The project “The basis of prosperity is a healthy diet. Healthy eating is the basis of prosperity! Presentation for Dow Healthy Eating the Basis of Prosperity

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Educator: Bychenko Natalya Viktorovna MADOU TsRR - kindergarten No. 14, Kropotkin. HEALTHY FOOD is the foundation of prosperity.

What is a healthy diet? Healthy nutrition is: - a variety of products; - a balanced diet; - delicious; - inexpensive; - useful for everyone.

Healthy Eating Rules Raw vegetables and fruits are considered to be the healthiest foods. They contain a huge amount of vitamins, strengthen the immune system, and are an excellent prevention of many diseases. To be healthy, strong, You need to love vegetables. All without exception. There is no doubt about it! In each there is a benefit and a taste, And I don’t undertake to decide: Which of you is tastier, Which of you is more needed! Eat more vegetables - You will be healthier!

Products for the mind

Harmful products.

Chewing gum Chewing gum contains sweeteners, colors and flavors - which are not substances beneficial to health Excessive use of chewing gum: reduces appetite, provokes allergic reactions, inflammation of the skin around the mouth, and also has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract Expected effect from chewing gum: in order to remove food residue after eating, it is enough to chew gum for only 2-3 minutes no more than 1-2 times a day after meals

Coca-Cola is a soft drink produced by The Coca-Cola Company; the most valuable brand in the world in 2006-2009, not excluding other years. Ingredients of the drink: natural dye cochineal, also known as carminic acid, which is extracted from cochineal worms, also sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, caramel and carbon dioxide. Today, this national symbol of America is sold in more than 200 countries around the world.

In 2009, Coca-Cola was forced to disclose the composition of the drink. The ingredient referred to all these years as "Coca-Cola extract" turned out to be the natural dye cochineal, also known as carminic acid, which is extracted from cochineal worms. It also contains sugar, phosphoric acid, caffeine, caramel and carbon dioxide.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Healthy eating is the foundation of prosperity.

At preschool age, the foundations of a healthy organization of a child's life for the future are laid. Therefore, it is so important to give an idea of ​​​​vitamins, their benefits for human health, the content of certain ...

Project "Healthy food - the basis of prosperity"

The project contributes to the development of interest in the knowledge of a healthy lifestyle: proper nutrition, sports. In the course of self-study, children should identify the main characteristics ...

Pedagogical project "Healthy nutrition is the basis of prosperity!" with young children (3-4 years old) when interacting with the family.

Educational project...

Cognitive - research project "Healthy nutrition is the basis of prosperity"

Formation in children of knowledge about the importance of proper nutrition, as an integral part of maintaining and strengthening health....

To effectively organize the feeding of farm animals today, it is necessary not only to properly and timely prepare a complete feed base, but also to use drugs for the prevention and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases caused by bacterial infections.

The Makosh company has been supplying feed additives manufactured by OOO PO Sibbiopharm for eight years, which allowed its employees to establish that the best result from their use is achieved with high-quality mixing with the main feed. This can be achieved using a special twin-shaft paddle mixer, which is designed for batch mixing of dry feed components with different bulk weights.

The high quality of mixing is achieved due to the fact that the mixer shafts rotate towards each other, creating the effect of mechanical weightlessness. The shafts are equipped with radial blades, which are slightly rotated from the axis of rotation, in connection with which a perfect mixing of the components is achieved. The homogeneity of the mixture is up to 98%. Mixing time - 2–5 minutes. The mixer device allows to obtain a homogeneous mixture of both bulk products and with the addition of liquid components. The percentage of liquid components can be up to 10%. The mixing chamber is sealed, so there is no dusting during the mixing process.


This preparation for the normalization of digestion is the only prebiotic-sorbent of pathogenic microflora in Russia. It has shown its high efficiency in poultry, pigs and cattle, especially in calves. The main disease in young calves is colibacillosis, the causative agent of which, Escherichia coli, is widespread in cowsheds. Salmonella often joins it, profuse diarrhea occurs, accompanied by high fever and severe intoxication of the body. Calves are exhausted and die in just a few days.

"Kormomix-MOS" shows a high sorption activity against bacteria of the genus Salmonella and Escherichia coli - more than 65% in comparison with the control. The mechanism of action of the drug is based on blocking the ability of pathogenic bacteria to attach to the intestinal wall. An unattached bacterium cannot feed and multiply normally and is excreted in transit from the body.

As a result of the action of the drug in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, beneficial microflora actively develops and the absorption surface of the intestine increases, due to the absence of colonies of pathogenic organisms competing for nutrition. Animals remain healthy, grow and develop well.


This complex preparation is intended primarily for cattle, horses and sheep, although it can be added to the diet of birds, pigs and even rabbits. This enzyme-probiotic preparation allows animals to digest heavy diets normally without health consequences.

In many small farms, only hay and grain fodder are often used as feed, and it is very difficult for animals to process such a dry and rough diet, and the biologically active substances that make up the preparation help to cope with this. Large enterprises have another problem - the forage base often turns out to be low in nutrition, as a result of which the animals are fed intensively with grain. But the danger here lies in the fact that the grain contains a lot of starch and little protein. The sugar-protein balance is disturbed, and animals develop diseases associated with metabolic disorders: lactic acidosis, laminitis, mastitis, etc. As a result, animals not only reduce productivity, but simply begin to die.

Therefore, for all enterprises in which more than 50% of the animal diet is concentrated feed, it is recommended to use Rumistart. When it is used in animals, there is an improvement in appetite, an increase in fat content and protein in milk, and an improvement in reproduction rates. Also, the drug is recommended for use when going out to pasture in the spring and returning to the stalls in the fall to reduce productivity losses due to a sharp change in diet.


Mycotoxin sorbent "Fungisorb" is designed for adsorption of a wide range of mycotoxins in the feed of farm animals and birds. The fact is that agricultural crops that are fed to animals are often affected by fungi and molds. When ingested by animals, these toxic substances can cause symptoms of poisoning, called mycotoxicoses, that affect the health of the liver, kidneys, and central nervous system. The only way to combat these diseases is to use quality feed and mycotoxin sorbents.

Thanks to its unique formula, Fungisorb not only successfully absorbs the main groups of toxins, but also prevents the growth of fungi in compound feed, and also breaks down some types of protein toxins into non-toxic components. As a result of the use of this sorbent in the diets of animals and poultry, such signs of mycotoxicosis as black tongue and comb in chickens, black circles around the eyes in waterfowl disappear, cases of toxic abortions in pigs and cattle decrease, reproduction rates increase, productivity increases, problems associated with liver disease in animals.


Carbohydrate-prebiotic feed "Live Protein" has a sweet taste and an attractive smell for animals. The product is designed to optimize digestion and improve the health of cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry and wild animals. Combines nutritional, prebiotic and hepatoprotective properties.

The composition of the feed "Live Protein" includes easily fermentable carbohydrates - sugars - which provide an optimal sugar-protein balance in the animal's body and increase the energy of any feed ration. Thanks to the "Live Protein" in ruminants, the growth of ruminal bacteria that consume lactic acid is stimulated, which helps to normalize the pH of the rumen in the range of 6.2-6.8 and leads to the activation of the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract of the animal, as well as the synthesis of its own microbial protein.

"Live protein" significantly increases milk production and live weight gain, improves the quality of milk and meat, activates the metabolism of fats and proteins. The supplement also helps to increase the activity of lipase and amylase and stimulates the pancreas and liver.

The product is made from natural ingredients. Does not contain antibiotics, growth stimulants, palm oil, hormonal preparations and GMOs.


In addition to the above products, Makosh offers such a valuable protein supplement to feed as soybean meal, which can be directly introduced into diets or used for the production of feed products. A significant protein content of 49% and energy in the meal allows you to make high-protein and high-energy diets without the use of expensive animal feed components. Soybean meal is suitable for feeding all types of farm animals and birds, as well as fish.

Full-fat soy is another valuable component of compound feeds with a high protein content of at least 35%, fat of at least 15%, which is also ideal for feeding all kinds of animals and poultry. Full-fat soy compensates for the deficiency of protein, fat and amino acids, the lack of which is one of the main reasons for the low productivity of animals. The product is especially useful for sows in the last stage of gestation and in lactation rations to increase the vitality of the young. When full-fat soybeans are introduced into mixed fodder, it was found that the live weight of young cattle increases by 4–6%, livestock safety by 1.5–2.2%, and feed costs for products decrease by 5–6.5%.

I think you know without a doubt

That not everything you eat is beneficial.

Remember and explain to everyone very clearly:

The stomach cannot be offended in vain!

And remember - those stomachs did not hurt,

Who since childhood understood and pitied him!

N. Nikolaev.

Project type: educational

Project participants: children of the preparatory group, parents, kindergarten paramedic, cooks.

Project duration: February - March 2012.

Relevance: Very important today is the formation of motives, concepts, beliefs in the need to preserve and strengthen their health in preschool children.

It is especially important to be able to properly organize your diet. These skills are most easily and most reliably formed in childhood, it is during this period that the foundations for a healthy organization of a child's life for the future are laid. It is important that the child has an idea of ​​​​the stable relationship between the body and nutrition. Every day it is necessary to find words, examples that reveal to the child the benefits (or lack thereof) of a particular dish or product. It is important to give children ideas about healthy food, about vitamins and their benefits for human health, about food culture.

Project stages

Teacher activity

Children activities


1. Formulates the problem

Enters the game situation

Formulates tasks

Getting into a problem

Living in a game situation

Acceptance of tasks

"Practical Help"

Formation of specific knowledge, skills, abilities

"Preparing for the presentation. Presentation"

Represent the product of the activity

Problem: Future schoolchildren have insufficiently formed a conscious attitude to their diet.

Target: Formation in children of a holistic attitude towards their own health, mastering the skills of proper nutrition, as an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.


1. Help children understand that health depends on nutrition.

2. To form knowledge about which foods are healthy and which are unhealthy, to bring to the understanding that not everything tasty is healthy.

3. To consolidate the skills of sanitary and hygienic rules when eating food.

4. Develop children's creativity, cognitive activity

5. To educate children in a conscious attitude to their diet.

Fundamental question:

What is good nutrition?

Problem questions:

  • What does it mean to be healthy?
  • What foods are healthy?
  • What vitamins are in foods?
  • What you need to know about dairy products
  • Why should you eat porridge?
  • How to behave at the table?

Organizational forms of work on the project

Forms of work




What to eat if you want to be healthy


“What is porridge cooked from, how to make porridge tasty”


"Where Foods Come From"


"All works are good, choose to taste"


"Magic health country"




A tour of the kitchen


"My Vitamin Friends"



"How to behave at the table"


"Compatibility of drinks with certain foods

"Coca Cola and Chips"

"Coca Cola and Candy"

"Coca Cola and Kirieshki"


Watching Movies

“Drink, children, milk, you will be healthy”



February March


Working with parents


"What prevents us from being healthy"

"Food without harm"

"Our friends are vitamins"

Making a delicious porridge recipe

Drawing up a menu for a fairy-tale character




Expected Result:

Knowledge of proper healthy nutrition and the ability to apply them in everyday practical activities.

Active participation of children in the analysis of problem situations in various activities.

Attracting the attention of parents to familiarization with the basics of proper healthy nutrition.

Lapunova Oksana
The project "The basis of prosperity - healthy eating"


« The basis of prosperity is a healthy diet»

I think you know without a doubt

That not everything you eat is beneficial.

Remember and explain to everyone very much clear:

The stomach cannot be offended in vain!

And remember - those stomachs did not hurt,

Who since childhood understood and pitied him!

N. Nikolaev.

Type of project: educational

Members project: children of the middle group, parents, cooks.

Duration project: October, November, 2016.

Relevance: Very important today is the formation in preschool children of motives, concepts, beliefs in the need to preserve and strengthen their health.

It is especially important to be able to properly organize your food. These skills are most easily and most reliably formed in childhood, it is during this period that basics of healthy organization of a child's life for the future. It is important that the child develops an idea of ​​the stable relationship between the organism and nutrition. It is necessary every day to find words, examples that reveal the benefits to the child (or lack thereof) a particular dish or product. It is important to give children ideas about healthy food, about vitamins and their benefits for human health, about culture nutrition.

Stages project Teacher activities Children activities

"Preparatory" 1. Formulates the problem

Enters the game situation

Formulates problems Entry into the problem

Living in a game situation

Acceptance of tasks

"Practical Help" 2. Directs and controls the implementation project Formation of specific knowledge, skills, abilities

"Preparing for the presentation. Presentation" Represent the product of the activity

photo collage "Food good and bad"

Problem: Preschoolers do not have a conscious attitude to their own nutrition. It is no secret that while eating in kindergarten, some children sometimes refuse to eat porridge and other healthy dishes, prefer "fast food": sandwiches, sweets.

Target: Formation in children of a holistic attitude towards their own health, mastering the skills of correct nutrition, as an integral part healthy lifestyle.


1. Help children understand what health depends on nutrition.

2. To form knowledge about which foods are useful and which are harmful to health, bring to the understanding that not everything tasty is healthy.

3. To consolidate the skills of sanitary and hygienic rules when eating food.

4. To develop children's creative abilities, cognitive activity.

5. To educate children in a conscious attitude towards their own nutrition.

Fundamental question:

What is good right food?

Problematic issues:

What does it mean to be healthy?

What products nutrition useful?

Why should you eat porridge?

How to behave at the table?

Organizational forms of work on project

Forms of work Topic Responsible

Speech development.

Reading fiction What should you eat if you want to be healthy» educator

“What is porridge cooked from, how to make porridge tasty” educator

folk wisdom about nutrition(proverbs and sayings about products, food, hospitality).

Product Riddles nutrition»

"I never get discouraged"

(about vitamins)

"Caprice" ch 6 "French Soup Bourdais" Vorobyov V.I.

"Cannibal and Etiquette" A. Usachev


cognitive development.

"Magic Land" Health» educator

A tour of the kitchen educator,

Experimental research activity. "How to behave at the table" educator

Sprouting onions educator,


Artistic and aesthetic development Photocollage "Useful-harmful" educator

Game activity S. r. the game "Grocery store"


training game "The Lunchtime Incident".

Table setting.

Bad advice.

Theatrical performance.

Competition: "The most tidy at the table".

Working with parents Consultations:

"Correct nutrition for preschoolers»

"Food without harm"

Why do kids love fast food so much?

Drawing up a menu for a fairy-tale character

(joint activities with children at home)



Expected Result:

Knowledge about right healthy eating and the ability to apply them in everyday practice.

Active participation of children in the analysis of problem situations in various activities.

Attracting the attention of parents to familiarization with the basics of a healthy diet.


1. Alekseeva, A. S. Organization nutrition children in a preschool [Text]: a guide for kindergarten teachers / A. S. Alekseeva, L. V. Druzhinina, K. Ladodo. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990. – 210 p.

2. Alekseeva, R. G. Features of the formation the basics of proper nutrition at preschool age [Electronic resource]

3. Bezrukikh M. M., Filippova T. A., Makeeva A. G. Talk about the right nutrition. Toolkit. M. OLMA Media Group, 2012.

4. Internet: publishing house Faros Plus, articles about the correct children's nutrition

5. Korostelev N. V. From A to Z for children about health. M. Medicine, 1987.

6. Matalygina, O. A. All about nutrition preschool children. – M.: Foliant, 2009. – 272 p.

7. Collection Festival of Pedagogical Ideas "Public lesson" ID "First of September", year 2009.

results project

Project« Healthy eating is the foundation of prosperity» was implemented in October-November 2016. AT project 18 parents and 18 children of the middle group took part. According to the results project we can conclude that the problem healthy eating children became interested in our parents, most of them began to adhere to major rules of rationality and healthy eating. Parents stopped giving sweets, chewing gum, crackers and chips to their children in kindergarten.

As a result of working with children, in the implementation of this project, the following tasks: children have increased knowledge about the variety of products healthy eating, about the beneficial properties of vegetables and fruits, about useful and harmful products, about the benefits of dairy products and cereals.

Children learned to recognize vegetables and fruits with the help of analyzers (taste and smell). Children are able to apply elementary table setting rules while on duty.

Joint creative tasks for children and parents contributed to the strengthening of relationships in families. Thus, we can conclude that the work in this area was successful.

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