The healthiest nuts. Types of nuts. Benefit and harm. Nuts: what are the benefits and harm to the body

What do we know about nuts? Walnuts are good for the brain, hazelnuts are good for the heart, peanuts are high in calories and kill allergy sufferers on the spot. Here, perhaps, is all that most people know about these gifts of nature. But that, as they say, is just a drop in the ocean. MedAboutMe will tell you about all the properties of nuts.

Nuts can rightfully be called one of the oldest products that have been present in the human diet for thousands of years. It is not only tasty, but also a healthy addition to the diet. A handful of nuts is considered a complete snack, bringing a feeling of satiety and filling the body with many useful substances. This is a high-calorie product, the energy value of which ranges from 500-700 kcal per 100 g.

Regular, but moderate use of them can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, normalize cholesterol and glucose levels. Nuts are recommended for people in the recovery period after illnesses and surgical interventions. The composition of the plant product contains over 20 micro and macro elements, as well as a whole "arsenal" of essential vitamins. Experts advise to include nuts in the diet, first of all, for the elderly and pregnant women. There is an opinion that nuts consumed during the period of bearing a baby can lead to the development of allergies in crumbs. But, according to some studies, children whose mothers ate nuts during pregnancy are much less likely to develop an allergy to any food.

No less significant are nuts for the health of people who adhere to the basics of a vegetarian diet. So, nut proteins are able to partially compensate for animal proteins that are absent in the diet of vegetarians. In addition, nuts are high in iron.

Let us consider in more detail what types of nuts are useful for our body:

  • Walnuts are the most affordable and popular in our country. They contain twice as many antioxidants as any other type of nut. These fruits are distinguished by a high content of iodine, which is especially useful for the prevention of thyroid diseases. With regular use of a small amount of them, the risk of cardiovascular diseases is significantly reduced. A beneficial effect on the body is provided due to the presence of vitamins A, B, C, E and P in walnuts, as well as an increased content of calcium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, iron, etc.
  • Almonds are also an excellent antioxidant. Its composition is characterized by a high content of vitamin E and B vitamins. The use of almonds is recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hypertension, high cholesterol. The inclusion of this fruit in the diet has a beneficial effect on the condition of the spleen and liver, urinary and gallbladder. In modern medicine, almonds are used in the treatment of pneumonia, asthma, stomatitis, heartburn, etc.
  • Hazelnut, better known as hazel or hazelnut, is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is recommended for people with increased mental stress. Its composition is dominated by vitamins A, B, C and E, calcium, fluorine, zinc, magnesium, potassium and manganese. Experts advise including hazelnuts in your diet for people suffering from obesity, chronic fatigue, and exhaustion. This type of nuts is no less important for the state of the immune system, improving blood circulation, and eliminating metabolic disorders.
  • Cashews are very tasty exotic nuts that are special favorites of both children and adults. Even small portions of cashews can normalize cholesterol levels, saturate the brain with omega-3 fatty acids and strengthen the cardiovascular system. In addition, such nuts have a positive effect on the metabolic rate, the state of immunity, and even tooth enamel.
  • Pistachios are high-calorie nuts, the composition of which abounds in vitamins A, B, C and E, amino acids, potassium, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, zinc and other minerals essential for the body. Including pistachios in your diet is necessary for people experiencing increased mental and physical stress. They are indispensable for exhaustion of the body, a state of chronic fatigue and during periods of recovery after illnesses.
  • And finally, peanuts, belonging to the legume family, but still considered one of the types of nuts. Its composition is rich in polyphenols, which protect cells from the negative effects of external factors and premature aging. The use of peanuts can reduce the level of bad cholesterol, improve the condition of nerve tissues, heart muscle, and liver. The composition of peanuts makes it an indispensable product for chronic fatigue and insomnia. The use of this product in moderation allows you to improve mental activity, hearing and vision, as well as increase libido.

Nuts not only have a high energy value and a rich vitamin composition, but are also hard to digest food. That is why children under 5-6 years old are not recommended to give them. Among other dangers that can be fraught with nuts, it is worth noting the following:

  • hazelnuts have a shelf life of no more than five months, and eating old nuts is fraught with poisoning;
  • peeled peanuts during storage are susceptible to mold fungus that releases aflatoxin, which can cause toxic damage to various organs, in particular, bronchi, lungs and liver;
  • bitter almonds can cause poisoning due to the glycoside amygladin contained in it, which breaks down in the intestines into hydrocyanic acid and benzaldehyde.

When buying nuts, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to their expiration date and storage conditions. For children, pregnant women and the elderly, it is best to give preference to ordinary walnuts, collected in your own country house or purchased from trusted sellers. In this case, you can be sure that the nuts were not subjected to harmful treatments and were stored in appropriate conditions.

The biggest "nut" danger is an allergy to them. So, if a child is prone to allergic reactions to certain foods from birth, it is worth delaying the introduction of nuts into his diet. It is noteworthy that today scientists have found a way out of this situation for allergy sufferers. They managed to create hypoallergenic cashews by changing the shape of the proteins contained in the nuts. The researchers plan to carry out the same procedure with other varieties of the plant product. And representatives of the Agricultural Technical University, located in North Carolina, said that a 98% reduction in the concentration of allergens in peanuts will allow its preliminary soaking in a solution of specially selected food enzymes.

Today, statements are increasingly being heard that some plant-based products are almost a panacea for various oncological diseases. Since most of these statements are a common publicity stunt, the credibility of the townsfolk in them is reduced. However, there are also scientifically confirmed facts that speak of the benefits of certain plant products not in the treatment, but in the prevention of cancer. One of these products can rightfully be called nuts:

  • Eating just 15 grams of nuts at least three times a week can significantly reduce your chances of developing colorectal cancer. This was stated by scientists from the Medical College, operating at the National University of Seoul. A group of researchers conducted an experiment in which the diet of approximately 3,000 subjects was studied. According to research results, it was possible to find out that eating nuts in small portions can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing the disease - by 69% in men and by 81% in women.
  • Daily consumption of walnuts reduces the risk of breast cancer. This conclusion was made by scientists from Marshall University. For a certain period of time, scientists fed nuts to pregnant female laboratory mice. The same diet was offered to rodents during the feeding of the brood. Mice that received all the elements contained in walnuts from the period of prenatal development turned out to be less prone to the appearance of malignant tumors. Based on this study, scientists recommend that women consume about 50 g of walnuts daily.
  • Cashews, almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, pistachios and pecans are great for pancreatic cancer prevention. This was stated by scientists at Harvard Medical School, who, together with researchers at the Brigham Women's Hospital, conducted a study in which almost 75,000 women participated. Based on the results obtained, scientists said that regular consumption of nuts reduces the risk of developing such a dangerous disease as pancreatic cancer.
  • Almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, and pistachios may reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer. Nuts, present in the diet of men at least five times a week, reduce the risk of disease by about 34%.

Nuts are constantly becoming the object of various scientific studies. And this is not strange, because the properties of this product are really unique. So, according to the results of the research:

  • By eating 30 g of nuts five times a week, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of developing heart and respiratory diseases, cancer and many other pathological conditions that are dangerous to health and life. And according to scientists from Harvard University, two handfuls of nuts a week for a woman provides the same health benefits as four hours of running evenly spread over 7 days.
  • Women who regularly include nuts in their diet look more slender and fit. Of course, nuts are high in calories. But, at the same time, they are quite nutritious and provide a feeling of satiety with minimal amounts of their consumption. In addition, approximately 10% of the calories of the unique plant product are not absorbed during digestion. It is also worth noting that nuts are able to speed up the metabolism, more than one and a half times the amount of fat burned.
  • By replacing carbohydrate-containing foods with nuts, you can achieve normalization of blood sugar levels. This was stated by scientists from Canada. According to the results of an experiment conducted on 450 subjects diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, only 56 g of nuts per day normalize the content of glycated hemoglobin and fasting blood glucose levels.
  • Nuts reduce the risk of heart disease. American scientists conducted a study in which more than 200 thousand volunteers took part. The subjects, in whose diet peanuts were present, were much less likely to develop diseases of the cardiovascular system.

So, as the encouraging results of studies show, the inclusion of nuts in the diet is the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases, and also serves as an excellent tool for general strengthening of the body.

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In this article, you will learn everything about the walnut, the benefits and harms to the human body, the composition, useful and medicinal properties for men, women and children in particular, as well as the nutritional value and calorie content of the walnut, its products - walnut oil and how it is useful, the use of the product in all areas - in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and much more.

From this article you will learn:

Walnut tree species Walnut belongs to the Walnut family. Júglans régia, this is how the name of this tree sounds in Latin. You can also find other Russian names for the nut: royal or Volosh.

Origin and history of the walnut

The walnut came to the territory of Kievan Rus from Greece, hence the name of the tree and the fruit. And in Greece, the nut was called Persian, since it was supplied from Persia. There was also a period of time when a walnut fruit was brought to Russia from the southern Romanian region of Wallachia. Then the nut was called Voloshsky.

According to ancient archaeological excavations, the nut was discovered in the caves of northern Iraq 8000 BC. And ancient Persia is considered the birthplace of the tree. On its territory, only members of the royal family could eat a tasty fruit. That is why the nut is sometimes also called royal.

The first written evidence of king nut are Mesopotamian clay tablets that existed 2000 BC. Mentions of the walnut are also found in Greek mythology: Dionysus turned his deceased beloved into a walnut tree.

The walnut in ancient Greece was highly valued, revered, considering it a sacred product and called it "food for the mind." He received this name for his amazing properties to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and all mental activity.

Another interesting name coined by the ancient Greeks is “acorns for the gods”. This name spoke of how holy and strongly the Greeks believed not only in its beneficial properties for the body, but how much they literally deified it, since the gods themselves ate it !!!

A very interesting fact - it was forbidden to eat "common people"! Its beneficial properties for strengthening the mind are so strong that the use of a walnut by ordinary people was punished very severely!

Habitat and countries of the walnut

The habitat of the plant is from the Balkans to China. It grows well and bears fruit in Ukraine, the Caucasus, and Moldova. The walnut tree can reach a height of up to 30 meters. The plant has a spreading, beautiful crown and a powerful trunk, the circumference of which is up to 7 meters. The leaves of the tree are large (up to 70 mm), the flowers are small, greenish. Leaves and flowers bloom at the same time.

At the moment, the largest manufacturers and suppliers to the world market are the USA, China, Ukraine, Turkey, Moldova, Romania, France, etc.

Walnut tree: botanical description of the plant

This tree is up to 25 meters high, from the Nut family, the species is a walnut (other names are Voloshsky walnut, royal walnut, Greek walnut, mahogany). It has a rather thick, powerful trunk, and its branches form a wide branched, very well developed large crown.

The walnut is a wind pollinated plant that flowers in May and begins to bear fruit at the age of 10 years. Trees are considered to be long-lived, some of them are up to 400 years old. Moreover, even at such a venerable age, the plant still bears fruit.

It tolerates drought well, which cannot be said about frost. For him, a frost of 25 degrees is already unbearable, therefore, as a rule, it grows well in a warm climate, where there is good, moist soil. Cultivated since very ancient times.

The fruits of the walnut tree are rather large one-seeded drupes, round-oval in shape, enclosed in a very hard woody shell, inside which the edible part of the nut is enclosed.


There are several varieties of fruits. They are distinguished by the chemical composition, shape, size, development of partitions, smell, taste, shell hardness and other indicators. The weight of each individual nut can reach 17 g, up to 60% of its weight falls on the kernel.

The walnut fruit ripens between August and October. As a rule, very productive trees, even if they are not looked after, can generously bear fruit on their own.

The royal nut fruit is three clearly distinguishable parts:

  • the kernel or seed has 2 cotyledons, is used for food;
  • the inner shell is called the walnut shell or endocarp, it is strong and consists of two halves tightly connected to each other. The lobes of the nucleoli inside the shell are separated by a membrane, which is thin and inedible;
  • the outer shell is called the pericarp, it is a fleshy skin with a specific smell, its function is to protect the nucleus. The unripe shell can also be eaten, it has a sour taste.

Man has learned to extract useful properties from each part.

Gardeners argue that nothing should be planted near walnuts, since their roots release toxic substances into the soil that adversely affect all plants growing nearby. So, for example, the distance between a tree and planted tomatoes should be at least 25 meters.

In ancient times, the walnut crop was harvested by hand: branches were shaken, a very long pole was used to knock down the fruit, and then they were picked up from the ground. At present, the process has been mechanized: some machines shake the plant, others collect them with vacuum pumps.

Physical properties and smell

The trunk of the tree is bright gray, the leaves and pericarps are rich green, the endocarps are pale brown, the cores can be either light or dark, depending on the variety. The taste of the kernel also varies depending on the variety: from bitter-sour to sweet. The fruit of the walnut is resistant to temperature extremes, the tree is resistant to pests and diseases. As a rule, the fruits of the plant are medium in size. They have a strong but thin shell and a thick, fibrous rind. When ripe, the peel dries up and bursts, thus, the stone separates by itself, but does not open. The kernel from the shell can be removed quite easily without harming its appearance.

The smell of royal walnut leaves is quite pleasant, although specific. In small doses, it is useful for the human body, and in large doses it can cause headaches and sleep disorders.

Walnut benefit and harm

Chemical composition: vitamins and trace elements in walnut

The leaves of the plant are rich in quinones, ascorbic acid, carotenoids, B vitamins, tannins, coffee, galusic, ellagic acid, and essential oils. Ellagic acid, by the way, prevents the formation of cancer cells. As part of the green pericarp, tannins and ascorbic acid are found. Nut kernels are a source of fatty oils, omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, vitamins K, A, B1-B6 and P, amino acids, carbohydrates, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron, potassium, selenium, folic and ascorbic acid. Moreover, the content of vitamin C in royal nuts is 50 (!) times more than in citrus fruits. Countless vitamins and trace elements make walnuts an indispensable product. Mankind has already managed to evaluate the benefits for the body that the Volosh nut carries. So what is the use of walnuts? More on this later.

  • Beta-carotene (vitamin A) - 0.06 mg.,
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1) - 0.5 mg.,
  • Riboflavin (vitamin B2) - 0.14 mg.,
  • Niacin (vitamin B3 or vitamin PP) - 1.2 mg.,
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 76 mcg.,
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - 4 mg.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E) - 24 mg.
  • Potassium -664 mg.,
  • Calcium - 123 mg.,
  • Sodium - 3 mg.,
  • Magnesium - 203 mg.,
  • Phosphorus - 556 mg.,
  • Iron - 2.4 mg.,
  • Manganese - 2.0 mg.,
  • Copper - 0.6 mg.,
  • Fluorine - 0.8 mg.,
  • Zinc - 2.6 mg.

Nutritional value and calories

The kernels of the plant have long been used as food. They are high in calories, since 10 grams of the product contains 500-600 calories. The nucleoli are distinguished by the presence in their composition of a high percentage of fat involved in fat metabolism. In addition, the product is rich in fiber and carbohydrates. It also contains the protein necessary for life.

100 grams of nuts contains:

  • Proteins - 16.2 grams,
  • Fats - 67 grams,
  • Carbohydrates - 10.1 grams,

They also contain water - 4.5 grams, ash - 2.2 grams, dietary fiber - 1.6 grams.

walnut calories

Calorie content in 100 grams of the product is approximately 635-650 kcal, depending on the variety of nuts. More oily varieties, respectively, are more nutritious and high in calories.

Walnut benefits and harm to the human body

Since ancient times, the surprisingly healthy fruit and its leaves have been used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. Walnut is actively used to this day.

Photo: walnut benefits and harm to the body

Useful properties of walnuts for men and women

The benefits of nuts for the body are highly valued for their rich vitamin composition, but in particular, nuts are highly recommended for women's health and reproduction, and honey with nuts is very popular among aphrodisiacs and male power, which even doctors prescribe to stimulate male hormones.

Its beneficial properties for women are difficult to convey in words. Nuts are especially useful for pregnant women. Doctors strongly recommend including this product in the diet of expectant mothers, albeit in small quantities. After all, do not forget that this is still a very high-calorie product.

Walnuts during pregnancy will saturate the body with fatty acids and even help in the formation of the fetal brain. After childbirth, women, as a rule, are puzzled by the restoration of the figure. Therefore, they are concerned about the question “how many walnuts can you eat per day, without sacrificing harmony?”. For these purposes, you should consume no more than 60 grams of the product per day. It happens that after childbirth a woman feels a lack of milk.

Royal nut is ready to help with breastfeeding. The lactation period is a rather specific time; a number of external and internal factors influence the quality and quantity of milk. Eating a nut kernel will improve the composition, fat content of milk, saturate the baby with nutrients, and also help increase the immunity of the mother and child.

On a note!

Do not forget that the product is the strongest allergen, so it should be introduced into the diet (especially during breastfeeding) with extreme caution. On the first day, you can start with half the kernel, and then increase the dose. But in any case, the daily rate should not exceed three cores.

The benefits of walnuts for men are also obvious. This was known in ancient times and the royal acorn was included in the diet of young men. He contributed to the harmonious formation and development of the male body. Zinc contained in the product normalizes the function of the gonads, prostate function and testosterone levels.

Regular consumption of a nut product will improve sexual life, increase potency, regulate the level of hormones in the blood, normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland, it is especially popular among men to use a kind of dope for male potency. The obvious question for men is the following: "How many walnuts can you eat per day?". To maintain vitality and excellent health, it is better for a man to eat up to 10 nuts a day.

The benefits of walnuts for children

For children, daily consumption of walnuts is recommended, since the product contributes to the full development and growth, aligns behavior in society, mood. This is especially true in the period of mental labor. As statistics show, children whose diet contains a nut treat have a higher concentration of attention, memory works better compared to those guys who do not regularly eat walnuts.

Photo: walnut benefits and harms for children

Pediatricians recommend starting to give nuts to children from the age of three, but not earlier. Why? Because it is still a fatty, heavy product for the stomach, which is difficult for them to digest. The digestive system of a child may simply not be able to cope with it, diarrhea, bloating and other unpleasant consequences will occur.


You should not abuse such a high-calorie treat for children prone to overweight. With caution, you need to give it to allergy sufferers. How much per day? It is better to start with one nut and look at the reaction of the child's body. Then you can increase the dosage to 30-40 grams, which the child will receive several times a week.

Medicinal properties of walnuts

The tree of life, as the walnut is also called, has a powerful healing power. The beneficial properties of the plant are used to treat various diseases. Nut delicacy is especially useful for the elderly, its wonderful composition helps to fight atherosclerosis. The use of the product will not interfere with heavy physical exertion, and postoperative patients, and people after a severe and prolonged illness.

The healing properties of walnuts are highly valued for various diseases and for general health promotion:

  1. Walnuts prevent the appearance of cancer cells in the body, reduce the risk of developing breast and prostate cancer, and even slow down the growth of a cancerous tumor by about 50%.
  2. Nut food is indispensable in the treatment of heart disease and cardiovascular pathologies. Perfectly cleanses the blood, blood vessels, relieving them of layers of cholesterol, making their walls flexible and elastic. The product prevents the formation of blood clots, lowers cholesterol, reduces inflammation, improves heart rate, reduces the number of vascular adhesions, and improves the condition of blood vessels. People who regularly consume royal acorn have a minimum chance of dying as a result of a heart attack. Cardiologists strongly recommend that people with diseases of the cardiovascular system eat a handful of nuts up to four times a week. Of course, in the absence of contraindications.
  3. Increases immunity. It contains a huge amount of vitamins, including vitamin C, so it is recommended to include it in your diet in the autumn-spring period, with beriberi, loss of strength, exhaustion.
  4. Volosh nut is a powerful antioxidant, helps fight depression, has calming properties, so it is used for disorders of the nervous system, overwork, frequent stress, irritation, apathy, depression, loss of joy in life. The composition of the product was found melatonin, which contributes to the normalization of sleep. Therefore, if you eat a little nut in the evening, you can sleep like a baby. In addition, the product allows you to adjust biorhythms. This is especially true for people who work night shifts and those who travel frequently and change time zones. Melatonin is produced by the human brain, but after 40 years, the production of the hormone decreases, the body ages. Delicious gifts of nature will allow the level of the hormone to normalize.
  5. Consumption of the product supports healthy brain function, improves memory, increases attention and learning skills, promotes excellent concentration, good memorization of new information. Therefore, it is also called food for the mind. The external similarity of the walnut kernel with the human brain was noted.
  6. Scientists have proven the positive effect of walnuts on lowering insulin levels. Therefore, the product is required in the diet of people suffering from type 2 diabetes. They need to eat a quarter of a glass of peeled kernels daily on an empty stomach.
  7. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, is necessary for anemia.
  8. The strongest aphrodisiac, increases male potency, significantly improves the quality of sperm. These properties of a walnut - to strengthen men's health - have been known since very ancient times.
  9. Significantly improves the functioning of the intestines, cleanses it of "blockages", thanks to the coarse fibrous fiber contained in the composition, which, like a "broom", sweeps everything unnecessary to the "exit".
  10. Relieves dysbacteriosis, constipation, bloating after eating.
  11. Normalizes the work of the stomach, pancreas, qualitatively improves the enzymatic composition of gastric juice. Promotes good digestion.
  12. It is able to actively remove inflammation from the internal organs, improve their work, improve all their functions. Useful for diseases of the liver, gallbladder, spleen, kidneys.
  13. Lowers blood sugar levels. For this purpose, not walnut kernels are used, but partitions contained inside the kernels. They insist on vodka or alcohol and are used to lower blood sugar inside.
  14. It has the ability to “accelerate” the general metabolism, and a person feels vigorous, healthy, full of strength and energy.
  15. It is extremely necessary for gaining muscle mass during weight training, as it contains a significant percentage of protein in its composition.
  16. Recommended by nutritionists for those who are in the recovery period after surgery, serious illnesses.
  17. Walnuts are absolutely indispensable for the growing body of children, as well as for pregnant and lactating women.
  18. A significant positive effect of this nut on the functioning of the entire endocrine system, including reproductive functions, has been noted.

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Medical use and dosage forms with walnut

The revealed medicinal properties of walnuts prompted people to use the plant for the manufacture of various medicines (tinctures, decoctions, teas).

  • Walnut partitions can be used to make tea for prostatitis and ovarian cysts. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of partitions with a glass of boiling water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat.
    In folk medicine, it is used for various serious diseases. In addition, the partitions contain a shock portion of iodine, so tincture of walnut membranes can be used to treat iodine deficiency. Its composition is extremely simple: pour a quarter cup of partitions with a glass of vodka. Infuse the composition in a dark place for 10 days, shaking it occasionally.
  • fresh walnut leaves- an excellent wound healing, vitamin remedy, used for compresses and wound healing. They need to be applied to wounds for their speedy healing. An infusion of the leaves can be taken internally for diarrhea, scrofula, atherosclerosis, menstrual irregularities, and a general breakdown. Locally, this infusion is recommended for use in diseases of the oral mucosa, gum disease. The simplest recipe for making an infusion of walnut leaves is as follows: pour a teaspoon of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, insist for an hour, strain.
  • walnut shell used to treat skin diseases: eczema, lichen and others. To do this, prepare a decoction, which will need to be added to the water while taking a bath. The composition of the decoction: 300 gr of shells, 1 liter of boiling water. Pour boiling water over the shell, cook for 20 minutes over low heat, let the composition brew for 3-4 hours, then strain.
    Also, crushed nutshells are used to make all kinds of scrubs for the face and body, where it acts as an excellent exfoliant for deep cleansing of the skin. It is also used for other industrial purposes.
  • green nuts are also used in treatment, various medicines and medicinal tinctures are made from them, and Todikamp tincture on green nuts is the most famous in the world, which has been used since ancient times and even saved soldiers in World War II.
  • Tincture from milk nut kernels it is also recommended to use it for peptic ulcer and diarrhea. To do this, you need to clean 30 nuts, grind and pour them with a liter of alcohol, then let it brew for a couple of weeks and strain the resulting tincture.
  • walnut juice also very useful and popular in folk medicine like !
  • Nut food supplement. To cleanse the vessels, you can prepare a deliciously delicious food supplement recipe: mix honey, chopped nuts, lemon juice, add raisins. It should be taken three times a day before meals.

Green walnuts are no less healthy and tasty, but as a rule, when they are cleaned, dark spots remain on the hands, which are very difficult to get rid of. This indicates the saturated presence of iodine in them.

Video: walnut benefits and harms

Walnut oil: obtaining and using

The most valuable walnut oil is pressed from the edible part of the fruit. It is considered one of the most expensive. It is obtained by pressing from the kernels in several stages:

  • on the first one, they take a walnut, separate the kernels, grind them, the processed mass is cold pressed, and the cake is separated. In this way, up to 35% of oil is obtained, which has a beautiful straw color, a delicious smell and a pleasant taste.
  • on the second - they take the remaining cake and again subject it to pressing, but already hot. Up to 15% of walnut oil is extracted in this way. It turns out to be dark yellow in color, inferior to cold-pressed oil in taste, but it also contains useful properties. After pressing the oil, the remaining cake is considered a very valuable product, as it contains up to 43% protein and up to 12% fat, depending on the variety of the nut. It is used in culinary business for the preparation of halva, gozinaki.

Photo: walnut oil

Used in cooking, in painting, in the manufacture of varnishes, carcasses, in the cosmetics industry. But oil from the walnut fruit is especially actively used in cosmetology for the manufacture of soap, as part of many face and body skin care products, for hair, face and body skin care, to strengthen nails, and for women's personal hygiene.

In addition, a valuable product is used in the treatment of various diseases: tuberculosis, thyroid gland, hepatitis, problems with the cardiovascular system. It helps pregnant women get rid of toxicosis.

When applied externally, the oil can fight various skin diseases, arthritis. The benefits and harms of its use are determined individually in each case.

The use of walnuts in cosmetology

In the cosmetic industry and in home skin care products, in beauty salon rejuvenation procedures, this nut is quite highly appreciated. Its leaves, bark, fruits (including shells) are used.

In cosmetology, as a rule, royal walnut oil is used. The unique beneficial properties of the product are used to treat skin and hair.

Photo: the use of walnuts in cosmetology

Nut oil is able to heal the skin of the face, improve its condition and appearance. It moisturizes, softens, tones the dermis, restores lost elasticity, gives radiance and freshness. Walnut oil is a great solution for inflamed and sensitive skin. It effectively heals small scratches and wounds, treats psoriasis, acne, eczema. You can use walnut oil as a night cream, as part of masks in combination with other oils (for example, olive, almond). Walnut essence has amazing properties for mature skin, helps to get rid of deep wrinkles, the most effective remedy for dark circles under the eyes.

Walnut oil is a valuable product used for hair care. It accelerates their growth, strengthens the roots, restores damaged areas, improves color.

Also, royal acorn oil is a component of some anti-cellulite products. The product is especially appreciated for the fact that it has practically no contraindications and can be used for any skin type.

Walnut benefits and harms: in cooking

The nut kernel is a valuable food product in the culinary industry. It is a versatile ingredient that adds a savory flavor to both sweet and savory dishes. To reveal all the taste qualities, walnuts are recommended to be fried. Most often, the product is used to prepare all kinds of desserts. Cooks like to add chopped nuts to roasted vegetables and meat, to salads, boiled rice and couscous, to chicken dishes. In addition, chefs skillfully prepare cocktails and sauces from the nut kernel.

Separately, it is worth noting the use of nut oil in cooking. Being a valuable dietary product, it allows you to fight excess weight and at the same time adds an exquisite taste and aroma to many dishes: fresh vegetable salad, oriental and French cuisine and others, various desserts and jams.

Photo: the use of walnuts in cooking

On a note!

On our website in the culinary section you can find a wide variety of recipes with nuts, cook and experiment at your discretion, because the benefits and taste of nuts are undeniable.

Contraindications and norms of consumption per day (day)

Contraindications to the use and use of walnut are peptic ulcer, obesity, intestinal disorders, hypertension, atherosclerosis, increased blood clotting. Sometimes there is an allergic reaction to the product, but all this is individual. In any case, you should not exceed the daily intake of a delicious treat.

When to limit the number of nuts you eat per day

  • With obesity.
  • With poor digestion.
  • For severe constipation.

How many nuts can you eat per day without harm

Everything is very individual. The advice of your doctor is necessary if you have a chronic disease, especially in the acute stage.

The usual serving for a healthy adult is one handful of nucleoli. This is about 3-5 pieces.

What happens if you eat more nuts

If you exceed the norm of eating nuts, then digestion is disturbed, heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, gases, nausea, and belching appear. First of all, the liver and pancreas begin to suffer very much.

Which nuts should not be eaten

Growing walnuts at home

There are several ways to grow a royal acorn at home:

  • seedlings;
  • seeds.

The plant is completely unpretentious in care, so it can be safely grown in the country or in the garden. It is recommended to plant seeds in soil, straw or sawdust, this can be done even at home. For this, the Volosh nut is laid out on the seam. Planting strong walnut seedlings is best done in the spring season.

Collection, preparation and storage of walnuts

Harvested manually or mechanically from August to October.
Unpeeled (in shell) nuts are stored longer than peeled, until the next harvest. The main condition is the dryness of the room, good ventilation, coolness. Stored in cloth bags.

Peeled nuts are stored in a tightly closed jar in the refrigerator. They should not be stored for more than one month.

When buying an unpeeled product, you should pay attention to the surface of the shell, namely the absence of cracks, holes, dark spots on it, and its weight. A good fruit should not be light, wet and empty inside. You need to store it in a cool, dry place for up to 6-8 months.

When purchasing nut kernels, it is better to give preference to a large light product with a pleasant smell. Peeled walnuts are recommended to be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator (no more than six months) or in the freezer (no more than a year).

Try these natural quality nuts and stay healthy!!

A nutritious core under a hard shell is the main feature by which nuts were bred into a separate group of fruits. Nutritionists recommend not trying to determine the most useful nuts, because in many ways the composition of their edible parts is duplicated. It is better to learn how to choose a quality product and properly introduce it into the diet. Following a few simple rules will diversify the menu with very useful products. They will help to solve many problems and will not bring any harm to the body.

The composition and properties of nuts

Thanks to observations, even ancient people realized that a person can live for a long time by eating only nuts. They even began to apply this knowledge for health benefits, arranging unloading "nut" days. In those days, products of plant origin were mandatory in the diet of athletes, warriors and scientists. The beneficial properties of nuts, established back in those distant times, are easily explained by their rich and balanced chemical composition:

  • Minerals. Regardless of the type of product, it contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese and copper. Without these elements, the course of chemical reactions, which are the basis of biological processes, is impossible.
  • Vitamins. Nuts are famous for their high content of B vitamins and tocopherol (). The former contribute to the establishment of metabolic processes and stimulate the brain. The second acts as an antioxidant and anti-aging agent. In addition, each type of nuts contains vitamins characteristic of it, sometimes very rare and necessary for health.
  • Carbohydrates. Substances thanks to which the glory of natural energy has been fixed for this plant product.
  • Squirrels. In some nuts, their volume can be up to 25%. Compounds of plant origin are absorbed by the body more easily and more completely than their animal counterpart. But it is thanks to them that the body gets the opportunity to synthesize new tissues in the required volume.
  • Alimentary fiber. Contained in products in a volume sufficient to start cleansing the intestines, but not enough to create an excessive load on the digestive organs.
  • Fatty acid. These substances contribute to the normalization of lipid metabolism, which improves blood composition and normalizes the state of blood vessels. Despite the obvious fat content, nuts do not contain cholesterol, which reduces the quality of absorption of vitamins.

The question of whether nuts are useful for adults and children does not even arise today. When used correctly, they can bring as many positive results as fruit does not bring. It is only necessary to understand the features of their selection, use and storage.

Benefits of nuts for the body

The benefits and harms of nuts directly depend on the correctness of their use. If you include plant foods in your diet on an ongoing basis, but do not abuse it, you can count on the following consequences:

  • Products will allow you to start controlling your appetite. Nutritious foods that serve as a snack, snack, or one of the ingredients of a dish contribute to faster satiety. Reducing the volume of food consumed has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys, liver, and heart.

Tip: People who maintain strict diets with the obligatory exclusion of fat often show symptoms of beriberi. This is due to the fact that fats are necessary for the absorption of a number of vitamins. In order not to be afraid of such consequences, you can include some nuts in your diet. This will not affect the results of the diet, but it will save you from unnecessary problems.

  • The benefits of nuts for the body in old age are great. Products remove harmful cholesterol, which contributes to the normalization of blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Men, including products in their menu, can count on the stabilization of reproductive function. Nuts improve potency and reduce the risk of prostate inflammation.
  • Parents should know how nuts are good for children. Substances in their composition stimulate more active cell renewal and growth. This allows the child to develop without delay in the physical and intellectual sphere.
  • By stimulating the work of blood vessels, food components develop memory, help to concentrate.
  • The benefits of nuts for women is to stabilize the hormonal background. The presence of an affordable and tasty product in the diet will allow you not to suffer from PMS, pain during menstruation, and even smooth out the symptoms of menopause.

Finally, you can simply get gastronomic pleasure from nuts. According to nutritionists, if you consume up to 70-80 g of walnut kernels per day, you will be able to satisfy the body's need for "delicious" and not worry about the state of the figure. True, there are exceptions to this rule, due to the individual susceptibility of individuals.

Harm and danger

Talking about the benefits and harms of nuts for the body always begins with determining their calorie content. Regardless of the type of product, this is a very high figure. This is good if you need to make up for energy costs in a short time. But it is the high calorie content of products that is the main factor determining their potential danger.

  • Overeating nuts threatens with serious negative consequences for the human body. First of all, this can lead to a strong increase in the liver. The organ responsible for filtering everything that enters the digestive tract, under such a load, will begin to grow rapidly, trying to cope with its duties.
  • People often have allergies, in which even one small nut can lead to critical consequences.
  • Nuts are still a heavy food, so you should not use them with reduced functionality of the digestive organs. They will be slowly digested, creating an additional burden on problem areas.
  • Ingestion of products with mold or simply low-quality products can lead to the development of oncology.

Sometimes the benefits and harms of nuts depend on the characteristics of the human body. Some of them quickly and fully saturate, feel a surge of strength and increased brain activity. Others immediately after taking them begin to complain of fatigue, drowsiness and discomfort.

Today, nuts can be found in markets, grocery stores and even ordinary stalls. They are sold in the shell, in a purified form, and even already packaged in bags. In order not to make a mistake when buying, you should follow these rules:

  1. It is better to give preference to raw products in the shell. This will allow you to dry them yourself, according to all the rules. Still, such nuts are stored much longer and do not require the creation of specific conditions of detention.
  2. Peeled nuts packaged in plastic bags are often of poor quality. If you had to buy them, you need to eat blanks within 1-3 days. After the package is opened, they will begin to deteriorate rapidly.
  3. Shake the nuts before buying. If the elements rattle, their contents are dry and unusable. Several copies should be opened. Having found at least one bad one, you must stop buying products from a particular batch.
  4. Quality nuts have a clean and smooth shell without dents, cracks or stains. They exude a pleasant, characteristic aroma for the species and do not stain hands.

A dry and cool place is perfect for storing nuts, regardless of whether they are whole products or only edible kernels. Linen bags are the best for packaging. Every month, their contents should be sorted out, and the cloth products themselves should be changed. In the refrigerator, peeled kernels are stored for no more than a month, in the freezer - up to 6 months. Salted nuts spoil much faster, so it’s generally better not to buy them with a margin.

Types of nuts and their features

To the question of which nuts are the most useful, nutritionists unequivocally answer - everything. Depending on the taste requests and what results you want to get, you can give preference to one of the most popular types of products:

  • Nutritious and tasty product. In the case of men, it increases potency. Children from several cores become calmer. Women who include the product in their diet get rid of excess fluid in the body, which helps to cope with cellulite.

  • An excellent remedy for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines. It also helps to get rid of rheumatism and kidney stones. For children, hazelnuts are prescribed for anemia.

  • This product helps to restore the amount of amino acids in the body. It also stimulates brain activity and normalizes hormonal levels.

  • Stimulates the natural cleansing of the body through a mild laxative effect. The component oil relieves headaches of various etiologies.

  • Peanut. Increases immunity by saturating body tissues with antioxidants. It is worth considering that roasted peanuts are several times healthier than raw ones.

  • A natural energy drink that is recommended for regular physical and mental stress.

  • Just a few nuts satisfy hunger, while saturating the body with minerals and vitamins.

Today, nut mixes are becoming more and more popular, but nutritionists believe that it is better not to mix different types of products with each other. Such experiments can cause indigestion, an allergic reaction, or the development of other unpleasant side effects.

It is difficult to find a person who would not know how useful nuts are. Indeed, doctors and even nutritionists distinguish this product from others. What are the healthiest nuts? Or do they all have unique properties? What nuts do you need to eat to always stay young, and which ones are useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels? Let's try to figure this out.

What are the benefits of nuts

Trading counters are now just full of a variety of nuts - from the usual walnuts to very exotic Brazilian ones. One thing is obvious: this product is simply necessary in the human diet, because any nut has a lot of useful properties.

At the same time, each representative of this product has its own unique qualities, thanks to which it is “prescribed” for certain problems or simply to maintain health. So what are the benefits of nuts?

  1. It is simply a storehouse of minerals and vitamins necessary for the human body to function well. In this, all kinds of nuts are several times ahead of fruits.
  2. Nuts are healthy plant-based fats. Accordingly, a person who uses them may not be afraid of the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels.
  3. Vegetarians introduce nuts into their diet instead of meat, because they contain the "ideal protein" - a great alternative to animal protein.
  4. Despite the high calorie content, nuts are a product that is appreciated by nutritionists. Studies have shown that, due to the structure of the fetus we are considering, the calories contained in it are not fully absorbed. In addition, omega-3 acids will help to cope with sugar cravings during the diet.
  5. The ability of nuts to remove toxins from the body makes them an indispensable product for people who want to maintain youthfulness and vigor of the body.
  6. This is the product that is allowed to be eaten in the evening and consumed as snacks. They quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger.
  7. Unique properties remain in them for a long time.
  8. To beat depression, eat nuts. It has been proven that they contain substances that help to cope with stress and nervous tension.
  9. It is also useful to eat nuts for people engaged in mental work, because this is an excellent nourishment for the brain.
  10. Doctors from various fields offer their patients to eat these gifts of nature, because they help regulate the work of various body systems - from the cardiovascular to the respiratory.
  11. Known for the benefits of nuts and cosmetologists. Since ancient times, almond, cedar, and walnut oils have helped women preserve their beauty, make their skin soft and supple.

The benefits of walnut

The walnut is perhaps the most famous and popular of all. Its place of growth is the Caucasus, it is cultivated in the Crimea, and in Central Asia, as well as in Moldova. Interestingly, not only the kernels of nuts are useful, but also the peel, and even the leaves. Both young and already ripened fruits are suitable for consumption.

By the way, these are the most useful nuts for those people who want to cope with high blood cholesterol levels. Their use will not only prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques, but will also help cleanse the blood of existing ones.

The walnut, even reminiscent of the human brain, seems to hint at the fact that it helps to improve mental activity. This is true: it is strongly recommended to people of intellectual labor.

And the complex of trace elements and minerals contained in it strengthens the human body during epidemics and after illness. The calorie content of a walnut does not exceed 680 kcal.

What are the benefits of cashews

Cashews are another nut with many health benefits. "Food of Joy" is what they call it in India. If you are afraid of gaining extra pounds by eating nuts, then cashews are just for you, because they contain the least amount of calories - only 643 units. per 100 grams.

In addition to the properties characteristic of all nuts, cashews have their own unique qualities.

The ability of this type of nuts to support immunity is especially distinguished. In addition, the potassium contained in it has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, strengthening it.

Helps cashews and improve blood composition. In addition to the anti-sclerotic effect that many nuts have, cashews increase iron levels and positively affect hemoglobin levels.

The fact that these nuts help to cope with a toothache was also noticed by the Indians: they smeared the diseased areas with cashew paste - and the pain receded. More recently, this fact has been scientifically proven: these nuts really help relieve toothache.

For people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system, doctors strongly recommend using cashews - these are the most useful nuts for patients with pharyngitis, bronchitis, and asthma. And all thanks to the strengthening effect of the product.

It is worth remembering that eating raw cashews is very dangerous for the body, because the layer between the shell and the kernel differs in the content of cardol. The latter, upon contact with the skin and mucous membranes, can cause severe burns and even pulmonary edema. You can only eat roasted cashews.

Almond - female nut

Almonds are very useful for people suffering from beriberi and general weakness, for example, after illnesses. Nut kernels, which have a spicy taste, should be included in your diet for people with heart and vascular diseases.

Minerals and nutrients are balanced in almonds in such a special way that they will certainly help cleanse not only the kidneys with urolithiasis, but also the vessels and hepatic ducts.

Since ancient times, women who did not have enough breast milk used almond milk. For its preparation, the nut was insisted on cow's milk in a special way and filtered. According to its composition, this product easily replaced breast milk.

Hazelnuts protect the body from cancer

Like other nuts, hazelnuts have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: it makes the myocardium stronger, cleanses the blood of cholesterol, and improves its composition. Among other things, hazelnuts have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels. It is recommended for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, as well as other vascular diseases.

If you want to prevent cancer, include this nut in your diet. Hazelnuts will also help in the treatment of this terrible disease: the recently discovered substance paclitaxel in it is able to defeat cancer cells. Hazelnuts contain a large amount of antioxidants that perfectly remove free radicals. They will also help to keep the youth of the whole organism.

Shown hazelnuts and to cleanse the body of toxins. It is indispensable for people engaged in heavy physical work, because it fights fatigue well, including chronic fatigue. This is explained by the high content of potassium with calcium and sodium. These same elements have a positive effect on the nervous system, soothe, save from overexcitation.

Pine nuts: useful kids

Pine nuts are not nuts in our usual sense, but just the seeds of the Siberian cedar pine. They got their name thanks to the cooks. However, in their composition, these nuts are not inferior to other nuts: they also consist of more than half of very healthy vegetable fats, contain ideal protein and a large amount of vitamins and trace elements.

Pine nuts are champions in the content of B vitamins. In addition, they also contain vitamins E, K, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. These small storehouses of useful substances are used not only in cooking, they are used to produce cosmetic oil - an excellent antioxidant that allows you to preserve youth.

Expectant mothers should also take a closer look at pine nuts, because they contain arginine - a very useful substance for the successful development of the baby.

Pine nuts are the most useful nuts for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The grated cake and shells from them are used as a remedy for urolithiasis and liver problems. Taking a bath with cake from pine nuts will help alleviate the condition of a patient with arthritis.

Fruit from the tree of life - pistachio

Pistachios, or happiness nuts, as they are called in China, are not only tasty, but also very healthy nuts. It is not for nothing that in the countries of the East the pistachio tree is called the tree of life.

We already know that nuts prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques and reduce the level of bad cholesterol, but still the champion in this matter is pistachio. But this is not its only useful quality, there are a lot of them.

In cosmetology, pistachio oil is used - it has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes the skin well.

Groundnut, or peanut

Peanuts are a plant in the legume family. Its widespread use is due to the high nutritional value of this product. Peanuts are used to make both frying oil and pasta, and they are also used in confectionery. Surprisingly, glue is boiled from it, wool and soap are made. This is such a nut!

As for the benefits, peanuts are recommended for heart disease, atherosclerosis, nervous disorders, fatigue and insomnia. It also has a choleretic property. The ability of this nut to remove free radicals and slow down the aging of the body has been scientifically proven by scientists.

People with diabetes should use peanuts with caution. Fried is especially dangerous, but raw - these are the most useful nuts for them, because they normalize blood sugar levels.

You should be very careful when choosing peanuts, because damp, it can become moldy and thereby cause serious damage to the body.

Useful exotic: brazil nuts

Recently, previously unknown nuts, for example, Brazilian nuts, began to appear on the shelves. Those who managed to try it unequivocally appreciated the beneficial effect of exotic fruits on the body. Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, which not only has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, but is also a prophylactic against colon, lung and breast cancer.

This nut can be given to children because it is easy to digest due to its high fiber content. Brazil nuts are highly recommended for people with thyroid problems. To experience the beneficial effects of this nut, it is enough to eat 1-2 things a day.

Obviously, all nuts have a lot of useful properties. You need to choose the most useful of them for yourself according to your taste preferences and those unique qualities that each species is rich in to a greater extent.

We love nuts for their rich natural taste. We rarely think about what benefits a handful of nuts will bring to the body.

First of all, it is a product rich in biological substances. This is a great snack - hearty and healthy. Also, nuts can be an addition to various dishes, they are also used in traditional medicine. Each type of nuts has its own unique composition, which will be discussed below. But all of them are a source of an almost complete spectrum of vitamins (especially E), as well as iron, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Nuts contain an abundance of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which is why they have long been considered not the most useful product, after all. And then they proved that just this kind of fatty acids is essential for the body, for example, for the excellent functioning of the brain, or for the prevention of heart disease. Omega-3s reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and rejuvenate the body. Since there are not so many products where omega-3 is contained in tangible amounts (nuts and seeds, natural vegetable oils and sea fish), nuts should not be neglected as a component of the daily diet.

The benefits and harms of nuts needs to be well measured. As a result, it turns out that the harm lies almost in the individual intolerance of certain varieties of nuts. And the benefits can be listed for a very long time:

  • lowering blood pressure and normalizing blood flow due to the expansion of blood vessels;
  • conversion of carbohydrates and fats into energy produced by the body (due to the high content of magnesium);
  • normalization of body weight;
  • improvement of the cardiovascular system, neutralization of bad cholesterol, prevention of heart attacks, atherosclerosis and angina pectoris;
  • decrease in blood glucose levels;
  • improving well-being in women during menopause;
  • destruction of free radicals and prevention of premature aging;
  • beauty and health of skin, nails and hair (due to the high content of vitamin E);
  • restoration of strength after illness or due to stress;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of brain function;
  • normalization of sexual function;
  • cancer prevention.

And, of course, nuts should be eaten in moderation, because their abuse, like any other natural and healthy products, can play a bad joke. Eat a handful of nuts every day, change the selected varieties, and you will be healthy.

More about popular types

Each variety of nuts has a large supply of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Let's talk about the most popular nuts in our markets.

Among the useful properties:

  • blood cleansing,
  • cleansing the bile duct and liver,
  • choleretic action,
  • removal of sand from the kidneys,
  • lowering blood sugar (suitable for diabetes),
  • promotes weight loss
  • increases concentration and improves memory,
  • reduces nervous excitability,
  • appropriate for sleep disorders,
  • potency improvement.

The benefit of the nut is that it:

  • increases blood clotting,
  • helps to cope with cardiovascular diseases,
  • strengthens the protective properties of the body,
  • prevents malignant transformation of cells,
  • prevents premature aging.

This composition of hazelnuts makes it useful for:

  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases,
  • activation of the immune properties of the body,
  • calming nerves and counteracting stress,
  • potency increase,
  • treatment of varicose veins and other capillary diseases.

The benefits of cashews are manifested:

  • with anemia,
  • during pregnancy
  • during the women
  • with diseases of the teeth and oral cavity,
  • with cardiovascular diseases,
  • lowering cholesterol in the blood,
  • anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Among the useful qualities:

  • powerful antioxidant,
  • rids the body of decay products, toxins and microbes,
  • has anti-cancer properties
  • prevents premature aging of the body,
  • normalizes blood sugar levels,
  • improvement of mood and a surge of energy due to the content of the hormone of joy serotonin.

You don't have to eat brazil nuts. Its benefits will be pronounced after 3-4 nuts are eaten per day. In addition, the Brazil nut is a strong allergen. It may also contain radium. If you eat a few nuts a day, then it is safe, and more is better not to risk it.

The benefits of pine nuts are listed as follows:

  • tonic,
  • normalization of the function of the nervous and circulatory system,
  • improving health in diseases of the kidneys and bladder,
  • very useful for children and pregnant women,
  • useful in allergic conditions and immunodeficiency.

The body needs walnuts:

  • with diseases of the heart and blood vessels of the brain,
  • with diseases of the liver and kidneys,
  • with diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • in diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • to improve memory,
  • to normalize the function of the nervous system.

What is the right way to eat nuts?

It would seem that it could be easier than to gobble up a couple of handfuls of nuts on both cheeks. And if pistachios yes with beer? What if the peanuts are fried? And if the hazel has ugly, then overeat with nuts? There are several typical mistakes in eating nuts, which we will warn you against in this section.

If in a few words, then the benefits and harms of nuts although not measurable in scale, they are in the quantity and quality of the product eaten. Fried or raw? Salted? What products to combine them with and in what quantity?

  • Only not fried - during roasting, the shelf life of nuts increases, but the number of useful properties in them decreases. Enjoy the natural taste of unroasted nuts, they are easier to find in the market than in the supermarket.
  • No more than a handful per day - nuts are a very satisfying and not easily digested product in the stomach. In addition to the fact that they can provoke allergies, they also cause discomfort, heaviness in the stomach. The benefits and harms of nuts"go hand in hand", do not cross the line. The daily dose of nutrients is already contained in a handful of nuts, well, a maximum of two!
  • An ideal healthy combination of nuts - with dried fruits, fresh vegetables and herbs, as well as bananas, apples and pears. Do not pair nuts with other heavy foods, nor is it the best solution to add nuts to oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Nuts for breakfast are too heavy, but for an afternoon snack they are perfect. In general, it is better to eat nuts in a vegetable salad for lunch - so do not load the body in the morning and do not add work to it in the afternoon. If you choose a dessert with nuts, then it should be preceded by a light vegetable salad, and not a heavy hearty lunch.
  • It is important to chew nuts well, and give preference to a moderate amount of this product in the morning or at least until 4 pm.
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