Tincture from walnut partitions benefits and harms. Features of the preparation of tinctures from walnut partitions for the treatment of various diseases

Walnuts are a unique source of nutrients, they are rich in trace elements necessary to maintain human health, which is why they are strongly recommended to be included in the daily diet. But many do not realize that not only kernels are valuable, but even shells and membranes. Walnut partitions are especially valued, the healing properties of which can be considered miraculous.

Benefits of walnut partitions

The main benefit of walnut partitions lies in the high content of iodine. The deficiency of this microelement negatively affects the state of the thyroid gland, as a result, the hormonal metabolism of the body is disturbed, immunity decreases, irritability increases, sleep worsens, and the risk of developing tumors and diseases on the nerves increases.

The use of walnut membranes in the form of various decoctions or tinctures helps to compensate for the lack of iodine, due to which:

  1. Normal metabolism is restored, weight is reduced.
  2. Increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.
  3. The activity of the nervous system is normalized.

Walnut partitions are a natural antiseptic. The substances contained in them effectively kill microbes and bacteria, have tannic properties. Tinctures and decoctions are often drunk as general tonic.

The partitions also contain useful organic acids, alkaloids, glucosides.

Medicinal properties

Useful properties of walnut membranes are used in the treatment of many ailments:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • tumor and inflammatory diseases;
  • polyps in the intestine;
  • inflammation of the thyroid gland;
  • hypertension;
  • eye infections;
  • inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Areas of use

For the purpose of treatment or prevention, alcohol tinctures or a decoction of walnut partitions are prepared, using it internally and externally (lotions, rubbing on problem areas).

There are a number of recipes from walnut partitions intended for the treatment of various diseases or for preventive purposes.

Alcohol tinctures

Pour membranes into a glass container (you can grind them), then pour good vodka (1: 3). Cover tightly and store away from light and moisture. After 3 weeks, strain the tincture. Use twice a day, 1 tbsp. l. 20 minutes before a meal.

Tincture is used to reduce pain in inflammatory diseases of the joints, osteochondrosis and sciatica, rubbing problem areas with it.

Tincture treats peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines, you need to drink it daily for 1 tbsp. spoon.

Regular intake of tincture helps to normalize sleep, relieves migraines, nervous disorders, improves memory. For this, 3 times a day, it is recommended to use 25 drops of tincture. It also relieves diarrhea.

Tincture wipes abrasions, scratches, cuts, thereby stimulating their speedy healing.

Depending on the type of disease, you should change the tincture recipe, concentration or course of administration.

From diabetes

Most often, walnut partitions are used for diabetes mellitus. Regular treatment with tincture helps to reduce sugar levels.

A mixture of partitions crushed with a coffee grinder and vodka (2 tsp per 150 ml) stand for a week in the closet. Drink every day on an empty stomach, diluting 5 drops of the product with 50 ml of boiled water. The duration of treatment is 21-90 days, it directly depends on the stage of the disease, the level of sugar in the blood.

Regular use of walnut partitions in diabetes mellitus has a beneficial effect on the general condition, lowers sugar, and relieves dry mouth.

It is important to know: tincture of walnut partitions is effective for the treatment of non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Otherwise, the remedy does not cure the disease, but helps to reduce the number of insulin injections.

The same infusion is effective for the treatment of pancreatitis, the remedy should be taken in a similar way for at least 2 weeks.

Arrhythmia, atherosclerosis

Fill a glass jar with ground walnut partitions, add vodka to cover them completely. Infuse for a week without access to light. Drink the finished medicine daily, 30 drops, diluted with a glass of warm boiled water.

The same remedy is used to treat eczema. You need to drink 1 tbsp. l. daily.

To cure colitis will help the use of funds three times a day. In 1 st. l. warm water should be diluted with 6-10 drops of medicine. The duration of the course will be 30-60 days.

For thyroid diseases

Pour crushed membranes with vodka (250 g per 500 ml), insist for 2 weeks. Apply daily 30 drops - before meals three times a day. If necessary, the tincture can be diluted with a small amount of water.

With severe cough

Ten days to insist partitions from 20 nuts on vodka (0.5 l). The container with tincture must be shaken several times daily. Ready medicine to drink 1 tbsp. l. twice a day.

The same remedy is used for iodine deficiency, to relieve pain in the joints, in the treatment of prostatitis.

From tumors

Oncological diseases are treated with the following tincture: pour partitions from 25 walnuts with 70% alcohol (200 ml), leave for 7 days without access to light. It should be taken three times a day, 15 drops diluted with boiled water, gradually increasing the amount to 20 drops. The duration of the course is 60 days, at the end it is recommended to take a ten-day break. If necessary, repeat the treatment.

With uterine fibromyoma, the tincture is made with a lower alcohol content (100 ml for the same number of partitions) and 15 drops are taken, diluted with 30 ml of water, three times a day. The duration of the course is 2 months.

Water tincture and decoction of walnut partitions

Pour boiling water over 3 tbsp. l. crushed walnut membranes so that the water only slightly covers them. Remove the container for a week in a dark place. Use the finished tincture 4 times a day, diluting 1 tbsp. l. boiled water about 10-15 drops.

Such treatment with walnut partitions is effective for colitis, the course is a month, after which you need to take a break.

To compensate for iodine deficiency, the beneficial properties of walnut partitions are actively used, which is especially needed by the weakened body of the elderly, women after childbirth and those who work a lot, especially at the computer. This task is best handled by a decoction.

Partitions of walnuts, poured into a saucepan, must be poured with cold water (1: 4). Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for another 10 minutes. Cool the finished product, strain through a sieve. Drink three times a day, one sip before meals.

Checking if the body needs iodine is very simple. To do this, before going to bed, an iodine solution should be applied to the heels, if there are no traces in the morning, then there is a deficiency of this microelement. The course of decoction treatment should be continued until iodine is no longer completely absorbed by the skin.

It is possible to feel how partitions from walnuts are useful for iodine deficiency in 1-4 weeks. Over this time:

  1. Your well-being will improve significantly.
  2. Sleep is normalized, irritability and hypersensitivity will decrease, nervous excitement will disappear.
  3. Metabolism normalizes (many people experience a decrease in sweating and weight).
  4. Immunity is restored, weakness disappears.

Eye infections

A decoction of walnut partitions is known to treat purulent conjunctivitis and a number of other eye infections. You will need to pour crushed partitions (3: 1) with water, bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook for about 20 minutes more. Strain the resulting broth and apply compresses soaked in it on the eyelids for half an hour. The duration of treatment is at least 1-2 weeks.

The same decoction will help with diarrhea, it is enough to drink 1 tbsp daily. l. three times.

homemade cognac

In addition to therapeutic use, walnut partitions are useful in the production of homemade cognac. For this you will need:

  • vodka - 3 l;
  • membranes 13 walnuts;
  • any citrus peels (orange, lemon, tangerine) - 2 pcs.;
  • allspice or black pepper - 2 peas;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • oak bark - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black tea, lemon balm, tarragon, St. John's wort - a pinch of each;
  • vanilla extract or vanillin.

Put walnut partitions into an enameled or dark glass container, slightly crushing them. Pour vodka, put in a place inaccessible to light for 3 days, tightly covered.

Strain the finished tincture, add all the other ingredients and leave in the dark for another 10 days. After this time, carefully strain the cognac through cheesecloth folded several times, fill the bottles with it and cork tightly.


Despite their medicinal properties, walnut partitions have a number of contraindications. You should not use funds based on them when:

  • skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria);
  • gastritis, especially in its acute form;
  • allergic reactions (angioedema);
  • individual intolerance.

Walnut partitions, the benefits and harms of which are obvious, will help many people improve the condition of the body and cope with serious diseases. The main thing is to choose the right tool and follow the instructions clearly, without neglecting the regularity of use.

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Not only walnut kernels have useful and healing properties. In folk medicine, partitions (webs) are also used quite widely and successfully for the treatment of a number of diseases, which are removed when the shell is split. They make tinctures. Tincture from partitions of walnuts on vodka, and also can be on alcohol, kerosene - has found wide application among traditional healers. Read the article for recipes for preparation and use for various diseases.

From this article you will learn:

Tincture of partitions of walnuts on alcohol (vodka): benefits and harms to the body

Photo: tincture of walnut partitions benefits and harms

Medicinal properties of walnut partitions (membrane) for human health

  • They have antimicrobial, antibacterial, firming, astringent, antitumor properties.
  • The high content of iodine in the composition helps to perfectly replenish this element in the body for good health and well-being.
  • Prevent the decrease in immunity.
  • The content of organic acids, glycosides, alkaloids and other useful substances in their composition made the partitions quite a healing raw material for the preparation of tinctures from walnut partitions on vodka.

Tincture on walnut partitions: benefits and uses

What is useful tincture of walnut partitions:

  • Used for women's health with: mastopathy, myoma, cyst of female organs;
  • In diabetes mellitus, in violation of the thyroid gland and a number of other diseases, including diseases of the genital area, musculoskeletal system, heart disease;
  • With insomnia, neurosis, headaches, memory impairment, attention, they use walnut partitions infused with vodka;
  • With radiculitis, when there is inflammation and pain, sore spots are rubbed with tincture, compresses are made;
  • The healing properties of tincture of walnut partitions are used to treat wounds, cuts, scratches.

Recipes for preparation and tincture from partitions of walnuts on vodka and treatment

Recipes for making tincture from partitions of walnuts on vodka

Alcohol tincture, prepared on partitions of walnuts, is quite simple to prepare. Sometimes they make a tincture with vodka, and sometimes with alcohol or even moonshine. How to drink tincture from walnut partitions is indicated in each recipe.

With pancreatitis

Three dessert spoons of partitions pour 150 ml. vodka, insist seven days, strain. Take on an empty stomach 5 drops of tincture diluted in 50 ml. water.

The course of admission is no more than three months !!!

From atherosclerosis

Pour dry partitions into a glass jar, pour vodka so that it only covers the raw material. Infuse for a week in a dark place.

Take 30 drops diluted with water once a day.

The course of admission - two weeks to take tincture, a week - a break. Do several such courses until the condition is relieved.

With diabetes

Shred partitions. Pour into a glass jar. Pour vodka over them so that it covers the partitions on top with one finger. Insist 10 days in a dark cool place.

Take on an empty stomach once a day, 5 drops of tincture, diluted in 50 ml. water at room temperature.

Course - 21 days. Then a break for a week and again 21 days. Do so for several courses.

Treatment with tincture of partitions of walnuts on alcohol

From sciatica, diseases of the joints

Place 40 grams of dried partitions in a glass jar, pour 150 ml. vodka. Insist in a dark place for one week.

Apply as a rubbing of sore spots.

Tincture of walnut partitions for mastopathy and myoma

The tincture prepared according to the previous recipe is used as a compress applied to painful and inflamed breasts.

At the same time, take 10 drops of tincture mixed with water, once a day, on an empty stomach.

Video: how to make a tincture of walnut partitions (membrane)

Contraindications to the use of tincture

  • Individual intolerance to substances contained in the partitions of nuts.
  • During pregnancy, breastfeeding, use exclusively for external use!
  • Age up to 15 years.
  • Chronic diseases occurring in an acute form. In this case, consultation with the attending physician is necessary.

Walnut - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. In alternative medicine, the kernels, leaves, partitions of this plant are used. Walnut partitions are of particular benefit. They make decoctions, tinctures, ointments. Means made on the basis of walnut partitions help with various ailments. Most people do not use these parts of the nut, as they consider them to be waste. In fact, many medicines are prepared from these parts of the fetus.

What are the benefits of partitioning walnuts?

The healing properties of walnut partitions are due to the rich composition. These parts of the fruit contain vitamins, magnesium, tannins, organic acids. Walnut helps fight diseases of the endocrine system. It contains iodine, necessary for the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland.

Walnut strengthens the immune system, restores the functioning of the thyroid gland, improves metabolic processes. This product provides prevention of nervous disorders, stimulates mental activity, improves memory. The partitions contain a large amount of iodine and alkaloids. These parts of the fetus are often used to treat thyroid pathologies. If the body lacks iodine, it is worth eating walnuts. Partitions are used to make drugs to reduce pressure, walnut kernels and walnut leaves are used for diabetes.

People suffering from indigestion can take decoctions on the water. Walnut infusions help cure gastrointestinal diseases, but you should consult a doctor before using them. In some cases, nuts are harmful, it all depends on the disease of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body. A nut-based remedy is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system. If a woman is diagnosed with an ovarian cyst, a nut-based decoction can be prepared. Partitions are useful for men, they provide prevention of prostate adenoma, prevent erectile dysfunction.

Medicines with partitions from nuts

Walnut cleanses the blood, removes excess fluid, normalizes the outflow of bile. Alcohol tinctures based on partitions help in the treatment of various ailments. Before drinking such products, you need to make sure that there are no allergies. Recipes for various diseases:

  1. 1. It is necessary to take 30 nuts, remove partitions from them. These parts of the fruit are crushed, then pour 300 ml of boiled water. The infusion is aged for an hour, after which it is determined in a cool place. You should wait until it is ready, then take 160 ml twice a day. People who know the basics of traditional medicine use a decoction to prevent iodine deficiency. Infusions of this type restore potency, prevent uterine bleeding in women.
  2. 2. The following remedy is used for eczema. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the nuts with green skins, then separate it and rinse again. A teaspoon of green peel and the same number of partitions are taken. The mixture is crushed, poured with water, it is necessary to put it on fire and boil. The broth is aged for 60 minutes, then filtered. Drink 2 times a day before meals. The tool is also used to treat affected areas of the skin.
  3. 3. Partitions are used for the treatment of cancer. You should take 1 kg of ripe nuts, peel them, choose only the shell and partitions. The ingredients are crushed, you should get a powder. A chopped leaf of Indian onion is added to it, thus a preparation for a future medicine is obtained. The powder is poured into 500 ml of vodka, the mixture is infused for 10 days. After this period, it becomes ready for use. Fifty milliliters of the drug is added to a warm bath.
  4. 4. A walnut-based medicine is used to treat tumors of the internal organs. You should take 200 g of valerian root, birch buds, nutmeg and partitions. The components are crushed, 500 ml of vodka are poured. The mixture is determined in a dark place. You need to wait 10 days, then strain and drink for 11 days. In the absence of contraindications, it is indicated to drink a mixture of 20 ml 3 times a day (preferably on an empty stomach before meals).
  5. 5. To make a medicine against external tumors, you need to take partitions of 7 walnuts and grind into powder. Then - add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. You should get a mixture of sour cream consistency, it is applied to the affected areas.
  6. 6. The following remedy is effective for prostatitis and cysts. It is necessary to take 40 g of raw materials, pour water in an amount of 100 ml. The mixture is put on a very low heat, brought to a boil, infused for an hour and a half. Take three times a day, 25 ml.
  7. 7. Walnut is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A duodenal ulcer is a dangerous pathology. Before using the tincture, you need to consult a gastroenterologist. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 7 ripe nuts, separate the partitions and pour 300 ml of hot water. The decoction is infused for 2 hours. For the treatment of duodenal ulcers, it must be diluted with milk: 150 ml of milk is diluted with 250 ml of the resulting infusion. The decoction should be drunk after meals and at night.
  8. 8. The use of partitions is advisable for diarrhea. Walnut normalizes the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, improves metabolic processes and has a fixing effect. To prepare a remedy for diarrhea, you need to take 80 g of partitions and grind thoroughly. You should get a powder, you need to take 6 grams and dilute in 120 ml of water. The remedy gives a result with persistent diarrhea.
  9. 9. Walnut is useful for diabetes. With the permission of the doctor, you can prepare a tincture of vodka. It takes 400 g of raw materials for 500 ml of vodka. The medicine is infused for 10 days, then filtered and drained into a dark bottle. You should drink it 3 times a day, 20 ml.
  10. 10. Medicine based on honey helps in the treatment of thyroid. For cooking, you should take raw materials from 10 nuts, mix with 20 g of honey and add two tablespoons of cognac. The remedy is infused for 7 days, 10 g is taken three times a day.

Nut-based ointments are in demand; they are prepared using vegetable oil. Means have a powerful antimicrobial effect, help eliminate inflammatory reactions. Medicines with walnuts are recommended for intestinal polyposis, mastopathy. A decoction based on chamomile and raw materials improves the functioning of the central nervous system, helps to relax, and also provides prevention of mental disorders.

The following tincture is suitable for strengthening the cardiovascular system. Take 1 part of partitions and 3 parts of vodka. Raw materials are crushed, filled with vodka, determined in a dark place. Take after consulting a doctor.

An infusion with this raw material is used for colitis. To prepare it, you need to take 50 partitions and pour 4 liters of water. The medicine is infused for a week, a few drops are taken, diluted with water in equal proportions. The medicine must be taken on an empty stomach. It normalizes the functioning of the intestines and improves metabolic processes. For the treatment of colitis, the following remedy is used. Take 3 tbsp. l. crushed partitions, place in a 300 ml jar. Raw materials are filled to the top with vodka or moonshine, closed with a lid, infused for 7 days. Then you need to take 10 drops of tincture and dilute with 1 tbsp. l. water. The medicine is taken with the permission of the doctor, the course of treatment lasts 50 days. The same remedy can be used for diarrhea.

The tincture is indicated for inflammatory reactions in the joints. The tool is often used for osteochondrosis, it is necessary to make lotions.

The following remedy is suitable for the treatment of intestinal polyposis. It is necessary to take 40 fruits and separate the partitions, pour vodka in an amount of 500 ml. The mixture is closed, kept in a dark place. A remedy prepared according to the same principle is useful in diabetes mellitus.

To prepare an antidiabetic tincture, you should take 1.5 tsp. raw materials, grind, pour vodka in an amount of 150 ml. The mixture must be determined in a dark place and wait 7 days. Drink on an empty stomach: proportions of 150 ml of the product to 350 ml of water. The duration of treatment is up to 7 days. The tincture gives a good result, the blood sugar level decreases, the general well-being improves. A tincture based on parts of the nut helps with non-insulin dependent diabetes, it is also effective for joint pain. The healing agent eliminates the symptoms of lumbar sciatica, often used in the diagnosis of atherosclerosis of the vessels.


Everyone knows that walnuts have healing properties. Few people know that it is the partitions in them that are incredibly useful for our body. And most people, when peeling a nut, just throw them away, like the shell. Walnut partition tincture is a much better use for them.

An infusion of walnut partitions is recommended for many diseases. It will be of great benefit to people who have a diseased thyroid gland. In small doses, a decoction of the partitions should be used for pregnant and lactating women, schoolchildren and people exposed to radiation (doctors, programmers, nuclear power plant workers).

Partitions of walnuts on alcohol should be used by people with high blood pressure (hypertension), diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, patients with diabetes. If you use a tincture or decoction regularly, then memory will noticeably improve and absent-mindedness will disappear. This drink will improve the general condition of the body of an elderly person.

Walnut partition tincture is especially recommended for people who are about 40 years old. After all, it is at this time that the body is under stress, its restructuring is underway. The use of this medicine will save women from diseases that often occur at this age: fibroids, mastopathy, cysts and fibroids. For men, the drug will insure against prostate adenoma and prostatitis.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for making this elixir. Consider the most famous of them. We need a bottle, the volume of which is 0.5 liters. We fill the third part of it with selected walnut partitions. Then fill the bottle with vodka to the top. The container must be firmly closed. We remove the container with the tincture in a dark place for about 14 days, after which we filter the broth and use it to cure thyroid disease.

Tincture of walnut partitions has another use - it can be used to make compresses that are applied to a sore lower back and spine, or to rub aching joints.

Vodka on walnut partitions can be made and used differently. We need a small jar, for example, from under mayonnaise. It is necessary to pour the main component pre-ground in a coffee grinder into it - a quarter of the volume of the container is enough. Then you should fill the contents of the jar with vodka so that the container is filled to the brim.

Close the container tightly with a lid. We put it in a dark room and keep it there for 10 days. Then we filter the tincture and drink 0.5 tablespoons half an hour before meals. With this drug we treat diabetes, diseases of the intestines and stomach, atherosclerosis and colitis. You can also infuse green nuts with alcohol.

Walnut partition tincture - contraindications

It should not be overlooked that not everyone can use this tincture. For some people, it is strictly forbidden! These include those who have all sorts of allergic reactions. This drink is contraindicated for people who have gastritis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis. It is also worth canceling the use if the existing disease has worsened. Before using this medicine, you should consult your doctor.

It is known that in many cases drug therapy is contraindicated. As an alternative, folk remedies have proven themselves well. Walnut partition tincture is one of them. The medicine is used both as an independent and additional method of treatment.

What is useful walnut

Walnuts have a lot of useful properties. The walnut kernel contains fats, proteins, oils, amino acids, vitamins E, K, P, C. There are a lot of tannins, iron, cobalt, essential oils, etc. in unripe fruits.

Useful and walnut shell. It is rich in phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins, steroids, etc. It is interesting that a quarter cup of a walnut fills the body with the daily norm of Omega-3 fatty acids, without which it is impossible to imagine the work of the brain, heart and blood vessels.

No less unique in their composition are the membranes of the fruit of the walnut tree, which we usually throw away. But partitions are a real storehouse of useful substances. They contain glucosides, alkaloids, organic acids and are the most effective remedy against, first of all, tumor diseases.

How to prepare a tincture of walnut partitions

To prepare a healing tincture, nuts of varying degrees of maturity are used. It is believed that the tincture is the most effective, where the partitions of the still green fruit are used as the main component.

Traditionally, the medicinal drug is prepared as follows: 25-30 kernels are cleaned, membranes are taken out and poured into glassware with 500 ml of vodka. Insist the composition for 2-3 weeks in the closet, shaking occasionally.

Application of tincture of walnut partitions

A tincture of walnut partitions on vodka is used both internally and externally:

1. To replenish iodine reserves, which modern man is deficient for a number of reasons, dilute a few drops of the product in a spoonful of water and consume it every day before meals. Treatment is carried out for a month.

2. When coughing, drink a teaspoon of tincture with water several times a day.

3. In the absence of sleep and some neurological problems, the use of 20-30 drops of the product diluted with water helps.

4. With female benign tumors, as an additional method of treatment, take 3 times a day before meals from 5 to 30 drops of tincture of partitions on vodka.

5. For joint pain, tincture is used for rubbing and compresses. Top wrapped with a scarf or scarf.

6. From polyps in the intestine, they drink a tablespoon of medicinal drug three times a day.

7. The use of tincture of walnut partitions helps to defeat such an insidious disease as diabetes. In this case, use daily on an empty stomach 5-6 drops of the product, diluted with water.

With regular use of the medicine, the patient's well-being improves, dry mouth disappears - the main symptom of diabetes, stops pinching the tongue.

Should know! A tincture of walnut partitions completely cures non-insulin-dependent diabetes, as well as pancreatitis. With insulin dependence, the number of injections used is significantly reduced.

8. The tincture is effective for cleaning the vessels of the brain, for getting rid of headaches and improving memory. It is enough to dilute 5-6 drops of the drug daily in a large spoonful of water and drink 3 times a day before meals.

9. With mastopathy, regular use of tincture of walnut partitions eliminates the symptoms of the disease, and in some cases gives complete healing. Healing tincture is drunk in courses, taking weekly breaks. The treatment is long-term, the dose of the drug is a small spoon in the morning, afternoon and evening (preferably before meals).

Case histories are known (the author is a witness) when, instead of the prescribed popular medicine, the patient stubbornly used a tincture prepared on her own. The result is 100% healing with long-term treatment, no side effects, deregistration by a gynecologist.

10. Tincture of walnut partitions on vodka for problems with the thyroid gland. The remedy is taken according to a simple scheme: 30 drops are diluted with water and drunk 3 times a day.

11. Lotion is used to strengthen the hair. The product is applied to the hair roots, wrapped with cellophane on top and kept for 30 minutes. After that, the head is washed with shampoo and rinsed with acidified water.

Medicinal properties of tincture of walnut partitions

Walnut membranes are the champion in iodine content, the lack of which causes a serious hormonal failure in the body and contributes to the occurrence of goiter, mastopathy, adenoma, fibroids, etc.

Partitions of walnut fruits have a pronounced therapeutic effect:






Vodka tincture of partitions is effective as a separate, additional and prophylactic remedy.

Its impact on the body is difficult to overestimate:

Positive effect on blood vessels and heart function

Relieves excruciating headaches

Improves concentration and memory

Helps with poisoning, intestinal disorders, polyps

Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland

Replenishes iodine deficiency

Eliminates "female" hormonal diseases: fibroids, mastopathy, fibroids

Prevents tumors from growing

Relieves symptoms of adenoma

Helps with diabetes

Acts as a remedy for restoring the body after bronchitis, pneumonia, colds

Relieves insomnia

Reduces inflammation in joint pain

Heals cuts, wounds

Helps to strengthen the body's defenses

The medicinal properties of the tincture of walnut partitions make it advisable to use this product for people who have crossed the 40-year mark to prevent the development of prostatitis, mastopathy, fibroids and other ailments.

Improved recipes for making tincture of walnut partitions on vodka

There are many options that allow you to prepare at home not only a useful, but also a pleasant-looking and tasting potion:

1. The classic method of preparing the tincture described above can be ennobled with various natural additives: prunes, a small amount of cherry twigs, a spoonful of rose hips or chopped oak bark. The choice is great, so everyone can add what he likes.

2. Spicy tincture. For 1 liter of vodka put 50 g of membranes, 1 clove (seasoning), a couple of cinnamon sticks. 1-2 large spoons of transparent honey are added to the composition. Everything is mixed (in a glass jar) and infused (in a dark place) for 2 weeks, shaking. After the allotted time, the composition is filtered and still insisted for 7 days.

3. Cognac from walnut membranes. A third of a glass of partitions is poured with three liters of vodka, a spoonful of black tea, 3 cloves, a spoonful of cumin, a bag of vanilla sugar, a spoonful of sugar, citric acid (on the tip of a knife) are added. Everything is mixed and allowed to brew for 2 weeks. Then the tincture is filtered and poured into clean glass bottles.

4. 3-4 large spoons of cherry jam are added to the traditional tincture. Delicious, healthy, pleasing to the eye!

5. For long-term use, a large amount of medicinal drug is prepared. 200 g of partitions are poured into 10 liters of vodka, prunes (5 pcs.), Sugar (50 g) are added. The composition is insisted for a week, then filtered. The result is about 9 liters of tincture.

Another 1 liter of vodka is poured into the remaining partitions, insisted for an hour and combined with the first composition. The mixture is poured into glass containers and left for 2 days. After the allotted time, the healing tincture is ready!

Contraindications to the use of tincture of walnut partitions

Like any drug, vodka tincture of walnut membranes has its own contraindications:

2. During pregnancy, you should refuse to use tincture due to the presence of alcohol in it. But it is allowed to take a weakly concentrated decoction from the same partitions.

3. Do not use the remedy for persistent constipation.

In addition, the tincture is not desirable for acute gastritis, Quincke's edema, eczema, individual intolerance.

By properly preparing the product and choosing the dosage, which only a doctor can do, you can count on a positive result from the use of a unique natural medicine.

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