Veterinary and sanitary examination and evaluation of slaughter products during forced slaughter of animals. Veterinary and sanitary examination and evaluation of animal slaughter products for anthrax. Where does the act go after filling

Forced slaughter: an analysis of the causes of organization and veterinary sanitary examination slaughter products. One of the main tasks of the veterinary sanitary expert to prevent the release food products which could become a source of disease in humans or are the cause of the spread of infection and infestation among animals. The slaughter of animals is the first technological operation leading to the termination of the life of an animal and the bleeding of carcasses. Tolkaevka farms LLC Sovkhoz Nikolsky enterprises for the harvesting ...

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Page 5


1. Analysis of on-farm slaughter data ..............................................................

2. Characteristics of the conditions of on-farm slaughter and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat products……..……………………………………

3. Forced slaughter: analysis of the causes, organization and veterinary sanitary examination of slaughter products………..……………………………...

3.1 Veterinary sanitary inspection of animals before slaughter……………...

3.2 Technology of primary processing of animals………………………….

4. Protocol No. 1………………………………………………………………...

5. Protocol No. 2………………………………………………………………...

6. Conclusion…………………………………..……………………………….

7. References………………………………….………………………

3 p.


Now is the time when the productivity of meat processing plants has sharply decreased due to a lack of raw materials, and on-farm slaughter occupies a significant place at the present time. If you look at this problem from an economic point of view, the situation of the farms in this regard is very difficult, which in turn is associated with a low purchase price for products of animal origin. According to LLC State Farm "Nikolsky", it is within: pork 85 rubles. for 1 kg of meat; beef meat 90 rub. per kg. Thus, it became economically unprofitable for farms without state support to sell meat. This state of affairs especially affects those farms that are located far from large settlements, because it is most profitable to sell finished products.

Veterinary sanitary examination is a science that studies the methods of sanitary hygienic research of food products (meat, milk, fish, eggs, honey, etc.) and raw materials of animal origin (wool, bones, intestines, etc.), as well as some crop products .

One of the main tasks of the veterinary sanitary expert is to prevent the release of food products that could become a source of human disease or cause the spread of infection and infestation among animals.

The slaughter of animals is the first technological operation leading to the termination of the life of an animal and the bleeding of carcasses. the best way slaughter is considered to be the one that ensures the speed of the entire process with the achievement of good bleeding.

1. Analysis of on-farm slaughter data

The service area of ​​the Sorochinsky veterinary site includes the private sector with. Tolkaevka, farms, Sovkhoz Nikolsky LLC, enterprises for the procurement and sale of livestock products.

The land use of the state farm is located in the north eastern part of the natural agricultural zone of the Sorochinsky district. The territory of the farm is located in the forest-steppe zone, in a strip of forb feather grass and chernozem soil. Administratively the economic center is with. Tolkaevka, located 25 km from the regional center.

The main purpose of the economy is the production and sale of agricultural products, in particular the production of beef, pork, dairy products. Sovkhoz Nikolsky LLC specializes in breeding meat dairy productivity red steppe and Simmental breeds (Table 1.2).

Tab. one

The total number of livestock according to the farm.

Name of the age group

Number of goals

cash cows


bulls sires

Youngster Cr. Horn. Sk. 14 15 mo

Calves up to 6 one month old

559 heads






Tab. 2

The total number of animals and birds in the private sector.

Processing of all livestock products is carried out on the farm itself, because it includes a sausage shop and a dairy plant, where it goes through a full technological cycle. Finished products is sold in a network of stores located in the city of Sorochinsk and on the domestic market with. Tolkaevka.

Livestock products obtained as a result of on-farm slaughter are supplied for use for on-farm needs (to the canteen of the village of Tolkaevka, school, kindergarten) or sent to the sausage shop for further processing and sale in the markets of Sorochinsk.

Table 3 below provides information on the intended use of livestock products for 2008.

Tab. 3

Target use of livestock products for on-farm slaughter.

Kind of animal

Number of goals

Purpose of slaughter


To the meat processing plant:

For sale in the markets

On-farm needs

Forced slaughter on the farm is carried out in the following cases: if it is established that further treatment animal is economically inefficient; from due to incurable treatment of the animal. According to Table 4 below, it can be concluded that for a number of years, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems have been the main causes, as a result of which forced slaughter is carried out.

Tab. four

Forced slaughter analysis

Reasons for forced slaughter

Cattle, heads




Diseases of the digestive system

Diseases of the respiratory system

For other reasons

Forced killed in total:

2. Characteristics of the conditions of on-farm slaughter and veterinary sanitary examination of meat products.

There is a slaughter area for slaughtering livestock at Sovkhoz "Nikolsky" LLC. It is located outside the settlement, at a distance of 200 meters from residential buildings, premises for livestock, and a road. From pastures, medical institutions more than 200 meters. During slaughter at slaughter stations, all veterinary and sanitary requirements are observed, after slaughter, disinfection is carried out.

Transportation of animals to the slaughter site is carried out by motor transport, which is a truck with specially built-in sides. Vehicles after unloading are mechanically cleaned with a disinfectant hot 3% solution. Caustic soda followed by thoroughly clean hot water.

The device of the slaughter area is presented as follows: the ceiling and walls are whitewashed, and the wall panels at a height of 1.8 meters are covered with oil paint, the floors are cement.

The production area is equipped with ventilation, heating and lighting. Water supply is provided from the water supply network. The lid of the working table is made of stainless metal, as well as hooks for hanging liver, carcass heads, basins and barrels for short-term storage of offal, fat, raw and other food products.

After slaughter, the carcass is stored in a specially equipped refrigerating room until the results of the bacterial examination during forced slaughter are obtained.

All animals arriving for slaughter undergo a veterinary and sanitary examination with mandatory thermometry, the results of which are recorded in a special journal.

During slaughter, personnel are provided with overalls: gowns, aprons, rubber boots, gloves.

The fattening stock is mainly sent to the meat processing plant. This produces the following documentation:

Veterinary certificate;

Goods consignment note in triplicate.

Slaughter of livestock in the private sector is carried out according to following scheme: the owner calls in a day veterinarian, the doctor examines the animal, conducts thermometry. Then he gives permission for slaughter, the owner himself carries out the slaughter, after which the doctor comes again and examines the carcass directly on the spot. Inspection of the carcass: the head, liver and carcass are examined by the chief veterinarian Nalivkin S.P., in the presence of the owner. The organoleptic indicators of meat quality (color, smell, texture) are assessed, attention is paid to whether there are hemorrhages, abscesses; examine the lungs and liver for the presence of echinococcal blisters. After that, it is issued veterinary certificate with subsequent branding of the head, carcass.

Slaughter of cattle is carried out by stunning with a sledgehammer. Immediately after stunning, large blood vessels are cut - jugular veins and carotid arteries. Bleeding is carried out in a vertical (suspended) position, providing a better blood output. Skinning takes place in 2 stages: whitening and final removal. Zabelovka partial shooting of the skin after cutting it along the white line in the area of ​​​​the forearm, neck, groin, thighs, limbs and part of the tail. At the same time, the limbs are separated: the front ones along the carpal and the hind ones along the hock joint. The final skinning is done by hand. Carcass gutting removal of all internal organs from the abdominal, pelvic and chest cavities. Extraction of organs from carcasses for veterinary and sanitary examination is placed on the table and hung on metal hooks.

The dismemberment of the meat carcass occurs by cutting manually with a billhook.

Veterinary and sanitary examination of organs and carcasses is carried out in accordance with the instructions and rules. If the organs and carcass are released without restrictions, then they are sent for storage to the meat warehouse, which is equipped with refrigerators. Skins are marked with hallmarks of the established form, raw hides are stored in special warehouses. All slaughter products that are unsuitable for use for food or technical purposes are sent to a cattle burial ground. Depending on the timing of the implementation, the meat is either released to the sausage shop for the manufacture of sausages.

3. Forced slaughter, analysis of causes, organization and veterinary sanitary examination of slaughter products.

Forced slaughter at Sovkhoz Nikolsky LLC is relatively rare. The main reasons for such slaughter can be: poisoning, non-communicable diseases (fractures, injuries, scar tympania, sun or heat stroke, obstetric gynecological diseases, traumatic reticulitis, etc.). Culling due to low productivity and other reasons leading to the inexpediency of keeping and treating the animal.

3.1. Veterinary and sanitary inspection of animals before slaughter.

If animals with zoonotic diseases (anthrax, glanders, paratyphoid, brucellosis, etc.) are allowed to enter the meat processing plant with a batch of slaughter animals, this can cause illness for people working at the meat processing plant, cause economic damage to the enterprise, and serve as a source of infection for meat products obtained from healthy animals. animals. Therefore, the veterinary and sanitary inspection of animals before slaughter is of great industrial and sanitary and preventive importance.

According to the current rules, a batch of animals enters the meat processing plant with a veterinary certificate, which accurately indicates the number and type of slaughter animals, their placepreparations, the well-being of the point where the animals came from, for contagious diseases.

Before slaughter, animals are subjected to mandatory veterinary examination and thermometry. In cattle, the temperature is measured without exception. Pigs will have their temperature taken at the discretion of the veterinarian.

Ante-mortem inspection is the inspection of animals. Sluggish, emaciated, lame, with tumors or abscesses, with elevated or high temperature, lagging behind the herd, vilifying, etc., are separated from the general batch, and then subjected to a thorough clinical examination. According to the rules, animals sick and suspicious of anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, glanders, rinderpest, rabies, tetanus, malignant edema, enterotoxemia, epizootic lymphangitis, tularemia, botulism, melioidosis, as well as animals in a state of agony with various diseases, they are not allowed to be slaughtered for meat. Together with healthy animals, it is impossible to kill animals with infectious diseases, with mastitis, with diseases gastrointestinal tract, birth canal, With purulent inflammation wounds, emaciated, as well as calves with inflammation of the navel and joints.

In animals of different species, different sex and age, some signs of the disease manifest themselves in a peculiar way. Therefore, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the procedure for pre-slaughter inspection of each group and species of animals separately.

Cattle are inspected, having previously measured their temperature. On examination, attention is paid to the general condition of the animal, the contours of the body, the position of the neck and head, as well as the condition of the eyes, coat, gait, respiratory rate, the udder in cows and the scrotum in bulls. It is important not to miss the cough, the expiration of the willows of natural openings (mouth, eyes, nose, anus and genital slit). Healthy animals are allowed into the slaughterhouse. If any abnormalities or defects are found, the animal is detained, examined additionally and more carefully.

When examining the young of each calf individually, pay attention to fatness, coat, cornea color, make sure there is no puffiness upper palate, expiration from the eyes, nasal and oral cavities. The navel, the umbilical ring, the joints of the limbs and the sole of the hoof, as well as the area around the anus, the crotch and tail are especially carefully examined. Inflammation of the navel and umbilical ring, thickening of the joints, icteric coloration of the cornea indicate a septic disease of the calf. In such cases, it is necessary to clarify the duration of the disease. This can be found out by the general condition and fatness of the animal. In chronically ill and malnourished calves, the coat is always disheveled, the eyes are cloudy, festering, sunken into the orbit, the albuginea and conjunctiva are dirty or dirty-icteric. Their body temperature is sometimes elevated, but often below normal. Calves that are not depleted and have been sick for a short time (3-5 days) can be allowed for slaughter, but the question of using meat from them is decided based on the results of a post-mortem examination of the carcass and organs and bacteriological examination.

When examining pigs, attention is paid to fatness, general condition and gait, to body contours, respiratory rate, and the condition of the joints of the limbs (brucellosis), to the presence of pollution in the anus (enteritis), cough, red and blistering rash on the skin (smallpox, plague ) and red spots (erysipelas, plague, pasteurellosis). But the stains are purple on bottom surface bodies of animals and the tips of the ears can be with heat stroke, which can be during transportation and with weakness of the heart.

All behavioral abnormalities and malformations found in animals examined before slaughter are recorded in the Animal Inspection Log. Healthy animals received for processing are also entered in the same journal.

3.2. Technology of primary processing of animals.

The slaughter of animals and the primary processing of their carcasses is carried out at the slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse or slaughterhouse.

Slaughter with pre-stunning is intended to protect the workers performing the slaughter and to render the animal unconscious.

The slaughter of large animals includes two successive operations: stunning and bleeding.

Animals are bled by cutting large blood vessels - jugular veins and carotid arteries. Distinguish between vertical and horizontal bleeding.

At slaughterhouses and at yard slaughter, vertical and horizontal bleeding is used. Vertical bleeding has a number of advantages over horizontal bleeding. Firstly, with vertical bleeding, it turns out greater output blood; secondly, the carcass is better bled.

In cattle, during vertical bleeding and using blood for technical purposes, before bleeding, a longitudinal skin incision 25 30 cm long is made along the midline of the neck, starting from the sternum upwards to mandible. The esophagus is exposed, tied with twine, then the blood vessels are cut. The blood is collected in a container and sent for further processing.

The technique of exsanguination in the horizontal position of the animal is the same as in the vertical one. Just do not impose a ligature on the esophagus. To collect blood, low-sided basins are placed under the incision.

Slaughterhouse processing of carcasses on the collective farm is carried out in their vertical position. Processing in a horizontal position is inconvenient, and it is used only for the forced slaughter of animals, since it complicates the work of workers and does not meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. Cutting carcasses in a vertical position is generally accepted; it, which meets the requirements of a sanitary culture, has been introduced at all meat processing plants and slaughterhouses in our country. Depending on the age of the animals, the carcass processing technology may have some features.

When cutting in-line, carcasses of cattle are processed in a certain sequence. First, the skin is removed from the head and the ears are cut off, then the head and carcass are numbered with the same number; numbered head is separated from the carcass along the line between occipital bone and atlas. The head is hung by the tracheal ring or lower jaw on a special conveyor, while the worker prepares (cuts) the tongue for veterinary sanitary examination. After the veterinary examination of the head, the horns are taken away from it and the tongue is separated, and then they begin to shoot the skin.

Shooting the skin. The process of skinning a carcass is divided into two stages: whitening and final shooting.

Zabelovka - partial shooting of the skin after cutting it along the white line in the area of ​​​​the forearms, neck, groin, thighs, limbs and part of the tail. At the same time, the limbs are separated: the front ones along the carpal and the hind ones along the hock joint.

At the slaughterhouse, the slaughtering is carried out with the help of an ordinary slaughter knife. When whitening, up to 25 - 30% of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is usually separated from the carcass. Perform this operation so that the meat is not contaminated, the quality of the skin and the presentation of the carcass are preserved. When skinning the skin, there should be no contact of the skinner's hands with the surface of the meat carcass, because this will cause contamination of the meat and a sharp decrease in its sanitary quality.

Final skinningcarried out in various ways, depending on the technical equipment of the enterprise. At small meat processing plants, slaughterhouses, this is done in the same way as slaughtering. In this collective farm, the skin is removed by hand.

The skins removed from the carcasses are spread with the skin side up, inspected and determined by the quality of the shooting.

Carcass gutting is the next technological operation for cutting cattle carcasses. Nutrovka - extraction of all internal organs from the pelvic, abdominal and chest cavities of the carcasses of slaughtered animals. In case of careless or inaccurate operation, ruptures or incisions of the walls of the intestines, stomach, bladder are possible, followed by contamination of the meat carcass with the contents of these organs. Therefore, bulging is considered an exclusively responsible operation, and it should be under constant control veterinary specialists.

Nutration begins immediately after skinning; if it is delayed for more than 30 minutes, the quality of meat and other slaughter products decreases, especially intestines (darken) and pancreas (insulin activity is lost).

The only rational method that is used in the economy is burrowing in the vertical position of the carcass, which creates a lower possibility of contamination of the carcass with the contents of the gastrointestinal tract and seeding it intestinal microflora. With vertical bulging, the work of workers is greatly facilitated.

It is very difficult and inconvenient to carry out bulging in a horizontal position of the carcass. When cutting the ligaments of organs with a knife, cuts often occur in the walls of the stomach or intestines. Therefore, even at small meat processing plants, slaughterhouses and sites, carcasses are given vertical position using mechanical or electric winches.

Before bulging, the following preparatory operations are performed: hind limbs carcasses, with a circular incision, the rectum is separated from the surrounding tissues, the pubic fusion is cut and the sternum is sawn in the longitudinal direction; cut the muscles along the white line of the abdomen. They practice tying the ends of the rectum, the neck of the bladder, the beginning of the duodenum and the esophagus with twine. After that, the organs of the pelvic and abdominal cavities are removed, and then, after preliminary cutting of the diaphragm and chest cavity. Only the kidneys remain in the carcass.

The organs removed from the carcass are hung on metal hooks for veterinary and sanitary examination at the slaughterhouse. After the veterinary medical examination of the organs extracted from the carcass, the book and abomasum are separated from the scar, the spleen, esophagus, pancreas and adrenal glands, and fat is removed from the stomachs. After gutting, the meat carcass remains on the overhead conveyor.

After gutting, carcasses weighing more than 50 kg along the line of the vertebrae are divided into two halves (half-carcasses). Separating the carcass provides a number of practical conveniences. Firstly, the carcass is easier to examine by a veterinary and sanitary expert, since in this case, those areas and The lymph nodes, which were hidden from him until the dismemberment of the carcass; secondly, meat in the form of half carcasses is more convenient and faster to cool and freeze; thirdly, when placing half-carcasses, refrigeration areas are used more fully, and during transportation, it is more convenient to load, unload and place meat in wagons.

Before dismembering the beef carcass with a knife, a deep muscle incision is made along spinal column to the cervical vertebrae. The incision should pass on the right side of the spinous processes close to them. The carcass is dismembered by hand - with a billhook. As a result of cutting, the carcass is divided into two symmetrical halves. The cut or cut line should pass through the middle of the vertebrae with a deviation from the strictly sagittal line by a few millimeters. Under this condition, the cut or cut preserves the integrity of the spinal cord. When cutting or sawing, crushing of vertebrae, zigzags and allowance of whole vertebrae to one of the half carcasses should not be allowed. Violation of these requirements worsens the presentation of half carcasses, and crushed vertebrae and zigzag areas are good place microflora development.

In the future, half-carcasses are cleaned, they undergo a veterinary and sanitary examination, and, finally, they are given a commodity assessment.

Cleaning carcasses and half carcasses. This operation of slaughtering the carcass is the final one. It aims to give carcasses and half carcasses a good marketable appearance, to ensure the proper veterinary and sanitary quality of meat and its stability during storage.

Cleaning of carcasses and half-carcasses of cattle is dry and wet. Most often, this farm is limited to dry cleaning, which involves: removing dirt, bruises, bruises and blood clots, cleaning the cut, removing the remnants of the diaphragm, trimming lagging pieces of muscle and fat. When stripping the carcasses, the kidneys and perirenal fat are removed, the spinal cord is removed and the tail is cut off. Wet stripping is carried out with warm (30 - 40 ° C) water, it is used if the carcass is contaminated from the surface.

After stripping the carcass or half carcass, they inspect and evaluate the quality of the toilet, brand them.

Stunned pigs are exsanguinated by inserting the point of a knife in the lower part of the midline of the neck and, moving the knife deep into the tissues, the jugular vein and carotid arteries are cut at the point of their exit from the chest cavity.

There are two ways to process pig carcasses: 1) with skinning and 2) without skinning. The farm uses the processing of pig carcasses with skinning.

Zabelovka is carried out in a horizontal position. The skin is removed from the entire carcass, with the exception of the head. For visceral and subsequent operations, the carcass is hung by the hind limbs on hooks. The skin is torn off in the direction from the head to the tail, avoiding snatching fat. Nutrovka produced in compliance with the same veterinary and sanitary and technical rules, as in the gutting of cattle. Gutted carcasses are sawn or cut into two longitudinal half-carcasses.

4. Protocol No. 1

October 12, 2009 11:30 am Forced slaughter of cattle, a cow of the red steppe breed, aged 5 years, inventory number 9024.

Inspection was carried out at the slaughter site LLC Sovkhoz "Nikolsky" with. Tolkaevka, Sorochinsky district. During the examination were present: veterinarian Tutaev A.N., cattleman Alyrchikov N.T. and veterinary assistant Sulin F.M.

The reason for the forced slaughter is a diaphyseal fracture of the tibia of the right limb. The animal was not treated. This farm is officially safe for infectious diseases.

Ante-mortem inspection: T = 38.9 0 C, P = 67 beats / min, D = 21 d. / min

General condition of the animaloppressed. Fracture of the tibia.

head examination . Examined and opened the mandibular, parotid and pharyngeal lymph nodes. Examined and probed the lips and tongue. cut chewing muscles layers for the entire length, parallel to their surface (two external incisions and one internal), from the caudal side for the diagnosis of cysticercosis. No pathological changes were found.

Examination of the spleen. Outside not enlarged, dark red, elastic, smooth, shiny. Edges are smooth and thin. Pulp scraping is moderate. No pathological changes were found.

On palpation, an echinococcal vesicle, 2.5 cm in diameter, was found in the right caudal lobe of the lung; the same vesicle was found in the left cranial lobe.

Opened the pericardial sac

Examined and palpated the liverfrom the visceral and diaphragmatic surfaces. The organ is dark cherry color, dense texture. Along the way bile ducts cuts were made, no helminths were found. No pathological changes were found.

External examination of the kidneys. The connective tissue capsule is removed well. Made a longitudinal incision the border between the cortical and medulla is well expressed. No pathological changes were found.

Examination of the stomach (pre-stomachs).Outside examined the serous membrane, lymph nodes. There are no pathological changes.

Examined the intestinesfrom the side of the serous membrane, several incisions of the mesenteric lymph nodes were made. There are no pathological changes.

Carefully felt the udder. I made two deep parallel incisions. Opened the suprapmented lymph nodes. No pathological changes.

Carcass inspection . The degree of bleeding of the carcass is good, the meat is dark Brown color with raspberry tint. The place of the cut is uneven, more intensely saturated with blood than other parts of the carcass. There is swelling at the fracture site extensive hematoma, muscle fibers and blood vessels are damaged. The presence of blood clots and small fragments of bones is noted. The place itself is dark red with a bluish cherry tint.

The resulting pathological material (pieces of the lung, liver with gallbladder, heart, kidney, spleen and two pieces of meat from deep cuts of the fore and hind limbs) were sent for bacteriological studies to the Sorochinsky veterinary laboratory to exclude toxic infections.

On October 16, 2009, we received a negative result from the veterinary laboratory of the city of Sorochinsk for toxic infections, the carcass was allowed to be sent for meat products after boiling to the meat processing plant with. Tolkaevka.

5. Protocol No. 2

12/15/2009 10:00 am On-farm slaughter of cattle, heifers of the red steppe breed at the age of 3 years, inventory number 0054.

Inspection was carried out at the slaughter site LLC Sovkhoz "Nikolsky" with. Tolkaevka, Sorochinsky district.

The inspection was carried out by the chief veterinarian of the Tolkaevsky veterinary district Nalivkin S.P.

During the examination were present: veterinarian Tutaev A.N., cattleman Nikonov N.A. and veterinary assistant Sulin F.M.

The reason for the slaughter was congenital infertility, the farm is safe for infectious diseases.

Were held medical measures, but the fertilization of the animal did not occur.

Ante-mortem inspection:

T = 38.9 0 C, P = 71 bpm, D = 21 bpm

General condition of the animalsatisfactory. Visible mucous membranes are pale Pink colour. Lymph nodes (mandibular, knee folds, prescapular) are not enlarged, painless.

head examination . He examined and opened the parotid and pharyngeal lymph nodes. Examined and probed the lips and tongue. I cut the masticatory muscles in layers for the entire length, parallel along the surface (2 external and 1 internal), on each side, for diagnosis of cysticercosis.

No pathological changes were found.

Examination of the spleen. Outside - not enlarged, dark red, elastic, smooth, shiny. Edges are smooth and thin. Pulp scraping is moderate.

Examined and felt all the lobes of the lungs. Opened the left bronchial, tracheobronchial, mediastinal lymph nodes. He cut and examined the parenchyma of the lungs in places of large bronchi for the presence of helminths, aspiration by fodder masses, and echinococcosis.

No pathological changes were found.

Opened the pericardial sac. Examined the condition of the epicardium, myocardium. Cut along the greater curvature of the right and left sections of the heart. Blood clots were found in the cavities. There are no cysticerci on cuts.

He examined and felt the liver from the visceral and diaphragmatic surfaces. The organ is dark cherry color, dense texture. Incisions were made along the bile ducts, no helminths were found. Longitudinal cuts were made. Echinococci were not found.

External examination of the kidneys. Removing the capsule. Longitudinal section The border between the cortical and medulla is sharply expressed. No pathological changes were found.

Inspection of the stomach (pre-stomachs). Outside examined the serous membrane, lymph nodes. There are no pathological changes.

Examined the intestinesfrom the side of the serous membrane, several incisions of the mesenteric lymph nodes were made. No pathological changes.

I carefully felt the udder. Its insufficient development is noted. I made two deep parallel incisions. Opened the suprapmented lymph nodes. No pathological changes.

Carcass inspection . outdoor and inner surface without pathological changes. The degree of bleeding is good. The color of the meat is dark cherry. Assessed the condition of the membranes of the chest and abdominal cavities, joints. The carcass and internal organs can be released without restrictions.

6. Conclusion

From the analysis of activity made in this work veterinary service LLC Sovkhoz Nikolsky, we can conclude that, in general, the farm pays considerable attention to compliance with veterinary and sanitary rules and regulations during on-farm or forced slaughter. And in particular, the farm has specially equipped slaughter sites and points for on-farm slaughter, and if it is not possible to deliver an animal that should be subjected to forced slaughter to these premises, then veterinary specialists have everything necessary for slaughter on the spot. All veterinary specialists are provided with gowns, boots, gloves and other overalls necessary for this event. And all the shortcomings that are found in the process of work, the workers try to immediately eliminate and subject them to a thorough analysis.

7. References

1. Gorilld, Makarov V.A. Veterinary sanitary examination with the basics of animal products processing technology. M: Kolos, 1981. 583 p.

2. Zhitenko P.V., Vlasov K.V. Modern conditions of slaughter in farms. // Veterinary Medicine, No. 3, 2002. S. 13-15;

3. Zhitenko P.V., Borovkov M.G. Veterinary sanitary examination of livestock products. Directory. M.: Kolos, 1998, 315 p.

4. Zagaevsky I.S. Veterinary sanitary examination with the basics of animal products processing technology. M.: Kolos., 1983 215 p.

5. Krimova A.F. Production technology, storage, processing, standardization of livestock products. M.: Kolos, 2000. 540 p.;

6. Makarov V.A. Veterinary sanitary examination of food products in the markets and farms: a Handbook M.: Kolos., 1982. 156 p.

7. Makarov V.A. and others. Veterinary sanitary examination with the basics of technology and standardization of livestock products. M.: Agropromizdat. 1991. 459p.

8. Rules for veterinary inspection of slaughter animals and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat and meat products. Edited by I.A. Rybin. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1988.

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Ministry Agriculture RF

FGOU VPO "Orenburg State Agrarian University"

Department of V.S.E., pharmacology and zoohygiene

Course work

on the topic: “Veterinary and sanitary examination during on-farm slaughter of animals in Orsky Khlebagro LLC, Kvarkensky district, Orenburg region

The work was done by a student of group 51,

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

and biotechnology

Buchneva Olga Gennadievna

Checked by: Senior Lecturer

Torshkov Alexey Anatolievich

Orenburg - 2008

1. Introduction 3

2. Analysis of data on on-farm slaughter at OOO Orsky Khlebagro 4

3. Characteristics of the conditions of on-farm slaughter and veterinary and sanitary

examination of meat products 6

4. Forced slaughter: analysis of causes, organization and veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products 13

5. Conclusion 23

6. List of used literature 25


In supplying the population with benign products, control over the quality of meat and meat products is important, as well as proper organization veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products.

Veterinary and sanitary examination is one of the branches of veterinary medicine that studies the methods of sanitary and hygienic raw materials of animal origin and determines the rules for their veterinary and sanitary assessment.

The purpose of veterinary and sanitary examination as one of the extensive branches of the practical activity of the veterinary service is to prevent people from getting anthropozoonoses and other diseases when eating food, as well as to prevent diseases among livestock and poultry, the spread of which is possible through animal feed.

Slaughter of animals and dressing of carcasses is a set of production operations during the slaughter of animals for meat and processing of their carcasses.

Great demands are placed on slaughter animals as raw materials, since high grades of meat food and technical products can be obtained only from high-quality raw materials, therefore, it is necessary to conduct a thorough pre-slaughter and post-slaughter veterinary examination

On-farm slaughter is carried out at the slaughter sites of state farms and collective farms. Before feeding for slaughter, animals are kept without feed: large and small cattle for 24 hours, pigs - 12 hours. Watering is not limited, but stopped 3-4 hours before slaughter. In the process of pre-slaughter exposure, the gastrointestinal tract of animals is freed from a significant part of the contents, which improves the sanitary conditions for processing animals and the guts of carcasses.

Slaughter of animals and butchering of carcasses includes the following production operations: ante-mortem inspection, stylet stunning are most often used on farms when it is not possible to use electric stylet stunning, bleeding, skinning, carcass gutting, sawing or cutting carcasses, their toilet and branding.

To obtain high quality meat, it is necessary to comply with sanitary and hygienic requirements both in the construction of production facilities and various other structures, and in the process of processing carcasses.

Livestock processing sites with poor equipment and maintenance can be dangerous in epidemiological and epizootological terms, therefore, certain sanitary requirements are imposed on them.

One of the main tasks of a veterinarian during on-farm slaughter is to prevent the release of food products that could cause disease or be a source of infection and invasion among people and animals.

Analysis of data on on-farm slaughter at Orsky Khleb - agro LLC

The territory of Orsky Khleb - agro LLC is located in the eastern part of the Kvarkensky district of the Orenburg region. The administrative and economic center is located in the village of Kvarkeno at a distance of 460 kilometers from regional center

The sanitary condition of the farm is extremely unsatisfactory. Most of the territory is overgrown with weeds. Bones, skulls, various household garbage are scattered everywhere.

Insulator and manure storage facilities at LLC Orsky Khleb-agro

generally absent. Sick animals are isolated in any free room. Manure is stored directly near the livestock buildings, and in the fall it is taken out to the fields.

The livestock of Orsky Khleb-agro LLC is shown in Table 1.

Table 1. Animal population and distribution by farm.

LLC "Orsky Khleb-agro" is engaged in the Kazakh white-headed and Hereford breeds of cattle. There is a small number of horses.

Every autumn, fattening animals are handed over to the Orsk meat processing plant, or sent to Chelyabinsk region. Meat products obtained during on-farm slaughter go to the farm's own needs, or are sold to private entrepreneurs.

Thus, in 2007, 80 heads of cattle were killed for the sale of meat and meat products to private entrepreneurs, 32 heads were killed for on-farm needs, including 15 forcibly. In total, 112 centners of meat and meat products of various quality were obtained from on-farm slaughter.

3. Characteristics of the conditions of on-farm slaughter and veterinary and sanitary examination of meat products.

Animal slaughter at LLC Orsky Khleb-agro is carried out on a specially equipped slaughter site. It is located on the territory of the MTF, in close proximity to the livestock buildings. But there are also cases that, contrary to all veterinary and sanitary rules, animals are slaughtered right on the card. The slaughter area is a brick structure, inside which there are hooks and winches for horizontal cutting of carcasses. The floors are concrete. Next to the slaughter area, a pit was dug for burying slaughterhouse waste. The slaughter area and the territory adjacent to it are not fenced.

The nearest water source is located in the base, about 50 meters away. A refrigerator for temporary storage of meat products is available only in the collective farm canteen. There are no special tools and devices for post-mortem veterinary examination on the farm. Slaughter and cutting of carcasses are carried out only with the help of large sharp knives.

The farm only slaughters cattle. Ante-mortem examination includes only external examination and animal thermometry, and is often not carried out at all.

The following procedure for veterinary and sanitary examination has been adopted at Orsky Khlebagro LLC.

head is separated from the neck between the second and third rings of the trachea, then it is suspended by the body of the lower jaw or by the larynx. For ease of inspection, the tongue is removed from the oral cavity without damaging the lymph nodes. When examining the head (in addition to examining the lips, gums, tongue, oral cavity and the condition of the bones of the skull, lower and upper jaws), incisions of masseters for finnosis are required. In addition, the submandibular, parotid and pharyngeal middle and lateral lymph nodes are subject to mandatory examination.

kidneys, if they are not separated from the carcass, they should be examined during an external examination of the entire carcass, while paying attention to their appearance and feel. If there are changes in the consistency of the kidneys, then they must be opened. In case of traumatic pericarditis, tuberculosis of the lungs and other organs of the kidney, it is necessary to carefully examine them, opening them with several longitudinal incisions. The kidneys often have small cysts.

Stomach, gastric lymph nodes, intestines and mesenteric lymph nodes, as well as the uterus and its lymph nodes are examined at the site of removal of organs from the cavities or on a movable table.

If changes in the configuration of organs, their color and consistency are detected, the expert must take all measures to urgently find out the reasons for the observed deviations in the organs.

After examining the head, internal organs and related lymph nodes, if no changes are found in them, the carcass is examined; at the same time, special attention is paid to the presence of injuries (bruising), the degree of bleeding, as well as the state of the costal pleura and peritoneum. Lymph nodes on the carcass are opened in cases where there are indications for this (the presence of pathological changes in the lymph nodes of the head, in internal organs or in meat). Carcasses with visible bruising of a traumatic nature should not be retained for long-term storage after stripping. If the back of the hand or a piece of filter paper is applied to the cut surface of the meat of a poorly bled carcass, then they are noticeably moistened, which does not happen with meat that is well bled. In meat that is poorly bled, small, blood-filled blood vessels, especially the axillary ones, sharply protrude.

Cattle are slaughtered at LLC Orsky Khleb- agro by stunning with a stylet. A fixed animal is stabbed with a sharp dagger (stylet) between the occipital bone and the atlas; this blow damages the medulla oblongata and spinal cord and, naturally, the motor centers are affected, which leads to immobilization of the animal. However, in this case, paralysis of the respiratory and vasomotor centers occurs, which does not guarantee good bleeding, and the preservation of pain reflexes does not deprive the animal of a sense of pain. Blood is not collected from animals. She flows to the ground.

After bleeding the animals, they begin to process the carcasses, including such technological operations as skinning from the head, separating the head from the body, skinning from the entire surface of the carcass, separating the limbs along the line of certain joints, removing the internal organs of the abdominal and chest cavities, dismembering meat carcasses into two longitudinal half-carcasses, cleaning of carcasses.

LLC "Orsky Khleb-agro" mainly uses the horizontal method of butchering cattle carcasses.

The processing of the carcass begins with the removal of the skin from the head. First, the ears are cut off, and then the head is separated from the carcass along the line between the occipital bone and the atlas, and then its veterinary and sanitary examination is carried out.

After the vet.san.examination of the head, the horns are sawn off and the skinning from the carcass is started.

Skinning- Responsible and time-consuming operation. It is necessary to perform this operation in such a way as not to contaminate the meat, maintain the quality of the skin and the marketable appearance of the carcass. When removing the skin, there should be no contact of the skinner's hands with the surface of the meat carcass, because this will cause contamination of the meat and lead to premature spoilage, sometimes such meat can cause foodborne illness.

Inept and careless skinning leads to damage to the latter and the surface of the meat carcass; in this case, there may be snatches, cuts of meat and fat on the skin, cuts, cuts in skins, etc. These defects lower the commercial quality of meat and skins.

The process of skinning a carcass is divided into two stages: whitening and final shooting.

Zabelovka- this is shooting the skin according to the accepted cutting from the limbs, chest, lower neck, partly from the shoulder blades, abdomen, partly from the sides and separating the limbs - front to the carpal and hind to the hock joint.

Zabelovka is performed manually using an ordinary slaughter knife or knife.

The final skinning is carried out, as well as whitening, manually with a knife.

The skins removed from the carcasses are spread with the skin side up, inspected and determined by the quality of the shooting.

Cutting the carcass begins with the removal of the stomach, intestines and all internal organs from the carcass, or the entrails, which is also a responsible operation, and the sanitary condition of the meat depends on the quality of its implementation.

Caution during evisceration is necessary because this operation is associated with the extraction of internal organs, many of which are filled with contents, and if the operation is carelessly or inaccurately performed, ruptures or incisions in the walls of the intestines, stomach, and bladder are possible, followed by contamination of the meat carcass with the contents of the organs. Therefore, the gut is under the constant supervision of a veterinarian.

Nutrovka begin immediately after skinning.

It is very difficult and inconvenient to carry out bulging in a horizontal position of the carcass. When the carcass is in this position, the worker, cutting the ligaments of organs with a knife, often cuts the wall of the stomach or intestines, while the contents of the gastrointestinal tract pour out and seed the carcass with microorganisms.

Carcasses are trimmed manually with a knife; before burrowing, the following preparatory operations are performed: push the hind limbs of the carcass apart; the rectum is separated by a circular incision from the surrounding tissues; cut the pubic fusion in the longitudinal direction. After performing the above operations, the muscles are cut along the white line of the abdomen. Then the end of the rectum, the neck of the bladder are tied with twine in two places. and the beginning of the duodenum, cut them between the ligatures and proceed to extract the internal organs, except for the kidneys. First, the abdominal organs are removed, and then the thoracic (liver), having previously cut the diaphragm. Extraction of the organs of the chest cavity is called liverovka.

The organs removed from the carcass are hung on metal hooks and subjected to a veterinary and sanitary examination.

After the veterinary sanitary examination of the organs extracted from the carcass, the booklet and abomasum are separated from the scar, the spleen, esophagus, pancreas and adrenal glands, and fat is removed from the stomachs. The proventriculus, after examination, is thrown out to the dogs or in best case dig into the hole.

After gutting, the carcasses are dissected along the line of the vertebrae into two longitudinal halves (half-carcasses); carcasses weighing more than 50 kg are subject to dismemberment. Dividing the carcass into two halves provides a number of practical conveniences. Firstly, the carcass is easier to examine for a veterinary and sanitary expert, since in this case, those areas and lymph nodes that were hidden from him before dismembering the carcass become available to the doctor; secondly, meat in the form of half carcasses is more convenient and faster to cool and freeze; thirdly, when placing half-carcasses, refrigeration areas are used more fully, and during transportation it is more convenient to load, unload and place meat.

Before dismembering the beef carcass with a knife, a deep muscle incision is made along the spinal column to the cervical vertebrae. The incision should pass on the right side of the spinous processes close to them. The carcass is dismembered by hand.

As a result of cutting, the carcass is divided into two symmetrical halves. The cut line passes through the middle of the vertebrae, without zigzags and the allowance of whole vertebrae to one of the half carcasses, without crushing the vertebrae. Violation of these requirements worsens the presentation of half carcasses and can lead to the development of microflora in the irregularities and zigzags of tissues.

After this operation, both half-carcasses are subjected to veterinary medical expertise and the half-carcasses are stripped.

This operation of the slaughter carcass cutting is the final one. It aims to give half-carcasses a good marketable appearance, to ensure the proper veterinary and sanitary quality of meat and its stability during storage.

More often they are limited to dry cleaning, which involves: removing dirt, bruises, bruises and blood clots, cleaning the cut, removing the remnants of the diaphragm, trimming lagging pieces of muscles and fat. When stripping, the kidneys and peritoneal fat are removed from the carcass, the spinal cord is removed and the tail is cut off. Wet stripping is carried out with warm (30-40 0 C) water, it is carried out only when the surface of the half-carcass is contaminated.

After washing, the remaining water is removed from the half-carcasses, best of all with a knife, running the blunt side over the carcass from top to bottom.

After stripping, the half-carcasses are examined and their quality is assessed, veterinary and sanitary trademarks are applied to the half-carcasses (branded), weighed and sent to the refrigerator for meat maturation.

As already noted, the resulting meat products enter the refrigeration chamber located at the canteen, and then go for food, or are sold to private entrepreneurs.

It is noteworthy that the personnel involved in the slaughter of animals are not provided with overalls. Many of them did not undergo a medical examination.

Forced slaughter: analysis of causes, organization and veterinary and sanitary examination of slaughter products.

Forced slaughter for meat - is carried out only in cases where further treatment is not effective. It is prohibited in respect of suspicious and sick with anthrax, emphysematous carbuncle, glanders, rinderpest, rabies, malignant edema, bradzot, sheep enterotoxemia, epizootic lymphangitis, tularemia, meloidosis, ornithosis of birds. Also, it is impossible to send for forced slaughter of animal producers treated with live vaccines until the expiration of 3 weeks from the moment of treatment, or treated with killed vaccines, extracts or waste products of microbes - until the expiration of 7 days from the moment of treatment, as well as animals in a state of agony . Only a veterinarian or veterinary paramedic has the right to give permission for forced slaughter.

In Orsky Khlebagro LLC, the main reasons for the forced slaughter of animals are: low productivity of the animal, various chronic non-contagious diseases, as well as serious injuries sustained by animals (fractures, large lacerations, etc.).

In order not to take samples for research in veterinary laboratories, almost all cases of forced slaughter on the farm are registered as ordinary slaughter for meat.

During the pre-mortem inspection, the veterinarian and his assistants examine the animal, having previously measured its temperature. On examination, attention is paid to the general condition of the animal, the contours of the body, the position of the neck and head, as well as the condition of the eyes, coat, gait, respiratory rate, the udder in cows and the scrotum in bulls. Special attention pay, if there are coughs, outflows from natural openings (mouth, eyes, nose, anus and genital slit). If any abnormalities are found, the animal is examined more carefully.

At LLC Orsky Khlebagro, forced slaughter is carried out on the slaughter site, or directly on the ground on the farm. Forced slaughter in most cases is carried out by the veterinarian of the farm, less often by a veterinary technician. The place of slaughter is not processed.

The procedure for conducting a post-mortem veterinary examination is the same as for the slaughter of healthy animals.

The meat from the forcedly slaughtered animals goes into the cold store and is used for on-farm needs.

During my internship at Orsky Khleb-agro LLC, I was present at several cases of forced slaughter of animals for meat.

Protocols for the results of the post-mortem veterinary examination are given below.

Protocol No. 1.

September 15, 2008, 13:00 hours. Slaughter site of Orsky Khleb-agro LLC, Kvarkensky district.

Inspection was carried out by: student-trainee Buchneva O.G. and the veterinarian of the farm Temirbaev Zh. S. During the examination were present:

cattleman Kurmanov A.S.

cattleman Davydov S.S.

The cow of the Kazakh white-headed breed, 12 years old, inventory number 6623, belongs to Orsky Khlebagro LLC

The animal has low milk productivity throughout the year, the animal does not come into hunting. Diagnosis during life - Atrophia uteri. Treatment was not carried out due to economic inexpediency. LLC "Orsky Khleb-agro" is free from infectious diseases.

Premortem Inspection:

T-38.5 o S P-58 D-19. The general condition of the animal is satisfactory. Lymph nodes (submandibular, prescapular, knee folds, supraexudate) are not enlarged. local temperature not elevated. Lymph nodes are mobile, painless.

Processing of sick animals is carried out in accordance with veterinary legislation at meat processing plants. Delivery of sick animals to a meat processing plant for immediate processing is carried out in compliance with the relevant veterinary and sanitary rules under the supervision of a veterinary specialist according to a pre-agreed schedule within a strictly defined period. Healthy cattle are not accepted on these days. According to the requirements of the veterinary and sanitary rules, it is prohibited to slaughter animals for meat for food purposes in the cases indicated above. It is allowed to accept animals that respond positively to tuberculosis and other chronic infectious diseases, sick or suspicious of contagious and non-communicable diseases, in which slaughter and the use of meat and other slaughter products for food purposes are possible without restrictions or after appropriate processing provided for by veterinary and sanitary rules . The veterinary certificate must contain the veterinary and sanitary characteristics of sick cattle sent for slaughter, the date of treatment, vaccination, the termination of feeding and the use of antibiotics for preventive and therapeutic purposes, as well as other indicators that limit the use of animal slaughter products for food purposes. When accepting sick animals, the conditions for examination are the same as for healthy ones, but an individual examination is mandatory, and if necessary, thermometry. During the examination, attention is paid to the general condition of the animal, the dryness of the nasal mirror in cattle, the outer cover, the presence of lameness, edema, ulcers, swelling, wounds, red spots, rash, scab. When examining birds, attention is paid to contamination, disheveledness and lack of luster of feathers, blue or blanching of the crest or earrings, contamination of feathers in the cloaca, swelling of the head and earrings, the presence of discharge from the eyes and nasal openings, swelling of the joints, paralysis of the legs or wings, sagging abdomen , exhaustion, etc. In case of incorrect execution of accompanying documents, first of all, a veterinary certificate, suspicion of acutely infectious diseases of animals (death during transportation, deviation of animal body temperature from the norm, etc.), etc., animals are quarantined until the cause is established. Post-mortem veterinary and sanitary examination and sanitary assessment of carcasses and internal organs of sick animals is carried out in the manner determined by the Rules for Veterinary and Sanitary Examination, taking into account the features characteristic of a particular disease. If, during the post-mortem examination of carcasses and organs, pathoanatomical changes are found that give reason to suspect the presence of infectious diseases, damage to the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the respiratory organs, purulent nephritis, nephrosis, septic-pyemic diseases, pericarditis in pigs, as well as suspected contamination with salmonella and other pathogens of food poisoning, bacteriological studies of meat are carried out. When organoleptically examining slaughter products, it is mandatory to conduct a cooking test to identify foreign odors. If during the cooking of meat the broth turned out to be cloudy, with flakes, or has an extraneous odor not characteristic of meat, additional physical and chemical studies are carried out. They include determining the pH of meat, setting up a qualitative reaction for peroxidase and protein breakdown products by reactions with neutral formalin (formol reaction) and a solution of copper sulphate. Meat is considered suitable for food purposes in the absence of pathogenic microbes, the presence of good organoleptic characteristics of the carcass, pH values ​​of 5.6-6.2, positive reaction on peroxidase and negative formol reaction and with a solution of copper sulphate. Raw slaughter products of sick animals pose a danger to human health or may cause the spread of contagious diseases among animals, therefore, they are allowed to be released from the enterprise only after neutralization. The method and procedure for sanitizing the products of slaughter of sick animals is determined by the veterinarian and marked by imposing rectangular veterinary stamps on the carcass. Neutralize slaughter products using high and low temperatures, chemical and other methods. High temperatures are used for cooking meat, processing slaughter products by making meat loaves, canned meat, boiled-smoked brisket, loin and sausages. Boiling is the most effective method of neutralizing meat and meat products. The meat is divided into pieces up to 8 cm thick and weighing no more than 2 kg and boiled in open boilers for 3 hours, in closed ones for 2.5 hours. The temperature in the thickness of the pieces should be at least 800C. Boiled meat after cooling is sent to the sausage shop, where it is used in the production of certain types of sausages. The shelf life of meat after cooking is no more than 1-2 days at 0..+20C. In the process of cooking meat, large losses of raw materials occur: for pork (depending on the category of fatness of the carcass) - 35.8-39.7%, for beef - 40-41.3%. It can be seen from this that, along with the high efficiency of neutralization, this method has certain disadvantages: large loss of product mass, limitations in terms of storage and further use of boiled meat. Neutralization of meat products by processing into meat loaves weighing no more than 2.5 kg is carried out in special electric or gas ovens. They are baked at a temperature not lower than 1200C for 2-2.5 hours, by the end of processing the temperature inside the product should not be lower than 850C. In some animal diseases, meat that does not have changes in muscle tissue and in the absence of salmonella, they are allowed to be processed into boiled sausages. The sausage is boiled at 88-900C for at least 1 hour, the temperature inside the loaf should be 750C. Pork can be sent to the manufacture of boiled-smoked brisket and loin. Brisket is cooked at 89-900C for at least 1.5 hours, loin - 1 hour 50 minutes, in the thickness of the product the temperature should be brought up to 800C. The meat of sick animals allowed for the manufacture of boiled and boiled-smoked sausages, as well as when salmonella is detected in the meat, is allowed to be processed into canned food. The technological instruction for the production of canned food provides for temperature conditions that ensure reliable sterilization of raw materials. For example, the sterilization mode for jar No. 12 “Braised beef” is (20-105-20) / 115, where the first digit (“20”) is the duration (in minutes) of raising the temperature in the autoclave, the third - (“20”) - the duration of the descent of steam, the second (“105”) - the duration of the actual sterilization; in the denominator (“115”) is the temperature at which sterilization is performed. The method of freezing or salting neutralizes meat affected by cysticercosis. Pig meat is frozen by bringing the temperature in the thickness of the muscles to -120C and incubated for 4 days. Cattle meat is frozen to -120C without further aging. Before neutralization by salting, the meat is cut into pieces weighing no more than 2.5 kg and rubbed table salt(10% of the meat mass), then pour brine with a concentration of at least 24% and incubate for 20 days at 240C, reaching a salt concentration in the depth of the muscles of at least 5.5%. An act signed by a veterinarian must be drawn up on the reasons for the forced slaughter of animals. At the meat processing plant, animals are accepted for forced slaughter out of turn, ante-mortem holding is excluded. With favorable results of laboratory tests, products of forced slaughter of animals with accompanying documents are sent to meat processing enterprises. The meat of slaughtered sheep, pigs and calves must be delivered in whole carcasses, and beef meat - in whole carcasses or divided into half carcasses and quarters, which are labeled to establish their belonging to one carcass. Such meat is accepted by meat processing plants only upon presentation of an act indicating the reasons for the forced slaughter of the animal, signed by the veterinarian of the farm, a veterinary certificate f. No. 2 and a conclusion veterinary laboratory bacteriological and radiometric control. When accepting carcasses of meat of forcedly slaughtered animals, experts pay attention to the presence and correctness of the accompanying documents and the organoleptic indicators of meat and offal. Then samples are taken for repeated laboratory testing for the presence of anthrax and salmonella, and in case of disagreement on the freshness or suspicion of slaughter of an animal in an agonal state - for physicochemical analyzes. An organoleptic examination in the carcass of an animal killed in an agonal state reveals the following features: the slaughter site is smooth, even, the surrounding muscle tissue is not saturated with blood; the blood filling of the saphenous veins and small vessels of the connective and adipose tissues is expressed, the vessels of the pleura are noticeably overflowing with blood, especially those located on the posterior edge of the ribs; muscles are dark red with a bluish tint; body fat pinkish; on a longitudinal section of the muscles, the blood filling of the vessels is significant, from which drops of blood protrude on the section when pressed, the surface of the section is sticky; lymph nodes are hyperemic; the vertebrae of the cut spine are diffusely stained dark red; in the subcutaneous tissue and muscles of various parts of the carcass of an animal killed in agony or bled after death, hypostases are found, especially on the side on which the animal lay; hypostases can also be found in paired organs (lungs, kidneys).

In the organoleptic study, a cooking test is necessarily carried out to identify foreign odors that are not characteristic of meat. Biochemical research includes the determination of the pH of meat, the setting of a qualitative reaction to peroxidase, and the meat of cattle is examined both by reaction with neutral formalin (formol reaction) and with a solution of copper sulphate. Before determining these indicators, the meat should ripen within 20-24 hours. Meat is allowed for food purposes in the presence of satisfactory organoleptic indicators of the carcass, the absence of pathogenic microbes, pH up to 6.2, a positive reaction to peroxidase and a negative reaction with a solution of copper sulphate. If, according to the results of post-mortem examination, bacteriological, biochemical, toxicological and other studies, meat and other products of forced slaughter of animals are found suitable for use in food, then, according to the Rules of Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, they are sent, depending on the production conditions, either for boiling or for making meat loaves , or for the production of canned food. The release of this meat in its raw form, including in the public catering network (canteens, etc.) without prior neutralization by boiling, is prohibited.

Forced slaughter is resorted to in case of diseases, life threatening animal, and also when there is no hope of recovery. Forced slaughter of animals is allowed if acutely contagious diseases are excluded and there are no signs of agony (clouding of the cornea, lack of irritation and a sharp decline in cardiac activity). The meat of animals killed in a state of agony, regardless of the nature of the disease, is sent for technical disposal or destroyed.

If a sick animal is killed without being in agony, the meat is sent for bacteriological examination, and the use of such meat depends on its results.

Do not use the meat of animals that died in a fire, drowned, frozen, killed by lightning. The corpses of such animals are subject to technical disposal. By decision of a veterinary specialist, they can be allowed after boiling into feed for pigs, as well as raw or boiled form into feed for animals in nurseries after bacteriological testing for salmonella.


White muscle disease. The disease is observed in calves, lambs, piglets, ducklings and chickens. At post-mortem examination typical changes found in the heart, which is enlarged, flabby. The muscles of the heart are unevenly colored. The muscles of the thighs, back, waist, chest, intercostal flabby and have the appearance of boiled meat. In addition to changes in skeletal muscles, edema is found in the subcutaneous tissue.

Sanitary assessment. In the presence of degenerative changes in the muscles (flabbiness, swelling, discoloration), the carcass with all organs is sent for technical disposal. In the presence of pathomorphological changes in the organs and the normal state of the muscles, the carcass and internal organs are examined for Salmonella. If salmonella is found in the carcass or organs, the carcass is neutralized by boiling and checked again, and the internal organs are sent for technical disposal. In case of a negative result of a bacteriological examination for Salmonella, the carcass and unaffected organs are used for the manufacture of boiled or cooked-smoked sausages, and the affected internal organs are sent for technical disposal.

Hydremia is the accumulation of fluid in muscle and vascular tissues, as well as body cavities. With pronounced signs of hydremia, the carcass and organs are disposed of.

Jaundice - staining of muscle and adipose tissue, tendon sheaths in yellow. In the case when there is icteric staining of tissues that does not disappear within two days, and if a fecal smell is established, and a bitter aftertaste is detected by tasting, then the carcass is disposed of. In the absence of fecal odor and bitter taste, meat is used depending on the results of bacteriological examination.

Uremia - self-poisoning of the body as a result of a violation of the excretory functions of the kidneys or diseases of the urinary organs. Meat obtained from animals with uremia is sent for technical disposal.

Exhaustion. Carcasses with gelatinous edema in places of fat deposition or swelling in muscle tissue, atrophy or degenerative changes in muscles and with edematous lymph nodes are subjected together with internal organs to technical disposal. For all infectious, invasive and non-contagious diseases, exhausted carcasses are subjected to technical disposal. With exhaustion caused by prolonged starvation of animals, the carcasses are sent for the manufacture of boiled sausages.

Septic processes are caused by the penetration of microbes into the body (mainly streptococci and staphylococci).

Abscesses. If multiple or non-encapsulated abscesses are found, the affected parts or organs are disposed of, and unaffected meat is used, depending on the results of bacteriological examination. Lamb carcasses with slight feather grass damage, without abscesses and other inflammatory changes, are used without restriction with stripping the affected areas. In case of severe damage and the presence of purulent abscesses or other inflammatory changes, the carcass is sent for technical disposal.

Phlegmon. With a local phlegmonous process, the affected parts of the carcass are disposed of, and the unaffected ones are subjected to bacteriological examination. The use of such meat depends on the results of this study.

Pyemia - the formation of numerous purulent foci in the lymph nodes and internal organs. In case of pyemia, carcasses and internal organs are sent for technical disposal.

Septicemia is characterized by multiple hemorrhages, enlargement of the spleen, poor blood clotting, degenerative changes in the liver and kidneys. In case of septicemia, the carcass is sent for technical disposal.

Mastitis. With all types of mastitis, the udder is sent for technical disposal or destroyed. In acute and severe mastitis, a bacteriological examination of meat is carried out and it is used depending on the results of the study.

Tumors. In case of benign tumors (fibroma, lipoma, adenoma, osteoma, angioma, papilloma, epithelioma), if the carcass is not depleted and there is no infiltration of muscle and intermuscular tissues, the unaffected parts of the carcass are boiled, and the affected parts of the carcasses and organs are sent for technical disposal or destroyed.

In case of malignant tumors (sarcoma, carcinoma), parts of carcasses and organs affected by multiple malignant tumors are disposed of or destroyed.

Melanosis - pathological condition animal organism, accompanied by deposits of black pigment (melanin) in organs and tissues. In the presence of black OR yellow color in the muscles and organs, the carcass, together with the internal organs, is disposed of or destroyed. With local melanosis, only the affected organs are sent for disposal, and the carcass is released without restriction after cleaning.

Respiratory diseases

In case of catarrhal and croupous inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, the carcass and internal parenchymal organs, if the lymph nodes are not affected and there are no visible changes in meat and organs, released for food purposes after bacteriological examination.

When found on the walls of the nasal cavity malignant tumors(sarcoma, carcinoma) the head, internal organs and carcass are disposed of. When a benign tumor (epithelioma, fibroma, polyps, etc.) is established, the head is sent for technical disposal (destroyed), and the carcass and organs are released, depending on the results of bacteriological examination.

With healed pleurisy with cicatricial contraction of the pulmonary pleura and in the absence of an inflammatory process, the lungs can be released on a common basis.

With lobar pneumonia, pasteurellosis and other infections must be excluded. With croupous inflammation of the lungs of non-infectious etiology, the question of the procedure for using ink depends on the results of a bacteriological study for salmonella. If Salmonella is found in the muscles or internal organs, the carcass is rendered harmless, and the internal organs are disposed of.

Diseases of the digestive system

Tympania, traumatic reticulitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the abomasum and intestines. In case of forced slaughter of animals with diseases of the digestive system, the decision to use meat and internal organs is made after a bacteriological study for anthrax, salmonellosis, strepto-staphylococcosis and echirichiosis (E. coli bacteria). In cases of damage to the digestive organs by pesticides for agricultural purposes, the decision to use meat is made after establishing the type and amount of pesticides and conducting a bacteriological study. All parenchymal organs, regardless of the results of the study, are sent for technical disposal or destroyed.

Carcasses and organs obtained from animals with purulent-necrotic reticulitis are sent for technical disposal or destroyed along with all parenchymal organs.

Stomach. For all types of inflammation, ulcers, tumors and other pathological changes the stomach is disposed of.

Intestines. For all types of enteritis, colitis, ulcers, peritonitis, purulent and hemorrhagic inflammation, tumors, neoplasms, and other pathological changes, the intestines are disposed of.

Peritonitis. Carcasses are released depending on the results of bacteriological examination. Internal parenchymal organs are disposed of.

Lesions of individual organs

Heart. Quite often find pericarditis and endocarditis with degeneration of a cardiac muscle of a traumatic and other origin. In all these cases, the heart is sent for technical disposal.

Liver. Neoplasms, abscesses, fatty degeneration, cirrhosis, capillary ectasia, etc. can be detected. With pronounced cirrhosis, all types of degeneration, jaundice, in the presence of tumors, invasions and other pathological changes in the parenchyma, the liver is disposed of.

Kidneys. Can be found in the kidneys malignant neoplasms, nephritis, nephrosis and other lesions of non-contagious origin. With all these changes, the kidneys are disposed of.

The udder and spleen are disposed of in all types of pathological processes.

metritis. In the absence of exhaustion and abscesses in the parenchymal organs, the carcass and organs are examined for Salmonella. In the presence of exhaustion and abscesses in the parenchymal organs, the carcass, together with all organs, is disposed of or destroyed.

Bone fractures. In fresh cases of fractures, carcasses and organs are released after appropriate stripping of damaged organs. Carcasses obtained from the slaughter of animals with elevated temperature, let out depending on results of bacteriological research.

Radiation damage

Meat may contain radioactive substances if it is obtained from animals affected by these substances in a radioactively contaminated area, and also if radioactive substances fall directly on the surface of the meat.

The veterinary and sanitary examination of the carcasses and organs of animals that have undergone radioactive damage must include a radiometric study. For this purpose, cuts are made from the surface layer of meat with a thickness of about 0.5 cm; slices are stacked one on top of the other with contaminated surfaces, placed in a plastic bag, and the last one in glass jar with tightly fitting lids, sealed and sent to the laboratory. Carcasses and internal organs are treated depending on the results of laboratory tests.


During the veterinary and sanitary examination, toxic substances, causing poisoning animals are divided into three groups.

To the first group include poisons, in case of poisoning with which the meat is rejected, regardless of the amount of the toxic substance deposited in the muscle tissue. This group includes cyanides, yellow phosphorus, octamethyl, mercury and arsenic preparations, chlorine-containing organic substances, as well as odorous substances, the smell of which does not disappear when meat is aged and cooked.

To the second group include substances, in case of poisoning by which animal meat can be harmful if the poisons are contained in a concentration dangerous for humans in a certain weight part of the meat. For example, animal meat is considered dangerous if 1 kg contains more than 1 mg of lead.

third group constitute toxic substances that are not deposited in the muscles of poisoned animals, and their content, even in large portions of meat, cannot harm people when eaten. This group includes: 1) fluoride preparations; 2) sodium chloride or potassium; 3) acids and alkalis; 4) carbamide; 5) carbohydrate fermentation products (fusel oils, aldehydes); 6) acids and alkalis.

Meat can be allowed for food and in case of poisoning of animals with plants containing essential oils, saponin; plants from the buttercup family; milestone poisonous.

Meat is sold for food purposes when animals are poisoned by mold fungi and their metabolic products. The harmlessness of such meat is explained by the reducing ability of muscle tissue, as a result of which many toxic substances, on the one hand, are destroyed in it, and on the other hand, are quickly excreted from the body through the excretory organs (liver, kidneys, udder, intestinal lymphatic apparatus). As a result, the meat of animals poisoned by substances of the third group either does not contain toxic substances at all, or has them in doses that are much lower than therapeutic ones.

In all cases of forced slaughter of animals associated with poisoning with plant or mineral poisons, all internal organs are subject to technical disposal or destruction.

The meat of forcedly killed poisoned animals can be inoculated with salmonella, E. coli, enterotoxigenic staphylococci, etc. during their lifetime. Therefore, such meat should be subjected to bacteriological examination and sold only after the exclusion of secondary infections. If the prognosis is unfavorable, it is necessary to kill poisoned animals as soon as possible in order to prevent the transition a large number poison in the tissue and contamination of meat with microflora that causes food poisoning. The meat of forcedly slaughtered poisoned animals usually spoils quickly, so it must be immediately sent for sale.

In cases where the poisoning of animals has occurred with toxic substances, the toxicity of which for humans has not yet been studied, it is recommended to do a bioassay on dogs or cats. If this is not possible, then the meat is destroyed.

Bites by venomous snakes

The bite area with adjacent edematous tissues is excised and disposed of. The liver, kidneys and udder are also discarded; the carcass is sold without restriction.

Sanitization of conditionally suitable meat

As noted above, in some infectious and parasitic diseases meat and offal, in accordance with the veterinary and sanitary rules, are classified as conditionally fit, i.e., those that are allowed to be used for food only after appropriate sanitization. The purpose of this treatment is to make meat products harmless to humans and eliminate the risk of the spread of contagious diseases of farm animals through them.

At meat processing enterprises, conditionally fit meat, in addition to setting the stamp of the established form, indicating the category of fatness of the carcass and passing the veterinary and sanitary examination, is marked with stamps that determine the processing procedure. On each carcass or half-carcass of conditionally suitable meat, a brand and a stamp are applied next to each other in two places: on the scapular and femoral parts.

The meat to be rendered harmless (boiling) is branded with the stamp "Into the boil". Carcasses sent for processing into boiled or boiled-smoked (semi-smoked) sausage products are branded with a stamp "For boiled sausage". Conditionally suitable Finnoz meat is marked with a stamp "Finnoz - for freezing", etc.

The most effective method for the neutralization of conditionally suitable meat products is the use of high temperatures. Meat and offal are cooked in pieces no more than 2 kg and no thicker than 8 cm in open boilers (3 hours from the start of boiling water) or in autoclaves (2 "/ 2 hours under steam pressure of 560 kgf / cm2). Meat is considered neutralized if inside the piece the temperature reached 80 C, the color of pork on the cut is white-gray, the meat of other animal species is gray, without a bloody tint, the juice flowing down during the cut is not bloody.

Conditionally suitable carcasses of poultry and rabbits are boiled at a temperature of 100 C for 1 hour, and for salmonellosis and tuberculosis, 1.5 hours.

The neutralization of conditionally suitable meat during processing into sausages is ensured when the temperature inside the loaves reaches at least 75 C. The diameter of the loaves should be no more than 5 cm, and the sausage is cooked for at least 60 minutes.

Conditionally suitable meat is also processed into canned meat. For this purpose, you can use conditionally suitable meat of tubercular cattle, as well as seeded with salmonella. At the same time, the cutting of meat carcasses, the preparation of minced meat, the filling of cans with meat, etc., is carried out on separate tables, in a separate container. in separate rooms or in a separate shift under veterinary and sanitary control.

When decontaminating meat products, it is necessary to create such conditions that, after boiling, they do not come into contact with raw, conditionally fit. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to contamination of cooked meat products. pathogenic microflora. Therefore, the sterilization department should consist of two rooms: raw meat products are loaded in one of them, and boiled meat products are unloaded in the other. With such a neutralization system, the possibility of contact of boiled or fried meat with raw non-neutralized meat products is eliminated.

Conditionally suitable cysticercosis meat can be neutralized, except for boiling, by freezing and salting under a special regime.

When neutralizing conditionally suitable meat products obtained from the slaughter of animals affected by diseases transmitted to humans (brucellosis, leptospirosis, Q fever, tuberculosis, listerellosis, swine erysipelas), it is necessary to observe personal prevention measures.

Laboratory work. Differential Diagnosis various diseases during post-mortem examination of organs and carcasses of animals. Trichinoscopy of pork. Microscopic examination of smears-imprints for anthrax pathogens, pasteurellosis erysipelas, etc.

test questions. Veterinary and sanitary examination and sanitary assessment carcasses and organs in the detection of anthropozoonotic diseases. Veterinary and sanitary assessment of carcasses and organs for diseases that are not transmitted to humans. Veterinary and sanitary examination of carcasses and organs of animals poisoned by mineral or vegetable poisons. What does conditionally suitable meat mean and methods for its disposal.

Growing cattle for meat is a good source of income for many private traders, because beef is in consistently high demand among the population. In most cases, livestock is slaughtered at slaughterhouses and meat processing plants, where optimal conditions have been created for this. But there are those who prefer home slaughter, especially if the animal was fattened for their own consumption. The slaughter procedure requires certain knowledge, a firm hand and compliance with certain conditions, so nothing will work without thorough preparation.

According to sanitary standards, it is impossible to slaughter livestock without a preliminary examination by a veterinarian in order to exclude the slightest risk of the spread of dangerous diseases. Even in ideal housing conditions, animals can become infected with various infections - through the grass on the pasture, water, from other cows, and so on.

Exists list of diseases in which the slaughter of cattle for meat is prohibited:

If these diseases are detected, there are two options - treatment and forced slaughter. The second option is used if the disease is advanced and cannot be treated. In case of forced slaughter, the carcass must be disposed of, and all processes are carried out only at a sanitary slaughterhouse and under the supervision of a veterinarian.

There are also reasons for the temporary limit on slaughter:

Slaughter technology

Depending on the method of killing, the slaughter of animals is industrial and domestic. In both cases, proper preparation of the animal is required, which makes it easier to cut the carcass.

Preparatory stage

After examination by a veterinarian, adult cattle selected for slaughter are kept from 12 to 24 hours for starvation diet, young animals - at least 6 hours. Water is given without restrictions, stopping the supply a couple of hours before slaughter. As a result of this exposure, the digestive system is cleansed, which greatly facilitates cutting and reduces the risk of meat contamination in case of accidental rupture of the intestines or stomach. With a longer exposure, the animals become exhausted, experience stress, and the loss of live weight is 3-4%. Dehydration also leads to weight loss, in addition, it makes skinning more difficult.

Next, the body is weighed or measured to calculate the live weight. During preparatory procedures, animals should not be frightened or beaten, since the emotional state affects the quality of the meat. In stressful situations, the consumption of nutrients in the body increases and the production of lactic acid, which is a natural preservative, decreases. As a result, the taste of meat is reduced, it looks less attractive and is worse stored.

Strong blows provoke the appearance of bruises under the skin, which makes it difficult to bleed the carcasses. Such bruises serve as a breeding ground for various microorganisms, therefore, after slaughter and skinning, they have to be carefully cleaned, and the cutting process is delayed.

home slaughter

To begin with, they prepare a place: it can be a spacious enclosed paddock or a flat area somewhere on the site, protected from the wind and dry. Can't have the rest around livestock. The ground is covered with clean straw or tarpaulin, boards, other material, a structure for hanging the carcass is installed from thick beams. If the slaughter is carried out indoors, a winch is fixed on the ceiling beam for hanging. Be sure to prepare containers for collecting intestines, blood, entrails, put tanks with clean water. In winter, the water should be heated to 30-40 degrees. For cutting and skinning the carcass, a strong large table or a wooden shield on stands is installed.

Stunning an animal. Cattle are stunned for one purpose - to weaken the sensitivity of the animal, to immobilize it, so that nothing interferes with further actions. At home slaughter, a blow to the frontal bone with a long-handled wooden hammer is used to stun. The hammer must have a diameter of at least 10 cm and a convex striker. Metal and pointed tools should not be used, so as not to break the animal's skull. With the right blow, important centers of the brain are paralyzed, and the lungs and heart continue to work, which contributes to high-quality bleeding. An excessively strong blow will lead to the accumulation of blood in the lungs and heart, too weak will only cause pain to the animal.

So, first, a strong rope is thrown over the horns and neck and tied to a crossbar or pole, fixing the head. Further, in the center of the frontal lobe, slightly above the eyes, a strong accurate blow is applied with a hammer. Usually this is enough to stun the animal for 2-3 minutes. This is one of the most crucial moments and the firmness of the hand and composure are very important here.

While the animal is unconscious, a sharp knife is taken and cut carotid artery. In the absence of experience, it is difficult to do this in one movement, so you can first dissect the skin, and then the artery itself and the jugular vein. To drain the blood, the carcass must be hung by the hind legs so that the head does not touch the bedding. Below is a container for collecting blood. As a rule, blood in cattle drains for about 6-10 minutes, depending on the size of the animal.

It is possible to determine how correctly the slaughter was performed by the amount of blood collected. In cattle, the volume of blood in the body is 7-8% of the total mass, in small livestock- about 6%. Bleeding is of high quality if the blood output is at least half of this volume.

Live weight of cattle, kgThe volume of blood in the body, lBlood output after slaughter, l
150 12 6
200 16 8
250 20 10
300 24 12
350 28 14
400 32 16

Upon completion of bleeding, the head is separated from the body and the opened esophagus is carefully bandaged. If this is not done, the contents of the esophagus may stain the meat during cutting. The carcass is removed and laid on its back on a wooden shield. To fix it in this position, small bars are placed on the sides.

Step 1. With a sharp knife, a longitudinal incision is made from the throat to the anus.

Step 2 Annular incisions are made above each hoof.

Step 3 Cut the skin on the inside of the limbs from above to the hooves.

Step 4 Prying the skin with hands, remove it from the front legs, then on the chest and neck, moving to the stomach and hind limbs.

Step 5 The skin is removed from the sides to the spine, if necessary, cutting with a knife, and pulled completely from the neck to the tail.

As a rule, the skin is removed without much effort, but this must be done with the utmost care. With careless execution, meat and fat cuts remain on the skin, and the carcass itself becomes contaminated with microorganisms. Of course, this reduces the presentation of the meat, worsens the quality of the skin and often provokes quick spoilage product.

The skinning of the head is performed separately: the ears are separated, a longitudinal incision is made in the frontal zone, the skin is removed from the forehead, cheeks and jaws, the back of the head is treated last.

Carcass section. To avoid spoilage of meat, it is necessary to start cutting no later than 40-45 minutes after slaughter. At this stage, it is very important to follow the order of extracting the entrails and sanitary rules, because the microflora of the intestines and stomach, if it comes into contact with meat, will make it unsuitable for storage.

Step 1. The udder or genitals (in males) are separated first. The incisions are made very carefully so as not to pierce the intestines.

Step 2 The sternum is cut in the middle, the esophagus and trachea are carefully separated.

Step 3. Making a longitudinal incision abdominal wall, the pubic fusion is cut with a hatchet.

Step 4 Separate the fatty layer from the stomach (omentum) and lower it into a container of cold water.

Step 5. The intestines are very carefully taken out, then the stomach and spleen, cutting with the edge of a knife.

Step 6 The heart, liver and lungs are cut out, after which the diaphragm and trachea are removed.

Step 7 Muscles are cut along the entire length of the spine and, with the help of a hatchet, the carcass is divided in half lengthwise. In order for the spinal cord to remain intact, they are cut not in the middle, but indented to the right by half a centimeter.

Step 8 Clean up: clean up blood clots, remnants of fat and diaphragm, bruising. The butchered carcasses are washed with clean water (25-30 ° C) and laid out to dry.

Slaughter without stun

Often, in private farms, slaughter is carried out without stunning the animal. To firmly fix it and protect yourself from injury, use a strong rope. They throw a rope over the head of the cow, like a bridle, wrap a loop around the sternum and pull the head to the chest. Next, they tie the hind legs, stretch the rope to the forelimbs and, pressing on the lower back, force the animal to lie on its side. After that, the rope is tightened and the blood vessels in the cow's neck are cut.

With such a slaughter, bleeding can also be carried out in a horizontal position, but this is not in the best way affects the marketability of meat and its palatability. In addition, the slaughterer must have great experience in order to immediately cut the jugular vein and reduce the suffering of the animal.

Industrial slaughter

A variety of methods are used in slaughterhouses to stun livestock, but the most popular are pneumatic hammers and electrocution. With the help of pneumatics, it is easy to adjust the impact force, moreover, such hammers are cheaper than electric devices, so owners of small slaughterhouses prefer to use them.

Large slaughterhouses are equipped with electrical stunning systems. Before slaughter, the skin on the back of the head is pierced with a special stack through which a current of a certain strength is supplied. It travels through the head and causes temporary loss of sensation.

Current voltage and duration of exposure are regulated depending on the age of the cattle.

Industrial slaughter is carried out as follows:

  • after transportation, the cattle is sent to the paddock, where a veterinary examination is carried out;
  • animals kept on a starvation diet are transferred to the slaughter shop and are tied to the conveyor in turn;
  • the live weight of each individual is determined, after which they are stunned with current and the carotid artery is cut;

  • the carcasses are pulled up over the conveyor, the heads and lower joints of the limbs are removed;
  • pruning and skinning;

    The skin is removed from the cow (skinning)

  • separate the udder and rectum;
  • perform butchering and sawing of carcasses.

Industrial slaughterhouses are distinguished by the automation of basic processes and strict observance sanitary standards, unlike private slaughterhouses. After each new batch, conveyor lines and tools are treated with disinfectants, so the risks of meat infection are negligible.

Important nuances of slaughter

Examination of animals by a veterinarian allows you to identify diseases that have passed a certain stage of development, when characteristic symptoms appear. external signs. That is, the conclusion of a specialist after the examination is not yet a guarantee that the cattle are absolutely healthy. Therefore, in the process of cutting, it is necessary to carefully examine the internal organs and notice any atypical signs. You should immediately stop work and call a specialist if:

  • there are spots, sores, purulent formations on the internal organs;
  • gelatinous clots or tumors are observed;
  • enlarged liver or spleen;
  • the blood is almost black and does not clot.

Until the arrival of a veterinarian, the carcass itself, and the skin, and the separated organs must remain at the place of slaughter. If a specialist confirms the presence of an infectious disease, the carcass and everything else should be immediately disposed of, the bedding should be burned, and the instruments should be thoroughly disinfected. Failure to follow these rules can lead to serious consequences, even death.

If everything is fine, and no deviations have been identified, in order to sell the meat, it is still necessary to submit carcass samples for analysis in order to obtain a certificate from the veterinary and sanitary examination.

Video - Slaughter

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