Carrying out veterinary and sanitary examination of meat of slaughter animals in the conditions of the Auliekol veterinary laboratory. Premises of veterinary laboratories

"On approval of the Rules for the organization of veterinary laboratories"

Based on paragraph 5.2.9 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 12, 2008 No. 450 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation 2008, No. 25, Art. 2983), I order:

approve the attached Rules for the organization of veterinary laboratories.

A.V. Gordeev

to the order of the Ministry
agriculture of the Russian Federation
dated June 16, 2008 No. 262

Rules for organizing veterinary laboratories

1. These Rules apply to veterinary laboratories of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, veterinary laboratories of organizations that are part of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation, including laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination in the markets (hereinafter referred to as veterinary laboratories).

2. The veterinary laboratory must be located in a separate room. The laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination may be located in the premises of the market.

Accommodation not allowed veterinary laboratory next to warehouses of chemical and other harmful substances as well as in residential buildings.

3. The veterinary laboratory must have 2 entrances: one for employees, the other for receiving material for research. It is allowed to receive material through the transfer window. Access to laboratory premises should be limited.

4. The premises of the veterinary laboratory (with the exception of the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination on the market) must include:

room for laboratory research;

ancillary facilities;

vivarium (for research on live animals).

The composition of the production premises of the veterinary laboratory is determined based on the specifics of the veterinary research being carried out.

5. The production premises of departments of veterinary laboratories using pathogens of contagious animal diseases in their activities must be designed in such a way that employees can pass through special amenity premises (sanitary checkpoints) located at the entrance to these departments.

6. Premises for experimental laboratory animals of veterinary laboratories should be allocated in a separate block.

7. As part of the sanitary premises of veterinary laboratories, rooms for disinfection, washing, drying, ironing and storage of overalls should be provided. Disinfection equipment can be both stationary and mobile.

8. The vivarium should include an opening room, a room for disinfectants, a room for storage medicines, rooms for the storage of corpses of dead experimental animals with a separate isolated exit, equipped with industrial-type freezers.

It is allowed to store medicines in a specially equipped cabinet in the office of a veterinary specialist.

9. The layout of the premises of laboratories for veterinary and sanitary examination in the markets should ensure the flow technological process and to exclude the intersection of the flows of products entering the laboratory for veterinary and sanitary examination and its exit for subsequent sale.

The placement of the premises of the laboratory of veterinary and sanitary examination on the market should provide an opportunity for employees of the relevant departments, if necessary, to use showers.

10. Premises of the veterinary laboratory must be connected to electricity and heating networks, as well as to the sewerage and water supply systems, and equipped with an air ventilation system.

11. The production premises of the veterinary laboratory must have:

walls with smooth surfaces that are easy to clean and disinfect;

ceiling with easy to clean coating;

hermetically sealed windows, protected, if necessary, from the penetration of insects;

ceiling lighting that provides sufficient illumination for inspection, as well as local and portable lighting.

12. Floors in the production areas of the veterinary laboratory, which are systematically exposed to production liquids, must be made of waterproof materials and have good drainage.

Waste water must be disinfected before it enters the public sewer.

13. To facilitate the work of veterinary specialists and increase efficiency veterinary activities mechanization of production processes should be provided for at veterinary facilities.

14. When equipping a veterinary laboratory, the following should be provided:

mobile high-pressure automated installations for wet and aerosol disinfection and disinfestation of premises;

mechanized and automated lines and automatic devices for carrying out diagnostic studies and sample analysis;

containers for collecting confiscated items from forced slaughtered animals and corpses of small animals.

15. The disposal room must be equipped with autoclaves or an incinerator.

When recycling raw materials by autoclaving, two rooms are provided in the disposal room: for raw materials and for neutralized confiscated goods. The wall between these rooms provides for the placement of an autoclave, the loading of which should be carried out in the room for raw materials, and the unloading - in the room for neutralized confiscations.

16. Laboratory furniture should have a coating that is resistant to detergents and disinfectants. The surface of tables should not have seams and cracks.

17. Premises where work is carried out with infected or potentially infectious materials, equip germicidal lamps, which are used to disinfect air and surfaces according to modes in accordance with regulatory documents.

18. Instruments, equipment and measuring instruments used in the work of the laboratory must be certified, technically sound, subjected to metrological verification in a timely manner, have a technical passport and a working instruction for use, taking into account the requirements of biological safety.

It is not allowed to conduct special veterinary examinations using equipment that is not intended for the respective purposes.

19. The staff of the veterinary laboratory includes specialists with higher and secondary veterinary education - veterinarians and veterinary paramedics.

The staff of the veterinary laboratory can be accepted by specialists with higher and secondary medical education for positions that meet the qualification requirements.

20. Composition and headcount veterinary laboratory is determined based on the number and specifics of the veterinary research conducted.

In the veterinary clinic "Pitomets" the department of laboratory diagnostics is open and successfully operating, offering pet owners the widest range research.

Modern methods of conducting examinations in Volzhsky allow us to identify all animal diseases known in veterinary medicine: microsporia, piroplasmosis, hemobortenellosis, helminthiases, distemper, enteritis and other diseases.

Timely diagnosis of any pathology is a chance for a successful cure of the disease and quick help to your pet.

Useful information about the department of laboratory diagnostics of the veterinary clinic "Pitomets"

In the laboratory diagnostics department of the Pitomets veterinary clinic, blood tests are performed to determine the concentration of hormones, the presence of hepatic transferases, to determine the level of hemoglobin and leukocytes, as well as other indicators that are of fundamental importance in making an accurate diagnosis.

The study of the biomaterial is carried out on the latest and modern automated equipment, the use of which allows achieving super-accuracy of the results and reducing the time for performing the analysis. A significant percentage of research is carried out in the most as soon as possible- the analysis is ready in about five to six hours. The laboratory works without breaks and days off, seven days a week.

Research carried out in the diagnostic laboratory veterinary clinic"Pet"

In the laboratory and diagnostic department of the veterinary clinic "Pitomets" all types of traditional studies are carried out:

1. Study in progress biochemical composition blood serum. Thanks to this study, you can understand how they proceed, and whether there are any violations in metabolic processes in the body of the examined animal;

2. A standard clinical analysis of blood and urine is done;

4. Held bacteriological research blood and urine;

5. A detailed analysis of feces is done;

7. The level of hormones is being studied.

Turning to the laboratory and diagnostic department of the veterinary clinic "Pitomets" in the city of Volzhsky, you can count on individual approach to your pet and maximum attention to him, prompt and accurate results all tests that will help you quickly diagnose the disease and provide your pet with timely and qualified assistance.

Prices for laboratory and express diagnostics

All prices for veterinary services (unless otherwise stated) do not include the cost of drugs and consumables.

The staff of the Laboratory includes veterinarians, veterinary paramedics (laboratory assistants), trichinelloscopists and veterinary orderlies (and in the territories affected by radiation accidents - a veterinarian-radiologist and a dosimetrist technician), the number of which is determined depending on the number of product examinations carried out on average per working day, as well as based on the scope of work on state veterinary control over supervised objects located on the market.

The production activities of the Laboratory, financing and logistical support are carried out at the expense of the local budget and funds received by in due course for conducting veterinary and sanitary examination and other auxiliary studies of products of animal and plant origin.

The laboratory is headed by the head - a veterinarian who has at least three years of experience in veterinary and sanitary examination, who has undergone special training and certification.

The Head of the Laboratory, specialists and other employees of the Laboratory are subordinate to, as well as appointed to and dismissed from their positions by the head of the higher state veterinary institution in charge of the Laboratory.

The State Veterinary Institution, which includes the Laboratory, ensures its supply with the necessary special laboratory equipment, instruments, tools, paints, reagents and chemicals, detergents and disinfectants, laboratory glassware, overalls, furniture, inventory and other auxiliary materials for conducting veterinary and sanitary expertise

If the Laboratory is not fully equipped with equipment, it is prohibited to conduct a veterinary and sanitary examination of those types of products for the study of which this equipment is used by the Laboratory in its activities to be guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine", "Regulations on State Veterinary Supervision in the Russian Federation" and other legal provisions and regulatory documents on issues of veterinary medicine, veterinary and sanitary examination of products of animal and plant origin sold in the markets, orders and instructions of the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia, the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city) and these Regulations.

In its activities, the Laboratory is independent of the administration (owner) of the market, trading citizens, the consumer of products.

In the performance of their duties, its employees are under the protection of the state.

The Laboratory is placed directly in the building of the market pavilion (in markets built according to old designs, it is allowed to place the Laboratory in premises located near the meat and dairy trade pavilions).

It is not allowed to place the Laboratory in the yards, next to the warehouses of chemical and other hazardous substances, in the premises of residential buildings, as well as in the premises with access to the carriageway of the street with heavy traffic and pedestrians.

The laboratory, regardless of the scope of work and location in the district (city), must have required amount premises:

Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination of Meat and Fish;

Department of Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise of Milk and Dairy Products;

Department for examination of products plant origin and honey;

Room for radiological research;

A room for staff and a washing room with a pantry for small inventory;

Refrigerator (isolated refrigerator chamber) for temporary storage of meat carcasses, meat products (by-products) and other products from which samples were taken for laboratory research;

A room for the disinfection of meat and meat products (offal), equipped with digesters, autoclaves or special devices - sterilizers;

Office of the Head of the Laboratory.

The premises of the Laboratory must be equipped with heating, lighting and ventilation, plumbing with hot and cold water, sewerage.

Acceptance from the market administration for operation of the premises intended for the placement of the Laboratory is carried out by the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city).

It is prohibited to sell products of animal and vegetable origin in a permanent food market where the Laboratory is not organized.


Organization and implementation of measures to prevent the spread of zoonotic and zooanthroponotic diseases in the trade of animals and poultry.

Ensuring the well-being in veterinary and sanitary terms of products of animal and plant origin sold on the market.

Organization of measures to prevent the spread of contagious animal diseases through products subject to veterinary and sanitary examination.


State veterinary supervision over compliance with the rules of trade in animals, poultry, meat, meat products, fish, crayfish, milk, dairy products, eggs, honey, vegetable and other food products in the food market.

Carrying out checks for the presence and correctness of registration of veterinary accompanying documents for animals, poultry, products of animal and plant origin sold on the market.

Implementation constant control for the receipt, storage and sale of meat and meat products by trade and purchasing enterprises located on the territory of the market.

Conducting clinical and other examinations of animals (poultry) entering the market for sale, and when a disease is established, sending them to a state medical veterinary institution.

Organization and conduct of radiological control of products of animal and plant origin in accordance with the "Regulations on veterinary radiological control".

Inspection and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and other products of slaughter of all types of agricultural and game animals, slaughtered poultry and game birds, fish, milk, dairy products, honey, eggs and other food products allowed for sale, including vegetable origin, in accordance with the procedure established by the current rules of veterinary and sanitary examination and other regulatory documents.

Organization and conduct of mandatory trichinoscopy of pig carcasses, wild boars, badgers, bears, nutrias and other animals susceptible to trichinosis, as well as parts of their carcasses (half carcasses, quarters), bacon, regardless of the results of the studies carried out before the products enter the market.

Carrying out, if indicated, sampling for bacteriological, biochemical, histological, radiological and other studies of meat, meat products, fish, milk, dairy products, honey and others food products and sending them to the veterinary laboratory of the district (city), and in necessary cases- to the republican, regional, regional veterinary laboratories.

Branding of carcasses (half-carcasses, quarters, poultry carcasses, etc.) and offal in accordance with the Instructions for Veterinary Branding of Meat.

Issuance of a conclusion and other veterinary documents of the established form (coupons, labels, receipts) certifying the veterinary and sanitary well-being of the products produced and allowing them to be sold on the market.

Denaturation and destruction of selected and used samples of raw materials and products after a veterinary and sanitary examination, necessary tests (research) and drawing up an appropriate act.

Organization and control over the disposal or destruction of meat and other products recognized after the veterinary and sanitary examination as unsuitable for food. Drawing up conclusions and drawing up acts on rejected products.

Organization and control of disinfection of meat and other products.

Accounting for identified diseases, registration of ongoing work in journals of the established form, maintaining and compiling veterinary reports.

Promotion of veterinary and sanitary knowledge among market workers, trading citizens and buyers.

20. Veterinary service in the city, its significance and features

In large cities, veterinary departments (departments) have been established, which are entrusted with the management of veterinary affairs. In other cities, chief veterinarians are at the head of the veterinary service.

The main tasks of the veterinary service of the city are:

1. protection of human health from diseases common to humans and animals;

2. treatment of diseased animals located in livestock farms and in the personal property of citizens;

3. control over the veterinary and sanitary condition of the city and timely disinfection and deratization of objects of veterinary supervision (livestock buildings, livestock farms, dog kennels, meat processing plants, dairy plants, stud farms, markets, station bazaars, etc.);

4. veterinary and sanitary examination of products and raw materials of animal origin at processing plants and markets;

5. organization and implementation of preventive measures to prevent contagious and non-contagious animal diseases;

6. taking measures to eliminate infectious and parasitic diseases, including animal rabies and ringworm in cats;

7. veterinary control over the construction and repair of enterprises for the processing of products and raw materials of animal origin;

8. control over the disposal of the corpses of dead animals, over the veterinary and sanitary condition of factories for the production of meat and bone meal;

9. promotion of veterinary knowledge among the population, consultation on veterinary issues for heads of enterprises and organizations of the city, as well as citizens - owners of animals.

21. State veterinary institutions in the cities

Animal disease control station in the city is the central veterinary institution of the State Veterinary Service. Its main task is to ensure the veterinary and sanitary well-being of the city. The staff of the veterinary station includes: a head, an accountant, a detachment team (team leader and a veterinary orderly), a veterinary clinic (head, veterinary assistant, 2 veterinarians), a veterinary medical examination laboratory (head, veterinarian, 1-3 laboratory assistants, 1-2 orderlies). If there is a pharmacy, the position of a veterinary paramedic - head of a pharmacy is introduced into the staff of the station, and if there is an X-ray room - a veterinary radiologist. In large cities, several stations are being created. City stations for the control of animal diseases register all organizations, institutions that have animals (cattle, horses, pigs, sheep, dogs, fur and wild animals, laboratory animals, etc.), organizations, institutions, enterprises, engaged in the procurement, storage, processing of products and raw materials of animal origin, as well as animals of all kinds at enterprises and for the individual use of citizens. They study the epizootic state of the city and

districts adjacent to it, as well as districts, regions, territories, republics supplying products of animal origin to enterprises of the city.

Animal disease control stations develop plans for sanitary and veterinary measures:

A) a plan for the veterinary and sanitary examination of enterprises, organizations and institutions of the city, which provides for a mandatory examination of all objects of veterinary and sanitary supervision (individual objects are examined together with specialists from the city sanitary and epidemiological supervision);

B) a plan of anti-epizootic measures, which provides for preventive diagnostic studies, preventive vaccinations, deworming and treatment and preventive treatments against infectious and parasitic diseases (separately they draw up a plan for the prevention of animal rabies in conjunction with the city sanitary and epidemiological supervision and a plan for the prevention of ringworm in cats with the participation of medical specialists from the city clinic for skin and venereal diseases);

C) a plan for carrying out veterinary and sanitary measures - disinfection, deratization, disinfestation.

The district veterinary clinic in the serviced area of ​​the city performs the following functions:

1) carry out preventive, curative, anti-epizootic and veterinary and sanitary measures to ensure the veterinary welfare of farms and farms, as well as animals that are in the personal property of citizens;

2) coordinates the work of hired veterinary specialists of enterprises and organizations;

3) carries out veterinary supervision in livestock farms, processing enterprises of meat, dairy and other industries;

4) take measures to prevent the occurrence of diseases transmitted from animals to humans.

The district veterinary clinic is headed by the head, who is responsible for the implementation of the above tasks, as well as for the safety of the hospital's material assets. The head and other employees of the hospital are appointed to work and released from it by the head of the city station for the fight against animal diseases.

22. Organization of veterinary services for enterprises and organizations of the agro-industrial complex

In accordance with federal legislation, enterprises of the agro-industrial complex have the right to independently determine the staff of employees for the implementation of all production activities, incl. and veterinary specialists to serve livestock farms and other facilities. Veterinary specialists working at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex are employees, their legal status is determined by:

the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; - the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; - Federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine; - Laws and legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine; - Charters of agricultural enterprises and organizations. The activities of veterinary specialists are limited to the farm. Veterinary activities in agricultural enterprises have the following distinctive features:

· planning the staffing of veterinary specialists by decision of the general meeting of the enterprise staff;

implementation of veterinary measures at the expense of agricultural enterprises and organizations;

· inclusion of veterinary measures in the technological cycle of livestock production;

organization of veterinary services for livestock farms of agricultural enterprises, farmer, cooperative farms and animals belonging to workers and employees of these enterprises on the basis of contracts, subscriptions and other forms;

· Construction and equipment of veterinary facilities at the expense of enterprises.

Hired veterinary specialists of agricultural enterprises perform the following main tasks:

prevention and elimination of contagious and non-contagious animal diseases;

Carrying out a set of measures aimed at the successful development of animal husbandry;

protection of the health of agricultural workers from diseases common to humans and animals;

environmental protection natural environment from pollution by technogenic and livestock waste.

23.Veterinary service at enterprises

The enterprises have their own veterinary service. Depending on the forms of ownership of enterprises, the veterinary service has some features. They are determined by the charters of agricultural enterprises.

The veterinary service exists at agricultural enterprises, livestock complexes for the production of milk, beef, pork, lamb and wool, poultry farms, in subsidiary farms, zoos and state circuses. In its activities, it is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine", legislative and by-laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main tasks of the veterinary service of enterprises are as follows:

■prevention and eradication of contagious and non-contagious animal diseases;

■carrying out veterinary activities aimed at the successful development of animal husbandry;

■ protection of human health from diseases common to humans and animals.

Veterinary activities are carried out at the expense of the funds of the agricultural enterprise allocated specifically for these purposes.

In individual farms where rental and family farms and livestock breeding cooperatives have been set up, veterinary services can be organized on the principles of self-financing and a check system of mutual settlements.

The veterinary service of the enterprise is headed by the chief veterinarian appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the agricultural enterprise in agreement with the chief veterinarian of the district (city).

24. Veterinary service at livestock complexes and poultry farms

Vet service at the complexes.

The main tasks of the veterinary service at livestock complexes are as follows:

■Strict control over the acquisition of the complex both during commissioning and during its operation;

■systematic control over the feeding and maintenance of animals;

■systematic clinical examination, identification of sick, weak animals and organization of their treatment;

■Protection of complexes against the introduction of pathogens of highly contagious infectious diseases (foot-and-mouth disease, plague, erysipelas, Aujeszky's disease, etc.);

■ prevention of other infectious diseases in animals (brucellosis, tuberculosis, anthrax, leptospirosis, pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, colibacillosis, etc.);

■prevention of animal diseases by invasive diseases (dictyocaulosis, fascioliasis, dicroceliasis, ascariasis, moniesiosis, echinococcosis, scabies, hypodermatosis, etc.);

■prevention of non-communicable diseases (use of vitamin preparations, mineral salts, trace elements, etc.).

The activities of the veterinary service are under the control of the chief veterinarian of the district.

Reliable protection of complexes from the introduction of pathogens of infectious animal diseases, the establishment of the strictest veterinary and sanitary regime, and careful systematic implementation of disinfection, disinfestation and deratization measures as part of the technological process are necessary.

An important role in this process is played by the functioning of the complexes according to the principle of closed enterprises and their capital fences with two protective zones: external and internal (security).

The veterinary service at the complexes is carried out by veterinarians and operators for veterinary treatment of animals and premises.

Vet service at poultry farms.

The main tasks of veterinary specialists of poultry farms and poultry farms are as follows:

■ prevention of the introduction into poultry farms and poultry farms of pathogens of dangerous infectious diseases (Newcastle disease, respiratory mycoplasmosis, Marek's disease, infectious laryngotracheitis, tuberculosis, etc.);

■ protection against influenza, pullorosis, salmonellosis, leukemia, psittacosis, etc.;

■ prevention of parasitic diseases (coccidiosis, ascaridiosis, heterokidosis, etc.);

■ prevention of non-communicable diseases (avitaminosis, rickets, yolk peritonitis, hepatitis, etc.);

■veterinary control over the acquisition of poultry farms

poultry farms (only eggs are imported);

■veterinary and sanitary examination of poultry slaughter products

■carrying out veterinary and sanitary measures (desin

fektion, disinsection, deratization).

The number of veterinary specialists of poultry farms is established taking into account the annual volume of veterinary work. The production base of the veterinary service includes a veterinary laboratory, a disinfection unit and a slaughterhouse. The disinfection unit contains a concrete bath with a disinfectant solution (desinfection barrier), disinfection units Vehicle and a room for container disinfection (cleaning, washing, disinfection, drying, etc.).

The room for the disinfection of egg containers should be adjacent to the egg warehouse in accordance with the requirements of the “Procedure for the technological design of poultry enterprises”.

25. Rights, duties and responsibilities of veterinary paramedics at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex

The main tasks of the veterinarian are:

■regular clinical examinations of animals;

■organization of preventive quarantine of animals entering enterprises;

■veterinary control over the good quality of feed and the usefulness of animal feed rations;

■veterinary control over the sanitary condition of premises for animals, the territory of livestock farms, pastures, watering places for livestock;

■ carrying out measures to protect animals from contagious diseases, in particular, constant veterinary supervision to ensure the protection of farms from the introduction of pathogens of these diseases; organization of preventive vaccinations of livestock and poultry; treatment of sick animals;

■disinfection, disinfestation, deratization and disinfestation of livestock buildings;

■ supervising the slaughter of animals, the veterinary and sanitary condition of the slaughterhouse; castration of animals;

■carrying out veterinary measures during the reproduction of the herd, including artificial insemination of animals and transplantation of zygotes;

■Training workers of livestock farms in the rules and methods of caring for animals, methods of preventing diseases and providing first aid to sick animals.

A veterinary paramedic can be a senior specialist on a large livestock farm, independently perform all types of veterinary work. In this case, he must organize and carry out anti-epizootic and treatment-and-prophylactic measures in strict accordance with the technological cycle of production, draw up applications for obtaining medicines and other veterinary products, keep registers of sick animals, records of anti-epizootic measures and other veterinary documentation; draw up reports according to the approved forms of veterinary reporting and submit them to the chief veterinarian of the enterprise.

The veterinary assistant of an agricultural enterprise has the right to: freely visit livestock farms, slaughterhouses, feed shops and other facilities; to make proposals on elimination of detected violations of veterinary and sanitary rules; require the implementation of preventive measures to prevent and eradicate contagious animal diseases; issue certificates on the state of health of animals belonging to the enterprise, workers and employees of this enterprise, on the veterinary well-being of meat and meat products exported for sale to markets within the region.

The veterinary assistant of an agricultural enterprise is responsible for the timely and high-quality implementation of preventive and therapeutic measures.

The workplace of a veterinary paramedic is a livestock farm. There should be a room for a veterinary pharmacy or veterinary station.

In some cases, the veterinary assistant is appointed to the position of the chief veterinarian of the farm, the veterinarian of the agricultural unit

enterprises. In this case, his rights, duties and responsibilities are determined by the Regulations on the main veterinarian agricultural enterprise.

26. Essence, objects and methods of veterinary supervision

Veterinary supervision is understood as a system of constant control carried out by veterinary specialists in various sectors of production, trade, and transport.

The organization of veterinary supervision is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, which sets out the main provisions of state veterinary supervision. State veterinary supervision is carried out in accordance with a special regulation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation.

State veterinary supervision includes:

■carrying out measures to monitor compliance by legal entities and individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, with the Federal Law

in the field of veterinary medicine;

■registration and analysis of violations of federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine that led to the emergence and spread of contagious and mass non-contagious animal diseases;

■revealing and establishing the causes and conditions for the emergence and spread of contagious and mass noncontagious animal diseases;

■implementation of measures to prevent violations of federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine and the application of sanctions established by this law;

■generalization of the practice of application of federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine, preparation of proposals for its improvement, participation in the development of draft regulations, Veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation and their submission for appropriate consideration;

■organization of anti-epizootic measures;

■registration of objects of veterinary supervision and maintenance of a register of registered objects;

■veterinary and sanitary examination of products of animal origin;

■development of uniform requirements for research and other work to substantiate technical regulations in the field of veterinary medicine;

■ control over the implementation of technical regulations in the field of veterinary medicine, study and generalization of the practice of their application;

■implementation of veterinary monitoring;

■development, formation and maintenance of a unified federal database in the field of state veterinary regulation.

The following methods of veterinary supervision have been adopted in our country:

■Regular monitoring (permanent or periodic) of veterinary objects is the most accessible method of veterinary supervision at agricultural enterprises, farm (peasant) farms and other livestock enterprises.

■Checking, examination, inspection - a more fundamental method of veterinary supervision in livestock farms, at enterprises for the procurement, processing, storage of products of animal origin. They check, examine the veterinary and sanitary condition, compliance with veterinary rules, established production technology, etc.;

■ veterinary specialists conduct special studies to determine the safety of animal products for especially dangerous animal diseases transmitted from them to humans, as well as when there is a suspicion of poor quality products, etc.;

■ veterinary and sanitary examination (assessment) is the main method of veterinary supervision at meat and dairy enterprises, markets and other facilities. It is crucial to prevent the sale of substandard food;

■checking documents ( veterinary certificates, certificates, certificates, acts of inspection of farms, enterprises, protocols for the autopsy of animal corpses, etc.) - enough effective method establishing the well-being of farms, enterprises, settlements. Document verification is used in the procurement, transportation of animals, products of animal origin, in the acquisition of farms, exports, imports of animals and products.

27. Organization of inspections of controlled objects of state veterinary supervision

State veterinary supervision is carried out by the following officials of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation:

■ the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation, appointed to and dismissed by the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, and his deputies;

■heads of territorial bodies of state veterinary supervision - territorial state veterinary inspectors of the Russian Federation for assigned service areas;

■deputy heads of territorial bodies of state veterinary supervision - deputies of territorial state veterinary inspectors of the Russian Federation in assigned service areas;

■heads of bodies executive power subjects of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of veterinary medicine - by the chief state veterinary inspectors of the subjects of the Russian Federation;

■deputy heads of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation authorized in the field of veterinary medicine - deputies of the chief state veterinary inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

■heads of the governing bodies of veterinary services within the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation, which provide for military and equivalent service, - chief state veterinary inspectors of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation;

■deputy heads of the governing bodies of veterinary services within the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation, which provide for military and equivalent service, - deputies of the chief state veterinary inspectors of the federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation;

■other officials (state veterinary inspectors) of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in accordance with the regulation on state veterinary supervision approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

The objects of veterinary supervision include:

■animals, products of animal origin, feed, veterinary drugs;

■habitats and keeping of animals of all kinds (including animals in a state of natural freedom);

■ farms, farms, apiaries and other livestock facilities related to the keeping and management of animals;

■markets and other places where animals, products of animal and vegetable origin, feed, veterinary drugs are sold;

■ venues for exhibitions, competitions and other events involving animals;

■ all types of vehicles used for the transport of animals, products of animal and vegetable origin, feed, veterinary drugs;

■ research, diagnostic, treatment and treatment-and-prophylactic activities related to animals, products of animal origin, feed, veterinary drugs;

■activities of legal entities and individuals involved in the production and circulation of animals, products of animal origin, feed and veterinary preparations;

■places of catching (harvesting) of fish and other aquatic organisms. In this case, fishing grounds also mean vessels for catching (catching) fish and other hydrobionts, mother ships and mobile processing enterprises;

■railway and automobile stations, stations, sea and river ports, airports and airfields, specially

equipped places of passage through the State border of the Russian Federation;

■places where burial and/or disposal (destruction) of biological waste is carried out.

The objects of state veterinary supervision are subject to registration by the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation in the Regulations on State Veterinary Supervision.

Registration should be done in a notification manner and without charging a fee.

28. Rights and obligations of bodies and officials authorized to exercise state veterinary control (supervision)

Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, Territorial State Veterinary Inspectors of the Russian Federation, Chief

state veterinary inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, chief state veterinary inspectors of the veterinary services of federal executive bodies, their deputies, and other state veterinary inspectors of the Russian Federation have the right to:

■ freely visit and inspect organizations, institutions and enterprises and other places of activity in the field of veterinary medicine in order to check their compliance with the Federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine, their implementation of antiepizootic and other veterinary measures;

■Submit legal and individuals requirements to carry out anti-epizootic and other veterinary measures, to eliminate violations of the Federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine, as well as to supervise the fulfillment of these requirements;

■make proposals to state authorities and local governments on the establishment of special commissions to prevent the spread and eradication of various animal diseases;

■go to court and court of Arbitration with a claim against the respective owners and dealers for the alienation of infected animals from them and/or the seizure of contaminated products of animal origin during the liquidation of epizootic foci and in other cases;

■ issue veterinary opinions;

■ make decisions:

On the conduct of diagnostic studies and immunization of animals according to epizootological and epidemiological indications;

In the event that during the state veterinary supervision it is established that the product (work, service) can cause harm to the life or health of animals and/or people, the environment and property of consumers, take a decision in the prescribed manner to suspend the activities of legal entities and entrepreneurial activities of individuals;

If, during the state veterinary supervision, the possibility of causing harm to the life or health of animals and / or people, the environment and property of consumers is established, take a decision in accordance with the established procedure to suspend the production, storage, transportation and sale of animals,

products of animal origin, feed, veterinary drugs;

■ suspend or prohibit, until the necessary measures are taken and existing violations of the Federal legislation in the field of veterinary science are eliminated, the production, storage, transportation and sale of products of animal origin, the production and use of drugs and technical means veterinary appointment;

■ consider cases of violations of federal legislation in the field of veterinary medicine and impose administrative penalties in the prescribed manner, make proposals to deprive enterprises and citizens of licenses for the right to produce, procure, transport, store and sell products of animal origin, feed, drugs and technical means of veterinary purposes and specialists in the field of veterinary medicine for the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities, to transfer documents to the investigating authorities for the initiation of criminal cases;

■ instruct the conduct of veterinary and sanitary examinations, make proposals to the authorities on amendments to the regulatory and technical documentation for new products of animal origin, feed, feed additives and veterinary drugs;

■ make decisions on conducting research, vaccinations, disinfection and other measures in foci of infection, on the alienation of animals and the withdrawal of products during the elimination of foci of especially dangerous animal diseases;

■receive information and documents from enterprises and citizens necessary for the performance of their functions;

■remove cargo samples for veterinary sledging

container expertise.

State veterinary inspectors of the veterinary services of the federal executive bodies shall exercise the rights provided for by this article in respect of only those animals, products of animal origin, types of activities, buildings and other objects of veterinary supervision that are located on the territory assigned to their jurisdiction in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Federation.

Import into the territory (export from the territory), as well as transit through the territory of the Russian Federation of animals, products of animal origin, feed and veterinary drugs is carried out with the written permission of the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation.

The Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation participates in the preparation and signing of international treaties on veterinary issues with the participation of the Russian Federation.

The Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation has the right to issue and/or approve veterinary documents and other documents in the field of veterinary medicine, which are mandatory for execution by bodies and institutions of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation and other organizations operating in the field of veterinary medicine.

State veterinary inspectors are required to:

■ use in a timely manner and to the fullest extent their powers to prevent, detect and suppress violations of the Federal legislation in the field of veterinary science;

■ not to disclose information constituting state, military and commercial secrets;

■ wear uniforms and be guided in their activities by the Federal legislation in the field of veterinary science.

29. Organization of veterinary supervision in livestock farms

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, laws and by-laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in livestock farms, state veterinary supervision is carried out by the head and specialists of interdistrict and zonal divisions of state veterinary supervision.

State veterinary supervision in animal husbandry includes:

■Identification and elimination of the causes and conditions for the emergence and spread of contagious and other diseases and poisonings of animals;

■ control over the implementation by enterprises of organizational and economic, general preventive, anti-epizootic and veterinary and sanitary measures, veterinary rules;

■application of measures to prevent veterinary offenses and bring to justice those who committed them.

State veterinary supervision over the construction of livestock facilities is reduced to the participation of veterinary specialists in the selection of a site for construction, the location of individual buildings, to constant monitoring of the progress of construction and participation in the commissioning of premises.

Veterinary supervision over the implementation of the rules for feeding and keeping animals - preventive supervision - is aimed at preventing violations of these rules, improving the veterinary and sanitary condition of farms and complexes, and ensuring a high veterinary and sanitary culture of animal husbandry.

A veterinary inspector, a specialist of the state veterinary inspection, exercising supervision at the farm, checks compliance with the technology for keeping animals;

Veterinary supervision over compliance with the rules for obtaining, storing and processing milk is reduced to systematic monitoring of compliance with the approved rules.

A veterinary specialist examines animals before slaughter, conducts a veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and other slaughter products.

When purchasing breeding and use animals, the main task of veterinary supervision is to ensure the complete veterinary welfare of purchased animals, to prevent the introduction of infectious diseases into agricultural enterprises.

Veterinary supervision during the purchase of animals is carried out by specialists of the state veterinary network. They inspect livestock, carry out mandatory research and treatment and preventive treatments against certain infectious and parasitic diseases.

Depending on the epizootic situation, the chief state veterinary inspector in the region determines additional studies and treatments to which the animals must be subjected.

Slaughter cattle are directly imported to meat processing plants and other processing enterprises. It is allowed to procure products obtained from animals suffering from brucellosis, tuberculosis and some other diseases, subject to special conditions for their transportation and slaughter.

Raw leather, fur, sheepskin, wool, hair, bristles, bones, horns, hooves, intestinal raw materials, animal down, bird feathers and down and other waste obtained during processing are subject to veterinary supervision.

The final act of veterinary supervision in farms is the implementation of veterinary and sanitary measures: cleaning and disinfection of premises, territories and other objects; prohibition of the entry and exit of animals, the export of products of animal origin, fodder; prohibition of procurement of livestock, poultry, products; closing of pastures, reservoirs; conducting

preventive and forced veterinary and sanitary measures, quarantine of farms; measures for the protection of nature.

30. Organization of veterinary supervision in transport

The specialists of the state veterinary supervision in transport have the following main tasks:

■ protection of livestock farms from the introduction of contagious diseases;

■prevention of the spread of diseases by means of transport;

■ prevention of disease, emaciation and death of animals on the way;

■prevention of spoilage of products of animal origin during transportation.

In accordance with the current rules for the transport of animals and goods of animal origin, only healthy animals from safe farms are allowed to be transported and driven. In some cases, it is allowed to transport animals suffering from contagious diseases (brucellosis, tuberculosis, etc.) to meat processing plants. Such permission is given by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

State veterinary supervision in transport is carried out by:

■specialists of the state veterinary inspections of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

■veterinary inspectors of Rosselkhoznadzor for transport

those and the state border.

Animals intended for removal (export) from the farm are examined on the spot, if necessary, subjected to diagnostic studies and preventive treatments.

For animals, products of animal origin, special veterinary certificates (forms No. 1, 2, 3) are issued, confirming the well-being of animals, products and localities in terms of contagious diseases.

In case of transfer (transportation) of animals without veterinary documents (veterinary certificates or certificates), the veterinary specialist has the right to delay the transfer (transportation), informing the chief state veterinary inspector of the region about this.

The main tasks of veterinary specialists in railway transport:

■Ensuring the veterinary and sanitary welfare of transported animals and products of animal origin;

■ prevention of damage to products;

■prevention of emaciation, illness and death of animals on the way;

■ protection of farms from the introduction of pathogens of contagious animal diseases;

■carrying out veterinary measures in case of detection of contagious and non-contagious animal diseases;

■ control over the receipt of vehicles for veterinary and sanitary treatment;

■monitoring compliance with transportation rules.

■ animal feed;

Veterinary specialists at the border issue veterinary certificates and veterinary certificates, draw up other documents when importing, exporting and transiting controlled goods. Employees of the state veterinary supervision at the border and transport in the performance of their duties wear uniforms.

31. Organization of state veterinary supervision to protect the country's territory from the introduction of contagious animal diseases and ensure veterinary safety when importing controlled goods

The following transported by any type of transport and all types of shipments are subject to border state veterinary supervision:

■animals of all kinds (including birds, fur animals, laboratory, zoo, domestic animals, sea animals, bees, fish, other aquatic organisms, animal embryos and sperm, fertilized eggs);

■ products of animal origin (meat, meat products, milk and dairy products, fish, eggs, bee products, skins, wool, furs, down, feathers, endocrine and intestinal raw materials, blood, bones and other raw materials);

■ animal feed;

■veterinary drugs, biological materials and collectibles of animal origin.

The main tasks of the border state veterinary supervision:

■monitoring compliance veterinary regulations during international transportation of controlled cargo, export of pathogens of especially dangerous animal diseases, biological and chemical-pharmaceutical agents for veterinary purposes and testing samples of foreign veterinary drugs;

■determining, together with the interested central federal executive authorities, checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation for controlled cargo, organizing veterinary supervision at these checkpoints;

■development of nationwide programs to protect against the importation from foreign countries and the spread of contagious animal diseases on the territory of the Russian Federation, control over their implementation on the ground, as well as over the implementation of protective veterinary measures in the border zone;

■development of draft instructions, regulations, manuals, rules and other normative documents on issues of veterinary control at checkpoints across the state border and protection of the territory of the Russian Federation from the introduction of contagious animal diseases from foreign states;

■development of veterinary requirements for the purchase and import from foreign countries of all types of livestock products, the conditions for their transportation, processing and use within the country;

■participation in the development of unified rules for the selection and laboratory methods studies of pathogens of especially dangerous animal diseases;

■monitoring the veterinary and sanitary condition of motor vehicles, ships, aircraft, wagons, containers, warehouses, quarantine bases, loading and unloading areas and other special facilities before loading and after unloading livestock products, disinfection and washing complexes, as well as after collection and disposal of separation in international

sea ​​and air ports, at border railway stations and highways.

The border state veterinary control has the right:

■ inspect applicants from foreign countries

and controlled goods exported abroad and decide on the possibilities and conditions for their further transportation;

■ to freely enter the territory of sea and river ports (piers), airports, railway stations, post offices, quarantine bases, loading and unloading sites, other farms, various enterprises

and organizations, regardless of their departmental subordination and organizational and legal forms, individuals, as well as enterprises engaged in the procurement, storage, processing and export-import transportation of controlled goods;

■ receive from the administration of customs, sea and river ports (piers), airports, railway stations

and other organizations all the necessary information about incoming, stored and dispatched goods of animal origin and relevant documents;

■ detain controlled goods imported into the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the Veterinary Inspection Department of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance and relevant veterinary certificates, suspend or prohibit the unloading, loading and transit of these goods in cases of violations of the veterinary conditions for their delivery;

■ issue binding orders to eliminate detected violations of veterinary rules in the course of transportation of controlled goods, make decisions on the procedure for the sale or destruction of confiscated controlled goods;

■ take samples of products of animal origin for inspection and subsequent laboratory examinations.

Veterinary specialists at the border issue veterinary certificates and veterinary certificates, draw up other documents during import, export and transit

controlled cargoes. Employees of the state veterinary supervision at the border in the performance of their duties wear uniforms.

32. Organization of veterinary supervision during slaughter of animals, processing of products of animal origin

in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, enterprises, organizations and institutions engaged in slaughtering animals, harvesting, storing and processing products of animal origin are subject to state veterinary supervision.

In farms, slaughterhouses, meat-packing plants, the administration must provide appropriate conditions for the examination of animals, the examination of slaughter products. On farms, inspection of animals, preliminary veterinary examination of meat is carried out by hired veterinary specialists, at processing enterprises - specialists of the state veterinary supervision.

Veterinary experts at enterprises for the processing and storage of products of animal origin are part of the district (city) station for the control of animal diseases at the location of the enterprise. Laboratory studies of products of animal origin may be carried out in their own laboratory or in a state veterinary laboratory.

The tasks of veterinary experts are:

■organization and conduct of state veterinary supervision at all production sites and facilities;

■carrying out veterinary and sanitary examination of meat, meat co-products, ensuring the release of food, feed, technical products of animal origin that are safe in veterinary and sanitary terms;

■ control over the implementation of measures aimed at diagnosing, preventing the spread and elimination of contagious diseases of humans and animals transmitted through slaughter animals, their slaughter products and industrial waste;

■propaganda of veterinary knowledge among the employees of the enterprise.

Veterinary experts are responsible for the correct and timely implementation of measures to produce safe products and prevent the spread of contagious animal diseases.

If infectious diseases are detected at the meat processing plant, a set of measures is taken to prevent the removal of the pathogen with wastewater, workers

employees of the plant and persons visiting meat binat when delivering livestock, receiving products. Depending on the type of detected diseases, an appropriate set of measures is also carried out.

At slaughterhouses, slaughterhouses, veterinary supervision is carried out by a veterinarian or a veterinary paramedic assigned to serve them.

Procurement of products of animal origin is permitted only in farms and settlements that are free from contagious diseases. Permission is given by the chief state veterinary inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Procurement and processing enterprises and organizations are served by specialists of state veterinary institutions. They monitor the incoming products, their sorting, proper storage, check veterinary documents, organize appropriate studies, and are not responsible for carrying out veterinary measures.

Harvested leather and fur raw materials are subject to mandatory testing for anthrax in a veterinary laboratory. If anthrax infection is suspected, wool is also examined.

33. Organization of veterinary supervision in the markets

Veterinary supervision in food markets is carried out by state laboratories of veterinary and sanitary examination.

Veterinary supervision in the market solves the following tasks:

■ conducts veterinary and sanitary examination of meat, meat products, fish, milk, dairy, vegetable and other food products;

■ monitors the sanitary condition of the places where these products are traded;

■ prohibits the sale of substandard products;

■ takes measures to prevent human diseases from zoonoses, toxic infections, etc.

Each laboratory should have separate rooms:

■ for examination of meat and meat products;

■ to check milk and dairy products;

■ for examination of other products;

■ for laboratory research.

After inspection and veterinary and sanitary examination, the products are branded. When permitting the sale of milk and dairy products, it is customary to stick labels indicating the number of seats and the number of the examination.

34. Criminal liability for violation of veterinary legislation

According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (1997):

Violation of veterinary rules that negligently caused the spread of an epizootic and other grave consequences is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to one hundred and twenty thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to one year, or by corrective labor for a term of up to two years, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.

It should be noted that the veterinary rules are contained in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on veterinary medicine, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, departmental acts of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Federal security services of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

Veterinary violations include:

■ performance of prohibited procedures and operations related to the use, keeping, feeding of domestic animals;

■ failure to carry out preventive vaccinations;

■ non-compliance with quarantine rules;

■ failure to report animal diseases to veterinary authorities;

■ slaughter of livestock in violation of veterinary rules (refusal or deviation from the preliminary examination of livestock, non-compliance with sanitary standards during slaughter, etc.).

The consequences of violating veterinary rules are:

■ epizootics;

■ mass death of domestic animals that does not fall under the signs of an epizootic;

■ spread of the disease among wild animals of the region and their death;

■ transmission of diseases common to humans and animals to at least one person.

Violation of veterinary rules is possible with indirect intent, when the violator is aware of this, foresees the possibility of public dangerous consequences and consciously allows their offensive or treats it indifferently.

Article 238

≪Production or sale of goods, performance of work or provision of services that do not meet the requirements of the safety of life or health of consumers (sale of meat, milk, eggs, etc. in violation of veterinary rules), as well as the illegal issuance or use of an official document certifying compliance with the specified of goods, works or services to safety requirements (veterinary certificates, certificates), if these acts negligently caused harm to human health, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or by restriction freedom for up to two years, or imprisonment for up to two years.

The same acts, if they:

a) committed by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group;

b) committed in relation to goods and services intended for children under the age of six;

c) negligently caused grievous bodily harm or death to a person, shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 100 thousand to 500 thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wage or salary, or any other income of the convicted person for a period of one to three years, or by restraint of liberty for a term of up to three years. years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to six years, with or without a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years.

The acts provided for by the first and second parts of this article, which negligently caused the death of two or more persons, shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of four to ten years.

Article 171. Illegal entrepreneurship.

≪Performance of entrepreneurial activity without registration or in violation of registration rules, as well as submission to the state registration authority of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs of documents containing deliberately false information, or carrying out entrepreneurial activity without a special permit (license) in cases where such permission (license) is mandatory, or in violation of the licensed requirements and conditions, if this act caused large damage to citizens, organizations or the state or is associated with the extraction of income on a large scale, is punishable by a fine in the amount of three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income sentenced for a period of up to two years, or by compulsory labor for a term of one hundred and eighty to two hundred and forty hours, or by arrest for a term of four to six months. The subject of the crime may be veterinary specialists engaged in illegal veterinary business.

35. Administrative liability for violation of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation

According to the Code of the Russian Federation "On Administrative Offenses" it is provided:

Article 10.6.

1. Violation of animal quarantine rules or other veterinary and sanitary rules, with the exception of cases provided for by paragraph 2 of this article - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand rubles; officials - from three thousand to five thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from three thousand to five thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

2. Violation of the rules for combating quarantine and especially dangerous diseases animals - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred roubles; officials - from five thousand to seven thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without education legal entity- from five thousand to seven thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; legal entities - from ninety thousand to one hundred thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

Article 10.7.

1. Concealment from bodies of state veterinary supervision of information about a sudden case or about simultaneous mass diseases of animals, or untimely notification of these bodies, as well as untimely adoption or failure to take measures to localize a case or disease - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; officials - from one thousand to two thousand rubles; legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles.

2. The same actions committed during the period of implementation of restrictive measures (quarantine) in the relevant territory - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred roubles; officials - from two thousand to two thousand five hundred roubles; legal entities - from ninety thousand to one hundred thousand roubles.

Article 10.8.

Violation of the veterinary and sanitary rules for the transportation or slaughter of animals, the rules for processing, storing or selling livestock products - shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five hundred to one thousand roubles; officials - from three

thousand to five thousand rubles; for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from three thousand to five thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days; legal entities - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles or an administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

The listed articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation regulate the powers of the state veterinary supervision in the following offenses in the field of veterinary medicine:

■ Violation of quarantine rules imposed when there is a threat of the emergence and spread of contagious and mass non-contagious animal diseases (Article 17 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”);

■ violation of the general requirements for the prevention and eradication of animal diseases and ensuring the veterinary safety of livestock products (Section 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine");

■ Violation of veterinary requirements for legal entities and individuals regarding the maintenance, feeding and watering of animals, their transportation or driving (Article 13 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine");

■ failure to carry out preventive treatment of animals, untimely adoption of measures to eliminate foci of the disease (articles 17, 18, 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine");

■ Violation of veterinary and sanitary requirements established by decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, etc.;

■ concealment of information about the sudden death of animals or about simultaneous mass diseases of animals by legal entities and individuals from state veterinary supervision (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine");

■ untimely notification of state veterinary supervision authorities about sudden deaths or simultaneous mass diseases of animals (Article 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Veterinary Medicine”);

■ untimely adoption of measures to localize and eliminate animal diseases; failure to take measures to eliminate animal diseases (Articles 17 and 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine" and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of municipalities on the elimination of animal diseases);

■ violation by legal entities and individuals of veterinary rules established by the Government of the Russian Federation, ministries that provide for military service, Federal Service on veterinary and phytosanitary supervision;

■ violation of the rules for the transportation of goods controlled by state veterinary supervision by rail, water, air, and road transport;

■ violation of veterinary requirements when importing into the Russian Federation breeding, user and slaughter cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, horses, birds, fur animals, rabbits, dogs, cats, wild, zoo and circus animals, live fish, crayfish, shellfish , fodder invertebrates and other hydrobionts, bees, bumblebees, reindeer, camels, primates, meat and meat products and raw materials of animal and vegetable origin;

■ veterinary rules for the slaughter of animals.

The amount of the fine is set depending on the severity of the violation of the Veterinary Law, taking into account the personality and property status of the perpetrator. To impose a fine, a protocol is drawn up in the prescribed form indicating the identity of the offender, the nature, place and time of the violation, as well as the testimony of witnesses.

Based on the protocol, the state veterinary inspector, who has the right to consider cases of administrative responsibility, draws up a decision to impose a fine in the prescribed form, which is the basis for levying a fine.

36. Market of veterinary goods

The market for veterinary goods appeared a millennium ago and developed in accordance with the general laws of a market economy. The peculiarity of market relations in the sphere of production and sale of veterinary goods is that the consumer and exchange value of veterinary goods is determined by the social significance of animal medicines, since an epizootic is a disaster of a national and subregional nature.

Veterinary products are objects of limited market turnover under the control of authorized bodies.

The market of veterinary products in our country is regulated, since veterinary products are subject to mandatory testing, standardization, certification and permission for use in veterinary practice by the executive authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

State veterinary inspectors exercise control over the use of biological, chemical and other preparations in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.

The veterinary goods market is regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterinary Medicine", regulations on executive authorities in the field of veterinary medicine in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, Regulations on State Veterinary Supervision in the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal documents. Mandatory certification is subject to mass-produced veterinary drugs and animal care products or their batches intended for sale on the territory of the Russian Federation.

On the market of veterinary goods of the Russian Federation, the following activities are carried out:

■ state and municipal unitary enterprises and organizations: biofactories, trade organizations of Zoovetsnaba, veterinary stations, district veterinary clinics, etc.;

■ non-state enterprises with various organizational and legal forms of management (partnerships, companies, cooperatives, clinics, pharmacies, etc.);

■ private veterinarians;

■ foreign firms, their branches, joint ventures.

Regional markets in the subjects of the Russian Federation exist within the framework of the national market of veterinary products as a set of socio-economic relations in the field of promotion of veterinary products from producer to consumer.

37. Tasks, objects and order of veterinary supply

Veterinary supply as an independent branch to provide the state veterinary network, veterinary service of agricultural units, incl. joint-stock companies, livestock complexes, poultry farms, other enterprises and organizations with veterinary supplies necessary for the implementation of preventive, therapeutic, diagnostic, veterinary and sanitary measures have existed for many years. In each subject of the Russian Federation there are Zoovetsnab institutions, inter-district and regional subsidiaries, veterinary pharmacies.

The production and sale of veterinary goods is carried out by joint-stock instrumental, pharmaceutical plants, biocombines, biofactories, specialized supply bases, international, foreign, joint firms, domestic cooperative, private enterprises located in various regions of the Russian Federation. Some of them are diversified, producing and selling a wide range of veterinary products. Some firms specialize in the production and sale of certain types of veterinary products.

The veterinary supply system of our country solves the following main tasks:

providing veterinary services of state institutions, agricultural enterprises, peasant and farm enterprises with medicines, biological products, disinfectants, laboratory equipment and reagents, dressings and instruments, physiotherapy equipment, disinfection devices, devices, installations, special and sanitary clothing and footwear, equipment for artificial insemination animals, measuring devices and other means of veterinary and zootechnical purposes. This also includes the supply of furniture, utensils, harness, transparencies, dummies, visual aids, forms of accounting and reporting books;

providing private veterinary institutions, veterinarians and paramedics engaged in entrepreneurial activities with the necessary veterinary equipment;

provision of research veterinary institutes, higher veterinary educational institutions, veterinary technical schools and departments with medicines and other means of veterinary use;

provision of artificial insemination stations and breeding enterprises with equipment, reagents and other means for artificial insemination of animals;

providing agrochemical laboratories with instruments, utensils, reagents and other means;

providing the feed industry with vitamins, microelements, antibiotics, etc.;

A special place in the supply of veterinary services is occupied by biological preparations. For the production and supply of veterinary biological preparations, the research and production concern "Rosagrobioprom" was created, which is a research and production complex that unites on a voluntary basis enterprises and organizations that maintain full economic and economic independence and operate on the principles of cost accounting, self-financing and self-government.

In accordance with the charter of the concern, any enterprise or organization, regardless of subordination and form of ownership, which is a legal entity and is guided in its activities by the law of the Russian Federation “On enterprises and entrepreneurial activity”, which includes the production of biological and chemical-pharmaceutical preparations, can be its participant , chemical reagents, raw materials, instruments, equipment, packaging and other materials, as well as carrying out scientific and technical activities in these areas.

The main goal of the concern is to assist its members in maximum satisfaction of the needs for modern drugs for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of animals, plants, humans, as well as other products in the profile of the concern.

For these purposes, the concern "Rosagrobioprom" carries out:

development of a promising range of products using the latest achievements in the field of biotechnology;

production of highly effective medical and preventive, diagnostic and chemotherapeutic drugs for veterinary use, products of microbiological synthesis, technological services, devices for laboratory, industrial and special purposes using fundamentally new equipment, technology and materials;

studying the domestic and world market conditions according to the profile of the concern, providing consulting and marketing services to the members of the concern in the development of the production of biological products, expanding the volume and range of goods of high quality, competitiveness and in high demand;

promotion of product certification of the concern's enterprises and effective international cooperation; assisting in the purchase of foreign licenses for new technologies with complex equipment;

trade in means of production, establishment of direct links between consumers and manufacturers of products. Veterinary instruments and equipment are manufactured at specialized factories, as well as at enterprises of the medical, aviation and other departments. Medications and disinfectants for veterinary needs are mainly produced at factories in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical, and microbiological industries. Creolin is produced at chemical and pharmaceutical plants for special veterinary purposes, some medications. Medicines and disinfectants are produced at small enterprises established at research veterinary institutes, veterinary laboratories and other enterprises.

Veterinary supply depends on the list and volume of planned veterinary activities in farms, districts, regions, territories and republics. And vice versa, the volume and timeliness of the implementation of treatment and preventive, veterinary and sanitary and anti-epizootic measures depend on the level of organization of veterinary supply and the timeliness of the supply of necessary veterinary drugs. The need for veterinary equipment, tools, biological products, medicines and other means is determined by veterinary specialists of farms, government agencies, as well as veterinary entrepreneurial specialists.

In order to improve the provision of veterinary institutions with special veterinary equipment and its effective use, standards for their equipment have been established. The following standards are currently in use:

Norms for equipping institutions and organizations of the state veterinary network with veterinary property, which reflect the norms for equipping district stations for the control of animal diseases, district veterinary clinics, veterinary stations and points with instruments, apparatus and other property (I section), tools (II section), glass utensils (III section), rubber products (IV section), furniture (V), household equipment (VI);

approximate standards for equipping with equipment, tools, reagents, diagnostics, inventory of a veterinary laboratory at a disinfection and washing station;

norms for the free issuance of overalls, safety shoes and safety devices to veterinary workers; a list of vehicles that should be equipped with institutions of the state veterinary network (station for the fight against animal diseases, local veterinary clinic, veterinary station and point, district, interdistrict, regional, regional, republican veterinary laboratory; regional, regional, republican veterinary station; city station for the fight against animal diseases);

approximate norms for equipping veterinary institutions with medicines, dressings and disinfectants;

alcohol consumption rates in veterinary institutions of the state veterinary network;

alcohol consumption rates for certain types of veterinary work performed by medical institutions of the state veterinary network.

38. Legal regulation of the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents and a description of the elements of their protection

In the process of state veterinary supervision, an important place is occupied by the execution and issuance of veterinary accompanying documents.

The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation has developed and approved the Rules for the organization of work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents (order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2006 No. 422), which sets out the procedure for issuing veterinary accompanying documents; the procedure for numbering and recording veterinary accompanying documents; attached forms of veterinary certificates (forms No. 1, 2, 3), veterinary certificate (form No. 4), veterinary certificates(forms No. 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g), a list of goods to be accompanied by veterinary accompanying documents.

Changes have been made to the Rules for organizing work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents (Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation No. 393 dated August 14, 2007). New samples of forms of veterinary certificates and certificates with the appropriate elements of protection have been established (letter of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 19, 2007).

The Government of Moscow approved the regulations for the preparation of documents issued by state veterinary institutions subordinate to the Moscow Veterinary Committee (Resolution No. 142-PP dated March 6, 2007).

Veterinary accompanying documents are issued on forms recorded in a single automated system, made in accordance with the samples and applying the appropriate security elements.

Forms of veterinary accompanying documents of all forms (veterinary certificates of forms No. 1, 2, 3, veterinary certificate of form No. 4, veterinary certificates of forms No. 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 6.1 , 6.2, 6.3) must comply with the requirements for security printed products of level ≪A≫.

Forms must be made on special paper weighing 90 g/m2 containing at least 50% cotton fiber with an exclusive common multi-tone watermark in the form of an image of a map of Russia and the word "STATE SERVICE" with a pronounced contrast that ensures its reliable visual control.

The paper must not exhibit visible luminescence under ultraviolet light.

The paper must contain two types of fibers controlled in the visible and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. One fiber must have yellow in the visible region of the spectrum and a yellow glow in the ultraviolet radiation.

The second fiber should have sections of burgundy and purple flowers in the visible region of the spectrum and violet in the ultraviolet.

It is not allowed to use special fibers that have a visible blue luminescence under the action of ultraviolet radiation.

In the manufacture of forms, only the original composition should be used.

The composition should be based on guilloche patterns (a combination of thin and intertwining lines with complex geometry). Guilloche drawings should be in contour (positive) and direct (negative) execution, composed of a large number of identical elements. The structure of graphic elements should be irregular (with variable pitch).

The front side of the forms should be as follows:

elements of guilloche graphics in contour and direct execution, located along the contour of the form in the form of a border, printed in offset;

two guilloche non-rapport grids (with variable pitch) with iris

rolled (line thickness 40-45 microns), printed in offset, superimposed on each other; at the same time, one of the grids must be printed with reactive ink, which reacts to chemical exposure; front side the letterhead must consist of at least 70% multi-color guilloche patterns of an irregular structure (with variable pitch);

Guilloche pattern, located in the upper part of the form, made by intaglio printing, while printing must be done in two colors (metameric), which change their optical properties in different ranges of the spectrum;

Elements of the picture in the upper part of the form, made with colorless embossing;

Outline (positive) microtext ≪STATE SERVICE≫ (type height 185–190 microns) in lines;

Direct (negative) microtext ≪STATE VETSERVICE≫ (type height 220–240 microns) in the border;

Numbering imprinted with a high-press method in black residual magnetization ink and consisting of three characters of the series, a number character and seven characters of a serial number;

Graphic elements printed with a colorless ink in the visible spectrum that luminesces under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

The reverse side of the forms must be as follows:

Elements of guilloche graphics in contour and direct execution, located along the contour of the form in the form of a border, printed in offset;

One non-rapport guilloche grid (with variable pitch) with iris peal (line thickness 40–45 µm), printed in offset

reactive paint;

Outline (positive) microtext ≪STATE VETSERVICE≫ (type height 185–190 microns) in lines (on the form of the veterinary certificate form No. 4 in the border);

Direct (negative) microtext ≪STATE SERVICE≫ (type height 220–240 microns) in the border.

On the front side of the forms of veterinary certificates of forms No. 1, 2, 3, veterinary certificates of forms No. 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 6.1,

6.2 and 6.3 a holographic image in the form of a circle must be made

from hot stamping foil with a diameter of 20 mm, on the forms of veterinary certificates of form No. 4 - with a diameter of 15 mm.

Foil color - silver.

The holographic image must be made in the form of an exclusive endless design.

The holographic image has two plans: front and back.

In the foreground, the holographic image should be an image of the contour of the map of Russia, 10.7 × 4.7 mm in size, reproduced at an angle of 45° with a step of 9.5 mm.

Inside the card there should be the text "STATE SERVICE" 1 mm high.

In the foreground, a map of Russia should be depicted, made in such a way that within the boundaries of its contour it should have only two colors - purple and dark green. The transition from one color to another occurs when the inclination of the form changes. The presence of other colors in the outline of the card is not allowed. The remaining foreground area outside the image of the map of Russia is transparent to the background. Two color transition effect

should only be present in the foreground.

In the background, the holographic image should be a guilloche pattern of colored dynamic lines. When changing the angle

The slope of the blank guilloche pattern should have a pronounced dynamic effect, in which the pattern contracts or expands relative to the anchor points.

Veterinary certificate forms No. 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k, 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 must be the same in color, design and security features.

As an additional element of protection at the bottom of the forms of veterinary accompanying documents in place of the signature of the veterinary

a specialist who draws up and issues a document, a holographic sticker (hereinafter referred to as the sticker) can be applied.

The sticker must have two fields: left and right, symmetrically located relative to the center of the sticker, the size of the fields is the same -

In the foreground, the holographic image should be a 10.7 × 4.7 mm image of the contour of the map of Russia, multiplied in the vertical direction with a step of 6 mm. Inside the map there should be

the text "STATE SERVICE" 1 mm high is placed, and two vertical ribbons of five interlacing lines 0.2 mm thick should be made to the right and left of the image of the map of Russia.

The right field should be completely demetallized, transparent.

The transition between the left and right margins must have a clear boundary. The sticker must be made on a self-destructing material that is destroyed when you try to remove the sticker from the form and precludes reuse.

Additionally, to protect against unauthorized removal and re-sticking, two types of notches must be made on the sticker:

T-shaped notches around the entire perimeter of the sticker in the amount of 8 pieces 4.5 × 4 mm in size;

Four notches in the form of lines 5 mm long; made at an angle of 45°, located in the center of the stickers at the transition point of the left metallized holographic field and the right demetallized transparent field.

39. Rules for the organization of work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents

These Rules establish the procedure for organizing work on the issuance of veterinary accompanying documents and are binding on officials authorized to execute and issue veterinary accompanying documents, legal entities of any legal form and citizens engaged in keeping, catching, catching animals (including birds , fish (other hydrobionts), bees), as well as the production, procurement, processing, transportation, storage and sale of products of animal origin, feed and feed additives. Veterinary accompanying documents characterizing the territorial and species origin, veterinary and sanitary condition of the accompanying cargo, the epizootic state of the place of its exit and allowing to identify the cargo, are issued for all types of animals, products of animal origin, feed and feed additives (hereinafter referred to as cargo) subject to procurement, transportation, processing, storage and sale. Accompanied by:

veterinary certificates of forms N N 1, 2, 3 - when transporting goods outside the district (city) on the territory of the Russian Federation;

veterinary certificates form N 4 - when transporting goods within the district (city);

veterinary certificates of forms N N 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 5e, 5f, 5g, 5h, 5i, 5j, 5k - when exporting goods from the territory of the Russian Federation;

veterinary certificates of form N 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3 - when transporting goods imported into the Russian Federation through the territory of the Russian Federation from the place of customs clearance to the place of destination, when they are redirected between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as in other established cases.

1.4. Veterinary accompanying documents are drawn up and issued by bodies and institutions that are part of the system of the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation.

A mandatory analysis for worms in adult patients and also in the pediatric category will allow you to effectively plan necessary treatment, which will prevent serious consequences, possible at helminthic invasion, which means that it will preserve human health.

What tests are needed

The acute phase of invasion is characterized by the manifestation allergic reactions, impaired protein metabolism and symptoms general intoxication in the body.

Many people who sooner or later face this problem are wondering how to get tested for worms, what exactly they are needed, how they can be called, and why they are so obligatory.

How to take tests

  • When conventional definition patient for inpatient treatment.
  • For special certificates for access to a public swimming pool.
  • In the event of a scheduled medical examination.
  • When registering children in preschool, or in school.

Such types of tests as scraping for pinworms and blood for ELISA are done exclusively in a laboratory, and it is customary to take a stool test for an eggworm on your own at home.

As for the research on Giardia, the analysis of feces should be taken immediately before the study, that is, even in warm state it must be delivered to the laboratory assistant.

How exactly to take such tests can be seen in various video lessons, or consult a doctor.

Scotch test and scraping for enterobiasis

The scraping technique is quite simple and this type of analysis must be taken immediately after waking up.

Before visiting the toilet, pre-moistened in glycerin oil is taken. cotton swab, and with its help, scraping is carried out on the folds, which are located in the anus.

Then the stick must be placed in a pre-prepared sterile container, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, and tightly covered with a lid.

This type of analysis is distinguished by the simplicity and convenience of taking it in any conditions, including at home.

Quite similar in some respects, is another type of sampling, which is used mainly in clinics in the west. It is called scotch dough and is carried out using a strip of adhesive tape, which is glued on in the middle of the night. anus or in the morning.

Most often, this technique is more relevant for the category of young patients, but in some cases it is also applicable to an adult.

Also as additional funds, in medicine, special sticky swabs are used, with which it is also possible to obtain reliable results.

The harm from protozoa, for example, which includes Giardia, can be so great that it can destroy some human organs.

Giardia is also called very dangerous disease called giardiasis.

Sometimes, with a lack of data, the doctor may prescribe otherwise diagnostic examination in the form of fibrogastroscopy.

When conducting this study, the contents of the human rectum are subject to study, and the presence of trophozoites, which are the mobile forms of Giardia, is checked mainly.

Differences in sampling in children

Many parents often wonder what tests children take for worms. In principle, the methods are almost the same, which include:

  • Blood test for worms.
  • Fecal analysis.
  • Scraping or tape test.

This is especially important when you consider that the child can later infect both adults and other children in his social circle.

  1. The child should not be bathed either in the evening or in the morning.
  2. It is also desirable to prepare the child psychologically so that he does not experience fear and discomfort.

Tapeworm eggs enter the environment along with human feces. Here they turn into oncospheres. Animals become infected by eating grass. In the gastrointestinal tract, the oncospheres turn into larvae and enter the muscles with the bloodstream, where they develop to Finns. A person, eating the meat of a sick animal, becomes infected himself. Finns settle in small intestine, become an adult and continue to live for twenty years. Bad influence bull tapeworm on the body is determined by the following factors:

  1. Formation of an allergic reaction.
  2. Violation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Nutrient deficiency.

Development intestinal obstruction due to the concentration of tapeworms in the intestine. Clinical picture Incubation period lasts up to two weeks. There are two stages of the disease: early and chronic. It is believed that the early stage is almost asymptomatic, since only one individual lives in the human body.


The main symptom of the manifestation of the disease is the discharge of helminth segments along with feces. The patient may also complain about general weakness, dizziness, fatigue, pallor skin. These symptoms are associated with the development of megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency.

With the development of intestinal obstruction, the patient will develop symptoms such as abdominal pain, constipation, nausea, and a single vomiting is possible. If such a condition is suspected, a plain radiograph should be taken. Confirmation of the diagnosis will be the presence of an x-ray symptom of Kloiber's "bowl" - shadows resembling inverted bowls. The occurrence of this symptom is due to the presence of swollen intestinal loops filled with gas and liquid. Often, bovine tapeworm is localized in the brain, which causes a symptom of an increase intracranial pressure, the appearance of localized or widespread seizures.

AT clinical analysis blood in patients with a tapeworm, the following signs are found: eosinophilia (increased number of eosinophils), anemia (lack of hemoglobin and red blood cells) and leukopenia (low number of white blood cells). The following methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  1. Examination of feces for helminth eggs.
  2. Ovoscopy of perianal scraping to detect segments.
  3. Serological tests to determine the presence of antibodies to tapeworm antigens.

Differential Diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of bovine tapeworm is carried out with pork. Unlike the segments of the tapeworm, the segments pork tapeworm do not crawl out of the anal canal, and therefore are not found in the feces, so microscopy for the presence of segments is quite difficult. By the nature of the structure of the segments (the segment is squeezed between two glass slides and the number of lateral branches of the uterus is counted), thanks to this, it is possible to distinguish a bull tapeworm from a pork tapeworm.

The final diagnosis of human infection with tapeworm can be established by examining tapeworm heads that were released during deworming (achieved through the use of anthelmintics). A blood test will not help distinguish tapeworm from tapeworm, as changes in clinical analysis will be identical in both of these diseases.


The development of intestinal obstruction, which was mentioned above. In addition, there may be intestinal colic, due to irritation of the bovine tapeworm of the Bauginian damper (the structure separating the small intestine and large intestine).

For the treatment of bovine tapeworm, deworming agents (anthelmintics) are used. These drugs cause detachment from the wall small intestine chain and its evacuation. The main requirements for anthelmintics are efficiency, absence or minimal toxicity, convenient route of drug administration, fast metabolism in the body, moderate price. The effectiveness of the drug is assessed by the absence of excretion of segments of the bovine tapeworm with feces for the next three months. Treatment is carried out in outpatient settings after consultation with a doctor.


Personal prevention consists in eating meat of cattle that has undergone quality heat treatment. Public is a mandatory veterinary expertise carcasses of cattle, administration of anthelmintics to infected people, security environment from contamination with feces, sanitation of settlements. Heavily seeded meat is sent for destruction, and weakly seeded meat goes for additional heat treatment, and then for the production of canned food.

Giardia in children. Symptoms and treatment of giardiasis

What is lamblia?

  1. Trophozoite is a mobile lamblia capable of reproduction.
  2. Cyst - immobile Giardia, covered with a shell to protect against negative conditions.

If trophozoites find themselves in the large intestine, where conditions are unfavorable for them, then they turn into a fixed form of cysts. Under the influence of bile, these microorganisms are rapidly dying, therefore they cannot live in the liver and bile ducts. Such unicellular organisms are quite resistant to low temperatures and very sensitive to high. So, to destroy Giardia, you will need:

  • heating up to 50ºС (they die within a quarter of an hour);
  • boiling (instantly);
  • freezing at temperatures below 13ºС (remain viable for several hours).

Are worms and lamblia the same thing?

If you try to remember a school biology course, it turns out that all organisms whose cells have nuclei are called eukaryotes. These include four varieties:

  1. Animals.
  2. Mushrooms.
  3. plants.
  4. Protist and chromist.

Worms are representatives of the animal kingdom, Giardia is a protist. For clarity, we can draw an analogy: how far animals are from fungi in all respects, worms and lamblia are just as inaccessible to each other. However, they easily coexist together, therefore they can simultaneously be in the same intestine.

How can a child get infected?

Children are the main target audience for Giardia, although adults are also at risk of infection if personal hygiene is not followed. Invasion is carried out by the fecal-oral method, which is realized through:

  • dirty hands;
  • common household items;
  • raw water (from reservoirs, taps, etc.);
  • plant foods;
  • insects.

  • inflammatory processes in the small intestine;
  • underweight;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • digestive disorders (diarrhea, unformed feces);
  • nausea, spontaneous vomiting;
  • dermatological reactions.

Each of these problems can occur when infected with Giardia, but this happens extremely rarely and only with a very powerful invasion. In most cases, the discussed single-celled provoke the appearance of diarrhea or occasional single vomiting, which disappear on their own, after a few days without concomitant treatment. There are very frequent situations when the presence of Giardia does not affect the human body. They live, do no harm, and the person is their carrier and does not know about it.

A decrease in immunity does not entail an aggravation of the manifestations of giardiasis. In control groups of AIDS patients, the disease progressed and subsided with the same intensity as in healthy people.

The immune system generally reacts sluggishly to the presence of Giardia. Immunity is produced unstable, and sometimes antibodies to the protozoa under discussion are not detected at all, which means that our body does not consider Giardia to be enemies.

There are doctors who associate the presence of Giardia with liver diseases (up to cirrhosis), cholecystitis, and inflammation in the large intestine. This is a false statement, not supported by any respected medical work.

But even these facts have not yet clarified the question of whether Giardia can be attributed to pathogenic microorganisms.

The first signs of giardiasis in children

How to determine if a child is sick? Giardiasis still baffles most doctors. Almost forty years ago, the famous Soviet ornithologist Pavlova E.A., characterizing the disease, said that there are no two doctors who describe the clinical picture of giardiasis in the same way. Since then, little has changed. What is lamblia in children is still not fully understood. Today the disease is classified as follows:

  1. Carrying.
  2. Sharp form.
In the latter case, it is customary to distinguish 5 main clinical symptoms in children:
  • dyspeptic disorders (in 8 out of 10 children);
  • pain syndrome(average 7 out of 10);
  • neurotic deviations (on average, 6 out of 10);
  • increase in eosinophils in every third child;
  • dermatitis in one in ten young patients.

Various age groups these figures vary somewhat. For example, in children younger three years digestive disorders and allergic-dermatic reactions predominate, while the pain syndrome is almost absent. And in adolescents aged 13 to 15, the pain syndrome even prevails over the manifestations of digestive pathologies. In children from 4 years old already on early stages diseases, there are signs of pathologies of the gastroduodenal zone, which are more pronounced, the older the patient.

Despite the fact that Giardia is not adapted to living in biliary tract and liver, changes in these organs are not excluded.

Symptoms of the disease

Unfortunately, giardiasis does not have specific features and is often discovered incidentally. There are frequent situations when an incomprehensible clinical picture does not allow an adequate diagnosis, then the detected carriage of Giardia begins to be treated "just in case." In addition, it is often a concomitant disease.

Nevertheless, years of medical practice have made it possible to identify the symptoms of giardiasis in children, accompanying it more often than others:

  • pain in the right side of the abdomen;
  • acute attacks of pain, accompanied by nausea;
  • unstable stool, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • rise in temperature;
  • heartburn and bitter belching;
  • loss of appetite;
  • with prolonged invasion, headaches appear;
  • soreness in the region of the heart;
  • dizziness;
  • neuroses;
  • skin itching, urticaria;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • conjunctivitis.

Symptoms do not appear all at once, and often do not appear at all. It is impossible to predict how the disease will proceed. Sometimes it disappears on its own after a few days or weeks. But there are cases of protracted invasions that last for years.

So, almost every third giardiasis is absolutely asymptomatic, another fifty percent are due to a disease with a subclinical picture, when it can only be detected in laboratory tests. And only the remaining 20% ​​accompany brightly severe symptoms. Then, how to identify giardiasis?

We determine the disease in the laboratory

If the pediatrician puts "giardiasis" on the basis of the child's oral complaints, then find another specialist. To confirm the diagnosis in without fail appropriate analyses. The problem is that often lamblia in a child is not immediately suspected.

It is believed that the indications for testing for giardiasis are the following symptoms:
  1. Frequent diseases of the digestive system, especially in chronic course with regular exacerbations.
  2. Allergic reactions not associated with external stimuli.
  3. persistent eosinophilia.
  4. Traveler's diarrhea.

Indicative for the diagnosis are the results of stool and blood tests.

Fecal analyzes

Giardia cysts leave the body in the feces, because laboratory research of this biomaterial are the most effective in making a diagnosis. Microorganisms do not multiply immediately after infection, irregularly and without a clear cycle. Usually, the first cysts appear from 9 days to 2 weeks. Their concentration in 1 mg of biomaterial is also different. Between periods of excretion of microorganisms, 10 to 20 days pass.

Before donating the biomaterial, do not wash the child, do not do cleansing enemas.

Blood tests

It is possible to identify the presence of Giardia in a child by blood. Informative in this case is enzyme immunoassay, which determines the presence of antibodies to Giardia and their level. Detect, perhaps, in 10–14 days from the moment of invasion. During this period, immunoglobulins of the IgM class are formed. Their number gradually decreases, replaced by immunoglobulins of the IgA and IgG classes, which remain at the level throughout the disease and completely disappear from the blood plasma after a few months.

How to give a child an analysis of Giardia? You can find a lot of dubious recommendations that begin with the words "a few days before ...". It is not necessary to do this, it is enough to take an analysis on an empty stomach. If the child is taking any medications, especially antibiotics, this should be reported to the doctor before blood sampling.

Treatment of giardiasis in a child

The debate among pediatricians about whether to treat a child who has Giardia cysts in the stool, but does not show symptoms of infection, does not subside. Thus, most doctors of the Soviet school are firmly convinced that these harmful unicellular organisms must be removed without fail, even if they are discovered by accident, and the child is only a carrier. This position is justified on their part by possible complications.

Dr. Komarovsky, on the contrary, recommends refraining from treating a child if Giardia does not cause problems. The respected pediatrician reinforces his point of view by the fact that drugs to which single-celled organisms are sensitive can cause more harm than the unproven probability of developing pathologies. Therefore, before treating Giardia in children, weigh the risks well and, perhaps, seek advice from different doctors.

If infection is the cause intestinal disorders or other symptoms, then medications or folk remedies may be indicated as treatment.

Tablets and suspensions

How to treat Giardia in children should be determined by the doctor, based on the history, the health of the baby, the intensity of the invasion and other factors.


Treatment of giardiasis with ornidazole preparations, for example, tiberal, is considered classic. It is allowed to be used for therapy for children who have reached the age of three.

One capsule contains 500 mg of ornidazole. The dosage is determined taking into account the weight of a small patient:

  1. With a patient weighing more than 35 kg, 3 tablets are taken once after meals.
  2. Children with less weight should take a single dose of 40 mg/kg.
  3. With a weight of more than 60 kg, the intake of 2 tablets in the morning and the same number in the evening is indicated.

The effectiveness of treatment reaches 90%. Side effects rarely occur and for the most part from nervous system(dizziness, drowsiness, convulsions), sometimes nausea joins.


All albendazole-based products are not indicated for children under two years of age. It is also not advisable to take medicine for patients with impaired hematopoietic functions, with severe liver damage.

The doctor should prescribe the treatment regimen, but usually children are shown taking half a tablet for three days.

It is convenient for babies to give drugs in suspension. In this form, albendazole can be found under the name zentel.


The tool is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, during periods of pregnancy and lactation.

Indicated for the treatment of giardiasis daily rate 30 mg/kg divided into two doses. The therapeutic course is a week.


Less effective among other drugs against Giardia. Active substance tinidazole drug. Indicated for the treatment of giardiasis and trichomoniasis.

The medicine has contraindications:

  1. Early pregnancy.
  2. Violation of the functions of hematopoiesis.
  3. Pathologies of the central nervous system.

Children are shown a two-day therapeutic course. Daily dose calculated from the ratio of 60 mg / kg and divided into 4 doses.


The drug with the same name active substance, destroying intestinal bacteria. It is produced for children in special granules for the preparation of a suspension.

Children take the finished product 4 times a day in the following dosages:

  1. younger than a year - 4 ml;
  2. up to two years - 4-5 ml;
  3. up to 4 years - 6–7 ml;
  4. up to 6 years - 7–8.5 ml.

Do not self-medicate and give your child the drugs prescribed by the doctor, strictly adhering to the dosages.

5 effective folk remedies for prevention

Homeopathic remedies can be used as additional medicine from lamblia for children, as well as as a preventive measure. the best herbal remedies dandelion and celandine are considered.


Prepare a decoction of pharmacy fee dandelion roots. To do this, boil two tablespoons of dry product for a quarter of an hour. Strain before taking. Give the child at the rate of 1 teaspoon without a slide for every 10 kg of weight. Drink in the morning before breakfast, in the evening before dinner. The duration of therapy is at least 5 days.


Most convenient to cook water infusion celandine. Pour a spoonful of dry herbal collection half a liter of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. Strain in the morning, give the child a large spoon before meals for 5 days.


Cucumber infusion is prepared in a three-liter jar of ripe fruits with a skin starting to darken. Finely chop the cucumbers, fill a third of the jar, pour boiling water. Leave for several hours. Throughout the day, give the child as much of this remedy as possible. Replace them with water, drinks for the whole week of admission. Store the decoction only in the refrigerator.


For the preparation of a healing liquid, you can take the kidneys, leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the crushed product with a liter of water, boil under the lid for half an hour. Strain the prepared chilled liquid, give the child a cup of water twice a day. The course is designed for two weeks.


You will have to work hard on the tool. Gather several branches of linden, burn to ashes. You will need a tablespoon. Divide it so that it lasts for a week, and give it to the child, mixed with honey every morning.

Treatment of giardiasis in children is carried out in three stages.
  1. First, bile secretion is normalized.
  2. Then conditionally pathogenic microorganisms themselves are destroyed.
  3. Rehabilitation is carried out, restoring the intestinal microflora.

Children's diet for giardiasis

  • berries (cherries, cranberries, currants);
  • citruses;
  • fruits (apples, kiwi).

It is good to give weak decoctions during this period. choleretic herbs or products with a similar effect. But from sweet, dairy products, fast food should be abandoned. To restore the microflora, fermented milk products will come in handy. Be sure to make sure that the child observes the drinking regimen.

During the treatment, steam or stew dishes. Boil soups in vegetable broths or weak chicken. Eat often, but little by little.

Disease prevention

There are still many blank spots in the study of giardiasis and its provoking organisms. While pediatricians and microbiologists deal with this problem, try to protect the child from infection. Preventive measures are simple and will help protect not only from this, but also from many other diseases.

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