What helps the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos. Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos: icons

The image of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" - which must certainly be in the house of every Christian, since it has tremendous power. The Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most important holidays, which is usually celebrated on October 14th.

The history and meaning of the icon of the Mother of God "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos"

The Virgin on the icon is depicted in full growth in clothes of blue and red-brown color. The first color symbolizes the purity and purity of the Mother of God, and the second means that Jesus Christ borrowed flesh and blood from the Mother of God in order to come to earth and help people in difficult times. In the hands of the Mother of God is a veil - omophorion, with which she closes the earth, protecting people. The meaning of the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" is to preserve peace and harmony between people.

The history of the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" begins in the 10th century in Byzantium, which suffered from numerous attacks. During the siege of the city, people went to the temple and prayed for salvation. Among the believers was St. Andrew, who on one night of prayers raised his head and saw the Mother of God descending from heaven, surrounded by a host of saints. She, along with ordinary Christians, knelt down and began to pray, and then, she went to the altar and took off the veil, which she threw on all the people in the temple. After that, the Holy Virgin disappeared, and the worshipers had a feeling of calm and peace. On the same day, the army that besieged the city was defeated by a huge whirlwind. In honor of this event, the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" was created, which helps people protect themselves from enemies and enemies. By the way, some priests claim that it was this image of the Mother of God that helped Greece to protect itself from conquest during the Second World War.

What do they pray for in front of the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos"?

The Mother of God is considered the main protector of people, helping them cope with various problems. The main thing is to pray before the image sincerely and from the very depths of the heart. The Mother of God helps people who have despaired and lost hope, relieving suffering and helping to purify the soul and heart.

Now let's figure out what the icon of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" protects from:

  1. Prayer appeals near the image help to protect yourself from minor troubles and serious problems.
  2. It will protect the image from gossip, quarrels and even magical influence from the outside.
  3. Multi-day prayers can completely change a person's usual life.
  4. The icon helps to protect oneself from worldly fuss, pride, sorrow and other negative qualities that spoil life.
  5. Thanks to daily work on oneself, one can achieve peace, inner and happiness.
  6. You can pray near the image both in the morning and in the evening, asking both for yourself and for loved ones.
  7. The icon of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" is the main defender of the soldiers, helping them defend themselves from enemies and gain victory.

Not only people who are in the service, but also their relatives can pray. It protects the image not only from external enemies, but also internal problems, for example, prayer will help in difficult times to strengthen faith, make the right decision and protect yourself from temptations and temptations.

Prayer before the icon of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" can be read about marriage to single women. The Mother of God will help you find your soul mate, with whom you can live in peace and happiness. Family people who want to improve relations, get rid of quarrels and other problems can also turn to the saint. The prayer of the parents will help to enlighten the children and guide them on the right path.

For more than 9 centuries, the Russian Orthodox Church has been honoring the feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God. The reason for its establishment is considered to be a vision that visited the Byzantine saint Andrew the Holy Fool. The event took place around the 9th century in the church of Blachernae (now a suburb of Istanbul). According to the plot of the picture, which opened before St. Andrew and his disciple Epiphanius, Russian icon painters created the icon “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”.

Vision of Blessed Andrew

In the mists of time it is difficult to consider the exact time of the appearance of this image. According to the description in the life of Andrei the Holy Fool, the vision was a vast scene that filled the entire temple.

During the all-night vigil, which took place on the occasion of the encirclement of Constantinople by enemies, the vaults of the church seemed to dissolve. The Mother of God descended from heaven to the worshipers, accompanied by the Apostle John the Theologian and John the Baptist. Having prayed to the Lord with tears, She took off the veil from her head and spread it over the people.

Not trusting his impressions, Andrei asked Epiphanius, who was standing nearby, if he saw the Lady praying for peace? “I see and am horrified,” whispered the faithful friend and disciple of the saint.

Andrey Yurodivy

It was not by chance that the vision happened precisely in the Blachernae Church. Historical sources of the 11th century. testify of a miracle that happened weekly. Over the unknown icon of the Mother of God, which was in the temple, every Friday during a prayer service, the covering covering it rose by invisible force.

The next morning the enemy attack was successfully repulsed. Some historians believe that the Slavs stood under the walls of the city that night. In this case, the intercession of the Mother of God for the Greeks was providential: after a while, Rus' accepted Baptism, making its lands the lot of the Blessed Virgin.

Blachernae Church still exists today. In fact, this is a new building on the site of the old one, located on the outskirts of Istanbul. The walls are decorated with scenes of St. Andrew's vision. However, the Feast of the Intercession is not celebrated here as magnificently as in Russia.

About other Mother of God holidays:

Honoring the miraculous event in Rus'

After reading the life of Andrei the Holy Fool, the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky correctly remarked that "it is not worth leaving such an event without memory." This was the beginning of the celebration of the Intercession on Russian soil.

On the bank of the river Nerl, by order of the prince, the first Church of the Intercession was consecrated. Since then, images of this event on the frescoes began to appear. The oldest of them is located on the Golden Gates of Suzdal and dates back to the beginning of the 13th century: the Mother of God stands in profile and prays to Christ blessing Her, the surrounding Angels hold a soaring veil.

Holy Intercession Church on the Nerl

Location of the first icons of the Intercession

The oldest surviving icons date back to the 14th century. and stored:

  • in the Tretyakov Gallery - from the Suzdal Intercession Monastery, 14th century.
  • in the National Art Museum of Ukraine - from Eastern Galicia
  • in the Novgorod Museum - from the Zverin Monastery

At the beginning of the 16th century, a monumental painting of the Intercession, painted by Dionysius, appeared on the wall of the temple of the Ferapontov Monastery. Compared to the laconic depiction on the Suzdal Gates, the Dionysian fresco depicted all the details of St. Andrew's vision and the legends associated with it.

Cover of the Mother of God. From the Intercession Monastery in Suzdal. End of the 15th century

Images and symbols on the icon

Important. Icons of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos are varied in subject matter. On the "Novgorod" veil over the people are held by Angels, on the "Suzdal" - the Mother of God herself. On an ancient Galician icon, the Mother of God is depicted with the Christ Child.

Angels stand on both sides of the Mother of God, sometimes the holy Theologian and Forerunner. On the later icons below, a host of saints is depicted, headed by Andrei Yurodiv, pointing to a vision. Archdeacon of Blachernae Church Roman Sladkopevets appears in the center. In his hands he has an unfolded scroll with a song written by him for the Nativity of Christ.

Icon "Protection of the Mother of God"

On the same day as the Intercession, they remember St. Roman the Melodist, who received from the Mother of God the gift of a beautiful singing voice and composing hymns.

An icon of the late 16th century from the Goritsky Monastery (Cherepovets) depicts hosts of saints arranged in groups: apostles, saints, saints, martyrs, pious kings. In the center is the apparition of the Mother of God to the sleeping Roman the Melodist. Above all the holy congregation sits the Lord on a heavenly throne. The angels are holding a bright red scarf, “like lightning,” according to St. Andrew. The Blessed Virgin herself also holds the "veil", but in the form of belonging to the bishop's vestments - a white maphoria with crosses.

Interesting. Icons painted in the 19th century. and later they can depict one Mother of God with a cover, without saints and angels. In any case, the meaning of the icon is the same: the intercession of the Mother of God for the human race, protection from the misfortunes that threaten it.

Icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos"From the Zverin Monastery in Novgorod. 1399

Prayers in front of the icon

folk customs

The Feast of the Intercession, appointed in Russia on the day of the pagan holiday, was for a long time perceived as a "meeting of autumn and winter", associated with a cycle of seasonal housework. By the beginning of October, field work was being completed, cattle were being driven into the stalls. There was more free time, it was time for weddings and festivities. As echoes of the "folk" perception of the church holiday, there remained the customs of praying before the icon of the Intercession for a successful marriage, the health of children, and about matters related to the family and household.

Christian traditions

The Church does not forbid such prayers, but calls to remember that Christianity fills ancient customs with new content. The Lord showed St. Andrew the glorious vision, not for the health of the livestock or the health of the household. It reminds believers of the right weapon, of the only means of protection from the spiritual enemy - the prayer of the Virgin. Having protected himself from sin, having gained peace in his soul, a person receives the rest necessary for worldly needs.

Little Russian icon of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" of the early 17th century depicting Cossacks

The meaning of prayers dedicated to the icon of the Intercession

To fulfill the correct, Christian traditions, one should think about the meaning of the prayers being said.

  • The troparion of the holiday explains why Christians gather in church on this day, asks the Mother of God for deliverance from any evil and points to the only Source of blessings - Christ God.
  • Kontakion describes the vision of St. Andrew, points to the solemnity of the event and the cause of universal joy - the prayer of the Mother of God to God for people.
  • The Akathist proclaims in detail the story of the Blachernae miracle and praises the Mother of God, calling on Her protection for all those who pray.
  • The prayer read after the Akathist contains all the petitions that can be addressed to the Lord by a Christian. It begins with the glorification of the Mother of God, continues with requests for pardon and forgiveness of sins, which the Lord gives through the prayers of the Virgin. This is followed by a list of urgent needs, starting with assistance in the work of the clergy and "city rulers" and ending with "obedience for the children." At the end of the prayer, those gathered ask for repose for the departed and surrender to the will of God.

The icon of the "Protection of the Virgin" - the end of the 17th - the beginning of the 18th century. Chernihiv region

What do they pray for before the image

  • Before the icon of the Intercession, they pray for the gift of a beautiful voice, remembering the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary of St. Roman the Sweet Singer.
  • Sailors more than once received help from prayer in front of the icon, avoiding death in a storm.
  • It is believed that the “Pokrov” protects children, protects them from fire or attacks on the fields by pests.
Healthy. It is good to purchase the "Protection" icon for home prayer. The image is often placed in the nursery or above the front door, as a sign of veneration of the Mother of God by those living in the house. It is necessary to monitor the safety and reverent attitude towards the shrine.

The veneration of the icon at the present time

Many churches and springs have been consecrated in honor of the Intercession. Annual religious processions are held for the holiday in Nizhnekamsk, Pokrovsk (Engels), Kungur. In 2015, the Sevastopol-Kerch-Smolensk procession (2500 km) was organized, the main shrine of which was the icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

Read about churches in honor of the Intercession:

Religious procession Sevastopol-Kerch-Smolensk in 2015

The religious procession for the preservation of peace with the same shrine on February 18 passes through the railway stations of Moscow. Every year, gathering in church for the feast of the Intercession, believers prayerfully experience events that are many centuries distant from them. Sincere prayer on this day will surely be heard by the Holy Intercessor of the human race.

Watch the video about the Akathist to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

The famous Orthodox shrine is the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the significance of which for the Christian world cannot be overestimated. The Great Intercessor for people before God never leaves the needy, asking for help for more than two thousand years.

The true greatness and uniqueness of the image lies in the fact that the Most Holy Theotokos is the only person who once lived in the world among ordinary people who humbly, meekly went through his difficult path and received the right to tirelessly turn to the Lord with requests for the salvation of sinners. The appearance of the Most Pure Mother of God was a predetermined, predicted event. The Old Testament Bible contains stories about how the childhood and adolescence of a girl who was destined to become the Mother of the Lord passed. Divine providence led her through life to the fulfillment of the Great Mission.

The Appearance of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos to Andrew the Fool

The 10th century was a turbulent time in the history of the Byzantine Empire. The state was often attacked by barbarian peoples. During one of these raids, the enemies approached the walls of Constantinople. All the townspeople gathered together, filled the Christian church of the Most Holy Mother of God in Blachernae, offering prayers to the image of the Virgin, tearfully asking to protect the city from destruction and desecration.

Among all at the All-Night Vigil, the lad Andrei, who accepted the ascetic feat of foolishness, patiently endured humiliation and ridicule from those around him, prayed tearfully on his knees. At the end of the service, he saw a glow in which the Mother of God appeared, surrounded by saints and angels. The Blessed Virgin listened to the prayer, then removed the veil (maforium) from her head and covered with it all the worshipers who were in the church. Even people who did not see the bright face at that moment felt extraordinary joy and grace. Thus, the Mother of God protected the Christians, hid them from enemy encroachments. Soon after the miraculous vision, the enemy army retreated. Since that time, the Christian Church has venerated the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The collection Great Cheti-Minei, describing this event, does not mention a specific date or any day of the week. The vision descended on Andrew the Holy Fool in the Blachernae Church during the all-night vigil at the fourth hour. The Holy Virgin passed through the air through the Royal Doors. Next to her were John the Theologian, John the Baptist. The saints supported the Mother of God from both sides. There were also many other saints in white robes. Some walked in front of the Mother of God, others followed her. Everyone sang spiritual songs. The procession stopped in front of the altar near the pulpit. The Queen of Heaven took off her shining omophorion, stretched out her hands, spreading it over the people praying in the temple. Then the Great Intercessor with the saints withdrew, leaving grace to the people.

Researchers cannot determine exactly when the described event occurred. There is evidence of him in the life of Andrei Yurodivy. But his years of life are established presumably. Some tend to date 910, other sources point to 926.

An interesting version is why the feast and the icons of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos are of great importance, especially revered by the inhabitants of Russia. Some historians believe that it was the Russian princes who attacked Constantinople, whose names are Askold and Dir. The miracle that happened impressed them so much that they wanted to accept the true Christian faith.

Celebration of the Intercession of the Most Holy Intercessor

The miraculous salvation of Constantinople by the Protection of the Most Holy Mother of God became the reason for the emergence of the great Orthodox non-transitory holiday (which is not among the great "twelfth"). The Russian Orthodox Church traditionally celebrates it on October 1 (14), starting from 1164. Our people have loved the feast of the Intercession since ancient times - it is the day of the first baptism of Russian people. Temples dedicated to the holy event have been built by architects for almost nine centuries.

Iconography of the image of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

The tradition of depicting the image of the Mother of God was formed in Rus' around the 13th-14th centuries. Murals dating back to this time were found on the walls of the Pskov monastery, as well as in the cathedral of the city of Suzdal.

In the Orthodox tradition, there are two main types of images of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos:

  1. Novgorod. The Mother of God stands over the closed Royal Doors, raising her hands in prayer. The holy omophorion is held by angels. On the icon (XIV century) stored by the museum of the city of Novgorod, a temple with 5 domes is visible behind the Holy Day.
  2. Suzdal. The Most Holy Theotokos stopped in front of the temple, holding a veil over the worshipers with her hands. Below the Holy Virgin on the pulpit is depicted St. Roman with a scroll in his hands. In the background are rounded church domes, basilicas, nature, reminiscent of the views of Byzantium. Such a temple image was discovered in a monastery in the city of Suzdal, and now it is kept in the treasury of the Tretyakov Museum.

On various icons made later, the compositions described above could be combined, supplemented with new symbols that carry a certain meaning. Among the worshipers in the temple, new saints were depicted (Lev the Wise, Patriarch Tarasia, etc.). The omophorion or veil of the Virgin could be red or white (as on the icons of the 16th century). Mandatory on the image of the Protection of the Virgin is only the figure of the Intercessor herself. On modern canvases of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Most Pure is more often alone in full growth, raising her hands up in prayer, and the omophorion hovers over her. In other versions, Saint Mary holds the platter with both hands, turning her gaze to the worshipers.

The 17th century changed the pose of the Most Pure One on the images of the Intercession. The Holy Virgin is depicted turned three-quarters with her head raised. This is how her prayer-address to Jesus Christ, whose face is above, is transmitted. This is reminiscent of the composition on the ancient painting of the Suzdal gates. Such a plot can be seen on the monuments of the 17th century. For example, the image of the Intercession, stored in the State Russian Museum.

Icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the House of the Orthodox

The Most Pure Mother of God is the main protector of people. It helps to cope with any problems, overcome difficulties and hardships. Before the icon, one should sincerely pray that the words come from the heart. The Mother of God comes to the aid of people who have already lost hope, despaired. The intercessor relieves suffering, helps to cleanse the soul.

The image of the Intercession should be in every Orthodox family for protection and consolation. Choose the right place for the holy icon. The face of the Virgin can be hung above the front door or opposite it. It is also good to place the icon in a special corner of the house (apartment). Choose an east wall or corner that is convenient for you.

What to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos

It is possible for believers to turn to the icon of the Intercession of the Mother of God for help in difficult situations, protection from unpleasant external influences, evil people, insults. In prayer, the Orthodox ask to cover them with the Veil of protection, to intercede before the Son of God, to protect them from the wrath of the Almighty. The Mother of God will help even sinners who sincerely repent, will give strength to cope with bad habits, avoid serious consequences, rash acts.

Special help is given to those who pray diligently. An appeal to the Intercessor on the feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God grants protection for the whole next year. You can pray for the protection of the Pure Virgin if:

  • Someone unreasonably or even reasonably (with repentance) accuses you of something. In cases of slander, hostility, slander, enmity that can harm you.
  • The Mother of God is the holy protector and patroness of the family hearth. Therefore, the icon can be used for prayers and requests for restoring peace, peace in the house, saving the family from quarrels, misunderstandings, troubles, misfortunes.
  • Girls turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary with prayers for a successful marriage.
  • The image of the Intercession will help women praying for a successful pregnancy, for an easy delivery.
  • For protection of households from diseases and human malice.
  • Letting their child go on the road, parents ask before the image of the Mother of God that she cover them with her heavenly protection, protect them from evil and disease.
  • The icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos has long been considered the patroness of warriors, defenders of the Fatherland. Turning to the shrine helps to become strong, invulnerable, to win the necessary victory over the enemy.

Not only people directly in the service can pray to the image, but also their relatives, friends, relatives. The Mother of God protects both from external problems and from internal experiences. Prayer will help strengthen faith in difficult times, make the only right decision in a difficult situation, save the soul from temptations and temptations.

The ancient holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary has been known since the first century, although it was described much later. According to historians, an unforgettable event took place in 910, in the city of Blachernae (a suburb of Constantinople). Now, every autumn, the Orthodox celebrate the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, the icon of the holiday on this day is taken out to the middle of the temple.

Among the people, the Pokrov is associated with the beginning of the conclusion of marriage unions. Many temples and settlements are named after a memorable date. It is not the twelfth (one of the 12 main) holidays, but one of the Great ones.

What is celebrated

The familiar name hides a deep meaning behind it. To understand it, you need to know about the events that took place in the Blachernae Church. The inhabitants of the Byzantine state that evening gathered for a joint prayer - they asked to remove from them the threat posed by the numerous barbarians who surrounded Constantinople. Among the others was the holy fool Andrei, who saw the Mother of God in the rays of light.

Surrounded by saints and angels, she prayed tearfully. Then she took off her omophorion from her head (the so-called part of the liturgical vestment) and spread it over the people. It is this event that is depicted on the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos", it means protection, patronage of the Mother of God over Christians. The besiegers soon left, in memory of which a holiday was established.

The events of that day are described in various chronicles, for example, Patriarch Photius tells about it in detail. But why is the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos of such importance for the inhabitants of Russia? Icons, temples, cities and villages - deep in the soul of the people, the autumn holiday has settled. According to some historians, then the Russian princes, Dir and Askold, decided to attack Constantinople. The ruthless invaders were so impressed by the miracle that happened through the prayers of Christians that they decided to accept this faith.

Russia officially adopted the new religion a little later, but since then, from the very first century of Christianity, a special connection has been established between the Russian people and the Mother of God. After all, oddly enough, Pokrov Day is celebrated only in Russia, which is surprising, given its origin. It is impossible to force people to love someone - and Russians love the Mother of God as deeply as they love their own mother and their Fatherland.

Traditions of the Intercession in icon painting

In Rus', they remember and love Pokrov for centuries - this is the day of the first baptism of the Russians. Temples in memory of this holiday have been built in our country for 900 years, the iconography has developed a couple of centuries later. Paintings of the 14th century found in the monastery of Pskov, also in the Suzdal Cathedral.

The icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos has two main types of drawings (images):

  • Novgorod - here the omophorion is held by angels, the Mother of God stands, raising her hands in prayer. It is located above the Royal Doors, which are closed. One of these icons, painted at the very end of the 14th century, is kept in the museum of Novgorod. Here, behind the figures, you can see a church with five domes.
  • Suzdal - The Queen of Heaven stands in front of the temple, she holds her head covering over the praying people. Under it, on the pulpit, stands St. Roman with a scroll. The temple icon, which was discovered in the Suzdal monastery, is now in the Tretyakov Museum. Basilicas, round domes of churches are visible in the background - a landscape characteristic of Byzantium.

Over time, these two options could be combined. Among the people praying in the church, you can see other saints - Leo the Wise, Patriarch Tarasius. The omophorion itself is usually painted red, although on some icons of the 16th century. he is white.

In the modern version, the Mother of God can be depicted alone in full growth, an omophorion hovers over her, while she herself stands, prayerfully raising her hands. Or St. Mary herself holds the cover with both hands, turning her gaze to the prayer.

What helps the icon of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Like any other, the icon of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" helps in various needs. If a person is ill, he can ask for recovery. The Blessed Virgin will stand up for offended widows, unjustly accused, help to find work, keep peace in the family. Since many weddings were played on Pokrov, an unmarried girl can be asked for a worthy life partner.

Traditionally in Russia, it is customary to hang icons on the eastern wall, the image of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” can be placed opposite the entrance, or above the door as a sign of protection. The home iconostasis should not be too extensive; only those icons that are especially important for the family are needed there. Prayers in church and at home can be read:

  • if you need to find housing;
  • with the invasion of the soul of despondency;
  • when the soul is overwhelmed by temptations, impure thoughts;
  • at a time of great trials for the country.

It is also good to read akathists in turn with other parishioners in front of the icon of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” in the temple, or being anywhere, but at the same time. Joint prayer has a special power, as written in the New Testament. Christians should help each other not only in worldly affairs, but also support in matters of faith. Especially spiritually weak people who quickly succumb to temptations need such help. The Mother of God is constantly an example of a prayerful feat.

The meaning of the icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

On icons, the Mother of God is very rarely depicted alone. As a rule, Christ sits in her arms. Or she, surrounded by saints, angels, talks with the ascetics of piety. Even being alone, the Virgin Mary is not focused on her own needs. She spent her whole life in prayers and troubles - for the sake of others. This is how the people's consciousness sees it.

The meaning of the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" is primarily in recognizing the importance of heavenly intercession. And also to express gratitude. For that particular miracle, when the enemy ships were thrown back by huge sea waves. And for the many daily miracles that are performed through the prayers of the righteous (and not so) people.

As a child, everyone hoped for their mother, called her, complaining about their troubles. Even if she could not help, she comforted, which made it easier, then the problem seemed not so insoluble. Also, every believer hopes for the help of the Queen of Heaven.

Intercession traditions

This day is popularly called the Wedding Day, the First Winter, long gatherings were held on it, songs were sung. The Christian meaning of the Intercession-father united with everyday traditions associated with household affairs, remnants of pagan times. By that time, the work in the field was over, the youth could find time for meetings, they began to arrange weddings.

Therefore, the girls prayed before the icon of the "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" for a successful marriage. There was even a special short prayer for this in Ukraine. The first snow that fell that day was considered especially lucky.

  • Everyone's familiar attribute of the bride - a white veil - in the old days was much longer. The girl not only covered her face with them, but was completely wrapped in a snow-white cloth. This symbolized the cover of the Mother of God, who was considered the intercessor of the new family. Not without reason, after the wedding, young people are given an icon of the Virgin.
  • On Pokrov, they began to heat the stoves. To do this, they used dried branches of an apple tree so that it would be warm in the hut all winter.
  • They baked pancakes to “bake corners” in the hut. Moss was pushed into the cracks between the logs, asking them to cover the hut with warmth.
  • From that day on, the cows were no longer driven out to the fields, they were transferred to the winter diet (grain, beetroot). On Pokrov, the animals were fed a special stack of oats.
  • The male population went to work in the city - during this period, traditional fairs began.
  • The holiday was celebrated with noisy multi-day gatherings, it was not customary to work these days - the arrival of winter was celebrated, the completion of summer household chores.

The most famous Church of the Intercession

The Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is part of the cultural heritage of our country, located in the Vladimir region, in the village with the telling name Bogolyubovo. Historians give different dates of construction - either 1165 or 1158. The world-famous stone poem was designed by foreign masters - presumably the Romans. Many are surprised by the very fast pace of construction. The church was ready in a year, although it usually took three times as long.

Andrei Bogolyubsky, the lord of those lands, erected a temple in honor of his dead son. It is possible that there were Pokrovsky churches before that, but nothing is known about them. The holy prince greatly revered the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos, while the Intercession was not a particularly well-known holiday at that time. At first, a monastery was also located on the Nerl, but it existed only until the end of the 18th century. Two decades later, they also wanted to destroy the church, dismantling it for building material (as the builders of antiquity did).

The location of the church is unique - it is an artificially erected hill several meters high. Previously, there were other monastic premises here. River waterways passed by the temple. To prevent flooding from destroying the structure, an underground foundation was made for it, extending several meters deep into the earth.

The Church of the Intercession has survived almost unchanged, including unique reliefs on the facade. Who is depicted there? This is King David, symbolizes wisdom and justice. The surrounding lions speak of the strength of the ruler. It is also a symbol of the Vladimir princes, which even today adorns the coat of arms of the city of Vladimir. There are also doves on the facade - a sign of the Holy Spirit, a meek disposition. Women's heads probably symbolize the Queen of Heaven.

Devotion to faith - devotion to the Motherland

For a Russian person, the icon "Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos" has a special meaning. It does not just remind of an ancient church holiday. This is a symbol of real help that the Lord provides through the prayers of the Mother of God. She is not just a Virgin who gave birth to the Savior. The inhabitants of Russia accepted her as their spiritual mother, who can be trusted with any sorrows.

Through love for the Mother of God, a proper attitude to motherhood is assimilated, devotion to the Motherland is brought up. Therefore, despite the Byzantine origin, Pokrov has long been a purely Russian holiday.

Prayers to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

Troparion to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

Today, blessed people, we celebrate lightly,
overshadowed by Thy, Mother of God, coming, and to Thy gazing immaculate image, we tenderly say:
cover us with Your honest Veil, and deliver us from all evil,
pray to your Son, Christ our God, to save our souls.

Kontakion to the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos

The Virgin is in the Church today,
and from the faces of the saints invisibly prays to God for us:
angels from the bishops bow,
the apostles and the prophets rejoice:
For our sake, the Mother of God prays to the Eternal God.

Prayer one

Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest forces, heaven and earth, Queen, city and country of our Almighty Intercessor! Receive this laudatory and thankful singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, and offer up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, may he be merciful to our unrighteousness, and grant Thy grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love bow down to Thy miraculous image. Nesma more worthy of His pardon to be, otherwise You will propitiate Him for us, Mistress, as all of You is possible from Him. For this sake, we resort to You, as if to our undoubted and soon Intercessor: hear us praying to You, fall us with Your all-powerful protection, and ask God Your Son: our shepherd is jealousy and vigilance for souls, the governor of wisdom and strength, judges of truth and impartiality , a mentor of reason and humility of wisdom, a spouse of love and harmony, a child of obedience, offended by patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing in abstinence, all of us are the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. Hey, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on your weak people; Gather the scattered, guide those who have gone astray on the right path, support old age, chaste youth, raise babies, and look upon us all with the contempt of Your merciful intercession, raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten our eyes of the heart to the sight of salvation, be merciful to us here and there, in the country of the earthly alienation and at the terrible judgment of Your Son; having reposed in faith and repentance from this life, fathers and our brothers in eternal life with the Angels and with all the saints, create life. Thou art, Mistress, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of the earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all who flow to You with faith. We pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we betray ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

On the Feast of the Intercession, a visit to the church is a good sign, since the Mother of God, according to faith, protects a person with her Holy Protection from both external and internal evil. If you didn’t manage to visit the temple, you can celebrate this day at home, setting aside time for prayer and solitude in front of the icon of the same name. The main thing is to try not to sin on this day, to avoid quarrels, conflicts and ungodly activities.

History and photo

The holiday is associated with a miracle, which the Mother of God revealed, appearing to those praying in Constantinople, in 910(or in 866, according to other sources), in the Blachernae church. In a terrible hour, when barbarians attacked Constantinople, under the leadership of the Varangians (or Saracens, according to other sources), frightened Greeks came to the temple, praying to the Lord for protection.

The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared before the believers, having descended from heaven, removed the veil from her head and unfolded it over the crowd of people, sheltering them from trouble. A storm arose, the ships of the conquerors were swept away. The city was spared from plunder. The barbarians miraculously retreated from the city, and the vision remained in the memory of believers as a fact of intercession, deliverance from death and comfort in a mournful time.

According to legend, after such an unsuccessful campaign against Constantinople, the Varangian princes Askold and Dir asked for baptism, and the Feast of the Intercession became one of the most revered in Russian. Written references to the holiday with the name of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in Rus' can be found in the Old Russian hagiographic collection of the 12th century, the Prologue.

At the same time, in honor of the Protection of the Virgin in Rus', churches began to be erected. One of the most beautiful churches is the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, built on the initiative of the grandson of Vladimir Monomakh, the holy prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who spread the tradition of celebrating the Intercession on Russian soil.

Where is?

The plot of the legend about the Protection of the Mother of God has been repeatedly embodied in icon painting. The oldest image of the Mother of God with the Intercession in her hands appeared in the 14th century, in Suzdal, on the gates of the Nativity Cathedral, as well as in the wall paintings of the Pskov Snetogorsky Monastery.

One of the most famous temple icons on this theme, dating from the 14th century, was located in Suzdal, in the Intercession Monastery for a long time. Now it is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

Another ancient icon (1399) was in the Zverin Monastery, now it is in the museum of the city of Novgorod.

What does the icon of the Intercession symbolize, its meaning?

The cover of the Mother of God symbolizes peace, harmony, protection, security and prosperity.. It is believed that a prayer addressed to the image of the Protection of the Holy Mother of God protects from external evil. Therefore, believers turn to this when there is an external danger.

Believers know that the Mother of God can dispel the machinations of ill-wishers, eliminate threats from enemies, and avert troubles and troubles. People come to the icon of the Intercession to ask for protection at home and loved ones from aggressive people and dangerous events. Protection of the Mother of God is asked in days of sorrow, natural disasters, during a war or in a situation of military threat.

Even sinners and criminals who are afraid of retribution, retribution resort to the protection of the Intercession. The main thing is the awareness of the committed offense or the harm done. The cover of the Mother of God, full of love for all people living on Earth, softens the blows of fate, the consequences of unrighteous deeds, covers repentant sins with true love, and serves as a consolation for the contrite in spirit.

What do they pray for, what helps?

Intercessor, Mother of God, Holy Mary, Mother of God, Ever-Virgin, Queen of Heaven - this is how believers turn to the Mother of God, asking for help in difficult situations, protection from external evil and destruction.

  • Praying before the icon of the Intercession, believers ask to be covered under the Intercession, to be remembered in prayers to Christ, to intercede before the Son of God, to protect even from God's wrath - in the event that unreasonable acts have already been committed, and their harmful consequences must be dealt with.
  • Special diligence in prayers addressed to the icon on the feast of the Protection of the Mother of God, according to the believers, gives protection throughout the year, and the Mother of God invisibly covers those who turn to Her in prayers with her miraculous Protection.
  • With a prayer for the patronage of the Mother of God, they turn to the icon in case of unfair and fair prosecution, unfounded and justified accusations, in cases of slander, slander, hostility and enmity from certain people.
  • The Mother of God is the protector and patroness of the family Therefore, often the icon of the Intercession is asked to restore peace in the house, to keep the family from troubles, quarrels, misfortunes.
  • They turn to the Mother of God and ask for. In this case, along with the traditional canonical prayer, they say: “Batushka, cover the earth with a snowball, and me with a fiancé” or “Protection-Mother, cover the earth with a snowball, and a young me with a scarf.”
  • They resort to prayer before the Intercession Icon when they ask for a safe pregnancy, the birth of children and the protection of all household members from human malice and disease.
  • Pray before the image of the Protection of the Virgin also parents, if they want their children to be under reliable heavenly protection.

Where are they usually hung in the house?

Icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos be together with all the "favorite" icons in the "red" corner where the home iconostasis is located.

However there is also a long tradition to hang the icon of the Intercession in front of the entrance to the house. Thus, the divine energy of the image of the Protection of the Virgin, imprinted in the icon, protects the house from ill-wishers right at the entrance.


Prayer one

Oh, Blessed Virgin, Mother of the Lord of the highest forces, heaven and earth, Queen, city and country of our Almighty Intercessor! Receive this laudatory and thankful singing from us, unworthy Thy servants, and lift up our prayers to the Throne of God Thy Son, may he be merciful to our unrighteousness, and grant His grace to those who honor Thy all-honorable name and with faith and love bow down to Thy miraculous image. Nesma more worthy of His pardon to be, otherwise You will propitiate Him for us, Mistress, as all of You is possible from Him. For this sake, we resort to You, as if to our undoubted and soon Intercessor: hear us praying to You, fall us with Your all-powerful protection, and ask God Your Son: our shepherd is jealousy and vigilance for souls, the governor of wisdom and strength, judges of truth and impartiality , a mentor of reason and humility of wisdom, a spouse of love and harmony, a child of obedience, offended by patience, offending the fear of God, grieving complacency, rejoicing in abstinence, all of us are the spirit of reason and piety, the spirit of mercy and meekness, the spirit of purity and truth. Hey, Most Holy Lady, have mercy on your weak people; Gather the scattered, guide those who have gone astray on the right path, support old age, chaste youth, raise babies, and look upon us all with the contempt of Your merciful intercession, raise us up from the depths of sin and enlighten our eyes of the heart to the sight of salvation, be merciful to us here and there, in the country of the earthly alienation and at the terrible judgment of Your Son; having reposed in faith and repentance from this life, fathers and our brothers in eternal life with the Angels and with all the saints, create life. Thou art, Mistress, the Glory of heaven and the Hope of the earth, You, according to God, are our Hope and Intercessor of all who flow to You with faith. We pray to You, and to You, as the Almighty Helper, we betray ourselves and each other and our whole life, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two

Blessing my Queen, my Most Holy Hope, friend to the orphans and the strange Intercessor, needy help and embittered cover, see my attack, see my sorrow: from everywhere I am possessed by temptation, but there is no intercessor. You yourself help me as if I am weak, feed me as if I are strange, instruct me as if I were in error, heal and save me as if I am hopeless. Imam no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, only to You, O Mother of all those who grieve and burdened! Look upon me, a sinner and in embitterment, and cover me with Your most holy omophorion, so that I will be delivered from the evils that have befallen me, and I will praise Your venerable name. Amen.

What are the signs on Pokrov Day?

On the day of the Holy Intercession of the Mother of God, believers observe, which suggest the development of events over the coming year.

So, for example, it is considered that:

  • If see a crane wedge in the sky, then there will be an early and cold winter ahead.
  • If snow falls on Pokrov, then November will be snowy, and if the day is relatively clear and warm, then there will be no frost in December.
  • If it doesn't snow before the Pokrov then the winter will be mild, without severe frosts.
  • If trees shed their leaves completely on Pokrov the winter will be short and not very cold. And if the leaves still remain on the trees, then a cold, harsh winter should be expected.
  • The house should be insulated to the Pokrov. If this is not done, then you will freeze all winter.
  • So that children do not get sick during the year, on the feast of the Intercession, it was customary to bring them to the threshold of the house and pour water consecrated in the church through a sieve or sieve.
  • It is believed that an unmarried girl should celebrate the Feast of the Intercession joyfully. so that the Lord send her a good husband in the coming year.
  • There is a custom for the unmarried put candles in front of the image of the Protection of the Mother of God. If the girl managed to put the candle first, she is destined to get married soon.
  • It is considered if the guy on the Pokrov expresses signs of attention- then, most likely, it is he who will become a good husband.

On the Feast of the Intercession, work and all kinds of excesses must be avoided. Urgent work is allowed - for example, caring for the sick, children, and other urgent matters. The main condition: if on this day a person is forced to work, then this work should be disinterested and done with sincere prayer and love in the heart.

As for food, there are no restrictions. If a believer fasts on Wednesday and Friday, and the Feast of the Intercession falls on one of these days, you can eat fish.

And most importantly: on the day of the Intercession, it is necessary to remember that the Mother of God showed compassion and the greatest mercy. Therefore, one should try not to condemn anyone, not to allow a feeling of hostility or irritation in the heart. In a bright thanksgiving one should cleanse the heart from negative feelings, and the head from sinful thoughts, filling oneself with mercy and love.

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