Ergoferon and cycloferon which is better. Cycloferon reviews. Which is better - Ergoferon or Cycloferon

There are many drugs whose task is to stimulate and strengthen the immune system. They are used not only for treatment, but also for prevention. It is always better to pre-strengthen the immune system than to fight the disease later. We will talk about the very famous - "" and its many analogues.

What is "Cycloferon"

"Cycloferon" is a well-known drug that has an immunomodulatory effect. It is used in the treatment of many pathological conditions. Its properties are based on the fact that it stimulates the production of interferon, that is, it is its powerful inducer. It does an excellent job with both bacteria and.

Buyers are offered different forms of the drug - tablets, liniment, solution. It is not available in drops, suppositories or other forms.

The method of treatment with "Cycloferon" is selected by the doctor. It takes into account the cause of the disease, the results of the tests performed, the degree of infection, the general condition of the patient, etc.

One of the advantages of the drug is that it can be used in the form of an ointment. It is applied topically for a number of diseases (, vaginitis, periodontitis, balanoposthitis, etc.). You can treat the affected area with liniment, or you can enter intraurethral or intravaginally. The course of such treatment can take up to two weeks.

In the treatment of vaginosis, vaginitis cream is applied using an applicator. In its absence, the ointment can be administered with a conventional syringe.

With periodontitis, liniment is applied to the gums without rubbing.

There is another form of release of "Cycloferon" - liquid. It is administered intravenously, intramuscularly. The mixture contains 125 mg of the active ingredient. The solution is prescribed to increase immunity in case of herpes, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus infection, hepatitis, rheumatism, etc. it is very convenient that you need to do it every other day. The number of injections will be prescribed by the doctor.

Tablets "Cycloferon" are prescribed in combination with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, herpes. Conveniently, it is enough to take them only once a day, before meals. The doctor selects the dosage according to age. It is important to start treatment as soon as the first symptoms appear. If someone in the family gets sick with the flu, SARS, the doctor may prescribe a drug for prevention to the rest of the members.

An important advantage of the drug is that it can be used by means of a nebulizer. It can be used for inhalation. This method is effective in the treatment of SARS, influenza in children, if the disease is accompanied by a cough. In this case, not the drug itself is used, but the Cycloferon solution. The contents of ampoules (1-2) are diluted with saline (4 ml). The procedure should last no longer than 5 minutes. It is enough to spend 1 session per day. Course - 10 days. This method is also suitable for the treatment of adenoids. Parents should not self-medicate. Therapy should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to independently treat babies in this way.

There is an opinion

If you analyze the reviews on the Internet, then most of them are positive. There is information that the drug helped people cope with various types of infections, herpes, rashes. First of all, the reviews indicate that the remedy is effective for colds, SARS, flu. The huge advantage of "Cycloferon" is that it is effective for the prevention of these diseases. Doctors recommend using it in the midst of seasonal epidemics.

Patients emphasize that they noticed a clear increase in immunity after using the drug.

Many people like the analogue of "Cycloferon" - "Timogen". It's even a little cheaper. It has the same pronounced properties, strengthens the immune system, fights infection. "Timogen" is offered in ampoules. If you believe the reviews, then after its use the general condition improved, people noticed that they became less susceptible to colds.

This may indicate that immunity has increased. It is especially recommended to use the drug for the treatment of children. This tool also helps to cope with chronic diseases, facilitates their form.

There are separate references to the side effects of Timogen. It is mentioned that after its use, headache and insomnia sometimes disturbed. Some patients developed allergies, but there are very few such complaints. Also, some believe that the medicine was ineffective. Many of these shortcomings may be due to the fact that the drug was taken incorrectly. It is important not to mix it with food or other medicines. The recommended dosage must be followed exactly.

The treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor. Only in this case you will get the maximum effect and minimum side effects. It is the doctor who must select the form of the drug that will be most effective in a particular case.

Those who did not like Cycloferon prefer to use its analogues.

Effective analogues

Cycloferon has a number of analogues popular in our country:

  1. "Anaferon".
  2. Lavomax.
  3. "Timogen".
  4. "Ocilococcinum".

This is not the whole list of analogues. There are a lot of them, so we will talk about the most famous and effective ones.

"Cycloferon" can hardly be called a cheap drug. Therefore, many are interested in the question: "Is it possible to replace it with a not so expensive, but equally effective tool?" The answer will not be clear. These analogues are often the same price as the original. A cheap drug with the same pronounced effect will most likely not be found.

echinacea tincture

In terms of effects on the body, echinacea tincture is very similar to Cycloferon. The most inexpensive option. But this is not an analogue, but only a drug similar in action. It also has pronounced immunomodulatory properties.


It is used to treat hepatitis, herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, chlamydia, influenza, SARS (can also be used for prevention). In pediatrics, it has been used since the age of 7 to combat SARS, influenza. 90-200 rub.

Children's Anaferon

Indicated for the prevention, treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, respiratory infections (laryngitis, rhinitis, tracheobronchitis). It is also recommended for those children who are prone to frequent colds. 125-250 rub.


It is used for the complex treatment of peptic ulcer, viral hepatitis, herpes, infectious urethritis. It is also used for recovery after operations. 550-700 rub.

Herbion Echinacea

Tablets are used for the prevention, treatment of viral diseases, in the complex therapy of infections of the urinary and respiratory systems. It is better to apply at the initial stage of development of ARVI. 400-600 rub.


Indicated in multiple sclerosis. Helps reduce the likelihood of exacerbations. Slows down the development of various complications. 500-670 rub.


Good for the prevention, treatment of colds. One of the advantages is that it is not used for a long time. 150-300 rub.


Good for the treatment of SARS, influenza. In the treatment of infections should be used in combination with other drugs. If there is contact with patients with influenza, the drug can be used for prevention. It can also be used for seasonal epidemics. 423-560 rub.


The advantage of the drug is that it helps not to get sick if a person works or often stays in conditions of low temperature. Helps to get rid of furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema, with complex use. It can be used to prevent diathesis, beriberi. If a person is often stressed, this drug will help activate his defenses. 450-500 rub.


It can well stimulate the immune system at the cellular level. Recommended for use in infections of the respiratory system, urinary tract. 600-690 rub.


Used in the treatment of infertility in women. Helps to cope with chronic inflammatory processes. Can be used after abortion. Used for the prevention, treatment of adhesions. Indicated in the treatment of autoimmune diseases in the early stages. When combined with other drugs, it helps with inflammation. 8000 rub.


Used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, helps to cope with relapses. Not used in progressive MS. 780 rub.


An immunomodulatory drug. It is indicated for all kinds of infections (viruses, bacteria), which lead to a secondary deficiency of immunity. Can be used for radiation, chemotherapy. Reduces the toxic effects of cytostatics. May be used after surgery. Used in the treatment of leukopenia. 500-540 rub.

What they say about analogues

A couple of reviews from those who made a choice in favor of Cycloferon analogues:

When my son caught a bad cold at the age of 2 and a half, the pediatrician prescribed Anaferon. She said that you need to apply it from the very first days of illness. And even better - for prevention. The baby recovered within a week. I think that the drug played a role, because it stimulates the immune system. Now I use it for prevention, because we started going to the garden.

Lilia, 33. Orenburg

I used Amiksin when I got the flu. Unfortunately, I do not have the habit of taking drugs for prevention. The doctor said that with seasonal epidemics, you can simply drink the remedy for preventive purposes. It strengthens the immune system well. You may not get sick at all. And if you suddenly get sick, then everything will pass quickly and easily. I recommend this wonderful product to everyone.

With the onset of autumn, not only atmospheric cyclones are approaching us, but also influenza epidemics. Influenza carries a risk of developing complications, especially in people with reduced immunity. Since the “flu season” is coming soon, we need to consider whether we are ready for it and study the information about antivirals available in the pharmacy network. Among them, special attention is drawn to domestically produced drugs ingavirin (JSC Valenta Pharmaceuticals) and cycloferon (LLC STFF POLYSAN).

Immunomodulators are used only on prescription!

Ingavirin or Cycloferon?

Preparations: Cycloferon and Ingavirin

Ingavirin is a new generation drug with antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects. Cycloferon, which has been successfully used in medical practice for a long time, belongs to the class of drugs with an immunomodulatory effect.

The drugs belong to different pharmacological groups and differ in the mechanism of action. Cycloferon is a synthetic interferon inducer, that is, it stimulates the body's immune system to produce its own antiviral substances, namely interferon of three different types (alpha, beta and gamma). In addition, it activates the functions of the cellular link of immunity (cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and natural killers).

The difference between Ingavirin and Cycloferon is that it acts directly on the virus, inhibiting its development and reproduction in the body. The drug is active against various types of influenza, including the sensational swine flu, as well as adeno- and respiratory syncytial viruses, parainfluenza.

Indications and contraindications:

In medical practice, ingavirin or cycloferon is often prescribed for the prevention and treatment of influenza and viral respiratory infections. However, cycloferon has a wider list of indications. This medicine can be recommended as an additional remedy in the complex therapy of herpes, viral hepatitis, encephalitis, intestinal infections, as well as immunodeficiencies of various origins.

Contraindications for the use of both drugs is pregnancy and intolerance to their components. With regard to the use of these drugs in pediatric practice, the difference between ingavirin and cycloferon is that the latter can be prescribed from the age of 4. Ingavirin is prescribed only from the age of 18. However, cycloferon should be used with caution if the patient has a history of diseases of the digestive system, especially in the acute phase.

Release form and dosage:

Ingavirin is available in the form of capsules of 30 and 90 mg, and cycloferon in the form of tablets of 150 mg. In the acute period of the disease, Ingavirin is taken 90 mg once a day for a week. For a course of treatment, 7 pieces are required. Cycloferon is also used once a day, but the frequency of administration is as follows: at the beginning of the disease every day, then with a break. Its dosage is calculated depending on age: adults - 3-4 tablets once, and children under 12 years old - 2-3 tablets. Thus, for a course of treatment for influenza or SARS, an adult needs 20 tablets of cycloferon.

What is more profitable: Ingavirin or Cycloferon?

If compared, then Ingavirin differs little from Cycloferon in terms of the cost of a course of treatment for influenza. 7 capsules of ingavirin in pharmacies cost from 415 to 450 rubles, and 20 tablets of cycloferon - from 400 to 415 rubles.

Antiviral biologically active drug. It has antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory effects. Effective against herpes virus and human immunodeficiency, HPV, counteracts cytomegalovirus infection. What forms of medication are available, how to use for children and adults, what can be replaced, the instructions for use will tell.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. Interferon synthesis inductor.

ATX code - L03A X:

    L - antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents;

    L03 - immunostimulants;

    L03A - immunostimulants;

    L03A X - Other immunostimulants.

Release form, composition and packaging

Owner - Polisan NTFF (Russia).

Produced in the form of liniment, tablets, solution for intravenous and intramuscular injection.

Form, type, composition of the drug

Main substance, mg



Liniment 5%

Clear yellow liquid with a slight odor

Meglumine acridone acetate

(acridoneacetic acid)

Benzalkonium chloride

propylene glycol

Aluminum tubes 5, 30 ml complete with vaginal applicators


Round, yellow, biconvex, enteric-coated

Calcium stearate, povidone, propylene glycol, polysorbate 80, hypromellose, methacrylic acid-ethyl acrylate copolymer

Contour packs of 10, 20 pieces in cardboard packs

Solution for i / m and / in the introduction

Yellow, transparent

Water for injection, meglumine

Glass ampoules 2ml, contour packs, cardboard packs


Depending on the form of the drug, the application is different. Why is Cycloferon prescribed?

in the form of a liniment

Therapy for adult patients (in combination):

    Chronic periodontitis, gingivitis.

    Urethritis and balanoposthitis, incl. gonorrheal, trichomonas, chlamydia, candida.

    Herpetic infection.

    Bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis.


    Inflammatory diseases of the vulva and vagina.

In the form of tablets

1. Complex therapy for adults and children aged 4 and over:

    herpetic infection;

    flu and acute respiratory infections;

    viral hepatitis of chronic B and C;

    acute intestinal infection;

    HIV infection stage 2A-2B.

2. Treatment of adult neuroinfection and secondary immunodeficiency.

3. For the prevention of acute respiratory disease and influenza in a child 4 years of age and older.

In the form of a solution

Parenteral application


All forms of the drug:



    component intolerance.

Tablets and solution:

    children under 4 years old;

    cirrhosis of the liver.

Attention! Patients with gastrointestinal diseases should consult a doctor before taking the tablets.


Application of liniment (adult patients)


Mode of application

Treatment, days

herpetic infection

Application to the site

Thin layer

Herpes genital

Intraurethral instillation

Candida and nonspecific urethritis

Intraurethral instillation


Surface treatment

Candida vaginitis, endocervicitis, bacterial vaginosis

Intravaginal instillation

Chronic periodontitis

gum application

If necessary, the course of treatment with ointment after 2 weeks can be repeated.

Treatment with pills

General dosage (at the reception):

    Children 4-6 years old - 1 tab. (150 mg).

    7-11 years old - 2-3 (300-450).

    From 12 years old and adults - 3-4 (450-600).

Take 0.5 hours before meals once a day, drink water, do not chew.

Basic scheme for taking pills


What days to take

PC. (for the whole course) / 1 reception

Reception schedule, days

A course of treatment

herpetic infection

1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14

Depends on clinical symptoms and severity of the course

Influenza and ARI


1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23

5-10 receptions

Influenza and ARI


Chronic viral hepatitis B and C

1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23 (then once every 3 days)

Intestinal infections

1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11

6-18 tab. for the whole course


HIV infections (2A-2B)

Immunodeficiency state

11, 14, 17, 20, 23

Solution application

Injections are administered intramuscularly or intravenously (every other day) according to the basic scheme.

infection, disease


Children aged 4 and over

Quantity, pcs

Total number of injections

Dose, mg/time per day


6-10/kg body weight




Acute viral hepatitis A, B, C, D

6-10/kg body weight

Chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D

HIV infection (stage 2A-2B)

Immunodeficiency states

Systemic and rheumatic connective tissue diseases

4 courses*5 injections

(with an interval of 10-14 days)

Dystrophic diseases of the joints

2 courses * 5 injections (every 10-14 days)


Cases are not presented.

drug interaction

Compatibility depends on the dosage form:

    Liniment enhances the action of antifungal, antiseptic drugs and antibiotics.

    Tablets and solution enhance the effect of nucleoside analogues and interferons. Reduce side effects during interferon and chemotherapy.

Pregnancy and lactation

Reception is prohibited.

Side effects

Possible local and allergic reactions, fever.

Terms and conditions of storage

The shelf life of liniment and tablets is 2 years. Store liniment at t 15-25°C, tablets - 10-25°C. Keep the solution at 0-25°C for 3 years.

special instructions


    try not to apply liniment on the mucous membrane, do not rub it into the gums;

    tablets and solution for patients with thyroid diseases consult an endocrinologist;

The drug does not affect driving.

Application in childhood

Information is given in the sections "Application" and "Dosage".

Analogues and substitutes

Are there substitutes for cycloferon? There are no drugs with the same active substance. You can pick up analogues from the group “other immunostimulants”. Whether they will be cheaper, a comparative analysis will show.

The average cost of Cycloferon (various forms and dosages) is 90-953 rubles.


Main cast

Form of the drug

Price interval, rub.


Powder, suppositories

Synthetic peptide


Glutamyl-Cystinyl-Glycine disodium


Inosine Pranobex


Echinacea purple herb juice

Drops, juice, tablets, solution

Echinacea Vilar


Echinacin liquidum

Echinacea purpurea herb extract

Solution, tablets, lozenges


Acid peptidoglycan



Bacterial lysates

Sublingual tablets


Inosine Pranobex


Glucosaminyl muramyl dipeptide



thymus extract

Glutamyl- Tryptophan

Drops, lyophilizate d/r-ra, spray


Alpha Glutamyl Tryptophan Sodium, Bendazole Hydrochloride, Ascorbic Acid

Capsules, syrup


Pastilles, solution, lozenges


Sodium deoxyribonucleate with iron

Solution d / in.


    What is better, Cycloferon tablets or injections? It depends on the specific case and the portability of the tablets.

    Cycloferon antibiotic? No.

    What to do if a drug is missed? Continue the course of treatment according to the scheme, without taking into account the interval.

Cycloferon is a domestic antiviral immunomodulatory drug, the active substance in which is meglumine acridone acetate. Being an inducer of endogenous interferon, the drug has a wide range of pharmacological activity. It has been present on the Russian pharmaceutical market for about 20 years, having established itself during this time as an effective, but difficult to use tool that requires certain knowledge and practical experience from the doctor.

Interferon inductors are synthetic or natural substances that can stimulate the production of interferon in the human body. The introduction into the body of not "ready" interferon, but substances that help its endogenous synthesis, has undeniable advantages. Thus, interferon formed under the action of inducers is not endowed with antigenicity. Another important point: with long-term use of exogenous interferon, a number of negative side effects occur, which is not observed when taking interferon inducers. Cycloferon should be recognized as one of the most effective drugs in this group. Cycloferon inhibits the reproduction of influenza viruses types A and B, herpes viruses I and II types (HSV-1 and HSV-2), human immunodeficiency virus, cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B and C virus, human papillomavirus. The antiviral effect of cycloferon is due to the stimulation of the reproduction of endogenous interferon and a direct effect on the reproduction of the virus. Such shameless intervention of the drug in the “lifestyle” of viruses prevents the inclusion of viral DNA or RNA in the outer shell of the virus, increases the number of defective viral genomes, and reduces the cellular protein synthesis induced by the virus. Synthesis of interferon under the action of cycloferon occurs mainly in the spleen, skeletal muscles and lungs. This responsible process involves immunocompetent cells of the body, including monocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages and sinusoidal liver cells.

The presence of endogenous interferon in the brain indicates the ability of cycloferon to overcome the blood-brain barrier. With the introduction of the maximum dose of the drug, the peak of its concentration in the blood plasma is noted after 2-3 hours, by the 8th hour it gradually decreases, and after a day only traces of the drug are found in the body, which indicates the absence of a cumulative effect. As a result of many controlled clinical trials of cycloferon, its pronounced immunomodulatory activity was confirmed. The drug has a positive effect on the immune status of the body, regulating the synthesis of interferon equally in immunodeficiency states and autoimmune diseases. In this regard, the drug was introduced into the standard of care for secondary immunodeficiencies. The immunoregulatory properties of cycloferon are realized through the activation of y-interferon. Against the background of an increase in the concentration of the latter, the drug restores the T-cell link of immunity. The course use of cycloferon works well in patients suffering from chronic and recurrent infectious diseases of both viral and bacterial etiology. It should be noted the effectiveness of the drug in secondary immunodeficiency states associated with hepatitis viruses, cytomegalovirus, herpes viruses. The anti-inflammatory effect of cycloferon is provided by its ability to suppress the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, the drug restores the sensitivity of cells to immunocorrectors.

Thus, cycloferon is a promising biofunctional drug with a wide range of pharmacological effects, allowing it to be used both in the treatment and prevention of viral diseases. Due to its good tolerability, it has been successfully used in pediatrics, as well as in elderly patients.


Immunomodulator. Meglumine acridone acetate has a wide spectrum of pharmacological activity: antiviral, immunocorrective, anti-inflammatory.

The main clinical effect is associated with the induction of the production of early alpha-interferon, mainly by epithelial cells and lymphoid elements of the mucous membrane. Activates T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells, normalizes the balance between subpopulations of T-helpers and T-suppressors.

The drug increases the biosynthesis of functionally complete antibodies (highly avid), which makes the therapy more effective. Normalizes indicators of cellular immunity. Anti-inflammatory activity is provided by enhancing the functional activity of neutrophils, activation of phagocytosis.

Cycloferon ® is effective against herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, human papillomavirus (prevents reproduction by suppressing the reproduction of viral particles).

The effectiveness of the use of Cycloferon as a component of immunotherapy in the complex therapy of acute and chronic bacterial infections (chlamydia, bacterial and fungal infections of the urogenital area) has been shown.

Effective in the treatment of chronic periodontitis due to the suppression of pathogenic microorganisms, enhancing the synthesis of sIgA in the fluid of periodontal pockets to the normal level. Provides high-quality sanitation, improvement of the hygienic state of the oral cavity, reduction of redness and bleeding of the gums, reduction of tooth mobility, disappearance of an unpleasant odor.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of meglumine acridone acetate are not available.

Release form

Liniment 5% in the form of a clear yellow liquid with a slight specific odor.

* obtained according to the following recipe: acridoneacetic acid - 50 mg, meglumine (N-methylglucamine) - 38.5 mg.

Excipients: benzalkonium chloride - 0.1 mg, 1,2-propylene glycol - up to 1 ml.

5 ml - aluminum tubes (1) - packs of cardboard.
30 ml - aluminum tubes (1) - packs of cardboard.
30 ml - aluminum tubes (1) complete with vaginal applicators (5 pcs.) - packs of cardboard.


In case of herpetic infection, the liniment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area 1-2 times / day for 5 days. With genital herpes - intraurethral (intravaginal) instillations 1 time / day, 5 ml for 10-15 days daily. It is possible to combine liniment with other antiherpetic drugs (both systemic and local).

In the treatment of nonspecific and candidal urethritis, intraurethral instillations are carried out in a volume of 5-10 ml, depending on the level of damage to the urethra. In case of damage to the upper urethra in men, the cannula of the syringe with liniment is inserted into the external opening of the urethra, then the opening is clamped for 1.5-3 minutes, after which the instillation solution is evacuated by gravity. After 30 minutes, the patient is advised to urinate. Longer exposure may lead to swelling of the urethral mucosa. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. With lesions of the posterior urethra, the area of ​​the seminal glands, intraurethral instillations are used through a catheter in a volume of 5-10 ml of the drug for 10-14 days every other day (for a course of 5-7 instillations).

In the treatment of urethritis of a specific etiology, the combined use of intraurethral instillations of Cycloferon with specific antimicrobial drugs according to traditional schemes.

With balanoposthitis, the glans penis and foreskin should be treated with Cycloferon liniment 1 time / day (1/2 bottle or tube of 5 ml) for 10-14 days.

In the treatment of candidal vaginitis, nonspecific vaginitis (endocervicitis) and bacterial vaginosis, it is possible to use the drug both in the form of monotherapy and in the course of complex treatment. Apply intravaginal instillations of the drug, 5-10 ml, for 10-15 days, 1-2 times / day. In parallel, in the case of a combined lesion of the vaginal mucosa and urethra, it is advisable to use intravaginal and intraurethral instillations in volume (5 ml daily for 10-14 days). It is possible to use tampons impregnated with liniment.

In chronic forms of diseases, the drug goes well with the use of official medicines (vaginal tablets, suppositories).

For intravaginal use, open the tube, pierce the membrane with a disposable needle with a syringe (volume 5 ml), collect liniment, remove and discard the needle. Enter the filled syringe in the supine position into the vagina and squeeze out the liniment with the help of a piston. If there is a vaginal applicator in the package: pierce the membrane of the tube, screw the applicator until it stops on the opening of the tube. Squeeze the liniment into the applicator cavity until the entire piston is pushed out. Remove the filled applicator from the opening of the tube, insert into the vagina and squeeze out the liniment with the help of a piston. To prevent free evacuation of the drug, the entrance to the vagina is plugged with a small sterile cotton swab for 2-3 hours.

In the treatment of chronic periodontitis, before applying the liniment, it is advisable to wash the periodontal pockets with an antiseptic, then apply the liniment with a cotton swab in a volume of 1.5 ml (1/3 of the tube) on the gum by application (do not rub) 1-2 times / day with an interval of 10-12 hours. Duration therapy for 12-14 days.

For all indications, if necessary, you can repeat the course of treatment with Cycloferon after 14 days.


Data on cases of overdose of the drug Cycloferon ® are not provided.


Cycloferon ® is compatible with all drugs used in the treatment of these diseases (including interferons, chemotherapy drugs).

When combined, Cycloferon ® enhances the effect of antibiotics, antiseptics and antifungal drugs.

Side effects

Local reactions: possibly - short-term burning sensation, slight local hyperemia.

Other: allergic reactions.

Side effects are usually mild and do not require discontinuation of the drug.


As part of complex therapy in adults:

  • herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • treatment of urethritis and balanoposthitis of nonspecific and specific (gonorrheal, candidal, chlamydial and trichomonas) etiology;
  • treatment of nonspecific bacterial vaginitis and vaginosis;
  • treatment of chronic periodontitis.


  • children and adolescents under 18 years of age (clinical studies in children have not been conducted);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period (breastfeeding);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use in children

Contraindication: children and adolescents under 18 years of age (clinical studies in children have not been conducted).

special instructions

When prescribing the drug, the patient should be warned that the liniment has a bitter taste.

The patient should know that the drug should not be allowed to enter the mucous membrane of the eyes (in case of contact, rinse eyes with water).

When the agents of the viruses enter the body, they linger on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In healthy people, the mucous membranes are covered with interferons that exhibit antiviral activity. But in the case when interferons are not enough or not enough of the mucus itself, the viruses settle on the cell membranes and gradually get inside.

Viruses multiply, and the immune system is activated, producing antibodies against viruses. If the immune system cannot be activated, this indicates immunodeficiency that needs to be corrected and strengthened. Cycloferon is an immunostimulant used in the form of tablets and injections. Having understood how each of them works, it will be possible to make a choice.

Immunostimulator used for all age groups, starting from 4 years of age. Produced in the form of enteric-coated tablets. Each unit has a biconvex round shape, yellow tint. Packaged in blisters of 10 pieces each.

The therapeutic effect is due to Acridonocic acid. One tablet contains 150 mg of active substance. An additional role is assigned to meglumine, povidone, calcium stearate.

Cycloferon refers to low molecular weight indicators of interferon. This allows for a wide range of biological effects:

  1. Antiviral.
  2. Immunomodulating.
  3. Antiproliferative.
  4. Antitumor.
  5. Anti-inflammatory.

The main substance affects the lymphoid elements of the mucous membranes of the small intestine, liver, spleen, and lungs. Penetrates through the blood-brain barrier.

The drug is active against the following diseases:

  • Enterovirus.
  • Cytomegalovirus.
  • Flu.
  • Herpes.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Encephalitis (from a tick bite).

In combination with antibiotics, it enhances the antibacterial effect of the latter, especially in the treatment of intestinal infections of the acute phase.

By activating the body's immune defenses, the drug has an anticarcinogenic and antimetastatic effect on the resulting tumors.

After using the permissible dosage, it is determined in the blood plasma through 2-3 hours. Half-excreted within 5 hours.

Cycloferon in injections (ampoules)

The drug belongs to the pharmacological group of immunostimulants and cycotins. Provided to the consumer as a clear yellow solution for injection. Placed in glass ampoules. Each contains 2 ml solution.

Active substance - Acridonocthic acid. 1 ml of solution contains 125 mg acid. Among the auxiliary components: water for injection and meglumine.

The drug has the following pharmacological properties:

  1. Protects against viruses.
  2. Stimulates the immune system.
  3. Eliminates inflammatory processes.
  4. Prevents tumor formation.
  5. Provides repair of damaged cells.

The effective action of the drug in the complex therapy of bacterial infections, manifested in acute and chronic forms, has been proven:

  • Ulcer disease.
  • Urogenital infection.
  • Neuroinfection.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Complications in the postoperative period.
  • Rheumatic, systemic diseases of the connective tissue.

By inhibiting autoimmune reactions, the drug has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. After intramuscular administration of the drug, it penetrates well into the blood. Excreted by the kidneys.

Comparison of readings

Age categories Cycloferon tablets Cycloferon injections
Children from 4 years of age Hepatitis B, C (acute, chronic stage);

influenza, acute respiratory infections (treatment, prevention);

intestinal infections (acute stage);

HIV 2A-2B (complex therapy).

Hepatitis A, B, C, D of viral etiology;

HIV 2 A-B stages.

adults Secondary immunodeficiency associated with fungal and bacterial infections of the chronic stage;

HIV 2 A-2 B;


influenza, acute respiratory infections;

hepatitis B and C of viral etiology, chronic stage;

acute intestinal infections.

Deforming osteoarthritis and other degenerative-dystrophic joint pathologies;

rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and other rheumatoid diseases;


bacterial cell fungal infections accompanying secondary immunodeficiencies (acute, chronic stage);

herpes, cytomegalovirus infection;


hepatitis A, B, C, D.

Comparison of contraindications

Both forms can cause adverse reactions, expressed in allergic reactions and skin rashes, which are accompanied by:

  • Itching.
  • Urticaria.
  • Angioedema.
  • An increase in body temperature.
  • Hyperemia, edema at the injection site.

No cases of overdose have been reported. For patients with thyroid pathologies, the drug is prescribed under the supervision of an endocrinologist. Cautious use is recommended for patients with gastrointestinal tract (erosion, ulcers), with gastritis and duodenitis.

What form of the drug to give preference?

Upon careful consideration of both forms of Cycloferon, we can conclude that they are similar in everything: indications, contraindications, adverse reactions.

The only difference is form of administration. Tablets are suitable for those who do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, if there are no erosions, ulcers, duodenitis, as they can aggravate the situation. Such patients are better off using injections. It is believed that intravenous injections act faster, as they directly enter the bloodstream.

Tablets N°10 cost 150-190 rubles, and ampoules N°5 - 300-500 rubles.

For each form there is a scheme for application, which must be strictly adhered to. Only the attending physician can decide which form of drug to prescribe after taking a history and doing certain tests. Therefore, Cycloferon is released strictly according to the prescription.

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