How to get rid of the smell of sweat in the armpits with home remedies? Why is there an unpleasant smell of sweat under the armpits? Pharmacy and improvised means of getting rid of the smell of sweat under the arms

People who suffer from hyperhidrosis are often very shy. They are afraid to raise their hands, walk down the street at a faster pace, because this can turn into wet spots on their clothes. We offer to consider how to get rid of sweat under the arms, on the back, head and face with home remedies, healthy diets, as well as folk methods against sweaty smell of feet and hands.

Causes and types of sweat

Before you get rid of the release of strong sweat, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance and types. Medicine distinguishes two types of this disease, each differs in certain factors and manifestations.

If increased sweating begins when you do physical work, exercises or are somehow tense (worried, afraid), then this is not hyperhidrosis, but a normal reaction of the body. But in the event that an increased release of fluid in the armpits, on the body, legs or face begins to occur under normal temperature and chemical-physical conditions of the body, then this is a metabolic disorder.

There are two types of excessive sweating, "hyperhidrosis" - primary hyperhidrosis (localized) and secondary (generalized). Primary is considered a medical condition, secondary is caused by some disease or drug. In primary hyperhidrosis, excess sweating is located in the armpits, hands, face, or legs, etc. In most cases of the secondary type, the whole body sweats.

Causes profuse sweating can be the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  2. Diseases of the endocrine system;
  3. Diabetes;
  4. Alcoholism;
  5. Obesity;
  6. oncological diseases;
  7. Influence of certain psychiatric drugs and drugs against high blood pressure.

Video: how to get rid of the smell of sweat

Sweating treatment

Special deodorants(Nivea and Dove) are the most popular home remedies to get rid of sweat stains, and are well established as a complementary treatment or safety net. But antiperspirants will not cope with the problem if the hyperhidrosis is general or very advanced. On women's forums, it is advised to use Lancome (even apply deodorant for legs under the armpits), Faberlic, Nivea, Dove.

You can drink at home oral preparations These remedies will help stop excessive sweating. They are specifically designed for people who experience excess sweat on their feet and hands and belong to the group of anticholinergic medicines. It is important to remember that in most cases, they have side effects, such as dry mouth, blurred vision. Represented by such means as Glycopylorate, CertainDri, DryDry.

Iontophoresis- This technique uses a gentle electric current in the upper layers of the patient's skin to make the sweat glands work properly. This is a temporary solution, firstly, often the sessions cannot be repeated, and secondly, the action is enough for a couple of weeks.

Botox. Botox injections are used to temporarily stop the nerves that cause excessive sweating. For permanent treatment, injections are not suitable, because. it is very toxic, it can be allergic. Most often it is injected under the armpits, less often in the palms or feet.

Photo - Botox from sweat

Surgical intervention. A sympathectomy is an operation performed to reduce the number of sympathetic "wet" nerve endings that cause excessive sweating. It should be noted that the operation is very expensive and complicated, after it complications often arise with breathing or nerve function.

You can get rid of stinky sweat forever with folk methods. Remember, treatment will be effective only if you regularly follow the plan and follow all instructions. Also, before starting the procedures, it is necessary to eliminate the possible causes of the manifestation of hyperhidrosis:

  1. Get rid of synthetic shoes and clothes, only natural materials: leather, cotton, suede, bamboo, linen. Remember, suede shoes are the hardest to get rid of. Therefore, if your feet smell strongly, try to avoid such shoes.
  2. Take a shower regularly, change bedding;
  3. Walk in the fresh air as much as possible;
  4. If you have bad habits, get rid of them as soon as possible.

The most popular methods at home how to get rid of the smell of sweat and strong discharge:

Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of water. The resulting solution should be applied to problem areas. Wipe the mixture as often as possible in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpit. In addition, the liquid can be used to rinse the head.

Photo - Deodorant from sweat

Drink a glass of fresh homemade tomato juice once a day for at least a week. This will help with strong perspiration, relieve unpleasant odors. Tomatoes also contain many antioxidants that help remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Herbal tea is one very good home remedy for treating excessive sweating. Recipes can be different, the main thing is to choose refreshing herbs that speed up metabolism. Brew sage and chamomile in equal parts, cool and drink every time before meals for a week. This herb contains vitamin B and magnesium, which helps to reduce the activity of the sweat glands, has an excellent effect on the nervous system - calms the body and helps to eliminate toxins.

To cure sweating, you need to cut round slices of potatoes and rub them under the armpits. This is the simplest yet most effective way to get rid of sweat at home.

Hamamelis is a plant that is used for acne on the face, sweat in the hair, and the removal of a strong unpleasant odor, because. it is very rich in flavonoids. It has been used as a natural antiperspirant since the Middle Ages. Witch hazel leaves gently dry the skin and help prevent the spread of infection. To reduce sweating, a teenager is also recommended to drink tea from flowers and leaves.

If your feet sweat a lot in shoes or boots, you need to do massages with apple cider vinegar. We also recommend wiping the skin between the fingers with cotton pads soaked in a mixture of tea tree and olive oil. Yellow spots may appear, but don't worry, they will disappear after a couple of showers.

It is very difficult for a pregnant woman to get rid of strong sweat. You need to boil a liter of water and soak five tea bags of green tea with jasmine in it. When it cools down, soak your palms for thirty minutes in water. The tannic acids in tea have astringent properties that act as natural antiperspirants. The same technique can be used for diabetes.

If you are afraid of leaving marks on your leather jacket, jacket or other clothing, then apply corn starch to your armpits, which will also help to slightly reduce the activity of the sweat glands.

In the event that none of the listed methods fit, then you need to try attaching special sweat pads to your clothes. These devices stick to things and absorb sweat. They act quickly, there is no discharge and no smell.

Photo - Treatment of hyperhidrosis

When washing things, to get rid of traces of sweat or eliminate unpleasant odors, use soda. Apply soda powder to the damaged area, then wipe thoroughly and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with plenty of water.

You can also try to influence the body with pharmaceutical products. For example, Formagel is known for its availability, but after it the skin is very dry and cracked.

For night use, Teymurov's ointment is suitable. There are very good reviews about it, despite the unpleasant smell and texture. It will get rid of the pungent strong smell of sweat and fluid secretion, normalizes the work of the sweat glands. We advise you to buy the product in white packaging.

special diet

It is not enough just to apply medicines to problem areas, you need to follow a diet. Consider useful tips from endocrinologists on how to get rid of sweat.

  1. Reduce your intake of foods rich in iodine. Avoid vegetables like broccoli, asparagus and white onions, beef, liver and turkey.
  2. The mineral silicon regulates the production of sweat. It is present in foods such as strawberries, onions, almonds, and grapes.
  3. Drink plenty of water to flush out the toxins that cause sweat.
  4. Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamin B (especially in winter): cereals, fish and milk.
  5. Wheatgrass juice contains a lot of protein, vitamin C, vitamin B-12, folic acid and B-6, drink a teaspoon of the remedy every day before meals.
  6. Replace your black coffee with hot tea mixed with a few tablespoons of jasmine. If this is not possible, then at least reduce the amount of caffeine in the drink.

Body odor is often the reason why we feel uncomfortable around other people - for example, on a crowded bus, in a grocery line, or at the doctor's. Strong and foul body odor can have many causes, the most common of which are fungal skin infections, kidney problems, or a diseased liver.

In some people, despite the use of deodorants, the smell of sweat is more or less noticeable. This symptom is closely related to what we eat and in what quantity, the body produces toxins, which are the main cause of bad breath.

Sweat alone does not cause a strong and unpleasant odor. Everyone sweats, but only a few have an unbearable smell. The strong smell of sweat can be caused not only by diseases, but also by drugs, as well as an improper diet. For example, the appearance of the smell of hydrogen sulfide is facilitated by such factors as the absence of trace elements, in particular, zinc deficiency in the body, the presence of toxins in the blood, alcohol consumption, smoking, etc.

Sweating is a very natural and necessary process in the human body - it is a mechanism for cleaning and cooling the body. When a person sweats, toxins are released through the skin. However, excessive sweating, with a lack of hygiene, can cause bacteria to multiply on the surface of the skin, which also causes bad breath.

How to remove the smell of sweat under the arms

There are several effective ways to help deal with strong underarm sweat odor.

Water from heavy sweating

If you're worried about the smell of your skin, the first thing you should try is drinking more water, which helps flush out toxins from your body. Drinking water can help you amazingly effectively!

It is also important to take water treatments at least twice a day in summer and once a day in the rest of the year. To even more effectively eliminate unpleasant odors, you can add 2 cups of tomato juice to the water in the bathroom and lie down in this solution for 15 minutes.

Clean clothing made from natural fabrics

Wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics. If the clothes smell and are even a little dirty under the armpits, you should not wear them, in the hope that the smell of deodorant will mask this smell.

Anti-dandruff shampoo against sweat odor

This is not quite familiar, but a very effective way - regularly wash your armpits with a dandruff shampoo, such as Nizoral. Just like bad smelling sweat, dandruff is the result of bacteria. Shampoos have antiseptic substances that counteract the secretion of sebum and the growth of bacteria.

Essential oils for sweat

Apply a small amount of essential oil under your armpits or other areas that are prone to sweating. You can use rosemary oil or tea tree essential oil (which is the strongest natural antiseptic, its bactericidal and fungicidal properties have been used for many centuries in medicine). It is better to buy oil in pharmacies to be sure that they are natural.

Soda for excessive sweating

Put some baking soda under your armpits, it will kill the bacteria that often grow there and cause bad breath, and it will also help absorb sweat. Just take some powder in the palm of your hand and rub it under your armpits.

Vinegar instead of deodorant

You can use regular or apple cider vinegar to wash your underarms as well as your feet. Vinegar will keep you smelly all day long.

Potato as a deodorant

To avoid bad breath and feel fresh all day, grate one raw potato, squeeze it out and rub the resulting nipple under the armpits, when the juice from the potato dries, wipe the armpits with a damp towel to remove excess starch. Potato juice works as a natural deodorant.

Food affects the smell of sweat

To reduce body odor, avoid refined oils, red meat, alcohol, white sugar, white flour, garlic, onions, and other strong-smelling foods in your diet. You don't have to cut them out completely, of course, the amount and frequency of these foods also matters.

For example, if you eat red meat twice a day, even a small amount, then it will have an effect on body odor. Combine meat dishes with fresh vegetables and fruits, which naturally cleanse the body. Eat foods rich in fiber, cereals, soy products.

Fast food, chips and other similar snacks, especially fried ones, increase the level of toxins in the body. This also applies to drinks: cola, coffee, alcohol. Thus, such stimulants should be avoided.

The old way from the tsarist army

To avoid mycosis and a disgusting smell from boots, soldiers were advised to soak their feet in a 6% formalin solution. This alcohol tincture can be found in some pharmacies.

Underarm sweat odor is a common problem that predominantly affects women. What causes a strong smell of sweat in the armpits, and how to deal with the smell of sweat in this area are questions that experts have been trying to solve for centuries. The causes of the smell have already been investigated by experienced medical professionals.

As a rule, the predominantly female sex actively fights against excessive sweating. Indeed, for the weak half of humanity, the issues of beauty and hygiene are the main ones. The desire to be beautiful and smell good is inherent in women at the genetic level. And smelly armpits cause them great discomfort.

To get rid of the smell of sweat, you must first find out the cause of such an aroma. Otherwise, all efforts in the fight against hyperhidrosis will be in vain.

What are sweat glands for?

Sweaty armpits are caused by sweat glands, of which there are several million in the female body. Such a large number of sweat glands is necessary for the correct and timely thermoregulation of the human body. These glands are divided into eccrine and apocrine. Ecrine are located over the entire skin surface, apocrine - only in the groin and under the armpits. Apocrine glands have secretory functions, the secretion of which includes isovaleric acid. It is this substance that is the cause of the pungent odor.

The decay products of secretory cells, in the process of decomposition, combine with the waste products of various bacteria that live on the skin, and are the natural microflora of each person. It is the reunion of these two components that gives the complex a peculiar smell that cannot be called pleasant.

Female hormones take an active part in the process of sweating in the body. In the female body, bacteria, called saprophytes, which are found in sweat, feel great. They have a peculiar smell with "sourness". It is this smell that is inherent in women's armpits and is the norm of the natural functioning of the body.

When the smell of sweat is an anomaly

But if there is a strong smell of sweat, or, for example, instead of a weak sourness, it smells like mice, these are already deviations from the norm, and illness can be the cause of the smell of sweat under the arms.

The main causes of poor amber are mainly endocrine abnormalities, metabolic disorders, and organ failure.

Bad smell can be a signal of such diseases:

  1. Malignant neoplasms affect the increase and change in the smell of sweat.
  2. Severe liver disease also causes a pronounced odor that is reminiscent of acetone.
  3. With kidney failure and various disorders in the genitourinary system, the smell of sweat will give urine. This is due to the fact that the body, when the kidneys are not working properly, tries to remove fluid through the sweat glands.
  4. Diabetes mellitus or tuberculosis will also affect the change in the smell of sweat, in which notes of vinegar will be felt.
  5. Even the presence of mastopathy can increase the unpleasant smell of armpits.
  6. With diphtheria, the smell of the armpits will take on a sweet tinge.
  7. A fishy or hydrogen sulfide smell indicates metabolic disorders, improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, a strong and unpleasant odor can indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, and thyroid gland.

Natural Causes of Excessive Sweating

There are a number of situations in which sweating can increase, but this is also the norm:

  1. Intensified physical activity. With strong physical labor, or playing sports, the body spends a lot of energy, and in order to cool down in time, all sweat glands work in an enhanced mode.
  2. At a high ambient temperature, or in a hot stuffy room, the human body begins to overheat, and in order to prevent this, excess moisture is utilized through the sweat glands.
  3. stressful situations. When a person worries, worries, the body experiences stress, hormones work in an enhanced mode, thermoregulation also increases, and the person is thrown into a “sweat”. Such emotional swings are especially susceptible to women, who, as emotional beings, often react violently to different life situations. The smell of sweat, in such cases, has a bitter note. This is the body's natural response to stress. In this case, women need to learn to control themselves, you can use sedative medications. After all, women are able to worry about the fact that they sweat through unrest. And it turns out a vicious circle: they worry so as not to sweat, and they sweat because they worry.
  4. Transitional age. Teenagers also sweat a lot. This is due to hormonal changes, and should not cause unnecessary worries and worries.

Also, the cause of an unpleasant odor may be the lack of hygiene procedures. Especially in the hot season, when the body is forced to sweat often, due attention should be paid to the hygiene of your body.

One of the common causes of hyperhidrosis is tight and synthetic clothing. Synthetics do not allow the body to breathe normally, as a result, sweating intensifies and takes on an unpleasant odor.

How to deal with excessive sweating of the armpits

On the modern cosmetic market, there are many products that fight sweat and armpit odor. These are all kinds of deodorants, antiperspirants, complex deodorants-antiperspirants.

Note. All cosmetic products are advisable to use if armpit sweating is natural. If, however, it is caused by diseases, it is necessary to eliminate the disease - the cause of the unpleasant odor.

If you just use different remedies for armpit sweating, but do not treat diseases, you can only aggravate the situation even more.

At the slightest suspicion of any disease, you should immediately seek help from qualified specialists.

If sweating is natural, to remove odors under the arms of women, you can find a suitable cosmetic product.

If the smell is not strong and sweating is not particularly plentiful, you can limit yourself to using a regular deodorant. This is the most harmless remedy for sweat. They can be used several times a day. Deodorant creates danger only in case of individual intolerance to any component in the composition of the product.

If sweating is more profuse, an antiperspirant may be used. It, unlike deodorant, not only masks the smell, but prevents it from appearing, preventing the sweat glands from actively producing sweat. But, there are still disputes about the harmlessness of such a tool. There are experts who claim that such a remedy is unsafe, causes disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys, the cardiovascular system, and even causes breast cancer. Another category of experts argue that these are all unproven facts, and that antiperspirants are harmless agents. Who is right and who is wrong, consumers have to decide individually. The fact that such a remedy is effective against sweat and its smell remains undeniable.

There are also complex antiperspirant deodorants that combine the functions of both a deodorant and an antiperspirant. Aluminum is also present in their composition, as in the composition of the antiperspirant. A substance that cannot be called natural and safe.

There are sweat products that contain alcohol, they should not be used immediately after depilation, or any other method of hair removal. Alcohol irritates the delicate skin of the armpits, so women prone to allergic reactions are not recommended to use such alcohol-containing products.

There are also these products without alcohol. There are deodorants and antiperspirants that contain essential oils and extracts from various useful plants, such as aloe juice.

When choosing such cosmetics, you need to read the instructions and composition in order to choose the best option that will not do any harm and will gently take care of the sensitive skin of the armpits.

Excessive sweating and the accompanying unpleasant odor cause a lot of discomfort and become a barrier in a person's social and personal life.

You can solve the problem of smell and sweat under the armpits with the help of traditional treatment or folk remedies. Cover up with deodorants and antiperspirants.

Cause and effect

Sweat itself is odorless, as it is a mixture of water and salt. The stench of the armpits is "due" to the vital activity of microorganisms that live in these areas of the body.

With a balanced work of the sweat glands, it is enough to simply wash the armpits with soap and water at least 2 times a day. Additionally, you can use antiperspirants (blocking sweating) and deodorants (masking bad odor).


If excessive sweating is due to internal failures, you need to identify and eliminate the root cause of the problem. What can cause bad breath and excessive armpit sweating? Factors of primary axillary hyperhidrosis are violations of the systems:

  • nervous;
  • endocrine;
  • cardiovascular.

Secondary - various vegetative-vascular and hormonal failures, including those associated with:

  • the period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • physical and emotional overload;
  • overweight, unbalanced diet;
  • frequent and / or excessive use of alcoholic, narcotic, psychotropic, nicotine-containing drugs.

Hyperhidrosis affects every 30 people out of 1000.


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Cleansing and toning -.

A treasure trove of folk wisdom

For centuries, our ancestors noticed the properties of various plants, in order to pass on to their descendants the wisdom of passing generations. A lot of advice, recommendations and recipes regarding the solution of the problem of interest have come down to our days.

At the end of XIX - beginning of XX centuries. problem areas were wiped with coltsfoot and corn starch, while the grass was crushed in a mortar and steamed.

Is it possible for pregnant women to paint their nails with varnish?

Strong tea

The best caring and healing folk recipes for sweat and armpit odor are based on infusions from:

  • mint;
  • lemon balm;
  • sage;
  • oak bark;
  • chamomile flowers.

Kombucha has been successfully used.

The listed medicinal herbs are natural, natural antiseptics. They perfectly fight many varieties of bacteria and fungi that multiply on the skin. Properly selected and brewed plants contribute to the narrowing of pores and reduce sweat.

Treatment of profuse sweating and armpit odor with folk remedies should be carried out systematically. Single or irregular procedures will not bring the effect.

Is it possible to paint extended eyelashes with mascara is described in detail.

Oak bark

A concentrated decoction of oak bark is one of the most effective components for baths, compresses, lotions and masks to reduce sweating and sweat odor in the armpits, as well as in other parts of the body and face. Dry crushed bark is sold in pharmacies. You can also prepare it yourself by collecting this medicinal raw material even before the first leaves appear on the tree, that is, in March - early April.

To prepare a decoction, pour 1 liter. boiling water 5 tablespoons of dry chopped main ingredient, and heated in water under a closed lid for a quarter of an hour. Then the container with the broth is covered with a towel until the liquid has completely cooled, filtered through cheesecloth, folded several times. The finished broth is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

The tool is used in several ways:

  • Carry out daily (several times a day) rinsing of the armpits. At the same time, masking and blocking cosmetic products are completely excluded.
  • Within a month (with a break of 90 days), lotions are applied for half an hour.

It is also effective to add freshly squeezed lemon juice to 200 ml of broth. This combination will reduce the performance of sweat glands and deodorize problem areas.

Oak bark


The second most effective folk remedy for sweat and odor in the armpits. To prepare the infusion, you need 2 tbsp. crushed dried mint leaves (or lemon balm), steamed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is left in a closed container for 12 hours, then carefully filtered.

Wipe with the mixture twice a day for 1 month. The procedure can be repeated 2-3 times per session after each drying of the skin.

horsetail and alcohol

A remedy based on horsetail is prepared with alcohol, so it is not recommended to use it immediately after depilation, so as not to provoke pain and burning.

The components are mixed in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:5, depending on whether you use vodka or pure alcohol.

1 part of horsetail is poured with alcohol, insisted for 14-21 days. The liquid is then diluted with water. Moisten a cotton pad with infusion and wipe the armpits for no more than 30 days in a row, after which they take a break.

Before visiting the beach or solarium, it is not recommended to use this remedy in order to exclude the formation of age spots.

Sage and nettle

The fundamental difference between the decoction of these plants and others is that it is taken orally to normalize sweating. 500 ml of boiling water are steamed in 1 tbsp. dried herb mixtures. Insist, drink 1 time in 3 days for a month.

Tea mushroom

You can reduce the release of sweat and remove the specific smell by wiping the armpits with an infusion of kombucha. The effect will be obvious if you use a remedy that has been infused for at least 4 weeks.

Radish juice and glycerin

The components are mixed in equal proportions. Rub into cleansed skin in the problem area in the morning and evening.

Tea mushroom

The benefits and harms of sea salt baths are described in detail.

Strong tea

Large-leaf black tea is infused for at least 20 minutes. The resulting chifir is moistened with a cotton pad or napkin, and the armpits are wiped three times a day.

Baking soda

For 1 tsp This product needs 1 cup of boiling water and 2-3 drops of any essential oil. The cooled liquid is wiped 2-3 times a day.

You can reduce sweat and stench if you follow some simple rules:

  1. Clothing should be dry and made from natural fabrics.
  2. Spicy, fatty, smoked, strongly smelling food should be excluded from the diet. In the hot season, you need to minimize the consumption of hot drinks.
  3. As often as possible, carry out water procedures with antibacterial or tar soap. In a non-hot bath, it is recommended to add 2 full tablespoons of table salt.
  4. Use antiperspirants and deodorants that contain zinc in their formula.
  5. Drink a complex of vitamins, including phosphorus and iron.

The exhaled "aroma" depends on the quality of food, age and genetic characteristics, health status and even the mood of a person.

Baking soda


Video interview with a doctor, where the topic of treating sweating with folk methods is raised

Sweating is an absolutely natural function of the body, necessary to maintain optimal body temperature and remove metabolic products. However, the development of hyperhidrosis indicates the presence of health problems and internal disturbances in the work of life support systems.

In any case, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body in order to identify the root cause of the disease and get rid of it through drug therapy. As caring and healing folk recipes for sweat and armpit odor, it is effective to use decoctions of medicinal plants, baking soda, tea.

Sweat performs very important functions in the human body. Together with it, all harmful substances are removed. In addition, when sweat evaporates, it takes away some of the heat from the skin, thus cooling the body. Sweat is usually released in small amounts, evaporates quickly and does not leave an unpleasant odor. But many people suffer from excessive sweating, which causes a lot of problems. Before dealing with them, you need to establish the causes of hyperhidrosis. Natural factors include:

  • excitement;
  • emotional turmoil;
  • fear;
  • long stay in a hot room;
  • increased physical activity.

Physical activity makes a person sweat well

There are more serious reasons - certain diseases. These include diabetes mellitus, endocrine disorders, tuberculosis. In this case, there is not only increased sweating, but also other symptoms: weakness, dizziness, constant thirst, frequent urination.

Often, hyperhidrosis manifests itself in adolescence, when there is an intensive production of hormones. Over time, it goes away on its own. And, finally, the most banal reason is non-compliance with hygiene, as a result of which a fetid odor appears.

Sweating in children is very common. If you notice that the baby smells unpleasant, pay special attention to hygiene rules.

The child may sweat due to the increased temperature in the room

Among the main factors provoking the appearance of the problem, one can note:

  • high temperature in the room;
  • excessive emotionality of the child;
  • defective work of the sweat glands - they begin to work from three to four months, but stable functioning is possible only from the age of five;
  • lack of vitamin D;
  • the use of certain drugs;
  • diseases accompanied by fever;
  • endocrine disorders.

To fix the problem, you need to take simple steps. Remember that sweat does not smell, but it forms a moist and warm environment that encourages the spread of bacteria. They process dead cells, individual components of the secretion of the sweat glands, release their products. That is why sweat starts to smell bad. To prevent this, you need to wash regularly: water washes away sweat and dead cells well, soap kills bacteria.

Another reason is armpit hair. They absorb all odors well and contribute to the formation of an unfavorable environment. So if you want to get rid of bad odors, shave those areas carefully. Fabrics also absorb odors, which means that clothes need to be washed regularly. It is advisable to choose things made from natural materials, as synthetics make it difficult for normal air circulation.

Choose breathable fabrics made from natural materials

In stores, you can find special pads that are attached to clothing or skin. They quickly absorb sweat, and you can change them as needed. In this way, you can not only remove the smell of sweat, but also protect your clothes. Subject to these rules, you can quickly solve the problem without the use of cosmetics and other methods. But this is possible only with a little sweating. In all other cases, it is recommended to use other methods.


In any pharmacy you can find a huge number of drugs that help get rid of sweating. It can be solutions, pastes, tablets. But it is better to use them after consulting a doctor.

Name of the drug How does it work
Salicylic-zinc paste Perfectly dries the skin and inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms
Zinc ointment Quickly relieves heavy sweating
Pasta Lassar and Teimurov Suppress the work of the sweat glands. The product is contraindicated in case of high skin sensitivity
Urotropin An effective tool that helps to get rid of the smell. It is applied under the armpits before going to bed.
Galmanin Powder that perfectly dries the skin and works as an antiseptic
Formidron Provides a deodorizing effect, prevents sweat and odor

We remove the smell of folk remedies

In addition to pharmacy formulations, you can solve the problem with the help of simple and effective alternative medicine recipes. They are affordable and available in almost every home.

It normalizes the pH balance of the skin, reduces the activity of the glands and eliminates the smell of sweat. In combination with vegetable and essential oils, cornstarch and lemongrass, it allows you to achieve amazing results. The product is quickly absorbed, does not form yellow stains on clothes, and oils prevent irritation.

Baking soda is great for getting rid of sweat odor.

Among the most popular recipes are:

  1. Mix soda and cornstarch, add cocoa butter. The resulting composition is stored in the refrigerator and used as needed.
  2. Rub soda in small portions into the skin of the armpits with light circular movements.
  3. Grate laundry soap, dilute with water and cook until completely dissolved. When the mixture has cooled, add soda and mix thoroughly. After thickening, use the finished product daily.

The substance has amazing properties, but still will not help to part with excessive sweating forever. However, peroxide is considered an effective remedy for bad breath. It is enough to dilute the substance in water, moisten a cotton pad in the resulting mixture and carefully treat the problem areas.

Apply a solution of peroxide with water to a cotton pad and treat the skin

Another option on how to get rid of the smell of sweat under the arms is healing herbs. It can be chamomile, lemon balm, sage, calendula, etc. It is very easy to make a decoction: just pour boiling water over the dry mixture, insist and strain, and then wipe the desired areas several times a day.

Chamomile helps with sweating

If the decoction is supplemented with soda or lemon juice, the effect of the products used can be significantly enhanced. All herbal decoctions act in the same way: they narrow pores, reduce the amount of secretions, and destroy microbes.

If the above methods of struggle do not work, you can try drastic measures. One of them is laser treatment. It disrupts the work of the sweat glands, so that almost no sweat is released. The method is considered highly effective and eliminates the possibility of infection. In addition, after such a procedure, armpit hair does not grow well.

Galvanization or iontophoresis will help eliminate the fetid smell of sweat. Overlays are placed on the skin of the armpits, which moisten it with a special solution. A weak current is directed through them, with the help of which the ionized substance penetrates the structure of the skin and blocks the work of the sweat glands.

Botox injections under the arm

Another way to forget about sweating and bad smell is to inject Botox into the armpits. Such treatment is considered one of the best, as it allows you to forget about the problem for as long as six months. A noticeable decrease in sweating provides curettage: through a small puncture, the skin of the armpits is exfoliated with a special tool, and the sweat glands are removed.

Sweat causes discomfort and spoils things - the smell from it is very difficult to remove. Moreover, over time, the tissue in the armpit wears out quickly. The sweaty smell is very persistent: if you drown it with perfumes and deodorants, the smell becomes even more unbearable.

In order not to damage it at the same time, wash it in vinegar. This substance can be used to eliminate any unpleasant odors. They can also treat the body to reduce sweating. Sometimes sweat causes severe irritation. In this case, the use of deodorants is not advisable. The best option is to wipe the skin with gauze soaked in a weak solution of vinegar. It is an excellent disinfectant and soothing agent.

Vinegar will help remove the smell of sweat from clothes

The best remedy for the smell of sweat is clothes made from natural materials, preferably 100% cotton.

It allows air to pass through, prevents overheating of the body, perfectly absorbs sweat and prevents inflammation.

If you suffer from sweating and bad breath, be sure to go to the doctor and follow all his recommendations. Before each exit to the street, check the condition of the armpits. If necessary, apply deodorant or antiperspirant to freshen up body odour.

If you're sweating from fear or excitement, learn to control yourself. Try to think positive thoughts and drive away bad thoughts. Exercise and meditation can help a lot. Reconsider your diet: the menu should not contain foods that provoke odor. These include onions and garlic, coffee, alcohol, spicy and spicy foods.

Do not forget to follow the rules of hygiene. No deodorant can eliminate the specific smell of sweat coming from stale clothes. Therefore, try to change outfits every day and do not re-wear them without washing.

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