Which is good for healing wounds. Regenerating ointment with antibiotic and silver for fast wound healing. Indications for the use of wound healing ointments

Basic principle treatment of open wounds is to restore the regenerative function of the skin - nature is so arranged that skin cells are capable of certain conditions self-repair. But this is possible only if there are no dead cells- this is the essence of the treatment of open wounds.

Stages of treatment of open wounds

Treatment of open wounds in any case involves the passage of three stages - primary self-cleaning, inflammatory process and granulation tissue repair.

Primary self-cleaning

As soon as a wound occurs and bleeding opens, the vessels begin to narrow sharply - this allows the formation of a platelet clot, which will stop the bleeding. Then the narrowed vessels expand sharply. The result of this "work" blood vessels there will be a slowdown in blood flow, an increase in the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and a progressive swelling of soft tissues.

It was found that such a vascular reaction leads to the cleansing of damaged soft tissues without the use of any antiseptic agents.

Inflammatory process

This is the second stage of the wound process, which is characterized by increased swelling of soft tissues, skin turn red. Together, bleeding and inflammation provoke a significant increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Tissue repair by granulation

This stage of the wound process can also begin against the background of inflammation - there is nothing pathological in this. The formation of granulation tissue begins directly in the open wound, as well as along the edges of the open wound and along the surface of the closely located epithelium.

With time granulation tissue reborn into a connecting, and completed this stage will be considered only after a stable scar forms at the site of the open wound.

Distinguish between the healing of an open wound by primary and secondary intention. The first option for the development of the process is possible only if the wound is not extensive, its edges are brought close to each other and there is no pronounced inflammation at the site of injury. A secondary tension occurs in all other cases, including festering wounds Oh.

Features of the treatment of open wounds depend only on how intensively the inflammatory process develops, how badly the tissues are damaged. The task of doctors is to stimulate and control all the above stages of the wound process.

Primary treatment in the treatment of open wounds

Before the victim seeks professional medical care, it is necessary for him to thoroughly wash the wound with antiseptic agents - this is how a full disinfection of the open wound will be carried out. To minimize the risk of wound infection during treatment, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin, a solution of potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine should be used. Around the wound, the skin is treated with brilliant green or iodine - this will prevent the spread of infection and inflammation. A sterile dressing is applied on top of the open wound after the described treatment.

It is on how correctly the initial cleaning of the open wound was carried out that the speed of its healing depends. If a patient comes to the surgeon with stab, incised, lacerated open wounds, then in without fail he undergoes specific surgical treatment. Such a deep cleaning of the wound from dead tissues and cells will accelerate the healing process.

As part of primary processing open wound surgeon removes foreign bodies, blood clots, excised uneven edges and crushed tissue. Only after that, the doctor will suture, which will bring the edges of the open wound closer, but if the gaping wound is too large, then the sutures are applied a little later, when the edges begin to recover and the wound heals. After such treatment, a sterile bandage is applied to the injury site.

Note:in most cases, a patient with an open wound is given anti-tetanus serum, and if the wound was formed after an animal bite, a vaccine against.

The entire described process of treating an open wound reduces the risk of infection and the development of complications (gangrene, suppuration), and accelerates the healing process. If the treatment was carried out on the first day after the injury, then no complications and severe consequences not expected.

How to treat a weeping open wound

If there is an open wound excess amount serous-fibrous exudate, then surgeons will take measures to treat an open weeping wound. In general, such copious discharge have a beneficial effect on the healing rate - they additionally clean the open wound, but at the same time, the task of specialists is to reduce the amount of exudate secretion - this will improve blood circulation in the most small vessels(capillaries).

When treating weeping open wounds, it is important to change sterile dressings frequently. And during this procedure, it is important to use a solution of furacilin or sodium hypochlorite, or treat the wound with liquid antiseptics (miramistin, okomistin and others).

To reduce the amount of secreted sero-fibrous exudate, surgeons use dressings with 10% aqueous solution sodium chloride. With this treatment, the bandage must be changed at least 1 time in 4-5 hours.

A weeping open wound is also treated with the use of antimicrobial ointments - the most effective will be streptocid ointment, Mafenide, Streptonitol, Fudisin gel. They are applied either under a sterile dressing or on a swab, which is used to treat an open weeping wound.

Xeroform or Baneocin powder is used as a drying agent - they have antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

How to treat an open festering wound

It is an open purulent wound that is most difficult to treat - it is impossible to prevent the spread purulent exudate to healthy tissues. To do this, the usual dressing turns into a mini-operation - it is necessary to remove the accumulated pus from the wound with each treatment, most often drainage systems are installed so that the pus is provided with a constant outflow. Each treatment, except for the indicated additional measures, is accompanied by the introduction into the wound antibacterial solutions - for example, Dimexide. To stop the necrotic process in an open wound and remove pus from it, specific agents are used in surgery - Trypsin or Chymopsin powders. A suspension is prepared from these powders by mixing them with novocaine and / or sodium chloride, and then sterile wipes are impregnated with the resulting agent and filled directly into the cavity of an open purulent wound. In this case, the bandage changes once a day, in some cases, medical wipes can be left in the wound for two days. If a purulent open wound is characterized by a deep and wide cavity, then these powders are poured directly into the wound, without the use of sterile wipes.

In addition to such a thorough surgical treatment of an open purulent wound, the patient must be prescribed antibacterial drugs() orally or by injection.

Features of the treatment of purulent open wounds:

  1. After cleaning the open wound from pus, Levosin ointment is injected directly into the cavity. This medicine It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic effects.
  2. For medicinal dressings in the treatment of an open wound with purulent contents, Levomikol ointment and Synthomycin liniment can be used.
  3. Ointment Baneocin will be most effective in the treatment of open wounds with identified, Nitacid ointment - in the treatment of wounds with diagnosed anaerobic bacteria, Dioxidine ointment generally refers to universal remedy- effective in most types of infections, including against and pathogens of gangrene.
  4. Most often, in the treatment of open purulent wounds, surgeons use ointments based on polyethylene oxide, from vaseline / lanolin modern medicine refuses in this case.
  5. Vishnevsky's ointment helps to get rid of pus in an open wound - it dissolves infiltrates, and increases blood flow in the wound. This drug is applied directly to the wound cavity 1-2 times a day.
  6. When treating a patient with an open purulent wound in medical institution Detoxification therapy must be prescribed and carried out.
  7. Ultrasound or liquid nitrogen may be used to speed up the wound healing process in the hospital.

Creams and ointments for treating wounds at home

If the damage is minor, there is no large cavity, then such open wounds can be treated at home with the help of various ointments. What experts recommend to use:

Folk remedies for open wounds

If the wound is not wide and deep, then some folk remedies can be used to speed up its healing. The most popular, safe and effective include:

  • aqueous solution - it helps with weeping open wounds;
  • a decoction based on flowers, eucalyptus leaves, garden raspberry sprigs, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, heather, elecampane, yarrow, calamus root and comfrey;
  • aloe juice remedy sea ​​buckthorn oil and rosehip oil (everything is mixed in equal proportions) - effective in the treatment of shallow open and dry wounds.

Note:before use folk remedies when treating open wounds, it is necessary to make sure that the victim is not allergic to any of the indicated medicinal plants.

The treatment of open wounds is best left to professionals - surgeons will be able to determine the onset of development in time infectious process, pick up effective treatment. If a decision is made to dispense with therapy at home, then it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the victim. In case of occurrence elevated temperature body, pain at the site of injury of unknown etiology, you must urgently seek professional medical help - it is quite possible that a dangerous infectious process is progressing in the wound.

A happy, carefree childhood is unthinkable without bruises, scratches and abrasions. No need to try to limit the activity of the child, instead make sure that in home first aid kit there have always been special external preparations for the treatment of affected areas of the skin.

At this tender age, it is important that the remedy for healing wounds, bruises shows a high effect, but is absolutely safe. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to pay attention to the study of the composition and principle of action of medicines.

At what age can healing drugs be used

There is a wide range wound healing ointments With high efficiency and fast action.

But there are exceptions that can be used even for newborns.. This wound healing agents based on dexpanthenol - Dexpanthenol, Depanthenol, Bepanthen Plus, D-Panthenol.

For newborns, "Kontraktubeks" is suitable, carefully and effectively eliminating scars and scars. You can use for these purposes and Vishnevsky ointment is absolutely safe.

Ichthyol ointment is prescribed for children from the age of six.

The principle of action on the child's body

Under the influence of drugs, the growth of the upper layer of skin cells, mucous membranes is stimulated, and a reliable anti-inflammatory effect is provided. The agent applied thin layer on the surface of the skin, accelerates natural process wound healing, cut or bruise, painful, uncomfortable sensations are reduced.

Wound healing gels and ointments:

When choosing a healing ointment for the skin for a child, study the composition - it should not contain antibiotics, hormones, any additional components that can cause allergic reactions.

Overview of Commonly Prescribed Wound Healers

For open

Most often in pediatrics, the following drugs are prescribed with the greatest effectiveness.

  • Bepanthen― it is soft acting highly effective means of the Swiss production. Basic active ingredient- dexpanthenol.

    Suitable for use on any area of ​​the child's skin where open wounds or chronic sores need to be healed. Apply the product on previously cleansed and dried skin with a thin layer 2-3 times a day.

    The only contraindication is individual intolerance, which is rare. The cost of Bepanten ointment in Russia is from 280 to 350 rubles.

  • eplan- a safe ointment, which does not contain any hormones or antibiotics. When applied to an open wound, it has a pronounced analgesic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, regenerating effect.

    The tool prevents infection of the tissues of the skin. You can buy the drug at a price from 95 to 180 rubles.

  • will help with open wounds, accompanied by suppuration. It is applied under a sterile bandage, which must be changed every 10 hours.

    This remedy stimulates the process of blood circulation in the affected area and cleanses it of necrotic content, relieves swelling, inflammation, disinfects, and accelerates healing. The cost of such an ointment is about 45-55 rubles..

For closed

  • Actovegin effective for healing closed wounds, burns, cuts, scratches. The basis is deproteinized dialysate obtained from the blood of dairy calves.

    It accelerates the metabolism in the epidermis, improves trophism. The cost of the medication is 100-130 rubles.

  • Levomekol - combined ointment based on chloramphenicol and methyluracil. It relieves swelling and inflammation, accelerates the process of regeneration of the skin.

For minor wounds and abrasions

With fast effect

How to apply

Proper application of wound healing external preparations (ointments) is a guarantee quick recovery skin and lack negative consequences for children.

Caring parents at home with the help of the considered external preparations can only treat superficial wounds, abrasions and scratches. In more complex cases, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

A visit to the doctor is required if the baby has been bitten by an animal. Due to the presence of microbes in saliva, such a wound is always infected. The risk increases if the animal is rabid.

Emergency care that parents can provide on their own is to treat the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin antiseptic solution and applying a bandage. However, after this, you should immediately contact the clinic.

If the bites are multiple (especially for insects such as wasps, hornets and spiders), a visit to the doctor is necessary.

With minor burns, the baby will be helped by a well-known Rescuer.

For the healing of wounds, abrasions and scratches in children, it is necessary to select only the most effective external agents that have a mild and safe effect.

The absence of antibiotic and hormonal components in their composition is mandatory. It is recommended to apply such funds 2-3 times for 5-7 days.

As a bandage, it is best to use a sterile bandage, gauze or lint-free cotton cloth. An open tube with the drug should be stored in a cool, dark place for no longer than one month.

In contact with

Our skin serves as protection for the body and prevents a lot of various infectious infections. An open wound is always a target for infections, so it's important to keep your skin in top, healthy condition.

Quite often, situations arise when wounds and abrasions occur on the skin, special wound healing ointments presented in pharmacies in pharmacies can help in such a situation. a wide range. They have an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, in addition, they have a regenerating function for abrasions wounds that have arisen on the skin.

In this article, we will try to determine the best and budget ointments for quick release from various injuries on the skin, whether it be abrasions and scratches, or deep purulent wounds and try to answer the question - which ointment is better to use in which specific cases?

The best ointment for wounds and cuts, according to pharmacists, is Solcoseryl. This medicinal product includes calf blood dialysate, which provides maximum wound regeneration. It is characteristic that this substance does not cause allergic reactions, therefore, Solcoseryl, given the large spectrum of action, is recommended not only for cuts and cracks, but also for the healing of open wounds.

Due to the fact that the ointment, due to its unique composition, prevents the appearance of the so-called "wet wound effect" due to the fluid released onto the surface of damaged skin, it is advised to use it to heal a purulent wound, as well as when bedsores appear. Of the shortcomings this drug only one can be singled out, and it is again associated with the composition of the product.

Despite the fact that calf blood dialysate, before mixing it with the bulk of the ointment, undergoes a special treatment that purifies this component from impurities that can be allergens, pharmacists say that dialysate is a product natural origin and, therefore, extremely rare cases may still cause allergic reaction in a certain category of people prone to this disease.

Eplan can be used to heal wounds on the face and even treat damaged lips. This remedy contains panthenol, which is excellent for burns, cuts and skin lesions. chemicals. Panthenol helps the wound to heal, while it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces pain and swelling in the affected area.

In general, Eplan, in addition to healing, has an analgesic and disinfectant effect. It can be used primarily when receiving small abrasions, or the occurrence of sores that are not related to external influence on the skin, such as boils or pimples. In addition, this ointment is perfect for facial skin, and even for healing wounds and cracks on the lips.

Eplan ointment also works great for insect bites, allergies and inflammation on the skin, burns, frostbite, and even psoriasis. The indisputable advantage of this drug is that it can be used during pregnancy and during lactation. To the obvious disadvantages of this antiseptic can be attributed to the poor absorption of the ointment, as well as the fact that it unnecessarily dries the skin.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of various ointments for those who have diabetes. The fact is that in the presence of this disease, a thorough and daily examination of the legs is necessary, because with diabetes in a person, blood circulation is disturbed, as a result of the formation of microcracks on the leg, ulcers can occur, which, if ignored, will lead to gangrene and limb amputation.

For reference! One of the best effective means with this disease are creams and ointments, which include urea.

For example, Diaultradem can be used to moisturize dry skin of the feet and during massage, to improve blood circulation. Usage this tool accelerates wound healing, prevents the appearance of cracks and reduces pain in the foot. It is characteristic that side effects and there are no disadvantages when using Diaultradem, since it was developed specifically for patients with diabetes, and, accordingly, all the difficulties that could arise when using it were taken into account.

The best antibiotic ointments

IN postoperative period, for the treatment of seams, it is also important to choose the right ointment, which allows you to maximize the rapid healing of the skin, and also protects against suppuration and inflammation, which often occurs due to infection on the wound. According to experts, after the operation it is better to use several ointments in combination, since their action can complement each other, having a beneficial effect on the seams.

For the treatment of seams, you can also use the Solcoseryl already indicated by us above, however, there is also its budget analogue - Actovegin, which also contains calf's blood. Actovegin is available in the form of a gel and ointment. And if the gel is advised to be used to treat deep wounds, then the ointment is mainly used for already healing wounds.

Of the main disadvantages of this drug, we can say that the drug is strictly prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, before using the drug, you need to consult a doctor, because the composition of Actovegin can provoke allergic reactions.

Probably one of the most popular remedies for the treatment of wounds and cuts is Levomekol antibiotic ointment, which is often used both in the postoperative period and for the treatment of purulent wounds. Ointment, thanks to the antibiotic contained in the composition, prevents suppuration. Also one of the advantages of Levomekol is its availability and budget, but, nevertheless, there are certain risk factors that must be taken into account when using the ointment:

  • With prolonged use of the ointment, excessive accumulation of the antibiotic on the skin and under the skin may occur, which can cause intoxication.
  • Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to use the drug even in the most microscopic doses.
  • The drug can cause allergies, skin rashes and even swelling of the skin, in which case treatment with Levomekol is strictly canceled.

Popular remedies for treating wounds and cuts include drugs that contain silver ions. So the ointment with silver Dermazin perfectly dries and disinfects deep cuts and burns due to silver sulfadiazine.

The action of silver is as follows: its microparticles are introduced into DNA dangerous bacteria and stop their growth and reproduction. Side effects Dermazina are associated with possible appearance itching and a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, so the use of this drug for children is contraindicated.

However, there is another silver-based remedy recommended for both adults and children. Argosulfan is recommended by leading pediatricians for children from two months and is completely safe. The ointment has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect and does not contain contraindications.

The best ointments for wounds on the mucous

Mouth, nose and eyes should be given constant attention to avoid penetration harmful bacteria. Of course, we do not always succeed in this and sometimes the infection wins, but if we use special ointments then many problems can be avoided.

For reference! For the human body, the mucous membranes are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of infections and damage when in contact with the external environment.

A completely normal runny nose can lead to serious problems with health, so most mothers know the most the best ointment that protects against attacks viral infections and, of course, recommend it for use not only for children, but also for adults. It's about about Oksolin, which is applied inside the nasal passages several times a day, because its use is completely safe and the main drawback can only be that it is extremely quickly sold out in pharmacies during the cold season.

Another common disease is herpes, which appears on the lips due to weakened immunity, as a result of taking antibiotics, or even from hypothermia. With this problem, it is important to choose the right remedy, because if it gets on the lips, the ointment can also get into the mouth, and if the remedy is used without a doctor's prescription, poisoning may also occur.

Safe to use means is Viferon, which, having a bactericidal effect, also stimulates the immune system. positive moment in the treatment of this remedy is also the fact that it has no side effects and can be used even by newborns.

Nystatin ointment is also recommended for the treatment of the oral cavity. The use of this ointment for stomatitis, firstly, is available, since the ointment is relatively inexpensive, and secondly, it is also suitable for treating wounds in the mouth due to the fact that the substances included in its composition are excellent and short time(from 2 to 5 days) cope with the causative agents of the disease, penetrating the cells of harmful bacteria. However, when using nystatin ointment, it should be remembered that doses must be carefully observed, using only very little in order to cotton swab apply to the wound. Otherwise, an overdose of the drug may occur.

Using an ointment based on folk remedies

You may be surprised, but our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, not being able to purchase ointment in a pharmacy, made the ointment themselves. It was based on lard, which was heated in a water bath and then added to it various formulations from herbs, berries, honey or beeswax.

For example, for tumors and redness, as well as for the occurrence of bruises, the following ointment was prepared: 100 grams of fat, 100 grams butter, a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of succession and celandine mix and put on water bath. The ointment will be ready in half an hour, it is filtered, cooled and it is completely ready for use. The disadvantage of such an ointment is only that the product is stored very little, due to its natural components.

Any wound with a violation of the integrity of the skin requires special treatment wound surface therapeutic agents. For open wounds, wound healing ointments with quick effect, which accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and prevent infection. Consider budget options ointments and creams for the treatment of open injuries.

Cheap wound healing ointments

Most patients with open injuries in a state of panic are ready to give any money for medicines, if only to recover as soon as possible. But to get better quickly, it is not necessary to pay a lot. There are cheap remedies that heal wounds no less effectively than theirs. expensive analogues. Here are cheap ointments for open wounds that have a pronounced wound healing effect.

TO inexpensive ointments fast action include:

All these tools have similar properties and stimulate wound healing. The table shows average cost drugs:

Here are cheap regenerating, antiseptic and antibacterial ointments. They differ in composition, but all help to accelerate the epithelization of damaged tissues.


Argosulfan- cream with silver sulfathiazole - local antibiotic. This disinfectant renders antibacterial action and block infection of the wound surface. The drug with silver is indicated for small cuts, abrasions, purulent, trophic and burn wounds.


The cream is applied externally with a layer of 3 mm after the disinfection procedure with a multiplicity of 1-3 times until the wound is completely epithelialized. The medicine can be used by diabetics with trophic ulcers caused by diabetes mellitus due to circulatory disorders.

Argosulfan is contraindicated in case of intolerance to sulfonamides, pregnancy, lactation, congenital insufficiency glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. The cream is not used in the treatment of infants under 2 months of age.


This is a wound healing ointment that helps to restore as quickly as possible. damaged skin after open wounds and burns. The drug contains deproteinized hemoderivat - calf blood extract, which provides the drug with the following properties:

Actovegin is the best regenerating ointment. The drug is used to accelerate the healing of injuries of any localization, wounds and inflammations on the skin of the whole body, face and mucous membranes, including burns, cuts, abrasions, cracks and scratches. An analogue of Actovegin - Solcoseryl ointment has identical properties and costs about 150 rubles.


This is a combined ointment with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. Levomekol destroys microbes, relieves swelling, reduces inflammation and improves the restoration of a healthy structure of injured tissues. The medicine contains an antibiotic - chloramphenicol and methyluracil - a wound healing component.

Levomekol is indicated for the treatment of:

For the purpose of prevention, the ointment can be applied to stitches after surgery, cuts and wounds to prevent infection and speed up healing. Levomekol is also used for bedsores, eczema and calluses.

The tool is used only externally, it is permissible to apply it to any part of the body, including the zone of intimate organs.

The therapeutic activity of the substance lasts 20-24 hours. The tool is allowed to be used by pregnant women and infants.


It is a tissue repair stimulant combination drug with dexpanthenol and chlorhexidine. D-panthenol accelerates tissue regeneration, gives anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Chlorhexidine provides antiseptic properties and an antimicrobial effect that persists even in the presence of pus, blood, and other organic secretions.

The application of D-panthenol to the wound creates protection against infections, inhibits the spread of the infectious process and stimulates healing.

Ointment D-panthenol is indicated as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in therapy infected wounds:

The drug is applied to the wound up to 3 times a day. Infants diaper rash is treated after changing the diaper. Cracked nipples should be smeared after each feeding.


Regenerating, anti-inflammatory ointment with bactericidal, wound healing and analgesic effect. The tool belongs to effective dermatotropic drugs. Contains ethyl carbitol, TEG, glycolan, glycerin. Eplan acts on all layers of the skin, kills microbes, bacteria, prevents suppuration, moisturizes the skin, removes itching, pain, accelerates healing and prevents the formation of a dry scab.

Eplan is shown at:

  • any skin damage: wounds, cuts, bruises, cracks, abrasions;
  • burns, frostbite;
  • bedsores and trophic ulcers;
  • insect bites.

eplan has a cream base and is sold in tubes of 30 ml. The agent is applied externally twice a day until the final healing.


An ointment with a pronounced regenerative effect, activates the restoration of tissue structure and accelerates the renewal of affected cells. The agent has anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, reparative and regenerative effects.

The drug is used to accelerate recovery processes during slow epithelialization of wounds, burns and other skin problems. Methyluracil acts only locally, does not affect healthy tissues, actively stimulates cell regeneration, reduces the duration of wound healing and increases local immunity.

Methyluracil is used to treat a variety of skin conditions:

  • wounds and boils;
  • burns and diaper rash;
  • erosion and trophic ulcers;
  • abscesses and bedsores;
  • dermatitis, dermatoses.

The ointment protects the skin from harmful effects sun, helps to remove traces of acne, demodicosis and smooth out scars. Methyluracil is applied externally 1-2 times a day on a pre-disinfected surface.


Antiseptic ointment with a broad spectrum of action, used to treat infected wounds. Active substance Povidone-iodine has an antifungal, antiseptic and antiviral effect. Betadine active against fungi, viruses and protozoa, effectively disinfects the wound and accelerates its healing. The agent is applied under the bandage and is replaced 2-3 times a day.

Betadine is suitable for any place on the human body.

Ointment is indicated for the treatment skin lesions and wounds of mucous membranes:

With the help of Betadine, wound infection is prevented with minor skin injury (small cuts and abrasions, light burns, small surgical sutures). Due to the slow release of iodine, the drug completely disinfects the wound surface in just 15-60 seconds.


Strong antiseptic with bactericidal and antiviral properties. Miramistin prevents the penetration of infection into the wound and activates regenerative processes.

The product effectively stops wound inflammation, absorbs exudate and dehydrates damaged tissues which accelerates the formation of a scab. The ointment acts on microorganisms on the surface of the wound and inside the surrounding tissues.

Miramistin is indicated for the treatment of:

  • purulent surgical wounds;
  • skin injuries;
  • superficial, deep burns.

The ointment is used to prevent complications after injury due to small household, industrial injuries. The agent is applied up to three times a day, the frequency depends on the type and degree of damage.


Combined antibiotic for external use. The ointment contains neomycin and bacitracin, and is active against many pathogenic microorganisms. It is relatively inexpensive antibacterial ointment. Baneocin is effectively used for infected wounds different localization and shown in the following cases:

The ointment can be applied externally or with a gauze bandage, the frequency of the procedure is 1-3 times. It is not recommended to use the remedy for extensive lesions. When applied to the skin, the ointment eliminates the infection, reduces inflammatory edema and so speeds up the recovery process.

What wound healing ointment is better to use?

The most powerful wound healing effect gives Actovegin. Due to complex impact, activation of tissue metabolism, improvement of cellular trophism, acceleration of regenerative processes, the ointment provides the most rapid and safe healing of wounds of any size and origin.

The drug does not have age contraindications, is safe for children, pregnant women and is therefore considered the best regenerative remedy.


It is difficult to imagine a person who has never been injured or wounded. These unpleasant phenomena accompany us throughout our lives. To get rid of them, one has to resort to various methods. A unique tool is for the skin. As a rule, such compositions allow you to get rid of not only scratches, abrasions and cuts, but also burns. In addition, such drugs are more effective than brilliant green or iodine.

Why are such funds needed?

Healing ointment for the skin allows you to quickly get rid of scratches, cut marks and abrasions. As a rule, such wounds cause damage exclusively upper layers skin. More deep damage capable of leading to backfire. Do not forget that the skin protects against exposure adverse factors And environment. Violation of the integrity of the tissue is simply undesirable.

The skin does not allow penetration into more deep tissues harmful bacteria and various fungi. If it is damaged, then the risk of infection also increases. The main conductor in similar situations are not only cuts and scratches, but also burns. For this reason, it is important to protect the damaged area. For this they use

The drug "Ai-Bolit"

This healing ointment allows not only to eliminate the unaesthetic manifestations of various wounds, but also to eliminate unpleasant pain. In addition, the drug very quickly heals almost any damage to the skin.

It should be noted that the drug "Ai-Bolit" is made from natural herbal ingredients. IN this case taken as a basis old recipe. Thanks to modern technologies, managed to create a unique drug that perfectly heals wounds. The result is a balanced and effective healing ointment for the skin.

Ointment "Astroderm"

This healing ointment is used for skin with burns, cuts, scratches and even with open wounds. The drug helps to prevent the appearance of inflammation, swelling and bruising when bruised. The drug "Astroderm" perfectly copes with many problems. With vitamins and natural basis, the drug heals wounds well and quickly. The composition of the drug includes only natural extracts.

The active components of the ointment accelerate the processes of skin regeneration. The drug "Astroderm" is effective not only for small scratches, but also for rather complex tissue damage, for example, with open wounds. Besides, medicinal composition avoids re-infection. Healing ointment for the skin "Astroderm" provides a good cosmetic effect while restoring tissue integrity. The components that make up this drug accelerate the processes associated with cell renewal.

It is worth noting that such a healing ointment is suitable for facial skin. The composition can be used as prophylactic. The drug is able to protect the skin from negative impact some natural factors and certain substances, such as dampness, wind and cold, as well as chlorine.

Ointment "Astroderm" has a regenerating, analgesic, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. The composition of the drug includes D-Panthenol, vitamin E and B 5 . These components allow you to normalize the metabolism in damaged tissues.

The drug "Cycaderma"

This ointment perfectly heals small superficial damage such as wounds, burns, scratches and so on. This medicine can be used even by small children from one year old. The composition of the ointment "Cycaderma" includes exclusively natural ingredients, including extracts of St. John's wort, yarrow, wild rosemary, calendula and others.

It is worth noting that this healing ointment for the skin is restorative. It speeds up the processes and is a homeopathic remedy.

Ointment with aloe extract "Healer"

This drug has excellent medicinal properties. For many centuries, aloe has been used to treat various diseases. Beneficial features This plant is simply unique. Aloe was used as a medicine in Greece and Ancient Rome. The extract of this plant allows you to eliminate pain, as well as accelerate the processes associated with the restoration of tissue cells. In everyday life, it is used to treat burns, relieve inflammation, and also for healing. small damage skin.

Healing ointment for the skin with antibiotics "Baneocin"

In the home first aid kit should always be a drug that allows you to restore tissue after damage. It is very important that such a drug be universal. In other words, the drug should be suitable not only for the elimination of minor wounds, but also for the treatment of burns, injuries, and so on.

Such compositions include ointment "Baneocin". It is perfect for the treatment of open wounds, as well as minor scratches. The healing ointment for the skin "Baneocin" contains several antibiotics at once: bacitran and neomycin. The drug has a fairly strong bactericidal effect. Therefore, it can not be used for burns, as well as for very deep wounds. This drug is often used in the postoperative period for the treatment of sutures.

Other drugs

Today in the pharmacy you can buy any ointment for the skin: healing, antiseptic, restoring. TO similar drugs should include the remedy "Levomekol". This ointment is often used to treat non-sterile, inflamed wounds. The components that make up this drug very quickly penetrate into damaged tissues precisely in those places where the foci of infection are located, and then disarm all pathogenic microorganisms.

Healing antiseptic ointment for skin "Solcoseryl" is often used for therapy open damage skin covers. The composition of this drug includes an extract of calf's blood. This component accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration. As a result, it runs much faster. An analogue of the ointment "Solcoseryl" is the drug "Actovegin".

Universal remedy

The drug "Eplan" has a fairly strong bactericidal effect. This drug is universal and has enough a wide range actions. Very often, the ointment is used to treat not only open wounds and burns, but also purulent ulcers, dermatitis and so on.

It is worth noting that the composition of the drug "Eplan" does not contain antibiotics, as well as hormonal components. This allows you to use the drug at almost any age. In addition, the drug is allowed for those who have a hormonal disorder, as well as diabetes. Also, Eplan wound healing ointment can be used for children.

Important Points

During the healing period in injured tissues, new cells are formed in damaged areas, gradually replacing the damaged ones. Such processes require a lot of energy and good blood circulation. To do this, the skin in damaged areas should receive more vitamins And nutritional components. It is for this reason that a healing ointment is usually used for therapy. For the skin of the hands, body and face, certain formulations can be used. The main thing is that they contain all necessary components. For wound healing, experts do not recommend using iodine or brilliant green, since these drugs can only disinfect damaged tissues. They do not contain nutrients or vitamins.

For achievement best effect wound healing ointments should be applied in a very thin layer. Otherwise, the access of oxygen to the damaged area will be blocked. And this, in turn, can lead to accumulation in injured tissues a large number pathogenic microorganisms, as well as suppuration, which often leads to serious complications.

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