Is teeth whitening harmful? Is laser teeth whitening harmful?

Teeth are normal Teeth whitening Is teeth whitening harmful to enamel?

Teeth whitening is one of the most requested services provided by modern dentistry. This is not surprising: who would not agree for short term and a very reasonable price to return a smile beautiful and healthy look? However, with the expansion of the number of methods that have appeared, many patients have reasonable questions - is teeth whitening harmful and how to choose the safest method?

The essence of the procedure, the main methods

Expert opinion. Dentist Voynitsky R.A.: “Very often, patients do not quite correctly use the term “whitening”, confusing it with professional cleaning. If cleaning is the removal of plaque using abrasive substances that are applied to the teeth under pressure, then whitening is not a mechanical, but only a chemical effect. All methods used today can be divided into two groups - home and professional.

Professional whitening in dentistry

It assumes that a special substance based on carbamide and hydrogen peroxides is applied. Since enamel is porous, the substance penetrates into the next layer, dentin, and affects only the organic substances that make up it, without affecting the inorganic ones.

Do not risk the health of your enamel, entrust it to specialists!

As a result of oxidation, organic substances contained in dentin are broken down, and the resulting intermediate products are much more light shade. To speed up the action of the gel, additional devices are used:

  1. Photobleaching assumes that the oxygen necessary for splitting is released from the light of a halogen lamp. One example of photobleaching is the Zoom technique.
  2. , at which the uncoupling of protein compounds occurs under the influence of a point laser beam.

In both cases, the gums, cheeks and lips are treated with a special protective compound and covered with latex pads.

Home whitening

Whitening at home by special means offered by dental companies, and "folk" methods. The first ones include:

  1. , which are filled with a special solution and put on the teeth for a while (for example, at night) for a long period, 2-4 weeks. The composition is not as concentrated as that used in clinics, so the method can be recommended for patients with hypersensitivity. At the same time, the product can get on the gum and cause burns.
  1. Adhesive whitening stripsinexpensive remedy containing hydrogen peroxide. The method is not very convenient, since the shade of the enamel will change only in those places where it is in contact with the strips.
  1. toothpaste and chewing gum . They also include abrasive substances that not only remove plaque, but also gradually erase the enamel. To determine the level of abrasiveness, you should pay attention to the RDA indicator, which should be indicated on the package. His normal value for daily use - up to 70 (for adults). 75-150 is medium abrasiveness, and above 150 is high and dangerous for enamel.

In addition to the listed novelties that dentistry offers, there are folk remedies, which remove plaque:, lemon juice, crushed Activated carbon. They don't provide chemical exposure and are used not so much as bleaches, but as means for removing plaque with abrasives and acids.

The safest way to whiten your teeth

If we talk about professional procedures, then, according to experts, it is safer laser technique, however main disadvantage- high price.

As for home methods, they are unreliable and unsafe:

  • It is possible that there are contraindications that a doctor can detect.
  • Chemicals for misuse may cause burns.
  • Abrasive components of home whitening products erase tooth enamel.

There is a list of contraindications for teeth whitening.

In addition, it is important to remember that for all types of procedures, relevant the same contraindications. These include:

  • allergic reactions on the components that make up the gel;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • any periodontal disease;
  • caries, pulpitis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • old fillings and crowns, especially on the front teeth (they can discolor).

Does the procedure harm the enamel?

The question of whether whitening is harmful to enamel is quite natural, because the composition applied to the teeth, using both professional and home methods, penetrates into the enamel, which is depleted under its influence. Signs of this effect appear almost immediately after the procedure: the teeth become very sensitive for about a week. In addition, the procedure has other side effects:

  • On the enamel, grooves may appear, outwardly imperceptible, but at the same time they reduce resistance to stress.
  • To maintain the shade, the frequency of procedures will have to be increased. It is held first every two years, then once a year and finally every 6 months.
  • Phosphorus and calcium are removed, which leads to demineralization, threatening caries.
  • If the procedure was performed with untreated caries, it can turn into acute pulpitis in case of getting into the gel cavity.

To minimize the harm caused by whitening, doctors recommend that after it undergo additional procedures - remineralization and fluoridation. In addition, dentists warn that home whitening means that are not intended for this, can greatly damage the enamel, so it is better to contact professional centers.

AT modern dentistry the concepts of enamel lightening and teeth whitening are divorced. So, if in the first case a gentle cleaning is carried out, plaque is removed in order to prevent the development of caries and improve the aesthetic qualities of a smile, then in the second case a more aggressive intervention is carried out, which can affect the state of "working" units.

Most doctors agree that the harm of whitening is many times greater than that aesthetic effect, which the patient receives after the manipulations, but both professional and home methods for eliminating the yellowness of the teeth are very popular among the population.

Procedure types

The main types (groups of methods) of bleaching:

  • mechanical (cleaning with toothpaste at home in the morning and evening, professional removal plaque in the dental office);
  • abrasive (home teeth whitening with soda, ready-made gel, peeled banana skin or ground activated charcoal. Such procedures are quite popular, but provide a short-lived effect);
  • chemical. Carried out using hydrogen peroxide and compositions based on it;
  • combined (a combination of several of these methods).

Professional Technology

What kind of whitening is safe and occurs without harm to the teeth: dentists say that the ultrasonic device is the best to cope with the task Air flow. It is noteworthy that the safest way to deal with the yellowness of the teeth is also the most effective. The only disadvantage of this technology is the inability to create " Hollywood smile"(ultrasound does not penetrate deep into the tissues, it only affects the enamel, so lightening is possible by a maximum of 2-3 tones).

Pharmacies offer a wide range of products for home lighting teeth (mouthguards with gels, pastes and brushes, pencils, plates, linings)

Peroxide whitens teeth well (the so-called chemical method) - this is a potent acid of hydrogen (urea), penetrates into the dentin, modifies its structure. After the procedure, the transparent layer of the tooth becomes white.

Important! The final result and the period of its preservation depend on the frequency, the number of manipulations performed, and the catalyst used.

However, the benefit of peroxide teeth whitening is highly questionable. So, penetrating into the dentin through the enamel, the active substance violates its integrity. This, in turn, results in:

  • to reduce the resistance of enamel to acid attacks;
  • necrosis bone tissue when replacing its transparent shade with white - as a result, the affected areas do not receive essential minerals and others nutrients, are quickly destroyed;
  • due to dead dentin, they can be pinched inside the bone tissue of the tooth and nerve endings. So, the consequence of bleaching can be chronic aching pain;
  • severe soft tissue burns oral cavity- Another disadvantage of teeth whitening with peroxides (powerful acids).

In view of such serious consequences, chemical clarification in the dentist's office is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time in 5–7 years, but ultrasonic cleaning it is allowed to practice 1-2 times / year. Many patients are interested in the question of whether laser teeth whitening is harmful. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the "working" units are affected by oxygen released from a special apparatus. laser beam in this case plays the role of an accelerator, an activator chemical reaction clarification.

Some patients, after the performed manipulations, in the first few days may experience increased sensitivity of the enamel to the effects of certain irritants, as well as insignificant painful sensations. True, if the procedure was carried out correctly and the period of permissible laser exposure to the teeth (up to 2 minutes) was not exceeded, then such discomfort should not occur.

Important! The results of some studies confirm the fact that diode and infrared laser beams longer than 800 nanometers contribute to the thickening (strengthening) of tooth enamel. Perhaps such bleaching is by far the safest and most effective method when it comes to professional methods.

The most popular among patients is laser and ultrasound. professional whitening

A similar option is ZOOM whitening. True, in this case, instead of a laser apparatus, a polarizing lamp is used. The harm of such teeth whitening is as follows:

  • a kind of "etching" of enamel, which leads to an increase in its porosity and thinning;
  • hypersensitivity of teeth to external "attacks";
  • spotting of "working" units;
  • in the first days after the manipulation - pain.

Important! efficiency and adverse reactions for ZOOM whitening are individual, depending on the initial state of the teeth and the characteristics of the body of each patient. AT recent times intra-canal clarification is becoming increasingly popular - the action of the corresponding composition occurs from the inside. The indication for the use of the method is the darkening of not only the enamel itself, but also the dentin.

Endobleaching is used exclusively for depulped (that is, dead) teeth. Disadvantages of the method: the crown part of the "working" tooth can be covered with cracks, chips. It is noteworthy that in order to achieve the desired effect, it may be necessary a large number of procedures.

The dangers of home whitening

Many patients who have a desire to lighten their teeth by several shades do not rush to see a specialist, but seek help from pharmacies (for example, the oxy whitening kit) and folk remedies. The effect of "re-whitening" is the most common negative consequence of the procedure (both home and professional). Strips, mouthguards with brightening compositions for home use provide a short-term effect or show no result at all. By the way, such devices are not cheap.

Natural whitening products are also popular:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • Activated carbon;
  • lemon juice;
  • baking soda;
  • oil tea tree.

The brightening effect of such compounds is very doubtful, but the harm is obvious:

  • thinning, chips on the enamel;
  • dark (light) spots on the teeth;
  • burns, allergic reactions, the risk of developing inflammatory processes;
  • increased sensitivity of the enamel, pain after the procedure.

Important! Whitening pastes and powders - perhaps the best choice(least traumatic) for home fight against yellow teeth.

"Office" methods

In this case we are talking about the use of trays with whitening gels, according to technology white light, imitating professional photo-clarification, as well as special varnishes applied directly to the enamel. If the manufacturer's recommendations (prescribed in the instructions) are not followed, such products can cause burns, irritation, inflammation of soft tissues, lead to enamel hypersensitivity, toothache, and increase the risk of developing caries. The effect of whitening is individual, depends on the condition of the teeth and common features body of an individual patient.

Lemon juice, baking soda, activated charcoal, hydrogen peroxide are popular folk remedies to combat yellow enamel.

Possible Complications

Harm after teeth whitening can, among other things, consist in:

  • enamel demineralization (a course of so-called remotherapy is required);
  • a sharp increase in the sensitivity of teeth to hot, cold, sour, sweet food, mechanical influences;
  • the effect of "re-whitening" - the units of the dentition become chalky, lose their natural shine, look unnatural.

Precautionary measures

In order not to reduce all the advantages of the procedure to "no", after its completion, you should adhere to several important rules. So, in view of the increase in tooth sensitivity after whitening, it is recommended to purchase toothbrush with soft bristles (cleaning should be as accurate and delicate as possible, otherwise it will be painful).

Important! To maintain the effect of hardware (or any other) lightening, it is recommended to use whitening Thai toothpaste at home (no more than 1-2 times a week).

For several weeks after the procedure, you should refrain from drinking coffee, tea, red wine, mustard, chocolate and other coloring foods, acidic fruits and juices. In fact, dentists recommend sticking to the so-called white diet. Smokers should give up their addiction for at least two days.


It is dangerous to whiten teeth for such groups of patients:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • those who have an allergic reaction to hydrogen peroxide, whitening stick components and other substances used during the procedure;
  • do not carry out clarification with periodontitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity;
  • in the presence of a pulp chamber (there may be a burn of tooth tissues);
  • caries is also a contraindication to both professional and home whitening;
  • fillings, restorations, prostheses on the front teeth can lead to an uneven color of the entire dentition, the aesthetics of the smile zone will be broken;
  • hypersensitivity, increased abrasion enamel - a limitation to the procedure.

Thinning, chips and cracks, enamel hypersensitivity, an increase in the risk of developing caries and inflammatory processes in the mouth are far from full list possible negative consequences of unprofessional clarification

Important! Teeth are not whitened for patients under 18 and cancer patients.

Thus, clarification is the procedure that is carried out exclusively on healthy teeth and in the absence of any inflammatory diseases oral cavity. Patients who want to “whiten their smile” must first eliminate any dental problems. So, there is no unequivocal answer to the question of whether the whitening procedure harms the teeth (gums) or not. Most dentists agree that such manipulations adversely affect the condition of the enamel, making it more vulnerable and thin.

In practice, the result (and the presence of side effects) depends on the chosen method and the professionalism of the doctor. The list of the most safe ways professional clarification includes mechanical (ultrasonic) and laser, at home it is better to give preference to whitening toothpastes and brushes. It is important to remember that any dental diseases are a direct contraindication to teeth whitening.

Searching for a procedure that performs safe whitening teeth, can drag on for a long time, because each such dental procedure is not completely safe. Each process has its advantages and disadvantages, which everyone who dreams of light enamel should be aware of.

Which teeth whitening is the safest?

The aesthetic procedure involves the following types of tooth enamel lightening:

  • oxygen - based on action free radicals oxygen;
  • photobleaching - with halogen light on the Beyond Polus device;
  • laser - special lasers with light beams;
  • chemical - exposure to special gels;
  • ultrasonic - with a special apparatus;
  • air-Flow - professional cleaning with water jet and abrasives;
  • folk ways- improvised means.

Dental procedures

You can choose any of the methods, after consulting with your doctor if it is harmful. Oxygen bleaching well helps to clean the enamel from plaque after coffee, tea, wine, smoking, coloring products. It uses carbamide peroxide, which undergoes a chemical reaction and is formed into hydrogen peroxide. Oxygen is released from it, oxidizes plaque and removes it. The method is effective, but leads to an increase in the sensitivity of the incisors and irritation of the gums.

Air flow method may be confused with bleaching, although it is a variety professional cleaning giving the molars a light shade. During the procedure, a deep and high-quality cleaning of the enamel takes place with the return of its natural shade. In the method, a jet of water with a fine abrasive in the form of powders or medicinal herbs. Cleaning is fast, but the side effects are sensitivity of the gums and incisors.

Ultrasonic tooth whitening involves the use of a special rod that emits ultrasonic vibrations, thereby destroying hard plaque and calculus that caused enamel discoloration. It cannot be performed separately, only as an addition to the Air-Flow system or for periodontal indications, when it is necessary to remove subgingival tartar.

Photobleaching of teeth

When special preparations are applied to the enamel and exposed to halogen ultraviolet light, the Zoom photo-whitening procedure takes place in the dentist's office. During the course of the reaction, oxygen is released from the gel composition, cleaning the enamel from dark spots. The method is harmless because it has a minimum of contraindications and side effects. The method has been successfully used for hypersensitivity enamel, in the presence of cracks and chips, fillings from loose material. Photobleaching is not harmful, because after the procedure the gums do not hurt and sensitivity does not increase.

Using a laser

This is one of the most dangerous methods enamel lightening. Laser whitening is based on the action of a gel activated by a beam of light. The laser has a gentle effect even on thin and fragile enamel. After the procedure, to consolidate the result and restore the enamel, a second gel is applied, which reduces the sensitivity of the incisors and strengthens the dentin. Patients note that during the procedure they do not experience side effects, only slight heating.

Chemical teeth whitening

According to doctors, this is one of the most dangerous methods, because a special catalytic substance is used as a bleach without additional exposure to light or laser. A highly concentrated gel is on the enamel for a long time, which inevitably leads to irritation and increased sensitivity. This method is carried out only by specialists under careful supervision.

White smile at home

If the color of the enamel suits you, but you only want to whiten the surface a little without resorting to dental intervention, home options and folk methods will come to the rescue:

  • whitening gel for teeth, sold in a pharmacy or online stores;
  • whitening pastes;
  • soda;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • tea tree oil;
  • banana peel;
  • Strawberry;
  • Activated carbon.

Means for whitening teeth in a pharmacy

A type of chemical bleaching is the use of pharmaceutical products, which are sold in the form of strips applied to the dentition, or in the form of a gel and cap. In the latter case, soft caps are used, adapting to anatomical features user's jaw. A gel is applied to them, which must be kept for 10-15 minutes a day for a course of 2-3 weeks. After following the instructions for use, the tooth surface noticeably brightens by a couple of tones.

Depending on the composition of the gel and strips, it can be argued that this is harmful. Buying untested products with an unknown composition, it is easy to damage the enamel, increase its permeability and sensitivity. However, if the patient wants to resort to this method exposure, you should first consult a doctor to prevent side effects.

Can you brush your teeth with baking soda?

A popular method for whitening enamel involves brushing with a toothbrush with baking soda applied to it. In this case, sodium bicarbonate acts as an abrasive that cleans off plaque. This is harmful because the tooth surface becomes thinner, which leads to tissue destruction, the formation of side effects in the form of sensitivity and caries.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

popular folk method it is considered to lighten the surface of the teeth with hydrogen peroxide, which is no less harmful, like soda. At home, it is difficult to choose the right concentration of the solution in order to competently and without consequences affect the enamel. The wrong solution or long time exposure leads to thinning of tissues, destruction and damage unpleasant illnesses.

Why You Can't Whiten Your Teeth


  • allergic reactions to constituent components drugs used;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • the development of caries;
  • cracks in the enamel;
  • exposed roots of teeth;
  • inflammatory processes in the gums or oral mucosa;
  • age up to 20 years;
  • fillings or veneers on the front surface of the teeth - you may not like the effect.

Consequences of teeth whitening

side effects from the procedure are:

  • sensitivity of teeth, gums;
  • the ability to damage the gums, get burned;
  • thinning of the enamel;
  • allergic reactions;
  • unnatural White color;
  • reduction in the resistance of cutters to mechanical stress;
  • demineralization;
  • pulpitis, gingivitis;
  • allergic stomatitis.

Video: is it harmful to whiten your teeth

Enamel whitening is one of the most requested procedures in dental clinics.

After all, an impeccable smile and snow-white teeth not only attract the attention of others, but also inform about the position of a person in society.

Today there is great amount bleaching methods. But all of them can be divided into two large types - professional and home.

Many patients have doubts whether it is worth taking such measures, and are they dangerous to health?

To find out, you need to learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular methods.

In most cases, professional whitening occurs with the use of special gels. Them chemical composition, acting on the outer and inner layers of enamel, destroys coloring pigments.

Thus, an unpleasant yellow or gray shade disappears due to the action of aggressive chemicals.

For example, some bleaches contain hydrogen peroxide with phosphoric acid. If used incorrectly, they can destroy not only the pigments on the surface of the enamel, but also harm the teeth in general.

For this reason, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of method, clinic and specialist.


Many people think that laser treatment is dangerous for the body due to radioactive radiation. However, this is a myth that has no basis in fact.

Laser treatment is widely used in medicine, as the procedures under the influence of the device are absolutely painless and fast. In addition, scientists have proven that laser radiation is not harmful to health.

A preparation containing 20-25% hydrogen peroxide is applied to the patient's teeth. Under the influence of a laser, a reaction is carried out to destroy the pigment particles.

After the procedure, there are no violations in the structure of the enamel, there is no increased sensitivity of the teeth and bleeding of the gums.

If at chemical method single clarification is allowed, then in the case of laser, multiple exposure is possible.

Zoom 3

A very popular technique, which is similar in principle to laser whitening. The Zoom 3 procedure includes applying a two-component gel with 25% hydrogen peroxide and an alkaline composition to the surface of the teeth located in the smile zone.

Clarification occurs under the rays of a polarizing lamp. Since the enamel heats up under its light, this method is considered less safe than the previous one.

Due to the thermal effect and the highly active composition of the gel, the patient may experience pain. During the procedure, oxygen under the action of a catalyst enters the microcracks on the teeth and causes damage to the surface layer.

After whitening, such troubles as increased sensitivity of the teeth or the appearance of spots on the enamel may appear. The last flaw looks like a darkening on the surface of the tooth.

For more information about the dangers of photobleaching, see the video.

Amazing White

To lighten the enamel in this way, a gel with 16% hydrogen peroxide is used. Since the content of the active substance is lower than in the case of Zoom 3, the teeth are less destructive.

Before clarification, an examination by a dentist is mandatory. If your teeth have depleted enamel, then the procedure is contraindicated. It can lead to surface porosity and high sensitivity.

However, the whitening process uses a cold light lamp, which is safer for the enamel structure. In addition, in the absence of heating of the teeth, the likelihood of pain is reduced.


Whitening by this technique occurs with the help of the chemical action of the gel, which consists of hydrogen peroxide and urea. After application to the enamel, oxygen is released from the composition. It destroys the coloring particles.

This gel has a milder effect and is considered safe. It does not lead to deterioration of the surface layer, and also nourishes and strengthens it with potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride.

In case of accidental contact of the gel with the mucous membrane, a burn may occur.


The technique differs in that whitening is carried out from the inside and affects not only the enamel layer, but also the dentin. Such clarification is possible only for teeth in which the nerve has been removed.

Since the main impact occurs on less durable dentin, there is a high probability of thinning of the crown part. The procedure is dangerous because it leads to the destruction of the tooth - cracks, chips and cracks appear.

To carry out the necessary actions, the doctor must create the necessary cavities with a drill.

At high probability negative consequences, one session is not always enough to change the color of the tooth. Dentists allow such whitening only 3-4 times.

Office techniques

In-office teeth whitening options include:

  1. Wearing a cap with a special gel. The danger may be that manufacturers, for more tangible effect add a very large concentration of the active ingredient to the composition of the product. Therefore, the gel can have a negative effect on the enamel.
  2. Whitening strips. They are attached to the dentition and act on the substance applied to them. This is not the best way to make a snow-white smile, as the concentration of substances often exceeds the required rate. In case of inaccurate use in humans, damage to the structure of the enamel may occur.
  3. varnish. It is applied to the enamel and gives the smile a snow-white look. Many varnishes contain remineralizing components that improve the condition of the teeth.

    The method is harmless, but does not bring lasting effect. Among the shortcomings, one can note the difficulty of applying the product without streaks, its low strength when chewing food and any other mechanical impact.

  4. Pencil. Since the tool has a minimal effect, it does not harm the tooth enamel. However, some manufacturers warn of increased tooth sensitivity.
  5. White light system. It is an analogue of whitening with a lamp. The difference is that to achieve a visible effect, it will take large quantity time.

    Applying gels at home is a more gentle procedure that, when used normal amount will not damage the enamel.

Effective Recipes

The influence of herbs, fruits, oils and other substances that are always at hand is minimal. But if used incorrectly, even they can be harmful to health.

hydrogen peroxide

She possesses strong impact on tooth enamel and can damage it.

At home, the use of peroxide is dangerous because there is difficulty in determining the time of use and the amount of this agent.

Due to overexposure or inappropriate combination with other active ingredients tooth sensitivity or pain may occur.


It is a mild abrasive component, however, it can scratch the enamel when applied. The destruction of the upper layer of the teeth also occurs due to overexposure of the substance or when it is strongly rubbed.

The use of soda contributes to bleeding gums, thinning of enamel, irritation or rash on soft tissues oral cavity.

What is and what exist modern methods her treatment - we'll figure it out together.

Come in if you are interested in the drugs used for local anesthesia in dentistry.

At this address, we will talk in detail about how to close the gap between the front teeth.


Whitening citric acid, pulp or zest should be carried out very rarely. This is due to the strong effect of acid, which dissolves calcium salts.

With her high concentration and exceeding the procedure time, microcracks may appear on the enamel, and the teeth will become susceptible to bacterial attacks.

After clarification with the participation of lemon, be sure to rinse your mouth clean water to remove juice residue or fruit pulp.

Failure to follow the rules for the use of lemon can provoke the occurrence serious problems with health. Dentists often correct unwanted results of home procedures.

tea tree oil

This tool is absolutely safe, if you do not exceed its norm. To whiten teeth, it is enough to use 1-2 drops of oil.

Otherwise, there is a high probability of redness or irritation on the gums. For enamel, it is not harmful.

Special pastes

Sometimes manufacturers write on packages that the product contains 1-2% hydrogen peroxide. However, many doctors consider such statements a marketing ploy.

Such low concentration not able to give the surface layer a lighter shade. Thus, tooth whitening pastes are absolutely harmless to teeth.

Categorical prohibitions

Contraindications apply to the following cases:

  1. If the patient has an enlarged pulp chamber. The prohibition is associated with severe pain during bleaching in this pathology.
  2. With increased sensitivity of the teeth.
  3. In the presence of flaws in the enamel.
  4. During pregnancy and lactation. Although scientists have not proven the harmfulness of such events during this period, many doctors refuse to whiten this group of women.
  5. If you are allergic to the components of chemicals.
  6. In the presence of crowns, fixed dentures or fillings on anterior teeth.

In the video, the dentist talks about the safety of modern professional approach to bleaching.

Today, many people have a question: is teeth whitening harmful?

After all, to have snow-white smile Everyone would like to, but many are afraid of dentistry and regularly appearing rumors about the dangers of whitening in the office.

Therefore, people try to whiten their teeth at home without consulting a doctor, thereby often harming their health.

First of all, you need to understand that teeth are not naturally white. Their color depends on dentin - the bone substance under the enamel, and is inherited. Enamel is translucent.

According to international classifications, there are four normal shades for teeth: red, grey, yellow and brown.

Thus, there is no natural white color of teeth in nature. For people caucasian race brown is considered normal.

Its intensity can range from 0 to 4, where 0 is the whitest teeth and 4 is the most brown.

It is believed that the natural shade A3 characterizes the most strong teeth, while A0 or A1 indicates the fragility of the structure.

Many people are afraid of dentistry, doctors and pain therefore prefer to whiten their teeth at home.

There are many options for how to do this - mostly prefer baking soda, activated carbon or wood ash.

It is worth noting that these substances do not help to lighten the dentin.

Due to their high abrasiveness, they only remove plaque from the surface, which is sure to accumulate even with slightly improper hygiene.

Dentists warn that you can try to brush your teeth with such means, but not more than once a week.

This is due to the fact that along with plaque, the enamel is also erased, scratches and microcracks appear on it.

As a result, not only increases the sensitivity of the teeth, but also begins the accumulation a variety of bacteria in the resulting cracks, which contributes to the development of caries.

Some people try to whiten their teeth with hydrogen peroxide, but if you use it incorrectly, you can get burns of the oral mucosa.

Numerous toothpastes and rinses with a whitening effect are much less harmful to health, but they should be used only with regular visits to the dentist.

It should be borne in mind that they will not help to significantly whiten teeth, however, due to the fluorine and antibacterial components they not only remove plaque, but also strengthen teeth and prevent caries, which is very useful.

In addition, there is no really visible effect from such whitening. Whitening is advised only in the doctor's office.

Cons of the procedure

As evidenced by the reviews of patients who have whitened in dentistry, this helps to give the teeth a white tint.

However, for some time after the procedure, there was an increased sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold food.

This is due to the fact that in order to stain dentin white, chemically active substances it is necessary to get through the enamel, and for this they make small holes in it - micropores.

In the future, the components contained in saliva close up these micropores, however, with frequent repetition of the whitening procedure, the holes increase, and naturally the enamel is no longer restored.

In addition to increased sensitivity, this contributes to the accumulation of various bacteria in the micropores, where food residues, sugar, pigments from coffee or tea get in, which returns the teeth to their original dark color.

To restore the enamel, it will be necessary to carry out remineralizing therapy, which implies a constant visit to the dentist and additional financial costs.

As evidenced by the reviews of dentists, before the whitening procedure, it is necessary to cure all diseases of the teeth and gums.

After all, according to statistics, there are less than one percent of people in the world who have everything in order with their teeth.

It should be borne in mind that the whitening procedure has its own contraindications. First of all, it should not be done to pregnant women and adolescents who are not yet sixteen years old.

When visiting dental clinic attention should be paid to the quality of drugs and equipment.

The use of low-quality gels can damage the enamel, which will require additional treatment in the future.

With outdated equipment ultraviolet lamps) the spectrum of illumination may change, which negatively affects the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and skin.

It is worth remembering that after bleaching, it is necessary to limit or completely eliminate the use of coloring foods in food.

These include tea and coffee, berries, beets, ketchup, some sauces, red wine, cola, and tobacco.

If a person is ready to give up these products, and he has no contraindications, then carry out all the preliminary procedures - and you can safely contact dentistry for whitening.

Pros of whitening

Currently, most of the preparations that are used for whitening are safe for health and do not damage the enamel.

In addition, earlier there were sometimes cases when the patient’s teeth were “re-whitened”, as a result of which they acquired an unnatural chalk color.

To date, all technologies have long been studied and verified, so such cases practically do not occur.

The composition of the preparations includes substances that not only provide whitening, but also strengthen the enamel, adding the necessary minerals to its structure.

In case of occurrence of any discomfort or complications in the patient, the procedure can always be stopped, since the whole process is under the supervision of a doctor.

In addition, after whitening, special solutions are applied to the surface of the teeth, which close cracks in the enamel and protect it from the accumulation of bacteria and further caries.

Many people, visiting dentistry, ask if laser teeth whitening is harmful. The answer of experts is no, it is not harmful.

In addition to the fact that laser whitening allows you to achieve desired result, it also strengthens the enamel by about a third, which is a fairly significant protection against bacteria and various diseases.

Currently, the Air Flow system is widely used. The essence of this technique is to supply under pressure using a pump and a special tip of water with soda particles, previously specially processed.

Thanks to the pressure, the water washes away all the plaque from the teeth, while the enamel is not destroyed.

Thus, this system does not whiten the teeth, it only returns them to their natural color. It is worth noting that compared to the old shade of the teeth, the new one will be much whiter.

This procedure is completely harmless, allows you to qualitatively remove plaque from the enamel and give the teeth a lighter shade.

However, it should be borne in mind that for high-quality whitening, it is necessary to consult with a specialist and contact the clinic that guarantees a good result.

After the whitening procedure, you can periodically fix the effect with special pastes or gels, but you should not use them all the time.

Most of them contain hydrogen peroxide, which adversely affects the enamel.

If the procedure was carried out correctly, were used quality materials and there are no complications, then for a long time the teeth will become much lighter.

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