How to get rid of angina at home. Treatment of angina at home. General procedure for treatment

Angina is an acute respiratory pathology, accompanied by active inflammatory processes of the tonsils of the palate. Most often, the disease occurs as a result of infection with streptococci, as well as viruses and fungi.

The main methods of treatment of angina

Angina can cause a number of complications in case of poor-quality therapy or its complete absence. One of the most severe consequences is the development of chronic tonsillitis, which, in turn, can lead to complications in internal systems and organs.

Medical therapy

Treatment with drugs is the main method of fighting infection and sore throat. As a rule, the following types of medicines are allowed to be used at home:

Without a doctor's prescription, vegetable lozenges can be used to relieve pain from any form of infection, including purulent.

Angina is transmitted by airborne droplets, so the patient must be placed in quarantine for the duration of treatment and separate dishes and hygiene products should be provided.


In order to treat angina quickly and effectively, it is necessary to use an integrated approach. An important method of eliminating angina is to rinse the mouth. For this, it is possible to use the following medicines:

It is necessary to rinse two or three times a day. If necessary, with severe inflammation, the number of procedures can be increased.

It is possible to gargle only with warm formulations at a comfortable temperature.

It is important to pay attention to the benefits of lubricating the throat with Lugol's solution and iodine. It is recommended to carry out procedures using drugs twice a day. Solutions are contraindicated in case of allergy to iodine.

Inhalations and compresses

Methods of using compresses and inhalations effectively relieve pain and stop inflammation. In practice, the following means are used:

Compresses and inhalations can be used only in the absence of elevated body temperature.


Traditional medicine recipes are effective for both acute tonsillitis and chronic pathology in adults and children. Means help restore immunity and quickly cope with the defeat. The following recipes are known:

Therapeutic diet

In order to speed up recovery and not aggravate the condition, it is recommended to apply the following rules for catering:

To reduce pain and speed up the healing process at home, recommendations will help:

  1. Drink more warm liquids. The measure will prevent dehydration and facilitate swallowing.
  2. Protect your voice. It is recommended to talk (especially in raised tones) as little as possible. It is best to maintain a regime of complete silence until the very recovery.
  3. Take lozenges for sore throats.
  4. Drink tea with honey and lemon. Drink to strengthen the immune system, help destroy germs and ease pain. It is important that the temperature is comfortable for the reception.
  5. Gargle with a solution of salt or soda as far as possible.
  6. Systematically humidify the air in the room. Measure to reduce irritation of the mucous membranes.

Colds are considered commonplace, especially in winter or autumn, when the immune system is most weakened. But with an increase in temperature, the appearance of severe pain in the throat, it will not be possible to manage with standard warm tea with raspberries and bed rest.

Angina or acute tonsillitis appears as a result of infection with a virus that affects the tonsils, provoking the further development of the inflammatory process. Treatment of angina can be carried out at home if the patient's condition is satisfactory. Treatment of children from angina should be negotiated with the attending pediatrician, since the risk of complications is excessively high.

Etiology of the disease

Types of angina

Medical therapy

Medications for angina can only be prescribed by the attending physician. The exception is some lollipops for sore throats and. The list of drugs depends on the type of disease, the severity of its course and the individual characteristics of the patient's body. In the standard version, with an ailment, the reception of such funds is shown:

They are prescribed only if angina is caused by streptococci. An illness that was provoked by viruses and is accompanied by cough, runny nose and hoarseness does not require such therapy.

Folk methods

Folk remedies are very effective for angina. The main thing is to learn how to use them correctly. So, in the treatment of angina, bed rest should be observed. If possible, you should ventilate the room, but only if the weather is not cold outside.

- rather a storehouse of vitamins and additional excipients that help fight the disease. The most commonly used and show effective results are such means:

  • tea with lemon, fruit drinks, juices - replenish the body with vitamins and prevent dehydration at a temperature;
  • honey - has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action;
  • - has antibacterial and anesthetic effect;
  • beets - soothes a sore throat and kills pathogenic bacteria;
  • - has an anti-inflammatory effect, allows you to clean the tonsils from accumulated pus.

Folk remedies must be chosen carefully, given the occurrence of possible and intolerance.

How and how to treat angina at home:

Physiotherapy (compresses, inhalations, heating, etc.)

And warming up with angina can only be prescribed by a doctor. You should not get carried away with these procedures, since they are only relevant for certain types of angina. It is best to combine such procedures in combination with the main treatment.

As for, they are extremely effective in the treatment of angina. They allow you to stop the development of inflammation, have an excellent warming and analgesic effect. The most common types of compresses are:

  • alcoholic;
  • potato;
  • with honey;
  • with essential oils;

How to quickly cure a sore throat at home:

Features of treatment

It is necessary to treat a sore throat in a hospital if it is too advanced or pus and purulent plugs appear on the tonsils. In such situations, there is a serious risk of blood poisoning by bacteria in the throat.

Danger signs

An ambulance is needed in cases where the patient cannot get to the doctor on his own. Dangerous symptoms are:

  • high temperature above 39 ° C, which cannot be brought down;
  • swelling of the neck and severe pain when turning the head;
  • breathing difficulties;

Also, an ambulance is needed if there is a suspicion of a sore throat in a small child.

The patient must be provided with bed rest and make sure that he moves around the room as little as possible and does not spread bacteria. Close contact with the patient and the use of the same utensils and household items can lead to infection.

In order not to get infected, the caregiver should use a gauze bandage, which should be changed every three hours.

Comfortable conditions for the patient include the following aspects:

  • complete diet;
  • plentiful warm drink;
  • monitoring patient compliance.

In order to minimize the patient's motor activity, it is possible to rinse the throat without leaving the bed. To do this, you can use a bowl and rinse aid.


The prognosis for recovery directly depends on how competent the patient's treatment was. If the patient consulted the doctor on time and strictly followed the prescription, recovery is achieved in 100% of cases.

Hello my dear readers! Very often, children, and, indeed, adults are faced with a sore throat. Moreover, she can attack us without pity in the summer. Paradox, but true! Therefore, today I want to talk with you about this disease and tell you how to treat a sore throat at home.

Purulent inflammation of the tonsils is one of the most common diseases of the nasopharyngeal region. It is complicated by Pseudomonas aeruginosa on the wall of the throat and fever reaching up to 40 degrees. A feverish condition accompanies a sore throat for several days. Is it possible to treat purulent tonsillitis at home to avoid complications?

Angina affects not only children, but also adults under 40 years old. An attempt to transfer purulent tonsillitis on the legs leads to neglect of the disease and serious complications.

Cause of angina

One of the main factors in developing purulent tonsillitis is the defeat of staphylococcal or streptococcal bacillus. Bacteria that enter the body disrupt the normal microflora in the throat. The infection can spread in various ways through:

  • direct contact
  • use of common utensils or hygiene items
  • airborne route
  • colds caused by hypothermia
  • weakened immune system
  • long-term stress
  • chronic diseases of the tonsils
  • persistent smoking habit in adults

Children quickly “catch” the infection when they come into contact with sick peers in kindergarten, on playgrounds, in school classrooms.

How to determine the characteristic features and symptoms of purulent tonsillitis?

In adult patients, the disease is characterized by:

  • rapidly increasing pain during swallowing movements
  • shootings in limbs
  • muscle weakness, dizziness, headache
  • chilliness, a rapid rise in heat to high rates
  • redness of the posterior wall of the larynx
  • enlarged, painful submandibular lymph nodes
  • loss of appetite

When the first signs appear, it is imperative to call a doctor, since pathological microorganisms spread very quickly with the bloodstream, and the disease will progress.

The clinical picture of purulent tonsillitis

The mucous membrane of the throat is affected by pathogenic bacteria or viruses. Pathology instantly captures the lacunae of the tonsils, taking root in the glandular tissue of the throat.

The released toxins actively enter the circulatory system and lymph, causing general intoxication of the body. The contents taken from the mucosa for examination will show the presence of streptococcus or staphylococcus aureus.

The tonsils swell, increase in size, and purulent raids of a serous color or granular spots are visible on them. When they are removed, traces of erosive changes remain on the tonsils. After some time, plaque may form again. The location of purulent formations, their color and shape diagnose angina, which can be:

  • catarrhal - a relatively mild form, with characteristic sore throat, reddening of the mucous membrane, slight swelling, enlarged tonsils, shortness of breath
  • follicular - the result of untreated catarrhal tonsillitis, purulent formations the size of a pin head in the cells of lymphoid tissue, severe pain radiating to the ears, difficulty swallowing
  • lacunar - characterized by the appearance of a whitish purulent plaque, high temperature
  • phlegmonous - the most dangerous and severe form with the rapid spread of pathological viruses and bacteria on the gland and in the circulatory system; treatment of this form should take place in a hospital.

The incubation period for the manifestation of the disease is from 1 to 5 days.

Diagnosis of angina

A visual examination of the throat, a swab from the tonsils allows you to make a diagnosis and establish the presence of streptococcal or staphylococcal bacillus - the spreader of an infectious disease. Additional analyzes are:

  • blood sampling
  • bacteriological culture for the presence of streptococcus
  • rapid test

Culture in a bacteriological laboratory will identify the causative agent of the infection and establish its vulnerability to certain antibiotics. The only drawback of the analysis is its length of execution. In case of complications, the doctor may prescribe an additional CT or MRI. A blood test will show the presence of an increased content of type M antibodies, which will indicate the increasing development of purulent tonsillitis.

Why is angina dangerous?

Toxins, spreading with lymph and blood throughout the body, can cause serious damage to organs. Connective tissue cells are primarily affected by the pathological process. In this case, comorbidities may develop:

  • endocarditis
  • myocarditis
  • rheumatic pathology affecting the articular tissue, developing spondylosis
  • toxic form of hepatitis
  • inflammation of the arachnoid
  • arthritis

The urinary system becomes weak and defenseless, giving rise to:

  • pyelonephritis
  • glomerulonephritis

Adult patients are at risk for purulent tonsillitis and inadequate treatment to acquire meningeal symptoms, which can lead to convulsive syndrome. Less commonly, the infection affects the lung and bronchi. Pneumonia and bronchitis can only develop because of a weakened immune system. These organs are affected by pneumococcus or Pseudomonas aeruginosa. For a child's body, one of the complex and dangerous complications is the occurrence of diseases of the heart muscle.

A rare complication that occurs after a paratonsillar abscess. Pus penetrates into hard-to-reach areas of the neck. In such conditions, the patient will be helped only by a surgical operation.

Even after a few years, serious consequences can appear if treatment is started. A person who has been ill can become a carrier of staphylococcus or streptococcus, carrying the risk of infection to others.

When in contact with a sick person, family members should use a gauze bandage. Bacteria are particularly resistant to the environment and remain "alive" with dried sputum for up to a week.

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Treatment of angina at home

The therapeutic effect includes:

  1. throat douching
  2. taking antiviral drugs and antibiotics
  3. strengthening the body's immune system

It is necessary to immediately put the sick person to bed, provide individual dishes. Hot compresses are contraindicated, they can provoke an even greater spread of viruses and bacteria.

Drug treatment with antibiotics

Drugs are prescribed to eliminate complications. Antibiotics do not reduce the duration of the sore throat, but weaken the pain:

  • Benzylpenicillin provides an extensive spectrum of bacterial control. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Bicillin 1 - intramuscular injections. Adult patients are administered once a week.
  • Flemoxin - is prescribed in tablets, regardless of the meal. Take in the form of a suspension, pleasant to the taste. It is prescribed for mild and moderate course of the disease. The course of admission is at least a week.
  • Hikontsil - appoint after 12 years. The interval between doses is 8 hours. Intramuscular injections are prescribed for 1 gr. twice a day.
  • Amoxiclav is recommended for patients over 12 years of age to take every 6 hours in severe cases of the disease, with moderate severity up to 8 hours.

The course of antibiotic treatment must be completed. Combined treatment is supplemented by taking Kagocel, Linzosept. Drug treatment and dosage of antibiotics should be prescribed only by a doctor!

Throat douching

Daily repeated treatment of the throat with a spray, decoctions is one of the effective methods of treating an infectious disease at home. Therapeutic douching of the throat includes:

  1. rinsing with a saline solution that helps cleanse the mucous membranes and tonsils from microbes and pus deposits
  2. adding tea soda and 3-4 drops of iodine to the saline solution
  3. gargling 6-8 times daily with a solution of furacillin
  4. inhalations with decoctions of sage, chamomile,
  5. treatment of the tonsil with a spray - Bioparox, Hexidin, Stopangin, Hexoral, Aqualor, Proposaldom
  6. a large amount of drink in the form of compote, tea, herbal decoction, berry fruit drinks, mineral water

An integrated approach to treatment will remove pathological toxins from the body. Active therapy will facilitate breathing, swallowing, eliminate sore throats.

Treatment of angina folk remedies

How best to cure a sore throat at home, traditional medicine will tell. Douching according to the following recipes will improve the condition of a sore throat:

  • add a glass of freshly squeezed beetroot juice with a tablespoon of 6% vinegar, repeat the procedure 4-5 times daily
  • aloe juice, diluted half with water, use as a gargle several times daily
  • dilute propolis alcohol infusion with water in an amount of 1: 1, hold in your mouth for 1-2 minutes, repeating the procedure up to 6 times daily
  • crushed clove of garlic, flowers of calendula, chamomile and sage, taken in equal proportions, insist and gargle
  • keep a vodka compress on the throat area for half an hour
  • hot drink made from ginger, with the addition of drops of lemon and a spoonful of honey - an antimicrobial agent that gives a warming effect during chills
  • warm milk with tea soda, honey and butter will soften purulent deposits and facilitate the process of swallowing

Parents should understand that the infection cannot be cured only with the use of folk remedies, therefore, the medication prescribed by the doctor should not be discarded.

Preventive methods

A strong immune system can be a counter to any infection. The immune barrier will not let pathological microbes into the tissues of organs. Contribute to the improvement of protection against infection drugs - vitamin C. of the child's body, a rational menu will help strengthen the body.

In spring and autumn, immune forces are running out, so it is necessary to strengthen them with a vitamin and mineral complex, consume a large amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products. There should always be humidified air in the room, drafts and cold air from the air conditioner should be avoided.

Be healthy! See you soon!

When a sore throat comes, other things recede into the background. With sore throat when swallowing, high fever (from 38 and above) and aching muscles and joints, it is hard to work, relax and just live. The scientific name of angina is acute tonsillitis, a dangerous infectious disease. With angina, the palatine tonsils become inflamed, which causes pain when swallowing, chewing, and even when talking.

The name of the sore throat is translated from Latin as "I squeeze, squeeze, the soul." These words accurately convey the mechanism of the disease. Most often there is tonsillitis of a bacterial nature, less often viral and fungal.

Depending on the nature of the lesion of the tonsils, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Catarrhal angina. Tonsils, swollen and enlarged, have a red color. The temperature rarely rises above normal. This form of angina is accompanied by perspiration, mild sore throat. It comes on suddenly and goes away in a couple of days.
  • Follicular angina. The palatine tonsils are hypertrophied, suppurations appear on the follicles. On examination, you can see a whitish coating on the tonsils. The temperature rises sharply to 38-40 degrees, the lymph nodes increase. The chill is accompanied by fever and general prostration.
  • Lacunar angina can be diagnosed together with the follicular, but proceeds in a more severe form.
  • Necrotic angina- the most dangerous form of the disease, in which the infected tonsils die off.

The basis of all fast-acting remedies

Each form of tonsillitis requires its own special treatment. But at the heart of all fast-acting drugs are not drugs at all. Whatever medication the doctor prescribes, the main points that will help a quick recovery will be:

  1. Strict bed rest and rest. The negative consequences of angina can be violations of the cardiovascular, genitourinary and other body systems. In addition, the infection can spread to households. The disease transferred “on the legs” threatens to overflow into diseases of a rheumatic nature and kidneys. Bed rest must be observed in the days following recovery. This will help your body rejuvenate.
  2. Plentiful warm drink. Water, jelly, compotes and broths will relieve pain in an irritated throat, protect against dehydration, and remove toxic substances from the body.
  3. Rinsing. For gargling, you can use a soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda, 1 tablespoon of salt and a couple of drops of iodine), diluted in warm water; potassium permanganate and furacillin; decoctions of chamomile, calendula, plantain and string. Gargle should be done every half an hour. Rinse gives a good therapeutic effect: relieves pain, inflammation and removes accumulated pus.
  4. Wet compresses. They relieve swelling from a sore throat, reduce the temperature. You can put an alcohol compress, a cabbage leaf with honey or a compress of raw potatoes grated on a grater in the tonsils.

These rules are the basis of proper treatment. By adhering to them, you will help your body in the fight against a dangerous infection!

Folk remedies acting quickly

Good results in the treatment of angina at home give folk remedies. They affect both the disease as a whole and contribute to the overall strengthening and restoration of the body.

Milk with honey and butter- the most famous grandmother's recipe. Honey has unique properties, it is an anti-inflammatory, nutritious and antibacterial product. A warm or hot (most importantly, non-burning) drink will soften and soothe a sore throat.

Beet, from which we prepare salads and soups, is also an effective medicine. You need to use the juice of fresh beets. Modern housewives will come to the aid of a blender or juicer. In the resulting juice you need to add a spoonful of 6% vinegar. Gargle with warm solution.

Get rid of the symptoms of tonsillitis will help decoction of onion peel, which can be used to gargle. A couple of tablespoons of husk should be poured with a glass of water and boiled. Then insist it for 3-4 hours.

In the treatment of purulent tonsillitis propolis has a good anti-inflammatory effect, a piece of which must be kept in the mouth. For rinsing, you can use an alcohol tincture of propolis, which is sold in a pharmacy.

You can treat tonsils aloe juice, which is widely used in folk medicine. A piece of aloe is useful just to hold in your mouth. It is a broad spectrum plant.

Decoction of raspberry leaves, brewed in a glass of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes, you can gargle.
Well, what recipe of traditional medicine can do without garlic? 100 gr. Minced garlic insist in a glass of warm water for 6 hours, then gargle.

Attention! No matter how effective traditional medicine recipes are, quick treatment at home without complications is possible only in combination with medications.

Medications and antibiotics

It is almost impossible to do without antibiotics for angina, especially if it is lacunar or follicular angina. Sore throats cannot be cured with local preparations alone.

In the treatment of infectious angina, antibiotics of the penicillin group such as Penicillin, Erythromycin, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, etc. are used. These drugs will help to complete the treatment quickly. Antibiotics, dose and duration of administration are prescribed only by a doctor. The average duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

In the treatment of tonsillitis, all means are good, to get rid of unpleasant symptoms will help:

  • Sulfanilamide preparations(Biseptol, Sulfalen, etc.), which are used both in self-treatment (for catarrhal angina), and in combination with antibiotics (tonsillitis lacunar or follicular).
  • Antipyretics can help bring down the fever(Paracetamol, Aspirin, Analgin).
  • Antihistamines contribute to rapid treatment at home (Suprastin, Diazolin, etc.).
  • The pharmacy offers a wide range of lollipops that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Pharmacy tinctures Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan and propolis are indispensable for rinsing. 3% hydrogen peroxide can also be used to irrigate the throat.
  • And, of course, Lugol, about the benefits of which only children do not know. The drug containing iodine heals purulent wounds and has an antiseptic effect.
  • Aerosols(Kameton, Ingalipt, Bioparox, etc.) give an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.
  • Inhalations can be carried out using a nebulizer or in the old fashioned way, covered over the pan, but only if there is no temperature. For inhalation, you can use chlorhexidine or chlorophyllipt, chamomile infusion or breathe over potatoes, in which soda and iodine must be added for greater effect.

Armed with a full arsenal of medications for sore throats in combination with antibiotics and folk remedies, it is possible to quickly treat sore throats at home.

How not to get angina?

To avoid acute tonsillitis, you must adhere to the following principles:

  1. Strengthen and protect the immune system;
  2. Do not overcool, dress according to the weather;
  3. On hot days of summer, do not be near the air conditioner and split-system, do not be zealous with ice cream and cold drinks;
  4. During cold seasons and in the off-season, gargle with a decoction of sage, chamomile, or a solution of sea salt.

Angina is a serious disease that should not be started. It is fraught with complications, the most dangerous of which is death. Traditional medicine, a variety of drugs on pharmacy shelves give the patient a wide choice of tools for getting rid of sore throats. Whether it will be treated at home quickly or not will depend only on the patient himself and his desire to recover as soon as possible.

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Angina is a common infectious disease that affects the palatine tonsils. Often, a sore throat is confused with an elementary cold, as a result, it is treated incorrectly. Such a mistake leads to terrible complications. This material describes in detail how to quickly recognize the disease and effectively treat it so that angina does not turn into pyelonephritis or myocarditis.

The main symptom of this disease is a sharp, acute sore throat. The patient has difficulty swallowing and speaking. The temperature rises, the person begins to shiver, his head hurts, his body aches. As the disease progresses, the lymph nodes become enlarged.

Angina has a number of features:

The main symptom of a sore throat is a sharp sore throat.

- intoxication of the body;

- insomnia;

- constant fatigue;

- fever;

- an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity;

An unpleasant smell from the mouth is another symptom of a sore throat.

- nausea;

- puffiness;

- weakness in the body;

- Decreased appetite.

How does angina occur?

A number of pathogens can provoke the disease - bacteria, viruses, fungi. The infection can be transmitted in three ways - external, internal, through the blood.

Angina often occurs as a result of hypothermia or a viral infection.

In the first case, angina can be infected through close contact with the patient - by airborne droplets, through the gastrointestinal tract. In the second - due to internal infections in the body itself. In the latter case, as the name implies, through the blood.

To causes of illness can be attributed:

  • Penetration of infection into the body;
  • hypothermia;
  • Environmental pollution;
  • stress,
  • Chronic fatigue,
  • Depression;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Weakened immunity.

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Effective methods of treating angina

Treatment of angina pursues several tasks - the elimination of inflammatory processes in the throat, the destruction of the causative agent of infection, the prevention of complications, and the raising of immunity.


Traditionally, angina is treated with drugs. Medical treatment is carried out with antibiotics; antipyretic drugs; preparations for the throat; vitamins.

The most popular drugs in the treatment of the disease are antibiotics. Antibiotics are taken in different forms - tablets, aerosols, suppositories, suspensions. At a more advanced stage, the patient may be given injections.

At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are given. To relieve sore throat, the patient can use special aerosols, lozenges. To enhance the effect of treatment, the patient needs to drink a course of vitamins, especially vitamin C.

Below are a few medicines prescribed by doctors:

  • He was first attributed to a disease such as tonsillitis. Treatment will proceed quickly and effectively, because it is a broad-spectrum drug.

The medicine has practically no adverse reactions. Very rarely, the drug can cause diarrhea or vomiting, allergic reactions.

Doses are prescribed individually It depends on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient. Amoxicillin is available in tablets, suspensions, dry powder for injection.

It is better not to use the drug during breastfeeding, although it is prescribed even for infants. The drug does not cause drowsiness, so it can be used while driving.

The cost of Amoxicillin depends on the form of release. Tablets, on average, cost - 90 rubles, suspension - 175 rubles, powder for injection - 550 rubles.

  • It is a third generation antibiotic.

Take this drug only inside. This drug, like amoxicillin, has a wide range of actions. This medicine is taken with food.

Suprax is contraindicated in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 6 months of age.

The dose of the drug is calculated in relation to the age and weight of the patient. The course lasts from 7 to 14 days, depending on the type and intensity of the disease.

Suprax capsules (400 mg) will cost 690 - 720 rubles. Powder for the preparation of a suspension will cost 540-560 rubles.

  • Derinat injections.

An immunomodulatory drug that has a beneficial effect on physiological, reparative tissue regeneration. Relieves inflammation, raises specific antitumor immunity. Helps naturally remove toxins from the body.

Injections can be given to pregnant women, young children and lactating women. It usually has no side effects, in rare cases it can cause itching and atypical skin reactions.

The price of these injections varies between 1300-2700 rubles.

  • This is a complex medicine, which consists of natural ingredients.

The drug restores the mucous membrane of the throat, raises local immunity, reduces inflammation. Thanks to Tonsilotren, recovery comes faster, because the drug treats the focus of the disease itself. Inflamed tonsils will decrease in a few days.

The medicine is released in the form of tablets, which must be slowly absorbed. The price of the drug is 630-680 rubles.

Folk recipes

Propolis helps with sore throats. It must be chewed after a meal, or you can prepare a tincture.

Take 100 ml of alcohol and mix with 2 tbsp. l. propolis. Hide in a dark cool place and leave for 7-10 days. Lubricate the inflamed areas in the throat.

Beet. Take red beets, grate. Fill it with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1. Infuse the mixture for 6 hours. Gargle with this solution every 2 hours.

Elecampane. This plant is great for sore throat, even with loss of voice. The infusion is prepared as follows - 50 g of elecampane, pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Insist 3 days.

Liquid ½ teaspoon drip on the tonsils. Do not drink water. Try to talk less. Repeat the procedure every hour until you feel improvement.


Very effective for sore throat vodka compress

1. Vodka. Vodka is considered a very effective compress.

Take a piece of bandage and soak it in diluted vodka. Vodka should be at room temperature. Apply the bandage to the throat, fix the bandage with cling film and a scarf.

Do not remove the compress for 7 hours. Children leave a compress for 3 hours.

Carefully! Do not use compresses for purulent sore throat! This can encourage bacterial growth.

2. Curd. Treatment will be more effective if you use a curd compress. Angina will quickly and without complications go away.

Take cottage cheese at room temperature. Apply to gauze and secure with cellophane around the throat. Leave the compress overnight.

3. Cabbage. Take a cabbage leaf, cut it lightly with a knife so that the juice stands out. Apply the sheet to the sore throat and fix. Change the compress every 2-3 hours.

This method can be used for purulent sore throat, because cabbage does not have a warming effect.

It's important to know! Do not remove purulent deposits mechanically! This procedure can provoke neck phlegm and paratonsillar abscess. Pus is removed only by frequent gargling!

Gargle regularly with green tea and salt.


1.Green tea. Take 1 cup of warm, green tea, stir 1 tsp in it. iodized salt. Gargle every hour.

2.Apple cider vinegar. Take 1 glass of warm, boiled water, add 1 tbsp. l. vinegar. Gargle every 2 hours.

3.Furacilin. It is a powerful antiseptic. Take 2 tablets of this drug dissolve in 1 tbsp. water. Pharmacies sell ready-made solutions.

The benefits of an integrated approach

The treatment will go more effectively, and the sore throat will quickly recede if you use an integrated approach. Antibiotics, usually broad spectrum antibiotics, are given to clear the infection. Sprays, lozenges, gargles are used to relieve sore throat. They act directly on the focus of the disease.

Be sure to take vitamins during and after treatment.

Naturally, to raise immunity, one should not forget about immunomodulatory drugs, vitamins, rational food, and bed rest. At a temperature, antipyretics are used, they will not only lower the temperature to normal, but also relieve a sore throat.

Varieties of angina


One of the most common types of this disease is catarrhal angina. Her symptoms:

With catarrhal angina, there may be headaches
  • The upper layers of the tonsils are affected;
  • dry mouth;
  • Sore throat;
  • Headache;
  • A slight increase in temperature;
  • Slightly enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Tonsils strongly red, but without pus.

For irrigation of the throat with catarrhal sore throat, you can use Miramistin

Treatment of the disease will be quick and effective if you start treatment at the first symptoms. If the disease has an undeveloped form, then it can be cured with the help of local remedies. Otherwise, it will turn into purulent, treatment will have to be continued with antibiotics.

Treatment involves drinking plenty of water. The patient should not be given very hot or cold food. Avoid eating spicy and salty foods. For fever, use paracetamol or ibuprofen.

Quite successfully, this type of sore throat is treated with aerosols. For example, Miramistin or Ingalipt. If caratal angina progresses rapidly, then the disease is caused by an infection. In this case, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. For example, Flemoclav, Amoxicillin.

Note! Improvement in sore throat should appear in the first 2-3 days, otherwise, call the doctor again. He must prescribe a new course of treatment.

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  • Body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • Acute sore throat;
  • The pain radiates to the ear;
  • Severely enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Tonsils greatly enlarged and edematous;
  • There are yellowish wounds on the tonsils, the size of a match head.

With follicular angina, you need to take antibiotics, for example, Sumamed

Treatment is carried out with antibiotics of the 1st line (penicillins) - Amoxicillin and 2nd line (macrolides) - Sumamed, Azitrox. With this type of disease, a person should often gargle. For example, a solution of Lugol, Dolphin, Iodinol.

The patient needs to be given a lot to drink, warm milk, herbal tea with chamomile, mineral water without gas will do.



  • Heat;
  • Severe sore throat;
  • Chills;
  • Malaise;
  • Aches in the joints;
  • Active salivation;
  • Enlargement and redness of the tonsils;
  • Plaque films are visible on the tonsils.

The treatment of this sore throat is not particularly different from the treatment of other types of sore throats. In the treatment, broad-spectrum antibiotics are used (Supraks, Cefodraxil, Augmentin). The patient is credited with bed rest, drinking plenty of water, gargling.

In the absence of the effect of treatment, surgical removal of the tonsils may be prescribed.



Necrotic angina is considered the most dangerous form of the disease and is often accompanied by a cough.
  • Cough;
  • Gray-green plaque, which can be not only on the tonsils, but also on the entire throat mucosa;
  • Vomit;
  • severe malaise;
  • Wet deposits;
  • Feeling of a foreign object in the throat;
  • low temperature;

Interesting fact! Necrotizing tonsillitis is also called "tonsillitis without fever", because with this type of disease, body temperature usually remains normal. If the fever nevertheless began, this may indicate the ineffectiveness of treatment and the development of complications.

Patients with this disease are subject to hospitalization.

After all, this sore throat is very contagious, and if the treatment is not effective enough, then the person will quickly begin complications.

Antibacterial therapy includes antibiotic injections. The patient should gargle with furatsilin. The surface of the tonsils is treated with Novarsenol or Neosalvarsan.

What measures to take in the acute period of the disease

In the acute period of the disease, it is necessary not only to treat the disease with antibiotics, but also to help alleviate the symptoms of angina. Give the patient antipyretics. For example, Ibuprofen. It can not only relieve fever, but also reduce body aches.

With angina, you need to drink a lot of warm liquids - water, tea

The patient must drink a lot, but with sores on the throat, this is not easy to do, so do not give sour compotes or tea with lemon during the acute period. Better offer him warm milk or chamomile tea.

You should not use lollipops for sore throats, as they cause you to swallow more. Do not allow the patient to smoke and talk a lot. Let him sleep and rest more.

Features of treatment in children

Treatment in children does not differ radically from that in adults. Like the adults children are prescribed antibacterial drugs, give a lot to drink, prescribe bed rest.

With angina, children are recommended to gargle with Lugol's solution.

Babies should gargle with Miramistin or Lugol solutions. If the patient is too small and does not know how to gargle, then the emphasis is on sprays and aerosols. Only you need to splash them not in the throat itself, but inside the cheek or on a dummy.

Do not lubricate the tonsils with antiseptics, as the mucosa in babies is much softer than in adults. Any local treatment is carried out after meals.

Do not overload the body with drugs. And don't forget to give your kids probiotics. For example, Linex, Bifiform, yogurt capsules.

Children should also be given probiotics - Lineks, for example

What to do is prohibited

If you want a disease such as tonsillitis to go away, and the treatment to go quickly and efficiently, remember that what not to do:

  • Compresses at a temperature;
  • Compresses for purulent sore throat;
  • Smoking and drinking strong alcohol;
  • talk a lot;

Do not smoke during treatment
  • Refuse antibiotics;
  • Eat hard, salty, too hot or cold food;
  • To carry the disease "on the legs";
  • Engage in self-medication;
  • Remove pus in the throat mechanically.

Complications of angina - what is the danger of self-medication

Even a doctor called to the house cannot immediately determine what type of angina is present in the patient. Indeed, in order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary not only to examine the patient, but also to take smears for analysis. Only then can the correct treatment be prescribed.

What to say about people who do not have a medical education? Self-medication can lead to terrible consequences:

Angina, if not properly treated, can turn into rheumatoid arthritis

- Rheumatoid arthritis;

- Violation of the kidneys, heart, joints;

- Abscesses of the pharynx;

- Meningitis;

- Sepsis;

One of the complications of angina is otitis

- Pneumonia;

- Streptococcal toxic shock syndrome.

Treatment of angina is a laborious process, it requires close contact between the doctor and the patient. Without following the rules of treatment, it is impossible to achieve positive dynamics of recovery.

Take care of yourself and be healthy.

How to quickly and effectively cure a sore throat:

E. Komarovsky will tell about the treatment of angina in children:

Watch another video about angina treatment methods:

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