What are your ears talking about. Physiognomy and facial expressions: The location of the ears Pointed ears in men which means

Between birth and fourteen years of age, a person's ears are the most reliable guide for interpreting the future path of life - as we are taught by the Chinese art of face reading. Generations of XiangMing followers have collected a number of significant pieces of information about the ears.

When reading, faces rely on the general rule that the larger the ears, the better the life prognosis. Large, well-defined ears - smooth and round, soft and thick - promise intelligence and long life.

To find out if the position of the ears is favorable, mentally draw a horizontal line at the level of the eyebrows and another under the tip of the nose. If the ears are located between these two lines, then a bright future is expected. A look in the mirror will stun us: most of the ears are set either too high or too low.

If the ears are above the line of the eyebrows, there is an opportunity to become famous already at a young age. Although there is no guarantee of the duration of happiness and glory.

For people with low-lying ears that do not reach the level of the eyebrows, most often success in life comes late. According to XiangMing, the size and shape of the earlobe can be judged on the degree of wisdom, it also recognizes the potency of a man. People with very large lobes in the East are considered sages. Earlobes are considered ideal if they are large and fleshy. That is, you can count on happiness, wealth and a long life.

A Chinese proverb says: the thicker the earlobes, the thicker the wallet. Connoisseurs of the East will be struck by the fact that in all the images of the Buddha, extremely large earlobes attract attention. This is understandable, because the Buddha is considered a symbol of wisdom, happiness and wealth. However, thick but wrapped earlobes signal not only a long glorious life without money worries, but that this person is unacceptably frivolous with his wealth. He probably got rich too easily. One day, not quite perfect, he may find out that he is broke.

The small ears of the Chinese are associated with stinginess and excessive greed for gold. By nature, these people are extremely boring, because apart from money they have no other interests. In addition, they suffer from a tendency to depression and rarely experience the joy of sex. With grown lobes, the prognosis of Siang Min is not very favorable.

Because of indescribable ambition and petty philistinism, this person ruins his own life.

Attached ears

Close-fitting ears betray a sensitive person, often with supersensory perception. It is this feature of character that does not allow him to live in peace, he is tormented by premonitions and fears, causing uncertainty when making decisions. People with close-fitting ears between 20 and 30 are often subject to some blows of fate, but as a result they are tempered, their ego is strengthened, which often becomes the basis for an extraordinary take-off.

Close-fitting ears

To feel confident, these people need both emotional and financial security. If they have found this, then they can safely devote themselves to further professional growth. However, their excessive caution can prevent this, as they will miss chances and time. Owners of tight-fitting ears are very sensual - they are capable of great passion, and they will not hide it.

Yet their love life will be more traditional than original, as the joy of experimentation is not one of their strengths. In China, it is believed that people whose ears are so close to the head that it is impossible to squeeze a finger through live to a ripe old age.

protruding ears

Protruding ears most often have scientists or thinkers who are constantly striving for new knowledge. In addition, such ears indicate the stubbornness of their owner' everything that does not correspond to the scheme of his thinking is usually ignored. Such people usually do only mental work, neglecting physical exercise, so serious health problems can suddenly appear. These clever men are in great need of recognition and sympathy. Men, as a rule, seek refuge with strong women, from whom they expect protection. In partnership, they are in a subordinate position, which they are well aware of, but are not publicly recognized.

People with protruding ears are responsive and always ready to listen to other people's problems. They have little ambition, it is quite enough for them when their knowledge is recognized and signs of respect are shown to them.

Ears set high

The high-set ears are above the line of the eyebrows, and their lowest point is located above the tip of the nose. Such ears signal, according to Xiang Ming, about the average level of wealth.

Ears set high

This person does not have excessive requests for himself and the world around him. He is efficiency personified; it would hardly occur to him to go out of his way for the sake of a career or luxury. Sometimes he can work rolling up his sleeves in order to afford any of life's blessings, but he considers luxury to be useless.

However, the life of a person with high-set ears cannot be called boring. He lives quite decently, that is, the way he likes.

In the Chinese interpretation, the case is considered separately when, with high ears, the right ear is higher than the left. According to Xiang Ming, this man lost contact with his mother. His parents' marriage is in danger of being destroyed, usually by divorce or by the early death of one of them.

Low set ears

People with low-set ears (the top edge of the ears does not reach the line of the eyebrows, and the bottom point is located below the tip of the nose) are for the most part very sociable. Fuss and activity seem to them simply necessary. If they are left alone, they feel deeply unhappy. Their communication skills are especially appreciated at work, as they fit perfectly into the team.

Small ears

According to Xiang Ming, small ears are a sign of great capacity for work. Such a person achieves everything alone and is unable to rely on the help of others. Possessing vanity, he cannot resolve the conflict between the desired and the actual in any way, since the level of his intellect does not allow him to rise above a certain level. People with small ears are constantly trying to prove their superior abilities to everyone. Such people can be found quite often in journalism and the media. Extremely enterprising, he loves movement and fuss. He has a secret passion for tension and anxiety.

People with small ears, outwardly cold, can show strong passions. But they are unlikely to rush headlong into a passionate love adventure. In their personal lives, they tend to be more conservative and expect constancy from their beloved or beloved.

Small ears

Big ears

According to Xiang Ming, people with big ears have the best prospects. To put it more carefully, big ears indicate a great potential for mental and spiritual qualities, but whether a person will show them depends on the totality of life circumstances.

Both men and women with big ears are used to taking responsibility and leadership. These hard workers know how to rely only on themselves. Thanks to these properties, they will be successful in the professional field.

If a person with big ears shows a pronounced interest in the financial side of life, then there is a danger of developing uncontrolled stinginess. Big-eared people are often very straightforward people. As a rule, due to their upbringing, they are distinguished by good manners. These people are trusted, and deservedly so. Due to their sociability and love of life, they have many friends, so they rarely spend the evening alone.

Big ears

In love relationships, harmony is important for them. Without love, their life would certainly be incomplete. They perceive each new connection as the greatest in life. We are hardly overwhelmed by the fact that large ears are found in people who are considered excellent lovers.

pointed ears

This shape of the ears indicates rather negative character traits. For example, such people do not have enough emotions and sympathy, but most importantly, they are not reliable, so others do not trust them. Possessing great charm, they are accustomed to deceiving others. They often do this because they do not immediately recognize the selfish nature of people with pointed ears. Dealing with them is dangerous, as they know how to shamelessly use the kindness of others. But people with pointed ears are considered great originals and highly inventive. They successfully use their talents in love relationships. If we take into account their almost incredible sensuality, then in erotica they have no equal.

pointed ears

Only their capriciousness can repel the opposite sex, which will lead to a break in relations with such a person.

Other ear shapes

Worthy of attention are other forms of ears that indicate the following personality traits:

hairy ears

Chinese healers were convinced that human ears are as unique as fingerprints. Moreover, they are a kind of "control panel" of the body. There are 150 points on the surface of the ear, each of which is responsible for the functioning of a particular organ, gland or system. Specialists can tell about a person what he hides from others, including his character traits.


Physiognomists have long learned to determine the level of human intelligence by the position of the upper line of the ear. Yes, ears betray our mental abilities. Everything is very simple here: if the ear line is at the level of the eyebrows, this indicates high intelligence. The location at eye level indicates average mental abilities, and if the ear line is below eye level, then the person has a low level of intelligence.

Also, the ears, tightly pressed to the head, speak of a subtle mind. Loop-eared people are considered inquisitive and open, however, they have poor analytical thinking. It is worth noting that geniuses have wide, sloping, thin auricles. A long earlobe speaks of wisdom and spirituality (no wonder the Buddha is depicted with a long earlobe that touches the shoulder).

Just do not run after people you know with a ruler and label them as narrow-minded and narrow-minded people. Physiognomy is not recognized as a valid scientific method, so these conclusions are just a guess.


What else can tell the shape of the ears? If a person's ears differ from each other, this indicates mental and physical disharmony. Usually it is very difficult to communicate with such people, they quickly switch from one topic to another, and there is nothing to say about mood swings.

Deceit and longevity

If a person has the shape of ears, pointed upwards and slightly protruding (the so-called "fox ears"), he can be characterized as stubborn and cruel, anything can be expected from him. They always act selfishly, guided solely by their own interests. These people are smart and insidious, it was not in vain that earlier artists depicted sorcerers and vampires with just such a shape of ears.

Large ears with an elongated auricle and thickened lobe indicate longevity. 85% of people over 90 have these ears. It is believed that the longer the earlobe, the longer a person will live. And if he also has a red one, he will definitely live for more than a hundred years.

Change and independence

If the shape of a person's ears is flat, with an inner rim turned outward, and covered with a light fluff, a preoccupied and voluptuous person is in front of the interlocutor. He is prone to betrayal, is distinguished by an enviable inconstancy in all spheres of life.

They talk about independent. Such a person will never adapt to others and watch what others are doing. He will not care about public opinion, a clear conscience and his own understanding of what is good and bad - that's what he focuses his attention on. Naturally, this behavior brings a lot of problems, but it's worth it.

If a person has only his right ear protruding, then work always comes first for him - he is independent, independent and businesslike. When the left ear is protruded, it can be said that a person is independent in his personal life.

Excellence and Diplomat

If the ears are pressed to the head so that they almost touch it, then you have an obedient and correct person in front of you. He strictly observes all laws, norms, written and unwritten rules. One should not expect unexpected and extravagant actions from him - he will not even exceed the speed. This is a typical conformist, who is also a little cowardly. Although on the other hand he will never get into unpleasant situations, he will not have to blush for himself.

If the upper part of the ear is pressed to the head, and the lower part is slightly protruding, then the person can be called a real diplomat without a doubt. He will find an approach to any interlocutor and will be able to agree on favorable terms for himself. A big plus is the ability to put yourself in the place of another person during a conflict and understand it.

and small

Large, with clear contours, ears are found in people who are active and purposeful. A neat and correct shell indicates logic and high intelligence, such people can be trusted.

But if the interlocutor has thick and small ears, then he is a liar and a deceiver. Very changeable, it is better not to start talking about art and high matters with him - they are incomprehensible and uninteresting to him.

Thin and small ears, on the contrary, speak of refined taste. But if they are too thin, almost transparent, then their owner is very passionate, but at the same time nervous and quick-tempered.

Other forms

Usually people who are absent-minded and uncertain have long and narrow ears. It is difficult for them to focus on something specific and decide in life. People with pointed ears, like those of cats, are conflicting personalities, it is difficult for them to trust people and make new acquaintances.

To determine the character by the shape of the ears, you need to pay attention to the earlobe. For example, if it is almost absent, then a person has something that hides behind polite and gentle communication.

If the earlobe is elongated and slightly bent, this indicates the sincerity of the owner. You can always talk to him.


As already mentioned, the ears can show the state of a person's health. For example, a large ear of the correct form indicates good heredity, good health. Small - say otherwise.

If the ears are burning, it means that a person has problems with blood vessels, he suffers from high blood pressure, and is very irritable by nature. However, in critical situations, he makes almost lightning-fast decisions. When the ears suddenly become cold, hypotension occurs. His mental activity is reduced, he feels lethargic and drowsy almost constantly.

If the color of the ears is dark red, you need to examine the liver, gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. Cyanosis indicates heart failure, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. If the skin shines on the ears, as if it was varnished, the person has problems in the intestines. When there are many wrinkles near the ears, it means that the body is exhausted. Are there brown or dark red spots on or near the ears? Diseases of the small and large intestines are possible.

Earlobes can also tell a lot of interesting things about health. For example, a lobe of normal size and color speaks of good health, calmness and diligence of a person. If it is too large, has an irregular shape and a heterogeneous consistency - a person has a genetic predisposition to cancer. Small or almost absent, speaks of a congenital form of mental disability.

If the earlobe is pillow-shaped, thick and soft, then the person is predisposed to obesity, he clearly has a decrease in mental activity. A thin and slightly hard lobe indicates a lack of energy and strength. If there are folds on the earlobe, then the person is prone to stroke, heart attack or diabetes. A square earlobe is an indicator of good health and a large supply of physical strength, but at the same time it positions a person as an aggressor. If the earlobe is sharp, large and elongated, then the person has outstanding mental abilities, he is hardworking and has a large supply of internal strength.

If you know in what ways you can use your ears, in addition to their main purpose, then you can significantly simplify your life. For example, if a person cannot fall asleep for a long time, he needs to put his hand under his ear. The warmth emanating from the palm will give a pleasant sensation and instantly plunge into the realm of Morpheus.

To relieve stress, you need to massage the upper part of the earlobe. You need to act on the area where the lobe gradually turns into solid cartilage. You need to massage for 3-5 minutes before going to bed and after conflict situations.

In the old days, healers advised stroking the edges of the ears in the morning in order to wake up faster and immediately tune in to the working mood. Swipe down with three fingers very slowly. You need to spend 2-3 minutes on this, and then pull the earlobes down, to the sides and up five times. These manipulations will help activate the brain, a person will feel alert, confident and ready to make any decision.

Ears have attracted the attention of people since antiquity. Beginning with Hippocrates and Pythagoras, philosophers tried to find a connection between a person's character and his physiognomy. Physiognomy was once interested in Leonardo da Vinci. And in 1658, the world saw the book of Cardan Medici, where for the first time the types of human faces and their elements were illustrated. Collecting bit by bit knowledge, today you can determine who the interlocutor is by looking only at the shape of his ears.

Yesterday I read an excellent book on Chinese medicine, in addition to diagnosing the condition of the face and skin, there was interesting information about the ears, then I took a closer look at this part of the body. After all, there is a projection of all organs on the ears, it’s such a brain brought out, that is, you look at a person, you can’t see the brain behind the hair) But you look at the ears, everything is immediately visible :) Then I read physiognomy, some publications on the topic of ears and realized that you have to look for your fate in three organs: ear, nose and .... of course, the heart. Somehow I’ll write about my nose separately, yesterday I learned everything about my own, how much strength, character, health and love of men my nose shape brings me .. There are a lot of discoveries, I’ll also share with you, my dear friends, but for now EARS. I post a description below, this is a compilation from a book on Chinese medicine, a textbook on physiognomy and five articles, so it’s almost an author’s work.
So, any experiment, as a natural scientist, I start with myself.

The first thing that I managed to find out about myself as a result of comparing pictures and descriptions was that I was given to be wise and sincere from birth, who swears in p from your ear)

Wisdom, sincerity, talent, musicality, once again wisdom, longevity and prosperity. That's what my ears say.

Look at your ears and the ears of your friends and find out the whole truth)

Longevity sign- earlobe

"Chinese physiognomists, when studying the structural features of the auricles in centenarians, managed to reveal an interesting fact. It turns out that for people older than 90 years of age, in 85% of cases, three statically reliable signs are characteristic: hard, large, somewhat elongated sizes of the auricles - 7 - 7, 5 cm with a thickened earlobe and a protruding crest of the inner curl.All these are signs of good health and longevity.The longer the earlobe, the longer the life of a person.If, in addition, such a person has a red mole on his ear, then he will definitely step over centenary milestone."

An ear without a well-shaped lobe is an imbalance in personality.
The earlobe leans forward slightly - sincerity

Sign of financial success

A person has a very high intelligence if the upper part of the ear is higher than the level of the eyebrows. He may achieve wide publicity and/or exceptional financial success.

When the upper part is above eye level, it says that the person is also likely to achieve well-being, though not so stunning. If they are located below eye level, then IQ is average or even low. Geniuses have wide, thin, sloping ears. And a very long earlobe indicates a person of higher wisdom and spirituality. It is not for nothing that the Buddha is depicted with a long earlobe touching his shoulder. In addition, Chinese physiognomists believe that people with such a long lobe achieve a lot in life.

Nonconformist sign

Protruding ears betray a person who is independent in judgment and does not look back at others. This creates problems in communicating with people. If the right ear is more protruding, then independence is manifested in business and social life. If the left sticks out more, these people are more independent in their personal lives.
If there is a transverse wrinkle on the lobe, or even two, then this may indicate excessive fatigue. Such a wrinkle is a kind of health detector: the greater its depth, the more stress a person experiences. He needs to rest and sleep well. As soon as a person rests for as long as his psyche and body need, the wrinkle will disappear.

conformist sign

If ears pressed to the head and almost touching the head with the outer edge, then such a person prefers to follow the social norms known to you in everything and obey the instructions. He knows very well what most people think. Doesn't look weird or too different from others. This knowledge of common interests and norms can be an asset in marketing.

Big ears. It is a sign of vitality and independence. You are energetic and like to do only what you want. Even taking into account the opinions of others, you will do everything your own way.

Small ears. Sensitive, delicate and sophisticated people. However, some believe that people with small ears have a superficial mind, they are impulsive, emotional and unbalanced.

Large earlobes. The Buddha had very large and long earlobes. So if you have the same, it means that you are a lucky person. Everything comes easy to you and you know how to enjoy life. If you have problems, there will always be a person nearby who will lend a helping hand.

Ears that stick out. You are a very energetic person and are suitable for working with people, but not with paperwork.

Rounded ears. Understanding things is easy for you, but you do not always use your ingenuity. You will use your abilities only in those things that interest you. Children with such ears should be encouraged to find their own niche and excel in it.

Ears with a protruding inner edge of the shell. Such people are successful in business, advertising, art. They are independent and original.

If the height of the ears is greater than the width- this indicates a weak character. If vice versa, strong. If you have large ear cavity- you are very sentimental and honest. And so, the various types of human ears can be divided into the following groups.

Sign of deceit

If the ears are pointed at the top and slightly protruding - "fox ears", then this speaks of the stubborn and tough nature of the individual. Any trouble can be expected from such people: they are very smart, cunning and act solely in their own interests. Remember how, on old lithographs, artists painted sorcerers and vampires, and in general, all kinds of evil spirits with such “triangular” ears. These people do first, and only then think, which often leads to failures in their personal lives. A distinctive feature of these people is that they are usually very well developed physically.

Passionate temperament sign

Small flat ears with an inner rim turned outward, covered with fluffy hair, indicate a sexually anxious and voluptuous person prone to adultery.

Ears with fused lobe characterize their owner as an active, self-confident person with a lively character. Such people are resolute: if it is required to “cut off”, then they are unlikely to “measure” seven times. As a rule, they have excellent health, high stress resistance and strong energy. But, nevertheless, these people are characterized by impulsiveness, rash acts, they are easily turned on, which quite often causes quarrels and conflicts with loved ones. They need not only to be more restrained, but also to learn to listen to the opinions of others. Usually, these are bright personalities who are used to achieving everything. In childhood, many of them cause a lot of problems to their parents and teachers. Due to the pronounced childish beginning, such people have a unique charm. As for women who like to wear clip-on earrings or earrings, they should be more attentive to the design of their jewelry - they should not be large, elegant and openwork.

The lobe is located in the lower part of the auricle and consists of a leathery membrane filled with adipose tissue; in the lobe there are small capillaries and nerve endings. Any functions related to the reception of sounds the lobe does not carry, but its aesthetic importance is difficult to overestimate, since this part of the ear is actively used to wear jewelry. It is good when the auricle looks harmonious and the sizes of its individual parts correspond to each other, but this is far from always the case: they can have small or accreted, and small ones - very developed and disproportionately large lobes.

There are several forms of earlobes, in addition, they are attached to the cheek in different ways. It is considered ideal if the earlobe makes up one fifth of the auricle, and its lower edge is at the level of the tip of the nose. An ear without a lobe or with an attached earlobe is not a pathology, it is rather an individual feature of a person, which most often does not spoil his appearance at all.

Adhering earlobes: causes

  • inherited structural feature of the auricle;
  • racial or national feature - it is believed that the fusion of the lobe with the cheek is more characteristic of Asians and Jews;
  • dysplasia (underdevelopment) of connective tissue;
  • anomalies of the nervous system;
  • tears, injuries, burns and other damage to the ear.

It is believed that the number of people with accreted lobes is growing every year and now this feature is typical for almost half of the inhabitants of the Earth. At the same time, a few hundred years ago there were practically no people without a lobe, in any case, their images did not remain. Interestingly, according to statistics, for every 18,000 newborns, there is one with an adherent earlobe.

Diagnosis of adherent earlobes

The “correct” lobe (dominant trait) lags behind the cheek somewhat and partially “sags”, forming a “pouch”. In the case of an adherent lobe (a recessive trait), there is no such “pouch”, that is, a zone devoid of cartilage, and the curl sometimes “rests” directly on the cheek.

Earlobe plastic surgery

Since adherent earlobes do not negatively affect the appearance of a person, they are rarely corrected. Modern techniques in some cases allow solving the problem without surgery, for example, lipolifting (introduction of the patient's own fat) and filler injections can be used to increase the volume of tissues in the lower part of the ear.

The diagram below will help you understand how plastic surgery of a fused earlobe is done.

There are two correction options:

  1. The lobe does not require enlargement - the task is only to separate it from the cheek. In this case, an excision (wedge-shaped) of the tissue is made in the area of ​​​​adjacency, and then the edges of the wound surface are sutured separately for the cheek and separately for the lobe.
  2. The lobe is almost not developed and needs to be enlarged. With this variant of correction, the lobe is separated with a certain amount of skin: it is captured in a fold and pulled, and then dissected along the capture line. The resulting curved flap is sutured from the back, forming a lobe.

Attention! Such an operation is done to patients not younger than seven years; enough local anesthesia; stitches are removed on the seventh day.

Video: how otoplasty is done

Prices for correction of ingrown earlobes

  1. A fused lobe is a sign of active, energetic and self-confident people. In addition, the owners of accreted lobes are decisive and capable of rash acts.
  2. The lobe is actively involved in acupuncture; there are points on the lobe through which you can act on the eyes, inner ear, tonsils and other areas.
  3. Many famous people have fused earlobes., for example: Maxim Galkin, Ekaterina Andreeva and Leonid Yakubovich.
  4. Owners of miniature earlobes do not go bulky earrings- it is worth giving preference to elegant, preferably openwork products. But the clips can be chosen in any size - large ones are even preferable, as they will visually enlarge the lower part of the ear.
  5. Owners of accreted lobes with age are less likely to experience their sagging and deformation, and besides, wrinkles are almost not formed on a weakly expressed lobe.

Ear angle

Draw an imaginary line through the top of the ear and . Is the ear vertical to the head or tilted back? The greater the angle of inclination, the stronger the physiognomic significance of this feature.

If ears are strictly vertical, their "carrier", most likely, strives for balance and balance of all its manifestations, it is important for him to maintain external calm and restraint. Such a person is happy to adhere to existing rules and regulations.

If ears as if lean back, this indicates that their owner takes life rather easily, adhering to a peculiar view of things, prefers to quickly resolve all his current affairs and move on, for a new interest. He clearly goes out of step with others and sticks to his own position.

If ears "go forward", that is, their upper part is noticeably inclined towards, and the lobe lags behind, then the person seeks to collect as much information as possible for himself, he “listens” all the time.

Protruding and flattened ears

According to the degree of retreat from the head, the ears also differ, and after them, the behavioral and emotional manifestations of a person differ.

Lagging, protruding ears(protruding ears) are considered such if their outer part recedes from the head by about 3 cm (or even more). Sometimes one ear sticks out more than the other. Strongly lagging ears distinguish impressionable people endowed with intuition. Being nonconformists, they have their own idea of ​​everything, they do not like to listen to other people's opinions, they prefer to develop their own considerations and ideas. Some of those around them accept them as stubborn and uncompromising. If the left ear sticks out more, then the person is more independent in his personal life. If the right is more protruding, he is independent in business, social life.

Ears pressed to the head(they are also called flat) indicate caution, restraint of a person. Among such people, one can often meet good listeners, as well as those who are important, before deciding something, to collect different opinions and judgments. Sometimes they attach too much importance to the other person's point of view. The owners of flattened ears prefer to follow the social norms known to them and obey the instructions in everything. This knowledge of common interests and norms can be an asset in marketing.

Diplomat's ears(pressed on top, protruding at the bottom) indicate a person who professes a diplomatic approach. He is able to see both sides of the problem, understand both non-conformists and traditionalists, and stick to the golden mean.

Ear height

Highly located upper point of the ear(at or above) signals that a person instantly absorbs information and tries to immediately take action in order to see the result as soon as possible. The problem is that in a hurry, such a person sometimes misses important details.

If the lowest point of the ear is low(lobes at or below the tip), then the person most likely prefers a leisurely approach. He listens carefully and is afraid to miss something when he has to hurry. Such people like to work slowly, evenly and carefully and are always ready to listen to new information.


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