Rapid treatment of purulent tonsillitis: antibiotics, sprays, tablets. Treatment of purulent tonsillitis at home: the most effective methods

Tonsillitis, also known as purulent tonsillitis, usually takes you by surprise and signals a viral infection with a whole range of symptoms at the same time. The disease itself is considered a dangerous complication, therefore it requires a quick therapeutic response. How to treat purulent tonsillitis at home and avoid pathological complications of internal organs?

Experts recommend that when the first symptoms of a purulent infectious pathology of the tonsils and throat appear, contact a doctor for qualified help. Purulent tonsillitis is successfully treated at home quickly, the main thing is to approach therapy correctly and carry out the necessary procedures in a timely manner.

Purulent tonsillitis differs from uncomplicated acute tonsillitis in that the symptoms of the pathological process in the throat and tonsils are pronounced and characterized by a rapid course. As a rule, this type of infection occurs quickly and is manifested by a hurricane.

The main symptoms indicating purulent tonsillitis are:

  • sharp and sharp pain in the throat when swallowing;
  • increase in size, redness and swelling of the tonsils;
  • the appearance of white or yellow dot abscesses on the tonsils;
  • sharply increasing symptoms of fever, accompanied by a rapid increase in body temperature (up to 39-40 degrees);
  • strong, unexpected cough syndrome;
  • severe severe headache;
  • general weakness, pain and aching muscles;
  • visible swelling of the neck and throat area;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis do not appear simultaneously, but are characterized by a sharp increase and intensification of symptoms.

Several pronounced manifestations of purulent tonsillitis can appear within an hour one after another, quickly complicating the general condition of a sick person.

Treatment depending on the type of disease

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in adults depends on what form of infectious pathology is diagnosed in the patient. The possibilities of home therapy and treatment at home are considered only for uncomplicated purulent forms of angina, otherwise the hurricane course of the disease can provoke swelling of the throat or lungs.

Modern medicine classifies several forms of tonsillitis, depending on which the treatment regimen is adjusted.

Doctors begin to treat symptoms of purulent tonsillitis only after determining the etiology of the disease. Having studied the nature of the pathology, the doctor prescribes to the patient, first of all, antimicrobial therapy or local treatment with pharmaceuticals.

Possible complications of a purulent process in the throat

It is allowed to treat purulent tonsillitis at home only after detailed consultation with specialists, since self-medication is considered dangerous for any form of tonsillitis, and especially for complicated purulent. The pathological process can provoke serious complications in the patient, leading to severe chronic disorders in the body and, in some cases, to fatal consequences.

  1. The migration of purulent formations into the deep layers of the muscular tissue of the throat and pharynx provokes the occurrence and progression of tissue abscess.
  2. Untimely and poor-quality treatment of purulent tonsillitis can provoke the penetration of a purulent infection into the meninges. Against the background of the rupture of the purulent focus, the patient may progress the purulent form of meningitis.
  3. Self-opening of purulent foci provokes the penetration of pus into the auditory tube, against this background, purulent inflammation of the tympanic membrane, ears and inner ear develops.
  4. The spread of pyogenic microbes throughout the body provokes a general infection of the blood in a patient with a possible fatal outcome.
  5. The purulent form of angina often provokes the development of a secondary pathology of internal organs: the heart, kidneys, joints.

These complex pathological processes in the body are provoked by streptococcal bacteria against the background of an untimely response in the treatment of tonsillitis.

Antimicrobial therapy for purulent tonsillitis

Doctors agree that it is possible to cure purulent tonsillitis at home with the use of antimicrobials. Antibiotics are prescribed by a doctor depending on the following factors:

  • the severity of the pathology;
  • the presence of allergic reactions in the history of the patient;
  • the degree of sensitivity to certain strains of antibiotics;
  • the nature of the pathological process in the throat.

As a rule, most often doctors prescribe antibiotics of a number of cephalosporins to patients. These strains have been shown to be effective against throat and upper respiratory tract infections. The doctor adjusts the treatment regimen and dosage of the drug depending on the patient's condition and the factors associated with the pathological process in the throat.

Symptomatic therapy at home

At the first sign of purulent tonsillitis, the patient should consult a doctor as soon as possible or, even better, call a doctor at home. Prior to the arrival of a specialist and the appointment of treatment, symptomatic treatment should be carried out at home, aimed at alleviating the severity of the symptoms of the process.

  1. Symptoms of fever and high temperature should be removed with antipyretics: in an adult, these are paracetamol, aspirin, ibuprofen. In babies, the temperature is removed with children's gentle forms: Panadol, children's paracetamol.
  2. The patient should be given as much warm liquid as possible, despite the fact that he experiences severe pain when swallowing. This will help flush out germs from the body.
  3. The patient should be put to bed, providing him with maximum peace.
  4. Before the arrival of a specialist, it is possible to offer the patient a gargle with the help of dosage forms for local treatment: a solution of furacilin, miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, chlorphyllipt. In this way, pyogenic bacteria can be washed out directly from the throat, preventing them from spreading throughout the body and the mucous membranes of the throat.

After assessing the patient's condition, the doctor decides how to cure purulent tonsillitis: in a hospital setting or in a home therapy setting.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Traditional healers will also tell you how to quickly cure purulent sore throat in a home hospital. Folk wisdom has accumulated a rich arsenal of effective recipes that have been tested for years and decades, and, moreover, are absolutely harmless and affordable.

  1. Effectively relieves purulent symptoms of sore throat ordinary beets. The peeled root crop is rubbed on a grater and poured with boiled water in a ratio of one to one. Such a remedy is infused for about 6 hours, after which it is filtered and used to gargle several times a day. At the same time, experts pay attention to the fact that such a folk medicine effectively helps with purulent exacerbated angina, while it does not work on chronic tonsillitis.
  2. At the very initial stage of the disease, when it seems to the patient that hedgehogs have “settled” in the throat, an ordinary lemon will help to cope with the disease. It is cut into slices, which are chewed along with the peel several times a day. For greater effectiveness, you can squeeze the juice of a lemon and drink it in small sips throughout the day. Experts pay attention to the fact that at the progressive stage, when all the tonsils are affected by abscesses, this remedy is unlikely to help.
  3. For those who do not have a history of allergies to bee products, it is best to use propolis to treat purulent forms of sore throat. You can simply chew it in your mouth, you can prepare propolis tincture for gargling or irrigating the throat. 15 grams of propolis is poured into 80 ml of alcohol and insisted for a day. The medicine must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. a few drops of the finished tincture in half a glass of warm water - and a ready-made rinse. You can simply use this tincture to treat diseased tonsils with cotton swabs, but you can also pour the finished drug into an empty bottle of inhalipt or chlorphyllipt and irrigate the diseased tonsils several times a day.

How to treat purulent tonsillitis in home therapy is chosen by the doctor together with the patient. The basic rule for the effective treatment of a purulent process in the throat is the inadmissibility of self-treatment, therefore, any traditional medicine that is planned for the treatment of tonsillitis must be pre-approved and approved by a qualified specialist. Only in this way can the risk of complications be minimized and the terrible consequences of purulent tonsillitis avoided.

Not really

Purulent tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils (palatine tonsils) complicated by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, often streptococci act as a dangerous pathogen. Pus greatly complicates the course of the disease, so it is impossible to cure the disease on your own without resorting to the help of doctors. Usually, after making a diagnosis, doctors send the patient for outpatient treatment, in serious situations they leave the patient for hospitalization. The question is how you will be treated at home. There are many ways to make home treatment more effective. With the condition that you are treated according to the scheme that the doctor prescribed for you.

The purulent course of the disease is natural

Since angina often and easily occurs with a weakened immune system. The action of many pathogenic organisms becomes especially dangerous against such a background, and at the same time, such conditions allow them to multiply and exist comfortably. Fungi are no exception: neglected sore throat often worsens after the activation of fungal cultures, provoking the appearance of thrush in the oral cavity.

Where do pathogenic organisms come from? They can appear not only when eating insufficiently clean fruits, violating the rules of hygiene, but also with the development of dental problems (inflammatory processes, development of caries, undertreated teeth), diseases of the sinuses, ears, etc.

In addition, there are other, very banal reasons for the onset of the disease:

  • hypothermia;
  • viral infection of the respiratory tract;
  • Direct contact with a sick person.

Angina, like many diseases of a viral and bacterial nature, has similar symptoms, but there are also specific signs of the disease. It's easy to remember them:

  1. Intense sore throat;
  2. Pain when swallowing, eating food;
  3. Fever that lasts for several days
  4. Enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes (especially those located under the jaw);
  5. Redness of the throat is accompanied by swelling and enlargement of the tonsils.
  6. Pustules on the tonsils;
  7. Weakness and malaise, headache.

Usually, purulent formations with angina are easily opened, leaving no damage to the mucous surface of the pharynx and tonsils (this is a specific feature that allows you to distinguish angina from similar diphtheria). However, there are cases when purulent formations can lie deeper. Then an autopsy is necessary, but only an experienced doctor can do this under sterile conditions.

Purulent tonsillitis can give complications to the renal and cardiovascular systems, provoke diseases of the muscles and joints, because due to the significant toxicity of the vital activity of microorganisms, the normal functioning of the kidneys and heart is disturbed, and serious dehydration of the body begins. Complications arising from a severe course of the disease can also be meningitis, abscess, and sometimes sepsis.

Why should you see a doctor?

Purulent tonsillitis cannot be treated without antibiotics. There cannot be such a potent folk remedy that will almost instantly stop the development of pathogenic microflora, destroy some microbes and prevent others from developing in their place, “disinfect” the human body so that the disease does not pass to other organs. When it comes to purulent tonsillitis, it proceeds quickly and hard. The definition of "purulent" indicates the low resistance of the body and the need for emergency assistance with extremely effective means. These drugs are antibiotics.

Of course, you can argue that you can buy drugs yourself. When prescribing a drug, the doctor takes into account your body size, age, individual indications, chronic diseases, the course of a viral disease, etc. They may prescribe a different duration of the course. In addition, antibiotics differ in the types of microorganisms they affect, as well as in the side effects that occur after taking antibiotics. A specific situation can be called treatment during pregnancy or lactation. If earlier, during lactation, doctors tried to isolate the child from the mother, the baby was transferred to artificial feeding, but now there is an opportunity to be treated without interrupting natural feeding. For this, sparing antibiotics are prescribed, which may not settle or be slightly present in breast milk. This nuance has its drawbacks - such antibiotics may be less effective or require longer treatment compared to conventional groups of antibiotics. For a child, the harm from such antibiotics is minimal, much more difficult for babies to experience emotionally and physically the lack of contact with the mother and the violation of the usual type of feeding. Transfer to artificial feeding should be carried out gradually and only when absolutely necessary.

As for pregnancy, it is highly undesirable to use antibiotics in the first trimester, when the foundation for the life of the future little man is laid.

As you can see, when prescribing a drug, a general practitioner has a huge responsibility for your life and health, so you need to contact a specialist to select the right medicine.

We treat purulent tonsillitis at home

After making a diagnosis and prescribing a doctor, angina can be treated at home, observing bed rest. Since the body is very weak, physical activity will put an undesirable strain on the heart, kidneys, muscles and joints.

What can not be done with purulent sore throat:

  • Eat very cold or very hot food;
  • Eat dry food, eat food containing hard pieces (may cause pain when swallowing);
  • Eat spicy, spicy, pickled dishes, exclude seasonings;
  • Make compresses on the throat;
  • Go to work, engage in excessive physical activity;
  • Do not take antibiotics. Purulent tonsillitis does not go away by itself !!!

What can be done with purulent sore throat:

  • The patient should take a plentiful warm drink (in no case should it be hot, this will only aggravate the course of a sore throat and increase pain);
  • Do gargles several times a day;
  • Ventilate the room, leave it, so as not to prolong the disease. Ventilate regularly.
  • Follow a diet: food should be mushy, similar to mashed potatoes. Light soups, broths, without solid ingredients are welcome.
  • Drink teas with natural additives (oregano, mint, lemon), this increases resistance and helps restore water balance.
  • Try to keep your throat warm, do not make compresses!

The scientific name for this disease is tonsillitis. This diagnosis is made with acute inflammation of the tissues of the palatine tonsils. As a rule, the infection enters the human body by airborne droplets. Contact-household and alimentary mechanisms of transmission of the pathogen are less common. If a person develops acute purulent tonsillitis, treatment should not be postponed under any circumstances. Ignoring the symptoms will lead to the most depressing consequences. Learn how to deal with tonsillitis so that autumn and spring epidemics do not take you by surprise.

How to treat purulent tonsillitis in an adult

An adult body can provide a serious counteraction to the pathogens of tonsillitis, but this does not mean at all that the immune system always effectively fights infection. Mass outbreaks of purulent tonsillitis occur in autumn and spring, so you should be ready. The following sections of this article discuss in detail the key points of the serious task of treating tonsillitis. Check them out to know how doctors act when a real threat arises.

Antibacterial therapy

In the fight against tonsillitis, the course of antibiotic therapy plays a decisive role. The effectiveness of the treatment of purulent tonsillitis depends on the correctness of medical prescriptions. The main task of antibiotic therapy is to eradicate GABHS (group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus) in the oropharynx. A well-designed and correctly executed course of antibiotic therapy eliminates the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis and prevents the development of complications.

A patient suffering from acute tonsillitis is prescribed potent drugs only after determining the etiology of the disease. Unreasonable use of antibiotics often leads to undesirable reactions of the body, and also contributes to the development of resistance, which significantly complicates the clinical picture of purulent tonsillitis in the future. Doctors prescribe antibiotic treatment for tonsillitis only after a detailed study of the nature of the disease.

Since the bacteria that cause purulent tonsillitis are sensitive to beta-lactams, the first thing to consider is the possibility of treating the infection with penicillin. Sometimes oral cephalosporins are prescribed instead. If a patient is found to be allergic to beta-lactams, physicians must choose from a range of second-order drugs. It includes linoxamides and macrolides. The dosage of drugs and the duration of treatment for purulent tonsillitis are determined individually, taking into account the degree of damage to the palatine tonsils and the weight / age of the patient.

Local treatment

In addition to antibacterial agents, after the examination, the doctor will tell you how to gargle with purulent sore throat. As a rule, in cases of moderate tonsillitis, the use of antiseptic solutions (miramistin, hydrogen peroxide, furacilin, etc.) is prescribed. If the disease is accompanied by sore throat, Lugol is included in the treatment regimen.

Symptomatic treatment

Fighting the symptoms of purulent sore throat will not help cure the disease, but it will quickly get you back on your feet if you need to sort things out before contacting specialists. Traditional medicine does not welcome such decisions, but sometimes it is simply necessary. Painkillers/lozenges (Ibuprofen, Grammidin), throat sprays (Oracept, Ingalipt) and antipyretics (if the temperature rises) will help temporarily get rid of the symptoms of tonsillitis. Doing compresses without a doctor's prescription is not recommended, as this can cause serious complications.

Means for strengthening immunity

In addition to a healthy diet and a normal sleep pattern, doctors will recommend natural or synthetic ones to quickly increase the body's natural defenses. The most common ones are listed below:

  • "Betaleikin";
  • "Taktivin";
  • "Timalin";
  • "Interferon".

Effective folk remedies for home treatment

If you are deprived of the opportunity to turn to specialists, grandmother's recipes will help overcome purulent tonsillitis. Treatment of angina at home using folk remedies will require patience and extreme caution, but there is nothing impossible in this. Write down the most effective methods for yourself:

  • Rinse with propolis tincture. An effective remedy that will help to anesthetize the throat and sore tonsils. To prepare this medicine, you will need 15-17 grams of propolis and 80-85 ml of alcohol. Combine the components and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then let it brew for 24-36 hours. To relieve pain in the sky and in the throat with purulent sore throat, you need to smear the inflamed areas of the oropharynx with tincture. To make it more convenient, you can make a spray out of this tincture. Pour the folk remedy into an empty bottle of inhalipt or chlorphyllipt, and you no longer have to smear your throat with cotton swabs.
  • Gargling with a solution of apple cider vinegar. A simple remedy will help get rid of the symptoms of tonsillitis or even defeat it at an early stage. Take a glass of boiled water (200 ml), add 35 ml of apple cider vinegar and a couple of drops of iodine to it. When signs of purulent sore throat appear, the treatment should be as follows: 120 ml are used to gargle, and the remaining 80 ml are drunk. Do this procedure before going to bed, and the next day you will feel relief. Do not eat after gargling.

  • Gargling with beetroot tincture. A natural remedy that can cure purulent sore throat in a child or woman during pregnancy without compromising health. Using a regular grater, make a gruel out of red beets, pour boiling water over it in a ratio of 1: 1, cover with a lid and let it brew for 6-8 hours. Gargle with this infusion every one and a half to two hours, and in a day the dangerous contagious disease will recede. In some cases, treatment can last up to three days. For people diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, this folk remedy, like everyone else, is unlikely to help.
  • Lemon. A simple way that will neutralize abscesses at the initial stage of tonsillitis. Connoisseurs of folk recipes tell how to treat a purulent sore throat at home: run a lemon through a juicer, remove the seeds and drink the juice slowly. It will not be so easy, but for the sake of salvation from a dangerous disease, you will have to endure. Drink this drink 2 times a day, and with a high probability you will be able to stop the development of purulent tonsillitis.
  • Propolis inhalations. If you suspect a purulent sore throat, treatment with bee glue will help eliminate the danger. Boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of propolis tincture, lean over a container with hot medicine and, covered with a towel, breathe deeply for 2-3 minutes. Try to hold your breath sometimes so that the beneficial microelements contained in propolis can be transferred to the internal tissues of the lungs. Five sessions will be enough to defeat purulent tonsillitis at the initial stage.

How to treat purulent tonsillitis in children

When a child develops purulent tonsillitis, treatment should be started as quickly as possible. If the cause of the disease lies in hypothermia, it is necessary to measure the temperature every hour and, if it rises to 37.5 or more, give an antipyretic. Sprays for the throat ("Ingalipt", "Chlorophillipt") will help to cope with the infection at the initial stage. If the condition does not improve within 48-60 hours, go to the hospital immediately. In the video below, Dr. Komarovsky gives valuable advice with photo and video illustrations.

How to avoid complications after a sore throat

If you are diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, treatment with antibiotics and folk remedies will help to quickly improve the condition, but 2-3 weeks after complete recovery, the disease may return. To prevent this from happening, follow simple procedures after the end of therapy:

  • continue to gargle with antibacterial agents;
  • drink the pills prescribed by the doctor until the very end, even if the condition is already normal;
  • after recovery, avoid the risk of re-infection: refuse ice cream, do not drink cold water, go outside only when the humidity level is low.

Prevention of tonsillitis

If you have read this far, you already understand how to treat tonsillitis in adults and children, but it will be even better if you learn how to avoid contracting this insidious disease. In order not to have to deal with purulent sore throat, avoid drafts and prolonged hypothermia. Temper your body and strengthen your immune system with healthy food containing vitamins. Take up outdoor sports whenever possible.

Video review of drugs for tonsillitis

After watching the video below, you will get general information about drugs such as augmentin, streptocid, ampicillin, penicillin, furatsilin, etc. This information will help you understand how to quickly cure a purulent sore throat. Listen carefully to the recommendations and warnings of experts so as not to harm your health.

Purulent tonsillitis is a very unpleasant disease. Therefore, every time it occurs, you only dream that the disease will pass as quickly as possible.

Disease: how does it manifest itself?

To understand how to quickly cure, you need to understand the mechanism of its occurrence. The provocateur of the development of the disease are microbes - after their penetration into the body, they change the usual pink color to bright red. After some time, they are covered with "peas" of pus - the doctor sees white dots during examination.

The patient becomes and the feeling of "fullness" of the throat does not leave him day or night. Other symptoms are high fever, weakness, headaches, body aches. Treatment in this situation is very important, because otherwise complications can affect the heart, cause blood poisoning ...

Saved by antibiotics

How to quickly cure purulent sore throat, you will be prompted by a doctor who will have to be contacted without fail. He will explain to you that antibiotics are the best medicine for this ailment - it is only important to take the entire amount of drugs prescribed to you, even if the temperature drops on the second day. Otherwise, the inflammatory process will develop anew, especially since the body is still weakened by the invasion of microbes.

What else can cure angina? Doctors say that folk remedies without the use of an antibiotic will not bring relief. They can act as an accompaniment to the main drug to relieve a number of unpleasant symptoms. As a rule, many herbs are used to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in the throat. For example, the best remedy for inhalation is garlic - it must first be boiled, then it is best to add to the infusion with a decoction of plants such as sage, elderberry and mallow.

Remember that during the acute stage of the disease it is better to stay in bed so as not to overwork. However, the temperature, which reached the mark of 39 degrees, does not at all contribute to the patient's activity. Do not eat anything solid, so as not to damage the already weakened tonsils. The best food for you is broths, liquid cereals, compotes. Also try to drink more fluids. You will hear all these recommendations from the doctor if you ask him how to quickly cure a purulent sore throat.

After illness - rest

Very often, this disease "clings" to people in the summer, which is doubly insulting - after all, you have to lie in bed at a time when everyone is on the beach. Usually in such situations, people are interested in whether there are really effective methods of dealing with the disease. However, if you are hoping to find out how to quickly cure a purulent sore throat, moreover, you have a desire to meet it in a few days, keep in mind that the disease will last at least a week in any case.

And even after the expiration of this period, the convalescent needs to be very careful in choosing the places where he will get out in the near future. And the recovery period will generally take at least a month. Usually, after such an illness suffered by a child, he is released from physical education for at least 2 weeks. So be patient if you have been diagnosed with "purulent tonsillitis." How to quickly cure it, only doctors know - remember this, because in this case it is really important not to get by with only herbs.

The diagnosis of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is made in case of acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils. The cause of the disease is an increase in the number of pathogenic microorganisms - staphylococci, streptococci - against the background of reduced immunity.

The disease develops rapidly and is fraught with complications, therefore, it must be treated under the supervision of an ENT doctor. Adult patients can quickly treat purulent tonsillitis at home, but it is necessary to start medical procedures only after agreement with the attending physician.

Clinical picture of purulent tonsillitis (tonsillitis)

In most cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets, but the disease can be transmitted both by contact-household and alimentary methods. When the first symptoms of infection appear, therapy should be started immediately. You can be treated on an outpatient basis, but the doctor should determine the severity of the disease and prescribe effective drugs.

Purulent tonsillitis is characterized by rapid development. The first symptoms of the disease are high (above 38 ° C) temperature with chills, acute pain in the throat, an increase in the affected tonsils and submandibular lymph nodes. A yellowish purulent plaque accumulates on the palatine tonsils, and light blotches of pus, which are called lacunar plugs, accumulate above the inflamed surface. Throat damage is clearly visible on visual inspection.

On the third day of illness, the temperature usually decreases, the intensity of pain decreases when swallowing. Patients often mistakenly believe that the healing process has begun and stop treatment. It is categorically impossible to interrupt therapy, since pus remains on the tonsils and lacunae, for the removal of which it is necessary to perform therapeutic measures in full.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis

The most effective method of treating angina is antibiotic therapy. Local treatment and taking immunomodulators are auxiliary methods that help relieve painful symptoms.

The main stages of therapy:

  1. Destruction of pathogenic microflora.
  2. Cleansing of the tonsils from plaque and removal of purulent plugs. Depending on the severity of the disease and the amount of pus and plugs on the palatine tonsils, they can be cleared naturally during treatment, or mechanical cleansing of the tonsils from plaque and opening the plugs to drain the pus will be required. The decision on the advisability of a particular approach should be taken by the ENT doctor based on the severity of the patient's condition, the duration of the disease and the amount of pus.
    Removal of purulent plugs is performed by a doctor. After the procedure, antiseptic therapy is prescribed, including gargling with antiseptic solutions and taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Self-opening and removal of purulent plugs is fraught with damage to the parenchyma of the tonsils, which can provoke the development of sepsis, paratonsillitis and neck phlegmon.
  3. Reducing soreness.
  4. Normalization of body temperature.
  5. Strengthening immunity.

Medicines for tonsillitis

In order to completely “defeat” the disease and not face a relapse, it is necessary to be treated comprehensively, following all the recommendations prescribed by the attending physician. In the complex therapy of angina, the following are used:

  • Antibiotics. The main objective of antibiotic therapy is the destruction of beta-hemolytic streptococcus in the oropharynx. With a correctly prescribed course of antibiotics, the symptoms of the disease disappear quickly, and complications do not occur. The doctor should prescribe an antibiotic to a patient with acute tonsillitis after the etiology of the infection has been laboratory confirmed. An incorrectly selected drug can blur the clinical picture and contribute to the development of resistant flora. The doctor determines the duration of the course and the optimal dosage of the drug individually, depending on the age, body weight of the patient and the degree of damage to the tonsils. In no case should you interrupt the course or arbitrarily reduce the dosage.
  • Antiseptic preparations. Used to relieve inflammation in the throat and remove pus. It is necessary to gargle every hour, the procedure contributes to the mechanical removal of pus, constantly released from the inflamed gland lacunae. For rinsing, aqueous solutions of Furacilin, Stomatodin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Rotokan, Stopangin, Streptocid or Ioddicerin are used.
  • Preparations for relieving sore throat. The most commonly used are absorbable tablets. With tonsillitis, they act as an analgesic; they cannot cure lacunar tonsillitis. Adult patients are suitable drugs Pharyngosept, Neo angina, Falimint, Strepsils, Travisil, Chlorophyllipt.
  • Antipyretics and painkillers. Usually drugs containing ibuprofen or paracetamol are used. Their use is advisable when the body temperature exceeds 38 ° C. At home, heavy drinking effectively brings down the temperature, herbal decoctions and teas, which have an antiseptic effect, are suitable.
In addition to the listed drugs, the treatment regimen for purulent tonsillitis includes vitamin complexes with minerals, immunomodulators, drugs of the glucocorticosteroid group, folk remedies designed to eliminate local symptoms (inhalation, rinsing).

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis at home with folk remedies

In the event that the treatment of purulent tonsillitis is carried out at home, it must be agreed with the doctor. Doctors recognize the high effectiveness of folk recipes for rinsing and inhalation and often prescribe them as adjuvants in the treatment of angina.


To quickly relieve inflammation of the tonsils in adults, gargling with a decoction of green walnuts is used. The decoction tastes bitter, but helps to heal quickly due to the high content of tannins, vitamins, fatty oils and alkaloids. You can use the peel, leaves or the green nuts themselves, cut into several pieces.

The rinse solution is prepared from three tablespoons of dried walnut leaves or 3 chopped young nuts. Raw materials are poured with a glass of water and boiled over low heat for fifteen minutes. Cooled to room temperature, the broth is filtered through gauze. Gargle with a freshly prepared decoction 4 times a day for 2 minutes.


Steam inhalations are performed to moisten the mucous membranes of the throat and reduce swelling. With tonsillitis, inhalations are made with thyme, sage and a decoction of well-washed potato peels. For disinfection, immediately before inhalation, one drop of fir oil can be added to the decoction. Inhalations can be carried out only for adult patients and after the temperature returns to normal and the acute symptoms of the disease subside.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis at home will be effective only if the patient is provided with peace and proper conditions:

  • Compliance with bed rest.
  • Increase your daily fluid intake. A warm drink has an excellent therapeutic effect, herbal teas have proven themselves well.
  • Decreased voice activity. You need to speak as little as possible (even in a whisper).
  • Healthy food. For the duration of the illness, carbonated drinks and foods with a pronounced taste - spicy, salty, sour - should be excluded from the diet. It is necessary to introduce foods rich in B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP into the diet. It is better to choose food that is soft, not traumatic for the throat and does not require long chewing. Soups and broths are optimal.

Is it possible to treat purulent tonsillitis in a child at home

Adult patients can quickly cure purulent tonsillitis at home, you just need to strictly adhere to the doctor's recommendations and perform medical procedures on time. Outpatient treatment of children, especially preschool children, is contraindicated due to the rapid course of the disease and the severity of complications.

The well-known pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky tells about how to treat a disease in a child in the following video:

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