Forced kill. Veterinary and sanitary examination. Respiratory diseases. Veterinary and sanitary examination and evaluation of slaughter products during forced slaughter of animals

Veterinary sanitary examination and evaluation of slaughter products at forced slaughter animals.

Forced slaughter is understood as the deprivation of the life of a sick animal due to the inexpediency or inefficiency of its further treatment in order to prevent fallout. Forced slaughter at meat processing plants is carried out only at a sanitary slaughterhouse. Permission for forced slaughter is given by a veterinarian or paramedic, about which an act is drawn up.

In the case of forced slaughter on the farm of animals that have been ill with foot-and-mouth disease and killed before the expiration of 3 months after the disease, as well as vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease and killed before the expiration of 21 days after vaccination, carcasses and other slaughter products are used on the farm without restriction. They are not allowed to be exported outside the region, territory, republic. Within the republic, these products can be exported to other regions, but only with the permission of the republican veterinary authorities.

If more than 3 months have passed since the removal of quarantine from the farm, animals that have been ill with foot and mouth disease are allowed to be sent to a slaughterhouse, and meat and other slaughter products are sold without restrictions within the country.

The origin of meat from a corpse, sick or killed in an agonal state can be established by organoleptic and laboratory parameters.

Organoleptic indicators. External signs that should be taken into account when determining the meat of a fallen, sick or killed animal in agony are the following: the state of the slaughter site, the degree of bleeding of the carcass, the presence of hypostases and changes in the lymph nodes. In addition, it is necessary to carry out a test by boiling.

Laboratory research. According to the "Rules for Veterinary Examination of Slaughter Animals and Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of Meat and Meat Products" (1983), bacteriological and physico-chemical studies are carried out for forced slaughter, regardless of the cause. AT necessary cases resort to toxicological analysis.

Veterinary and sanitary assessment. If, according to the results of bacteriological and physico-chemical studies, meat and other slaughter products are found suitable for food purposes, then they are sent for boiling or for the manufacture of meat loaves or canned food. The sale of meat from forced slaughter animals in food markets is prohibited. Release of such meat and other slaughter products, regardless of the results laboratory analysis, in its raw form, including in the public catering network (canteens, cafes, etc.), without prior neutralization is prohibited.

When infectious diseases are established by laboratory research, in which animals are not allowed to be slaughtered, the carcass, together with the skin, is destroyed. Carry out veterinary and sanitary measures provided for by the relevant instructions.

If pathogens of infectious diseases are found in the products of slaughter, the carcass and internal organs are used in accordance with the current rules.

If salmonella is found in the carcass or organs, the internal organs are disposed of, and the meat is sent for boiling, processing into meat loaves or canned food.

If in muscle tissue or lymph nodes is found coli, then the meat is sent for processing to boiled or boiled-smoked sausage. When E. coli is isolated only from the internal organs, the latter are boiled, and the carcasses are released without restrictions.

If bacteria of the coccal group, as well as putrefactive microbes (especially from the Proteus group) are found in the deep layers of the muscles or lymph nodes, but with good organoleptic indicators, the meat is sent for boiling or for processing into meat loaves. With organoleptic indicators indicating putrefactive decomposition of meat and meat products or with an unusual smell that does not disappear during the cooking test, such meat and meat products are sent for disposal or destroyed.

Until the results of bacteriological examination are obtained, meat and offal shall be stored in isolated conditions at a temperature not exceeding 4°C.

rental block

Forced slaughter is understood as the deprivation of life of a patient due to the inexpediency or ineffectiveness of his further treatment in order to prevent death. Forced slaughter at meat processing plants is carried out only at a sanitary slaughterhouse. Permission for forced slaughter is given by a veterinarian or paramedic, about which an act is drawn up. The cases of forced slaughter do not include: 1) slaughter wedge healthy with body temperature norms that cannot be fattened to the required conditions; lagging behind in growth and development; barren; low-productive; 2) slaughter of healthy women who are threatened with death and who are forced to kill as a result natural disaster; 3) slaughter of healthy women who were injured before slaughter at a meat processing plant, slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse or slaughter site. The following shall not be slaughtered for meat: 1) female, sick and suspected of suffering from anthrax, EMKAR, rinderpest, rabies, tetanus, avian influenza. 2) women who are in an agonal state regardless of the reasons that caused this state. A female, killed in agony, is considered as a corpse and is subject to disposal or destruction due to the disease that caused this condition; 3) young slaughter under 2 weeks of age. 4) during the first 14 days after vaccination with vaccines against anthrax or subjected to treatment with anthrax serum and within 21 days after vaccination against foot-and-mouth disease. 5) one-hoofed animals not subjected to malleinization at a meat-packing plant or a slaughterhouse. 6) women within 30 days, and poultry - 10 days after the last feeding of fish, fish waste or fish meal. When animals are slaughtered earlier than these dates, carcasses and internal organs have a clearly defined fishy smell. They are disposed of; 7) f-f, to-m used antibiotics with therapeutic and preventive purpose within the period specified in the "Manual on the use of antibiotics in veterinary medicine"; 8) animals treated with pesticides before the expiration of the deadlines specified in the "List chemicals recommended for the treatment of farm animals against insects and mites, and the period of restrictions according to the instructions for their use. The origin of meat from a corpse, sick or killed in an agonal state can be established by organoleptic and laboratory indicators. sun score. If, according to the results of the study, the meat is found suitable for food purposes, then they are sent for boiling or for the manufacture of meat loaves or canned food. When establishing a laboratory research IB, the carcass, along with the skin, is destroyed. E, salmonella was found in the carcass or organs, the internal organs were disposed of, and the meat is sent for boiling, processing into meat loaves or canned food. Until the results of the bacteriological study are obtained, meat and offal must be stored in an isolation room at a temperature not exceeding 4 ° C.

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The procedure for the forced slaughter of animals and the study of meat

1. "Rules for veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products»

In case of forced slaughter of animals at a meat processing plant, slaughterhouse, on farms due to a disease or other reasons that threaten the life of an animal, as well as in cases requiring long-term, economically unjustified treatment, a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and other slaughter products is carried out in the usual manner. . Besides, in without fail conduct a bacteriological and, if necessary, physico-chemical examination, but with a mandatory test of cooking to identify foreign odors, uncharacteristic of meat. Forced slaughter of animals is carried out only with the permission of a veterinarian (paramedic). Ante-mortem holding of animals delivered to a meat processing plant for forced slaughter is not carried out. On the reasons for the forced slaughter of animals on farms, an act must be drawn up, signed veterinarian. This act and conclusion veterinary laboratory on the results of a bacteriological examination of the carcass of a forcedly slaughtered animal, together with a veterinary certificate, must accompany the indicated carcass upon delivery to the meat processing plant, where it is repeatedly subjected to bacteriological examination. In case of suspected poisoning of an animal with pesticides and other pesticides, it is necessary to have a conclusion from a veterinary laboratory on the results of meat testing for the presence of pesticides.

Transportation of meat of forcedly slaughtered animals from farms to meat industry enterprises must be carried out in compliance with the current veterinary and sanitary rules for the transportation of meat products. In order to ensure the correct examination of the meat of forcedly slaughtered sheep, goats, pigs and calves, it must be delivered to the meat processing plant in carcasses, and the meat of large cattle, horses and camels - whole carcasses, half carcasses and quarters and placed in a separate refrigerator compartment. Half carcasses and quarters are tagged to establish that they belong to the same carcass. The carcasses of pigs forcedly killed on farms must be delivered to the meat processing plant with their heads not separated. When delivering the meat of animals forcedly killed on farms to the meat processing plant, in salted form, each barrel must contain corned beef from one carcass. Carcasses of animals forcedly killed en route without pre-slaughter veterinary examination, delivered to the meat processing plant without veterinary certificate(certificate), the veterinary act on the reasons for the forced slaughter and the conclusion of the veterinary laboratory on the results of bacteriological examination, it is prohibited to take to the meat processing plant. If, according to the results of the examination, bacteriological and physico-chemical studies, meat and other products of forced slaughter are found suitable for use in food, then they are sent for boiling, as well as for the manufacture of meat loaves or canned food "Goulash" and "Meat Pate". The release of this meat and other slaughter products in raw form, including in the public catering network (canteens, etc.), without prior disinfection by boiling is prohibited. Note. Cases of forced slaughter do not include: slaughter of clinically healthy animals that cannot be fattened to the required conditions, lagging behind in growth and development, unproductive, barren, but having normal temperature body; slaughter of healthy animals that are threatened with death as a result of a natural disaster (snow drifts on winter pastures, etc.), as well as those injured before slaughter at a meat processing plant, slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse; forced slaughter of livestock at meat-packing plants is carried out only at a sanitary slaughterhouse.

2. Sampling, packaging and shipment of samples to the veterinary laboratory

According to the above rules of veterinary medical examination, depending on the proposed diagnosis and the nature of the pathoanatomical changes, the following are sent for bacteriological examination: a part of the flexor or extensor muscle of the fore and hind limbs of the carcass, covered with a fascia at least 8 cm long, or a piece of another muscle at least 8x6x6 cm in size; The lymph nodes- from cattle - superficial cervical or actually axillary and external iliac, and from pigs - superficial cervical dorsal (in the absence of pathological changes in the head and neck) or axillary of the first rib and patella; spleen, kidney, liver lobe with a hepatic lymph node (in the absence of a lymph node - gallbladder without bile). When taking part of the liver, kidney, and spleen, the surface of the incisions is cauterized until a scab forms. When examining half carcasses or quarters of carcasses, a piece of muscle, lymph nodes and tubular bone are taken for analysis. When examining the meat of small animals (rabbits, nutria) and poultry, whole carcasses are sent to the laboratory. When examining salted meat in a barrel container, meat samples and existing lymph nodes are taken from the top, from the middle and from the bottom of the barrel, and also, if available, tubular bone and brine. If erysipelas are suspected, in addition to muscles, lymph nodes and internal organs, a tubular bone is sent to the laboratory. For bacteriological examination, the brain, liver lobe and kidney are directed to listeriosis. If anthrax, emkar, malignant edema are suspected, a lymph node of the affected organ or a lymph node collecting lymph from the location of the suspicious focus, edematous tissue, exudate, is sent for examination, and in pigs, in addition, submandibular lymph node. The samples taken for research with the accompanying document are sent to the laboratory in a moisture-proof container, sealed or sealed. When sending samples for research to the production laboratory of the same enterprise where the samples were taken, there is no need to seal or seal them. The accompanying document indicates the type of animal or product, their identity (address), what material was sent and in what quantity, the reason for sending the material for research, what changes were found in the product, the proposed diagnosis, and what kind of research is required (bacteriological, physical chemical, etc.).

Pathological and organoleptic examination. When determining meat from a sick animal killed in an agonal state or a fallen animal, the following must be taken into account: external signs: the state of the site of the cut, the degree of bleeding, the presence of hypostases and the color of the lymph nodes on the incision. The state of the slaughter site. A cut is understood as a place of cutting blood vessels when an animal is slaughtered. To create the appearance of a normally slaughtered animal, owners often make neck incisions in dead animals, rub blood into the incision site, and hang them by hind limbs for better blood flow, etc. There are the following differences between the intravital and postmortem incisions: the intravital incision is uneven due to muscle contraction, the tissues in the incision area are infiltrated (impregnated) with blood to a greater extent, compared to deeper ones. The incision made after the death of the animal is more even, the blood almost does not impregnate the tissues, the blood on the surface of the tissues is easily washed off with water. The tissues do not differ in the degree of blood infiltration in the area of ​​the incision from the tissues located deeper. The degree of bleeding of the carcass. Carcasses obtained from sick animals, and especially from animals that were in an agonal state, or fallen, are poorly or very poorly bled. Carcasses are dark red in color, small and large blood vessels filled with blood are found on cuts. Intercostal vessels look like dark veins. If you separate the shoulder blade from the carcass, you can find vessels filled with blood.

If you put a strip of filter paper (10 cm long and 1.5 cm wide) into a fresh cut and leave it there for several minutes, then in case of poor bleeding, not only the part of the paper that comes into contact with the meat, but also the free its end is 10 ends (this method is not acceptable for thawed meat), adipose tissue has a pink or reddish color. With good bleeding, the meat is crimson or red, the fat is white or yellow, there is no blood on the section of the muscles. The vessels under the pleura and peritoneum are not translucent, the intercostal vessels look like light strands. The color of the lymph nodes on the cut. Lymph nodes on the cut in the carcasses of healthy animals and in a timely manner have a light gray or yellowish color. In the meat of animals seriously ill, killed in an agonal state, or fallen, the lymph nodes on the cut have a lilac-pink color.

In addition, depending on the diseases in the lymph nodes, their increase will be detected, various forms inflammatory processes, hemorrhages, necrosis, hypertrophy. The presence of hypostases. Under hypostases understand the post-mortem and pre-mortem with prolonged agony redistribution (drainage) of blood to the underlying parts of the body. The tissues on the side of the body on which the sick animal lay were saturated with blood to a greater extent. The same is observed on paired organs (kidneys, lungs). Hypostasis should not be confused with bruising. Bruising occurs in subcutaneous tissue as a result of violation of the integrity of blood vessels due to bruises. They are local and superficial in nature, and hypostases are diffuse (diffuse) and, with hypostases, the deep layers of tissues are also infiltrated with blood.

Hypostases can form not only after the death of the animal, but even during life. They can form during prolonged agony, when the animal's cardiac activity is weakened and the blood gradually stagnates in the underlying parts of the body. Thus, the detection of hypostases indicates that the meat was obtained from a dead animal that had lain uncut certain time or from an animal in a state of prolonged agony. If the animal was in an agonal state for a short time and was slaughtered, then hypostases may be absent. Therefore, the absence of hypostases is not yet an indicator that the meat was obtained from a non-agonizing animal. Finding out the fact of obtaining meat from animals that were in an agonal state or fallen is of fundamental importance, since such meat is dangerous to human health and, according to veterinary legislation, is not allowed for food and must be disposed of or destroyed. Cooking test. Meat obtained from seriously ill, in a state of agony or dead animals can be detected to a certain extent using an organoleptic method, the so-called boil test. For this 20 gr. chopped meat to the state of minced meat is placed in a 100 ml conical flask, pour 60 ml. distilled water, mix, cover with a watch glass, put in a boiling water bath and heat to 80-85ºC until vapors appear. Then the lid is slightly opened and the smell and condition of the broth are determined. The broth from the meat of seriously ill, agonizing or fallen animals, as a rule, has an unpleasant or medicinal smell, it is cloudy with flakes. Conversely, the broth from the meat of healthy animals has a pleasant specific meat smell and is transparent. Tasting is not recommended.

3. Physical and chemical studies

According to the "Rules for the Veterinary Examination of Animals and the Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise of Meat and Meat Products", in addition to pathoanatomical, organoleptic and bacteriological analysis meat of forced slaughter, as well as if it is suspected that the animal before slaughter was in a state of agony or was dead, must be subjected to physical and chemical studies. Bacterioscopy. Bacterioscopic examination of smears of prints from the deep layers of muscles, internal organs and lymph nodes is aimed at preliminary (before obtaining the results of bacteriological examination) detection of pathogens infectious diseases(anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, etc.) and contamination of meat conditionally pathogenic microflora(E. coli, Proteus, etc.).

The technique of bacterioscopic research is as follows. Pieces of muscles, internal organs or lymph nodes are cauterized with a spatula or immersed twice in alcohol and set on fire, then a piece of tissue is cut out from the middle with sterile tweezers, a scalpel or scissors and smears are made on a glass slide. Air dry, flambé over a torch flame and Gram stain. The drug is stained through filter paper with a solution of carbolic gentian violet - 2 min., the filter paper is removed, the paint is drained and without washing the drug is treated with Lugol's solution - 2 min., discolored with 95% alcohol - 30 sec., washed with water, stained with Pfeifer fuchsin - 1 min. ., washed again with water, dried and microscoped under immersion. There is no microflora in smears-imprints from the deep layers of meat, internal organs and lymph nodes of healthy animals. In diseases, bacilli or cocci are found in smears-imprints.

A complete definition of the detected microflora can be determined in a veterinary laboratory, for which they do sowing on nutrient media, get pure culture and identify it. Definition of pH. The pH value of meat depends on the content of glycogen in it at the time of slaughter of the animal, as well as on the activity of the intramuscular enzymatic process, which is called meat maturation. Immediately after slaughter, the reaction of the medium in the muscles is slightly alkaline or neutral - equal to - 7. Already a day later, the pH of meat from healthy animals decreases to 5.6-5.8 as a result of the breakdown of glycogen to lactic acid. In the meat of sick or agonized animals of such sharp decline the pH value does not occur, since the muscles of such animals contain less glycogen (consumed during illness as an energy substance), and, consequently, less lactic acid is formed and the pH is less acidic, i.e. higher. The meat of sick and overworked animals is in the range of 6.3-6.5, and agonizing or fallen 6.6 and above, it approaches neutral - 7. It should be emphasized that the meat must be aged for at least 24 hours before the study. These pH values ​​do not have an absolute value, they are indicative, auxiliary in nature, since the pH value depends not only on the amount of glycogen in the muscles, but also on the temperature at which the meat was stored and the time elapsed after the slaughter of the animal. The pH is determined by colorimetric or potentiometric methods. colorimetric method. To determine the pH, the Michaelis apparatus is used, which consists of a standard set of colored liquids in sealed test tubes, a comparator (stand) with six test tube sockets and a set of indicators in vials. First, an aqueous extract (extract) is prepared from muscle tissue in a ratio of 1:4 - one weight part of the muscles and 4 - distilled water. To do this, weigh 20 gr. muscle tissue (without fat and connective tissue) finely grind it with scissors, grind it with a pestle in a porcelain mortar, to which a little water is added from a total of 80 ml. The contents of the mortar are transferred to a flat-bottomed flask, the mortar and pestle are washed with the remaining amount of water, which is poured into the same flask. The contents of the flask are shaken for 3 minutes, then for 2 minutes. defend and again 2 min. shake. The extract is filtered through 3 layers of gauze, and then through a paper filter. First, PH is roughly determined to select the desired indicator. To do this, pour 1-2 ml into a porcelain cup, extracts and add 1-2 drops of a universal indicator.

The color of the liquid obtained by adding the indicator is compared with the color scale available in the kit. With an acid reaction of the medium, the indicator paranitrophenol is taken for further research, with a neutral or alkaline reaction, metanitrophenol.

Test tubes of the same diameter made of colorless glass are inserted into the nests of the comparator and filled as follows: 5 ml are poured into the first, second and third tubes of the first row, 5 ml of distilled water are added to the first and third, 4 ml of water are added to the second and 1 ml, indicator, in 5 test tubes ( middle second row) pour 7 ml of water, insert standard sealed tubes with colored liquid into the fourth and sixth slots, selecting them so that the color of the contents in one of them is the same as the color of the middle tube of the middle row. The pH of the studied extract corresponds to the figure indicated on the standard test tube. If the shade of the color of the liquid in the test tube with the test extract is intermediate between the two standards, then take the average value between the values ​​of these two standard test tubes. When using the micro-Michaelis apparatus, the number of reaction components is reduced by 10 times. potentiometric method. This method is more accurate, but difficult to perform in that it requires constant adjustment of the potentiometer to standard buffer solutions. Detailed description determination of pH in this way is available in the instructions attached to the devices various designs, moreover, the pH value can be determined using potentiometers both in extracts and directly in the muscles.

reaction to peroxidase. The essence of the reaction lies in the fact that the peroxidase enzyme located in the meat decomposes hydrogen peroxide with the formation atomic oxygen, which oxidizes benzidine. In this case, paraquinone diimite is formed, which, with unoxidized benzidine, gives a blue-green compound, turning into brown. During this reaction importance has peroxidase activity. In the meat of healthy animals, it is very active, in the meat of the sick and those killed in agony, its activity is significantly reduced. The activity of peroxidase, like that of any enzyme, depends on the pH of the medium, although there is no complete correspondence between the benzidine reaction and the pH.

Reaction course: 2 ml of meat extract (at a concentration of 1:4) is poured into a test tube, 5 drops of 0.2% are added alcohol solution benzidine and add two drops of 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. The extract from the meat of healthy animals acquires a blue-green color, turning brown-brown after a few minutes (positive reaction). In the extract from the meat of a sick or animal killed in an agonal state, a blue-green color does not appear, and the extract immediately acquires a brown-brown color (negative reaction). Formol test (test with formalin). In severe diseases, even during the life of the animal, intermediate and final products of protein metabolism - polypeptides, peptides, amino acids, etc. - accumulate in the muscles in a significant amount. The essence of this reaction is the precipitation of these products with formaldehyde. To set up the sample, an aqueous extract from meat is required in a ratio of 1:1. To prepare an extract (1:1), a meat sample is freed from fat and connective tissue and weighed 10 g. Then the sample is placed with a mortar, carefully crushed with curved scissors, 10 ml are added. physiological saline and 10 drops of 0.1 n. sodium hydroxide solution. The meat is rubbed with a pestle. The resulting slurry is transferred with scissors or a glass rod into a flask and heated to boiling to precipitate the proteins. The flask is cooled under 15 jet cold water, after which its contents are neutralized by adding 5 drops of a 5% solution of oxalic acid and filtered through filter paper. If the extract remains cloudy after filtration, it is filtered a second time or centrifuged. If you need to get large quantity extracts take 2-3 times more meat and, accordingly, 2-3 times more other components. Commercially produced formalin has an acidic environment, so it is preliminarily neutralized with 0.1 N. sodium hydroxide solution according to the indicator, consisting of an equal mixture of 0.2% aqueous solutions neutral and methylene blue until the color changes from violet to green. Reaction course: 2 ml of extracts are poured into a test tube and 1 ml of neutralized formalin is added. The extract obtained from the meat of an animal killed in agony, seriously ill or fallen, turns into a dense jelly-like clot. In the extract from the meat of a sick animal, flakes fall out. The extract from the meat of a healthy animal remains liquid and transparent or becomes slightly cloudy.

4. Sanitary assessment of meat

veterinary sanitary meat

According to the Rules for the Veterinary Inspection of Slaughter Animals and the Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of Meat and Meat Products, meat is considered to be obtained from a healthy animal if there are good organoleptic indicators of the carcass and the absence of pathogenic microbes.

The organoleptic characteristics of the broth during the cooking test (color, transparency, smell) correspond to fresh meat. The meat of sick animals, as well as those killed in a state of agony, has insufficient or poor bleeding, lilac-pink or bluish color of the lymph nodes. May be found in meat pathogenic microflora. When cooking is sampled, the broth is cloudy, with flakes, it may have an extraneous smell that is not characteristic of meat. Additional indicators in this case can also be a negative reaction to peroxidase, pH - 6.6 and higher, and for cattle meat, in addition, positive reactions: formol and with a solution of copper sulfate, accompanied by the formation of flakes or a jelly-like clot in the extract. Moreover, before determining the pH, setting the reaction to peroxidase, formol and with a solution of copper sulfate, the meat must be subjected to maturation for at least 20-24 hours. If, according to the results of the examination, bacteriological and physico-chemical studies, meat and other products of forced slaughter are recognized as suitable for use in food, then they are sent for boiling, according to the regime established by the Rules, as well as for the manufacture of meat loaves or canned food "Goulash" and " Meat pate. The release of this meat and other slaughter products in raw form, including into the public catering network (canteens, etc.), without preliminary disinfection by inspection, is prohibited.

According to the rules of veterinary sanitary examination, meat and meat products of forced slaughter are disinfected by boiling in pieces weighing no more than 2 kg, up to 8 cm thick in open boilers for 3 hours, in closed boilers at an excess steam pressure of 0.5 MPa for 2.5 hours. Meat is considered disinfected if inside the piece the temperature reaches at least 80ºС; the color of pork on the cut becomes white-gray, and the meat of other animal species is gray, without signs of a bloody tint; juice flowing from the cut surface of a piece of boiled meat is colorless. At meat-packing plants equipped with electric or gas ovens or having canning shops, meat subject to disinfection by boiling is allowed to be sent to the production of meat loaves. When processing meat into meat loaves, the mass of the latter should not exceed 2.5 kg. Bread baking should be carried out at a temperature not lower than 120ºC for 2-2.5 hours, and the temperature inside the product by the end of the baking process should not be lower than 85ºC. For the manufacture of canned food, meat is allowed that meets the requirements for raw materials for canned food - "Goulash" and "Meat pate".

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On farms, poultry farms and other organizations involved in breeding, fattening, keeping, slaughtering birds or animals, an act on the disposal of animals and birds (form SP-54) is useful.

FILES 2 files

In what cases is it issued

The document must be completed in the following cases:

  • slaughter of animals of any of the accounting groups (it can be young animals, fattening heads or from the main herd);
  • cutting birds or animals for any purpose (it must be forced);
  • cases for various reasons;
  • death from natural disasters.

If in fact these processes did not take place, then the paper cannot be filled out.

Important! To perform the usual culling of animals from the main herd (for fattening, sale, etc.) without cutting, another document is drawn up - an act of culling animals from the main herd.

The specificity of pedigree cattle breeding and meat and dairy cattle breeding is that each animal must have its own identification number (in extreme cases, the number of the machine in which the animal is kept). Each bird must also be assigned a number in order to be able to draw up full reports.

About the act

The document was approved by Order No. 25 of the Ministry of Agriculture dated February 1, 2011. It also lists the basic rules for filling it out.

The act can be completed both in printed and electronic form.

But if the second option is chosen, then it is imperative to translate it into printed form at least once a month (or within a month after filling it out). The form has a code according to OKUD 0325054.

What is contained in the form of the act

The paper consists of an introductory part, which must indicate the name of the organization, the name of the farm or site, the sender or recipient, the form according to OKUD and OKPO, the date of compilation and signature.

Important! The date of actual disposal and the date of drawing up the act must be identical.

After the introductory part, there is a table. Each column contains its own information:

  • a group of animals or a species of bird;
  • breed, inventory number, if any, the name of the animal;
  • age;
  • fatness;
  • total number of heads (or pieces);
  • accounting code (the column is filled in by the accountant);
  • reason for leaving;
  • diagnosis (in case);
  • Name of the employee responsible for the animal;
  • signature of the responsible person.

Lines are filled sequentially, without gaps. If after filling out the document there are empty columns of the table, then they are crossed out.

At the end of the paper, one or more acts of culling animals from the main herd may be mentioned (if such work was carried out). These papers are attached to the act and supplement it.

After filling out the paper, the signatures of the veterinarian, farm manager and livestock specialist are mandatory.

If the disposal of pigs is issued, then the shepherd completes the list. If horned cattle, then gurtoprav. In any case, the person who is responsible for keeping the animal must sign.

Is this sample required?

AT old version The paper also indicated the address of the disposal of the animal. Then this document was also relevant during culling, transportation. Information was indicated on the addresses of the consignee in case of sale or cattle burial grounds in case of disposal of sick animals. But now, according to new legislative acts and orders, the document has lost its former specificity and is now used for a narrower purpose.

Also in 2013 came into force the federal law Russian Federation No. 402, according to which all forms of primary documents, in particular, in the field of accounting in agriculture, are not mandatory, but only recommendatory forms.

However, if the company wants to use documents of its own compilation, then their origin must be mentioned in the documents and accounting policies of the institution.

In addition, the generally accepted form is quite convenient and will not raise questions from regulatory organizations in the event of inspections.

Who is compiled

To fill out the document, a commission will be required (each of its members must put their signature). The commission should include the head of the farm, a veterinary technician or a veterinarian (in case of a case), a livestock specialist, as well as an employee responsible for keeping an outgoing animal (or bird).

How fatness is determined

The veterinarian present at the commission must determine the degree of fatness of the outgoing animal or bird. He can carry out visual inspection, and palpation (for example, ischial tuberosities, last ribs, dewlap of a cow, etc.). The degree of fatness of cattle can be:

  • higher;
  • average;
  • below average;
  • skinny.

It happens that special tools are used in the identification process. This is not forbidden.
If it is impossible to determine this item, it is possible to delete the entire column. Naturally, with the introduction of changes in the accounting policy of the company with justification.

Where does the act go after filling

If all members of the commission agree with the content of the act and put their signatures on it, then the paper goes (mandatory on the same day) for consideration to the farm management. Then, when the document is certified by the management, it is transferred to the accounting department. There, on the basis of the information received, entries are made on the accounts.

Note! If the disposal of the animal does not take place in planned, and due to negligence or other violation of the employee, then this act is also drawn up.

Then, on its basis, the accountant revaluates the retired poultry or livestock to the market price and enters the value into the employee's account and collects this amount from him in a legal manner.

Which documents can be attached

Usually, as a result of the slaughter or other disposal of animals and poultry, some product is obtained that is suitable for further use and has value (for example, feathers, meat products).

If it arrives at the warehouse of the same company where the process took place, then the storekeeper signs an invoice stating that material values came to him. This waybill must be attached to the act of disposal of animals (in the attached sample, it is located on the second sheet).

The act must be drawn up in at least 2 copies.

Processing of sick animals is carried out in accordance with veterinary legislation at meat processing plants. The delivery of sick animals to the meat processing plant for immediate processing is carried out in compliance with the relevant veterinary and sanitary rules under the supervision of a veterinary specialist according to a pre-agreed schedule within a strictly specified period. Healthy cattle are not accepted on these days. According to the requirements of the veterinary and sanitary rules, it is prohibited to slaughter animals for meat for food purposes in the cases indicated above. It is allowed to accept animals that respond positively to tuberculosis and other chronic infectious diseases, sick or suspicious of contagious and non-communicable diseases, in which slaughter and the use of meat and other slaughter products for food purposes are possible without restrictions or after appropriate processing provided for by veterinary and sanitary rules . The veterinary certificate must contain a veterinary and sanitary characteristic of sick cattle sent for slaughter, the date of treatment, vaccination, cessation of feeding and the use of antibiotics for preventive and therapeutic purposes, as well as other indicators that limit the use of animal slaughter products for food purposes. When accepting sick animals, the conditions for examination are the same as for healthy ones, but an individual examination is mandatory, and if necessary, thermometry. During the examination, attention is paid to the general condition of the animal, the dryness of the nasal mirror in cattle, the outer cover, the presence of lameness, edema, ulcers, swelling, wounds, red spots, rash, scab. When examining birds, attention is paid to pollution, disheveledness and lack of luster of feathers, blue or blanching of the crest or earrings, contamination of feathers in the cloaca, swelling of the head and earrings, the presence of discharge from the eyes and nasal openings, swelling of the joints, paralysis of the legs or wings, sagging abdomen , exhaustion, etc. In case of incorrect execution of accompanying documents, first of all, a veterinary certificate, suspicion of acutely infectious diseases of animals (death during transportation, deviation of animal body temperature from the norm, etc.), etc., animals are quarantined until the cause is established. Post-mortem veterinary and sanitary examination and sanitary assessment carcasses and internal organs of sick animals are carried out in the order determined by the Rules veterinary and sanitary examination, taking into account the features characteristic of a particular disease. If, during the post-mortem examination of carcasses and organs, pathological and anatomical changes are found that give reason to suspect the presence of infectious diseases, lesions gastrointestinal tract, diseases respiratory organs, purulent nephritis, nephrosis, with septic-pyemic diseases, pericarditis in pigs, as well as with suspicion of contamination with salmonella and other pathogens of food toxic infections, bacteriological research meat. When organoleptically examining slaughter products, a cooking test is required to detect foreign odors. If during the cooking of meat the broth turned out to be cloudy, with flakes, or has an extraneous odor not characteristic of meat, additional physical and chemical studies are carried out. They include determining the pH of meat, setting up a qualitative reaction for peroxidase and protein breakdown products by reactions with neutral formalin (formol reaction) and a solution of copper sulphate. Meat is considered suitable for food purposes in the absence of pathogenic microbes, the presence of good organoleptic characteristics of the carcass, pH values ​​of 5.6-6.2, positive reaction on peroxidase and negative formol reaction and with a solution of copper sulphate. Slaughter products of sick animals in their raw form pose a danger to human health or may cause the spread of contagious diseases among animals, therefore, they are allowed to be released from the enterprise only after neutralization. Method and order sanitization products of slaughter of sick animals are determined by the veterinarian and marked by imposing rectangular veterinary stamps on the carcass. Neutralize slaughter products using high and low temperatures, chemical and other methods. High temperatures used for cooking meat, processing slaughter products by making meat loaves, canned meat, boiled-smoked brisket, loin and sausages. Boiling is the most effective method decontamination of meat and meat products. The meat is divided into pieces up to 8 cm thick and weighing no more than 2 kg and boiled in open boilers for 3 hours, in closed ones for 2.5 hours. The temperature in the thickness of the pieces should be at least 800C. Boiled meat after cooling is sent to the sausage shop, where it is used in the production certain types sausages. The shelf life of meat after cooking is no more than 1-2 days at 0..+20C. In the process of cooking meat, large losses of raw materials occur: for pork (depending on the category of fatness of the carcass) - 35.8-39.7%, for beef - 40-41.3%. It can be seen from this that, along with high efficiency neutralization, this method has certain disadvantages: large weight loss of the product, limitations in terms of storage and further use of boiled meat. Neutralization of meat products by processing into meat loaves weighing no more than 2.5 kg is carried out in special electric or gas ovens. They are baked at a temperature not lower than 1200C for 2-2.5 hours, by the end of processing the temperature inside the product should not be lower than 850C. In some animal diseases, meat that does not have changes in muscle tissue and in the absence of salmonella is allowed to be processed into boiled sausages. The sausage is boiled at 88-900C for at least 1 hour, the temperature inside the loaf should be 750C. Pork can be sent to the manufacture of boiled-smoked brisket and loin. Brisket is cooked at 89-900C for at least 1.5 hours, loin - 1 hour 50 minutes, in the thickness of the product the temperature should be brought up to 800C. The meat of sick animals allowed for the manufacture of boiled and boiled-smoked sausages, as well as when salmonella is detected in the meat, is allowed to be processed into canned food. The technological instruction for the production of canned food provides temperature conditions providing reliable sterilization of raw materials. For example, the sterilization mode for jar No. 12 “Braised beef” is (20-105-20) / 115, where the first digit (“20”) is the duration (in minutes) of raising the temperature in the autoclave, the third - (“20”) - the duration of the descent of steam, the second (“105”) - the duration of the actual sterilization; in the denominator (“115”) is the temperature at which sterilization is performed. The method of freezing or salting neutralizes meat affected by cysticercosis. Pig meat is frozen by bringing the temperature in the thickness of the muscles to -120C and incubated for 4 days. Cattle meat is frozen to -120C without further aging. Before neutralization by salting, the meat is cut into pieces weighing no more than 2.5 kg and rubbed table salt(10% of the meat mass), then pour brine with a concentration of at least 24% and incubate for 20 days at 240C, reaching a salt concentration in the depth of the muscles of at least 5.5%. An act signed by a veterinarian must be drawn up on the reasons for the forced slaughter of animals. At the meat processing plant, animals are accepted for forced slaughter out of turn, ante-mortem holding is excluded. With favorable results of laboratory tests, products of forced slaughter of animals with accompanying documents are sent to meat processing enterprises. The meat of slaughtered sheep, pigs and calves must be delivered in whole carcasses, and beef meat - in whole carcasses or divided into half carcasses and quarters, which are labeled to establish their belonging to one carcass. Such meat is accepted by meat processing plants only upon presentation of an act indicating the reasons for the forced slaughter of the animal, signed by the veterinarian of the farm, veterinary certificate f. No. 2 and the conclusion of the veterinary laboratory of bacteriological and radiometric control. When accepting carcasses of meat of forcedly slaughtered animals, experts pay attention to the presence and correctness of the accompanying documents and the organoleptic indicators of meat and offal. Then samples are taken for retesting. laboratory research for the presence of a pathogen anthrax and salmonella, and in case of disagreement on the freshness or suspicion of slaughter of an animal in an agonal state - for physical and chemical analyses. An organoleptic examination in the carcass of an animal killed in an agonal state reveals the following features: the slaughter site is smooth, even, surrounding muscle not soaked in blood blood filling of the saphenous veins and small vessels connective and adipose tissues, pleural vessels are noticeably overflowing with blood, especially those located on the posterior edge of the ribs; muscles are dark red with a bluish tint; fatty deposits of a pinkish color; on a longitudinal section of the muscles, the blood filling of the vessels is significant, from which drops of blood protrude on the section when pressed, the surface of the section is sticky; lymph nodes are hyperemic; the vertebrae of the cut spine are diffusely stained dark red; in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles of various parts of the carcass of an animal killed in agony or bled after death, hypostases are found, especially on the side on which the animal lay; hypostases can also be found in paired organs (lungs, kidneys).

In the organoleptic study, a cooking test is necessarily carried out to identify foreign odors that are not characteristic of meat. A biochemical study includes determining the pH of meat, setting up a qualitative reaction to peroxidase, and cattle meat is examined both by reaction with neutral formalin (formol reaction) and with a solution of copper sulphate. Before determining these indicators, the meat should ripen within 20-24 hours. Meat is allowed for food purposes in the presence of satisfactory organoleptic indicators of the carcass, the absence of pathogenic microbes, pH up to 6.2, a positive reaction to peroxidase and backlash with a solution of copper sulfate. If, according to the results of post-mortem examination, bacteriological, biochemical, toxicological and other studies, meat and other products of forced slaughter of animals are found suitable for use in food, then, according to the Rules of Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, they are sent, depending on the production conditions, either for boiling or for making meat loaves , or for the production of canned food. The release of this meat in its raw form, including in the public catering network (canteens, etc.) without prior neutralization by boiling, is prohibited.

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