High fever and diarrhea - how to treat? High fever and diarrhea, diarrhea in an adult, causes and treatment Temperature diarrhea weakness what to do

High fever and diarrhea in an adult are usually accompanied by general weakness caused by dehydration. A person feels a general malaise, cannot work effectively. Many do not go to the doctor, using fixing drugs, such as Loperamide. But such a condition can signal a more serious disease.

Diarrhea as a result of intestinal infections

Diarrhea in combination with fever is often a symptom of intestinal infections, viral and bacterial. Viruses include:

  • rotaviruses;
  • enteroviruses;
  • adenovirus.

Bacterial intestinal infections:

  • dysentery;
  • cholera;
  • salmonellosis;
  • escherichiosis.

In addition, affecting the gastrointestinal tract, bacteria lead to diseases of its various departments:

  • diarrhea;
  • temperature 37–37.5 degrees;
  • chills;
  • possible vomiting;
  • mucus in stool;
  • gray-yellow stool;
  • mild sore throat or cough may bother you.

At the same time, diarrhea and a temperature in an adult not higher than 37.5 degrees may indicate more serious diseases, such as cholera or a mild form of salmonellosis.

Diarrhea and fever

Diarrhea and a temperature of 38 in an adult are symptoms of bacterial infections - staphylococcus aureus, dysentery and others.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • repeated diarrhea;
  • the stool contains mucus and spotting;
  • often the color of the stool is dirty green;
  • weakness;
  • fever, fever up to 38-39 degrees.

General weakness, high fever and diarrhea can also be symptoms of HIV infection, neoplasms, including malignant ones. In addition, it may be the background of other diseases, not necessarily the intestines. For example, with inflammation of the appendix.

Symptoms such as diarrhea and a temperature of 39 degrees require urgent hospitalization! It is difficult to cope with such a condition on your own; medical supervision and an accurate diagnosis are necessary.

What to do during diarrhea in an adult?

If it's just junk food poisoning or the stomach flu, then don't let your body deal with the illness.

Vomiting and loose stools cause dehydration, so drink warm water, chamomile decoction, herbal tea. Observe bed rest. After the diarrhea stops, restore the intestinal microflora.

Here is an example treatment plan:

With this treatment, all symptoms should go away within five days. If diarrhea does not stop within this time, you should consult a doctor.

Diet during diarrhea

In case of indigestion, in order not to injure the gastrointestinal tract even more, it is necessary to adhere to a strict diet. Doctors recommend food from the menu "Table No. 4". Here are its main principles:


  • flour products;
  • fatty soups with additives in the form of cereals, pasta;
  • fatty meats and fish, sausages;
  • salted, smoked products, caviar;
  • whole milk;
  • hard-boiled and fried eggs;
  • canned food;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • sweets;
  • animals, cooking oils;
  • coffee, cocoa, sparkling water.


Note! The daily calorie content for the diet menu "Table No. 4" should average 1800 kcal. In this case, proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be 80, 70 and 250 grams, respectively. Salt can be added no more than 10 g and be sure to drink about two liters of water.

How to prevent infection with viral and bacterial diseases of the intestine from the carrier?

If a member of your family has the above symptoms, you need to protect yourself from infection. To do this, follow simple rules:

  1. Give the patient a separate set of dishes.
  2. Do wet cleaning every day.
  3. Avoid physical contact with the patient - hugs, handshakes, kisses.
  4. Be sure to treat dishes, floors, furniture, household items that the patient touches with special disinfectants.
  5. After recovery, it is necessary to carry out a general cleaning using disinfectants, and ventilate all rooms.
  6. Disinfect and boil a set of dishes from which the patient ate during the incubation period and recovery, replace the set of toothbrushes with a new one.

Remember! The guarantee of complete recovery and quality treatment is a timely visit to the doctor.

Diarrhea and temperature always occur unexpectedly, in order to know how to act in such situations, one should understand the possible causes of this manifestation.

Causes of the condition

The main causes of diarrhea with temperature can be of a different nature, namely:

  • intestinal infection (damage by bacteria, viruses or pathogenic fungi);
  • poisoning with low-quality food, medicines;
  • intoxication in various diseases of internal organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • drug overdose;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea accompanied by a rise in temperature is a condition that requires rapid resolution. With prolonged or rapid loss of fluid, a threat to the health and life of the patient may occur, especially in childhood.

When to call an ambulance

There are conditions in which home treatment is not acceptable. Diarrhea accompanied by high fever requires an emergency call to the hospital if:

  • the skin became dry and pale;
  • the patient is tormented by intense thirst, fluid intake does not bring relief;
  • sharply formed cracks on the lips;
  • the amount of urine has decreased, and it has acquired a darker color;
  • the appearance of arrhythmia, tachycardia or pain in the heart.

Before the arrival of the ambulance team, you should independently begin providing first aid to the patient:

Intestinal infections are the main cause of diarrhea associated with hyperthermia

The most common cause of diarrhea and temperature over 37 in adults and children are infectious diseases of a bacterial and viral nature. Less commonly, AII is caused by infection with pathogenic fungi.

The most common cause of diarrhea is intestinal infections of a bacterial nature, transmitted through contaminated food and dirty hands.


The disease can be transmitted from infected people through food and water. The most common infection occurs when eating: meat, fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables. The disease is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • loose stools, sometimes with blood;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • hyperthermia (up to 38-39 0 С).

salmonellosis, dysentery

The disease is acute, expressed by severe green diarrhea, in severe cases, streaks of blood are determined, a pronounced rise in temperature (40 degrees) that cannot be corrected with antipyretic drugs. The infection poses a threat to others. Requires inpatient treatment in the infectious diseases department.

Rotavirus infection

Children and immunocompromised people are most susceptible to rotavirus infection. In the absence of timely treatment of a sick family member and poor hygiene, the whole family can become ill.

Symptoms of a rotavirus infection:

  • diarrhea and fever (multiple and watery stools);
  • vomiting up to 7 times a day;
  • pain syndrome of the epigastric region and abdomen;
  • weakness, lethargy and drowsiness.

Important. Any intestinal infection should be treated by specialists. Inadequate therapy leads to a violation of the intestinal microflora (dysbacteriosis), which creates the prerequisites for frequent infection with pathogenic flora and reduces the overall immune response of the body.

Food poisoning

A common cause of poisoning is the consumption of stale products or food contaminated with various poisons and toxins.

Food infection develops within 2-3 hours after eating low-quality food, sometimes after 10-20 minutes. There is nausea, vomiting, later diarrhea and fever, headache, weakness.

Important. Food poisoning can lead to sad consequences with severe dehydration. Particular attention should be paid to the condition of children, a weak body does not tolerate dehydration and in a shorter time (than in adults) serious conditions occur.

High-quality processing of vegetables and fruits before consumption significantly reduces the risk of food poisoning.


Temperature with diarrhea can also manifest itself in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common cause is acute inflammation of the pancreas. To fully restore the stool and normalize well-being, it is necessary to treat pancreatitis.

To stop the manifestation of diarrhea, it is necessary to provide plenty of fluids, eat sparing food (broths, soups, cereals) and use enzymes that improve digestion (creon, pancreatin) before eating.

Acute appendicitis

Symptoms of acute appendicitis are very diverse, but there is always a place for high body temperature, pain and impaired stool. A pain attack usually begins in the epigastric region, with a gradual spread in the lower abdomen. Appendicitis is a condition that requires medical attention. Self-medication can cause peritonitis, which is a serious threat to life. However, timely treatment may allow treatment without surgery.

Nonspecific ulcerative colitis

Ulcerative colitis is characterized by damage to the lining of the large intestine. The disease is manifested by high body temperature, diarrhea, pain in the lower abdomen, severe loss of working capacity due to weakness and dizziness. Timely therapy allows you to achieve recovery.

Viral hepatitis

Viral liver damage is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • changes in the skin (jaundice);
  • pain in the right hypochondrium;
  • severe weakness and apathy;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • hyperthermia;
  • discoloration of feces.

In the absence of a full-fledged treatment, hepatitis can acquire a chronic relapsing form, which is dangerous for the liver to degenerate into cirrhosis or cancer.

Diarrhea with antibiotic therapy

Antibiotic treatment often leads to diarrhea due to the destruction of beneficial intestinal flora, which creates the prerequisites for impaired digestive function. Cancellation of the drug helps to restore the intestinal flora and the disappearance of this manifestation.

What to do for diarrhea

The best thing a person can do is to monitor their health and create all the conditions for good health. Diarrhea prevention is the best treatment. however, what to do if diarrhea and fever appear:

  1. the occurrence of diarrhea against the background of hyperthermia requires correction of the condition. The first thing to do is to see a doctor. Especially in the case of damage to the child's body. If in an adult dehydration occurs by the 3rd day of illness, in children it can develop within a few hours;
  2. if an infection is suspected, the use of loperamide or imodium will not work. With a food reaction, these drugs will completely solve the problem;
  3. it is necessary to carry out rehydration in order to restore the salt and water balance of the body: rehydron, mineral water (it is better to release gases), weak fruit drinks, compote. Chamomile decoction;
  4. normalization of nutrition, taking into account the state. Food should be easily digestible, heat-treated and balanced in terms of the necessary elements;
  5. with hyperthermia up to 38 degrees, NSAIDs can be used;
  6. preparations containing prebiotics and probiotics will also be good helpers in the fight against diarrhea.

Poor-quality products can lead not only to food poisoning, but also cause an infectious lesion. The main rule in preventing diarrhea is to watch what you eat.

Before being treated for diarrhea and fever, you should determine what kind of disease it is. This is best done by a specialist. Self-treatment at home can adversely affect health, and in some cases even lead to an unfavorable outcome.

In life, unpleasant situations happen when diarrhea and fever appear, catching a person at the most inopportune moment.

This phenomenon can be triggered by various infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and can also manifest itself as a side effect from the use of any medication.

Since diarrhea and fever come on suddenly and cause significant discomfort, everyone needs to know how to deal with these symptoms, how to treat it on their own, and what to do with diarrhea in order to eliminate it.

Causes and treatment of diarrhea with fever in adults

Temperature and diarrhea for adults do not pose such a health hazard as in childhood (children must be closely monitored during the course of the disease, and also seek medical help without delay), therefore people often engage in treatment at home.

Along with diarrhea, an adult can experience such adverse symptoms as high fever, spasm, weakness, nausea, and gag reflex.

In many situations, this complexity can be dealt with when the symptoms do not change from day to day.

But if the pathology becomes wider, then it is necessary to contact a specialist who will recommend proper treatment.

Causes of diarrhea

If, under the influence of various unfavorable external factors inside the intestine, a violation of the natural absorption of electrolytes and water occurs, then specific symptoms of diarrhea are formed.

In addition, when viral agents and harmful microorganisms enter the digestive canal, the intestinal walls begin to contract.

All this then leads to the fact that food products cannot be fully processed and assimilated.

If loose stools appear, it is likely that in this way the body begins to react to unusual food products, stressful situations, or to changing climatic conditions.

When liquid stools are supplemented by other specific symptoms, for example, temperature, then it is necessary to beware of diseases such as hepatitis, appendicitis, intestinal flu, pancreatitis.

Also, diarrhea and fever are the result of food intoxication.


The hallmarks of intoxication are nausea, diarrhea, and fever. The development of poisoning increases in the interval between 4-12 hours after the use of products of inadequate quality in food.

The characteristic symptoms of intoxication are pain in the stomach, excessive deterioration in well-being, an increase in body temperature, weakness, diarrhea with mucous streaks.

After added dehydration, gag reflex, unconsciousness. In such a situation, doctors should be called without delay, since such a condition can cause death.

Severe diarrhea, gag reflex, temperature in an adult require immediate assistance.

But you should not engage in self-treatment - improper actions of an inexperienced person afterward can provoke adverse consequences.

Pancreatitis, indigestion

Much less often, diarrhea, gag reflex, temperature indicate an acute form of pancreatitis (an inflammatory process in the pancreas).

If you immediately remove the unfavorable factor that provoked the disease and undergo a course of drug therapy, then diarrhea may soon disappear.

It happens that an unbalanced diet, a “hungry” diet, or large amounts of food that is eaten at one meal can lead to diarrhea.

Intestinal upset in such a situation may be associated with diarrhea, fever.

Treatment of these conditions is to comply with certain points:

  • Abundant drinking regimen.
  • Sparing diet food, which includes broths, soups, cereals, crackers.
  • Means against diarrhea (during pancreatitis): Creon, Pancreatin.

Before taking any medication, you need to find out the recommendations of a specialist.

intestinal flu

In the process of entering the pathogens of an intestinal infection into the body, the following symptoms are found: gag reflex, diarrhea, fever, weakness.

In adults, if there are no complications, the treatment of diarrhea is quite simple and is often carried out at home.

It is necessary to drink more water, even in the process of vomiting, but in small portions. Doctors advise using Smecta, Enterofuril in a situation with uncomplicated rotavirus infection.

salmonellosis, dysentery

The main symptoms: nausea, weakness, diarrhea, fever (hard to go astray). Regular loose stools are often greenish and (probably) streaked with blood.

In such a situation, it is necessary to start treatment without delay. It is necessary to immediately isolate the patient to prevent the spread of infection.

In stationary conditions, under the supervision of a specialist, antibiotic treatment is carried out with further restoration of the proper intestinal microflora.


The inflammatory process of the appendix often has a variety of symptoms. But the most common are temperature, pain in the peritoneal cavity, diarrhea.

Pain appears infrequently in the peritoneum, eventually descending into the lower abdomen. In the presence of pronounced signs of appendicitis, it is necessary to contact a specialist without delay.

Basically, surgical intervention is performed with the elimination of the inflamed process. But, if there was a timely appeal for help, the attack can be stopped by medication.


Inflammation in the tissues of the liver can be triggered by viral agents, toxic substances that are secreted by certain types of plants and medications. Hepatitis C is characterized by an autoimmune etiology.

When a patient has yellowness of the skin, high fever, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, that is, there is every reason to talk about hepatitis.

The main symptom of the disease is white diarrhea. But the disease can pass without severe symptoms.

In such a situation, the transition of the disease from the acute stage to the chronic stage is possible. Treatment is carried out strictly in stationary conditions.

Typhoid fever

Diarrhea, gag reflex, fever in an adult - this may be a symptom of typhoid fever.

It is necessary to call a specialist without delay when a small red-pink rash appears on the body, in particular near the peritoneum, which does not disappear for 7 days.

First aid

Diarrhea provokes rapid dehydration of the body, and fever only worsens the patient's well-being.

Treatment should be started quickly and in compliance with certain prescriptions:

  • First of all, you should establish a drinking regime. You need to drink more fluids, but in small portions and often. 40 g per 1 kg of body weight per day plus what the patient will lose with diarrhea and gag reflex, loss with temperature (about 1 liter per day when it does not subside).
  • It is useful to take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of patient's body weight) or Smecta. They help to remove toxic substances from the body, and Smecta helps to calm the digestive tract.
  • It is best not to immediately use drugs that stop diarrhea. This only worsens the state of health, since toxic substances and microorganisms that cause intoxication remain inside the body. Therapy is facilitated by the use of saline solutions (Regidon or Gastrolit).
  • It is possible to use medicines that bring down the temperature as a treatment only after the appointment of a specialist, as they can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and aggravate the general condition.

Situations are noted when an adult has diarrhea with water. This occurs in a situation where the small intestine is directly involved in the pathological process.

This is observed when intoxication occurs with food products of inadequate quality or during an acute intestinal infection.

When an elevated temperature is observed, treatment begins with general rules (the use of activated charcoal, an abundant drinking regimen).

Folk treatment for diarrhea

Before treatment, it is necessary to establish the causes. For the treatment of diarrhea in an adult, certain folk remedies are known. The most effective of them:

  • Black tea is taken in the form of a dry leaf with a volume of 0.5 tsp, chewed and swallowed with a small amount of water.
  • In addition, you can make strong black tea, cool it and add 1 tbsp. l. potato starch. Drink on an empty stomach and at a time. Such therapy is carried out several times a day.
  • Well helps with diarrhea (diarrhea) a mixture of lingonberry and bird cherry leaves. It is necessary to take them in crushed form, in a ratio of 50 to 50. Raw materials are poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. This remedy must be taken 2-3 times a day.

It is important to remember that diarrhea and fever in an adult may indicate dangerous poisoning and illness.

When the symptoms are pronounced or last for a long period of time, you should not try to remove toxic substances with water, look for therapies on your own.

Only qualified medical diagnostics is able to establish the causes and select effective methods for eliminating diarrhea with fever.

Useful video

Vomiting, diarrhea and temperature in an adult is the body's reaction to viruses, infections and toxins entering it. In addition, ulcers, acute appendicitis, and even oncology can also be accompanied by these symptoms. Measures should be taken immediately, as a long stay in this state can result in dehydration. Vomiting and diarrhea at elevated temperatures do not threaten an adult with any terrible consequences. But for a small child, these symptoms are quite dangerous, since an infection in the baby's body can lead to serious consequences.

Diseases that are accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea and fever

Causes of vomiting and diarrhea with fever can be very different. That's why, when recovery does not occur after 3-4 days, you should immediately visit a gastroenterologist.

The appearance of reactions from the gastrointestinal tract may be the result of intoxication of the body when it enters the rotavirus. The intestinal flu (the second name of the disease) is characterized by vomiting, high fever, sore throat, diarrhea and general weakness. The infection is transmitted through unwashed fruits and vegetables, dishes, a common towel. Rotavirus infection is highly contagious. The incubation period of the disease is 1-5 days.

Upon contact with a sick person, infection can occur in a few hours, and if a person does not have strong immunity, he can get sick within an hour. This disease is dangerous because dehydration of the body occurs very quickly, so it is necessary to constantly maintain the water-salt balance.

There is no specific treatment regimen for intestinal flu that would help speed up the recovery process. In order to remove toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, an enterosorbent is needed. In this case, you need to be treated with activated charcoal. It should be drunk according to the standard scheme - one tablet for every 10 kg of body weight. Taking smecta is also appropriate, since it will not only have an absorbent effect, but will not damage the microflora and will only remove harmful substances from the body. Rehydron will help prevent dehydration and restore the salt balance. One sachet of the drug is dissolved in a liter of water and taken during the day, 50 ml every hour. At the beginning of the illness, you need to have a bottle of water on hand and take a sip from it every 10-15 minutes, but no more. If timely treatment is not started, this disease can end in dysentery.

Most often, the disease occurs due to the ingestion of toxic substances and harmful microbes.
. You can get poisoned by eating exotic fruits or stale meat. In addition, poisoning can be the result of an overdose or improper medication. The ingestion of hazardous chemicals is also one of the types of food poisoning. Also, vomiting, severe diarrhea and fever can be the result of using a stale or expired product. In addition, if hygienic standards were not observed during packaging and storage, the product may deteriorate earlier than the period indicated on the package. The first symptoms appear during the day after eating a stale product. Food poisoning is characterized by nausea, vomiting, persistent diarrhea, fever, and chills. With adequate treatment, the disease recedes quite quickly, literally in 3-4 days.

Measures to take if you have diarrhea, vomiting and fever due to food poisoning:

  • cleanse the stomach with a pinkish manganese solution or a saline solution;
  • do not forget to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration;
  • eat only sparing foods: liquid cereals on water without oil, vegetable soups, crackers;
  • take sorbents, and take any other drugs only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Viral hepatitis is a disease that affects the liver tissue
. How to treat this serious disease, only a doctor can determine.

Such a disease develops from the ingestion of viruses of various origins into the body.

There are many types of viruses, but the most common are hepatitis A, B, C.

It is impossible to understand that vomiting, diarrhea and fever provoked viral hepatitis on its own. The disease is diagnosed only after passing a series of tests. Therefore, if gastrointestinal disorders do not go away for a long period, you should immediately consult a doctor, since this disease is insidious and can masquerade as ordinary poisoning for a long time.

Medical treatment for vomiting and diarrhea

If you find symptoms such as chills, aches, diarrhea, vomiting and fever, it is better to call a doctor. However, if for some reason this cannot be done, you need to know what measures can be taken in this case:

  1. You should not immediately stop diarrhea with antidiarrheal drugs such as imodium and laperamide, especially if it is impossible to consult a specialist, and the nature of the disease is unclear. Through diarrhea and vomiting, the body tries to cleanse itself of toxic substances as soon as possible, and if these processes are stopped, poisons can enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.
  2. If the temperature has risen sharply with diarrhea and vomiting, enterosorbents should be taken, such as activated or white charcoal, sorbex or smectite. The dosage should be determined according to the instructions for the drug. When taking activated charcoal, it will be difficult to understand whether bloody impurities and mucus are present in the feces, since the stool after it has a black color.
  3. It does not hurt to make a cleansing enema with the addition of a sorbent, for example, smectite - its use is appropriate in this case, since it has a mild effect on the intestinal walls and prevents the spread of toxins no worse.
  4. As mentioned above, to avoid dehydration, you need to maintain a water-salt balance. Regidron can help with this, but the drug should be used with caution, as it can also provoke vomiting in case of individual intolerance.
  5. What to do if it is found that a person’s stomach is simply “ripped off” due to excessive consumption of fatty foods? To speed up metabolic processes, you can take festal or mezim.
  6. When diarrhea and vomiting at elevated temperatures are the consequences of a bacterial infection, an antibiotic is indispensable. Such drugs are prescribed only by a competent specialist, and on your own with an intestinal infection, you can take the drug nifuroxazide or its analogues.
  7. The well-known tranquilizer diazepam will help relieve spasms and gagging.

If the thermometer showed 38, do not immediately turn to antipyretics. Elevated temperature is a protective reaction of the body, it indicates that the process of active struggle with the disease is underway. Consultation with a specialist in this case is necessary, but while the patient is waiting for his arrival, you should drink plenty of fluids and alleviate the condition with rubdowns.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine methods are also far from powerless in relieving symptoms such as body aches, chills, vomiting, diarrhea and fever. Decoctions and infusions restore the patient's strength and speed up recovery:

  1. Spasmodic pains in the stomach and intestines are stopped by a weak decoction of chamomile.
  2. If nausea sets in and the patient feels exhausted, tea with lemon and mint leaves will help here.
  3. When bones break, rose hips will help. Thanks to their diuretic action, they help reduce the temperature, and tea with cranberries and lime blossom tones and removes chills.
  4. A decoction of dill seeds is taken to get rid of cramps and pain in the abdomen. Taking it in small portions not only relieves pain, but also restores peristalsis.
  5. Ginger tea in small quantities removes vomiting, diarrhea and helps to reduce the temperature in an adult. To achieve the effect no need to consume it in large quantities, as it is very fragrant and can cause the opposite effect. One spoonful several times a day is enough.
  6. Infusion on pomegranate peels is a natural sorbent that successfully fights toxins in gastrointestinal disorders and helps to quickly free the body from infection. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of grated crusts, into which you need to pour 400 ml of boiling water. Keep the decoction covered for thirty minutes, after which it can be consumed throughout the day in small portions.

Alternative methods for fever, diarrhea and vomiting are used only as concomitant therapy. Their significance is not diminished, however, with such symptoms, it is impossible and even dangerous to ignore drug treatment. The choice of the appropriate treatment always remains with the doctor, since it is not always possible to cope with the disease on your own and at home.

How to ease the course of the disease

In order to quickly recover and get rid of diarrhea, vomiting and fever, you need to follow a diet and maintain water balance. Loose stools and high fever recede if you follow simple rules:

  • Eat only easily digestible foods in small quantities. These are cereals on the water, rice water, light broths and crackers, boiled mashed potatoes without oil.
  • Drinking water is not necessary - it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. To avoid dehydration, it is enough to drink water in small portions, but often.
  • Ventilate more often - fresh air relieves the condition, relieves vomiting and removes a headache. When the temperature is too annoying and approaches 39, you can use a wipe with a damp sponge.
  • Treating the mouth with mint or chamomile decoction - this helps to stop the incessant vomiting.

When to Call a Doctor

It never hurts to see a doctor, but under certain conditions it is not only possible, but absolutely necessary. Reasons for calling an ambulance team or a doctor at home:

  • detection of symptoms of dehydration: dry skin, rare urination, dark urine, intense thirst, pallor, discomfort in the heart area;
  • bloody diarrhea or bloody vomiting;
  • fever or temperature 37, which has been going on for several days.

As a rule, upon the arrival of emergency care, the patient is sent to the hospital for testing and finding out the causes of the disease.

Disorders from the digestive system can be alarming signs of many diseases., so if they do not stop and periodically return, this is hardly a banal food poisoning. With such signs, the patient needs to ensure peace, give an enterosorbent and constantly drink water. To speed up recovery, you can turn to folk remedies, but only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment after finding out the causes of these symptoms.

In life, there are such unpleasant situations when diarrhea and fever that catch a person at the most inopportune moment. This condition can be caused by infections, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and can also manifest itself as a side effect of taking one or another type of medicines and preparations . Since diarrhea and high fever are extremely unexpected and unpleasant things, each person should know how to deal with these symptoms and how to treat them in himself or in his child.

general characteristics

Probably every person in his life at least once in his life faced with such a phenomenon as diarrhea. Especially if such a condition has arisen in a child, then this causes concern. In children, such a disease goes a little differently, they need to be constantly monitored so that it does not get worse, in case of complications, you need to call an ambulance or a doctor at home.

If we are talking about diarrhea in an adult, then this condition may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, headaches, general weakness of the whole organism, and a depressed state. Usually diarrhea occurs because a person has a weakened or poorly functioning digestive system. But also the food that a person eats is also primarily affected by the appearance of diarrhea. That is, if the food was of dubious freshness, poorly or insufficiently cooked, expired, with violations of the storage conditions of a particular product, and simply of poor quality in itself, then diarrhea will not take long. If this is a single food poisoning, then usually a person is treated at home, and this condition disappears after a few days, when toxins and toxic substances leave the body.

But if diarrhea and high fever do not stop for a long time or appear with a suspiciously high frequency, then you need to see a doctor or call an ambulance and establish the causes in time. This should by no means be ignored.

Temperature and diarrhea in an adult

What if the loose stool is also complicated by high temperature? You need to understand that temperature and diarrhea in an adult can lead the body to dehydration. Therefore, you need to drink as much liquid as possible. No need to drink 2 liters of water at once and force yourself to do it by force. This may lead to vomiting. You need to drink a little bit, but as often as possible. Sweet tea, chicken broth, chamomile tea, plain boiled water or still mineral water are good for drinking. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages and coffee. It is also better to refuse juices for a while.

You also need to rethink your usual eating schedule. At the time of illness, you need to give up spicy, fatty, salty, smoked, milk and dairy products. You can eat potatoes, any cereals, vermicelli, boiled in water. A light vegetable soup is suitable, it is possible with pieces of lean meat. To it you need to cook black bread, preferably a little dried. Even if there is no appetite, it is necessary to eat so that the body has the strength and resources to fight the disease. But again, no need to overeat. You can eat a few spoons of soup and a couple of crackers, and if you don’t want anything else, then you don’t need to force yourself. This can also lead to vomiting.

Causes and treatment of manifestations

To lower the temperature in an adult, treatment should begin with drinking. Toxins from the body will be excreted along with urine, so frequent trips to the toilet for little need is very good in this situation. What is the best drink? Fruit drinks and compotes from berries that contain vitamin C help very well at a temperature. If there are no such berries at hand, then alkaline mineral water helps at a temperature. If heavy drinking still caused nausea, then you can remove it with the help of a few leaves of fresh mint, which you need to chew for a while.

Tablets that stop diarrhea, such as Imodium, are categorically not recommended, since they will only stop diarrhea, the infection will remain in the body, and it must be removed from there as soon as possible. Therefore, you can take Activated charcoal or Smecta from drugs, just these drugs remove toxins from the body and do it in a gentle way, enveloping the intestinal walls. You should not take antibiotics, as they are likely to destroy the beneficial microflora, which is already weakened during the period of illness, and its restoration is vital for normal bowel function and stopping diarrhea.

But if the patient's condition does not improve, the temperature does not even think to decrease, nausea and vomiting do not stop, bloody and mucous inclusions began to be observed in the feces, abdominal pain does not subside, then you should immediately stop self-medicating and call an ambulance.

A sick person is considered a carrier of the infection and can infect others, so ventilation and wet cleaning should be carried out to the apartment. Those who live near the sick person should wash their hands as often as possible, and the sick person himself should do the same.

Diarrhea and fever in an adult may be signs of an intestinal disorder or pancreatitis. The cause of this disease is malnutrition in its completely different forms. This may be the wrong diet, prolonged fasting, or, on the contrary, frequent overeating, eating low-quality, unnatural food. Symptoms of an intestinal disorder are diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, total loss of appetite. In this case, doctors advise to refrain from eating for a day, and then eat homemade food, but in small portions. Crackers, chicken warm broth, mineral water are ideal. To alleviate the condition, you need to buy medicines containing enzymes at the pharmacy. If after a few days the person does not feel better, then you need to consult a doctor who will select the right treatment for this particular patient.

It could also be rotavirus. In medicine, this phenomenon is called the intestinal flu. Symptoms are: repeated diarrhea, repeated or single vomiting, high fever, weakness, loss of appetite, muscle pain, sore throat, runny nose is possible. This infection does not require special treatment, you just need to prevent dehydration, drink plenty of water, tea or fruit drinks. If this does not help bring down the temperature, and the symptoms do not subside, then you need to drink an antiviral drug. When the disease still passes, then you need to consult a doctor about the need to take drugs that will help restore the intestinal microflora.

A bacterial infection may also be the cause. Bacterial infections include dysentery, staphylococcus and many others. The temperature is usually very difficult to bring down, it can be very high. Diarrhea does not stop, but repeated, greenish in color, with bloody patches. In a sense, the patient was lucky. He will not have to carry out treatment on his own, since a bacterial infection implies hospitalization, where the patient will be under the supervision of doctors with proper treatment.

Unpleasant symptoms in a child

This phenomenon can be especially aggravated in the summer. Because of the heat, many foods spoil faster, the child can eat unwashed or poorly washed fruits or berries, drink raw water. And it is generally difficult to keep track of a small child, he can take something in his mouth without permission or sip water while bathing.

A child, just like an adult, can become infected with intestinal infections, but there are also specific childhood diseases that only children suffer from. For example, measles, chickenpox, rubella, scarlet fever - all this can cause complications in the form of fever, vomiting and diarrhea. However, a small calming factor is that the child, having been ill with this once in his life, will no longer become infected. The temperature may rise and loose stools may disturb when the child begins to cut teeth.

Parents should treat the child with increased attention, especially if he is still small and cannot clearly tell his parents what hurts him. If the child has a fever, vomits, his stomach hurts, loose stools are observed, then you should immediately call an ambulance or a local doctor. If blood or black spots are seen in the feces, this may indicate internal bleeding. It can also indicate diseases of the abdominal organs. As soon as the doctor examines the child and prescribes treatment, parents must buy all the necessary medicines and strictly follow the recommendations of the medical staff.

As for the diet of the child, here it is worth adhering to the same requirements as in cases where diarrhea and fever bother an adult. That is, exclude fatty, fried, dairy, raw fruits and vegetables, juices, smoked meats, all salty and sour, heavy foods. Do not allow dehydration in the child's body. If such a nuisance happened to a child who is still breastfeeding, then there is no need to stop it, since breast milk contains special substances that help the intestines recover. If the child is bottle-fed, then you need to buy soy-based mixtures for a while until he has recovered.

A condition such as diarrhea and fever should in any case cause concern, regardless of whether it is observed in a child or in an adult.

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