Highest spiritual values ​​social science. The concept of "spiritual values" (classification). Systematization of spiritual values ​​according to scientists. The concept and examples of material values

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1. The concept of spiritual values

2. The structure of spiritual values. Classification of spiritual values




The most important philosophical issues concerning the relationship between the World and Man include the inner spiritual life of man, those basic values ​​that underlie his existence. A person not only cognizes the world as a being, trying to reveal its objective logic, but also evaluates reality, trying to understand the meaning of his own existence, experiencing the world as proper and improper, good and harmful, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair, etc.

Human values ​​act as criteria for the degree of both spiritual development and social progress of mankind. The values ​​that ensure human life include health, a certain level of material security, social relations that ensure the realization of the individual and freedom of choice, families, law, etc.

Values ​​traditionally classified as spiritual are aesthetic, moral, religious, legal and general cultural.

In the spiritual sphere, the most important difference between man and other living beings is born and realized - spirituality. Spiritual activity is performed for the sake of satisfying spiritual needs, that is, the needs of people in the creation and development of spiritual values. The most important among them is the need for moral perfection, for satisfying the sense of beauty, for the essential knowledge of the surrounding world. Spiritual values ​​act in the form of ideas of good and evil, justice and injustice, beautiful and ugly, etc. The forms of spiritual development of the surrounding world include philosophical, aesthetic, religious, moral consciousness. Science also belongs to the forms of social consciousness. The system of spiritual values ​​is an integral element of spiritual culture.

Spiritual needs are the internal motivations of a person for spiritual creativity, for the creation of new spiritual values ​​and for their consumption, for spiritual communication.

A person is arranged in such a way that as his personality develops, he gradually changes his tastes, preferences, needs, value orientations. This is a normal human development process. Among the wide variety of different values ​​that exist in the psyche of any person, there are two main categories, these are material and spiritual values. Here we will pay more attention to the second type.

So, if everything is more or less clear with the material (this includes the desire to possess all kinds of things, such as good clothes, housing, all kinds of devices, cars, electronic equipment, household items and things, etc.), then spiritual values ​​​​of a completely different quality. As we know, the soul of a person means something living, moral, animated, personal, the main thing, semantic (in terms of life), which has a higher degree of existence. Consequently, the values ​​of a spiritual nature are qualitatively different in comparison with ordinary material ones.

Spiritual values, in fact, favorably distinguish any other living forms of existence from a person who is clearly distinguished by the conditionality of his special behavior and life activity. Such values ​​include the following qualities: the value of life itself, activity, consciousness, strength, foresight, willpower, determination, wisdom, justice, self-control, courage, truthfulness and sincerity, love for one's neighbor, fidelity and devotion, faith and trust, kindness and compassion, humility and modesty, the value of treating others well, and the like.

In general, the area of ​​spiritual values ​​is the sphere of human existence, life, existence. It exists both inside a person and outside his physical body. It is worth considering that spiritual values ​​highlight their main qualities, among which is the value of human life itself. For people, self-worth is already a great value - in contrast to the usual price (value), it is something absolute, - a concept that means the same thing as a shrine.

1. The concept of spiritual value

It is noted that spiritual values ​​form the foundation of culture. The existence of cultural values ​​characterizes precisely the human way of being and the level of separation of man from nature. Value can be defined as the social significance of ideas and their conditionality to human needs and interests. For a mature personality, values ​​function as life goals and motives for its activities. Realizing them, a person makes his contribution to the universal culture.

Values ​​as part of the worldview are conditioned by the existence of social requirements. Thanks to these requirements, a person could be guided in his life by the image of the proper, necessary correlation of things. Thanks to this, values ​​formed a special world of spiritual existence, which raised a person above reality.

Value is a social phenomenon, therefore, the criterion of truth or falsity cannot be unambiguously applied to it. Value systems are formed and changed in the process of development of the history of human society. Therefore, the criteria for a value choice are always relative, they are conditioned by the current moment, historical circumstances, they translate the problems of truth into a moral plane.

Values ​​have many classifications. According to traditionally established ideas about the spheres of public life, values ​​are divided into “material and spiritual values, production-consumer (utilitarian), socio-political, cognitive, moral, aesthetic, religious values.”1 We are interested in spiritual values, which are the center of a person’s spiritual life and society.

There are spiritual values ​​that we find at different stages of human development, in different social formations. Such basic, universal values ​​include the values ​​of good (good), freedom, truth, creativity, beauty, and faith.

As for Buddhism, the problem of spiritual values ​​occupies the main place in its philosophy, since the essence and purpose of being, according to Buddhism, is the process of spiritual search, improvement of the individual and society as a whole.

Spiritual values ​​from the point of view of philosophy include wisdom, the concepts of true life, understanding the goals of society, understanding happiness, mercy, tolerance, self-awareness. At the present stage of development of Buddhist philosophy, its schools place new accents in the concepts of spiritual values. The most important spiritual values ​​are mutual understanding between nations, readiness to compromise in order to achieve universal goals, that is, the main spiritual value is love in the broadest sense of the word, love for the whole world, for all mankind without dividing it into nations and nationalities. These values ​​organically follow from the basic values ​​of Buddhist philosophy. Spiritual values ​​motivate people's behavior and provide a stable relationship between people in society. Therefore, when we talk about spiritual values, we cannot avoid the question of the social nature of values. In Buddhism, spiritual values ​​directly govern the whole life of a person, subdue all his activities. Spiritual values ​​in the philosophy of Buddhism are conditionally divided into two groups: values ​​related to the external world, and values ​​related to the inner world. The values ​​of the external world are closely connected with social consciousness, the concepts of ethics, morality, creativity, art, with an understanding of the goals of the development of science and technology. The values ​​of the inner world include the development of self-awareness, personal development, spiritual education, etc.

Buddhist spiritual values ​​serve to solve the problems of real, material life by influencing the inner world of a person.

The world of values ​​is the world of practical activity. A person's attitude to the phenomena of life and their evaluation are carried out in practical activity, when an individual determines what meaning an object has for him, what is its value. Therefore, naturally, the spiritual values ​​of Buddhist philosophy were of practical importance in the formation of the traditional culture of China: they contributed to the development of the aesthetic foundations of Chinese literature, art, in particular landscape painting and poetry. Chinese artists pay the main attention to the inner content, the spiritual mood of what they depict, in contrast to European ones, who primarily strive for external similarity. In the process of creativity, the artist feels inner freedom and reflects his emotions in the picture, thus, the spiritual values ​​of Buddhism have a great influence on the development of the art of Chinese calligraphy and Qigong, wushu, medicine, etc.

Although almost all philosophical systems, one way or another, touch upon the issue of spiritual values ​​in human life, it is Buddhism that deals with them directly, since the main problems that Buddhist teaching is designed to solve are the problems of spiritual, internal perfection of a person.

Spiritual values. The concept covers social ideals, attitudes and assessments, as well as norms and prohibitions, goals and projects, standards and standards, principles of action, expressed in the form of normative ideas about good, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair, lawful and unlawful, about the meaning of history and the purpose of man, etc.

The concepts of "spiritual values" and "spiritual world of the individual" are inextricably linked. If reason, rationality, knowledge are the most important components of consciousness, without which the purposeful activity of a person is impossible, then spirituality, being formed on this basis, refers to the values ​​associated with the meaning of human life, one way or another deciding the question of choosing one's life path, the meaning of one's activity. its goals and means to achieve them.

As a rule, knowledge, faith, feelings, needs, abilities, aspirations, goals of people are attributed to spiritual life, to the life of human thought. The spiritual life of a person is also impossible without experiences: joy, optimism or despondency, faith or disappointment. It is human nature to strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement. The more developed a person, the higher his culture, the richer his spiritual life.

The condition for the normal life of a person and society is the mastery of the knowledge, skills, values ​​accumulated in the course of history, since each person is a necessary link in the relay race of generations, a living link between the past and future of mankind. Anyone who from an early age learns to navigate in it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and do not contradict the rules of human society, feels free and at ease in modern culture. Each person has a huge potential for the perception of cultural values ​​and the development of their own abilities. The ability for self-development and self-improvement is the fundamental difference between man and all other living beings.

The spiritual world of man is not limited to knowledge. An important place in it is occupied by emotions - subjective experiences about situations and phenomena of reality. A person, having received this or that information, experiences emotional feelings of grief and joy, love and hatred, fear or fearlessness. Emotions, as it were, color the acquired knowledge or information in one or another “color”, express a person’s attitude towards them. The spiritual world of a person cannot exist without emotions, a person is not a passionless robot processing information, but a person capable of not only having “calm” feelings, but in which passions can rage - feelings of exceptional strength, stamina, duration, expressed in the direction of thoughts and strength to achieve a specific goal. Passions lead a person sometimes to the greatest feats in the name of people's happiness, and sometimes to crimes. A person must be able to control his feelings. To control both these aspects of spiritual life, and all human activities in the course of his development, a will is developed. Will is the conscious determination of a person to perform certain actions in order to achieve the goal.

The worldview idea of ​​the value of an ordinary person, his life makes today, in a culture traditionally understood as a receptacle of universal values, to single out moral values ​​as the most important ones, which determine the very possibility of his existence on Earth in the modern situation. And in this direction, the planetary mind takes the first, but quite tangible steps from the idea of ​​the moral responsibility of science to the idea of ​​combining politics and morality.

2. The structure of spiritual values

Since the spiritual life of mankind comes from and nevertheless repels from material life, its structure is largely similar: spiritual need, spiritual interest, spiritual activity, spiritual benefits (values) created by this activity, satisfaction of spiritual need, etc.

In addition, the presence of spiritual activity and its products necessarily gives rise to a special kind of social relations - aesthetic, religious, moral, etc.

However, the external similarity of the organization of the material and spiritual aspects of human life should not obscure the fundamental differences between them. For example, our spiritual needs, unlike our material ones, are not biologically set, they are not given (at least fundamentally) to a person from birth. This does not at all deprive them of objectivity, only this objectivity is of a different kind - purely social. The need of an individual to master the sign-symbolic world of culture has the character of an objective necessity for him - otherwise you will not become a person. Only here “by itself”, in a natural way, this need does not arise. It must be formed and developed by the social environment of the individual in the long process of his upbringing and education.

At the same time, it is worth noting that at the beginning, society directly forms in a person only the most elementary spiritual needs that ensure his socialization. Spiritual needs of a higher order - in the development of as much as possible of the wealth of world culture, participation in their creation - society can form only indirectly, through a system of spiritual values ​​that serve as guidelines in the spiritual self-development of individuals.

As for the spiritual values ​​themselves, around which people's relations in the spiritual sphere are formed, this term usually refers to the socio-cultural significance of various spiritual formations (ideas, norms, images, dogmas, etc.). Moreover, in the value ideas of people there is certainly a certain prescriptive-evaluative element.

Spiritual values ​​(scientific, aesthetic, religious) express the social nature of the person himself, as well as the conditions of his being. This is a peculiar form of reflection by the public consciousness of the objective needs and tendencies of the development of society. In terms of the beautiful and the ugly, good and evil, justice, truth, etc., humanity expresses its attitude to the present reality and opposes to it some ideal state of society that must be established. Any ideal is always, as it were, "raised" above reality, contains a goal, desire, hope, in general - something due, and not existing. This is what gives it the appearance of an ideal entity, seemingly completely independent of anything. On the surface, only its prescriptive and evaluative character is visible. The earthly origins, the roots of these idealizations, as a rule, are hidden, lost, distorted. There would be no big trouble if the natural-historical process of the development of society and its ideal reflection coincided. But this is not always the case. Often the ideal norms, born of one historical epoch, oppose the reality of another epoch, in which their meaning is irrevocably lost. This indicates the onset of a time of acute spiritual confrontation, ideological battles and emotional upheavals.

Therefore, it is necessary to propose a classification of values ​​corresponding to the various areas of the environment that the individual encounters. Such a classification was proposed, in particular, by N. Rescher; he singles out economic, political, intellectual and other values. In our opinion, this approach suffers from some lack of system, although in general the proposed classification can be accepted and used. Nevertheless, we propose to use as a criterion for constructing an external classification the life spheres that an individual deals with in the course of his existence, then all values ​​can be divided into the following groups:

1. Health values ​​- show what place health and everything related to it occupies in the value hierarchy, what prohibitions are more or less strong in relation to health.

2. Personal life - describe the set of values ​​responsible for sexuality, love and other manifestations of intersexual interaction.

3. Family - show the attitude towards the family, parents and children.

4. Professional activities - describe the attitudes and requirements for work and finance for this particular individual.

5. Intellectual sphere - they show what place thinking and intellectual development occupy in a person's life.

6. Death and spiritual development - values ​​responsible for the attitude towards death, spiritual development, religion and church.

7. Society - values ​​responsible for a person's attitude to the state, society, political system, etc.

8. Hobbies - values ​​that describe what an individual's hobbies, hobbies and leisure activities should be.

Thus, the proposed classification, in my opinion, reflects all types of life spheres that a person may encounter.

3. Max Scheler's doctrine of values

Max Scheler (German Max Scheler; August 22, 1874, Munich - May 19, 1928, Frankfurt am Main) - German philosopher and sociologist; professor in Cologne (1919-1928), in Frankfurt (1928); Eichen's student; contrasted the ethics of Kant with the doctrine of value; the founder of axiology (theory of values), sociology of knowledge and philosophical anthropology - the synthesis of disparate natural science knowledge about human nature with philosophical comprehension of various manifestations of his being; he saw the essence of man not in thinking or willing, but in love; love, according to Scheler, is an act of spiritual unity, accompanied by an instant insight into the highest value of the object.

The main areas of his research are descriptive psychology, in particular the psychology of feeling, and the sociology of knowledge, in which he distinguished a number of types of religious, metaphysical, scientific thinking (depending on their attitude towards God, the world, values, reality) and tried to put them in connection with certain forms of social, practical state and economic life. Contemplating and knowing man, according to Scheler, is confronted by objective, objective worlds not created by man, each of which has its own essence accessible to contemplation and its own laws (essential laws); the latter stand above the empirical laws of the existence and manifestation of the corresponding objective worlds, in which these entities become data due to perception. In this sense, Scheler considers philosophy to be the highest science of essence, the broadest in scope. At the end of his spiritual evolution, Scheler left the soil of the Catholic religion of revelation and developed a pantheistic-personalist metaphysics, within which he wanted to include all sciences, including anthropology. Nevertheless, he did not completely depart from his phenomenological-ontological point of view, but the problems of philosophical anthropology, the founder of which he was, and the problem of theogony, now moved to the center of his philosophy.

Scheler's theory of value

At the center of Scheler's thought is his theory of value. According to Scheler, the value of being an object preceded perception. The axiological reality of values ​​preceded knowledge. Values ​​and their corresponding disvalues ​​exist in objectively ordered ranks:

the values ​​of the saint against the non-values ​​of the vicious;

the values ​​of the mind (truth, beauty, justice) against the non-values ​​of lies, ugliness, injustice;

the values ​​of life and honor versus the non-values ​​of dishonor;

pleasure values ​​versus non-pleasure values;

the values ​​of the useful versus the non-values ​​of the useless.

"Disorder of the heart" occurs whenever a person prefers a lower-ranking value to a higher-ranking value, or non-value, to values.

4. Crisis of spiritual values ​​and ways to solve it

spiritual value sheller crisis

It can be said that the crisis of modern society is a consequence of the destruction of obsolete spiritual values ​​developed back in the Renaissance. In order for society to acquire its own moral and ethical principles, with the help of which it was possible to find its place in this world without destroying itself, a change in previous traditions is required. Speaking about the spiritual values ​​of the Renaissance, it is worth noting that their existence for more than six centuries, determined the spirituality of European society, had a significant impact on the materialization of ideas. Anthropocentrism, as the leading idea of ​​the Renaissance, made it possible to develop many teachings about man and society. Putting man at the forefront as the highest value, the system of his spiritual world was subordinated to this idea. Despite the fact that many of the virtues developed in the Middle Ages were preserved (love for everyone, work, etc.), they were all directed towards a person as the most important being. Such virtues as kindness, humility fade into the background. It becomes important for a person to acquire life comfort through the accumulation of material wealth, which led mankind to the age of industry.

In the modern world, where most countries are industrialized, the values ​​of the Renaissance have exhausted themselves. Mankind, while satisfying its material needs, did not pay attention to the environment, did not calculate the consequences of its large-scale influences on it. Consumer civilization is focused on obtaining maximum profit from the use of natural resources. What cannot be sold has not only no price, but also no value.

According to consumer ideology, limiting consumption can have a negative impact on economic growth. However, the link between environmental hardship and consumer orientation is becoming clearer. The modern economic paradigm is based on a liberal system of values, the main criterion of which is freedom. Freedom in modern society is the absence of obstacles to the satisfaction of human desires. Nature is seen as a reservoir of resources to satisfy the endless desires of man. The result was various environmental problems (the problem of ozone holes and the greenhouse effect, the depletion of natural landscapes, the growing number of rare species of animals and plants, etc.), which show how cruel man has become in relation to nature, expose the crisis of anthropocentric absolutes. A person, having built for himself a convenient material sphere and spiritual values, drowns himself in them. In this regard, there was a need to develop a new system of spiritual values, which could become common for many peoples of the world. Even the Russian scientist Berdyaev, speaking about sustainable noospheric development, developed the idea of ​​acquiring universal spiritual values. It is they who in the future are called upon to determine the further development of mankind.

In modern society, the number of crimes is constantly increasing, violence and hostility are familiar to us. According to the authors, all these phenomena are the result of the objectification of the spiritual world of a person, that is, the objectification of his inner being, alienation and loneliness. Therefore, violence, crime, hatred are expressions of the soul. It is worth considering what the souls and inner world of modern people are filled with today. For most, it is anger, hatred, fear. The question arises: where should one look for the source of everything negative? According to the authors, the source is within the objectified society itself. The values ​​that the West dictated to us for a long time cannot satisfy the norms of all mankind. Today we can conclude that a crisis of values ​​has come.

What role do values ​​play in human life? What values ​​are true and necessary, priority? The authors tried to answer these questions using the example of Russia as a unique, multiethnic, polyconfessional state.

Also, Russia has its own specifics; it has a special geopolitical position, intermediate between Europe and Asia. In our opinion, Russia must finally take its position, independent of either the West or the East. In this case, we are not talking at all about the isolation of the state, we just want to say that Russia should have its own path of development, taking into account all its specific features.

For many centuries, peoples of different faiths have lived on the territory of Russia. It has been noticed that certain virtues, values ​​and norms - faith, hope, love, wisdom, courage, justice, temperance, catholicity - coincide in many religions. Faith in God, in yourself. Hope for a better future, which has always helped people to cope with the cruel reality, to overcome their despair. Love, expressed in sincere patriotism (love for the Motherland), honor and respect for elders (love for one's neighbors). Wisdom, which includes the experience of our ancestors. Abstinence, which is one of the most important principles of spiritual self-education, the development of willpower; during Orthodox fasts, helping a person to get closer to God, partially cleansed of earthly sins. In Russian culture, there has always been a desire for catholicity, the unity of all: man with God and the world around him as God's creation. Sobornost also has a social character: the Russian people throughout the history of Russia, the Russian Empire, to protect their homeland, their state, have always shown conciliarity: during the Great Troubles of 1598-1613, during the Patriotic War of 1812, during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 -1945

Let's look at the current situation in Russia. Many Russian people remain unbelievers: they do not believe in God, or in goodness, or in other people. Many lose love and hope, becoming embittered and cruel, letting hatred into their hearts and souls. Today, in Russian society, the primacy belongs to Western material values: material goods, power, money; people go over their heads, achieving their goals, our souls become stale, we forget about spirituality, morality. In our opinion, representatives of the humanities are responsible for the development of a new system of spiritual values. The authors of this work are students of the specialty social anthropology. We believe that the new system of spiritual values ​​should become the basis for Russia's sustainable development. Based on the analysis, it is necessary to identify those common values ​​in each religion and develop a system that is important to introduce into the field of education and culture. It is on a spiritual basis that the entire material sphere of society's life should be built. When each of us realizes that human life is also a value, when virtue becomes the norm of behavior for every person, when we finally overcome the disunity that is present in society today, then we will be able to live in harmony with the surrounding world, nature, people. For Russian society today, it is necessary to realize the importance of reassessing the values ​​of its development, developing a new system of values.

If in the process of development its spiritual and cultural component is diminished or ignored, then this inevitably leads to the decline of society. In modern times, in order to avoid political, social and interethnic conflicts, an open dialogue between world religions and cultures is necessary. Spiritual, cultural and religious forces should form the basis for the development of countries.


Values ​​are spiritual and material phenomena that have a personal meaning and are the motive of activity. Values ​​are the goal and basis of education. Value orientations determine the features and nature of the relationship of the individual with the surrounding reality and, thus, to a certain extent determine its behavior.

The system of social values ​​is developed culturally and historically, over thousands of years, and becomes the bearer of social, cultural inheritance, cultural-ethnic or cultural-national inheritance. Thus, differences in the value worldview are differences in the value orientations of the cultures of the peoples of the world.

The problem of the value of the phenomena of the world around us, human life, its goals and ideals has always been an integral part of philosophy. In the XIX century, this problem became the subject of numerous social studies, called axiological. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the problem of values ​​occupied one of the leading places in the work of the Russian idealist philosophers N. Berdyaev, S. Frank, and others.

Today, when humanity is developing a new planetary thinking, when different societies and cultures are turning to common universal values, the problem of their philosophical study is a practical and theoretical necessity, due to the inclusion of our country in the pan-European and global planetary value systems. At present, painful processes of the withering away of the values ​​of totalitarian regimes, the revival of values ​​associated with Christian ideas, the inclusion of the values ​​of democratic states already accepted by the peoples of the West are taking place in society. The laboratory for the philosophical study of these processes and the formation of new values ​​is the media, the development of which in the current century has brought them on a par with such generally accepted communicative factors of culture that directly synthesize social values, such as religion, literature, and art.

Mass media have become one of the components of the psycho-social habitat of mankind; they claim, and not without reason, the role of a very powerful factor in shaping the worldview of the individual and the value orientation of society. They have leadership in the field of ideological influence on society and the individual. They have become translators of cultural achievements and, no doubt, actively influence the acceptance or denial of certain cultural values ​​by society.

List of used literature

1. Alekseev P.V. Philosophy: Textbook / P.V. Alekseev., A.V. Panin-M.: Prospekt, 1996.

3. James W. The Will to Faith / W. James.-M.: Republic, 1997.

4. Berezhnoy N.M. Man and his needs. Edited by V.D. Didenko. Moscow State University of Service. 2000.

5. Genkin B.M. The structure of human needs. Elitarium. 2006.

6. Spirituality, artistic creativity, morality (materials of the "round table") // Questions of Philosophy. 1996. No. 2.

Reflections on ... // Philosophical Almanac. Issue 6. - M.: MAKS Press, 2003.

7. Uledov A.K. Spiritual life of society. M., 1980.

8. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M. 1983.

9. Rubinstein S.L. Fundamentals of General Psychology. In 2 vols. M., 1989.

10. Pustorolev P.P. Analysis of the concept of crime. M.: 2005.

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Oddly enough, it has become quite fashionable to talk about what values ​​are more important for a person. There is such a thin line between the two "fires" that it is sometimes difficult to put one or the other in the first place. To prioritize, you will have to understand and study in depth what are the main differences between spiritual values ​​and material ones. Often people are confused, characterizing their actions as done for the good, but in fact they are driven by the material side.

What are material and spiritual values ​​for a person

No human life can be imagined without material and spiritual values. No matter how someone chases after money and expensive things, he will always need understanding, care, his own significance in relationships, mental peace, love. And with the loss of material significance, existence becomes unbearable, the spiritual side ceases to bring happiness.

Material values ​​are everything that can be bought, created, built. In other words, that there is an opportunity to see, touch, use. Bought - clothes, cars, medicines. Companies, factories, industry are being created. Houses, shops, schools are being built. Everything that is in the office or apartment also refers to material values.

Spiritual values ​​are something that cannot be seen, felt tactilely, sold or bought. These values ​​are within every person. For some they are more, and for others they are less important. These include: freedom, joy, justice, dignity, creativity, harmony, respect. The list can continue indefinitely, everyone determines for himself what is most significant.

For a clearer understanding, you should study examples of material values.

  1. Not a single person will survive without food, water, comfortable living conditions. To secure this for yourself, you will have to earn and spend money.
  2. Books, paintings, sculptures are more of spiritual values, but in order to possess them, you need to pay.
  3. Clothes, medicines, cars are also integral parts of the material world. Without them, a person does not feel happy, becomes doomed (in case of illness), alienated (dressing in rags, having unsuitable transport).

Examples of spiritual values

  1. No matter how strong the satisfaction from material life is, the soul will be drawn to mutual understanding, the search for true happiness, love.
  2. Without love, even a strong, steely nature will eventually wither away and lose the meaning of life. Procreation, raising children, become one of the most important spiritual values.
  3. A creative nature, not being able to do what they love, loses its purpose, doing unloved work only to satisfy primary needs.

How to understand what is more important for a particular person? This will become clear, having learned what goals he sets for himself. But there is a catch in that the achievement of one value always leads to the completion of another.

For example, a person aims to create a solid bank account, build a large business, gain fame. He goes to his dreams, not sparing and closing his eyes to the feelings of other people. The priority is only material wealth. Having come to your goal, there is a lack of something else very important. Of course, the spiritual component. During the races, he did not think about creating a family, he forgot about his parents. And suddenly having lost all his fortune, he is left with nothing at all. No friends, no money, no happiness.

Why is it that one person values ​​only money, while the other is content with little. The root of all problems or successes is education. The ability of the child to find a balance between the material and the spiritual depends on how educated the parents are. Buying everything that the child desires for every whim, he becomes sure that everything in life gets just like that. As an adult, he will need a job where he will wait for someone to work in his place.

Therefore, gifts should not be given to stop whims, but to give the child the opportunity to receive them, for example, for good behavior or appreciation. Pocket money should also be obtained for certain actions. And when there is a desire to spend them, the child will remember how hard he earned them, and what work he will have to do to get them again.

What to answer if you are suddenly asked to formulate the main differences between spiritual values ​​and material ones?

For each person, one is more important than the other. This is due to what he lacks in a particular period of life. If everything is in order in his family and relationships, but bad with money, the emphasis will be on the latter. The desire for peace of mind, good deeds, respect for others, speaks of the usefulness of the spiritual state. Such people are not chasing fame and big money, they are happy here and now. Of course, education also plays a huge role here.

As a rule, a person becomes happy by learning to maintain a balance between materiality and spirituality. This can take many years, or even a lifetime. The world dictates its own rules - overtake others, go over the heads, become the most popular. A person lights up, seeing other people's successes. It makes its way, forgetting about morality and morality. It is important to understand what is really necessary and what you can do without, while remaining cheerful and ambitious. But they say correctly, what kind of attitude you want to yourself, so do with others.

Own realization, respect for people, observance of public morality is a combination of material and spiritual values. The main thing is that the realization of your most significant desires comes as soon as possible. Without losing the most fleeting - time.

The main differences between spiritual values ​​and material was last modified: December 17th, 2015 by Elena Pogodaeva

To spiritual values include social ideals, attitudes and assessments, norms and prohibitions, goals and projects, standards and standards, principles of action, expressed in the form of normative ideas about good, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair, lawful and unlawful, about the meaning of history and purpose of a person, etc. If object values ​​act as objects of human needs and interests, then the values ​​of consciousness perform a dual function: they are an independent sphere of values ​​and a basis, a criterion for evaluating objective values.

The ideal form of being of values ​​is realized either in the form of conscious ideas about perfection, about what is due and necessary, or in the form of unconscious inclinations, preferences, desires, aspirations. Ideas about perfection can be realized either in a concrete-sensual, visual form of a certain standard, standard, ideal (for example, in aesthetic activity), or embodied by means of language.

Spiritual values ​​are heterogeneous in content, functions and the nature of the requirements for their implementation. There is a whole class of prescriptions that rigidly program goals and methods of activity. These are standards, rules, canons, standards. More flexible, representing sufficient freedom in the implementation of values ​​- norms, tastes, ideals, serving as an algorithm of culture. The norm is an idea of ​​the optimality and expediency of activity, dictated by uniform and stable conditions. The rules include: a form of uniformity of actions (invariant); a ban on other behaviors; the optimal variant of an act in given social conditions (sample); assessment of the behavior of individuals (sometimes in the form of some sanctions), warning against possible deviations from the norm. Normative regulation permeates the entire system of human activity and relations. The condition for the implementation of social norms is a system of their reinforcement, which involves public approval or condemnation of an act, certain sanctions against a person who must fulfill the norm in his activities. Thus, along with the awareness of needs (which, as we have already noted, may be adequate or inadequate), there is an awareness of their connection with social norms. Although norms arise as a means of consolidating methods of activity tested by social practice, verified by life, they can lag behind it, be carriers of prohibitions and prescriptions that are already outdated and hinder the free self-realization of the individual, hinder social progress.

For example, communal land use, traditional for Russia, which was economically and socially justified in the early stages of the history of our country, has lost its economic expediency and is an obstacle to the development of agrarian relations at the present stage. Nevertheless, it remains in the minds of a certain part of our society (for example, the Cossacks) as some unshakable value.

Ideal- the idea of ​​the highest standard of perfection, the spiritual expression of a person's need for streamlining, improvement, harmonization of relations between man and nature, man and man, personality and society. The ideal performs a regulatory function, it serves as a vector that allows you to determine the strategic goals, the implementation of which a person is ready to devote his life to. Is it possible to achieve the ideal in reality? Many thinkers answered this question in the negative: the ideal as an image of perfection and completeness has no analogue in empirically observable reality, it appears in consciousness as a symbol of the transcendental, otherworldly. Nevertheless, the ideal is a concentrated expression of spiritual values. The spiritual is the sphere of higher values ​​associated with the meaning of life and the purpose of man.

Human spirituality includes three basic principles: cognitive, moral and aesthetic. They correspond to three types of spiritual creators: the sage (knowing, knowing), the righteous (saint) and the artist. The core of these principles is morality. If knowledge gives us the truth and points the way, then the moral principle presupposes the ability and need of a person to go beyond the limits of his egoistic “I” and actively assert goodness.

feature spiritual values ​​is that they have a non-utilitarian and non-instrumental character: they do not serve for anything else, on the contrary, everything else is subordinate, acquires meaning only in the context of higher values, in connection with their approval. A feature of the highest values ​​is also the fact that they constitute the core of the culture of a certain people, the fundamental relations and needs of people: universal (peace, the life of mankind), communication values ​​(friendship, love, trust, family), social values ​​(ideas of social justice, freedom, human rights, etc.), lifestyle values, self-affirmation of the individual. Higher values ​​are realized in an infinite number of situations of choice.

Thus, the concept of values ​​is inseparable from the spiritual world of the individual. If reason, rationality, knowledge are the most important components of consciousness, without which the purposeful activity of a person is impossible, then spirituality, being formed on this basis, refers to those values ​​that are associated with the meaning of human life, one way or another deciding the question of choosing one's life path, goals and the meaning of their activities and the means to achieve them.

It is noted that spiritual values ​​form the foundation of culture. The existence of cultural values ​​characterizes precisely the human way of being and the level of separation of man from nature. Value can be defined as the social significance of ideas and their conditionality to human needs and interests. For a mature personality, values ​​function as life goals and motives for its activities. Realizing them, a person makes his contribution to the universal culture.

Values ​​as part of the worldview are conditioned by the existence of social requirements. Thanks to these requirements, a person could be guided in his life by the image of the proper, necessary correlation of things. Thanks to this, values ​​formed a special world of spiritual existence, which raised a person above reality.

Value is a social phenomenon, therefore, the criterion of truth or falsity cannot be unambiguously applied to it. Value systems are formed and changed in the process of development of the history of human society. Therefore, the criteria for a value choice are always relative, they are conditioned by the current moment, historical circumstances, they translate the problems of truth into a moral plane.

Values ​​have many classifications. According to traditionally established ideas about the spheres of public life, values ​​are divided into “material and spiritual values, production-consumer (utilitarian), socio-political, cognitive, moral, aesthetic, religious values.”1 We are interested in spiritual values, which are the center of a person’s spiritual life and society.

There are spiritual values ​​that we find at different stages of human development, in different social formations. Such basic, universal values ​​include the values ​​of good (good), freedom, truth, creativity, beauty, and faith.

As for Buddhism, the problem of spiritual values ​​occupies the main place in its philosophy, since the essence and purpose of being, according to Buddhism, is the process of spiritual search, improvement of the individual and society as a whole.

Spiritual values ​​from the point of view of philosophy include wisdom, the concepts of true life, understanding the goals of society, understanding happiness, mercy, tolerance, self-awareness. At the present stage of development of Buddhist philosophy, its schools place new accents in the concepts of spiritual values. The most important spiritual values ​​are mutual understanding between nations, readiness to compromise in order to achieve universal goals, that is, the main spiritual value is love in the broadest sense of the word, love for the whole world, for all mankind without dividing it into nations and nationalities. These values ​​organically follow from the basic values ​​of Buddhist philosophy. Spiritual values ​​motivate people's behavior and provide a stable relationship between people in society. Therefore, when we talk about spiritual values, we cannot avoid the question of the social nature of values. In Buddhism, spiritual values ​​directly govern the whole life of a person, subdue all his activities. Spiritual values ​​in the philosophy of Buddhism are conditionally divided into two groups: values ​​related to the external world, and values ​​related to the inner world. The values ​​of the external world are closely connected with social consciousness, the concepts of ethics, morality, creativity, art, with an understanding of the goals of the development of science and technology. The values ​​of the inner world include the development of self-awareness, personal development, spiritual education, etc.

Buddhist spiritual values ​​serve to solve the problems of real, material life by influencing the inner world of a person.

The world of values ​​is the world of practical activity. A person's attitude to the phenomena of life and their evaluation are carried out in practical activity, when an individual determines what meaning an object has for him, what is its value. Therefore, naturally, the spiritual values ​​of Buddhist philosophy were of practical importance in the formation of the traditional culture of China: they contributed to the development of the aesthetic foundations of Chinese literature, art, in particular landscape painting and poetry. Chinese artists pay the main attention to the inner content, the spiritual mood of what they depict, in contrast to European ones, who primarily strive for external similarity. In the process of creativity, the artist feels inner freedom and reflects his emotions in the picture, thus, the spiritual values ​​of Buddhism have a great influence on the development of the art of Chinese calligraphy and Qigong, wushu, medicine, etc.

Although almost all philosophical systems, one way or another, touch upon the issue of spiritual values ​​in human life, it is Buddhism that deals with them directly, since the main problems that Buddhist teaching is designed to solve are the problems of spiritual, internal perfection of a person.

Spiritual values. The concept covers social ideals, attitudes and assessments, as well as norms and prohibitions, goals and projects, standards and standards, principles of action, expressed in the form of normative ideas about good, good and evil, beautiful and ugly, fair and unfair, lawful and unlawful, about the meaning of history and the purpose of man, etc.

The concepts of "spiritual values" and "spiritual world of the individual" are inextricably linked. If reason, rationality, knowledge are the most important components of consciousness, without which the purposeful activity of a person is impossible, then spirituality, being formed on this basis, refers to the values ​​associated with the meaning of human life, one way or another deciding the question of choosing one's life path, the meaning of one's activity. its goals and means to achieve them.

As a rule, knowledge, faith, feelings, needs, abilities, aspirations, goals of people are attributed to spiritual life, to the life of human thought. The spiritual life of a person is also impossible without experiences: joy, optimism or despondency, faith or disappointment. It is human nature to strive for self-knowledge and self-improvement. The more developed a person, the higher his culture, the richer his spiritual life.

The condition for the normal life of a person and society is the mastery of the knowledge, skills, values ​​accumulated in the course of history, since each person is a necessary link in the relay race of generations, a living link between the past and future of mankind. Anyone who from an early age learns to navigate in it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and do not contradict the rules of human society, feels free and at ease in modern culture. Each person has a huge potential for the perception of cultural values ​​and the development of their own abilities. The ability for self-development and self-improvement is the fundamental difference between man and all other living beings.

The spiritual world of man is not limited to knowledge. An important place in it is occupied by emotions - subjective experiences about situations and phenomena of reality. A person, having received this or that information, experiences emotional feelings of grief and joy, love and hatred, fear or fearlessness. Emotions, as it were, color the acquired knowledge or information in one or another “color”, express a person’s attitude towards them. The spiritual world of a person cannot exist without emotions, a person is not a passionless robot processing information, but a person capable of not only having “calm” feelings, but in which passions can rage - feelings of exceptional strength, stamina, duration, expressed in the direction of thoughts and strength to achieve a specific goal. Passions lead a person sometimes to the greatest feats in the name of people's happiness, and sometimes to crimes. A person must be able to control his feelings. To control both these aspects of spiritual life, and all human activities in the course of his development, a will is developed. Will is the conscious determination of a person to perform certain actions in order to achieve the goal.

The worldview idea of ​​the value of an ordinary person, his life makes today, in a culture traditionally understood as a receptacle of universal values, to single out moral values ​​as the most important ones, which determine the very possibility of his existence on Earth in the modern situation. And in this direction, the planetary mind takes the first, but quite tangible steps from the idea of ​​the moral responsibility of science to the idea of ​​combining politics and morality.

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