Why am I hot and stuffy all the time. Hot at home in summer: what to do


How does a person adapt to heat?

Heat is excessively high temperature environment (over 30 degrees Celsius). This article will talk about how the human body adapts to such high temperatures and what to do when it's too hot.

Human body Designed to be comfortable in both summer and winter. To do this, there is a thermoregulation center, which ensures the constancy of the body temperature and starts compensatory mechanisms in response to changes in ambient temperature. In summer, to prevent heat stroke, mechanisms are activated to cool the body.

body mechanisms to prevent heat stroke, the following:

  • decrease in body heat production;
  • maximum increase in heat transfer.
These mechanisms are based on the principle of thermoregulation, that is, heat production - heat transfer. This means that the body is capable of both producing heat ( heat production), and give it away ( heat transfer). The balance between these two processes is regulated by the thermoregulatory center, which is located in a part of the brain called the hypothalamus. He supports constant temperature body ( about 36 - 37 degrees) regardless of ambient temperature. The exception is fever, when body temperature changes due to infection. In other cases, the hypothalamus ensures the constancy of body temperature. When the ambient temperature drops, heat transfer decreases and heat production increases. When it's hot outside, everything happens the other way around - heat transfer increases sharply, production decreases.

The brain receives signals about changes in temperature from skin receptors. These are special heat receptors ( sensors), which are embedded in the superficial layer of the skin. They instantly react and send signals to the brain when the ambient temperature changes even by 2-3 degrees.

The mechanisms for reducing heat production and increasing heat transfer are as follows:

  • All processes in the body slow down. Breathing becomes shallow, heart rate becomes less frequent. All this is done in order to stop the production of heat.
  • The vessels of the skin expand, and the volume of circulating blood in them increases. This leads to increased heat transfer.
  • At temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius, work is activated sweat glands. Sweat production is the main mechanism of heat transfer. So, evaporating, sweat cools the body, leading to a decrease in body temperature lower than the ambient temperature. Sweating can significantly reduce body temperature, but it is important to understand that a large amount of fluid is lost during this.

How to save yourself from the heat in the apartment?

Being in the apartment during the heat, it is very important to stop the sun's rays from entering the room. Light from the sun can raise the temperature in a room by 5 to 10 degrees, thereby creating Greenhouse effect. To avoid this, it is necessary to close the windows with blackout curtains or hang blinds. Reflective film will help to reflect the sun's rays as much as possible, which can be attached to the curtains from the side of the window.

It is easier to transfer the heat in the apartment will help proper clothes. It is not recommended to wear tight synthetic fabrics, because they prevent heat transfer and create additional heat for the skin. Loose cotton clothing will not interfere with heat transfer and will not create a greenhouse effect.

What to do if the room is hot in summer?

During the day it is recommended to keep the windows closed, while in the morning and evening it is recommended to open them to ventilate the room. A well-ventilated room will prevent oxygen starvation of the body. To freshen up the room as much as possible, you can resort to a draft. To do this, you must simultaneously open the windows located in opposite rooms. This will help to quickly cool the room, but it is very important not to catch a cold. To avoid this, it is not recommended to be indoors during a draft.

Replacing incandescent lamps with LED ones will help to reduce heat production in the room. The latter emit two times less heat than conventional incandescent lamps.

What can and can not be done with a chill?

Why can't you drink alcohol during the heat?

What you should not do during the heat is drink alcohol. From drinking alcoholic beverages should be abandoned for several reasons. First, when drinking alcohol in the summer ( And this applies even to beer.) increases the load on the cardiovascular system. The risk of developing myocardial infarction and stroke in the heat increases several times. Secondly, getting into the body, alcohol needs a lot of water. It breaks down and uses body water for its metabolism. This explains dry mouth after heavy drinking. However, in the summer, the body already loses water in large quantities, and drinking alcohol can even lead to dehydration. Doctors strongly recommend avoiding alcohol while relaxing on the beach and in other places, as this increases the risk of heat stroke several times.

It should also be noted that in the summer the effect of alcohol intensifies. This is explained by the fact that the blood vessels are dilated, and blood circulation in them is more intense. Alcohol very quickly penetrates through the gastric mucosa into dilated arteries and spreads throughout the body with blood flow.

Refreshing drinks at home

Refreshing drinks prepared on your own at home help to cope with thirst. In addition, the feeling of quenched thirst after them persists for a long time, unlike industrial drinks. The fact is that various industrial juices and carbonated drinks contain a lot of sugar, and after a very short time after drinking them, the feeling of thirst arises again.
There are several varieties of homemade drinks, each of which has its own characteristics and specifics of preparation.

There are the following types of soft drinks:
  • fruit drink;
  • kvass;
  • lemonade;
  • compote;
  • herbal tea.
All types of homemade soft drinks should be kept refrigerated as they do not contain preservatives and the heat can spoil the drink. The shelf life of any drink does not exceed 2 days.


Morse is a drink that contains berries or fruits ( fresh or frozen), water and additional components ( sugar, mint, ice). The history of Morse goes back many centuries, and even in ancient Russia it was prepared from wild forest berries and was used not only to quench thirst, but also to treat certain diseases. Today, this drink is also used in the fight against certain diseases, and there is even such a definition as sea therapy ( mors treatment).

Morse cooking rules
To prepare this drink, any berries or fruits can be used, but it is advisable to take those that have large quantity juice. Raw materials need to be crushed ( suppress the device for mashed potatoes, for example) and squeeze out the juice using cheesecloth. If the fruit drink is prepared from frozen foods, before carrying out this procedure, they must be thawed by holding at room temperature 15 - 20 minutes. Utensils for making fruit drinks should be made of glass or ceramic, not metal.

The raw materials remaining after squeezing the juice must be poured warm water at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit and bring to a boil over low heat. Then the broth should be filtered from the squeezes, cool and combine with the squeezed juice. Various additional ingredients can be added to taste.

The following components can be used as a supplement when cooking fruit drink:

  • sugar ( added at the time of boiling);
  • honey ( added after the broth has already boiled and cooled down a bit);
  • mint ( put in a ready-made chilled drink);
  • lemon peel ( added during the extraction of raw materials);
  • slices of citrus used as a decoration for ready-made fruit drinks);
  • vanilla ( put on a boil);
  • cinnamon ( added at the boil);
  • ice ( used to cool the finished fruit drink).
There is another, simpler method of preparing fruit drink, which eliminates the boiling process. To prepare a drink according to this recipe, the raw materials must be squeezed out and poured with boiled or mineral non-carbonated water in the proportion of a liter of liquid per 300 - 400 grams of fruit. It should be noted that such a fruit drink is not recommended for gastritis with high acidity.

What components are used for fruit drinks?
Any berries and fruits that have juicy watery pulp can be used as the main component for making fruit drinks. It is recommended to choose seasonal local fruits, because imported products are different high content nitrates and other harmful substances.

There are the following most popular fruits for making fruit drinks:

  • cherry;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn ( boiling process is a must).
Sugar, mint and other additional ingredients are not prerequisite when preparing juice.

Recommendations for choosing fruit drink
In addition to quenching thirst, fruit drinks provide positive influence on a person's well-being. Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to choose the type of fruit drink that will be most useful to a particular person.

  • Cowberry. Such a drink will be useful for people with low resistance to various infections, as well as those who are engaged in hazardous industries because lingonberries remove harmful metals from the body.
  • Crimson. Indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases, as it strengthens the walls blood vessels, increases hemoglobin , improves blood characteristics. Raspberry juice is also recommended for those with a tendency to frequent colds, digestive disorders.
  • Cranberry. Cranberry juice is recommended for women with chronic diseases urinary system ( e.g. cystitis). The drink is also useful for gastritis with low acidity, edema, kidney problems.
  • Blackberry. Blackberry juice improves function gastrointestinal tract, therefore, its use will be of particular benefit to those who suffer from constipation. It also lowers blood pressure therefore, it is not recommended for hypotension), activates the process of outflow of bile.
  • Cherry. It is recommended for problems with the joints, as the berries prevent the deposition of salts. Cherries contain a lot of melatonin, a substance that is responsible for the sleep process, therefore, with increased drowsiness, this drink is not recommended to be taken in the morning. If you have problems with sleep, you should not miss the evening reception of such a fruit drink.
  • Bilberry. This morse is indicated for people with vision problems, as well as for those who subject their eyes to regular stress ( works at a computer, knits, repairs or produces small parts).
  • Sea buckthorn. Sea buckthorn drink should be taken with a tendency to diseases respiratory system (bronchitis, sore throat). In addition, such fruit drink is recommended for frequent stresses, nervous fatigue, depression .
  • Currant. Currant juice, especially black currant, is recommended for high cholesterol. All varieties of this berry have an anti-inflammatory effect, so the drink will benefit from chronic infections.


Kvass is a drink that is obtained by fermentation. Traditionally, kvass is made from bread, yeast, sugar and water, but there are other varieties of this drink. Since the preparation is based on the fermentation process, kvass is a carbonated drink with a small amount of alcohol ( no more than 1.5 percent). Therefore, kvass is not recommended for children under the age of 3 years.

There are the following varieties of kvass:

  • classic bread yeast kvass;
  • kvass from Borodino bread;
  • apple kvass;
  • kvass from dried fruits.
Classic bread yeast kvass
Classic kvass is made from bread, yeast ( dry or pressed), water and sugar. The choice of bread affects the taste of the finished drink. So, if you use Rye bread, kvass will turn out dark with a rich-sharp taste. If you take wheat-rye bread, the drink will come out lighter and with a milder taste. The process of making classic kvass consists of 3 stages.

Bread yeast kvass is prepared according to the following rules:

  • First stage. First you need to prepare the starter. For this you need half a loaf of bread ( 200 - 250 grams) cut into finger-thick sticks and dry in the oven. It is important that the bread does not burn, because kvass will have a bitter taste. Dried crackers should be poured with 2 cups of boiling water, add 60 grams of sugar ( cane can be used) and grind into a paste. The resulting mass must be cooled naturally (i.e. don't put it in the fridge.) to 35 degrees, then add 20 grams of dry or 30 grams regular yeast. After that, the starter container must be covered with a cloth ( no plastic lid) and leave to ferment at room temperature for one day.
  • Second phase. After the starter is ready ( the foam that appears at the beginning of fermentation should settle), the mass should be transferred to a more capacious container ( the best option is glass jar volume of 3 liters). 200 - 300 grams of crackers are added to the sourdough, after which the vessel must be filled with cool syrup, which is prepared from water and 50 grams of sugar. Then the jar is covered with a cloth and left in a cool place for 24 hours.
  • Third stage. The final stage is the filtration of the drink, for which gauze folded in several layers is used. Kvass should be poured through gauze into a vessel with a tight-fitting lid and put in the refrigerator. The bread mass that remains can be used to prepare another 1 - 2 servings of the drink.
Kvass from Borodino bread
Kvass from Borodino bread is prepared by analogy with classic kvass, but without the addition of yeast. In addition, 50 grams of raisins are added to this drink. Put raisins during the preparation of the sourdough. Since the drink is prepared without yeast, the fermentation process may take longer than in the case of a traditional recipe. As a rule, it takes about 3 days for the sourdough to be completely ready.

Apple kvass
This type of kvass is made from any variety of apples, but it is better to take those that have a sour taste, which will give the drink a characteristic sourness. To prepare a liter of kvass, peel and seeds 3 apples, cut into slices, pour a liter of water and bring to a boil. After 5 minutes of boiling, remove the container from the stove and cool apple broth up to 35 degrees. Then it is necessary to drain 200 milliliters of broth into a separate vessel, add yeast there and wait until foam appears on the surface of the liquid ( depending on the type of yeast, it may take from 15 minutes to an hour). After that, the fermented yeast should be poured into a container with a decoction, add sugar to taste, lemon juice ( if the apples are not sour), cover with a cloth and leave to ferment for a day. If desired, cinnamon, honey instead of sugar, vanilla, mint can be added to kvass.

Kvass from dried fruits
Kvass from dried fruits is prepared according to the same principle as apple kvass. The only difference is that instead of 5 minutes, dried fruits should be boiled longer - from 15 to 20 minutes. Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs can be used as raw materials.

Recommendations for the use of kvass
During the fermentation process, various enzymes are formed in kvass ( substances that aid digestion), probiotics ( beneficial bacteria), amino acids. Due to its composition, the drink has positive action on all organs of the digestive tract and especially on the intestines. Regular consumption of kvass contributes to the normalization of microflora, which will be useful for those who often suffer from dysbacteriosis, constipation and other similar problems.


Lemonade is a sour-tasting soft drink traditionally made from lemons.

How to make lemonade?
To prepare about 1.5 liters of drink, you need 10 - 12 lemons medium size. Citrus fruits must be scalded hot water in order to remove from them harmful substances with which they are processed during transportation. Then you need to peel the zest from the lemons with a fine grater, and then squeeze the juice out of them. The zest should be sprinkled with sugar ( 150 - 200 grams) and pour into a glass hot water. If desired, mint can be added to the syrup, after which the liquid should be left for 15 to 20 minutes so that the zest gives flavor. Then the cooled syrup must be filtered, add lemon juice and a liter of water to it ( you can use carbonated or still water). The drink should be stored in a dark container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, because the vitamins present in it are destroyed under the action of light.

In addition to lemons, oranges are often used to make lemonade. The proportions of citrus fruits are based on personal preferences. So, the most popular is the recipe, which uses oranges and lemons in equal proportions. This drink has a pronounced citrus aroma and characteristic sourness. If you make lemonade only from oranges, you should significantly reduce the proportion of sugar so that the drink does not turn out too sweet. You can also add grapefruit, tangerines to lemonade, and replace mint with basil, oregano.

Tips for Drinking Lemonade
Thanks to a large number vitamins, lemonade will be useful for people who are often exposed to colds. Especially often during the heat, those who work in air-conditioned rooms catch a cold. Lemonade also normalizes metabolism, improves brain activity and improves performance.


Compote is a decoction of fruits or berries with added sugar. This drink is the most popular and has a large number of preparation options. The difference between compote and other cooling drinks is its longer shelf life ( 3 to 5 days), since the fruits from which it is prepared undergo heat treatment.

How to cook compote?
Among all compote recipes, it is impossible to single out one that could be called a classic. The composition of raw materials, proportions, cooking features - all these factors are determined, to a greater extent, only by personal preferences. There are only general rules, which should be guided by the preparation of this drink.

There are the following general rules for preparing compote:

  • Tableware. It is not recommended to use aluminum utensils to prepare compote, as many useful material break down on contact with this metal. It is better to use enamel pans.
  • Main raw material. Compote can be prepared from any berries or fruits in various combinations and proportions. Compote, cooked from dried fruits, also quenches thirst well.
  • Water. For the preparation of compote, pure water is used, which is taken at the rate of a liter of liquid per 200 - 300 grams of fruit. If you want to get a richer taste of the drink, the amount of water should be reduced.
  • Sugar. The amount of sugar depends on the taste of the fruit and personal preference. On average, 2 to 3 tablespoons of sugar are used per kilogram of raw materials. For quince compote, sour apples or tart pears, the amount of sugar can be increased to 5 tablespoons.
  • Additional components. To get an unusual taste, various spices or herbs are added to the compote. Apple compote is combined with cinnamon, cloves or allspice ( in peas). Cherry compote is added with the leaves of the cherry itself or Bay leaf (1 - 2 leaflets per liter of liquid). Mint, green cardamom are put to peaches and apricots.
  • Cooking time. The less vegetable raw materials are cooked, the more saturated the taste of compote comes out, but its shelf life is reduced. On average, cook compote, for example, from apples should be 10 - 15 minutes. If the drink is made from watery berries ( e.g. raspberries), then the cooking time should be reduced to 5 minutes. If dried fruits are used as the main component, the cooking time should be increased to 20 minutes.

Herbal tea

Tea brewed from herbs helps to quench thirst, and also gives strength and has a strengthening effect, which is important with the onset of summer and high temperatures. You can drink such a drink as warm ( in this form, it not only quenches thirst, but also helps the body resist heat) and chilled.

How to prepare herbal tea?
This drink is made from fresh or dried herbs, water and sugar ( can be replaced with honey or not used at all). You can also add lemon, spices, ice. If tea is prepared from fresh raw materials, a tablespoon of crushed herbs is used in a glass of boiling water. Herbs need to be filled with water and left to infuse. When preparing tea from dry herbs, a teaspoon of raw materials is taken, poured with a glass of water and brought to a boil.

Stuffiness is a common thing in an apartment or office. Feelings are familiar to many: there is not enough air, the air is stale, it is difficult to breathe - Russian dictionaries also give such definitions of stuffiness. Often these sensations are associated with heat and lack of oxygen. But if you look - the reason is completely different.

The feeling of stuffiness is created by carbon dioxide ( CO2 ). The one that is constantly exhaled by any person. It turns out that we are the cause of stuffiness in any room.

Units of measurement of CO 2 level - ppm (parts per million). This is the number of CO 2 particles per million air particles. 1000 ppm = 0.1% CO 2 content.

The norm of carbon dioxide for the street is 400 ppm. For an enclosed space - no higher than 600 ppm. At 800-1000 ppm, health and wellness problems already begin.

Above 1000 ppm: about general discomfort, weakness, headache. The concentration of attention falls by a third. The number of errors in the work is growing. Especially critical for asthmatics. Above 2000 ppm: health hazard, toThe number of errors in the work is greatly increased. 70% of employees can't focus on work.

Everyone is familiar with the feeling of stuffiness in the room and the symptoms associated with it: fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, inability to concentrate, difficulty breathing. Such conditions are often associated with a lack of oxygen. However, measurements show that indoors carbon dioxide levels rise much faster than oxygen levels decrease. For example, while in a classroom, carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) already reaches 1500 ppm (0.15%), the oxygen content practically does not change. There is still enough oxygen, but carbon dioxide is already in excess.

A study was conducted at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in which young and healthy people took part, average age who were 21 years old. Despite the fact that the duration of the sessions was only 140-210 minutes, the study showed that an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide from 600 to 1500 and 3000 ppm causes deviations in human physical condition and in working capacity, in particular - in the ability to concentrate attention. The effect is clearly shown in this 5-minute video:

If you stay in a room for a long time, where the level CO2 above 600-800 ppm, carbon dioxide can affect the body as follows:

1. Can cause negative changes in the blood

Normally, the acidity (pH) of human blood is approximately 7.4. This is the standard for an organism. With an increase in the concentration of CO 2, the blood becomes acidic, which is scientifically called acidosis. The English scientist D. Robertson determined such minimal physiological consequences acidosis:
moderate increase in pressure.

With a stronger acidosis, a person becomes lethargic, drowsy, and a state of anxiety appears. This is typical for rooms with a large number of people. But if you go out for a long time Fresh air Everything is slowly getting back to normal.

Studies conducted in Taiwan have shownthat under the influence of carbon dioxide at a level above 800 ppm in the body of office employees, an increase in the number of markers is observed oxidative stress indicating negative changes in DNA. How longer man is in stuffy room, the more of these markers.

3. Negatively affects the nasopharynx and respiratory organs

Italian scientists in 2006 presented the results of their research at the European Respiratory Congressthorny society. The result showed that more than 60% of schoolchildren in Europe, due to stuffiness in the classroom, were much more likely to experience hard breath, shortness of breath, dry cough, rhinitis, and nasopharyngeal problems than their peers in well-ventilated classrooms.

4. Increases Asthma Attacks

Researchers from South Korea found that if asthmatic children are in a room where the concentration of carbon dioxide is elevated, they are more likely to experience asthma attacks.

5. Negatively affects the brain and blood circulation

The Soviet scientist O.V. Eliseeva found out back in the 1960s that even short-term inhalation healthy people carbon dioxide at a concentration of 1000 ppm (0.1%) causes breathing problems, negatively affects blood circulation and brain activity. To avoid these problems, she recommended maintaining indoor levels CO2 not higher than 500 ppm.

6 Causes Sick Building Syndrome Symptoms

The term Sick Building Syndrome (SBS, Sick Building Syndrome - SBS ) has long been used by scientists to describe the symptoms experienced by employees in some office buildings. SBD symptoms associated with high level CO 2 in the office include fatigue, headache, difficulty concentrating, apathy. A person who suffers from RBS experiences these symptoms directly in the office, they usually decrease when he leaves work.

What you need to know about carbon dioxide in the apartment

The installation of plastic windows and metal doors with seals in the apartment deprives the room of natural ventilation, and carbon dioxide accumulates there.

The most harmful carbon dioxide in the bedroom. If the windows are closed and there is no ventilation, carbon dioxide levels can rise up to 10 times their normal level overnight. Because of this, the head hurts in the morning after sleep, you wake up poorly slept and broken.

Scientists believe that the quality of the air in the bedroom is more important for good sleep than the duration of sleep.

Recommendations for good sleep:
Be sure to ventilate the room where you sleep well before going to bed.
Open a window or window at night. If the street is noisy, you don’t want dust from the street to fly into the apartment, and you are afraid of drafts, put in good ventilation with air purification, like.
Don't close the bedroom door.
Control the level CO2 in the bedroom - keep it below 600 ppm. The easiest way to do this is again with supply ventilation.
Do not sleep with a blanket over your head. Doctors do not recommend doing this, because during sleep you breathe in the air that you exhale, and it contains a lot of carbon dioxide and little oxygen.

What you need to know about carbon dioxide in the office

Carbon dioxide negatively affects brain activity, so the maximum allowable concentration of carbon dioxide in the office should be maintained within the range of up to 600 ppm.

Everyone knows the feeling of lack of fresh air, drowsiness and difficulty concentrating during a long meeting. The reason for this is that in a room where there are many people, the level of carbon dioxide rises rapidly.

In offices it is necessary to put effective system supply ventilation. This is the only way to ensure a healthy and comfortable atmosphere for employees.

Adaptation of the article "Carbon dioxide" from the book: Yu. Gubernsky, I. Gurina "Air in the house and health. Popular encyclopedia". - St. Petersburg: Vedas, Azbuka-Atticus, 2011.

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Doctors in the clinic quite often encounter such a complaint from patients as a feeling of heat in the body. Interestingly, the temperature is completely absent or rises so slightly that it is considered clinical sign no illness is possible.

Many patients are frightened by the appearance of such a symptom, forcing them to turn to a specialist for advice. A consultation with a doctor often helps not only to determine the cause of the emerging fever, but also to find a way to deal with a symptom that can cause a lot of inconvenience.

Interestingly, heat can be concentrated only in certain areas (face, neck, limbs), or it can be felt throughout the body. The distribution of heat is also an important aspect in assessing the symptom, helping to determine what the nature of the phenomenon is and to take measures to eliminate it.

Heat spreading over the whole body or in separate parts of it usually begins quite suddenly. The doctor, asking the patient, tries to find the triggers, but in most cases they never find them.

An unpleasant sensation that appears rarely can be tied to the environment, fever, or any strong emotional upheaval. The fever starts abruptly and also disappears abruptly.

Some patients may point out to the doctor that the heat starts in the extremities and then spreads throughout the body, or vice versa. In a number of cases there is a complaint that the heat is initially felt throughout the body, does not migrate during the entire time that the symptom manifests itself.

Often patients tend to associate the appearance of a feeling of heat with viral diseases such as SARS or influenza. Such an opinion is not always the only true one, although specific sensations undoubtedly accompany such diseases.

Additional reasons explaining the appearance unpleasant symptoms, can be:

  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • hypertension;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • menopause;
  • the use of products containing alcohol;
  • consumption of specific foods.

The first three reasons require detailed analysis, since they are serious pathologies in themselves. The use of alcohol and specific products cannot be attributed to such, the mechanism of symptom development in this case is simpler.

Alcohol, like everything else spicy dishes, irritates the receptors of the pharynx, esophagus and stomach. As a result, the blood stimulation of the organs increases (the vessels expand), which is why there is a feeling of heat, which is felt as if from the inside.

It is important to remember that the warming effect of alcohol and spicy foods is rather short-lived. After the vessels narrow again, the patient begins to chill, and in the peripheral tissues there may even be a lack of blood circulation.

Many tend to believe that the feeling of heat without temperature is an exclusively female complaint, and this does not happen in men. This is mistake. Representatives of the stronger sex may complain about the appearance of a similar symptom in cases where they experience tangible problems with testosterone levels. This happens either when hormonal disorders, or when using medications that are antagonists of this hormone.

Hypertension - episodic or constant increase pressure above the threshold of normal values. The exact nature of this pathology has not yet been established.

Hypertension can be one of the reasons why there is a feeling of heat in the body. In this case discomfort will be a symptom of the disease. The heat will be felt mainly at night, when the parasympathetic nervous system is especially active.

Fever may occur in patients suffering from high blood pressure due to a heart attack or stroke. In this case, the heat will be localized in the face and neck, in some cases even hyperemia (redness) of the skin in these areas can be noted.

With hypertension against the background of a heart attack or stroke, the patient may complain not only of hot flashes, but also of tachycardia attacks, chest pain, and a sense of fear. It is tachycardia (acceleration of the heart rate) that explains why the patient feels hot: the blood begins to circulate through the body faster, the nutrition of organs and tissues in some departments becomes more intense.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VVD)

VSD is a frequent entry that can be found in many medical records. At the same time, vegetovascular dystonia cannot be considered a diagnosis, and therefore subject it to specific treatment- error. Dystonia is always a syndrome that can appear with a variety of diseases of various origins.

VVD as a diagnosis is rarely established. To do this, the patient must undergo many studies, and the doctor must prove that the patient does not have any serious pathology. internal organs, which could explain the appearance of characteristic symptoms.

The appearance of a feeling of heat is based on two main mechanisms - this is an incorrect regulation of the activity of blood vessels and disorders of the vasomotor spectrum.

Interestingly, it has not yet been established what exactly contributes to development of the VSD from one person or another. Doctors take into account both external and internal factors trying to assess the origins of the problem. A significant role in the mechanism of development of the syndrome is assigned to heredity.

Vegetovascular dystonia is manifested not only by hot flashes. Its symptoms are very varied and include both cardiac and vascular system(pain in the heart, headaches, attacks of tachycardia and bradycardia), and problems with digestion, mental well-being, convulsions.

Sometimes a feeling of heat in the body can be replaced by chills or severe coldness of the extremities, which is also considered one of the manifestations of VVD.

All VVD symptoms Together, they significantly reduce the quality of life of the patient, but some patients hesitate to apply for medical care. Such delay due to the fact that the body's reactions are attributed to stress, fatigue, overexertion.

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia

Premenstrual syndrome is a symptom complex that can be observed in a woman in the second half menstrual cycle. It usually precedes the onset of menstruation.

Today, doctors do not have the opportunity to fully associate the appearance of a feeling of heat with PMS, although research in this area is underway. Many tend to tie the feeling of heat during this period to the emotional instability of patients who become irritable, nervous, easily lose their temper.

Heat without temperature, accompanied by sweating during PMS, can be considered as a reaction of the vascular system to hormonal surges. There is currently no cure for the pathology.

It is important to remember that PMS has clear limitations in its manifestation, and if the symptoms do not fit into these limitations, then the pathology is more serious, it is worth visiting a specialist. The following deviations may be a reason to suspect something is wrong:

  • PMS symptoms were present before the girl first began menstruating;
  • the symptoms do not stop bothering the girl after the onset of menstruation or, at most, 1-2 days after it ends.

Not all patients are characterized by a feeling of heat during PMS. The syndrome manifests itself in a variety of ways and can vary significantly according to complaints even in a single woman. This greatly complicates its diagnosis, and also allows some doctors to attribute any deviation to premenstrual syndrome, and not to engage in diagnosis.

PMS - how to cure quickly

Climax is one of the reasons why it throws you into a fever

Climax - a life period, accompanied by a gradual extinction reproductive function taking place in the background age-related changes. The appearance of a feeling of heat during this period is tied to hormonal changes that actively occur in female body disrupting his normal activities.

One of characteristic features the heat that accompanies menopause is its manifestation mainly at night. Sometimes the feeling can be so pronounced that the patients' sleep is disturbed: they either cannot fall asleep because of the stuffiness, or wake up because of the heat.

In addition to feeling hot, patients in the menopause will complain to the doctor about flushing of the face and neck, tachycardia attacks.

AT daytime you can pay attention to the fact that a woman has red spots on her chest, neck and arms, indicating a malfunction of the vascular bed due to hormonal changes. Against the background of heat, it may also be noted heavy sweating and bouts of chills.

The duration of these hot tides varies considerably. On average, an attack lasts from 20 seconds to 20 minutes. If several attacks occur during the night, this leads to severe violations sleep, affecting the health of the patient.

The climacteric condition with all its manifestations today is quite well corrected with the help of medicines. All a woman needs to do is to see a doctor and get the appropriate appointments that will help deal with the problem.

Heat in menopause is not considered the main symptom, but they complain about it quite often. It is important to keep in mind that the feeling of heat does not pose a strong danger, but tachycardia attacks, headaches and sleep disturbances seriously undermine an already weakened hormonal changes health.

Other possible causes

Heat in the body can appear for many reasons, and it will not always be accompanied by temperature. Often, if such a feeling is not accompanied by a jump in temperature, patients ignore it without contacting a specialist, which is not true.

A fever without fever can appear in a child if he has a cold. Such a reaction is considered specific and is detected quite rarely, but it is not worth excluding the possibility of meeting with it. This phenomenon is explained by the peculiarities of temperature regulation in the child's body, which is not yet fully formed.

Often women tend to complain about the heat in the body during pregnancy. At this time, there are many different frightening symptoms that make you experience the most terrible options in your head.

Fever during pregnancy is completely normal if the temperature does not exceed the limits physiological norm at 37.5 degrees. In this case, it is explained by the restructuring of the body and its adaptation to pregnancy. If the fever is accompanied by a stronger jump in temperature, this is a reason to sound the alarm, since such changes indicate the beginning of the infectious process.

Many people also tend to associate the feeling of heat with stress, and this hypothesis also has a right to exist. Stress, being a harmful factor, triggers a wide variety of reactions in our body, among which there may be vasodilation followed by a sensation of heat. In this case, the patient is usually saved cool water and a few sedatives.

Heat in the body may be indicative of serious violation in the work of the body, so ignore this symptom it is forbidden.

The first thing a person should do is to see a doctor. The doctor, having assessed the situation and carried out diagnostic measures, establish the causes of the problem, and then give recommendations on how to deal with it.

If a patient is diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, he will be recommended fortifying drugs, drugs that help control pressure, and some other medications. If the problem is hypertension, then the doctor will recommend active image life, diet and drugs aimed at lowering pressure.

For treatment premenstrual syndrome today, ideal methods have not been developed, however, in this case, the specialist will select ways to mitigate the severity of symptoms. So, for example, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, blood pressure control can be used. Drugs are selected based on PMS symptoms and their expression.

During menopause, the doctor will select an adequate replacement hormone therapy. He will also recommend general strengthening measures that will positively affect the general health of the patient. In some cases, even antidepressants may be prescribed to compensate for the lack of certain hormones and reduce the severity of mood swings.

The appearance of a feeling of heat, even if it is not accompanied by temperature, is not normal condition organism. Similar state affects negatively on the whole body as a whole, and not just on some limbs or organs, so it is necessary to stop it in a timely manner.

Prolonged ignoring of such a seemingly harmless and simple symptom can quickly lead to severe health problems. In this case, the patient will have to spend much more on treatment more strength and time than if he had paid due attention to the problem in the first place. And in some cases, the patient may even pay for his inattention to his own health with his life.

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Last year broke all temperature records, but 2017 is not going to lag behind. According to forecasts by the World Meteorological Organization, it could become the warmest on record. What to do if the apartment is very hot in summer, and how to survive the heat in the city? We have collected all the valuable tips in one longread.

How heat affects the body

The physical discomfort of the heat is the lesser evil. Worse, it can be harmful to health. The human body is sensitive to changes in the environment, and the possibilities of the thermoregulation system are not unlimited.

Heat causes the body to overheat. The temperature of the skin rises, and the heat exchange of the body with the external environment is greatly enhanced. Sweating becomes more intense, the water-salt balance in the body is disturbed. Because of this, mucous membranes dry out, designed to prevent harmful microorganisms from entering the body, and defensive forces organisms are reduced. Children are especially susceptible to this process: their thermoregulation mechanism is not yet fully formed, and in the heat their body temperature rises faster. That is why even in mid-July, babies can catch a cold infection.

Violation water-salt balance drains also muscle tissues. They receive less nutrition, their performance decreases, fatigue and discomfort appear.

On hot days, it will not be superfluous to help the body come into balance, not to overload it and try to reduce the ambient temperature as much as possible.

How to cope with the heat in the apartment: household appliances

It is said that if you concentrate and imagine something cold, you can actually feel the coolness. But if thoughts about ice cream and Everest do not affect you, then we advise you to move from the spiritual to the material and look for salvation among household climate appliances. They will help to normalize the temperature and humidity, the decrease of which during the heat can be bad for health. But first things first.

Air conditioner

The most popular type of air conditioners in everyday life is a wall-mounted split system. It consists of two blocks - external and internal. Freon constantly circulates between them. In the indoor unit of the air conditioner, freon from liquid state turns into gaseous and in the process of evaporation takes heat from the air. The cooled air is fed back into the room, and the freon heated from the room air enters the outdoor unit.

Many modern split systems are equipped with an inverter, which allows you to smoothly change the heating and cooling power. Due to this, inverter air conditioners are quieter and, as a rule, more economical than conventional ones.

Worldly experience says that air conditioning under certain circumstances can be deceitful and, together with the desired coolness, bring a sore throat, a runny nose and even an attack of sciatica. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to approach the choice of the location of the device with all responsibility. The main thing is to exclude a long stay of a person in the area where the stream of cold air is directly directed: this is about 2-3 meters from the device. In the bedroom, it is recommended to hang the air conditioner above the head of the bed. So the recreation area will be protected from direct contact with the flow of cold air.

When using an air conditioner, you must remember that it requires care and attention. If the filters are not changed regularly, in accordance with the instructions, then bacteria can multiply on them.

And one more important point which is often not known or forgotten. The air conditioner does not supply fresh air from outside. Therefore, you still have to ventilate the room, regardless of the temperature outside the window. In a clogged room, even with an air conditioner, a person will soon feel lethargic.

Appeared in recent times air conditioners with air flow (we devoted a whole to them) also do not eliminate the need to ventilate. They supply only about 30 m3 of fresh air per hour. Compare with a specialized ventilation device: its capacity reaches 160 m3 / h. This is enough to provide five people with fresh air. In addition, the use of air conditioners with inflow is limited during the cold season. And the breather can be used not only in June-July-August, but all year round thanks to the heating function. So it would be optimal to use two devices: to entrust the breather with ventilation, and the air conditioner with cooling.


A fan is a way to escape the heat cheaply and cheerfully. Of course, if the room is very hot, then the air conditioner will help out faster and more efficiently. But the fan is by no means without advantages. Affordable price, ease of installation, no need for any maintenance and low - these are, in fact, the reasons that many, answering the question "what to do if it's hot at home?", make a choice in favor of a fan.

When choosing a fan, pay attention to the diameter of the propeller blades: the larger it is, the stronger the device will accelerate the air. The most popular fans are floor fans. But if the room is small and there is nowhere to put such a fan, look for wall-mounted models. Ceiling fans are still more commonly seen in restaurants than friends in the living room. But lately, they still gradually penetrate into design projects.


No, a humidifier does not protect you from the heat. In the sense that it cannot lower the air temperature. But in the case when the heat is combined with dry air, the humidifier is strictly recommended for use. Supporting at least at home, we give the mucous membranes to rehabilitate their protective capabilities. True, it is important not to overdo it here: excessive humidity in the heat makes sweating difficult and therefore difficult to tolerate. Therefore, a humidifier should only be used in dry weather.

There are several ways to make life easier in the heat without the use of special devices.

Close the windows with thick curtains or blinds to keep the hot sun out of the rooms. Alternative way: stick a reflective film on the window glass that prevents the room from heating up.

If possible, try to limit the amount of time you use an electrical or gas stove otherwise the air will heat up even more. During the heat, you can try to give up hot dishes and switch to fresh vegetables and fruits, especially since appetite usually decreases in summer.

Cold air is heavier than hot air and sinks down. Therefore, during abnormally hot weather, you can change your usual bed for a mattress on the floor - it is cooler there.

Pets also suffer from heat and tend to be more thirsty than usual. It is important to make sure that there is always water in their feeder. But meat or fish should not be left for the whole day: in the heat, food quickly deteriorates. It is better to switch to dry food.

How to survive the heat in the city

Whatever oasis you create in your apartment, sooner or later you will have to leave it and go out into the scorching heat. What to do in hot weather in the city?

The first step is to take care of the equipment: clothes in the heat should be light, it is better to give preference to natural materials, cotton and linen. Synthetic clothing hinders heat transfer and prevents the evaporation of moisture, which is necessary for cooling the body.

Nutrition in the heat is worth giving Special attention. Heavy high-calorie food at this time is not the best choice because the extra energy is useless to the body. But spicy food, on the contrary, it is indicated for use in the heat: it increases sweating and thereby contributes to thermoregulation. Just remember to drink plenty of water with spicy foods to prevent dehydration. In the heat, it is advisable to eat a little, but often - 5-6 times a day. It is better to refrain from alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks: all this provokes dehydration. Give preference to water, plain or mineral.

Sudden heat all over the body, accompanied by sweating and rapid heartbeat, is a phenomenon familiar to many people. Most often, such conditions, called "hot flashes", occur as a result of nervous or physical overload and disappear immediately after rest. But in some cases, such a reaction of the body may indicate diseases and the need for treatment. Which ones? More on that below.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is one of the common causes of periodic fever attacks. In this case, they are accompanied by a decrease or increase in blood pressure, palpitations, severe weakness, dizziness, and excessive sweating. Most effective method that allows you to adjust heartbeat and reduce the feeling of heat in the body in this disease, - breathing exercises. The exercise is performed as follows: inhale through the nose for 4 seconds with the protrusion of the abdomen, hold the breath for 4 seconds and slowly exhale through the mouth with the abdomen drawn in.

The causes of the disease lie in the malfunction of the nervous system, which can be eliminated without drug therapy: establishing an optimal mode of work and rest, proper nutrition, adequate loads. And if you do not take measures to normalize the patient's lifestyle, it is possible that more frequent occurrence symptoms and aggravation of the disease.

Source: depositphotos.com

Violation of thermoregulation is a disease caused by dysfunction of the central nervous system as a result of a malfunction of the hypothalamus (a part of the brain responsible, among other things, for homeostasis) due to tumors, hemorrhages, etc. In addition to attacks of heat, the disease is accompanied by impaired functioning of the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular systems and requires complex treatment.

Frequent bouts of heat in violation of homeostasis can be observed with mental disorders(depression, panic attacks, phobias), alcoholism, as well as conditions not associated with diseases. These include the adaptation of the body to changing environmental conditions, pregnancy, physiological aging. Helps restorative therapy, which includes hardening, an active lifestyle, taking vitamins. As a result, the frequency of occurrence of the symptom and its severity are reduced.

Source: depositphotos.com

menopause period

"Hot flashes" - one of the main symptoms of menopause (cessation of ovulation), occurring in every second woman aged 40-45 years. The reason for the attacks of heat in this case is associated with a decrease in the production of estrogen, which affects the work of the hypothalamus. Crash in vegetative system against the backdrop of a shortage female hormones leads not only to a sudden fever, but also to tachycardia, high blood pressure, fever.

To reduce the frequency of "hot flashes" during menopause will allow:

  • taking drugs that increase estrogen levels;
  • active lifestyle (moderate exercise);
  • plant-rich diet;
  • refusal of alcohol, smoking, abuse of fatty and fried foods;
  • drinking plenty of water (at least 2.5 liters of clean drinking water per day);
  • lack of stress.

To cope with an attack of heat, doctors recommend going out into fresh air and inhaling it. full chest, do breathing exercises.

Without fever and hot flashes

The complex of low molecular weight polypeptides in the composition of the drug normalizes the function of the pituitary gland and the balance of hormones, thereby alleviating the uncomfortable manifestations of menopause: hot flashes, excessive sweating, headache, palpitations, sleep disturbances and emotional instability. Double placebo controlled studies innovative drug showed a significant decrease in the severity of menopausal disorders during the course of treatment. The recommended course is 10 days and is carried out under medical supervision. Contact your gynecologist for more information about treatment climacteric syndrome with one or two courses

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