What you need to know for patients with a diagnosis of foot dermatitis. Dermatitis on the legs: causes, symptoms, treatment Allergic dermatitis on the legs treatment

Dermatitis on the legs is a disease of various etiologies that develops as a response to an allergen or infection that affects the integument of the lower extremities. Its diagnosis in the form of toxidermia speaks of the pathologies of the internal organs. Dermatosis is not a contagious disease, it is easily curable with timely and well-designed therapy. The prognosis for recovery is favorable.

What affects the incidence of dermatitis?

There are many factors contributing to the appearance of dermatous lesions on the legs.

But taking into account the impact on the body, experts divided them into external and internal. External causes (exogenous) include:

  • skin contact with chemicals and cosmetics;
  • wearing shoes containing aggressive dyes;
  • mechanical impact - expressed by friction or pressure on the skin, as well as the influence of tight synthetic clothing with poor breathability;
  • biological "culprits" - viruses, bacteria, plants, insects cause allergic and bacterial inflammation of skin tissues;
  • physical factors - X-ray exposure, local exposure to low / high temperatures, insolation.

Internal, or endogenous causes of dermatitis on the legs are:

Deterioration of the immune status as an endogenous cause of dermatosis of the legs occurs against the background of endocrine, chronic or infectious diseases. The culprit of the rash is the conditionally pathogenic flora, which has become more active under suitable conditions.

Clinical picture of dermatitis affecting the skin of the legs

The symptomatology of the disease depends on its nature. Changes in the integument range from slight redness and swelling to true eczema. When it occurs as a result of contact with irritating substances, hyperemia and a rash appear on the limbs, the tissues itch. In some patients, blisters with transparent contents jump up.

So that you have an idea about the different manifestations of dermatitis on the legs, we have collected several photos.

Venous dermatitis as a type of foot pathology is expressed by a combined variant of eczema and congestion. On the legs, dilated veins and areas of skin with a changed color are visible. Deep-lying veins are deformed and clogged with blood clots. The skin covering them becomes dry, reddened, cracked. In advanced cases, trophic ulcers are formed - long-term healing and leaving scars. Patients complain of pain and heaviness in the legs, as well as changes in the integument in the shin area.

Development on the legs is accompanied by itching. The combed areas are subsequently covered with a rash. Gradually, its elements gather into single small spots, from which scales peel off. Inflamed tissues become more dense and dry and become covered with cracks. A person notices irritability and weakness due to poor health.

The acute degree of dermatitis on the legs is characterized by the spread of blistering and edematous areas on the skin, which are transformed into cracks, scars, sores. In the chronic course of the disease, cracks and crusts periodically appear on the skin.

Ways to alleviate the condition with dermatitis of the feet

At the first stage of treatment of dermatitis, it is necessary to remove mechanical irritants, if they have become the causes of leg disease. Synthetic trousers, socks and tights will have to be abandoned. For washing things, you should buy powders without phosphates in the composition.

When telling how to treat dermatitis on the legs, the doctor must definitely mention the need to provide vitamin support to the body. The patient needs useful substances for:

  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • full work of internal organs;
  • increasing the rate of flow of metabolic processes.

In the complex therapy of dermatoses, vitamins A, D, B, C and E must be present.

Doctors prescribe antihistamines in different dosage forms. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, the patient is invited to treat the limbs with a gel or ointment. Effective means are Suprastin, Telfast, Tavegil, Zodak, Zirtek.

In the acute period, hormonal ointments and creams save from on the legs:

Sodium gluconate is administered from desensitizing injections. For external treatment of painful tissues, salicylic or boric petroleum jelly is prescribed.

If you can’t quickly visit a doctor, and the itching bothers and deprives you of sleep, ice will solve the problem. A few cubes are taken from the freezer and used to wipe problem areas. Unpleasant sensations quickly disappear.

For venous dermatitis on the legs, treatment includes oral venotonics and topical moisturizers. The use of antihistamines with severe itching seeks to soothe irritated skin and protect it from scratching. The covers heal faster and do not allow pathogenic microorganisms to penetrate through the dermis into the body.

Therapy of acutely current venous dermatosis is reinforced with light sedative medications or tranquilizers. Moisturizers prefer hormonal or combined ointments applied in short courses. Means quickly relieve inflammation.

Video: on foot.

With a protracted course of pathology, they achieve complete relief from the underlying disease and pay attention to the legs. The limbs are protected from secondary irritation, drying out and infection. For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, the doctor may recommend wearing compression underwear. Stockings and socks evenly squeeze the veins, which speeds up blood circulation and facilitates the course of dermatitis.

Redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash - all this can be a sign of dermatitis. Such symptoms should not be ignored, because the sooner treatment is started, the easier it will be to achieve good results. Symptoms of this disease can appear on different parts of the body, including the leg. Let's figure out what provokes the development of this disease and how to treat dermatitis on the legs.

Inflammation of the skin on the legs can be due to various reasons. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, you must first understand what provoked the disease, but the symptoms of various types of dermatitis are similar.

The skin turns red, a rash appears on it, peeling, pain and itching are felt. Most often, with dermatitis, lesions appear on the skin of the calves, on the feet, and also on the toes.

What can provoke?

To decide how to treat the disease, you need to find out what provoked it. The reasons can be different, they are divided into two groups, the first includes external factors, the second - internal.


Inflammation of the skin on the legs can develop under the influence of external factors. Depending on the nature of these impacts, the following reasons are distinguished:

  • Biological. Inflammation is caused by various infections.
  • Chemical. Corrosive substances such as acids can have a negative effect.
  • Mechanical. The disease is caused by constant squeezing or friction. Most often, the skin on the feet suffers when wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  • Physical. High or low temperatures, as well as radiation of a different nature, have negative effects.


Often, the condition of the skin can be judged on the state of the general health of a person. Causes that cause dermatitis, including those affecting the legs and toes:

  • Hormonal disorders. The most common factor is diabetes mellitus, which disrupts tissue trophism and develops vascular pathology.
  • Weakened immunity. This factor, most often, leads to the development of an infectious or.

  • Allergies. Very often, the cause of red spots and rashes on the skin is an allergic reaction.

Advice! Regardless of the causes of development, inflammation of the skin on the legs must be treated. It is necessary to contact a dermatologist, and he, if necessary, can refer to another specialist - a phlebologist or an allergist.


The clinical picture for dermatitis is generally similar, but still some varieties have characteristic signs.


  • Venous dermatitis cannot be cured unless the vascular pathology is treated. Apply ointments or creams containing heparin and other venotonic substances.
  • For allergies, antihistamines and anti-inflammatory ointments are prescribed.
  • To cure contact dermatitis, you need to eliminate the irritating factor. Then it will be enough to use softening ointment and moisturizers.
  • If an infection is detected, antibacterial ointments or an antifungal cream are prescribed.

In addition to therapeutic creams, folk remedies are often used. However, treatment with folk remedies should complement the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor, but not replace it.

So, the treatment of dermatitis on the legs is prescribed by a doctor, since the causes of this disease are varied. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment, including a medicated cream or ointment. Traditional medicine recipes can also be used, but it is necessary to select the appropriate remedy after consulting a dermatologist.

Dermatitis on the feet is understood as a heterogeneous group of skin diseases, common to which is inflammation and damage to the skin under the influence of external or internal factors.

The basis may be a hereditary predisposition, and the provoking factors can be constant stress, decreased immunity.

What it is

This disease is understood as a heterogeneous group of skin diseases, common to which is inflammation and damage to the skin under the influence of external or internal factors.

It may be based on a hereditary predisposition, and the provoking factors can be constant stress, decreased immunity.


The etiology, or cause of skin rashes, including on the legs, may be different. There are several classifications of etiological factors of the disease.

The first classification considers the causes on the basis of their internal or external effects on the body:

  1. Endogenous
  • ingested food allergens;
  • medications;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • disorders in hormonal systems;
  • diseases of internal organs that occur with self-intoxication of the body;
  1. exogenous
  • chemical factors (alkalis, acids, salts of heavy metals, toxic substances);
  • physical factors (mechanical friction, pressure, exposure to high or low temperatures, ultraviolet, x-ray, radioactive radiation);
  • biological factors (viruses, bacteria, fungi, excretions of plants, insects, animals);

The second classification divides the causes according to the frequency of reactions to them:

  1. obligate (mandatory) factors- those that, with a certain force and time of exposure, will certainly cause a reaction in any person. These include:
  • very aggressive liquids (concentrated acids, alkalis);
  • intensive irradiation;
  • superthreshold high and low temperatures;
  • super strong allergens;
  1. optional (optional) factors- those that will cause a reaction only under certain conditions and not in every person. It can be:

Types and their symptoms

The division of dermatitis into separate types is very complex and multifaceted. There is no exact and unambiguous classification.

You can classify the disease according to the following features:

  1. site of skin lesion(legs, palms, genitals, folds, face, perioral);
  2. place of influence of the causative factor(contact, atopic);
  3. contact dermatitis is usually divided into simple and allergic;
  4. etiological factor(allergic, toxic-allergic, inflammatory, infectious, fungal, congestive and others);
  5. duration of the process(acute and chronic);
  6. kind of rash on the skin(erythematous, vesicular, bullous, scaly);
  7. the nature of the main clinical manifestations(dry, weeping, itchy, purulent and others);

External manifestations of the disease are different, but the basis of the disease is the inflammatory process in the skin. Therefore, it is possible to identify the signs that form the backbone of the symptoms of the disease.

Classic signs of inflammation:

  • hyperemia of the skin, that is, its redness at the site of the lesion;
  • puffiness, swelling arising from the plethora of small blood vessels of the skin;
  • local increase in skin temperature of the affected area, but with a widespread process, there may be general hyperthermia;
  • local feeling of heat;
  • skin itching or burning;
  • there may be skin tightening, trophic disorders;
  • various rashes: papules, vesicles, scales, blisters, fissures, ulcers;
  • secondary infection and suppuration can join the primary elements of the rash;

These external manifestations can be limited to one area of ​​the body, for example, occur only on the legs, or they can spread throughout the body.

Extensive spread of the rash is often found in allergic and toxic-allergic dermatitis.


In diagnosis, a thorough history taking is of great importance. You need to clearly know what preceded the appearance of a rash and pain.

Whether it was eating any products that are uncharacteristic of a person, or contact with detergents, taking medications, using new cosmetics, or something else.

An external examination of the affected area will provide the bulk of the necessary information.

And to accurately determine the cause of the rash, allergological tests and skin scrapings can be carried out with their further microscopic examination.

Both general and biochemical blood tests will give objective information.

Methods for the treatment of dermatitis on the legs

Effective treatment is determined by the cause that caused the symptoms of the disease. When the etiology is accurately established, a clear scheme of action is formed.

The main general directions for the treatment of dermatitis without taking into account its specifics:

  1. elimination of the factor causing damage (removal of the allergen, neutralization of the chemical reagent, elimination of temperature effects);
  2. compliance with a hypoallergenic, sparing diet;
  3. antihistamines;
  4. actions aimed at desensitization, that is, reducing the body's sensitivity to a pathogen;
  5. antibiotic therapy if it is an infectious variant or there is a secondary infection;
  6. anti-inflammatory drugs, up to hormonal;
  7. local therapy - the use of antihistamine, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and healing ointments as needed, powder or special creams for weeping dermatitis;
  8. compliance with bed rest or optimal physical activity;


The main manifestations here will be:

  1. redness;
  2. dryness;
  3. skin thickening;
  4. the appearance of scales;
  5. in severe cases of skin ulcers.

The reason is the insufficiency of the venous system of the lower extremities. This is most often due to varicose veins.

Therefore, the treatment of venous dermatitis on the legs is reduced to the treatment of the underlying disease of the veins.

Here are the main directions:

  1. surgical or conservative treatment of varicose veins as prescribed by a doctor;
  2. less stress on the legs- you can not stand or walk for a long time, wear tight, uncomfortable shoes;
  3. giving the legs an elevated position during rest to facilitate venous outflow;
  4. observe the drinking regimen and control the amount of salt in food;
  5. topical application of heparin and anti-inflammatory ointments, including corticosteroid ones, in places of varicose veins (they are selected by a doctor);
  6. moisturize the skin of the legs with creams, use anti-allergic ointments that relieve itching;
  7. observe a hypoallergenic regime so as not to irritate the skin even more;


Allergic dermatitis is caused by the action of an allergen. The first requirement is the detection of this agent by means of samples and its complete elimination. Without this, symptomatic treatment will be ineffective.

Symptomatic remedies are as follows:


Cold dermatitis is caused by a vascular reaction of the skin to low temperature, capillary spasm and impaired blood flow. The second reason is the change in skin proteins and the body's reaction to them, as to a strong allergen.

Methods of treatment follow from the causes of the disease:


Infectious dermatitis is most often a manifestation of the underlying infectious disease (for example, measles, chickenpox, syphilis), although it can be an independent nosological unit.

It can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Etiological treatment is aimed at combating the primary infection.

To alleviate symptoms, use:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antihistamines;
  • antibacterial drugs.

With an increase in body temperature - anti-inflammatory drugs will alleviate the general condition.

Treatment can be either local - with the help of ointments, creams, compresses, or general - tablets, injections.


The stagnant variant is a kind of venous. There are changes in the skin due to violations of the outflow of blood and lymph through the vessels.

The skin becomes dense, swollen, itchy, redness, cracks, ulcerations appear.

In this state, the skin does not receive sufficient nutrition, is prone to secondary lesions, including allergic and infectious.

Treatment involves:

Therapy with ointments

Local treatment is an integral part of therapy in general. Ointment for dermatitis on the legs should be selected by a doctor, but does not require use under constant supervision.

There is no one universal ointment for dermatitis. In each case, an individual approach is needed.

Ointment, like pills, should be aimed at destroying the root cause or exactly at some symptom.

Without a medical prescription, you can use moisturizing and nourishing ointments and creams to eliminate dryness and cracking of the skin.

Drug Overview

All drugs for the treatment of dermatitis can be divided according to the place of application and according to the pharmacological group.

By place of application:

  • general;
  • local;

By group:

  • antibacterial;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory (steroid and non-steroid);
  • antihistamines;
  • desensitizing;
  • restorative;
  • improving microcirculation;

Drugs of general action can be used both in tablets orally, and in intramuscular and intravenous injections.

Local medicines are presented:

  • ointments;
  • creams;
  • powders;
  • talkers;
  • solutions for external use.

The most used groups of drugs are antihistamines and anti-inflammatory drugs. Moreover, their application is most effective both internally and locally.

The newest drugs from antiallergic:

  1. erius;
  2. telfast;
  3. peat;
  4. zyrtec;
  5. zodak;
  6. claritin;
  7. astelong and many others.

These drugs, unlike the first generation drugs (suprastin, fenkarol, fenistil, and others), do not cause sedation and drowsiness. They take courses.

There are the same substances in the form of ointments. Among anti-inflammatory ointments, advantan, akriderm, sinaflan, hydrocortisone ointment are effective.

Ointments with wound healing, regenerating effect:

  • bepanthen;
  • panthenol;
  • solcoseryl.

For the treatment of infection, tetracycline, levomekol ointment is suitable.

The role of nutrition and diet

Compliance with the principles of proper balanced nutrition will facilitate the treatment and prevention of dermatitis.

A healthy diet will ensure the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the balance of microflora, strong immunity, which means it will prevent the onset of the disease or make its treatment easier.

With allergic dermatitis, a strict hypoallergenic diet is indicated, because any allergen, not even the one that caused the initial reaction, will aggravate the course of the disease.

It is also shown to drink plenty of fluids to relieve sensitization of the body and maintain water balance.


It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. To avoid its occurrence, you need to follow the right diet, give the body optimal physical activity.

And also monitor the sufficient intake of vitamins, take measures to strengthen the immune system. Knowing that there is an allergy to something, you should diligently avoid contact with allergens.

Foot hygiene should be observed to prevent skin problems, use mild detergents, and avoid wearing uncomfortable, tight shoes.

It is better to choose socks and pants made from natural fabrics, wash clothes with hypoallergenic products. Soften and moisturize the skin, especially in winter.

It is important to timely identify and treat foci of infection, diseases of internal organs, especially to prevent the aggravation of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, varicose veins.

Remember that even a minor manifestation of a skin disease, which is easy to ignore, can be a harbinger of serious problems.

Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor in time, find out the cause of the disease and eliminate it. Self-medication is not only useless, but also dangerous.

In the timely treatment of foot dermatitis lies not only the beauty and health of the skin, but also the health of the whole organism as a whole.

The disease has a diverse etiology. Therefore, it develops against the background of an allergen or infection. On the legs, dermatitis can occur at any age, both in an adult and in a child, while the skin of the lower extremities is affected. it is not an infection, it is not a contagious disease. Therefore, with timely diagnosis, it can be easily eliminated.

The main causes of dermatitis on the legs

A common cause is skin contact with chemicals. This applies not only to the use of creams or ointments for the feet, but also to the wearing of shoes. Especially if it is made of aggressive dye.

Additional causes of the disease are mechanical effects. Often for this reason, dermatitis occurs on the lower extremities in children, as parents dress the baby in tight synthetic clothes.

The biological factor can also cause the onset of the disease. For example, a variety of plants, insects and viruses that cause an allergic reaction in humans. Therefore, this type of disease is called allergic dermatitis of the lower extremities. In this case, not only the legs are affected, but also the foot, plaques also appear on the fingers.

In medicine, there are several other factors, such as internal (endogenous) causes.

These include a disruption in the endocrine system, frequent emotional upheavals, as well as a genetic predisposition.

Depending on the causes of dermatitis on the legs, the doctor prescribes the necessary examination, and only then prescribes the treatment.

What kind of dermatitis occurs on the legs?

There are several types of diseases that affect the lower extremities.

For example, allergic dermatitis, it occurs against the background of close contact with the allergen. Therefore, treatment in the first place will be aimed at eliminating contact with an aggressive allergen. Note that there is another type of this disease, called toxic-allergic dermatitis. In this type, the allergen enters through the gastrointestinal tract or the respiratory system.

Phytodermatitis is a common type of disease that occurs in a patient upon contact with plant pollen. In this case, the patient develops severe redness on the skin of the legs, itching and pain appear.

Contact- often confused with, so it is important to correctly diagnose. With contact dermatitis, there is swelling and rashes on the epidermis that look like bubbles. In addition, there will be severe itching that accompanies the patient throughout the day.

Vascular occurs only with the primary lesion of one of their systems: dermohypodermal or vascular. In this case, the treatment of dermatitis on the legs is prescribed as a complex one, since vital systems are also affected.

In rare cases, a person's foot may acquire and neurodermatitis. With this disease, a vivid clinical picture arises. The patient will have a rash on the lower extremities, which is presented in the form of spots. As the disease progresses, the affected areas of the epidermis begin to exfoliate and take on the appearance of scales, see photo.

How to treat dermatitis on the legs?

We said that before treatment is prescribed, it is necessary to undergo a complete diagnosis in order to identify what kind of dermatitis has arisen and for what reason. Only after that, doctors prescribe the need for individual treatment.

As a treatment for dermatitis on the legs in a child and an adult, hormonal ointments can be used.

From dermatitis on the legs, all ointments will have a different amount of hormones, so they cannot be used independently in treatment.

Can prescribe

Advantan. With the help of this drug, you can quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. It is often used for neurodermatitis on the lower extremities or for infectious dermatitis.

Broad-spectrum drug Akriderm. The ointment belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids, has a good antibacterial effect, therefore it is prescribed for almost any skin disease.

Fucicort can be produced in the form of ointment and cream. The drug helps to heal the cracks and wounds that occur with this disease. In addition, Fucicort is actively used in the treatment of seborrhea and dermatosis.

With some types of dermatitis on the legs, the patient begins to dry out the epidermis. Therefore, doctors prescribe the drug Flucinar. It helps to moisturize the affected skin, as well as eliminate itching.

Celestoderm has proven itself well. This drug belongs to the corticosteroid group, therefore it has a wide list of contraindications. However, the drug quickly eliminates signs of inflammation, dryness on the skin and itching.

The course of hormone therapy for each patient is individual, it all depends on the severity and type of dermatitis.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe non-hormonal drugs. Such drugs help to achieve positive dynamics in many skin diseases.

Bepanthen- one of the most effective means that can be used in the treatment of this problem. It helps to moisturize the affected epidermis, as well as protect the skin from irritation. Often Bepanten is prescribed for severe illness, as the active components of the drug help to accelerate the regeneration of the skin. From cheaper products with a similar spectrum of action, you can buy D-Panthenol or Pantoderm.

Recently, a triple action ointment called Skin-Cap has been used in treatment. Effective in the event of dermatitis on the lower extremities due to a fungus or virus. Skin-Cap has a good anti-inflammatory effect, so it quickly kills the fungal or microbial flora in the body.

What else to treat dermatitis? In addition to the above drugs, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid therapy. It is this therapy that will help dry the affected wet areas on the skin.

Important! This group of funds has its own classification, therefore, it is divided into low active, moderately and strongly active means. It is forbidden to use such medicines on your own, as serious health complications can occur.

Low active:

  1. Prednisolone.
  2. Hydrocortisone.

Drugs are prescribed for a mild course of the disease, in which the clinical picture is not very pronounced.

moderately active:

  1. Elokom.
  2. Beloderm.
  3. Locoid.

With severe symptoms, it is necessary to use the prescribed drug 2-3 times a day.

Strongly active:

  1. Dermovate.
  2. Cyclocort.

Means help to quickly improve the affected skin, remove all signs of the disease. They are prescribed under the strict supervision of the attending physician, as they have a wide list of indications and contraindications.

Alternative methods of treatment of dermatitis on the legs

Traditional medicine is prescribed in complex drug treatment in order to quickly improve the patient's condition.

As a treatment, home-made celandine ointment is used. For cooking, you need to grind the leaves of a medicinal plant. Then mix with butter. The ratio is strictly 1:5. Mix everything and apply to the affected areas. The course of treatment is from 3-7 days.

Oils can be used externally. For example, the collection of sea buckthorn, castor oil and a little crushed aloe leaves. Mix everything well and apply to the skin. Use no more than twice a day. The course of treatment with a prescription in complex therapy is 14 days.

Important! Before preparing any recipe, you should consult a doctor, especially if the disease is allergic. With an incorrectly selected prescription, the condition can worsen, and there is also a risk of complications. Do not self-medicate.

Therefore, at the first symptoms of dermatitis, seek help from a doctor who can prescribe the right treatment.

Foot dermatitis video

Dermatitis on the legs is a common skin inflammatory process. The skin is flaky, inflamed, sore, itchy and cracked. The causes of dermatitis are grouped into two groups:

  1. Toxicoderma - characterize the presence of a disease of the internal organs or an infection on the skin.
  2. Contact - characterized by exposure to a specific stimulus.

It is impossible to get infected with dermatitis. With the right treatment approach, the patient expects a favorable prognosis for recovery.

A photo

Reasons for the appearance

There are a huge number of factors that can provoke the development of dermatitis on the legs. According to the principle of impact on the skin and the body, the causes are divided into two large groups:

  1. exogenous (external impact);
  2. endogenous (impact inside the body).

Consider what indicators belong to each group:

Exogenous factors:

  • Mechanical impact - friction on clothes, rubbing, pressure.
  • Chemical - cosmetics, cleansers, products containing acids, salts.
  • Physical - sun exposure, low or high temperature, UV rays.
  • Biological - fungi, poisonous plants.

Endogenous factors:

  • failures in the functionality of the endocrine system;
  • taking medication;
  • weakening of the immune system, metabolic disorders;
  • constant stress;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The development of dermatitis in children occurs for the same reasons as in adults. It should be noted that in most cases, dermatitis indicates poor care for the child's legs.


Symptoms of dermatitis on the feet can be severe or mild, ranging from slight redness to severe eczema, which should be treated immediately. As a rule, the following dermatitis is formed:

  • Allergic - occurs when an allergen comes into contact with the skin. The skin begins to become covered with a red-pink rash. If the body has received a high percentage of intoxication, blisters and cracks appear on the skin, accompanied by severe itching.
  • Neurodermatitis - at first, the skin of the legs begins to itch a lot, without any apparent reason. Then a rash appears on the legs, forming isolated areas. Inflammation is covered with scales, the skin becomes dry. The patient feels irritated or, on the contrary, apathetic towards everything.
  • Varicose eczema, psoriasis, lichen - symptoms, causes and course of the disease in all are similar to dermatitis. Dilated veins are clearly visible. However, these diseases are much more difficult to treat.


First of all, the patient should consult a dermatologist who will conduct appropriate diagnostic studies in order to prescribe further treatment for dermatitis on the legs:

  • Immunological tests - are necessary to identify a specific allergen.
  • General and biochemical analysis of blood.
  • Scraping of the affected skin.

After conducting certain studies, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment for dermatitis:

  1. Isolation of the body from allergens. If dermatitis on the feet is caused by shoes, jewelry or clothing, then all this is forbidden to be worn. If the disease was caused by the use of detergents, personal hygiene products, in this case they are replaced with hypoallergenic products.
  2. Diet. The patient should be excluded from the diet of citrus fruits, chocolate, smoked meats, seafood, nuts, honey, spices, spices, tomatoes, cereals.
  3. The use of antihistamines. Assigned as the main course of treatment. Such drugs as Tavegil, Erius, Zodak, Suprastin and others are used. Dosage - 1-2 tablets per day.
  4. Reception of corticosteroids (hormonal ointments) of local action. They are prescribed for severe itching and vesicles on the skin. The patient is recommended the following drugs: ointment "Advantan", "Elidel". The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin for 3-5 days.
  5. To relieve dryness and severe inflammation, salicylic vaseline is prescribed. Apply a thin layer to the affected area of ​​the skin 2 times a day.
  6. Vitamin therapy and autohemotherapy - to restore the immune system.

Reception of antihistaminic preparations is obligatory.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of dermatitis, traditional medicine advises applying various lotions based on medicinal herbs:

  • Lotion on a decoction of oak bark: take 50 grams of oak bark, add 300 ml of water, bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and let it brew for 3 hours.
  • Lotion from burdock: burdock root is taken, well cleaned, crushed. One teaspoon of chopped burdock is poured into 500 ml of boiling water. Infused during the night.

An excellent tool to increase immunity is viburnum decoction. For its preparation, 2 tablespoons of berries are taken, pounded. Then 200 ml of boiling water is added, infused for 4 hours. It is taken orally in 100 ml.


The main preventive method is the exclusion of all possible allergens. If possible, do not use decorative cosmetics, irritating hygiene products. At best, replace them with hypoallergenic ones.

To cure dermatitis without recurrence, the affected areas of the skin must be moisturized daily. After taking water procedures, wipe your feet dry.

Following a hypoallergenic diet and following all the doctor's instructions (correct application of the ointment, precise administration of drugs) will undoubtedly lead you to a full recovery.

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