Is it possible to protein during fasting. Exercising in Lent: How to Ensure Adequate Nutrition

Not all athletes are atheists. Some athletes observe a religious fast, implying moderate abstinence from entertainment, drink, food and physical intimacy. Sport, leading to the weariness of the body, is a charitable deed. Everyone chooses the measure of forgiveness for himself. It is important for the Lord what benefit the soul receives from abstinence, and not how much and what a person ate. Abstinence from food, which passes without prayer, is not fasting, but a regular diet.

Nutrition for athletes in fasting

great post lasts 40 days. These days you can not eat meat, dairy and fish products and also eggs. You can drink wine, but not get drunk. In other words, during fasting, prudence and reasonableness are needed. But how to make up for the athlete's energy costs during Orthodox Lent to think about God and not about food.

The difficulty of observing Great Lent is that it falls in the spring, when the body is already weakened by beriberi. There is only one thing left - to include in the diet fresh vegetables and fruits. A diet devoid of cottage cheese, eggs, fish, meat and poultry is a lack of intake of amino acids, including essential ones. The consequences of this may appear as constant fatigue, deterioration of mood, decrease in immunity, as well as a decrease in stress resistance.

This means that it is necessary to include in the diet products containing valuable vegetable proteins, such as mushrooms, seeds, nuts, cereals, soybeans. They are less valuable biologically, but during the period of fasting they are able to support the body of an athlete. Vegetable proteins are not fully digested. If albumin chicken egg absorbed by 100%, then the protein plant origin by 50%. The indicator of the amount of protein in terms of a dry product speaks in favor of plant products:

  • peas - 22.4%;
  • beef - 20%;
  • lentils - 27.6%;
  • cottage cheese - from 9 to 18%.

Comparing the amino acid composition of different vegetable proteins, then in terms of usefulness, soy proteins are in the first place, and lentils are in the second place. The best option- usage different sources vegetable protein, for example, a combination of cereals, legumes, as well as milk and cereals. During fasting, you can include coconut and soy milk in the diet. After cooking, the proteins are denatured, which makes them easier to digest. An exception may be celiac disease, which is expressed in intolerance to vegetable protein. With such a diagnosis, you will have to abandon cereals containing gluten: barley, rye, wheat.

Athlete's diet during fasting

To prevent:

  • hunger from low-calorie food;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • poisoning with ketone compounds from excess fatty foods,

athletes must follow the following recommendations concerning diet during fasting:

It can be:

  1. Consume products with high content protein and calorie density.
    • bananas (1 g of protein and 120 kcal per 100 g of product);
    • broccoli (5 g protein) and other green vegetables;
    • dried fruits;
  2. Fruit can be used to make smoothies and purees. Drinks will saturate the body with additional calories and will be effectively absorbed.
  3. Regulate fat intake - maximum tsp. vegetable oil or 2 tbsp. l. seeds or nuts per 1000 kcal from food.
  4. Instead of white bread, it is worth switching to bran. For cereals, it is also better to take whole grain cereals, and not their crushed versions.
  5. Laminaria or seaweed will relieve vitamin deficiency B12. It normalizes the work of the heart, helps with concentration, and increases efficiency.
  6. Instead of tea and coffee, it is better to drink dried fruit compote. This is an opportunity to get valuable minerals and vitamins, alimentary fiber, without which the activity of athletes is impossible.

Protein in the post

They can become a lifesaver. Well-known manufacturers have similar complexes with a complete set of amino acids. They allow you to continue building muscle mass, feel a surge of strength and quickly recover from intense workouts. Along with amino acid cocktails, vitamin complexes should also be taken. Those who want to lose weight can take 20 minutes before physical activity. He is responsible for delivery. fatty acids in the myocardium and skeletal muscles. Helps burn fat while you work out.

Of the protein products, they are included in the diet and, which, of course, is inferior to the egg and whey counterparts. But from the amino acids that enter the blood after splitting soy protein, the body can build muscular framework. The metabolism will improve. Muscles will receive additional relief. Subcutaneous fat is oxidized.

Great replacement sunflower oil will be, the most valuable source of a complex of unsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins.

May be useful for fasting athletes, vegetarians, and those allergic to animal proteins.

Restriction in the diet of some products does not mean that you can eat the allowed ones as much as you like. Measure in everything is the main condition of fasting. The way out of it should also be reasonable, you should not eat everything indiscriminately and in huge volumes.

And then clarity of mind will come, purification will occur, but not to the detriment of the athlete's toiled body.

But, as you know, fasting is not shown to everyone. So, the canonical books themselves say that it is actually forbidden for pregnant women and sick people to fast. It is worth beingware of young fragile organisms and the elderly.

Fasting is contraindicated in any disease. That is why it is said that old people do not need to fast. Old age is always one or the other chronic diseases. And in this case, fasting is like avoiding traditional food- causes a recurrence of these diseases, deterioration. It negatively affects digestion, liver, kidneys. Fasting is also contraindicated for children. It is a growing organism that needs constant nourishment. Its absence can lead to a delay in the development of the musculoskeletal system and other problems of growth and development.

But here is the paradox: fasting is not always shown to perfectly healthy young people. In particular, when we are talking about the constant stress of the big city and serious physical exertion.

Even if we are talking about completely healthy people, without chronic diseases, without infections like the flu, anyway, during fasting, heavy physical activity, in particular in the gym, is contraindicated. During the fast, there are completely hungry days, there are days of dry eating, and activities on these days exhaust the body, can cause problems. of cardio-vascular system, homeostasis. Indeed, in the classroom, protein is consumed, which we cannot replenish with meager lean food. And in general, the diet of an athlete simply must be varied due to the peculiarities of the functioning of his body, otherwise all the hidden and sluggish negative processes in the body become aggravated.

What can you advise those believers who still want to fast, but not give up their regular classes?

If you follow the fast with moderate zeal, often eat seafood, for example, then classes can be continued. But it must be borne in mind that you need to alternate power and aerobic loads (only power exercises are contraindicated). Also, don't overexert yourself. Perhaps, at the time of fasting, one should choose the tactics of maintaining the form, and not changing it.
And, of course, a varied diet is needed, as far as possible in the conditions of the pace of life in the metropolis. The main problem of the fasting clients of fitness clubs today is the lack of time. The road to the office, often sedentary work, the road to the club, where you just want to take care of the body so that it lives and flourishes, the road home ... It eats up almost all day - there is no time to cook for yourself. And fasting comes down to potatoes, bread and tea. In the meantime, lean foods - if approached wisely - can be surprisingly varied. If you try to observe this diversity, then fasting will not negative impact.
And last - but not least - a note for all those who fast. It is important to remember that fasting is not a diet, as many perceive it to be. This is not a refusal to eat and a way to lose weight. If you look, legumes, cereals, cereals are not shown to every person in ordinary life, and not only during the period of starvation. Fasting is, first of all, self-restraint in everything. This applies not only to food, but also negative emotions, excessive pleasures, many spheres, up to married life. And therefore, everyone should think about what exactly his desire to fast should be manifested in.

Food during fasting

During fasting, you must consume balanced food. Every day, the body should receive 100 g of fat, 100 g of protein, 400 g of carbohydrates. In this case, food should be 4 meals a day or 5 meals a day, since without animal proteins, saturation occurs slowly.

1. Take multivitamins, eat honey, nuts, seeds, beans, soy, peas.
2. Cook cereals from a variety of cereals, eat berries, vegetables in different types, greens.
3. Bread preferably from coarse grains, black, gray, white, but not rich.
4. Drink plenty of fluids: mineral water, rosehip broth, green tea, herbal teas, dried fruit compotes. Freshly squeezed juices, jelly, apples, bananas, dates are useful.
5. Salads from raw, pickled and pickled will help diversify the diet; vegetables. Tasty and healthy baked potatoes with vegetables, oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, wheat, millet, semolina porridge.
6. It is advisable to cook vegetable soups, lean borscht, cabbage soup.

But what about training during fasting, because they require energy, and energy is taken from food? Let's figure it out.

Where to get strength?

Recall that the main energy for movement, and hence for training, is carbohydrates. Already against their background, the very fats that are deposited various forms cover our body. So, to train, first of all, you need to eat carbohydrate food!

With this, according to the rules of the post, everything is in order. In fasting, you can eat cereals, potatoes, pasta. All these products contain a lot of carbohydrates, and just suitable for weight loss - “slow”. Unlike “fast” ones (such as sugar), they are digested for a long time, so the feeling of satiety lasts longer.

During fasting, the feeling of satiety is, of course, a problem. Especially for those who at other times are used to eating a lot of meat products. Even with a stomach filled with cereals, such a person may be hungry. And hunger during training is a dangerous thing - you can easily faint.

Go for the trick. Have mashed soups, potatoes and cereals with gravies and sauces in your meals, especially two to three hours before training. They make food more satisfying.

Glorious Protein

But with animal proteins (proteins), the situation is not so simple. It is them that we will be almost deprived of throughout the post. And this is where lies serious danger for weight loss and health. After all, during training, especially strength training, protein is consumed! It must be replenished in the amount of 0.8-1.5 g per 1 kilogram of body weight. The lower number is for moderately exercising women, the upper one is for actively exercising men. In addition, for a city dweller, fasting often turns into a monotonous diet: pasta, potatoes, bread, sometimes porridge - there is simply no time to cook tasty and varied food. But the diet of a person who moves a lot must be varied, otherwise he will not receive all the necessary substances.

How to be? First of all, give up hard training and weight training. Fasting workouts should be lighter, as after an illness or injury. Running should be changed to walking, power training- for exercises, aerobics - for walks. As for protein, eat fish on the days it's allowed. There is enough of it in fish, and in the absence of meat, it will help to recover from training. Eat more legumes and soybeans, they are also rich in protein, however, it is poorly absorbed due to the large amount plant enzymes. However, now there are many soy products where the protein is presented in a relatively well-digestible form. By the way, in its amino acid composition, it is closest to animal protein.


"Reduced" entry into the body nutrients during fasting can sometimes lead to some " side effects". They may arise due to changes internal processes in your body. Blood pressure and blood sugar levels drop, metabolism changes, and stored toxins are released into the blood to be expelled from the body. During the first days of fasting, these changes can lead to certain symptoms: anxiety, drowsiness, headache, hunger and thirst, nausea and fatigue, increased nervousness cause constipation. There is pain in the muscles.

However, experience shows that those who experience the most discomfort during fasting are precisely those who need it the most. by the most common symptoms are chills, fatigue and hunger. Hunger, by the way, disappears on the second or third day of a long fast. By the best means against these feelings are Fresh air, activities in the sun, relaxing environment, warm baths and soothing tea. Tea infused with herbs (plus a little honey) helps well against fatigue and hunger and relieves headache. BUT chamomile tea helps a lot with insomnia.


A number of nutritionists believe that fasting on fresh raw vegetable and fruit juices, along with pure vegetable soups and broths and tea with the addition of herbs quickly leads to the restoration of the body and a more effective removal of toxins than starvation "on the water." raw juices rich in vitamins minerals, enzymes and sugars. These nutrients are easily absorbed without excessive load on the body, help to accelerate the recovery of cells and the overall rejuvenation of the body. During fasting, the body "burns" and excretes huge quantities accumulated waste. We can make this process easier if we drink alkaline juices instead of water during the fast. I have watched many fasts and have done extensive research and testing on the features of fasting, and I am convinced that it is much more effective to drink fruits and vegetables while fasting. vegetable juices than water. Withdrawal from the body of uric and other inorganic acids will be accelerated.

You can choose from a huge variety of vegetable juices. An excellent combination is carrots, celery and parsley. The ideal ratio is five pieces of carrot, two celery, and a sprig of parsley. Parsley is used in such small quantities due to great content it has iron. Very popular carrot-apple and carrot and beetroot juice. If you drink different juices throughout the day, you will provide your body with an excellent set of nutrients found in various vegetables.

Vegetable broths can be made with potatoes, carrots, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, turnips ordinary cabbage and onions, which are boiled for about half an hour over low heat in fresh and clean water poured into a large saucepan with a lid, filter and drink.

Herbal teas are a great addition to your menu. Mint, chamomile and rose hips are very pleasant to the taste. A cup of chamomile is best to drink at night. Rosehip contains vitamin C. Peppermint is great for refreshing after a workout.

When you feel thirsty, drink running water. You can drink about two and a half liters of juices and vegetable broths per day and the same amount of water. Do not drink in one gulp. Enjoy your drink. If hunger rebels and begins to cut in the stomach, pacify this massacre with a glass of water.

Professional athletes and just sports fans thanks to their active life and intense workouts consume huge amounts of energy, leaving the gym most strength, both physical and emotional. The diet of such people is saturated with a double supply of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates. Despite this, the majority observe fasting, and during this period it is especially difficult, since you have to cut your diet. Economy mode for the body of an athlete is a real stress. How to get out of this situation and successfully combine your spiritual health with the health of the body?

What foods will become a source of energy in the post?

An accelerated metabolism requires more than what it needs to use up. Great Lent comes at the most inopportune moment - at the beginning of spring, when without it human body suffers from lack of natural after winter period. The whole 40 days of fasting include almost complete failure from animal proteins and carbohydrates: meat, fish, dairy products and eggs have to be completely excluded from your diet. daily diet. As a result, there is simply nothing to compensate for the athlete’s large energy costs, and observance of Orthodox laws will acquire a negative and drooping mood of a weak organism.

Vegetable calories and - a great way out! Seeds, mushrooms, various cereals, nuts and soybeans - an incomplete list of natural and useful products which are always in abundance. It is they who are able to properly maintain and nourish the athlete's body with all the necessary substances. But it is worth considering that vegetable proteins are not able to be absorbed by 100%. This percentage is different for each product, for example: peas - 22.4%, lentils - 27.6%, and cottage cheese - from 9 to 18%.

The ideal tandem during Lent is a combination of various cereals, legumes, as well as many cereals. Do not forget about drinks such as coconut and soy milk. They are just a storehouse of useful plant!

Fasting athlete's diet

An improper diet during Lent can significantly impair health due to all sorts of unpleasant consequences such as dehydration, hunger due to insufficient calories, and even fat poisoning herbal products. Exist general recommendations when building an individual diet, which should be observed in order to warn yourself against mistakes:
  • Consume in in large numbers necessarily those foods that contain the most protein and calories: broccoli, bananas, various dried fruits, honey and green vegetables;
  • To make your fasting diet more colorful and interesting, you can make delicious smoothies and purees, as well as drinks from fruits and vegetables. They will be quickly assimilated by the active organism;
  • Do not forget to regulate the amount of fat: the maximum per day is a teaspoon of vegetable oil, as well as two tablespoons of seeds or nuts;
  • White bread is bad fast carbohydrates, and it is desirable to forget about them. Instead, bran pastries are perfect;
  • Porridges should be whole, their crushed versions have long lost their useful properties;
  • To prevent B12 vitamin deficiency, you will have to eat kelp or sea kale. You probably already heard about its miraculous properties, and bad taste can in one moment turn into a pleasant action;
  • Tea and coffee are our irreplaceable companions, but still they should be replaced with nutritious dried fruit compotes.

Sports nutrition and supplements during Lent

What supplement is best for special food and will not spoil the rules of fasting? These are familiar soy protein shakes that are very rich in various amino acids and vitamins. They will keep you from losing muscle mass, feel a quick surge of energy and strength, as well as easily recover from hard workouts. Second perfect product there will be complexes of vitamins that can protect your body from exhaustion and significantly improve health and immunity. It is also permissible to take L-carnitine: in a duet with a diet during fasting, it will destroy the maximum fat layer on the body.

Great Lent is a time of purification of the soul and body, and you need to approach it carefully. We do not forget about the measure in everything, as well as about a reasonable way out: it largely decides what kind of life the sports body will live after suffering nutritional stress.

Other helpful articles.

Protein is a protein that helps athletes gain and maintain good athletic performance. But is it possible to fast protein, and will the absence in the diet affect this drug on the well-being of those who gain weight in the gym? This question arose not by chance, since in our time not only men, but also women are actively involved in sports and take care of a beautiful appearance.

Is it possible to take protein in fasting

If you decide to go in for sports, you need to gain a large amount of protein food per day. It is physically impossible to eat enough protein to cover the needs of a person who is gaining muscle mass. That is why many are interested in whether protein can be taken during fasting?

Proteins, or polypeptides, are amino acids without which our body cannot function normally. AT ordinary life a person can do without them, but it will be significantly reduced sexual function, since protein compounds are actively involved in the formation of the reproductive system. Vegetarian practices show that with a constant decrease in the amount of protein, the body begins to use internal resources. This does not apply to weight loss, but rather to the restructuring of the hormonal system.

Is it possible to take protein in fasting, which is offered by stores sports nutrition– definitely not. It is obtained from milk and animal components, and is prohibited by the Charter as a product of animal origin.

The only sports nutrition product is soy protein isolate.

However, our industry also offers plant-based proteins derived from soy:

  • soy milk;
  • soy sour cream;
  • soy proteins;
  • Soy meat;
  • tofu cheese
  • and other soy products can be used as fasting proteins.

Many fasting people are happy to replace dairy and meat products proteins found in soy products. These proteins will be enough for a person with low physical activity just to satisfy your hunger. For athletes who train in heavy weight and at the same time regularly give the muscles heavy load, it makes no sense to eat up muscle mass with plant-based proteins. This will still not be enough to build a relief. Therefore, you have to choose, either muscles or proteins.

Being engaged in professional sports, you should decide for yourself that you will not have such a thing as fasting. An organism that receives above-average physical activity cannot get enough of a variety of vegetables and fruits that contain proteins:

  • 100 g of broccoli or cauliflower contains 5 g of protein;
  • a glass of dried fruit contains 5 g of protein;
  • 100 g of asparagus contains 4 g of protein.

Many vegetables and fruits contain protein, but vegetable proteins cannot replenish the supply of amino acids. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether protein can be fasted should be considered: the choice of either fasting or proteins.

How to eat right during fasting is known, since there is a specific list of prohibited and permitted foods, it remains only to choose what you like and cook lean and healthy food. Well, as for sports, is it possible to continue training or is it best to stop classes for a while, and we will try to find out.

Religious aspect

During fasting, it is recommended to refrain from any actions of a “carnal” nature, but if you understand fitness as one of the pastime options that is aimed at improving the body, there is no contradiction in this. But it is worth considering that during fasting it is forbidden to consume animal products, that is, you reduce to a minimum the intake of protein in the body. Because of this, increased physical activity can lead to fatigue, irritability, and even exhaustion, so if you decide not to give up sports during fasting, then you need to take measures to rule out health problems.

Some rules

In order for you to have energy and strength for training, you need to correctly compose daily menu. If you eat only porridge and bread, the body will not receive necessary substances needed for training. Be sure to eat fruits, honey, nuts, and soy products.

If you stick strict fast and completely eliminated meat from your diet, you can replace it with special protein shakes from soy, which will supply the body with the protein you need for training, but at the same time you will not break the fast.

Some athletes say that during the fast, thanks to training, they discover new opportunities in themselves. At first, sports will be a little hard to bear, since there is practically no strength due to lack of energy, but after a while it opens new power and there is ease of movement. This makes training very easy. overweight leave and you feel at your best. Given this, we can conclude that sports during the fasting period cannot seriously harm the body.

Remember that fasting is not a diet that is not aimed at losing weight, but self-control and restriction in everything. This also applies emotional state, various excessive pleasures, etc. Keep this in mind, and do not turn fasting into a regular diet.

What to choose?

If you decide to play sports during fasting, then it is better to refuse to visit gym and at this time give your preference to aerobic exercise. Also during this period, it is recommended to abandon training, for which it is necessary to use various sports equipment that increase the load. Moreover, you don’t need to start new sports for you, put it off for a while. Set a goal for yourself not to change your figure and physical form but just to support it. Trust your body and feelings, if you feel even a slight malaise, it is best to refrain from playing sports during fasting.

Prohibitions on fasting and sports

It is not recommended to fast, and even more so to play sports at this time, for children, pregnant women, as well as for the sick and the elderly. If you adhere to a strict fast, that is, you are practically starving, then it is better to refuse physical activity, as this can lead to depletion of the body, disruption of homeostasis, and also cause serious problems with the heart and blood vessels. Before starting a fast, you can consult a doctor for advice to draw up an optimal diet for this period in order to have enough energy for sports.

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