Strict post what you can eat. Fasting products: what to buy for Lent. Why You Shouldn't Eat Meat During Lent

In everyone's life Orthodox Christian once the first conscious happens great post. It is good if the traditions of fasting were in the family, if life from childhood was within the Church. But people who decide to get acquainted with the church tradition of Great Lent already in adulthood have a lot of questions. Everything comes to our section on the eve of the beginning of the post more questions about what is possible and impossible in Great Lent. We decided to choose the most FAQ and answer them in one article.

What is possible and impossible in Lent is determined by the charter. Russian Orthodox Church in this case uses the ancient monastic charter, but life modern man in a big city is very different from life in a monastery, and for many people it is beyond their powers to follow every letter of the ancient rules. Taking into account the recommendations of the charter, everyone should determine the measure of fasting for himself, after consulting with the priest and assessing his state of health, workload, opportunities and other circumstances.

What can you eat on the first week of Lent?

Can you eat shrimp during Lent?

Is it possible to eat vegetable oil in Lent?

Can you eat seafood during Lent?

Can you drink during Lent?

Why can't you eat meat during Lent?

Is honey allowed in Lent?

Why can't you get pregnant during Lent?

Can you drink water during Lent?

Who should not fast during Great Lent?

Is it possible to fish in Lent?

What can you eat on the first week of Lent?

On the first week of Lent, you can eat fresh, dried and salted vegetables and fruits, bread, honey, nuts. The strict monastic charter presupposes complete failure from food on the first day of Great Lent, food without oil on Tuesday and Thursday, and dry eating on Wednesday and Friday of the first week of fasting (that is, eating unexposed heat treatment food without oil). But for a layman, that is, a person who does not live in a monastery, but in modern world, following such a charter is an additional feat, accessible to a few, and one can go on it only with the special blessing of the confessor. Usually, the laity also eat porridge, soups, fried, boiled or baked vegetables and mushrooms, etc. in the first week.

Is it possible to eat vegetable oil in Lent?

Vegetable oil during Great Lent is allowed by the monastic charter only on Saturdays, Sundays and some weekdays. But it is not at all necessary to constantly check the calendar. For the laity (i.e., non-monastics), vegetable oil is acceptable for daily consumption.

It is believed that in the southern countries, from where the charter came to us, the rejection of oil was due to the fact that there were always olives on the table, and the oil from them was already perceived as an excess. For a modern person living in central Russia, vegetable oil is more likely to be a simpler product.

Can you drink during Lent?

During Great Lent, you can drink water, compotes, juices, teas, coffee, and even some wine is allowed on some days. You can not drink strong alcohol or wine in large quantities during Lent.

Fasting is a time of concentration and concentration, while alcohol can interfere with a person in his spiritual movement.

Is honey allowed in Lent?

You can eat honey in Lent. But we must remember that the meaning of a gastronomic fast is to limit, that is, tasty, sweet, favorite food, even lean, you do not need to overeat.

Can you drink water during Lent?

Of course, you can drink water during Great Lent. Refuse water only before Communion. It is customary to approach the Sacrament on an empty stomach and from 12 a.m. the day before or 6 hours before, if the Liturgy is at night or in the evening, you must refuse both food and drink.

Is it possible to fish in Lent?

You can fish twice during Great Lent: on the feasts of the Annunciation (April 7) and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem ( Palm Sunday, in 2017 - April 9). If the Annunciation falls on Holy Week, then even on a holiday you can’t eat fish. On the eve of Palm Sunday, on Lazarus Saturday (in 2017 - April 8), fish caviar is allowed.

In addition, pregnant and lactating women, students and those who are engaged in increased mental or hard physical labor are often blessed to eat fish during Lent.

Can you eat shrimp during Lent?

Whether there are shrimp in Lent depends on the measure of observance of the fast. So, for example, in Greece, where seafood is a traditional and easily accessible food, during Lent they are allowed even in monasteries on those days when the charter allows oil. In Russia, seafood is not such a common food, and every fasting person, in consultation with a priest, decides for himself whether shrimp, squid and other "sea reptiles" will be in his diet.If shrimp is quite affordable for you and you feel that you need such reinforcement several times a post, then eating shrimp (and other seafood - mussels, squid) is possible. If shrimp is more of a favorite delicacy for you, then it may be worth looking for another product to reinforce your strength.

Can you eat seafood during Lent?

Opinions differ about whether seafood can be eaten during Lent. Some believe that it is possible, like fish, only twice during the entire period of fasting - on the feast of the Annunciation and on Palm Sunday. Others say that seafood is allowed during Great Lent on Saturdays and Sundays.

Lay people in this matter need to focus on their state of health, stress, lifestyle. For someone, giving up meat and dairy products is not difficult, but for those in whose lives there are heavy loads, without enough It is impossible to do without protein, and seafood can serve as a full-fledged source of it.

In any case, you need to remember the basic rule of fasting: food should be simple. And if seafood remains in the fasting diet, then there is no need to overeat with seafood delicacies.

Why can't you eat meat during Lent?

Meat cannot be eaten during Great Lent because during this period a person must strive for God both in spirit and in body. Food of animal origin is heavy, and it is not easy after rich meat borscht or cutlets to stand up for prayer and focus on turning to the Lord.

Refusing certain products, a believer learns abstinence, the ability to cope with his desires, which is necessary not so much at the table as in life in general.

Nevertheless, there are circumstances when a person, even during the Great Lent, does not have the opportunity to exclude meat from the diet (health condition, business trip or expedition, meals in an institution - in a hospital, prison, etc.). In this case, you need to remember that a gastronomic fast is only a help to a person in his struggle with passions, and main post- spiritual.

Priests often recall the words of the elders: “Eat meat while fasting, but don’t eat each other.” Of course, this quote does not call for eating meat during fasting, especially since the refusal only from meat products is the first and simplest degree of fasting. But these words call on those who, for one reason or another, break the fast, not to despair, and to turn their attention to their spiritual movements, not to get annoyed, but to learn to treat others with love.

Why can't you get pregnant during Lent?

The main thing to understand in this matter is that in the Church there are no signs and rules about the time suitable for getting pregnant. The Church only says that Lent is recommended for spouses to refrain from marital intimacy in order to learn to control their passions and desires and to set their minds on prayer. But carnal abstinence can only be by mutual consent of the husband and wife, and both do not always fast. Thus, if a child was nevertheless conceived during Lent, in no case should one consider him defective in any way or worry about the influence of the day of his conception on his fate.

Who should not fast during Great Lent?

In one way or another, everyone can fast during Great Lent! The point of fasting is not to exhaust your body by refusing to eat. Lent is a time of struggle with passions, which means that the first task may be to give up what causes a certain kind of addiction in a person. And lean chocolate will cease to be lean if you eat a bar a day.

Those or other, even if very small, restrictions can be incurred by any person, if you approach the issue with reasoning. Suffering from any disease and the elderly, children and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women a complete diet contraindicated. But in addition to gastronomic, there are still many temptations in the life of a modern Christian - this is endless surfing on the Internet, and numerous entertainment shows and television series, and quarrels with others, and many other pointless ways to waste time. Great Lent is a fertile time to try to bring your way of life at least a little closer to the commandments given by Christ.

The Monk Barsanuphius the Great said: “...fasting inner man pleasing to God and will reward you for your lack of bodily fasting.” Even if fasting in food is obtained to the smallest extent, it is necessary to direct your efforts to good deeds, prayer and repentance.

What prayers can not be read in Lent?

What can not be eaten in Lent?

What not to do in Lent

What can not be done in It would be more correct to ask what should be done in Lent. After all, this time was given to us specifically as a time of intensive work on ourselves. As a chance to change something in yourself for the better. Concentrate on your spiritual, inner life.

And the rules that the Church invites us to observe during Great Lent, we need as an aid in achieving these goals.

So what are these rules?

Fasting in food. In Lent, you can not only eat fast food (meat, eggs, dairy products), but also overeat lean. During the period of fasting, one should also not drink alcohol, except on some days when a little wine is allowed. Spouses should, if possible and only by mutual agreement, refrain from intimacy (weddings are not performed during Lent, respectively, believers cannot marry during Lent).

Reasonable allocation of time. In Great Lent, you need to focus on your spiritual life, and therefore you should not waste time aimlessly. It makes sense to limit entertainment and entertainment, and devote time to prayer and your spiritual development.

Forgiveness of insults. You can’t continue to cherish your grievances against others in fasting, you need to try to resolve conflicts and, if possible, reconcile. That is why Great Lent begins after Forgiveness Sunday.

Intensified prayer. In fasting, worship and prayer should not be neglected. The Divine Services of Great Lent are very special, they convey the main mood of Great Lent - repentance. There are services (the canon of St. Andrew of Crete, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Passions, the services of Holy Week) that you must definitely attend.

The repentant prayer of Ephraim the Syrian accompanies the Orthodox Christian throughout Great Lent.

During Great Lent, a Christian cannot continue to live in the usual hustle and bustle, forgetting about God. You need to find time and opportunities to take even the smallest, but steps towards the Lord. Seven weeks of Great Lent - seven steps to Easter, to the Bright Christ's Resurrection. And they should be spent in such a way as to meet the Holiday with a pure heart.

In products that are forbidden to be eaten during fasts, everything for the production of which raw materials of animal origin were used. First of all, the ban applies to meat and any meat products, as well as poultry and eggs. Under the ban milk and everything connected with it: butter, sour cream, cottage cheese, dairy products and drinks, cheeses. In fasting, it is forbidden to eat pasta, white and rich bread, cakes, cookies, waffles and any pastries that contain butter, eggs and milk. Do not forget, there is also mayonnaise, because eggs are also used for its preparation.

Some foods, such as fish and vegetable oil, can only be eaten on those days of fasting, which are considered non-strict, although vegetable oil does not have an animal origin. The ban also applies to chocolate and fast food, which are high in fat. Can't be used in a post. alcoholic drinks including beer.

Post by day of the week

On some days of the week, fasting may be more strict, and on some, including those that fall on, some indulgences can be allowed. So, Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days of strict fasting, dry eating. These days, you can only eat foods that have not been cooked, and the addition of vegetable oil is also excluded. On the days of strict fasting, you can eat only black bread, vegetables and fruits, washed down with water or unsweetened compote. If you will be salads these days, you can use only lemon juice mixed with a small amount honey.
During fasting, you should not starve, especially if you have not denied yourself food before. This is fraught with problems with bile secretion and erosive processes in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hot meals can be eaten on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but on these days it is forbidden to add oil to them. But Saturday and the days of relaxation, when you can finally fry fish or vegetables in vegetable oil, add it to salads.

Proper nutrition during fasting

And while fasting, your food can be healthy. Missing in the diet animal protein replace with protein-rich foods plant origin. First of all, these are mushrooms and legumes: lentils, peas, chickpeas. The missing fats are found in nuts, and iron - in apples, buckwheat, bananas.
Remember that while observing religious fasts, one should not fall into the sin of gluttony immediately after they are completed, this is harmful not only for the soul, but also for health.

Mayonnaise, which contains both butter and eggs, is not allowed as a sauce, so salads are best seasoned with soy sauce or lemon juice.

It is forbidden to drink any alcohol, despite the fact that in natural recipes it must have vegetable. This is due to the fact that fasting is primarily a cleansing of the soul, and not, and alcohol for a person is an excess, not a necessity.


The fish exception applies only to Palm Sunday and the Annunciation. These days fish is allowed.

The diet of a nursing mother should be complete, include foods with high content vitamins and microelements vital for a newborn baby. However, there are a number of restrictions in the mother's diet, since not all foods will benefit her and her newborn baby.

Reasons for rejection

Breastfeeding mothers should observe special diet recommended by pediatricians and based on many years of experience of previous generations. Otherwise, they may affect the child. Excessive consumption of certain foods threatens allergic dermatitis, popularly referred to as diathesis, infantile colic and increased gas formation, as well as feeling unwell and often the mother herself.
Most severe dietary restrictions apply to the first month of a child's life. Over time, it will be possible to gradually include new products.

First of all, keep in mind that each baby has its own individual reaction on foods in the diet. What is well tolerated by one will cause problems for another.

Dairy and dairy products

One of the most common advice that women who have recently given birth hear is to definitely drink cow's milk. No less often, in order to increase lactation, it is advised to drink several cups of black tea with condensed milk every day.
If you like to drink tea with herbs, you should not get carried away with sage, it reduces lactation.

Maybe these drinks really number breast milk and make it taste sweeter. The pitfall is that a fairly large percentage do not tolerate protein well in the first months after birth. cow's milk. This is biologically determined and is not a disease. If you notice a rash on the face and body, a yellow seborrheic crust on the head, or other allergy symptoms in your baby, reduce the amount of milk you consume. Dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream are considered more acceptable in the diet of the mother.


All kinds of sweets like cakes, sweets, cakes, etc. should also be limited, ideally completely eliminated from the diet. Confectionery often contains harmful trans fats, margarine and artificial additives. In general, try to reduce the amount of food with chemical dyes and preservatives and eat natural products.
A pediatric dietitian or breastfeeding specialist can help clarify the situation about the effect of products on a particular child.

Foods that cause allergies

The nursing diet should be hypoallergenic. Allergies are often caused by products containing cocoa beans (cocoa, chocolate, sweets). Use a large number eggs, nuts, honey, canned food, citrus fruits and berries can cause allergic reaction. Also, you should not abuse fresh vegetables and fruits, especially if yours often has digestive problems.
You can not drink too much carbonated drinks and coffee.

Alcohol abuse during lactation

The most important rule that a nursing woman must unquestioningly follow is the absolute exclusion of alcoholic beverages! Drinking alcohol in 100% of cases affects the composition and quality of breast milk, alcohol enters the child's body and can affect his motor development.

Medications and breastfeeding

Majority medicines are also prohibited. Read the instructions carefully before taking any pill. In the vast majority of cases, lactation is included. If you get sick, it's best not to risk it, go to the doctor's office and consult about taking certain medications in the chest.

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  • Products prohibited during breastfeeding

Features of proper nutrition in fasting. What can and what is forbidden to eat during the fasting period. And so Great Lent began. It will last seven weeks and end after Easter is celebrated in the church. At this time, a believer not only restricts himself in food. The meaning of the post goes much deeper than that. If you do not go into details, then this period can be characterized as an opportunity to purify yourself both spiritually and physically. Special nutrition should help a person look at his life in a new way and cleanse the body.

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Photo gallery: How to eat right in fasting?

By Church Charter the first and last weeks of Lent are considered the strictest. If you strictly follow the rules, then in the first three days you should completely refuse food. The only thing you can somehow support your strength is raw vegetables and water. But not every person can last in such a diet for a long time, so you can expand the list of products and eat well, just not using strictly prohibited (fast) foods.

What can not be eaten in the post?

As we have already said, during the period of Great Lent, one must refrain from the so-called fast foods. Basically it is a food containing natural fat and oils. In this list, all meat products, fish (allowed in certain days), eggs. All dairy products are also prohibited.

What can you eat in a post

Also, during fasting, a person should refrain from various food fast food, sweets, bread made from white flour, quick pastries. Under the huge ban is alcohol.

Do not add hot spices to food during fasting. This is not a ban, but a recommendation from doctors. Since with such poor nutrition, they can negatively affect the state of the gastrointestinal tract.

What can you eat in a post?

Approved Products great amount. Many can be prepared from them. delicious meals, so the stereotype of extreme nutritional scarcity has no support. It is especially important to eat hot first courses, as they have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach and intestines.

List of products allowed in the post:

  • Bread (coarse)
  • All fruits in any form
  • All vegetables in any form
  • Mushrooms
  • nuts
  • Kashi (boiled in water)
  • Compote, fruit drink, kvass, smoothies, tea

What not to eat in fasting

On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday you can eat seafood and wine, but only as an exception.

It is recommended to eat only on Monday, Wednesday and Friday cold food, and on Tuesday and Thursday - hot. During the week, it is forbidden to add vegetable oil to food, it is allowed only on Saturday and Sunday.

What can you eat while fasting

How to eat properly in fasting and get all the necessary substances?

Since we are facing some restrictions during Lent, you should pay attention to your food habits and include some foods in your diet.

  • A person must receive protein in a certain amount. But since meat and dairy products are prohibited in fasting, it can be obtained from legumes, nuts, cereals and soy products.
  • If you are driving active image life, be sure to eat cereal or potatoes daily.
  • Vegetables and fruits should always be on your table.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Replace sweets with dried fruits and honey. It is not only tasty, but also much healthier.
  • arm yourself various recipes to keep your diet varied.

At the end of the fast, very carefully return to use fatty foods. If you eat too much meat tastefully on the first day, you can seriously harm your body. And remember, fasting is not only what is on your plate, but also what is on your mind. Try to avoid negative statements, too noisy parties and quarrels.

The Christian faith teaches people to lead a modest lifestyle and not be carried away by gluttony. The days when Christians fast are not days of tormenting themselves with hunger, but days of spiritual purification, repentance for sins and humble prayer for their forgiveness. Abstinence from gluttony is a natural part of this process and every Christian knows what can you eat in fasting.

How to eat healthy while fasting

The Holy Church of Christ defined as one day posts, and multi-day. Every Wednesday and Friday, a Christian abstains from eating meat and dairy foods. This is done as a sign of memory of the tragic days in the earthly life of Jesus Christ. As we know from the Bible, on Wednesday he was betrayed into the hands of the Roman soldiers by Judas, and on Friday he was crucified on the cross. There are four multi-day fasts during the year.

  1. Great post. This is the longest and strict post. It lasts for seven weeks preceding the Day of the Holy Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Charter Orthodox Church allows during Great Lent to use vegetable oil only on Saturdays and Sundays. On the day of the Annunciation and the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the use of lean fish. On the rest of the days of Great Lent, Christians eat only vegetable food and bread.
  2. Assumption post. This fast lasts from August 14 to 27 and is dedicated to the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The severity of this fast is similar to the severity of Great Lent. On the Day of the Transfiguration of the Lord, August 19, Christians are allowed to eat fish. On other days, the diet consists only of lean dishes.
  3. Christmas post. This fast is also very long, namely, it lasts 40 days until the very Nativity of Christ, which we always celebrate on January 6 in a new style. The Nativity Fast is less strict than the Great or Dormition Fast. So during this fast, with the exception of Monday, Wednesday and Friday, it is allowed to eat fish and vegetable oil. On the eve of Christmas, Christians fast especially strictly and limit themselves in almost everything. AT last day before Christmas, Christians do not eat anything at all until the first evening star rises in the sky. Only after its appearance, you can eat dried fruits soaked in water. This dish is called "sochivo", hence the name. last day before Christmas - "Christmas Eve".
  4. Petrovsky post. This post is dedicated to the memory of the Great Apostles Christian Church Peter and Paul. It is similar in severity to the Nativity Fast. It begins a week after the Feast of the Holy Trinity and lasts until the feast day of the Apostles.

Before you start fasting, be sure to make it clear to yourself that you are not going to starve, but want to stop eating for a while. fatty foods. The ridiculous idea of ​​torturing yourself with hunger will not lead you to anything good. This is how you can earn gastritis, especially since the power of faith in most of us is not as powerful as in holy people who could manage only spiritual food for many weeks and did not feel any weakness. Do not forget about the main purpose of the post and do not focus on the secondary. If a person constantly experiences a feeling of hunger, then it will interfere with him in his spiritual purification. Instead of thinking about God and about your lifestyle, you will only be worried about food, and instead of feeling deep repentance, only irritability and impatience will arise.

What can you eat while fasting

Let's figure it out together when it comes post do's and don'ts eat. Let's say right away that any fruits and vegetables can be eaten in any form and in any quantity every day. That is, your stomach will never be empty during fasting. In addition, the consumption of pure fruits and vegetables without any accompanying products leads to the maximum absorption of all vitamins and minerals. useful substances that are present in these priceless gifts of nature. During summer post Of course, you need to eat all kinds of salads from fresh vegetables. During the winter fast, at your service are all kinds of pickles and, of course, vegetables and fruits, which in our time people have learned to store all year round.

During fasting, you can not only eat dishes from raw vegetables, but also boil them. Of course, boiled vegetables lose about ninety percent of their nutritional value. Vegetables should be boiled in as little water as possible and should not be overcooked. It is not necessary during fasting to go in cycles only in potatoes and cabbage. The Lord gave us a lot of delicious vegetables and you can alternate them during fasting. These are zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower, green pea, corn, beans and many other tasty and healthy vegetables and fruits. The more varied your plant foods on fasting days, the better.

The first dishes during fasting should be prepared without meat, but this does not mean that they will not be tasty and satisfying. You can always add various cereals to the soup, which are both healthy and high-calorie foods.

Do not forget that during fasting, Christians are allowed to eat almost any cereal. Hardly after a plate delicious porridge someone will feel hungry. Although porridge these days is allowed to cook only on water and without adding oil to them. But you can add raisins, nuts, dried apricots, mushrooms or carrots to the porridge. At the same time, it will become both tastier and healthier.

There is an opinion that by refusing to eat meat, milk and eggs, a person thereby deprives himself of the protein that is so necessary for normal operation organism. This opinion is only partially correct. The fact is that the Lord gave us a mass of plant cultures rich in proteins no less than meat, milk and eggs. During the period of fasting, they must be included in your daily ration. Mushrooms, eggplants, all without exception are rich in proteins. legumes and of course soy, which has the most proteins and other nutrients. Nowadays, in the culinary departments of stores, you can always buy excellent soy dishes, which are almost the same in taste and calorie content. meat products. Why not take advantage of this while fasting?

Many people, speaking about nutrition during fasting, forget about non-strict days, which, by the way, during fasting are much more than strict days. These days you can eat buns, bagels, cookies, vegetable oil and any fish meals. Can you still be hungry? Of course not! Another thing is that during fasting you can not overeat these dishes. The essence of nutrition at this time is only to satisfy the feeling of hunger, but not in the excessive eating of lean foods.

The main thing is that during fasting your food should be simple and not oversaturated with various spices. Try to cook more boiled dishes and steamed food. Proper nutrition during fasting, combined with sincere prayer, they turn fasting not into suffering, but into powerful spiritual pleasure.

Now let's talk about what absolutely not to eat during fasting. Definitely forbidden to eat meat, poultry, eggs and all dairy products, even kefir. On strict days, fish and vegetable oil are prohibited.

Many people have a question, how can you cook the same salad or fry vegetables without vegetable oil. Meanwhile, lemon juice or marinade can be used to prepare the salad. You can fry vegetables easily and without oil. To do this, you need to have a frying pan with a Teflon coating. In the summer, oil is absolutely necessary for making salads, since fresh vegetables are already very juicy.

Temporary refusal of dairy products brings nothing but benefits to the body. Nutritionists have long argued that, in essence, milk is a product for children, and it is generally not recommended for adults in its pure form, since their body does not absorb it well.

During fasting it is forbidden to eat sweets. Probably it is not necessary to say once again that sweets are far from the dishes that the body needs for the body. Of course, during fasting, the use of alcoholic beverages is unacceptable. Even a glass of good wine is already a sign of idleness. The time of fasting does not imply such a state of the soul of a Christian, for fasting is not a holiday, but, if you like, the work of the mind and soul.

Finally, you need to spend a little time on how you need to end the fast and switch to your usual diet. In no case, after the completion of the fast, one should greedily pounce on a heavy meat food. The body has lost the habit of it during fasting, so in the first days after fasting, try to eat less meat. No need to abuse spices and very salty foods. Everything that you gave up during the fast should return to your diet gradually, but by no means immediately.

what foods can be eaten in the post list?

  1. Baking is possible on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday with the addition of sunflower oil, except for the first week of Great Lent and the last holy week. Without adding sunflower oil, you can on other days. The composition may contain fruits, dried fruits, nuts, vegetables, flour, water, yeast, sugar, honey, mushrooms. In other words, everything is vegetable.
    Highly a delicious cake: flour 250 Gram, baking powder 4 teaspoons, vegetable oil 5 Art. spoons mineral water 250 milliliters, juice 400 milliliters, semolina 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar 1 tbsp. spoon, fruit 500 grams.
  2. Yes, it's really easier to list what you can't. But I will try to list what is possible. And so, you can eat in the post: products of plant origin. Vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, all types of cereals boiled on water, lean mayonnaise, pasta, ketchup, mustard and other dry seasonings, lean cookies, vegetable oil (only on Saturdays and Sundays if you observe to the fullest extent), bread is also possible, waffle cakes and any pastries without adding eggs, milk, kefir. From drinks: jelly, compote, kvass, etc. without alcohol content. Many more things are possible.
  3. And what pastries can you do?
  4. List of lean foods

    Cereals. Any.
    Vegetables and mushrooms. Also any.
    Peas and all legumes.
    Vegetable fats. It's about about any vegetable oils.
    Pickling products. From traditional cabbage to soaked grapes.
    Greens in any form (fresh and dried) and any quantity.
    Soy and soy products.
    Bread and pasta.
    Olives and olives.
    Desserts are jam and jam dark chocolate, marmalade, halva and gozinaki.
    Any fruit. Both ours and exotic ones, including dried fruits (raisins, candied fruits, etc.)

    Orthodox Lent 2016 Food Calendar by day - pictured
    A detailed article is on my blog - the link is blocked by the decision of the project administration

  5. Great Lent is the most strict and significant of all fasts.

    On all days of fasting, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages is prohibited. You can not eat animal products (meat, fish, milk and eggs), butter (white) bread, sweets, buns, mayonnaise. Allowed only plant foods (fruits, vegetables, dried fruits), pickles (sauerkraut, pickled and pickled cucumbers), crackers, dryers, tea, mushrooms, nuts, black and gray bread, kissels, cereals on the water. And on the holidays of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God and Palm Sunday is allowed to eat fish.


    First meal

    Lenten soups. The main thing to do is fry onions and carrots, you can add ketchup or tomato paste, then the soup will be tastier. You can add to borscht or cabbage soup to improve the taste. bell pepper. Saves great pea soup or bean soup mushroom soups, sorrel soup. Likewise for density lean soups usually add cereals (rice, pearl barley).

    Main dishes

    The most delicious, in my opinion, Lenten dish fried potatoes with sauerkraut. Potatoes will probably be your main food: french fries, mashed potatoes, potato cutlets, potatoes with gravy, baked potatoes ... In short, everything that used to be a side dish is suitable for your main meal: green peas, beans (in jars with sauce), corn. Fried mushrooms completely replace meat. If you are already tired of everything, remember the vegetable stew and hodgepodge. If it is immediately clear what the hodgepodge can be from, then in vegetable stew You can put in just about anything you can get your hands on. You can add nuts (walnuts or hazelnuts) to any dish when cooking - this is both tastier and more satisfying. You can buy frozen vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green beans, mixed vegetables).

    Drinks, desserts

    Juices, kissels, compotes, tea, fruit drinks. For dessert, you can cook such a wonderful children's dish apple-carrot puree. Remember how it used to crackle behind your ears? Or other fruit purees.


    For breakfast, you can eat muesli (on water or juice).

    What is at work?

    In general, it is hard to stick to the post at the workplace. But we found a way out at work, a little funny made vegetable shawarma. Bought Korean carrots, brought with them sauerkraut they added fresh vegetables, wrapped the whole thing in pita (thin) rolled up and ate. In general, you can take the same crackers, bagels, nuts, seeds, dried bananas, jam, seaweed (at worst) and salads to work with you.

  6. water
  7. It's easier to list what you can't...
    Food of animal origin.
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