Unusual names for black cats. Mystical time of day. Interesting and beautiful options for boys and girls

When a fluffy little ball appears in the house, I want to pick up a beautiful and sonorous name for it. But choosing one of the many available options is not so easy. Often this activity turns into a whole test for the owners of the kitten. Not everyone knows what to be guided by when choosing and whether fantasy can be turned on or a standard nickname should be chosen.

How to choose a nickname for a cat

The choice of a name for the baby must be approached carefully, taking into account the character of the new family member, his behavior, as well as who he looks like and how unique he is. Perhaps the baby likes to explore unfamiliar surroundings on his own or he prefers to relax more often in an easy chair. Personality assessment of a kitten is the main criterion in choosing a name.

Various specialized books, Internet sites and your own erudition will help you find the right nickname for your pet. Often interesting beautiful names come to mind unexpectedly. Fantasy does not hurt, but remember that babies are better at learning a name of one or two syllables. Shorten long words. For example, call Innokenty Kesha, Tikhon - Tisha, Timofey - Tima. Also consider other recommendations:

  • cats like names that end with the letter "i" (Shandi);
  • it is desirable that whistling or hissing sounds be present in the chosen name: it is assumed that they are better perceived by animals, cats respond to them faster (Barsik, Fluff);
  • the name should have more vowels (Murzik, Kuzya);
  • choose a sonorous nickname that is well remembered, but not annoying to the ear.

Some, when choosing a name, are guided by their hobbies, calling the ward Cheeseburger, Cosmos, Fisherman. Others call kittens by the name of a friend, neighbor, or give the pet the name of a cartoon character, television series: Kitten Woof, Cholito. And there are those who choose names that are not subject to any logic - Musket, Beaver. Nevertheless, the choice of the name of the baby should be approached more responsibly and give what really suits him, and not just like it. And in order for the name of the pet to correspond to its image as much as possible, take into account 7 factors:

  1. The nature of the kitten. When the baby's nickname reflects his character and is chosen with a creative approach and a certain amount of humor, it always evokes affection, positive emotions of those around him. And in order to choose the name as accurately as possible, the pet needs to be just a kitten for a day or two, until it finally becomes clear what it is. Affectionate names are suitable for a meek creature - Fluff, Snowball. If the kitten is a true beast and a real fury, call him Shkodnik or Lucifer.

    If the kitten is kind and calm, come up with an affectionate name for it.

  2. Breed. For Siamese, Thai, Abyssinian kittens, choose some unusual, exotic, oriental-style nickname. In the book of ancient Egyptian myths, look for a suitable name that was used to name the gods, heroes. Cowboy names are suitable for kittens of the American Shorthair, Wirehair breed. Give a British Shorthair kitten an aristocratic name.

    An exotic and unusual nickname is suitable for an Abyssinian kitten, for example, the name of a character from myths

  3. Country of origin. In this case, the choice of a name is similar to its selection depending on the breed. For example, give a Siberian kitten a Slavic name Tikhon, give an American kitten the name John or Bob, and give a Thai or Siamese kitten Bun Mi. And also pay attention to the names of heroes known within the respective country.
  4. Appearance. This indicator is in close contact with the disposition of the baby, his breed. One and the other will certainly leave its mark on the appearance of the cat, sometimes turning the graceful Siamese baby into an obvious bully. And the name given to him, for example, Osiris, will look very surprising. Do not forget about the length of the coat and do not call the short-haired animal Shaggy, which is clearly not true.
  5. Color, eye color. When choosing a name, the color of the eyes and coat also matters. The eyes of kittens of the Siamese, Thai breed are blue or blue, their color is blue-point (seal-point), so the nicknames Sapphire, Bell, Onyx, Morion are suitable. Less refined names are Chernysh, Belyash, Ryzhik.

    Call the ginger kitten just Ryzhik, and the black one Blackie

  6. Age. The kid will eventually turn into an important mustachioed cat, having high self-esteem and an amazing sense of self-worth in relation to his person. With an eye to the future, it's a good idea to call it a serious name Boss or Porsche.
  7. Date of birth, character. There is an opinion that kittens that were born in winter have a tougher character, and a softer name is suitable for them, for example, Michael. Summer kittens are often referred to by a more formal name, such as Tom. If the baby managed to be born on the eve of some holiday or on this day itself, name him in honor of this event. So, the animal that appeared on Valentine's Day, give the name Valentine.

For thoroughbred kittens with a pedigree (metric), there are certain rules in choosing names. The document will have a column that includes the name of the nursery, the name of the animal. The nickname is chosen so that its initial letter in alphabetical order corresponds to the number that matches the ordinal number of births of the kitten's mother. There are clubs where a single registration of litters has been introduced. The breeder is told what letter the kitten's name should begin with. The first litter has the letter "A". Babies from the same litter are given names starting with one letter. In other clubs for breeders, rules are introduced according to which they themselves choose which letter the name of the baby will begin with.

A kitten with a pedigree, especially a branched and solid one, is often called an impressive name in accordance with social status. So, Baron Oscar von Benjamin de Lacroix is ​​a pretty weighty name. Just wondering how to address the baby with such a long name and call him, for example, to eat. In reality, this long nickname is shortened to Benji, Baron, Donkey. In rare cases, an animal is given a nickname that has nothing to do with the pedigree.

When choosing a name for your four-legged friend, include pieces of music from different authors. When the kitten shows interest in one of them, name this composer or performer and name the animal - Mozart, Bilan.

When the name is chosen, try to call the kitten. If he immediately responds to it and runs to you, he obviously liked the name and will definitely take root. Remember that not only love, care and kindness are the main part of caring for a baby. The nickname is also very important. After all, the kitten is now an independent member of the family, and you need to address him by name.

Video: how to choose a name for a kitten

How to name a kitten boy

This is not an easy task - to pick up a name for a kitten. Habitual nicknames - Murzik, Barsik, Vaska - have long been fed up. I want to name my pet something special and beautiful, choose a serious or rare, funny or cool name.

Beautiful nicknames

There are many beautiful names that suit kittens (cats), among them: Alex, Aramis, Askold, Anatole, Benjamin, Walter, Wolf, Gabriel, Darius, Emerald, Leopold, Daniel, Marcel, Athos, Arthur, Amadeus, Oliver, Paul , Julien, Bobby, Boatswain, Raul, Best, Waltz, Orpheus, Harry, Web, Leader, Jerry, Volcano, Miracle, Martin, Eric, Simon, Felix, Fakir, Hussar, Give, Jam, Give, Gift, Johnny, Denis , Jerry, Jam, Egor, Zhulchi, Zhivchik., Zephyr, Zador, Start up, Ignat, Karai, Case, Celt, Kuzma, Leopold, Lovelace, Lord, Love, Major, Marquis, Kid, Moore, Michel, Mayor, Walrus, Nice, Raid, Newton, Light, Odysseus, Parthos, Pegasus, Pif, Plakun, Price, Punch, Robbery, Rally, Ridge, Rumbik, Richard, Signal, Spartak, Sultan, Sandy, Teddy, Club, Trophy, Tolly, Timmy, Umka, Hurricane, Ursik, Furor, Kharik, Hippie, Hobby, Citron, Charles, Chardash, Chizhik, Chief, Cartoon, Shake, Elegant, Ex, Andy, Yurchen, Eugene, Young, Yarik.

Rare cat names for boys

A kitten can be called not only beautiful, but also a rare name:

  • Adonis;
  • Amaris;
  • Archibald;
  • Diamond;
  • Boomeran;
  • Daniel;
  • Jared;
  • Jardon;
  • Emperor;
  • Crystal;
  • Lancelot;
  • Lucius;
  • Mirage;
  • Morpheus;
  • Onyx;
  • Pacifist;
  • Sapphire;
  • Tabasco;
  • Centaurus.

Funny, cool names

Often, the owners of small kittens choose a funny name for them in order to highlight the individual characteristics of their cat against the general background of Barsikov, Vasek, Murzikov. There are many original nicknames. Choose them according to your taste, but taking into account some signs.

Choice by color

If the kitten is white, name it:

  • Belyash;
  • Vanillin;
  • dumpling;
  • Zephyr;
  • Kefir;
  • Cocaine;
  • dumpling;
  • Sugar;
  • Eskimo;

Names suitable for a black baby:

  • Dracula;
  • Cappuccino;
  • Moor;
  • Black person;
  • Satan;
  • Zanzibar;

For a red pet, select a nickname:

  • Apricot;
  • watchdog;
  • Volcano;
  • Ginger;
  • Chestnut;
  • honey cake;
  • Dandelion;
  • Dried apricots;
  • Citrus.

The nickname given to the striped babies can enhance their resemblance to a large tiger cat. List of funny nicknames:

  • Watermelon;
  • Mattress;
  • Sailor;
  • Telnyashkin;
  • Tigridze.

different hair lengths

This sign can be distinguished by the appropriate nickname. Such names are suitable for cats with long hair:

  • Shaggy;
  • Oduvan;
  • Cashemi;
  • Poodle;
  • Chewbacca.

Nicknames with a joke for short-haired babies:

  • Bald;
  • Sleepwalker;
  • Lenin;
  • Lichen;
  • Pebble;
  • Kotovsky;
  • Rats;
  • Pharaoh;
  • Ratpaw;
  • Ramses;
  • Lucifer;
  • Jupiter.

Sometimes a kitten should be named using the opposite option. The nickname Fluffy will sound cool for a smooth-haired cat or without wool. Thanks to her, the cat, being bald, will attract attention.

Kittens with long hair can come up with funny nicknames - Poodle, Oduvan, Pooh

Funny names of cartoon characters, fairy tales

It will be interesting to sound the name of some character. If a cat from a cartoon looks like a pet, his name will delight all households for a long time:

  • Basilio;
  • Behemo;
  • Boniface;
  • Leopold;
  • Matroskin;
  • Guidon;
  • Cheburashka;
  • Simba.

Celebrity Names

Name the kitten Arnold, Bonaparte, Bush, Homer, Zhirinovsky, Columbus, Newton or Obama. When choosing a name, start, as in other cases, from the nature of the kitten. If it's not installed yet, perhaps a cool nickname will give it a new twist.

By brand name

An interesting idea is to give a kitten a name after a well-known brand name. Since such nicknames are rare, they are well remembered: Samsung, Philips, Adidas, Lexus, Orbit. A creative approach to choosing a name on this basis will allow you to find the right name from existing brands of various products - vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, cars, TVs.

Computer nicknames

Cool names for kittens have also appeared in connection with the development of computer technology, the latest technologies. They are especially relevant when the cat likes to relax at the computer where its owner works. List of names: Android, IKot, Byte, Buffer, Widget, Google, Kaspersky, Xerox, Moderator, Processor, Server, Torrent, Trojan, Hacker, Yandex. Fantasy is limitless, and you can come up with your own version of the name of a pet by choosing what it is most associated with.

Serious nicknames

Serious cat names include:

  • Authority;
  • Diamond;
  • Barin;
  • Baron;
  • Batiste;
  • Boss;
  • Babylon;
  • Valentino;
  • Jack;
  • Viscount;
  • William;
  • Knight;
  • Graph;
  • Dominic;
  • Image;
  • Emperor;
  • Kant;
  • Captain;
  • Loki;
  • Marquis;
  • Mozart;
  • Narcissus;
  • Nelson;
  • Neptune;
  • Oscar;
  • Professor;
  • Senator;
  • Sultan;
  • Phoenix;
  • Caesar;
  • Evan.

affectionate names

Cute and affectionate nicknames are also often chosen - Amur, Antosha, Bantik, Willy, Waltz, Roller, Nyusik, Gummi, Tamsik, Zaya, Surprise, Tommy, Toshka, Umka, Venya, Olive, Baloo, Fusik, Tail, Gavryusha, Chucky, Umka.

Simple nicknames

Names that are suitable for small male kittens: Vaska, Murzik, Barsik, Musik, Kuzya, Syoma, Fedor, Shurik, Puff, Fluff, Fluffy, Jean, Busik, Cornflower, Grishka, Arkasha, Bonya, Dema, Erik, Fantik, Maksik, Mikhasik, Romik, Tishka, Kesha, Seva, Mishka, Yashka.

Taking a serious approach to choosing a name for a little kitten means that many nicknames correspond to certain characteristics. So, Agat is good and kind, Agap is beloved, Kuzma is a gift and peace. Felix is ​​interpreted as happy, Leopold is a brave lion, and Hassan is handsome.

Gray cat names for boys

For British and Scottish kitten breeds, feel free to choose English classic names. Gray cats of the Scottish Fold breed would be appropriate to call:

  • Scotch or Scotty - words derived from scottish, which in English means "Scottish";
  • Whiskas - by the name of the popular Scottish drink (whiskey);
  • Kilt, Celt - by the name of Scottish clothing.

The names Wolf, Gray, Smoke, Chrome, Clyde, Velvet, Ashton, Mouse are suitable for such gray kittens.

The British know their nickname well and respond to it. The nicknames of British kittens can be as follows:

  • wolf;
  • Smoke;
  • Martin;
  • Mouse;
  • Steve;
  • Sultan;
  • Sheikh.

Gray kittens of any breed can be called Grey, Silver, Gray or Ash.

For gray kittens of the British breed, the nicknames Tom, Smoky, Steve are suitable.

What is the name of a black cat

Color often becomes the main factor when choosing a color. The combination of name and color will emphasize the individuality of the kitten. These options are suitable for kittens of any breed of black:

  • Agate;
  • noir;
  • Terry (associated with the dark color of the earth);
  • Coal;
  • Chernysh;
  • Schwartz (black in German);
  • Black;
  • Knight.

A black kitten can be called Black, Chernysh or Coal

Names for white cats

Kittens that have a white color can be called:

  • Belyusik;
  • Belyash;
  • Blanche;
  • Blond;
  • Blond;
  • Waitik;
  • Weiss;
  • Pearl;
  • Casper;
  • Zephyr;
  • Kefirchik;
  • Coconut;
  • Swan;
  • Lotus;
  • Marble;
  • Cloud;
  • Snowdrop;
  • Sugar;
  • Smy;
  • Snowball;
  • Snow.

White kittens are often called by color - Snow, Belyash, Sugar, Snowball

How can you call a red cat

Kids of sunny color are given nicknames:

  • Apricot;
  • Altyn;
  • Orange;
  • Mandarin;
  • Light;
  • Orange;
  • Sun;
  • Pomeranchik;
  • Ginger;
  • Tiger (Tiger);
  • Yant (from the word amber).

Nicknames of tricolor cats: Bengal, Maine Coon, outbred

You can not particularly strain with the choice of the name of the Maine Coon kitten and use a derived form from the name of the breed - Kun, Kunya, Kuni, Maine, Maini. More interesting nicknames for this chic breed:

  • Athos;
  • Archibald;
  • Bayun;
  • Bard;
  • Bogatyr;
  • Giant;
  • Giant;
  • Gulliver;
  • Fortress;
  • Lucky;
  • Leopold;
  • Nice;
  • Mathis;
  • Nael;
  • A Maine Coon kitten can simply be called Maini or Kunya

    name for the sphinx

    It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that in the cat world sphinxes are representatives of an exotic breed. With their mysterious appearance, they evoke associations with distant ancient Egypt, the times of the pyramids and pharaohs. Give the kitten a name that reflects the peculiarity of this breed and will correspond to the temperament and spirit of the pet. Usually kittens are given names related to ancient Egypt and Greece, or they are awarded with the names of gods, great people:

    • Apollo, Venus, Zeus, Mars, Jupiter - in honor of the ancient Greek gods;
    • Napoleon, Celsius, Plato - named after great people;
    • Majestic, Proud - according to the strongest quality;
    • Mercury, Hyperion - by the name of celestial bodies;
    • Romeo, Roberto - beautiful human names.

    Watch the baby and choose the option you like, taking into account the described recommendations, or come up with a nickname yourself. Further, it will only be possible to enjoy the pranks of a cute bully and rejoice at how the name fits a four-legged friend.

Pets are an important part of our life, because sometimes it is easier to find a common language with them than with people. Cats are especially popular as pets. Their grace, character, independence never cease to win hearts.

If you decide to have such a purring friend, then you will have an interesting, but difficult choice. It is necessary to determine the breed, color. Contrary to popular stereotypes, black cats are great pets. Their attractive appearance is very popular with the owners. This article contains unusual, funny and cute names of black cats.

Cause of superstition

People sometimes surprise both with their courage, with regards to important and global problems, and helplessness in front of any innocent trifle. This is the same with black cats.

A modern person will confidently say that they are absolutely no different from any others. In their structure, behavior, black cats are completely similar to their counterparts.

However, fear and distrust of these animals goes far into the past. With us, it manifests itself almost unconsciously. People never liked the darkness, because no one knew for sure what it hides. Uncertainty sharpens the instinct of self-preservation, makes you be wary. That is why everything that was connected with darkness never aroused tenderness.

According to the Druids, a black cat contained a soul that in a past life belonged to a person who angered higher powers. For all the atrocities, she was turned into this animal.

Names for black cats were not too fond of inventing even in the Middle Ages. If a woman had such a pet, then she was certainly ranked among the witches. In Germany, cats with a similar color were wary. The Germans believed that they attract and carry evil in themselves. If a black cat jumped on the bed to the patient, then he should soon die.

Although the world has long left behind delusions of this kind, but sometimes, for example, during Halloween, furries with dark fur suffer greatly.

How to come up with a nickname?

The owners try to come up with beautiful names for black cats that would reflect their peculiarity. But if you like the most common nickname like Beads or Cuties, you should not puzzle over something more complex or pretentious.

Here are some tips on how to quickly come up with a name for a black cat:

  • The first thing they pay attention to is the color. Calling an animal Snowflake is at least strange.
  • It is worth observing the behavior of the cat. See if she is active, how she likes to play, what she eats.
  • Another clue will be the breed of the animal. For example, a lop-eared kitten or a pet with a special shape of the muzzle.

All this will help weed out unnecessary options and choose the best nickname for your pet.

mystical time of day

The simplest thing is to choose names for girls' black cats based on association. Dark coat, especially long and smooth, shimmers beautifully. This creates the impression that the animal is a small lump of night that cannot change the coming day.

Suitable names:

  • Nyukta is a deity of Greek mythology who is the embodiment of night darkness.
  • Hekate - has a similar origin and personifies the moonlight and everything mysterious.
  • Night is an elegant and simple name that suits a cat perfectly.
  • Soma is the moon deity in Hinduism.

Color similarity

Cool names for black cats are already suggested by the color of their coat. In various languages, as well as areas of our life, phenomena and objects with a similar color have received interesting names.

Name options:

  • Terra - in translation means earth, soil. The similarity is not 100%, but very significant.
  • Agatha is a modified name for a black gemstone.
  • Hypersthene is also a name suggested by geology. Means a mineral that has a similar dark color.
  • Morion is a crystal. In ancient times, in Russia, he was nicknamed the gypsy, because they believed that he had magical properties.

World of Cinema

Memorable and cool names for black cats girls can be found among the heroes of your favorite films and cartoons. Such nicknames will be clear to friends and acquaintances, especially if the pet is somewhat reminiscent of this character.

List of names:

  • Ursula is the famous sea witch from The Little Mermaid.
  • Grimhilda is the queen who wished Snow White dead.
  • Belatrissa is the crazy witch from Harry Potter.
  • Bagheera is probably the most famous black cat.
  • Maleficent is a fairy turned evil witch.

  • Pocahontas is the heroine of the cartoon of the same name, with beautiful black hair.
  • Theodora, Evanora - evil sorceresses from the amazing land of Oz.
  • Yzma - although she loved purple more, the name is quite suitable.
  • Zarina is a fairy who became the commander of the pirates in the cartoon "Fairies: Mystery of the Pirate Island".

Other options

If you're a tabloid fan, it's fun to have your own Naomi, Whitney, or even Oprah at home. Nicknames such as Brunella sound very melodious, which translates from French as "dark-skinned"; Layla - "born of the night" (in Arabic).


History has proven that black cats are capable of being faithful and reliable protectors from troubles and misfortunes. They anticipate danger and seek to warn their master about it.

In different countries, you can find both dislike for these animals and reverence. For example, in England and Japan, meeting a black cat on the way will certainly bode well. The Chinese associate it with hunger and poverty, while the Scots, on the contrary, are convinced that it is a sign of wealth and prosperity.

A pet is determined by its character and the love of the owner. The breed, color is not so important, because attachment and friendship should be given more importance. So feel free to start such an animal, and our article will help you choose a name for a black cat.

Situations are different when a kitten appears in the house. Sometimes it's a purposeful purchase or a planned trip to an animal shelter, and sometimes it's a completely unexpected decision. Regardless of this, there are many questions about raising and caring for a new friend, but the main thing will be how to name a black cat so that it sounds beautiful and harmonizes with the animal itself?

This moment will require serious and careful consideration of different options from the owners, and the final decision should be balanced and confident, because the kitten will quickly get used to the new name.

The name associated with the shade

Sometimes it becomes difficult to choose a name for your pet, and the main attention clings to its color. And although, at first glance, it may seem that choosing a name by color is irrelevant, in fact, this option is beneficial and simple for the owners of any cat, regardless of whether the pet’s coat color is white, red or black. By associating a name with a color, you can emphasize the individuality of a kitten.. And in general, this method of choosing a name is rich in various options. It is worth considering interesting options on how to name a black boy kitten:

  • Black;
  • Schwartz (translated from German as "black");
  • Terry (an analogy with a dark shade of earth);
  • Agate;
  • Knight;
  • noir;
  • Chernysh;
  • Ember.

Nicknames for black cat girls can also have a direct connection with the shade of their aristocratic owners, for example:

  • Agatha;
  • Bagheera;
  • Carmen or Litta (as an abbreviation for Carmelitta);
  • Find;
  • Panther or Tera;
  • Terra (again, an analogy with the color of the earth);
  • Smol;
  • Shadow;
  • Choco (in the form of an abbreviation for the English "chocolate" - chocolate).

These options are just examples of what connection can be easily found between the elegant black shade of a cat and its future name.

With due desire, any owner will come up with the most acceptable variant of a pet nickname for him.

Name based on character

The choice of how to name a black cat can be based not only on color, but also on its character. By nature, felines are rather wayward creatures. and from an early age they begin to demonstrate to their owners, a pet with what temperament they have chosen. In order to feel what name will emphasize the character of a four-legged friend, it is enough to watch him from one to several days. Some of the most striking and emphasizing the individuality of the cat names can be listed below:

  • Angel or Angel (in the version of the English sound);
  • Mot, Motya (short version of "Begemot");
  • Deimos;
  • Baron;
  • Volcano;
  • Luci (derived from Lucifer);
  • Graph;
  • Morpheus;
  • Demon;
  • Pirate;
  • Prince;
  • Tikhon (or as a variant Tikhon);
  • Charm.

Of course, you can choose a name in accordance with temperament not only for a cat, but also for a cat. It is easy to answer which is the favorite, quiet or infinitely energetic, with aristocratic behavior or the manners of a robber. Several options for cats come to mind soon enough:

  • Assol;
  • Venus;
  • Kiri (short for Valkyrie);
  • Gorgeous;
  • Countess;
  • Jazzy;
  • Misty;
  • Olympia;
  • Princess;
  • Lynx;
  • Sonya;
  • Fury;
  • Lucky or Happy (in the style of the English definitions of "luck" and "happiness").

Name associated with the breed

Some owners, in turn, when choosing names for black cats, rely on the breed.

Indeed, cats with a good pedigree can be called any analogies with the definition of their breed or its abbreviations. For example, if a Scottish Fold kitten is purchased, you can give it the following names:

  • cattle;
  • Folly;
  • Sheba.

And for a kitten from the group of Siamese cats, names are suitable:

  • Sima or Simka;
  • Maize (abbreviation of the breed to "Siam" read from right to left);

If the kitten is one of the noble and notorious Persian cats around the world, then you can think about the following options:

  • Persian;
  • Peach;
  • Persian;

You can also take the emphasis not so much on the breed itself, but on its characteristic feature. For example, Persian cats are distinguished by their fluffy beautiful hair, which means that a cat can be called Fluffy or Fluffy.

Name given after someone

Sometimes the name of a pet is chosen intuitively or based on color or breed, and sometimes it is named purposefully after someone. The association can be like with a character in a movie or book, and with famous personalities like actors or singers. Some interesting examples are worth mentioning:

  • Barrymore or abbreviation Barry - in honor of the butler from the notorious works of Conan Doyle, who works at the Baskerville estate;
  • Bagheera - by analogy with the beautiful panther from "Mowgli";
  • Grimm - based on the names of world-famous brothers, authors of mystical tales;
  • Darth or Vader is a good option for Star Wars fans;
  • Naomi - named after the famous super model with dark skin;
  • Angelina - in honor of the beautiful Angelina Jolie, nickname options in the form of the actress's surname are also acceptable;
  • Madonna - in honor of the notorious singer.

Name for a boy

Do not forget that when choosing a name for a boy's black cat, the ideal option will not be easy to be based on any one criterion such as color or character, but to take into account color, temperament, and your own wishes.

There are actually a lot of nicknames, but you can remember some good options for how to name a boy's black kitten:

  • Broin is a very interesting variant, rooted in the language of the ancient Celts, which means “raven” in translation;
  • Corby - in English means "dark-haired";
  • Maurice - well suited to cats that have sophistication and manners of real Frenchmen;
  • Knight - "nights" translated from English;
  • Noir - definition of black in French;
  • Tea (or Tea, if you choose in the English manner) - the name given in honor of black tea will definitely surprise your friends and meet few namesakes.

Name for a girl

As in the case of boys, names for black cats should ideally be a complete description of the pet. They should not only emphasize her uniqueness, but also harmonize with the fluffy beauty. one hundred percent. Quite easily, options like naming a black cat come to mind:

  • Melanie - it would be a great idea, because it means "dark" in Greek, and if we take an analogy with medicine - melanin is a skin pigment of a dark shade;
  • Leila - translated from Arabic means "born in the night", which will not only sound beautiful, but also very symbolic;
  • Misty or Mystic is a good version for the mystic analogy;
  • Ashley is not just a beautiful name, but also emphasizing the color of the cat, since it is formed from “ash”, which translates from English as “ash”.

Interesting and beautiful options for boys and girls

For some owners, the options presented earlier seem not unusual enough or not fully emphasizing the uniqueness of the pet. In this case, they can try to play with their creative side to come up with a name for the original black kitten. However, a few examples can be given so that it is what options to pay attention to and in what direction to think:

  • Armani - in connection with a popular brand;
  • Cupid - by analogy with the god of love from ancient Roman mythology, but if you wish, you can also turn to Greek mythology;
  • Balthazar - to connect with mysticism, which is often associated with black cats;
  • Garfield - for example, if the character of the kitten is similar to the famous cartoon cat;
  • Lexus is an interesting option for car lovers;
  • Mars - you can draw an analogy, both with the planets and with the gods of ancient Rome, or even with a certain sweetness;
  • Sapphire - to characterize the kitten as a jewel in the house.

An interesting move would be if the owner decides to call the pet a name that contradicts its shade, for example, Snowball or Snowflake, which is more common for nicknames among white cats.


What name to give a black cat - such a question torments many owners of fluffy purrs. Pets of this color seem so unusual, special and cute that you definitely want to give them a beautiful, sonorous and original nickname. Nevertheless, the black color is associated with something mysterious, inexplicable, therefore, the name for the black cat is chosen accordingly.

Of course, no one will forbid calling a black pet a common name. If, looking into the eyes of a cute fluffy lump, you saw that he is clearly Barsik, and not Ashton or Orlando, do not doubt your choice.

Why did they dislike black fluffies so much? It's all about people's fear of the dark. Darkness, respectively, and black color was associated with the unknown, incomprehensible. Ancient people were instinctively afraid of the dark, because it was fraught with many dangers. The Druids were convinced that a black cat in a past life was a person whom higher powers turned into an animal for bad deeds.

And in the Middle Ages, the purr and their owners had a hard time. Women who had black cats were considered witches. In Germany, cats of this color were afraid in those days. It was believed that if the cat jumped on the sick bed, the sick person would soon go to another world. However, even in modern times, people manage to harm innocent creatures. Halloween is recognized as a particularly dangerous time in Europe for black cats.

Black cat

Cool names (nicknames) for black cats | Mystery of the name

And yet, what is the name of a black cat? First, do not reject the usual names for cats of other colors.

Blackies may well become Vaska, Boris, Antoshka, Murka, Button, Paw, Zhuzha, Fluff, Vasilisa or Donut.

"Suggest" a nickname will help:

* The color of the pet;

* Character;

Based on these three features of your purr, you can easily come up with a nickname for a black cat.

Black cat

Names (nicknames) for black cats girls with meaning

For cats of girls of black color, you can come up with a huge number of nicknames. For example, the nickname Luna is very suitable for a magical black beauty. Derivatives from this nickname are also good - Lunia, Lone, Lunita, Lunolik.

Kara is a beautiful oriental name meaning “black” in Kazakh.

Choose nicknames for girls' cats, and don't forget to read their meaning in order to reward your pet with a happy fate!

List of cat names:

* Agate - a derivative of the word "agate" - a precious stone of black color.

* Asuada - in Arabic "black"

* Adalind

* Aska is Swedish for ash

* Blackie - from English. "black"

* Bastinda, Belatrissa

* Hypersthene - by the name of one of the rare black minerals

* Grimhilda - the evil queen from the film "Snow White"

* Gingema

* Hekate - the goddess of moonlight and all the mysterious among the Greeks

* Cappuccino, Creola, Cruela

* Mocha, Maleficent, Morgana, Melisandre, Morticia, Mystic

* Muriel - the supreme witch from the movie "Hansel and Grettel"

* Pocahontas

* Persephone - daughter of the goddess Demeter abducted by Hades

* Nita, Find

* Soot, Sabrina

* Soma is the deity of the moon in Hinduism

* Theodora and Evanora - the evil witches of Oz

* Estrela - star in Portuguese

In honor of a celebrity:

* Whoopi - in honor of the actress Golberg

* Ciara, Solange

* Nayomi - in honor of the black model Campbell

* Whitney - in honor of the singer Houston

Black cat

Nicknames (names) for black male cats with meaning

If you need to find a cool nickname for black male cats, then you are on the right track! Here are collected the most relevant and unusual names for black cats.

Black cats can be called:

By color:

* Moor, Mauritius

* Raven - raven in English

* Hei Mao - black cat in Japanese

* Ash - Ashes in English

* Schwarz is black in German

Names of characters from cartoons and movies:

* The Grinch - stole Christmas and played dirty tricks

* Dracula

* Damon is a handsome vampire

* Darth Vader

* Justify

* Lord Voldemort (shhh...you can't pronounce his name!)

* Saruman

* Chernomor, Chertik

In honor of a celebrity:

* Ice Cube

* Denzel

*Michael - in honor of the legendary Michael Jackson

* Chiwetel

In honor of the mythical deity:

* Anubis - the patron saint of the dead among the Egyptians

* Hades - the lord of the underworld among the ancient Greeks

* Yah - god of the moon in Egypt

If you want to name a pet without focusing on color, take a closer look at the animal. His character, habits and habits will tell you what to call a black cat. Perhaps, before you is not the mystical and mysterious Anubis or Chernomor, but the cute and cheerful Pukhlik or Toropyzhka.

If you have a black kitten, there will definitely be a question about his nickname.

The Internet provides a wide variety of names, grouped according to certain criteria.

Let's look at them in more detail.

How to choose a name (nickname) for pets

Most often, a pet is simply called a convenient name that is quick and easy to pronounce. However, for a better understanding of you, it is better for animals to choose names containing whistling. They are very audible to cats.

They also pay attention to the color of the cat, its size, character, favorite pastime. Since the nickname is pronounced in public, abusive or offensive names should be avoided. In general, naming is very important for a cat, since it contains the fate of the animal.

It is very important to try to call the cat by a specific name. If he quickly responds (comes running), then the naming is suitable.

Nickname selection criteria

Usually, cats are given a nickname, focusing on the color scheme of the color, character traits, temperament, hobbies of the pet or owner. Along with this, there is a differentiation of names by gender.

Did you know? Brezhnev had his own talisman kitten, which saved his life twice. The General Secretary died shortly after this cat's death.

By color, with an emphasis on black

Very popular is the naming of a kitten depending on the coat color. Since the black color is mystical and mysterious, cats are called Behemoths (from The Master and Margarita), Blackies, Demons, Dusks, Onyxes, Salems, Embers.

It is convenient when the full name also has a derivative pet form. For example, Black can be called Blacky, Nochera - Nochcha, Marcus - Markusey or Mrakki, Voodoo - Woody.

If you are interested in foreign words that denote black, then in Italian it is Nero, in Kazakh it is Kara, in Finnish it is Musta, in Norwegian it is Sworth, in Czech it is Swat, in Japanese it is Kuroi, in Arabic it is Asuad.

Different ethnic groups have other nicknames that are associated with darkness, night, dark skin. So, you can take the Celtic name Kieran, which is called dark-skinned, Japanese - Kuroneko, denoting a black cat, Arabic - Leila (born at night), Greek naming Melania (dark), Chinese - Hei Mao (black kitten).

Important! Don't call cats after people. On the street, a situation may occur when you call a cat, and a person with the same name will respond.

The French call black-haired cats Brunellas, Nocturnes, Ombres, Sanders, Maurices. In the UK, they are called Coltons, Ashes, Mists, Knights, Ravens, Ebony, Corby.

According to the sex differences of a black kitten

Cats and cats have different nicknames, just like men and women have names. Let's look at their differences.


Boys are called Schwartz, Black, Hay, Noir, Negros.

Also known cats Mulattos, Negriks, Crows, Black, Mystics.

In order for the naming to be sonorous, audible at a distance, they select words with whistling and hissing. It is popular to call Juan, Alejandro, Pancho, Charo, Alphonse, Chucha, Lorenzo, Senor, Phoenix.

They are also called Mages, Devils, Demons, Sorcerers, Wizards, Volcanoes, Gangsters, Boomers, Barons, Chengiz.


Kittens are most often called Adele, Adami, Berry, Venus, Vedas, Vestas, Dianas, Deans, Zers, Beauty, Layla, Luna, Lucy, Misty, Nonami, Find, Fairies, Witches, Valkyries, Sorceresses, Coco, Bagheera, Cougars.

Important! It is better to give a name that consists of two syllables in which there are sounds [h], [sh’sh ’], [g], [w], [h], [s]. Then the cats will react to them as well and quickly as to “kit-kitty”.

Personality, temperament

You can give a nickname to a cat according to its character and temperament. To do this, it is worth observing the animal: how it behaves in a calm state, what habits it has, whether it is obedient or spoiled. After that, choose one, the brightest characteristic of a mammal and name it accordingly.

  • If the cat is proud, important, call him Marquis, Hussar, Ataman, Prince, Sultan.
  • If an animal indulges, steals food from the table, scratches things - you can call it Bandit, Dzhigan, Hooligan.
  • If the cat is very energetic, call Shustrik, Rocket, Spark, Energy Man.
  • Cats who love to eat deliciously are given the nickname Glutton, Hamster, Dumpling.

in someone's honor

Often a nickname is given in honor of stars, singers, actors, cartoon characters. They are called Oprami, Whoopi, Tina, Naomi, Whitney, Hangami, Garfield, Thomas, Nicole. That is - by any name of a famous person or a popular fictional character.

Did you know? Every black cat has a few white hairs in its fur.

Cool nicknames for a pet

If you want to highlight your cat, give it an unusual name: Balthazar, Mammon, Mephistopheles, Valafar. To make the cat lucky, call Lucky.

If you want to give a funny nickname, call it Night Light, Shoe Polish, Chimney Sweep, Zamazura, Zamarashka, Cloud, Coconut, Cupcake, Fantik, Smurf, Boar, Lace, Anchovy, Marshmallow, Tank, Zorro, Syrupchik, Schnapps.

How not to name black kittens

Better not give long or double nicknames. If you believe in signs, are superstitious, do not use the nickname Idol, Shaman, Dusk, Demon, Witcher, Sorcerer, Mage, Bes, Devil, Devil, Satan.

Don't call cats with hard-to-pronounce nicknames like CRN, Kuroi, Asuad. The cat may not understand you and not come to the call. You should not call cats by the Japanese name Kuroneko, as people will have a funny association with chickens.

Overly complex foreign nicknames should be abandoned, since your relatives and friends will not be able to call the cat, and if they do, he may not understand that they are addressing him.

Important! You can’t rename cats, because then they will stop responding to any names.

Obviously, giving a cat a name is an important event, since in the future the pet will not be able to get used to the renaming. There will be no problems with the nickname, since there are many naming principles: according to the nature of the animal, coat color, hobbies, gender, in honor of celebrities.

If you have a good sense of humor, you can call the cat funny names.

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