Good fats, bad fats. Good and bad fats

The tastiest is usually either fatty or contains a lot of unhealthy sugar.

Is not it?

And we always face the question - to eat or not to eat fat ...

But it turns out that the menu healthy eating there is always a place for fatty foods.

It is only important to know that without them there is no way to live, since the body will not function properly.

“But what is the use of fatty foods?” - you ask.

And so today I decided to find some evidence or facts about the benefits of fatty foods for the human body. After all, our body actually really needs some types of fats from our food.

You can immediately remember that this is the main source of energy for you. Fats help you absorb certain vitamins and minerals. You need them to build cell membranes and also for health nervous system.

However, some fats are better than others. Good fats include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated saturated fat. The bad ones include trans fats.

So before we get into the benefits of fats for us, let's take a look at what fats are...

Let's start with the bad...

Bad fats (trans fats)

Good fats come into our body mainly from vegetables, nuts, seeds and fish. They differ from saturated fats in that they do not have solid particles, even when heated.

Monounsaturated fats .

If you dip bread in olive oil at an Italian restaurant, you will basically get a dose of mono unsaturated fat. The structure of these fats is preserved when room temperature.

Good sources of monounsaturated fats are: olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocado, most nuts, and sunflower oil.

Proof that mono unsaturated fats may be healing came as early as the 1960s. So it was proved that the population of Greece and other countries of the Mediterranean region have low level cardiovascular diseases. And this despite the fact that their diet is rich in fat.

This discovery sparked interest in olive oil () and the Mediterranean diet.

But in order to be healthier, you also need to eat more polyunsaturated fats.

Polyunsaturated fats.

Polyunsaturated fats are also essential for normal functioning organism.

And you must get them from your food!

After all, polyunsaturated fats are used to build cell membranes, the health of the brain and nervous system. They are also essential for blood clotting, muscle contraction and inflammation control. They also help reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

There are two main types of polyunsaturated fats: omega-3 fatty acid and omega-6 fatty acids.

Good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include: fatty varieties fish (salmon, mackerel and sardines), flax-seed(), walnuts, rapeseed oil and non-hydrogenated soybean oil.

Omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent and even treat heart disease and stroke. In addition to reducing blood pressure, lowering triglyceride levels, they can help prevent fatal cardiac arrhythmias.

Omega-6 fatty acids can also protect against heart disease. Here is the list best products rich in linoleic acid and omega-6 fatty acids: sunflower oil, soybean oil, nut oil and corn oil.

But remember...

Excess omega-6 fats cause inflammation. Therefore, you need to eat these foods in moderation.

So, now about the benefits of fatty foods ...

The benefits of fatty foods

1. Healthy fats reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Fats play a key role in the prevention of cardiovascular disease. Adding saturated fat to our diet reduces levels of a substance called lipoprotein, which is an indicator of atherosclerosis.

By the way, do you know why the Greenland Eskimos practically do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases? Although they, as ZDRAVKOM writes, consume animal fats in large quantities ...

And why in Greenland only 5.3% of men aged 45 to 64 die from heart attacks and strokes, while in the USA, and we have a similar situation, even with a less fat diet ischemic disease hearts kill 40% of adults?

The Danish medical scientist Dyerberg and two colleagues went to Greenland, where they studied the diet and examined blood samples taken from the Eskimos. Scientists quickly discovered that the levels of lipids (that is, fatty acids) in the blood of the Eskimos were normal.

It wasn't until two years later that they discovered that Eskimos had significantly higher long-chain fatty acid levels than Danes. So they discovered omega-3 fats.

It is also known that when women on a diet consume more fat, they lose weight faster.

2. Healthy fats are essential for healthy bones.

If anyone else is against fatty foods, then know that fat is needed in the body for the absorption of calcium ...

Everyone must have been told by their mothers or grandmothers that calcium is needed for healthy bones, right?

There are also fat-soluble vitamins, which are also very important for maintaining the health of our bones. You may be familiar with A, D, E, and K. They are fat-soluble, meaning fats help them be absorbed and delivered to the body's cells.

3. Fats Help Prevent Lung Disease

Have you heard about the correct operation lungs, their airspace must be covered thin layer pulmonary surfactant. This surfactant contains fat, which is 100 percent saturated fatty acids.

So replacing these fats with another type of fat will disrupt this surface and cause breathing difficulties.

Yes, probably, any of you know, with diseases of the throat and lungs, they are lubricated with fat, right? Most likely, I have heard recommendations more than once that this or that fat is suitable for the treatment of lungs ... Right? …

Perhaps for some it will be a discovery that our brain is mainly composed of fat and cholesterol. This is evidenced by the medical portal. The lion's share of fatty acids in the brain are actually saturated fats.

Your brain cells are 60% fat. And this is the most high concentration it, in relation to other parts of the body.

Did you know it?

So don't try to skip healthy fats. Include them in your diet. Because, enough Fat in your diet is vital for brain development and maintenance of brain function.

Often, our daily eating plan robs our brain of energy and prevents it from functioning properly.

So add more oily fish to your diet, as well as some nuts and seeds, they are great for memory support and are crucial for common function brain.

5. Healthy fats help the nervous system function properly.

You already know for sure that fat is necessary for proper brain function and good memory. And given that the brain is the center of the entire nervous system, it means that it also needs fats.

The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord and nerve fibers. And in our time, it is under the most severe stress.

The nerves are given a lot important role in the body. They bind all organs and systems into a single whole, stimulate their performance. Also, the nervous system helps the body adapt to changes in the external environment.

It turns out that there are thirty-one pairs in the human body. spinal nerves. And total length of all nerve fibers is about 75 km!

To feed this long chain needed the right products. So, some fats, especially those found in coconut oil and oily fish are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Remember that nerves influence everything that happens in the body, from metabolism and muscle movement to insulin production.

Nikolai Grinko, and the site does not provide a resource medical care. We do not diagnose, prescribe, or treat any disease, condition, or injury.

It is imperative that you obtain full medical clearance from a licensed physician before beginning any nutritional strategy or exercise program.

Traditionally, fats are considered unhealthy. They are usually blamed for almost all diseases, from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes.

However, fats are different: good, bad and very bad. All of them affect human health in different ways. Let's see why the term "good" fats is not a contradiction.

Good Fats: Unsaturated

Unsaturated fats are divided into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Both of these types lower blood cholesterol levels. Thus, they fight diseases caused by excess fat in the diet.

The most beneficial are monounsaturated fats. They reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, which accumulates in the vessels and clogs them. In addition, monounsaturated fats increase the level of "good" cholesterol, which cleanses the blood vessels.

Polyunsaturated fats are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids. Human body is not able to produce them, so you can get omega-3 fatty acids only with food.

They are rich in fatty sea ​​fish, nuts, seeds and oils. They are also found in dark green leafy vegetables, linseed oil and other unrefined oils.

These acids not only reduce the content of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, but also normalize blood pressure, fight against inflammatory processes and protect the brain from neurodegenerative changes.

Do “good” fats make you fat?

All vegetable oils are a combination of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids in varying proportions. Olive oil is richest in monounsaturated fatty acids.

However, do not forget that any fat in terms of calories remains ordinary fat. Therefore, labels on vegetable oil bottles that advertise a product as “light” imply a degree of refinement or taste qualities rather than reduced fat.

All vegetable oils are 100 percent fat. This means that a tablespoon of the product contains about 120 kcal.

Such a spoon on a large salad bowl will make the dish even healthier. While vegetables drowned even in extra virgin olive oil will be more nutritious and useless than dessert.

Bad fats: saturated

Saturated fats are found in animal products, mainly meat and milk. They remain solid at room temperature.

Scientists rightly blame this type of fat for raising the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, experts recommend replacing some of these fats with unsaturated ones.

Important: You don't have to cut out saturated fats completely. They contain vitamins. BUT stearic acid and is completely capable of being converted in the body into oleic, a monounsaturated fatty acid.

Give preference fresh meat and poultry, cut off excess fat and do not use oil when cooking them.

Worst fats: trans fats

Trans fats are also known by another name - hydrogenated fats. They are obtained through the process of hydrogenation, which turns liquid vegetable oils into solid fats. This allows you to replace butter or pure animal fat cheaper counterparts.

Scientists believe that trans fats are much more harmful than saturated ones. Because they not only increase the level of "bad" cholesterol, but also reduce the content of "good".

Trans fats can hide in all kinds of processed food. food products ranging from french fries to regular biscuits. This is not surprising: they are cheaper, store and transport better, and behave more predictably in the cooking process than their animal counterparts.

How to make friends with fats?

The human body needs fats. They are the source of energy necessary substance for the normal functioning of cells, the nervous system and required condition for the absorption of certain vitamins.

In addition, fats help maintain healthy hair and skin and even protect the body from the cold.

However, experts recommend limiting your fat intake to 30 to 35 percent of your diet. daily allowance calories. These values ​​should not fall below 20 percent. Besides, most of fats should fall on unsaturated - that is, liquid oils.

It is better to minimize the fat content of dairy products by refusing to regularly consume too fatty and salty hard cheeses.

In this article on dietary fats, you will learn:

Are you picky about every "extra" calorie contained in any product, but do not pay close attention to the fat in it? But taking into account the amount of fat is just as important as the number of calories. You will be surprised how high the fat content is in some of the foods you eat.

It's no secret that greasy cheeseburgers, french fries, and pizza are high in fat. But did you know that even some vegetables and seafood can be high in fat? Remember that fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. But, even taking into account the fact that not all fats can be harmful to health, the fat content in the food consumed should be approached as carefully as the number of calories in it.

How much fat should be in your diet

It is very important to pay attention to how many grams of fat you eat daily in order to make sure that your diet contains necessary for the body the amount of fat, and not a gram in excess, so that you do not have to burn the accumulated fat later with the help of diets or in any other way.

"The recommendation is that no more than 30 percent of daily calories should come from fat," says Ann Wolfe, researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine, USA. For example, if you consume 2,000 calories per day on average, this means that you should normally receive no more than 65 grams of fat daily with food. “Usually, we eat much more than what we need,” notes Wolfe.

Good and bad fats

There are two types of fats, the so-called "good" and "bad" fats.

Saturated and trans fats (converted to a solid state vegetable fats) are conventionally considered “bad”, as their use is associated with the occurrence of diseases such as diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and obesity. But you can't completely eliminate saturated fats from your diet. Our body needs them up to 20% of total fats.

But it is desirable to exclude trans fats from the diet completely, since they are replacing unsaturated fatty acids, participating in metabolic processes organism, contribute to the development of certain types of cancer, as well as increase cholesterol levels and impair immunity.

Unsaturated fats - "good" - on the contrary, are even able to protect your body from some of the above troubles.

However, this does not mean that you can consume them without any restrictions, because the use of any fat in large quantities, as well as eating large amounts of food in general, can lead to weight gain.

Sources of good fats:
fish, olive, linen and Cedar oil, avocado, kiwi (small seeds), seeds, nuts, sprouts.

When tracking the fat content of your diet, make sure that most of the fat you consume comes in the form of unsaturated fats, just under 20 grams should be saturated fat and not at all. a small amount of- trans fats.

Fats in everyday food

Think about the foods you eat frequently. Have you ever wondered how much fat they contain? Here is just a small list of very popular foods with their fat content (mostly the "bad" types):

  • medium-sized hamburger: 36 grams;
  • medium-sized fish sandwich: 24 grams;
  • 10 sticks of french fries: 8 grams;
  • 30 grams of potato chips: 10 grams of fat;
  • one slice of pizza with cheese: 8 grams;
  • 60 grams of bologna sausage: 16 grams of fat;
  • one hot dog: 14 grams;
  • three slices of boiled pork: 10 grams;
  • 30 grams of cheddar cheese: 8 grams of fat;
  • a glass of milk: 7 grams;
  • two tablespoons of peanut butter: 14 grams of fat;
  • one teaspoon of margarine or butter: 4 grams of fat;
  • one slice of most types of bread, a couple of bagels or a serving of porridge: about 1 gram.

If any of the numbers above don't seem like much to you, pay attention to the size and serving size of each of these foods. When you are in last time eat only three dozen grams of potato chips, only 10 sticks of french fries, or a single slice of pizza? So think thrice before you decide to "treat" yourself to a sandwich or fries for lunch, plus pizza for dinner.

Foods that are unexpectedly high in fat

If the high fat content certain products is no secret to anyone, then you may not even realize that many other products are simply chock-full of hidden fats:

  • popcorn at the cinema (due to the way it is prepared);
  • products in packaging with various additional sauces or oils;
  • marbled meat (meat with layers in muscle tissue);
  • skin of chicken and other poultry;
  • garnish for various salads.

Perhaps the biggest source of hidden fats to watch out for are packaged snack foods. They often contain dangerous trans fats - commonly labeled as partially hydrogenated vegetable oil or fats. plant origin. Manufacturers use them to increase the shelf life of products. Trans fats the greatest harm inflict cardiovascular system and also increase cholesterol levels. That is why you should avoid eating foods with high content this type of fat.

At the same time, you should know that olive and vegetable oils are rich in fats, as well as nuts, olives themselves, avocados, as well as some types of fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. These foods contain "good", unsaturated fats - just watch how much you eat, otherwise a sudden weight gain will be an unpleasant, but quite natural result for you.

Considering the high fat content of so many foods, if you're not careful, you can exceed your daily fat intake with just one overly filling meal! So keep an eye on the amount of fat you are consuming at all times and choose unsaturated fats over saturated and trans fats. And then you don’t have to wonder “how to lose 10 kg in a week”, and then your health, your heart and your waist line will definitely thank you!

Fat balance (video)

Summary video:

In short, saturated fats are bad, and polyunsaturated fats are good. However, it is necessary to achieve a balance in the intake of fats, especially Omega 3 and Omega 6. We eat several types of fatty acids with food. All of them are good and necessary, since our body cannot produce them on its own.


The problem lies in the fact that in our time the balance of fats in our daily diet is completely upset. Most foods are oversaturated with Omega 6 acids, while we do not get enough Omega 3. We eat 15 times less Omega 3 fatty acids than Omega 6. main reason lies in the use of a huge amount of oils containing mainly Omega 6 (corn, sunflower, etc.).


  • A general decrease in fat intake will tip this balance in the right direction, since almost all the foods we eat are a source of omega 6 fatty acids.
  • Need to eat more fish, say, replacing chicken in casseroles with tuna.
  • Vegetables and fruits are properly balanced in fatty acids, so they must be part of the daily diet.
  • Seeds and nuts are a great substitute for crackers and chips, so they should be the basis of your usual snacks.

Omega 3 to Omega 6 ratio

The body produces about 20 fatty acids for its needs, and for their manufacture it needs only two: Omega 3 and Omega 6. According to some recommendations, their ratio in food should be 1 to 10 for an adult.

Ratio table in vegetable oils Omega fatty acids (compiled by V. I. Samborsky):

Oil name Omega 3% Omega 6%
Walnut 9 68
Sesame 0 60
Sunflower 1 60
Hemp up to 26 54
walnut 10,5 53
soybean 10,3 51
Cotton 0 51
watermelon 4,6 50
Pumpkin 0 49
melon 4,5 48
corn 0 44
Cedar 23 37
Linen up to 44 30
Peanut 0 17
Rapeseed up to 8 15
olive 0 12

Good to know:

An unfortunate feature of polyunsaturated fatty acids is that they are very susceptible to oxidation when interacting with atmospheric oxygen, when heated and in the light. As a result, a huge amount free radicals.

Corrosion of metals is the most obvious example destructive action free radicals. Under the influence of such processes, the body also rusts and collapses.

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What fats can be healthy, and what fats should be avoided in food?

For a long time It was believed that the consumption of all types of fats should be avoided. Trans fats, saturated and unsaturated fats - just avoid them all. Today, however, scientists have realized that fat and how our body processes fat is a much more complex thing.
For optimal functioning, our bodies require some amount of fat. But we need the right kinds fat, and we need to observe moderation. Some types of fats are healthy, while others should be avoided. But how do you know which fats in question?

Fats: good, bad, evil

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are "good" and saturated fats can also be recommended in moderation.
However, trans fats should be avoided because they raise blood cholesterol levels and are therefore dangerous. High level certain types of cholesterol, especially low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the so-called " bad cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease and other pathological conditions including stroke.
How to find out what fats are in various products? Usually, liquid fats room temperature, such as olive oil, are the best choice than foods that are semi-solid, such as butter or margarine.

Monounsaturated (unsaturated) fats: good sources of monounsaturated fats are canola (rapeseed) and olive oils, most types of nuts and avocados.

Clue: Spread avocado on bread instead of cream cheese. Use olive oil and garlic instead whole milk and oils for rich flavor mashed potatoes.

Polyunsaturated (unsaturated) fats: There are two types of polyunsaturated fats, omega-6 and omega-3. Since most people get a lot of omega-6 fats from vegetable oils, you should pay attention to omega-3 fats. good source omega 3 is fish (salmon and tuna), flaxseed and walnut.

take a bite to eat walnuts or add a tablespoon of flaxseed to your morning cereal. For a boost in omega-3 fats, you can add flaxseed flour to homemade cookies or muffins.

Saturated fats: red meat, salami, dairy products such as sour cream and butter, and denser vegetable oils such as coconut, palm, and seed oils are sources of saturated fat.

Clue: Eat steak from time to time, but try to limit saturated fat to no more than 10% of your menu.

Trans fats: formed when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil is a process used to extend the shelf life of packaged foods. Trans fats are found in in large numbers in prepackaged, grocers and convenience foods, including baked goods, cookies and crackers.

look on packaged foods for indications of "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated" oils in the ingredients. This may be a signal that this product contains more than 0.5 grams per serving. If you eat several servings, this amount starts to add up.

What are the results? Be an educated consumer: you need to know what information to look for on the packaging and where potential pitfalls are hidden. Try to do most of your shopping around the perimeter of the store, thereby shortening your path through it central part where most of the culprits are located. You can focus on fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits, portion cuts of meat and fish, and fresh whole grains straight from the bakery located around the perimeter. Add some olive oil and you will really cook!

We love fatty foods because it is very tasty, this is due to the fact that fats enhance the palatability of the product. Those who want to lose weight need to remember that fats contain twice as many calories as proteins and carbohydrates. Also our adipose tissue and the fats contained in food are very similar, so it is much easier for the body to store fats, rather than proteins and carbohydrates.

Foods such as cheeses are among the fattest foods and are high in calories. When planning a healthy meal, it is important not only to choose the right foods, but also to pay attention to how they are prepared.

Fried foods, especially deep-fried foods or large amounts of oil, contain great amount fats. While fish and chicken are considered leaner, once fried, they can be even more nutritious than beef and pork. Here is an example of how the number of grams of fat in chicken breast, depending on how it is prepared:

Chicken breast Cooking method Amount of fat, g
only meat, fried 3.1
only meat fried in sunflower oil 4.1
meat and skin fried in butter 18.5

If you follow a healthy diet, you should avoid the consumption of mayonnaise and other sauces. Such refueling can nullify everything beneficial features food, increasing the calorie and fat content of the dish. Try replacing fatty sauces with less harmful analogues such as mustard, low-fat sour cream, natural ketchup.

International studies show that among the inhabitants of countries that historically consume mainly plant-based and low-fat foods, obesity, cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases are much less common. But if they have to switch to a "Western diet" with high content fat, in case of immigration or distribution of such food in their country, the level similar diseases increases sharply.

Do not rush to give up all fatty foods, fats, like other trace elements, are necessary to maintain healthy functioning of the body. Fats are vital for the construction of tissues and cells, many vitamins and minerals are absorbed only with the help of fats. Many people eat too many unhealthy fats and not enough healthy fats which are essential for our body.

Types of fats

In this section, we will talk about different types fats. People who eat a lot of foods high fat content are at greater risk of developing cancer or cardiovascular disease. But those whose diet consists of low-fat foods are perhaps even more at risk if they consume the wrong type of fat.

Saturated fats- fats with a high content of fatty acids. At room temperature, they are usually in solid form.

Saturated fats are mainly rich in animal products such as milk, butter, cheeses, ice cream, lard. This type of fat is naturally found in coke and palm oils.

Saturated fats significantly increase blood cholesterol levels and increase the likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease.

unsaturated fats- fats with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. They are:

- monounsaturated fats.
Monounsaturated fats found in vegetables. At room temperature, they are liquid state become more viscous upon cooling. These fats are rich in rapeseed, olive, peanut oils, as well as avocados, seeds, and many nuts.

- polyunsaturated fats also found in vegetables. At room temperature and when cooled, they remain the same liquid. Polyunsaturated fats are found in corn, sunflower, soybean oils, as well as in many types of seeds and nuts.

Unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats.

Hydrogenated and trans fats are made from unsaturated fats with the addition of hydrogen. During the production of trans fats, fats become more similar in properties to saturated fats, remain solid at room temperature and last longer, which improves their marketability.

Trans fats are found in margarine, in many finished products and semi-finished products such as cookies, donuts, pastries, chips and basically all those foods that are harmful and that we love so much.

Trans fats raise cholesterol levels, although not as much as saturated fats, but they lower “good” cholesterol. Information about the content of trans fats in the product can be found on the packaging, if it does not mention the use of products containing trans fats, you can also find the use of hydrogenated ingredients and oils, this will also indicate the content of trans fats.

If you are using margarine, you need to be aware that softer margarine is less hydrogenated and therefore contains less trans fat.

Foods that do not contain animal fats and are labeled "Cholesterol Free" look healthy and beneficial to us. But this inscription is another marketing ploy, because the cholesterol content in plant products is so insignificant that it is customary to consider everything herbal products free of cholesterol, and if the product contains hydrogenated oils (trans fats), then it can be harmful for everyone.

Essential fatty acids.
Our body needs these fats for healthy functioning, but the body does not know how to reproduce them, so it is necessary that they come from outside. The most important saturated fatty acids are: linoleic acid, omega-6, alpha-linoleic acid and omega-3.

Basically, we consume more omega-6s than we need, and vice versa, we do not consume enough omega-3s. Omega-6 is found in polyunsaturated fats such as sunflower and corn oil. Omega-3s are found in walnuts, flaxseeds, tofu, some types of fish, including salmon, salmon, pink salmon, albacore tuna, river trout, sardines, herring and mackerel.

In fact, foods are not entirely clear on the content of one type or another of fat, for example, the fat found in beef passes as saturated, but in fact this fat is only a little more than half saturated. Olive oil considered monounsaturated, but, in fact, its fats are just over three-quarters monounsaturated.

Olive oil is considered one of the most useful products although this product is a pure fat that is 14% saturated.

Our ancestors, throughout the history of mankind, consumed both animal and vegetable fats, with a surge in cardiovascular, cancer and obesity is observed only in our time, it follows that not so much harmful natural products and the fats they contain per se, how much cooking method, amount consumed, food combinations, and invented hydrogenated fats.

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