Allergy to metal, symptoms, methods of treatment. Nickel. What are the health hazards of nickel and its compounds? Diagnosis - how nickel allergy manifests itself

The RECENT piercing craze has increased the incidence of nickel allergy - but not for the reasons you might think. It is not necessary to pierce the skin to become allergic to nickel. All you have to do is put on a necklace or wrist watch containing nickel. Allergies are not directly related to piercing the skin or getting nickel into the bloodstream. It is due to the effect of nickel on the skin. Allergy can develop only with prolonged contact of the metal with the skin.
No one is born with a nickel allergy, and the risk of getting one can be minimized by avoiding skin contact with nickel for an extended period of time. However, once you do get allergic, relatively brief contact with an alloy containing nickel can cause itching, burning, tiny red pimples, rashes, or even eczema. That is why doctors call it contact dermatitis, and nickel allergy is the second cause of such skin conditions after poison ivy.
In women, the most common cause of nickel allergy is earrings and necklaces, in men it is wristwatches, in large part due to the tight and continuous contact these items have with the skin.
Doctors say allergies are on the rise with more men getting pierced and wearing jewelry.
Fortunately, jewelry should not be avoided in general, but only those items that contain nickel. Jewelry labeled as hypoallergenic is considered the least dangerous.

All that glitters...

Nickel allergy is very common because the metal is used in items used in everyday life. Even gold is not always a safe choice. Allergies can develop to many metals, and according to one study, gold was the second most allergenic metal after nickel, at least in people who had their ears pierced. Gold for jewelry is never 100%, it is always mixed with other metals to add hardness to the alloy, sometimes nickel is used for this purpose. Nickel is also added to silver items, especially "silver" coins, which are actually a "sandwich" of copper and nickel.
Therefore, even simple handling of coins can be a problem in case of nickel allergy.

Warning symptoms

Most people who are allergic to nickel do not know this. They think irritation comes from rubbing against the jewel. A doctor can do a bandage test to determine if you are allergic to nickel or gold, but in most cases this is not necessary because the location of the rash provides an obvious clue.
The hands, wrists, ears, and abdomen are the most common sites for nickel allergy, although it can affect any part of the body. Symptoms usually appear 24-36 hours after exposure to the allergen. Even before a rash develops, you may notice itching or burning where there is metal contact. Avoid nickel and symptoms will resolve within a week.
Prolonged exposure to nickel can lead to the formation of tiny, watery blisters that are usually invisible to the naked eye but leave the skin raw and clammy.
The skin may then peel off. If you remove the nickel at this stage, the symptoms may disappear in 1-2 days.

The most serious stage consists of a persistent rash that looks like a severe case of an ulcer on the hands, with deep wrinkles, cracks, or scaling. If the skin becomes moist, it can become sore. 10-20 percent of people who are allergic to nickel eventually develop eczema. This condition takes approximately 10 days to heal if the skin is not infected.
Symptoms may appear even where there is no direct metal contact. Once a nickel contact rash has developed in one area, it may reappear in the same location later when the area comes into contact with the metal. And if you're handling a nickel-plated item, you can spread the metal marks to other parts of your body, like your eyelids, neck, or even your earlobes.

born to answer

Although no one is born with a nickel allergy, some people are predisposed to it.
The reason is that they are born with T cells in their immune systems waiting to attack nickel as if it were an invading enemy. Once these T cells are exposed to nickel, the lymph glands prepare for war by making exact copies of the cells. The more you are exposed to nickel, the more T cells are produced in the body. And as soon as this army appears to fight nickel, it never disappears. You get allergies for life.

So what can be done? If nickel exposure is reduced or eliminated soon after symptoms first appear, more severe symptoms may be avoided. On the other hand, the number of T cells that exist in the body may decrease as the immune system weakens with age. As a result, sensitivity to nickel may gradually decrease.

How nickel gets under the skin

Workers in some industries are at greater risk of developing a nickel allergy. This includes barbers, retailers, caterers, house cleaners and ironworkers. This is largely due to the fact that the skin often becomes rough from working with chemicals, water, or simply friction. Even people who have healthy, intact skin can develop this condition, as nickel allergies are caused by long periods of metal-to-skin contact.

The problem starts when tiny metal particles pass through the skin and come into contact with T cells in the lymphatic system, which is located under the surface of the skin. When the surface of the skin is broken, more nickel has the opportunity to enter the lymphatic system. In piercings, for example, a thinner layer of skin separates the lymphatic system from the metal until the skin is completely healed after a few weeks.
If you've been wearing jewelry for years and haven't developed symptoms of a nickel allergy, then you probably don't need to worry. Since you don't know for sure if you're allergic to nickel, it may be helpful to remove your jewelry when not needed, or wear hypoallergenic jewelry."

Skin problems in contact with jewelry, buttons, belts or watches occur in about 17% of adults and 8% of children. If you also have an itchy rash in places of prolonged contact with metal (on the wrists, earlobes, around the navel), it is possible that a nickel allergy has made itself felt. Can it be dealt with and how?

The sensitizing element is present in many household items, such as pens, eyeglass frames, keys, scissors, pins, lipstick. But allergic reactions are caused mainly by those things that come into contact with the skin for a long time. Nickel is also found in high concentrations in some food products. In this case, they cause a typical food allergy with symptoms such as a runny nose or allergic conjunctivitis.

Confirm allergy with a doctor

In order not to be lost in conjecture, you need to go to the doctor. Nickel allergy can be detected by skin tests or oral provocation with a nickel salt solution performed on an outpatient basis. The simplest method is an epidermal test, which is performed by an allergist or dermatologist. The specialist will advise which ointments or other means to use for atopic skin or the treatment of acne provoked by contact with nickel.

What should I do if I have a nickel allergy?

First of all, reduce "communication" with the sensitizing metal. As far as possible, items, things with the addition of this element should be replaced with counterparts made of plastic or precious metals. Jewelry and clothing manufacturers are responding to a growing number of cases of these allergies. Therefore, on sale you need to look for products without nickel in the composition - there are such.

A "homemade" method of preventing allergies is to cover items that come into contact with the skin with clear nail polish.

Diet is no less important, because, as already mentioned, nickel enters the body not only from the outside, but also with food. Unfortunately, it's impossible to completely eliminate nickel from your menu, as it can be found in trace amounts in almost every industrial food product. This is not surprising, because the "culprit" is the fifth most common chemical element after iron, oxygen, silicon and magnesium.

Products containing nickel in amounts that may cause allergies:

  • coffee, cocoa, black tea;
  • processed cheese;
  • canned food;
  • grain products with a low degree of processing: wheat, rye, oats;
  • legumes: peas, beans, soybeans, lentils;
  • mackerel, tuna, herring, salmon, seafood;
  • peanuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, flaxseed;
  • dried fruits;
  • beer, red wine;
  • margarine.

Animal products contain less nickel than plant foods. Therefore, the consumption of meat, dairy products and milk is recommended. The less heat treated food, the less nickel it contains. This may be due to the use of cookware with stainless steel elements for heat treatment.

What is?

Try to keep your diet varied and rich in nutrients.

Skin problems can be exacerbated if the diet lacks vitamins C and E. Therefore, eat citrus fruits, peaches, pears, blackberries, strawberries.

Most vegetables are allowed: sweet peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, cabbage, etc. You need to be more careful only with garlic and leafy vegetables (kale, spinach, lettuce).

Foods that you can practically ignore and eat at your pleasure are meat and eggs.

Introduce low-processed dairy foods into your diet. Choose natural products without flavors or fruit additives.

Foods to limit:

People with nickel allergies should limit their diet to grains, rice, and corn. Unfortunately, such healthy whole grains are not for them. Refined flour contains less nickel and, nevertheless, belongs to products rich in this element. Therefore, choose wheat bread, but do not overdo it with its quantity.

Decisively refuse any canned food.

Is it possible to be cured permanently?

To date, there is no way to completely recover from nickel allergy.
Only half-measures remain: local treatment, reduction of contact with objects containing it, and nutrition correction. People who experience this allergy should take care to increase the amount of vitamin C and iron in their diet.

You just bought new jewelry and even managed to brag to your friends about a successful purchase, and now you are suffering from itching in the place where the ill-fated pendant hung. Strangely enough, since you have worn base metal jewelry before, but no irritation was observed. If the packaging from the purchase is still on hand, look at the composition of the accessory: is there nickel? Then, it is quite possible that this is an allergic reaction to it. Not surprising, because at one time nickel was even recognized. In this article, you will learn what nickel is and what its symptoms are, how to diagnose and treat nickel intolerance ... And most importantly, what other items and products should be avoided so that an allergy attack does not happen again.

What is nickel allergy: causes and symptoms of the disease

Nickel is a very common substance that, in moderate amounts, does not pose any threat to the body. In everyday life, we come across this metal many times: it is found in doorknobs, keys and accessories, cosmetics, dishes, coins, and even food.

The optimal level of nickel in the blood of an adult is 1.5-6 µg/L. But one has only to exceed this norm, or be at risk (get a hereditary susceptibility to this metal or individual intolerance), as a completely harmless element begins to cause a lot of trouble.

The fact is that sometimes the immune system begins to fail and perceives harmless substances as a threat to the health of the body. Subsequently, upon contact with nickel, an allergic reaction occurs.

Allergy to nickel is more common among women, because it is the fair sex that more often provokes this disease, using jewelry and decorative cosmetics with nickel.

Diagnosis and treatment of nickel allergy

Diagnosing an allergy to nickel and nickel spas is easy even on your own when it comes to. Irritation appears only after you put on one of the accessories, which contains nickel - no questions - allergies. Not sure? See a dermatologist for an "application test" - a patch with an allergen is applied to the back and, if the reaction does not take long (it will take about two days), the diagnosis is confirmed.

For the diagnosis of systemic allergy to nickel, incl. syndrome of food systemic allergy, methods of artificial stimulation of the mucous membranes and stomach with metal particles are also used to track the presence of an allergic reaction of the body.

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Allergy to Nickel

Nickel is a metal that can be found in jewelry, buttons, belt buckles, scissors, kitchen utensils, stationery, and coins. It is also used in dental and orthopedic practices and is found in foods. Occupational contact with this substance in the workplace is another risk factor for the development of intolerance to such a metal. Therefore, due to its very widespread prevalence, nickel allergy is quite common.

Why does

Upon contact with this substance, some people experience sensitization, i.e., excessive sensitivity to it. A number of changes occur in the body, as a result of which a certain type of lymphocytes, the cells of the immune system, is produced to such an allergen.

Upon subsequent contact with nickel, lymphocytes with blood flow enter the skin area in contact with the metal. Against this background, a number of processes are launched that lead to the appearance of contact dermatitis.

How does it manifest

Symptoms of nickel allergy occur at least 10 to 14 days after exposure to the substance. The pathological process can proceed acutely and chronically. In the first case, redness, itchy nodules and vesicles, as well as larger blisters appear on the skin. The chronic form is characterized by flaking of the skin and an increase in its pattern.

Allergy to nickel in the umbilical region

Nickel allergy is usually suspected when a hypersensitivity reaction occurs on the skin of the face and ears when wearing low-quality jewelry. Symptoms appear on the wrists when in contact with metal bracelets and watches, and on the skin of the hands after contact with keys, coins and any other objects that contain nickel.

Most people who are hypersensitive to nickel experience itching and rashes around the navel. Such symptoms are caused by contact with metal buttons, and most often this occurs when wearing jeans.

How is it treated

Before starting therapy, it is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis provoked by nickel. To do this, special provocative tests are carried out, during which strips with allergens applied to them are glued to the skin.

The most important recommendation for patients with nickel intolerance is to completely avoid contact with it. But to achieve this is very difficult, for example, many people experience significant difficulties in choosing their wardrobe. It is recommended to replace zippers, buckles and buttons with products made of plastic. If this is not possible, these elements can be sealed with a plaster to prevent their direct contact with the skin.

All metal objects, interaction with which cannot be avoided, must be varnished. Moreover, you should carefully study the composition of the latter, since such products sometimes contain nickel. In order to reduce the intake of this substance with food, it is necessary to use kitchen utensils made of high-quality stainless steel, glass, ceramics, and clay.

With severe manifestations of allergies, the doctor prescribes medications. The most commonly used:

  • antihistamines (loratadine, cetirizine, levocetirizine, fexofenadine, desloratadine);
  • glucocorticosteroids for external application (advantan, elocom, afloderm).

If you suspect a nickel allergy, you should contact a specialist to confirm this diagnosis. After the diagnosis, the doctor will give his recommendations on lifestyle changes and, if necessary, prescribe drugs to eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis that has arisen.

  • Allergy 325
    • Allergic stomatitis 1
    • Anaphylactic shock 5
    • Urticaria 24
    • Quincke's edema 2
    • Pollinosis 13
  • Asthma 39
  • Dermatitis 245
    • Atopic dermatitis 25
    • Neurodermatitis 20
    • Psoriasis 63
    • Seborrheic dermatitis 15
    • Lyell's syndrome 1
    • Toxidermia 2
    • Eczema 68
  • General symptoms 33
    • Runny nose 33

Full or partial reproduction of site materials is possible only if there is an active indexed link to the source. All materials presented on the site are for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate, recommendations should be given by the attending physician during an internal consultation.

Allergy to Nickel

Metals are one of the most common irritants. Upon contact with them, severe damage to the body occurs. In this case, the reaction can occur both in the form of contact and food allergies.

Various metals affect the body. Nickel and nickel-chromium alloy have a particularly strong effect. They are widely used in industrial and jewelry production. Nickel allergy can occur in both adults and children.

Factors affecting the occurrence of the reaction

Negative changes in the body during an allergic reaction occur due to special manifestations of the human immune system. Allergy symptoms appear at the time of metal exposure to the body. In this case, the immune defense perceives nickel and nickel-chromium as harmful substances. The production of a mediator of an allergic reaction - histamine begins. It is he who is responsible for the occurrence of signs of damage.

Allergy to nickel has a cross character. If a person experiences negative changes in the body under the influence of palladium, cobalt, then a similar picture will be observed for the nickel-chromium alloy.

In children, the effect of metal on the body is less likely to cause allergies. However, allergy symptoms appear precisely because of the presence of a genetic predisposition.

Also, the appearance of signs of damage is influenced by the ecological situation. Symptoms of an allergic reaction most often occur in people living in megacities, cities with a low level of ecology. In this case, nickel literally fills the atmosphere.

The body may have an increased sensitivity to the constituents of the metal. Contact with nickel products may cause allergy symptoms. In women, negative changes occur when wearing earrings, chains. A man can be harmed by a wrist watch. Recently, a surge in allergic reactions has been observed in people who get pierced.

Many mistakenly believe that if you wear products made of gold and silver, then there will be no allergies. This statement is correct if the earrings, rings and chains are 100% precious metals. However, such products are difficult to find. After all, both silver and gold jewelry consist of an alloy that includes, in addition to the base metal, nickel and chromium. In this case, the reaction cannot be avoided.

Manifestations of an allergic reaction

An allergic reaction to nickel and nickel-chromium alloy has clear signs. Symptoms may appear on direct contact with the irritant. If a person eats food containing metal in the composition, then an allergy appears after 2-3 hours.

Symptoms are expressed as:

If nickel acts as a food irritant, then the symptoms are expressed as:

With strong exposure to the allergen, Quincke's edema may form. In this case, extensive urticaria appears and there is difficulty in breathing, which can lead to suffocation.

A characteristic feature of nickel allergy is the appearance of signs of damage during dental treatment. After all, many fillings are made with the addition of this metal. Symptoms of an allergic reaction can manifest as:

Since the integrity of their surface is violated during the treatment of teeth, an allergy can be accompanied by infection. In this case, the course of the disease is complicated.

The dentist must necessarily find out from the patient what substances cause an allergic reaction in his body. Sometimes the patient has an intolerance to some metal, which, when reacted with nickel, can give a complication. In this case, it is worth refusing to use materials containing them in the composition.

Allergy treatment

With contact allergies, it is important to completely eliminate the interaction with nickel. A woman should refuse earrings, rings, bracelets and chains containing metal. It is also necessary to monitor the reaction to gold and silver jewelry. A man needs to take off his watch, which causes irritation. It is worth refusing to wear a piercing, the earring of which contains nickel.

Allergies are treated with antihistamines. They stop the release of histamine by stabilizing mast cell membranes. Commonly used tools include:

They act on the surface of the skin, relieving itching, swelling, irritation. It is worth remembering that if the treatment includes taking first-generation drugs, then side effects may appear in the form of drowsiness, impaired concentration.

If the body is damaged by toxins, enterosorbents should be taken. They collect harmful substances and remove them through the intestines. Often assigned:

If the lesions of the skin are extensive, bring severe discomfort, then glucocorticosteroids are prescribed. Among them are Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone. They can be used in the form of intravenous injections, as well as ointments. But it is worth remembering that hormones are not used for more than five days. Otherwise, serious complications may occur after therapy.

During the treatment period, it is important to follow a special diet. It is necessary to exclude harmful and allergenic products. At the same time, food containing a large amount of vitamins should be added to the diet.

There is a list of products that can cause nickel cross-reactions. Excluded from the diet:

Among the products allowed during the period of compliance with the hypoallergenic diet, there are:

Take care of crockery and cutlery. They must be nickel free.

Some cosmetic products (shadows, mascara) can be made with the addition of nickel. Before buying them, you must carefully study the composition. Metal can also be added to tattoo ink. Therefore, the procedure for applying drawings to the skin should be postponed.

Allergic reactions to nickel are rare. But if it occurs, it can cause a serious blow to the body. Therefore, it is necessary to start treatment on time to avoid consequences.

Allergy to Nickel

Nickel allergy is a multifaceted disorder as it includes a variety of symptoms. Nickel is a metal that is found in many things and products that we come across every day in everyday life, from watches and belts to food. Thus, a person suffering from a nickel allergy needs to be very careful, such as knowing which foods can be eaten and which should be avoided.

Nickel Allergy Symptoms

Nickel allergy symptoms most often present as dermatitis and itching, predominantly on the face, arms, and legs. In addition, nickel allergy can also manifest itself as ulcers on the oral mucosa and on the gums.

Other possible symptoms include bloating, general malaise, nausea, and headache. If you have one or more of these conditions and disorders, you should see an allergist and have a simple and painless examination to confirm the diagnosis.

Causes of Nickel Allergy

Speaking about the causes of nickel allergy, it is important to note that until now, scientists cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion. However, many researchers are inclined to the hypothesis of its genetic origin. The immune system, as it were, “confuses” the allergen with a dangerous agent and fights it, as is the case with viruses or bacteria. This gives a reaction that usually appears as a rash.

Nickel allergy can occur at any age as a result of prolonged exposure to the allergen in the body.

Nickel Allergy Treatment

Can nickel allergy be cured? It is generally accepted that there is no single treatment program for nickel allergy and that symptom relief can only be temporary. However, there are some studies that have shown that desensitizing drugs can be invaluable for nickel allergy.

Medications address the symptoms, but not the root cause, of a nickel allergy. Certain medications are aimed primarily at controlling symptoms. These drugs include topical creams and ointments that contain corticosteroids and have excellent anti-inflammatory effects.

Corticosteroids may also be given orally, especially for more severe allergic reactions. Traditional antihistamines can also be used to relieve allergy symptoms. In any case, only an allergist can choose the right treatment program for you. All you can do is stop contact with the irritant and strengthen your immunity.

Unwanted Foods for Nickel Allergy

Nickel can be hidden in some cosmetics, jewelry, and food packaging. In order to avoid possible risks and prevent allergic reactions, it is advisable to avoid certain foods.

Foods to avoid include:

Foods that should be consumed in moderation include:

Safe Products

Cosmetics and tattoos for nickel allergy

To avoid nickel allergies, you should also pay attention to cosmetics, especially eye shadow and mascara, because they are used on particularly sensitive areas. Nickel should not be a constituent of cosmetic products.

Those who want to get a tattoo should be especially careful. It must be remembered that some tattoo inks contain nickel, so allergic reactions can occur, even if you have not been allergic to nickel before.

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    I am allergic to nickel. I really want to wear jewelry, and after that the ears or the place with which it comes into contact, itches a lot. Who is allergic to nickel, how do you save yourself?

    I am also allergic to nickel. I just don’t wear jewelry, cheap watches and straps for them. Only silver or gold. There is also irritation from rivets on jeans, but only one thing will help here - high shorts.

    If you like to wear jewelry, rings, watches and belts with nickel-containing buckles, the metal in contact with the skin can be covered with several coats of clear nail polish.

    When buying jewelry, you should ask about the nickel-free guarantee.

    The European Union has officially limited the nickel content in products that come into contact with human skin.

    on the buttons on the pants I sew patches of dense fabric from the inside. all watches have inserts made of some kind of metals, so I could never wear any watch. I'm hoping for an apple watch..

    Join now!

    All information on the website is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation. Check with your doctor, do not self-medicate!

    Post Views: 422

  • There is a certain number of people whose skin reacts inadequately to contact with various metals. Metal allergies can occur on belt buckles, dental prostheses, earrings, bracelets, etc.

    The conducted studies confirm the appearance of this disease in every tenth case of occurrence, when an allergy to metal and metal-containing alloys is clearly expressed. The place of localization is the area of ​​​​contact with the allergen.

    Particular discomfort appears when an allergy to metal occurs in contact with essentials: in the kitchen, at work. In addition, ordinary metal coins and jewelry can cause severe allergic symptoms.

    Reasons for the development of the disease

    Allergy to a metal, the causes of which are a special reaction of the immune system to foreign organisms, can manifest itself in different ways.

    1. The metal has the ability to release specific ions upon contact with the skin. Especially when interacting with sebaceous secretions and sweat. The secreted substances are able to easily penetrate the subcutaneous layer, manifesting negative symptoms.

    1. When entering the blood and tissue surface, metal microelements change the cellular protein, which leads to the perception by the immune system of its own cells as pathological. This causes an acute allergic attack.
    2. It is generally accepted that metal allergy is most common among urban residents. It is there that industry is most developed, the emissions of which contribute to the deterioration of the environmental situation, filling the air with harmful substances.
    3. Another reason for the appearance of a negative reaction is considered to be a large dose of the irritant, after which the person begins to suffocate, lacrimation and other typical signs of the disease are noted.
    4. The disease is most susceptible to people with a weakened immune system, after past illnesses and with a history of chronic diseases.

    1. In children, allergic diseases are most common. This is due to the immaturity of the immune system.
    2. In addition, genetic predisposition to allergic diseases and, specifically, to a certain type of metal, is of no small importance.

    Allergy to a metal can have an acute onset, or it can be latent, without obvious symptoms. However, in any case, at the first suspicion of this type of allergy, it is recommended to do all kinds of testing and perform specific tests to identify the allergen.

    Most allergenic metals

    Most often, an allergic reaction occurs as a result of contact with the following metals:

    1. Nickel

    This type of metal and alloys with its addition are widely used for the manufacture of decorative jewelry, as well as medical equipment, orthopedic products and buttons. Very rarely nickel is found in fish products, orange juice and chocolate. In this case, an allergic reaction is classified as a type of food allergy. To neutralize the symptoms, treatment is carried out with a hypoallergenic diet.

    2. Chrome

    It is most commonly used as anti-corrosion coatings and is found to a greater extent in paints.

    3. Aluminum

    This metal is used for the production of dishes, so the risk group is people who have close contact with these products (cooks, kitchen workers, etc.). In addition, aluminum is often added to antiperspirants.

    4. Cobalt

    It is added to popular cosmetic preparations and hair dyes, so women are mainly at risk.

    5. Zinc

    Cobalt has found wide application in dentistry. It is added to filling materials.

    6. Copper

    Mostly copper is used to make jewelry. In addition, coins are made from this metal.

    As a rule, metals come into contact with different areas of the skin, and allergic symptoms can be expressed depending on the location.

    Precious metals rarely cause negative manifestations. However, in the manufacture of jewelry, alloys are mainly used, and therefore there is an allergy to precious products. In this case, special treatment is required.

    Symptoms of the disease

    The most common symptoms of metal allergy are:

    • intolerable itching;
    • hyperthermia;
    • rashes at the point of contact with metal;

    • keratinization of the upper layers of the epidermis, accompanied by peeling;
    • redness of the skin, resembling a thermal burn.

    If you determine the symptoms of the disease in a timely manner and start treatment, you can avoid complications when an acute allergy attack can be caused by a bra fastener or a metal button on clothes.

    Allergy in dentistry

    The occurrence of allergic reactions to metals in dentistry deserves special attention.

    As a rule, concomitant symptoms are accompanied by regular pain in the oral cavity, diseases of stomatitis and the appearance of erosive inflammation in the mouth. In addition, the patient complains of a persistent metallic taste in the oral cavity.

    Therefore, special materials for dental crowns are often used in dentistry: titanium-ceramic, zirconium-ceramic, gold-ceramic.

    Treatment tactics

    First of all, the symptoms of an allergy in contact with metal directly depend on the state of the immune system. For recovery, it is recommended to perform various tests and preventive procedures, which include:

    • a balanced diet, including more fresh vegetables and fruits;
    • it is recommended to do hardening procedures;
    • it is important to spend more time outdoors;
    • a good effect is observed with dosed physical activity;
    • with obvious allergic symptoms, treatment involves the appointment of antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadin, etc.);

    • external treatment is recommended with the help of ointments (Advantan, Polcortolon, etc.). The treatment course is a week. The drugs have a strong activity, so they should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin with a very thin layer;
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