Antibiotic for influenza and colds. Analysis for bacterial infection. Drinking or injecting an antibiotic - which is better

Acute respiratory viral infections affect millions of people worldwide each year. Modern research has shown that the largest number of patients come to the doctor with symptoms of cough, runny nose, sore throat and fever.

Properly prescribed treatment can quickly alleviate the general condition of the patient. Therefore, the question arose which groups of drugs should be used in this situation, and what place antibiotics take in ARVI.

Antibiotics and their mechanism of action

Antibacterial drugs actively began to appear in the middle of the last century and became a real panacea for many infectious pathologies. They have helped to drastically reduce the mortality rate, reduce the risk of dangerous complications and the occurrence of life-threatening conditions during surgical operations.

The mechanism of action of antibiotics is associated with their ability to block protein synthesis, or disrupt the structural integrity of microbial membranes. This leads to further impossibility of reproduction of pathogenic flora. There is also an increase in the sensitivity of microflora to immunological reactions and cell lysis.

A very important characteristic of any antibacterial drug is its spectrum of action, that is, the list of microflora against which it has an effective effect.

Antibiotics for SARS in adults are usually used for infections caused by bacterial pathogens. Sometimes some of their medicines are prescribed for fungal pathology.

But antibacterial drugs do not work on viruses. This means that in a common acute respiratory viral infection, the use of antibiotics will not bring any benefit. On the contrary, undesirable side effects from drugs can very often occur, and the general condition of the patient often worsens.

The modern role of antibacterial drugs in ARVI

In modern recommendations for acute respiratory viral infections without complications, it is strictly forbidden to prescribe antibiotics. But, there are a number of situations in which their use is simply necessary. First of all, we are talking about the addition of a bacterial infection.

This is due to the fact that often with viral pathology there is an increase in the load on the immune system, which can be in a different state. In some people who do not have concomitant chronic diseases (diabetes mellitus, coronary disease, immunodeficiency states), the body is able not only to
suppress pathogens, but also maintain resistance to the penetration of new viruses or bacteria. The risk of complications in ARVI in such patients is minimal, and the need for antibiotics almost never arises.

The second category of patients is more susceptible to the development of a new infectious pathology in ARVI. First of all, they include children who have not yet fully formed the immune system. In addition, the presence of chronic pathologies (especially in the elderly), HIV infection, and the period of pregnancy also affect the functional resistance of the body.

It is worth noting that it is far from necessary that a bacterial infection should enter the body from the external environment. In the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract of any person, you can find a large number of microorganisms that do not lead to the development of any pathology.

This conditionally pathogenic microflora is able to actively multiply and become the cause of the disease in a situation where the resistance of the body's defense mechanisms decreases.

Indications for the use of antibiotics in ARVI

Only the attending physician can prescribe antibacterial drugs for acute respiratory viral infection. Most often, he focuses on the clinical picture of the disease. Usually, the following clinical signs testify in favor of the addition of bacterial pathology:

  • an increase in body temperature after its normalization in previous days;
  • increased cough, increased sputum and a change in character (color, texture);
  • the appearance of pain in the chest (usually one-sided);
  • an increase in the symptoms of intoxication (headache, weakness, fatigue);
  • the appearance of pain in the throat with heaviness when swallowing;
  • hoarseness in the voice;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath during physical exertion or in a state of calm (in the absence of these symptoms before the onset of the disease).

It also helps the doctor in diagnosing pathology by conducting a general blood test. Characteristic signs of a bacterial infection appear in it - an increase in the number of leukocytes, neutrophils, a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left and an increase in ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate). To confirm pneumonia, an x-ray of the chest cavity is also performed.

Bacteriological examination has the greatest diagnostic value. For its implementation, mucus is taken from the back wall of the nasopharynx, sputum, pleural fluid or blood. This test will accurately identify the pathogen that caused the pathology.

Additionally, the sensitivity of the bacterial flora to various antibiotics is examined, which allows the attending physician to most accurately select the necessary therapy for the patient. Among the disadvantages of this method is the duration.

The doctor receives the result only 2-3 days after the test, while it is necessary to choose the method of treatment and drugs immediately.

Bacteriological examination is of great importance in difficult diagnostic situations, with a serious condition of the patient and the ineffectiveness of previous therapy.

Rules for conducting antibiotic therapy for ARVI

Antibacterial therapy requires the patient to follow a few simple rules. First, you can not self-medicate with antibacterial drugs. Only a qualified doctor has the right to prescribe and cancel antibiotics for influenza and SARS after assessing the symptoms of the disease and conducting all the necessary studies. Self-medication often leads to the occurrence of undesirable drug effects and complications.

The patient must also comply with the medication regimen recommended by the doctor. Usually you need to take the drug at the same time of day in the required dosage. You can not reduce or increase the amount of medication without the instructions of a doctor. If you miss taking an antibiotic, you need to take it as soon as possible, and then continue the course of treatment as usual.

If antibiotics are prescribed for ARVI in the form of tablets or capsules, then they should only be washed down with plain water. Dairy products, carbonated drinks, coffee or strong tea1 are not recommended for this purpose, as they may alter the chemical and pharmaceutical properties of the preparations.

While taking certain antibiotics (fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, aminoglycosides), complications from individual body systems may develop. Therefore, when prescribing them, it is necessary to conduct a number of laboratory and instrumental studies in order to monitor the state of the patient's functional indicators.

With the development of any symptoms that can be interpreted as side effects, the patient or his relatives are advised to immediately consult a doctor. He will be able to adequately assess the patient's condition and give the necessary recommendations.

What antibiotics are used for SARS

For the treatment of bacterial complications of SARS, not all groups of antibacterial drugs are used. This choice is due to the characteristics of the microflora, which most often causes the development of the inflammatory process.

Scientific studies have shown that staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Legionella, Klebsiella and Moraxella are sown during bacteriological studies.

The second component that influences the choice of drug is the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to specific antibiotics. The following groups of medicines from the list are most often used in clinical practice:

  • penicillins (ampicillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin + clavulanic acid);
  • cephalosporins (ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, cefotaxime);
  • macrolides (azithromycin, clarithromycin, erythromycin);
  • fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, gatifloxacin, lomefloxacin).

Each group of antibiotics has its own indications.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of the drug is carried out 3 days after the start of therapy according to clinical and laboratory signs.

Characteristics of individual groups of antibiotics

They are the most ancient group of antibacterial drugs. It has been actively used in clinical practice since the 1940s. Penicillins have a bactericidal effect against a large number of pathogens. But the development of microflora resistance to these drugs is noted. In acute respiratory viral infections, penicillins are prescribed mainly in the event of bacterial pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, or community-acquired pneumonia without complications.

Among the positive aspects of medicines is low toxicity, which allows the use of this type of antibiotics in patients of any age. However, quite often, when using them, various allergic reactions occur (urticaria, allergic reactions, Quincke's edema).

The most commonly prescribed drugs from this group are penicillin, ampicillin, amoxicillin (as well as its combination with clavulanic acid). They are produced in the form of a powder for the preparation of intramuscular or intravenous injections, as well as tablets and capsules for oral administration.


Cephalosporins, like penicillins, belong to the group of beta-lactam antibiotics. Their mechanism of action is due to the ability to disrupt the integrity of the cell membranes of pathogenic microorganisms and lead to their lysis. To cephalosporins, there is a lower frequency of resistance. They are actively prescribed for bacterial sinusitis, otitis media, community-acquired pneumonia, tonsillitis and laryngitis. Mostly cephalosporins are used in stationary conditions, since, with the exception of a few medicines, they are produced only in the form of a powder for injection.

Antibiotics are prescribed for at least 5 days. With caution, it is necessary to use them in the presence of functional insufficiency of the excretory system. Cephalosporins are also characterized by a high frequency of allergic reactions, therefore, before their first appointment, it is necessary to conduct a test for hypersensitivity to these drugs. The most commonly used are ceftriaxone, cefoperazone, cefotaxime, cefepime, cefazolin.


Macrolides are a group of antibiotics that are most often used for bacterial complications of viral infections on an outpatient basis. These medicines block protein synthesis by microorganisms, which makes it impossible for them to reproduce further. This mechanism is called bacteriostatic. Macrolides are characterized by the accumulation of the antibiotic in the tissues and at the site of the pathogenic process.

They can be prescribed from early childhood, due to the low toxicity of drugs. Among the indications for the use of macrolides are bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis, sinusitis, community-acquired pneumonia without complications. The course of taking macrolides is from 3 to 7 days, depending on the drug.

The most famous representatives of macrolides are azithromycin, clarithromycin, spiramycin, josamycin. They are produced in the form of tablets, capsules or syrup for children.


Fluoroquinolones are usually referred to as reserve drugs for bacterial complications of SARS. They have a powerful bactericidal action against aerobic and anaerobic flora. However, fluoroquinolones are at the same time quite toxic medicines, which is why they can be prescribed to children under 12 years of age and to pregnant women only for health reasons.

Fluoroquinolones, and especially their latest generations, are the drugs of choice for severe out-of-hospital, aspiration pneumonia. In addition, they are very effective in the presence of concomitant disorders of the immune system and in a serious condition of the patient. The most commonly prescribed fluoroquinolones are:

  • gatifloxacin;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • sparfloxacin;
  • moxifloxacin;
  • ofloxacin;
  • lomefloxacin.

These antibiotics are used with caution in chronic pathologies of the patient's hepatobiliary and excretory systems. During the course of therapy, it is also necessary to regularly monitor the levels of creatinine, urea, bilirubin, AsAT, AlAT and thymol test.


The video talks about how to quickly cure a cold, flu or SARS. The opinion of an experienced doctor.

It is publicly known. But, despite the fact that this is well known to specialists, patients often take antibacterial agents for a viral infection simply “for prevention”. After all, when patients with a cold are advised to follow those well-known rules that are relevant in the treatment of such diseases, it seems to many that drinking plenty of fluids, eating foods with vitamins, staying in bed, gargling is not enough to cure the disease. Therefore, many either begin to take strong antibiotics on their own, or practically “beg” a specialist to prescribe them any drugs.

Many think of what they ask on the forums, which is better to drink the drug for a cold. And they are treated according to advice, without prescriptions and appointments. Moreover, at present, it is not difficult to purchase such a medicine without a doctor's prescription, although most antibacterial agents should be sold by prescription.

Very often, such mistakes are made by parents who simply do not know when to give their child an antibiotic. Many pediatricians prefer to "play it safe" and prescribe such medicines to cold babies simply "for the purpose of prevention" in order to prevent complications in the future.

But in fact, the best way to treat a cold in a child is to follow the same traditional advice about drinking plenty of water, moistening and ventilating the room, using auxiliary folk methods, and symptomatic application of fever remedies. After a while, the body will overcome the attack of a viral respiratory infection.

Actually, the appointment of antibiotics for colds is associated precisely with the desire to prevent the development of complications. After all, preschoolers in the modern world really coexist with a high risk of developing complications.

Not every kid the immune system works flawlessly. Therefore, many pediatricians, trying to be safe from being accused of incompetence later, prescribe such medicines to babies.

It is important to understand that it is useless to drink antibiotics for colds in most cases, since most colds with and without fever are of viral origin. And this means that it is useless to take antibacterial medicines in case of a cold.

It is better to drink antibiotics if certain complications develop after a viral attack, bacterial infection , localized in the nasal or oral cavity, bronchi, lungs.

About what to drink with a cold without a temperature, whether it is possible to drink antibiotics at a temperature, and in what cases it is worth taking antibacterial agents, we will discuss below.

Whether it is possible to define or determine by analyzes, what antibiotics are necessary?

Currently, far from every case, laboratory tests are carried out that can confirm that the infection is bacterial in nature. Carrying out crops of urine, sputum are expensive tests, and they are performed infrequently. An exception is swabs from the nose and pharynx when on Lefleur's wand (this is the trigger). Also, when carrying out selective crops of the separated tonsils , urine cultures in patients with urinary tract pathologies.

Changes in the parameters of a clinical blood test are indirect signs of the development of a bacterial inflammatory process. In particular, the doctor is guided by an increased indicator , increase in the number, shift to the left of the leukocyte formula.

How to determine that complications are developing?

To understand which drug is better to give to a child or an adult, it is important to determine whether there are complications. You can independently suspect that bacterial complications of the disease are developing, according to the following signs:

  • The color of the discharge from the bronchi, nose, pharynx, ear changes - it becomes cloudy, becomes greenish or yellowish.
  • If a bacterial infection joins, the temperature often rises again.
  • If a bacterial infection affects the urinary system, then the urine becomes cloudy, a sediment may appear in it.
  • Damage to the intestines leads to the appearance of mucus, blood or pus in the stool.

Complications of SARS can be determined by the following signs:

  • After improvement for about 5-6 days, the temperature rises again to 38 degrees and above; health worsens, cough worries,; when coughing or taking a deep breath, it hurts in the chest - all these signs may indicate the development pneumonia .
  • In the case of temperature, sore throats become more intense, plaque appears on the tonsils, lymph nodes in the neck increase - these signs require exclusion diphtheria .
  • With the appearance of pain in the ear, if it flows from the ear, it can be assumed that it develops.
  • If during rhinitis the voice becomes nasal, the sense of smell is lost, it hurts in the forehead or face, and the pain intensifies when the person leans forward, then the inflammatory process of the paranasal sinuses develops.

In such a situation, it is necessary to select antibiotics for a cold very competently. Which antibiotic is better for an adult with a cold, or which antibiotics for children with a cold it is advisable to use, only the doctor decides. After all, the choice of such drugs depends on many factors.

  • the person's age;
  • localization of the complication;
  • the patient's history;
  • drug tolerance;
  • resistance to antibiotics.

The names of children's antibiotics for colds, the names of injections and the names of antibiotics for colds and flu for adults can be found on any medical site on the net, and their list is very wide. But this does not mean that you can drink good antibiotics for colds simply “for prevention” if there are signs of complications. Even an antibacterial agent, in which 3 tablets per package, can worsen the patient's condition, negatively affecting his immune system .

Therefore, you should not be guided by the advice of friends about the fact that this or that drug is good, inexpensive and you should not drink broad-spectrum antibiotics in any case. Which antibiotics to take for a cold should be determined exclusively by the attending physician.

When not to take antibiotics for uncomplicated SARS?

With a cold, with ENT diseases or SARS, passing without complications, antibiotics do not need to be taken in such cases:

  • if with mucus and pus lasts less than 10-14 days;
  • when the virus develops conjunctivitis ;
  • in case of a viral tonsillitis ;
  • at nasopharyngitis ;
  • in the case of development, however, sometimes in an acute condition with a high temperature, taking antibacterial agents is still necessary;
  • in the case of a child;
  • when it appears on the lips.

When should antibiotics be taken for uncomplicated SARS?

Antibiotics for ARVI without complications are prescribed in such situations:

  • If signs of a deterioration in immunity are determined: the temperature constantly rises to subfebrile levels, colds and viral diseases of the baby overcome more than five times a year, inflammatory and fungal diseases in a chronic form, a person has HIV, congenital pathologies of immunity or oncological diseases.
  • When blood diseases develop - aplastic anemia, .
  • Babies up to 6 months old rickets , underweight, malformations.

In this case, antibiotics for SARS in adults and especially antibiotics for SARS in children are prescribed by a doctor. In such patients with acute respiratory infections, the doctor should monitor the state of the body.

Indications for the use of such drugs are:

  • Angina bacterial - it is important to immediately exclude diphtheria , for which swabs are taken from the nose and throat. With such a disease, macrolides are used or.
  • , bronchiectasis , exacerbation of chronic bronchitis or acute bronchitis - use macrolides (). Sometimes an x-ray is needed to rule out pneumonia.
  • Purulent - use the latest generation of broad-spectrum antibiotics, sometimes you need to consult a surgeon or hematologist.
  • in an acute form - an otolaryngologist performs an otoscopy, after which he prescribes cephalosporins or macrolides.
  • Pneumonia - after the condition has been confirmed by x-ray, semi-synthetic drugs are prescribed penicillins .
  • , sinusitis , ethmoiditis - X-rays are taken and clinical signs are evaluated to establish a diagnosis.

If complications develop against the background of a viral infection, then, taking into account the age, severity of the disease, and medical history, the doctor determines which antibiotics to drink. These can be such medicines:

  • Penicillin series - if the patient does not have allergic reactions to penicillins, semi-synthetic penicillins are prescribed. These are the means. If a patient develops a severe resistant infection, then doctors prefer to prescribe so-called "protected penicillins" ( amoxicillin +clavulanic acid ): , . These are first-line drugs for angina.
  • Macrolides - as a rule, are used for mycoplasma, chlamydial pneumonia, as well as for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. These are means ( , Zetamax , and etc.). The drug is the drug of choice for the treatment of bronchitis.
  • The cephalosporin series is a means (, Suprax and etc.), Cefuroxime axetil ( , supero , Aksetin ) and etc.
  • Fluoroquinolones - these drugs are prescribed if the patient does not tolerate other antibiotics or if bacteria are resistant to penicillin drugs. These are the means Plevilox , Avelox , Moximac ), ( , Tavanik , and etc.).

Cannot be used to treat children fluoroquinolones . These drugs are considered "reserve" drugs because they may be needed in adulthood to treat infections that are resistant to other drugs.

It is very important that the prescription of antibiotics and the choice of what is best for a cold is done by a doctor. The specialist must act in such a way as to provide the most effective assistance to the patient. At the same time, the appointment should be such that it does not harm the person in the future.

Already, scientists identify a very serious problem associated with antibiotics. The fact is that pharmacological companies do not take into account the fact that the resistance of pathogens to antibacterial agents is constantly growing, and provide users with new drugs that could be in reserve for a certain time.

So, it is important to understand that antibiotics are indicated for taking with a bacterial infection, while the origin of colds in most cases (up to 90%) is viral. Therefore, the use of antibiotics in this case is not only useless, but also harmful.

The question of whether it is possible to take antibiotics and antivirals at the same time is also inappropriate in this case, since such a combination aggravates the overall burden on the body.

It should be borne in mind that antibiotics have a pronounced negative effect. They inhibit the function of the kidneys and liver, worsen, provoke allergic manifestations and . Therefore, the question of whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to drink such medicines must be treated very soberly.

You can not use antibacterial agents for the purpose of prevention. Some parents give their children antibiotics for a runny nose in order to prevent complications. But antibiotics for a runny nose in adults and children is a completely wrong approach, as with other manifestations of a cold. It is important to contact a specialist in time, who will be able to timely identify the complications of the disease and only then prescribe such drugs. With a runny nose for children, it is initially necessary to take those measures that are not associated with taking synthetic medicines.

To determine whether antibiotics are working, you can see if the temperature drops. The effectiveness of antibiotic therapy is proved by the fact that the temperature drops to 37-38 degrees, and the general condition improves. If this relief does not occur, the antibiotic should be replaced with another one.

Evaluate the effect of the drug should be for three days. Only after this, the medicine, in the absence of action, is replaced.

With frequent and uncontrolled use of antibacterial agents, resistance to them develops. Accordingly, each time a person will need stronger medicines or the use of two different means at once.

You can't take antibiotics for the flu, as many do. Means against influenza, which is a viral disease, the doctor prescribes based on the patient's condition. The question of which antibiotics to drink for influenza arises only in the event of a serious deterioration in the patient's condition.

For the treatment of respiratory diseases, medications are used that have a directed action and affect the cause of the disease. Such therapy in medicine is usually called etiological. It is able to overcome microbes and stop their reproduction. To combat colds and flu, you need to choose the right medications. Some patients, wanting to quickly cure the disease, begin to take antibiotics at the first symptoms of the disease. But is it right to treat a cold with antibiotics?

Colds and flu are viral diseases that often appear during the season of exacerbation. Microbes are transmitted both by airborne droplets and by contact with a sick person. The symptoms are always abrupt. The main symptoms appear as follows.

  • Swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • Runny nose.
  • Cough.
  • Redness of the throat with the formation of white or pink granules.
  • Tonsillitis.
  • Sore throat.
  • Pain during swallowing.
  • Increase in body temperature.

Treating a cold at the first sign

If the patient has a manifestation of the first symptoms, then treatment is best done without the use of drugs, and even more so antibiotics. In such a situation, the patient is given several important recommendations. These include the following recommendations.

  1. Compliance with bed rest.
  2. Consumption of large amounts of liquid.
  3. Compliance with nutrition. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins.
  4. Gargling with infusions of herbs.
  5. Washing the nose with saline, saline, furacilin or decoctions of chamomile and sage.
  6. Carrying out inhalations.
  7. Carrying out foot baths, warming up with compresses and rubbing. These procedures can be carried out if the patient does not have a temperature.

Treatment of colds and flu with medicines

If, when the first symptoms appear, the patient manages to take action, then the cold goes away by itself. But often patients are delayed with this, as a result of which the disease begins to progress further.
In such a situation, doctors prescribe antiviral drugs to patients. These drugs have stimulant properties. Therefore, when using them, the immune function is increased. It is worth remembering that a viral infection stays in the body for at least a week, but gradually the symptoms subside. If three to four days after the start of taking antiviral agents in an adult, there is no improvement, then a bacterial form has joined the viral form. The danger of this form is that the bacteria will not disappear on their own. In addition, they can affect the pharynx, sinuses, respiratory tract and ear. If you do not continue treatment, complications may occur in the form of pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis, meningitis.

Treating a cold with antibiotics

Antibiotics for colds should be taken only if antiviral agents do not help at all and there is a deterioration in the condition. Then the question arises, what antibiotics to drink for a cold?

Many antibacterial agents are sold in pharmacy kiosks, but each of them has an effect on certain microorganisms. The list of the most effective drugs is usually attributed to the following.

  1. Amoxicillin. A good antibiotic for colds, which is prescribed in most cases. It effectively copes with various infections of the respiratory tract, ENT organs, urinary system and meningitis. Available in two forms: capsules and powder for suspension. It is used to treat not only adults, but also newborns and children. The treatment course should last from five to twelve days, based on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease. Contraindications include allergic reactions, liver failure, infectious-type mononucleosis, dysbacteriosis, breastfeeding period. Amoxicillin is one of the cheapest and most affordable antibacterial drugs.
  2. Flemoxin Solutab. Antibiotic, which is available in tablets. Is . Assign both adults and children, based on the dosage. For children, the medicine is mixed with a little water or breast milk. You need to take it according to the scheme: for children under ten years old, three tablets per day, for adults, take two tablets per day. The course of treatment lasts no more than seven days.
  3. Ospamox. The active substance also releases amoxicillin. It has a wide spectrum of activity and has antimicrobial properties. It is indicated in the treatment of many diseases in the form of meningitis, respiratory tract, ENT organs, urinary system, endocarditis, diseases of the skin and soft tissues. The drug is produced in three forms: tablets, capsules and suspensions. It is prescribed for children from the first month of life.

Such antibiotics for colds have a wide range of effects. They belong to the group of semi-synthetic penicillins. They also have a large list of advantages in the form of:

  • reliability;
  • efficiency;
  • the occurrence of a minimum of side effects;
  • permission for use during gestation and in childhood.

But some microorganisms are resistant to these drugs. Then what antibiotics to take for a cold in this case? This includes the name of antibiotics for colds, such as:

  1. Amoxiclav. It is prescribed for acute and chronic respiratory diseases. It has a wide spectrum of action on microorganisms such as streptococci of all kinds, echinococci and listeria. Susceptible to Amoxiclav and other bacteria in the form of bordetella, brucella, salmonella. Available in the form of tablets and powder for suspension. This antibiotic can be taken by children from three months. As contraindications include an allergic manifestation to cephalosporins, the presence of colitis, liver and kidney failure.
  2. Flemoclav Solutab. This remedy is taken for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in the form of pharyngitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, chronic bronchitis, otitis media and sinusitis. The main contraindications include children under twelve years of age, susceptibility to the components of the drug and liver failure. Such an antibiotic is shown for colds to an adult at a dosage of 875 milligrams + 125 milligrams of the drug. It is possible to use in children only after consultation with a specialist and under strict control.
  3. Augmentin. Bacteria in the form of streptococci, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Enterobacteria, Proteus are susceptible to this drug. Augmentin is produced in the form of tablets and powder for the preparation of a suspension, as it is intended for the treatment of both adults and children. An antibiotic is prescribed for acute respiratory infections, sinusitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

In addition to the fact that they include penicillin in the form of amoxiclav, they also include clavulanic acid, which is aimed at compensating for the lack of effectiveness of this substance.

There is also an alternative list of cephalosporin-based antibacterials that are prescribed to adults for flu and colds. These include the following drugs.

  1. Zinnat. A drug that is prescribed for the treatment of diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, with infection of the chest after surgery, with ENT infections. Available in two forms: suspensions and tablets. The duration of the treatment course is no more than seven days. Adults should take two tablets per day. It is possible to use in young children under the supervision of a physician, since the drug has many side effects.
  2. Suprax. It is considered one of the best medicines that is prescribed against flu and colds. The main contraindications include children under six months of age, breastfeeding and allergic manifestations. With extreme caution, drinking antibiotics for a cold is necessary for the elderly and those suffering from kidney failure.

Taking antibiotics for colds and flu

You need to take the drug once a day. The treatment course should not exceed ten days.

Many patients wonder which antibiotic is better to take for a cold. Antibiotics for colds are selected according to the following factors.

  • Location of infection.
  • The age of the patient.
  • Symptoms.
  • Individual drug tolerance.
  • The state of the immune system.

In any case, only a specialist should prescribe antibiotics for a cold, based on the following signs.

  • Subfebrile condition.
  • Colds and viral diseases more than five times a year.
  • Chronic and fungal infections.
  • Congenital pathologies of the immune system.
  • Oncological diseases.

Taking antibiotics for flu and colds is recommended based on the following indications.

  1. . Treatment is carried out with the help of drugs, which include macrolides and penicillins.
  2. Purulent lymphadenitis. Treatment is carried out by means that have a wide range of effects.
  3. Acute bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic forms of diseases, laryngotracheitis. They require treatment with macrolides. But before that, an x-ray of the chest area is prescribed to exclude pneumonia.
  4. Acute otitis. The doctor first examines with an otoscope. After that, he chooses an antibiotic based on a cephalosporin or a macrolide.

Antibiotic treatment during pregnancy

A cold can affect not only children and adults, but also expectant mothers. Therefore, during the gestation period, many are interested in what antibiotic to take for a cold. The question is quite difficult, since it is important to evaluate the benefits and harms for the development of the unborn baby. It is worth remembering that it is not recommended to take cold remedies on your own. The best option is to see a doctor as soon as possible.

It is possible to treat various diseases during pregnancy with the help of antibiotics, which contain penicillin or a macrolide. Permitted names include the following.

  • Erythromycin.
  • Azithromycin.
  • Ampicillin.
  • Oxacillin.

They are classified as broad-spectrum antibiotics, as they have antimicrobial and antibacterial properties. The expectant mother must strictly follow the instructions of the doctor. You need to drink antibiotics for colds and flu, observing the dosage. In no case should it be reduced, otherwise the opposite effect will occur. Then it will be much harder to overcome the infection. It is also worth remembering that if the doctor prescribed antibiotics for the flu during the gestation period, then you should not think about it. The thing is that the infection is more dangerous for the development and life of the baby than taking medication.

Three pills for a cold

Among the people there is such a thing as " three". In fact, under this name lies the antibiotics Azithromycin and Clarithromycin. They contain macrolides that are able to overcome bacteria of any kind. These strong antibiotics for colds are enough to take once a day. To overcome the development of infection in the respiratory tract, it is enough to drink them all three days. Therefore, the standard form of the drug consists of only three tablets. These funds are prohibited for use in children under one year old.

There are many antibacterial agents that are inexpensive and readily available. But what antibiotics to take for a cold can only be decided by a doctor. The thing is that such drugs can have an adverse effect on the body. To all this, in order to avoid side effects in the form of diarrhea, dysbacteriosis and the manifestation of allergies, antihistamines, probiotics and prebiotics are prescribed. It is recommended to exclude chocolate, caffeinated drinks and citrus fruits from the diet.

The average child gets colds and SARS at least 1-2 times a year. This usually happens when the season suitable for diseases begins - spring or autumn. And often parents are faced with the question of whether to give the baby antibiotics for a cold? To understand this, you need to clearly understand what a cold is.

We used to call this word everything that causes us to sneeze, cough, runny nose, fever, etc. Even the herpes simplex virus, which pops up on the lip and itches disgustingly, we also dubbed the common cold. In the broad popular sense, a cold is the flu, and SARS, and acute respiratory infections, and laryngitis-tracheitis, and much more.

In fact, a cold is hypothermia, as a result of which opportunistic microflora begins to divide and multiply in the body at an unprecedented speed.

Colds are the result of hypothermia

Most colds are caused by bacteria. And the flu, SARS, herpes simplex virus are viral illnesses. ARI can be both bacterial and viral in nature.

And now about antibiotics. Any, even the most modern, the best antibiotic of the latest generation is completely powerless against viruses. Therefore, with ARVI, influenza, and partially with acute respiratory infections, taking antibiotics is pointless and merciless. But in the fight against a genuine cold of bacterial origin, they will be the foundation, the basis of correct and competent treatment.

However, as with any rule, there are exceptions to this. And with ARVI, the children's doctor prescribes antibiotics. Why and when does this happen?

Even the best antibiotic is powerless against viruses

Suitable antibiotics


With ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), the child does not need antibiotics. You can easily get by with antivirals and other medications depending on the symptoms (antipyretics, expectorants, antihistamines). The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky generally insists that drugs for a viral infection are not needed, since the child's immunity must learn to cope with external threats.

You can easily find out what the doctor thinks on this topic by watching this video:

But all this is true only until a bacterial infection joins the viral infection. And this happens very often.

Here are the complications - then viral ailments just require antibiotic treatment. Usually it is tonsillitis, otitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia or even meningitis.

Sinusitis should be treated with antibiotics

To reliably know whether a child develops a bacterial infection, a special examination of a smear from the larynx and nose is required. It can be done only in a bacteriological laboratory, and not every clinic has such. And if you are lucky and you live in a city where such a laboratory is available, then you will have to wait 10-14 days for the result of the analysis.

Time, as we understand it, is precious. Especially when it comes to the health of young children. Therefore, the doctor is guided, as they say, "by eye." And he often prescribes antibiotics "just in case" in order to protect himself from possible legal consequences that may occur if the baby has a complication, and parents accuse the specialist of improper treatment.

When sick, the doctor often prescribes antibiotics "just in case"

Here, it is important for moms and dads to remember that taking antibiotics for a viral infection is by no means a guarantee that SARS complications can be avoided. Scientists even found out that there is some kind of dependence: in patients who, by mistake or mistake, took antibiotics for a viral infection, unwanted complications occurred almost 20% more often. In those who treated a viral infection with antiviral drugs, negative health effects occur much less frequently.

The idea of ​​a bacterial complication of a viral infection, and, accordingly, of the need to prescribe antibiotics, should come to the minds of parents and doctors under certain circumstances in the following cases:

  • If a child with ARVI does not feel better on the fifth day after the start of therapy. Or a short-term improvement was replaced by a sharp deterioration in well-being.
  • If the baby is less than three months old, and he gets worse at a temperature above 38 °, which cannot be reduced for more than three days.
  • If the child has suddenly enlarged lymph nodes.
  • If the cough does not go away for more than 10 days.
  • If there is purulent mucous discharge from the nose or inclusions of pus in the sputum.
  • If there is a severe headache and pain in the forehead and maxillary sinuses.
  • If there is pain in the ears or fluid comes out of the ears.

If even on the fifth day after the onset of the disease there is no improvement, then you need to go to the pharmacy for antibiotics

In all these cases, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. A list of some of the names of drugs that can prescribe your little one:

  • "Flemoxin Solutab". An antibiotic of the penicillin family. It comes in the form of tablets that are easy to dissolve in water, you can also let your child swallow them whole or just dissolve them. Flemoxin Solutab has a pleasant fruity taste. To prepare a syrup, it is enough to dissolve one tablet in water (20 ml.) So that a suspension comes out - one tablet is diluted with water in an amount of 100 ml. The amount of the drug for children should be calculated individually, based on the age of the patient, his body weight and the characteristics of the course of the disease. Crumbs from birth to a year can be given no more than 60 mg. drugs per kilogram of body weight of the child per day. Children from 1 to 3 years old are prescribed 250 ml of the drug (2 doses per day) at regular intervals. Children from 3 to 5 years old - give 250 mg three times a day. For young patients aged 5 to 10 years, a single dose of an antibiotic is 375 mg. This amount should be taken two or three times a day.

  • "Amoxiclav". Combined semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic - wagon. It can be given to babies from three months. The drug can be found in pharmacists in various pharmacy forms: dry powder for self-preparation of a suspension, tablets, powder for the preparation of oral drops, and a dry substance for diluting injections. The dosage of powder for suspension, in the form in which doctors most often try to prescribe an antibiotic to children, must be calculated very carefully. To do this, manufacturers have provided packages with measuring spoons. Crumbs from three months to a year are given ½ teaspoon of the finished solution three times a day. Tots from 1 to 7 years old - put a whole teaspoon of the suspension (three times a day). School-age children (7-14 years old) - two teaspoons three times a day. For adolescents over 14, Amoxiclav is available in tablet form.

  • Ecoclave. An antibiotic of the penicillin family. Available in tablet form and dry matter for home-mixing suspensions. Children under 3 months old can receive a daily dose of an antibiotic at the rate of 30 mg. drug per 1 kg of the child's weight in 2 doses per day. Babies from 3 months old take the medicine three times a day at an average dosage of 20 to 40 mg. antibiotic per 1 kilogram of the child's weight. The exact dosage depends on the degree of complexity of the disease. Children weighing more than 40 kilograms can take adult doses of the drug.

  • "Augmentin". Universal semi-synthetic penicillin antibiotic. In pharmacists, it is present in the form of coated tablets, powder for home-made suspensions and dry matter for dilution (for injection). Children are usually prescribed a suspension. Preparing it is simple - add chilled boiled water into the bottle to the desired mark. The finished solution should not be stored for more than 7 days. For children from 2 to 12 years old, the dose of the drug is calculated according to the formula 40 mg. funds for 1 kg. weight in three doses per day. Children over 12 years old can take tablets. For crumbs from 0 to 2 years, the drug is prescribed with caution, since clinical trial data on children of this age are not enough.

  • Cefuroxime Axetil. Quite a powerful antibiotic of the cephalosporin family. In a pharmacy, you can buy granules, from which you can then prepare a suspension. Also, the drug exists in the form of tablets and dry powders for injection. Children's dosage of antibiotic - from 30 to 100 mg. funds per 1 kg. body weight of the child. The resulting amount is divided into three to four single doses. Most often, the optimal dosage in the treatment of children is 60 mg. drug per 1 kilogram of the child's weight. Crumbs from 0 to 3 months are usually prescribed a dose of 30 mg. drug per 1 kg of baby's weight. The amount is divided into two or three single doses per day.

  • "Macropen". Macrolide antibiotic. Available in the form of tablets and granules, from which a suspension is prepared. Tablets are not prescribed for children under three years of age. The suspension should be taken depending on the weight of the child. If it is less than 5 kilograms, the daily dose is 131 mg, less than 10 kg. - about 260 mg. Six-year-old children weighing less than 20 kilograms should take a daily dose not exceeding 520 mg.

There are very effective strongest antibiotics Levofloxacin, Moxifloxacin. But they belong to the type of fluoroquinolones. The use of all drugs in this group in the treatment of children is strictly prohibited.

With a cold

As we already understood, a cold is not a specific independent disease, but a whole complex of various symptoms and manifestations caused by hypothermia, a decrease in immunity and, ultimately, an infection - bacterial. Rarely viral.

Most often, the pathogenic microflora in a frozen or wet child begins to become active in the nasal or oral cavity.

The appointment of an antibiotic for a cold will depend on how the disease manifests itself and what pathogen it is caused by. Most often, the “culprits” of a bacterial cold are microbes that even schoolchildren know by name: staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococci.

All these microorganisms feel great against the background of hypothermia of the child's body, fatigue of the baby, experienced stress, general weakening. In a favorable environment, they become "aggressive", so inflammation of the upper respiratory tract begins. Symptoms of such a cold are also known to everyone from young to old - a runny nose and cough.

Unlike a viral infection, which will start abruptly and proceed rapidly, with high fever and muscle pain, a bacterial cold will “gain momentum” smoothly. Symptoms will slowly get worse over several days.

With a cold

Many doctors believe that prescribing antibiotic therapy for a cold is like shooting down a sparrow with an airliner - it makes no sense, but it is costly and dangerous. However, with rhinitis caused by the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the nasal cavity, sometimes there is a need for such medicines. This usually happens when there is a risk of bacteria spreading to the sinuses or the inflammatory process has already become purulent (for example, purulent sinusitis).

Good antibiotics in such cases with a runny nose are drugs of the macrolide group:

  • "Erythromycin"
  • "Midecamycin"
  • "Cefaclor"
  • "Co-trimoxazole"
  • Ceprozil

Nasal drops with antibiotics have proven themselves well. They are convenient to use, in addition, the harmful effects of the antibiotic drug on the intestines and liver of the child are minimized, because the medicine gets immediately "as directed" - to the epicenter of bacterial reproduction and helps to cure the child quite quickly.

  • "Novoimanin" - drops with a natural antibiotic of plant origin. In their composition - St. John's wort extract. Available in the form of an alcohol solution (1%). This solution is diluted with glucose, distilled water or a sterile anestezin solution in the proportions indicated in the annotation, and dripped into the nose. No side effects were found in the drops.
  • "Framycetin" - drops with antibiotic aminoglycoside. Available as a spray and ready-to-use nasal drops. Children are recommended to use the drug three times a day.
  • "Isofra" This drug is non-toxic, and it can be used to treat even the smallest children. It is produced in the form of a spray, which greatly simplifies the task for parents - splashing the medicine is always easier than dripping. Children can take Isofra three times a day.

When coughing

Cough is the body's defense mechanism, and it can be a symptom of dozens of different illnesses. We will only talk about cough - a companion of a cold. Moreover, the satellite is of bacterial origin.

Not a single doctor can determine by the sound of a cough which microorganisms caused it. And therefore, pediatricians have developed the following practice - first, a coughing child is prescribed drugs "simpler" - mucolytic, expectorant, antitussive drugs. And only if after ten days there is no improvement, the doctor can raise the issue of prescribing antibiotic therapy.

It should be noted right away that ARVI is a disease that is caused by viruses, so antibiotics against it are absolutely useless. They are prescribed only if a bacterial infection has joined, with which the body is unable to cope. Signs that the body has been attacked by pathogenic bacteria are known: this is, first of all, an increase in temperature, up to 38 degrees or more, as well as other symptoms - headache, redness and discomfort in the throat, runny nose, shortness of breath, cough. But do not rush to run to the pharmacy with the listed signs and buy the first medicine that comes across. Antibiotics for SARS should be selected by a specialist. So you quickly cope with your condition and go on the mend, minimizing the likelihood of complications.

SARS - signs of illness

To start treatment rationally, it is necessary to accurately determine the severity of the disease, to choose the right drugs. This can be done by a doctor on the basis of an examination, questioning and test results. Diseases that are classified as SARS can occur in any person, without exception, of any age, any state of health, and regardless of external weather conditions. If another infection has not joined the cold and no complications have arisen, then the disease lasts about a week. The average adult is exposed to viral infections about twice a year. This condition is contagious and easily transmitted through the air. The main target of viruses is the bronchi, lungs, and trachea. The virus itself - the causative agent of the disease - lives in mucus much longer than outside the body or in the air.

How to recognize the onset of the disease? The basic symptoms are:

  • severe runny nose, nasal congestion, drying of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes: this symptom looks like seals in certain places (neck, back of the head, under the jaw, behind the auricles), painful on palpation;
  • pain in the throat, pain when swallowing, loss of voice;
  • dry cough;
  • lacrimation, inflammation of the eyes;
  • high body temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting, weakness.

Thus, it is impossible not to notice the symptoms of a cold, therefore, immediately after their appearance, it is necessary to consult a specialist and begin treatment. ARVI infections are dangerous because complications arising from improper treatment or its absence affect vital organs. It is much more difficult to treat complications than to prevent their occurrence.

Groups of antibiotics and their use in ARVI

The world learned about antibiotics in 1928: Fleming made a splash in medicine by discovering substances capable of killing bacteria, microbes, which at that time were the cause of many incurable diseases: pneumonia, tuberculosis, scarlet fever and others. In full, these drugs proved themselves during the Second World War, when more than a million wounded were saved with their help. Today, antibiotics help treat a huge variety of diseases.

Antibiotics for SARS in adults are used when the disease is running. Each group of antibiotics affects certain types of bacteria, so it is important to accurately determine the diagnosis. Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, depending on the complications, is carried out with antibiotics of one of the following groups.

  1. Penicillins - often used to treat severe complications of ENT organs (purulent otitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis). Such drugs act on the walls of bacteria, destroying them and leading to their death. Due to the fact that this group of drugs has low toxicity, it is widely used for the treatment of children.
  2. Cephalosporins destroy the cell membrane of pathogenic bacteria. The main way to take them is intramuscularly. Cephalexins can be taken orally. This group almost does not cause allergies, this happens very rarely. However, there may be disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys.
  3. Macrolides are a fairly effective tool in the treatment of atypical pneumonia. Azalides, ketolides exhibit a bacteriostatic effect on the causative agent of the disease. A bright representative of this group of drugs is Erythromycin: it is a replacement for penicillins if an allergic reaction occurs to them.
  4. Fluoroquinolones are effective against gram-negative bacteria (E. coli, pneumococci, chlamydia, mycoplasmas). At the moment - the safest drugs: they quickly affect the cell, destroy the pathogen, and at the same time are safe in terms of allergic reactions.

If the airways are inflamed, you need a medicine aimed at combating this type of inflammation. These drugs include drugs of the penicillin group - Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin. Pneumonia and other respiratory diseases are caused by pathogens that often show resistance to the penicillin group of drugs. Therefore, these conditions are treated with drugs such as Avelox, Levofloxacin. Pleurisy, bronchitis, pneumonia are offered to be treated with cephalosporin antibiotics - Zinnat, Suprax, Zinacef. If pneumonia is caused by non-typical microorganisms - mycoplasmas and chlamydia, macrolides are successfully used: Hemocin, Sumamed.

Indications for use

It must be remembered that the main treatment for SARS includes taking antiviral drugs. They will help improve immunity and repel a viral attack. And the sooner such treatment begins, the sooner it will put you on your feet. But with a bacterial infection, antibiotics should not be neglected. Unconditional indications for the use of antibiotics are conditions of this nature:

  • inflammation of the middle ear (purulent otitis media);
  • tonsillitis, purulent tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • purulent lymphadenitis;
  • sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • laryngotracheitis.

At the very beginning of a cold, when the first symptoms are just beginning to appear, you can fight them with traditional medicine. Mustard plasters, foot baths, inhalations will help improve a person's condition. If the condition worsens, it is necessary to contact a medical institution, this will help to avoid complications. We must always remember that self-medication can significantly worsen the condition and lead to serious consequences. Antibiotics for a viral infection are taken in strict accordance with the doctor's advice, in the exact dosage and at the time of admission.


If antibiotics are chosen incorrectly, guided by the advice of friends or information from the Internet, side effects may occur: impaired immunity, dysbacteriosis, allergies, and upset of the gastrointestinal tract. You can not use these drugs for more than five days, however, interrupting treatment can also lead to negative consequences: the infection may not be completely cured, and this leads to complications in the heart and kidneys.

In order to reduce the negative impact of antibiotics on the body, probiotics are taken at the same time - they improve the intestinal microflora, eliminate the manifestations of dysbacteriosis, improve immunity, and minimize the likelihood of complications.

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