Are milk teeth filled at 4 years old. Prevention of diseases of milk teeth. Caries and milk teeth

AT recent times Pediatric dentists around the world note a steady increase in the development of caries and other serious problems with teeth among their little patients. Despite the general availability of information, and the huge opportunities modern medicine, many parents still answer negatively to the question: “Do milk teeth need to be treated”, erroneously arguing that milk teeth fall out and sooner or later they will be replaced by permanent ones anyway. What does the picture of teething really look like in children, why do they sometimes deteriorate even in the smallest ones, do carious teeth affect the condition of future molars, is caries dangerous for a child’s health and is it necessary to treat milk teeth?

Age features.

Only as long as the baby is breastfed, his teeth are safe from the effects of caries. However, as soon as the child begins to receive complementary foods, and then eat from the common table, the likelihood of developing this disease in him grows every day. The fact is that the milk teeth of a newborn, due to their imperfection, are poorly mineralized and their protective properties, unlike the teeth of an adult, are very low, which, coupled with various unfavorable and provoking factors surrounding the baby, leads to the appearance various problems with teeth. Mineralization of teeth is gradual and susceptibility oral cavity child caries is reduced only when the hard tissues of all teeth fully mature.

The age from 5-6 to 12-13 years is also considered a dangerous period. It is at this time that children intensively undergo a change of teeth. Improper and poor quality care and bad condition of the dentition and jaw system can provoke the development of problems not only with the bite of the child, but also in general with his psychological state and physical health. That is why it is important to properly care for the child's oral cavity, get timely advice from a dentist and orthodontist, and, if necessary, treat his milk teeth.

Causes of caries and its provoking factors.

First of all, it is the microflora of the oral cavity. Since children are born without microflora, they receive it from their mother and the people with whom they most often communicate. In the same way, they also receive microorganisms that provoke the development of caries. That is why it is important to treat teeth not only for young children, but also for their parents.

The already mentioned immaturity of the teeth and their reduced resistance to caries contribute to the early onset of dental problems in babies.

Improper intake of carbohydrates is another common cause of tooth decay. The nightly use of sweets is considered especially harmful: these are not only sweets and other sweets, but also the nightly drinking of children's juices, milk with sugar and sweetened water, often used by parents. At night, saliva, which neutralizes acids, is practically not released and natural self-cleaning in the oral cavity does not occur. From the so-called bottle caries even infants suffer.

Incorrect or poor oral hygiene is the most common cause. It is necessary to start brushing your teeth already from the appearance of the first tooth, but you need to do this with the help of a piece of gauze wound around the mother's finger. Starting from the age of one and a half years, it is necessary to purchase a real toothbrush for the baby, and from the age of 2 and a children's toothbrush. toothpaste. Parents need to constantly, at least up to 10 years, control the process of brushing their child's teeth. And you also need to teach your child how to massage the gums, clean the tongue and rinse the mouth after each meal as soon as possible.

Why is it necessary to treat milk teeth. consequences of caries.

Do milk teeth need to be treated? The only correct answer is yes! Why? Because:

The children's body has too high absorption of absolutely any toxins and microbes, and carious tooth- this is the focus of infection, which can at any time get inside the child and provoke intoxication of his entire body. This one, which got into children's body infection, can cause the development of chronic diseases of the throat, as well as internal organs: kidneys, liver and heart.

Destruction baby tooth or its complete loss leads to the fact that the child is disturbed in the process of chewing food, and this is a serious danger of developing diseases gastrointestinal tract.

Sooner or later, a carious tooth is destroyed, and sometimes it falls out. ahead of time. Early loss of a tooth is fraught with the fact that adjacent teeth begin to shift and do not give place to the molar, which should have grown in place of the spoiled milk tooth. Hence such problems as: the curvature of the teeth, their excessive crowding or the formation of gaps.

An infection in a damaged milk tooth negatively affects the permanent tooth, which is formed under the milk tooth.

Milk bite directly affects how correct and healthy the child's permanent dentition and jaw system will be.

Partially destroyed milk teeth also affect the incorrect formation of diction and the development of speech defects in a child.

And, of course, ugly appearance- too unpleasant consequence caries, which significantly reduces the quality of life.

How to treat milk teeth.

There is no need to answer the question again whether it is necessary to treat milk teeth, and it is probably worth talking about how to do it correctly. So:

A child needs to visit the dental office every six months, starting from his first birthday, even though he does not have any visible problems. Caries of the first teeth progresses quickly, and the probability of its transition into a dangerous purulent-inflammatory process in young children is very high.

Treatment of children's milk teeth is not an easy task, and not even because children are restless creatures, but because they simply experience fear of an unknown and terrible event. This is probably why many people are uncertain about whether milk teeth need to be treated - it's easier to wait until they fall out on their own. To avoid such problems, you need to choose the right clinic and dentist for the first time, so that the child has only good memories and only positive associations with visiting dental office.

If earlier the situation of dental treatment in children was complicated by the lack of decent conditions and good filling materials, today modern medical centers equipped the latest technologies and materials. Adapted to milk teeth filling materials contain all the necessary trace elements, are distinguished by excellent chemical adhesion, that is, excellent bonding with tooth enamel, remarkably seal the walls of any carious cavities and reduce the likelihood of recurrent caries or the formation of caries around the filling to a minimum. Today's dentistry allows you to quickly and painlessly restore teeth defects and ensure the safety of fillings on for a long time. In addition, nowadays clinics do this in comfort, by playing with the child and enticing him. There are even colored fillings. The modern dentist is not only professional doctor but also a wise teacher and a good psychologist.

If the child is very young or has already had unsuccessful experience visits to the dental office - pay attention to those clinics that have the opportunity to apply modern techniques, allowing to treat caries without the use of drills.

If a we are talking about the choice between treatment and removal of a milk tooth, it is necessary to make a choice in favor of the first due to the reasons listed above - the development malocclusion, incorrect speech, the possibility of problems with chewing food and education cosmetic defects due to premature tooth loss.

Good oral hygiene proper diet nutrition, prevention early caries and timely treatment teeth - measures that significantly reduce all possible risks problems in the future. Therefore, the question of whether it is necessary to treat milk teeth should not arise from parents. After all, the health of milk teeth is the basis of strong molars, beautiful smile, correct bite, beautiful speech as well as self-confidence and success in the future.

Why should milk teeth be treated?

“Why treat milk teeth? Only to irritate the child. All the same, these teeth will soon fall out and new ones will grow in their place,” many parents believe. And they are NOT right. Treating milk teeth is a must!

Before I talk in detail about all the points “WHY AND WHY SHOULD BE TREATED?”, I will say a few words about the structure of milk teeth, how they differ from permanent ones and why carious process spreads so fast.

So, the structural features of milk teeth:

1) The hard tissues of the milk tooth (enamel and dentin) are less mineralized(i.e. less saturated mineral components- fluorine, calcium, phosphorus) compared with permanent teeth. This means that milk teeth are more fragile and are more likely to be destroyed during the development of caries! Therefore, very often with the development of even a small white or brown speck of enamel, it is necessary to visit a pediatric dentist!
2) Layers of enamel and dentin are much thinner than in permanent teeth, so even a small and tiny hole can become a big problem!
3) In the dentin of the teeth are dentinal tubules (tubules). The fact is that in children these tubes are very wide compared to permanent teeth, so the infection spreads faster from the dentin to the pulp.

4) The pulp chamber (in other words, the place where the pulp is located, is circled in red in the figure) in milk teeth is very large and the horns of the pulp (the most high points pulps) are located high and close to the contact surfaces (places where the teeth are adjacent to each other). - all this contributes to the development of caries and its complications in a very short time!

Caries and pulpitis on contact surfaces is the most common occurrence in pediatric dentistry!

4) The milk tooth has wide and divergent root canals, and a large apical foramen so the infection root canal at untimely treatment may spread to buds permanent teeth.

1) Milk teeth are more fragile than permanent teeth, enamel and dentin contain less fluorine and calcium.
2)Features internal structure these teeth make them very vulnerable to rapid development and the spread of infection.
3) Due to the proximity of the roots to the rudiments of permanent teeth, there is a risk of transmission of infection and further damage and destruction of the rudiment of the permanent tooth.

From all of the above, you understood how milk teeth differ from permanent ones and why inflammatory processes in children proceed so quickly. And if you still have doubts “WHY AND WHY DO YOU NEED TO TREAT MILK TEETH?”, Watch the video and read below:

First, in the name of permanent teeth!
The roots of the milk teeth are widely spaced and cover the germ of the permanent tooth. Everything that happens to a milk tooth affects the development of a permanent tooth. If the hole in the tooth - caries is not healed, pulpitis can begin - inflammation of the pulp in which the nerves are located, and then periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues around the teeth, and inflammation can also go to the bone. And the germ of a permanent tooth may die. The destruction of milk teeth occurs very quickly, much faster than the permanent ones, sometimes just in a matter of weeks.

Caries is not only a disease of one tooth, it is common disease body, it appears when a person has reduced immunity. Also, an affected tooth can cause disease of a permanent tooth located under it.

Secondly, untreated teeth lead to early extraction!
Early extraction of milk teeth leads to a number of serious violations. First of all - to the difficulty of eruption of the main tooth. Neighboring teeth begin to move out of place, filling the empty space, and the permanent tooth may erupt in the wrong place. Then in adolescence the child and his parents will face the problem of teeth alignment and correction of malocclusion - an expensive and lengthy treatment.

Thirdly, the gastrointestinal tract suffers!
The absence of milk teeth negatively affects the normal chewing of food, and in fact the digestion of food begins in the mouth. There is a violation of the development of bite, diction, facial skeleton, cosmetic defects are formed.

Fourthly, the child's speech suffers.
Teeth are needed not only for chewing food, they are also involved in speech formation. It will be more difficult for the child to talk, as a result, social adaptation will suffer.

Dear parents, it is important to understand « The best treatment This is prevention!- that's why it's so important to take care of your baby's oral cavity from birth! After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of caries and its complications than to spend precious time and money on the adaptation and treatment of a child.


Some parents cannot understand: why take the child to the dentist if visible reasons for worry no? And there are those who are firmly convinced that it does not make sense to treat milk teeth, because sooner or later there will be a complete change of teeth, and white and even teeth will take the place of temporary “rotten teeth”. But not everyone knows that caries can pass to the rudiments of permanent teeth, and any dentist will tell a lot of stories about how dreams of white smile was not destined to come true, partly due to the fault of the parents. Are baby teeth treated for children? If yes, then for what?

What causes a child to have a toothache?

A milk tooth in a child can hurt not only because of its eruption, because such dental units with permanent ones have a similar structure, and the absence of a root is especially noticeable distinguishing feature. Caries and pulpitis are diseases that can affect even a barely erupted tooth, and as a result, the baby will experience pain. Is it necessary to treat milk teeth or is it easier to remove the problematic elements of the oral cavity that bring a feeling of discomfort? Dentists now rarely resort to a cardinal way to solve the problem - removal, and are advised to do treatment.

Diseases of milk teeth in children are identical to the problems faced by adults, with the only difference being that caries develops rapidly and easily turns into pulpitis. A "hole" in the surface of the enamel is rarely the cause pain but when carious lesion"gets" to the pulp, this causes not only excessive sensitivity to cold, hot, sour or sweet food but also pain. It is noteworthy that in good dentistry, milk teeth can be cured, which can get sick for a number of reasons:

    Poor oral hygiene. Unscrupulous cleaning causes food residues to get stuck in the interdental space and increased reproduction of pathogenic microflora.

    Excessive consumption of carbonaceous food, and in particular, sweets. The breakdown of carbohydrates begins already in the oral cavity. It is sugars that create an ideal environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria.

    Mineral deficiency. Lack in the body of "building material" for bones and teeth - calcium, phosphorus and fluorine negatively affects their condition. The slightest crack in the enamel is a reliable "refuge" for bacteria, where they simply love to accumulate and multiply.

The feasibility of treating milk teeth

If a milk tooth hurts, then this is more than a good reason to go to the dentist. Only experienced doctor can identify the cause of pain and eliminate it. It is possible that dental unit to be removed, although, here a lot depends on what condition it is in, because there are cases when filling obviously does not help, which is simply explained: the tooth is badly damaged and cannot be restored.

Treatment of pulpitis in children

The size of the pulp chamber of the milk tooth is increased, which is explained by the insufficient thickness of enamel and dentin, the large width of the dentinal and apical canals, as well as looseness connective tissue- these are the reasons for the accelerated transformation of caries into pulpitis. Filling milk teeth in order to eliminate pulpitis does not always bring the desired result, because even after treatment, a fistula may appear in the area of ​​​​the problematic dental unit.

How to treat pulpitis of a milk tooth? It all depends on how far the process has gone. Partial acute or fibrotic chronic pulpitis can be removed:

    A conservative method that involves anesthesia, removal of affected hard tissues, treatment of the cavity with an antiseptic and filling.

    Surgical method implying partial or complete removal pulp. The procedure requires opening the cavity and removing the affected areas, as well as the nerve. But first of all, anesthesia is carried out.

This disease occurs infrequently in children, and if it occurs, then either poor heredity, or weakened immunity, or a deficiency of minerals are to blame. Initially, the inflammatory process affects the gums, and after that it gradually rises higher and higher, but does not touch the tooth tissues, since it suffers from periodontal disease basal part. If you ignore this disease, then it can turn into periodontitis, which becomes the cause of pain. In this case, the doctor may decide to prescribe treatment, which comes down to the treatment of inflammatory processes and prescribing drugs containing a large number of vitamins and minerals.

Flux in a child: a serious cause for concern

Periostitis is the second, "scientific" name for the flux. The disease is essentially an inflammation of the periosteum that covers the jaw bone. Development inflammatory process provokes the appearance of an abscess on the gum. Flux may appear when:

    The mucous membranes are injured, and infections penetrate into the resulting wound.

    Hygiene is not observed and pathogenic bacteria accumulate in plaque.

    Caries develops rapidly, and parents do not take any measures.

    There is a focus of infection on the body, and it is transferred to the periosteum with the help of blood.

    The child had a tooth removed, but the source of the infection was not eliminated.

How to extract a milk tooth without pain?

If a milk tooth is loosened, it means that “its time has come” and it will fall out soon. He needs to be helped to “remove himself”, since this now superfluous element interferes with food intake, and besides, the baby can accidentally swallow it. How to remove a milk tooth yourself, without pain and involving a dentist?

    You need to make sure that soft tissues around the tooth are not inflamed. If there is inflammation, then you need to go to the doctor.

    Take gauze and treat it with an antiseptic.

    Put gauze on the problem tooth and securely grab it.

    Shake the tooth in different directions, while pulling it out of the gums. It is best to pull it out in one sharp movement.

    After the procedure, the child should rinse his mouth with an antiseptic, and a swab moistened with antiseptic. Can't eat on three hours after the procedure, and therefore, before the "execution" it is necessary to feed the baby.

How to pull out a milk tooth without pain in the dentist's office? Highly qualified doctors who use advanced techniques in their work, including general anesthesia, are well aware of this. With caries, milk teeth do not always hurt, so there are no apparent reasons for their removal, however, they require treatment.

First aid for toothache in a child

Do baby teeth hurt? Of course, because they also have a cavity filled with nerves - the pulp. What to do if such a problem occurs? Ideally, an urgent visit to the dentist should be made, but if this is not possible, then the following should be done:

    Soak a piece of cotton in mint oil and place it in carious cavity(if the latter is available).

    massage upper part auricle from the affected tooth.

    Prepare a rinse solution consisting of a decoction of sage and soda, and make sure that the baby rinses his mouth.

    Apply painkillers, analgesics, for example, children's "Nurofen", "Paracetamol" or "Ibuprofen". It is important to observe the dosage here, and if the parents give the baby an “adult” drug, then the dose should be halved.

How to prepare your child for a visit to the dentist?

Here it is extremely important to explain to the baby that the process of treatment / extraction of teeth is unpleasant, but tolerable, and tell him that if the milk teeth are affected by caries, then the “carious monsters” can easily switch to permanent teeth, “eat” them and the child will remain for life toothless. Parents should convince the child that dental treatment brings much less discomfort rather than removing them.

Prevention of caries of milk teeth

Mothers of unborn children should take care of the health of children's teeth. A pregnant woman is simply obliged to eat right, since a lack of calcium, fluorine, phosphorus, proteins and vitamin D will necessarily negatively affect both the condition of the mother's teeth and the condition of the teeth of her unborn child. Some parents mistakenly believe that if the baby does not eat sweets, then nothing threatens his milk teeth. This is not true, because caries can also occur for other reasons: lack of proper hygiene, poor heredity, malnutrition, consumption of sugary drinks, etc.

Is it worth treating a two-year-old child's milk teeth? Yes, it’s worth it, because he will “walk” with them for a few more years, and early removal- this is the cause of malocclusion and other pathologies. Do I need to take care of newly erupted milk teeth? Of course, and for this hygiene procedures which involve the use of special toothbrushes and fluoride-free toothpaste. If there are prerequisites for the appearance and development of caries, then for its prevention you just need to come to pediatric dentistry and carry out a series of procedures. For example, silvering teeth, treating them with a remineralizing gel, sealing fissures, professional cleaning etc.

Everyone good day! You are probably wondering what was so terrible that I saw in a little girl's mouth? So, if you think that these were the fangs of a vampire, then you are almost right. Instead of even snow-white teeth, the baby had a mouth full of needles, sharp as the teeth of a shark. Caries attacked all front at once from both sides.

It's strange, and why the girl's mother does not care about this issue, I thought, but did not ask. I can only say that on my son's account there are already 5 courageously (well, or not so) visits to the dentist. Through fear and tears, we walked and treated the first teeth vulnerable to caries. I never wondered whether it is necessary to treat milk teeth in children. I am firmly convinced that it is not just necessary, but necessary! And that's why…

We clean the "foundation" from birth

It is on the health of the first milk teeth that the condition of the permanent teeth subsequently depends.

They can be compared with the foundation, on which strong and even "adult" teeth will then grow. If now you don’t take care of dairy, don’t clean and don’t go to the dentist for treatment in time, permanent teeth will grow crooked and, most likely, will also hurt and collapse.

Do you remember when your baby got his first tooth? An exciting event, isn't it? So, from now on, you are obliged to worry further and carefully monitor the health of each newly grown tooth in a crumb. Well, who, if not you, moms? independently conduct hygiene measures in his mouth, the baby will be able to approximately 3 years, but for now we are gradually accustoming him to the cleaning procedure.

Many of you will be surprised, but dentists strongly recommend brushing the first teeth of babies after each breastfeeding. For this, a tiny Toothbrush, fingertip or special wipes, which can now be found in any pharmacy. So that the baby does not act up, clean in the form of a game: jokes, songs, light massage gums, and the child himself will look forward to the next procedure.

At 2 years old, or even earlier, the child should have his own brush. At first, you can teach your baby to brush their teeth without toothpaste. Although now there are so many different sweet-"delicious" pastes for babies in stores: strawberry, banana, raspberry, which gently clean fragile enamel and are safe for children. accidental ingestion. Be sure to brush your teeth yourself, at the same time as the child. There is nothing better than a parent example. So oral hygiene will become a habit in crumbs much faster.

They don't hurt

Unfortunately, sometimes even with regular cleaning, fragile children's teeth are still destroyed. The reason may even be bad tap water. Over the past 5 years, cases of caries in younger children school age have become more frequent. The researchers came to these conclusions. When strange spots appear, or even visible holes on milk teeth, it is best to contact a dentist and cure them in time.

“Isn’t it easier to pull out? many parents will ask. “It’s faster, it’s better than torturing a child with a drill.” I do not agree. A pulled out tooth may eliminate the need to treat it, but it will easily become a reason not correct formation occlusion and crookedly growing permanent teeth. Why does your baby psychological problems and complexes from an ugly smile or wearing braces?

a lack of the right amount teeth in the mouth can lead to serious violations areas of the gastrointestinal tract. Food will not be crushed properly, which means it will take longer and more difficult to digest.

Another common misconception of parents is that milk teeth in children do not hurt, which means that they should be destroyed, because new ones will grow soon. First, remember, the first teeth in children sometimes hurt so much that you want to climb the wall, there are nerves that become inflamed with deep caries.

And secondly, new snow-white ones may not grow. They "sit" deep in the jaw, but the defeat of milk teeth easily reaches them. According to statistics, about 70% of children under 6 years of age suffer from caries. This is connected with the "relief" of milk molars, and with malnutrition, and may be a consequence insufficient hygiene oral cavity.

caries by inheritance

Dr. Komarovsky is sure that genes play a significant role in the development of caries. If mom or dad problem teeth, then it is quite possible that caries will quickly develop in their child. Excessive consumption of sweets and oversweetened drinks, according to the doctor, will also necessarily lead to tooth decay. Another factor is often dry saliva.

Untreated caries can lead to serious consequences: gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), periodontitis (a complication of caries with inflammation of the tissues surrounding the diseased tooth), flux (swollen due to purulent abscess cheek), and many others. Serious danger with advanced caries, it represents damage to the bone tissues of the face, followed by decay!

What do you say now? Will we treat and protect the milk teeth of our children?

About fluoride, anesthesia and colored fillings

If caries is not neglected, but has so far only appeared as beige and light coffee stains on the teeth, then the dentist can prescribe a gentle treatment: fluoridation or silvering. These procedures will not allow the teeth to decay further.

When pain appears, and a tiny black hole is treacherously visible in the tooth, we do not hesitate to visit a doctor. Perhaps pulpitis has already joined caries. Time to remove the affected part of the tooth and replace it with a filling.

Why, this is torture even for an adult, many parents will say. Well, if you are very worried about how your child will endure such painful procedure, you can do anesthesia. For this in modern dentistry use both injections and sprays. Of course, the anesthesia will be local. General anesthesia not recommended for children under 7 years of age and is prescribed only for serious complications.

My advice to you - in any case, do not show excitement when you visit the dentist together with your baby. Your panic can be transferred to the child, and subsequently he will be afraid of treating his teeth like a fire. Toddlers under 5 years old still willingly believe in tooth fairy and other good wizards. So take him to such a fairy. Now there are many good children's clinics with bright chairs, dentists dressed as cartoon characters and even colored fillings!

We never dreamed of such a thing. May your first trip to the dentist bring only good impressions. After that, be sure to write how everything went, how your little hero endured the adult test with a drill.

The problem of caries of milk teeth in children is currently familiar to many parents. Dentists around the world are concerned about the trend of “rejuvenation” of caries: dark spots, and subsequently holes in the teeth, appear more and more often in very young children. In our time, the causes of dental diseases in babies abound:

  • short-term breast-feeding;
  • eating sweets and juices;
  • night feedings with formula or sweetened liquids from a bottle;
  • general decrease in immunity (frequent colds manifestations of allergy);
  • poor-quality or improper oral hygiene;
  • heredity.

Milk teeth are the "weak link" of the child's body due to poor enamel mineralization (compared to adult teeth). hard tissues teeth mature gradually, within two years after eruption, and during this period are extremely susceptible to caries.

Is it worth treating caries of milk teeth?

To the question of some parents: “Is it possible to treat milk teeth?” The answer of experts is unequivocal: "Not only possible, but necessary."

Despite the calls of dentists to be very attentive to the health of the oral cavity in children, many continue to believe that milk teeth will fall out soon, and there is no point in treating them. This is far from true. Let us briefly clarify why treat milk teeth:

  1. The period of "life" of milk teeth not so short. From teething to a complete change, 11-12 years pass, and this, you see, is a long time. Therefore, it is not worth delaying treatment.
  2. Caries of milk teeth develops very quickly, literally in 2-3 weeks, and the child without timely treatment will feel pain.
  3. Infection can spread to adjacent teeth nearby and damage the rudiments of permanent teeth located in the gum.
  4. Tooth affected by caries - the focus of infection, which, when introduced into the body, can provoke general intoxication and also call chronic diseases throat, liver, heart and kidneys.
  5. Loss of a tooth leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and displacement of other teeth, "aspiring" to take his place. The result will be a violation of the bite and, possibly, diction.
  6. Ugly, black, missing teeth can cause ridicule from other children, and this is a direct path to the baby's complexes.
  7. Understanding that a bad tooth needs to be treated forms a child’s a general culture of care and attention to one's own teeth.

It is necessary to treat milk teeth ... how to treat caries of milk teeth?

So, you know: there is a problem, teeth need to be treated. Their own children's fears of the dentist come up, and it is not clear whether the baby will be able to sit in the doctor's chair for the entire procedure. Let's see how caries of milk teeth is generally treated.

First of all, you should contact a pediatric dentist. This doctor will help you create the best treatment plan for your child's teeth. Besides, pediatric dentist understands the importance of finding an approach to little patient, do not scare him and do not leave negative impressions associated with dental treatment. good doctor is also to some extent a psychologist who can distract and amuse the child.

Traditionally, two main methods of treating caries in children are used: silvering and filling.


Silvering used to stop the process of reproduction of bacteria in the area of ​​​​the tooth affected by caries. A special solution containing silver ions is applied to the diseased tooth, blocking the access of oxygen to the treated area. This is a temporary measure, since the procedure must be repeated every six months. But its significant advantages are the speed and lack of drilling with a drill.


Modern dentistry has gone far ahead of the level at which it was in our childhood. Used for treatment fillings, which perfectly bond with tooth enamel, serve for a long time and even prevent re-development caries. For children, there are even multi-colored fillings. The treatment procedure takes from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the severity of caries.

Is it painful to treat milk teeth?

There are nerves in milk teeth, and accordingly, such a tooth can hurt and has sensitivity during treatment. But there is still a difference in sensations compared to permanent teeth. Opinions of dentists, whether it is necessary to put little child anesthetic injection during treatment vary. Perhaps, in your particular situation, if the caries is superficial, the treatment will take a matter of minutes, and there will be practically no pain. However, good pediatric specialists most often prefer to do anesthesia in the treatment of milk teeth. If the baby feels pain at the dentist's appointment, it is likely that after that it will not work to persuade him to open his mouth even for examination. They try to use general anesthesia as little as possible, because it carries some health risks.

To remove a milk tooth or to treat?

It is highly undesirable to remove milk teeth. Therefore, the removal remains last resort, which is used last. After the extraction of a neglected tooth, there is a free space, and adjacent teeth can move to fill it. For the correct formation of the maxillofacial apparatus after the forced removal of a milk tooth, a crown or prosthesis is placed instead. Such a measure will prevent violations of bite and diction in the future.

Remember, healthy baby teeth are the foundation of healthy permanent teeth. Be sure to take care of your children's teeth. Balanced diet, correct and regular cleaning teeth, a visit to the dentist every six months - the basic principles of caries prevention, even in the smallest.

Health to your children and let their teeth be strong!

Photo from Lori's photobank

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