves as an impetus for coarsening of the surface layer of the skin, impermeability of sebaceous pores. As a result of all this, the infection gets deep into the dermis, and inflammations form in these places (pimples, boils).

Unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the creation of cosmetics:

  • stearic and palmitoleic;
  • eicosene, linolenic;
  • linoleic and erucic;
  • and acetic acid;
  • caproic and arachidonic.

Unsaturated acids are more mobile chemical composition than saturated acids. The more double bonds they have, the faster they oxidize, and this ensures the liquid state of the substance. Rapid oxidation allows unsaturated fatty acids to act on the lipid layer and help cosmetics containing water-soluble substances to penetrate under the dermis layer.

How to determine that the human body has a lack of unsaturated acids:

  • hair becomes thin and brittle;
  • the skin both narrows and coarsens;
  • hair begins to fall out partially or completely;
  • skin diseases or eczema may begin;
  • nails lose their shine;
  • near the nail plates appear "badass" on the skin.

In the diet of people involved in sports, they must be present, they must be at least 1/10 of the total amount of food.
If you deviate from this ratio and reduce the amount of fat, this will have a bad effect on athletic performance:

  • decreased anabolism of muscle tissue;
  • stops producing testosterone;
  • weakens the immune system.

Without it, it is impossible to achieve high results in athletics, weightlifting, and bodybuilding. And their assimilation depends only on the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the body.

Triglycerides are body protectors, with their help:

  • too high energy costs are covered;
  • the integrity of the joints is maintained;
  • overworked muscle tissue recovers faster;
  • oxidative and inflammatory processes are suspended;
  • muscle mass builds up.

If the body has a significant lack of healthy fats, then the following negative processes gradually occur in it:

  • metabolism stops or slows down;
  • avitaminosis may begin;
  • develop cardiac disorders;
  • failures in the work of the cardiovascular system begin;
  • complete or partial dysfunction of the liver may begin;
  • food is not supplied to the brain cells.

AT daily nutrition the athlete must be present products such as fatty fish, vegetable oils.
For each of the athletes, there is a norm for the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in food (from the total amount of food):

  • for gymnasts - 10%;
  • for foil fencers - 15%;
  • wrestlers -20%.

Did you know? You should know that the daily norm of healthy fats should be half " visible to the eye"and be: in vegetable oil, which was seasoned with vegetable salad or in butter on a morning sandwich. The remaining half of the fatty acids are secretly present in our diet: as part of sausages or sausages, in dairy products or in confectionery.

Fatty acids "Omega-3" are recognized by physicians as the most necessary for humans. An approximate daily allowance of 1–2.5 g is intended to be consumed with food. Most of all LCD "Omega-3" is present in fish oil.
These fats are very important for the healthy condition of the hair, they contain:

  • , which helps the dissolution of phosphorus and calcium in the body;
  • , contributing to the elasticity and flexibility of the hair;
  • iron, which delivers oxygen to the hair roots.

Fatty acids "Omega-3" protect the scalp from inflammation, drying out and itching, contribute to fastest growth hair.

You can make up for the lack of these fats in the body by taking the following pharmacological preparations:

  • Omega 3 Forte.

After a person stops taking a course of these drugs, his hair loss stops.

Hair masks that saturate them with omega-3 fatty acids

Mask against hair loss - 1 share of fish oil is added to 3 shares of olive oil, everything is evenly mixed. This mass is applied to the hair and evenly distributed over them. After that, the hair is wrapped in a plastic film, a terry towel is applied over the film. This mask is kept on the hair for 3-4 hours, after which it is washed off with a little hot water and shampoo for this type of hair. Such healing mask apply 5-6 times a month.
Mask to prevent split ends - fish oil is placed in a small container and heated in a water bath. Warm fish oil is applied to the ends of the hair, after which the hair is wrapped in polyethylene or cling film. The prophylactic mask is on the hair for 40-50 minutes, after which it is washed off hot water.

Mask for nourishing hair and saturating it with moisture - 2 tablespoons of fish oil heated in a water bath to a warm state are taken and mixed with fresh chicken yolk (it is advisable to take homemade eggs). The mixture is applied to the hair and scalp. head turns around terry towel for half an hour. After this time, the mask is washed off with moderately hot water. Nourishing mask enough to do 2 times a month.

Did you know? The first shallow wrinkles can be removed with cosmetic preparations based on omega acids. These miraculous acids maintain the youthfulness of the upper layer of the dermis, its water balance and save the cleanliness of the skin from acne.

It must be remembered that fatty acids "Omega-3" and "Omega-6" are the building blocks from which the triglycerides necessary for a person are formed. They guard the immune system, improve and stimulate the functioning of brain cells, fight inflammatory processes and prevent the development of oncology.

With their help, the blood density is thinned to the optimum, they facilitate the supply of nutrition to the bones and joints, muscles and muscle ligaments, kidneys, heart, liver and other internal organs.

Unsaturated compounds can be obtained from such natural products:

  • canola oil;
  • walnut kernels;

Triglycerides are strong hepatoprotectors and provide ongoing protection to the liver. At the same time, healthy fats help remove cholesterol plaques from the blood, which protects the body from atherosclerosis, thrombosis, lack of oxygen in the heart, and arrhythmia in the work of the ventricles. Fatty acids constantly provide the cells of the body with material for their structure. This allows cells to be updated more often, and a person stays young longer. Healthy fats are powerful antioxidants.

Important! Overcooked during cooking high temperatures healthy fats are lost positive traits and become hoarders harmful substances. These substances destroy the human body, adversely affecting the liver, kidneys, metabolism in the body and digestive system. Healthy and wholesome meals should be steamed, boiled, or baked. fried foods lose their useful qualities, their value becomes a minus value.

If in daily menu a person includes unsaturated fatty acids, then after a while such diseases or painful symptoms will recede:

  • fast or chronic fatigue;
  • aches in the joints of the arms, legs, lower back;
  • peeling, itching and dryness skin;
  • diabetes 2nd type;
  • depression;
  • distraction and inattention;
  • delamination of the nail plates;
  • split ends and brittle hair;
  • heartache;
  • malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

In order to determine how much unsaturated fatty acids the human body needs, several factors must be taken into account:

  • what kind of work a person does (heavy physical or mental);
  • at what age is he;
  • What climate zone does he live in?
  • how strong or weakened his immune system is.

The norm of unsaturated fatty acids per day:
  • temperate zone- the daily intake of healthy fats in the body fluctuates around 30% of all food eaten;
  • Far North zone- the daily rate of triglycerides rises to 40% per day (it is considered from the total calorie content of the food eaten);
  • professions associated with physical activity , - per day, such workers should receive 35% of healthy fats;
  • people over 60 years of age and older- they need to get a reduced daily dose triglycerides (below 20% of the total calorie intake);
  • healthy adults- the daily norm of healthy fats is 20%, translated into grams - from 50 to 80 g of fat per day;
  • people who are emaciated long illness or on the mend- they are supposed to increased portion healthy fats (from 80 to 100 g per day).

Did you know? According to nutritionists, an adult can completely block the daily need for fatty acids if he eats a small pack (100 g) of potato chips or several rings of smoked sausage (within 10 g).

In order to feel good and maintain health for many years, nutritionists recommend not including fried foods and fast food (Mivina, Rollton, etc.) in the menu. They also propose to reduce meat dishes on the menu, replacing them with fish dishes. Instead of store-bought chocolates and sweets, it is much healthier to treat yourself to nuts. Cereal cereals are also useful.
If you make it a rule to start the day with a small spoon (dessert) of vegetable oil on an empty stomach, this will have a very good effect on work. gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable oil is best to choose olive or flaxseed.

To help Omega-acids work in the creative work, a person needs to support the body with vitamins D, B6 as necessary, and also take antioxidants.

About excesses and shortcomings

Compounds of fatty acids and esters of glycerol are called triglycerides. From the school bench, people have mastered that the cells of the human body are built from proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Absorbing all these compounds, the human body receives the strength for growth and regeneration. Lethargy or energetic behavior also depends on the intake of healthy fats.

Did you know? Where are unused fats hidden in the body? Excess fat that is not converted into energy for humans tends to accumulate. Each person has such a "fatty NZ". A man of average height with a normal physique has about 10 kg of "fat capital", and a woman of the same physical parameters collects a fat reserve of 12 kg.

Metabolism will be organic and energetic only when the ratio of substances received in the body is as follows: 55% carbohydrates, 15% proteins and 30% fats.

By eating foods containing vegetable or animal fats, we replenish the body's deficiency in triglycerides. Each of these products has its own combination of fatty acids.

What else are healthy fats responsible for?

  • for the creation of prostaglandins, which have a strong influence on blood pressure, uterine tissue and cells of the nervous system;
  • for the creation of a fatty insulating layer that is under the skin and protects a person from mechanical damage internal organs, brain and hypothermia.
  • healthy fats deliver "to the destination" (A, D, E, K);

We must not forget that oversaturation of the body with healthy fats (more than 40–45%) can cause an effect that is far from positive. A person begins to get fat, fat is deposited on his sides, anabolism and immunity decrease, and sexual desire decreases. An excess of triglycerides leads to the fact that a person quickly gets tired, cannot concentrate on one activity for a long time.

What foods can you find unsaturated fatty acids in?

  • in the kernels of nuts - pecans, cashews, and others;
  • in avocado and sunflower seeds, and;
  • in concentrated fish oil or fatty fish (tuna, trout, mackerel, sardine);
  • in oatmeal, and dried fruits;
  • in vegetable oils and soybeans;
  • in black currants.

In order to stay healthy and young for as long as possible, it is extremely important for people to consume foods daily, in which sufficient quantities contains saturated and unsaturated fats.

Important! The healthiest vegetable oils are cold-pressed oils (without pre-roasting). Such vegetable oil should be stored in a sealed glass container, in a place where direct sunlight will not fall on the contents of the jar. Also, this place should be cold and dark.

They bring the body great benefit: support the protective functions of the skin, thin the blood and prevent the body from accumulating excess weight. But, like any useful substances, you need to consume unsaturated fatty acids in moderation, since they have a very high calorie content. Consume healthy food and take care of your health!

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