Does not distinguish between shades of colors. The amazing world of mixed colors: how do color blind people see? Color blind problems and overcoming them

There is a type of people who confuse colors and do not distinguish between shades, so a natural question arises, how do color blind people see. Color blindness - rare disease caused by birth defects and not amenable to successful treatment. Outwardly, such patients are difficult to distinguish from healthy people, but the health problem still exists. It is difficult to perceive the world through the eyes of a color blind person, but many scientists have devoted their entire lives to this occupation.

What is colorblindness

it official disease from the field of ophthalmology, which is characterized by the inability of vision to distinguish certain colors. More often there is hereditary color blindness, but doctors do not exclude the fact of an acquired disease. These types of visual defects are difficult to treat. successful correction, therefore, patients do not perceive paints for the rest of their lives. The disease manifests itself in childhood, so caring parents should consult a doctor in a timely manner for advice.

How a color blind person sees

The images show that color-blind people have obvious problems with the perception of red, and with saturation yellow color there are also visible deviations from generally accepted standards. Features of the worldview are completely dependent on the color that patients see incorrectly. For example, in patients with protanopia, there is a defect in the perception of red and all its shades, and in patients with tritanopia, confusion is observed with the perception of yellow and blue hues. How colorblind people see it depends entirely on the predominant type of colorblindness.

What colors do colorblind people see?

Such an anomalous process occurs infrequently, for example, complete color blindness with life in a black and white world prevails in only 0.1 percent of all clinical pictures. In other cases, a color-blind person perceives colors in his own way, he also sees color pictures. AT modern ophthalmology meet the following violations, which characterize one or another form of color blindness:

  • with protanomaly, a patient of any age confuses red with brown, gray, black, green, brown;
  • with deuteranomaly, there are certain difficulties in perceiving a green tint, it is confused with red and orange;
  • with tritanopia, purple falls out of the usual worldview, patients do not perceive the blue color.

What colors do not distinguish

Color blindness is diagnosed by certain pictures with numbers, which are made in the form of colored circles. The surrounding world does not change form, but changes its shade. The patient himself does not notice such abnormal phenomena; his closest relatives and parents can sound the alarm. The indistinguishability of primary colors can be called not only color blindness, but also color blindness. The essence of the matter does not change - the inability to distinguish color scheme is present. Colorblind people do not differ from people with normal color perception, but they have their own characteristics.

Women are more likely to encounter such a disease, the first manifestations of the disease prevail even in childhood. When seeing the same pictures, the patient and healthy child give different answers. The disease is accompanied by a lack of perception of red, blue or green hues. All sorts of modifications follow from this, as the color-blind people see the world.

What colors are confused

In case of violation of color spectra, there is an inability to distinguish and poorly see the main tones, to correctly identify objects different colors. The type of pathology depends on the characteristics of color perception, as they see the world colorblind. Some patients are able to distinguish part of the color shades, others see the world in black and white. How the type of disease will be called can be determined by special tests by the attending physician. Colorblind people confuse red, blue, purple and green tint.

Types of color blindness

Determining the causes of color blindness is problematic, but it is important to understand how the abnormal process proceeds. The problem is in the modification of the spectral sensitivity of pigments, which distorts the brightness and contrast of the picture. If there is no blue pigment on the retina, and this condition is hereditary, successful treatment difficult. When red or other shades are distinguished, but they are confused, and the pathology is acquired, it can be eliminated by wearing special glasses. The inability to see the world correctly can be fought, it all depends on the types of pigments, the form of trichromasia.


Women and men suffer from color blindness, and a number of pathogenic factors precede impaired color perception. If people are not able to perceive all shades, we are talking about complete trichromacy. The disease is extremely rare, significantly limits the possibilities modern man, for example, he will not become an artist and is not destined to drive a personal vehicle (problems with traffic lights). AT pathological process all three shells are involved, their misdevelopment.


Patients are able to perceive individual colors and shades, and some of them still confuse, see incorrectly. If in a particular clinical picture people partially suffer from color blindness, doctors define and distinguish the following types of trichromasia and their short description for better understanding:

  1. Deuteranomaly. The patient has difficulty perceiving green and all its shades. real photos, how color-blind people see the world around them in this case, can be found on the thematic sites of the network, medical portals.
  2. Protanomaly. Everyone knows who a color blind person is, but only those patients who have a violation of the perception of red and its shades face this disease. They see everything differently, but also in rich colors.
  3. Tritanomaly. A person does not see blue and purple shades; instead, objects in the minds of color blind people become red or green. It doesn't stop him from living. full life, but difficulties in everyday life still occur.

Famous colorblind people

How color blind people see colors, a qualified ophthalmologist will tell. Moreover, there is great amount reference literature that describes pathological conditions. Scientists have been studying a characteristic ailment for decades, especially its acquired form. In history, people are known who were color blind, but were able to change this world at least a gram, left their imprint in the annals of life. Here are some legendary personalities in question:

  1. Artist Vrubel. His brilliant paintings are painted in gray, gloomy, depressing tones. The artist saw the world this way, but many of his entourage did not even realize that he was color blind in life.
  2. Charles Merion. Having learned about his incurable disease, the painter immediately switched from paintings to graphics. His legendary etchings of picturesque places in Paris have gained worldwide popularity.
  3. Singer George Michael. Another legend with incurable disease. The musician and talented singer dreamed of becoming a pilot since childhood, but the illness revealed his talents in a different direction.
  4. John Dalton. A well-known scientist, in whose honor the indicated disease from the field of ophthalmology was named. characteristic ailment described in detail on his condition, worldview.
  5. American director Christopher Nolan. His paintings were awarded prizes at international festivals, and the cinematographer himself is considered legendary in his field.


Color blindness is the complete or partial inability to distinguish colors in normal conditions lighting. The disease is observed in a significant number of people around the world, although in different groups their percentage can vary significantly. For example, in Australia, 8% of men and only 0.4% of women suffer from color blindness. In isolated communities where the genetic pool is limited, often a large number of people with this deviation, including its rare variations. Such communities are, for example, countryside Finland, Hungary, some Scottish islands. How color-blind people see it depends on the individual and the form of his disease. In the United States, about 7% of the male population (almost 10.5 million people), as well as 0.4% of women, cannot distinguish red from green or see these colors differently from other people. Very rarely, the disease extends to shades from the blue spectrum.

Causes of color blindness

As color blind people see, it is due to subspecies of the disease, each of which is caused by certain deviations. The most common cause is a defect in the development of one or more cone-shaped visual cells that perceive color and transmit information to the optic nerve. This type of color blindness is usually dictated by gender. The genes that produce photochromic substances are found on the X chromosome. If some of them are damaged or absent, the disease in men will manifest itself with more likely, since they have only one cell of this type. Women have two X chromosomes, so usually missing substances can be replenished. Color blindness can also be the result of physical or chemical damage eye, optic nerve, or brain regions. For example, people with achromatopsia completely lack the ability to perceive colors, although the violations are not of the same nature as in the first case.

In 1798, the English chemist John Dalton published the first scientific work on this topic, thanks to which the general public became aware of how color blind people see. His research " Unusual facts about the perception of colors ”was the result of awareness of his own disease: the scientist, like some other members of his family, did not see shades from the red spectrum. Color blindness is usually considered slight deviation, however, in some cases it provides certain advantages. So, some researchers have come to the conclusion that those suffering from color blindness are able to better distinguish camouflage. Such discoveries may explain the evolutionary reason for the large prevalence of color blindness in the spectrum of red and green. There is also a study stating that people with certain types of the disease are able to see colors that others cannot see.

Normal color vision

To understand how color blind people see colors, it is necessary to consider the mechanism of perception in general view. Normal retina human eye contains two types of light-sensitive receptors, the so-called rods and cones. The former are responsible for vision at dusk, while the latter are active in daylight. Three types of cones are usually present, each containing a specific pigment. Their sensitivity is not the same: one type is excited by a short wavelength of light, the second is medium, and the third is long, with peaks in the blue, green and yellow regions of the spectrum, respectively. Together they are expected to cover all visible colors. Often these receptors are referred to as blue, green, and red cones, although such a definition is not accurate: each type is responsible for the perception of a fairly wide range of colors.

How do color blind people see the world? Classification

In the clinical picture, full and partial color blindness are distinguished. Monochromasia, complete color blindness, is much less common than the inability to perceive individual shades. The world through the eyes of a color blind person with this disease looks like black and white cinema. The disorder is caused by a defect or absence of cones (two or all three), and color perception occurs in one plane. Concerning partial color blindness, from point of view clinical manifestations there are two main types of it, associated with the difficulty of distinguishing between red-green and blue-yellow.

  • Complete color blindness.
  • Partial color blindness.
  • *Red Green.
  • ** Dichromasia (protanopia and deuteranopia).
  • **Anomalous trichromasia (protanomaly and deuteranomaly).
  • *Blue yellow.
  • ** Dichromasia (tritanopia).
  • ** Abnormal trichromasia (tritanomaly).

Types of partial color blindness

In this classification, there are two types of hereditary color vision disorders: dichromasia and anomalous trichromasia. What colors do not distinguish color blind depends on the subtypes of the disease.


Dichromasia is a disorder of moderate severity and consists in the malfunctioning of one of the three types of receptors. The disease occurs when a certain pigment is missing, and color perception occurs in two planes. There are three types of dichromacy based on which type of cone is not working properly:

  • first: Greek "prot-" - red;
  • the second: "deutra-" - green;
  • third: "trit-" - blue.

Want to know how color blind people see? A photo can give a visual representation of the features of their picture of the world.

Forms of dichromasia

  • Protanopia- This is a disorder in which an individual can perceive light with a wavelength of 400 to 650 nm instead of the usual 700 nm. It is caused by complete dysfunction of red photoreceptors. The patient does not see pure scarlet flowers, which appear black to him. Purple to an individual is no different from blue, and orange looks dark yellow. All shades of orange, yellow, and green, whose wavelength is too long to stimulate blue receptors, appear in a similar tone of yellow. Protanopia is a congenital, sex-related disease that occurs in about 1% of men.
  • Deuteranopia implies the absence of photoreceptors of the second type, which makes it difficult to distinguish between red and green.
  • Tritanopia- a very rare disorder, which is characterized by the complete absence of blue pigment. This color looks greenish, yellow and orange - pinkish, purple - dark red. The disease is associated with the 7th chromosome.

What color-blind people see: abnormal trichromasia

This is a common type of congenital color vision disorder. Abnormal trichromasia occurs when the spectral sensitivity of one of the pigments is altered. As a result, the normal perception of color is distorted.

  • Protanomaly- an insignificant defect in which the spectral sensitivity of red receptors changes. It manifests itself in some difficulty in distinguishing between scarlet and green colors. congenital disease, due to gender, is present in 1% of men.
  • Deutranomaly caused by a similar shift, but in the spectrum of perception of green. This is the most common type, to some extent affecting the discrimination of colors from the previous case. Sexually inherited disorder occurs in 5% of European men.
  • Tritanomaly- a rare disease that affects the distinction between blue-green and yellow-red. Unlike other forms, it is not determined by gender and is associated with the 7th chromosome.

Diagnosis and treatment

The Ishihara test contains a series of images consisting of colored spots. The figure (usually Arabic numerals) is embedded in the drawing as dots of a slightly different hue that people with normal vision, but not with a certain type of disorder, can distinguish. Full test includes a set of images with various combinations to reveal whether the disorder is present and specifically what colors color blind people do not see. For children who do not yet know numbers, drawings with geometric shapes (circle, square, etc.) were developed. Diagnostics abnormal trichromasia can also be done with an anomaloscope. Currently does not exist effective methodology treatment of color blindness in humans. Colored lenses may be used, which improve the discrimination of some colors, but at the same time make it difficult to correctly perceive others. Scientists are testing the treatment of color blindness using methods genetic engineering who have already given positive results in a group of monkeys.

Every Tuesday, AiF Health explains what signs might indicate that you need to see a doctor. This week we talk about what color blindness is and because of what you can lose color perception.

Insidious cones

By the way
People suffering from a violation of color perception owe their nickname to the English scientist John Dalton. An outstanding physicist and chemist of the 18th century, who himself did not distinguish red, first described the mysterious anomaly back in 1794.

Monochromatic vision, or color blindness, when a person does not distinguish any colors at all, is considered the extreme degree of violation of color perception. For him, the world is black and white. True, such a pathology is extremely rare. Among all color blind people, there are only one percent of absolute "monochromatics".

There are much more of those who have difficulty distinguishing only some colors (usually red and green) or suffer from color weakness (a partial violation of color perception when poor lighting, on the far distance or fog).

One of the most common theories explains this phenomenon simply: the whole point is the absence or quantitative decrease in the retina of special nerve cells - cones, which are responsible for the perception of colors. It is believed that in our retina there are only three types of cones that react differently to the perception of the three primary colors: red, green and blue. Failure of at least one of them just means that you are color blind.

The vast majority of victims are representatives of the stronger sex. Green with red and blue with black.

Colorblind people are both born and made. Wherein congenital disorder color perception is transmitted mainly through the female line. You can also lose color perception (including temporarily) after a traumatic brain injury, severe general and visual fatigue, having suffered a severe flu, stroke or heart attack.

Hostages of colors

Fortunately, poor color discrimination does not affect visual acuity. A person can live to an advanced age and not even realize that he has some kind of problem.

Another thing is if a color-blind person went to chemists or electronics engineers, where it is life-threatening to mix up the color of wires or reagents. The loss of color perception is also fatal for the artist. One of bright examples - the tragedy that happened to the famous artist Savrasov, the author of the famous painting "The Rooks Have Arrived". Having been ill with severe infectious disease, Great master landscape at the end of his life, he ceased to distinguish colors and painted his last creations “according to memoirs”.

Vrubel was also colorblind. Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing the composition of his paintings, painted mainly in gray-pearl tones. The great artist suffered from blindness to red and green color a.

This grief is not a problem

But most of all, drivers suffered from color confusion at one time. At one time, it was believed that it was impossible to be color blind and drive a car. A visual defect was detected (and is still detected) with the help of special polychromatic tables compiled according to the principle of flower camouflage. Thanks to this study, dozens, hundreds of motorists received a "yellow" ticket.

Then the draconian rules were revised: . There are no more restrictions on driving a car for people who cannot distinguish certain colors. The only exception is if a person who wants to sit at the steering wheel suffers from complete color blindness and if his work is connected with the constant transportation of people and valuable goods.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to stop being color blind. There are no any tangible methods of treating color vision disorders. Some attempts in this direction, however, are being made. People suffering from a violation of color perception are "prescribed" special glasses with a complex color coating. Doctors are skeptical about such experiments: wearing "treatment" glasses leads to a decrease in vision, and therefore this method has not received wide distribution.

Last Tuesday AiF Health told about what mastopathy is, why it occurs in the body hormonal disbalance and how to lower the level of "bad" estrogen >>

Color blindness is a dysfunction visual apparatus a person who is characterized by a violation of the ability to distinguish colors. Depending on the form of the disease, the eye does not distinguish one, two or all three colors. The disease is transmitted exclusively by inheritance, but due to injury or intake medical preparations may appear in absolutely healthy person. Color blindness is more common in men.

On the retina of the eye there are three types of cones, which contain a pigment that is sensitive to certain colors. Content different kind pigment in a given proportion characterizes which particular color spectra this cone distinguishes.

When the proportion is broken or some pigment is missing, the perception of one color is disturbed. Pathology can develop up to color blindness, that is total absence ability to perceive all colors and shades.

You can learn more about who a color blind person is from a video interview with an ophthalmologist:

What colors and shades do not distinguish (confused) color blind people? The entire color spectrum is divided into three primary colors and their shades: red, green, blue. Red is the most common, followed by green, and some combinations of colors, such as red and blue, may be impaired.

The quality of life, social activity of people affected by this disease suffer. The drop-down part of the spectrum is represented by various shades of the primary color and looks darker or lighter for color blind people.

Basically, color blind people are found only in men, this is due to gender and the X chromosome, to which the gene that determines the production of pigments in the body is linked. Men, in the presence of this disease, will 100% pass it on to their daughter, and it is harmless to their son. But everything is not so simple here, because a woman also has a pair of X chromosomes, and in case of damage to one, the second completely replaces it, so women are practically not subject to this scourge.

Can girls be colorblind?

Color blindness is not limited to men. A girl at birth may be a DNA carrier of this disease, which is inherited from her father or mother. distorted color perception only in the case of two damaged X chromosomes, which is extremely rare and occurs in cases of incest, consanguineous marriages, or an accidental coincidence of a sick father with a carrier mother.

In adult women, acquired (false) color blindness is possible, no one is safe here: damage to the eye and retina, head injury, inflammation of the optic nerve can subsequently turn into progressive color blindness. In this case, only one damaged eye suffers, and most often there are difficulties in distinguishing the yellow-red spectrum.

Read more about whether color blindness occurs in women -.

Rights and color blindness

For every person suffering from distorted color perception (deuteranopia), sooner or later the question arises whether a color blind person can drive a vehicle and get a license. But deuteranopia and a driver's license don't mix.

There are small exceptions in terms of severity and forms of color blindness, but only an ophthalmologist will tell after a thorough examination whether they will give you rights and what kind of color blindness you have.

If you fall under the permitted category, you must pass extra education rules traffic, for example, a traffic light in your case will be considered not by color, but by serial number burning light bulbs and the like. People with such a violation are issued rights only with categories A and B exclusively for a personal vehicle, they are prohibited from working as a driver by profession.

Also, color blind is limited in professions such as a doctor, military man, pilot, machinist, in the chemical, textile industry, and so on.

Disease classification

In this section, we will talk about classifications according to the degree (stage) of color blindness and describe various forms diseases.

Types (types) of color blindness by origin:

  • Acquired color blindness (false) due to injury or medication.
  • Congenital (true) color blindness, inherited from parents.

Variety according to the nature of the lesion:

1. Full, black and white perception of the world:

  • achromasia - the pigment is not produced by the body;
  • monochromasia - only one type of pigment is produced;
  • - the pigment is produced in insufficient quantities.

2. Partial color blindness:

  • dichromasia - one pigment is missing:

- protanopic - red color falls out;

- deuteranopic - green color falls out;

tritanopic - blue color falls out.

  • abnormal trichromasia - underestimated activity of the pigment:

- protanomaly - underestimated red pigment;

- deuteranomaly - underestimated green pigment;

- tritanomaly - underestimated blue pigment.

More common are protanopia (red) and deuteranopia (green), a violation of red-green perception. Studies on the treatment of these forms are still at the first stage, a radical solution is this moment does not exist.

Causes of color blindness

Causes of color blindness depend on its origin, true (color blind by inheritance) or false (color blind after injury).

True color blindness is inherited through the gene for color blindness in the mother. It's all about the set of sex chromosomes, for a woman it is a pair of X chromosomes, and for a man it is XY. The X chromosome is responsible for color blindness, and when it fails, the second chromosome takes over its function in women, so they can be carriers and not get sick. Men are less fortunate, they do not have a second X chromosome, which is why this disease is called male.

Modern genetics allows you to do a DNA test to find out if you are a carrier, color blind or not. To understand which type is inherited, consider the picture below in detail:

The development of pathology according to the hereditary type does not worsen in any way and does not progress during life, apart from standard age-related changes.

False color blindness is acquired due to injuries, mutilations, eye diseases, cataracts, strokes, concussions, inflammatory processes, hematomas, as well as when chemicals affect the body.

How to determine the presence of a disease?

As a rule, a slight violation of color perception appears randomly, since it does not particularly cause discomfort. , as a rule, it is more difficult to identify, since the child gets used to replacing the color with the name of this color, and perceives, for example, a shade of blue color like green or red.

Signs of color blindness are individual from the species, but to common ground refers to impaired color recognition.

Diagnosis of the disease

To find out if you are color blind or not, you need to use Rabkin's cards. They are images of the same circles. different color, in which some digit is encrypted or geometric figure. A colorblind person will not see the encrypted image. 27 Rabkin tables define any kind of color blindness.

You can check yourself right now by watching the video, passing the test and find out if you are colorblind or not, share your results in the comments:

Can color vision disorder be cured?

The treatment of color blindness is a very difficult issue, pills for impaired color perception have not yet been invented, so it is not yet possible to completely get rid of the disorder. There is an option for correcting with the help of special glasses that have complex lenses. You can learn more about the treatment of color blindness by watching the following video:

Forecast and prevention

I am color blind - this is not a diagnosis, but, most likely, a special view of the world. Do not be shy about it, take the opportunity to correct your vision, look at the world with different eyes.

Prevention of this disease consists in checking genes for color blindness when planning a child, as well as a careful, careful attitude to one's own health to avoid an acquired form of the disease.

How do colorblind people see?

The world through the eyes of a colorblind can be seen in the following video:

Many famous people suffered from this visual impairment, among them there are even artists. But this did not prevent them from being realized in life, being happy, so do not be upset about this. Share the article with your friends, leave comments. All the best, stay healthy.

Color blindness is the inability to correctly identify certain colors. It may be hereditary or may be caused by disease of the optic nerve or retina.

Acquired color blindness can occur only in the eye where the retina is affected or optic nerve. It tends to progressively deteriorate over time and has difficulty distinguishing between blue and yellow.

hereditary color blindness is more common, affects both eyes, and does not worsen over time. This variant of color blindness in varying degrees severity is present in 8% of men and 0.4% of women.

Hereditary color blindness is associated with the X chromosome and is almost always transmitted from the mother - the carrier of the gene to the son.

Color blind people are different

Color sensitive cells are located in the central part of the human retina. nerve cells called "cones". They contain three types of color-sensitive pigments protein origin. One type of pigment is sensitive to red, another to green, and a third to blue. More precisely, they are sensitive to the wavelength corresponding to red, green and blue colors in our understanding.

In humans, the peak daytime sensitivity of these pigments (maximum spectral sensitivity of the eye) falls at a wavelength of 555 nm for red, 530 nm for green and 426 nm for blue. The vision of all the colors of the world is provided by the "folding" of these three colors in our brain.

People with normal color vision have all three pigments (red, green and blue) in cones and are called trichromats (from the word "chromos" - color). If you can only distinguish two colors, then you will be called a dichromate. This means that one of the pigments in your retina is missing.

Men who lack red pigment are protanopic dichromats, and those who lack green pigment are deuteranopic dichromats: red is commonly called "protos" (Greek - first), and green - "deuteros" (Greek - second). When these color names were combined with the word "anope" (lack of vision), the words "protanopia" and "deuteranopia" were formed to denote color blindness in red and green colors.

There are also people who have all three pigments in the cones, but the activity of one of them is reduced. These people are called anomalous trichromats.

A defect in the red pigment in cones is the most common. According to statistics, 8% of white men and 0.4% of white women have a red-green color vision defect, three-quarters of them are abnormal trichromats. People with a defect in the blue pigment in cones are extremely rare (such a defect is called tritanopia), as are people who are completely absent. color vision, i.e. when a person sees all three colors poorly.

Color blindness is a hereditary visual defect, not a disease. People with this defect see well, but in a slightly different way than others.

Deviations in color perception in a person do not allow us to assert that a person is not healthy. Color-blind people by one color and people with reduced color vision perceive the colors of the world around them differently than we do, but often do not notice their difference from others. Sometimes people around him don't even notice.

After all, these people from childhood learn to call the colors of everyday objects by generally accepted designations. They hear and remember that grass is green, the sky is blue, and blood is red. In addition, they retain the ability to distinguish colors by the degree of lightness.

The photo below shows the differences in how color blind people see colors. Top left is a normal photo. In the rest of the photos, the images look like they are seen by people with protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia, respectively.

How dangerous is it for a driver to be colorblind?

Accident statistics have shown that the inability to distinguish colors has almost no effect on the situation on the roads. This, of course, does not mean that a color-blind person cannot get into an accident due to the indistinguishability of traffic signals, but the probability of such an event is small. Because a person may not see the color of the traffic light (red light on, or yellow ...), but he will see whether the top light flashed or the middle one.

In addition, the motorist can follow the movement of others Vehicle and thus determine the mode. So traffic lights are not a problem for colorblind drivers. Much more danger conceal the headlights of the cars in front - you need to figure out in time whether it is the "brakes" or reverse.

Here is a video comparing color perception normal people and suffering from doltanism:

Color blindness is inherited

Total color blindness appears as a familial disorder and occurs in one in a million people. But in some parts of the world, the incidence of hereditary diseases may be higher. For example, on a small Danish island whose population long time led a secluded life, among the 1600 inhabitants, 23 people were registered with complete color blindness, which was the result of frequent family marriages.

The reason for this or that type of color blindness is molecular defects in the genes responsible for the synthesis of color-sensitive pigments. Currently, all the genes that encode the pigments responsible for each of the colors have been identified. To get an answer to the question of whether sons can inherit color blindness, a woman should contact genetic counseling. She will be asked to take a test.

There are many methods of genetic testing: study family history, the study of color perception in the alleged carrier of the mutant gene using precision instruments and others. The most modern are genetic testing methods that allow DNA analysis, identification of a mutant gene and clarification of the nature of the defect in the protein molecule that causes eye disease.

If a woman is found to be a carrier of the color blind gene and decides not to have a boy, she can have an ultrasound or genetic testing to determine the sex of the child in the prenatal period.

Genetic engineering does not sleep

Genetic engineering methods can "fix" a defective gene. But so far, such experiments are carried out only on animals. After all, all genes interact with each other and, correcting one gene, you can disrupt another process in the body, which is also partially associated with this gene.

And only in cases where hereditary disease threatens the life of the patient and the hereditary defect is associated with only one gene, you can resort to replacing the defective protein in the gene. This most perfect method of targeted treatment of color perception defects is still used only for certain diseases.

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