Iron tablets. Iron preparations in tablets: reviews. Treatment of iron deficiency anemia Iron-containing drugs

Disease of the blood system due to iron deficiency in the body. It is accompanied by changes in the parameters of its metabolism, a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in erythrocytes, their quantitative and qualitative changes, clinical signs of anemic hypoxia and sideropenia.

There are three stages of iron deficiency:

  • prelatent deficiency - a decrease in iron stores in body tissues without a decrease in the concentration of serum iron;
  • latent - depletion of iron reserves in the "depot" for maintaining the concentration of hemoglobin in peripheral blood above the lower limit of normal;
  • actually iron deficiency anemia - a decrease in hemoglobin concentration below physiological values.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most widespread disease (anemic syndrome) and accounts for about 80% of all anemias. According to WHO, iron deficiency anemia is a health problem - in industrialized countries, the incidence of anemia is 30-50% among women and 15-20% among men.

Iron, a vital element found in all cells of the body (cellular iron) and plays an important role in biochemical reactions. As a component of hemoglobin, iron is involved in the transport of oxygen, is a cofactor of heme (catalase, cytochrome C) and non-heme (aldolase, NADH dehydrogenase) enzymes. The iron contained in the body can be conditionally divided into:

  • functional (as part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, enzymes and coenzymes),
  • transport (transfer, mobilferin),
  • deposited (ferigin, hemosiderin),
  • iron forming a free pool.

Of the 4-4.5 g of iron contained in the body, only 1 mg is involved in the exchange with the external environment: it is excreted with feces, lost with hair loss, cell destruction. The daily iron requirement for an adult in a state of physiological equilibrium is 1-1.5 mg, for women during menstruation - 2.5-3.3 mg. At the same time, for the needs of hematopoiesis, the amount of iron that is released during the physiological breakdown of erythrocytes is sufficient.

The absorption of iron from food products is "strictly limited": from 8-14 mg that enter the body, from 0.5-1 to 2-2.5 mg is absorbed. Therefore, the predominance of iron loss over its intake in the body leads to iron deficiency anemia.

The development of iron deficiency anemia is based on various reasons, among which the main ones are:

  • chronic (recurrent) blood loss,
  • inadequate diet,
  • intestinal malabsorption,
  • increased need for iron (pregnancy, lactation, intensive growth),
  • violation of iron transport,
  • intravascular hemolysis with hemoglobinuria.

Chronic or recurrent blood loss is the most important cause of iron deficiency anemia. Insignificant in volume, often invisible to the patient, but ongoing blood loss leads to the depletion of iron stores with the subsequent development of iron deficiency anemia. It has been established that 1 ml of lost blood contains 0.5 mg of iron. With a daily blood loss of 10 ml, the loss of iron will be 5 mg. The daily absorption of iron from food is 2 mg, and the physiological loss of iron is from 1 to 1.5 mg. Thus, with the loss of a small volume of blood (10 ml), there is a gradual depletion of iron stores.

Blood loss from the digestive system is the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia in menopausal women and men. It occurs in diseases such as periodontal disease, erosive esophagitis, varicose veins of the esophagus and the cardial part of the stomach (liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension); hiatal hernia; acute and chronic erosion of the stomach; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum; tumors of the stomach, small intestine, Meckel's diverticulum, terminal ileitis (Crohn's disease), ulcerative colitis, polyposis, hemorrhoids, etc.

The main factor in the development of iron deficiency anemia in women of childbearing age is uterine bleeding, which occurs when the menstrual cycle (menorrhagia) of various origins is disturbed, fibroids, malignant tumors of the uterus, and the use of intrauterine contraceptives.

Blood loss in closed cavities most often occurs with ectopic growth of the endometrium (endometriosis), lung siderosis, mitral stenosis. Frequent nosebleeds, hematuria, blood loss during hemodialysis, blood donation, iatrogenic blood loss, and the like can also lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Clinical manifestations of iron deficiency anemia are due to the general anemic symptom complex and, above all, sideropenia syndrome (tissue iron deficiency). There is a violation of tissue trophism due to a decrease in the activity of iron-containing tissue enzymes (cytochromes). Hyposiderosis of the skin leads to its dryness and thinning, violation of the integrity of the epidermis. Ulcerations appear in the corners of the mouth, cracks with an inflammatory roller - “seizures”, or angular cheilitis. There is atrophy of the papillae of the tongue: it becomes red, smoothed, in severe cases with areas of reddening of an irregular shape (geographic tongue) or completely hyperemic. Due to the dryness of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, its atrophy, there are difficulties in swallowing dry solid food, a sensation of perspiration and a foreign body in the throat (Plummer-Vinson syndrome). A typical clinical manifestation of hyposiderosis is increased hair loss, brittleness, delamination, transverse striation of nails. The nails become flat, sometimes becoming concave spoon-shaped (koilonychia).

Some sideropenic symptoms are pathognomonic, they are characteristic only for iron deficiency anemia. This is a perversion of taste, a craving for unusual products, such as clay, earth, starched linen, ice; distortion of smell - an attraction to the smells of naphthalene, gasoline, acetone, printing ink, and the like. On examination, pallor of the skin with an alabaster or greenish tint, cyanosis of the sclera (or a symptom of blue sclera) is noted. The latter is associated with degenerative changes in the cornea, through which the vascular network is visible.

Hereditary anemia with a violation of the synthesis of porphyrins affects men (transmitted through the X chromosome). Unlike iron deficiency, this hereditary anemia is characterized by an increased content of iron in the serum - iron-saturated, iron-refractory anemia. There is an increased concentration of protoporphyrins in erythrocytes and feces. With erythropoietic porphyria, the urine of patients is brown or red. A characteristic sign is the appearance of burns, blisters and scars on the skin under the action of sunlight, an increase in the spleen. The main cause of acquired anemia associated with impaired synthesis of porphyrins is lead intoxication.

How to treat iron deficiency anemia?

The main method is the appointment of iron preparations inside. At the same time, doses are selected that are ten times higher than the iron content in food. Only under the condition of creating a high concentration of iron in the lumen of the intestine increases its absorption capacity for ionized ferrous iron. Trivalent iron of the intestinal mucosa is not absorbed either in physiological or elevated concentrations and has an irritating effect.

The duration of treatment for iron deficiency anemia ranges from 2-3 months to 1 year. Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment is carried out after 2-3 weeks from the start of treatment.

Criteria for the effectiveness of treatment:

  • increase in the level of reticulocytes on the 8-12th day,
  • normalization of serum iron levels at 4-5 weeks from the start of treatment.

However, clinical signs of improvement in the condition of patients are observed much earlier than the normalization of the hemoglobin content, which is associated with the filling of tissue (cellular) iron stores before. Parenteral iron preparations (ferrumlek, venofer) are administered only for violations of intestinal absorption (enteritis, resection of the small intestine, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, intolerance to iron preparations when taken orally) in preparation for surgery. At the same time, the increase in hemoglobin levels occurs 4-6 days faster than in the case of the use of iron preparations inside. For injections, ferric iron compounds are used in combination with organic components. After parenteral (intravenous or intramuscular) administration, iron quickly enters the blood, where it binds to siderophilin, in case of an insufficient amount of which there is a danger of an increase in the level of free iron in the blood, which is a capillary poison. At the same time, vascular permeability increases, the tone of arterioles and venules decreases.

The degree of manifestation of adverse reactions can be different - from transient forms to shock and even death as a result of the penetration of red blood cells into the tissues of the brain, heart, and lungs. Allergic reactions, phlebothrombosis, abscesses, hemosiderosis are also possible.

To prevent side effects, it is recommended to administer vitamin E simultaneously with parenteral iron administration, which prevents the activation of free radical reactions, damage to cell membranes, and hemolysis of erythrocytes. In acute intoxication with iron preparations, the antidote desferal should be prescribed (60-80 mg / kg per day intramuscularly or intravenously). Blood transfusions for iron deficiency anemia are used at low hemoglobin levels - less than 50-40 g / l.

What diseases can be associated

Diseases that may be accompanied by iron deficiency anemia include:

  • periodontitis,
  • erosive esophagitis,
  • varicose veins of the esophagus and the cardial part of the stomach (liver cirrhosis, portal hypertension),
  • hiatal hernia,
  • acute and chronic erosion of the stomach,
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum,
  • tumors of the stomach, small intestine,
  • Meckel's diverticulum
  • terminal ileitis (Crohn's disease),
  • nonspecific ulcerative colitis,
  • polyposis,
  • haemorrhoids
  • menorrhagia (disturbance of the menstrual cycle of various origins),
  • uterine fibroids, malignant tumors of the uterus,
  • endometriosis,
  • siderosis of the lungs,
  • mitral stenosis,
  • frequent nosebleeds,
  • hematuria.

Iron malabsorption is a common cause of iron deficiency in patients undergoing gastrectomy, subtotal resection of the stomach, and vagotomy.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia at home

It can be carried out in a hospital, more often this occurs with serious comorbidities. If the doctor sees no objection, the patient can take the drugs prescribed to him at home.

At the same time, patients should eat fully: eat animal proteins in the form of meat products, since they contain iron. It is inappropriate to recommend eating raw or fried liver, since this product contains a smaller part of the iron in the form of heme, and the main part is in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin, from which iron absorption is slower.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia should certainly be accompanied by a specially selected diet high in animal protein, vitamins and fat restriction. The diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, berries, especially fresh herbs. Priority products are pomegranate and buckwheat, liver and meat, blackcurrant, mountain ash, blackberry, strawberry, viburnum, dog rose, hawthorn. Iron is most favorably absorbed in combination with sufficient intake of vitamin C.

For the prevention of iron deficiency anemia in women with excessive or prolonged (more than 5 days) menstruation, monthly iron preparations should be administered orally in weekly or monthly courses twice a year. You can take blood from female donors no more than 1-2 times, from men - 2-3 times a year. After donating blood, it is recommended to take iron supplements for 2 weeks (30-40 mg of elemental iron per day).

All patients with iron deficiency anemia and persons with risk factors (blood loss, after gastrectomy, adolescents, donors, etc.) should be registered at the clinic at the place of residence with mandatory monitoring (at least twice a year) of peripheral blood and serum iron.

What medications can be used to treat iron deficiency anemia?

  • elementary - in a therapeutic dose of 100-120 mg, taken 1 hour before or 2 hours after a meal,
  • - the dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the parameters of blood, weight, concomitant diseases of the patient,
  • - calculated individually according to the formula
  • - in case of iron intoxication, 60-80 mg / kg per day is prescribed intramuscularly or intravenously,
  • - 300 mcg per day.

The course of treatment is calculated in months, the attending physician will determine more specifically.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia with folk methods

aim treatment of iron deficiency anemia is to replenish the content of iron in the blood, which is facilitated not only by the intake of pharmaceutical preparations of this element, but also by the consumption of products and drugs based on them with a high content of iron. Any recipe below will not be superfluous to discuss with your doctor, as well as clarify with him the combination of this folk method with prescribed medications, so as not to contribute to excessive iron intake, which is also unfavorable.

  • Combine in equal amounts the leaves of the nettle, the inflorescences of the common yarrow, the root of the dandelion officinalis; 1 tbsp collection brew 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain; drink 3-4 doses during the day, 20 minutes before meals.
  • Dissolve 1 tbsp in a glass of warm milk (3.2% fat). chicory juice; drink in 3 doses during the day, after meals.
  • Combine an equal amount of juice of carrots, beets and white radish, place in a container that closes, but not tightly enough so that a weak evaporation process can occur; place the container in the oven on a slow fire, where this evaporation will take place over the next 3 hours; take a drug of 1 tbsp. three times a day.
  • 2 tsp (with a slide) brew dry rose hips with a glass, strain after an hour; take 3 times a day after meals.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy

Iron deficiency anemia is at risk of developing in a pregnant woman due to completely obvious circumstances - during this period there is an increased intake of iron necessary for the development of the fetus, which is associated with hormonal changes, the development of early toxicosis, and impaired absorption of iron, magnesium, phosphorus in the digestive tract.

Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy is an unfavorable condition requiring correction. Iron deficiency affects both the well-being of the mother and the development of the fetus:

  • general weakness and fatigue;
  • dizziness, headaches, tinnitus;
  • palpitations, discomfort in the heart area; often there are dystrophic changes in the myocardium, violations of its contractility;
  • fainting;
  • insomnia;
  • perversion of taste sensations, swallowing disorders;
  • development of edema;
  • dystrophic processes in the uterus, violation of its functions, the formation of placental insufficiency;
  • the fetus is deprived of the opportunity to receive nutrients and oxygen, a delay in its development develops.

The main complications of pregnancy with iron deficiency anemia are:

  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • preeclampsia;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • premature detachment of the placenta;
  • delayed fetal development;
  • premature birth;
  • bleeding during childbirth.

At the same time, the restoration of a normal state is achieved quite simply, the main thing is to consult a doctor in a timely manner and follow all his recommendations.

According to WHO recommendations, pregnant women should take 3-6-month courses of iron deficiency replenishment: 100 mg of iron (elemental) and 300 mcg of folic acid per day. All patients with iron deficiency anemia and persons with risk factors, including expectant mothers, should be registered at the outpatient clinic at the place of residence with mandatory monitoring of peripheral blood and serum iron.

For treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women are recommended:

  • oral Medicines,
  • preparations Fe2+, not Fe3+ (better absorption),
  • iron sulfate FeSO4,
  • drugs with delayed release of Fe2 + (better absorption and tolerability).

As already noted, the main symptom of iron deficiency anemia is erythrocyte hypochromia with a decrease in color index less than 0.85. Therefore, differential diagnosis is primarily carried out with other types of hypochromic anemia - conditions in which hemoglobin synthesis disorders are caused not by iron deficiency, but by other factors. This group includes hereditary and acquired anemia associated with impaired synthesis of porphyrins.

Hereditary anemia with a violation of the synthesis of porphyrins affects men (transmitted through the X chromosome). Unlike iron deficiency, this hereditary anemia is characterized by an increased content of iron in the serum - iron-saturated, iron-refractory anemia.

For differential diagnosis, a professional history is important:

  • contact with lead in the enterprise,
  • when mining ore,
  • paint application,
  • manufacture of batteries, whitewash, etc.

A syndrome of damage to the nervous system is characteristic - from asthenia and memory impairment to encephalopathy, cerebral edema, coma. Typical motor polyneuritis, tetraparesis. There are disorders of the digestive system: loss of appetite, abdominal pain ("lead colic"), constipation.

On examination, attention is paid to the earthy color of the skin, the "lead border" in the form of a narrow business strip along the edges of the gums of the front teeth. In the blood, basophilic puncture of erythrocytes, an increase in the number of reticulocytes (hemolysis) are detected. A characteristic laboratory sign is an increase in urine delta-aminolevulinic acid and lead (tens of times higher than normal). The iron content in the blood serum is increased with erythrocyte hypochromia.

Hypochromia of erythrocytes can also be observed in thalassemia, a hereditary hemolytic anemia associated with a defect in globin synthesis. Characteristic signs: jaundice, hepatolienal syndrome, increased levels of indirect bilirubin, reticulocytosis, hypochromia and target-like form of red blood cells.

Differential diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia is also carried out with anemia on the background of a chronic disease. This term refers to anemia that accompanies various diseases of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature:

  • suppurative processes in the lungs, abdominal cavity,
  • osteomyelitis,
  • sepsis,
  • tuberculosis,
  • infective endocarditis,
  • rheumatoid arthritis,
  • chronic renal failure, etc.

In the case of a variety of pathogenetic mechanisms (acceleration of erythropoiesis, impaired synthesis of erythropoietin, intravascular hemolysis, etc.), under these pathological conditions, there is a redistribution of iron in the cells of the macrophage system - iron distribution anemia. They have a moderate hypochromic character, the content of iron in the serum may be slightly reduced, an increased level of ferritin in the blood, which distinguishes them from iron deficiency anemia.

Treatment of other diseases with the letter - f

The information is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and how to treat it, contact your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of the information posted on the portal.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of anemia (up to 95% of all cases). Statistics on its prevalence say that almost 30% of the adult population has an iron deficiency, and after the age of 50 - 60%. Women get sick more often. Iron preparations for anemia are the main drug.

The value of iron for the body

The human body really needs this mineral. It has been established that there are 2.5-3.5 g of iron in the body. At the same time, 2.1 g (70%) is included in hemoglobin. Iron is not synthesized by internal organs. It comes entirely from food. As you know, the protein hemoglobin is necessary for the binding of oxygen molecules in red blood cells.

Without a sufficient amount of iron, the required amount of hemoglobin is not formed, which disrupts the process of oxygen transfer by red blood cells from the lungs to tissues, and contributes to oxygen starvation.

Iron molecules are bound in the upper intestines by a special carrier protein transferrin and delivered to bone marrow cells for the synthesis of red blood cells. The mineral is incorporated into hemoglobin.

Iron stores are created in the liver in the form of hemosiderin, always ready to add to normal or replace the loss.

Why is there a deficiency?

Iron deficiency can occur for four reasons:

  • low intake of iron-containing products;
  • poor absorption in the intestines;
  • increased consumption;
  • uncompensated increase in demand.

The maximum content of iron is found in vegetables, fruits, cereals, meat products, eggs

The lack of these products in the diet quickly leads to a deficient state, causing anemia.

Anemia occurs in athletes against the background of high physical exertion, in vegetarians, and in lovers of fashionable diets for weight loss.

It has been established that the substance obtained with dietary protein is absorbed only by 25-40%, and from vegetables and fruits - by 80%. It turns out that this is facilitated by vitamins, which are available in large quantities in vegetables and fruits. Lack of sufficient vitamin C in the diet leads to a decrease in hemoglobin.

In diseases of the intestine (chronic gastritis, duodenitis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis), the process of iron absorption is sharply disrupted. It does not linger, but is excreted from the body.

The necessary chemical element is lost with blood loss. In men, bleeding from the stomach or intestines associated with damage to these organs, nosebleeds are more common. In the female body, menstruation requires replenishment. During pregnancy, the fetus takes everything necessary from the mother's body, without iron-containing agents, the laying of the internal organs of the fetus is disturbed, and the health of the expectant mother suffers.

Iron deficiency anemia is caused by an increased need for iron in children in the growth stage, in nursing mothers. The lack of a sufficient set of minerals and vitamins in the diet is compensated by iron-containing preparations.

How to determine the iron deficiency state

To establish the cause of iron deficiency anemia, a comparison of symptoms and blood test data is necessary. The main manifestations are general weakness, fatigue, dizziness, taste disturbances (disgust for ordinary food, the appearance of a desire to eat something inedible), sometimes fainting, a tendency to low blood pressure, pallor and dry skin.

The laboratory investigates:

  • blood test - detect a decrease in red blood cells, a low color index. The diagnostic lower level of hemoglobin is considered to be 130 g/l for men, 120 g/l for women;
  • determine the concentration of iron in the serum - the lower limit of 12-32 µmol/l for men, for women 10-15% less;
  • iron-binding capacity of serum - increases with a deficiency of more than 45-75 µmol / l.

Only a doctor can choose the right treatment and apply iron preparations for anemia.

Benefits of medicines

Modern drugs used to treat iron deficiency anemia contain the necessary amount of a substance to restore hematopoiesis. It is impossible to achieve a similar composition with food.

The absorption of the daily dose of drugs exceeds dietary iron by 20 times. Therefore, trying to eat a lot of diet foods at home will not lead to the desired results.

Rules for choosing iron preparations

In the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, the doctor takes into account the peculiarities of iron metabolism in the body, the conditions for absorption, effective combinations and the form of administration.

  1. It has been proven that with intramuscular administration of drugs, the effectiveness of treatment is lower than when taking tablets. This confirms that the main route of iron absorption is through the intestines. In addition, side effects are more common.
  2. Medicines should contain the optimal dose of pure iron 80-160 mg (this corresponds to 320 mg of sulfate salt), such an amount can provide a therapeutic effect. Exceeding this dosage may lead to unwanted effects.
  3. Tablets should not be chewed, it is better to swallow whole, drink water. The tablet form has an advantage over liquid medicines.
  4. The use of complex vitamin and mineral products in this case does not have the necessary effectiveness, the dosage is too low.
  5. When choosing drugs, you should be aware that they may contain iron in the divalent and trivalent form. For the assimilation of ferrous iron, vitamin C is needed, and ferric iron requires special amino acids that can carry ions to the bone marrow.
  6. Advantages are given to encapsulated preparations coated with a protective shell. They protect the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from irritating effects.

Treatment of anemia with basic drugs

The course of treatment for anemia lasts six months or more. Blood tests are carried out every month. After normalization of the content of red blood cells, hemoglobin, it is necessary to take drugs for another 1.5-2 months. This allows you to consolidate the achieved effect, saturate the renewed red blood cells with iron.

For pregnant and lactating mothers, the duration of medication is determined by the period of breastfeeding. This provides, in addition to the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in the mother, the prevention of this disease in the child.

What drugs can be bought at the pharmacy?

Patient feedback on the use of drugs for the treatment of anemia allows us to recommend two groups of drugs.

Products containing ferrous iron

Iron is included in the composition of medicines in the form of a sulfate salt, they contain vitamin supplements that improve absorption and assimilation. Most popular:

Sorbifer durules contains ferrous sulfate + ascorbic acid

  • In the form of tablets: Sorbifer durules, Tardiferron (sulfate + folic acid). Apply two tablets a day (morning and evening), half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water. Sorbifer durules is not indicated for children under 12 years of age, as there are no data from clinical trials.
  • In capsules: Ferrofolgamma (iron sulfate + cyanocobalamin + vitamin C), Ferretab (fumarate + folic acid), Fenyuls (sulfate + folic, pantothenic and ascorbic acids, pyridoxine, riboflavin).
  • The drug Aktiferrin is used in capsules, drops, syrup. Indicated for the treatment of children.
  • Totem - contains in solution a combination of iron gluconate with copper and manganese.
  • In the form of a dragee, Hemofer prolongatum (sulfate) is used.
  • The well-known Hematogen - contains food protein and ferrous sulfate.

Ferric iron preparations

Iron is used in the form of polymaltose hydroxide:

  • In tablets: Maltofer, Ferrum lek, Biofer (polymaltose hydroxide + folic acid).
  • In syrup, drops, solution: Maltofer, Fenyuls, Ferlatum (protein succinate).
  • For intramuscular injection: Maltofer, Ferrum Lek, Venofer, Argeferr, Kosmofer.
  • Injections are used in patients with diseases of the stomach and intestines, damage to the walls of small vessels, large blood loss. With the intravenous route of administration, thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein at the injection site) is possible.

Ferrum Lek for intramuscular injection

The price of the drug is determined by the pharmacy in accordance with the law, depends on the country of manufacture.

side properties

Adverse reactions depend on individual sensitivity, the form of the drug.

  • All iron-containing products, uncoated or in the form of a solution, irritate the digestive system. Epigastric pain, constipation are possible.
  • Tablets and liquid preparations can lead to darkening of tooth enamel.
  • Intolerance is expressed in various allergic manifestations.

How to determine the effectiveness of treatment

The onset of action of the drugs is detected in the third week of treatment by a slight rise in hemoglobin. Therapeutic measures are considered effective if the normal level can be reached after two months. Then supportive treatment is carried out.

At the same time, the patient needs to eat vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, juices, a sufficient amount of protein products due to meat, dairy products.

Preparations containing iron should not be chosen independently. This may not give any results, but only lead to side effects and worsen the patient's condition.

Iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults and children are a common medical prescription. Coming to the pharmacy, a person is lost from the abundance of drugs. They differ in the valence of iron (bivalent or trivalent), in the type of iron compound (organic - huconates, malates, succinylates, chelated forms and inorganic - sulfates, chlorides, hydroxides), in the method of administration (oral - tablets, drops, syrups and parenteral - intramuscular and intravenous forms).

If in the treatment of anemia the best iron preparation is recommended to you by a doctor, then for a preventive increase in iron stores in the blood, you often have to figure out all this disgrace of diversity on your own. We will deal with the analysis of drugs that are effective in iron deficiency.

Reasons for the development of iron deficiency

The body contains 3 to 5 grams of iron. Most of it (75-80%) is found in red blood cells, part of it is in muscle tissue (5-10%), about 1% is part of many body enzymes. The bone marrow, spleen, and liver are storage sites for reserve iron.

Iron is involved in the vital processes of our body, so it is so important to maintain a balance between its intake and loss. When the iron excretion rate is higher than the iron intake rate, various iron deficiency states develop.

If a person is healthy, then the excretion of iron from our body is insignificant. The content of iron is controlled mostly by changing the level of its absorption in the intestine. In food, iron is present in two forms: Fe III (trivalent) and Fe II (bivalent). When entering the digestive tract, inorganic iron dissolves, ions and iron chelates are formed.

Chelated forms of iron are best absorbed. Ascorbic acid contributes to the formation of iron chelates. In addition, fructose, succinic and citric acids, amino acids (for example, cysteine, lysine, histidine) help iron chelation.

Causes of iron deficiency:

  • Decrease in the efficiency of iron absorption in the digestive tract (increase in the speed of food passing through the digestive tract, the presence of inflammation in the intestines, surgical interventions on the intestines and stomach, digestive disorders, etc.);
  • An increase in the body's need for iron (during intensive growth, pregnancy, lactation, etc.);
  • Decreased iron intake due to nutritional characteristics (anorexia, vegetarianism, etc.);
  • Acute and chronic blood loss (gastric bleeding with ulcers, bleeding in the intestines, kidneys, nasal, uterine and other localizations);
  • As a result of tumor diseases, prolonged inflammatory processes;
  • Decreased synthesis of iron transport proteins (for example, transferrin);
  • Destruction of blood cells with subsequent loss of iron (hemolytic anemia);
  • Increased intake of calcium in the body - more than 2 g / day;
  • Lack of trace elements (cobalt, copper).

The body constantly loses iron with feces, urine, sweat, hair, nails, during menstruation.

The male body loses 0.8-1 mg of iron per day. Women lose iron more during menstruation. For a month, women lose an additional 0.5 mg of iron. With blood loss of 30 ml, the body loses 15 mg of iron. Iron consumption is significantly increased in pregnant and lactating mothers.

Losses of iron in excess of 2 mg/day lead to the development of iron deficiency. Since the body is not able to replenish more than 2 mg of iron per day.

Iron deficiency often occurs in women also because their iron stores are 3 times less than in men. And the incoming iron does not always cover the costs.

In Russia, the hidden deficiency of iron in some areas reaches 50%. Almost 12% of girls of childbearing age have an iron deficiency condition. 75-95% of all anemias in pregnancy are iron deficiency. Iron deficiency in pregnant women can lead to weak labor, miscarriages, excessive blood loss during childbirth, reduced lactation, and a decrease in newborn weight.

The use of iron supplements in pregnant women to reduce the risk of developing anemia is justified in the third trimester, and the intake is continued 2-3 months after delivery. Additional sources of iron are not given to term newborns in the first 3 months. Premature babies are given iron supplements at an earlier date.

The required daily intake of iron in boys is 0.35-0.7 mg / day. In girls before the onset of menstruation - 0.3-0.45 mg.

What can reduce the intake of iron with food:

  • Excess phosphate in food;
  • Oxalic acid found in some plants;
  • Tannin, which gives a tart taste, reduces the absorption of iron;
  • Tea reduces iron intake by 60%, coffee by 40%;
  • Phytate found in wheat bran, rice, nuts and corn;
  • Too much fiber in food
  • Substances that neutralize the hydrochloric acid of the stomach - antacids;
  • Egg white, soy and milk protein;
  • Some preservatives, such as EDTA.

Rules for taking iron supplements

Iron preparations are used to reduce the risk of iron deficiency, as well as in the complex treatment of anemia.

Traditionally, treatment begins with oral tablet forms. Preference is given to drugs that can give a rapid increase in hemoglobin in the blood with a low risk of side effects.

Usually begin with the appointment of high dosages of iron: 100-200 mg / day. A similar amount of iron is able to compensate for the costs of the body for the formation of the required amount of hemoglobin. When exceeding the dosage of 200 mg / day, side effects are much more common.

If the drug is chosen correctly, hemoglobin returns to normal in 15-30 days. When the blood counts reach the desired values, the iron preparation is continued for at least 2 months to replenish iron stores (in the bone marrow, liver, spleen).

How to take iron supplements correctly:

  • Before meals or during meals. Bioavailability does not depend on the time of day, but there are recommendations to take in the evening;
  • It is recommended to drink clean water;
  • You can not drink milk, coffee, tea due to a decrease in absorption;
  • You should not combine oral iron preparations with agents that block the production or neutralize the action of hydrochloric acid: antacids (baking soda, phosphalugel, almagel, gastal, rennie, etc.), proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, lansoprazole, esomeprazole, etc.);
  • Iron preparations affect the action of some antibiotics, so taking these drugs should be separated in time by 2 hours;
  • The intake of iron supplements is not compatible with the use of alcohol. Alcohol enhances iron absorption and increases the risk of iron toxicity;
  • Iron absorption will not be affected by magnesium (magne B6, magnelis, cardiomagnyl, magnesium chelate), but extreme calcium dosages of 2 grams or more can reduce it.

Features of iron preparations

In the case of iron deficiency anemia, preparations of two (Fe II) and trivalent (Fe III) iron are taken. Preparations with Fe II have a higher bioavailability than trivalent. Molecular iron in these preparations is enclosed in organic and inorganic compounds, which also differ in their bioavailability and tolerability (frequency of side effects).

I. Inorganic ferrous salts

The most common representative of the inorganic iron compound in preparations with Fe II is ferrous sulfate. It is characterized by relatively low bioavailability (up to 10%) and frequent side effects associated with irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Such iron preparations are usually cheaper than analogues in cost. The most popular representatives that can be found in pharmacies: Sorbifer Durules, Aktiferrin, Aktiferrin compositum, Ferro-Folgamma, Fenyuls, Tardiferon, Feroplekt. To increase the bioavailability of iron, ascorbic and folic acid are often included in the composition.

Pharmacies will provide you with a rather modest choice if you want to buy an iron preparation with ferric chloride. Ferrous iron, which is part of the inorganic salt, will not please with a bioavailability of 4%, and does not guarantee the absence of side effects. Representative: Hemofer.

II. Organic ferrous salts

Combine higher bioavailability of Fe II and organic salts, bioavailability can reach 30-40%. Less common side effects associated with the use of the iron preparation. Medications are well tolerated during pregnancy and lactation. The disadvantages include the higher cost of these drugs.

  • The combination of organic salts of iron, copper and manganese gluconates is presented in the French preparation Totem, which is available as a solution.
  • The combination of ferrous fumarate and folic acid is hidden in a capsule of Austrian origin - Ferretab.
  • A complex composition of chelated forms of ferrous gluconate, ascorbic acid, synergistic herbs can be found in American-made dietary supplements. It is not a drug, but serves as an excellent source of easily digestible iron with virtually no side effects.

III. Inorganic ferric compounds

They are characterized by low bioavailability of these forms of iron (up to 10%). The most common form of release is injectable.

This form of drugs solves the problem of manifestation of side effects associated with irritation of the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. But it adds a number of necessary conditions for the implementation of the drug and the associated side effects and complications. They are the drugs of choice for severe forms of anemia, with pathologies of the digestive tract, leading to a decrease in iron absorption.

The route of administration (parenteral - intravenous or intramuscular injections, oral - tablets, drops, syrup or solution) does not affect the availability of iron itself. Safer - oral, parenteral prescribed according to indications.

The active substance is complexes with iron hydroxide. Folic acid is used as an excipient. Popular representatives: Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Maltofer Fall, Biofer, Ferinject, Ferroksid, Ferropol, Venofer, CosmoFer, Likferr, Monofer.

IV. Organic ferric compounds

Presented by the Spanish drug Ferlatum in two modifications: with and without folic acid. Available in the form of a solution for oral administration.

List of iron preparations for low hemoglobin for adults and children

Name /
The form
Inorganic salts of Fe II
Sorbifer Durules /
tab. 320 mg /
Sulfate 100 mg/tab. Vitamin C
Aktiferrin /
caps. 300 mg/
Sulfate 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
drops /
30 ml
9.48 mg/ml
syrup /
100 ml
6.87 mg/ml
compositum /
caps /
5.9 34.5 mg/caps. L-serine
folic acid,
Ferro Folgamma /
caps. /
Sulfate 37 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
folic acid,
Fenyuls /
caps. /
Sulfate 45 mg/caps. Ascorbic,
pantothenic to-ta,
Ferroplex /
dragee /
Sulfate 50 mg/dr. Ascorbic acid
Tardyferon /
tab. /
Sulfate 80 mg/tab.
Gino-Tardiferon /
16.33 Folic acid
Ferrogradumet / (Serbia) tab. /
Sulfate 105 mg/tab.
Feroplect /
tab /
Sulfate 10 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid
Gemofer / (Poland) drops /
Chloride 44 mg/ml
Organic Fe II salts
Totem /
solution /
Gluconate 50 mg/10 ml copper gluconate and
Ferretab /
caps. /
Fumarate 50 mg/caps. Folic acid
tab. /
14.52 Chelate, gluconate 25 mg/tab. Ascorbic acid,
calcium chelate,
collection of synergistic herbs
Inorganic compounds Fe III
Ferrum Lek /
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
syrup /
100 ml
50 mg/5 ml
tab. chew /
100 mg/tab
Maltofer /
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab.
syrup /
150 ml
10 mg/ml
injection solution /
100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
50 mg/ml
Maltofer Foul/
tab. /
100 mg/tab. Folic acid
tab. /
Hydroxide 100 mg/tab. Folic acid
injection solution /
2/10 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
drops /
30 ml
Hydroxide 50 mg/ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
injection solution /
Hydroxide 100 mg/2 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 100 mg/5 ml
solution for intravenous injection /
Hydroxide 200 mg/2 ml
Organic Fe III salts
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml
Ferlatum Fall/
solution /
Succinylate 40 mg/15 ml calcium folinate
  • Iron in tablets, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, will help normalize the condition.

    You can normalize the level of iron in the body with the help of tablets

    Features of the use of iron tablets

    The action of iron-containing drugs is aimed at eliminating anemia. The effectiveness of the impact of modern drugs depends on the rate of metabolic processes, the composition of the selected drug and the method of using the drug.

    Divalent iron, which is available in capsules, regular and chewable tablets, is absorbed faster. These drugs are recommended to be taken in combination with fructose, ascorbic or succinic acid. Trivalent iron is administered by injection.

    Iron preparations are taken in long courses, the duration of which ranges from one month to six months. For preventive purposes, to increase the level of iron, a dose of mg per day is prescribed.

    What should not be taken with iron tablets?

    List of medicines with which you should not take iron supplements:

    • antacids - Almagel, Phosphalugel;
    • tetracyclines;
    • agent Levomycetin;
    • calcium preparations.

    Do not take Levomycetin with iron preparations

    Anemia medications should not be taken in combination with foods that include caffeine, fiber, or calcium in high volumes.

    If a stomach or duodenal ulcer is detected, drug treatment with iron-containing drugs is carried out with the recommendation of the attending physician.

    List of the most effective pills

    Tablets for anemia, which include ferrous sulfate, are used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia, as well as to prevent the occurrence of an element deficiency.

    The average price is 400 rubles per pack.

    When breastfeeding, drink once a day.

    Relatively inexpensive tablets, the average cost is 200 rubles.

    Admission rules for children over 6 years old - 1 tablet per day.

    Estimated price for 20 capsules - 320 rubles.

    If there are disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, you can take the medicine only with the consent of the attending physician.

    The cost is from 290 rubles.

    Biologically active additives

    Hemohelper - dietary supplement, reduces the risk of iron deficiency. The supplement includes porcine hemoglobin and ascorbic acid. It is recommended to use donors in the presence of chronic fatigue and during the period of intensive growth of the body.

    • adults - from 1 to 9 tablets;
    • for children from 7 to 14 years old - up to 6 tablets;
    • children from 3 to 7 years - 1 tablet.

    The duration of the continuous course is on average 2 months. The nutritional supplement has an effective effect on the body without side effects. Estimated price in a pharmacy - 640 rubles.

    You can take Hemohelper for children and adults

    The best dietary supplements include Iron Chelate - it stabilizes the level of the element in the blood without causing irritation of the gastric mucosa, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Take 1 tablet once daily with food. The average price for a package of 180 pieces is 1230 rubles. In the absence of an overdose, it does not cause side effects.

    All tablets should be swallowed whole and washed down with plenty of liquid - chewing leads to darkening of the tooth enamel. The use of medicines should be carried out with a break of at least 6 hours. If an allergy to the iron preparations taken is detected, treatment should be suspended and a qualified specialist should be consulted.

    vitamins with iron

    The most effective multivitamin complexes used for iron deficiency:

    1. Duovit. Take 1 tablet with meals for a month. Vitamins are available separately for men and women. Contraindications - children under 10 years. The average price of a package is 450 rubles.
    2. Complivit - iron. The composition of the food supplement includes a vitamin and mineral complex, as well as a daily dose of iron. Take 1 tablet daily for a month with meals. Relatively cheap tablets - 200 rubles per pack.
    3. AlfaVit Classic. Contains 13 vitamins and 10 minerals. Take 1 tablet of each type daily for a month. The average cost for 120 tablets is 280 rubles.

    AlfaVit Classic contains many vitamins and elements

    • complex Ferroglobin B12 - consists of iron and vitamin B;
    • Ferry-Fall, Biofer, Essential iron - products with iron and folic acid;
    • drug for pregnant women of a new generation - Gestalis. In addition to iron, it includes minerals and all the vitamins necessary for the body of the expectant mother.

    The above fortified products are taken 1 capsule daily with meals.

    Customer Reviews

    “At the age of 5 months, my daughter was diagnosed with anemia. They took Totem (a solution, unlike many tablets, can be given to children from 1 month old) at the rate of 5 mg per 1 kg of weight. After a couple of weeks, she became more active, and after 3 months, my baby’s condition was completely normal.”

    “I have been suffering from low hemoglobin for several years. I tried different medicines, I noticed the best result after taking Hemohelper. The tablets helped to normalize the general condition. For prevention, I give it to my five-year-old son.

    “Iron deficiency was replenished with Ferrum Lek chewable tablets. After five days of taking it, I began to feel better. A preparation with a pleasant chocolate aroma, does not stain the teeth.

    Fortified complexes, active supplements, medications containing iron should be taken not only with a lack of an element in the body, but also to prevent its deficiency. The advantage of the tablet form is ease of use. During the course of treatment, you should regularly take a blood test to prevent an overabundance of iron.

    Iron supplements for anemia

    General information

    Iron preparations are prescribed to the patient, provided that he has iron deficiency anemia or there is a need to prevent this condition. Symptoms of anemia in adults appear with an inadequate diet, in case of pregnancy and lactation, etc. In such situations, iron salts or iron hydroxide are usually prescribed, which compensate for the lack of this element in the body.

    Modern drug manufacturers offer a very large number of various iron preparations in different forms. These are chewable tablets, syrup, capsules, dragees, solutions for intravenous and intramuscular administration.

    Causes of anemia in adults and children

    Iron deficiency anemia develops due to the following reasons:

    • Chronic bleeding is the most common cause of anemia (approximately 80% of cases). This condition may be a consequence of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract with ulcers, tumors, hemorrhoids, intestinal diverticulosis, erosive gastritis, etc. In women, this condition develops with endometriosis due to heavy periods, with uterine myoma, bleeding from the uterus. It is also possible due to pulmonary and nasal bleeding, urolithiasis, pyelonephritis, malignant tumors of the kidneys and bladder, etc.
    • Inflammatory diseases in a chronic form - if there is a focus of chronic inflammation in the body, iron is deposited, due to which its hidden deficiency is noted. In this state, iron is in the depot, and is absent in order for hemoglobin to form.
    • An increase in the need for this trace element is typical for pregnancy, especially after the first trimester, as well as during breastfeeding. Also, high iron requirements are noted with too serious physical exertion, active sports, with intensive growth in children.
    • Impaired absorption of iron - this condition is observed in some diseases. This occurs with resection of the small intestine, intestinal amyloidosis, chronic enteritis, malabsorption syndrome.
    • Improper Diet - If a person chooses foods low in iron, the likelihood of anemia increases. Most often this condition is diagnosed in young children, often in newborns. This is also true for vegetarians.

    The daily need for iron and its intake with food for people of different ages and gender (table):

    Regardless of how much iron is contained in the food consumed, more than 2 mg of the trace element is not absorbed in the intestines during the day (provided that the person is healthy).

    During the day, an adult healthy man loses about 1 mg of iron with hair and epithelium.

    A woman during menstruation, provided that they proceed normally, loses about 1.5 mg.

    That is, under the condition of normal nutrition, no more than 1 mg in men gets into the depot, in women - 0.5 mg. If a person eats poorly, suffers from chronic inflammatory diseases, then iron in the body is completely consumed. This also happens with heavy periods in women. And if the depot is empty, with provoking factors, anemia begins to develop.

    If laboratory tests confirm that a person has iron deficiency anemia, it is necessary to find out exactly the cause of this condition. After the bleeding has been stopped or the inflammatory process cured, oral iron preparations are used to normalize hemoglobin. Next, the doctor prescribes the use of a therapeutic dose of the drug for several more months to replenish the depot. Provided that the patient does not tolerate such drugs well, he is prescribed half the dose.

    Women of childbearing age are recommended to take for 7 days a month any remedy in a therapeutic dose (in terms of about 200 mg of pure iron per day) for prevention. You can also use a complex of vitamins containing this trace element.

    Iron preparations for anemia: classification

    To eliminate anemia, the doctor prescribes preparations containing iron, taking into account the results of laboratory tests, age, tolerability of the drug. The price of iron-containing preparations is also taken into account, because the financial capabilities of patients may be different. The doctor can also judge which iron-containing preparations are best based on his experience with the use of such drugs in children and adults.

    If necessary, drugs in ampoules can also be prescribed - for intravenous administration and intramuscular injections. However, they are used exclusively for strict indications, since with such treatment there is a high risk of developing allergic manifestations.

    But in no case should you rely on reviews and independently choose the best medicines to treat iron deficiency anemia in women or men.

    Although the list of iron-containing drugs for anemia is very wide, none of them should be used without the approval of a doctor. He prescribes the dosage and evaluates the effect of such drugs in dynamics. Indeed, in case of an overdose, serious poisoning can occur.

    Iron preparations for pregnant women are prescribed very carefully. Iron-containing preparations for pregnant women should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor. Parenteral administration of iron preparations to patients with anemia is indicated in the following cases:

    • With surgical interventions on the organs of the digestive system, extensive resection of the intestine, removal of part of the stomach.
    • In case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, with the appearance of symptoms of celiac disease, chronic pancreatitis, enteritis, ulcerative colitis. With these diseases, the absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract decreases, so it is necessary to receive iron-containing preparations.
    • If there is a need to saturate the body with this microelement in a short time - before performing surgery for fibroids, hemorrhoids, etc.
    • With severe iron deficiency anemia.
    • If the patient has an intolerance to these medicines when taken orally.

    Below is a list of iron supplements that are used for anemia. It indicates the analogues of such funds, their approximate cost in pharmacies.


    The composition contains ferrous sulfate (ferrous salts). Aktiferrin is produced in capsules (from 280 rubles), in a solution for internal use (from 320 rubles), syrup (from 250 rubles). Analogues of this medicine are preparations of Totem, Hemofer, Tardiferon, Ferronal, Ferrlecit, Heferol, Ferrogradum. The cost of analogues is from 100 to 500 rubles.


    The composition includes ferrous salts and ascorbic Sorbifer acid. It is produced in the form of capsules (from 600 rubles) and children's bars with different flavors (from 300 rubles). Analogues are Ferroplex, Sorbifer Durules (from 300 rubles).


    It contains ferric iron (protein succinylate). Produced as a solution for oral administration. Cost - from 900 rubles. (20 bottles of 15 mg). The drug Ferlatum foul is also produced (from 700 rubles), which contains ferric iron and folic acid.


    This polymaltose complex contains ferric iron. Produced in the form of drops, solution, tablets, ampoules. The cost is from 250 rubles. Also produce the drug Ferrum Lek. It is produced in the form of syrup, tablets for chewing, solution for injection. Analogues are drugs Monofer, Ferry.


    The drug contains iron sulfate and a complex of vitamins (group B, PP, C). It is used for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency, as well as for hypovitaminosis of group B. The complex is not used for children, but is prescribed if iron is needed for pregnant women. Cost from 170 rubles. per pack 10 pcs.


    If you need to take iron supplements for children, sometimes the doctor recommends consuming Hematogen. It is made from defibrated and purified bovine blood and additional flavoring components. The composition contains nutrients, microelements and macroelements, among which is ferrous iron, which allows you to overcome its deficiency in the body. Hematogen is indicated for children from 3 years of age.

    If preparations are needed for children under 1 year old, iron preparations are prescribed in drops.

    Ferrous salts

    These are gluconate, chloride, ferrous sulfate, and also ferrous fumarate. More information about ferrous fumarate - what it is, can be found in the instructions for use. When a patient takes ferrous iron, the symptoms of anemia gradually weaken and disappear - fainting, dizziness, weakness, tachycardia, etc. Laboratory parameters also return to normal. As part of the drug Aktiferrin there is an alpha-amino acid serine, which increases the absorption of iron. This makes it possible to reduce the dose, so toxicity during treatment is reduced.

    Salts of ferrous iron and ascorbic acid

    Medicines with this composition are effective, since ascorbic acid improves the absorption efficiency of the mineral. As a result, the effects of anemia in women and men can be overcome quickly.

    Iron protein succinylate

    The composition contains a semi-synthetic protein carrier and ferric iron. When the carrier dissolves in the duodenum, the trace element is released. At the same time, its absorption improves and the gastric mucosa does not suffer.

    Ferlatum protein solution ("liquid iron") is taken orally.

    ferric hydroxide

    These are drugs that contain polymaltose, dextran or sucrose complexes.

    In the digestive tract, the polymaltose complex is stable, so it is absorbed much more slowly through the mucosa compared to ferrous iron. Its structure resembles ferritin as much as possible, therefore, unlike ferrous iron salts, poisoning the body when taking such a drug is almost impossible. After the introduction of these complexes intramuscularly or intravenously through the kidneys, they are almost not excreted. They do not have a pro-oxidant effect.

    Experts distinguish a number of advantages from polymaltose complexes:

    • Safety of use due to very low toxicity. There is no poisoning, even if a person, not knowing how to take this medicine correctly, applied too much of a dose.
    • Good tolerance and high efficiency. The agent is better tolerated by patients than conventional iron salts, and causes fewer side effects.
    • When the drug is taken orally, there is no interaction with food. Therefore, the treatment does not depend on the intake of food, diet. The tool can be added to drinks for convenience.
    • Even if these medicines are taken for a long time, there is no staining of the teeth, as is the case when taking iron preparations.

    How much iron is contained in the medicines that were described above:

    • syrup
    • tablets
    • oral solution
    • oral drops
    • injection
    • 10 mg per ml
    • 100 mg per tablet
    • 100 mg in vial
    • 50 mg per ml
    • 100 mg in an ampoule
    • oral solution
    • 40 mg in vial
    • ampoules with solution for intravenous administration
    • 100 mg in an ampoule
    • for injection
    • chewable tablets
    • syrup
    • 100 mg in an ampoule
    • 100 mg per tablet
    • 10 mg vml
    • capsules
    • syrup
    • 34.5 mg per capsule
    • 6.87 mg per ml
    • 9.48 mg per ml
    • solution for parenteral administration
    • 100 mg in an ampoule
    • tablets
    • 80 mg per tablet
    • tablets
    • 100 mg per tablet
    • solution for intravenous administration
    • 50 mg in an ampoule

    vitamins with iron

    Often adults and children are prescribed vitamins with iron content. Why such complexes are needed depends on the state of the person. Iron-containing vitamins are widely represented in modern pharmacology. Due to the fact that women experience frequent blood loss, vitamins with iron for women can be taken as a preventive measure.

    With anemia in women, Tardiferon is often prescribed, as well as Sorbifer Durules, which contains, in addition to iron, ascorbic acid. For pregnant women, the complexes Gestalis, Fenyuls, etc. are often prescribed.

    There are also special vitamins with iron for children with improved taste and aroma.

    What should be remembered when taking iron supplements?

    Before you treat anemia in adults and children by using oral iron preparations, you need to read the instructions and take into account a number of important principles.

    • Do not take such drugs at the same time as drugs that reduce their absorption. These are calcium preparations, Levomycetin, antacids, tetracyclines.
    • So that dyspeptic side effects are not disturbed during treatment, enzyme agents can be used during treatment - Pancreatin, Festal.
    • Contribute to the absorption of such drugs can: ascorbic, succinic, citric acids, sorbitol. Therefore, the treatment regimen sometimes contains those substances that activate the synthesis of hemoglobin. These are copper, cobalt, vitamins C, E, A, B1, B6.
    • It is optimal to take such medicines between meals, because food reduces the concentration of iron. In addition, salts, alkalis and acids from food with iron can form insoluble compounds.
    • It is important to individually calculate the daily iron requirement for the patient and set the duration of the course of treatment. Therefore, the doctor takes into account how much trace element is contained in the prescribed medicine and how it is absorbed.
    • Be sure to take into account how the drug is transferred. If negative effects appear, the drug is poorly tolerated, it is replaced by another. Anemia is treated by initially prescribing a minimum dose, and then gradually increasing it. As a rule, the treatment process is long. First, the patient receives therapeutic doses of the drug for about 2 months. Then, for another 2-3 months, he takes prophylactic doses.
    • The dosage for treatment is calculated based on the daily dose of iron.
    • The duration of treatment is determined by how quickly the hemoglobin values ​​return to normal. Iron deficiency anemia is corrected by half in about three weeks. After two months of proper therapy, she is completely cured. But the drug is not canceled, since for several more months there is a gradual saturation of the reserves of this microelement in the body.
    • If a patient has intolerance to a particular drug, then replacing it with another drug may not solve the problem. After all, it is iron that negatively affects the digestive tract. In such a situation, the drug is recommended to be taken after meals or to reduce the dosage. In this case, the saturation period of the body will be extended to six months.
    • It is recommended to take iron supplements for 7-10 days. monthly for girls and women. In this way, primary prevention of anemia can be ensured.

    If it is not possible to overcome anemia, despite taking medications, you should pay attention to the following facts:

    • whether the patient took pills, whether he adhered to the correct dosage;
    • whether a person has an iron absorption disorder;
    • perhaps, we are talking about anemia of another origin.

    Iron supplements during pregnancy

    Expectant mothers diagnosed with anemia should ask their doctor which drug is better to choose during pregnancy.

    Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy or anemia associated with vitamin B12 deficiency is not uncommon. Treatment of anemia during pregnancy is carried out with the same drugs as in the normal state. Nutrition for anemia in adult women should also be appropriate - complete and include iron-containing foods (legumes, buckwheat, bran, dried fruits, oatmeal, etc.).

    Sometimes such drugs are prescribed to the expectant mother for prevention purposes. The doctor must take into account the level of hemoglobin, as well as when anemia was diagnosed - during pregnancy or earlier.

    If the expectant mother does not have anemia, she is prescribed prophylactic medication in doses of iron per day in the third trimester.

    If a woman has a tendency to anemia associated with iron deficiency, prophylaxis is carried out for about a week. In this case, you need to take 2-3 r. per week mg trace element.

    Provided that such a condition was diagnosed in a woman during pregnancy, it is shown to drink pomg per day.

    Pregnant women who suffered from anemia and before conception are shown to drink 200 mg of an iron preparation throughout the entire period of bearing a baby. During lactation, the medication should be continued.

    Who should not take iron supplements?

    You can not take such medicines in the following cases:

    • with blood oncology - with different types of leukemia;
    • with hemolytic and aplastic anemia;
    • in case of chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys;
    • simultaneously with tetracyclines, calcium preparations, antacids;
    • with foods that are high in calcium, fiber, or caffeine.

    What side effects are possible

    When taken orally

    Iron tablets and other oral forms can cause digestive side effects. This may be noted if the patient takes iron vitamins in tablets or preparations with ferrous iron, the name of which can be found above. At the same time, the price of iron tablets does not matter: all these drugs provoke similar side effects. This must be taken into account when choosing a medicine for pregnant women, for children.

    The most easily tolerated in anemia is iron hydroxide polymaltose, which, when taken, reduces the frequency of side effects by half. Reviews indicate that such tablets for anemia are best perceived by the body.

    As side effects are possible: nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, flatulence, constipation. Often there are allergic manifestations - rash, itching.

    It is important to know that the darkening of feces during treatment is normal, because this is how unabsorbed iron is excreted from the body.

    Use intramuscularly, intravenously

    Possible manifestations are:

    What happens with an overdose

    In case of an overdose, most of the side effects indicated above can develop - nausea, impaired consciousness, lowering blood pressure, vomiting, weakness, signs of hyperventilation, etc. In such a situation, you need to wash the stomach, induce vomiting, drink milk and a raw egg. Further symptomatic treatment is carried out.

    If an overdose has occurred when administered intramuscularly or intravenously, acute iron overload may occur.

    List of iron-containing drugs for anemia

    Iron is an indispensable mineral for the human body, participating in its main internal processes. The lack of this trace element causes a cascade of negative consequences on the part of organs and systems. Pharmacology presents an extensive list of iron-containing drugs for anemia that can restore the necessary concentration of this mineral in the body.

    Ferroforte ​B​+​C

    The drug belongs to food biologically active additives. It is presented in the form of tablets and syrup, the main active ingredients of which are iron citrate, a complex of vitamins (C, B12, B1, B2, B6, folic acid). The composition does not contain gluten, yeast, sweeteners, lactose, alcohol. This iron-containing preparation is indicated for the elderly and people of other ages, pregnant women, athletes, during the period of recovery and rehabilitation after diseases and operations. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms that accompany iron deficiency (malaise, headache, depression, dizziness, and others).

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, diabetes mellitus.


    The drug is presented in the form of drops for oral administration, the active ingredients are iron sulfate, which eliminates iron deficiency in the body, and serine, an amino acid that improves the absorption of this mineral and its entry into the systemic circulation. It is considered one of the cheapest iron-containing drugs.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, sideroahrestic, lead anemia, thalassemia, iron concentration in the body in excess of the norm, anemia not caused by iron deficiency, galactose or fructose intolerance, impaired glucose-galactose digestibility, sucrose-isomaltase deficiency.

    Side effects: stool disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting. Skin hypersensitivity reactions may occur. A common side effect of iron-containing drugs is the acquisition of a dark (black) color in feces.


    The active ingredient of the drug is iron (III) hydroxide sucrose complex. This iron-containing drug is used intravenously, presented as a solution. The maximum concentration of the microelement is observed 10 minutes after administration, which ensures rapid replenishment of the deficiency. This quality allows Venofer to top the list of the best iron-containing drugs for low hemoglobin.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, anemia not due to iron deficiency, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, violation of iron utilization, 1st trimester of pregnancy.

    Side effects: fainting, headache, dizziness, lowering blood pressure, tachycardia, flushing, feeling hot, collaptoid conditions, bronchospasm, shortness of breath, abdominal pain, diarrhea, peripheral edema, nausea, vomiting, myalgia, pain in the back, limbs , hypersensitivity reactions.

    Hemopherum prolongatum

    The drug is presented in the form of a dragee, the active ingredient is iron sulfate. The drug is easily absorbed and effectively stabilizes the concentration of iron in the blood. This iron-containing preparation is indicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, donors. It is used to restore the body after blood loss (childbirth, surgery, bleeding).

    Contraindications: anemia not associated with iron deficiency, malabsorption, metabolism of this microelement, its increased concentration in the blood. You should not allow an excess of iron in the body, combining means to increase it in order to avoid toxic reactions. Therefore, to the question whether it is possible to ​Hematogen​with ​iron-containing drugs, the answer is no.

    Side effects: tightness behind the sternum, headaches, abdominal pain, dizziness, stool disorders, nausea, black feces, redness of the face.


    The drug is presented in the form of capsules, confectionery bar. Refers to bioadditives, the active ingredient is purified, processed and lipophilically dried hemoglobin from the blood of farm animals. This iron-containing preparation is indicated for children, pregnant and lactating women, athletes, during rehabilitation after severe, including oncological, diseases. Effectively increases the level of hemoglobin without the use of additional drugs. How to take an iron-containing drug is prescribed by the doctor, based on the age of the patient and his condition. The course of treatment is carried out until the normalization of iron in the blood. May be taken for prevention.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, diabetes, overweight.

    Side effects: not identified.

    Gemsineral -TD

    The drug is presented in the form of capsules, its active components are iron fumarate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. How quickly an iron supplement will help depends on the patient's condition. With iron deficiency, the absorption of the drug is higher, it also increases when it is used between meals. Take capsules for at least 1-1.5 months. For quick absorption of the drug and acceleration of the therapeutic effect, a diet is recommended when taking iron-containing drugs: limit dairy products, tea, coffee (a couple of hours before using the remedy), eat foods rich in proteins, iron.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, anemia not due to iron deficiency, excess iron, gastrointestinal ulcer, liver failure, acute hepatitis, age under 18, pregnancy (1 trimester).

    Side effects: dyspepsia, metallic taste in the mouth, hypersensitivity reactions, hemochromatosis, pain in the heart.


    The medicine is presented in the form of tablets, the active ingredient of which is iron sulfate hydrate. The use of this iron-containing preparation is shown for nursing mothers, pregnant women, with prolonged bleeding, impaired absorption of iron, unbalanced nutrition. Also used for prophylactic purposes.

    Contraindications: anemia not caused by a lack of iron and folic acid, excess iron, violation of its utilization, obstructive deformities of the gastrointestinal tract, esophageal stenosis, age up to 18 years, hypersensitivity.

    Side effects: soreness in the epigastrium, stool disorders, nausea. It is possible that black stools may appear from iron-containing drugs, which has no clinical significance.


    The drug is presented in the form of syrup and capsules. In the first case, the active ingredient is a polymaltose complex of iron (III) hydroxide, in the second - iron fumarate, vitamins B12, B6, folic acid. Globiron is included in the rating of iron-containing drugs due to its pronounced medicinal qualities. Ferrous fumarate has a significant amount of elemental iron, the intake of which leads to a rapid effect of therapy. The syrup is distinguished by proven safety of use in pediatrics, good tolerance, and a minimum of side effects.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hemochromatosis, hemolytic anemia, age up to 3 years (for tablets), cirrhosis.

    Side effects: stool disorders, nausea, vomiting. It should be borne in mind that the joint intake of alcohol and iron-containing drugs increases the risk of intoxication.


    This iron-containing drug is presented in ampoules for intramuscular injection. The composition of the drug contains an iron sorbitol complex with citrate in a dextrin solution. The low molecular weight of the substance promotes rapid absorption into the systemic circulation, which leads to its rapid therapeutic effect. Recommended for use in case of intolerance to oral administration and in the presence of contraindications to it (ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract).

    Contraindications: liver dysfunction, hemochromatosis, hemolytic anemia, acute nephritis, stage 2 and 3 hypertension, coronary insufficiency.

    Side effects: soreness at the injection site, hypersensitivity reactions, metallic taste in the mouth, facial flushing, dizziness, vomiting, brown skin.


    The drug is presented in the form of a solution for intramuscular and intravenous administration, the active ingredient is iron (III) dextran hydroxide. The drug is characterized by low toxicity, since iron is in a non-ionic, water-soluble form. The drug is indicated for severe iron deficiency anemia, with intolerance to oral forms, in order to quickly eliminate iron deficiency.

    Contraindications: anemia not due to iron deficiency, an excess of this mineral, bronchial asthma, hypersensitivity, cirrhosis of the liver and hepatitis in the stage of decompensation, infectious diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, acute renal failure, pregnancy (1 trimester), age up to 18 years.

    Side effects: hypersensitivity reactions, shortness of breath, dyspepsia, headache, decreased pressure, swollen lymph nodes, pain in muscles and joints, increased blood bilirubin and decreased calcium, reactions at the injection site.


    The drug is presented in the form of chewable tablets, syrup, solution for intramuscular injection, drops. The active ingredient is iron (III) hydroxide polymaltose. The drug is intended for the treatment of latent iron deficiency and a clinically pronounced form. The drug is recommended for pregnant, lactating women, the elderly, children, blood donors, vegetarians. For children, the medicine is prescribed in the form of drops or syrup.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the drug, excess iron, violation of its utilization, anemia not caused by iron deficiency.

    Side effects: headache, dyspepsia, stool disorders, darkening of feces, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, discoloration of tooth enamel, rash, itching.


    The drug is presented in the form of capsules and elixir. In the first case, the active components are iron fumarate, vitamin C, zinc sulfate, cyanocobalamin, folic acid. The components of the elixir include ammonium iron citrate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin. The combined composition of the drug is aimed at stabilizing the processes of hematopoiesis in the body. Ranferon-12 effectively compensates for iron deficiency, accompanied by a lack of folic acid.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, anemia not due to iron deficiency, tardive skin porphyria, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, Leber's optic nerve atrophy.

    Side effects: dyspepsia, stool disorders, flatulence, epigastric pain, metal taste in the mouth, loss of appetite, headache, discoloration of tooth enamel.

    Sorbifer Durules

    The drug is presented in the form of tablets, the active ingredients of which are anhydrous iron (III) sulfate and vitamin C. The interaction of these components provides a more effective result of therapy. Ferrous sulfate eliminates iron deficiency in the body, ascorbic acid promotes enhanced and complete absorption of the active substance. A gradual increase in the concentration of the mineral in the digestive tract minimizes the risk of an irritating effect on its shell.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, obstructive defects of the gastrointestinal tract, esophageal stenosis, excess iron in the body, violation of its utilization, age up to 12 years.

    Side effects: stool disorders, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, rarely ulcers, esophageal stenosis, hypersensitivity reactions, skin hyperthermia, headache.


    The drug is presented in the form of tablets, the active ingredients are iron sulfate, ascorbic acid, mucoproteose. The drug effectively compensates for the lack of iron, which leads to a regression of the symptoms of a mineral deficiency: dizziness, tachycardia, fatigue, malaise, and so on. Ascorbic acid improves the absorption of the microelement, mucoproteosis contributes to good tolerability of the drug.

    Contraindications: anemia not associated with iron deficiency, excess iron, violation of its utilization, obstructive defects of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal obstruction, stenosis of the esophagus, acute bleeding from the digestive tract, fructose intolerance, impaired absorption of glucose-galactose, age up to 6 years, hypersensitivity .

    Side effects: upset stool, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, skin hypersensitivity reactions.


    The drug is presented in the form of a solution for oral administration, the active components of which are iron, manganese, copper. The medicine is indicated for the complex treatment of iron deficiency anemia, for the prevention of a deficiency of this microelement in various population groups (pregnant women, lactating women, children, the elderly, athletes). Minerals in the composition of the drug are actively involved in the redox processes of the body, gradually stabilizing the patient's condition.

    Contraindications: anemia not associated with iron deficiency, excess iron, ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, lead poisoning, age under 3 years, hypersensitivity.

    Side effects: disorders of the stool, pain in the epigastrium, the acquisition of dark feces, nausea, vomiting, darkening of the enamel of the teeth.


    The drug is presented in the form of capsules, which contain a multivitamin complex: iron sulfate, vitamin C, B2, B6, PP, B1, pantothenic acid. The effect of the drug on the body is due to the interaction of its components. B vitamins and ascorbic acid contribute to better absorption of iron. The drug is intended for the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency conditions of various etiologies: with heavy and prolonged menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, children during intensive growth, during recovery and rehabilitation after diseases, surgery.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis.

    Side effects: dyspepsia, hypersensitivity reactions, dizziness.


    The Russian-made iron-containing preparation is presented in the form of vials containing an aqueous solution of the iron-sorbitol complex. Designed for intramuscular injection, it is a powerful stimulator of hematopoietic processes in the body. It is indicated for iron deficiency states of various etiologies, with intolerance to oral forms of drugs in this group, in the presence of contraindications to their administration (ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract). Effective use in children with iron deficiency anemia, including premature babies.

    Contraindications: impaired absorption and metabolism of iron, liver dysfunction, acute nephritis.

    Side effects: the drug is well tolerated. There may be pain at the injection site. In this case, the drug can be administered in a 0.5% novocaine solution.


    The drug is presented in ampoules for intravenous administration. It contains iron saccharate, cobalt gluconate, carbohydrate solution. The drug is used to quickly compensate for the lack of iron in the body, especially in case of intolerance and poor absorption of other drugs in this group. Cobalt in the composition of Ferkoven enhances the formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis).

    Contraindications: liver pathology, hemochromatosis, coronary insufficiency, stage 2 and 3 hypertension.

    Side effects: hyperemia of the skin of the face and neck, a pressing feeling in the chest, pain in the lower back. Negative consequences can be eliminated by subcutaneous administration of an analgesic and 0.5 milliliters of a 0.1% solution of atropine.


    The drug is presented in the form of a solution for oral administration. The active ingredient is iron protein succinylate. The chemical formula of the compound is the interaction of ferric ions with protein structures of a semi-synthetic nature. The protein part has a protective effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract in the process of iron absorption. Recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Long courses of therapy (more than six months) are possible for chronic bleeding (with hemorrhoids, menorrhagia).

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, lead, sideroahrestic, megaloblastic anemia, hemochromatosis, chronic pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis.

    Side effects: stool disorders, pain in the epigastrium.


    The drug is presented in the form of a solution for intravenous administration. Active active ingredient - sodium-iron-gluconate complex. The hematopoietic effect of the drug contributes to an increase in the concentration of iron, with regular course use, it effectively eliminates the symptoms of a deficiency of this mineral.

    Side effects: dyspepsia, stool disorders, skin flushing, dizziness, abdominal pain, difficulty breathing, back pain, drop in blood pressure, collapse. Usually, negative effects are observed with the rapid intravenous administration of a medicinal substance in persons with a labile nervous system.


    The drug is presented in the form of tablets and syrup for oral administration. The active ingredient is iron gluconate. The active component of the drug is well absorbed and absorbed by the body, acts as a stimulator of hematopoietic processes, eliminating the iron deficiency state. For children, the drug is prescribed in the form of a syrup. It should be borne in mind that antacids impair the absorption of iron-containing drugs.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, hemolytic anemia.

    Side effects: dyspepsia, stool disorders, nausea, vomiting, hyperemia of the skin, abdominal pain, dizziness, hypersensitivity reactions to the components of the drug.


    The drug is presented in the form of tablets, the active ingredient is ferrous sulfate (divalent). The drug is characterized by a prolonged release of the active ingredient, which reduces its irritating effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract. Ferrous sulfate is characterized by high activity in eliminating iron deficiency, and the drug is also used to prevent these conditions.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, intestinal obstruction, diverticulitis, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, age up to 12 years, persons who need regular blood transfusion.

    Side effects: dyspepsia, stool disorders, darkening of feces, hypersensitivity reactions.

    Ferrum Lek

    The drug is presented in the form of chewable tablets, syrup, solution for intramuscular injection. The active active ingredient is iron (III) polymaltose hydroxide. The medicine has antianemic, compensating iron deficiency effects. During therapy, there is a gradual elimination of the symptoms of the condition (tachycardia, dizziness, dry skin, malaise, etc.), as well as stabilization of laboratory parameters in the blood.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, excess iron, violation of its utilization, anemia not caused by iron deficiency, age up to 12 years (for tablets).

    Side effects: abdominal pain, stool disorders, dyspepsia, hypersensitivity reactions, hypotension, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, malaise, headache.


    The drug is presented in the form of capsules, the active ingredient of which is iron fumarate. This substance is characterized by rapid and complete absorption, which ensures a quick result of therapy. Heferol eliminates the manifestations of iron deficiency in the body (latent and pronounced), stabilizes the peripheral blood picture, improves the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, lactase deficiency, impaired absorption of glucose-galactose, galactosemia, hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, anemia not associated with iron deficiency, age up to 12 years.

    Side effects: dyspepsia, epigastric pain, darkening of feces, stool disorders, metal taste in the mouth, hypersensitivity reactions.

    An overview of iron supplements for anemia

    Iron deficiency anemia is considered a very common disease that impairs a person's quality of life. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in women, but it can also overtake men. At the same time, patients complain of severe weakness, dizziness, headaches.

    From the side of appearance and general health, the following changes are observed:

    1. Dry skin.
    2. Excessive pallor.
    3. Hair loss.
    4. Increased brittleness of nails.
    5. Tachycardia.
    6. Dyspnea.
    7. Decreased blood pressure.

    A person loses vital energy, becomes weak, lethargic and inactive. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to take blood tests that show a decrease in hemoglobin levels and low iron levels. When confirming the diagnosis, it is required to take special iron-containing drugs, which are selected by a specialist.

    The role of iron in the body

    Iron plays an important role in the coordinated work of the human body. It takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, therefore, with anemia, a person experiences such severe discomfort. Normally, the body has no more than 3.5 mg of iron, most of which is in hemoglobin.

    This substance is not synthesized on its own, but comes with food. The excess is deposited in the liver in the form of hemosiderin, due to which the deficiency of this element is then replenished. If all the reserves are over, then oxygen starvation sets in with all the ensuing consequences.

    Causes of iron deficiency

    Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by various reasons, so the treatment should be selected by a specialist. Only he will reveal the origins of the disease, find means that will act faster and safer.

    Common causes of anemia:

    1. Internal bleeding.
    2. Pregnancy, childbirth and lactation.
    3. Abundant menses.
    4. The presence of chronic inflammatory processes.
    5. Pathology of the intestines and digestive system.
    6. Improper diet low in iron.
    7. Increased physical activity without dietary modification.

    With gastritis, peptic ulcer and erosion, the absorption of iron is disrupted, against which anemia develops.

    If a woman has painful and profuse menstruation every month, she loses a huge amount of iron.

    If on such days the diet is not adjusted, weakness occurs, up to fainting. In a similar way, internal bleeding that accompanies many intestinal diseases, fibroids and hemorrhoids affects.

    During pregnancy, the body needs more iron, as it also goes to the development of the embryo. With a lack of this element, the development of the baby's internal organs is disrupted, and the mother's well-being also worsens.

    Similar changes occur during HS, when many nutrients are given with the baby's milk. For prevention, doctors prescribe iron preparations to girls of childbearing age. The prescribed medicine for anemia is used several days a month to stabilize the state of health.

    Vegetarians often experience anemia due to a lack of protein in their diet. To prevent problems, you should take special supplements. Also, special attention should be paid to the nutrition of athletes, since increased physical activity requires a huge amount of oxygen.

    If a person does not take into account this feature, fainting, dizziness and problems with the work of the cardiovascular system are possible. For any ailment, you should visit a doctor and go through a complete examination to avoid more serious changes.

    Modern drugs for the treatment of anemia

    With low hemoglobin, specialists prescribe an examination, after which they select special drugs for treatment. The doctor takes into account the general condition of the patient, and the presence of concomitant pathologies, and financial situation. Some medicines are characterized by too high cost, so the doctor is obliged to consult with the patient. Only through joint work is it possible to choose such a scheme of influence that will give the maximum result and will suit both parties.

    Traditionally, two types of iron supplements are prescribed for anemia:

    Preparations containing ferrous iron

    Iron is one of the indispensable elements that ensure the stable functioning of the body. Basically, this trace element enters the body with food - there are a number of products in which the level of iron content is very high. But in some cases, even the active use of such peculiar foods does not help to maintain the balance of iron in the body - in this case, doctors diagnose the type and prescribe therapy with specific drugs.

    Table of contents:

    Key facts about iron preparations

    In the dosage form, the useful trace element in question can be contained in two different forms:

    • divalent form- iron preparations are absorbed quickly and fully, are administered orally (orally by swallowing);
    • trivalent form- drugs are absorbed worse, are administered by injection.

    The iron-containing drug is absorbed in the digestive tract, but this process requires the presence of a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Therefore, if a patient is prescribed therapy with iron-containing drugs, but he has previously been diagnosed with insufficient production of hydrochloric acid, the patient must take medications that increase the acidity of gastric juice in parallel.

    There is a certain differentiation of substances that enhance or reduce the absorption of iron preparations:

    • fructose, succinic acid, cysteine ​​and ascorbic acid - increase;
    • tannin, phosphoric acid, tetracycline, almagel - lower.

    Naturally, the latter substances should be excluded when using drugs containing iron.

    Iron preparations for oral use

    We recommend reading:

    When diagnosing iron deficiency anemia, doctors usually prescribe medications to be taken by mouth. The dosage is set strictly on an individual basis, but there are also general recommendations - adults usually need to consume 2 mg per kilogram of weight and, as a rule, this is 100-200 mg of the drug per day, extremely rarely - 300 mg.

    If the dose of the iron-containing preparation was chosen correctly, then after a few days of therapy the patient begins to feel better, the standard symptoms of iron deficiency anemia practically disappear. In the first 5-7 days of taking drugs with iron content, the first positive changes in the results of laboratory blood tests appear - the number of reticulocytes begins to grow. And after 60-90 days of regular use of iron-containing preparations, a steady increase in hemoglobin is noted.

    Note:patients will need to take oral iron supplements for quite a long time to restore health. Even if the hemoglobin indicators and the general state of health have already stabilized, it is impossible to stop therapy - it is necessary to create a supply of the microelement in the body. But at the time of "storage" of iron in the body, you do not need to take the prescribed daily dose of drugs - the doctor, based on the results of laboratory blood tests, usually adjusts the dosage to reduce it by 2 times.

    Taking iron supplements orally (by mouth) may be accompanied by the development of side effects:

    • and vomiting, appearing regardless of the use of food;
    • loss of appetite, and in some cases a complete aversion to food;
    • pronounced metallic taste in the mouth;
    • disruption of the intestines - or.

    Often, against the background of the use of iron-containing drugs orally (orally), a gray coating on tooth enamel may appear, so doctors recommend either rinsing your mouth thoroughly immediately after taking the medication, or drinking it through a straw if the remedy is in liquid form.

    There are a number of conditional contraindications, that is, iron preparations can be prescribed, but their use should be under constant monitoring of the patient's condition by medical professionals. Conditional contraindications include:

    • and/or duodenum;
    • enteritis of various etiologies.

    Doctors do not prescribe iron supplements at the same time as drugs that reduce the level of gastric acidity, belong to the group of tetracycline antibiotics. This precaution is necessary to ensure maximum absorption of iron into the body.

    Medicines for anemia in tablet form

    The following are iron-containing drugs that are commonly prescribed for treatment of iron deficiency anemia:

    1. Aktiferrin - belongs to the group of combined drugs, is available in the form of capsules and drops.
    2. Hemofer prolongatum - the main active ingredient is iron, is available in tablet form.
    3. Tardiferon - tablets, which contain, in addition to iron, ascorbic acid and mucoproteose.
    4. Ferrogradumet - is available in the form of tablets with a shell, the composition contains ferrous sulfate and a plastic matrix.
    5. Gemsineral -TD - is available in granules, it contains elemental iron, cyanocobalamin and folic acid.
    6. Ferronal and Ferrogluconate - 300 mg tablets, based on ferrous sulfate.
    7. Fenyuls is a combination drug that is available in the form of capsules. The composition contains riboflavin, ascorbic and folic acids, pyridoxine, fructose, yeast, ferrous sulfate, cyanocobalamin, cysteine.
    8. Gino-tardiferon - tablets in which the dose of elemental iron is 80 mg. The composition contains, in addition to the main active substance, folic and ascorbic acids, mucoproteosis.
    9. Heferol - capsules, which contain 100 mg of iron, are made on the basis of fumaric acid.
    10. Globiron - gelatin capsules, which contain ferrous sulfate, vitamins B6 and B12,.
    11. Totem - is available as a solution for oral administration (inside) in 10 ml ampoules. Contains sucrose, copper and sodium benzoate/citrate.
    12. Ranferon-12 - is available in two pharmacological forms: elixir and capsules. In the first case, the iron content in 5 ml is 41 mg, and one capsule contains 100 mg of elemental iron.
    13. Sorbifer Durulis - capsules containing 100 mg of iron.

    Which of the listed iron preparations will be prescribed by a doctor is determined on an individual basis. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to make a choice on your own.

    Iron preparations for parenteral use

    We will talk about the injection of iron preparations. You need to know that they are assigned only under certain circumstances:

    Iron preparations in the form of injections are also prescribed if it is necessary to quickly and maximally saturate the patient's body with iron before the prescribed surgical interventions for hemorrhoids, fibroids and other diseases.

    Note:it is strictly forbidden to inject into the body more than 100 mg of an iron preparation - this dose fully provides the daily requirement for the microelement in question.

    If iron-containing preparations are injected into the patient, then with a high probability the appearance of side effects can be expected:

    • seals (infiltrates) at the injection site of the iron preparation;
    • phlebitis;
    • abscesses at injection sites;
    • allergic reaction - sometimes anaphylactic shock develops immediately;
    • DIC;
    • an overdose of iron in the body.
    1. Ferrum Lek - is available in ampoules of 2 ml, which is identical to 100 mg of elemental iron, is administered intramuscularly. The composition contains iron hydroxide and dextran - they are also the main active ingredients.
    2. Venofer - ampoules of 5 ml, intended for intravenous injection, which is equivalent to 100 mg of iron. The composition contains iron hydroxide sucrose complexes.
    3. Ferkoven - the composition contains iron sucrose, a solution of carbohydrates and cobalt gluconate. Produced in ampoules of 1 ml, intended for intravenous injection.
    4. Zhektofer is a combined preparation, the composition contains an iron-sorbitol-citric-acid complex. Produced in ampoules of 2 ml, the route of administration is intramuscular.
    5. Ferrlecit - the main active ingredient in this preparation is active sodium - an iron gluconate complex. Produced as a solution for injection in ampoules of 1 and 5 ml. in the first case, the drug is administered intramuscularly, and 5 ml ampoules are intended for intravenous administration.
    6. Ferbitol - the basis of this drug is the iron sorbitol complex, is available in 1 ml ampoules for intramuscular injection.

    Iron supplements during pregnancy

    If iron deficiency anemia was diagnosed in a woman during the period of bearing a child, then all of the above drugs are allowed for use as part of therapy. But only a specialist should make appointments - it is often during pregnancy that the daily dosage is reduced. Often, during the period of bearing a child, it is required to take prophylactic iron preparations - in this case, the dose will also be selected individually.

    • if the pregnancy proceeds without any pathologies, then a woman in the third trimester is prescribed iron preparations orally at 30 mg per day;
    • if the pregnancy proceeds within the normal range, but the woman has a tendency to develop iron deficiency anemia, then prophylaxis is carried out during the period of 21-25 weeks of pregnancy - 30 mg twice a week;
    • if iron deficiency anemia is fully diagnosed during pregnancy, then the usual daily dose for a woman is 100-200 mg, depending on the weight of the patient;
    • if iron deficiency anemia was diagnosed in a woman before pregnancy, then she should take iron supplements throughout the pregnancy, and during breastfeeding, 200 mg per day.

    Iron preparations can and should be taken by people both as a treatment for anemia and as part of preventive measures. But the dosage and duration of the course of administration should be determined only by a specialist - a lot depends on the picture of a laboratory blood test, on whether iron deficiency anemia was previously diagnosed, what pathologies are present in the body.

    Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

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