Foods rich in easily digestible protein. The highest protein foods. Harm from protein foods

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))

Proteins are a vital structure for the human body. Protein components make up all the cells of our body, they are part of DNA, enzymes. Therefore, in the daily diet of your diet there should be protein foods, the list of products of which should be varied. Eating low-fat protein sources can help you lose weight, but if you decide to, then you need to eat proteins with a high content of amino acids. Let's look at all the subtleties of protein nutrition.

What foods are protein foods

Food cannot be called protein if it contains little protein. As a rule, a lot of protein is found in products exclusively of animal origin. These include cottage cheese, fish, meat. Some plants can also boast a significant proportion of protein structures: for example, legumes (soybeans), nuts. No wonder some sausage manufacturers actively use soybeans for production. Mushrooms are also rich in protein, but it is too poorly absorbed by the human body, so they should not be actively used in protein nutrition.

List of animal products

Protein in its advantage is found in all types of meat and seafood. Such protein structures are called animals. In addition, dairy products and eggs are also considered protein. This food can serve as a source of protein if, for one reason or another, the use of meat, fish and poultry is unacceptable, because it contains about 7-10% of protein structures of the total mass.

Protein-rich food that is obtained from animal meat and derived products, as well as from fish:

  • Mutton
  • , crayfish, crabs
  • red fish
  • Chicken meat
  • Pork
  • Milk

List of herbal products

Not so long ago came into vogue vegetarianism. Most vegetables and fruits contain almost no protein, but vegetarians feel great. The fact is that some plant cultures contain a sufficient amount of protein elements for normal life. Switching to a plant-based, low-protein diet has its pitfalls, although it is considered beneficial. must be balanced and include a sufficient amount of all vital structures and proteins as well.

Plant proteins are rich in:

  • Beans
  • Peanut
  • Lentils
  • Buckwheat grain
  • Millet
  • Almond

Sample menu for a protein diet

We present to your attention an example of a balanced diet for a week. The visibility of this menu will help you navigate the amount of protein, as well as make a diet based on your needs and taste preferences. Proteins are an important base, around which there are other nutrients.

The first day of the protein menu: eggs and meat

  • Breakfast: oatmeal without oil, 2 chicken eggs
  • Lunch: a small piece of chicken fillet with
  • Snack: 100 g chicken, 150 g broccoli
  • Dinner: a pack of low-fat cottage cheese, 80 g of peanuts

Second day of protein nutrition: dairy and fish

  • Breakfast: 100 g beans, 50 g berries or one apple, 200 ml low-fat milk
  • Lunch: a small piece of boiled or steamed salmon (150-250 g), a piece of whole grain bread
  • Snack: a piece of chicken breast (up to 250 g), broccoli (200 g), half a pack of low-fat cottage cheese
  • Dinner: a pack of low-fat cottage cheese,

Day three of protein-rich meals: eggs, meat, fish and dairy products

  • Breakfast: boiled eggs (1-2), a piece of whole grain bread
  • Lunch: brown rice with broccoli, a piece of chicken breast (half)
  • Snack: 200 ml fat-free yogurt, apple, any nuts (50g)
  • Dinner: with rice, a small piece of baked (up to 150 g)

Fourth day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal without oil, 2 boiled eggs
  • Lunch: a piece of chicken with rice (total serving weight up to 300 g), half a pack of cottage cheese
  • Snack: boiled or fried shrimp (150-200 g), boiled beans, low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner: a pack of cottage cheese, nuts (do not exceed 100 g at a time)

Fifth day

  • Breakfast: boiled eggs - 2 pcs., A couple of slices of grain bread
  • Lunch: chicken fillet with rice, vegetable salad with bell peppers and tomatoes (total portion weight should not exceed 400 g)
  • Snack: peanuts (50-80 g), a pack of cottage cheese
  • Dinner: tuna with rice or beans, yogurt

Sixth day

  • Breakfast: boiled egg, tomato, a piece of grain bread, yogurt
  • Lunch: a piece of chicken with beans (200-300 g whole portion), half a pack of cottage cheese, vitamin vegetable salad
  • Afternoon snack: steamed broccoli without sauce (250 g), whole grain bread (1-2 slices)
  • Dinner: soft-boiled egg, broccoli (up to 200 g), nuts (50 g)

Seventh day

  • Breakfast: chicken fillet (150 g), oatmeal in water without oil, tomato
  • Lunch: chicken breast with rice (250 g serving), broccoli (150 g), cottage cheese (half a pack)
  • Snack: yogurt, nuts with berries (up to 100 g)
  • Dinner: small piece of tuna with broccoli (up to 300 g serving), low-calorie cottage cheese (100-150 g)

Recipes with photos

Compliance with any diet is associated with the rejection of tasty dishes and a limited diet. However, the protein diet for weight loss is an exception, as it involves the use of meat and fish products. The main and only thing you have to limit yourself to is the amount of food you eat. We present to your attention several recipes for delicious and interesting protein dishes.

  • Chicken fillet in kefir

Wash the chicken breast, which is traditionally on the list, cut into longitudinal layers. Season with the required amount of salt, pepper and herbs. Then add half a glass of low-fat kefir, the same amount of water, mix, leave in the refrigerator for 5 hours. After the chicken is marinated, simmer it in a pan on both sides for 5 minutes. The dish goes well with vegetable side dishes and is often included in the protein diet.

  • Meatballs with cheese

This recipe uses ground beef and ground chicken, both of which are high in protein. Mix them in equal proportions (250 g each), add one egg. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Season with salt and pepper. From the minced meat you need to form cutlets and place a small piece of cheese in the center of each. Then everything is laid out on a baking sheet, baked in the oven for about half an hour. This protein dish is perfect for breakfast.

  • Dessert curd

Peel one apple and a medium-sized orange and don't worry that they are low in protein. Cut fruit into small cubes. Mix them with 300-400 g of low-fat liquid cottage cheese, beat everything with a mixer. Then lay out the future protein dessert in molds, send them to a cold place, wait a couple of hours. The cottage cheese dessert is ready to eat, it will allow you to treat yourself to something delicious if you are sitting on.

  • Greek salad with shrimp

Boil a package of king prawns, peel them. Wash the cherry tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce and bell pepper thoroughly. Chop vegetables and add to shrimp. Cut 50 g of feta into medium-sized cubes and add to the future salad. Flavor the protein dish with olive oil, season with salt and finely chopped garlic to taste. Salad with a high protein status is ready to serve. The dish will fit perfectly into your new protein diet.

Why do people eat protein?

Protein foods are great for those people who want to lose weight, but at the same time are not ready to compromise and remove meat and fish products from their diet. Protein nutrition is also used by bodybuilders and bodybuilders, as it contributes to the rapid build-up of muscle mass in the body. Even professional athletes, shortly before the competition, go on a protein diet. Protein-based nutrition is not recommended for a pregnant woman and a nursing mother, because the prevalence of protein over carbohydrates and fats will be harmful to health.

For weight loss

How do people lose weight by eating protein foods from meat and fish? The answer lies in how protein nutrition works. By consuming more protein, you cause an oversaturation of the body with proteins. At the same time, there is a lack of the main source of energy -, and the body is forced to burn the fat reserves available to it in the body, and not take them from the food received. Changes in carbohydrate and protein metabolism. In addition, the protein that comes with food requires a lot of energy for splitting.

For gaining muscle mass

To gain muscle mass and achieve the desired shape, protein nutrition is used. Here it must be borne in mind that muscle mass will begin to increase only when the amount of energy coming from food exceeds the amount spent. But this does not mean at all that if you eat a lot of protein food and lie on the couch, your muscles will begin to grow. Only in combination with exhausting is it possible to quickly gain muscle mass. You can get more information about protein nutrition for bodybuilders from the video:

Table of protein content in food

Protein products (100 g)

Proteins, g

Fats, g

beef liver

Lamb liver

pork liver


Lean pork


Doctor's boiled sausage

Boiled-smoked Servelat


small saury


Red caviar

sunflower seed


Rice groats

Oat groats

Soy meat

Whole milk powder

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Today, in the diet of our compatriots, one can note the presence of a certain deficiency in the consumption of complete proteins (), which, one way or another, are important for every living organism.

But many people do not even suspect that protein is the main building material that takes an active part in the formation of muscle fibers, strengthening hair and nails, and also helps to maintain body weight at the proper level.

But, unfortunately, the human body is not endowed with the ability to store proteins for the future, so their only source will be the regular consumption of protein-rich foods.

Its daily norm for a person is calculated as follows: with a measured lifestyle, 0.5 g will be enough. pure protein per 1 kg of body weight, with active sports and a desire to strengthen muscle mass - 2 gr., Pregnant women and nursing mothers - about 1 gr.

List of high protein foods

1. Meat

Poultry meat is a very good and healthy source of essential and easily digestible protein (about 20% of the total mass). In addition, such meat, unlike its other types, has a low calorie content, plus a number of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Beef is practically not inferior in its useful properties to poultry meat and contains about 25% of animal complete protein, it is also rich in essential and non-essential amino acids, B vitamins and iron. For the greatest beneficial effect, it is recommended to use it boiled or stewed.

Veal - meat is rich in complete protein and is much easier to digest than pork. It is divided into several categories. The first or second is best. They contain about 20% healthy protein and no more than 2% fat.

Horse meat is divided into several categories. The most optimal choice is meat of the 2nd category, which has a protein content of 21%, and is also rich in potassium and iron.

Rabbit meat - differs from other species in its taste and special usefulness for the body of each person. This dietary product contains about 21% of complete protein, plus iron, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and many other useful minerals.

Pork - this product has a minimum of connective fibers, which is why the meat turns out to be softer in taste and people like it a lot. But it is not always useful, for example, some varieties of pork have a very high percentage of fat and vice versa low protein content (fat 50%, protein 12%). Therefore, if you decide to lose weight, it is better to refuse such a product in favor of pork tenderloin (protein 20%, fat 7%).

2. Chicken eggs

The next product after meat, which contains a huge amount of high-grade, easily digestible protein (17%), as well as omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus, iron, zinc and sulfur. Especially rich in minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.

Despite the fact that the yolk also contains not very healthy fats, experts note that their negative impact on the body is offset by the presence of such a component as lysine. In addition, it is in the yolk that all the main minerals and vitamins are concentrated!

But in order for them to benefit you, it is best to boil the egg, since with this method of heat treatment it does not lose its basic qualities (due to the presence of the shell).

3. Dairy products

Cottage cheese - is an excellent source of complete protein (14 - 18%). But the main thing is to give preference to its low-fat versions, which have the smallest number of calories. You can mix it with yogurt or kefir, which will greatly increase its digestibility.

The most suitable time for the use of dairy products is the evening, since they include such a component as casein, which is absorbed by the body the longest, unlike other ingredients.

Cheese - belongs to the products rich in protein, but it is also very energy-intensive, so you should choose its least calorie varieties, for example, cheese or Feta cheese. It is best to consume cheeses before training, as the extra calories received will easily go away along with physical activity.

4. Fish

Fish is a dietary, very healthy and tasty product. In terms of the presence of proteins, it is practically in no way inferior to meat (on average, about 16% protein). Its highest content is in tuna, cod, flounder, trout, mackerel, salmon, sardines and anchovies.

In addition, fish contains a huge amount of essential amino acids, and is also rich in iodine, fluorine, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamins B, A, E and D.

Its main advantage is the minimum content of connective fibers, mostly represented in the form of collagen (gelatin). Because of this, when cooked, fish meat becomes very soft and easily boiled, and protein is easier to digest by our body. The only thing is to give up smoked fish.

5. Vegetables and fruits

It is very difficult for a person who is unfamiliar with the information - what foods high in protein exist to create a complete diet for himself. But we will help you with this!

You should definitely include hard fruits in your daily menu: pears, mangoes, kiwi, pineapple, as well as fruits with a stone (cherries, apricots and peaches), since they are all rich in vegetable protein.

If you want to put your figure in order, you also need to eat as many vegetables as possible. For example, Brussels sprouts have no calories, but they are very rich in protein (about 9%), so eating them is extremely beneficial for your health and appearance.

6. Cereals

This is a great option for a healthy lifestyle. Almost all cereals are very well absorbed by the human body, contributing to better digestion.

For example, lentils. It would seem that it is special, but few people know that it is very rich in protein (200 grams contain about 18% protein and only 1 gram of fat). Eat porridge - and be healthy!

The final table of foods rich in protein (per 100 gr.)

Meat and fish:

Name Qty Name Qty Name Qty
Beef 23 gr. pork liver 19 gr. Anchovies 24 gr.
Mutton 19 gr. Heart 15 gr. Salmon 21 gr.
Pork 26 gr. Lobster 26 gr. sardines 19 gr.
Veal 23 gr. Sea bass 24 gr. Herring 18 gr.
Rabbit 24 gr. Sturgeon 22 gr. Tuna 24 gr.
Chicken 22 gr. Halibut 19 gr. Mackerel 17 gr.
Roast duck 10 gr. saithe 24 gr. Trout 18 gr.
boiled sausage 15 gr. Hake 15 gr. Pink salmon 21 gr.
Ham 13 gr. Cod 20 gr. Salmon 21 gr.
Bacon 22 gr. Sprats 18 gr. Flounder 19 gr.
Beef liver 18 gr. Pollock 16 gr. Mullet 26 gr.



Every person who wants to look good and feel great should closely monitor their diet and understand why certain dishes are on their menu. To do this, you need to know what they are made of and what are the products bought in the store, what is their composition.

Probably everyone knows that all food (its composition) can be divided into three main components: fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Any nutritionist will confirm that each of these components is necessary for a complete and healthy diet. It is impossible to eat right, completely excluding from the menu, for example, fats, but an excess of, say, proteins or carbohydrates is also dangerous.

It is important to find a balance and choose a diet that will only benefit your health. Today we will talk about how to choose foods rich in protein in order to saturate the body with high-quality building materials.

Why is protein so important?

The protein that enters the body with food is broken down by digestive enzymes into amino acids, which are necessary for:

  • building muscle tissue;
  • flow of recovery processes in cells;
  • keeping skin, hair and nails healthy and beautiful.

Children are especially in need of food with a high protein content, as their body is in the process of growth, as well as professional athletes or those people who visit the gym in order to tidy up their bodies and increase muscle mass.

The daily rate of protein consumed is approximately 2 g per kilogram of body weight, that is, it will not be difficult for anyone to calculate this amount for themselves. For example, a person weighing 60 kg should consume 120 g of protein every day. Nutritionists say that on average, foods with protein should make up about 40% of the total amount of food.

The benefits of protein nutrition

The popularity of a diet based on foods high in protein is due to its real effectiveness. The fact is that protein, even if it enters the body in too large quantities, is not converted into fat, but is processed and excreted naturally.

That is why those who want to lose some weight and keep the body in good shape often choose protein-rich foods as the main component of their diet, minimizing the consumption of carbohydrates and fats.

The positive aspects of such nutrition are as follows, if you do not abuse the restrictions.

  • Indeed, extra pounds are gradually disappearing, as the body is forced to draw strength by burning fat reserves.
  • The described food and protein-rich dishes are very satisfying, so the feeling of hunger does not haunt.
  • By eating meals rich in protein, you can avoid such unpleasant phenomena as hair loss and brittleness, delamination of nails.
  • Muscle tissue does not suffer, and it is precisely thanks to the work of the muscles that excess fat in the body is burned.

As you can see from the above, there are quite a few reasons to include foods with the highest protein content on the menu, but does this mean that you can build your entire daily diet on them? Definitely - no!

The dangers of too much protein

  • The body absorbs and uses for its intended purpose only the amount of protein that it really needs. By the way, the highest figure is 30 g per meal. That is why it is recommended to eat often and in small portions. Excess protein is processed, and calcium is necessarily involved in this process. When this substance in the incoming food is not enough for the body, it has to be extracted from the bone tissue, which can lead to diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The high protein content in the food consumed increases the load on the kidneys, which is harmful even for a healthy body. If a person has some kind of malfunction in the functioning of this organ, then the amount of proteins in his diet should be strictly limited to the mandatory daily allowance.
  • Speaking about which foods are rich in proteins, people are used to first of all mentioning food of animal origin, forgetting that it is saturated with cholesterol, antibiotics and other harmful additives that are dangerous to health. Wouldn't it be better to pay attention to the rich variety of plant foods that also contain this important and necessary element?

It is clear that the abuse of protein food will not bring anything good, because even the best foods, eaten in unlimited quantities, turn into food waste and harm the body.

What food should you choose?

Using the table, you can easily calculate the amount of protein that enters the body with a particular product, and make a suitable menu for a few days in advance.

Of course, the table does not represent the entire list of products that contain protein, this is only a small part. Nevertheless, it becomes clear that cereals are not only carbohydrates, as is commonly believed, but also proteins! And nuts and seeds can be a quick and very healthy protein snack when there is no time for a substantial meal.

Special mention should be made of peanut butter. Being a 100% plant-based product with a rather impressive protein content, it should be consumed with caution due to the high fat content of the product. A small sandwich of whole grain bread and a thin layer of peanut butter is best eaten for breakfast or just in the morning as a treat, but you should not get carried away with it.

Vegetables and legumes

Perhaps for many this will be a discovery, but vegetables and legumes also contain this component, indispensable for a healthy diet! In addition, the gifts of nature have a very rich vitamin composition, which is extremely important.

And the fiber they are rich in is essential for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

Soy and all products based on it can be safely attributed to plant foods with the most significant amount of protein.

  • Soy tofu cheese is not only tasty, but also incredibly nutritious, it is used both as a separate dish and in salads with fresh vegetables and herbs.
  • Soy meat. If the product is of proper quality, then it is really very tasty! Supporters of a healthy lifestyle are happy to cook this healthy food, combining soy meat with boiled or stewed vegetables, with cereals and other side dishes.
  • Soy milk has a very delicate and pleasant taste, it can serve as an addition to other dishes or as a basis for some of them.
  • Beans of all varieties, chickpeas, any lentils, green peas - all these are products whose protein content allows you to safely include them in the diet of an athlete and every person leading an active lifestyle.
  • Tender asparagus, spinach, Brussels sprouts - until recently, these protein-rich vegetables seemed exotic. Now there is no need to travel to distant countries to try dishes made from these products, everything can be purchased at the nearest supermarket and build an exquisite vitamin dinner in your own kitchen.

Of course, vegetables differ in calorie content and composition. For example, Brussels sprouts contain a negligible amount of calories and carbohydrates, while potatoes are quite high in calories and are considered a good source of energy, since they contain useful “slow” carbohydrates.


The world's most nutritious fruit is the avocado, also known as midshipman's oil, the poor man's cow, and the crocodile pear. This delicious fruit is mentioned in many recipes for healthy and healthy dishes.

In addition to avocados, proteins are found in the following fruits: oranges, apples, mangoes, pineapples, pears, kiwis, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, etc. It is not in vain that nutritionists say about the need for fresh vegetables and fruits on the menu! This natural food contains such an abundance of useful substances, vitamins and microelements that no synthetic multivitamin complexes can replace them.


Great source of protein and insanely delicious food! Champignons, oyster mushrooms or wild mushrooms, served as hot soup or goulash, always delight both the eye and the stomach, give strength and supply the body with protein. Of course, forest mushrooms are a real delicacy, but in order to have fun without risking health, you need to have knowledge and experience in this area. Poisoning with inedible mushrooms can have very serious and terrible consequences. It is also important to collect them only in a clean forest, where the soil is not poisoned by any chemicals. Mushrooms, like sponges, absorb the juices of the earth.

Summing up

There are a lot of high-protein foods, each of which is worthy of attention. I just want to note how important it is not only to choose healthy food, but also to cook it correctly.

Ideally, whenever possible, it is better to avoid heat treatment of those foods that are good and raw. The word "fry" should be forgotten altogether.

Salt and sugar are not the best addition to dishes! Refusing them, after a while you can be amazed at the brightness and variety of flavors of healthy food. Salt would be nice to replace with dried sea kale, and instead of sugar, use a little honey or sometimes feast on dried fruits.

Foods rich in protein

Protein is the main component in the construction of the human body. Protein is essential for muscle growth. Its deficiency leads to wasting and loss of muscle mass. Many people try to get rid of excess weight with the help of various diets. To lose weight without problems, it is necessary that protein-rich foods be present in the diet - they should be a third of ten. Then the effect of losing weight will occur due to the fat layer, and not muscle tissue. The body after losing weight will not be saggy, and the skin will not look flabby.

How to calculate the protein rate? The ratio of protein to body weight is 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. If we consider protein products, then in 100 g of the product - the protein content: 15-25 protein. On average, 100 g of protein products - 20 g of protein.

Products containing protein


Meat: lamb, veal, rabbit - lean meat that should be in the diet of any person. Pork is a fatty meat and should not be eaten. It is not advised to look for pure protein in sausages, raw meat, smoked, canned meat. There is less protein, but more various additives and emulsifiers.


The diet can include poultry and game: chicken, turkey, duck, goose and pheasant.

Fish and seafood

A lot of protein in fish: salmon, tuna, flounder, cod, herring, trout. There is also a lot of protein in the meat of shrimp, mussels, lobsters, crabs. Smoked fish is not recommended.

Milk and dairy products

Animal protein is easier for the body to digest. Dairy products - milk, yogurt, fat-free kefir and cottage cheese, cream, sour cream - have a sufficient amount of protein. They can be combined with any fruit, but not with meat!

Protein is present in hard and soft cheeses. Cheese should contain at least 5% protein.


Egg white is the most ideal for consumption.

A large amount of protein: in apples, pineapples, kiwi, mangoes, apricots, cherries, grapes, peaches.

In the following tables, foods that have a large amount of protein are indicated. For every 100 grams of product - corresponds to the amount of protein in grams.

Meat products rich in protein. Table

Types of fish rich in protein. Table

The amount of protein in eggs. Table

Dairy products rich in protein. Table

Cheeses rich in protein. Table

Nuts rich in proteins. Table

Protein is an essential component in the human body. It removes toxins, controls immune processes, builds muscles, bones, cartilage. For high-quality weight loss, it is necessary to include proteins in your diet. Protein-rich foods will help you balance your menu and achieve your goals.

In general terms, foods containing protein are meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, some vegetables and fruits. The list is quite extensive. But for weight loss, it is necessary to include the “most-most” in the diet.

We will list the leading ingredients in this matter:

  1. Poultry meat.
    Particular attention should be paid to boiled chicken breasts. They contain a maximum of protein, an optimal amount of fat and do not contain carbohydrates. Also, this part of the chicken is saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  2. Beef, veal and other types of meat.
    These protein-rich foods are also low in calories. One hundred grams of veal will bring 21 g of proteins to the body, beef - 20 g. For weight loss, it is better to choose calf meat aged 1-2 years. The meat of horse and rabbit is also useful.
  3. Fish.
    In this category, salmon and tuna with 24% protein are in first place, followed by pink salmon (22%). Do not neglect pike, hake, cod, carp, perch, shrimp and crabs. Remember also about caviar, it contains about 30% of proteins, phosphorus, potassium.
  4. Egg white.
    Here is the king of all proteins! It is a reference protein, because it is absorbed better than others in the body and brings maximum benefits. One egg contains about 7 grams of building material.
  5. Cheeses.
    These products are rich in proteins, with a low fat content (up to 15%), they have 25-30% proteins. More fatty varieties are also good, only now they are characterized by a fairly high calorie content.

In order to lose weight or pump muscles, you must definitely include ingredients from the top 5 list in your menu. But diversity is the key to success. So the list of foods high in protein goes on and on.

Introduce other goodies into your diet

During weight loss, especially on low-carbohydrate diets, many break down precisely because they eat only chicken breasts or eggs. You shouldn't torture yourself like that. Experience dieting pleasure by introducing delicious protein foods.

So let's continue the list:

  1. Cottage cheese.
    In the summer season, mix it with strawberries and you will feel this rich taste and aroma. Dessert is much healthier than store-bought sweets. Only with berries you need to be more careful, because they also have carbohydrates.
  2. Meat offal.
    Stewed liver with vegetables, tongue or heart have high nutritional values.
  3. Soy products contain protein in the amount of 40-50% by weight.
    It's comparatively not as good as chicken protein, especially for muscle building and weight loss, but texturates and soy are alternatives for vegetarians.
  4. Cereals.
    Try quinoa, it contains up to 18% protein. Buckwheat and millet groats are not far behind, followed by semolina and oatmeal. Rice accounts for only 2 to 6% of protein, depending on the variety. Also, cereals are rich in carbohydrates. In combination with vegetables, they stimulate the intestines, which is important when the diet is rich in protein foods.
  5. Brussels sprouts.
    It is not only a source of protein, but also contains vitamins, has a low calorie content and 0% fat. This is the main vegetable for weight loss and the treatment of various diseases, including tumors.

We have listed delicious and healthy protein-rich foods. But most of them are of animal origin, which is not suitable for some populations. It is possible and even necessary to solve this problem.

How to compensate for the lack of protein in vegetarians?

If a vegetarian analyzes the above list of ingredients, then out of 10 positions he can afford only 3. Too few, you say. And we agree with this.

Vegetarians are advised to include lentils, soybeans, broccoli, onions, asparagus and red peppers in the menu. Couscous and wheat germ have good performance. From fruits and vegetables, spinach, avocado, banana have proven themselves (but they are not very good for weight loss).

Look for brazil nuts in the supermarket - a very nutritious and healthy product. Almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are also important to consume at least a few times a month. In addition, they will saturate the body with healthy fats. A favorite product of Americans - peanut butter will also deliver protein to the tissues.

Among vegetarians, seitan is a popular product. It is made from wheat gluten, which absorbs the flavors of dishes that are cooked nearby. One hundred grams of this "meat" contains 57 grams of protein. It will successfully replace duck and chicken.

Tofu and tempeh cheeses are important for quality weight loss and a full life. They can be fried, marinated, added to soups, mashed and even cooked like a steak by frying a whole rectangle in spices.

Green soybean pods are also popular among vegetarians. It is a healthy and nutritious snack. But there is relatively little protein in it - about 7 g / 100 g.

We also advise vegetarians to eat quinoa (a pseudo-grain plant), zucchini, hummus, black beans, green peas. With them, you can cook a lot of incomparable dishes, you just need to show your imagination. Since all these products contain a minimum of fat, this way of eating is very good for losing weight.

List of protein foods

Table of products containing protein.

It's time to move on to specific numbers. The table will tell you how much protein is found in different foods. The columns indicate the mass of protein per 100 g of the ingredient.

There are a few other leaders in protein content on this list. However, when compiling the rating, we took into account the quality of proteins, the possibility of eating products and their overall benefits for the body. For example, in the table above, gelatin is the richest source of protein, but it is impossible to eat 100 g, while poultry, fish and other products can be eaten in such quantities, and they are perfectly absorbed.

How much protein do you need to eat for normal life?

Women need an average of 0.8-1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight. For men and pregnant women (from the 4th month), this figure reaches 2 g. In general, protein should be about 15% of the total daily caloric intake. That is, the proportion of BJU is 1: 1: 4, respectively. A third of the proteins from this amount should come from plant sources. Combine protein foods with greens and leafy vegetables, they improve its digestibility.

The lack of a substance is manifested by a decrease in libido, weakness, frequent morbidity, metabolic disorders and other pathological conditions. However, keep in mind that excess protein leads to increased stress on the kidneys, constipation, and sometimes causes joint disease, the development of gout, and even intestinal cancer.

Remember the golden mean, and the body will thank you in the form of good health and good mood.

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