How to get rid of pain after teeth whitening. What to do with pain and sensitivity of teeth after whitening. Rules for home lighting

If you have ever used a home or professional system for brightening the shade of enamel, then most likely you know how your teeth hurt after whitening. We will tell you how to deal with this, what to do with sensitivity in this case at all stages of the procedure.

The more thorough the preparation and the better the care after whitening, the more likely it is to maintain healthy teeth and reduce discomfort. It remains only to adhere to clear recommendations and enjoy a new radiant smile without any consequences.

Before the procedure

Increased tooth sensitivity after whitening appears due to the fact that hydrogen peroxide or other similar chemical compounds are most often used for such purposes. They quite aggressively affect the enamel and increase the irritability of nerve endings. That is why a person experiences a very severe toothache after such a seemingly harmless procedure.

To prevent such discomfort, you need to follow certain safety rules. And you need to start with preparation, that is, the time before whitening. So, perform certain actions even before the start of the procedures:

  • Choose a special desensitizing toothpaste. Start using it another week, and preferably ten days before the intended whitening session. It does not matter that as long as they do not show this sensitivity in you. Such a paste will help reduce the activity of nerve endings and slightly block pain signals. We recommend using Colgate Sensitive, Sensodyne or other toothpastes for sensitive teeth.
  • Take a soft brush in a circular motion over the surface, rather than back and forth as most people do. Cleaning should be carried out for at least three minutes, so there is a sufficient tissue massage, which will also contribute to their better well-being.
  • The same paste or special gel to reduce sensitivity is recommended to be additionally applied to the tooth surface with a cotton swab and kept for several minutes so that its active ingredients penetrate deeper into the enamel and help resist the expected aggressive effects of bleaching agents. Look for products like AcquaSeal or Ultra EZ that contain potassium nitrate. It is he who creates numbness of the dental nerve, thereby reducing sensitivity. Such compositions can be in different forms, which one to choose depends only on your preferences (gel, spray, paste, powder, pencil).
  • When purchasing a desensitizing agent, you can also buy mouthguards for teeth. We will tell you how to reduce discomfort with their help. Half an hour before the whitening procedure, fill the cap with this gel or liquid to reduce sensitivity and put it on the dentition for this time. Then you need to thoroughly rinse the product and proceed to a brightening session.
  • To the popular question of how to relieve pain after whitening, doctors most often recommend taking a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, that is, NSAIDs, an hour before the procedure. These include Naproxen, etc. Perhaps the dentist will suggest other options for effective painkillers.

During teeth whitening

Depending on the chosen method of brightening the enamel, different steps can be taken. If this procedure takes place in the doctor's office, then he, most likely, will competently and accurately carry out each stage and protect the enamel by various means. To do this, the dentist will correctly maintain the time of the session, and after it will apply a special composition to the surface.

And at home, you need to independently control the process. To do this, you should follow certain rules, which are most often indicated in the instructions for the specific selected whitening agent:

  1. Do not experiment with different substances and chemical agents. It is better to choose special home kits for brightening enamel. So, you can make sure that the amount of peroxide in the composition does not exceed 5-6%. This is enough for the expected effect, but does not cause. It is not recommended to use a larger percentage, since this will not affect the quality of clarification, but it will significantly spoil the structure of the enamel.
  2. There are many different ways to whiten your teeth at home. These are caps with gels, and strips, pencils, chewing gums, pastes, sprays, varnishes and much more. What to give preference to is your personal choice. Although you can consult with your doctor. It is important that before using them you read the instructions and use the product only as described there. Do not experiment on yourself and come up with a more effective action. Remember your oral health first and foremost.
  3. When using caps and gels, make sure that the chemical composition does not get on the mucous membrane in any case, otherwise, in addition to getting irritation or even burning of the gums. And if the pain of the enamel passes, then problems with soft tissues will be much more difficult to heal.
  4. It is very important to keep the product on the teeth exactly as long as described in the instructions and not a minute longer. Manufacturers have tested the tool more than once and accurately determined the best time for the product to work. If you increase it yourself, you can damage the enamel and cause severe pain.

Precautions after the procedure

With in-office whitening, the doctor always gives a whole list of recommendations to the patient so that he knows how to reduce discomfort and how to fix the result for a long period.

When you lighten enamel at home, you should know in advance how and what to do so that unforeseen situations do not arise. So, if your teeth hurt after whitening, you need to do the following:

  • Drink an additional pain reliever that was used before the procedure.
  • Do not eat any hot or cold foods for the first two days. Choose only those that are as close to body temperature as possible.
  • Also avoid acidic foods, which can cause the same discomfort that naturally sensitive people are well aware of.
  • As before whitening, you need to use only a soft toothbrush, and make neat and circular movements. In the first hours after the whitening procedure, it is better not to brush your teeth at all. Use rinsing if necessary and do not treat the enamel with anything for at least half an hour.
  • The temperature of the water or liquid you use to rinse your mouth should also be warm so as not to cause discomfort.
  • If even before going to bed your teeth are too sensitive to a toothbrush, then you can perform hygiene procedures with a finger or a cotton swab.
  • The paste recommended for use after bleaching should contain an increased amount of fluoride. Doctors advise to pay attention to Fluoride Listerine, Listerine Fluoride Defense, Colgate Fluorigard, Colgate Neutrafluor and others like that. Fluorides help block pain signals that travel along the dental nerves, thereby reducing discomfort. For the best effect after applying the paste, do not eat or drink for at least half an hour. So, the active ingredients will have time to penetrate deeper into the enamel and reduce unpleasant symptoms.
  • Ordinary chewing gums have a good effect of anesthesia. The most important rule for choosing them is that they should not contain sugar in the composition. Chew the plate for exactly ten minutes and change to a new one until the package is finished. Experience shows that this simple method helps to relieve pain after a whitening procedure.
  • It is very important to follow the rules for the frequency of brightening sessions. If this is a professional office service, then the doctor will not do it to you earlier than once a year. When it comes to home remedies, don't do them every day. This is not a daily procedure, like. Maintain short recommended courses, and then take a break for at least six months or better a year. If you use rather aggressive chemicals in the form of strips, sticks or gels, then you should apply them at least every other day or once a week. Give enamel a chance to rest.

Video: troubles after teeth whitening.

It is important to understand that there should be increased sensitivity of the teeth after the whitening procedure, this is normal. But it must pass completely or at least decrease in two days. If this does not happen, then consult your dentist. It is possible that the enamel was damaged in the process, or caries is present, which causes increased discomfort.

How long do teeth hurt after such procedures? Usually, it is 24-48 hours, no more. And if there are no serious injuries or diseases, then the pain will definitely decrease during this time, you just need to be patient.

It is possible that the chosen remedy simply did not suit you. Therefore, when you consult a doctor, take with you the kit that you used and the dentist, after examining it, will recommend some other remedy with a different composition.

Some people face another problem - the constant need to whiten their teeth. Doctors define it as BDD, which is body dysmorphic disorder. This problem is no longer solved by a dentist, but by a psychotherapist. But his consultation and even the treatment process is required.

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Teeth whitening is one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in dentistry. But, despite all its advantages, such manipulation can cause very unpleasant side effects.

Many patients complain that intense toothache is felt after whitening. Why does this happen, how long does the pain last, and what can be done to calm it down? Let's look at these issues in more detail.

So, do teeth hurt after whitening? Indeed, such a symptom sometimes occurs, but it is not always associated with the dental procedure itself.

Pain sensations that do not go away for a long period after manipulation should be especially alert. Such a deviation may indicate serious health problems, which are very problematic to eliminate on their own.

Often the reasons why teeth can hurt after a whitening procedure are untreated dental pathologies. First of all, this concerns:

  • diseases of tooth enamel;
  • inflammatory processes in the gums or other soft tissues.

Another reason why after bleaching is the presence of cracks or chips on the surface of the enamel. During the procedure, special gels based on hydrogen peroxide or other active ingredients are used. Penetrating into microcracks, these substances cause irritation, due to which the teeth after manipulation can be very painful.

Leaky or poor-quality fillings are also the reason why there is pain after whitening.

How long can a toothache last after whitening?

How long can tooth pain last after a whitening procedure? It is very difficult to give an unambiguous answer how long the pain will last, since such a deviation should not be a priori. At least for people who have carefully prepared for the upcoming manipulation.

If we talk about how much teeth hurt after whitening, then an unpleasant symptom can persist for 7-10 days, and sometimes even longer. A more prolonged toothache should be a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor!

What kind of whitening products can cause toothache?

Judging by the feedback from patients who have undergone a teeth whitening procedure, pain often occurs after using Zoom. This is a gel that is fed through a special laser lamp. The effect of such a procedure lasts for a year, but the risk of side effects is quite high.

Less "frightening" are the reviews about the use of Crest strips for teeth whitening. Unlike the Zoom tool, they are easy to use at home. The gel requires strict adherence to the algorithm prescribed in the instructions, so the procedure with it should be carried out by a competent specialist.

What should I do if my teeth hurt after whitening?

What to do if your teeth hurt after? If the pain is not very intense, then you can be a little patient until it passes by itself, or you can take a weak painkiller. Moreover, before the manipulation, doctors recommend drinking an analgesic that lasts 8-12 hours.

If whitening was carried out at home, and after it your teeth hurt very much, then in order to calm the pain and prevent its further occurrence, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. Re-take an anesthetic drug, but only the one that was drunk before the manipulation.
  2. Avoid cold and hot drinks and foods for 48 hours. It is worth eating only that food, the temperature of which corresponds to the normal temperature of the human body.
  3. Avoid eating acidic foods (this is especially true for people who naturally have sensitive teeth).
  4. If your teeth hurt after the whitening procedure, this is not a reason to abandon the usual hygiene procedures. But in order not to irritate them in the first days after the manipulation, you can clean them from plaque with a cotton swab, applying a small amount of toothpaste to it.
  5. To make your teeth less painful, doctors recommend using fluoride-based toothpastes. These substances block pain receptors, reducing discomfort. To achieve a greater effect from the use of pastes, it is necessary to refuse to eat and drink any drinks for half an hour after treating the teeth. This is also necessary if they are very sore, because in 30 minutes the active substances will have time to penetrate deep into the enamel, which will lead to relief of discomfort.

What should I do if my teeth hurt after whitening, but I don’t feel like taking an anesthetic pill? In this case, ordinary sugar-free chewing gum will come to the rescue. It is great for soothing pain - you just need to chew 1 pad for 10-15 minutes, and then take another. Do this until the entire package is finished. Practice shows that this method perfectly helps to relieve toothache after the whitening procedure.

Can pain be prevented?

To avoid an unpleasant symptom, you need to think in advance about what to do so that after teeth whitening the pain does not make itself felt. For this you need:

  1. 1.5-2 weeks before the procedure, use tooth-reducing pastes (Sensodyne, Parodontax, Forest Balsam, etc.).
  2. Use only a soft toothbrush, the length of the bristles of which should be optimal in each individual case. If the brush does not scratch the enamel and does not cut the gums, then you can safely use it.
  3. Before bleaching, as well as after it, special desensitizing gels should be used. They will not only relieve pain, but also restore enamel if it is damaged.
  4. If the procedure will be carried out using strips, then shortly before the process itself (about half an hour), you can put on special caps treated with a desensitizing gel on your teeth. After the allotted time, the mouthguards must be removed, rinsed well, and the mouth rinsed with clean water. Only after that you can apply a bleaching agent on the caps and put them on again.

Remember that bleaching with gels is carried out once a year. If you prefer home remedies (strips), then you should not perform the manipulation daily either - after all, this is an optional hygienic procedure.

In the case when teeth hurt after whitening, it is important to find out the reasons why this happened. This will make it possible to eliminate the source of malaise, so that later there will be no more serious health problems!

The article was checked by a practicing family doctor Krizhanovskaya Elizaveta Anatolyevna.

Hi all!

By nature, my teeth have always had a yellow undertone. For this reason, I did not wear white shirts and blouses, and dreamed of the day when I would remove my braces, whiten my teeth and finally be able to wear white things with peace of mind ...

For this reason, for several years I kept one snow-white shirt, which I did not wear due to the "inappropriate" color of my teeth. I believed that that day would come, and oh yes, it did!


For a long time I did not understand which whitening to choose. On the one hand, I heard about effective zoom whitening, on the other hand, budget whitening began to flicker on Instagram with no less impressive effect. Both those and others claim the effectiveness and safety of their method, but for some reason the prices differ significantly.

I thought for a long time, but in the end I chose zoom, because I wanted to achieve the maximum whitening result the first time. I decided that if I don’t like the result of budget whitening, then I still have to go for a second procedure and most likely on zoom. And if I don’t see the effect even after the zoom, then most likely nothing will whiten my teeth more strongly.


1. Remineralization.

First of all, I went to a consultation in dentistry. The dentist strongly recommended that I prepare my teeth for whitening using a special rocs remineralizing gel 2 weeks before the procedure. This course is suitable for home use, for this you need to apply this gel on your teeth 2 times a day. It strengthens the enamel and saturates the tooth with important trace elements. I can say for sure that this stage is almost the most important, I noticed a decrease in tooth sensitivity, which means you will suffer less during whitening.

Many write about how unbearably it shoots in the teeth during and after the procedure ... This is true, and it is remineralization that helps to reduce this pain.

2. Cleaning.

The second step before whitening is professional oral hygiene. Even after cleaning at the dentist, the teeth become noticeably whiter! Don't brush just before whitening, give your teeth and gums a few days to recover. I cleaned the week before whitening and continued to apply the remineralizing gel.

3. White diet.

Perhaps the saddest thing in this whole story is the rejection of all coloring products, since the "pores" of the tooth are open for some time after the procedure and quickly absorb all the pigments.

After cleansing, you need to follow a white diet. Any tea, coffee, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, wine - almost all drinks are prohibited, except for ordinary water. Of course, we remove ketchups, sauces, colored seasonings, everything chocolate, colored vegetables, fruits and berries ... Everything that is not white. If you are an optimist, you can regard this diet as an excellent reason to get rid of the bad habit of drinking a lot of tea and coffee and eat chocolates.

What can you eat after cleaning and whitening?

For 2 weeks, your diet may consist of the following foods:

  • Chicken, turkey, white fish.
  • Rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, potatoes, without bright spices.
  • Dairy products in white
  • Eggs without yolk
  • white cabbage
  • Bananas, apples, pears
  • white ice cream
  • white pastries

From drinks:

  • Milk
  • Colorless alcoholic drinks.


The whitening procedure takes just over an hour. How does this happen?

First, they put on glasses for you, prepare your gums for bleaching, insert a rubber “spacer” into your mouth, with which you sit for the next 3 stages of whitening, apply a bleaching agent to your teeth, which acts on your teeth under a special lamp.

Each stage lasts 15 minutes.

Does it hurt?

At the first stage, I did not feel absolutely any sensations in my teeth. I sat and was glad that I had completed the course of remineralization! The most uncomfortable thing was swallowing saliva, and the tongue dried up a little.

After the first stage, one tooth shot out and I felt backaches in the first half of the second stage. It feels like a thunderstorm in the mouth, as the pain comes in a sudden flash in the tooth in a chaotic manner and just as quickly goes away.

The third stage was not as painful as I expected. I read many times that people stopped the procedure after the second stage, because they could not stand backache. For me, the third stage went well, there were several backaches in 15 minutes, but they did not increase.

In general, during the bleaching, I never grabbed a chair and did not make a sound. But I agree that backache in the teeth is very painful, keep this in mind if you have sensitive teeth and wait with the procedure until the enamel is strengthened!

Advice on how to deal with pain...

After the procedure, the lumbago did not end, but only became more frequent ... Even at the very beginning of the procedure, the doctor gave me an anesthetic pill, but warned that this did not help much, and added that vodka relieves pain best of all. At first I didn’t understand a little, maybe you need to rinse your mouth with vodka? But it turned out that you need to use it inside the traditional way!

I decided that about an hour after the procedure I would come home and go to the store for vodka, but, having already left the dentistry, I realized that I could not endure it until the house ... My face was cramped from sudden outbreaks of pain, and it was somehow no matter what the effect is...

I bought a check of vodka at the first liquor store I came across and took a couple of sips, no snacks, of course.

After a couple of minutes, my mind was clouded, and I realized how exactly vodka helps. No, vodka does not reduce the number of backaches in the teeth, but due to the fact that you are in a state of intoxication, it is easier for you to endure it. The brain does not concentrate on pain and sad thoughts about how much it hurts and when it will end...

I went to bed, slept well, shot a couple of times in the tooth, but in the morning everything was fine.

When I got home, the first thing I did was look in the mirror and take a photo with my phone. Of course, I was stunned by the result, my teeth seemed photoshopped snow-white. I specifically took comparative before and after photos in a white jumper to notice the difference.

I myself would have thought that this was additional processing, but there is absolutely no processing on the photographs, the photos were taken in the same conditions with a difference of 1 day.

Immediately after the teeth, the color of the teeth is heterogeneous, bright white chalky spots appeared on my teeth with a slight degree of fluorosis, but this is if you look very closely.

There was a noticeable unbleached area on one canine, I assume that this place was poorly cleaned of glue after removing the braces. Also, dark stripes remained along the contour right next to the gums, apparently, a protective substance for the gums got there.

But in general, the teeth seem white and I am absolutely satisfied with the result and do not regret that I decided on this procedure! Now the result depends on me and for two weeks I need to strictly keep a white diet, while the teeth are susceptible to any pigments.

So, my advice to those who are planning to whiten their teeth using the zoom system.

1. Be sure to strengthen the enamel!!! Buy a remineralization gel and take a course for 2-2-4 weeks before the procedure.

2. Schedule bleaching in the evening so that you can go straight home and go to bed as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will suffer the rest of the day.

3. Don't rely on painkillers. Prepare vodka in advance to drink it immediately after the procedure.

4. Be prepared to be away from your favorite products for a while for the perfect result!

I am very pleased with the result, but I will not recommend this procedure to everyone. Decide for yourself whether you are ready to give a tidy sum and endure pain and food restrictions for the sake of a snow-white smile?

Which I recently moved.

I have a congenital enamel disease - fluorosis.

The teeth are yellow, the yellowness is not uniform, but in spots. They were not always yellow, they were white from birth, then they began to turn yellow in spots.

Of course, I have always wanted to whiten my teeth. But in my city, none of the dentists took it, everyone said no, there would be no result, it was necessary to put veneers.

And then one day I got a consultation with a dentist clinic VitaSmile, who suggested that I do laser whitening, as it gives a more pronounced result.

Of course, she also did not give any guarantees, because whitening of fluorous teeth is an unpredictable thing. Teeth can become whitened with spots, and become even worse, or they can become covered with white oxygen stains. What it is, you will find out later.

Whitening took place in this clinic Promotions 10500r hygiene + whitening.

I decided to try it once in my life, I was determined that it would not help me - I would calm down and no longer think about it.

This is what my teeth looked like BEFORE whitening.

You can see yellow spots on the two central teeth of the upper row, spots in the cervical region of the entire lower row. The side teeth are just interspersed. The color that the dentist brings is called A3 (not visible in the photo).

🔸 Bleaching took place in two stages.

First day I had oral hygiene. It must be done before whitening, even if you have already done it recently, because there should be no plaque left on the teeth before whitening. The hygienist must necessarily carry out an indication of plaque with a special gel, and at the end of the hygiene procedure SHOULD NOT apply fluorine varnish. The application of fluoride varnish is included in the protocol of the oral hygiene procedure by default, but it is contraindicated for people with fluorosis!

Therefore, I should apply a calcium-based remineralizing composition at the end.

The next day I had a whitening procedure this morning. I will describe in detail all the steps.

  • First, the dentist applies a special composition to the gums, it protects the gums from the whitening composition. The composition is applied in a thin strip along the line of contact between the gums and the teeth. The composition is illuminated by a lamp. I don’t know what it’s called, but fillings light up like this.
  • Then a bleaching composition based on hydrogen peroxide is applied. It is white and mushy.
  • You have to sit with this lineup. The first time I waited 7 minutes.
  • After that, each tooth individually is carefully illuminated with a laser.
  • After the first manipulation, as the dentist said, the greatest result is already visible.
  • In total, three such hemlines are performed. I had 7, 4 and 4 minutes.

🔸 Now about my feelings and result.

When they began to apply the composition a second time to the lower teeth, the first time it hurt me. I suffered. But when they already lit up and began to apply the composition for the third time, the pain became unbearable! The dentist even asked several times if I was losing consciousness and that she could stop the procedure. But I decided to persevere. How I scolded myself for this later!

The pain was dull aching + shot in the teeth. I had read reviews of the procedure before, and I knew that it would shoot in the teeth. But not the same!!! It shot as if they were hitting the teeth from a traumatic gun.

I got down from the chair in a semi-conscious state, they gave me a tablet of ketorol to drink. The dentist told me something about the excellent result, but I didn’t give a damn about any results. All I wanted was for this pain to stop. But it's still flowers.

They gave me a memo.

I then looked in the mirror at the result and was not very happy. Here's what happened right after.

Color A1. You can see white oxygen spots here. With fluorosis, this happens when the teeth come into contact with air for a long time.

Teeth whitening occurs due to the release of atomic oxygen, which, penetrating into the enamel and dentin through microscopic holes, causes oxidation and, as a result, splitting of the surface pigments of the dentin - the inner layer of the tooth. Enamel does not bleach.

Therefore, I was not particularly enthusiastic, but I knew that I would see the result later, because. My oxygen spots always go away. But not everyone is like that.

I barely crawled to the house, the pains were just wild, shot in the teeth constantly, strongly and unexpectedly. In addition, just aching teeth. The entire surface of the front teeth hurt like hell. Most of all, for some reason, the lower teeth hurt.

So that you understand how much it hurt, I didn’t cry, I just screamed for the first few hours! And then moaned for the rest of the day. I drank 4 or 5 ketorol per day. Didn't help.

The dentist warned me that yes, this happens, everyone has different sensitivity and in her practice there were several patients who had severe toothache. She said that she would be sick for a maximum of a day. And that the pain will go away as suddenly as it started. If it doesn't work, then call her.

Day? Are you joking?

All in all, I barely made it through the day. And cursed the minute I decided to whiten my teeth. I could not open my mouth and look at my teeth, because It was so painful that I could only moo.

When I woke up in the morning, I did not believe that there was no pain. Indeed, she abruptly passed, as if it had never happened.

That's what I saw in the mirror.

Of course, the result pleased me, it is clear that the teeth became whiter, the spots also became lighter. In general, the appearance of the teeth is more beautiful, definitely. Although there are still yellowish spots on the top two. But with fluorosis, this is an excellent result!

Here is another photo of the teeth in different lighting.

Ask me if I am satisfied with the laser teeth whitening procedure and the result? Yes, I can't get enough of my teeth and I'm not embarrassed to smile anymore.

Will I repeat again? NEVER. The second time I just can not survive this.

Now I just stop drinking coffee and tea, because I want to keep the result without re-whitening.

I will update my review later.

And once again the photo BEFORE and AFTER laser teeth whitening.


It's been 2 months since bleaching. The teeth are still white. Despite the fact that I do not adhere to the Colorless diet. I drink coffee, I'm a sinner. I eat beets. True, I try to brush my teeth or rinse my mouth after drinking coffee, but it doesn’t always work out.

I'm changing my rating to five. Laser whitening really gives an excellent result and it is long-lasting. Pain is my personality.

But now I'm not afraid to smile.

So, if you want, do it! But take a painkiller just in case😁

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