Frequent urination in dogs. Polyuria - frequent urination in dogs Why the dog began to write often at home

The appearance of a pet in the house takes time and extra effort in order to instill good habits in the dog.

One of the most important habits is to teach her to urinate outside. However, not everyone manages to teach a dog, and the pet begins to constantly shit in the apartment. Subsequently, a number of difficulties may arise that must be dealt with immediately.

If you want to get rid of this problem forever, then you should find out:

  1. What can provoke a dog to start shitting in an apartment?
  2. How to quickly teach your pet to defecate on the street?
  3. How to properly punish a guilty pet?
  4. How to behave if the dog does not want to go to the toilet during a walk?

Why does a dog pee and shit at home

The little puppy you took into the apartment may not even know that you can’t shit in the house. In the first months of their stay at home, most puppies are in quarantine mode due to vaccinations. Therefore, it becomes quite common for a small pet to relieve himself on the floor, where a special diaper or a piece of newspaper lies for him. When you start to bring out the puppy, he can have fun playing and not go to the toilet.

It is important to remember that the urinary system in puppies is not yet sufficiently developed. A small pet cannot stand 8-hour intervals between walks. Therefore, without waiting for the next walk, the puppy can shit on the floor.

Another reason could be lack of attention. It so happens that you took the dog out for a walk in the morning and left him alone for the whole day. Wanting to protest, the dog may, for no reason, shit on the track. In this way, she expresses dissatisfaction with her owners, showing that she does not want to be left alone for a long time.

If you have a grown dog in your house that is regularly trained to go outside, suddenly starts to shit at home, pay attention to two possible reasons. Chances are your pet is sick. Very often, dogs that eat dry food have problems with the urinary system. Also, your four-legged friend could freeze on the last walk.

If the dog not only pees at home, but also poops on the mat, this can be a sure sign of stress or resentment towards his owner. Do not ignore these reasons for your pet's disobedience.

Effective ways to fight

There are enough tips on how to wean a dog to defecate in an apartment or house.

We have tried to carefully consider these recommendations and provide you with the most effective ways to deal with such an unpleasant situation.

Basic Rules

  • Never yell at your pet(during and after the "crime"). If you start screaming after the dog has shitted, then he will take note that you can’t shit in front of you and will hide from you to do Skoda.
  • Never hit a puppy and don't poke your nose in a heap. This offends the pet, and he does not understand why, after a fait accompli, he is being punished. This can cause the dog to eat its own feces in fear.
  • Always be consistent and constant. If you want to teach your dog to go to the toilet outside, you need to do it regularly at the same time. If one day you took the dog out, and the other day you were too lazy or you couldn’t, and then you came and scolded the pet, he definitely won’t understand what you require from him.
  • Always reward your dog after he goes to the bathroom. When you go for a walk with your dog, grab a couple of dog treats. After the “completed action”, reward your pet and be sure to praise by stroking the withers.

Sequential learning steps

  1. If after quarantine, you start to take the puppy outside, then you need to do this before the baby shits. Track your pet, after what period of time he wants to go to the toilet. As soon as the puppy begins to suspiciously look for the “fifth corner” or whimper, quickly take him outside.
  2. Take walks at the same time. Track when your dog wakes up to pee. Try to adjust and take the dog out regularly at the same morning time. The same applies to evening walks. A properly created routine will help your dog feel your care and attention.
  3. The use of special repellents. Veterinary pharmacies sell products that can be used to treat the places where your pet crap most often. If this is not possible, then vinegar can be used. Add some table vinegar to the water and rinse the area well. The pungent smell will scare away the pet and it may eventually stop urinating on the floor.
  4. Teach your pet to certain commands. If you want your pet to do the need, come up with a command that you will then constantly repeat until the dog does the job. Then praise her.

Methods of punishment

Remember, a dog is a very intelligent creature that reacts quite sharply to the mood of its owner. If you do not offend your pet, he will respond to any of your requests.

Of course, it is difficult to calmly react to a puddle or a pile made on the path, but you can show your displeasure to the dog.

  • Change your tone of voice and scold your dog for what he did.
  • Take away your favorite toy and let it play only when the dog defecates outside.
  • As soon as you see that the dog wants to make a need, use the command: “Fu! It is forbidden!". She needs to understand how you feel about this behavior.

If the dog refuses to pee on the street

The dog may be comfortable walking around the apartment, so on a walk, he may specifically endure to go home. In this regard, the following recommendations should be made:

  • Find your dog a walking buddy. While walking outside, dogs will frolic, which will make you feel the urge to go to the toilet. Also, another dog can become an example, and your pet will start to repeat after her, mark the territory and defecate.
  • Take water. When the dog runs enough, he will want to drink. Pour water into a bowl and let her drink. The abundance of liquid will make the dog do the deed on the street.
  • Play with your dog. The more the dog runs and frolics, the faster he will want to go to the toilet. Come up with outdoor games so that the dog moves as much as possible. This will also lead to a desire to empty the bowels and bladder. After that, be sure to praise your pet.
  • Increase your walking time. The dog cannot endure for a long time if there is every opportunity to go to the toilet. Therefore, walk the dog longer until it gives up and sits down.

The application of these tips has helped many dog ​​owners to teach their pet to go outside when needed. Never give up and stay consistent. The dog will always respond to your care and love. Let your pet be the most obedient and "pure" family friend!

The appearance of a puppy in the house inevitably entails puddles on the floor. When a dog is just a few months old, frequent urination is normal. But when an adult dog urinates frequently and a lot, it could be sign not only bad upbringing, but also health problems.

Natural Causes of Frequent Urination in Dogs

Every pet owner must remember that his pet has its own emotions and feelings, character. Dogs, especially thoroughbreds, are very emotional - they show their joy not only by wagging their tail, but also by circling, jumping on the spot, etc. Such dogs urinate often, experiencing joy or with a strong fright. For example, if there is heavy rain outside the window with a thunderstorm and thunder. In such a situation, you just need to patiently explain to the animal that it is not necessary to do this, and over time the problem will pass.

Some males urinate at home, because that's how they mark their territory. Unfortunately, there are no conservative methods of treatment or education in this case. Owners of such dogs should contact the veterinary clinic for the castration of the animal. Moreover, in some cases it is possible call a veterinarian and perform a simple operation at home - so the dog will be less nervous.

Frequent urination in dogs and age

Sometimes age features are the only answer to the question why does my dog ​​urinate frequently. Young puppies like little children, often urinate due to accelerated kidney function and lack of proper education.

Dogs senior and old age often urinate due to muscle weakness. In this case, drug treatment can help, but this measure will be temporary, so you should not rely on the fact that one course of drugs will solve all problems.

If the elderly dog drinks and urinates frequently, then this may be a sign of any disease. Frequent urination in this case will be natural due to the large amount of fluid you drink. But constant thirst is already a direct symptom of the disease.

Possible diseases in dogs with frequent urination

If a dog often urinates with blood, then this is a sure sign of a disease of the kidneys, bladder or organs of the reproductive system. In this case, you need to show the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible, since such urination are accompanied by severe pain and torment the dog.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit a veterinary clinic, then you can call a veterinarian at home, describing all the symptoms of the disease by phone.

An experienced specialist will conduct an external examination at home, take all the necessary tests and alleviate the condition of the animal until the exact diagnosis is clarified and the correct treatment is prescribed.

Sometimes a dog can be absolutely healthy, but have a feature that is rather unpleasant for the owners - “walk in a small way” literally every three hours. Naturally, this causes inconvenience to the owners, but it can also be dangerous for the dog, indicating that something is wrong in the animal's body.

Whenever you're dealing with a problem of urinating or having a bowel movement in the wrong place, the first thing you should do is make sure it's not caused by an underlying medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection or birth defects, which often lead to "submissive" urination.

To make such a diagnosis, a complete medical examination is necessary, including testing and possibly even an x-ray using a contrast agent.

Some puppies are unable to control their bladder, which causes urine to leak out when they are too excited or scared. In this case, time is the best medicine: dogs don't have full control of their bladder until three to four months of age, and once they've reached that age, puddles are likely to appear less often.

Urination associated with fear. When a pet is afraid, there is a reflexive contraction of the intestines and bladder. A frightened pet may lie on its back with its head turned away and its tail between its legs, while urinating. A very frightened animal can even bite its owner. Dogs that exhibit this behavior in moments of fear should be treated with extreme caution and care.

If you are the owner of a bitch, then remember one more thing. In some dogs, even by adulthood, the hormonal system is not fully formed, and girls can urinate at home up to one and a half to two years. The cause can be poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, poor breeding or heredity - many factors. Therefore, you can call the breeders and ask if such a problem arose with their dogs? In any case, after the first pregnancy, hormones fall into place.

It is normal for a puppy to pee often, although in some cases it is better to get tested to make sure it is not cystitis. If everything is in order with your health, then you should not worry. Teach your puppy to pee on a diaper. With age, dogs begin to write much less often and do all the work during walks.

Urinary incontinence in a dog, despite the frequent opinion that this is a sign of poor training, is a symptom of disorders and serious pathologies. In some cases, this is a feature of the pet's character or a temporary phenomenon. This is an unpleasant phenomenon that delivers negativity to the owner of the animal. Even if you temporarily move the dog outside, this will not solve the problem, but only delay the solution of all problems. It is necessary to visit a veterinarian to understand the reason (the nature of the pet, a violation of the urinary system). What to do if the dog has urinary incontinence, what measures to take?

Unbearable character or pathology

If you notice that the dog is urinating in the room, then you need to pay attention to how he does it. With pathological incontinence, the pet experiences pain, she has frequent urges. This may be a sign of an oncological tumor, an inflammatory process in the bladder or ureters, kidney stones. The amount of urine decreases, and the urge increases, the dog sits down, but urination does not work.

In behavioral situations, a pet's urine can be released in portions when he sees the owner or is stroked, meets other pets. This is an instinctive sign of obedience. Often, in addition to this sign, the dog uses a fall on its back or sitting on its paws. The same mechanism works as with the habit of marking the territory. With a behavioral instinct, the dog easily controls the ongoing process. In the inflammatory process, urination does not depend on the desire of the pet.

The process of normal urination

Urine is formed in the renal corpuscles, accumulates in the renal pelvis, then it travels all the way to the bladder. The process is continuous and repeats every 20 seconds. Fluid accumulates and does not flow out of the bladder, being held by the sphincter.

As soon as the signal from the brain passes, the sphincter relaxes in the pet and urine flows out of the bladder. The process is repeated again with a new filling.

Why does a dog have urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence in pets can occur due to several reasons. Real incontinence. This is a situation where there is constant leakage or involuntary discharge.

  • Emotional stress. With strong emotions (joy, fear), the animal makes a puddle.
  • Natural impurity. The dog was not taught and raised properly in time, so she simply does not know how to ask to go to the toilet correctly.
  • Label of the nearby territory. This is inherent in nature and often animals that are not sterilized mark the space around them.
  • Incontinence associated with aging. His reflexes are weakened.
  • Intentional urination indoors. It is done to spite the owner for his own reasons, in order to annoy his owner.
  • Urinary incontinence as a sign of pathology

Uncontrolled urination in dogs can be a sign of inflammation. Be sure to identify the causes of the disease with the help of diagnostics. But the prerequisites for this phenomenon are difficult to identify, and even diagnosis occurs by exclusion.

In order to correctly diagnose the disease, you should explain to the doctor all the features of the dog's regimen, nutrition, cases that happened to her. The more information the owner gives, the easier it will be to understand this pathology or temporary condition of the animal.

Inflammation of the bladder

To identify it, it is necessary to pass the urine of the animal for analysis. Often the cause of urine leakage in cystitis. If the inflammatory process is very strong, then the dog has urinary incontinence during sleep is not excluded.

Two main factors cause cystitis: a strong cooling of the body and an infectious lesion of the genitourinary system. It should be treated with a course of antibiotics, a noticeable improvement occurs on the 4th day after taking the medication. If there is no treatment, then urination begins with an admixture of blood, the dog whines in pain, and there are difficulties in excreting urine.

Advice: You should not drown out the symptoms by taking several pills, you must go through the entire course of treatment.

With incomplete cure of the inflammatory process, the disease returns in 60% of cases, and a repeated course of antibiotics does not give a good effective result.


Due to constant thirst, the animal exceeds the amount of liquid consumed. In female dogs, this is a symptom in which the owner must urgently take the pet for an ultrasound scan. In case of untimely treatment, it may be necessary to remove the uterus. Do not self-medicate, take your dog to the veterinarian to prescribe treatment for the pet. Constant thirst in a dog often indicates the development of diabetes mellitus, serious problems with genitourinary function and blood vessels, and kidney problems.

Spinal injury

Urinary incontinence can occur when nerve fibers are pinched or when the spinal cord is injured. Pain is poorly controlled and incontinence often depends on the anatomy of the dog. Dachshunds and other breeds with a long spine often experience problems with stool and incontinence after injury. This predisposition is especially strong at the age when the dog is aging.

Pinched nerve endings

This phenomenon often occurs during childbirth or after them. The limbs of the dog become numb and painful. The bitch refuses puppies. Diagnosis of the disease occurs only after a comprehensive study of the pet. There are several ways to treat, in extreme cases, the doctor prescribes surgery.

nerve disorder

Occurs due to stressful situations, due to fear. Doctors recommend therapy with sedatives, which have a relaxing effect on the dog's muscles.

Congenital pathologies

Incontinence may be a sign of ectopia. In this disease, the ureter is immediately connected to the intestine or vagina, urine bypasses the bladder. Often seen in dogs born with one kidney. Usually detected at an early age. It is treated only by surgery.

Weak urethral muscles can be the cause of incontinence. Pathology develops due to a decrease in the sensitivity of the sphincter. In addition, overweight, the age of the pet, and hormonal medications can affect urinary incontinence.

Important: If there is constant wetting on the hind legs and under the tail of the dog, then it is urgent to take the dog to the veterinary clinic.

Sterilization and its side effects

There are two types of operations aimed at stopping the reproductive function. When a bitch is spayed, she is left with a uterus and ovaries, and castration threatens to remove all the reproductive organs of the animal.

Doctors note that the complication in the form of urine leakage after castration is less common than with sterilization. It is easier to control exposure to hormonal drugs. Why are sterilization and incontinence related? Doctors do not find a single answer to this question. According to the generally accepted opinion, the hormonal background, which changes after surgery, negatively affects the sensitivity of the sphincter and muscles.

The doctor after diagnosing prescribes one of the methods of treatment:

  • Hormonal drugs for urinary incontinence in dogs
  • Endoscopic punctures and the introduction of a special probe into the abdominal cavity. Watching through a camera, the doctor injects drugs into the urethra and bladder. This is a more gentle effect on the body than abdominal surgery. In addition, the introduction of a probe through a puncture has less negative impact on the pet's body. The dog recovers much faster after endoscopy.
  • Hollow operation. The doctor acts on muscle recovery by doing suturing of the musculature by injecting collagen fibers. Sometimes the doctor will change the position of the bladder.

Treatment of Urinary Incontinence in Dogs

The course of treatment prescribed by your veterinarian depends on the cause of the incontinence.

  1. It is often recommended to take a course of hormonal medications.
  2. For inflammation, doctors prescribe antibiotic treatment for a week.
  3. In case of incontinence after stressful situations, the doctor prescribes sedatives to the pet.
  4. If the animal is sterilized and itself cannot control the process of urinary incontinence, then doctors prescribe a constant intake of proline until the end of life.

Most drugs are very strong on the pet's body, causing many side effects. They are prescribed only on the recommendation of a doctor. If the incontinence is due to a spinal injury with spinal cord injury, then it will not be easy to return the dog to a full existence. Incontinence will be cured only when all the consequences of the injury, including prostatitis, are completely eliminated.

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In this article, I will talk about urinary incontinence in dogs and frequent urination. I will give the reasons for such a long pathology. I will tell you why the dog often empties the bladder and what to do. I will give methods of treatment, what medications and prevention of urinary incontinence.

Urinary incontinence is more common in older animals, but it can also occur in younger animals. The pet is not able to control the process of urination, which is why a puddle can appear anywhere where the dog was.

There are several types of disease:

  • True incontinence. As a result of trauma or pathology in the structure of the urinary organs. Also, the disease develops in sterilized animals due to a decrease in the muscle tone of the urethra.
  • False. It develops against the background of other diseases (diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, urethritis, etc.). Can write frequently. It is the same with the joy of the house that I met the owner. Also, the reasons include the appearance of neoplasms or cysts in the cavity of the ureters and bladder.
  • stressful. A pet can write a lot from severe stress or from a violent manifestation of emotions (for example, a meeting with the owner).
  • Senile. It is characteristic of an old individual, in which reflex activity is weakened.

An incontinent dog is unable to control urination and may urinate while sleeping or just resting.

Older animals need more frequent walking.

Sometimes involuntary leakage of urine is provoked by obesity in a dog.

Why does my pet urinate frequently?

Frequent urination indicates that an inflammatory process occurs in the urinary organs.

The dog experiences discomfort or pain when trying to empty the bladder, often sits down, but at the same time cannot squeeze out more than a few drops.

This condition may be the result of ordinary hypothermia, urethritis or cystitis. Also, frequent urination indicates a development that may be accompanied.

An accurate diagnosis is essential for adequate treatment.

Treating an animal with frequent urination

Before starting treatment, the pet must be examined in order to identify the root cause of urinary incontinence.

Be sure to take urine and blood for analysis in order to identify the inflammatory process. Ultrasound diagnostics and X-rays are also carried out, which will allow detecting a neoplasm or pathology in the structure of internal organs.

The method of treatment depends on the underlying cause of the disease or frequent urination:

  1. Inflammatory process (cystitis, urethritis, etc.). May leak. In this case, the veterinarian prescribes a course of antibiotics (amoxiclav, etc.). Antispasmodics are used to relieve pain. A good effect is given by a single dose of monural powder. Also used to relieve inflammation and treat cystitis,.
  2. Neoplasms in the organs of the urinary tract. If the dog is unable to control due to the tumor, the veterinarian performs an examination and prescribes an operation, during which the pathological tissue is removed. She walks under herself. If the neoplasm is malignant, the dog is shown a course of chemotherapy.
  3. Consequences of sterilization (weakening of the sphincter). To treat this type of ailment, a drug is used. The dosage is calculated according to the weight of the pet. This drug can be given to the animal for life.
  4. Urolithiasis disease. This disease is treated with a veterinary diet that dissolves sand and struvite. Large stones are removed by surgery. Of the drugs, stop-cystitis is prescribed, phytoelites are healthy kidneys,.

Antibiotic Lek (Sandoz) Amoxiclav

If an older dog is suffering, you should give the animal a longer walk. You can also wear an absorbent disposable diaper on your pet.

In some cases, a good effect is obtained by taking the drug propalin, which helps to increase the tone of the urethral sphincter.

Prevention of urinary incontinence in dogs

Prevention is as follows:

  1. Make sure that the pet does not catch a cold or get too cold. Do not allow your dog to swim in cold water during the spring and fall months. Provide the animal with a warm and soft bed to rest on.
  2. Watch your dog's diet. An incorrectly compiled menu can provoke the development of urolithiasis, which is the cause of frequent urination.
  3. Walk your pet more often. This is especially true for older animals and small puppies.
  4. Engage in educating the animal and explain to him that you can only empty your bladder on the street.

Urinary incontinence and frequent urination are serious symptoms.

If your dog's urinary incontinence is caused by an injury, don't try to treat it yourself.

Symptoms that indicate the development of the disease or the pathology of the internal organs. If you notice that your pet has begun to urinate under himself or often sits down in the toilet, contact your veterinarian and examine the dog.

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