At what age can fish oil be given to children and which one is better to choose? Which fish oil is best for a child. Healthy fish oil for pets

Kira Stoletova

Not every farmer knows that fish fat for laying hens - the best additive that increases egg production. How to give fish oil to chickens and improve the health of chickens should be figured out by every farmer who cares for birds in his own yard.

A useful vitamin supplement will strengthen the immunity of laying hens and young animals, if you dose the drug and monitor the well-being of the winged ones. How to give fish oil to birds?

Healthy fish oil for pets

What supplements can be given to chickens, chickens, and? Organize your pet proper diet for the benefit of the farmer. Chickens without healthy and green complementary foods become ill, the young stop growing, and laying hens no longer lay eggs. If given winged right amount vitamins can be avoided seasonal diseases and problems with broilers.

Fish oil contains groups of vitamins:

  • omega 3 and omega 6.

Chickens need to be given the right complementary foods at any age. For chickens and broilers, liquid ingredients are added to strengthen the bird and help it grow faster. Other vitamins can also be given to the bird. fatty polyunsaturated acids chickens or broilers improve health and protect against.

Useful trace elements are necessary for the bird to increase egg production. Iodine, phosphorus and sulfur help organize the right feeding. Chickens, both adults and chickens, must be given a dosed amount of drugs. Rated vitamins allow broilers to quickly gain weight and start growing. With the help of balanced and healthy complementary foods, young animals can survive the winter. A and E protect pets from allergic diseases, pathologies digestive system and anemia.

For laying hens liquid preparation- a source of vitamins that allow calcium to be better absorbed. Thanks to fish oil, the laying hen is carried better. Increased productivity is determined by the nutrition and diet of the winged. Feathers without complementary foods with vitamins are more likely to get sick and rush less. An additive in the form of fish oil is absorbed by the feathered body 2 times faster. Beneficial substances are rapidly oxidized and emulsified, and then penetrate the cell membrane.

Useful properties of the supplement allows you to reduce the level of cholesterol and triglycerides. The main property of fish oil is to strengthen circulatory system. The drug looks like a yellow, liquid, greasy solution with a specific smell. A remedy is obtained from the liver of marine fish.

Feed additives

Various feed additives, such as fish oil for laying chicks, do more than strengthen immune system pet, but also allow you to reduce green complementary foods without harm to health. Fish oil for domestic chickens is simply necessary during beriberi. A useful and inexpensive supplement will support birds and protect them from epidemics. What is useful in fish oil?

Fish oil is a storehouse of vitamins and useful substances which does not contain a single chemical additive.

Even a person can take a natural component without fear for their own health. Chickens are added to fat solution or crushed capsules for a number of reasons. Pullets are best fed with a liquid fatty component that mixes quickly with dry food. For convenience, a useful additive is included in the homemade mixer. A source of vitamins is added not only to pullets, but also to chickens.

Broilers without fish oil are not prepared with any feed mixture. Essential Supplement providing fast growth birds, bought in large quantities in specialized stores. It is not recommended to give fatty vitamins without restrictions to chickens.

When to give fish oil

Fish oil is not useful in any quantity. You have to know how to give it right. The dosage of vitamins that are added to broilers in feed is strictly regulated. How much fish oil is allowed in the daily feeding of farm birds? From the fifth day of life, the chicken is given vitamin supplements. Balanced diet clearly dosed, in particular, it is not worth diluting complementary foods too often. With the growth of chickens, the dose of the drug increases.

Experienced farmers and poultry farmers make whole courses of vitamin supplements. The complementary feeding scheme is simple: a week of fat supplements and a week off. Such courses allow you to maintain the immunity of birds throughout the year. Proper care is the key to a healthy farm. Overdoses of the drug, which is necessary to increase egg production and rapid growth of young animals, cause diarrhea and upset the digestive system in the bird.

It is necessary to store the drug in a dark, cool place. Great content vitamin A under the influence of sunlight quickly decomposes, and vitamins of group D turn into toxic substances. Risking the health of birds, especially young ones, is not worth it.

Fish oil for laying hens

Feed for chickens & How to give medicines, vitamins to a bird correctly

1. Fish oil for animals. Good and bad.

Dosage of the drug

needed in correct dosage the component is added to the bird feeder only in cases where the birds are not sick and not susceptible to infections. The first healthy complementary foods is carried out not earlier than on the fifth day of life of the young. For an adult, the minimum dosage does not change throughout the week. The farmer should make sure that the birds do not develop allergic reactions or complications.

Vitamin supplements should not harm the birds. Vitamins are introduced according to a simple scheme:

  1. The first dose of the drug for young animals and adults is 0.2 ml. Add to feeder more vitamins it’s not worth it, otherwise useful supplements may not benefit the chickens.
  2. The dose is calculated for each chicken or laying hen: 0.2 ml is the daily dose that is taken by the bird in a course of 7 days.
  3. Over time, the dose of the drug increases. Adult birds are added to the feeder up to 0.5 ml per knock. The dose is calculated for each individual.
  4. Broilers are a special breed that needs a double dose of healthy supplements. Birds are given up to 5 ml of fish oil per day.
  5. At the end treatment course you need to take a break for at least a week.

About a week before slaughtering a broiler, you should stop feeding the bird with vitamins. Such an additive degrades the quality of meat. Meat products Vitamins start to smell bad. The best way add vitamins - pour into a little liquid substance. In a uniform mixture, it is easy to distribute fats. To improve the consistency of the drug, it is pre-diluted with water. The optimal proportion is one part of vitamins to two parts of water.

The diluted drug is added to the mixture and thoroughly mixed. Experienced farmers recommend adding half a teaspoon of solution per kilogram of mash. Such food is added to the general feeder. Dry food is given to birds in the week of the break, when fatty vitamins are excluded from the diet. Arranging the life of chickens is the primary task of a farmer who takes care of laying hens and young animals. A balanced diet guarantees feathered health and rapid growth. Vitamin supplements will help strengthen the immunity of each bird.

This is the second year I have been raising broilers. I feed them with special food with the addition of the necessary vitamin complexes. I would like to know how to properly give fish oil to broiler chickens.

Fish oil is a mandatory supplement that should be in the diet of growing broilers. Its regular use not only improves the immunity of chickens before various diseases, including intestinal, but also accelerates their development and growth, which is important when growing this breed of chickens. In addition, fish oil is used to prevent and treat such common diseases in poultry as osteomalacia. This allows you to significantly reduce losses.

Fat is a good alternative vitamin preparations, it allows you to balance the ratio of fats and vitamins (specifically, vitamin A and D) in the daily bird diet. It is especially useful to add fish oil in the season when natural vitamins not available (in winter and spring), and for broilers grown in enclosed spaces, it can be given periodically all year round. It helps to absorb calcium and form strong bone mass so that the bird can support its considerable weight.

Before introducing this vitamin into daily menu birds, you should know how to properly give fish oil to broiler chickens, namely:

  • from what age to apply;
  • how much to add;
  • how to mix.

When can you start giving fat to chickens?

Fish oil can be added to the feed from the fifth day of the chick's life. At first, it must be given once a day in a small amount. As the chicks grow, the dose should be increased.

Experienced poultry farmers involved in broiler breeding recommend giving fat in courses, for example, feed with the addition of the drug for 7 days, and clean feed for 7 days. Daily use fish oil can cause diarrhea in poultry.

The drug should be stored in a place protected from light, since the vitamin A contained in it decomposes under the action of sunlight, and vitamin D is transported to poisonous toxicsteriol.


The first addition is no more than 0.2 ml of the drug for one chicken (per day). For older chickens, the amount of fish oil can be increased to 0.5 ml per head. For adult broilers, fat can be mixed into the feed at the rate of 2 to 5 ml per bird.

A week before slaughtering broilers, fish oil should be eliminated from the diet of poultry, as it can give the meat a fishy smell.

Adding method

Fish oil is recommended to be added to. In order for it to be evenly distributed, immediately before mixing, the fat should be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:2. Then add this water to the feed and mix thoroughly. Many poultry farmers, for the convenience of calculations, add 0.5 tsp. for every kilogram of mix.

Adding fish oil to chicken mash - video

And minerals. Many were stuffed with it in childhood, insisting on the usefulness of this product; doctors often prescribe it to adults who have beriberi. However, few people know that this mixture is also useful for our smaller brothers: it helps fight viruses, treats fungus, and ... But about the need to give this supplement barking pets let's talk in more detail.

Why include a dog in the diet: benefits

It turns out that for dogs, fish oil is to some extent more important than for people. If for a person it is a source of Omega-3, then dogs receive vital A and D from this substance.

Unlike human, the skin of our pets is not capable of synthesizing sunshine vitamin D, and their livers are unable to produce retinol (vitamin A) from vegetables. So for dogs fish fat - the only source of these beneficial substances, which also solves several other important problems:

  1. Vitamin A, when interacting with D, is responsible for vision, its sharpness, and the ability to see in the dark. Shiny, beautiful wool, healthy skin in a pet is also possible only if there is a sufficient amount of retinol in the body.
  2. Vitamin D is essential for puppies as it prevents developmental delays and rickets. In addition, it is involved in the process of calcium absorption and the growth of the skeleton and teeth.
  3. Oleic and palmitic acids stimulate the metabolism in the dog's body, activate the immune system.
  4. Omega-3 and 6 contribute to the metabolic processes in the body, participating in the production of important elements.
  5. Iodine, bromine and phosphorus affect nervous system, providing better communication at nerve synapses.

Many dog ​​owners note that the effect of the drug becomes noticeable in the very first days after the start of its administration. The coat begins to shine, and the pet's well-being improves: he becomes more active and cheerful.
Veterinarians often prescribe this supplement in the course of allergy therapy when it should not be used. hormonal preparations, with dermatitis.

And although there are no instructions for the use of fish oil for dogs as such, it is still necessary to know the approximate dosage for animals. different ages to prevent overdose.

How and how much to give your pet

Since taking fish oil for permanent basis undesirable, it is usually given in courses with a break for a certain period of time, unless the veterinarian prescribes a different order.

Each owner usually decides for himself how best to give fish oil to his dog, but most often it is added to soup, cottage cheese(it is believed that dairy products provide better assimilation). Although, unlike humans, our pets consume fish oil with much more enthusiasm, since they are absolutely not embarrassed by its pungent smell.


Up to six months, puppies need to receive about 200 units of vitamin per 10 kg of weight for 3-4 days. If you translate this figure into a measure of fish oil, you get about 0.5-1 tsp or 1-1.5 capsules.
They usually start using the supplement from the first month of life, 2-4 drops at a time. During the first doses, carefully monitor your pet for a rash, diarrhea, or other signs of rejection of the supplement by the body. If everything is in order, then over the next couple of months, give the baby the drug every two weeks with a break of a week, gradually increasing the dosage by half a year.

After the sixth month of life for a grown puppy large breed it is necessary to give 2 tsp. fish oil, while the representatives small species one will still suffice.

Important!If it is important for puppies to consume fish oil to ensure healthy growth and development, then for this is a means of dealing with problems of the musculoskeletal system, and for older dogs - the prevention of diseases of cardio-vascular system. The latter is possible due to the presence in the preparation useful compounds whose task is the prevention of blood clots and cholesterol plaques in the animal's blood.

adult dog

In adults, although the time has ended active growth, however, the need for fish oil decreased slightly. It is given in the amount 1.5-2 tsp or 2 capsules for 3-4 weeks.

It is enough to conduct 2-3 courses of a similar duration per year, if there are no grounds for additional admission:

  • recovery period after illness;
  • pregnancy or feeding puppies;
  • admission to autumn-winter period to strengthen immunity.

Adult dogs often replace fish oil with multivitamin supplements that come as a supplement to natural nutrition. If the pet eats only dry food (high quality!), Then in additional vitamins he doesn't need.

For both puppies and adult dogs, not only the dosage of fish oil is important, but also its quality.

How to choose a quality product when buying

Today on the shelves of veterinary pharmacies you can find fish oil in various forms and from a large number suppliers. Not to get lost in this variety will help several landmarks:

  1. Choose products made from northern types of marine fish: mackerel, herring, salmon - they contain more vitamins.
  2. Check for salmon oil, which is needed for better absorption.
  3. It is also advisable to make sure that the product was obtained from muscle mass fish, and not from the liver, since the liver extract is supersaturated with vitamin A, which can be toxic in large quantities.
  4. Before purchasing, please make sure that the product has been stored in right place. For fat, a long stay in a warm, bright room is detrimental - in such conditions, the decomposition process begins. Therefore, it must be stored in a dark, cool and dry place.

Important!Purchase fish oil only of a high degree of purity and without additives in the form of lemon, rosemary - their presence indicates violations in the production process.

As for the form of the drug, here you need to proceed from preferences. pet: capsule or liquid. The first option is more convenient in dosage, the smell is not felt so sharp, and the shelf life is longer, but the additive is cheaper in liquid form.

Many doubt whether a dog can take fish oil capsules. In fact, there are no problems with taking capsules, unless the pet is allergic to gelatin in the shell. If there is an allergy, but the owner still prefers the capsule form, then before taking the drug, you can open the shell and pour the liquid into the pet's food.

Can there be harm

Yes, like any medicine, fish oil can be hazardous to health.

Its effect works to the detriment of:

  • overdose;
  • violation of the terms and conditions of storage;
  • acceptance of low-quality products;
  • consumption of liver fat.

Often there is an individual intolerance to the additive in animals: in this case, digestive disorders and vomiting immediately begin.

If the dog is not allergic to fish oil, the product is of high quality and made from the right raw materials, then it is important that the owner does not forget about the norms and terms of the course of taking the drug, otherwise this may lead to harmful effects:

  1. Oversaturation with vitamin A is fraught with dizziness, deterioration of the skin, coat, loss of appetite, and malfunctions of the reproductive system.
  2. An excess of vitamin D leads to problems with blood vessels, increased urine production, calcium deposition in soft tissues and later osteoporosis.
  3. Diabetes.
  4. Thinning the blood and increasing the likelihood of bleeding.
  5. Heavy metal poisoning, the amount of which has increased in fish tissues due to environmental degradation. Unfortunately, raising fish on farms to produce fat is unprofitable, so the state of the oceans affects production.

Therefore, do not be afraid to “not add” vitamins to your pet. Believe me, if he basically consumes fish oil, then his body does not suffer from a critical lack of nutrients. In this case, it is better to have a shortage than an excess.

Fish fat - useful supplement for both humans and dogs. It is difficult to replace it with natural counterparts, and artificial ones often cost an order of magnitude more expensive. However, it is worth remembering that the immunity of pets is still weaker than human, therefore, the dosage and duration of the drug should be approached with more caution.

The human body, especially the growing one, needs omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and vitamins of groups A, D, E. Scientific research, which have been held since the 70s of the last century in the USA and Canada, have revealed beneficial effect omega-3 on the cardiovascular and nervous system, brain development, visual functions person.

Vitamins are the building blocks of life processes, helping the function of metabolism (D), protecting cells from pernicious influence(E) and participating in oxidative processes, cell formation (A). These ingredients must be taken with food. enough which is not always realized in practice. Fish oil for children is used to provide normal growth and development of the body.

In contact with

AT modern world The benefits of fish oil for children are undeniable. However, it is necessary to know the dosage, contraindications and types of the drug. If it is possible to include in the child's diet rich in PUFA sea ​​fish families of salmon, herring, mackerel, acne 2-3 times a week, then the body will have enough vitamins and acids in it. But children do not always agree to consume such an amount of fish, or the family cannot afford the cost of a fish menu.

The substance consists of complex components:

  • omega-3 polyunsaturated acids;
  • vitamins A, D, E.

During the period Soviet Union fish oil was given to children in preschool institutions and at home. main reason there was the presence of vitamin D in the product, which is important for the normal absorption of calcium in the body of children. In the middle of the 20th century, there were no artificial vitamin D supplements.

When ultraviolet rays hit the skin, vitamin D is produced. A lack of this vitamin leads to developmental abnormalities. bone tissue and rickets, especially among residents of the northern regions, where there is little sunny days in a year. To prevent skeletal diseases, liquid fish oil was given to Soviet children.

Fish oil can be both liquid and capsules.

What is needed for a child's body?

How useful is fish oil for children and for what purposes is it intended? Consider the beneficial properties of this substance:

  • stimulation metabolic processes thanks to PUFA, leading to a qualitative supply of blood supply and nutrition to the human brain tissue, giving positive effects in his intellectual development and assimilation of new knowledge;
  • improving the ability to concentrate, attention and perseverance in babies;
  • increased production of serotonin reduces stressful situations- children are less capricious, sharp emotional swings disappear in adolescence, mood improves;
  • frequent malnutrition(pizza, fast food, hamburger, chips, etc.) leads to an increase in blood cholesterol, which decreases in the presence of omega-3 acids, as well as normalization of a teenager's body weight;
  • children's fish oil contains vitamin A, which improves the quality of eye color perception and vision at dusk;
  • are improving immune functions organism (resistance to viral and microbial infections);
  • the participation of vitamin D in the normalization of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, leads to the healthy development of the bone tissue of the skeleton and tooth enamel in children.

Can it be given to children?

It is believed that children not only can, but also need to periodically include PUFAs and vitamins in the diet. But in case good nutrition seafood, if the child does not suffer from diseases in which it is recommended to take the supplement, it is possible to do without the drug. Parents should consider this issue together with the pediatrician, consulting with him before buying fish oil for a child.

A slightly different situation with newborn babies. Why do children need fish oil in infancy? The specialist prescribes the reception and dosage of the drug for artificial feeding when the mother does not have milk, taking into account the level of fontanelle closure and other factors. Baby under 6 months does not consume solid food, liquid fish oil for children remains the only way out. Therapy is prescribed from about 4 weeks of age.


In order to know whether children can take fish oil, it is important to consider contraindications to its use. Many manufacturers do not list them in full. Let's consider the main ones:

  • reduced blood clotting (hypocoagulation) and hemophilia;
  • the drug is characterized by a decrease in blood clotting, it is not allowed to take it before surgical intervention or in the presence of non-healing wounds;
  • individual intolerance;
  • sarcoidosis of the lungs and other organs;
  • the presence of elevated levels of calcium in the urine (hypercalciuria);
  • hypercalcemia;
  • diseases of the gallbladder, in particular chronic cholecystitis;
  • inflammation of the pancreas (chronic pancreatitis);
  • the presence of kidney disease (renal failure);
  • signs of hypervitaminosis in a child;
  • hyperfunction thyroid gland(thyrotoxicosis);
  • long-term immobilization;
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • acute liver disease;
  • children up to 3 months.

Parents' decision to use fish oil should be based on information about the benefits and harms of this product for children.

Which is better to choose?

There is a wide range of dietary supplements available and it can be difficult to know which fish oil to choose for children. The benefits of a substance depend on the maturity of its manufacturing technologies, so it is necessary to give preference to well-known large manufacturers.

For example, the Norwegian product is one of the most environmentally friendly, as it is isolated from fish living in clean water, uncontaminated by industrial facilities.

Which fish oil is best for children should be decided by their parents. There are two methods of making a dietary supplement - from fish liver(usually cod family) or from the loin of fish.

The product made by the second method will contain more PUFA and fewer vitamins and micronutrients. Its advantage is a smaller amount of harmful impurities that are concentrated in the liver of oceanic fish.

Depending on the purpose of taking the supplement (replenishing the body with vitamins or fatty acids), you need to choose the type of product. It is better to buy fish liver concentrate from a manufacturer who cleans the drug well and uses environmentally friendly raw materials.

There is a drug in capsules and in liquid form. Fish oil in capsules for children is odorless, retains its properties better and longer. The gelatin capsule dissolves easily in the baby's intestines and is taken with food. But there are age restrictions for children who can swallow capsules. The smallest patients will have to be given an unpackaged product.

Now manufacturers distinguish a line of products - children's fish oil in capsules and in bulk, with various flavoring sweeteners (their naturalness is checked in the product certificate). Sometimes a number of vitamins are also included in it, so consultation with a pediatrician when buying such a drug will not hurt.

How to take in capsules with health benefits?

Adults need to know how to take fish oil capsules for children. If the child does not like the taste of the substance (there are exceptions to the rule), then it is better to offer him an encapsulated type of dietary supplement.

The purpose of taking the drug depends on the dosage and the period for which it is prescribed. For general prevention in winter or spring period(with a lack of sun and vitamins), the supplement is drunk for a month. In the treatment of anemia or other diseases, it is prescribed in combination with other drugs, sometimes for a longer period.

Now 2 types of drug are produced with high content vitamins or omega-3 fatty acids- this must be taken into account when buying a product. How to give fish oil to children and what type, it is up to adults to decide together with doctors.


It is advisable to buy a capsule product intended for children. it is already packaged in single doses intended for the child. Before taking, be sure to read the instructions and dosage of fish oil for children. Daily dose children from 6 years old is 1.5 - 3 g of the drug.

For infants from 3 months, the doctor prescribes a dose of the drug in proportion to weight, gender and health status little patient. Usually a few drops twice a day, gradually increasing the dose. When the baby reaches 1 year old, you can give him 0.5 - 1 teaspoon per day or the appropriate amount of the drug in capsules, pouring it into a spoon. Accordingly, than older child, the greater the amount of the additive is given to him. For children from 3 years old, the product is offered in a dessert spoon 2-3 times a day, and from 7 years old already in a tablespoon.

After 4 - 6 weeks of taking the remedy, a break is usually taken for at least 3 months, then, if necessary, a second course of fish oil therapy in capsules is possible for the benefit of children.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the product. The fresher it is, the best qualities will possess. After opening, liquid fat must be stored in a dark glass container in the refrigerator. Capsules too, it is better to store in a cool dark place to avoid loss useful properties drug.

Is harm possible?

Do children need fish oil, given the fact that it can bring not only benefits, but also harm? A dietary supplement cannot be useful for absolutely everyone, so it is used more often on the recommendation of a doctor, and caution here does not hurt. You can not take it to people with seafood, especially fish.

For people with increased level fat soluble vitamin D, taking the drug can result in hypervitaminosis. Unlike water soluble vitamins, excess amount which enters and exits human urine, vitamin D remains in human adipose tissue. Body intoxication occurs by-products arising from the processing of excess vitamins of this group with the following symptoms:

At long-term exposure hypervitaminosis, calcium deposits on internal organs human (kidneys, blood vessels, heart, lungs).

Unfortunately, many mothers do not even know that rickets can be prevented not only by Aquadetrim, but also by a natural product obtained from the liver of cod fish - fish oil. And almost no one thinks about the question “How to give fish oil to young children”. But earlier, in Soviet times, kids in kindergarten Lined up in a row and given a spoonful of useful fish oil.

Yes, I agree, it’s easier to give the baby one drop of cholecalciferol, that’s what vitamin D3 is, in fact, called, than to persuade, and even worse, to “fill” the baby with fish oil. Therefore, I personally gave my daughter exactly D3 at the age of up to a year (after all, the doctor attributed it that way, and everyone said that fish oil was simply not on sale) and not the entire sunless period, but periodically, but in the next year of life we ​​boldly switched to fish fat and made great friends with him. I remember how our first "tasting" ended with a soiled t-shirt, on which the baby spit New Product, and then it took about ten washes, while I washed off the rich fishy "aroma". But that's not the point. We need to find out the indications, contraindications and side effects important and the right drug for the child's body.

Indications for use

First of all, vitamin D is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of rickets, rickets-like diseases and osteoporosis. If we consider the indications for the use of fish oil, they are much wider. Fish oil helps to solve the problems of hypo- and beriberi A, eye diseases, is used to treat and prevent rickets, acute and chronic respiratory diseases, accelerating wound diseases, and for the treatment and prevention of many other problems. It is prescribed to women living in northern latitudes during pregnancy and lactation.

Contraindications and side effects

If vitamin D has several indications for use, then much more contraindications What can not be said about fish oil. In fact, vitamin D is chemical drug, and not every doctor advises taking it only for the purpose of prevention. It is even believed that it is better to wait for the sun than to give a bad load on the baby's liver. Contraindications to the use of fish oil are hypersensitivity to the drug, and hereditary disease hemophilia.

Benefits of fish oil

As you can see, fish oil has many advantages and practically no disadvantages. Therefore, when dealing with the prevention of rickets in young children, it is most likely to give preference natural product- fish oil. And so that you do not doubt him undoubted benefit Let me highlight some of its important advantages.

As you know, fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very important and valuable for a growing organism. It has been established that omega-3 contributes to the formation and development of brain tissue, which is very important in early childhood. childhood, it helps to stimulate the mental development of babies.

Nowadays, young children are increasingly being diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The intake of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids helps to improve children's concentration, improve reading skills, behavior, and cognitive activity of babies. Omega-3 deficiency causes such phenomena as anxiety, hyperactivity, impulsivity and sleep disturbances in children. Thus, fish oil plays important role in the development of children, helps to protect them from such negative factors like inattention and fussiness.

How and in what dosage to give fish oil to young children

If you decide to give your baby fish oil, then, nevertheless, I recommend consulting with a pediatrician. As a rule, the dosage of the drug is determined individually. Children from four weeks of age are prescribed 3-5 drops of the drug twice a day, gradually increasing the dose to ½ - teaspoon per day. Children under the age of one year are prescribed one teaspoon per day, up to two years - 1-2 teaspoons, from three to six years - one dessert spoon, and children over seven years old - one tablespoon 2-3 times a day. day (dosage for adults is similar). As a rule, fish oil is taken in courses of 2-3 months, and if a second course is necessary, they take a break for one month and repeat the intake again.

How to teach your child to drink fish oil

I think if you started giving your baby fish oil almost from birth, then there will be much less problems in taking it than if you introduced the baby to this product in one year old. Although, on the other hand, after a year, you can agree with the baby about everything in the world, if, of course, you try very hard. It is best to give the drug to the child during meals, somewhere in the middle of the "process". So the baby will not drink fat on an empty stomach, in addition, he will have the opportunity to "bite" the drug delicious food. That's right, my daughter and I take the drug. You can also show your child how to take fish oil by your own example, offer to treat you to this useful product. Having become interested, the child will undoubtedly want to try the drug on their own.


After reading this article, you are probably convinced of the undoubted benefits of fish oil for the growing body of a child. Now you know exactly what it is for, what its advantages and benefits over vitamin D, and how to properly give fish oil to children. Health to you and your children!

printed by Veronika Ratnikova, Brest

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